The Young Lit + Phil Mining Heritage Library

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The Young Lit+Phil Durham Megan Ingham

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Serial Vision, down Drury Lane onto the site

Contents Preface 3 Site Analysis 4 - 17 Concept 18 - 31 Development 32 - 61 Final Scheme 62 - 85

1 2

Preface The Lit and Phil Society Founded in 1793, the Literary and Philosophical Society is the largest independent library in the UK outside of London, holding over 150,000 books. The brief is to design a Young Lit and Phil Library, situated within the historic site of Drury Lane in Durham. This will be a specialist library with a specific theme, embodying the ethos of the original L+P. The YL+P will aim to be accessible to a wider range of people, encouraging an exchange of knowledge, whilst being a viable partner to the existing library. My Project will develop from site analysis (completed in groups), through conceptual idea, into a developed scheme with a clear specialist theme. 1 3

TimelineHistory of the Library and Mining The great refrm saw the removal of Prince Bishop powers.

Severe flooding washes away Prebends bridge and destroys three arches of Elvet bridge.

The first trade unionism for miners was established under Thomas Hepburn.

Durham’s first theatre, Drury Lane theatre opened on the proposed site for the library.


1750 1771 1793

The meeting formed a society with an annual fee of 1 guinea. It was agreed the Religion and Politics would not be discussed. 1794 - The Society moved from The Dispensary on Low Friars to St Nicholas Churchyard.

1 4


1801 1800 1815

Railway was introduced to Durham

Durham University was founded.

Population approximately 7500.

Population approximately 5000.


First Librarian Robert Spence. Miners safety lamp was demonstrated. 2 unidentified animals sent to the society for inspection. The wombat and Duck-Billed Platypus.


1830 1825 1827

Purchased the Wycliffe Natural History Museum’s collection.

Durham railway station and viaduct were built.

1844 1832 1833 1841 1846

The Natural History Society bought land and built a museum. The Antiquarian Society occupied the ground floor. The Fine Arts Society found a home a few years later

The first Conversazionne. This was so successful it became and annual institution.

The first miner’s gala.

1857 1871 1851 1856 1858 1859 Mr Armstrong donated £!200 for a new lecture hall. Membership fee halved. Members rose from 506 to 1016. in 1867 they reached 1452.

1821 - A real mummy was displayed The Natural Histo1848 - Finances for two weeks. getting worse, £6000 ry Society formed due on the mortgage. there own organisa1852 - President Robert tion. Stephenson promised that 1796 - Writ£13, 756 spent on is the members could raise 1799 - Miss Deer, the first ten comthe new premisComplaints about the enoug money to clear half female society member. plaints about es. membership money being spent on the debt and decrease the One of the first societies in religious 1821 - Society doubled. scientific reading mafee to 1 guinea, he would Britain to open its doors to and political moved to Westgate terial rather than light cover the rest. This deal women. books. Road. reading. was met in 1856. The new society building Stephenson dies, Armopened but their libraries The Society moved The formation of the The North of England strong is the new Presproved deficient and the to The Old Assembly gradual abolition of Institute of Mining En1838 751 members, ident. He left £7000 to heavily relied on donarooms in Groat Marke. slavery. gineers was founded. 61 of them women. not be spent on building tions. work.

During the depression of the 1930’s, over 30% of Durham’s workforce were unemployed.

The LNER railway company withdrew all trains from Bishop Aukland, Lanchester and Newcastle to Durham, claiming they couldnt cope with the number of passengers travelling to Durham. Although it was thought to be for political reasons.

The first demonstration of a working light took place infornt of 700 society members. The first public exhibition of lighting took place. 70 gas jets were extinquished. Joseph Swan switched on his own lamp.

1889 - After land was reclaimed by the railway, Armstrong negotiated land and money to extend society buildings.



1901 1895 1896 1897 1900 1902

Slum clearance took place in Old Elvet, Milburngate and Framwelgate . Estates to rehouse people were built at Sherburn Road.

1906 1911

Celebrating 100 years. Downstairs rooms used temporarily. All rooms reopened in 1894.

