October Newsletter Region 3 Division 25S/31

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October Newsletter Region 3 | Division 25S/31 | Volume 1 | Issue 6

Table of Contents

Letter from your LtG pg. 3 Reminders and Updates pg. 4 October Task and Article Prompt pg. 5 DCON Info pg. 6 Division Project pg. 7 Key Club Week pg. 8 Governor’s Project pg. 9 Key to End Alzheimer’s Week pg. 10 Keep T-O Beautiful pg. 11 Preferred Charities pg. 12 Stay Connected pg. 13 District Contact Information pg. 14 Regional Contact Information pg. 15 2

Letter From Your Lt.G I hope you have been having a great year so far and are all doing well. Please make sure that you all get your dues sent in so that your clubs don’t get suspended and you can all go to DCON this year! Please email or text me your skype usernames so that I can get you all together for a Divisional Council Meeting on the 24th! Your officers and advisors are all encouraged to join in and present your thoughts and ideas about the topics that will be in the agenda that I will send out between the 20th and 22nd. Now that basketball is starting, let me know what school is your school’s biggest basketball rival! Mine is Fort Gibson.


Reminders and Updates 1. I do still need cell phone numbers for each club advisor and contact information for each club’s officers as we are no longer using the COCI and I need to give your contact information to the District Secretary. 2. Reports are due no later than November 5th and 11:59) 3. The MUC is now open and both the District and International are accepting dues! http://keyclub.org/MUC is the link. You guys need to get your dues sent in so you meet the Dec 1st deadline! 4. Y’all I need pics and articles for the newsletterso that everyone can see what everyone else is doing and get ideas.


Article Prompt And Task of the Month Article Prompt 1. Write about a memorable Key Club experience from this month! 2. Describe a large scale event that your club plans to implement. Be specific on the benefits, planning, and your vision for it. 3. What was the moment or event that made you fall in love with Key Club? 4. Do you have any fun things planned for Key Club week? Write about what you’ve done in the past or what you plan to do. 5. Submit a Humans of Texas Oklahoma! How was your Key Club Experience and what is Key Club to you? Submit with a picture of you. You are always free to write about any Key Club-related topic! The articles should each have at least 1 JPG photo and be sent as Microsoft Word documents. Have the author, school name, division, article title, and prompt/whatever topic you choose at the top of the document. Email October articles by November 6th to Editor@tokeyclub.com with the email subject: Division School October Articles.

Task of the Month For this month’s TOM please describe how are you and your club planning on participating in this year’s Governor’s Project: The Alzheimer’s Association.


DCON INFO!! ****DCON REGISTRATION IS CURRENTLY CLOSED**** 2019 DCON is set for April 25-28, 2019 IMPORTANT THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT DCON You MUST have PAID ALL CLUB DUES. Otherwise you’re not considered an official club by International bylaws. Outstanding Officer/Advisor Awards must be turned in NO LATER than 2 WEEKS prior to DCON. Seating priority is assigned by the order in which Payment is RECEIVED. You must provide 1 chaperone per every 10 students per gender. Or work with another club to reach this requirement. You must book the hotel prior to registering. Best room rates are only available up to 3 weeks prior to convention, so make your reservations early! **HINT** If you don’t have enough students to pay the “Quad” prices, you can work with other clubs to share rooms. Scholarship Information can be found at www.tofoundation.com Should you have questions, please email DCON@tokeyclub.com or call Asst. District Administrator, Kelly Poland @ 405-923-0318.


Division Project The division project this year will be working with Make-A-Wish to help the Oklahoma chapter bridge the gap between the 170 kids they have the funding to grant wishes for and the 312 kids that Make-A-Wish has in our state this year. Erin Nantois said that if the clubs would make cards or letters and send them to the Make-A-Wish office and she would make sure that they got sent out to Wish Kids. The Tulsa office is at 4504 East 67th Street Building 11 Suite 208 Tulsa, OK 74136


Key Club Week!! Key Club Week is this week, November 5-9 ❖ Monday- Show your K! - Wear your Key Club gear!! ❖ Tuesday- Kudos to the Key Player Give kudos to all the Key Club supporters in your school and community. ❖ Wednesday- Dare to Care - Take some time to support one of Key Club’s Preferred Charities! ❖ Thursday- Random Acts of Kindness Preform random acts of kindness throughout the day ❖ Friday- Connect the K’s - Just what it sounds like, get the whole K family in your area together and work on a service project with each other!


Governor’s Project ❖ The Governor’s Project is chosen by each District Governor. The project usually has a special meaning or purpose to the Governor ❖ This year’s Governor’s Project is Alzheimer’s Awareness ❖ Get involved by helping out in your local Alzheimer Center or nursing home ❖ Participate in Key to End Alzheimer’s Week!!


Key to End Alzheimer’s Week Here are some ways to get involved during Key To End Alzheimer's Week: ● Monday: Print out informational flyers about Alzheimer’s and the symptoms, then post them in the community and throughout school! (Hats off to Alzheimer’s) ● Tuesday: Post sticky notes and write Alzheimer’s facts on them and stick a piece of candy on it, (Alzheimer’s isn’t sweet/ Help your fellow Friend) ● Wednesday: Volunteer at your local Alzheimer’s center or nursing home. (don’t SLEEP on Alzheimer’s) ● Thursday: Post on social media #KeyToEndAlzheimers to show support. Paint socks with puff paint and decorations then donate them to your Alzheimers center or nursing home!! (sock it to Alzheimer’s) ● Friday: Promote Alzheimer’s, and maybe have a donation bucket, at a football game. (Purple Out!) The following are dress up days to use to promote engagement with the week and to promote excitement about learning about this disease: ● Monday-Hats off to Alzheimer’s~Hat Day ● Tuesday-Help your fellow friend~ Superhero day ● Wednesday- Don’t SLEEP on Alzheimer’s~ Pj Day ● Thursday- Sock it to Alzheimer’s~ Crazy sock day ● Friday-Purple Out!!~ All purple 10 Be sure to share pictures of how you incorporate these days into your school’s Key to End Alzheimer’s Week with

Keep T-O Beautiful Keep T-O Beautiful is our District Project this year. It is focused on the environment and keeping it clean and beautiful! Oklahoma and Texas have incredible scenery and we need to work together to keep it that way. Example of our beautiful scenery


Preferred Charities


Stay Connected Keep the conversation going and stay up to date with all things Key Club by following our social media accounts. Tag us in your posts and news articles for a chance to be featured on our accounts. Don’t forget to use our official hashtags: #keyclub & #joinkeyclub


District Contact Information

Governor Addi Duerkson governor@tokeyclub.com Secretary Bunsri Patel secretary@tokeyclub.com Treasurer Addie Flores treasurer@tokeyclub.com Editor Kyra Burke editor@tokeyclub.com Tech Assistant Aina Sebastian techassistant@tokeyclub.com Convention Liaison Nadia Rodriguez cl@tokeyclub.com District Website http://tokeyclub.com/ International Website https://www.keyclub.org/


Regional Contact Information

Regional Advisor Angela Syverson region3@tokeyclub.com Lieutenant Governor 25N ltg25n@tokeyclub.com

Luke Baber

Lieutenant Governor 25W ltg25w@tokeyclub.com

Kathryn Aung

Lieutenant Governor 25S/31 Megan Hughes ltg25s@tokeyclub.com (918)507-1927


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