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A Team-Based Approach to Cosmetic Surgery Skin Analysis

The Austin-Weston Center for Cosmetic Surgery provides patients with three internationally respected surgeons


EDICATED to offering the highest quality of service to every client, The Austin-Weston Center for Cosmetic Surgery veers from the traditional model of plastic surgery practices. When a patient selects The Austin-Weston Center to perform their surgery, he or she is essentially hiring a team of talented surgeons instead of just one. Located in the Washington D.C. area, The Austin-Weston Center is comprised of three surgeons with equally impressive credentials. This unique team constantly shares thoughts and ideas on everything from surgical techniques to how to ensure clear and effective patient/surgeon communications. The competitive climate that is noticeably present in countless medical practices simply does not exist in The AustinWeston Center for Cosmetic Surgery. Instead, patients are provided with the expertise of a team of plastic surgeons who lend support to each other and are wholly committed to ensuring superior patient care. Each of the surgeons at The Austin-Weston Center for Cosmetic Surgery is a respected leader in specific and innovative surgical techniques. Instead of focusing on one surgeon’s individual successes The Austin-Weston Center, led by the partnership of Dr. George W. Weston, Dr. Robert K. Sigal, and Dr. Byron D. Poindexter, views such triumphs as accomplishments for the entire practice.“When one of us gets better, we all get better, the practice gets better, the patients do better and they refer more friends so we all get busier. Who could really argue with that?” asks Dr. Poindexter. For instance, Dr. Sigal modified and improved the procedure involved in a mid-face lift. He has found a way to avoid the eyelid problems and bunched skin that distresses the overall procedure by making incisions in both the lower eyelid and temporal region to ultimately achieve a more natural result. All three surgeons are benefiting from this discovery because they can now all provide patients with the updated technique. Since its inception in 1978, The Austin-Weston Center for Cosmetic Surgery has always maintained a patient-centered approach. Established by Dr. Harvey W. Austin, it was the first practice in the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan area that was limited exclusively to cosmetic surgery. Their practice steadily grew as physicians referred patients and those patients referred others. Dr. Weston joined the practice in 1986 and together they began innovating in the field. They became the first surgeons in the area to show before and after photographs of past patients in local marketing campaigns to demonstrate the successful results potential new patients should expect from their own surgery. They also were the first in this area to implement complimentary personalized consultations for potential patients. In order to ensure the quality of service they have become known for, they developed the concept of the Cosmetic Surgical Consultant, a staff member who has undergone plastic surgery in the past. The rationale of the position is to provide a wealth of information from a patient point of view while answering questions. They serve as a key liaison between the patient and the surgeons. Dr. Sigal and Dr. Poindexter joined the practice in 1994 and 1999 respectively, forming one of the largest cosmetic surgery practices in the country.

“When one of us gets better, we all get better, the practice gets better and the patients do better”

Dr. George Weston, Dr. Byron Poindexter and Dr. Robert Sigal of The Austin-Weston Center for Cosmetic Surgery, Reston, VA

Austin Weston Botox injection

While the cosmetic surgery practice is experienced in all areas of plastic surgery, The Austin-Weston Center is extremely well-known internationally for developing their now famous techniques to correct the aging mouth, a previously neglected area of the aging face. Their practice became renowned for their development of the lip lift. These surgeons drew upon their knowledge of this previously overlooked facial rejuvenation area and they began to educate other surgeons in the field on the reconstructive surgeries they had developed. To this day, the educational course led each year by Drs. Weston, Sigal and Poindexter on ‘Rejuvenating the Aging Mouth’ at the American Society of Plastic Surgeons continues to be extremely popular. Medical Aesthetician Wendy Canzanese performs Broad Band Light Services The Austin-Weston Center for Cosmetic Surgery, Reston, VA



Cosmetic Surgeons Contribute to Silicone Breast Implant Ruling Austin-Weston Facial

New data leads to the FDA decision to lift fourteen-year-ban


ESPITE the ban on silicone implants in effect since 1992, some cosmetic surgery centers in the U.S. have continued to use them in participation with the FDA for their research studies on the safety of the controversial material. The Austin-Weston Center for Cosmetic Surgery of Reston, VA has been a part of an adjunct study for the past ten years with Mentor, one of the two implant manufacturers approved by the FDA for participation. Mentor and Allergan were both asked to gather information for the FDA and the results of their core studies led to the decision on November 17, 2006 to restore silicone implants to the market. Dr. Robert Sigal, one of the three partners in The Austin-Weston Center has been a part of the study since 1996.“In the early 90’s there were concerns that silicone implants were linked to a series of diseases. Early data was anecdotal and there was not a lot of good information available,” notes Sigal.“There were questions about rupture rates, re-operation rates and the possible link to diseases such as fibromyalgia and arthritis. Epidemiologic studies were conducted on whether diseases were occurring at a rate more often than those found in women without the implants.” Approximately five percent of breast augmentation patients at The Austin-Weston Center have been participants in the silicone study under manufacturer Mentor. Certain criteria had to be met by women to participate: they had to be over age 22; they had to have either failed an attempt with saline implants, due to tissue thinness or rippling of the implant; or they had drooping in the breast that needed lifting only achievable with silicone implants. The patients were then followed over time to see if they developed any diseases at a rate different from saline implant recipients or the general population. Despite complications that can arise from any implants including rupture, breast pain and tissue hardening, increases in rates of cancer or connective tissue disease were not found associated with silicone.“The data is not conclusive, but strong enough to bring implants back on the market,” says Sigal.“The bottom line for the FDA was that if patients were appropriately informed that the implants aren’t lifetime devices and they may need additional surgery, this was satisfactory.”

