Vol 42 issue 11

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UTMSU absent from UTSU SGM After Skype plans failed, UTMSU missed the meeting where UTSU’s board structure was passed NICOLE DANESI NEWS EDITOR MARIA IQBAL EDITOR-IN-CHIEF UTMSU was noticeably absent from UTSU’s special general meeting held Wednesday where a board structure was officially passed following over a year of consultation and rejected proposals. The meeting was called to order at 7:11 p.m., over an hour late. Partway through the proceedings, The Medium confirmed that UTMSU did not Skype into the meeting, held at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. In a statement released to The Medium on Sunday, UTMSU said that it is considering “lobbying and legal action to prevent the implementation of the changes” and next steps will be determined at the UTMSU board of directors meeting, scheduled to be held on November 30. UTSU president Ben Coleman said at the meeting that UTMSU

The meeting was called to order at 7:11 p.m., over an hour late. made an official request to UTSU on Monday to participate in the meeting via Skype. According to Coleman, UTSU responded to the

request on Tuesday to confirm that UTMSU could Skype in. According to UTMSU’s statement, “Staff of UTSU officially


responded to the request on Wednesday, November 18 at 2:03 p.m., less than three hours before the registration of the Special

General Meeting.” However, UTMSU president Ebi Agbeyegbe told The Medium shortly after noon on Wednesday that “[UTMSU was] able to get folks to allow us to Skype in and we will be participating that way”. At the time, Agbeyegbe was unsure of where UTMSU would Skype from. Agbeyegbe did not respond to follow up requests for comment. Last Monday, Agbeyegbe sent an email to UTMSU members asking students to contact him in the event that they were interested in attending the meeting via Skype. According to the email, UTMSU requested that UTSU reschedule Wednesday’s meeting for six reasons, which included “a severe lack of accommodation for students with disabilities at the last AGM” and issues related to the scheduling of the meeting so close to UTMSU’s own annual general meeting the Thursday prior. UTSU continued on page 2

UTMSU claims refuted by admin UTM admin deny price changes at OPH following the opening of The Duck Stop Technical difficulties

ADELAIDE ATTARD WITH NOTES FROM NICOLE DANESI NEWS EDITOR Claims from UTMSU that OPH lowered its prices following the opening of the union’s convenience store are being disputed by university administration. At the UTMSU annual general meeting on November 12, Francesco Otello-DeLuca, UTMSU VP internal and services, said that OPH lowered its prices following the opening of The Duck Stop, the UTMSU convenience store. “OPH actually lowered their prices because of us opening up a convenience store, because our prices were so much lower,” said Otello-DeLuca at the meeting in response to a student’s comment

UTM is opening a new IT service desk in December which will also help with TCard and shuttle service. Medium News, page 2

Leading by example In the wake of the Paris attacks and subsequent incidents in Canada, it’s important to stand up for our values. Medium Opinion, page 4

DisOrienting artwork UTMSU hosts Freedom Through Art during DisOrientation Week for students to express themselves. Medium Arts, page 5

An activist’s journey ANDREEA MIHAI/THE MEDIUM

UTMSU claims that OPH lowered its prices following the opening of The Duck Stop. that The Duck Stop did not actually have cheaper prices than some other locations on campus. Otello-DeLuca added that UTMSU had gone to various locations

on campus to compare prices to the Duck Stop. According to Vicky Jezierski, UTM’s director of hospitality and retail services, OPH has not low-

ered prices since The Duck Stop opened its doors in early November. Store continued on page 3

Craig Kielburger returns to UTM to talk about Free the Children, an initiative 20 years in the making. Medium Features, page 8

Calisthenics and control The Medium talks to Nigel Moir about bodyweight training and developing control over the body. Medium Sports, page 11

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