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ANNE BOLDUC Group Publisher & President EDITOR IN CHIEF Guy J. Jonkman

ROBERT M. GOLDMAN, MD, PhD, DO, FAASP World Chairman-International Medical Commission Co-Founder & Chairman of the Board-A4M Founder & Chairman-International Sports Hall of Fame Co-Founder & Chairman-World Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine President Emeritus-National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) DR. RONALD KLATZ, MD, DO, is the physician founder and President of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. In 1984, Dr. Klatz was a pioneer in the clinical specialty of preventative medicine: as a principal founder of the National Academy of Sports Medicine and researcher into cannabis medicine elite human performance and physiology. Dr. Klatz is a best-selling author, and is columnist or Senior Medical Editor to several international medical journals. He is the inventor, developer, or administrator of 100-plus scientific patents, including those for technologies for brain resuscitation, trauma and emergency medicine, organ transplant and blood preservation. DR. ADAM ABODEELY MD, MBA, FACS, FASCRS is the founder/CEO of ReserveMD™ and is a Board Certified Surgeon specializing in gastrointestinal diseases and cancer. Realizing the benefits of cannabis for patients with such ailments, Dr. Abodeely expanded his medical cannabis practice to include patients with a variety of medical ailments. He is an active member in numerous international cannabinoid societies and he serves as Chairman of the Dispensary Review Committee for the Association of Cannabis Specialists. Dedicated to advancing the science and education of cannabinoid-based therapies, he has a special interest in formulating products which capture the unique benefits of cannabinoids.

DAVID B. MANDELL, JD, MBA, is a former attorney and author of ten books for clients, including For Doctors Only: A Guide to Working Less & Building More, as well a number of state books. He is a principal of the financial consulting firm OJM Group. He has co-authored the Category I CME Monograph Risk Management for the Practicing Physician which has gone through 5 editions since 1998 & is certified for 5-hour business of medicine CME.

SENIOR EDITOR Bernard Burt SEND EDITORIAL INFORMATION or P.O. Box 2699 Champlain NY 12919-2699 SUBSCRIPTIONS Yearly subscriptions prices in the United States are US $87 for 1 year, US $127 for 2 years, US $157 for 3 years.

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CANNAMED BUSINESS REVIEW Chief Operating Officer, ANNE BOLDUC Systems Manager, DANIEL DOREY Director Human Resources, ESTHER AMAR Treasurer, STARR WYLKIE Group Publisher, ANNE BOLDUC Chief Editor, GUY J. JONKMAN PARTNERS American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine American Med Spa Association


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SAHAR SWIDAN, Pharm. D., BCPS, ABAAHP currently serves as the Executive Director of Professional Development and Compliance at Slyngshot Health and CEO of Pharmacy Solutions. Dr. Swidan has over 25 years of experience in Personalized Medicine and Pharmacogenomics and serves as adjunct faculty at George Washington University, Wayne State University, and Chicago State University. Dr. Swidan is Board Certified and is an Advanced Fellow in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. She has authored several chapters, articles, and education materials in Pain Management and Personalized Medicine.







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BRENT A. BAUER, M.D. as director of the Mayo Clinic Complementary and Integrative Medicine Program, Brent A. Bauer, M.D., has broad and varied research interests. Dr. Bauer's personal goal is to ensure that research conducted under the auspices of the Complementary and Integrative Medicine Program is always held to the same high standards as all other research at Mayo Clinic. He brought real, evidence-based knowledge to patients and physicians trying to incorporate the best of conventional and complementary medicine practices.

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ALEX R. THIERSCH Founder and director of the American Med Spa Association (AmSpa), an organization created for the express purpose of providing comprehensive, relevant and timely legal and business resources for the medical wellness industry throughout the United States & Canada.


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CHERYL WHITMAN, is a published author, a popular speaker and a wellness-industry consultant with more than 30 years experience, including 15 years as the owner of a wellness spa in Fort Lee, New Jersey. As founder and CEO of Beautiful Forever, Cheryl spearheads a successful team of medical spa consultants and business professionals. In addition, Cheryl developed the Medical Spa Success System, a revolutionary program that provides a turnkey educational success system and consulting services package to help clients jumpstart brilliantly successful wellness medical spa businesses.