A fire caused by the overheating of a beam below the Order was given to hearth destroyed the library using the floor, roof and Melvil Dewey’s most of the books system of decimal in the main Library classification. room. 1883 - The railway claimed th eland of the Natural History Societies land. They erected another museum, now known as the Hancock.

Durham Castle and Cathedral were declared a World heritage site.

The expansion of Durham University

Population approximately 16,000.

1875 1879 1881 1886


Lecture on the invaders of Egypt 3000 BC

1901 Lecture on the society life during the reign of James I.G.M Trevelyan. Lord Armstrong dies. Member since 1836, President since 1860. He left £1000.

Members increased to 1625, a 295 increase on the previous year. Was the fire and advertise9609 books destroyed ment? Lecture on the develop7568 books seriously ments in photography by damaged Joseph Swan. 21842 books had damaged spines.



Population approximately 43,000.



Robert Spence Watson dies. He delivered over 80 lectures to the society. Now there is an annual lecture in his honour. Lecture on Bhuddist shrines.

1904 - Lecture on the old english and scottish Bellocs. Lecture on the men of the French Revolution

The Lit & Phil

1 5

Site Orientation

N The proposed site for The Young Lit & Phil Library is located on Drury Lane in Durham city centre. Situated on the river below Elvet Bridge, it is a peaceful hidden gem within the overcrowded city centre. Site maps drawn by Rebecca Burns

S a d d l e r

S t r e e t

E l v e t D u r h a m 1 6

C a t h e d r a l D r u r y

L a n e

B r i d g e

Analysing the Site Axis Diagrams


Boundary Axis

Boundary Axis

Boundary Axis

Directional Axis

Directional Axis

Directional Axis

Path Axis

Path Axis

Path Axis

Building use diagram, drawn by Jack Ingham


The site is located behind a very built up area of Durham, surrounded mainly by shops and restaurants. Now

HIstorical Maps, drawn by Hannah Keane

1 7

Sections and Topography


600 350 200


1 8 A) 1:100 Longitudinal Section





C) 1:100 Cross Section






B) 1:100 Longitudinal Section

1 9

Environmental Diagrams

Sun + Flooding


Summer Sun Path Winter Sun Path

Flooding is a high risk along the footpeth but the main site has little/no risk. This may limit access to the site at certain points during the year. The government has set asside ÂŁ4m to sort out this issue.

Flooding on the site

1 10

Diagrams by Liv Needham

Diagrams by Amber Watson

Access Transport Links

Access Points P

Car Parks


Bus Stops


Access Routes

Park and Ride Elvet Bridge

Routes Access Routes to Site

Fearnon Walk Major Roads Pedestrian Routes Railway

Saddler Street

1 11

Montages by Liv Needham

Constraints Rear site boundary. Overlooked by restaurant and beer garden Site boundary. Separating over-looking buildings.

Site boundary. Beyond is empty space and low height buildings.

Views towards the site. Drury Lane access to the site.

With the Durham site, there are many constraints, the major one being access to the site. There are three main access points, however, each are tight, confind alley ways. Transporting construction materials to site will therefore prove difficult. Once on site, storing these materials may also be a problem, moreover, there is an unused space adjacent to the site which could potentially be used as a storage area. The next constraint woul be the surrounding buildings. One of the most aesthetically pleasing parts of this site are the views. It is important that whilst developing my concept I consider the surrounding buildings; losing their veiws could result in a decrease in buisness.

1 12

Lastly, being situated on the river bank, this site is prone to flooding. This is something that needs to be accounted for in my design. Furthermore, the steep topography of the site could be beneficial in these circumstances.

Major Directional Axis through the site.

Potential Access Problems Each of these access points are impassable by large vehicles, carrying construction materials.

Potential Site Problems The Topography of the site and potential river flooding could be potential issues to consuder when designing.

Possible This space next to the site appears to be unused and would be a good place to store materials during construction.

Surrounding Retaining Walls These retaining walls may restrict the design.

