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Drishtikon Contents Message of Dean

-Page 2

Talk Show

-Page 3

Fresher party

-page 4

Orientation Programme

-page 5

Janmashtmi Celebration

-page 6

Conference & Seminar

-page 8

Teachers Day Celebration

-page 10

DSF Anniv ersary

-page 12


-page 14

Antar Yatra

-page 16

Volume:1 Issue:4

October, 2013 Edition

ArticlesBuilding Professionals with Character -page 20 Customer Ex perience Management -page 23 5 Step recipe for achieving more success -page 27 Blue Ocean Strategy -page 31 FDP On SPCC -Page 34 SIP Testimonials -page 35 My Sriram-Poem -page 37 Inner Exploration -page 38

Editorial Board

-page 40

“Building professionals with character�

48 B, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, NCR. Tel 020 2323823. Fax 0120 2323900. URL www.sriram.ac.in e-mail info@sriram.ac.in



Drishtikon Message of the Dean Prof. Soumitra Chakraborty

A hear ty congr atulation to the e- newsletter team fr om SRIRAM, for coming up with the four th edition of our e newsletter Drishtikon. Drishti kon, the SRIRAM e-newsletter mar ked the beginning of our new communication channel that aims to keep our students past and pr esent updated about the happenings at SRIRAM.

This e-newsletter featur es updates about our initiatives, new par tner ships, success st or ies fr om pr esent & for mer students, event inf or mation as well as i ndustr y r elated ar ticles fr om our var ious faculties. We have par ticular ly designed the e-newsletter also as a platfor m for you to shar e updates about your self .The int er actions between SRIRAM and its extended family of alumni and fr iends will c er tainly go a long way to make SRIRAM a vibr ant institution that can pr ovide the best possible education exper ience. I humbly encour age all of you to make use of this p latfor m to r emain connected with us. Let me r eiter ate that we welcome all c ontr ibutions so that we can make this e newslett er a plac e for our collective v oices. If you have ar ticles y ou wish to shar e, let us know. If you have missed an edition, you c an catc h up by visiting our website at www.sr ir am.ac.in Ar chives of our past e-newsletter s ar e availab le f or your convenient vi ewing.

Message of the Dean

Over the past year s, SRIRAM has gr own tr emendously. Our pool of existing students and alumni r epr esent a diver se collection of capabiliti es and a unique oppor tunity for net wor king whether social or business. Hence, we like to extend our invitation to st ay engaged wit h SRIRAM.

Enjoy and we hope to hear fr om you soon.

Prof.Soumitra Chakraborty Dean (SRIMT)

48 B, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, NCR. Tel 020 2323823. Fax 0120 2323900. URL www.sriram.ac.in e-mail info@sriram.ac.in





Talk Show at Zee Zee TV: Talk Show at Zee TV

Topics like Countr y’s Economic Pr oblems, social Issues, political issues and mor e can r eally give a per son some per spective on their own lives. Apar t fr om that, it gives some sor t of enter tainment too. Sr ir am students wer e exposed to famous talk show “India Ka Agenda” at Zee TV hosted by eminent anc hor Sudhir Chaudhar y. The topic of discussion was how we can make India, a cor r uption fr ee countr y. The guests wer e Amar Singh (Exminister of Samajwadi Par ty), Om Thanr i (Senior Jour nalist) and J. V ittal. A healt hy discussion was car r ied out by all of them which conc luded with some suggestions like we should have a tr anspar ent gover nment system as it is in Amer ica. People have to be honest and fair in all t heir dealings only then they can c ombat cor r uption and many mor e. In the end they also t old that we ar e still having a hope of over coming fr om this cur se.

48 B, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, NCR. Tel 020 2323823. Fax 0120 2323900. URL www.sriram.ac.in e-mail info@sriram.ac.in




Especially for the fr esher s who begin their jour ney in a colleague many a time, far away fr om their home…..far away fr om their near and dear , getting accustomed to a new envir onment always is a challenge and henc e such a celebr ation or an “icebr eaking” event, Fr esher s day is always welcomed by one and all. As the Fr esher s day was the most await ed day for both the fr esher s as well as for the senior students, when it was announced that this y ear ’s Fr esher s day would be conducted on 2nd August 2013, the excitement was palpable among the both set of students. All fr esher s wer e encour aged to come on to the stag e and give t heir par ticipation by the senior s. The title of Mr . & Miss Fr esher had to be decided by the jur y member on the basis of some games, Ramp walk, and some other activities. The event began in the auditor ium, which had been beautifully decor ated with Halloween pr ops and designs. Pr anwir Kumar , PGDM final year student welc omed all t he fr esher s on behalf of all MBA and PGDM senior s. All of the junior s and senior s gave their active par ticipation which made the day memor able at Sr ir am.

Fresher’s day celebrations

It was indeed a day wor th r emember ing—the senior s welcomi ng their junior s to the college. They wer e making all the pr epar ations well i n advance for this ver y eventful day.

“Orientation programe”

Freshers Freshers day Celebrations

To get the title of Mr . & Miss Fr esher was not so easy, it was r eally a good competition among all of the fr esher s. Ever yone had given their best. The Panel of judges had a v er y tough decision to make, but ulti mately cr owned Geetanjali Singh and Sanjeev Kumar as Miss & Mr. Fr esher 2013

48 B, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, NCR. Tel 020 2323823. Fax 0120 2323900. URL www.sriram.ac.in e-mail info@sriram.ac.in 4


Drishtikon Music filled the air as students danced on the gr oovy t unes played by t he DJ, and t he memor able Fr esher s Par ty came to an end. It was indeed a memor able day….not only for the students who wer e fr esher s but for the seni or s as well. The st udents of Sr ir am without any hesit ation and wi llfully join hands with each other and wor k to cr eate an academically stimulating and yet fun filled atmospher e in the c ollege and show t o t he outside wor ld and t he other colleges in par ticular that “this is Sr ir am way”, the way that would ultimately pr oduce competent pr ofessionals with super lative domain knowledge and ex emplar y char acter .

ÂbÜ|xÇàtà|ÉÇ ÑÜÉzÜtÅÊ Ever y year, Srir am Institute of Management & Technology or ganizes an or ientation pr ogr am for the new entr ants i n the Sr ir am family. 31st August was the day of or ientation. Orientation is the oppor tunity for newcomer s to connect with faculty member s and r egister for classes, hear about community r oles and tr aditions fr om senior students, and establish r elationships wit h the peer s in their new home. They ar e also assigned a faculty advisor (Mentor ), who is committed t o faci litating their positive tr ansition to life as a SRIMT student. Dur ing Or ientation, they ar e also i ntr oduced to academic expectations, t he diver sity of the place, and the impor tance of community as a whole, both within and beyond life of SRIMT.

