One page 20 january 2014

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Updates on Teachers in Sandals Fellowship

22 January 2014

POPE FRANCIS CALLS ON PEOPLE TO WORK In his New Year's Eve address Pope Francis went off-script and called for hope, and an end to the violence, as more than 90,000 people gathered in Rome to hear his address. According to Time Magazine, "Francis called on people to 'work so that the world becomes a community of brothers who respect each other, accept each other in one's diversity, and take care of one another. We are all children of one heavenly father.'" He said: "We belong to the same human family and we share a common destiny." At one point, Francis, who has been personally invested in seeking an end to the ongoing civil war in Syria, expressed exasperation with the state of things on Earth. Putting aside his prepared remarks, he said, "What is happening in the heart of man? What is happening in the heart of humanity? It's time to stop." Teachers in Sandals Fellowship should heed the call of Pope Francis by focusing on the ministry’s vision: “Dedicated volunteers spreading God’s Word through teachings and through example.” The past year, 2013, was challenging for TSF though it was able to produce one Junior Teacher, Bro Trevor; and four Certified Student Teachers, namely Sis Laura, Sis Isabella, Bro Anthony and Bro Nathaniel. With the support of the Auckland Catholic Tertiary Chaplaincy, TSF hopes to entice more students to participate in Teaching Nights that trains members to develop their presentation skills and strengthen their faith in God. Among the innovations to be introduced in 2014 are: individualised Speech Book for members; and resource speakers invited during Teaching Nights. A students’ speech competition is also being considered. As early as now, TSF asks tertiary students to sign up with the ministry. Email:

Smilines\ New Year I have only one resolution: To rediscover the difference between wants and needs. May I have all I need and want all I have. To my wife: I want kiss you on December 31st from 11:59 pm to 12:01 am, so I can have an amazing ending to 2013 and a beautiful beginning into 2014. Every year I make a resolution to change myself....... this year I’m making a resolution to be myself!


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