Campaign Booklet

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We m u s t a c t n o w a n d w e mu s t a c t b o l d l y. fàxÑ{xÇ WA `|ÇÇ|á President




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It is with great pleasure that we lead

this comprehensive

our alma mater in this important

campaign for Benedictine

effort. We are asking you to

College as it works to achieve a new

prayerfully consider an investment

level of excellence. The $50 million

in excellence. Within these pages,

goal is a challenge, four times

you will find many opportunities to

larger than anything the college

make a difference. Please take some

has attempted before. However, we

time to ref lect on your interests and

feel it is absolutely achievable and

the best way for you to support the

abundantly neccessary.

college will become apparent.

The college was founded 150

On behalf of Benedictine College,

years ago and, over the years, has

we invite you to participate in this

grown increasingly respected for its

historic campaign. We look forward

mission as a Catholic, Benedictine,

to working with you through the

residential, liberal arts institution.

process. And we thank you for

For generations, Benedictine

investing in excellence.

College has offered the opportunity for young people to realize their potential. It has helped them achieve excellence in faith, family, community, and career. As alumni, success has come to many of us through adherence to the morals, ethics, and values instilled in us by this institution. Benedictine College and its parent institutions, Mount St. Scholastica College and St. Benedict’s College, have given us more than we could ever repay, and, as alumni, we are privileged to contribute to this cause. We know these contributions of both time and treasure are sure to benefit future



Thomas Hoenig, ’68


C. Patrick McLarney, ’64

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U.S. News & World Report has named

We must act now and we must act

the sisters of Mount St.

Benedictine College one of America’s

boldly to ensure the future, and make

Scholastica Monastery

best colleges. The Newman Guide

the move from a small liberal arts

and the monks of St. Benedict’s

to Choosing a Catholic College

college tucked along the banks of the

Abbey, along with thousands of

has named us one of the top 20

Missouri River to one of the great

dedicated men and women, have

Catholic colleges in the country. We

Catholic colleges in America.

celebrated great achievements:

are featured on national television

forging a new educational institution

shows on the ABC Family Network,

It is necessary to strive for greatness.

on the American frontier, national

Women’s Entertainment Television,

It is possible to meet and go beyond

athletic championships, and a Nobel

and PBS.

our goals. It is yours and mine to

Laureate alumna. We have also

achieve. Join me in shaping the

overcome numerous challenges:

As we head into our sesquicentennial

Benedictine College of tomorrow.

the Civil War, the merging of two

celebration, a new light is shining

Join me in this campaign.

schools steeped in culture and

on Benedictine College. Success,

tradition, and financial uncertainty.

stability, and progress are the order

It is with deep gratitude and great

of the day. It is time to seize this

pride in the entire Benedictine

moment and propel Benedictine

community that I lead a college

College to new and greater heights.

today that stands ready for a bright future as one of the great Catholic

Enhancing the endowment, building

colleges in America.

a new Academic Center, constructing a Marian Grotto, and renovating

Benedictine College’s efforts over

Westerman Hall are vital to the

the past several years have been

college’s long-term success. Funding

rewarded both on campus and

the components of this effort will

throughout the nation. We have

empower Benedictine College to

seen sustained enrollment growth for

demonstrate excellence through new

more than 10 years, leading to the

achievements in faith-based higher

largest incoming freshman class and


the largest undergraduate enrollment in the history of the college.

Sincerely, Stephen D. Minnis, ’82



e xc ellence TĂ

Benedictine College we are building one of the great Catholic colleges in America. Building a great Catholic college requires a community-wide commitment to excellence. We must dedicate ourselves to educating students to become leaders in the Benedictine tradition, who will transform the world through their commitment to intellectual, personal, and spiritual greatness. To achieve this vision, we must invest in people, programs, and facilities. We must invest in excellence. This campaign, by addressing scholarship dollars, academic facilities, endowed academic chairs, aspects of community, class size, and even studentfaculty interaction, will continue to help the college attract high-achieving students and will demonstrate the Benedictine commitment to excellence.


