elipsLife company brochure

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Your life insurance company Comprehensive solutions from a single source



We keep our promise “We work every day to meet our clients’ expectations with regard to our products and supplementary services, advisory expertise and case processing, as well as our support processes. In order to identify potential for improvement, we analyse our activities on an ongoing basis and focus on developing needs-based coverage concepts. This is the corporate culture that we live every day — for the benefit of our clients.”

Reto Toscan, CEO elipsLife

Pollux (4,092 m), Valais, Switzerland


International presence elipsLife is headquartered in Triesen, Liechtenstein. Its core markets are Switzerland (with a branch office in Zurich), the Netherlands (Amstelveen), Germany ­(Cologne) and Italy (Milan). elipsLife is also active in ­Belgium and Ireland based on freedom of services.



On the international stage in terms of B2B elipsLife is a life insurance company for institutional clients (B2B) and offers all ­biometric insurance products that cover the financial consequences of illness and accident, with a focus on employee and individual benefits for mortality and dis­ ability risks. elipsLife’s clients are pension funds, collective foundations, companies and associations. In its core markets — Switzerland, Liechtenstein, the Netherlands, Germany and Italy — elipsLife is the only insurer to offer all risk coverage from a single source.

Exceptional products: solution-oriented and innovative elipsLife offers innovative, tailor-made insurance products in the area of employee and individual benefits for mortality and disability risks. We have established ourselves on the market as a comprehensive solution provider for all personal insurance related to pension provision. elipsLife is a flexible risk bearer with a wide range of risk transfer models. Regardless of whether the insurance issues are related to expat mobility, pension fund restructuring, a shift from a benefits-based to a contribution-based approach, or the optimisation of balance sheets (IAS 19) — elipsLife ­always finds the perfect solution in the form of congruent reinsurance. And, because the needs of companies and employees are constantly evolving, elipsLife strives to offer innovative solutions that keep pace with these changes. This also applies to the area of care management, with a focus on prevention and reintegration.



Know-how and expertise elipsLife knows the international social insurance systems inside and out, and ­offers country-specific solutions that are flexible and attractively priced for all bio­ metric risks. We rely on specialists who have many years of international experience in the areas of insurance mathematics, medicine, business support, sales and claims management. Experts who keep their knowledge up to date through ­ongoing training and market analysis.

It’s all about the client At elipsLife, the client is our primary focus. But in-depth needs analysis and risk ­assessments with the latest risk models are only one side of the story. We also stand for uncomplicated service, personalised contact with clients and streamlined decision-making. Professional expertise and multilingual teams guarantee opti­ mal customer service. Quality and efficiency are the core elements of benefit management. And benefit processes that are tailored to clients’ needs are elipsLife’s trademark.

Young, unburdened and already established: well on track elipsLife was founded in Vaduz in 2008 by Liechtensteinische Landesbank and the reinsurance company Swiss Re. With elipsLife as a flexible niche player, the inten­ tion was to bring tailor-made life insurance solutions direct to the market. Swiss Re acquired all elipsLife shares in 2011. During the subsequent years, elipsLife performed so well that Swiss Re strategically incorporated the company into its Life Capital division at the beginning of 2016. This allowed elipsLife, which continued ­to maintain an independent identity on the market, to benefit even further from the internationality and solidity of the world’s leading reinsurer.



• Companies • Pension providers • Pension funds • Affiliates (private individuals)

Distribution partners • Brokers • Pension actuaries • Insurance companies • Banks • Associations (affinity groups)


Sales strategy with first-class partners As a B2B insurance company, elipsLife works with selected sales partners — ­brokers, experts, insurance companies, banks and associations — all of whom have exceptional insurance expertise. Collaboration with these partners is based on trust, flexibility, speed and quality. The B2B sales strategy is cost-effective and professional, and results in lower prices and higher quality for our clients.


Our corporate values aim for the greatest possible client satisfaction


Values Our corporate values reflect the way we see ourselves and determine our employees’ behaviour towards clients. Because insurance solutions from elipsLife are systematically centred around client expectations, achieving the greatest possible client satisfaction is our top priority. elipsLife offers more than just insurance products: competent advice, efficient case processing, comprehensive support processes, innovation and service that shuns no comparison. With staff who are willing and able to represent the values of elipsLife.



We demonstrate our flexibility

With innovative solutions and

through customised insurance options

products, we have the right tools

and the best possible service.

to meet all client needs.

s Valuepack back

Speed We strive for rapid work processes through stream­ lined ­decision-making and a high level of dedication.

Customer focus We systematically focus our ­processes on the needs of our clients.

Win-win Through openness and trans­ parency we ­create added value for our clients and partners — to the benefit of all those involved.

Liskamm (4,527 m), Valais, Switzerland


Tailor-made risk solutions for securing income


Closing gaps in coverage Social insurance systems have been shaped by history and are therefore not optimally tailored to one another, which can lead to gaps in coverage. elipsLife closes these gaps by offering a wide range of insurance solutions that cover the financial consequences of illness, accidents, disability and death.

Identifying gaps in coverage

Customer focused, tailor-made and flexible

People often do not realise the true extent of the conse-

The insurance products offered by elipsLife are tailored to

quences of loss of income until they lose part of their salary

­suit the social insurance systems of each individual country.

due to disability or experience the death of a loved one.

We work together closely with our clients to analyse and

Often, these events are compounded by additional expenses

­determine their needs, and then translate them into tailor-­

due to necessary adjustments to the person’s living situation

made solutions, striving to achieve optimal coordination

or costs incurred as the result of a death. These gaps in

­between state provisions (first pillar), employee benefits (sec-

­income should therefore be insured as well as possible in

ond pillar) and individual benefits (third pillar).

