elipsLife Company brochure 2019

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We care about your employees Risk insurance from a single source



We strive to provide first-class client service elipsLife offers tailor-made risk insurance solutions in select business-to-business markets (B2B). We want to be a key partner for both brokers and clients in our markets, with solutions aligned to our clients’ needs. Our successful business model is based on two factors: excellent service and cost leadership for our clients. Focusing on cost discipline ultimately results in more attractive premium rates for our clients and allows us to ensure sustainable growth, so clients can be certain that elipsLife will be a reliable partner to them over the long term. Service makes the difference We want to stand out from our competitors in particular by providing outstanding service. The corporate values that we live by are crucial to this. Implementing our core values of flexibility, innovation, speed, focusing on the customer, and creating win-win situations makes us a unique business partner to our clients – reliable, competent, and innovative. Learn more about elipsLife on the following pages. Thank you for your interest.

Reto Toscan, Group CEO elipsLife

Liskamm (4 527 m), Valais, Switzerland


USA Headquarters

Schaumburg, Illinois


Europe Headquarters Branch offices

Triesen, Liechtenstein Zurich, Switzerland Amstelveen, the Netherlands Cologne, Germany Milan, Italy Dublin, Ireland

International presence elipsLife operates in Europe and the US. In Europe, elipsLife has a market presence in Switzerland (Zurich), Liechtenstein (Triesen), Benelux (Amstelveen), Germany (Cologne), Italy (Milan), and Ireland (Dublin). We serve the US market out of Schaumburg, Illinois.


About us B2B risk insurance elipsLife is an insurance company for institutional clients (B2B business). We focus on insurance products that cover the financial consequences of illness, accident, and loss of life. Our clients are companies, and depending on the markets in which we operate, may include pension funds, collective foundations and associations. elipsLife provides coverage from a single source with one team and one platform.

Comprehensive solutions With its tailored insurance products, elipsLife is a total-solutions provider for perso足nal insurance needs in the areas of absence, disability, and death. We have a wide range of risk transfer models at our disposal, which allow us to be flexible in meeting client requi足re足 ments. Since the needs of companies and employees are constantly changing, elipsLife strives to achieve innovative solutions that are able to keep up with these changes. This also applies to the area of care management with a focus on prevention and reintegration in the workplace.

The best for our clients At elipsLife, the focus is on the client. We do business locally, while leveraging centralized support. Our emphasis is on providing outstanding service. This includes in-depth needs analysis and risk assessment using the latest risk models, with our experts putting their know-how into practice to provide innovative, comprehensive, and for足ward-looking insurance solutions. Each client has their personal point of contact. Lean workflows and short decision-making form an integral part of optimum client service, just as much as our professional expertise, our knowledge, our multilingual teams, and our efficient and excellent benefit management. In short: first-class service is the key differentiator of elipsLife.


Distribution strategy with top partners elipsLife operates in the corporate business. As a B2B insurance company, we work with selected distribution partners – including brokers, experts, insurance companies, banks, and associations. They all have significant expertise in the insurance industry and provide a high standard of service. Our focus is on regional, national, and international brokers, as well as on the middle market. The cooperation with our distribution partners is based on trust, flexibility, speed, and quality. The B2B distri­bution strategy we have chosen is a cost-efficient and professional one that guarantees the ultimate in terms of quality for our clients – at lower prices.

Part of the Swiss Re Group – a strong foundation Operating in the market as an independent company, elipsLife is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Swiss Re, the world’s leading reinsurer in the Life & Health insurance segment. We enjoy the benefits of the international presence, competence, and financial strength of our parent company, and also have access to a wealth of relevant information and incom­parable global expertise – advantages that provide a direct benefit to our clients.