Tree Analysis

Sycamore Root Spread: Large Root Depth: Shallow Height: Approx 22m (min) Ash Root Spread: Large Root Depth: Fairly Deep Height: Approx 15m (min) Diagrams by Christine Mottershead

1 13


Photomontage of the views out of the site, by Liv Needham

View from Cellar Doors

View from Cellar Site

View from Elvet Bridge

View from site to Elvet Bridge

View along Fearnon Walk

1 14 Photo’s by Liv Needham. Photosphere’s by Jack Inghsm

View from River

Summary Access Routes Sunpath Wind Flood Line

Tree Population

Summer View of Elvet Bridge


1 Average Temperature (Summer): 15 dergees 15 Average Relative Humidity: 89.6% Average Noise Levels: 52.5db Avergae Light: 1980 lux

The Pinch Community Library Small Building of the Year Prize 2014 John Lin and Olivier Ottevaere This project is part of a government led reconstruction effort after the 2012 earthquake. This project was a collaboration with a local timber company. Each truss is anchored to the ground, creating a gradual incline and a safe place for children to play.

Supporting Roof Truss

Suspended Joist

Book Shelves

The childrens playground. Having this steady incline provides a space for the children to play. This encourages a wider range of people to visit and use the library.

1 16

External Wall

The Pinch Community library seems like a fairly simple build. It is a timber frame structure with a timber cladding. The framework is exposed within the inside of the building and the books are stored within the extended roof trusses. The space is relatively empty, just a few benches occupy the space making it very flexible. This is a very good quality considering its small size.





Structural Grid





1 17

Concept The Mining Community In 1815 the miner’s safety lamp was introduced to the Lit and Phil society. This was a turning point for the mining city of Durham, supplying over a quarter of Britains coal at the time. This part of Durham’s heritage has been lost and forgotten in the community despite it being the making of the city itself. I want to celebrate this with a space that not only allows the younger generations to discover their roots and the older to share their memories, but also to provide an oppertunity for future innovations.

1 18

1 19

Mining in Durham Major Colleries around Duram...

Durham was a major city for coal mining during the industrial revolution.

Durham was heavily occupied by railway lines to transport the coal and people to and from the colleries.

Major Areas


This is just a few of many mining colleries in the Durham area during the 18th/ 19th century.

Major Mining areas in the UK... 1 20

MIning in County Duram... Wear Lowlands

West Durham Collery

Durham City

East Durham Limestone Area

Old Mine Workings Lead Mining Areas Reclaimed Land North Pennines

Tees County Urban Areas Active Mineral Workings Dales Fringe

County Character Areas

Colleries in Weardale...

1 21 Mining Heritage in Durham

Abstraction Underground Coal Seams... Underground Coal Seams...

1 22

I abstracted the collery maps and coal seams and overlay these onto the site maps. This was an attempt to find some hidden geometry, perhaps this can be incorporated later in the design. 1 23

Mining Methods Building along a contour bench

Auger mining

Drift Mine

Coal Elevator Rock spoils MIners Elevator Slope Mine Coal Beds

Shaft Mine

1 24

Views The view is one of the major advantages of this site. Elvet Bridge is a historic landmark within the city centre and should be celebrated within my design. The three spaces will petrude out, each framing the view of Elvet Bridge.

1 25

Concept Sketch

This concept sketch shows how the concept is starting to develop into a form. The three mining methods are starting to inform three key spaces within my scheme. Following this concept futher, I want to create a building that has directional influences of down and forward; almost as if the spaces reference underground coal seams. I think the steep and narrow nature of the site will work will complement this idea, whilst the directional axis will complement the views of Elvet Bridge.

1 26


Framing a view

I think these four factors are important in regards to making the most of what my site can offer, therefore, I intend to develop my concept into a design which takes all four into consideration.



Subtractive Forms

1 27

More HouseAcha Zaballa Arquitectos Where: Cantabria, Spain When: 2013 What: This is a single family house situated on a small plot with beautiful views and strict building regulations. The goal of this scheme is to maximise the performace of both the external space and the building itself. The geometry of the plan is close to square and due to the small site, the architects chose to build up in height rather than floor space.

