Be n e dictine College
At chi son, K ansas
New Residence Hall Investing in Excellence Wilcox Stadium Dedication
Fall 2 00 8
Investing in Excellence
Laughlins Honored
Mabee Challenge
On Our Turf
Faith on the Benedictine Bottoms
Legacy Apartments
Sesquicentennial Celebration
From the President
World Youth Day
President & Students Part of History 21
All Lit Up
Engineering at BC
Student Success Center
Illuminating the Word
Mount Remodeled
From Our Bookshelf
One of America’s Best Colleges
EDITOR & ART DIRECTOR Megan Bickford, ’03 Associate Director of Communications mbickford@benedictine.edu
EXECUTIVE EDITOR Steve Johnson Director of Marketing and Communications
EDITORIAL STAFF Alzbeta Voboril, ’09 Contributing Writer & Photographer
Daniel Volk, ’09 Contributing Writer
CLASS NOTES Kathy Garrison Class Notes Coordinator garrison@benedictine.edu
Courtney Marshall Director of Alumni & Donor Relations cmarshall@benedictine.edu 1.913.426.7428 Benedictine College: 1.800.766.0078 www.benedictine.edu
On the Cover: Dan Bowen, Julie Bowen, Elmer Fangman, and Donna Coen are a few examples of the excellence generated by Benedictine College.
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from the
s our students returned to Atchison this fall, they were impressed by the beautiful new apartment-style residence halls along Mound Street and Second Street in the southwest corner of campus. They were greeted with new banners proclaiming our 150th anniversary, a milestone for any organization and one that very few have achieved. They were met by 11 new faculty members, including a new engineer and the head of our new School of Business. They have also been introduced to the staff of our new Student Success Center, designed to help them be their best throughout their college careers and beyond. And on top of that, our football field now has modern field turf and our soccer teams can play under the lights. Across the board, there is a noticeably strong commitment to excellence. Adherence to our mission to educate men and women within a community of faith and scholarship has brought previously unheard of success. It is always our goal to provide students with the programs, facilities, and services that support academic achievement, personal growth, faith formation, and community involvement.
From where the students live and eat to where they pray and meditate to where they study and interact with one another, we promote living and learning experiences that result in well-formed citizens who can truly make a difference in our world. And the best is yet to come. A packed year of special sesquicentennial events, progress toward building the proposed Academic Center on the bluff, and construction of a Marian Grotto in the heart of the campus all point to a special place for students, alumni, faculty, and staff. You’ll read more about all these things on the following pages, but I would like to personally invite you to visit the campus and see for yourself. You’ll be impressed with our talented students, excellent faculty and staff, and state-of-the-art facilities. It is all a part of building one of the great Catholic colleges in America!
Stephen D. Minnis
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uring its Annual Scholarship Ball in February, Benedictine College announced the public phase of the largest comprehensive fundraising campaign in its history. The $50 million “Investing in Excellence” campaign is four times larger than the “Faithful to the Story” campaign that funded the renovations to Ferrell Hall and includes several capital projects as well as endowment and Benedictine College Fund giving. The silent phase of the campaign began on July 1, 2005 and has brought in more than $33 million. The campaign will continue in the public phase until June 30, 2011. “It’s exciting to go public with this campaign already at more than 60 percent of the goal,” said Kelly J. Vowels, vice president for advancement at the college. “And we’re proud to have received a challenge from the Mabee Foundation that calls for us to complete the fundraising for the new Academic Center by January of 2009. That really adds to the sense of urgency.” Capital projects total $24 million and
include: a new academic building to house the school’s business, education, theology and philosophy programs; a new Marian Grotto on the western edge of the academic quad that will provide another space for quiet meditation, inspiration, and outdoor Mass; and major renovations and upgrades to Westerman Hall, the science building. The campaign will also add $20 million to the college endowment and assure $1 million a year to the Benedictine College Fund for the six years of the effort. “This campaign will triple our existing endowment and provide state-of-the-art classrooms and science labs along with additional faculty offices, meeting and dining facilities, and community-building space,” said Benedictine College President Stephen D. Minnis. “And, although it is the smallest dollar amount in the campaign, the inclusion of a grotto dedicated to Our Lady is closest to our hearts. It will be a visible, enduring symbol of our gratitude for our Blessed Mother’s special intercession and protection throughout the years.”
The announcement at the close of the Scholarship Ball included a video look back at the first 150 years of the college, a $1 million check presentation from alumnus Dave Laughlin toward meeting the Mabee Challenge on the Academic Center, a thrilling appearance by the Benedictine College Drum Line, and plenty of indoor pyrotechnics. “As exciting as the announcement was, this is really about the people,” Vowels said. “We are investing in excellence and that excellence is reflected in the amazing people who have graduated from this college and its founding institutions. It is also reflected in the wonderful new and current students we have been able to attract. All these people are touched by the Benedictine charism and can truly make a difference in their families, their communities, and the world.”
Sesquicentennial Celebration Crowned by New Marian Grotto Benedictine College is in the midst of two major programs right now; the ongoing celebration of its Sesquicentennial and the public phase of the $50 million Investing in Excellence Campaign. The two came together recently when an anonymous donor to the campaign gave $500,000 to build the proposed Marian Grotto in the center of campus. Since the school’s 150th anniversary corresponds to the 150th anniversary of the Holy Mother’s appearance at Lourdes, completion of the Grotto had been on the wish list of the Sesquicentennial Committee. The donation covers the entire cost of construction and should soon make the Grotto a reality.
Artist’s rendering of the proposed Marian Grotto on the western side of the academic quad.
e x t raordi n ary A Nobel Peace Prize winner, an internationally recognized surgeon, Dean of the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, president of the United States Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, creator of the Discovery Program, a famous Broadway actor, founder of the Hunger Coalition - Benedictine alumni and faculty have soared to great heights. These are just a few examples of the excellence generated by the college and it only scratches the surface. There are many who have done amazing things in the world, within their churches, in their communities, and in their families. A few of them took the time to pose for the cover of this magazine. Here are their stories:
“Students have been asking me to build a grotto since my first month on the job,” said Stephen D. Minnis, president of Benedictine College. “They have been praying Memorare’s for this to happen…and their prayers have been answered.” In 1858, in the grotto of Massabielle, near Lourdes in southern France, Our Lady appeared 18 times to Bernadette Soubirous, a young peasant girl. Since that time, Lourdes has become the most famous modern shrine to the Holy Mother. The water from a spring within the grotto has shown remarkable healing power, though it contains no curative property that science can identify. Nestled on the hillside on the western edge of the academic quad, the Grotto will be seen from most of the campus. The shrine will serve as a place for quiet meditation, inspiration, and outdoor prayer. “It will be a visible, enduring symbol of our gratitude for our Blessed Mother’s special intercession and protection throughout the years,” said Minnis.
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Elmer Fangman, ’57 Benedictine College is known for its extraordinary sense of family and belonging; its community. From the turbulent 70s and through three decades of change, one man guided the office responsible for promoting and enhancing that sense of community. From 1970 to 2000, Elmer Fangman served the institution as the Dean of Students. That long-term commitment to the welfare of the student body makes him one of the most significant contributors to the success of the college. He graduated from St. Benedict’s College, now Benedictine College, in 1957 with a degree in political science, received his certification to teach in Kansas, and then headed off to Dodge City as a young teacher. In time, he earned a Master’s Degree in school counseling, became a counselor in the North Kansas City school district, and eventually earned a doctorate. In 1968, he became the assistant to the dean of the College of Education at the University of Missouri. He returned to St. Benedict’s in 1970 as the dean of students, worked through the merger of St. Benedict’s College and Mount St. Scholastica College, and in 1971 became the dean of students for Benedictine College. “It was an exciting time and a time of a lot of change,” he said. “There were a lot of meetings and activities trying to put the two schools together. Student Affairs had to put two different schools and their policies together and assign rooms with half the students on each campus.” The twin campus system lasted until 1989, when Benedictine College consolidated its operations onto one campus. Again, Fangman coordinated the change in student life from two campuses to one. Not only did he meet these physical challenges, but he also had to manage the sense of community over the years as religious prefects in the halls gave way to lay residence directors. “These people (prefects) went with you to activities, lived in the residence halls, taught you in class,” he said. “I think, on both campuses, people had a really close relationship with the religious (order) and felt that sense of community.” Today, the residence halls are managed by lay resident directors, but most of those actually live in the halls with their families, including small children. “Right now I think it’s the ideal way for residence halls to be,” Fangman said. “To have a family in each dorm and have students interact with them. I think it boils down to community life. It’s family.” >>>15
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Donna Coen, ’96 Many Benedictine graduates have dedicated their lives to the service of others. A large number have joined the religious communities, others have done missionary work, still more have gone into youth ministry, and a large number have become teachers and coaches. The spirit of service on the Benedictine College campus is often credited with leading people to choose these vocations. Donna Coen was compelled to help others both at Benedictine and beyond. An English major who graduated in 1996, Coen had a brief stint in the business world before heading to the small town of Benque-Viejo del Carmen in Belize to work with the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT). Her roommate at Benedictine, Bernadette Cathers, had grown up in Belize and had talked about the mission-run schools there. Another college friend, Carrie Rolling, had headed down to do mission work in Belize right after graduation. “A letter I received from Carrie was a ‘light bulb’ moment for me,” Coen said. She quit her job and rearranged her life to allow for mission work in Belize. She spent two years teaching in the SOLT mission school before returning to Kansas City, where she continued as a teacher. Three years later, through the Benedictine College International Programs Department, she discovered an opportunity to go to Japan to teach English. Soon she was on her way to Shirayuri College, a prestigious Catholic women’s college in Tokyo. Upon her return from Japan, Coen still had the desire to serve. She thought about coming to Benedictine as an English as a Second Language (ESL) instructor, but decided it wasn’t quite right for her. She began looking on the Internet for agencies doing relief work. Through that search, she discovered a new program of Catholic Relief Services (CRS). Before long, she found herself in Madagascar, one of the poorest nations on the planet. “CRS has been around for a long time, but their new volunteer program was pretty new,” Coen said. “I was in only the second group to be sent out. In Madagascar, my jobs varied, but I was primarily working at a children’s home, helping in any way I could.” For 41 years, CRS has operated in Madagascar, carrying out food and nutrition programs for under-privileged mothers, children, disabled persons, and victims of natural disasters, most recently a cyclone. The country is only 50% literate and very underdeveloped, with electricity reaching only 15% of the population. >>>14
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Dan Bowen & Julie Bowen Benedictine’s reputation for outstanding academic programs continues to grow. A new School of Business, superb music programs, the beginnings of an Engineering program, and our exceptional science programs are all hallmarks of excellence. In particular, the Department of Biology has been recognized as outstanding. Experiential learning, ongoing research projects, and student-faculty interaction eventually led to the Heuer Award for Outstanding Achievement in Undergraduate Science Education…and phenomenal success for biology graduates. A driving force in all of this has been Dr. Daniel Bowen, longtime biology professor and former chair of the department. He has now been joined by his daughter, Julie, who started teaching in Benedictine’s English Department in the spring of 2007 and became a full-time assistant professor in the fall of that year. In doing so, she also became the first faculty legacy in the history of the college. “I had just earned tenure at the University of St. Mary in Leavenworth when Benedictine was beginning the search to fill Frank Carpinelli’s (the long-time English professor who retired) position,” said Julie. “So I applied for the job. I wasn’t unhappy where I was, but I was excited about the possibility of coming to Benedictine College, I loved the students, I was really excited about Discovery, I wanted to travel, and wanted to be on the same faculty as my father.” “I told the faculty that she wouldn’t be here if I didn’t believe in Benedictine College and its strength going forward,” said Dan. “There is a lot of balance and continuity and that ensures success.” In reference to the Biology Department, he said, with typical Benedictine humility, that the department had been very strong long before he was a part of it. “Father Eugene Dehner was the chair and he was only the second chair of the department since it had been founded in the 1930s,” he said. “I was only the third chair and Martin (Simon) is only the fourth. I’ve worked with the same people for all these years. There has been a lot of stability.” Bowen joined the department in 1976 and has seen a steady stream of bright young minds come into the Biology Department. Over all the years, he said the students within the department have always been intelligent, goal oriented, and willing to get involved in whatever projects the professors planned. Part of that willingness has to do with the background they receive in the liberal arts through their basic coursework. >>>14
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Coen cont.
“The Malagasy people are very challenged by bad weather and poor infrastructure,” said Coen. “But they are very resilient and hard-working. They’re also interested in how they can help themselves. At the children’s home, I helped them develop sponsorships and a volunteer program. It was really very rewarding for everyone involved.” Coen worked in Madagascar for 1 ½ years and returned to the United States in March 2008. She has since headed back to school for graphic design. “Art is something I’ve been interested in ever since grade school,” she said. “Things have become clear to me since returning from
Bowen cont.
“In addition to the liberal arts influence, we hit on a couple of things that really helped us,” he said. “We went away from the traditional research model where each professor did his own individual research and reorganized the department so that we all did research on the Benedictine Bottoms.” The work on the Bottoms was a true Benedictine boon. It opened up additional opportunities for even more students to be involved in research projects, created a consistency of projects over the years, and led to extensive cooperation with federal and state agencies like the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks and the United States Army Corps of Engineers. That cooperation eventually led to a major research grant from the Corps. “I think (the college) grew that model, using the research projects on the Benedictine Bottoms as the basis for the development of the Discovery Program,” said Julie. “And he (her father) first proposed it.” Bowen first brought up the concept of “discovery” learning at a faculty meeting in
Madagascar. I want to combine my love of art with my love of service. That’s very important to me now. I want to do work that helps others.” Coen is a firm believer that her experiences at Benedictine College led her down this path. In high school, she didn’t think much about community service and the school didn’t offer or promote many opportunities for volunteering. At Benedictine, she found the situation to be quite different. “During my time at BC I found out about so many ways to be involved,” she said. “And it was really encouraged by the environment at Benedictine. I was very active in the Hunger
1995 after he noted a national trend toward undergraduate research. “At the time, the college was looking for some way to identify itself in a uniquely academic fashion,” said Dan. “Undergraduate research was just beginning to come on the scene and I could clearly see it was what we needed to do in the sciences.” Julie witnessed this first-hand, even as a child. In addition to accompanying her father and his students to the Benedictine Bottoms, she and her brother also went along on a biology fieldtrip to Texas. She said the sense of community that is established through the residential nature of the college is just the beginning. The camaraderie built and personal connections established through the fieldtrips and projects, she said, is what created the sense of loyalty and led to the success of both the department and the students. “When you talk about why biology majors have been so successful, it’s because the biology department has excelled at creating community through educational opportunities outside of the college,” Julie
Coalition and, through that, service became a little more real, a little more tangible.” In June 2008 she and some of her college friends took a trip to see the campus they had been away from for a dozen years. She was excited to see that Freshman Hall, which had been boarded up while she was in school, was now the state-of-the-art Ferrell Hall. She was also amazed to see the construction of the new residence hall complex. “The college is moving in such a positive direction,” she said. “I loved my time at BC and to see it continuing on in such a good way really means a lot to me. It was a new and improved homecoming.”
said. “It’s the Discovery Day idea, and that, by the way, is what makes Discovery a success.” “We make them functional scientists,” said Dan. “The students might have a wide range of interests; doctor, dentist, nurse, even pharmaceutical sales, but, by making them scientists, we give them the resources to succeed in many endeavors.” Julie has enjoyed having her father as a mentor and has already established her own ongoing undergraduate research project within the English Department… the Dante Project. In addition, she is helping to coordinate a joint academic trip to Egypt for Spring Break that will incorporate both biology research and English composition work. As a relatively new faculty member, she said she is excited about the future of the English Department and the college as a whole. “The idea of being on the same faculty as my father is not just a kick,” she said. “I’ve seen him pretty much dedicate his life and his whole career to this institution. It shows me that this is a worthwhile place to do that.”
million ‡ $FDGHPLF &HQWHU
(Including: Grotto, Central Plant, Quad, and Site Work)
Addressing the ongoing needs of providing an excellent Benedictine education.
Fangman cont.
Fangman said the Benedictines established the sense of community in the residence halls right from the beginning. The lay staff that followed simply grasped it and carried it on. In addition to the Student Life office, the college in general has promoted the sense of community and to some degree staked its reputation on it. Programs are set up to build friendships, connections and communication. But Fangman believes it is all born in the residence halls. “In a sense, when you share a bathroom with 40 other people, it is like a family,� he laughed. “Like a large family in a home, you share a bathroom, you share meals together
and if you have a good relationship, it’s a lot of fun and a very supportive situation.â€? According to Fangman, a residential college like Benedictine can also offer life lessons much more than a commuter college, simply because of communal life. And he should know, having lived in the dorms himself as a student and having had seven children graduate from the college as well‌all of whom lived on campus. “A good residential school like this really helps students,â€? he said. “In the residence hall, you meet a lot of people in a lot of situations. You learn a lot about people and, by the time you’ve lived a year or two in that kind of environment, you’ve probably
met every kind of character you’re going to meet in the world. It’s really a great life experience.� Fangman still keeps a hand in the action. He manages to visit campus regularly and is involved in orientation and training of the new residence hall staff. “It’s a pleasure to see the college doing so well,� he said. “I am impressed with the faculty and the fine young men and women attracted to the school. They are all carrying on an excellent tradition.�
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Laughlins Honored for Dramatic “I felt this would be the right place and the right time to step up and pay back the place that helped mold me into who I am today.â€? 'DYH /DXJKOLQ Âś The new “Investing in Excellenceâ€? campaign has moved many lifelong Ravens to think seriously about the future of their alma mater and make major donations. Perhaps the most dramatic of these was the inspiring million-dollar check presented by Dave Laughlin, from the Class of 1967, during February’s 37th Annual Scholarship Ball. The generous donation thrilled the audience and even brought added publicity to the college and the new campaign.
had classes in Bishop Fink Hall from 1963 to 1967 and it was an old building then. (The new Academic Center will house most of the academic departments currently operating in Fink Hall.) I can’t think of a better gift than giving future Ravens the opportunity to receive an education at Benedictine College.� Laughlin said the presentation at the Scholarship Ball was meant to help “jump start� the campaign as the public phase was being announced. His hope was that his gift would inspire other Ravens to do the same. His generosity did inspire one Raven, Steve Penn ‘83, a columnist at the Kansas City Star, to write an article about it, spreading the inspiring story even further.
