Food & Music
FE AS T Counting the Blessings
A TawagAwit Ministry Event 1155 M Maayy 22001111,, 1122:0 :000ppm m,, SStt M Maarryy’s’s N Noorrtthhccoottee SSoocciiaall H Haalll,, AAuucckkllaanndd,, N Neew w ZZeeaallaanndd
To celebrate the fourth anniversary of its founding, TawagAwit will hold the Food & Music FEAST on Sunday May 15, 2011. The Ministry marks May 16, 2007 as the day when the pioneering members affixed their signatures on the document that contained the vision, mission and core values statements of TawagAwit.
This will be the 2nd year of the event that kicked off last year on July 11, 2010 with 74 brethren attending, and having Fr Douglas Rowe and Fr Reno Alima as resource persons. The four chapters presented numbers, and members shared their best dishes. For 2011, the theme is “Counting Our Blessings.” The objectives of the activity are: to strengthen the camaraderie among members of TawagAwit; to share food and music in the spirit of love, joy and fellowship; to celebrate the accomplishments of the Ministry; to welcome new members; and to thank God for all the blessings. “There is much to be thankful for, not just for TawagAwit but for members as well, most of who have been blest with gifts in the year that passed,” said Bro Mel B Libre, Lead Servant. He added, “If we pray so hard for God to give us blessings, we must give our best in celebrating the blessings He gives to us.”
W Whhaatt?? FFoooodd & &M Muussiicc FFE EA AS STT W Whheenn?? 1155 M Maayy,, 22001111 1122::0000ppm m W Whheerree?? A Auucckkllaanndd,, N Neew w ZZeeaallaanndd W Whhoo?? U Uss.. TThhiiss aaccttiivviittyy iiss ffoorr m meem mbbeerrss aanndd tthheeiirr ffaam miilliieess.. E Eaacchh ffaam miillyy ccaann iinnvviittee oonnee ootthheerr ffaam miillyy w whhoo ccaann bbee ppootteennttiiaall m meem mbbeerrss ooff TTaaw waaggA Aw wiitt.. W Whhyy?? aa)) bb)) cc)) dd)) ee))
TToo ssttrreennggtthheenn tthhee ccaam maarraaddeerriiee aam moonngg m meem mbbeerrss ooff TTaaw waaggA Aw wiitt TToo sshhaarree ffoooodd aanndd m u s i c i n t h e s p i r i t o f l o v e , j o y a n d f e l l o w s music in the spirit of love, joy and fellowshhiipp TToo cceelleebbrraattee tthhee aaccccoom mpplliisshhm meennttss ooff tthhee M Miinniissttrryy TToo w e l c o m e n e w m e m b e r s w elcome new members TToo tthhaannkk G Goodd ffoorr aallll tthhee bblleessssiinnggss
H Hoow w?? aa)) FFaam miilliieess aarree eennccoouurraaggeedd ttoo ccooookk tthheeiirr bbeesstt rreecciippeess aanndd sshhaarree tthheessee dduurriinngg tthhee ffeeaasstt bb)) E Eaacchh cchhaapptteerr iiss rreeqquueesstteedd ttoo ooffffeerr iittss bbeesstt ssoonnggss ((oonnee oorr ttw woo)) tthhaatt hhaavvee bbeeeenn ssaanngg dduurriinngg ppaasstt m maasssseess cc)) E a c h c h a p t e r c a n a l s o v o l u n t e e r o n e o f i t s m e m b e r s o r f o r m a s p e c i a l g r o u p ( d u e t , t r i o o r q u a r t Each chapter can also volunteer one of its members or form a special group (duet, trio or quarteett)) ttoo ppeerrffoorrm m aa nnuum mbbeerr dd)) M e Mem mbbeerrss ccaann hheellpp iinn tthhee pphhyyssiiccaall aarrrraannggeem meenntt oorr ootthheerr ttaasskkss rreeqquuiirreedd ffoorr tthhee eevveenntt ee)) E Eaacchh ffaam miillyy ccaann iinnvviittee oonnee ootthheerr ffaam miillyy ((nnoonn--m meem mbbeerr)) w whhoo aarree pprroossppeeccttss ffoorr m meem mbbeerrsshhiipp