Benedictine College is committed to its mission of educating men and women within a community of faith and scholarship and its vision of building one of the great Catholic colleges in America. Attention to this mission and vision has resulted in a true renaissance at the college. A decade of continuous enrollment growth, recognition from U.S. News & World Report, exemplary status for our education programs, incredible graduate placement rates, and tremendously successful alumni are just a few of the indicators showing the rising momentum. Benedictine College is now at the forefront of Catholic higher education. The Investing in Excellence Campaign will build on this positive momentum, securing a strong and vibrant future for generations of Benedictine students.



EåvxÄÄxÇvx |Ç FAC ILIT IE S ACCORDING TO THE MIDDLE STATES COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION, there are several components that indicate excellence in higher education. One key standard is the quality of an institution’s facilities. At Benedictine College, enrollment growth is putting pressure on the existing living and teaching facilities. Housing on the residential campus is at a premium and the college has invested in three new residence halls in the past few years: the renovation of Freshman Hall, now Ferrell Hall, in 2001; the construction of St. Scholastica Hall in 2005; and the construction of the new apartment-style residence complex for upperclassmen in 2008. The addition of living space dictates a corresponding addition of classrooms, courses, and faculty. The Investing in Excellence Campaign addresses this standard by providing for faculty office space and classrooms necessary to adequately teach the growing population. The new Academic Center, the keystone of the capital projects within the campaign, will give the college room to grow for years to come.


EåvxÄÄxÇvx |Ç ACA DE MIC S AN OUTSTANDING CURRICULUM OF STUDY, IN PARTICULAR AN EXPERIENTIAL learning program which prepares students for success in the real world, is another indication of excellence. The hands-on approach to education gives the student an active role in the educational process. The Benedictine College Discovery Program provides the same learning experience across campus. Discovery is an educational process in which students are central and teaching and learning are active, collaborative, and inquiry-based. The liberal arts curriculum guides students toward an active quest for and an understanding of truth. It characterizes the Benedictine pursuit of the liberal arts. The Investing in Excellence Campaign, indirectly through its capital projects and scholarships and directly through research grants and fellowships, addresses the need to continue and expand the Discovery Program. With your help, the Investing in Excellence Campaign will ensure proper financial, technical, physical, and other resources are available and accessible to students, faculty, and staff.

“The professors here at Benedictine College are the foundation on which I can develop to my full potential. Their dedication and one on one attention are second to none.”

WtÇ|xÄ ioÄ~ Student

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A CRITICAL STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE IS THE SIZE OF AN INSTITUTION’S endowment. The Benedictine College Investing in Excellence campaign addresses the relatively small endowment by calling for a 200 percent increase in the fund. This is a daunting, but not unreasonable, amount. A great Catholic college needs an adequate endowment to relieve the pressure on enrollment growth and institutional dollars. A small endowment fund combined with a highly competitive marketplace means institutional dollars must be spent on the scholarships necessary to recruit high achieving students to Benedictine. Premier colleges across the nation are known for their healthy endowments, and Benedictine needs to move into that neighborhood. By growing the Benedictine College endowment to $30 million, we are moving up the scale and helping to guarantee the future of the college. We are assuring the coming generations that this outstanding education will be available for them … and for their children.



CA MPA IG N ZotÄá 7EG million


Academic Center

$21 million

(Including: Grotto, Central Plant, Quad, and Site Work)

Westerman Hall

$3 million

7EC million


Scholarships (Presidential, Dean’s, Athletic, Leadership) Faculty Chairs Endowed Professorships Fellowships

7I million


Addressing the ongoing needs of providing an excellent Benedictine education.

ENDOWMENT COMPARISON $70 $60 $50 $40 $30 $20 $10

William Jewell College

Graceland University

Rockhurst University

Baker University

Loras College

Aquinas College


Benedictine College

Valu e s in Mi lli on s


Da t a as of Ju ly 1, 2006 S o urce : I P EDS


Treanor Architects, P.A., of Lawrence, Kansas, designed the academic center. Embracing the Benedictine charism, the firm has remained true to the Benedictine sense of community and the college’s brick and limestone architecture. The Treanor team has been instrumental in the renovation or construction of many of the college’s buildings, including: Freshman Hall, now known as Ferrell Hall, an award winning, state-of-the-art residence hall (left). St. Scholastica Hall, housing 140 women (middle). The new apartment-style residence hall for upperclassmen (right).



