May 2009 - Issue No 1
Welcome from Joe Sheehan Medical Services set to break 1,000,000 NHS patient journeys record Patients have their say Growth in North West Thank you Barry Future of healthcare delivery
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I am delighted to welcome you to the first issue of The Communique, our external newsletter for customers and others who are interested in following the activities of Medical Services. We have chosen the launch of the newsletter in response to those many people in the healthcare community who entrusted us with providing their patient and other specialist transport services and have wanted to know more about our people and how we operate. We will not only deal with current activities but also keep informed about our future plans and development. This is an exciting time for Medical Services and we hope that the newsletter will become an interactive forum for an exchange of views and ideas with our customers. I look forward to hearing from you. Best wishes
Joe Sheehan Director Medical Services e:
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This year, for the first time an operator at Medical Services control centre in Central London will take a call which will signal the company has become the first independent provider to transport one million journeys for the National Health Service in one year . This record-breaking achievement is the culmination of a commitment to the NHS made when the Lewis Day Transport Group set up Medical Services in 2002 from scratch. Now an independent member of the NHS Confederation and a powerful voice behind the drive to regulate the sector. Joe Sheehan, Director of Medical Services commented: “We can deliver the same standard of patient care in PTS as an Ambulance Trust and we would welcome being measured in the same way.” Today, Medical Services is a major independent provider of specialist transport services to NHS Trusts, private hospitals and laboratories across the UK. Employing 500 trained and qualified personnel in sites across England and Wales. Medical Services operates a fleet fast approaching 450 vehicles ranging from ambulances to transport patients to and from hospital, rapid response cars for supporting with organ transplant services and also motorcycles for delivering pathology and specimen samples direct to waiting surgeons or laboratories. The company invests nearly £1 million a year expanding the fleet with a strong focus on adding ‘green’ vehicles and a further £400,000 a year on servicing it; every year the fleet covers an average 10 million miles and the company’s drivers boast an unrivalled safety record. Joe added: “Breaking the million journeys record will be a proud moment for the company; it will also be a confirmation that an independent Provider of hospital transport can operate successful alongside the NHS ambulance service and means that patient transport is no longer the ‘Cinderella’ service.” However, although continuing investment in the fleet is essential, the real stars of Medical Services’ achievement are the specially trained and qualified men and women paramedics who drive the vehicles in all weathers and look after the patients around the clock as well the call centre operators who plan and monitor the vehicles every mile of each journey. Just one example where Medical Services combination of high quality vehicles and people benefit the NHS are the thousands of patients they transport safely and on time to hospital and home again after renal dialysis treatment.
“Because we understand their special needs and the listen to the staff on the dialysis units, we can help make bearable what is otherwise an exhausting experience” explains Joe “In these circumstances, unusually for a transport provider, we can actually help improve the patient’s quality of life.
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A national survey was recently launched asking patients, visitors and staff about the issues that often get ignored but are as important in ensuring a modern patient-centred service. Initiated by the Patients Association in partnership with Medical Services and the Health Estates & Facilities Management Association (HEFMA), the survey is seeking answers to a range of questions covering a hospital visit from when the patient or visitor leaves home until their return and include such controversial topics as parking, cleanliness, and food. The data is being collected at online survey booths in hospital reception areas – the first was at Hillingdon Hospital, West London where Claire Rayner, President of the Patients Association formally launched the survey. Joe Sheehan, Director of Medical Services said: “The survey is timely because patient care is one of the nation’s most important social issues.” The results will be announced at the HefmA 2009 conference on May 2021.
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The recent opening of a 5,000 sq ft modern branch in Warrington signals a major expansion of Medical Services operations in the North West this year. Since September 2008, the fleet has been more than doubled to 10 and additional vehicles are in the pipeline while staff has nearly trebled to 28 and further recruitment is planned. The company’s growth is resulting from the success of a business development strategy to collaborate with third parties – for example the branch will be providing on site support for the BT Paralympics World Cup in Manchester from 20-25 May and also at regional events for Cancer
UK’s Race for Life, the country’s largest women-only fund raising campaign. In the summer the company will be launching with Stockport Primary Care Trust the first early intervention service of its kind in Europe. Linked to NHS Direct, the 24 hour telephone advice service, it will provide transport for callers who need quick treatment at a walk-in centre. (back to headlines)
Barry Hall, a veteran of the National Health Service for 40 years, got the surprise of his life when he arrived for work at South Wing Hospital, Bedford on 1st May. His work colleagues had organised a special celebration and presentation to mark his achievement. Now approaching 65, Barry works for Medical Services and is still putting in a 10 hour day as one of a team of 14 PTS drivers based at the Bedford Hospital, contracted to the Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Non Emergency Transport since 2007. On an average day Barry transfers up to 15 patients or more as either walkers, wheelchairs and on stretchers, to and from hospital; he then goes home to St Neots, Cambridge to indulge in his favourite pastime, either playing crib, practicing his DIY or just pottering around in the garden. “Barry is one of the old school….he puts in a full day, is never late, always smiling and is respected by everyone” says Judith Jackson, Medical Services Contract Manager. The presentation to Barry of cut glass wine decanter and gardening vouchers was made by Katherine Murphy, Director of the Patients Association.
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Medical Services will be one of the major exhibitors (Stand 1) at The HefmA Conference 2009 May 20-21 at the Park Inn, Heathrow, London. Hosted by the London branch of the Health Estates & Facilities Management Association, the conference will be discussing the future of healthcare delivery from an international perspective. Among the panel of speakers will be • Blair L Sadler is a Senior Fellow at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement; • Dr Durhane Wong-Reiger, PHD, President and CEO of the Institute for Optimizing Health Outcomes and President of the Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders; • Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson, DBE, one of Britain’s most successful Paralympic athletes; • Dr. David Pencheon, Director of the NHS Sustainable Development Unit; • Sunand Prasad, a founding partner of Penoyre & Prasad LLP and current President of the Royal Institute of British Architects, and • Claire Perry, Managing Director of the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.
Medical Services, The Lewis Day Building, 76 East Road, N1 6AB, London Privacy policy
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