Subtracted Form

Additive Form

1 28


Lighting Strategy I like the way the windows are reccessed within this building. Spain has a warm climate so by having the windows reccessed, it will minimise solar gain and glare. I also noticed that the windows have an unusual, irregular arrangement. The north wall has a very large amount of glazing compared to the others. this provides indirect sunlight to the space, keeping it light but cool, appropriate for the climate. Considering this is a small build, constructed by offset blocks, a circulation core runs throughout. All of the services are also kept within this core, allowing maximum use of the remaining space. This buildng will influence the form of my building. I am also building on a small site with many constraints so the choices made in this scheme could influence my own.

Site Plan


The More House is constructed using a regular frame and finished with a timber cladding. A frame construction is a good choice for a building like this because it allows the illusion of the offset, stacked, cantilevered bloks. Again this is a technique I can use within my own design. The Drury Lane site has limited access, therefore, the building has to be constructed using smaller prefab components that are easily transported to site. Structure

1 29

Vail Grant HouseBrooks+Scarpa The form is constructed using an exo-skeleton, wrapped in a light gauge cold-rolled steel which is capable of being folded and penetrated. SCIP panels were used to provide insulation and are made from 100% recycled consumer foam and have a 50% fly-ash content in the concrete. Artificial landscaping within the interior spaces has been used to retain the relationship with the landscape. This scheme is all about creating a space inside the landscape, rather than creating landscape to fit the scheme. Windows runnning along side the hill allow air to through, encouraging cross ventilation.

The volumes are created by uxtruded twisted boxes, projecting out from the contours of the site. These volumes are directed towards the desired views, framing them with large openings.

The succession of planes follow the course of the natural topography.

1 30

‘A topography sculpted of folded, skewed metal planes, the Vail Grant House seems to enter into a love affair with its hillside site, blurring the boundaries between the natural and the artificial.’ Brooks and Scarpa

One Man SaunaModulorbeat Relaxation Space

Modular Beats have stacked concrete elements, originally used within the mie shafts of the surrounding areas, to create a tower block containing a sauna. It was created as part of the local arts festival, encouraging people in the surrounding areas to develop practical and artistic responses to the ever changing economic situation. The area was historically known for its rich coal and steel mines, inspriring the concept behind this scheme. The idea was to contrast the industrial history with the idea of relaxation and doing nothing.


The vertical shaft represents the structures that once existed below ground. Cast concrete compnents were ordered and stacked to create three distinct spaces, each with its own function and represents the methodical process of working in a factory. The bottom box is a plunge pool, the middle a sauna an the top a relaxation room/ veiwing platform. Narror gaps between the concrete components allow light to filter through, as shown in the diagram adjacent.

Plunge Pool

Concrete Structure and Light Penetration

1 31

Development The YL+P Brief The Lit and Phil introduced the Davy lamp to the mining community of Durham, a turning point for the city during the industrial revolution. The Young Lit and Phil will be a representation and celebration of Durham’s industrial history, bringing its lost mining heritage back into the community. Three key spaces will welcome people of all ages, encouraging contribution, innovation and discovery, through site, sound and touch.

1 32

Narrative Generation

X Experience Record Share

Y Listen Learn Teach


Oblivious Discover Participate

1 33


Book Deposit

Secure Storage Librarian’s Office


Reception Desk

Main Library

Book Deposit: 1 sqm Reception Desk: 3 sqm Self Issue Points: 1 sqm Seating Area: 4 - 6 sqm Lobby: 4 sqm

Archives/ Book Recording Shelves Areas

Self Issue Point

Lobby/Seating Area Circulation Space

Issue Points

Private Meeting Room Private Study Areas

Shelving: 12 sqm Self Issue Point: 1 sqm Seating/ Study Areas: 9 - 12 sqm Private Study Areas: 7.5 sqm Secure Storage Area: 2 sqm Librarian’s Office: 3 - 4 sqm Private Recording Rooms: 1.5 sqm Meeting Room: 8 sqm Toiketa


