Volume 50, Issue 16

Page 1

The Independent Student Newspaper of the University of Toronto Mississauga since 1974

Issue 16 Volume 50 January 22 2024


LRT Ambiguity

Mickey Mouse

U of T Silence

Many are criticizing Ontario’s provincial transit agency,

Ever since he breezed onto the screen in the 1928 cartoon

I stand in horror at the hypocrisy as I address this letter to

Metrolinx, for failing to comment on when the billion-dollar

Steamboat Willie, Mickey Mouse has been a cornerstone of

you all, who stand on stolen land, yet fail to acknowledge

Mississauga and Brampton Light Rail Transit (LRT) will be

the Walt Disney Company’s products. Everything from the

the theft and genocide of another.

completed. The Hurontario LRT was initially slated to be

giant-eared silhouette of his head to his carefree whistling are set-in-stone Disney trademarks.

» read more on page 02

» read more on page 03

» read more on page 02


10 must-see concerts in Toronto in 2024


Meghna Parhar Contributor


o matter what kind of music you are interested in, there are several concerts taking place in

Toronto—named the most popular tour destination amongst musicians and artists alike—this year. From Bad Bunny to Taylor Swift, you do not want to miss out on catching at least one of these amazing performers as they pass through the city! » read more on page 13



University of Toronto From the sunrise breeze to ranks 12th worldwide for the Toronto wind chills employability in 2023 poll Daanish Alvi Photos Editor

Samuel Kamalendran Associate News Editor



n November 23, 2023, Timers Higher Education, a post-secondary consultancy, published the Global Employability University

Ranking and Survey (GEURS) for 2023 to 2024. The University of Toronto (U of T) ranked 12th place overall and was the first Canadian university on the list among 250 universities worldwide. Developed using data collected by Emerging, a French human resources consultancy, and Trendence, a German market research company, GEURS used a holistic methodology to select the top 250 universities that exhibit the best graduate employability based on the reports of employers.


ast February, following the NHL All-Star festivities in Sunrise, Florida, none other than world-famous Stratford-born pop artist Justin Bieber announced that

the 2024 NHL All-Star Game would be hosted by and held in Toronto. Soon after Bieber’s announcement, Toronto Maple Leafs President Brendan Shanahan and NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman followed suit, releasing a statement describing their eagerness to bring the NHL All-Star Game back to Toronto for the first time since

» read more on page 03

2000, and for the ninth time in history. » read more on page 16


NEWS EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief River Knott editor@themedium.ca Managing Editor Jaros Valdes managing@themedium.ca

Editor | May Alsaigh news@themedium.ca

Mississauga Library reopens after two years of renovations

A new range of books and magazines, enhanced light fixtures, and more self-serve options are just a few new features of Hazel McCallion Central Library’s recent renovation project. Jia Bawa Contributor

News May Alsaigh news@themedium.ca


Opinion Aya Yafaoui opinion@themedium,ca Features Louis Lam features@themedium.ca A&E Hannah Wang arts@themedium.ca Sports Omar Khan sports@themedium.ca Photo Daanish Alvi photos@themedium.ca Design Beatriz Simas design@themedium.ca Copy Chris Berberian Chris@themedium.ca


he Hazel McCallion Central Library has finally reopened

There was also a gaming room with a considerable amount of

this January after more than two years of renovation. The

equipment, a programming room, and computers with 60-minute

Mississauga Central Library first closed its doors on March 20,

access windows on every floor, alongside many printers and

2021, and began construction in April.


During the library’s renovations, an alternate pop-up library was

The Hazel McCallion Central Library also underwent an increase

constructed in the Living Arts Centre, equipped with a small

in square footage with an addition of nearly 28,000 square feet,

browsing section and some computers, printers, and copiers for

6,000 of which were dedicated to the fourth floor. Seating options

the community.

across the library continue to provide a direct view of Celebration Square as they did before.

Originally predicted to cost C$42.8 million, the new state-ofthe-art architecture comes with a C$49 million price tag—a 14

The library continues to accommodate people with disabilities,

per cent increase from the previously projected price. According

ensuring barrier-free access. The library has also been equipped

to Irene McCutcheon, the Senior Communications Officer

with updated heating and ventilation, and contactless fixtures in

for the Mississauga City Council, the budget was increased to


accommodate “inflation and market conditions,” add ecologically sustainable building features, and upgrade the library’s

Countless new spaces promote collaborative learning, such as

mechanical and electrical systems.

seating areas with large tables, or separate multi-use meeting rooms for a more enclosed approach. There is also a bright,

Maja Ting maja@themedium.ca

This upgrade also comes with a change in identity. Originally

colourful, and interactive play area for children, where mini book

known as the Central Library, the institution has now been

clubs are often held to promote interest in reading among young

Social Media & Online Belicia Chevolleau social@themedium.ca

renamed the Hazel McCallion Central Library to honour the

children. As for students, the library also features quiet, single-

late mayor Hazel McCallion’s 100th birthday and her 36 years of

person study spaces.

Video Nikolas Towsey video@themedium.ca

faithful service to the City of Mississauga. Other features like a new kitchen, a reflection room for prayer All five floors of the library underwent renovations. This is the

and meditation equipped with a foot bath, and an enhanced Open

library’s first large-scale renovation since opening in 1991.

Window Hub for the promotion of homelessness outreach and prevention have also been included as part of the redevelopment.

To get a first-hand account of these exciting new changes, The Medium visited the library to get a lay of the land. At first glance,

Construction in certain areas of the library is still underway, such

the library appeared larger and more spacious, with a new

as in the Noel Ryan Auditorium and the café on the ground floor

hanging light art installation in the centre, long and winding

but, overall, the library’s new look has attracted a multitude of

staircases, and elevator access to all five floors. There were tons of

visits from Mississauga residents.

spaces for children, collaborative learning areas, and solo spaces.

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The library was filled with residents on all floors, also exploring

As the library continues to operate with limited services and

the new changes.

hours, the grand opening is scheduled to take place on February 3, 2024.

The floors were filled with a whole new range of media, including thousands of new and updated books, DVDs, magazines, video games, graphic novels, and cookbooks. There were also many more self-serve options, like self-checkout for books and access to new technology throughout the building, including a new “makerspace” which features photo and video studios as well as 3D printing.

Ambiguity over the launch of Mississauga and Brampton Light Rail Transit


The ongoing construction of Metrolinx’s Light Rail Transit project is resulting in a barrage of criticism from GTA commuters and residents. Razia Saleh Staff Writer


any are criticizing Ontario’s provincial

Mississauga News reported that construction

takes approximately 45 minutes to one hour.

would mean I can still get home without

transit agency, Metrolinx, for failing

of the LRT was initially planned to start in

If I miss a bus, or there are delays, it takes

spending an absurd amount of money on

to comment on when the billion-dollar

2018 and be finished by 2020. However, the

roughly one hour and 45 minutes to two

Ubers, or nearly two hours [on] buses.”

Mississauga and Brampton Light Rail Transit

LRT pushed the construction date to 2019,

hours, and I risk missing a class.”

(LRT) will be completed. The Hurontario

with the official opening of the LRT set to

LRT was initially slated to be completed

take place during the fall of 2024. With the

Despite cuts to the project in the last few

in psychology and biology, shared similar

sometime in 2024.

new 2024 year kicking in, there is yet to be an

years, the LRT will feature 19 stops across an

sentiments to Hillaire’s experience with

official completion date set for the Metrolinx

18-kilometre route.

transit. “The fact that there aren’t more

In 2021, Statistics Canada reported a

Anaum Arif, a fifth-year double majoring

options to reach the school [from] Brampton


population of 717,961 residents living

In December, a Metrolinx spokesperson

keeps my commute longer. I’m not too

in Mississauga. To support our rising

Many students across the GTA commute

declined to provide an opening date for

knowledgeable regarding the construction


to the University of Toronto Mississauga

the line. Many residents are fed up with the

plan, but five years seems a bit extensive.”

(UTM) via various forms of transportation.

ambiguity over a general completion date and

The Medium spoke to students about how

frustrated with how long the project is taking.




improved transportation services. According to Infrastructure Ontario, the

this pushback on finishing construction has

LRT has a contract value of C$4.6 billion

affected their everyday commute time.

