The Voice of the University of Toronto at Mississauga
Student Spotlight Page 12
Osmow’s versus Pita Nutsy
The “Spider” rests atop the web
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Debate draws fire from both sides TEJAS AIVALLI ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR
Photo/ Melissa Di Pasquale
UTMSU presidential candidates Adam Peet (left) and Wasah Malik (right) square off during last Wednesday’s All Candidates’ Debate at the Blind Duck.
The two slates vying for the executive positions on the University of Toronto Mississauga’s Students’ Union (UTMSU) squared off this past Wednesday in a two hour debate in the Blind Duck. The debate was moderated by UTMSU VP Operations Kristian Jurlewicz and Chief Returning Officer (CRO) Amy O’Rourke. After opening statments, candidates engaged in a question-and-answer session. The first question got the VP university affairs and academics candidates sparring over study space. Your UTM’s James Delinis said it was important to make efficient use of existing space and studying smarter. UTM Progress’s Marijana Josifovska said getting more students involved in the library committee would open study space. Observing that the Blind Duck closed pretty early, she said the space could be opened to students to study. Delinis criticized the idea of using the Blind Duck as study space, saying UTMSU will have to pay to staff the pub. In the first direct attack question of the afternoon, and subtly hinting at the strong NDP support of the current UTMSU administration, Your UTM’s Adam Peet was questioned about his position as the president of the UTM Young Liberals conflicting with his role as possible president of UTMSU. Peet noted that his term as president of the association ends at the end of the academic year, so there was no potential for conflict of interest. VP Equity candidates were asked about past and potential equity events. UTM Progress’s Saaliha Malik listed
off “No means No”, the World AIDS Day gala and other initiatives from her team’s flyer. Your UTM’s Meredith Lilly, for her part, referred to the recently organized town hall on free speech, noting the impressive level of discourse. Malik expressed doubts about Lilly’s claim on organizing the panel. The CRO refused to let UTMSU President Walied Khogali intervene. Lilly answered that the event was co-sponsored by the UTM Young Liberals, the Laissez-Faire Club and UTMSU. Adam Peet was questioned about his plan to offer loans to students, noting that many students default on loanrepayment. Peet replied that the loan would be linked to registration and thus, it would have to be repaid before the student could register again. When asked why he did not advocate for reduction in parking fees, Peet replied that he did do so, and will help parking students through subsidies if elected. Malik attacked him on that point, claiming it was impossible to fund a thousand students claiming subsidies. “Due to the work of this year’s council, $240,000 more will be available. If that is not enough, then what is?” said Peet. Josifovska was asked about the effect of the Student Centre expansion on green space. After being repeatedly told what green space meant by the CRO, Josifovska handed the microphone to team-mate Dhananjai Kohli who said green space will not be hurt in an expansion. Delinis in turn promised that he would ensure the Student Centre expansion will be carbon neutral. VP external candidates were asked
about getting universities together to rally against tuition fees. UTM PROGRESS’ Dhananjai Kohli said he will work with other universities to hold rallies. Your UTM’s Sara Herrche said she would work with the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS), MPs and MPPs to raise issues. Kohli then jumped in, saying he had forgotten to mention the CFS. He said he would get a UTM local for CFS. In a reference to complaints about lack of transparency at UTMSU this year, VP internal and services candidates were asked what they were going to do about it. “Budgets and minutes of meetings should be available as soon as possible. Students should know how their money is spent,” said Your UTM’s Laura Gaspini. UTM Progress’s Joey Santiago claimed credit for UTMSU’s “Wall of Transparency,” which actually does not reveal anything about this year’s finances since the sheets are from the 2006-07 year. On how clubs will benefit from the $240,000 more that UTMSU will have next year, Peet said there will be more money for clubs to do what they want. He added that he will try to introduce an online budget process to promote campus life. Malik said after the debate he was going to reveal a contract in which he promised to increase club funding by 50 per cent. Peet asked whether the increase would come from the UTMSU Clubs levy or some other source. Current UTMSU President Walied Khogali prompted Malik to say “UTMSU,” which he did.
Candidates make promises on increased budget SAIRA MUZAFFAR NEWS EDITOR
With elections slated for March 4 to 6, student candidates have been busy campaigning throughout the campus in brightly coloured shirts representing the two rivalling teams, the yellow UTM Progress and the orange Your UTM. Since the merger of the unions, the contending parties are banking on an increased budget of nearly a quartermillion dollars, promising more money for services, clubs and events. Your UTM presidential hopeful Adam Peet believes more resources need to be put towards creating a student safety net. He plans to allocate $60,000 towards needs-based bursaries and another $40,000 available as interest-free emergency loans contigent upon registration.
That point has been criticised by UTM Progress contenders, who say it will only lead to more student debt. “Education is not bad debt, it's good debt. We don't want to make money off of students. I would rather a student come to the union than drop out,” said Peet. Peet and his team also promise to spend money on fitting the Blind Duck with additional seating and booths, more menu options and better events. “There's so much study space that is not being used properly and if students have somewhere to go they can vacate the fourth floor of the library,” said Your UTM candidate for VP internal and services, Laura Gaspini. Considering the controversies faced by the union this year regarding monies spent on the pub, the Student Centre and the refurbishment of union offices, and
the fact that the audited statements posted on UTMSU’s ‘wall of transparency’ do not reflect these expenses, has many students worried about accountability. UTM Progress candidate for VP internal and services, Joey Santiago wants to strike for an open budget committee that will enable students to have a say on where and how their levies are spent. “I want the budget after it’s approved to be put up that week or the next,”said Santiago. His contender, Gaspini, also promised to have the updated budget always available online. “It makes us more accountable, so we stick to what we are saying,” she said. Santiago also offered a 50 per cent increase in funding for student clubs, more needs-based bursaries and office space for printing and photocopying at
low costs. Gaspini, on the other hand, promised to bring legal aid services already avaiblable to students at St. George to UTM, along with financial counselling. Both sides also want to put more resources toward commuting issues. UTM Progress’ campaign platform includes increasing bus routes, extending the U-Pass from eight to twelve months to cover the summer term, and holding a referendum allowing parttime students to opt in for the pass. Your UTM promises to expand the UPASS system to include Brampton and Oakville, as well as lobby for a GO bus route to the campus. They also plan to create subsidies to offset U-Pass costs for parking students. Waseh Malik of UTM Progress, running for union president, added that he and his team will do more to protect
green space on campus if elected. “UTM Progress gives a very high priority to the environment and ensuring that our practices are sustainable. [We] will also introduce grants for green projects and campaigns,” said Malik. Your UTM’s candidate for VP university affairs and academics James Delinis wants to introduce a campuswide compost program. “We have a beautiful campus that York can only dream of and starting with a compost system would be good idea. Also, anything we pledge to do has to be carbon neutral,” said Delinis.
Turn to page 4 for complete candidate statements