UTMSU axes VP part-time position An emergency resolution was passed requesting that UTSU postpone Wednesday’s meeting NICOLE DANESI NEWS EDITOR At last Thursday’s annual general meeting, more than $1.5 million worth of UTMSU assets were reported, and members voted to remove VP part-time affairs from the UTMSU executive, as well as to request that UTSU postpone its second special general meeting, slated to take place this Wednesday. UTMSU was unable to provide attendance numbers of the meeting as of press time. EMERGENCY RESOLUTION Prior to the start of the meeting, Division 3 UTMSU director Hashim Yussuf distributed an emergency resolution, which he moved to be added to the agenda. Yussuf ’s motion called upon UTMSU to request UTSU to postpone its second general meeting to January 28 to deal with the ratification of a compliant board structure, among other items on
Amir Moazzami is the current VP part-time. the agenda. “It will be hard to make sure members from UTM can make it out to the UTSU general meeting when it is so close to the UTMSU AGM,” read part of the resolu-
tion. The resolution also alleged that there was “a severe lack of accommodation for students with disabilities at the last AGM”, and called on accommodations needing to be made at the upcoming
special general meeting. Currently, UTSU already has a special general meeting scheduled for January 28 to address multiple student-motioned items left unaddressed at the October 7 AGM;
the main items planned for this Wednesday’s meeting are votes to approve bylaw amendments and pass a compliant board structure, among other items on the agenda. UTSU’s SGM comes after the union failed to ratify a board structure compliant with changes made by the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act at the union’s October 7 meeting. As previously reported by The Medium, UTSU missed the October 17 deadline to pass a compliant board structure, but is in no immediate risk of dissolving, according to legal counsel provided to UTSU. When voting to add the item to the agenda, which requires unanimous consent, UTSU VP internal and services Ryan Gomes objected, causing the motion to fail. Yussuf brought forward the motion again later in the meeting, this time with unanimous consent, which ultimately led members to vote on the resolution. UTMSU continued on page 2
WorkAlone launched by Campus Police UTM community can now sign out radios to stay in contact with Campus Police AGM Part Two
HIBA TRABOULSI Service changes have been implemented at UTM Campus Police Services alongside a newly launched program offered by the force. Launched on November 9, the new WorkAlone program allows members of the UTM community to remain in contact with Campus Police through radios when they’re working alone or in an isolated area on campus. “This program isn’t just for somebody who’s afraid of being assaulted,” said Robert Messacar, manager of the Campus Police Services at UTM, who also informed The Medium that the service is available 24/7 and students do not need to explain to campus police why they feel the need to use the service in order to take advantage of it.
UTSU is holding its second general meeting on Wednesday to pass a compliant structure for its board. Medium News, page 3
Why newspaper exist Events at UTMSU’s AGM remind us of the important role of independent media in a democracy. Medium Opinion, page 4
Let’s talk about sex
How to Make Love in a Canoe bluntly delivers a tour through the history of sex in Canada. Medium Arts, page 5
HCC here to help students MAHMOUD SAROUJI/THE MEDIUM
The Campus Police WalkSafer program is now available 24/7. "You say, ‘I would like the radio,’ and we’ll give you the radio. No questions asked,” said Messacar. Eight radios are currently available
to sign out for the program, a number that may increase depending on demand. Also updated by Campus Police
Services, the WalkSafer program is now available 24/7. Police continued on page 3
HCC houses many different resources available to students to better their health during the year. Medium Features, page 8
A trip to the glice rink MoveU crewmembers, coordinators, and volunteers transformed Gym C into a plastic polymer rink. Medium Sports, page 11