“Previous large donors inspired me to become a major donor to Benedictine College,� said Laughlin. “I felt this would be the right place and the right time to step up and pay back the place that helped mold me into who I am today.�
“I hope every alumnus will help out the college in this very essential project no matter the size of the donation,� he said. “We need everyone to participate.�
Laughlin said his service on the board of directors for the past seven years has given him insight into the needs of the college. He had already pledged the money to the campaign over time, but decided to accelerate his pledge into one payment because of the $1.5 million challenge grant from the Mabee Foundation, which requires the college to raise all the funds for the new Academic Center by January 2009.
There are plenty of opportunities for friends of the college to make donations toward the new Academic Center, including naming opportunities within the facility. While Laughlin made his donation without restrictions or requirements, college officials have decided to honor him with a major naming opportunity in the new building.
“The new academic building is essential in attracting quality students, which is the lifeline of the college, and being able to properly teach them,� Laughlin said. “I
Campaign Donation
“We thought it to be more than appropriate to honor Dave and Sherri Laughlin not only for the tremendous gift to the campaign, but for all they have done for the college over the years,” said Stephen D. Minnis, president of Benedictine College. “So we are pleased to announce that the first floor rotunda in the new Academic Center will be named in honor of the Laughlins.”
/HIW WKH GUDPDWLF PLOOLRQ GROODU FKHFN SUHVHQWDWLRQ DW WKH 6FKRODUVKLS %DOO Below: Artist’s sketch of the rotunda in the proposed Academic Center.
Laughlin has been a major benefactor to the college for many years. He also made a notable donation to fund the installation of the all-weather track that circles the football field. The track includes a steeplechase pit and barriers and is lined by a hammer throw and discus cage and a shot put area. The new track put Benedictine College on the map in the track and field world and has allowed the college to finally begin hosting track meets. “St. Benedict’s (now Benedictine College) is a very special place in my heart and my life,” said Laughlin. “I was quite pleased and surprised when President Minnis informed me of the naming honor. It was unexpected, but after some reflection, I am grateful to have this honor. It will give my children and grandchildren a proud remembrance of my wife and me.”
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he J. E. and L. E. Mabee Foundation, Inc. of Tulsa, Oklahoma, has demonstrated its confidence in the future of Benedictine College by issuing a challenge grant of $1.5 million. In order to receive the money, the College must complete the funding of the new academic center by January 2009. “Is this going to be difficult? Of course it is,” said Stephen D. Minnis, president of Benedictine College. “We have less than three months left. But I know we can do this. So I am asking for three things. First, I need your financial support. Secondly, I need your help in identifying people who will be interested in this project and in this college. And finally, I need your prayers for a successful campaign.” The Mabee Foundation’s purpose is to aid Christian religious organizations, charitable organizations, institutions of higher learning, hospitals, and other organizations of a general charitable nature. For more than 30 years, the Foundation has supported Benedictine College in its mission to educate men and women within a community of faith and scholarship. Past grants from the organization have assisted Benedictine College in transforming its
campus, allowing for new facilities to be built and the growth of the overall educational environment. A grant in 1976 for Northman Hall and Science Hall was followed in 1981 by a grant to create the Mabee Theatre and in 1990 with assistance in completing the Amino Center. In 1995, the Mabee Foundation issued a challenge grant to Benedictine College in the amount of $1 million to help build a student union building. The Student Union is now at the heart of campus and is a central hub of activity, housing the Ralph Nolan Gymnasium, the O’Malley-McAllister Auditorium, Athletic Department offices, Student Life offices, Campus Ministry, and the Information and Technical Services Department. In 2000, the Mabee Foundation approved another $1 million challenge grant to Benedictine College to help transform the abandoned Freshman Hall into the stateof-the-art residence hall now known as Ferrell Hall. All those challenges were met. Today, Benedictine College is one of the few organizations to receive such a large grant amount.
who believed in the impact this college can have on a young person’s life,” Minnis said. “And now it is time for us to emulate those who have come before us. It is time for us to be the examples for the generations to come. We are now embarking on the next step in the history of Benedictine College.” The total cost of the academic building is $16 million. More than $10 million has already been raised. To meet the challenge, the College must raise the balance (approximately $5.2 million) by January 9, 2009. To donate to this cause and help make the new academic center a reality, contact Kelly Vowels, Vice President for Advancement, at 913.360.7414. For more information on ways to give, go to the Investing in Excellence pages on the College Website at www.benedictine.edu/excellence.
“Benedictine College was built by those who had the vision; who looked to the future;
Artisit’s rendering of the new Academic Center on the eastern side of the quad.
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WORLD YOUTH DAY 2008 Students & Alumni in Sydney for Papal Event
Sydney, Australia welcomed the world in July as host of World Youth Day. These events, which take place every three years, have given young Catholics a connection to the Pope that strengthens their faith and is often life changing. This year’s event was no different and a group of young Benedictine College alumni and students were there for it all. “World Youth Day is a really unique experience for young people because they’ve never met Catholics from all over the world,” said Elizabeth (Hruska) Slobodnik, ’05. “They’ve never seen the universality of the Church in such a living way.”
Slobodnik, special projects coordinator for Benedictine’s Office of Student Life, served as a chaperone on the trip, which saw 13 join in from the college. They were part of a larger group sponsored by the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. Slobodnik said going to Mass with people from around the world makes a strong impression on everyone in attendance. “I loved seeing the students react to meeting Catholics from Iraq, or Africa, or China,” she said. “Praying together at Mass, with everyone speaking their own language at the Creed and the Our Father, really helps them (the students) see that the Church is not just an American thing and that Christ really does want us to preach to all nations and all people.” This year’s event was estimated to have drawn 500,000 attendees and became known for having more organized activities
Above: Fr. Meinrad Miller, OSB, BC staffer Elizabeth Slobodnik, and BC students march in downtown Sydney, Australia. Right: The BC contingent mixes with Catholics from around the world during a blessing in the 6\GQH\ +DUERU 2SSRVLWH 3DJH .ULVWLQ +LQJXOD DQG 'RXJODV Ramp at Yankee Stadium for the Papal Mass.
than ever before. Those activities included everything from live concerts around the city to intellectual forums on bio-ethics and faith and reason. Both stage plays and speakers were offered in a number of languages and presentations were available for varying age groups. The main events were the Papal greeting in Sydney Harbor, the Stations of the Cross, and the opening and closing Masses. This was Slobodnik’s second World Youth Day. Six years ago she attended the event in Toronto as a Benedictine student. “It was great to not only be affected by the talks and events myself, but to watch the students be affected,” she said. “Seeing their reaction to the Holy Father, watching them form friendships, and seeing them share their faith with each other was inspiring to me.”
BC President & Students Part of Historic Event Pope Benedict XVI visited the United States from April 15 – 20, 2008, making stops in both Washington, D.C. and New York City. One of his first official functions was at the White House on the morning of April 16. It was only the second time in history that a Pope has visited the White House and the president of Benedictine College, Stephen D. Minnis, was in attendance. It is just one of the connections Minnis and two BC students have to the historic event. Minnis was also involved in a relatively small meeting with the Pope and approximately 200 Catholic college and university presidents. During that meeting, held on the campus of The Catholic University of America on April 17, the Pope discussed the importance of Catholic education. “I was excited and honored to represent Benedictine College during this historic visit. To be a part of the group who welcomed Pope Benedict XVI to the White House as well as hear him specifically address Catholic educators was a once-in-a lifetime experience,” Minnis said. “His
visit was an occasion of great inspiration for all Catholic educators in the country. His visit helped define the challenges and opportunities ahead for Benedictine College as we build one of the great Catholic colleges in America.” While in Washington, Minnis also participated in the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast on April 18. Later that day he attended a Benedictine alumni gathering in the U.S. Senate Building, arranged by Terrance Gainer, ’69, the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate. Finally, he addressed the Heritage Foundation, a Washington, D.C. think tank, as part of a panel on academic freedom in Catholic higher education. Two Benedictine College students, Kristin Hingula and Douglas Ramp, also had the chance to be with the Pope during his stop in New York City. The two won an essay contest through the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas and accompanied Archbishop Joseph Naumann to the Big Apple. They participated in the concluding Mass in Yankee Stadium on April 20.
“I couldn’t go on any retreats this year, and I was looking for something to really shake up my faith and my spirit,” said Hingula in her essay. “This trip was important to me, to give me hope and strength.” Hingula, from Leavenworth, Kan., and Ramp, from Friend, Neb., were chosen from hundreds of entries. They were among six area college students who flew to New York for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Minnis, Hingula, and Ramp all posted blogs and photos on the Benedictine College website during the course of their trip and attracted media attention from area television, radio, and newspaper outlets. Their blogs, along with transcripts of Papal speeches and other information, are still available under “quick links” on the college website at www.benedictine.edu.
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On Our Turf cont. Through the “Field of Leadership� campaign, Wilcox also led the effort to fund the field turf. The bulk of the donations came from alumni, with more than $214,000 in cash gifts received so far. In addition, a substantial part of the work and materials, totaling approximately $40,000, has been donated by Bottorff Construction, Bromley Quarry and Asphalt, and MoKan Concrete. On top of that, Mike Hundley Construction gave a $45,000 price reduction. “I think the field looks great. It’s awesome,� said junior Joe Henson, a fullback for the Ravens. “It looks amazing and I just think it shows how excited we are as a team for this season.�
&ORFNZLVH IURP WRS 7KH %& 'UXP /LQH 6 $QQH 6KHSDUG 26% Âś 3ULRUHVV RI 0RXQW 6W Scholastica, during the blessing, the dance squad in front of the fireworks, the cheer squad doing a routine, streamers dropped down as the new name was revealed. Center: The new Rocky Raven visits with fans in the stands
All Lit Up Thanks to a successful fundraising campaign, a $20,000 gift from the Soccer Boosters, and a well organized letter-writing campaign, Benedictine College soccer teams have been able to take the field for night home games for the first time in school history. To celebrate the lighting of the soccer field, the college held a special reception on Saturday, September 20, between the women’s and men’s soccer games versus William Woods University. The event welcomed a host of former soccer players back to campus and served to recognize all the donors to the Light the Night Campaign. Lights for the soccer field have been in the works for over a year now, as the soccer team started the Light the Night fundraising effort in 2007 and followed up with the letter campaign earlier this year. All the activity means the lights are not only installed and functioning, but are already well on their way to being paid off. “I am so excited for our field to finally get lights,” said Kasey Klenda, ’09, a back for the Ravens. “It just shows how much support we have from our generous alumni and sponsors.” According to Rob Herringer, ’00, head men’s soccer coach and the college’s director of athletic giving, the boosters offered a tremendous amount of support,
but it was up to the athletes and coaches to push everything through. “We took it as a personal challenge,” he said. “We had never raised this amount of money in this short of time before.” While there are many reasons these lights were needed, the main motive was academically based, said Herringer. “We had too many athletes missing classes for home games,” he said. “We need to keep our kids in class.” With the new lights, not only will the soccer schedule avoid the peak afternoon classroom hours, but now parents and other fans can attend games after work.
“For me, getting new lights at Benedictine is a great step for our program. I played under lights in high school, and there is nothing better than playing on a Friday or Saturday night with a great crowd,” he said. “The players and the fans get more involved . . . it will definitely add to our already great atmosphere!” With what Herringer calls one of “the largest and most talented teams we’ve ever had at Benedictine,” he sees the lights as adding a “great environment for student and faculty to support [the team].” “It’s a great time for Benedictine soccer… we’re excited about this fall, but more excited about the future,” he said.
Because half of the teams in the conference also have field lights, Herringer sees the lights as necessary to keep up to the standard. Many recruits are coming from high schools with lighted fields and they expect the same from a college program. “It’s the standard, we need to definitely keep up with the times,” he said. Klenda is one of those students who played under lights during his high school career.
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Engineering at BC Benedictine College has implemented a new Engineering Physics major this fall. The college has provided supporting courses necessary for an engineering degree for decades and has seen an increase in student interest in an engineering major over the last few years. Dr. Daniel B. Fant, a retired air force officer and a mechanical and aeronautical engineer, was added to the faculty as an associate professor. “We are developing a high quality program that builds on our strengths in the sciences and mathematics and incorporates the complete core of liberal arts courses which make a Benedictine education special,� said Dr. Doug Brothers, professor and chairman of the Benedictine College Department of Physics & Astronomy. The Engineering Physics major received unanimous approval from the faculty
and the board of directors in the fall of 2007. The new major is the first step for Benedictine toward offering an engineering degree and will combine the college’s liberal arts emphasis with existing strong science programs. The current program will be part of the Department of Physics & Astronomy and will provide a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering Physics. “Out of the 215 Catholic colleges in America, only 17 of them have engineering programs and only one other besides BC has less than 2,000 students,� said President Stephen D. Minnis. Fant, who joined the faculty in July to prepare the curriculum for the fall, brings an extensive engineering background to the college. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Connecticut, his
Out of the 215 Catholic colleges in America, only 17 of them have engineering programs.� 3UHVLGHQW 6WHSKHQ ' 0LQQLV œ
Master of Science degree in aeronautical engineering from the Air Force Institute of Technology, and his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from Iowa State University. Since retiring from the Air Force, he has managed numerous projects, the latest being a consortium in South Carolina which focused on developing a new associate’s degree curriculum in the area of mechatronics, the combination of mechanical engineering, electronic engineering and software engineering. “The Engineering Physics major will combine a theoretical and laboratory based scientific background with applied engineering coursework and laboratory experience,� said Fant. The faculty and administration of Benedictine College believe employers are seeking engineers who are not only competent in engineering, but also have the communication and interpersonal skills that are the hallmark of a liberal arts education. They also believe the faith-based nature of the college, which helps students develop morally and ethically, is important in the business world today and is attractive to both students and employers. Benedictine College will become one of only a handful of Catholic colleges in America to offer any kind of engineering program. “Every week I speak with students, and their families, who are looking for an engineering education in a Catholic context,� Brothers said. “When I tell them about our development of just such a program, they have been quite excited.�
Student Success Center
Camille Osborn, Janet Wilcox, and Becky Gilmore are working to help Benedictine students reach their potential.
Benedictine College has named Janet (Munro) Wilcox, ’81, as an assistant dean and director of its new Student Success Center (SSC). Wilcox, formerly the principal at Bishop LeBlond High School in St. Joseph, Mo., has been charged with developing an integrated program that will coordinate a wide range of services designed to support the success of Benedictine students throughout their collegiate experience. The new SSC is housed in a suite of offices recently built inside the first floor of the College Library. “Janet is a skilled teacher and administrator with many years of experience working directly with students at the high school and college level,” said Stephen D. Minnis, president of Benedictine College. “She has a deep understanding of the needs and challenges faced by students today and she will be able to build this new program to help students in all areas.” Wilcox will oversee the provision of academic assistance services; contribute to the initiation and implementation of retention activities, especially those targeted toward undeclared students; integrate career services with other student-success activities; assist with the ongoing development of the freshman advising program; and develop a
national fellowship preparation program. While she will report directly to the Dean of the College, she will also interact with the Dean of Students, the Dean of Enrollment Management, and the Athletic Director. “I look forward to working with staff and students to develop and support new and expanded programs that enhance our ability to provide academic excellence and prepare our students to engage the global community,” Wilcox said. A primary goal of the SSC is to continue to increase opportunities for students to have hands-on learning experiences through the development of additional international internships, domestic internships and service-learning opportunities. The center will also develop programs to address the needs of exceptionally skilled and motivated students seeking national fellowship opportunities. The offices in the library provide a central location for support and enrichment to help all students reach their personal and professional goals. The SSC also incorporates the Academic Assistance Center and Career Development Office. The Academic Assistance Center, headed by Camille Osborn, will continue to coordinate services for students such
as tutoring in specific fields. Career Development, headed by Becky Gilmore, has moved from the Student Life office suite to the new SSC offices in the Library. Career Development provides assistance to students and alumni with their career and life planning. The staff offers job search guidance, interviewing workshops, and sponsors Career Week and several career fairs. Wilcox graduated from Benedictine College in 1981 with a Bachelor’s Degree in sociology and received her Secondary Education Certification in Social Studies in 1983. She also received her Master’s Degree in Education Administration from BC. She began her career in 1985 as assistant director of student activity at Park College (now Park University). She then spent 16 years as a classroom teacher and assistant principal at Mount St. Scholastica Academy (now Maur Hill-Mount Academy). She was principal at Bishop LeBlond for the past five years. Her husband, Larry, also graduated from Benedictine and has worked for the college for 35 years in many capacities, most notably as head football coach.