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A CANNA MED PRACTICE IS A FACILITY THAT OPERATES UNDER THE FULL-TIME THE NExT STEP FOrwArD FOr DISPENSArIES: world Council for Clinical Accreditation (wCCA), Symbolizing Excellence in Clinical Care

By Robert M. Goldman, M.D., Ph.D., D.O., FAASP and Ronald M. Klatz, M.D., D.O. Robert M. Goldman, M.D., Ph.D., D.O., FAASP and Ronald M. Klatz, M.D., D.O. are the physician co-founders of the anti-aging medical movement and serve as Chairman and President, respectively, of the American Academy of AntiAging Medicine (A4M; Chicago, IL USA;, a nonprofit medical organization dedicated to the advancement of technology to detect, prevent, and treat aging related disease and to promote research into methods to retard and optimize the human aging process. Visit the A4M's World Health Network website, at, to learn more about the organization and its educational endeavors. INTrODUCTION The World Council for Clinical Accreditation (WCCA), an initiative co-supported by The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M; and World Anti-Aging Academy of Medicine ( estimates that there are currently more than 100,000 anti-aging physicians and health practitioners practicing worldwide in nearly 100 nations. The WCCA also estimates that there are more than 5,000 anti-aging clinics and more than 20,000 medical spas around the world. All of these physicians, clinics, and medical spas are competing for the same patient population base. The WCCA Anti-Aging Clinic/Medical Spa Accreditation program can help you set your facility apart from the rest. Accreditation is simple and affordable, and offers unique benefits that help your facility excel in today's competitive marketplace. View details at:

ON-SITE SUPERVISION OF A LICENSED HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL ANTI-AgINg MEDICINE IN THE CONTEMPOrArY MEDICAL CANNABIS CLINIC As defined by the International Spa Association, a medical spa (medi-spa) is a facility that operates under the full-time, on-site supervision of a licensed healthcare professional whose primary purpose is to provide comprehensive medical and wellness care in an environment that integrates spa services, as well as traditional, complimentary and/or alternative therapies and treatments. This goes on for a canna med practice providing cannabis medicine. The anti-aging canna med takes this definition further, focusing on cutting-edge therapeutics to positively affect physiology as well as innovative technologies for the very early detection of disease. Anti-aging medicine is the fastest-growing medical specialty throughout the world. The specialty is founded on the application of advanced scientific and medical technologies for the early detection, prevention, treatment, and reversal of age-related dysfunction, disorders, and diseases. It is a healthcare model promoting innovative science and research to prolong the healthy lifespan in humans. As such, anti-aging medicine is based on principles of sound and responsible medical care that are consistent with those applied in other preventive health specialties. The phrase "anti-aging," as such, relates to the application of advanced biomedical technologies focused on the early detection, prevention, and treatment of aging-related disease. The goal of anti-aging medicine is not to merely prolong the total years of an individual's life, but to ensure that those years are enjoyed in a productive and vital fashion. Anti-aging medicine is the following: • It is scientific. Anti-aging diagnostic and treatment practices are supported by scientific evidence and therefore cannot be branded as anecdotal. • It is evidence-based. Anti-aging medicine is based on an orderly process for acquiring data in order to formulate a scientific and objective assessment upon which effective treatment is assigned. • Is well-documented by peer-reviewed journals. As of this writing (early September 2019), the National Library of Medicine hosts more than 2,200 peer-reviewed articles on the subject of anti-aging medicine. Anti-aging medicine is among today's hottest health trends. Fueled largely by the aging Baby Boomer population, which represents 28% of the U.S. population and controls 70% of the nation's wealth States [Harvard Business Review], the US market for anti-aging products and services exceeded $45.5 Billion in 2018. Growing at an average annual growth rate (AAGR) of 9.5%, the anti-aging market is projected to reach $72 Billion by 2020. Of 2018 expenditures, about $36.5 Billion was spent on drugs and supplements targeted at specific diseases of aging, whereas $7.7 Billion was spent in appearance-related products and services. ["Antiaging Products and Services" Report PHM041A, Business Communications Company, Inc., February 2019.]

A MEDICAL CANNABIS CLINIC IS A FACILITY WHOSE PRIMARY PURPOSE IS TO PROVIDE EMBrACINg ANTI-AgINg MEDICINE IN THE MEDICAL CANNABIS CLINIC Anti-aging medicine is compatible with the wellness philosophy of the canna med environment, and the specialty's multi-disciplinary approach towards wellness can help your patients to achieve both maximum quality and quantity of life. Today, extrapolating from hundreds of anti-aging research experiments conducted on non-human models, it is clear that longevity can already be extended 20 to 300%. Demographic studies show that in humans, adoption of the anti-aging lifestyle contributes to optimal health by extending the healthy, productive lifespan by as much as thirty years. Lifestyle is perhaps the most easily modifiable, proven anti-aging intervention. A Recently, researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health found that the longest-living Americans are Asian-American women residing in Bergen County, New Jersey USA. They live longer than any other ethnic group in the United States _ to an average lifespan of 91.1 years. In contrast, the Harvard team found that the shortest-living Americans are Native American populations in South Dakota _ living an average lifespan of 66.5 years. The researchers identified several factors associated with the extraordinary longevity of the Asian-American women in Bergen county, namely: high median income, college education or better; occupations in management or professional settings; diet emphasizing fruits, vegetables, fish, and green tea; and lifestyle including Eastern healing techniques. [“Bergen County, NJ is long in longevity,” New York Times; “Asian women in Bergen have nation’s top life expectancy,” Free Republic] [“Bergen County, NJ is long in longevity,” New York Times; “Asian women in Bergen have nation’s top life expectancy,” Free Republic] Next, diet and nutrition have been found to play a profound role in longevity. Elderly Okinawans have among the lowest mortality rates in the world from a multitude of chronic diseases of aging and as a result enjoy not only what may be the world's longest life expectancy _ but the world's longest health expectancy. Okinawans have an average life expectancy of 82 years, among the longest in the world. Their secrets: low caloric intake; plant-based diet, high in vegetables and fruits; higher intake of good fats (omega-3s, monounsaturated fats); high fiber intake; high flavonoid intake; and green tea. ["The Secrets to Living Longer," National Geographic, November 2018.] Similarly, the Mediterranean Diet has been found by numerous studies to contribute strongly to longevity. Featuring high consumption of grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and nuts; good fats (olive oil and omega-3 fatty acids); and a sparingly low intake of red meat, the Mediterranean Diet correlates to a notably low incidence of chronic diseases and high life-expectancy rates. A 2018 study by researchers at Harvard Medical School found that people living in Mediterranean countries live longer. Resveratrol (red wine) and quercetin (olive oil) were found to affect the genes that are associated with life extension due to caloric restriction.

