Key factors to consider during safety asses

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Key Factors to Consider During Safety Assessment Occupational health and safety (OHS) is a popular topic but often a misunderstood one. It is frequently viewed in terms of providing health insurance, training employees in safety procedures, and maintaining a drug and alcohol testing program. However, Australian Standard AS/NZS 4801:2001 gives the definition of OHS as the “part of the overall management system which includes organisational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures...” Though it may be tempting to say, “Typical complex government overstatement,” the message for employers is that an effective health and safety program is an integrated process, meaning the Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) policy and testing program should be an integral component of OHS. As a critical business process, the implication is that AOD programs require risk assessments just like other components of OHS systems. The first step is identifying the key factors that could lead to a culture of non-conformance with the AOD policies. Assessments Guide Policies and Procedures Safety assessments focus first on identifying situations or conditions that increase the likelihood of injury, death, or health problems. Some situations are obvious. For example, chemical fumes can lead to worker respiratory problems. Employees using potentially dangerous equipment are more likely to be injured. What is not so obvious is a department in which work scheduling practices raise the stress level, leading to higher rates of substance use – legal and illicit. Using alcohol or drugs in the workplace increases the risk of injury for the employee and the co-workers. Therefore, it is important that safety assessments consider more than the obvious risks associated with activities like driving, using heavy equipment, engineering and architectural designing, mining, and so on. Employers have a duty under the Occupational Health & Safety Act 2004 to educate workers and establish an appropriate policy to protect employees. Failure to do so can lead to employee litigation.1 The AOD perspective must be included in the process to show duty of care and ensure risks are adequately assessed. For example, a sharp blade will obviously injure but has the department workload been assessed from a safety perspective? Some people who are asked to work a lot of overtime or routinely do intense work are more likely to turn to substances to overcome fatigue or relieve stress. Therefore, minimising substance use begins with revising workloads, followed by random alcohol and drug testing. The safety assessment will guide the policy direction and implemented procedures. For example, people doing a work function identified as having a high risk of injury or death may be subjected to more frequent testing whilst the employer maintains random selection within the department or amongst the designated safety sensitive positions. Taking Ownership of Workplace Safety

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