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Sister Susana Kindole, OSB, came to Benedictine College from Tanzania four years ago. Her goal was to get her undergraduate degree and return to her mission to teach biology. In December, she will have accomplished that goal, but not before touching the hearts and lives of students and professors in Benedictine’s Biology Department. “Susana has worked with us on the Benedictine Bottoms for the past three summers,” said Dr. Dan Bowen, professor of biology. “The students get a charge out of her. They love working with her. She is a positive, happy lady with an infectious smile.” S. Susana gave a lot of credit to Bowen and Dr. Terry Malloy, assistant professor of biology at Benedictine, for helping her understand all the complicated concepts and terminology that come along with a biology major, especially considering the initial language barrier.
“They helped me very much,” said S. Susana. “Since English is my second language, studying was difficult. There was a time when I almost gave up, but they said I was doing well, and by saying that, I kept on working hard.” What is known as the Benedictine Bottoms was originally forest and wetlands along the Missouri River just to the northeast of Atchison, Kansas, and the Benedictine College campus. By 1954, the Bottoms had been completely converted to farmland, but the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers bought the land in 1993 to renew the natural floodplain habitat. The Lewis and Clark Expedition stopped in the Bottoms in 1804 and recorded many of the native mammals and birds. With the help of that historic data, Benedictine College biology students have been assessing the resurgence of biodiversity in the area since 1994. Students working on the Bottoms take part in all the various projects that are underway
/HIW 6LVWHU 6XVDQD DQG %HFN\ )OHWFKHU GXULQJ ZRUN RQ WKH %HQHGLFWLQH ERWWRPV Below: Sister Susana setting up a turtle trap in the bottoms. Photos by Dan Drimmel
there, not just one. They are involved in studies of mammals, reptiles, birds, invertebrates, and vegetation. This gave S. Susana the broadest possible experience.
movement and we’ve conducted population surveys. Sister Susana was always in it, front and center, complete with habit and hip waders!”
“I was amazed to see a 20 pound snapping turtle,” said S. Susana, smiling that smile as her eyes grew wider. “I’ve seen smaller turtles, but that was something new!”
“These past three years have exposed her to all the different techniques we use in the field,” Bowen said. “We based a curriculum on what she can accomplish in Africa. That means no electron microscopes and things like that.”
“Once we pulled in this big hoop net and had over 20 turtles in there, including three big snapping turtles that could take off a finger,” he continued. “Susana was so excited she kept putting her hand in the net. I was worried she would get hurt and kept pulling her arms back, but she just kept reaching in and touching them. She will make a great hands-on teacher!”
Upon graduation, S. Susana will return to Songea, Tanzania to teach biology at St. Agnes Secondary School. She will take with her a new expertise in the English language, an in-depth understanding of biology, and the prayers and best wishes from a whole group of professors and classmates who will miss seeing her splashing through the Benedictine Bottoms.
Malloy worked with S. Susana this past summer on a turtle survey. He is a 1995 graduate of Benedictine College and was one of the first students to do work on the Bottoms. His bird survey in 1994 was the first project undertaken there. Malloy returned to Benedictine as a teacher last year and brought with him an expertise in reptilian biology. “Turtles are new as a subject of study on the Benedictine Bottoms,” said Malloy. “We’ve done mark and recapture projects to track
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Legacy Apartments Complete Southwest Corner of Campus
“Kremmeter Hall is named for Mother Evangelista Kremmeter, the first prioress at Mount St. Scholastica,” explained Linda Henry, ’81, vice president of student life at Benedictine College. “Wolf Hall recognizes Father Innocent Wolf, the first Abbot at St. Benedict’s Abbey, and Legacy Hall is in honor of all those graduates who have since sent their children and other relatives to BC. As we celebrate our sesquicentennial, it really strikes a chord. It is so appropriate.” The new halls are apartment-style, a first for the Benedictine College campus, and are reserved for juniors and seniors. The goal is to allow upperclassmen to begin to make the transition to the “real world” while still giving them the opportunity to be on campus and be a part of everything going on at the college. Each unit has a furnished living room, full kitchen, bathroom with double sinks, and either two or four bedrooms. All the apartments are for four, so the two-bedroom version has larger rooms to allow for roommates. The four-bedroom version provides individual rooms for each occupant. Kremmeter Hall sits along Second Street and houses 96 women. Wolf Hall is on Mound Street and houses 80 men. Legacy Hall is on the corner between the other two and, while it has housing for 16 women on the second floor; its first floor is the community room. The common area includes the laundry, a lounge and fireplace, a patio with an outdoor fireplace, residence director and resident assistant offices, a large classroom, and two seminar rooms. Legacy also includes two signature towers which display the Seal of Benedictine College. The tower welcomes visitors to campus as they drive up Second Street.
As the new school year began, Benedictine College had completed a new construction project that houses nearly 200 upperclassmen. Kremmeter Hall, Wolf Hall, and Legacy Hall comprise the residence complex located on the southwest corner of campus. The halls carry special names, recognizing the legacy on which the college is built.
“We designed Legacy Hall with a tower to correspond to the feel of the other buildings on campus,� said Henry. “Ferrell Hall, St. Scholastica Hall, St. Benedict Hall, and the Haverty Center all have towers. Plus, we wanted to provide a kind of entrance to the college vicinity, whether someone approaches from Second Street or drives up Mound Street.�
Upon his death, it was noted that he had struggled on the frontier against all odds and persevered. Notice of his death read: “Our deceased Father, trusting always in the help of God, bravely overcame many difficulties and labored with such perseverance that he laid deep and firm the foundations of WKH SUHVHQW IORXULVKLQJ PRQDVWHU\ ´ +H GLG WKH VDPH IRU WKH FROOHJH
In addition to the new housing, the complex also brings 141 new parking spaces to campus. Additional parking will also be added next to St. Joseph Hall and behind Bishop Fink Hall next year. The construction project also brings a bonus for the city, the college and the neighborhood. Mound Street and Second Street will boast new curbs and sidewalks and Mound Street itself will receive repairs and some new pavement.
MOTHER EVANGELISTA KREMMETER Mary Ann Kremmeter received the habit on February DQG PDGH SURIHVVLRQ RI YRZV RQ 0DUFK 7KDW VXPPHU 6LVWHU (YDQJHOLVWD .UHPPHWHU OSB, traveled to St. Cloud, Minnesota to help HVWDEOLVK D PRQDVWHU\ WKHUH ,Q 6W %HQHGLFWœV Priory requested teachers for a girl’s school in Atchison, Kansas. As the founding prioress, Mother Evangelista led a small group of seven sisters to Atchison, traveling by stagecoach, riverboat, and train. 7KH\ DUULYHG RQ 1RYHPEHU DQG LQ OHVV WKDQ RQH PRQWK RQ 'HFHPEHU 6W 6FKRODVWLFD $FDGHP\ D VFKRRO IRU JLUOV opened its doors.
“This new complex not only positions the college for the future, but also puts our juniors and seniors in a position to spread their wings and learn a little about life after college while they’re still here,� Henry said. “It is an outstanding addition to campus.�
Mother Evangelista was a noted fundraiser, a necessity at the time, and even managed to gain contributions from the Mission Society of King /XGZLJ RI %DYDULD 8QGHU KHU VXSHUYLVLRQ 6W 6FKRODVWLFD SURVSHUHG DQG grew in numbers, taking on many mission schools in places such as Seneca, :DWKHQD DQG +DQRYHU :KHQ WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ SUHVHQWHG LWVHOI LW ZDV Mother Evangelista who wrote to Bishop Fink for permission to buy Price Villa. The structure, known now as St. Cecelia’s, is still a centerpiece on the grounds of today’s Mount St. Scholastica Monastery.
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Illuminating the Word Sister Irene Nowell, OSB, Ph.D., ’61, brought her much sought after presentation, “Illuminating the Word: The Saint John’s Bible,” to Atchison and Benedictine College on, Sept. 21, as the 12th Annual Mary L. Fellin Lecture. S. Irene, a member of Mount St. Scholastica Monastery, served as one of only eight people on the project committee dealing with the first handwritten, illuminated Bible in more than 500 years and brought a remarkable amount of knowledge of the undertaking to her discussion. “It has been a tremendous privilege (to work on this project) because I’m not an artist, and to work with these wonderful artists and realize how they can bring the text to life has just continued to amaze me,” said S. Irene. “It has also been a great spiritual experience.”
Saint John’s Abbey and University in Collegeville, Minnesota, commissioned the work in 2000. The project was supervised by Donald Jackson, a prominent illuminator, and took a team of artists and scribes seven years to produce. S. Irene said the goal of the project was not simply to illustrate The Bible, but to illuminate it, giving new insight into the meaning of the text. Although calligraphers and artists used medieval techniques to create The Saint John’s Bible, their aim was not to create or duplicate a medieval Bible, but to create a new 20th century Bible, with images that will be familiar to modern eyes. “I believe The Saint John’s Bible has the power to deepen the personal faith of those who come in contact with it,” she said. “It has certainly deepened mine. It has taught me to use more of my senses and I think every group I’ve presented this to has been moved.” S. Irene gave her presentation to a crowd of nearly 400 in the college’s O’Malley-
McAllister Auditorium. She showed examples of illuminations from the first five volumes of the work, explaining the techniques used to create them and the meaning behind the many symbols. However, she did admit there are still new meanings that can be taken from the work that she may not have recognized. “Part of the thing with the illuminations is that every time you look at them, there’s more there,” she said. “And that’s true with scripture, too.” S. Irene was also excited about the project because of her Benedictine roots. She said her committee continually talked about how the project fit within the Benedictine tradition. “Every place a scripture verse is quoted in the Rule of Benedict, it’s noted in The Saint John’s Bible,” she said. “There’s a little cross in the margin and the passage is noted where it is in the Rule.”
MOUNT 5HPRGHOHG Students at Mount St. Scholastica College (MSSC) and later Benedictine College may recall two buildings that were nestled on the northeast corner of campus near the library. They were Marywood and St. Catherine’s Hall. Over time, these two buildings have served the community as student dormitories, residences for the Sisters, faculty housing, campus ministry offices, and student services offices. With recent updates, they are ready to serve the community’s Sophia Center as retreat housing.
“They were exclusively for upper class women,” said S. Judith Sutera, ’73, the publicity officer at Mount St. Scholastica Monastery. “Back when everyone else lived in a huge, open dorm, it was quite a privilege to have only three or four girls to a room.”
Originally, Marywood was the family home of the August Mangelsdorf family. The grand mansion had already existed for some time when the land it was on was purchased in 1944 for the expansion of MSSC. By the fall of that year, it had been converted to a residence for 25 senior girls. With continued growth in the college, St. Catherine’s was built and the next fall it became home to 30 girls.
the big common bathroom on the first floor of Marywood and the wide open basement of St. Catherine’s. Both are now gone. Today, the buildings have private baths and St. Catherine’s basement has been remodeled into additional guest rooms, bathrooms and a comfortable lounge area. Central air conditioning has also been added to both buildings over the years. The recent renovations have created a warm retreat atmosphere for the Sophia Center.
Both facilities were used as residence halls into the 1960s and even Wangari Maathai, 2004 Noble Peace Prize winner, has the memory of life in Marywood. Alumnae familiar with the two buildings might recall
“Our clientele has been growing and we were looking for a nice space for housing,” said S. Eleanor Suther, OSB, ’71, director of the Sophia Center. “When our guests come, they’re looking for a monastic environment, not a motel. Our groups are usually pretty small. With these facilities updated, we can handle up to 35 participants.” S. Eleanor stressed the significance of the atmosphere for retreat participants. She said the peace and quiet was important
for meditation and prayer and the simple housing and individuality of each room added to the monastic feeling. Each room within both buildings has a special dedication. The rooms in Marywood are dedicated to former prioresses of the Mount. St. Catherine’s rooms are dedicated to Sisters of the Mount who taught at the college. Those dedications are still present in signage beside each door.
Memory of the Mount Marble from the Mount Administration Building’s front entrance has been crafted into a fine keepsake. Square paperweights with an inscription are now available at the Mount Gift Shop or by special order. To order, contact Sister Mary Agnes Patterson patterson@mountosb.org 7KH\ PD\ EH SXUFKDVHG IRU SOXV IRU VKLSSLQJ DQG KDQGOLQJ
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Class Notes
Virginia Berney, ’38, Atchison, was recognized by the local Mental Health Guidance Center for her long standing service and commitment. She has served the center over the last 70 years as a volunteer, board member, social worker and financial donor.
Bertrice Daldrup, ’48, Urich, Mo., is quite active within the community, through her church, Holy Trinity Catholic; the historical society; city council meetings; edits a monthly newsletter; sewing projects for various fundraising efforts; and assists in the restoration of a local drugstore to turn into a museum and reference library. In 2006, Bea wrote an article, which appeared in the Urich Community Historical Society newsletter, about how her life changed in 1940 as a tenth-grade student, when she was afflicted with polio. Within six months, Bea had mastered the goal of walking. She continued striving forward, earning a college degree, and teaching high school students for 38 years.
James M. McCoy, ’52, Bellevue, Neb., was honored in Sept. 2007, by the United States Air Force when they renamed the non-commissioned Offutt Air Force Base’s Airman Leadership School in his name. McCoy joined the Air Force in 1951, and served as chief master sergeant of the Air Force from 1979 until his retirement in 1981.
class notes
Dolores (Kenning) Harkins, ’53, Kansas City, Mo., attended Family Weekend 2007, and enjoyed spending time with five of her grandchildren currently attending BC: Donnie Quinn, ’10, Caroline Harkins, ’10, John Urbik, ’09, Nathan Harkins, ’11, and Dan Urbik, ’09. The legacy ties also include five sons, Joseph, ’78, Patrick, ’79 (father of Caroline), Luke, ’80, Michael, ’86, and Daniel Harkins, ’88, and daughter-in-law, Mary (Gladbach) Harkins, ’85, (mother of Nathaniel). A mini-reunion of the Harkins family was held in the college cafeteria. Judy (Ferrell) Taggart, ’53, Arlington, Va., gathered photos and stories from alumnae of Mount St. Scholastica College classes, 1923 to 1971, and compiled the information into a 44-page hard-bound book entitled, “The Mount Remembered, Four Decades of Mountie Memories (1923-1971).� The books are available for purchase, ($25, plus shipping and handling) through the Raven Campus Store, located in the Haverty Center, and also may be ordered by phone 913.360.7448 or online, http:// ravenstore.benedictine.edu (click on Books and Music). Thomas G. Colwell, ’58, will be inducted
posthumously into the Benedictine College Raven Athletic Hall of Fame during the 2008 Homecoming festivities on Oct. 18. A standout basketball player for St. Benedict’s College, Tom returned to his alma mater to coach soccer and basketball for 11 years. Tom, who passed away in 2002, will be represented by his wife Kitty Colwell, their children and families. They were on hand when the Blue Valley North High School in Overland Park, Kan., inducted Coach Colwell into their Athletic Hall of Fame in February 2008. At Blue Valley North Tom was the head basketball coach and social studies teacher from 1989 to 1995. Sally (Doyle) Stricca, ’58, Pueblo, Colo., was among 10 people to receive a Papal Honor in Oct. 2007, from the Diocese of Pueblo. Her exemplary service to the Catholic Church has been for pre-marriage programs, boards of Catholic Charities and the Pueblo Diocesan Foundation. S. Marilyn Carpenter, OSB, ’59, a member of Benet Hill Monastery in Colorado Springs, Colo., celebrated her Golden Jubilee, July 8, 2007, in Atchison. Also celebrating golden jubilees that day was Sisters Janelle Maes, OSB, ’67, Dorothy Wolters, OSB, ’67, and Thomasita Homan, OSB, ’70, all members of Mount St. Scholastica. Thomas E. Carey, ’59, Ramsey, Minn., received the first St. Thomas Lifelong Learner Award from the University of St. Thomas, located in St. Paul, Minn. The award recognized Tom’s demonstrated commitment to continuous learning, self-renewal, and professional development. While employed in Higher Education for more than 42 years and seven years teaching at the high school level, Tom has obtained his master’s and doctorate degrees, and received a Fulbright Award for an educational administration program in Germany, plus developed a teacher exchange program in Melbourne, Australia, where he lived and worked for one year.