COMPREHENSIVE MEDICAL & CBD CARE IN AN ENVIRONMENT THAT INTEGRATES MED SPA SERVICES Scientists have not only found that what we eat influences how long and well we live, but how much we consume plays a major role as well. A team from Louisiana State University reported in 2018 on the findings from the first completed human study of the effect of calorie-restricted diets on lifespan, the Comprehensive Assessment of the long Term Effects of Reducing Intake of Energy (CALERIE) Study. It found that prolonged caloric restriction in humans was able to reverse 2 of 3 biomarkers of longevity, fasting insulin level and core body temperature; and that it also reduced DNA damage and DNA fragmentation. [JAMA, April 2018.] Thirdly, we now know that the ability to cope with psychological stress factors into longevity. Researchers at the University of California/San Francisco found that chronic psychological stress is associated with accelerated shortening of telomeres on white blood cells. These shortened telomeres were found to correlate to a weakened immune system as well as an elevated risk of cardiovascular disease. The moststressed study participants looked 10 years older than their chronological age. [Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences] Similarly, researchers from Tel Aviv University (Israel) found that in otherwise healthy persons, job stress was found to fuel the onset of Type 2 Diabetes. Employees who experienced job burnout were 1.8-times more likely to develop the condition. Stress was found to disrupt the body’s ability to produce glucose. Fourthly, dietary supplementation has been found to be a strong contributor to both quality and quantity of life. Dr. Ranjit Chandra and colleagues from Memorial University (Newfoundland), administered a supplement containing 18 vitamins, minerals, and trace elements was to healthy men and women age 65+, finding that: 1. "Those who took the supplement showed "significant improvement in short term memory, problem-solving ability, abstract thinking, and attention.” 2. Nutritional supplementation "may be instrumental in preserving the anatomy and function of neurons and their appendages." As a result these men and women enhanced their capacities to live independently and without major disability. 3. The multi-vitamin, multi-mineral supplement improved immunity. The numbers of natural killer cells and helper T-cells, and the production of interleukin-2, all improved. Infection-related illness in those taking the supplement occurred at less than half the rate (23 days/year) compared to those who took placebo (48 days/year). [Chandra RK. “Effect of vitamin and trace-element supplementation on cognitive function in elderly subjects.” Nutrition]

A MEDICAL CANNABIS CLINIC IS A FACILITY THAT INTEGRATE SPA SERVICES AS WELL AS, INCOrPOrATINg ANTI-AgINg INTO YOUr CANNA MED PrACTICE Anti-aging medicine is the fastest-growing medical specialty throughout the world and is founded on the application of advanced scientific and medical technologies for the early detection, prevention, treatment, and reversal of age-related dysfunction, disorders, and diseases. It is a healthcare model promoting innovative science and research to prolong the healthy lifespan in humans. As such, anti-aging medicine is based on principles of sound and responsible medical care that are consistent with those applied in other preventive health specialties. The phrase "anti-aging" is, as such, a euphemism for the application of advanced biomedical technologies focused on the early detection, prevention, and treatment of aging-related disease. Anti-aging medicine is scientifically based and well documented in leading medical journals. The twelve founding clinical principles of anti-aging medicine are: 1. Anti-Aging Endocrinology & Hormone Replacement Therapy 2. Antioxidant Analysis & Optimized Supplementation 3. Maximized Immune Function 4. Detoxification 5. Cardiovascular Protection 6. Cognitive Function Assessment & Repair 7. Metabolic & DNA Repair 8. Skin De-Aging & Repair 9. Lifestyle Modification 10. Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation-Sports Medicine-Conditioning 11. Biomarkers of Aging Assessment 12. Prospective Advanced Diagnostics Over 80% of anti-aging medical diagnostics and therapeutics can be accomplished without the need for a physician. The canna med practice can offer the full complement – 100% – if the facility partners with an MD who can write or prescribe hormone replacement therapies and anti-aging pharmaceuticals. With regard to diagnostics, a hallmark of anti-aging medicine is the assessment of biomarkers of aging. Various technologies are utilized to ascertain "biological age" – the performance of the body's cells, tissues, and organs. These may include any/all of the following: • Laboratory testing: blood, urine, saliva, and hair testing to assess the biochemical disposition of an individual. Determines endogenous levels of hormones, vitamins, neurotransmitters, enzymes, and more; influence of therapeutic interventions; toxicological factors contributing to disease; and genetic factors revealing predisposition to disease • Anthropometric performance: physiological measurements of changes in functional state of body organs or systems over time • Psychometric evaluation: a series of assessments for psychological traits and cognitive processes

