Vol 36 issue 7

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ten albums you should probably check out if you haven’t already page 6 Monday, October 19, 2009

Volume 36, Issue 6

Ground breaks for Health Science Complex

U of T professor wins Bower award and prize



A small orchestra of violins and cellos played in the background. Servers dressed in black and white passed around hors d’oeuvres. Three screens placed around the atrium showcased three-dimensional digital representations of a building’s interior and exterior, and a three-square-foot piece of sod stood at the foot of the stairs along with eleven silver shovels lying against the wall. Seldom has the CCT atrium looked this lavish. But last Friday, UTM officials met there to celebrate the groundbreaking ceremony for the Health Sciences Complex. UTM Principal Ian Orchard began the celebration by welcoming those in attendance. “The building we’re building is really about students,” said the Principal. The four-storey Health Sciences Complex will be used primarily as an Academy of Medicine (U of T’s fourth), housing research laboratories and the biomedical communications program. One of only five of its kind in the world, this program is unique in Canada and will grant medical students the opportunity to study side by side with scientists and researchers. “Since the early 1980s, the University of Toronto has trained close to 50% of family physicians in Ontario and 25% of all specialists in Canada.

The Franklin Institute has chosen Richard Peltier, a University of Toronto Physics professor, as the recipient of the 2010 Bower Award and Prize for Achievement in Science. Peltier is the first Canadian to receive this $250,000 award. Previous recipients include Marie Curie, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking. Renowned for his research on the interconnections of system climate variability in the hydrosphere and cryosphere and the internal properties of the Earth, Peltier uses mathematical concepts to show the trends of climate change that have occurred throughout the course of the Earth’s history. The Franklin Institute was founded in 1824 in Philadelphia to inspire and celebrate the “[Benjamin] Franklins of today.” Seeking to inspire generations of students to pursue studies in science and technology, the Institute presents the Bower Award to individuals who have made great scientific advances and directed their efforts towards the benefit of humanity. “The physical state of our planet may well be the most important question facing us today. Professor Peltier is one of the scientific leaders who is helping the global society understand the challenges and opportunities we face in saving our fragile Earth. His innovative research continues to be vital to a host of possible solutions,” said Professor Paul Young.

Building continued on page 3

First year election results KATHERINE LUCZYNSKI Elections for UTMSU first-year representatives took place this month as nine hopeful candidates ran for Division I representative positions. Campaigning began on October 5 and polls remained open on October 7 and 8 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at voting stations located across campus. Out of 555 ballots cast, Hiba Mohajir and Mariya Hassan won with 132 and 127 votes respectively. In their candidate statements, both representatives underlined the importance of creating an enjoyable and unforgettable campus. “This is about you, not me,” said Hassan, addressing the student body. “We will not fail to make a difference.”

Matthew Filipowich/The Medium

Students work late into the night at the HMLAC.

Library to remain open 24 hours during exams SAALIHA MALIK NEWS EDITOR

Last Friday, the Hazel McCallion Academic Learning Centre announced that it would reintroduce the 24/5 schedule abandoned less than a month ago. UTM Chief Librarian Mary Ann Mavrinac posted a message on the homepage of the library website that read, “Great news! Your student

union and your library have collaborated to reintroduce 24/5 hours of opening, five days a week during study and examination periods in December and April funded by the Office of the Vice-President and Provost.” The change will take effect in December 2009. The library cancelled its 24-hour service only last month, offering alternative shortened hours due to a lack of funding from the office of the Vice President and Provost. The UTMSU immediately began a campaign to inform students and persuade the University’s administration to fund the service.

Over 12,000 students signed a petition supporting the 24-hour library service, which UTMSU then presented to University of Toronto President David Naylor at a town hall earlier this month. (Nearly 100 students joined UTMSU at the town hall.) Students argued that with the new, shortened hours of service the safety of those who study late at night would be compromised as they returned home or to their rooms instead of remaining at the library.

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Marc Bressler elected as Residence Council President

Residence Council President Marc Bressler outside Oscar Peterson Hall Matthew Filipowich/ The Medium

Elections for Residence Council were held on Saturday, October 24, 2009. The voting period was from 1 2 p . m. t o 8 p . m . i n t h e O s c a r Peterson Hall and aproximately 200 v o t e s w e r e c a s t. I n hi s s p e e c h, Bressler noted he has been an active member of the UTM community. As a former member of the UTMSU board of directors and the UTSU board of directors, Bressler took p a r t i n o r g a ni z i n g O r i en t a t i o n W e e k a n d th e S t u d e n t D a y o f Action. The top three priorities for Residence council, according to Bressler, are making sure fees do not increase for residence students, organizing a food committee to create diverse food options and hold a memorable residence formal.

Priaze continued on page 3

INSIDE Investors beyond borders PAGE 2 Style in focus PAGE 5 UTM Anime Club PAGE 9 UTM Badminton Club PAGE 11

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