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FE AS T Issue 4 April 1, 2011

Epicurus wrote, “We should look for someone to eat and drink with before looking for something to eat and drink.” Food & Music FEAST is the event when TawagAwit chapters gather to celebrate its fourth anniversary on May 15, 2011. Families and members of TawagAwit will strengthen friendships, perform some of the finest missal songs; hear inspiring words; dance to the finest groove; and eat and drink. The most important thing in Food & Music FEAST is SHARING. The best recipes from the kitchens of members will be shared, a practice that has been observed since the ministry first organized Open Gathering in December 23, 2007 and succeeding gatherings such as Singalleluia! and Food & Music FEAST in 2010. Don’t forget to bring a plate.

Past Sharings

W Whhaatt?? FFoooodd & &M Muussiicc FFE EA AS STT W Whheenn?? 1155 M Maayy,, 22001111 1122::0000ppm m W Whheerree?? S Stt M Maarryy’’ss P Paarriisshh,, N Noorrtthhccoottee,, A Auucckkllaanndd W Whhoo?? U Uss.. TThhiiss aaccttiivviittyy iiss ffoorr m meem mbbeerrss aanndd tthheeiirr ffaam miilliieess.. E Eaacchh ffaam miillyy ccaann iinnvviittee oonnee ootthheerr ffaam miillyy w whhoo ccaann bbee ppootteennttiiaall m meem mbbeerrss ooff TTaaw waaggA Aw wiitt.. W Whhyy??

aaa))) TTTooo ssstttrrreeennngggttthhheeennn ttthhheee cccaaam m maaarrraaadddeeerrriiieee aaam m m m w A w mooonnnggg m meeem mbbbeeerrrsss ooofff TTTaaaw waaagggA Aw wiiittt bbb))) TTTooo ssshhhaaarrreee fffooooooddd aaannnddd m m muuusssiiiccc iiinnn ttthhheee ssspppiiirrriiittt ooofff lllooovvveee,,, jjjoooyyy aaannnddd fffeeellllllooow w wssshhhiiippp ccc))) TTTooo ccceeellleeebbbrrraaattteee ttthhheee aaaccccccooom m m mpppllliiissshhhm meeennntttsss ooofff ttthhheee M M Miiinnniiissstttrrryyy ddd))) TTTooo w w m w m m weeelllcccooom meee nnneeew wm meeem mbbbeeerrrsss eee))) TTTooo ttthhhaaannnkkk G G Goooddd fffooorrr aaallllll ttthhheee bbbllleeessssssiiinnngggsss

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