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Issue 7/ 20 May 2012 5 YEARS IN HARMONY: HIGH FIVE”


BLESSED JOHNPAUL II CHAPTER HOSTS FEAST 2012 Barely a year old, TawagAwit-Blessed John Paul II Mass Centre chapter has accepted many challenges that has come its way, and accomplished these well. The members, among the pioneering brethren who helped Fr Sam Pulanco in the establishment of the mass centre, sometimes sing in consecutive Sundays in absence of any other group. Bro Nelson Unalivia, servant leader, said that the group has had its hands full; but it has never turned away from serving, such as raising funds to buy sound equipment where they joined other parishioners in carolling; leading in the 40-days Prayer for Victory of the All Blacks during the 2011 Rugby World Cup; and actively participating in the Stations of the Cross in Auckland during Good Friday. “As much as possible, we attend activities organised by TawagAwit such as OG: Open Gathering and the two GigAlive’s that helped talented youths pursue their dreams,” shared Bro Nelson, “and we are deeply honoured to be hosting Food & Music FEAST the 5th anniversary celebration of TawagAwit on May 27. We are looking forward to meeting members from the other chapters.” To be welcomed are brethren from the two chapters that were organised this year, namely, Mount Mary Parish, Titirangi (led by Bro Ed/Sis Beth Alfante) and Christ the King Parish, Owairaka (led by Bro Romil/Sis Cherry Fernandez). The other chapters that have committed to participate are St Mary’s Northcote; St Thomas More Glenfield; Our Lady of Lourdes Glen Eden; St Mark’s Pakuranga, St Patrick’s Taupo; and Blessed John Paul II Mass Centre Albany. Teachers in Sandals Fellowship, the sister ministry of TawagAwit, will send a delegation as well.


Issue 7/ 20 May 2012

Our Theme: 5 Years in Harmony: High Five In May 2007, a handful of brethren signed a document that contained the vision, mission and core values statements of TawagAwit, a Catholic Ministry spreading God’s Word through music and other acts of love. Bro Mel B Libre responded to a Spiritual calling to organise a singing group that would make regular music offerings in church. While only three of those who attended the first meeting returned for the second one, others came forward to compose the group that would form the core that sang in its first full mass in St Mary’s Northcote. When the first accompanist Bro Dingdong Maderazo left for Australia, Fr Craig Dunford, parish priest, assigned pianist/arranger Thomas Tang and later, Jenny Fox, to help the group in its song selections, in its rehearsals and in its offerings. From one group, TawagAwit organised chapters in other parishes, first in St Thomas More Glenfield, followed by Our Lady of Lourdes-Glen Eden, St Mark’s Pakuranga, St Patrick’s Taupo, Blessed John Paul II Albany and, this year, Mt Mary’s Titirangi. Other than singing during the assigned masses, TawagAwit organised activities to strengthen the bond among members and to pursue its mission of “spreading God’s Word through music and other acts of love”. Among these activities were: Singalleluia!; OG: Open Gathering; Sow&Harvest; Outogether; Teaching Night; Songwriting Workship; Alay Laya Parish Reach Out; and Food & Music FEAST. In 2011, it started with GigAlive to raise funds to assist deserving youths in pursuit of their dreams. To ensure that members are updated on the plans and activities of the ministry, a monthly newsletter, NEW NOTES, has been published regularly since May 2007. Among the factors that contribute to the continuing growth of TawagAwit are: dedicated servant leadership; committed membership; friendship and camaraderie; joy in singing; and love of God. These factors have allowed the ministry to weather the challenges and difficulties encountered through the years. TawagAwit will celebrate on May 27, 2012 its fifth founding anniversary in Food & Music FEAST 2012 for the blessings that the ministry and its members have experienced; to express gratitude to its patron, Blessed John Paul II; and to affirm to the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit the pursuit of its vision of bringing “harmony in the world”. High five to one and all!



Issue 7/ 20 May 2012

M u s i c


27 May 2012, 10:30am, Blessed John Paul II Mass Centre, Albany Highway, Albany *5


Anniversary Celebration of TawagAwit: A Catholic Ministry Spreading God’s Word through music and other acts of love


Issue 7/ 20 May 2012

MASS SINGING IN FEAST 2012 Members of each of the chapters of TawagAwit sing during their assigned masses in their respective parishes. Most chapters offer their songs every month including St Mary’s Northcote, St Mark’s Pakuranga, St Patrick’s Taupo and Blessed John Paul II. St Thomas More Glenfield and Our Lady of Lourdes Glen Eden are scheduled once every two months. The new chapters, namely Mt Mary’s Titirangi and Christ the King Parish, Owairaka plan to sing every month. For the first time, members of all the chapters will sing together during the 10:30am Mass on Sunday May 27, 2012 to mark the 5th anniversary of the founding of TawagAwit. Each chapter is assigned to sing parts of the Eucharistic celebration. All the songs are found below and the succeeding pages:

GATHERING SONG: HOLY IS THE LORD (Louie Giglio and Chris Tomlin)

Holy is the Lord God Almighty The earth is filled with His glory The earth is filled with His glory

Verse: We stand and lift up our hands For the joy of the Lord is our strength We bow down and worship Him now How great, how awesome is He

[Repeat all] Holy is the Lord Holy is the Lord Holy is the Lord

Pre-Chorus: And together we sing – everyone sing Chorus: Holy is the Lord God Almighty The earth is filled with His glory

LORD HAVE MERCY (TawagAwit) Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy Christ have mercy, Christ have mercy Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy

FEAST NEWS GLORIA (David Mews) Glory to God in the highest And on earth peace to people of good will We praise you, we bless you, we adore you We glorify you We give you thanks for your great glory Lord, God, heavenly King O God Almighty Father

PSALM 104:1, 24, 29-30, 31, 34 R. Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth. Bless the LORD, O my soul! O LORD, my God, you are great indeed! How manifold are your works, O LORD! the earth is full of your creatures; R. Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth. May the glory of the LORD endure forever; may the LORD be glad in his works! Pleasing to him be my theme; I will be glad in the LORD. R. Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth. If you take away their breath, they perish and return to their dust. When you send forth your spirit, they are created, and you renew the face of the earth. R. Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.

Lord Jesus Christ, Only begotten son Lord God, lamb of God Son of the Father You take away the sins of the world Have mercy on us You take away the sins of the world Receive our prayer You are seated at the right hand of the Father Have mercy on us For you alone are the Holy one You alone are the Lord You alone are the most high Je…………..sus With the Ho..ly spi….rit In the Glo..ry of God the Father. A-----men

Issue 7/ 20 May 2012

ALLELUIA (TawagAwit) Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia Christ

FEAST NEWS OFFERTORY: BLEST ARE YOU LORD Blest are You, Lord, God of all creation Thanks to your Goodness This Bread we offer Fruit of the earth, work of our hands It will become the Bread of life Blessed be God Blessed be God Blessed be God forever, Amen Blessed be God Blessed be God Blessed be God forever, Amen Blest are You, Lord, God of all creation Thanks to your Goodness This Wine we offer Fruit of the vine, work of our hands It will become the Cup of Joy Blessed be God Blessed be God Blessed be God forever, Amen Blessed be God Blessed be God Blessed be God forever, Amen HOLY (D Haas) Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts Heaven and earth are full of your glo---ry Hosanna in the highest

Issue 7/ 20 May 2012

Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest Hosanna in the highest Hosanna in the highest MEMORIAL ACCLAMATION (D Haas) We proclaim your death O Lord And profess your resurrection Until you come again (Until you come) Until you come again GREAT AMEN (TawagAwit) Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! LAMB OF GOD (D Haas) Lamb of God You take away the sins of the world Have mercy on us Lamb of God You take away the sins of the world Have mercy on us Lamb of God You take away the sins of the world Grant -- us peace

FEAST NEWS COMMUNION: ONEBREAD Refrain One bread, one body, one Lord of all. One cup of bles-sing, which we bless. And we, though many, throughout the Earth. We are one bo--dy in this one Lord. Gentile or Jew, servant or free, woman or ma----n, no more…(Refrain) Many the gifts, many the works, one in the Lord, of all…(Refrain) Grain for the fields, scattered and grown, gathered by one, for all…(Refrain)

PANIS ANGELICUS Panis Angelicus fit Panis hominum Dat paris caelicus figuris terminum O res mirabilis manducat dominum Pauper pauper servus et humiles Pauper pauper servus et humiles Panis Angelicus fit Panis hominum Dat paris caelicus figuris terminum O res mirabilis manducat dominum Pauper pauper servus et humiles Pauper pauper servus, servus et humiles

Issue 7/ 20 May 2012

FINALE: GIVE THANKS Give thanks with a grateful heart Give thanks unto the Holy One Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son Give thanks with a grateful heart Give thanks unto the Holy One Give thanks because He's given Jesus Christ, His Son And now let the weak say, "I am strong" Let the poor say, "I am rich Because of what the Lord has done for us" And now let the weak say, "I am strong" Let the poor say, "I am rich Because of what the Lord has done for us" Give thanks, Give thanks, Give thanks


Issue 7/ 20 May 2012

TawagAwit OUR VISION: Harmony in the World OUR MISSION: To share God’s Word through music and other acts of love OUR CORE VALUES: Godliness. We believe in God and live His Word Offering. We share our talents, time and resources for God’s greater glory Devotion. We commit ourselves to the mission of the Ministry Love. We love God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our minds and with all our strength Originality. We promote artistry and creativity to express our faith Victory over Sin. We fight Satan in each and every moment of our lives Evangelization. We bring the Light of God to those who are in the dark Sustainability. We contribute and manage our resources effectively Unity. We are one with the Lord, one with the Church, one with the community and one with the Ministry

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