48 B, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, NCR. Tel 020 2323823. Fax 0120 2323900. URL www.sriram.ac.in e-mail info@sriram.ac.in




" Haathi Ghoda Paal Ki Jai Kanhaya Laal Ki... "

Janmastami Celebration

Happy Janmashtami

The commemor ation of Lor d Kr ishna and his holy bir thday was celebr ated in extr avagant sty le at Sr ir am on t he occasion of Janmashtmi. Janmastmi was celebr ated with sheer ent husiasm at SRIMT. The celebr ation began with t he r ecital of a s hloka pr aising the i nfant Kr ishna which was followed by the detai led discour ses on t he significance of the festival by t he final y ear student Shikha Suman. Sr i Kr ishna aar ti was r ender ed to per fection with

48 B, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, NCR. Tel 020 2323823. Fax 0120 2323900. URL www.sriram.ac.in e-mail info@sriram.ac.in



Drishtikon full of gaiety and r ever ence by the entir e students of Sr ir am Fami ly which in t ur n added a spir itual blend and divinity to the occasion. Sinc e Janmashtmi celebr ation is consider ed incomp lete without t he RASLEELA, a small cult ur al ev ent done by the st udents of Sr ir am on the theme, Rasleela. The solo song sung by the fir st year MBA student, Komal dedicated to Lor d Kr ishna stood out.

48 B, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, NCR. Tel 020 2323823. Fax 0120 2323900. URL www.sriram.ac.in e-mail info@sriram.ac.in



Drishtikon Sriram launches “Global Leadership Programme” with Harrison International, USA”

The pr ogr am is tar geted at wor king pr ofessionals who want to impr ove their pr ospects in cor por ate. The Global Leader ship Cer tificate Pr ogr am has been designed to help pr ofessionals enhanc e their value i n the or ganisations they wor k for as well as for their customer s. The subjects in the pr ogr am have been designed with a global focus, and this global focus flows thr oughout the c urr iculum. The objective of t his pr ogr am is to lear n t he t heor y and pr actice of leader ship and leader ship styles wit hin gr oups and or ganisations. For more details of programme, please visit th e following lin k-


Harrison Visit

It was a gr eat day for Sr ir am when Har rison College, USA and Sr ir am School of Business Studies had come t oget her to offer a 36-weeks onli ne pr ogr am on global leader ship with Rich ard B onaccorsi, Vice Presiden t, In tern ational Operations & Ch ris Hutchison , Director In tern ational Partner Relations visiting our campus on 24/06/13. Harr ison Inter national is an inter national division of Har r ison College that is gr owing the number of students with access to Har rison Inter national educational oppor tunities whi le expanding and str engthening its global networ k, making it possible for students living all over the wor ld to pur sue Har r ison pr ogr ams and degr ees.

48 B, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, NCR. Tel 020 2323823. Fax 0120 2323900. URL www.sriram.ac.in e-mail info@sriram.ac.in 8


Drishtikon AIMA VISIT

The pr ogr amme was dec lar ed open with intr oductor y r emar ks by Ms Rekha Sethi, Dir ector Gener al, AIMA and welc ome addr ess by D. Shivakumar , Pr esident, AIMA followed by pr esentation of AIMA- Kewal Nohr ia Awar d for Academic Leader ship in Management Educati on 2013.The C hief Guest was Mr Sudhir V asudeva, Chair man & Managing Dir ector, ONGC. Other highlights wer e Awar d of AIMA Fellowship & Felicitation of PhD Awar dees with t he awar d of Diplomas and Gold Medals.

AIMA Visit

MBA-I year students got an oppor tunity to attend 18th Con vocation of AI MACen tre for Man agemen t Education on Monday, August 19 , 2013 at 3:00 pm at Stein Auditorium, Habitat World In dia Habitat Cen tre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi.

48 B, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, NCR. Tel 020 2323823. Fax 0120 2323900. URL www.sriram.ac.in e-mail info@sriram.ac.in 9


Drishtikon SRIRAM Celebrates Teachers Day

The gat her ing was also addr essed by Pr of. C. Devidasan who shar ed some valuab le lessons lear ned fr om his teacher s few decades ago when he was a st udent. Speaki ng on the occasi on, he said, “I have never thought, I would be ab le to lead peop le, but leading I did, I did it effectively …I have never thought I would be able to become a speaker , but speaking I did, did it effectively…..I have never thought I would be able to become a wr iter ; but wr iting I did, did it effectively…..I hav e never thought I would be ab le to become a teacher , but teaching I did, did it effectively. My beloved st udents, do you know how? I have been able to do all these bec ause of my t eacher s who taught me and mad e me what I am today”. After a pause he fur ther added, “My teacher s taught me that succ ess can be achi eved thr ough honest effor ts and har dwor king and when I followed that advice, I was indeed able t o achi eve succ ess in my life, My teacher s taught me t hat if I show kindness and compassion, I would always be want ed by my fellow human beings and when I followed that advice, I indeed found that I am being wanted by my fellow human beings,

Teacher’s day celebration

SRIRAM celebr ated Teacher s day with gr eat enthusias m and fanfar e. The function was or ganized by all t he MBA and PGDM students of Sr ir am. The teacher s wer e dr essed accor ding to the dr ess code for the day. The for mal segment of the function began with the lamp lightening whic h is done by all t he faculty member of SRIMT. The best par t of the day was t o get blessed fr om our r espected Executive Dir ector and Dean sir , who blessed us for our upcoming gr eat futur e.

48 B, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, NCR. Tel 020 2323823. Fax 0120 2323900. URL www.sriram.ac.in e-mail info@sriram.ac.in



Drishtikon My teacher s taught me t hat if I pr actice empathy, I would always be a sought aft er per son of those who ar e in difficulties and when I followed that advice, I indeed found that I became a ver y sought after per son, My teacher s taught me that if I build compet ency, I would be admir ed by people ar ound me and when I followed that advice, I indeed found that peop le admir es me, My teacher s taught me that that wor ld loves talent; but r ewar d and r espect char acter and when I pr acticed char acter building, I indeed found that I was r ewar ded by the wor ld, My teacher s told me that giving on any day is better than taking and when I pr acticed giving, I found people r especting me, My teacher s told me that I must have faith in God and when I followed their advice, I found that my pr ayer s wer e always hear d by the A lmighty whenever I had difficulties.” The infor mal segment of t he function began with a nice Punjabi dance done by the fir st year student Komal followed by some other cult ur al activities. Shr uti showed her poetr y skills as she pr esented a beautiful poem dedicated to teacher s. All the t eacher s enthusiastically took par t in the games and other activities arr anged for them. Many teacher s came for war d and enter tained the gather ing by singing songs and danci ng which had the students cr aving for mor e. All the member s of the staff wer e honor ed with some beautiful gift as a t oken of the st udents love and r espect towar ds them. The functi on conc luded with a musical skit on teacher s day which was done by stud ents’ gr oup, dedicated to the r espected pr ofessor s of SRIMT…