One billion in just 10 years elipsLife was established in Vaduz in 2008 by Liechtensteinische Landesbank and the reinsurer Swiss Re. The founding members’ aim was to bring tailor-made insurance solutions directly to the B2B market. In 2011, Swiss Re acquired all the shares of elipsLife and became the sole shareholder. In the following years, elipsLife developed so well that in 2018 – only 10 years after its establishment – the company already generated a premium volume of more than one billion US dollars. elipsLife is synonymous with enterprising growth and a high degree of cost consciousness. This combination of both these aspects enables us to self-fund our expansion strategy into new markets.


Client service based on corporate values


Values Our corporate values determine employees’ behavior toward clients. For elipsLife, they are the foundation for making the company’s ambitious service strategy a reality. elipsLife’s five core values were developed on the basis of a survey in which clients explained what they found particularly troublesome in insurance companies. Some of the issues mentioned were a lack of flexibility, a lack of innovation, slowness, a lack of client focus, and a self-serving approach. We derived our five fundamental values from this by reverse implication, because achieving the greatest possible level of client satisfaction is our top priority. This applies to our insurance solutions as well as to our advice, case processing, support processes, our capacity for innovation, and our service. Providing comprehensive services such as these requires employees who are willing and able to implement our corporate values – and elipsLife has exactly those employees.



We demonstrate our flexibility

We provide the right answer to client

through our first-class service.

needs through innovative processes and solutions.

Customer focus


We consistently align our

We ensure rapid work processes

processes to our clients’

thanks to short decision-making


and a high level of commitment.

Win-win We create added value for our clients and their employees through openness and transparency – a win-win situation for everyone concerned.

Gross Fiescherhorn (4 049 m), Bernese Oberland, Switzerland


Providing protection from income gaps


Closing gaps in coverage Social security systems in different countries have grown historically and are often not perfectly aligned. This is why there are frequent gaps in coverage or cases of overinsurance. We close these gaps with coordinated flexible insurance solutions to cover the financial consequences of disability and death.

Coverage for life, accident, and disability risks

Optimum coordination

elipsLife offers comprehensive insurance solutions that cover

The insurance products from elipsLife are aligned with the

the financial consequences of ill­ness, accident, and loss

social security systems and market conditions of the rele-

of life from a single source with one team and one platform.

vant country. We work closely with clients in order to under-

This represents insurance coverage for those cases in which

stand and analyze their requirements before ultimately

a person’s state of health changes suddenly as a result of an

coming up with a tailored solution. This requires optimum

accident or due to illness.

coordination in the interaction between governmental, occupational, and individual private protection solutions.

Providing protection from income gaps It is often only when a person suffers a loss of income due to

Pure risk insurance

disability or the death of a relative that it becomes apparent

With its insurance solutions, elipsLife focuses exclusively

to them how great the financial consequences are. Additional

on pure risk insurance. We there­fore do not offer classic,

expenses are not uncommon as a result of residential changes

combined, or long-term savings solutions – making us far

or unforeseen consequential costs through death. Safeguards

less exposed to financial market risks as a result.

need to be provided against all impending gaps in income so that existing standards of living can continue. We have suitable innovative solutions for this.

Wetterhorn (3 692 m), Bernese Oberland, Switzerland


Comprehensive claims management with total solution


Solutions from a single source Risk insurance solutions for client needs and services from a cross-functional team: this is our total-solution approach. It provides significant benefits to our clients in terms of advice, administration, benefit management, and costs.

Total-solution approach

cient claims processing. The total-solution approach

While competitors offer their insurance solutions via

reduces the coordina­tion effort and thereby the costs for

sepa­rate lines of business and different systems, elipsLife

the employer. This, in turn, leads to lower overall costs

does this locally with one service team and one central

and more sustainable premium rates. The comprehensive

IT platform. This approach allows us to keep an overview of

single-source service is the key differentiator of elipsLife.

all client requirements. The coordinated single-source services therefore make our clients’ lives easier: just one

Efficiency thanks to an integrated IT platform

point of contact for clients, no duplications, no over- or

The total-solution approach can be implemented in practical

underinsurance, one integrated IT platform, as well as effi-­

terms because elipsLife has the IT specifications to process contract and benefit data consistently. This ensures greater efficiency thanks to less redundancy and lean administration – also for our clients. A real win-win situation.

