Downtown Chiado 2015 - The Catalog

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Welcome to Lisbon! mee#NG art Chiado is proud to host Downtown Chiado 15, a interna4onal exhibi4on that will provide a wide range of ar4sts from all around the world to show their work here in Lisbon.


general informa6on

Curator | Gonçalo Madeira Dura6on of the Show | February 4th – 20th 2015 Loca6on | mee6NG art Chiado Rua Nova da Trindade, 5G 1200-­‐301 Lisboa -­‐ PORTUGAL Exhibi6on Hours | Tue-­‐Sat from 11am to 6pm Private View | February 4th, 2015, 5pm Vernissage Schedule | February 4th, from 5pm -­‐ 7pm Website |hYp:// Email Address |


list of par6cipa6ng ar6sts

06-­‐07 | Andrea Cola | ITALY 08-­‐09 | Angela Piedade | PORTUGAL 10-­‐11 | Anna Petrova | RUSSIA 12-­‐13 | Benjamin Enriquez | MEXICO 14-­‐15 | Ilsa E. Garcia Gonzalez | USA 16-­‐17 | Luis Buitron | MEXICO 18-­‐19 | Jaime Prates| PORTUGAL 20-­‐21 | Joel Bassous | FRANCE 22-­‐23 | Natalia Gromicho| PORTUGAL




Andrea Cola | Italy

I was born in Bellano (CO) on Lake Como, Italy, currently live in Lugano, start entering the world of art thanks to an ar6st of Lierna, a village overlooking the Lecco branch of Lake Como, by the name Guido Stropeni that will be my teacher for about three years.The results of these teachings are the approach to the basics of drawing. I restarted in 2011 to make visible my mind, the result are works executed with mixed techniques but always dedicated to mold the material rather than the tradi6onal pain6ng. I am an ar6st, what I do the first I do it for myself, then if is pleasing to other people so much the beYer.

w – www.andrea-­‐ e –


Mixed Technique | 70x50cm | 2014 7



Angela Piedade | Portugal

I consider myself a watercolorist, but for plas6c expressivity, I merge several techniques for a beYer representa6on of how I feel. I use oil, acrylic and watercolor that let me capture a poe6c, diaphanous and sensual reality.

w – hYp://­‐piedade-­‐art e –


Mixed Technique | 96x142cm | 2015 9



Anna Petrova | Russia

The art came into my life since my early age through drawings and pain6ngs and since then have never lel me, becoming a part of my iden6ty. My ar6s6c crea6ons are the mirror of my soul, my dreams, my imagina6on, which are my main inspira6on. You can observe in my pain6ngs a diversity of colors and peculiar scenarios that are reflec6on of my state of mind. I would be more than happy to introduce you to the colors of my world and hope you enjoy the journey!

w – hYp:// e –

O Mundo Imaterial

Mixed Technique | 60x100cm | 2014 11



Benjamin Vargas Enriquez |Mexico

Personalmente considero a la pintura como mi “siquiatra” de cabecera, a manera de representación de un “lenguaje no verbal”, sensi6vo >visual<, mudo, silente, que me permite comunicar y expresar ideográficamente mi sen6r, mis gustos y disgustos, mis ansias, mis anhelos, mis temores y mis creencias, mis pasiones y decepciones; todo lo que llevo dentro de mí, como una forma de concebir y tratar de dar a entender, en este instante mi paso por el universo.

e – coyoteshing@gmail. com


Ink on Paper| 33x50cm | 2014 13



Ilsa E. Garcia Gonzalez | USA My name is Ilsa E. Garcia Gonzalez born in Aibinito, P.R. called The city of Flowers and the Suiza of P.R. I have studies in Healthcare but also in Paint. Im a #1 fan of Arts and Poetry I relate them both in my artwork!

e –


Mixed Technique | 40x31cm | 2014 15



Luis Buitron | Mexico Born in Mexico City in 1981, psychologist by profession and ar6st by convic6on, at a very young age he started to travel, having the opportunity to live in Canada, Russia and Spain. It was in St. Petersburg, Russia when he lived his first contact in the art world, by experiencing the way of life of the great Russian ar6sts. But it was in Madrid, Spain when he was developed as painter, photographer and sculptor. He presented his work in St. Petersburg, Madrid, Mexico City and Guadalajara. Traveling and gexng to know people from other countries has made Luis have a great vision in culture and crea6vity. He is about to start a new project in sculptures in Argen6na and Chile. He´s lived in Guadalajara, Mexico since 2006. He is young and crea6ve, he is not labeled in any style of art, but there is no doubt that his art makes him unique and has a great future to develop. Now a days he is working on blind people as they express their ar6s6c “view”.

w -­‐ hYp:// e –


Mixed Technique | 104x157cm | 2014 17



Jaime Prates | Portugal Photography is a mean that allows me to capture a world that seems flee6ng. With photography, I search for a reality beyond what we perceive as reality, urban experiences, human expressions, broken reali6es and a obscure and hidden side of life.

w – hYp:// e –


Mixed Technique | 100x70cm | 2011 19



Joel Bassous | France

Adver6sing execu6ve and visual ar6st by passion, I like to design works expressing a contemporary idea, in a roundabout way, and if possible with humor. Currently, I create in volume, using a variety of materials, olen high-­‐tech but also natural: stones, feathers, wood… You have understood that I love mixing technics (pain6ng, sculpture, photography) to give life to my imagina6on.

w – hYp://www.joel-­‐ e –


Mixed Technique | 35x32x20cm | 2014 21


DOWNTOWN CHIADO 2015 Natália Gromicho | Portugal

A giled painter, in the purest sense, Natália has skillfully created a body of work that is simultaneously lyrical and mysterious, jubilant yet poe6c. Employing these paradoxes, she skillfully applies her raw talent into different mediums and styles crea6ng a sense of flux, depth and dominance. Natália’s work takes elemental images, from nature and the landscape to culture and individuals she encounters on her travels, and transforms using drama6c ploys such as contrasts in scale, shils in focus, irrored reflec6ons, staccato images, and mul6ple or layered surfaces. Sensory percep6on for Natália is a spiritual ac6vity, one that leads to a heightened awareness of both nature and culture—this thought process points to a new kind of realism—one that is engaged with the actual processes of life. Yet, it also references the theore6cal avant-­‐ garde concep6ons of deconstruc6on emerging during Modernism.

w – e –

Lisboa ao amanhecer

Mixed Technique | 100x80cm | 2015 23



NORMA DE LA ROSA | Mexico Diseñadora de Interiores por convicción, Arquitecta de Profesión y fotógrafa por pasión. Maestría en Diseño de Interiores, Universidad Motolinia del Pedregal generación 2011-­‐2013. Licenciatura en Ingeniero Arquitecto, Escuela superior de Ingeniería y Arquitectura generación 1999-­‐2004. Fotógrafo Profesional, Escuela De Fotogra•a y Publicidad George Eastman generación 2008-­‐2010. Fotógrafa por pasión, ya que la primer cámara que tuve en mis manos fue cuando tenía 4 años de edad, inicie las primeras tomas y de ahí en adelante en la mochila siempre cargue una cámara, me embriaga el aroma de los químicos y extasiada en tonos grises, sepias y colores brillantes me enamore de las imágenes que se veían a través de la lente y de las impactantes impresiones que estas producían después de un click.

w – hYps:// e –

Mexico entre organos

Introspeccion| Photography| 45x70cm 25

Thank you!

On Behalf of all the organiza4on I thank you all for par4cipa4on in this edi4on of DC15. See you all next year!


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