48 B, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, NCR. Tel 020 2323823. Fax 0120 2323900. URL www.sriram.ac.in e-mail info@sriram.ac.in



Drishtikon DSF

celebrates its first anniversary.

http://youtu.be/XV c8iRV oYu4 The beautifully cr afted video played on the occasion, r ever ber ated the passion and the dr eams these young st udents have been nour ishing for acquir ing knowledge. The video has been titled, "Dr eams sans Fr ontier --Nostalgic Legacy". The function t hat was held in our Confer ence r oom of SRIRAM, had a huge Cake of DSF and it was cut by Rakesh Pandey when t he fir st year students who wanted to joi n the club looked on side by side their senior s who have alr eady spent one full year in the c lub. Pr of GK Tr ipathi, our Executive Dir ector and Pr of Soumitr a, Deans, spoke on the occasion and wished good luck to t he C lub. Pr of. C Devidasan on his par t somehow got car ried away by the emotions mor e as he watched the video and managed to say, "All I can say after viewing the video is that I am convinced that education is not actually impar ted fr om the mind or br ain, but fr om the hear t..."

DSf Anniversary

"Eveni ng Adda" and "Dr eams sans Fr ontier " celebr ated its fir st birthday on the Teacher s day, the 5th of September 2013, t he day it was conceived and, Rakesh Pandey the man who founded them along wit h an inspir ed bunch of students showed us the followi ng video.

Though it all star ted one year ago i n the Common Room of Sr ir am adjacent to the college Mess, DSF has big plans to take its legacy beyond Sr ir am’s campus and make it an or ganization tr ue consequence i n the times t o come.

48 B, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, NCR. Tel 020 2323823. Fax 0120 2323900. URL www.sriram.ac.in e-mail info@sriram.ac.in 12


Drishtikon DSF is or ganizing an “Eduthon” -- a mini mar athon -- of 10 kms in Gr eater Noida on 17th November 2013. The purpose of the “Eduthon” is fund r aising for the bottom of the pyramid r ur al schools of Jhar khand which its member s happened to discover when they wer e on a jour ney called “Antar yatr a” – an i nitiative for “r ediscovering self with r ur al India”, conduct ed between 11th to 16th of August,2013. A wide arr ay of people fr om the diver gent spectr um of t he society in addition to the students of its member s is expected to r un the “Edut hon” mini mar athon. “I plan to under take one Antar yatr a along with t he member s of DSF ever y year to each state of our mother land to know the tr uth and r ealities of each state and in that sense; it would take us 28 mor e year s to cover the balance states. At the end of these yatr a, DSF would come out with a r esear ch document, which we believ e would be a unique one i n its own r ight”, says Rakesh Pandey. In addition to the above another event that is ther e on anvil is a Painti ng exhibition for students of Gr eater Noida

48 B, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, NCR. Tel 020 2323823. Fax 0120 2323900. URL www.sriram.ac.in e-mail info@sriram.ac.in



Drishtikon World Population Day Sriram students participate in“WALKATHON” in“WALKATHON” at India Gate

The walk was ai med at cr eating awar eness about the issues r elat ed to population stabilization and was or ganized by Jansankhya Sthir ata Kosh, an Autonomous Body of the Ministr y of Healt h & Family Welfar e, Govt. of India. Hon'ble Union Minister for Health & Fami ly Welfar e Sh Ghulam Nabi Azad flagged off the walk and thousands of students fr om all acr oss including t he st udents of SRIRAM par ticipated in the walk. Along with the students, Pr of G K Tripathi, Executive Dir ector, Pr of C Devidasan, Advisor, other staff and executives of Sr ir am actively par ticipated in Walkathon. Ther e wer e animat ed discussions and deliber ations among all who wer e pr esent, on the subject matter which was of immense impor tance to I ndian in par ticular and wor ld in gener al.


SRIRAM students par ticipated in a “Walkathon”—“Walk towar ds Population Stabilization” t oday, the 11th July 2013 between India Gate and V ijay Chowk in the city’s Capital, New Delhi.

The st udents wer e issued the Cer tificate of Par ticipation and T shir ts specially made by the Ministr y for this occasion.

48 B, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, NCR. Tel 020 2323823. Fax 0120 2323900. URL www.sriram.ac.in e-mail info@sriram.ac.in



Drishtikon Chandan Kumar, MBA Student.

Few Reflections of the Walk:

“I am fr om the Dar bhanga distr ict fr om the stat e of Bihar and it is t he fir st time I am par ticipating in suc h a walk. After inter acting with hundr eds of students and hear ing the talk given by Honour able Minister , I now r ealize the impor tance of populati on stabi lization i n India. I wi ll on my par t spr ead this message all acr oss my cir cles. I thank our college SRIRAM for taking us to India gate and giving an oppor tunity to be a par t of this endeavor . Thank you SRIRAM. Prof Rakesh Pan dey, SRI MT “I am sur e that such initiatives of the Gover nment would br ing in mor e awar eness about population stabilization in I ndia. However , I am of the view t hat India must gear up to uti lize the tr emendous ener gy our huge population unleashes for better pr oductivity and gr owth. I am glad to be a par t of the Walkat hon”

Sharique Rahman MBA Student

“Thank y ou SRIRAM for taking us for the Walkathon. I am now mor e awar e of t he challenges a huge population could thr ow if it is allowed to gr ow without any contr ol. Ther e is a need to ar r est this malady immediately. I would spr ead the news and be a par t of all suc h initiatives in futur e.”

48 B, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, NCR. Tel 020 2323823. Fax 0120 2323900. URL www.sriram.ac.in e-mail info@sriram.ac.in 15


Drishtikon ___________________________________________________________

“Antaryatra” “Sometimes it is better to be kind than to be right. We do not need an intelligent mind that speaks, but a patient mind that listens” …..Antral,

Eight DSF students of our esteemed college went on a Yatr a with their Mentor , Pr of Rakesh Pandey to the int er ior s of Bihar to “under stand the oppor tunities and challenges in the r ur al ar eas of India.” The Yatr a was an initiative of our own Dr eams Sans Fr ontier students club along wit h an NGO, Antr al and wher e t hr ee of our students wer e under going an SIP with them in a Rur al village bottom of the pyr amid school in t he state of Jhar khand. Star ted fr om 11th of August 2013 fr om Begusar ai the Yatr a concluded at V aishali at Bihar on the Independence Day on 15t h of August 2013. The following students accompanied Pandey:

Pr of


From the brochure of “Antaryatra – 2013, Discovering Self with Rural India”


Anishika Thakur, Divya Shukla, Jyoti Archana, Ranjan, Sharique , Sarika, Jyoti Kumari Shikha Suman.