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ifts to support state-of-the-art laboratories, purchase science instruments and equipment, and fund specific curricula are necessary. With updated facilities, the award-winning biology department, for instance, will be able to match its outstanding fieldwork with excellent lab work. Capital improvements within Westerman Hall will not only help advance the pursuit of knowledge, but will also enhance recruiting efforts.


jxáàxÜÅtÇ [tÄÄ exÇoätà|oÇ Benedictine College is proud

Benedictine’s history of excellence

The Investing in Excellence campaign

to count world-renowned and

in the sciences continues today. The

seeks $3 million to ensure facilities

distinguished alumni among the

award-winning Biology Department

in Westerman Hall, the “science

graduates of its science programs.

was recently awarded a major grant

building,” can continue to support

Wangari Maathai, MSSC, ’64,

from the U.S. Army Corps of

the acclaimed level of teaching taking

received the 2004 Nobel Peace

Engineers to conduct a nationally

place inside its walls. Westerman

Prize. Michael Murray, ’71, is Dean-

significant study on Cottonwood

Hall improvements are necessary to

emeritus of the Mayo Clinic College

trees in the Missouri River Valley.

allow for modern safety practices and

of Medicine. Joseph Petelin, ’73,

Several science programs recently

state-of-the-art scientific equipment.

is an internationally recognized

teamed with a corporate partner,

surgeon and pioneer in the field of

MGP Ingredients Inc., to provide

It is vital that the science facilities on

laparoscopic surgery.

science and technology internships to

campus keep pace with the demand

Benedictine students.

for continued excellence in these fields.

These are just a few examples of the kinds of graduates educated within

With the establishment of a new

the science programs at Benedictine

degree in Engineering Physics,

College. Benedictine science

Benedictine College has taken

students are accepted to graduate and

the first step toward offering an

medical schools at an extremely high

Engineering Program, which will be a

rate and Benedictine alumni are top

first for a small, Catholic, liberal arts










Department of Business Administration


Department of Education





Departments of Theology & Philosophy


Administrative & Conferencing





axã TvtwxÅ|v VxÇàxÜ Two of these programs, Business and Education, are currently housed in the oldest building on campus, Bishop Fink Hall. By providing a modern, collegiate-level, teaching environment, the new Academic Center will position these two strong departments for continued excellence. The five-story Fink Hall can no A great Catholic college needs quality teaching space. More than ten years of enrollment growth has filled all available classroom space throughout most of the day. It is not uncommon for students to take classes during the lunch hour and in the evening, a practice that was once rare. Classrooms built into new residence halls are already filled and even O’Malley-McAllister Auditorium routinely provides space for teaching, a move away from the small class sizes for which Benedictine is known. Construction of the new Academic Center will provide the infrastructure necessary to meet current space needs while positioning the college for continued growth and success in the years to come. Built on the eastern edge of the quad and overlooking the bluff between Westerman Hall and St. Benedict Hall, a new 64,000 square foot Academic Center will serve as an enduring landmark of the college’s

longer support necessary classroom technology, lacks an elevator and handicapped access, has inadequate electrical wiring, and makes it difficult to provide a first-class education. Since Business and Education are the two departments in which the college offers graduate degrees, the need for change is even more compelling. Theology has been the fastest growing major on campus. In fact, Benedictine College now boasts one of the largest undergraduate theology programs in the nation. With this growth comes the need for more space. Moving the Department of Theology, along with Philosophy, out of St. Benedict Hall also allows for needed renovations, providing the social sciences with superior classroom and academic research space on the fourth f loor. The Investing in Excellence campaign seeks $21 million to build this new Academic Center, the grotto, and the central plant.

commitment to academic excellence. The Center’s open rotunda and wide hallways will foster the Benedictine tradition of community while classrooms and faculty offices will house four academic departments on campus: Business, Education, Philosophy, and Theology.