­order to maintain the client’s standard of life.

Coverage for biometric risks

Straightforward risk insurance, no savings solutions

elipsLife is the only insurance company to offer compre­

When it comes to insurance solutions, elipsLife focuses

hensive insurance solutions for biometric risks from a single

­exclusively on pure risk insurance that can be adjusted in

source — insurance coverage for cases in which a person’s

­line with the client’s life cycle. The range does not include

health suddenly or continuously declines, and a need for fi-

classic, combined or long-term savings solutions, which

nancing arises as a result.

makes elipsLife much less exposed to short- and long-term ­financial market risks.

Ober Gabelhorn (4,063 m), Valais, Switzerland


The totalsolution approach is unique


Insurance solutions from a single source The total-solution approach reduces the amount of coordination ­required and hence the costs incurred for ­the employer, resulting in lower overall costs and more sustainable premiums.

Tailor-made solution packages

State-of-the-art IT

Clients profit from a comprehensive analysis of their insur-

elipsLife is only able to practically implement its total-solution

ance situation in the short- and the long-term based on

approach because it is currently the only insurance company

­country-specific social insurance systems. Because both the

in Europe with the IT capabilities to process all contract and

advice and the solution are offered from a single source,

claims data from a single source. This system consistency also

­optimal coordination makes it possible to avoid any gaps in

offers the client a significant increase in efficiency — a true

coverage or over-insurance. And, because claims manage-

win-win situation.

ment is handled by a team with dedicated contact persons ­for all coverage, efficient and optimal claims processing is guaranteed. The total-solution approach, i.e. “all personal insurance from a single source”, offers significant benefits ­for the client in terms of advisory services, administration, benefit management and costs.




Lump-sum death benefit


Disability pension


Sudden death


Grosshorn (3,754 m), Bernese Oberland, Switzerland



Continued payment of salary



Second pillar (employee benefits) First pillar (state provisions)

Survivors’ pension


Third pillar (individual benefits)

Pension payment





Low costs thanks to lean processes


Fit for the future As a young company, elipsLife had the advantage of first being able to define its strategy and positioning. It was not until afterwards — based on these two pillars — that the company developed its processes and systems in a flexible and forward-looking way so that they will also meet the demands of tomorrow.

Focused comprehensive solutions

Scalable IT solutions

As a start-up, elipsLife was able to focus its activities right

The flexible IT solutions from elipsLife can be adapted at

from the beginning: on countries with similar social insurance

­any time to suit country-specific social insurance systems.

systems, on the same distribution channels (B2B), on com­

Sustainable and forward-looking IT solutions guarantee

prehensive solutions along the respective social insurance

­low costs, smooth processes and optimal services. We take

systems, and on consistent technologies and processes.

­a systematic approach to achieving these goals — for the ­benefit of our clients.

Processes consistently oriented towards client requirements elipsLife invests a great deal in being able to fully meet its ­clients’ needs, which is why its systems and processes offer the maximum amount of flexibility in the design of coverage solutions — and, thanks to optimal process consistency, ensure the practical implementation of the total-solution approach. The integrated IT platform allows for tailor-made comprehensive solutions across national borders, applications in every language and currency, as well as free data transfer within the specified guidelines. Benefits such as these make pooling solutions for expats, for example, straightforward, costeffective and fast.

Breithorn (3,780 m), Bernese Oberland, Switzerland



Advantages at a glance elipsLife offers clients a wide range of advantages.

Solutions from a single source

Lean processes

elipsLife covers all biometric risks related to illness,

elipsLife has a unique integrated IT platform that allows

­accident, disability and death from a single source. This

for maximum flexibility when it comes to coverage

makes it possible to avoid over-insurance and gaps in

­solutions. And, because elipsLife can work across na­

coverage. And, because coverage and processing are

tional borders in every currency, every language and

offered from a single source, this makes the insurance

­for every country-specific social insurance system,

solution more individual, straightforward and transpar-

it is in a position to meet every possible client need.

ent — not to mention more cost-effective.

Tailor-made offers

Client-oriented service

elipsLife puts people first with flexible life insurance

elipsLife stands for country-specific solutions, uncom­

­solutions that are always oriented towards the specific

plicated service, dedicated contact persons and stream-

needs of the client. And, because the needs of com­-

lined decision-making. And, because people make the

pa­nies and their employees are constantly evolving,

difference, elipsLife also makes sure to employ service-­

elipsLife offers innovative solutions that keep pace

oriented personnel who are able to find out-of-the-box

­with these changes.

solutions and who represent the company’s values.

Cost efficiency

International expertise

elipsLife has a business model (target-operating model)

elipsLife relies on a team of specialists with many years

that can, in principle, be applied in any country. And,

of international experience in all areas of insurance. And,

­because the cross-border IT system and efficient B2B

because Swiss Re is the sole shareholder of elipsLife,

sales network are particularly valuable when it comes

in our role as an independent subsidiary we can also rely

­to keeping administration and marketing costs down,

on the financial strength and, if needed, the extensive

they make a significant contribution to the high level

know-how of our parent company.

of cost efficiency.

Mönch (4,107 m), Bernese Oberland, Switzerland

Image, front page: Matterhorn (4,478 m), Valais, Switzerland

Š elipsLife 2016


elipsLife Landstrasse 40 9495 Triesen Liechtenstein T +423 239 95 55 F +423 239 95 54 contact@elipslife.com www.elipslife.com

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