48 B, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, NCR. Tel 020 2323823. Fax 0120 2323900. URL www.sriram.ac.in e-mail info@sriram.ac.in



Drishtikon Some Reflec tions

“To succeed, you must have tremendous perseverance and will. “I will drink the ocean says the persevering soul; “at my will, mountains will crumble up” Have that sort of energy, that sort of will, work hard, and you will reach the goal” ….Swami Vivekananda.

A session with the villagers Pr of Rakesh Pandey and his bunch of students r eached Begusar ai, the star ting point of the Yatr a safe and continued their Yatr a fr om ther e. The DSF-Antr al team cover ed up to Bhagalpur on day one and on the way they say they have had the unique oppor tunity to hav e the fir st hand exper ience of the Rur al India, to know t he people, the eco syst em and to be with t he natur e as they br aved the heat and dust on the way. The t eam also had the oppor tunity to lear n about the famous Silk Industr y and met few of t he entr epr eneur s ther e to gain mor e knowledge. They also had int ense discour ses and gave pr esentati ons about the Yatr a to them. Pr of Rakesh says, “It was a wonder ful exper ienc e. Fr om the college we lear n about life thr ough pr ofessor s who teach the students; but when t he life teaches its lessons it becomes ver y pr ecious and these lessons r emain engr aved in their mind till the r est of their life” The next day the t eam p lanned to r each Madhubani and the subsequent day, V aishali.

48 B, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, NCR. Tel 020 2323823. Fax 0120 2323900. URL www.sriram.ac.in e-mail info@sriram.ac.in 17



“When enterprise is man’s second nature, Mount Meru is not too lofty. The Abyss not too low, nor the great ocean impassable…perseverance, not wishes, gets work done; deer do not walk into the mouth of a sleeping lion” …The Panchatantra

A Typical Madhubani Painting.

48 B, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, NCR. Tel 020 2323823. Fax 0120 2323900. URL www.sriram.ac.in e-mail info@sriram.ac.in



Drishtikon The thir d day, team visited Madhubani at the Mithila r egion of Bihar and inter acted with few of the National Awar d winning paint er s of the famous Madhubani Pai ntings which is in good demand wor ld over . The Yatr a caught the att ention of the famous Hi ndi Daily and a next day it published a featur e on the Yatr a as can b e seen abov e. Madhubani Paings or Mithila Paintings as t hey ar e widely known as is a sty le which is typical of this r egion and t he adjoining par ts of Ter aj in Nepal. The painting is done with finger s, twigs, br ushes, nib-pens and matchsticks, using natur al dyes and pigments and is char acter ized by by-catching geometr ical patter ns. Madhubani paintings most ly depict t he men and its association wit h natur e and the sc enes and deity fr om t he ancient epics. Tr aditionally t hese paintings wer e being done by the women of the vi llages and this is consider ed as an ar t for m whose ski lls ar e passed on fr om gener ations to gener ations mainly by women. "The team is excited and ener gized", says Rakesh. "Side by side the heat and dust that the scor ching sun offer , we also have lots of fun and tr emendous amount of lear ning" he added with an excit ed shr ill i n his voice as he spoke to me. The Yatr a as scheduled got c onc luded at V aishali on 15th of August 2013.

48 B, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, NCR. Tel 020 2323823. Fax 0120 2323900. URL www.sriram.ac.in e-mail info@sriram.ac.in



Drishtikon Building Professionals with Character ….BY Pr of G K Tripathi, Executive Dir ector

Prof. G.K.Tripathi


ver y content of human life is inher ent ly myst er ious. In spite of

many year s of obser vation, study and r eflection, ever y day is somewhat puzzling pr ecisely because it all r emains so open. It is open for change as ever y day is a new day and we all keep on exper iencing differ ent exper iences on dai ly basis. Human beings tend to attac h specific meani ngs to t heir exper iences. Ther efor e, the meaning of any exper ience in life depends upon the fr ame we put ar ound it. If you change the fr ame the content, the meaning changes instant ly. Life is not a static t hing, it is moving and it is moving fast. This fast pace of life is c hangi ng fr ames & ther efor e, ther e is a need to change our per spectives ver y fast specially i n those ar eas wher e our life is being i nfluenced the most. Char acter is one such ar ea which has a dir ect impact on the well b eing of individuals and then i mpacting the member s of the soci ety. In above cont ext wher e fr ames in life ar e changi ng ver y fast, the meani ng of being pr ofessional is changi ng. Similar ly the per spective of possessing a good char acter is also c hanging. Befor e, we tr y & make an attempt to answer the basic question t hat is – Can we build pr ofessionals wit h c har acter , ther e is a need to under stand both the wor d pr ofessionals & c har acter in right per spective. Pr ofession and Pr ofessionals – As r egards any pr ofession, our under standing is that we should lear n something to ear n something. It is impor tant t o make livi ng out of our pr ofession but one should hav e r ight per spective. Let us discuss this by some ex amp les like t eachi ng pr ofession, medical pr ofession and lawy er ’s pr ofession. We all would have come acr oss the c omments like ‘I am a lawy er by pr ofession and I it is my duty & commitment by my pr ofession that I must pr otect my cli ent even if he is a cr iminal’. How far this under standing of pr ofession is corr ect? Our idea of both duty & pr ofession ar e wr ong. When any one takes law as pr ofession, his duty is t o pr otect law and ensur e that peop le get j ustice. In r ecent past, we hav e seen that even lawy er s fight for terr or ists like Kasab! A ver y r eputed lawyer in the countr y fights a case in favor of tainted saint who has done lots of damaged to our society.

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Drishtikon Wher e have we gone wr ong? Let us take another pr ofession that is medical. Let me quot e a r eal st or y in this context. In r ecent past one of my colleagues met with an accident & was taken to hospitals. After some diagnostic tests it was declar ed by the doctor s that she needed to be oper ated immediately. The sensitivity involved was that if the oper ation got delay ed ther e might be chances that she may not be able to walk on her feet for r est of her life. The doctor s in big and r eputed hospitals wer e not ab le t o oper ate unless a minimum amount (which was a big amount) to t he cash deposited with t he cash count er ! I am not discussi ng her e the nex us which exist between medical r epr esentative, phar maceutical c ompani es & t he pr ivate diagnostic cent er s. Wher e have we gone wr ong? We may discuss so many malpr actices in teac hing pr ofession as well. Wher e have we gone wr ong? Let us tr y to addr ess this issue. In any pr ofession, ther e ar e thr ee aspects- Lear ning or knowledge, applicati on and ethics inv olved in its application. We focus only on two aspects & most of the cases we for get the thir d aspect. This happens because we for get about the goal f or which you c hoose a par ticular pr ofession. The answer is when you choose a pr ofession; you excel & ac hieve per fection when the knowledge of t he pr ofession is dedicated to a higher goal. Ther efor e, when we do not focus on money maki ng in a pr ofession only, but by maintaining t he dignity of the pr ofession and usi ng the skills for nob le endeav or s, we may choose to become exceptional and exc ellent pr ofessionals. Char acter –Char acter is sum total of a per son’s value, beli ef and per sonality. It is r eflected in our behavior and action. It is impor tant to focus on char acter because only people with c har acter accept r esponsibility. The impor tant question is can we c hange any one’s char acter & attitude? The answer is YES.