Accessible Lift: 3 sqm Stairs: 1 m Wide

Storage Closet

Changing Rooms


Stage: 9 - 12 sqm Seating: 30 sqm Storage: 9 sqm Changing: 12 sqm Backstage: 4 sqm


Study Area

Backstage Area

Stage Accessable Toilet

Toilets: 16 sqm Disabled Toilet/ Baby Change: 3 sqm Cleaner’s Room: 2 sqm Plants Room: 9 sqm Bin Store: 4 sqm


Accessable Toilet Circulation Space

Cafe Seating Area: 30 sqm Bar: 4 sqm Small Kitchen: 10 sqm Cold Room: 2 sqm Food Store: 2 sqm

Bar IT Spaces

Kitchen Seating Area

Listening Spaces

Cool Food Circulation Room Store Space

1 34

Noise Levels



1 35

Diagrams In Context


1 36



Serve Servant

Public Private

Priority Spaces

1 37


Ground Floor Library

Basement Auditorium


1 38

Sub - Basement Cafe


Public and Private

Auditorium Level

Internal Circulation

External Circulation


Natural Light

Views Out

1 39

The Shulman AuditoriumBGS Architects The Queens College, Oxford Acoustic Panels

Glare from Behind?

Circulation Visual Experience

Tiered Seating

Refurbed and re-opened in November 2011, the Shulman Auditorium in the Queens College seats up to 120 delegates within a central tiered seating system. Within this are extendable oak tablets, plug points and WIFI. The seating looks down to the stage at floor level, backed by a curtain wall with views over the gardens. To control the light, adjustable timber blinds can be pulled up and down internally. The AV system can be controlled from the front

Glare Control

lecturn, the back projection room and a transportable touch screen tablet. The acoustic qualities accomodate musical recitals as well as lectures. The entrance to the auditorium, a space enclosed in glass provides refreshments and views out over the gardens. 1 40 Natural Light and Glazing

Artificial Lighting

Removable Lighting System

Weiden+Kennedy OfficesWORKac


The New York offices needed a revamp. A large hole was punched through each floor to create these spaces, interactable with one another

LIbrary Area

Auditorium Viewable from Above

Meeting/ Work Space

Small Auditorium/ Informal Meeting Areas

1 41


1 42

Language Light-weight, bright, open stucture

Heavy, monolithic, robust structure. 1 43

1 44

Inspiration Another part of the collerie was the Heapstead building. It was a large timber building that once held men, ponies, equipment, tubs, lifts and machinery. There was a lot of inspiration for materialitty. The floor consisted of cast iron floor slabs. They had an appearance of slate or concrete but were more hard-wearing for the heavy tubs of coal being rolled across them on a regular basis.

During the 19th Century, the Northumberland and Durham coalfield produced about a quarter of the countries supplies. Mining was the industry on which the region’s property was built upon. The Beamish centre is a collerie town on the heart of the Durham coalfield. Upon visiting I was inspired by process and more so, materiality. The Mahogony Drift Mine opened in 1855 and closed before coming back to use in 1921. Drift mines were often used to give miners access to distant coal seems or for ventilation and drainage purposes. Visiting the Beamish Centre, I got a chance to go down the mine myself. There were some interesting features that could be represented within my own design, tying my scheme back to the original concept. For example, the low ceilings. In the Durham area, it was fottunate if you got a mine taller than 3ft. This idea of tight claustrophobic space can be replicated by using low ceilings and narrow corridors. Also the post and beam roof supports. They were constructed from pine, a weak wood that creaks and cracks under too much pressure. They used pine as a warning to a roof collapse.