Lauteraarhorn (4 042 m), Bernese Oberland, Switzerland


Low costs thanks to a global IT platform


Ready for the client needs of tomorrow IT systems and processes have often grown over many years and had to be adapted repeatedly to new requirements over time. Not so with elipsLife. As a start-up, we had the benefit of being able to first determine our strategy and positioning. Then we were able to apply this target-oriented focus to our processes and systems. And we made them as flexible and proactive so that today they are already geared toward the requirements of tomorrow.

Focusing on total solutions

Client requirements set the pace

As a start-up company, elipsLife focused its activities right

elipsLife invests a lot in being able to fully meet its clients’

from the beginning on countries with similar social security

requirements. This is why our systems and processes provide

systems, on integrated total solutions, and on consistent

maximum flexibility in designing coverage solutions –

technologies and processes.

and practical implementation of the total-solution approach is possible thanks to optimum process consistency. The inte­grated IT platform enables tailored total solutions across national borders, applications in any language and any currency, as well as free data transfers within the scope of stipulated guidelines. These benefits, for instance, make pooling solutions easy, cost-effective, and quick.

Scalable IT solution elipsLife’s flexible IT solution can be adapted to the changes in country-specific social security systems at any time. Sustainable and forward-looking IT solutions contribute to low costs, smooth processes, and optimum services. ­elipsLife pursues these goals with consistency – for the ­benefit of our clients.

Pollux (4 092 m), Valais, Switzerland



Advantages at a glance

International expertise

Solutions from a single source

elipsLife offers country-specific insurance solutions for

elipsLife offers all insurance solutions with one team and

life, accident, and disability risks. Our experts apply their

one platform. These single-source services make clients’

skills and expertise to create innovative, forward-looking

lives easier and more cost-effective: just one point of

solutions. As a wholly-owned subsidiary of Swiss Re, the

contact, no duplications, no over- or underinsurance, one

world’s leading re­insurer in the Life & Health insurance

integrated IT system landscape, as well as effective claims

segment, elipsLife has the backing of a very strong

processing. This approach leads to lower overall costs and

financial institution and incomparable global expertise.

more sustainable premium rates.

Clear client focus

Fully on track

elipsLife offers first-class client service. Every client

As a company that operates in eight countries, has a

bene­fits not only from needs-based, innovative insurance

premium volume of more than one billion US dollars, and

solutions but also from a personal contact partner, straight­

delivers sustainable growth, elipsLife is fully on track.

forward service, and our ability to make decisions quickly.

Our growth and our high level of cost consciousness allow

Quality and efficiency are the core elements of benefit

us to self-fund our expansion projects. As a subsidiary of

management, and the client-focused benefit processes

Swiss Re, elipsLife will continue to benefit from its parent

are the key differentiator of elipsLife.

company’s financial strength.

Finsteraarhorn (4 274 m), Bernese Oberland, Switzerland


We keep our promises “We work every day to meet our clients’ expectations with regard to our products and services, advisory expertise and case processing as well as our support processes. Our goal is to achieve maximum client satisfaction by providing outstanding service. We analyze our activities on an ongoing basis in order to identify potential for improvement. This is the corporate ­culture that we live every day – for the benefit of our clients.” elipsLife

Elips Life Insurance Company is licensed to sell life and health insurance in all States and the District of Columbia except for the State of New York. Group Term Life Insurance, Group Short Term Disability Insurance, and Group Long Term Disability Insurance products are provided by Elips Life Insurance Company. Image, front page: Matterhorn (4 478 m), Valais, Switzerland

Š elipsLife 2019

Elips Life Insurance Company 1450 American Lane, Suite 1100 Schaumburg, Illinois 60173 T 1-833-847-5708 F 1-630-259-4809 contact.us@elipslife.com


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