Norm Youngberg, ’60, Miami, Okla., took a vacation of a lifetime in Oct. 2006, when he traveled to Nepal and joined a group of 13 people that climbed to Mt. Everest Base Camp, elevation 17,600 feet. The group hiked 16 days traveling 60 miles and crossed several rope bridges, visited a Sherpa’s home, Buddhist monastery, and high altitude medical research center, plus witnessed the Khumbu Glacier. George B. Kerford, PhD, ’61, Oklahoma City, Okla., is chairman at World Association of Persons with disAbilities. Mary Kay Thompson Tetreault, ’61, Portland, Ore., co-authored, with Frances A. Maher, “Privilege and Diversity in the Academy,�
Routledge, 2007. Through detailed institutional ethnographies of three very different universities, the book explores how diversifying the faculty by gender, race and ethnicity reconfigures relationships of privilege and diversity in higher education. Tetreault is the Provost Emerita of Portland State University. Nine members of Mount St. Scholastica College, class of 1962, attended a mini-reunion in St. Louis, in Oct. 2007, to celebrate their 45th reunion. Hosting the event was Charlie and Carol (Gibbons) Nahlik, along with Sister Maureen Langton, CSJ, and her sister, Suzie. Events included an informal gathering and dinner at the home of The Nahlik’s, touring and shopping, dinner on Saturday, and Mass and brunch on Sunday. Signatures were written on a special remembrance teddy bear, made by Kansas City alumna, Nancy (Henley) Nowatzke, for classmate Colette (Diederich) Huerter, which was delivered to her in Overland Park, Kan., by Mary Pat (Gueguen) Miller. Colette, who battled cancer for the past two-and-a-half years, loved having the bear, hearing the stories and seeing the pictures from the St. Louis event. Colette passed away Nov. 3, 2007, and is sorely missed. A special thank you to honorary class member, Charlie Nahlik, for airport shuttle and other transportation, entertainment, digital camera transfers, and being an all-around good guy who took precious time out of his busy schedule of building a new home. Additional members of the Class of 1962 who attended were: Mary (Ward) Ford, Connie (Zellers) Huerter, Sister Genevieve (Catherine) Robinson, OSB, Judy (Smerz) Sholes, Dorothy (Thompson) Schabilion, and Jackie Dulle. The states represented included: New Jersey, Missouri, Kansas, Virginia, Iowa and New Mexico. Bette Kay (Huck) Cowie, ’64, Paris, Ark., with her husband Bob, co-manages The Winery Bed and Breakfast and the Cowie Wine Cellars. Bette serves as educator on the board of The Arkansas Historic Wine Museum, housed in the winery, and also volunteers for the local CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) organization. Bette and Bob are the parents of seven children. To learn more about the familyowned business located 45 miles east of Fort Smith, Ark., or to schedule a visit, go to http:// www.cowiewinecellars.com. Wangari Maathai, ’64, Kenya, in Aug. 2007, was awarded an honorary doctorate in science for her contribution to environmental education from Egerton University, Kenya. She was also the recipient of this year’s Nelson Mandela Award for Human Rights and Peace, awarded in South Africa. Terry Wear, ’66, Springfield, Va., was one of the three delegates from the 11th District of Virginia to attend the Republican National Convention held in September 2008.
Jerry Lammers, ’67, Topeka, Kan., retired in June 2007, as auditor of the Kansas Corporation Commission. John A. Berhmann, ’68, Signal Mountain, Tenn., is the commercial relationship manager for the commercial line of business at SunTrust Bank. John, vice president of the bank, has more than 30 years of experience in commercial and private banking.
an adjunct journalism professor at the University of North Florida. Jim and wife, Mag (Beilein) McGauley, ’70, are the parents of five grown children and the grandparents of four. Mag is a certified divorce mediator and until recently the executive director of the Florida Association of Guardian ad Litem Circuit Directors, a volunteer organization that represents the interest of abused and neglected children in court proceedings.
Norma J. (Musslyn) Herring, ’68, Leawood, Kan., in April 2008 received first place for artwork in the Fourth Annual Images Art Gallery juried show in Overland Park. The award was for her “Woodland Orchids” (watercolor with gold/ silver acrylic and iridescent medium, 30” x 37” framed - see below). It is a full sheet (22” x 30”) and shows a hillside of Aspen trees with a closeup of the Showy Lady Slipper (pink) and Lesser Lady Slipper (yellow). Norma, and her husband, Joe, enjoyed a 12-day cruise to Alaska in June.
Several MSSC, class of 1969, classmates gathered in St. Louis, Mo., for a mini-reunion in May 2007, to celebrate their 60th birthdays. The ladies traveled from Arizona, New Jersey, Minnesota, Illinois, Arkansas, Kansas, North Carolina and Kentucky. Attending the festivities, included: Mary Alice (Sullivan) Farrell, Marcia (Hanlon) Costello, Barb (Van Doren) McDoniel, Norma (Henkenius) Elliott, Sue (Donnelly) Wulkopf, Betty (Leonard) Werner, Carol (Ramaekers) O’Hearn, Linda (Fox) Bordeaux,
Steve McCarthy, ’70, was voted Full Time Faculty Member of the Year for 2006-07 by the faculty of Aquinas College, Nashville, Tenn. He received the same award for 2000-01. Steve has taught history at Aquinas College for the past 19 years, and for the past 33 years taught at the collegiate and secondary levels. Steve and his wife Anne reside in Nashville. David F. Dinges, PhD, ’71, received the 2007 Distinguished Public Service Medal from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA); the highest award bestowed upon non-government personnel whose distinguished accomplishments contributed substantially to the NASA mission. He serves as scientific team leader for the “Neurobehavioral and Psychosocial Factors Team” of the NASA-supported National Space Biomedical Research Institute (NSBRI), where he is concerned with developing, preventing and countering behavioral problems that develop during prolonged human habitation in space. David is employed at the University of Pennsylvania - School of Medicine, as professor of psychology in Psychiatry, chief of the Division of Sleep and Chronobiology, and director of the Unit for Experimental Psychiatry. He, and his wife, Christine (Konicy) Dinges, ’71, reside in Bala Cynwyd, Pa. Carol L. Rogers, ’71, and the professional team at Rogers & Company Wealth Advisors, St. Louis, Mo., were recognized by Registered Rep magazine as one of the 100 top independent financial advisors in North America. The group was featured on the front cover and was one of 11 firms interviewed for “The Wealth Factor: A TEAM Approach,” book, authored by Sydney LeBlanc and published by Financial Forum Publishing.
James S. O’Leary, ’68, in April 2007, left his law practice in Michigan to accept the appointment of Supervising Administrative Judge for the Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals in Irvine, Calif.
Dianne (Cahill) Morr, Dorothy (Meiners) Easterday, Bonnie (Bailey) Goodwin, Karyn (Odrowski) Campin, Crickett (Moore) Hirsch, Mary Ellen (Bourne) Pennick, Diane (Corbett) Whitesell, Becky (Agniel) Herbert, Barb (Sullivan) Weaver and Celeste (Buches) Hodges.
Chester Soetaert, ’68, Seattle, Wash., retired in Dec. 2006, after 36 years of employment at Boeing.
Jim McGauley, ’69, was installed for a one-year term as chairman of the governing board of the Florida Press Association, which represents 45 daily and 140 weekly newspapers, during its annual convention in Orlando. He has been publisher of The Baker County Press, a weekly newspaper west of Jacksonville, since 1974, and is
Dr. Barry McNamara, ’70, East Rockaway, N.Y., a professor of special education at Dowling College in Oakdale, N.Y., has authored several books. The latest is: Learning Disabilities: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Classroom Practice, published by Prentice Hall/Merrill, 2007. This is his third textbook on learning disabilities. Barry and his wife, Francine, also have co-authored five books for parents.
Stephen Horgan, ’72, Houston, Texas, retired in March 2007, as senior staff division order analyst for Anadarko. He worked with the company for 19 years and served on the board of the National Association of Division Order Analysts (NADOA), ending in 2006. Stephen returned to the work force in May 2007, to accept a job with El Paso E & P LP, as manager of division orders. Larry Wilcox, ’72, Atchison, is one of five coaches to have 200 career wins and earning a place in the NAIA history books. On Sept 13, 2008, the Larry Wilcox Stadium – filled with former football players, classmates of 1972, other alumni, families and friends of the college was blessed and officially dedicated in honor of our beloved coach. Leo F. Vorwerk, ’73, was one of seven people inducted into the 2008 Hall of Fame at the University of North Florida - Jacksonville, on Feb. 20. During his career at UNF, Leo was the men’s and women’s tennis head coach from 1984-90, when he compiled a 321-129 record
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during seven seasons (161-55 men’s, 160-74 women’s). He guided the women’s tennis team to the 1986 NAIA national title - the first for UNF in any team sport, led the Ospreys to five NAIA district titles, coached 26 All-America selections (nine men, and 17 women); and was selected the ITA/Wilson NAIA National Coach of the Year, Women-1986, and Men-1988. Leo and his wife, Linda, are the parents of three children, Nikki, Carl and Trent, and reside in Jacksonville. Beth Dobby, BSN, RN, CPON, ’75, Wheaton, Ill., was one of seven nurses recognized by their peers to receive the third annual Dr. Tom Williams Award for Leadership at Central DuPage Hospital. Beth, the assistant manager for the pediatric outpatient subspecialty clinic affiliated with Children’s Memorial, is responsible for the development, coordination and implementation of standards of care as well as maintaining regulatory standards and accreditation, plus the hiring, training and ongoing professional development of staff. Charles Gartenmayer, ’75, Atchison, was appointed Athletic Director at Benedictine College in Nov. 2007, and continues as an assistant coach for the Raven football team. He retired in May 2007 following 32 years of employment with the Atchison Public School System, USD #409; to work full-time at his alma mater.
riders competed in three disciplines - dressage, show-jumping and events, and will become an annual event. Steve Penn, ’80, Merriam, Kan., received the United Minority Media Association Inc.’s M.C. Richardson Leadership Award in Oct. 2007. The award is given to those who lead by example for the betterment of their fellow man. Penn, a columnist for The Kansas City Star, was one of two people chosen to receive the award at the organization’s annual Midwest/Southeast Regional Conference. Bill Thornton, ’80, Atchison, was appointed in June 2007 to a four-year term to serve on the Kansas Board of Regents by Governor Kathleen Sebelius. Bill is a vice president and corporate legal council for MGP Ingredients, Inc., Atchison, where he has worked since 1994. Janet L. (Munro) Wilcox, ’81, Atchison, is an assistant dean and director of the Student Success Center (SSC) at Benedictine College. She has developed an integrated program that will coordinate a wide range of services designed to support the success of Benedictine students throughout their collegiate experience. The center, located on the first floor of the College Library, incorporates the Academic Assistance Center and the Career Development Office. Kingsley Leggs, ’83, San Bernardino, Calif., was featured in an interview on the St. Louis Public Television regarding his acting career. His schedule allowed him the opportunity to return to St. Louis in 2008 where he starred in the Black Rep’s production of “Harlem Duet” at the Grandel Theatre, which ran from late April through mid-May. Kingsley has appeared in productions across the country, on Broadway – Oprah Winfrey’s “The Color Purple”, and on a variety of television shows, including: Law and Order: SVU, All My Children, and City of Angels.
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Michele (Scherer) Melichar, ’75, accepted a position in Feb. 2008, with Metso Minerals in Colorado Springs, Colo., as a Knowledge Management Engineer. To celebrate her new job and move to a new city, Michele purchased and rehabbed a 118-year-old house.
Carlos M. Chavez, ’80, Medina, Ohio, graduated in Aug. 2007, with a master’s of science degree in accountancy (MSA) from the University of Akron. He also has an MBA degree from the University of Kansas. Triwatty (Sasono) Marciano, ’80, Jakarta, Indonesia, along with her daughter, Nadia, created an equestrian business, Adria Pratama Mylya Enterprise, upon Nadia’s graduation from William Woods University in Fulton, Mo., earning a degree in Equine Administration. Their inaugural equestrian show, Cinta Indonesia Open, was held in Aug. 2007, where
David Koechner, ’84, Valley Village, Calif., appeared as a guest of The Tonight Show with Jay Leno in July 2008. Koechner, a comedian, has had roles in numerous television shows and movies including The Office, Still Standing, Saturday Night Live; The Dukes of Hazzard (2005), Snakes on a Plane, The Brothers Solomon, Unaccompanied Minor, The Comebacks, and Get Smart. David, and his wife, Leigh, are the parents of two children, Charlie and Margot.
founder and coordinator of The REAP Team, a Catholic youth retreat ministry, which is a division of the Archdiocesan Office of Youth Ministry. In Nov. 2007, Paul finished writing a three-part book project, Stirring It Up; All Bottled Up Letters from Teens Answered by Paul Masek; and a CD, Stirring It Up (…more). To purchase the book set, visit http://stirringitup. org/ Paul, and his wife Lisa, have four children, Jacob, Audrey, Kyle, and Dominic. Fr. Daniel McCarthy, OSB, ’85, St. Benedict’s Abbey, successfully defended his doctoral dissertation at the Pontifical Institute of Liturgy, Sant’Anselmo, Rome, making him the first Kansan and first BC alumnus to have earned a Doctorate of Sacred Liturgy (SLD). The research concerns the history and development of the presidential chair, for example the chair that the priest sits in while listening to the lector proclaim the scriptures. His dissertation was entitled: Praesidendi coetui sedes ad munus orationemque dirigendi: quattuor rationes prospectusque solus: The chair for the giftministry of presiding in the assembly and directing the prayer: four models, a single vision. Fr. Daniel co-hosted an international, ecumenical colloquium entitled “Appreciating the Collect: An Irenic Methodology” at Sant’Anselmo, on May 31, 2008. Five papers were given and will be published with four others in the forthcoming book of the same title. Joseph Crider, ’86, Jefferson City, Mo., was elected secretary-treasurer of the National Association of Consumer Credit Administrators by Gov. Matt Blunt. Joe is the supervisor of consumer credit in the division of finance at the Missouri Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions and Professional Registration. Mary Beth (Luscinskas) Harrington, ’86, Dallas, Texas, accepted the position of Executive Director of the Austin (Texas) Public Library. Dr. Marj Henningsen, ’86, wed Ibrahim Jamal, July 26, 2008, Fountain Hills, Ariz. The couple will live in Beirut, Lebanon where Marjorie administers Wellspring Learning Community and Ibrahim is on the staff of the American University Beirut. Several classmates attended the nuptials, including, (L to R: Byron Scott, ’86; Jane (Sittler) West, ’86; Marj Henningsen; George Frank, ’85; and Ginny (Convery) Grimes, ’86. Not pictured are Kathy (Lumetta) Sitchin, ’86, and Dianna Henderson, ’85.
Vicky Artzer, ’85, Overland Park, Kan., received her master’s of education degree in May 2008 from Baker University. Vicky teaches K-6 music at Apache Elementary in the Shawnee Mission School District. In April, she was awarded a $3,400 grant for World Music Drumming from the Shawnee Mission Education Foundation. Paul Masek, ’85, Maryland Heights, Mo., is the
Margaret (Tettamble) Black, ’87, Jois in her 19th
year teaching at the Joplin Area Catholic Schools. She also teaches Spanish to grades 1-5 at St. Mary’s Elementary, and grade 8 at St. Peter’s Junior High. Margie and husband, Scott, are the parents of four children, Lily, Thomas, Scottie and Mary Katherine. Cordelia M. Holbert, ’88, Marshall, Minn., in Sept. 2007, completed her doctorate in Community Psychology from DePaul University. In addition to her latest accomplishment. Fr. Brian J. Higgins, ’89, Atlanta, Ga., was appointed chaplain of Southern Catholic College. He also serves as parochial vicar at Christ Redeemer Church in Dawsonville. Cynthia (Schneiders) Perry, ’89, Clinton, Mo., teaches marketing at Clinton Technical School and husband Matt is a high school counselor and football coach. They are the parents of three sons, Trenton, 15; Tanner, 12; and Taylor, 8.