For students like Hillaire and Arif, the project will provide commuters with an enhanced

Students on campus like Hillaire are not

transportation system that will help reduce

familiar with the project but are excited

the stress of commuting. According to

commitment to expand transit in the Greater

Nissa Hillaire, a first-year student studying

about its release. “I have not heard of the

Infrastructure Ontario, the project will do so

Toronto and Hamilton Area.” The LRT

management and geography, has a long

construction of a train link, this was the first

by providing more reliable, comfortable train

is expected to improve transportation in

commute ahead of her to the UTM campus.

time. I believe it would be helpful because it

rides, reducing traffic on Hurontario Road,

Mississauga and Brampton, fostering faster

“I commute from Bramalea City Centre. On

would run regularly, especially in the evenings

and reducing travelling times across the city.

and more accessible commutes for the swiftly

a good day, if I don’t miss the bus, if they run

after 5:30 p.m., which is when the 199 UTM

increasing number of travellers in the city.

continuously, and if there are no delays, this

Express bus service ends,” said Hillaire. “This

and is part of the “Ontario Government’s

University of Toronto ranks 12th worldwide for employability in 2023 poll

In a recent Times Higher Education ranking, Harvard, Princeton, and Stanford top the list, with the University of Toronto leading the Canadian schools.

Samuel Kamalendran Associate News Editor >> continued from the front cover...


irst conducted in 2010 and continuing every year since then, GUERS offers insight into the

As the primary focus of the survey is employability, the main source of information is employers

history of the rankings and enables the discovery of trends that reveal the dynamics of the

worldwide who have been screened and selected by Emerging to engage in the survey. All

higher education biome. With 40 countries scanned and more than five million ratings collected

respondents are top operational managers who “work with and/or recruit more than five young

covering 6,000 institutions, GUERS effectively measures the employability market for institutions,

graduates per year,” and are collectively responsible for over eight million recruitments.

offering valuable information to students, universities, and employers. This year’s edition of GUERS used 100,700 votes from employers in 21 countries, each of whom The California Institute of Technology leads the pack with the number one spot, along with eight

has more than five years of experience and recruits globally. Collectively, the respondents

other US universities in the top 20, including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford,

hired 800,000 graduates in the past year. Nearly 70 per cent of participants work in companies

Harvard, and the University of Cambridge. According to the polling, US universities occupied a

with more than 500 employees, 65 per cent have more than 10 years of experience, and 71 per

total of 51 spots. France, Germany, and the United Kingdom are next in line, with Canada coming

cent recruit and/or supervise more than 10 graduates a year. One thousand universities were

in sixth place. This year, eleven Canadian universities are on the list, one more than last year.

considered in the voting stage, which took place from August 16 to September 22, 2023.

U of T is the only Canadian institution in the top 20. In order, the other schools are McGill

More countries are being featured on the list as universities worldwide continue to grow and

University, University of British Columbia, University of Montreal, McMaster University,

invest in themselves and their students, whereas countries that once had significant presence are

University of Alberta, University of Ottawa, University of Victoria, University of Waterloo,

now decreasing in number. Institutions in the US and United Kingdom represented nearly 60 per

Université du Québec, and Toronto Metropolitan University.

cent of the list in 2013, but currently only make up 27.5 per cent.

To curate a list that best represents university employability, GEURS follows a specific process that

Representing Canada among world-class competitors is not new for U of T, as the institution

enables their claim to be the only university ranking list that is “exclusively based on employers’

continually takes top spots in multiple world university rankings and was even declared the most

direct assessment.”

sustainable university for 2024 due to its multiple environment-focused initiatives.


Ongoing freeze impacts Ontario universities A look attuition UTM’s recently launched Strategic Universities are calling for an end to Ontario’s tuition freeze after experiencing deficits for the Framework past three years. Karine Alhakim Associate News Editor


ntario’s persisting tuition

Guelph expressed deep concerns about

freeze, a government-imposed

the prolonged tuition freeze, foreseeing

restriction on universities'

potential losses amounting to millions of

ability to increase tuition fees, casts a

dollars. The anxieties stem from various

looming shadow over post-secondary

factors, including the escalation of

institutions. This freeze, extended multiple

operational costs and inflation, placing a

times in recent years, was initially

strain on university budgets. The freeze's

introduced in 2019 to address concerns

effect on tuition adjustments impedes

about the affordability of post-secondary

universities' ability to keep pace with


rising expenses, resulting in financial

services, extracurricular activities, and student

warns that this funding gap places institutions in

support programs, affecting the overall student

a precarious position, posing a significant threat


to the financial sustainability of the province's

Without an increase in funding, universities may

postsecondary sector.

be compelled to pull back critical student services,

To cope with the lack of funding, post-secondary

including support for mental health, or face

institutions have increasingly turned to

financial peril.

international students to fill the revenue gap. New Democratic Party’s MPP Peggy Sattler emphasized

The Council of Ontario Universities appealed to

the situation, stating, “International student tuition

the government on January 9 to lift the freeze on

is uncapped,” which has forced institutions to


tuition and increase funding for post-secondary

ramp up recruitment efforts to bring in additional

institutions by 10 per cent. Council President


accessible and equitable education system,

If the tuition freeze persists, the financial

Steve Orsini warned that, due to growing financial

particularly for students facing economic

strain on universities is anticipated to

challenges. However, as the freeze

increase, potentially resulting in budget

persists, it has started to take a toll on the

deficits, hindered growth, and the

financial health of universities, leading

potential for layoffs or reduced services.

to widespread apprehension among

Compromising the quality of education

academic institutions.

becomes a palpable concern, hindering

The freeze was intended to create a more

universities’ ability to enhance academic Lloyd Noronha, Vice President of Finance

programs, update infrastructure, and

and Administration at Wilfrid Laurier

attract top-tier faculty.

pressures, at least 10 universities are projecting

While universities claim to be responsible for

operating deficits this year, totalling C$175 million

managing the enrollment of international students,

and potentially growing to C$273 million in losses.

Council President Orsini warns that financial pressures have led to cuts impacting critical

The financial strain on universities is exacerbated

student services and support. The consequences of

by the Ford government's 2019 decision to cut

this funding gap and tuition freeze extend beyond

tuition rates for domestic students by 10 per cent,

financial concerns, potentially compromising the

freezing them at 2019 levels. This reduction in

overall quality of education.

University, highlighted the impact, noting, "We saw a 10 per cent reduction in

Paradoxically, while the

tuition back in 2019 and it's been frozen

tuition freeze aims to

since.” According to Noronha, grants

make education

that the provincial government provides

more affordable, its

universities were also frozen.

prolonged existence

funding has left universities grappling with a significant funding gap, resulting in a yearly loss of C$175 million due to approximately 20,000

may have unintended In 2024, institutions like the University

consequences. Universities

of Waterloo and the University of

might be forced to cut back on

domestic students not being funded by the province.

In response, according to a statement to Global News, Ontario's Ministry of Colleges and Universities said that it is “carefully reviewing” recommendations from the blue-ribbon panel and working to create a sustainable path forward.

A blue-ribbon panel, commissioned by the Ford

As the 2024 academic year unfolds, the

government to review the financial

government faces the critical task of finding a

stability of post-secondary institutions,

solution that aligns with the needs of both students and universities.

University of Toronto notice claims excessive amounts of semen are clogging university pipes A recent masturbation notice by U of T has students questioning whether it is genuine. May Alsaigh News Editor


arlier this month, a masturbation notice was posted at a University of Toronto (U of T)

@LoveMy7Wood, another user on X, reposted an article from the Toronto Sun about the notice,

washroom that left many students doubting its authenticity.

and wrote, “Masturbation may be [a violation of the student code of conduct], but apparently, antisemitism at U of T by faculty and staff is not.”

According to the notice, masturbation in U of T washrooms is a violation of the university’s code

While many doubt the authenticity of the notice, others claim that similar practical jokes have

of student conduct. “The sewage pipes are not designed to handle semen,” the notice read.

been pulled in the past. A Reddit post from six years ago shared another notice also with U of T’s crest on it. The note was posted at Chestnut Residence, a student dormitory at U of T's St. George

The note, which had no date listed, had U of T’s logo and “Facilities and Services” signed at the

campus. It had nearly the same sentences written, including the same title: “Masturbation Notice.”

bottom. It continued, “Excessive amounts of semen in the pipes cause clogging, which costs the university tens of thousands of dollars to replace.” According to the posting, these costs will be

The notice was not only posted at U of T, but other campuses too, largely those in the US,

reflected in student tuition fees next year. “It’s your money.”

including the University of Michigan, the University of Illinois, the University of Pennsylvania, Iowa State University, and many more.

The note even included a phone number for any “urgent masturbation requests.” On January 3, Ragnar Danneskjold, a verified user on X, reposted the notice and wrote, “Answering the calls at 416-978-2323 is not [a job] to which I aspire...” Many people responded to Danneskjold in a thread the same day. One person responded, “So the pipes can handle explosive diarrhea but not semen?” Another added, “I’ve done some plumbing work in my days, never seen a semen backup.”