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Drishtikon We should appr eciate that our belief, values and per sonality keep on changing & people change. The only people who do not change ar e those who do not br eathe. So, the impor tant thing is to be awar e of the change and to move wit h it. This is of cour se easy said than done. This is because our human life is a ver y comp lex phenomenon. We deal with lots of Feelings, Emoti ons, Attitud es and Complex behavior al patter ns. The solution differ s fr om per son to per son as we all ar e differ ent individuals. To bring about positive change in differ ent per sonaliti es one should consciously wor k on one’s existing beliefs, value syst ems & change it with a lar ger goal in mind. To br ing about positive change in differ ent per sonalities one has t o ev olve a pr ocess to under stand himself and his envir onment for endur ing success & happiness. In or der to build pr ofessionals with char acter , let us discuss some of the attr ibutes which a pr ofessional wi th char acter should display or possess. These attr ibutes ar e as follows: 1. Aspir ations 2. V isions & Dr eams 3. Discipline 4. Integr ity 5. Confidence 6. Patience 7. Effor ts and Action 8. Cour tesy 9. Honesty 10. Per sever ance 11. Pr ecision 12. Leader ship These ar e not ex haustive in natur e but only indicative as we have chosen only 12 attr ibutes so that even if we plan t o wor k on one si ngle attr ibute in a month, we may be c hanged pr ofessional after just one y ear , but the only condition is that one has to wor k on these consciously & c ontinuously.

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Drishtikon VâáàÉÅxÜ XåÑxÜ|xÇvx `tÇtzxÅxÇà `tÇtzxÅxÇà “ If you are not satisfied with us tell us…… If you are satisfi ed tell others.”

Prof. Soumitra Chakraborty Customer Exper ience Management is the new mantr a. It is "the pr ocess of str ategically managing a customer 's entir e exper ience with a pr oduct or a company ". Relationship mar keting focuses on establishing and bui lding a long ter m r elationship between a company and a c ustomer . Ther e ar e sever al appr oaches that hav e been espoused inc luding customer exper ience management, customer r elationship management, loyalty pr ogr ams, and database mar keting.

CEM different from CRM Tr aditionally, CRM systems have been i nter nally or oper ationally centr ic--they ar e about pr ofiling and collecti ng customer data for mar keting and cr oss selling pur poses. Too often the emphasis has been on t he c ompany's goals, and not nec essar ily what the cust omer wants. CEM is the opposite of t hat. It is highly c ustomer -centr ic focused and utilizes systems, tec hnologies, and simplified pr ocesses to impr ove the customer s exper ience with t he company. When it comes to CRM ver sus CEM, Shaun Smith points out in his book, "Managing the Cust omer Exper ience: Tur ning Customer s into Advocates," mor e than $46 billion was spent on CRM systems to help instituti ons get c loser to their customer s

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” …………………….Maya Angelou

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Drishtikon Customer experience different from cu stomer service Even t hough people seem t o thi nk they ar e the same thi ng, customer ser vice is r eally just a c omponent of t he customer exper ience. Customer exper ience is bigger than customer ser vice in that it is the full, and end exper ience. It star ts when you fir st hear about a company fr om a friend and ends when y ou exper ience t he pr oduct. Ther efor e, customer exper ience encompasses ever y customer touch point with y our br and, wher eas the ser vice is just a component of it.

Is CEM so important to success? We ar e dealing with a changi ng ec onomy r ight now. We hav e moved fr om a pr oduct economy to a ser vice economy, and now we’r e moving into an "exper ience" economy-- which adds a level of emotion that the pr oduct or ser vice economies did not have. Many r ecent br ands have been successf ul by r eally focusi ng on the cust omer exper ience. So, if you do it r ight, and you gener ate an exper ience with your pr oducts and services corr ectly, you achieve a lot higher loyalty and many mor e advocates for your pr oducts.

CEM can improve customer loyalty It is now being r ealized that advocacy leads to gr owth and incr eased loyalty. In his book "T he Ultimat e Question," Fr ed Reichheld, pr oves that exceptional cust omer exper ience cr eates loy alty and that a 5 per cent incr ease i n cust omer loyalty i ncr eases lifetime pr ofits by as much as 95 per cent. He also pr oves that compani es who ar e, what he calls, NPS (net pr omoter scor e) or customer advocacy leader s, outgr ow their competitor s by an aver age of 2.5 times. So, you can look at t his one indicator to find out how many advocates you hav e for your pr oduct -- meaning, how likely ar e customer s to r ecommend your pr oduct or ser vice to a colleague. The mor e advocates you hav e, the fast er your company gr ows and the mor e pr ofitable you ar e.

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Drishtikon The r eason for this is that t he advocat es dr ive the gr owth of your company in 4 ar eas:

They tend to r epur chase.

They buy additional pr oduct lines fr om you.

Referr als-- they tell ot her s about you and give impor tant wor d-of-mouth mar keting.

They pr ovide constr uctive feedback and ar e always wi lli ng to fi ll out sur veys or r esponses for the company, whic h helps to better a pr oduct

Customer -centr ic ser vice pr ovider s take car e of c ustomer needs at ever y touch point i n t he c ustomer lifecyc le (order ing, fulfillment, billi ng, suppor t, etc.) and emp loy all channels (contact c enter , Inter net, self ser vice, mobile devices, br ick and mor tar stor es) and means of communicati on (phone, chat, email, Web, in-per son). They develop exper ience-based differ entiation, which shifts the focus fr om pr oduct featur es to customer wants and needs. These exper ience-based pr ovider s integr ate both int er nal and ext er nal innovations to cr eate end-to-end customer exper iences. They evaluat e their business models as well as and oper ational suppor t systems (BSS/OSS) fr om the customer ’s point of view to achieve the level of customer -centr icity necessar y to impr ove customer loy alty, chur n and r evenue (Lopez, 2007).