Maj. Michael Brox, ’90, and family moved from Hill AFB, Utah, where Michael was the Minuteman III Propulsion Replacement Program Manager to Kirtland AFB, NM, where Michael is a Fellow at Sandia National Labs in the Weapon Intern Program. Michael and his wife, Kimberly (Gallagher) Brox, ’91, are the parents of three children, Thomas, Mary Kate and Anne Marie. Fr. Andrew Cozzens, S.T.D., ’91, St. Paul, Minn., in January 2008, received his doctorate in theology, earning summa cum laude honors, from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome. He successfully defended his doctoral dissertation entitled: Imago Vivens Jesu Christi Sponsi Ecclesiae: The Priest a Living Image of Jesus Christ the Bridegroom of the Church through the Evangelical Counsels. Fr. Andrew hopes the 380-page book will be published in the future. Fr. Andrew resides at The Saint Paul Seminary, in St. Paul, Minn., where he also is a teacher and formator of seminarians. Jeff Deane, ’92, returned to private practice in April 2007, after several years as corporate counsel for GE. He works at Allmayer & Associates, P.C., in Kansas City, Mo. Jeff resides with his wife, Elizabeth Clavenna-Deane, ’92, and their two children, Thomas and Jacob in Shawnee, Kan. Michael J. Jersa, ’92, in June 2008 joined Coldwell Banker Commercial CRA LLC in St. Louis, as a sales and leasing associate. He is responsible for handling commercial real estate transactions in the industrial, office and retail property sectors. Michael and his wife, Andrea, reside in Wildwood, Mo. Patricia A. Suellentrop, ’92, Fairway, Kan., is the deputy county librarian for the Johnson County Libraries. She is responsible for the daily
operations for the system, which serves more than 400,000 residents through 13 facilities, including its Central Resource Library. Tricia has been with the library for 10 years, serving as the young adult specialist, the youth services manager and, most recently, the system-wide services manager. Thomas Ahlberg, Sr., ’93, Sweden, is the executive director for the Nynashamns Golfclub, which was voted “Golfclub of the Year” in Sweden for 2007. Jamie Mueller, ’93, was inducted into the NAIA Hall of Fame in Jan. 2007, at the Rawlings-NAIA Football Coaches Association Hall of Fame banquet in San Antonio, Texas. He resides with his wife, Katy (Bush) Mueller, ’88, and their two children, Tanner and Riley, in Overland Park, Kan. Dr. Jason T. Wyrick, ’93, Denver, Colo., in Aug. 2007 earned a doctorate degree in higher education administration from the University of Denver-University College, where he is the director of planning and budget. Tim Henningsen, ’95, Kansas City, Mo., is head of sales engineering for iModules Software in Overland Park, Kan., the largest provider of online community technology to the secondary and higher education market. In 2006, Tim received a master’s of public administration degree (MPA) from the University of MissouriKansas City. In Sept. 2007, he traveled to Beirut, Lebanon to celebrate the opening of the primary school, The Wellspring Learning Community, administered by his sister, Marj Henningsen, ’86. Tim still plays basketball in his spare time and travels to Spokane each year to play in the Spokane Hoopfest. Bernadette Cathers, ’96, Kansas City, Mo., traveled to Kenya in Sept. 2007 with Christian Foundation for Children and Aging (CFCA), where she is employed. She visited several areas, including the Kibera Slums in Nairobi; schools in Nanyuki; the Equator; families and their homes in Timau; an orphanage in Juja, and went on a safari in Nairobi’s National Park. Bernadette took lots of photographs, video taping and interviewed many people. Melinda (Johnson) Fortune, R.N., ’96, is a registered nurse and research coordinator for Vince and Associates Clinical Research in Overland Park, Kan. She and husband Blake reside in Olathe, Kan. Christen R. Jones, ’96, Atchison, was promoted in June 2007 to assistant dean of students and director of residence life at Benedictine College. An employee of her alma mater since 2000, Christen was residence hall director for Memorial Hall and St. Scholastica Hall. In May 2007, she finished her master’s degree in Higher Education Administration from KU.
Dana (Lobmeyer) Keys, ’96, has relocated with her job from the San Francisco Bay Area to Las Vegas. She is still in management with the Employment Guide and will now oversee the Las Vegas and Reno operations. Christopher Shanks, ’96, finished his Ed. Specialist Degree in May 2008 from William Woods University. He is the secondary principal within the Adrian R-III School District in Adrian, Mo. Rebecca is a RN with the Visiting Nurse Association in Harrisonville, Mo. They are the parents of two children, Caleb, 10, and Karlie, 8; and the family resides three miles north of Adrian. Darren Botello-Samson, ’97, Webb City, Mo., successfully defended his doctoral dissertation in political science at Rutgers University. He is an assistant professor in the Department of Social Sciences at Pittsburg State University in Pittsburg, Kan. Tatum Adams-Dobberstein, ’98, relocated to Milwaukee, Wis., with her husband John, and their pets, when she accepted a position in April 2007, as a Lead SAP Systems Administrator for SC Johnson, Inc., at their corporate headquarters in Racine. Navy Cmdr. John C. Lawless, ’98 MBA, retired following 21 years of service to the United States Navy. He received the Meritorious Service Medal while assigned to Navy Warfare Development Command, Newport, R.I., from July 2004 to Sept. 2008. He led the first Joint Expeditionary Force Experiment in 2006 and coordinated the efforts of numerous military commands, intergovernmental agencies, coalition partner and industrial organizations. Following a year as an individual augmentee in Iraq, Lawless returned as the director of the Maritime Battle Center, where he was responsible for a sea trial budget of more than $30 million while supervising 21 personnel. J. Todd DeMint, ’98, and his wife Nikki purchased ownership of the Meyers Funeral Chapels in Blue Springs and Parkville, Mo. The DeMints reside with their two children, Evan and Avery, in Parkville, the same city that Todd is the Managing Partner of the Meyers Funeral Chapel Northland. Ryan Brown, ’99, in July 2007, earned a master’s degree in business administration with summa cum laude honors at the University of Phoenix. He joined Community America Credit Union as the senior executive underwriter, also in July. Ryan writes sports articles for the online MVN Outsider and was named “Top Rated NFL Writer” in Feb. 2008 for the site. To read his articles, visit http://mvn.com/nfl-chiefs/. Ryan resides with his wife Colleen, and their daughter, Molly Rose Brown, in Olathe, Kan.
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Megan (Cassidy) Bickford, ’02, Megan (Cassidy) Bickford, ’02, Atchison, along with her alma mater were recognized in January 2008 with a Bronze Award for Excellence in at the annual district conference of the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). The award was given for the Mission, Vision, and Values piece, which folds into the form of a cross. Megan, an employee at Benedictine College since 2005, was promoted in Oct. 2007 to associate director of communications. She resides on campus with her husband Brian Bickford, ’02, Ferrell Hall resident director, and their daughter. Rachel (Wolberg) Gallagher, ’02, Las Cruces, N.M., graduated in May 2007 with a master’s degree in English. Currently she is pursing a doctorate degree in Rhetoric and Professional Communication at New Mexico State University. Mike Gallagher, ’03, will enter the Doctorate of Economic Development program in the fall of 2008, also at NMSU. Rachel and Mike are the parents of two daughters, Isabella, and Norah Reinard. Zachary Hoyt, ’02, Portland, Ore., is the manager of Liturgical Resources for Oregon Catholic Press. He will manage the screening and review process for the publication of new liturgical compositions. In addition he maintains an active performance schedule in the Portland State Opera Theater. Zakk, and his wife, Erin, are the parents of two daughters Abigail Nell and Charlotte Louise. Janelle Kroll, ’02, Tulsa, Okla., is an Information Analyst with Tulsa Technology Center, a vocational-technical college that has expanded to include adult evening and weekend courses. Myles Bacon, ’03, Reedley, Calif., is a physical education teacher, football coach and track coach at Reedley High School. His wife Jacqueline (Cantu) Bacon, ’02, is a registered nurse at a local hospital. They are the parents of two children, Samantha and Max.
class notes
CPT Brian K. Carr, ’03, and his wife Heather have moved to Kansas City, Kan. He was stationed in Iraq from May 2007 until August 2008. Brian plans to attend law school. Tiffany Cope, D.O., ’03, Trenton, Mich., graduated in May 2007, from Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences College of Osteopathic Medicine, earning magna cum laude honors, and the Excellence in Obstetrics and Gynecology Award. She was a member of Sigma Sigma Phi National honor society and Psi Sigma Alpha national honor society. Tiffany is an OB/GYN resident at Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital in Wyandotte, Mich. David Dillner, ’03, along with his wife and twin sons, resides in Edgerton City, Kan., where he is the city administrator.
Sarah Gill, ’03, Middletown, Md., has authored a paperback book, “The Beginners’ Vegan Guide: Restaurants, Recipes & Resources,” an informative and fun guidebook for anyone who is interested in eating vegan and wheatfree meals, either in restaurants or at home. The book, written in late 2006, is available at Amazon.com. Kara (Mark) Hansen, ’03, graduated from the University of Missouri-Kansas City in May 2008 with a master’s degree in social work. A reporter for the Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kan., newspaper, The Leaven, Kara recently won the National Right to Life Committee’s Excellence in Journalism Award, for the article “Love Me Tender,” which appeared in the Jan. 2008 issue. Kara resides in Prairie Village with husband Darin Hansen, ’03, and daughter Clare. Grant Latta, D.O., ’03, graduated in May 2007, from Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences College of Osteopathic Medicine, with magna cum laude honors. His residency is at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Mo. His wife Michele (Gamboa) Latta, ’03, graduated in May 2005 from the University of Kansas Medical Center earning a master’s of health services administration degree. She works as analyst for strategic planning and operations improvement at Sisters of Charity Leavenworth Health System in Lenexa, Kan. Grant and Michele reside in Shawnee, Kan. Meeghan Masters, ’03, Troy, Kan., graduated in May 2007 from the University of MissouriKansas City with a master’s degree in social work. She is employed as the program director at a group home in St. Joseph, Mo., for homeless children. Theresa Rademacker, ’03, Lincoln, Neb., returned to her alma mater in Oct. 2007, to present a talk on “Geophysical Applications to Real-World Problems.” She completed her master’s of science degree in geophysics at University of Kansas, and is now employed at the U.S. Geological Survey in Lincoln. Christopher Rowden, ’03, Atchison, in Sept. 2007, joined the Benedictine College Office of Admission as an assistant director covering the territories of Kansas City, New Mexico, Iowa and Chicago. Before working for his alma mater, Christopher was a teacher in the Catholic school systems of Denver, Colo., and Wichita, Kan. He also worked for the Diocese of Wichita doing audio visual creation. Tom P. Ryan, EMBA ’03, Lawrence, Kan., in Oct. 2007, joined the staff at Kansas Corporation Commission in Topeka, as their director of Information Technology. He had worked at Benedictine College since 2004 as director of program management, technology and information services.
Andy Swafford, ’04, Atchison, in May 2007, earned his Licentiate of Sacred Theology degree from the University of St. Mary of the Lake, Mundelin, Ill. Gerald Byaruhanga, ’05, Uganda, Africa, received his master’s degree in regional economic and social development in 2007 from the University of Massachusetts, Lowell, Mass. Ismael Casillas, ’05, Las Piedras, PR, was drafted by the Boston Red Sox as a pitcher in June 2005. He finished his third year at the High A Level, and played in Lancaster, Calif., for the 2007 season. In March 2008, Ismael returned to Puerto Rico where he continues to play baseball after being released from the Boston Red Sox team. Jacob M. Drumm, ’05, Saint Louis, in Aug. 2006, joined the Archdiocese of St. Louis as a diocesan seminarian, and started his pre-Theology studies at St. Louis University, finishing in May 2007, earning a degree in philosophy and letters. Currently, he attends Kenrick-Glennon Seminary, and has an expected ordination date of 2011. Jake is assigned to St. Gerard Majella Parish in Kirkwood, Mo., for his weekend assignment. Jaime Panus, ’05, Lake Lotawana, Mo., is the sales coordinator for Indigo Wild, an all-natural hand-made body care company in Kansas City, Mo. Ronald Cohen, ’06, is a resident director at Missouri Western State University in St. Joseph, Mo. Lindsey K. Gewecke, ’06 and MBA ’07, Overland Park, Kan., joined Pricewaterhouse Coopers, an international accounting firm, in Sept. 2007, as an associate auditor. Daniel B. Harden, ’06, Parkville, Mo., is employed at State Street in Kansas City as a portfolio administrator. Kara Schuetz, ’06, Hiawatha, Kan., graduated in Dec. ’07, with a master’s degree in school psychology from Emporia State University. She completed her thesis and education specialist degree in Aug. ’08. In June, Kara moved to Topeka, where she works at Topeka Public Schools as a school psychologist. Anna (Gietzen) Simon, ’06, Panorama City, Calif., is employed by Crothall, a hiring agency for various companies. She is employed as a receptionist/facilities manager with Google in Santa Monica. Husband Cody Simon, ’06, is employed with Farmers Insurance Company as an auto claims representative. John Smilie, ’07, an analyst with the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City since June 2007, has been promoted to bank examiner and begin
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From our Bookshelf From vegetarian dining to teen advice, textbooks to family history, Viet Nam to World War II, Benedictine alumni KDYH DXWKRUHG ERRNV RQ D ZLGH DUUD\ RI VXEMHFWV ,Q RXU FRQWLQXLQJ VHULHV RQ DOXPQL DXWKRUV ZH RIIHU D VDPSOLQJ RI WKH fascinating stories and interesting topics generated in the past few years. A LETTER TO GREGG. This book was written by Evelyn
THE MOUNT REMEMBERED Four Decades of 0RXQWLH 0HPRULHV . Compiled by Judy Ferrell
(Doll) Steimel, ’46, along with several other family members and friends of Gregg Steimel. The book is a collection of memoirs meant to honor and remember Gregg, who was killed in combat in the Viet Nam War. The book ultimately serves to reveal the tragedy that comes with war. This book is available for purchase by contacting Mrs. Steimel at emds@pld.com.
Taggart, ’53, from pictures and stories gathered from alumnae of Mount St. Scholastica College classes from 1923 to 1971. The 44page book is a collection of these photos and reflections and also introduces St. Scholastica Hall, a residence hall on the Benedictine College campus named in honor of the Mount. It is available at www.ravenstore.benedictine.edu or calling 800.766.0078 ext. 7448.
PRIVILEGE AND DIVERSITY IN THE ACADEMY, published by Routledge in 2007. This book, which explores the effects of diversity in higher education, was co-authored by Mary Kay (Thompson) Tetreault, ’61, and Frances A. Maher. In it, the authors examine the ethnic make-up of the faculty at three different universities and consider how a diverse faculty can lead to a diverse student body. Tetreault is the Provost Emerita of Portland State University
LEARNING DISABILITIES: Bridging the Gap between Research and Classroom Practice. This book, published by Prentice Hall/Merill in 2007, is Dr. Barry McNamara’s third and most recent textbook on learning disabilities. McNamara, ’70, is a professor of special education at Dowling College in Oakdale, N.Y. and, along with his wife Francine, has also written five books for parents. It is available at Amazon.com.
& Resources. Looking for a delicious vegan or wheat-free meal? Sarah Gill, ’03, has the answer. This entertaining and useful book will help you find something great to eat, whether you feel like eating out or in the comfort of your own home. The paperback, written in late 2006, is available at Amazon.com.
This book, authored by Val Wahbeh, ’64, follows the fascinating story of his family history. The tale begins in the Ukraine and spans three continents as the Wahbehs survive incredible struggles and dangers, including two World Wars, before finally settling down in America. The book includes much about the family’s time in Atchison and Val’s experience at Benedictine College and his family’s relationship with the monks of St. Benedict’s Abbey.
STIRRING IT UP AND ALL BOTTLED UP. This book set, authored by Paul Masek, ’85, was published in November 2007. Masek is the founder and coordinator of The REAP Team, a Catholic youth retreat ministry, which is a division of the Archdiocesan Office of Youth Ministry in St. Louis. He uses his experiences with the youth retreats to offer advice to teenagers. This book is available at www.stirringitup.org. RAVE N REVIE W
the new position in early Sept. 2008. He and wife, Annie (Hund) Smilie, ’06, a fourth grade teacher for Ascension Catholic School, reside in Merriam, Kan.
Weddings & Anniversaries
Brett Herbers, ’02, wed Laura Nelson, June 29, 2007. Laura is a graduate of Northern State University in Aberdeen, S.D. The couple resides near St. Louis, Mo., where Brett works as a Lead Software Engineer for The Boeing Company; and Laura teaches math and coaches volleyball at Francis Howell High School.
Therese Robidoux, ’02, wed John Roever, Nov. 3, 2007. They reside in Olathe where Therese works for Shawnee Mission Medical Center and John as a Database Engineer for Navteq.
Jill Hellmer, ’03, wed Justin Ahlers, Sept. 22, 2007. They reside in Mission, Kan. Jill graduated from the University of Louisville School of Dentistry in May 2007 earning a Doctorate of Medical Dentistry. She practices dentistry in Kansas City, Mo., and Justin works as a Golf Pro for St. Andrew’s Golf Club in Overland Park, Kan.
William R. Klasinski, ’53, and his wife Virginia, Mission, Kan., celebrated their 51th wedding anniversary in June 2007. They are the parents of five children, including Bill, ’82 and his wife Joanne (Henneberry), ’82, Klasinski.
Earlene (Carlow) Wolters, ’61, wed James C. Wilson, ’60, May 5, 2007. Jim is retired from teaching with U.S.D. #409, Atchison, and Earlene retired as a chemist in June 2006, following a 40-year career with MGP Ingredients, Inc., Atchison.
Kay (Winters), ’70, and Tom Mangimelli, ’72, Atchison, celebrated their 31th wedding anniversary in July 2007. They are the parents of eight children, including Will, ’04, and Ellen, ’06, Mangimelli.
Brett Cott, ’94, married Teresa Candori, Aug. 2, 2008 in Harrisburg, Pa. Tess is Deputy Communications Director to Governor Edward G. Rendell and Brett recently started his own political consulting firm specializing in Democratic and progressive issue campaigns. Tess and Brett live in Harrisburg.
Adventure Bible Timeline. Mikki Tibaldo, ’05, wed Matt Sciba, ’05, Sept. 17, 2005. They reside in Bossier City, La. Julie Cusanelli, ’06, wed Cody Clemence, ’08, Nov. 10, 2007. They reside in Overland Park, Kan. Jennifer Darby, ’06, wed Kevan O’Shea,’07, July 14, 2007. The couple resides in Olathe, Kan. Ashley Hager, ’06, wed Ryan O’Grady, ’06, July 14, 2007. She is a third grade teacher at Louisburg Grade School and he is an officer with the Johnson County Sheriff Department. The couple resides in Gardner, Kan. Annie Hund, ’06, wed John Smilie, ’07, July 5, 2008. They reside in Merriam, Kan.
Alexandra Mainelli, ’04, wed Steven W. Pries, Nov. 24, 2007. They reside in Denver, Colo., where Steve is employed with FOCUS and Ali works at the St. Augustine Institute.