` ARIAN Z ROTTO As a Catholic institution of higher learning, Benedictine College is committed to enlightening the minds and enlivening the hearts of everyone it touches. A campaign committed to excellence simply cannot overlook the importance of faith in daily campus life. The Investing in Excellence campaign will fund a beautiful new grotto, dedicated to the Blessed Mother, on the western edge of the academic quad. Nestled on the hillside next to the historic brick walkway from the Haverty Center and Student Union up to St. Benedict Hall, the grotto will be visible from most of campus. It will enhance the activities and mission of Campus Ministry programming and serve as a place for quiet meditation, inspiration, and outdoor prayer. A demonstration of the thriving faith life on campus, a Marian Grotto will help remind us all of the importance of prayer in the search for truth and the quest for knowledge.

Naming Opportunity: $2,500,000





STRONG ENDOWMENT FUND IS A HALLMARK OF A GREAT COLLEGE. Gifts to the endowment strengthen the quality of a Benedictine College education by funding scholarships, maintaining libraries, supporting academic programs, funding ground-breaking research, and providing ongoing support in many ways. Although their specific uses may vary, all endowment funds at Benedictine College have a common goal: to support the college not just for one year, one decade, or one generation, but in perpetuity. An endowment acts as a savings account, growing larger over time while paying out a portion of its earnings for the needs on campus. One of the main elements of the campaign is to triple the size of Benedictine’s endowment, raising it to $30 million. Scholarships, faculty resources, and fellowships benefit from endowment earnings and ensure the financial well being of the college and the academic success of its students.

S u p p o rt f o r F a c u l t y :

Endowe d F a c u lt y Ch a ir s , Pro f e s s o r s h ips a n d F e llo w shi p s

Without exception, great colleges have great faculty. The presence of esteemed faculty members helps attract the most talented students. Endowed faculty chairs, professorships, and fellowships are the most significant awards bestowed upon faculty members and are lasting ways to help the college build its reputation as a premier institution of higher learning. Donors who choose to endow a faculty position recognize that their gift will make a lasting, living contribution and strengthen the core of Benedictine College, securing it as one of the great Catholic colleges in America.

The practice of endowing faculty positions began more than 500 years ago when, in 1502, the Countess of Richmond endowed chairs in divinity at the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge in England. There has since been a long history of strong and mutally beneficial relationships between benefactors and higher education. Endowed faculty positions are highly esteemed in the academic world, and holding such a position is considered a great honor.




Benedictine College seeks to establish several endowed faculty chairs. These positions will provide resources to attract faculty who will build programs that can make a real difference for both Benedictine College and the world. The income from these permanently invested funds provides for salary, benefits, and a long-term commitment that often enables these outstanding educators to pursue projects that would otherwise be out of reach. Endowed professorships generate income from permanently invested funds and help cover the cost of a faculty position. Since these positions are considered an honor, the establishment of their endowment will allow Benedictine College the ability to reward its best faculty and recruit leading professors, widening the breadth of talent and securing an outstanding education for Benedictine students. Most highly regarded private colleges and large public universities require a gift of $1 to $3 million to endow a faculty chair or professorship. As we move to become one of the great Catholic colleges in America, the Benedictine College Investing in Excellence campaign seeks commitments of $1.5 million to fund a chair and $1 million to fund a professorship. This campaign also seeks several endowed faculty fellowships. These grants are generally awarded on a yearly basis, allowing faculty to undertake special projects and provide unique opportunities for students. Through the Investing in Excellence campaign, Benedictine College seeks to establish several faculty fellowships of $200,000 each.


S u p p o rt f o r S t u d e n t s :

Endo we d Sc h o la r s h ips

As higher education becomes increasingly expensive, Benedictine College cherishes the generous gifts from alumni and friends that lead to endowed scholarships for current and future students. Endowed scholarships provide access and are vital to the college’s recruiting and retention efforts. Strong and well-established scholarship programs attract the best and brightest students to Benedictine without tapping annual operating funds or relying on tuition increases. Existing scholarship programs have had a significant impact on the college’s enrollment growth. The Investing in Excellence campaign seeks to build on this success and create new scholarship program opportunities, making a Benedictine education more widely accessible.