COMPLIMENTARY AND/OR ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES AND CBD TREATMENTS • Sociomedical state: a multi-factorial assessment of the self-perceived determinants that comprise an individual's quality of life. Biomarkers assessment aims to identify disease at its very earliest stage, when it may be most effectively and efficiently treated, and also identify relevant preventive strategies. Today, the armament of anti-aging therapeutics includes: • Dietary supplementation, to improve or maintain peak physical performance and mental acuity as we age • Natural detoxification, to cleanse toxins from the body • Intravenous chelation, to remove heavy metals from the body • Aesthetic procedures, to reverse the physical signs of aging • Immune modulation and restoration, to counteract the aging, weakened immune system • Weight management training, to facilitate efficient weight loss • Fitness education, to promote physical activity All of these therapies may be dispensed by the medical dispensary (check with your state as to regulations governing scope of practice). By partnering with an MD, the canna med practice may offer patients two other anti-aging interventions: • Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT), which aims to arrest age-related declines in hormone levels such that the natural peaks achieved in youth are maintained through life. • Anti-aging pharmaceuticals, such as nootropics and for treatment of specific medical conditions as medically necessary.

THE ANTI-AGING DISPENSARY FOCUS ON CUTTING-EDGE THERAPEUTICS TO POSITIVELY AFFECT PHYSIOLOGY ANTI-AgINg rEvOLUTIONIzES THE MEDICAL CANNABIS CONCEPT The anti-aging medical spa is a revolution in the canna med concept. With its focus on cutting-edge therapeutics to positively affect physiology as well as innovative technologies for the very early detection of disease, the anti-aging canna med delivers innovative therapies that aim to extend the healthy human lifespan. Today, therapies for life enhancement and potential life extension include available at top anti-aging clinics and medi-spas include: • Exercise and lifestyle: ADD 5-15 years • Anti-aging drugs: ADD 5-20 years • High-tech biomedicine: ADD 10-30 years • Fasting and caloric restriction: ADD 20-70 years And the technologies of tomorrow add many new anti-aging approaches to the clinical armament: • Advanced prospective diagnostics: ADD 3-10 years • Genetic screening and interventions: ADD 3-10 years • Stem cell therapeutics:: ADD 6-15 years • Nanotechnology: ADD 7-20 years • Artificial organs: ADD 8-20 years So it is fully conceivable for the combined effect of existing and future biomedical technologies to extend the healthy human lifespan by upwards of 60 years.

AS WELL AS INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE VERY EARLY DETECTION OF DISEASE Indeed, human life expectancy is not predetermined, finite, or immutable. In a study conducted by demographer J. R. Wilmoth and colleagues, the researchers found that in Sweden, the maximum age at death has risen from 100 years during the 1860s to about 108 years during the 2010s. They also make note that the increase in longevity has become expedited: before 1969, the increase in maximum age at death increased at 0.44 yr/decade; and since 1969, it has risen at the pace of 1.11 yr/decade. The team cites "an intensification of efforts ‌ to prevent or even cure ailments such as coronary heart disease, stroke, and cancer" has profoundly contributed to "the more rapid rise in the maximum age since 1969" [Wilmoth JR, Deegan LJ, Lundstrom H, Horiuchi S, "Increase in Maximum Life-Span in Sweden, 1861-2018"