Clementine Muhrer, ’06, wed Matthew Hoeing, ’05, July 18, 2008. Matt is an Application Developer for Gallup out of Omaha, Neb., and Clementine is pursuing her master’s degree in Education. They reside in St. Louis, Mo.
Julie Fry, ’05, wed Jimmy Smith, ’04, Oct. 21, 2007. Jimmy is a Unit Manager at Boston Financial in Kansas City and Julie is a MSA Strategist for the Cerner Corporation. The couple resides in Kansas City, Mo.
Maureen Mulholland, ’06, wed Luke Quinn, ’06, Dec. 28, 2007. They reside at Benedictine College, where Luke is director of Turner Hall, and Maureen is a religion teacher for Maur HillMount Academy High School.
Elizabeth Hruska, ’05, wed Paul Slobodnik, April 5, 2008. They reside in Atchison, where she works for her alma mater in the Office of Student Development, as the special projects coordinator, and also teaches the Great
Susan Hamtil, ’95, wed Timothy Roberts, June 16, 2007. Susan currently resides in Bella Vista, Arkansas and teaches fifth and sixth grade reading in McDonald County, Mo. Jennifer Reichenberger, ’96, wed Michael McGinnis, Sept. 8, 2007. They are making their home in Roeland Park, Kan., where Jenny works for Sprint in the Advertising/Brand group. Mike, a 1997 graduate of Creighton University in Omaha, is a physician at Olathe Medical Center in Olathe, Kan. Allison Graber, ’97, wed Brett Cofer, Aug. 18, 2007. They reside in Dallas, Texas.
Trish Gosche, ’01, wed Christopher Tavares, Nov. 3, 2007. The couple resides in Saint Louis, Mo., where Trish is a Pharmacy Manager with Walgreen’s and Chris is an Aerospace Engineer with Boeing. Kelly Walsh, ’01, wed Matthew Bruns, May 31, 2008. They reside in Quincy, Ill.
Mr. & Mrs Paul Slobodnik. 3KRWR E\ $O]EHWD 9RERULO Âś
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Births & Adoptions 1980s
Robert Joseph, adopted by Joanne (Henneberry), ’82, and Bill Klasinski, ’82, from Guangdong Province, Peoples Republic of China. They brought Bobby home to the United States on Sept. 8, 2007. He joins, Billy in Lenexa, Kan. Lillian Grace to Scott and Margie (Tettamble) Black, ’87, Jan. 21, 2005. Lily joins, Thomas Michael, Scottie and Mary Katherine in Joplin, Mo. Julia Rose to Vickie (Penka) ’88, and Stephen J. Davidson, ’88, Sept. 27, 2006. She joins, Patrick, Matthew and Katherine in Hoyt, Kan.
Joseph Balthaser to Dan and Janet (Klingele) Brungardt, ’94, May 23, 2007. He joins Catherine, Dominic and Anne in Bel Aire, Kan. Melissa Anne to Connie and Jeff Coyle, ’94, April 19, 2007. She joins Anna and Julia, in Ottawa, Kan., where their father Jeff is director of the Ottawa Library. Kellen James to Tiffany (Opsahl), ’94, and David Klenke, ’94, Jan. 24, 2007. He joins Cameron David in Highlands Ranch, Colo. Joseph Lawrence to Eddie and Amy (Smith) Lomshek, ’94, Aug. 10, 2007. He joins Matthew and Andrew in Pittsburg, Kan. %ULJLG 0DULH ERWWRP DQG =X]DQD WRS /HZLV
Braden Slater to Amy and John Kleine, ’88, Jan 10, 2008, Collegeville, Pa.
Joseph Michael adopted by Susanne and Dan Stech, ’88, Jan. 4, 2008. Joseph was born April 27, 2007 in South Korea. He joins, Anthony in Castle Rock, Colo.
Frances Jane to Julie (Branch), ’89 and Jerry Keithline, ’90, Aug. 1, 2007, Kansas City, Mo.
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Abigail Marie to Scott and Kelly (Brungardt) Neil, ’93, Nov. 28, 2007. She joins Isaac in Tonganoxie, Kan. Dylan Jason to Nicole Carlyle and Brian Pointelin, ’93, Sept. 23, 2007. He joins McKenley Carlyle in Clearfield, Utah. Brian is an instructor in the Physical Education Department at Utah Valley State College and also an assistant golf pro at Hubbard Golf Course at Hill Air Force Base. Alexander Stephen to David and Nancy (Sellhorst) Welzenbach, ’93, July 22, 2008, in Overland Park, Kan.
John Gabriel to Jim and Diane (Rziha) Herron, ’97, Aug. 31, 2007. He joins Andrew, Peter and Maria in Topeka, Kan. Noah John to Sarah (Bogner), ’97, and Josh Holthusen, ’97, Aug. 8, 2007. He joins Joseph, Matthew and Luke in Wichita, Kan.
Elle Alexandra to Anna and David Robinson, ’98, July 27, 2007, in Salem, Mass.
George Christopher to Paul and Shannon (Good) Smith, ’89, Oct. 26, 2007. He joins Abby, 16; Jake, 15; Hannah, 13; Zander, 10; Timmy, 9; Kellan, 7; Ellie, 5; Isaac, 4; and Gabe, 2, in Highlands Ranch, Colo.
Caroline Rose to John and Marcia (Bartel) Conley, ’92, Aug. 22, 2007. She joins Elizabeth and John Patrick in Lenexa, Kan.
Madeline Rose to Sarah (Hanrahan), ’97, and Joe Heidesch, ’98, Aug. 20, 2007. She joins Emma and Brendan in Kansas City, Mo.
Ashley Rose to Tom and Amber (Bruna) Rindom, ’97 and EMBA ’98, Aug. 21, 2007. She joins Halley in Leawood, Kan. Her paternal grandparents are Bart and Pat (Eccher) Rindom, ‘52, Atchison. Pat was manager of the Raven Bookstore for 22 years.
Nicholas Aleksey to Anya and Matthew Fraas, ’89, June 9, 2007, Newport News, Va.
Anne Marie to Kimberly (Gallagher), ’91, and Maj. Michael Brox, ’90, March 3, 2007. She joins Thomas and Mary Kate in Albuquerque, NM.
Jackson Caldwell to Tabetha and Jeff Bryan, ’97, July 20, 2007, Beverly Hills, Fla.
Landon Benjamin to Ben and Mindy (Heidesch) Plummer, ’97, Sept. 11, 2007, in Atlanta, Ga. Mindy is a 5th grade Language Arts/Reading teacher at The Westminster Schools in Atlanta, Ga., and Ben is a Business Communication Manager at Turner Broadcasting Systems.
Audrey Deanna to Jim and Michele (Travaglini) McGuirk, ’88, May 9, 2007. She joins, Grace, Jack and Tyler in Fenton, Mo.
Michael Anthony to Suzanne (Hellebusch), ’96, and Patrick Stapleton, ’98, Nov. 10, 2007, Salina, Kan.
Addison Grace to Connie (Pike), ’99 and Ryan Roseberry, ’98, Aug. 17, 2007, in Chicago, Ill. Reace Ann to Derek and Lenna (McGough) Coffman, ’95, March 15, 2007. She joins, Ashley, Zachary, Noah and Joshua in Tulsa, Okla. Colten Jack to Cristina (Silvey), ’95, and Travis Erickson, ’96, Jan. 16, 2008. She joins, Gracie and Tyler in Overland Park, Kan. Kaitlyn Patricia to Chad and Amy (McKelvy) Folsom, R.N., ’95, Aug. 17, 2007. She joins Haylie, Taylor and Madison in Atchison. Chad is the head coach for women’s basketball and intramural director at BC. Amy is an ICU registered nurse at the Atchison Hospital. Ciara Lynn to Les and Lynda (Konz) Gray, ’95, July 1, 2008. Ciara joins brothers, Carson, 8, and Caden, 4, in Overland Park, Kan. Emilie Elizabeth to Tim and Susan (Hamtil) Roberts, ’95, May 6, 2008, in Rogers, Arkansas. William to Patrick and Joanne (Real) Burchard, ’96, March 23, 2007. He joins Benjamin in Lenexa, Kan.
Reagan Ann to Misty (McBride), ’98, and Joshua Stephenson, ’99, Jan. 9, 2007, Hinesville, Ga. Molly Rose to Colleen and Ryan Brown, ’99, July 5, 2007, Olathe, Kan. John William to Matt and Jennifer (Harper) Davis, ’99, Sept. 18, 2007. He joins Madeline, Felicity and Sophie in Lincoln, Neb. Anna Rose to Kara and Nick DiCarlo, ’99, March 14, 2007, St. Louis, Mo. Caroline Ann Louise to Kelley and Jason Witte, ’99, June 24, 2007, in Olathe, Kan.
Isaac Matthew adopted by Amy (Loutsch), ’00, and Matt Beying, ’00, He was born Aug. 3, 2007. The family resides in Lincoln, Neb. Braden Allen to Dale and Molly (Oestman) Brunk, ’00, March 16, 2006, Eckley, Colo. Adeline Therese to Maureen (DeFazio), ’00, and
Ryan Fesker, ’00, Sept. 6, 2007. She joins Clare in Highlands Ranch, Colo. Ellie JoAnn to Greg and Tisha (Holthaus) Hermesch, ’00, Aug. 20, 2007. She joins Charlie in Seneca, Kan. Lauren Nichole to Brian, ’00, and Jaclyn (Lehman) Laffleur, ’99, June 3, 2008. She joins brother Dylan, 3, in Fenton, Mo. Proud Grandparents include Karen and Joe Laffleur, ‘69. John Paul Patrick to Matthew and Julie (Martin) Argenziano, ’01, Feb. 11, 2007, Bremerton, Wash. Jacob Andrew to Jeremy and Liz (Didde) Winkelbauer, ’01, May 16, 2007, in St. Joseph, Mo. Bladen Static to Kaycie and John Bogner, ’02, Oct. 3, 2007, Dodge City, Kan.
’03, Feb. 22, 2007, in Omaha, Neb. Kepha Matthias to Elizabeth (Lang), ’04, and Justin West, ’03, April 10, 2007. He joins Felicity in Atchison, where Beth is residence director of St. Martin’s Memorial Hall at Benedictine College. Benedict Joseph to Sara and Jon Baxa, ’04, May 22, 2007, Colwich, Kan. Hank Harrison to Shannon and Lainie (Harris) Blackburn, ’04, June 10, 2008, in Kansas City, Mo. Dominic Joseph to Jason and Danielle (Powell) Clupny, ’04, Oct. 1, 2007, Mt. Hope, Kan. Mattingly Elizabeth to Christine and Richard Harris, ’04, July 25, 2007, Kansas City, Kan. Isabel Mary to Elizabeth (Musich), ’04, and Grant Henderson, ’04, June 24, 2007, St. Louis, Mo.
Martha Jean to Tim and Katie (Misener) Crowley, ’02, Feb 6, 2008. She joins sisters Clara, 4, and Lauren, 1, in Atchison.
Emi to Dominic and Patti (Leistner) Inzerillo, ’04, April 2007, Lawrence, Kan.
Norah Reinard to Rachel (Wohlberg), ’02, and Michael Gallagher, ’03, Jan. 21, 2008. She joins Isabella in Las Cruces, NM.
Brigid Marie to Kathleen Z. (Voboril), ’04, and James N. Lewis, II, ’04, March 10, 2008. She joins Zuzana Miriam, in Wichita, Kan.
Charles Patrick to Katy (Kellerman), ’02, and Clint Kaeding, ’00, June 23, 2007, Prairie Village, Kan.
Addison Elaine to Katie (Franke), ’04, and Wayne Smithers, ’03, June 1, 2007, Houston, Texas.
Frank Joseph Giamalva III to Shannon (Brennan) ’02, and Frank Giamalva, ’03, Dec. 13, 2007, Kansas City, Mo.
Kanin James to Mindy and Curt Sudbeck, ’04, Dec. 30, 2007, in Seneca, Kan.
Fulton Henry to Sarah (Henry), ’04, and Andy Swafford, ’04, May 18, 2007. He joins Thomas, in Atchison, where Andy and Sarah are employed at Benedictine College – he as a professor in the philosophy department and she as the residence director of St. Scholastica Hall. Rebecca Marie to Jodi and Dustin Baker, ’05, July 29, 2008. She joins Charlie in Denver, Colo. Madison Grace to Angela (Ruby), ’05, and Michael Carrington, ’04, Dec. 15, 2007. She joins Austin in Kansas City, Mo. Sophia Josephine to Rachel (Hunninghake), ’05, and Jon Krebsbach, ’04, May 14, 2007, Atchison. Jon is director of transfer enrollment at Benedictine College and Rachel is a stay-athome mom. Makenna Elise, to Stefani (Reynolds), ’05, and Andy, ’06, Hoeing, April 5, 2007. She joins Madison, in St. Louis, Mo. Reyna Josephine to David, ’05, and Jennifer (Acosta) Tufte, ’06, MBA ’07, Aug. 27, 2007, Atchison. Jennifer, the assistant director of financial aid at Benedictine College, earned her master’s degree in business administration in Dec. 2007. David works full-time and is enrolled in the MASL program at Benedictine College. Sebastian Michael to Josh, ’06, and Sarah (Farmer), ’05, Beying, Sept. 11, 2007, Garden Plain, Kan.
Jacksen Joaquin to Brian and Nikki (Friga) Langford, ’02, Sept. 4, 2007. The family resides in Anchorage, Alaska, where Brian is a physical therapist in the United States Air Force. Addison Michelle to Michelle (Roach), ’04, and Reed McCrory, ’02, April 27, 2007, in O’Fallon, Mo. Noel Marie to Kent and Danielle (Peters) Rambo, ’02, Oct. 10, 2007, Fort Mohave, Ariz. Cecil IV, to Cecil and Colleen (White) Wysong, ’02, Overland Park, Kan., Aug. 20, 2007. Connor Francis to Rob and Amy (Shirk) Becker, ’03, Oct. 30, 2007, in Overland Park, Kan. Ava Marie to Brandon and Elisa (Machtinger) Johnson, ’03, Jan. 31, 2007, Tucson, Ariz. Josie Rae to Jeremy and Meeghan (Roberts) Masters, ’03, Sept. 11, 2007, Troy, Kan. Hannah Jo to Chad and Manda (Lee) Thomas,
Reyna Tufte
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In Memory of 1920s
Morris H. Kaufman, ’29, Silver Spring, Md., died Dec. 24, 2005.
Anne (Chamberlin) Kreipe, ’33, Oreland, Pa., died May 22, 2007.
Nonnette Hope (Berry) Peterson Sorenson, ’39, Tucson, Ariz., died July 2, 2008. Survived by her husband, Orrill Sorenson, and six children.
James Kenneth O’Loane, ’35, San Anselmo, Calif., died April 11, 2007.
Maurice E. Berg, ’30, Clements, Calif., died Dec. 9, 2004.
Col. Francis R. Mezzera, USAR (Ret), ’33, San Francisco, Calif., died Feb. 24, 2007.
Cecilia (Heili) Byrne, ’30, Aurora, Colo., died March 28, 2007.
Fr. Gilbert Stack, OSB, ’35, monk of Conception Abbey, Conception, Mo., died Sept. 30, 2007.
Lawrence Barmann, ’31, Lawrence, Kan., died Jan. 2, 2008.
Leo W. Burns, ’36, Leavenworth, Kan., died July 5, 2007.
Fr. Msgr. Heliodore Mejak, ’31, Kansas City, Kan., died Dec. 25, 2007. Mejak was pastor at Holy Family Parish for 63 years.
Genevieve (Stessman) Oppold, ’36, Panama, Iowa, died March 1, 2008. Norman L. Thompson, Sr., ’37, Oklahoma City, Okla., died June 24, 1995. Survivors include son, Norman L. Thompson, Jr., ’64. Doris Zaloudek, Enid, Okla., died June 24, 2007. Survivors include husband, Kenneth Zaloudek Sr., ’37. Rt. Rev. Philip A. Berning, OSB, ’38, fifth Abbot of St. Gregory’s Abbey, Shawnee, Okla., died Nov. 17, 2007. James Dockery Sr., ’38, Betterdorf, Iowa, died June 3, 2007. Survivors are his wife, Barbara, and 13 children, including: John, ’68, and wife Chris (Huebner), ’69, Dockery; Mike Dockery, ’70; Mary (Dockery), ’71, and husband Greg Huebner, ’71; Marcy Dockery, ’76; Anne Dockery, ’74; Joe Dockery, ’77; and Tom Dockery, ’81. Additional survivors are 32 grandchildren, including granddaughters Katie (Dockery) Burns, ’00, and Colleen Pesci, a current BC student.
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Fr. Gilbert Wolters, OSB, Ph.D., ’31, Atchison, died June 1, 2008, at the age of 101. He was the last surviving monk to have served Mass for the Abbey’s first abbot, Innocent Wolf, OSB; and Fr. Gilbert had known all eight of St. Benedict’s abbots. Fr. Gilbert was ordained a priest in May 1934. He held several titles at St. Benedict’s College and Benedictine College, including athletic director, a residence hall director, academic dean, and was chairman of the sociology department for 34 years, 1938-1972, retiring in 1977. He is survived by the monastic community of St. Benedict’s Abbey. Lauretta (Schrick) Hampton, ’32, Leavenworth, Kan., died May 3, 2008. Among her survivors are her daughter, Clarita (Hampton), ’59, and son-in-law, John Casey, ’59. Most Rev. Charles Buswell, ’33, Pueblo, Colo., died June 14, 2008.