Managing Customer Experience Customer exper ience is the new innovation fr ontier for business. Companies ar e focusing on t he impor tance of t he exper ience and ar e r ealizing t hat “bui lding gr eat consumer exper iences is a complex enter prise, involvi ng str ategy, integr ation of technology, or chestr ating business models, br and management and CEO commitment .” (2006). An Enter pr ise Feedback Management (EFM) system can be used t o collect value f eedback fr om customer s. Micr osoft’s Customer Exper ience Impr ovement Pr ogr am gives all of its customer s the oppor tunity to pr ovide input into the design and development of its pr oducts. The pr ogr am collects feedback on how customer s use Micr osoft pr ogr ams and pr oblems t hey hav e encount er ed. The end r esults ar e softwar e impr ovements to better meet customer needs. Amdocs (a company t hat pr ovides softwar e solutions for billing, OSS, web por tal etc.) believ es customer exper iences should be intentional. Its customer exper ience systems help communication ser vice pr ovider s and

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Drishtikon Other enter pr ises develop an integr ated customer str ategy that emphasizes a centr al foc us on customer exper iences the way t hat they’r e intended – consistent, per sonalized and valuab le.

Conclusion The ex ecuti on of a C ustomer Exper ience Management plan is an analytical and cr eative pr ocess that is focused on str ategy and implementation. The pr ocess challenges or ganizations to become completely c ustomer -focused so as to differ entiate the or ganization, build r ich r elations with customer s, and ultimately obtain absolut e customer exper ience satisfaction. Based on an under standing of the cust omer , implementi ng the det er mined exper ience value thr ough cr eating a desir ed br and identity, incr easing customer satisfaction, and keeping t he edge wi ll pr ovide the or ganizations a means to become entir ely cust omer focused as to attr act and r etain customer s.

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Drishtikon Prof. Ankita Srivastava

A 55-Step Recipe for Achieving More Success

The definition of success var ies between people. Achieving per sonal success does not hav e to be difficult. Success is not an i mpossible dr eam. You can become succ essful in life. The tec hniques pr esent ed below will show you how achieve t he success y ou have always want ed.

But fir st you need to know what succ ess means to y ou. Not some gener al definition of succ ess. You need to see what you and your life would look like when you ar e successful. Developing a str ong vision of what you wi ll look like when you ar e tr uly succ essful wi ll help you st ep into that per son in your imagination's shoes. You will st ar t living life as a success. Despite what most self-help exper ts will tell you, ther e ar e no r eal secrets to being successf ul. The fact is that you have ev er ything you need inside of you r ight now t o become a huge success. The c hallenge is to excavat e your tr easur e and br ing it to the light so t hat ev er yone can see and appr eciate who y ou ar e and what you can do.

You Were Born for Greatness and to Succeed Human beings ar e given a blank canvas called Life upon whic h we can cr eate our ver y own wor k of ar t, painting what ever pictur e we desir e. Unfor tunately, we have not r eceived education in the ways of succ ess, lear ning things like t he value of imagination and visualization. Most of us never even hear d about the basic Laws of t he Univer se (attr action, r etr ibution, polar ity, cr eation) unt il adult hood. We wer e misinfor med by well-meaning people and institutions that told us that success is har d to come by a str uggle.

This is fiction! And it is time for you to achiev e the dr eams you have dr eamed about.

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Drishtikon Bring Forth the Treasure Within


The tr easur e that is within you is your God-given gifts, as well as having the ability to tr ust in a higher power who wants you to be healt hy, wealt hy, and wise. Success comes fir st in thought, then i n ener gy, and finally in for m.

To be mor e successful, star t fir st by thinking of y our self as a success. Look ar ound and r ecognize the succ ess that you alr eady have. Choose to believ e in who you ar e and your abilities. Then you wi ll int uitively know the r ight actions t o take, which wi ll easi ly lead you t o the best possible outcome. We’ve been misled t o t hink t hat success is a destination or somethi ng tangib le you can see, like money in t he bank or a big fancy house. Success is a feeling, a stat e of bei ng, wher e you f eel satisfied, joyful, fulfilled, and like you are doing your very best. The old sign of success was ext er nal, and about what you hav e. The new sign is inter nal—what is called So ul Success, and is fr om the inside out, based on how happy and on pur pose you feel. Benjamin Disraeli said, “Success is constancy of pur pose.” This quote emphasizes the need to live our lives on purpose consist ent ly and per sistently.

The ultimate success in life is to answer the age-old questions of “Who I am?” and “Why I am here?” When y ou answer these essential questions, you c an begin t o master the most impor tant lessons of all--- who y ou wer e bor n to be and what you came her e to do. This will make setti ng and achievi ng goals muc h easi er because they wi ll be in alignment with your soul’s vision and pur pose in life. Success is attr acted to people who pr ovide value and who invest in t hemselves. So to attr act mor e success, be success in eac h and ever y moment. T his means seei ng and exper iencing success now.

Ther e ar e 5 ways that allow y our mind to become set for success:

1)completion 2)deletion 3)cr eation 4)or ganization 5)delegati on.

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Drishtikon When you feel the need to hav e “instant success,” or ganize something, comp let e something, r emove somethi ng, delegate, and cr eate somet hing. Eac h of these actions ar e instant ener gy shifter s and allow you to tr ain your br ain to see success, and ther efor e, “be success.”

5 Step Recipe For Life Success Ther e ar e also steps t hat y ou can use t o be mor e successful--- follow your inspir ations wher e they lead, set c lear intentions, apply focused attention, and take massive action daily. A for mula for success is:




a) Follow








This step inv olves list ening to and r esponding t o the inkli ngs, messages, and i nspir ations your inner self is sending you. It is wise to honor that infor mation and follow wher e it leads you.

b) Set Clear Intentions This step involv es setting y our mind towar ds a specific outcome is (r emain open to somethi ng even better ), and you fully believe it wi ll come to pass. It is wise to wr ite your intentions down on paper

c) Apply Focused Attention This step involves c lear ing your mind, br inging your whole self by giving your full attention t o the task at hand. It is wise to pr actice a gr ounding or r elaxati on exer cise pr ior to beginning.

d) Take Massive Action This step involves doing somethi ng ever y single day to move you towar ds your goal. It is wise to develop and utilize a str ategy action plan.

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Drishtikon e) Beware of Unchallenged Beliefs Now t hat you know what succ ess r eally r equir es, what is stopping you fr om getti ng star ted? Often it is limiti ng beliefs. You pr obably mistakenly believ e that y ou ar e not good enough, smar t enough, etc. These beli efs ar e just lies y ou have told your self that y ou have c ome t o believe. And it is essential t hat you upr oot any and all beli efs that limit you. Always r emember the essential Tr uth that you already have all that you need to attract more success and happiness, you just need to learn to access your inner power. So, no matter what your pr esent life cir cumstances, even if they seem less-than-ideal, you can bec ome even mor e succ essful star ting this ver y moment by applying these simple steps. Unconscious people often have hope without action, and wish wit hout doi ng. You ar e differ ent. You ar e awar e and conscious, and know that to access the success t hat is alr eady ther e for you, will have t o take 100% responsibility for your life, find out w hat you really w ant, and then make the required internal changes to get harmoniously aligned your desires and dreams. (This is wher e the “inner wor k� comes in, wher e you r ead, study, and get ment or ed by those who hav e been wher e you ar e going.) The mor e you know, honor , love and develop your self, the mor e Success becomes attr acted to you. Set your sights high, dig deep, be teachable, coachable, acti onab le and your Big and Phenomenal Success will arrive right on time.