ANTI-AGING MEDICINE IS COMPATIBLE WITH wCCA ACCrEDITATION TODAY'S COMPETITIvE BUSINESS ENvIrONMENT Baby Boomers drive much of the anti-aging and medical spa markets. This generation, born between 1946 and 1967, is now turning age 70 at the rate of 330 per hour. [Release # CB06-FFSE.01-2 "Facts for Features," US Department of Census, Release/www/releases/archives/facts_for_features_special_editions/006105.html.] Worldwide, Baby Boomers number 420 million. ["About Boomers," Boomers International,] Fully intent on maintaining physical fitness, mental acuity, and a productive, robust lifestyle for as long as possible, the Baby Boomer generation is responsible for fueling a burgeoning marketplace for anti-aging products and services, with today's anti-aging marketplace in the United States valued at $60 billion. [extrapolated from Report PHM041A "Antiaging Products and Services," Business Communications Company, Inc., February 2018.] Similarly, the medical spas market sector is experiencing sharp growth. According to the International Spa Association (ISPA), medical spas experienced an average annual growth of 69% from 2003 to 2018, and consequently is one of the fastest growing segments of the spa industry. ["ISPA's Research Pinpoints Key Spa Industry Trends,"

THE WELLNESS PHILOSOPHY OF THE CANNA-MED & CANNA-SPA ENVIRONMENT ]. A previous ISPA survey reported that of spa-goers polled, one in five would be likely to attend a spa in a medical cannabis office, a trend which in 2018 iSPA reported was gaining greater acceptance. ["The International SPA Association's 2018 Spa-goer Study Executive Summary,] In addition, ISPA cites that "there is a 'revolution' in cosmetic procedures and consumers can 'look better without the need for cosmetic surgery," resulting in the steady upwards sales "trend towards medically-based products." ["The ISPA Spa Industry Study-Executive Summary,"]. As a consequence of these industry trends in both the anti-aging and canna med marketplaces, there is unprecedented competition among clinics and medi-spas for the same patient base. For the anti-aging canna med practice, WCCA Accreditation may be a valuable revenue generator. A single anti-aging patient is estimated to bring $5,000 to $25,000 in annual gross revenue. Thus, by becoming accredited by WCCA, your facility is able to optimize its position among the total universe of medi-spas and hone in on the affluent anti-aging patient base.

ANTI-AGING MEDICINE IS THE SPECIALTY’S TEN ADvANTAgES OF wCCA ACCrEDITATION WCCA Accreditation is a symbol to your peers, your competition, and your patients that you and your staff are committed to providing high-quality care delivered safely and effectively. Accredited facilities enjoy the following exclusive benefits: 1. Competitive edge: Only the most elite canna meds in the world will receive WCCA Accreditation, enabling your facility to distinguish itself from the global marketplace of more than 20,000 medical cannabis clinics. 2. Elite network: WCCA Accreditation also positions your facility as part of an elite international network of anti-aging clinics and canna meds. Accredited facilities harness the marketing power of the A4M, the world's largest professional organization dedicated to advancing research and clinical pursuits that enhance the quality, and extend the quantity, of the human lifespan. A4M/WCCA-accredited anti-aging clinics and canna meds enjoy prime promotional exposure at the A4M's website, The World Health Network (, which receives more than 40 million hits and thousands of patient referral requests monthly. 3. Marketing advantage: WCCA-accredited anti-aging clinics and canna med pratices are afforded exclusive marketing benefits. Accredited medi-spas receive the WCCA Certificate of Accreditation to proudly display in their offices. They also are granted the use of the A4M Seal of Accreditation in their print and Internet marketing materials. [Specific terms, details, and conditions apply; see] 4. reassure patients: WCCA Accreditation confirms your facility's successful focus on providing quality clinical services to patients. In determining that your canna med meets or exceeds basic requisites in providing safe and effective clinical services, WCCA Accreditation assures patients of the quality of your facility. 5. Ongoing improvement of your facility: WCCA Accreditation aims to assist in the ongoing improvement of your facility and its clinical program. The WCCA Accreditation program features Standards of Excellence that: • • • •

Emphasize your facility's high level of service and safety Showcase a broad range of advanced diagnostics and therapeutics available at your medi-spa Encourage patient education and empowerment Demonstrate your facility's compliance with the highest governing operational standards of professional excellence

MULTI-DISCIPLINARY APPROACH TOWARDS WELLNESS 6. Professional advise and counseling: WCCA Accreditation surveyors will share their years of practical and business knowledge during the on-site survey, which may supplement your and your staff's knowledge in clinical, operational, and administrative matters. 7. Enhance staff recruitment and development: In receiving WCCA Accreditation, your medi-spa may be more able to attract qualified personnel who prefer to serve at an accredited location, which is generally associated with greater opportunities for staff to develop their skills and knowledge. 8. A framework for organizational structure and management: Accreditation is focused on the commitment of your facility to maintaining a high level of quality and compliance with the latest standards. By making this commitment, your medi-spa may uncover previously unidentified opportunities to streamline your operations, reduce costs and expenses, and increase revenues. 9. Improve risk management and risk reduction: WCCA Accreditation assists your facility to achieve state-of-the-art performance, safety, and efficiency in all facets of operations 10. May reduce liability insurance costs: By enhancing risk management efforts, accreditation may improve access to, and reduce the cost of, liability insurance coverage. WCCA Accreditation is simple and affordable, and offers unique benefits that help your facility excel in today's competitive marketplace. View details at:

ANTI-AGING MEDICINE THROUGH THE CANNA-MED ENVIRONMENT ABOUT THE AMErICAN ACADEMY OF ANTI-AgINg MEDICINE (A4M) The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M; is the world's largest professional organization dedicated to advancing research and clinical pursuits that enhance the quality, and extend the quantity, of the human lifespan. A4M is comprised of 23,000-plus physician, scientist, and health practitioner members from 100 nations. Since its founding in 1992, A4M's scientific educational programs have trained over 120,000 medical professionals, and the organization's education and advocacy initiatives have expanded the availability of advanced biotechnologies and leading-edge preventive healthcare throughout the world. The A4M is the first medical organization in the world to offer Certification in the anti-aging medical specialty. Those with MD, DO, or MBBS degrees may seek Certification through the American Board of Anti-Aging/Regenerative Medicine (ABAARM). The American Board of Anti-Aging Health Practitioners (ABAAHP) credentials health practitioners (such as DC, DDS, ND, DPM, RPh, PhD, RN, NP, and PA). Consumers around the world associate ABAARM and ABAAHP certified medical professionals with quality anti-aging medical care. The A4M is the brand-leader recognized globally for its high-caliber professional certification program. As a natural extension of its certification programs for individuals, the A4M co-sponsors the WCCA Anti-Aging Clinic/Canna Med Accreditation program. WCCA Accreditation is anticipated to become a powerful advantage in leveraging your facility in a highly competitive marketplace. Visit The World Health Network,, the official educational website of the A4M and the Internet's leading anti-aging portal, to learn more and join the A4M.

CAN HELP YOUR PATIENTS TO ACHIEVE BOTH MAXIMUM QUALITY AND QUALITY OF LIFE CONCLUDINg rEMArkS The typical anti-aging patient can be described as a top-tier health care consumer. According to a study by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, based in Princeton, New Jersey, such consumers "have empowerment as their primary issue," expect to engage "in shared decision making with their physicians, and are generally college graduates, computer literate, with a household income of $80,000 or more.� These consumers form a large part of the Baby Boomer population, thus placing the potential worldwide anti-aging client base at upwards of 420 million patients. The WCCA Anti-Aging Clinic/Canna Med Accreditation program can help you set your facility apart from the tens of thousands of other, non-accredited facilities and optimizing your capture of the worldwide anti-aging patient base. FOr FUrTHEr INFOrMATION The WCCA Anti-Aging Clinic/Canna Med Accreditation program is described in detail at: Direct inquiries to WCCA Accreditation Program Director, at: email:

CANNA MED Business Review

CBD Study




Adam Drury is a staff writer for Green Rush Daily and High Times who hails from Corvallis, Oregon.


He’s an artist, musician, and higher educator

Coming off of a heroin addiction is notoriously difficult. But

In New York, for example, patients are automatically

with deep roots in the

a new study suggests CBD can make it much easier.

eligible for medical cannabis if a doctor prescribes

cannabis community.

According to a study published Tuesday in the American

opioids as a treatment for their condition. And multiple

His degrees in literature

Journal of Psychiatry, cannabidiol (CBD) can significantly


and psychology drive

reduce cravings in people addicted to opioids and manage

pain-reducing properties of THC and CBD.

his interest in the

withdrawal symptoms. Cravings and abstinence anxiety are

therapeutic use of

two of the most critical features of addiction, and triggering

But cannabis may not only be a safer alternative to opioid

them often contributes to relapses and continued drug use.

painkillers; it may also be the safer, more effective way to

cannabis for mind and body wellness.






ween people off of their addiction to opioids.


A just-published study titled “Cannabidiol for the Reduction of Cue-Induced Craving and Anxiety in

The consequences of the United State’s ongoing opioid

Drug-Abstinent Individuals with Heroin Use Disorder”

epidemic have been staggering. Yet there has so far been little

investigated CBD’s potential to help people beat their

effort to develop treatment options for opioid addiction that

addiction. Using a double-blind, randomized and

are themselves not opioid-based—e.g. buprenorphine and

placebo-controlled trial, researchers assessed the results

methadone. Some states have tried to address this problem

of acute, short-term and protracted CBD consumption on

by adding opioid replacement qualifications to their medical

drug cue-induced craving and anxiety in individuals

cannabis programs.

trying to quit heroin.



CANNA MED Business Review



And it did so without any adverse or negative side effects,

FDA-approved cannabis-based medication, to dose 400

researchers say. “There were no significant effects on

mg or 800 mg of CBD once daily for three consecutive

cognition, and there were no serious adverse effects.”

days. Researchers then exposed the participants to drug-cues designed to stimulate physiological responses

Comparing the 400 mg and 800 mg groups to the placebo

to addiction. Then, they measured the results at different

group, CBD even reduced the amount of cortisol, the “stress

stages after participants dosed with CBD.

hormone,” in people recovering from heroin addiction.