William M. Doyle, ’38, Northbrook, Ill., died Jan. 7, 2008. Capt. Joseph T. Lawler, USN (Ret.), ’38, Coronado, Calif., died April 18, 2008.A military career, which began in 1937 had Joseph flying aircraft from several Navy aircraft carriers, and he was selected the air safety officer of the Navy’s entire Pacific fleet. Capt. Lawler’s military career ended with retirement in 1964. Mary (Waldron) Mahoney, ’38, Oak Park, IL, died March 10, 2007. Richard W. Remmert, ’38, Birmingham, Ala., died July 12, 2007. Irene M. Hughes, ’39, Wichita, Kan., died Sept. 13, 2002. James L. Keating, ’39, Cupertino, Calif., died June 12, 2007.
George William Intfen, ’40, Atchison, died June 6, 2008. Preceding him in death were a son, George William Intfen III, ’69; brother, Ed Intfen, ’49; and two sisters, Rosemary Carrigan and Dorothea Stocks, ’40. Among the survivors are his wife of 61 years, Mary Margaret (Downs) Intfen, ’43; five children including Phil Intfen, ’78; 16 grandchildren, including Eric Intfen, ’98, and Kate Diebolt, ’08; and a sister, Mary Frances (Billie) Anderson, ’38. George and his wife, Mary Margaret, received the Cross of the Order of St. Benedict Award from Benedictine College in 1996. Eugene F. Spaun, ’40, Ellsworth, Kan., died June 27, 2008. Survived by his wife of 60 years, Rosemary (McLenon) Spaun, ’39. S. Regina Hansen, OSB, ’41, Atchison, died Aug. 8, 2007. Vivina M. Oswald, ’41, Kansas City, Kan., died May 10, 2008. Francis Rasher, ’41, Citrus Heights, Calif., died March 11, 2006. Mary Catherine (Martin) Bunyar, ’42, Saugerties, N.Y., died Dec. 17, 2006. Patricia A. Coupe, ’42, Atchison, died May 7, 2007. Aileen (Murphy) Crockett, ’42, Las Vegas, Nev., died July 20, 2008. Fr. James Downey, OSB, ’42, Atchison, died Jan. 29, 2008. He was a former director of public relations of St. Benedict’s College. Survivors include a brother, Patrick Downey ’59, three sisters, including Sr. Theresa Downey, RSCJ, ’49; and the monks of St. Benedict’s Abbey. He was preceded in death by several siblings, including Abbot Brendan Downey, OSB, ’40, the fifth abbot of the Abbey. Margaret Stubbs, Merriam, Kan., died July 21, 2007. Survivors include husband, John R. Stubbs, ’42. Francis B. Weakley, ’42, Fort Smith, Ark., died Sept. 3, 2007. April Armstrong, died March 13, 2006. Survived by her husband, Martin F. Armstrong, Jr., ’43, Palermo, Maine; and seven children. Marjorie Catherine (McMahon) Caldarulo, ’43, Abilene, Kan., died May 4, 2007. Among the survivors are siblings, Mary (McMahon)
Neerman, ’43, Marcella McMahon, ’52, and Ella Jo (McMahon) Callahan, ’54.
Anna M. (Scott) Doran, ’48, Overland Park, Kan., died Aug. 10, 2008. Survived by four sons.
Edward E. Kancel, Jr., ’50, Kansas City, Mo., died Aug. 10, 2008.
Dr. John ‘Jack’ Heiser, ’43, Camdenton, Mo., died June 1, 2007.
Ann (Dooley) Halpin, ’48, Kansas City, Mo., died July 11, 2008. Survivors include her husband, Ed; and four children.
Rita (Hickert) Law, ’50, Seattle, Wash., died Feb. 20, 2008.
John ‘Jack’ A. Schlichter, ’43, Leawood, Kan., died June 22, 2007. Helen (Dierker) Holstead Jacobs, ’44, Lake of the Ozarks, Mo., died Jan. 26, 2008. Charles Neerman, ’44, Lincoln, Neb., died May 9, 2008. Survived by his wife, Mary (McMahon) Neerman, ’43; and daughter, Marge (Neerman) Hammerschmidt, ’68. Earl E. Wallace, ’44, Leavenworth, Kan., died May 28, 2006. Georgiana Havlik, Bison, Okla., died August 25, 2007. Survivors include sisters, S. Bernadette Havlik, ’45, and Helen Havlik, ’48.
Adrian L. Monnat, Wichita, Kan., died Feb. 7, 2007. Survivors include wife, Margaret (Leahy) Monnat, ’48. John Eugene Schlaffer, ’48, Pinehurst, Texas, died Aug. 27, 2007. John S. Starcovic, ’48, Limestone, W.Va., died July 20, 2007. John J. Waldron Jr., St. Joseph, Mo., died April 8, 2008. Survivors include his wife, Jean (Leary) Waldron, ’48; and four children.
Frances Jane (Stanton) Schmiedeler, ’50, Kansas City, Mo., died Nov. 27, 2007. Pat Snyder, Kansas City, Mo., died March 18, 2006. Survivors include husband, Robert L. Snyder, ’50. Eleanor (Jones) Stawpert, ’50, Escondido, Calif., died April 7, 2007. Survivors include husband, Frank W. Stawpert, ’49. Norma J. (Sittenauer) Stiglich, ’50, Kansas City, Kan., died Jan. 14, 2003. R. Eugene Thompson, ’50, Kansas City, Mo., died Nov. 30, 2007. Among the survivors are wife, Donna Thompson; two daughters, four grandchildren, including James, ’04, and wife Corrine (Sevcik), ’02, Allee; two brothers, Byron, ’55, and Roger, ’60, Thompson, and sister-in-law Doris (Beckman) Thompson, ’47.
Daniel P. O’Shea, ’45, Fullerton, Calif., died July 18, 2006.
Edward Jacobs, ’49, Solomon, Kan., died July 5, 2008. Survived by his wife, Marge Jacobs; and six children, including, John Jacobs, ’75; Joan (Jacobs) Huston, ’76; and James, ’82, and Mary (Eppy) Jacobs, ’85.
Bernadine Pretz, Kansas City, Kan., died April 22, 2008. Survived by her husband, Dr. James Pretz, ’45.
Reuben D. Martinez, Dallas, Texas, died May 9, 2008. Survived by his wife, Dona (Daniel) Martinez, ‘49; and four children.
Sister Sylvia Gorges, ASC, ’51, Wichita, Kan., died Sept. 6, 2006.
Edward F. Shortall, ’45, Fontana, Kan., died Dec. 27, 2007.
Portia A. (Denny) Robberson, ’49, Glenrock, Wyo., died July 4, 2007.
Ellen A. (Coyle) Hagen, ’51, Atchison, passed away Oct. 22, 2007.
George J. Buhrman, Omaha, Neb., died May 28, 2007. Survivors include wife, Leonora (Sollazzo) Pratt-Buhrman, ’46.
Leo W. Stengel, ’49, Decatur, Ill., died July 14, 2007. Survivors include brother, John Stengel, ’40.
Phyllis A. (Corbett) Quill, ’51, Glenview, Ill., died March 26, 2006.
S. Fabian Dekat, OSB, ’46, Atchison, died Dec. 28, 2007.
Elizabeth (Sullivan) Shonfelt, ’49, Overland Park, Kan., died July 23, 2007.
Dorothy Seeger, Raytown, Mo., Kan., died Dec. 14, 2007. Survivors include husband, Elmer G. Seeger, ’51.
Donna (Berridge) Bosse Robertson, ’46, Atchison, died June 9, 2007. Survivors include daughters, Lisa Bosse, ’78, and Faye (Bosse) Miller, ’82.
Audrey P. Shuey, ’49, West Des Moines, Iowa, died Jan. 4, 2007.
Albert O. Stipek, ’51, St. Louis, Mo., died May 7, 2006.
S. Bernice Siemann, OSB, ’49, Colorado Springs, Colo., died April 10, 2008.
Sr. Michaela Schmeltz, S.S.S., ’46, Encino, Calif., died June 5, 2007. Survivors include sister, Doris (Schmeltz) Toller, ’46.
Dorothy M. Blackwell, Aurora, Kan., died Sept. 11, 2007. Survivors include husband, Richard N. Blackwell, ’52.
Mary G. Horrigan, ’47, Houston, Texas, died April 13, 2008. Patricia (Procter) Latz, ’47, Overland Park, Kansas, died Aug. 5, 2007. Survivors include five children and their spouses: Barb (Latz), ’71, and Jim King, ’71; Bob, ’73, and Jeanie Latz; Marty (Latz), ’76, and Chuck Raplinger ’74; Mary (Latz), ’78, and Tom Gorczyca, ’77; Tom, ’80, and Colleen Latz; and her sister, Betty Collins Cretors, ’40. Additional survivors are 16 grandchildren, including: Brad King, ’97; Chris King, ’00; Dan Raplinger, ’01; Jeff Gorczyca, ’04; Christina Raplinger, BC senior; and Kyle Latz, BC junior; and Eric Raplinger, BC sophomore.
Janet M. (Anderson) Doohan, ’50, Kansas City, Mo., died Nov. 17, 2004. S. Gervase Judge, OSB, ’50, Atchison, died Nov. 29, 2007. Sister Lorene Judge, OSB, ’50, Atchison, died July 31, 2008. She celebrated her 75th year of monastic profession in 2007. Prior to the death of her sister, Sister Gervase Judge, OSB, who died in Nov. 2007, the women were supporters of Benedictine College football and basketball teams and were honored by the college with a plaque and two trees planted overlooking Larry Wilcox Stadium. Survivors include a cousin, Sister Rita Claire Judge, OSB, ’67; and the monastic community of Mount St. Scholastica.
William “Bill” J. Byrnes Jr., ’52, Hanover, Kan., died Jan. 12, 2008. Survivors include wife, Joan (Herbin) Byrnes, ’52. S. Sara Marie Chagollan, OSB, ’52, Atchison, died May 22, 2007. Gloria C. (Marquez) Espinoza, ’52, Alamosa, Colo., died Jan. 13, 1996. Survivors include husband, A. R. Espinoza, and four children. Msgr. Rick Dierkes, St. Joseph, Mo., died July 27, 2008. Survived by his parents, Thomas, ’53, and Dorothy (McClintic) Dierkes, ’53. Irene (Fleming) Rolfe, ’52, Kansas City, Mo., died June 5, 2007.
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Robert J. Dawson, ’53, Lincoln, Neb., died July 14, 2008. Bob was a retired teacher and photographer. Among the survivors are wife, Mary; four children, and four siblings and their spouses, including Msgr. James Dawson, ’50; and Jerry, ’60, and Gina (Byers) Dawson, ’58. Arlene R. Fayman, ’53, Florissant, Mo., formerly of Atchison, died June 9, 2008. Survivors include her husband, Robert Fayman, and two daughters. Joseph Feeney, ’53, Simi Valley, Calif., died April 16, 2008. Joe was the featured tenor on the Lawrence Welk television show from 1957 to 1982. Virgil J. Quint, ’53, Hays, Kan., died Oct. 20, 2007. Survivors include wife, Marietta Quint. Norman O. Sanders, ’53, Kansas City, Mo., died Aug. 11, 2008. Survived by his wife, Shirley Sanders; and five children. Carl E. Semmelbeck, ’53, Columbia, Mo., died June 11, 2006. Robert V. Ward, ’53, Independence, Mo., died July 8, 2008. Survived by his wife of 54 years, Sue Ward, five children, and three siblings, including Rev. Thomas J. Ward, ’55. Maurice ‘Joe’ Dowling, ’54, Platte City, Mo., died Jan. 31, 2008. Theodore Bechtel, ’55, Overland Park, Kan., died June 23, 2008. Survived by a brother, Robert Bechtel, ’52. Joseph J. Mohr, ’55, Cottage Grove, Minn., died April 16, 2007. Mary L. (Van Evercooren) Moore, ’55, Fremont, Neb., died Dec. 27, 2007.
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Sally (Kraft) Mort, ’55, Kirkwood, Mo., died Nov. 12, 2007. Survived by her brother, Charles W. Kraft, ’47. Marilyn (Cavanaugh) Mullen, ’55, Williamston, Mich., died Sept. 25, 2007.
Charles A. Combs, ’56, Omaha, Neb., died Dec. 17, 2007. Carolyn S. (Fleisch) Parent, ’56, Hilton Head Island, S.C., died July 12, 2007. Terrence Sullivan, ’56, Tahlequah, Okla., died July 27, 2008. Survived by his wife, Glenda Sullivan; and 11 children. Catherine (Biddick) Berg, ’57, Tucson, Ariz., died July 2, 2007. James Buckley, Omaha, Neb., died Aug. 4, 2008.
Survived by his wife, Patricia (Kopfle) Buckley, ’57. Nancy C. Byrne, ’57, Cornelius, N.C., died April 16, 2007. T.V. ‘The Sheriff’ Picraux, ’57, Maryland Heights, Mo., died Feb. 17, 2008. Survivors include one son. Memorials to Benedictine College, Sociology Dept., Attn: James Kew, 1020 N. Second Street, Atchison, KS 66002. S. Rosemary (Thelma) Quint, OSB, ’57, Atchison, died April 30, 2007. Anna Mae Thompson, ’57, Kansas City, Mo., died July 4, 2006. Connie L. (Zschoche) Van Liew, ’57, El Toro, Calif., died Dec. 5, 2007. Survivors include husband of 51 years, Chuck Van Liew; and three children.
and their spouses with Benedictine College ties are Richard, ’62, and Dolores (Stieferman), ’65, Janet (Andra) Patterson, ’64; John Andra, ’69; James, ’69, and Peg (Lanham), ’69, Andra; and Donald, ’75, and Mary (Wittmeyer), ’75, Andra. Helen C. Burival, O’Neill, Neb., died Dec. 8, 2007. Survivors include son, James Burival, ’61. S. Aurelia Fox, OSB, ’61, Atchison, died Oct. 19, 2007. S. Angelica Heiney, OSB, ’61, Atchison, Kan., died Dec. 13, 2007. Survivors include sister, Marie Heiney, ’49. Moreland Edward McLarney, ’61, Bluemont, Va., died March 31, 2007. Richard ‘Dick’ Obert, ’61, Overland Park, Kan., died Dec. 19, 2007. Roy Still, ’61, Smithville, Mo., died July 21, 2008.
Jerald E. Heintzelman, ’58, Overland Park, Kan., died Aug. 18, 2008. Survived by his wife, Judy (Long) Heintzelman, ’61; four daughters, four siblings, including Rita Siebenmorgen, and many nieces and nephews, including, Matt Siebenmorgen, ’90. Arthur C. Kurzdorfer, ’58, Lake Waukomis, Mo., died May 2, 2007. Survivors include wife, Sue Kurzdorfer, and sister, Julie (Kurdzorfer) Kocour, ’62, and her husband, Robert Kocour, ’60. S. Mary Frederick Lueb, OSB, ’58, Atchison, died Nov. 14, 2007. Clarence Mitchell, Kansas City, Mo., died March 9, 2008. Survived by his wife, Patricia (McHenry) Mitchell, ’59. Bernard L. Schrick, ’59, Kansas City, Mo., died Sept. 9, 2007. Survivors include brother, Dr. Clement Schrick, ’53.
E. Marie Ferkenhoff, Overland Park, Kan., died Aug. 1, 2007. Survivors include sons, Jim Ferkenhoff, ’62, Bob Ferkenhoff, ’64; and son-inlaw, Joe Teasdale, ’57. Mary Margaret Henley died April 8, 2008. Survivors include daughter, Nancy (Henley) Nowatzke, ’62. Colette V. (Diederich) Huerter, ’62, Overland Park, Kan., died Nov. 3, 2007. Survivors include husband, Burton Huerter, ’60; five children, including: Lisa (Huerter), ’87, and husband, Tim Andrews, ’88; and Nancy (Huerter) Otott, ’91; and nine siblings, including: Dean, ’57, and wife Mary Ellen (Curran), ’58, Diederich; Denny, ’57, and wife Alice (Milacek), ’58, Diederich; and Jeanine (Diederich) Hummell, ’57. Charles SanPetro, 101, Teaneck, NJ, died Feb. 19, 2008. Survivors include son, Charlie SanPetro, ’62.
Margaret A. Zukel, Merriam, Kan., died Feb. 17, 2007. Survivors include husband, Lawrence G. Zukel, ’59.
Victor R. ‘Bob’ Wulf, ’62, Baker, W. Va., died July 26, 2007.
James L. Feist, ’63, Ellinwood, Kan., died July 27, 2006.
S. Yvonne Barrington, OSB, ’60, Atchison, died May 19, 2007. Frances Keating, Chesterfield, Mo., died May 11, 2008. She was preceded in death by her husband John N. Keating. Survivors include daughter, Mary Frances (Keating) Fulton, ’60. Daniel W. Pope, Overland Park, Kan., died May 18, 2005. Survivors include wife, Mary T. (Randolph) Pope, ’60. Catherine Andra, Atchison, died Oct. 28, 2007. She was preceded in death by son, David Andra, ’61. Survived by seven children, they
Mildred M. Conrad, Burlington, Kan., died Aug. 23, 2008. She was preceded by her husband Joseph Conrad, Sr. Survived by seven children, including, Florence (Conrad) Salisbury, ’64. Katherine M. Cafferty Ayala, Peoria, Ariz., died Oct. 25, 2007. Survivors include son, Ronald, ’65, and his wife Rochelle (Darveau), ’65, Cafferty. Karen K. (Simms) Ross, ’65, Baltimore, Md., died Oct. 15, 2007.