“Funding an endowed scholarship is both a permanent and personal way for benefactors to impact the life of a Benedictine student and ensure the ongoing resources are available for generations to come.”

WÜA ^|ÅuxÜÄç f{tÇ~ÅtÇ Dean of the College

P lanned Givin g Planned gifts are often great ways to establish or contribute to an endowment. Planned gifts can be made through trusts, bequests, life insurance, annuities, real estate, and retirement funds. The Office of Advancement staff at Benedictine College is prepared to help you determine the best vehicle for your planned gift. You can learn more at





The Presidential Scholarship is the most prestigious

The Dean’s Scholarships also reward academically

Benedictine College award. A full tuition scholarship,

talented students who can have a high impact on the

the Presidential is awarded on the basis of a

Benedictine College community. These generous

multifaceted competition based on academic ability,

three-quarter tuition scholarships allow high achieving

achievement, and leadership potential. By establishing

students a chance to be Ravens. A donor will provide

an endowed Presidential Scholarship, a donor will enjoy

substantial support for future academic scholars by

an on-going relationship with these talented students.

endowing a Dean’s Scholarship.

“There is no question that at Benedictine College we are educating future CEOs, bank presidents, doctors, lawyers, teachers, and principals, but we also take very seriously the fact that we are educating future parish council members, school board presidents, scout leaders, little league coaches, and mothers and fathers. ”

fàxÑ{xÇ WA `|ÇÇ|á? ËKE President




Benedictine College has built a national reputation

Great leaders transform society. Benedictine College

for outstanding student athletes, integrity in

is committed to educating students to become leaders

competition, and high quality athletic programs. An

in the Benedictine tradition, transforming the world

endowed athletic scholarship represents an everlasting

through their dedication to intellectual, personal,

commitment to the Ravens and ensures that quality

and spiritual greatness. The Investing in Excellence

student-athletes wear Red & Black for years to come.

campaign seeks to establish endowed scholarships for

An endowment, invested in perpetuity, generates

students who exhibit the qualities that make a strong

income to fund a scholarship that will help maintain

leader ... responsibility, drive, vision, respect.

quality and both expand and enhance recruiting opportunities.

PROGRAM-SPECIFIC SCHOLARSHIPS A benefactor may specify any program or department

Endowed athletic scholarships offer a unique

as the recipient of a restricted, endowed scholarship.

opportunity for alumni, friends, and fans to name

Business scholarships, music scholarships,

intercollegiate scholarships and leave a lasting legacy

international study scholarships, and scholarships

to the program. These scholarships will also ensure

for veterans are just a few examples of permanent

that Benedictine College remains competitive both on

funds set up for individuals in specific departments,

the field and in the classroom.

programs, or with specific needs. Benedictine College educates students from ordinary backgrounds and equips them to lead extraordinary lives. We are committed to maintaining an academic environment in which all students, no matter what their background, are challenged to reach their fullest potential. Through the Investing in Excellence campaign, a donor may establish an endowed scholarship with a minimum gift of $25,000. Invested in perpetuity, the endowment will generate income to fund a scholarship according to the donor’s wishes.



Support for the

W iscover y c rogram

Endowment gifts can also help directly support one of the most important and far-reaching programs at Benedictine College ‌ Discovery. For almost 15 years, the Discovery Program has allowed students to conduct extra-curricular research in collaboration with their professors. It has brought new knowledge to many fields and has sparked an interest in lifelong learning within a large group of students. Endowed grants for research would allow the college to greatly expand this program and involve a larger percentage of the student body.

To l e a r n m ore about the campaign,

Office of Advancement

i n c l u d i n g naming oppor tunities,

Benedictine College

e st a b l i s hi n g an endowed scholar ship,

1020 North Second Street

e n d ow i n g a faculty chair, professor ship,

Atchison, KS 66002

o r fe l l ow s hip, or simply how to make a

g i f t , p l e a s e go to our website at w w w. b e n e d, or




That in all things God may be glorified. eâÄx oy fàA UxÇxw|và Ch. 57.9

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