Austin-Weston Cleansing

Mentor and Allergan will continue to follow 32,000 patients for 10 years. After a 90 day phase-in period, the silicone implants will be widely available once again. Will women be willing to take the plunge back into silicone? ”Some people are still going to be against silicone even after the approval; others will feel confident in the ruling,” says Sigal.“Our role as doctors is to give information and put it into context.” Now that silicone is back on the market, anatomy, tissue thickness and the patient’s preference all will play a role in choosing the implant type. The benefits of silicone implants are a more natural look and feel due to the make-up of the gel material. “The important thing is that the medical community was able to take a step back from this highly-charged issue, take the time to collect data and come to a reasonable conclusion based in science and statistics. More options are available to women now, and that’s always a good thing,” concludes Sigal. Microdermabrasion



Mineral Makeup application

Facial Rejuvenation at Light Speed


The Austin-Weston Center for Cosmetic Surgery Introduces Broad Band Light Systems

The Austin-Weston Center for Cosmetic Surgery located in Reston, Virginia, has recently implemented this cutting-edge service to round out their treatment options for patients, which already includes a medical spa facility offering clinical grade skincare. BBL treatments are minimally invasive with a low risk of complications and virtually no recovery time. BBL treats conditions such as rosacea, vascular lesions and veins as well as helps to reduce the effects of hyperpigmentation from sun damage, including age spots. The Profile system also provides collagen remodeling to treat fine lines and wrinkles as well as lessen depressions left from acne scars and chicken pox.

OR THOSE of us who are not yet ready for invasive surgery but who have spent far too much money on ineffective wrinkle creams, age spot lighteners and camouflage makeup, another alternative arrives on the scene. A true multi-tasking phenomenon, the new Profile System including the Broad Band Light platform or BBL™, can offer a virtual smorgasbord of skincare services. BBL is a new technology that offers the user a wide range of treatment options thanks to its selectable wavelengths. With virtually no recovery time, even those who have trouble finding time in their busy schedules can now indulge in a little facial rejuvenation with the loss of only a few lunchtimes.

With BBL, the surface of the skin is never ablated, as in deeper chemical peels or microdermabrasion. BBL employs an intense flash of light, or pulse, which is flashed through a crystal and directed onto the area of treatment. The light warms the cells in the upper levels of the skin and stimulates these cells, which in turn encourage the stimulation of new collagen, key to a healthy skin tone. Results may be seen after one or more treatments, depending on the initial patient assessment. Some situations will require several treatments before results are seen. There may be some temporary redness and/or swelling and the treated area will need to be protected from sun exposure. There is minimal discomfort and normal activities can be Surgeons Speak at ASPS Conference resumed immediately in most cases. The long-term effects of the Dr. George W. Veston, Dr. Byron D. Poindexter, Dr. Robert K. Sigal treatments may vary depending on factors such as continued sun exposure, skin care habits and medication. BBL treatments are an FOUNDER: Dr. Harvey W. Austin, retired effective, gentle and easy way to revitalize your appearance with no ESTABLISHED: 1978 long recovery times. EMPLOYEES: 3 surgeons & 30 staff members

The light warms the cells in the upper levels of the skin and stimulates these cells, which in turn encourage the stimulation of new collagen, key to a healthy skin tone.

Visia Computerized Skin Analysis

Austin-Weston Steam

ACCREDITATIONS & AFFILIATIONS American Board of Plastic Surgery American Society of Plastic Surgeons American Association of Ambulatory Surgery Centers

The Profile system also incorporates the latest technology in laser hair removal for ultimate results and comfort, including a cooling system unparalleled in the industry. All skin types and colors may be treated. Having these laser services, as well as the BBL treatments performed by a highly trained aesthetician in a medical facility is vital for patient safety, efficacy and comfort. Wendy Canzanese, Medical Aesthetician at The Austin-Weston Center, notes “one of the reasons that we selected the Profile system was because of the outstanding engineering and technology that allows us to use the multiple platforms. It all revolves around patient safety.” Since its inception in 1978, The Austin-Weston Center for Cosmetic Surgery has always maintained a patient-centered approach. Established by Dr. Harvey W. Austin, it was the first practice in the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan area that was limited exclusively to cosmetic surgery. It is now the largest free standing facility in the area with three nationally respected surgeons on board, Dr. George Weston, Dr. Byron Poindexter and Dr. Robert Sigal. The Austin-Weston Center surgeons have flourished to become leaders in facial rejuvenation, breast enhancement, and body contouring procedures for women and men. They have pioneered surgical procedures that they currently teach to other surgeons from around the world at The Austin-Weston Center in Reston. Their medical spa, The Medical Aesthetique, offers a full range of professional skincare services including medical-grade microdermabrasion, chemical peels, clinical facials and now the Profile system including BBL Light Rejuvenation for the treatment of a variety of skin conditions as well as fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and laser hair removal.

The Austin-Weston Center for Cosmetic Surgery was the first free standing center established exclusively for cosmetic surgery in the Washington, D.C. area. The center is comprised of three surgeons certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and a staff of approximately 30 professionals. With more than 25 years of success and a focus on the possibilities of cosmetic surgery, they are leaders locally and nationally in the field of cosmetic surgery.

The Austin-Weston Center for Cosmetic Surgery invites interested parties to come in for a complimentary consultation as well as a complexion analysis on the new Visia Imaging System. Find out more about BBL or other clinical-grade skincare services available in their Medical Aesthetique. For more information on The Austin-Weston Center for Cosmetic Surgery, call 703-893-6168 or visit their website at:

1825 Samuel Morse Drive Reston, Virginia 20190 PHONE: 703.893.6168 FAX: 703.790.3444


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