What researchers found was that “acute CBD a

As a result, researchers concluded that “CBD’s potential to

dministration, in contrast to placebo, significantly reduced

reduce cue-induced craving and anxiety provides a strong

both craving and anxiety induced by the presentation of

basis for further investigation of the phytocannabinoid as a

salient drug cues compared with neutral cues.”

treatment option for opioid use disorder.”

But they also found that those results lasted. “CBD showed

With barriers to cultivating and researching cannabidiol

significant protracted effects on these measures 7 days

finally falling across the country, that research should be

after the final CBD exposure,” researchers wrote in the

just around the corner. And for now, this important study

study’s results. In other words, CBD worked, and kept

into CBD’s effectiveness against opioid addiction adds to

working, to reduce opioid cravings in people with

the growing pile of research supporting the myriad health


wellness, and indeed life-saving benefits of CBD. n •



CBD Study

CANNA MED Business Review




MELISSA WYLIE, Bizwomen reporter


DIANE CZARKOWSKI, CO-FOUNDER AND PRINCIPAL OF CANNA ADVISORS IN BOULDER, COLO. Canna Advisors, based in Boulder, Colo., offers assistance and guidance to business owners looking to open up shop within the medical marijuana industry, helping people navigate tricky licensing laws. Canna Advisors is comprised of mostly women, reflecting a nationwide industry trend. Women make up 36 percent of leadership positions in the marijuana industry, as owner, founder, CEO or president, compared to 22 percent of all U.S. companies. “It’s a rare opportunity to have an industry made from scratch,” Czarkowski told Bizwomen. “Because this industry in particular has a lot of social change and a medical focus, it’s really gotten a lot of women to be involved.” Czarkowski founded the consulting company with her husband Jay in 2012. As former owners of their own medical marijuana dispensary and cultivation site, the Czarkowski’s are familiar with obstacles of starting a business in this market. The process is like applying for a liquor license, except the application window closes after a certain period of time and only a handful of licenses are actually awarded. Czarkowski is a founding member of the National Cannabis Industry Association and is on the board of Women Grow, a network of professional women in the cannabis industry. She’s been in the game for years and believes medical marijuana provides opportunity for a lot of people, especially women, but a career in such a fickle industry comes with challenges. CANNA MED


ONGOING BATTLES Czarkowski previously worked in high tech consulting and real estate development. She and her husband owned a real estate development office in Boulder, Colo. when the industry took a massive hit around 2009. Business owners approached Czarkowski wanting to open a marijuana clinic in their office space. The couple decided to pivot their business focus and founded Boulder Kind Care, a medical marijuana dispensary. It was one of the first businesses in the area to receive a state and city medical marijuana license. Although their cultivation and dispensary business was going well, the Czarkowskis found themselves in a battle with the city of Boulder. City officials started enforcing stricter cannabis laws to cut down on the large number of dispensaries that had opened in the area. “We basically were just caught up in a big wave of them trying to shut down as many businesses as they could,” Czarkowski said.

CANNA MED Business Review

REFLECTING A NATIONWIDE INDUSTRY TREND Boulder Kind Care’s building was about to be torn down, so Czarkowski was forced to relocate but there was no precedent for transferring a medical marijuana license at the time. Czarkowski was planning to move into a building that needed renovations, but city officials cited the building's flaws as violations. Rather than fight the city, the Czarkowskis decided to cut their losses. They sold their company shares in 2012, lost their city license and left Boulder Kind Care in the hands of their business partners, who faced continuous legal problems and eventually closed the doors. Meanwhile, Colorado opened up marijuana for recreational use beginning January 2014. After Czarkowski got out of Boulder Kind Care, colleagues in Connecticut contacted her for help with their medical marijuana license application. Other groups caught wind of this and started reaching out as well. “That’s really what launched us into consulting,” Czarkwoski said. The couple founded Canna Advisors and started working with applicants in different states, but their past followed them. When the Czarkowskis helped businesses win licenses in Massachusetts in 2014, the Boston Globe ran a lengthy piece outlining their troubles with Boulder Kind Care, challenging their legitimacy in the industry. Czarkowski said these kinds of stories are common in places that are introducing new medical marijuana legislation. In every state, there are people and groups that want to keep marijuana out. “It’s not something we’re naïve to,” she said. “There’s going to be pushback in these states.” Czarkowski said the article didn’t impact her business, and the problems in Boulder didn’t change her attitude toward working in the cannabis industry or the city. She still works and lives there with her family. “Anybody in the industry who knows me knows I’m always pioneering and implementing the best practices,” she said. Operating a consulting business causes far fewer legal headaches than a dispensary, but Czarkowski said she and her husband want to return to that arena. “We are still eager to get back into actually being operators of the business,” she said. GROWING COMPETITION