The Medium reached out to U of T to comment on the matter, but no response has been received. BEATRIZ SIMAS/THE MEDIUM



Editor | Aya Yafaoui opinion@themedium.ca

MiWay is out to ruin my life

The hyper-specific inconveniences that MiWay sets out for its travellers make it seem like it’s targeting UTM’s commuter students. Maja Ting Copy Editor DAANISH ALVI/THE MEDIUM


There have been two times when the bus is

MiWay executives taunt me in my sleep. Um,

more than five minutes early and, as I run to

yes, it is. That’s the function of public transit.

catch it, the driver looks me in the eyes, closes

UTM is 5.3 kilometres—an 8-minute drive—

the door in my face, and drives away. The

away from Clarkson GO. Despite arriving at

first time this happens, I throw my bag on the

Clarkson at 8:23 a.m., I don’t get to campus

ground and exclaim in distress. The second

until 9:15 a.m. I am more than 10 minutes

driving away before my train even stopped.

time, I cry. The other students gathered at the

late for the first lecture of the year. I rush in

stop look at me with deep sympathy. I bond

sweaty and disgruntled and sit alone in the

come here, as well as all the opportunities

I developed a habit of getting on at the very

with complete strangers over the injustice of


that have come my way ever since. However,

last car of the train, being the first to get out

it all.

It is especially hilarious that the students

one barrier has consistently stood in the

of my seat and stand in front of the door,

way of me getting my degree. That barrier

and then absolutely booking it across the

is MiWay.

platform, down the stairs, through the ticket

love studying at the University of Toronto

was because my train was scheduled to

Mississauga (UTM). I love my program,

arrive at the station at 8:22 a.m., and the bus

and I’m grateful to be surrounded by smart,

was scheduled to leave the station at 8:24

hard-working individuals and taught by

a.m. Often, the

extremely talented, intelligent professors.

drivers treated this schedule as a gentle

Occasionally, as I wait for my classes in IB

suggestion, and I could already see the bus

to start, my breath is suddenly taken away as I ponder the privilege that allowed me to

office, and across the terminal the moment

who suffer the most from these ill-planned I can—and do—blame the drivers, but I also

schedules are GO train riders who already

blame MiWay for making a schedule that’s so

have extensive commutes. Mine, for example,

awful in the first place.

is 1 hour and 18 minutes long. To put it another way: it takes 1 hour and 18 minutes

From the get-go, MiWay and I were at

the GO train doors opened. The lady who

odds. I began attending UTM in September

drove the 8:24 bus on Fridays became so

2021, when almost all classes were still

used to the sight of me frantically (and

online. Halfway through the academic

ungracefully) sprinting that she started

year, we were informed that we would

waiting for me before she left. She is my

be moving back to in-person. Mere days

only positive MiWay story. I hope she’s

after this announcement—and mere

doing well right now wherever she is.

return home. They laugh at me. They don’t

The U-Pass is supposed to reduce the

believe me. MiWay is not only threatening my

financial cost of transit, but it’s impossible

place—MiWay cancelled my bus. I’m not

Because the buses were 15 minutes apart

degree but isolating me from my friends. My

to get anyone to care about the emotional

talking about a reduced schedule or the

and the trains were 30 minutes apart, I

sanity begins to unravel.

and mental toll of getting anywhere in the

random disappearance of a single bus that

was basically guaranteed to miss the next

was supposed to show up half an hour ago

bus regardless of which train I took. At

(although that has happened plenty of times

the time, it was an infuriating but minor

since then). MiWay removed the route—the

inconvenience, since the next bus would

110, or so-called “University Express”—

arrive shortly thereafter, and I would still be

completely and indefinitely.

weeks before the transition was set to take

MiWay, I tell my friends, is targeting me

for me to commute across the entirety of the

specifically. I tell them that MiWay hates me

GTA—from the border of Pickering to the

and is actively sabotaging my degree. I tell

heart of Mississauga—and 52 minutes to

them that they’re designing their schedule

travel 5 km in Mississauga. That is obscene.

so that I can never get to campus and never

city, even your campus. Complaints to the Cue third year. The 110N is now scheduled

university about MiWay receive responses

to leave Clarkson GO two minutes before my

about how it is the University of Toronto

train arrives. Additionally, there are now only

Mississauga Students’ Union (UTMSU)

three buses per hour, departing 20 minutes

that facilitates the distribution of U-Passes.

on time for my classes.


Complaints to the UTMSU about MiWay

The decision sparked widespread outrage

This trend continues throughout my second

On my first day of class, I have a 9 a.m.

way the buses are scheduled. Even though

among UTM students. We started and

year, with a few additions. Now, the bus that

lecture. I arrived at Clarkson at 8:23 a.m.,

MiWay receives part of our money every

signed a petition, which I also sent to my

I take back to Clarkson GO after my classes,

obviously missing the bus that left at 8:21

time we pay the school, student voices don’t

extended family and entire friend group.

the 110S, is scheduled to arrive at the GO

a.m. I wait for the next one. When it comes,

matter to them. They have no desire to make

We made it to the news. MiWay reinstituted

station two minutes before my train leaves.

the driver leaves for a bathroom break and

students’ lives easier. If anything, they make

doesn’t return until 8:48. After we finally

our lives unnecessarily difficult.

time I returned to campus. I tried to put

Infinite is the number of times said bus

depart, we are stuck at the intersection of

aside my outrage and replace it with relief

arrives on campus five or more minutes late.

and gratitude.

Infinite is the number of times the bus is on

the route, and it was running again by the

time, but the driver completely disappears That resolution was beaten out of me.

for a bathroom break or smoke break and

During my first in-person term at UTM,

doesn’t return to the bus until four minutes

there were 24 instances in which the drivers

after we were supposed to leave. At least

of the 110N bus were already pulling away

three times MiWay has caused me to miss

by the time I got off the GO train and

the train by only a few seconds and then the

headed down to the terminal (that’s an

next train gets cancelled, leaving me to wait

average of three-ish times per week). This

at Clarkson GO for a full hour.

receive responses that they don’t control the

Dundas Street and Mississauga Road for 20

I used to joke that, by the time I got to

minutes because it has never occurred to

campus at 9 a.m., I’d already felt like I’d

MiWay that they could increase the number

accomplished something by commuting

of buses they send during rush hours. This is

there. Now, I realize that’s messed up and

because, even on a route called the University

things are not supposed to be that way.

Express, their dedication to getting students to the university is hilariously lacking. “It is not my job to make sure you get to school on time and within your convenience!”

A letter to the University of Toronto administrations


The silence of the U of T administration is deafening.

Yasmine Benabderrahmane Associate Opinion Editor




ear University of Toronto Administrators,"

I stand in horror at the hypocrisy as I

morality. The statement claimed that you “condemn terrorist violence,” but it appears that your condemnation is conditional, much like your humanity.

address this letter to you all, who stand on stolen land, yet fail to acknowledge the

On October 13, 2023, the University of

theft and genocide of another.

Toronto’s Vice-President and the Principal of the University of Toronto Mississauga,

Amidst the rising toll of murdered

Alexandra Gillespie, critiqued the

Palestinians at the hands of the colony

University of Toronto Mississauga Student’s

of Israel, the University of Toronto

Union (UTMSU) for their pro-Palestinian

administration has fallen silent. Your

declaration, in a statement that further

silence has deafened your ingenuine calls

intensified the humiliation and indignity

for peace and coexistence.

suffered by Palestinian students on campus. The mere absence of the word “Palestine”

The attempts of published statements

within the statement was sufficient proof of

addressing the collective punishment dealt

the administration’s cowardice.

by Gaza and the rising violence in the West

The University of Toronto’s President,

Bank have been pathetic. Instead, we have

Meric S. Gertler, finally took notice of

received a futile lecture on the importance

the Middle East on October 18, 2023,

of dialogue and supposed disapproval

releasing a statement that reassured the

of discrimination, while simultaneously

school’s complicity in stripping their

overlooking the genocide in Palestine.

Palestinian students of their dignity and safety. The irony of the statement was

The first statement released by the

truly sealed in an email version sent to the

University of Toronto’s office of the Vice-

university body, in which the President’s

President, International on October 9,

refusal to address Israel’s settler colony was

2023, was disappointing. The failure to

accompanied by a land acknowledgement.

address the genocidal attack on Gaza, the

You cannot claim to care for the indignity

75-year-long occupation of Palestine, and

of the First Nations while villainizing the

the 17-year blockade in the Gaza Strip, was

indignity of the Palestinians—the liberation

neither a shock nor a surprise, but rather,

of all indigenous people is simultaneous

a reflection of the university’s quivering

and in coexistence.

When the University of Toronto

media, as doctors are murdered in hospital

administration released such statements

bombardments. You watch from atop

following October 7, 2023, I saw the

your pillar of privilege and gaslight us into

familiarity that the words were nestled in.

thinking that you are powerless.

