The Independent Student Newspaper of the University of Toronto Mississauga since 1974
Issue 003 Volume 47 September 21 2020
On September 12, Toronto commuters rallied on Sheppard Ave East, in front of the offices of Member of Provincial Parliament and Vijay Thanigasalam, the parliamentary assistant to the minister of transportation. >> TTC continued on page 4
With the beginning of fall comes the start of a new journey for many students. Among them is my little sister, who is starting her first year of university.
COVID-19 has unleashed an unprecedented amount of fear and uncertainty. When the pandemic started, almost all businesses and recreational activities closed down and came to a halt. >> VAN GOGH continued on page 10
>> ACCESSIBILITY continued on page 6
UTM Student Centre shuts down after two positive Covid-19 cases Isik Vera Senel News Editor
he University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union (UTMSU) reported two positive COVID-19 cases at the Student Centre on September 18. The union released a membership advisory through their social media platforms that detailed the health and safety measures it will be taking in response to the recent development.
>> continued on page 2
The Blackwood Gallery’s latest lightbox program illuminates our role in nature Gladys Lou Contributor
pon the reopening of UTM, outdoor lightboxes illuminate the corridors between the campus buildings, greeting and awaiting the return of some students. These large-scale lightboxes open the window to Martina Pozzan’s Musa × paradisiaca L series, giving students a head start on Burning Glass, Reading Stone, the Blackwood Gallery’s upcoming lightbox program.
>> BLACKWOOD continued on page 11
UTM students develop Envly, a sustainable clothing app Segen Assef Contributor
nline shopping has facilitated consumerism worldwide. Yet, with the rise of e-commerce in the last decade came a staggering and destructive environmental impact. Products ordered online are often far from sustainable. For example, one of the leading unsustainable practices is fast-fashion clothing from dispensers such as Fashion Nova and Shein. >> ENVLY continued on page 7