Demand has increased for consulting and expertise as more states create medical marijuana legislation and more businesses enter the space. MedCann Advisors in New York and Massachusettsbased MariMed Advisors provide similar services as Canna Advisors. There’s currently no cohesive national policy for medical marijuana, mostly because it's still considered an illegal activity at the federal level. That alone presents challenges for any consulting firm, said Bethany Niebauer, regulatory specialist at Canna Advisors. “Right now what we have is federalism run amok,” Niebauer said. “It’s difficult. It’s a challenge to work with.” Canna Advisers currently has its eye on Hawaii. Hawaii’s application window opens on Jan. 12 and closes Jan. 29, and only eight licenses will be issued statewide allowing for two dispensaries and two cultivation sites each. There are 23 states with medical marijuana legislation, and each state has similar restrictions placed on opening medical marijuana dispensaries. “It’s usually close to a month or less,” Czarkowski said. “During the application process we’re very, very busy.” As a regulatory specialist, Niebauer assists business owners in filling out license applications, which can be up to 1,500 pages. Niebauer helps design floor plans, outline staffing plans and other elements of what is ultimately a three-year business plan. The firm works with businesses in marijuana dispensary, cultivation and processing. Niebauer has only been in the industry for a few months, but access to medical marijuana is an issue that she believes in. She has a background in law and moved to Colorado for a temporary job as an administrative judge that didn’t turn permanent. She also has experience in women’s rights and human rights, which drew her to the marijuana industry. “I believe access to marijuana is absolutely a human right,” Niebauer said. She thinks it could be 10 to 15 years before the federal government creates all-encompassing medical marijuana legislation. Czarkowski said it could be sooner than that. Although challenging for her business, Czarkowski said there is a benefit to states acting independently. “The more states do adopt programs, the more the federal g overnment would be forced into making some kind of policy around it,” Czarkowski said. n

When the Czarkowskis started Canna Advisors, there was nowhere near the number of cannabis advisory firms that exist now.






By Larry Banegas,

The report “World Analgesics Market - Opportunities and Forecasts, 2015-2022” projects that the world analgesics market would reach $26.4 billion by 20221. Pain sufferers have long regarded plant botanicals as a source of healing; there are more than 100 plants known to have pain relieving properties2. Consumers have sought retail brands of topical pain relief with menthol as an active ingredient3. There is a “new” botanical that consumers need to be aware of for pain relief: cannabidiol. In a study published by the National Institutes of Health4, it is stated that, “The nonpsychoactive cannabinoid, cannabidiol (CBD), has great potential for the treatment of chronic and 'breakthrough’ pain.” The study also states, “Chronic pain relief can be best achieved through the transdermal route.” Today, the United States faces a health epidemic: prescription opioid addiction. To address this problem, manufacturers are producing a new topical combination of CBD with menthol. These non-habit forming ingredients are a welcome solution for consumers who do not wish to pursue prescription opioid pain medications or are looking for an alternative to prescription pain medicine. The irony is that CBD is anything but “new”. CBD is a naturally occurring component of the hemp plant. Hemp is from the cannabis genus and cannabis for medicinal use dates back to the ancient Chinese emperor, Shen-Nung (c.2700 B.C.). Having compiled the medical encyclopedia called, Pen Ts'ao,5 Shen-Nung is regarded as the Father of Chinese Medicine. Cannabis or “Ma”was used by the Chinese to treat weaknesses (menstruation), gout, rheumatism, malaria, beri-beri, constipation, and absentmindedness. During the second century A.D., the Chinese surgeon, Hua T'o, began to use cannabis as an anesthesia. CBD is activated in the body through CB2 receptors located in the skin. CB2 receptors play a role in antinociception, or the relief of pain.6 Menthol is a known active ingredient with cooling properties. Working similar to ice, menthol binds with temperature-sensitive receptors in the skin and is thought to modulate pain signals within the body’s natural pain relieving systems. CBD, known to be hydrophobic and lipophilic, does not dissolve or emulsify readily in water, but will dissolve in fat. Bioavailability of CBD depends on the way that the cannabinoid is delivered into the human body. Today, science has enabled CBD to be water soluble as well as time-release. The new topical pain cream, RapidCBD™, delivers a powerful combination of micro-encapsulated time-released CBD called Cebidiol™. In Cebidiol™, consumers will benefit from menthol plus eight additional homeopathic ingredients including lavender and rosemary essential oils to relieve pain. The RapidCBD™ Cooling Pain Cream is ideal after strenuous activity and has been proven to be as effective and work as fast as an FDA approved OTC topical pain relief solution. The immediate availability of RapidCBD™ is welcome news for consumers who are seeking a non-opioid solution for muscle aches, strains and joint pain. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 -


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