People saw themselves in a summer music festival, perhaps downtown, with loved

There is an inhumanity, an injustice, in the

ones, and the possibility of an attack in

way the University of Toronto has catered to

this scene drove the West to sympathize

their Palestinian students while their people

with Israelis. The West fails to sympathize

continue to be torn away from their lands,

with Gazans because the thought of living

murdered in cold blood, trapped under

under a 17-year-long siege, under 75 years

rubble, targeted, silenced, and dehumanized.

of colonialism, under the tents of a refugee

This school has amplified the secondary

camp, is incomprehensible, unseen.

human status that the world has assigned Palestinians.

But since October 18, 2023, the University of Toronto administration has remained silent.

A responsibility weighs on your titles as the

Know that your words were insufficient, that

administration of this university, and this

your efforts have been miserable, and that

responsibility can no longer be conditional

your silence intensifies this inadequacy. In

or performative.

fact, your silence has extended for years, for you have chosen to ignore the attacks on

There will come a day when Palestine is free.

Gaza in 2008, 2012, 2014, 2018, 2021, and

When your grandchildren ask you about

2022—and on Palestine, since 1948.

today, I hope that you will stand unwavering in your honest guilt about your failures as the

You have acknowledged that there exists

administrators of the University of Toronto.

a “privilege of belonging to an academic

I hope that even in an attempt at fabrication

community such as ours,” yet you have

and manipulation of the truth, the efforts

done nothing but bask in that privilege and

of resistance displayed by students on our

hide behind the entitlement of the western

campuses will be proof of your inhumanity.

world, watching silently. Watching as kids abandon their mother tongues and speak in ours begging to be seen, as parents cradle the organs of their children in the streets, as journalists mourn their colleagues and family while being interrogated by our

"Regards, A daughter of colonial oppression, tainted resistance, and liberation."

Bonnie Crombie is now the Ontario Liberal Leader: what does this mean for Ontario and Mississauga?


Our now-former mayor could be our next premier. Arjun Saini Contributor



onnie Crombie has officially ended her tenure as the Mayor of Mississauga. As of January

When Crombie won the leadership, Ford again seemed insecure about her victory, making

12, 2024, she has officially resigned from the position. Crombie was elected as the Mayor of

various accusations against her. He has accused Crombie of being out of touch with the people,

Mississauga in 2014. Before holding this office, Crombie served as the Ward 5 City Councillor for

noting her home in the Hamptons and ownership of expensive cars. Crombie denied those

Mississauga, the Member of Parliament for Mississauga Streetsville, and had a 20-year career in

claims, saying that she inherited a home from an aunt and uncle in Long Island, New York, and

the business sector.

claiming that she does not own a car. The Conservative Party of Ontario has run various ads

On June 14, 2023, she officially launched her campaign to run for the Ontario Liberal Leadership, and almost six months later, on December 2, was officially named the new Ontario Liberal Leader. Crombie, without question, has been a successful mayor, holding office for 10 years and winning three elections. From this, it is clear that Crombie is a talented politician, especially in municipal politics. But the real question is, with this new Liberal leadership, will she be able to run a successful premiership campaign and become premier? "And what will the future hold for Mississauga?" Crombie’s ability to run a successful premiership campaign and her ability to become the next premier of this province is still very much unknown. It goes without saying that the Ontario Liberal Party is struggling. Looking at the last Ontario election in 2022, the party really underperformed. It gained just under 24 per cent of the vote, won only eight seats, came in third, and failed to achieve official party status. As the party currently has only nine members of provincial parliament in the Ontario Legislature, there is no question that Crombie was aware of the party’s status before entering the race. But now, she is the Ontario Liberal Leader. Crombie has a lot of work ahead of her, as she needs to take the Ontario Liberal Party from the bottom to the top to be ready for the 2026 election. I personally believe that Crombie does have the potential and capability of becoming a challenge to Doug Ford and the Conservatives. One only needs to look at the track record of Crombie when she was the Mayor of Mississauga regarding getting her demands fulfilled from the Ford government. One major demand that Crombie had as mayor was the separation of Mississauga from the Peel Region. The bill was officially named the Hazel McCallion Act, in honor of the former mayor who first started this move. Brampton Mayor Patrick Brown has not been in favor of this separation. When the separation was announced back in May, Mayor Brown claimed that, with the separation, Mississauga would owe Brampton at least C$1 billion in infrastructure. What is interesting about all of this is that it occurred right before any speculation of Crombie running in the leadership race. Looking at the days prior to Crombie making her run for the Liberal Leadership official, Premier Doug Ford seemed uneasy about her potential decision to run. On May 24, 2023, Ford made the claim that Crombie running for Liberal Leader was a “slap in the face to Mississauga.” Ford seemed insecure about the whole idea of Crombie even exploring the decision of becoming the liberal leader. He wanted Crombie to resign from her mayoral position before running for Liberal leadership.

against Crombie days before any election campaign has started. As such, mockery of an opposing leader is rarely seen by a majority government outside of an election campaign. All the actions of the Conservative Party of Ontario show that Ford and his party seem to be worried about Crombie. Apart from Crombie, Ford has many other challenges ahead of him. Among them is the recent Greenbelt scandal, in which the Ford government was accused of giving parts of the Greenbelt to investors. This sparked a lot of controversy, which has led to Ford's cabinet minister, Kaleed Rasheed, resigning from his position. The Greenbelt controversy is an issue that Crombie will raise in the next Ontario election, and one which will come to haunt Ford in the 2026 election. Overall, looking at the behaviour of Ford from the moment Crombie was still deciding on running for the Liberal race to the moment she became the Liberal leader, it seems that he views her as a threat. And if Ford believes her to be a challenge to his re-election, then Crombie has a shot at becoming our next premier. But what does this mean for Mississauga? A surprising move after Crombie became Ontario Liberal Leader was that the Ford government backtracked from the Peel Region dissolution. The timing of this was fishy, as this divorce was fixed, and it was all set to go for 2025. But cancelling this divorce right after Crombie took on the role as the leader of the Ontario Liberal Party is quite strange. It seems that in cancelling this divorce, the Ford administration is trying to take some sort of revenge against Crombie. When in the role of the Mayor of Mississauga, she stated her anger and disappointment in the waste of time and resources. Whereas Brampton’s Mayor Brown seems to be very pleased by the reversal of the decision. But whatever the politics behind this divorce, it seems quite odd for a provincial government to back down from a decision that was already formally announced. With Crombie's new role as the new Liberal Leader, it looks like a tough race ahead in the next Ontario election. But with this new role, a vacancy is left in the City of Mississauga, as the city now needs a new mayor. They must fill the position soon. The person who is going to occupy this position will have huge shoes to fill as the city has only seen two mayors in the past 46 years, each of whom has been extremely successful. A formal election has not been announced as of now. Many big players will possibly put their names forward for the Mayoral position. A key individual in line is Carolyn Parrish, who has been serving as a councillor since 2014, and an MP for more than a decade for Mississauga. The Liaison Strategies poll has suggested that Parrish has the most name recognition. Other Mississauga councillors—Dipika Damerla, Stephen Dusko, and Alvin Tedjo—are also all possible candidates. Peter McCallion, who is the son of the former Mayor Hazel McCallion, also is seriously considering the run. Hence, as for the future of municipal politics, Mississauga seems to have a sufficient candidate list with the departure of Mayor Crombie. The future of the city still looks to be strong and in good hands.



Editor | Louis Lam features@themedium.ca

Time to catch them all! A peek into the trading and collecting community Some may see trading cards as ink on paper, but for collectors, they contain core memories, sentimental value, and so much more. Louis Lam Features Editor


onnor Bedard rookie card. First Edition Base Set Holo Charizard card. Redemptions. One-

“The pandemic boom did a lot for the industry. Everyone had more time in lockdown. There

of-ones. To the common folk, these words are gibberish, but for eagle-eyed collectors,

were no live sports at the time of the pandemic, so a lot of people who were into sports betting

they are grails that give them an adrenaline rush. Some of these cards' resale values go up to

got into sports cards and collectibles and sports breaks to get their desired fix at the time. This

hundreds of dollars, some thousands, and the grails may even be enough for a mortgage or a

brought the demand to an all-time high for cards,” Revereza explains. “The pandemic brought

down payment for a house.

back the collectors like me, who started at eight or nine years old and are in their late 30s during the pandemic to share the same passion with our own kids. It created a strong bond between

The recent surge in popularity of collecting can be traced all the way back to 2021, when

father and child collectors.” All three children from the Revereza family developed the same

Covid-19 plagued the world and forced billions to remain in their homes. Other than hoarding

love for collecting with their dad during the pandemic.

masks and Covid-19 tests, the pandemic brought about a new collecting craze that involved pieces of paper.