Eleno Lopez, Atchison, died Oct. 19, 2007. Survivors include wife, Cuca Reyes Lopez; and four sons, including Eleno, ’66; Paul, ’74; and William Lopez, ’76. S. Elsa Moreno, OSB, ’66, Atchison, died June 26, 2007. John L. Keifer, ’67, Rock Falls, Ill., died Dec. 19, 2007. Survivors include wife, Marsha; two sons, and brother, Jim Kiefer, ’73. Ann (Melson) Wyrsch, ’67, Manteca, Calif., died April 21, 2007. Lt. Col. Roy G. Calvert (Ret.), ’68, Maurertown, Va., died Dec. 9, 2006. Thomas J. Eastburn, Wilmington, Del., died Dec. 11, 2006. Survivors include wife, Jacqueline M. (Brown) Eastburn, ’68. George W. Foss, ’68, Germantown, Wis., died Oct. 23, 2007.
Virginia Mae Sonnenmoser, Rushville, Mo., died Feb. 28, 2007. Among the survivors are five children, including, Virginia Anne (Sonnenmoser) Smith, ’70; and Otto F. Sonnenmoser, ’72. Stella U. Blaney, ’71, Stanhope, N.J., died Dec. 20, 2006. Dennis G. Carroll, ’71, Shiloh, Ill., died Oct. 17, 2007. Janice E. (Rottinghaus) Heiman, ’71, Baileyville, Kan., died July 13, 2008. Survived by husband, Gilbert Heiman; three children; mother, Ethel Rottinghaus; and seven siblings, including John, ’60, Leroy, ’63, Eugene, ’69, and Joann Rottinghaus, ’74; Mary Jane (Rottinghaus) Hammes, ’61; and Rita (Rottinghaus) Buessing, ’67. Cynthia (Vertin) Lee, ’71, Atchison, died June 13, 2007.
Lt. Col. Daniel Leroy Johnson (Ret.), ’68, Jacksonville, Fla., died June 26, 2007.
Leo Luebbert, Jefferson City, Mo., died Sept. 6, 2007. Survivors include wife, Celia Luebbert, son, Phil Luebbert, ’71, and son-in-law, James Meyer, ’69.
Patricia M. Ryan, ’68, Albuquerque, N.M., died Nov. 7, 2007.
James R. Meyer, ’71, Radcliff, Ky., died June 1, 2007.
Daniel R. Smith, ’68, Atchison, died May 1, 2007. Survivors include sisters, Judy McRae, Bobbie Wagner and Sandra Haverty.
Mary A. Shomin, Kansas City, Kan., died Sept. 16, 2007. Survivors include five children, Carol, ’71, George ’75, and Anthony Shomin, ’77, Theresa (Shomin) Knapp, and Mary (Shomin) Krstulic; nephew and godchild, Joseph Petelin, ’73, several grandchildren, including Anna Krstulic, ’99; Catherine (Krstulic), ’02, and her husband Kurt Cheshire, ’02; Angela Shomin, ’02; Carolyn Shomin, ’06, and Bridget Shomin, a current BC student; and two sisters.
Lt. Col. John R. D. Wallace Sr., (Ret.), ’69, Dumfries, Va., died June 13, 2007. Theodore ‘Ted’ Gartner, ’69, Berkeley, Calif., died Aug. 2, 2007. Ellen Glynn, Leawood, Kan., died Oct. 30, 2007. Survivors include daughter, Nancy Glynn, ’69. Pamela S. (Eisele) Thompson, ’69, Kansas City, Mo., died May 30, 2006.
Mabel C. Erdley, ’70, Atchison, died July 10, 2007. Sr. Faye Marie Geraci, ’70, New Orleans, La., died May 17, 2007. Joseph F. Grobarek, Chicago, Ill., died May 1, 2008. Survivors include wife, Lorraynne, and son, Joseph Grobarek, ’70 Helen L. Hammond, Atchison, died April 28, 2008. Survived by one daughter Marjorie (Hammond) Kinzer, ’70. Robert Lichtenberger, ’70, Austin, Texas, died April 30, 2008.
Margaret A. (Smith) Suenaga, ’71, Wahiawa, Oahu, Hawaii, died Jan. 31, 2007. William R. Giovanni, ’72, Lincoln, Neb., died Oct. 28, 2004. Theodore A. Szubka, South Holland, Ill., died May 26, 2008. Survivors include son, Edmund Szubka, ’72. Aileen Wetta, Colwich, Kan., died Jan. 10, 2007. She was preceded in death by her husband Leo Wetta, and a son, Maurice Wetta. Survivors include her children and their spouses: Mark, ’72, and Barbara (Bellows) Wetta, ’73; Nancy (Wetta) Klapp, ’75; Mary (Wetta), ’76, and Rick Brown; Ruth (Wetta), ’77, and David Hall; Daniel, ’80, and Lynette Wetta; Anne (Wetta), ’83, and Matt Dolan, ’82; Jane (Wetta), ’84 and F. Jay Ohmes, ’84; Dennis Wetta, ’87; and Emmett, ’88, and Marlo (Perryman), ’91, Wetta; and granddaughter Maggie Brown, ’06. In 1993, Benedictine College bestowed the Honorary Alumni Award upon Aileen and Leo Wetta.
Vernice Haug, Baileyville, Kan., died April 20, 2008. Survivors include his wife, Mildred Haug; son, Larry Haug, ’73; and siblings, Gilbert Haug, ’51, and Hope Haug James, ’61. G. William Nebel, Belleville, Ill., died Dec. 31, 2007. Survivors include wife, Mary Beth Nebel, and son, William E. Nebel, ’73. Rita M. Weishaar, Nortonville, Kan., died June 27, 2006. Survivors are five children, including, Brenda Rice, ’73, Tim Weishaar, ’79, and Beverly Domann, ’85; and 10 grandchildren, including Jason Rice, ’08. George C. Wurschmidt, Col. US Army (Ret.), ’74, Boise, Idaho, died Nov. 28, 2005. Gary Housh, Atchison, died June 1, 2008. Among his survivors is wife, Marian Amrien Housh, ’75. Rickey S. Morris, Sedalia, Mo., died April 17, 2008. Survived by his wife, Mary (Kreifels) Morris, ’75; and four children. Rev. David W. Linnebur, ’76, Pastor of Christ the King Parish, Wichita, Kan., died Aug. 8, 2008. He was ordained in May 1982 and served the Wichita Diocese for 26 years. Among the survivors are his parents, Wayne and Luella Linnebur; and five siblings, including, Daniel, ’77; Lynda Linnebur Hermes, ’89. Leslie Nottingham, Monrovia, Kan., died Sept. 29, 2007. Survivors include son, Stephen Nottingham, ’77, and daughter, Diane (Nottingham) Heerman, ’80. Meghan Guarr, Holland, Mich., died Oct. 29, 2007. Survivors include parents, Amy and Thomas Guarr, ’79, and two brothers. C. John Forge, Independence, Mo., died Nov. 16, 2007. Survivors include daughter, Mary (Forge) Perrini, ’79. Jacqueline Yelton Hadley died July 15, 2008. Among the survivors are her daughter and son-in-law, Lynne (Yelton), ’80, and Nicholas J. DiCarlo, ’79, and grandchildren, Nicholas DiCarlo III, ’06, and Laura DiCarlo, ‘10.
Patricia Rose Kowalewski, Saint Peters, Mo., died July 14, 2007. Survivors include husband, Theodore G. Kowalewski, and four children, including Kirk, ’81, and Jeannette (LaGue), ’81, Kowalewski, and Karen (Kowalewski) Allwin, ’88. Mariane L. (Cooper) Martin, ’81, Hanover, Kan., died Aug. 8, 2007. Margaret Clark, Independence, Mo., formerly of Atchison, died Aug. 2, 2008. She worked 30
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years as a bookkeeper for Mount St. Scholastica College and Benedictine College, retiring in 1994. She is the mother of two sons, including Joseph A. ‘Tony’ Clark, ’83. Richard P. Mullally, Saint Louis, Mo., died Aug. 3, 2008. Survived by his wife, Patricia Ann Mullally; and three children, including, Brian R. Mullally, ’83. Francis H. Kemlage, Saint Louis, Mo., died Nov. 24, 2007. Survivors include son, Thomas F. Kemlage, D.D.S., ’83, and his wife, Joan (Moyer) Kemlage, ’85. George E. Albertine, Sr., Hubert, N.C., died July 15, 2008. Among the survivors are his wife of 59 years, Mary Sophie Albertine; and five children, including daughter, Mary Ann Albertine, ’84. Robert L. Christian, Atchison, died May 20, 2008. Survivors include his wife, Mary Ellen Christian, three daughters, Dian Henderson, ’85, Sharon and Matt Radetic, ’78, and Julie Ellerman, a former employee of Benedictine College. Shannon Sullivan, daughter of Michael, ’84, and Theresa (Brady), Sullivan, ’85, passed away Aug. 7, 2008. Additional survivors include her brothers, Michael, Gregory, Patrick and Brendan Sullivan. Leo F. Paulich, St. Joseph, Mo., died Aug. 2, 2007. Survivors include daughter, Angela (Paulich) Pratt, ’85. Rita M. Conlon, died Aug. 9, 2007. Survivors include daughter, Teresa M. (Conlon) Zampieri,’85. William Luscinskas, Dallas, Texas, died June 1, 2007. Survivors include wife, Mary L. Luscinskas, and daughter Mary E. (Luscinskas) Harrington, ’86. Dr. Joe L. Hernandez, Santa Fe, N.M., died July 7, 2006. Survived by his wife, Dorothy Hernandez, and seven children, including: Teresa Hernandez, attended fall ’81 to spring ’83; Cristina Hernandez Feldewert, ’86; Miqui Hernandez-Eklund, ’89; Barbara Hernandez, attended fall ’86; and Benjamin Hernandez, attended fall ’88. Joseph W. Hovorka, died Jan. 25, 2008, and wife, Patricia Hovorka, died March 10, 2008, both of Denver, Colo. Survivors include son, Jeff Hovorka, ’86, and nephew, James Hovorka, ’85. Rosemary J. (Mattas) Dlabal, ’88, Wilson, Kan., died July 2, 2007. Survivors include husband, Jim; and four children, Joshua, Ethan, Aaron and Justine. At Homecoming 2007, Rosemary was inducted posthumously into the BC Raven Athletic Hall of Fame. She was a standout member of the Lady Ravens basketball team.
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Richard E. Gresham, St. Joseph, Mo., died Sept. 14, 2007. Survivors include son, Kraig Gresham, ’89. Sherry Dale Lapp, Atchison, died May 21, 2008. Survived by her husband, Ron Lapp II; and two children, including, Patsy (Ernzen) Porter, ’89.
James Barnett, Topeka, Kan., died July 5, 2008. Preceded in death by a daughter, Pamela Barnett, ’92. Survived by six grandchildren, including, Kelly (Gordon) Kauffman, ’99. George D. Tosterud, Atchison, died Feb. 20, 2008. Survivors include wife, Roxana S. (Bradley) Tosterud, ’97, and four children. Elizabeth M. Schmidtberger, Victoria, Kan., friend of BC, died May 21, 2008. Survivors include 11 children, and 37 grandchildren and spouses. The following are BC alumni: Jason, ’97, and Sherri (Shonka) Suelter, ’97; Allison (Graber) Cofer, ’97; Emily (Suelter), ’00, and David Lopez, ’01; Rochelle Graber, ’01; Curtis Sander, ’02; Lucas, ’04, and Katie (Sigle), ’05, Tappan; Sarah Suelter, ’05; Jennifer Suelter, ’07; Sister Mary David Tappan, attended 2001-’03; and Erin Tappan, a current BC student. LTC John P. Stapleton, (Ret.), Colorado Springs, Colo., died Nov. 4, 2007. Among the survivors is his wife of 55 years, Florence Stapleton; six children, including son and daughter-in-law, Patrick J. Stapleton II, ’98 and Suzanne (Hellebusch) Stapleton, ’96, and 15 grandchildren. Memorials are suggested to Benedictine College, Attn: James Kew, 1020 North Second Street, Atchison, KS 66002.
Marjorie M. Sutley, Atchison, died Aug. 12, 2007. Survivors include son, David L. Sutley, EMBA ’02. Mike Farmer, Wichita, Kan., died Nov. 8, 2007. Survivors include wife, Jean Farmer; daughter, Sarah (Farmer) Beying, ’05, and son-in-law, Josh Beying, ’06. Daniel Eberle, Maryland Heights, Mo., died July 25, 2008. Survived by two children, including Rachel Eberle, a current BC student. Marian Yvonne Browder, Houston, Texas, died Aug. 15, 2007. Survivors include husband, Dale Browder, and son, Christopher Henton, a current BC student. Herb Funk, Earling, Iowa, died May 12, 2008. He was a former faculty member of St. Benedict’s College and also worked at the Abbey farm south of Atchison.
U.S.News & World Report For the second year in a row, Benedictine College was named one of “America’s Best Colleges” by U.S.News & World Report. The college is listed as a top tier institution in the Midwest Master’s category in the publication’s 2009 edition of the annual college issue. The rankings represent the most comprehensive look at how schools stack up based on a set of 15 widely accepted indicators of excellence, and help consumers evaluate and compare data compiled from more than 1,400 accredited four-year schools. “We’re excited to be on the list again,” said Stephen D. Minnis, president of Benedictine College. “It serves as national confirmation of all the positive things happening on our campus; a new engineering physics major, a School of Business, expanded study-abroad opportunities, beautiful new apartment-style residence halls, a high alumni giving percentage, and record-setting attendance to name just a few. I feel confident that we are building one of the great Catholic colleges in America.” “For nearly a quarter century, consulting the U.S.News & World Report rankings has been a vital first step for prospective college students and their parents in the complex process of determining which institution best fits their goals,” said U.S .News & World Report’s editor, Brian Kelly. “Designed as a one-stop resource, the rankings supply hard data and analysis to help college applicants make apples-to-apples comparisons of schools across the country.”
Just So You Know: Alumni giving is one of the measures of excellence used by US News & World Report in determining its rankings. Your donations help Benedictine College stay up in this important national assessment.
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Sesquicentennial Celebration 1858-2008
1. The students were awed by the Sesquicentennial Convocation. 2. One of 24 Sesquicentennial birthday cakes. 3. A group of freshmen pose with the Raven ice sculpture. 4. Many of the presidents of Benedictine College were together on stage during the convocation. 5. Sharon Mathis and Abbot Ralph Koehler, OSB, ’58 were among those honored at the Convocation. 6. Tom Hoenig, ’68, was the keynote speaker during the Convocation. 7. The academic procession during the Sesquicentennial Mass. 8. S. Frances Watson, OSB, ’51, and Kathy Garrison were also among those honored during the convocation
Sesquicentennial Speaker Series Moore
MOORE, General Manager of the Kansas City Royals 11.14 DAYTON Winning with Integrity Dayton Moore took the reins in Kansas City in 2006. He had previously worked for the Atlanta Braves organization since 1994, rising to Assistant General Manager/Baseball Operations. The Braves 400 Club presented him with its Ivan Allen, Jr. “Mr. Baseball� Award in February 2006. He was also awarded the 2005 Executive of the Year by the Mid-Atlantic Scouts Association and was named by Baseball America in 2005 as one of the Top 10 Up-and-Coming Power Brokers in Major League Baseball.
Internationally-known Pianist and Composer 11.19 &+5,6723+(5 9$7+, Talking Music Christopher Vath has written film scores, composed music for television commercials, played Carnegie Hall and performed for Pope Benedict XVI. He has recently given solo recitals in Italy, Spain, and Puerto Rico. For this appearance, the renowned pianist will present his “Talking Music� project in which he will attempt to lead the listener to the ultimate questions of humanity through great musical works.
Former Senior Vice Chairman of Walmart Stores, Inc. 11.21 '21 62'(548,67 The Building of Walmart: The Importance of Ethics Don Soderquist was known as the “keeper of the culture� at Walmart for his work to continue the legacy of Sam Walton. He led the company as chief operating officer during a period of enormous growth, taking the company from the largest retailer in the world to the largest company in the world. He is the founder of the Soderquist Center for Leadership and Ethics, which challenges today’s leaders to improve business practices around the world.
Chief Executive Officer of Hydra Properties 11.21 68/$,0$1 $/ )$+IM, Spreading Peace Through Global Commerce
Joining Soderquist is Sulaiman Al Fahim, part of the new generation of young business leaders from United Arab Emirates. As one of the top businessmen and real estate developers today, Al Fahim was on the Arabian Business Magazine’s 2006 list of the 100 most powerful Arabs. He is a visionary professional and philanthropist whose many contributions and innovations have shaped both the industry and the region. He is known for his use of innovative processes to contribute to better community environments—not just better buildings.
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We’ re C e le bra t ing
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