1 45


The current acces to the site (Drury Lane) is in quite poor condition. Within my scheme I intend to redevelop this space making it more accessible. The access is also hidden and inconspicuous. It is important i make Drury Lane more noticable to draw visitors in from Saddler Street to the site. I will do this by continuing the timber post and beam structure that is a recurring feature within te building itslef, up to the Drury Lane entrance. Atmospheric lighting will also be used to create a mine like experience as you journey to the YL+P. Post and Beam Support in a Mine Shaft 1 46

1 47

Serial Vision Via Drury Lane


Aggregates Dolomite

At the Beamish Centre, there were three prominent materials within the mining process, concrete, timber and iron. These materials will inspire the materiality and atmosphere within my own scheme. I intend to use board- form concrete to reinforce the idea of coal seams pertruding out from the Durham landscape. The board-mark will give take away the harshness from the concrete and make the form seem more naturally inkeeping with the landscape. The concrete aggregate mix will alter for each block. Getting darker as they go further into the ground; again reinforcing the concept of underground coal seams. The board-form concrete will continue throughout the internal walls, creating an atmospheric exerience of being within a mineshaft. This will be contrasted with timber floors and cast iron finishes.

Board Form Concrete


Cast Iron



1 48

Shanghai Arts Space

Therme Vals

California House, Perpendicular Floor Boards

Eke Public LibraryJuliaan Lampens Board-Form Concrete

These images show how Juliaan lampens uses board-form concrete to differentiate between the different planes. It brings a worn, textural quality that would compliment my own design. He uses timber within the interior to create a warmer, more comfortable atmosphere.

Process of Casting In-Situ Board-Form Concrete

1 49

Dominus WineryHerzog and de Meuron Gabion walls

Structure Gabions

Light and Ventilation

1 50 Form

The Gabion Wall A gabion wall will span the height of the two bottom blocks along side Drury Lane. This wall will lead people in from the river, into the cafe. This entrance will be a long tunnel; the dappled light from the gabion wall, incorporated with a low ceiling will create an atmosphere similar to that of a mining experience. The gabion wall will climb the south facade. It will be staggered to imitate the brick wall opposite and will compliment the topography and staggered windows of the block above. The staggered windows not only provide a source of natural light but they also allow people inside the auditorium to look out and passers by on Drury Lane to glimpse inside as they walk down the steps. The windows will run in the same direction of the borad-marked concrete and will appear as though the occasional plank has been removed.

1 51

Beijing officeSparks Exposed Services

There are no cielings within this scheme, therefore all services are exposed. Along with the exposed brick walls, the space has a very industrial feel. This would compliment the reflection of the mining industry within my own scheme.

1 52


Some services will run throught the building via exposed steel cable trays and ductwork. This will add to the industrial feel of the building. As all the services are kept towards the left hand side of the building, the exposed elements will run down this side, level with a suspended ceilings conceiling the rest of the piping. The services will run between floors via a riser room found towards the back of the building. 1 53

Services Green Roof The roof structure will consist of an extensive green roof. This will encourage a variety of ecosystems to thrive, replacing those lost in construction. It will also accomodate views of the surrounding buildings, whilst decreasing heat loss through the roof. Lastly it will contain a drainage system allowing the rainwater to be harvested and re-used within the scheme.

Cable Trays

Service trays will carry the wires and cables throughout the building, the industrial aesthetic will compliment the mining concept behind the scheme. The ventilation ducts and water pipes will sit within cavities created by suspended ceilings. All pipe and cable work will move between floors via a riser located at the back of the building.

Thermal Massing As my build is primarily concrete, thermal massing will help regulate internal temperatures. Heat will be stored within the concrete walls during the day and released at night.


1 54

A hybrid system will ventilate the various spaces. The underground levels (cafe and audtorium) will struggle with only natural ventilation. Cooling tubes will be used to bring fresh air in from the outside, assisted by fans to push the air around the room. As they are buried within the earth, this will help regulate the temperature during varying seasons. As the are heats it will rise to the upper levels which will draw cooler air from below, this is a natural stack ventilation. Combining this with fans makes it a hybrid ventilation system.

Light The varying levels require different daylight factors. I have organised the programme so that areas that require similar lighting requirements will be together. Depending on lightinng requirements, different lighting stratergies will be used. For example, the upper floors will be majorly side lighting, offering maximum natural light. The auditorium will hae shelf lighting, preventing solar glare and the cafe level will have to be mostly artificial lighting as it is underground. All floors will be supplimented by artificial lighting, it will be either subtly incorporated into shadow gaps or be decorative features within the space.

