Volume 45 Issue 8

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November 05, 2018 Volume 45, Issue 8 themedium.ca

No space for UTM students

Campus journalisms role

A modern Oscar Wilde

Women, law and representation

UTM’s a slam dunk for Jiana

News, page 3

Opinion, page 4

Arts, page 5

Features, page 8

Sports, page 11

UTSU leaves UTMSU, scraps slates The meeting featured lengthy discussions on union seperation, policy changes, and free speech ALI TAHA NEWS EDITOR WITH NOTES FROM ALICIA BOATTO MANAGING EDITOR This year’s UTSU Annual General Meeting heard discussions and debates concerning the union’s separation with UTMSU, banning the running of teams in UTSU elections, and demands for opposition regarding Doug Ford’s free speech policy on October 30th. Presidential Address To commence the meeting, UTSU President Anne Boucher’s gave a speech focusing primarily on the union’s strong financial standing since the last AGM, as well as their priority of maintain healthy relationships with campus. According to the UTSU’s 2018 audited financial statements, the union reported a surplus of $492,887, up from $23,521 in 2017. This is the largest surplus the UTSU has seen in many years. Boucher also hoped that the UTSU would begin moving in a new direction. “Behind us are years of the UTSU


Boucher hoped that the UTSU would begin moving in a new direction. not listening to its constituents,” she concluded, “years of financial mismanagement, years of the UTSU playing politics, and years of the UTSU playing as a mouthpiece to one of the most corrupt organizations in the country,” in reference to the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS). UTSU

has previously advocated against the CFS and sought to terminate their membership. Following Boucher’s statements a question period was held to give students and union members the opportunity to ask the UTSU executive team any questions.

Question Period U of T student Joshua Bowman asked Boucher if there is currently a campaign to collect signatures to hold a referendum on staying with the CFS. Boucher said that students on campus are gathering signatures, but

the UTSU has not been involved with the efforts. When asked about the student commons delays, UTSU VP Operations Tyler Biswurm stated that since the building is so old many unforeseen problems have arisen. Biswurm went on to say that much of the construction is out of the union’s hands, stating, “The construction project is completely taken up by the university. We have no direct ownership over the construction project.” Biswurn then stated that the UTSU does not own the building but instead leases it from the university for their use. During this time the University of Toronto Mississauga Students’ Union’s (UTMSU) VP External Atif Abdullah questioned the UTSU for their alleged lack of involvement against the U of T’s Mandated Leave of Absence policy. As previously reported by The Medium, the policy proposes that, in rare cases, the administration can place a student on a leave of absence from the university. if they are deemed dangerous to their own safety or to the safety of their peers. AGM continued on page 2

U of T has updated diversity hiring survey The survey collects data on the composition of U of T staff to improve initiatives and recruiting efforts MELISSA BARRIENTOS ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR The University of Toronto’s Employment Equity program, has provided an updated Equity survey for faculty and prospective job applicants in order to better determine U of T’s hiring practices. U of T employees, consisting of faculty and staff, are asked to fill out the voluntary Employment Equity Survey each year at the beginning of July. The survey is used to indicate the amount of diversity amongst U of T employees and gather where initiatives and recruiting efforts can be improved. Containing questions referring to one’s sexual orientation, ethnic background and gender identity the survey is given to interested applicants seeking employment with the university. The survey states that the responses will not be shared with any hiring manager upon application submission. According to U of T’s statement in the 2016-17 Employment Equity


Church notes that students come from all over the world, so diversity in staff is important. Report, “the information collected via the survey is used by the University to determine programs, resources, policies, and initiatives for the upcoming year, and to develop recruitment strategies that ensure the University is representative of

our diverse community.” The collection of human rightsbased data, such as the Employment Equity Survey, are often addressed with a level of concern for ‘reverse-discrimination’ and for placing diversity quotas over merit

and qualifications. While U of T does support the diversification of employees at all campuses, it does not currently have a diversity quota to fulfill. In an interview with The Medium U of T spokesperson Eliza-

beth Church stated “Why do we care about diversity? Our students come from all over the world and from many different backgrounds, and it’s important that students see themselves in the faculty and staff who support them.” While U of T’s updated survey has adopted more current questions and terminology, the participation rate of the survey has dropped from 84 per cent rate down to 70 per cent in the first year of its update. In the 2014-15 academic year the employee response rate was at 84.22 per cent, in the 2015-16 academic year it was at 84.38 per cent, until the last reported 2016-17 academic year where it dropped to 70 per cent. In the last Academic Affairs Committee meeting, data extracted from U of T’s 2016-17 Employment Equity Survey to compute UTM faculty makeup was shown to distinguish UTM faculty data from U of T faculty and staff data. Equity continued on page 3

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