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Drishtikon Book Review

“Blue Ocean Strategy” ......by W. Chan Kim & Renee Mauborr ne

Prof. Anirudha Chakraborty

Conventional Mar keting wisdom advocat es a STP str ategy wher eby mar keter s’ fir st segment mar kets choose a par ticular segment / segments and then develop a value pr oposition and suitab ly position it. The idea behind t his is that the mar ket compr ises cluster s of homogeneity and if a pr oper segmentation of needs is done – t hen pr oducts can be developed to cat er to individual segments with gr eater focus and objectivity.

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Drishtikon The Blue Ocean Strategy The Blue ocean str ategy deviates fr om this basic pr emise of mar keting. It states that the or ganisation should not be subject to constr aints of segments and tar get mar kets but instead should come out wit h a value pr oposition which str addles as many segments as possible. By adopting a conventional STP str ategy the or ganisation oper ates in the “R ed Ocean” wher e ther e is a lot of bloodbath in t er ms of competition and oper ating costs. The basic tenets of the Blue Ocean str ategy ar e: -

Reconstr uct Mar ket boundaries Focus on the big pictur e, not number s Reach beyond existing demand Get the str ategic sequence r ight Over come key or ganisational hur dles Build exec ution into str ategy

The basic analytical tool the fr amewor k uses is what the author s call a str ategy canvas. This p lots the key success factor s of the industr y and tr ies to identify four types of pr oduct competencies: -

Competencies whic h can be eliminat ed. These ar e basically fr ills which don’t offer do much value to the pr oduct offer ing Competencies which can be r educed. These ar e r equir ed but maybe not to the extent in the cur r ent for mat Competencies which need to be i ncr eased Competencies which ar e to be added

A cr itical point in the book is t hat a blue ocean str ategy also br ings the cost cur ve of t he company down and cr eates entr y barr ier s for other s.

An Example of Blue Ocean Strategy from the Indian c ontext Reliance CDMA Launch The Indian telecom mar ket in the ear ly par t of this decade was dominated by GSM player s like Air tel and BSNL. Handset pr ices wer e INR 2000+ and tar iffs wer e also on the higher side.

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Drishtikon Because of car telisation in the GSM lobby ther e was no inc entive for any player to change this stat us quo. What did Reliance do? It launched the 501 offer in which it was offer ing an LG handset with in-bui lt talk time. Suddenly a new genr e of customer s who wer e not buying mobile connections ear lier because of pr ice – now saw a value pr oposition that was irr esistible. New segments lik e r ur al customer s and BOP customer s star ted pur chasing mobi le handsets and the I ndian mar ket exp loded. Over night Reli ance had a sub base matchi ng Air tel. Using the str ategy canvas Reli ance did the following: -Eliminated feat ur es: High pr ice & Luxur y featur es of GSM handsets -Reduced Featur es – Some f eatur es like camer a etc whic h wer e not r equir ed in entr y level handsets - Incr eased Featur es: Dur ability, Sound (This was a major addition keeping in mind high decibel envir ons of India) - New Featur es: Fr ee minutes. It also applied the pr inciples of the B lue ocean str ategy by looking bey ond the tar gets in whic h GSM companies wer e oper ating and having a big pictur e in mind. Reliance also laid the lar gest OFC networ k along with its novel pr oduct offer ing. This cr eated an entr y barr ier because GSM oper ator s did not have the excess c apacity that r eliance had and thus could not copy Relianc e’s fr ee minute str ategy.

Question Posed Is it possible to cr eate a b lue ocean str ategy for an Educational institut e like our s so that we can mov e out of the Red ocean and cr eate a blue ocean for our selves? If yes the cr itical questions wi ll be: -

What ar e the new segments of cust omer s that we can cr eate? What featur es of MBA education can we cr eate new, incr ease, decr ease and eliminate entir ely fr om the str ategy canvas? Would this str ategy cr eate a lower cost cur ve for the institute and also give it an advantage ov er other s which c ould not be r eplicat ed easi ly

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Drishtikon Faculty Development Programme On

Salient features of the FDP conducted by Prof Anirudha Chakrabarty on 19/07/2013



Mar ket Segmentati on Development of Consumer Pr ofiles based on AIO (Activities, Inter ests, Opinions) pr ofiling Testing for independence of var iables Pr edicting a var iable based on values of dependent var iables Positioning of pr oducts and br ands Consumer per ceptual mapping


SPSS (Statistical Package For Social Scienc es) is a statistical package dev eloped for use of both pr ofessionals i n Mar ket Resear ch as well as user s in social sciences in Economics, Psychology etc. The options in SPSS ar e wide r anging fr om simple data pivots, char ts, computation of means, var iances, r egr ession, corr elation as well as comp lex t ests (both univar iate and multivar iate) as well as specialized techniques like C luster Analysis , Conjoint analysis etc. These t ests hav e wide r anging applic ations i n decision sciences. Some specific applications ar e:

The MDP on SPSS focused on the followi ng ar eas: -

Data str uctur ing, pivot tables Char ts : pie, line, scatter Testing for means (single samp le, independent and pair ed) Testing for variances Discr iminant and Multiple r egr ession analysis Clust er Analysis Factor Analysis Conjoint A nalysis ANOV A

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Drishtikon Raju Sinha, The Summer Inter nship Pr ogr am aims at widening a student's per spective by pr oviding exposur e to r eal-life or ganizational and envir onmental situations. This enab les t he st udent t o explor e the chosen i ndustr y, build r elationship wit h cor por ate people, and hone the ski lls r equir ed for the r espective sector . The Summer Inter nship which I did at Par ag Dair y, Noida, one of the main p layer s in the Di ar y and Diar y pr oducts in India not only gave me inv aluab le knowledge and infor mation about how t he c or por ates wor k in the fir st place, but it also gav e an oppor tunity to inter act with lar ge numb er pr ofessionals and enab led me to t he networ king also as I hav e never done befor e in my life. Final Year MBA

I wor ked on a r esear ch pr oject to identify the weaknesses and thr eats of Par ag mar keting str ategies and come out with soluti ons so that the company could evaluat e my findings and salutations and better their mar ket shar e and also look at expanding their base to the near by ar eas like t hat of Gr eater Noida. This pr oject cur ved out a new hor izon for viewing things in totality and that undoubted ly gave me lots of confidence to plan for a better car eer once I complete my MBA. Apar t fr om the designated pr oject, I have also been involv ed in meeting with t he dealer s and the canteen i n-char ge of var ious companies and Institutions with pr oposals to wor k with us.