Khan’s story resonates with Revereza’s. “My dad also collected sports cards as a kid. One grail I’ve seen from his collection was a Wayne Gretzky card. That was a pretty rare card.” Meanwhile,

Many started investing during the pandemic and found value in things that promised a return

Khan recollects his memories of his dad collecting. “My dad wasn’t an avid card collector, but I

in the future. Stocks. NFTs. And perhaps an unexpected target—trading cards.

still remember his grail card to this day.”

YouTuber Logan Paul started the Pokémon craze with his US$2 million dollar splurge on First

This cross-generational hobby not only became an interest shared among family members but

Edition Pokémon boxes, bringing the Pokémon Trading Card Game to the influencer scene.

also fostered a community outside of the house. Collectors from around the world gather at

With his video of opening the First Edition Box and chasing a Holographic Charizard, his live

huge events such as the Sports Cards Expo held in Toronto as well as the many Collect-A-

streams netted millions of viewers and created a following for opening vintage boxes to obtain

Con events hosted throughout the US. Walk into one of these massive expos and you will find

hit cards of different sets.

collectors of all ages and backgrounds rubbing shoulders and fawning over some shiny paper.

Hit cards are the featured cards of a set, usually with a higher rarity, and are more valuable

“I love seeing connections between people from all walks of life who get together and share

than the other cards in each set. The same craze persists to this day, with people making a

collections and help each other build collections. It's created a whole new community of people

living “breaking” boxes live, and customers buying spots off the stream. “Breaking is so popular

getting together. Especially at the trade shows and local shows. It helped propel the hobby,”

now as it is a much more affordable way for people to get into collecting when you split the

Revereza smiles as he talks about the recent Sports Cards Expo held in November 2023. The

cost of a box among a few other people. It’s also a lot of fun watching people open packs live

next Sports Card Expo will run in April 2024.

with a community,” says Rey Revereza, co-owner of Dolly’s Sports Cards, a sports card store in Downtown Toronto.

Even though the most sought-after cards may go for an arm and a limb, starting a collection doesn’t have to break the bank. Both Revereza and Khan have advice for those who are looking

The University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) is home to almost 15,000 students and 69,000

to start opening their first packs of trading cards. “Don’t try to get something too specific. You

alumni. And among them are collectors, many of whom collect trading cards.

can easily blow way too much money on packs trying to get a specific player, so it’s definitely something to watch how much you spend on it,” Khan states.

“I’ve been collecting trading cards since I was in middle school. My best friend Daanish also collects, and we would sometimes gift each other cards,” explains Omar Khan, the Sports

“Set yourself a goal and a budget. Whether it's collecting a certain set, a certain player you like or

& Health editor at The Medium and a final-year communication, culture, information &

a specific position or anything that signifies nostalgia like someone from the same hometown

technology student at UTM, when asked about how he started collecting.

as you. Always set a goal. Don't go into it blind collecting without a goal as it can get very overwhelming and expensive,” Revereza explains as he talks about what new collectors should

“My favorite team is the Toronto Maple Leafs and all I care about is getting a Matthews, Marner,

do when starting their collections. “Keep the mentality that this is a hobby first before anything

or Nylander card when getting hockey cards. I’d get weird looks at Tim Hortons whenever I

else. And that it isn't buyers and sellers that progress the hobby. It's the collectors that do!”

get the Tim Hortons $2 cards. I still remember getting a pack of Leafs exclusive cards from the dollar store when I started,” Khan continues as he recounts his story of how he started

Whether you are collecting to invest for future gain, to pass it along to your kids, or if you


just like the players and characters on the cards, the hobby of collecting has been here for generations and will be here for more to come. So, what are you still waiting for? It’s time to

Such stories echo among collectors, with their first collections often starting during their

hit your local game stores to crack open some fresh packs! You might even hit something big!

childhood. Revereza explains in detail how he got into collecting sports cards: “I was first introduced to sports cards in 1990 when I was eight years old. My mom bought me my first box of 1990-91 Upper Deck Hockey cards for Christmas. I was instantly hooked. I hung around the local card shops in my area and that's how I was first exposed to the industry at a very young age watching people buy, sell, and trade cards.” With the vast base of customers crossing multiple generations, many chose to start a career in trading cards. Combined with the immense growth in collection popularity during the Covid-19 pandemic, it was a no-brainer for collectors investing in trading card businesses. The Research Industry Network conducted a report on the sports trading card market to determine the size of the industry, as well as breaking the market down by company. The market size was valued at US$635.26 million in 2022 and will reach US$767.86 million in 2028, with a growth rate of 3.21 per cent between 2022 and 2028.


The power that students hold on global issues


Students can make a difference just by choosing where to buy their coffee.

Rafiqa Zubair Associate Features Editor BEATRIZ SIMAS/THE MEDIUM


he end of 2023 marks the end of another chapter. A year experienced differently by all

year, I focus on making them flexible and realistic to avoid setting myself up for failure. This

of us. Some achieved milestones while others remained stagnant. Like other years, we all

year, my four main goals currently centred on improvements in health, rekindling my passion

went into January with a long list of motivating resolutions. False promises that started to fade

for hobbies, better productivity, and stepping outside of my comfort zone.” Goals should

a few months in 2023 somehow got pushed to 2024. As December grew closer, the exhaustion

eventually turn into habits and become a part of your lifestyle.

of the previous months waned, and the holidays excused any behavior. The new year became heavy with its duty of birthing a more productive individual. Somehow, we all made ourselves

Staying Consistent

believe that as soon as that clock hit midnight on New Year’s, the serotonin, motivation, and change would bring itself on. And for most of us, it did. The gyms were once again packed, dry

Adding anything into your routine will be difficult since your current habits (the not-so-great

January was in full swing, and your fridge was full of fruits and vegetables. But how can we

ones) are ingrained. Habit stacking is a great way to go about making these positive lifestyle

make these habits stick through to February?

changes. Habit stacking is a form of pairing your new desired change with an existing part of your routine. For example, if every single day you make yourself a cup of coffee, pair that

Reward and Acknowledgement

with reading or going over your notes from the previous day. As an Everyday Health article explains, habit stacking works because it’s based on the premise that humans tend to crave and

The first strategy to make habits stick is through reward and acknowledgement. Acknowledge

act according to routines we get into.

what you achieved last year. You may have failed at a lot of things but focus on the achievements. What was something that made you proud?

Another great way to stay consistent is actively making time for new habits. Pong states, “For entirely new habits, I hope to incorporate working out into my weekly routine and actively

Daniel Arceo, a fifth-year geographical information systems major and math and English

[make] time for hobbies such as baking and photography. To adopt these habits in the new year,

double minor student, words it perfectly. “I think people often define achievements through

I aim to also be more efficient with tasks through time blocking and prioritization. I currently

comparing themselves with others—and honestly, sometimes getting up in the morning and

use organization apps such as Todo Mate, Google Calendar, and Notion to help with this.”

getting your foot out the door and into class is something you should be proud of yourself for.” A Bigger Purpose Others had similar achievements they were proud of. Areeb Anwar, a third-year economics major, states that he was most proud of “juggling six courses with success while attending to

You can only stay motivated and disciplined if you find a bigger reason to push you to do better.

primary relationships, ventures, and self-learning.” Anwar highlights the idea of self-learning

When motivation is lacking, discipline comes into play, and when they’re both gone, that’s

and self-growth, which are not only achieved through accomplishments, but also failure,

when drive and self-reflection push you to become the individual you strive to be.

reminding everyone that we are emotional, self-aware, and that certain things may work for some while others won’t.

When asked what inspired her to do better this new year, Pong says, “Although professional and academic achievements are meaningful, I want to also be proud of who I am as a whole and feel

Set Your Goals

deserving of each accomplishment I earn. After experiencing the highs and lows of undergrad, the significance of prioritizing my own health and independence is especially clear to me now

Setting goals can be challenging. This is where self-awareness comes into play. Set goals that are

more than ever.”

attainable and not something far from your ability, as they will exhaust you and make you feel bad for not achieving them. Be realistic with yourself. These are your goals. You don’t have to

Don’t get lost in accomplishments and goals. Remember the bigger picture. What are you doing

compare yourself to every 5:30 a.m. fitness influencer you see on social media.

this for? Remember that you are who you are because of your failures and achievements. Make this the year where you reflect on self-learning as an individual and continue to grow no matter

Lovelle Pong, a fifth-year forensic biology specialist and psychology minor, explains, “It is incredibly important to consistently set goals to evolve as circumstances shift throughout each year, regardless of how satisfied we feel with our life now. When brainstorming my goals for the

what this year brings. You got this!



Editor | Hannah Wang arts@themedium.ca

Mickey Mouse enters the public domain after 95 years

Disney’s copyright protection of Mickey Mouse has just expired, and some surprising depictions of the character may be on the way. Katya Lee Contributor



ver since he breezed onto the screen in the 1928 cartoon Steamboat Willie, Mickey Mouse

A similar trend was seen in 2022 with the announcement of Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey.

has been a cornerstone of the Walt Disney Company’s products. Everything from the

Shortly after Winnie the Pooh entered the public domain, British filmmaker Rhys-Frake

giant-eared silhouette of his head to his carefree whistling are set-in-stone Disney trademarks.

Waterfield announced a horror film featuring Pooh and Piglet as brutal murderers. The movie

At the time of his debut, the Copyright Act of 1909 only allowed studios a 28-year-long

was released in 2023, and despite a dismal three per cent score on Rotten Tomatoes, it was a

protection period for their intellectual property. However, following several lobbying efforts

financial success, grossing more than US$5 million against its US$100,000 budget. The film’s

across the decades, Disney extended this term to the end of 2023—a staggering 95 years since

popularity—despite its poor quality—demonstrates the enthusiasm with which audiences

the character’s first on-screen appearance.

receive radical new works featuring formerly untouchable characters.

Disney’s efforts to maintain a vice-like grip on their rights to Mickey have been met with some

"With all the buzz surrounding Mickey’s release from Disney’s copyright domain, it’s important to keep several regulations in mind. Only the version seen in Steamboat Willie is up for grabs. So, if you were hoping to make a film featuring Mickey Mouse with red shorts and pupils, be prepared to wait a few decades—those later renditions are still under trademark."

indignation. Disney films have repeatedly profited off materials whose copyright has either lapsed or never existed. Everything from Hans Christian Andersen tales like Cinderella to hints of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet in The Lion King demonstrates Disney’s success with drawing ideas from the public domain. They are a clear advocate of this practice, but they’ve also lobbied time and again to protect Mickey from external use. The irony of the situation makes Mickey’s entrance into the public domain a pivotal moment in film culture.

"Creators can now use Mickey Mouse in any medium without getting permission from Disney. Artists and performers are no longer at risk of being sued or demonetized should they be possessed by the unshakeable urge to write Mickey into their next piece. These works won’t be regulated by Disney, nor do they need to abide by the family-friendly guidelines typically associated with the character." A horror-comedy film inspired by Steamboat Willie has just been reported, with Steven LaMorte set to direct. The film will depict Mickey terrorizing ferry passengers—a notable departure from the cheeky, optimistic mouse we’re all familiar with. The announcement came only weeks after Mickey’s entrance into the public domain, and this is no doubt a testament to how eager artists are to put their own spin on the iconic character.

Until Mickey can march into the public domain scene in all his tail-less, yellow-shoed glory, creators still have plenty to work with. For the first time in almost a century, black-and-white Mickey Mouse can be twisted, reshaped, and updated in any manner of an artist’s choosing. He is now a mutable character; a figure onto which the new generation can project its experimental—perhaps shocking—new ideas.


Why cinema should be included in this year's Chinese New Year celebrations How contemporary films from China, Taiwan, Singapore, and Malaysia make for fun viewing experiences. Yusuf Larizza-Ali Staff Writer BEATRIZ SIMAS/THE MEDIUM


ith Chinese New Year, also known as Lunar New Year coming up, it’s a great time

Some genres that are prevalent in East Asian films are neo-noir, romantic comedies, and

to celebrate Asian cinema. China, Taiwan, and other countries in southeast Asia

family films. Meanwhile, Dr. Wijaya has an interest in demonstrating how short cinema is a

have produced numerous films that engage with transnational themes and ideas in the

film form that "reinvents itself " through new generations of filmmakers who create from their

contemporary era. To learn more about contemporary Chinese and Asian cinema, The


Medium spoke to Cinema Studies Assistant Professor, Dr. Elizabeth Wijaya. Dr. Wijaya has a research interest in post-2008 films from South and East Asia and teaches the courses

When asked of contemporary Chinese cinema’s connection to a global audience, Dr. Wijaya

CIN210H5: Contemporary Southeast Asian Cinema and CIN305H5: Taiwan New Wave In

draws emphasis on the film’s method of distribution. After appearing in film festivals, these

Our Time.

films must find distribution to be in theatres. Often, people only see these contemporary films when they are on streaming services. Dr. Wijaya notes how her exposure to films was through

Wijaya explains that saying the word “Chinese” in English can have many different meanings,

television when she was young. “It was my earliest introduction to East Asian cinema."

the word can represent an ethnicity, something cultural, or a reference to a language. “I think in each of these possibilities, there are a lot of internal diversities,” she states.

Dr. Wijaya notes that on Lunar New Year, there is a tradition in places where Mandarin is a popular language to watch films that are “light-hearted, [comedic], and have a happy ending.”

It’s debatable what constitutes being Chinese in these contexts because some people may

The films typically assigned in cinema classes are “too solemn,” according to Dr. Wijaya, but

identify as Chinese without speaking the Cantonese, Mandarin, or any regional dialects of

she notes other film recommendations that fit the Lunar New Year criteria and connect to her

those languages. Mandarin and Cantonese are recognized as the official Chinese languages,

course's themes.

but Dr. Wijaya notes that even Mandarin can “sound different when spoken in different places [which leads to various ambiguities].” Dr. Wijaya is interested in thinking about how

The first is Lan Yu (2001), a Taiwanese film by famous filmmakers, but the only one fully shot

this idea of “Chinese” is not something that should be essentialized. She points to her area

in Taiwan. Eat Drink Man Woman (1994) is a feature-length film that Dr. Wijaya believes

of specialization, Cinema and Visual Culture, which demonstrates imaginative ideas of what

captures the spirit of the Lunar New Year due to the shots of the main character cooking. She

"Chinese cinema, is, was, or could be.”

also notes Turning Red (2022), an animated film set in Toronto, as an example of her idea of global Chinese films. While it is not set in China, Dr. Wijaya states it is family friendly and

Dr. Wijaya notes "My job is not to say what you should [or shouldn't think]." Instead she

engages with progressive themes related to gender.

wants to see what can be learned by examining the historical aspects of media, identifying underlying meanings by linking cinema with a nation’s history and politics.

Another classic that Dr. Wijaya recommends is a Hong Kong film, All’s Well Ends Well (1992). She states the film captures the holiday’s spirit due to its comedy and the addition of

She also emphasizes a transnational approach to both Chinese cinema and "cinema in

important Hong Kong pop stars, such as Leslie Cheung. Dr. Wijaya’s final recommendation,

general," questioning to what extent cinema from Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, or even the

Home Coming (2011), is a Chinese New Year film from Singapore but mostly shot in Malaysia.

US can be placed under the Chinese Belt. She describes contemporary Chinese cinema as

She notes how University of Toronto Mississauga Sessional Lecturer Weijie Lai was part of the

a diverse field but identifies two major categories: popular cinema and independent film

producing team, and it was one of the first films he worked on. Similar to the previous films, it


engages with the Lunar New Year themes of family and comedy.

“In my classes [due to] my interest, I tend to lean towards what can be considered independent films.” Dr. Wijaya believes that there are many possibilities for shared themes between these films and that calling them "common themes" would be to essentialize them.


Mikey Bloom: Mississauga rapper wins city anthem contest

Fifty years ago, Tommy Hunter wrote Mississauga’s first anthem. Now, Mikey Bloom leaves his mark in history as the city celebrates its 50th anniversary. Hannah Grace Wang Arts & Entertainment Editor




his still feels surreal to me, to be selected for this. And I’m honoured,” said 24-year-old

One listen to Bloom’s new song makes it obvious why this one was the clear winner out of

rapper and songwriter Mikey Bloom, winner of Mississauga’s 50th Anniversary Anthem

the approximately 20 submissions received: the upbeat, catchy track with a smooth mix of

Contest. The contest was created by the Mississauga Arts Council, Metalworks Studios, and

lyrics and clever rapping will surely stay bopping in your head long after listening to it. In the


song, Bloom goes beyond the contest requirements (“to write an anthem that incorporates the word ‘Mississauga’ and celebrates community pride”) and lists various notable locations

Bloom is a talented musician known for performing freestyles by rapping the words in the

of Mississauga. Bloom recounts how he wanted to give each neighbourhood a shout-out,

comments of his live streams. His unique style of interactive performance led him to grow

knowing how diverse the city truly is.

his Instagram page to more than 26-thousand supporters. Bloom thanked everyone involved for their support at the January 16 press conference at Metalworks Studios. But Bloom’s

“The studio sessions were my favourite,” reflected Bloom, when asked by The Medium to

creativity emanates from more than just his memorable song; he came in wearing a t-shirt he

share his favourite part of composing the anthem. The entire process was so extraordinary

made himself honouring Hazel McCallion and Tommy Hunter (with a clever play using the

for Bloom that he “can’t pinpoint a specific moment” but appreciates all the hard work

Tommy Hilfiger logo ).

everyone at Metalworks Studios has done to bring his vision to life. Bloom says Gil Moore, Founder and CEO of Metalworks Studios, “Gives a space for artists to feel safe and to express

“The city is what made me who I am, so there’s tons of teachers and role models throughout


the community that helped me get here and I can’t say I did this alone. So, this song is really not just mine, it’s all of ours. I hope the city enjoys it,” remarked Bloom.