Summer Internship

I consider myself for tunate t o wor k with Par ag Dair y, as I got ample oppor tunity to explor e my str engths and lear n the aest hetics of business. I always knew that I would be able t o lever age the scope giv en to me in t he best possib le manner . The healthy wor k atmospher e at Par ag inspir es the beginner s like me in bar r ier -less lear ning.

Student’s reflection

For giving this oppor tunity, I would like to t hank SRIMT and the entir e team of Par ag Dair y, Noida who r olled out t o me the S ummer Inter nship Pr ogr am which inc or por ated in me confidence t o appr oach people, acc ept challenges and pr ovide appr opr iate solutions.

The tr aining has taught me the disciplines of office cultur e and the met hods of conducting c or por ate meeti ngs and business r epor ts. It was r eally a nice time dur ing my SIP wher e I lear ned a lot which would help me to shape myself as an industr y r eady pr oduct.

48 B, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, NCR. Tel 020 2323823. Fax 0120 2323900. URL www.sriram.ac.in e-mail info@sriram.ac.in



Drishtikon Sumeer Sharma Final Y ear PGDM

It gives me muc h pleasur e and happiness t o shar e my exper ience of SIP in the r eputed two wheeler MNC, Royal Enfield (Unit of Eicher Motor s).I did Summer Inter nship Pr ogr am for the per iod 13th May 2013 to 23rd July 2013 in t heir Regional tr aining center at Chandigar h. Dur ing my fir st 15 days in the company, they tr ained me mor e on t echnical aspects of the bikes and the Twi ns spar k engine of Classic 350 & 500 ser ies Bikes. After that I star ted assisting senior officials of Royal Enfield, Chandigar h and under their guidance I was assigned auditing of t he dealer s net wor k of the company at Chandigar h and Himac hal Pr adesh r egions. Side by side I also wor ked on a pr oject “Compar ative analysis of customer satisfaction with Royal Enfield Delhi NCR & Chandigar h�. And if anyone is, int er ested to know mor e about my above mentioned pr oject, I can send him or her my det ailed SIP r epor t.

Ranjan Kumar Final Year MBA Student,

My exper ience with the Patn a Dairy Project (Sudha) gave me so much mor e than I expect ed, I thought I was j ust star ting a new int er nship, somet hing to keep me busy dur ing the summer and to look nice on a r esume. Howev er , what I found was muc h mor e than that. T he inter nship helped me find new fr iends, lear n new t hings, and meet many pr ofessionals in my field. The summer inter nship tr ainer s and mentor s wer e so suppor tive and fr iendly. Over the two months of the int er nship, we wor ked on many differ ent assignments inc luding mar ket r esear ch. Along the way, I impr oved my pr ofessional ski lls and lear ned to see things fr om differ ent per spectives. I owe it to my helpful, suppor tive, and ver y per ceptive mentor s at Patna Dairy Project (Sudha) that I r ecognized how much r oom for impr ovement in me.

48 B, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, NCR. Tel 020 2323823. Fax 0120 2323900. URL www.sriram.ac.in e-mail info@sriram.ac.in 36


Drishtikon Poem My Sriram We smile, we laugh, we play, we enjoy We upset, we shout, we unite, we fight, we cry… About all those things that entertained us

Trapti Saini

In our Sriram Family We celebrate, we dance, we sing, we act, We write, we read, we make, we take, We feel special, we listen words and we listen ideas.. …..that is the life at our Sriram We mentor, we are mentored, we argue, we console, We confess, we specialize, we recognize and We get opportunities…to do a million things

“My Sriram”

MBA IInd Year

That’s what we did and do in our Sriram family……….. That’s what we do in

My Sriram

48 B, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, NCR. Tel 020 2323823. Fax 0120 2323900. URL www.sriram.ac.in e-mail info@sriram.ac.in 37


Drishtikon Inner Exploration Pr of. C Devidasan

Inner Exploration

“In pursuit of Knowledge” I sat in my study ponder ing; wher e does t he knowledge come fr om? Wher e is it stor ed? I tr ied to look for it in Einst ein’s br ain specimen; but all I could see was muti lat ed tissues. E=mc2 was not t o be seen any wher e. Then I tr ied to cut open t he piano of Beethoven in an attempt to see his gr eatest compositions; but all I could see was the destr oyed instr ument.

48 B, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, NCR. Tel 020 2323823. Fax 0120 2323900. URL www.sriram.ac.in e-mail info@sriram.ac.in 38


Drishtikon As the dusk dawned in my backyard, I heard the Cuckoo singing fr om the bloomed mango tr ee and in a desper ate attempt tr apped it to find out the mesmer izing r agas it sang; but all I could find was a fr ail lump in its thr oat. I sear ched all t he libr ar ies and devour ed volumes after volumes; but all I could find was the neat ly pr inted lines in them......no tr ail of knowledge. Then I saw a pair of peacocks dancing t o the r hythm of the r ain dr oplets and decided to cor ner them; but c ould not find dancing talent t hey displayed. Instead t wo lifeless legs looked back at me.

I felt miser able--Wher e does the knowledge c ome fr om? Ther e has to be a p lace wher e it has been st or ed …….. stor ed in abundance!! I sear ched in scr iptur es, tur ned to seer s and knowledgeab le i n vain and finally saw a love smitten Rukmini talki ng to the Flute handsome Kr ishna had left on t he r iver banks of Yamuna as he was taki ng a bath. "O Flute, I am envious of you? You ar e always on t he per son of my belov ed. I wish I wer e as knowledgeab le and talented as y ou ar e in singing so t hat I too could be wit h my belov ed always!” “Dear Rukmini, look at me; I am just a hollow pipe, ther e is nothi ng in it…neither knowledge nor talent. A ll I know is when I tr y to sing, I see that it keeps coming to me. May be it is His wish. Well, finally, I had t he answer . Knowledge, Talent, efficiency, ability and competency keep comi ng t o one when he keeps tr ying….Fr om wher e? Fr om UNKNOWN!! That is wher e it is stor ed and stor ed in abundance; to be giv en to those who tr y…..continue to tr y……. May be that is His way of r ewar ding the effor ts. Who knows? Love, C Devidasan

48 B, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, NCR. Tel 020 2323823. Fax 0120 2323900. URL www.sriram.ac.in e-mail info@sriram.ac.in 39


Drishtikon Chief Patron: Dr. Sriram Luthra (CEO) Patron:

Student Editors: Raju Kumar Sinha Murari Kumar Ashish Kumar Anshika Thakur Guidance : Prof. Ankita Srivastava

Editorial Board

Prof. G.K.Tripathi (Executive Director)

Mentoring: Prof. C.Devidasan (Advisor) Prof. Soumitra Chakraborty (Dean)

48 B, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, NCR. Tel 020 2323823. Fax 0120 2323900. URL www.sriram.ac.in e-mail info@sriram.ac.in


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