“Everybody at Metalworks is really honoured to be part of this,” said Moore. “I love Mississauga and I love the fact that we’re involved in this musical project working on

“We had some great, great submissions but Mikey Bloom’s, he just cranked it out of the park.

Mikey’s song. It was truly a team effort [from] the Arts Council, the culture department, the

It’s been absolutely phenomenal,” commented Stephen Dasko, Ward 1 Councillor, who first

music arm of the city. Everyone was on board with this.” Moore then gave a shout-out to

envisioned an anthem to celebrate Mississauga’s milestone. Councillor Dasko expressed his

all the artists who competed and didn’t win, since there were a lot of good submissions, but

excitement for Mississauga’s brand-new song and stated how “music truly is the soundtrack

reiterated how Bloom’s was “the five-star edition.”

of our life and so truly, from here on, we will recognize Mississauga as it turns 50 and going forward with Mikey Bloom’s brand-new song for Mississauga.”

You can listen to Bloom’s original song named “Mississauga Anthem” on all major streaming platforms.


10 must-see concerts in Toronto in 2024

Enjoy your pick of some of the biggest names in the music industry all year long. Meghna Parhar Contributor


>> continued from the front cover... 1


urna Boy

and dedicating his current projects

consecutive days with The Show:

band,” this American rock band is

One of Nigeria’s best-known

to his “Trap Bunny” roots hailing

Live on Tour after the 2023 extended

on their way to rock the city with

WHERE: Rogers

back to 2016.

release of his album of the same

30 years of their biggest hits on The



Saviours Tour, supported by The

WHEN: November 14,

Smashing Pumpkins, Rancid, and

15, 16, 21, 22, 23

stars, afrobeats hitmaker Burna Boy will be City Boy-stomping all over Toronto for two nights

WHERE: Scotiabank Arena

with his I Told Them… Tour,

WHEN: April 4

highlighting the release of his four-

WHERE: Scotiabank Arena

The Linda Lindas.

WHEN: June 28 and 29

time Grammy-nominated 2023

4. Noah Kahan

album of the same name.

Folk singer-songwriter and TikTok

6. Alanis Morissette

So, grab a friend or WHERE: Rogers Centre

go by yourself, these

WHEN: August 1

shows are surely to

sensation, Kahan celebrates the

Following the record-breaking

WHERE: Scotiabank Arena

release of his 2023 album Stick

global tour celebrating 25 years of

9. blink-182

you’re not planning

WHEN: February 24 and 25

Season (We’ll All Be Here Forever)

her 1995 album, Jagged Little Pill,

The recently reunited pop-punk

to go to these tours,

at his upcoming, sold-out We’ll

the seven-time award-winning

icons have returned to the music

at least keep the dates

2. Olivia Rodrigo

All Be Here Forever Tour spanning

Canadian alternative rock artist is

industry with their 2023 album, One

in mind—rush hour

Re-live your teenage angst and

three different days in April.

back for The Triple Moon Tour, with

More Time, and will be bringing

will surely be 10 times more hectic.

spill your guts as chart-topper

be a hit. However, if

iconic female rock legend, Joan Jett,

their One More Time Tour to

and self-proclaimed “spicy Pisces”

WHERE: Scotiabank Arena

supported by the Blackhearts and

Toronto with fellow punk openers

brings her two-night GUTS World

WHEN: April 6, 14, 16

Morgan Wade.

Alexisonfire and Pierce The Veil

Tour to the city this Pisces season.

this August. 5. Nicki Minaj

WHERE: Budweiser Stage

WHERE: Scotiabank Arena

The “Harajuku Barbie” herself

WHEN: July 13 and 14

WHEN: March 29 and 30

invites “Barbz” everywhere to

WHERE: Rogers Centre WHEN: August 15

step into Gag City for her long-

7. Tate McRae

3. Bad Bunny

awaited Pink Friday 2 World Tour.

This Calgary-born singer-songwriter

Both the 2021 and 2022 most-

If you are a Nicki Minaj fan, this

and dancer is taking the world by

streamed artist on Spotify, the

performance is certainly not one

storm with her Think Later Tour,

10. Taylor Swift

three-time Grammy-winning

to miss.

named after her 2023 album of the

Returning to the city after her 1989

Puerto Rican music sensation is

same name, after dazzling fans all

World Tour in 2015, this global

returning to Toronto after two

WHERE: Scotiabank Arena

over with her electric stage presence

superstar hosts a sold-out, six-date

years for his Most Wanted Tour in

WHEN: April 18 and 30

and growing social media fame.

residency for the record-breaking Eras Tour at the Rogers Centre this

April. The announcement came shortly after his highly anticipated

5. Niall Horan

WHERE: Budweiser Stage

November. With Gracie Abrams

2023 album, nadie sabie lo que va

Fan-favourite and former One

WHEN: July 27

tagging along as an opener, the

a pasar mañana, where fans were

Direction member Niall Horan

treated to the superstar revisiting

returns to Toronto for two

“Swiftie” agenda is bound to take 8. Green Day

control this winter—Taylor’s

Self-proclaimed as “God’s favourite

Version, of course!


What’s up with antiques?

How antique shopping helps us make mindful purchases while preserving a piece of history. Emaan Tariq Contributor



n today’s age of constant consumerism, merely logging on to social media results in being

Much of the value of antiques lies in their craftsmanship. Belonging to a time before mass

bombarded with aggressive advertising for the latest products. As soon as you’ve exhausted

industrialization, antique goods were created masterfully by hand. Each era bears distinct

your wish list, your old purchases seem less exciting, and there are new items to be bought.

markers of design seen through its artifacts. Perhaps most associated with antiques are

However, the withstanding popularity of antique goods shows us that some things never get

objects of the Victorian period; created during the reign of Queen Victoria from 1837 to

old—or maybe getting old is what makes them special.

1901. This period can be characterized by its furniture carved expertly from deep mahogany wood and cushioned with regal damask patterns. Moving past the Victorian period, the most

Antiques are a range of items spanning from homeware and furniture to accessories, jewelry,

recent antique period is the mid-century modern era, which favours a clean and minimal

and much more. People often use the terms antique and vintage interchangeably. However, to

appearance using squares and circles in their simplest forms.

be classified as an antique, an item must be more than 100 years old—whereas vintage items are fewer than 1oo years old—often dating back to the 1930s to 1970s. While still interesting,

Looking into the history of antiques helps us understand the evolution of design and culture.

vintage items are easier to find and often have less historical significance than antique items.

Studying artifacts from the past can even help us make sense of our present while also predicting what the future may look like. Unlike mass-produced products, antiques carry

In November 2023, the City of Mississauga welcomed the iconic Sunday


with them a piece of their previous owners, offering a unique immersion into a past existence.

Market. Formerly a beloved Toronto affair at the St. Lawrence

There is truly something special about owning a unique item that has endured the passage of

Market for the past 31 years, it has recently become an addition

time, and by some strange fate, fallen into your own hands, far from where and when it was

to the Lakeview community. Taking place at the Small


Inspection Building, on 1352 Lakeshore Road East, the


market features a variety of antiques from Canadian


first created. To purchase an antique is to give a new life to an object that has been left behind. It is to resist the incessant pull of modern marketing, and instead, return our attention to our shared

At each display, sellers showcase rare items

from around

the world. In the suburbs, amid the

many monotonous

chain retailers, the arrival of


the city’s shopping landscape

antique market revives

with character and charm. Antique

collectors and curious

newbies alike are sure to find excitement

and community among

other invaluable finds at the Sunday Antique Market.

history as people, and ultimately, what makes us human.


sports & health

Editor | Omar Khan sports@themedium.ca

How to overcome your inner couch potato Staying active in a busy world doesn’t have to be hard. Maryam Lela Contributor


’m sure I’m not the only one who spends most of

replaces actual exercising (like running or weight

3.Stand up while working

video (or maybe that recorded lecture

their day sitting. Whether driving to the grocery

training), some movement is better than none.

If you read textbooks or novels for

you missed) while walking on the

store, sitting through my two-hour English lecture,

So, I’ve compiled a list of easy tips you can use to

your classes like I do, you might want

treadmill. Lift some weights while

writing a 10-page essay, or scrolling through social

implement more activity into your busy routine.

to stand up and read. If you need to

watching TV. There are countless ways

media at the end of the day, I’m almost always

1.Use The Stairs

be on your computer, find the nearest

you can stay productive while also

sitting down. I’m sitting down to write this right

I know, this one sucks. Who wants to walk three

countertop and work while standing.

staying fit. Find a way you prefer.


flights of stairs to get to class when you can be

Your knees will thank you for it.

(Bonus tip: Make walking fun by

carried there instead? But if dragging yourself up

counting steps and setting daily step-

And I’m comfortable with that lifestyle (quite

a flight of stairs is the only form of exercise you get

4.Take frequent stretch breaks

count goals for yourself. A variety

literally). But I don’t want to reflect on my couch

daily, good. It’s something. And if taking the stairs

Ultimately, as helpful as step three may

of apps help with this, including the

potato days and regret my choices. But you may

is too hard, walk half the way up, then take the

be, it might not be practical to stand up

“Health” app if you’re an Apple user).

ask, how harmful can sitting be anyway? Well,

elevator the rest of the way. Trust me, after a few

for too long -- you might get tired and

research shows that people who sit for over eight

weeks of ditching the elevator, the stairs won’t be

will need to sit back down. In that case,

So, there you have it! Now you have no

hours per day and don’t engage in any form of

nearly as daunting.

I would advise standing up and taking

excuses as to why you can’t stay active.

frequent stretch breaks every 20-30

Whether it’s taking a few extra minutes

exercise “have a risk of dying similar to that posed by obesity and smoking.” Studies also show that

2.Ditch the Car

minutes. Taking a break from my

to use the stairs, riding a bike instead

sitting for extended periods can cause obesity,

Do you know those parking spots at the back of the

screen to stretch or walk around helps

of driving, or taking breaks to stretch

increased blood pressure, high blood sugar and

lot that you only use if everywhere else is full? Well,

sharpen my focus and keep my energy

and stand, there are countless ways you

cholesterol, and even an increased risk of death

start using them on purpose. It’s a great way to get a

levels up. Jogging in place or walking

can implement movement into your

from cardiovascular disease and cancer.

few extra steps in. Either way, you’re walking from

around your room can also help keep

lifestyle without really noticing it.

your car to your destination, so you might as well

you energized.

But with a full course load, a job on the side, and

get more cardio in while doing it. If you take the

a slew of other responsibilities in life, exercising

bus, stop a few stops earlier to get the same effect.


seems like the last priority for many -- that’s how

(Bonus points if you use your bike instead of

If you like listening to podcasts, take

it is for me. But I’m here to tell you that staying

driving! You save gas money and the planet that

it outside as you walk around your

active doesn’t have to be hard. Although nothing

way, too).

neighborhood, or watch a YouTube

Halfway home. Omar Khan Sports and Health Editor


he Toronto Maple Leafs are halfway through the 2023/2024 NHL season and, as always,

fans hope the predictive stat is soon proven wrong and that Tavares is just in the middle of a

the middle mark of the season has brought much controversy, concern, and plenty of

string of bad luck.


The Leafs are infamous for blowing leads in the third period. This month, the Leafs blew a multi-goal lead in four straight games, a nasty habit that the Leafs need to drop if they want

NHL All-Star and Leafs point leader, William Nylander, has finally signed his much-

to have any hope of making the playoffs and contending for the Stanley Cup. These recent

discussed contract extension. For the next eight seasons, Nylander will make $11.5 million a year, the largest contract ever signed by the Leafs.

trends have caused many fans to question whether Head DAANISH ALVI / THE MEDIUM

Coach Sheldon Keefe is in the hot seat. Many claim that the esteemed coach should be fired and a new coach with a fresh

When Nylander’s extension was announced,

mindset should be brought in. While Keefe has not seen the

Leafs General Manager Brad Treliving quoted

success of his team lately, his two-year contract extension

the famous proverb, “To whom much is given,

begins next year. Whether Keefe will continue to coach the

much is expected.” This emphasizes that, now that

Leafs in the coming years remains to be seen.

Nylander has been given a large contract, he needs to continue to perform at this high level and meet

On a positive note, the NHL All-Star weekend is in Toronto

the expectations of fans and management. In the

this year and four Maple Leafs have been selected to

following four games, Nylander scored no points

participate in this year’s festivities. Auston Matthews was

and did not seem to be the same effective player

one of the first players selected, while Mitch Marner, William

the Leafs had signed. However, Nylander seems to have picked up his game as of late, starting

Nylander, and Morgan Rielly were voted in by fans. It will be exciting to see how these players

with a great assist to teammate and fellow NHL All-Star Mitch Marner in a game against the

surprise fans and show off their skill, especially Nylander and Rielly, who are first-time All-

Calgary Flames.

Stars this year.

Nylander’s center and captain for the Leafs, John Tavares, has experienced a string of bad luck

With the NHL All-Star Weekend and the rest of the NHL season looming, the Leafs need

recently. Tavares’s play has seen a dip, as he holds the league’s worst expected goals percentage

to find consistency and winning habits to put themselves in the best position to make the

– a stat that tracks how many goals a player is expected to produce in future games. While

playoffs and compete for the Stanley Cup.

Tavares’s recent failure to score points at the expected high level is not a good situation, Leaf

From the sunrise breeze to the Toronto wind chills


All about the 2024 NHL All-Star Game. Daanish Alvi Photos Editor


>> continued from the front cover...


ow, with the 2024 NHL All-Star Game coming on February 3, everybody in the city

Metropolitan, Central, and Pacific. This allowed for three games instead of just one or two

is buzzing. Earlier in the month, the NHL unveiled the first and second batches of

knockout games, followed by one last game between the final two teams standing. For the

players who would be involved in the All-Star Game, including dazzling Toronto Maple

2024 NHL All-Star game, it was announced that there would be a combination of the All-

Leaf forward Auston Matthews, Tampa Bay Lightning Forward (and current point leader)

Star Fantasy Draft format with the four-division-team tradition, which excited fans of both

Nikita Kucherov, and Colorado Avalanche forward Nathan MacKinnon.

traditions. Celebrities would be paired up with the captains of each division team to help them select their teammates and complete their rosters.

Soon after this initial batch of players was announced, the NHL revealed a Fan Vote so that fans could have their say in which other players get to join the initial batches. Taking this

Along with the return of the All-Star Draft, The Professional Women’s Hockey League

upon themselves like a mission, Maple Leafs fans worldwide knew how important it would

will be holding their own event, featuring a three-on-three display of their best players.

be to get as many Leafs players into the All-Star game as possible. Players like William

In an interview with the League, NHL chief content officer Steve Mayer stated, “There’s

Nylander and Morgan Rielly were at the top of the rally list, likely due to Nylander’s stellar

something for everyone. Our players will be involved. The new women’s league’s great

season this year and Rielly’s consistent high-level performance. Fans also united to ensure

players will be involved and then our alumni.” Along with these new spins on classic trends,

Leafs forward Mitch Marner could join in on the All-Star fun for the third time in his NHL

the NHL reaffirmed their consistent prize tradition for the winning team of the All-Star

career after being a part of the Atlantic Division rosters in 2020 and 2023, respectively.

Game - $1,000,000 that the team can put towards a charity of their choice.

On January 13, the NHL took to X to announce the finalized rosters after the Fan Vote,

Earlier this week, to ramp up even more excitement for the All-Star festivities happening

confirming that Nylander, Rielly, and Marner would join Matthews at the All-Star game.

in Toronto, the NHL and Justin Bieber unveiled special edition jerseys that would be worn

Other notable Fan Voted stars include goaltenders Jeremy Swayman (of the Boston Bruins)

by the players and were available to order at Toronto-based MLSE merch store RealSports

and Thatcher Demko (of the Vancouver Canucks), among many others.

Apparel. Despite initially receiving mixed reviews, the NHL and Bieber don’t plan on changing up these designs in any way - having a refreshing take on all things “All-Star”

The All-Star Game started a tradition in 2011 in which the players would nominate two

seems to be the main theme of this year’s event. Rightfully so, too, because it looks like the

captains and hold an “All-Star Fantasy Draft,” a format that quickly became a fan favourite.

designs are already growing on people after seeing players wear the jerseys.

The two captains would nominate their teammates from the batch of players, after which

Between the blends of formats old and new, combined with the inclusion of the PWHL and

the two teams would play against each other in one All-Star Game. Since the 2015/16

collaborating with Justin Bieber for jersey designs, one thing is clear - no one does All-Star

season, however, each NHL All-Star Game that followed had a revised format that would

quite like Toronto.

have all players automatically sorted into four teams according to their divisions: Atlantic,

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