Water Harvesting As the Durham climate is wet, the rain water will be drained through the green roof, to a water tank below the ground. This water can then be filtered and reused within potable systems and cooling systems. It can be used as a reserve or supplimentary resource.

Energy Production The plant room will be located on the lower floor of the auditorium. This will contain a combined heata= and power system. This system recovers the excess heat from electricity production and then used for heating and cooling.

Heating System Ground source heat pumps will provide hot water to the building. In summer months, undergound temperatures will be cooler than overgound and vise versa in winter. A high density polythene pipe will be capable of either absorbing or dumping heat.

1 55

Bespoke Spaces

Diagrams Ground Floor Library Bespoke study space

Basement Auditorium Auditorium Seating

Sub-Basement Cafe Listening Booth

1 56

Perspective Detail

Returning to Narrative Generation X



Young Adults







1 57





Analysis Circulation


1 58

Public and Private

Deriving the Form

Service and Serve

Subtracting the Form

Access Routes Sunpath Wind Flood Line



The South facing facade has been used to maximise natural light and thermal massing.

The maximum number of trees will be preserved within the site. Those which were not, were dug up and replanted elsewhere. The building form pertruded out towards the river, framing the veiws of Elvet Bridge and the River Wear.

Tree Occupation

The barrier along fearnon walk will be raised to prevent flooding on the footpath.

View of Elvet Bridge

1 59

Final Drawings

r l e d d S a

E l v e t

B r i d g e

e t r e S t

1 60

D u r h a m

C a s t l e 1:500 Site Plan Drury Lane The YL+P

Site Plans

1:200 Site Plan Drury Lane The YL+P

1 61

Context Section

D u r h a m

1 62

C a t h e d r a l

S a d d l e r

S t r e e t

T h e

Y L + P E l v e t

D r u r y

B r i d g e

L a n e

1 63


1 64

1:200 Elevations E, N, W, S (Left to 1Right) 65 Drury Lane The YL+P


2 1

1. External Walkway 2. Library 3. Auditorium 4. Exhibition Space 5. Plant room 6. Entrance from the River 7. Cafe 8. Reception 9. Toilets 10. Terrace 11. Kitchen 12. Lift

1 66






1:100 Cross Section Drury Lane The YL+P










1 67 1:100 Longitudinal Section Drury Lane The YL+P

Plans 1







6 8


1:50 Scale Bar 1 Ground Floor Plan 68 Library YL+P Durham

1. Safe Storage 2. Librarians Office 3. Reception Desk 4. Issue and Return Point 5. Entrance 6. Private Study Areas 7. Book Shelves 8. Meeting Room 9. Terrace 10. External Walkway


1 2



1:50 Scale Bar Mezanine Plan Exhibition Space YL+P Durham

1. Accessible Toilets 1 2. Exhibition Space 69 3. Auditorium 4. Stairwell 5. Cleaners Store





3 6

1 70

1:50 Scale Bar Basement Auditorium YL+P Durham

1. Toilets 2. Cleaners Store 3. Store Room 4. Plant 5. Server 6. Auditorium

5 2

1 3


1:50 Scale Bar Sub-Basement Cafe YL+P Durham

1. Kitchen 2. Bar 3. Cafe 4. Entrance from the River 5. Listening Booths 1 71

External Perspectives

External Walkway

Fearnon Walk

1 72 Entrance, Drury Lane

Internal Perspectives

Library 1 73

Internal Perspectives

Auditorium 1 74


Cafe 1 75

Technology 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


1 76




1:20 Roof Detail 1. Precast concrte capping 2. Vegetation 3. 200mm Earth 4. 10mm Filter membrane 5. 200mm Retention Layer 6. 10mm Sheet Barrier 7. 10mm Damp Proof Membrane 8. 100mm Rigid insulation 9. 300mm In situ reinforced concrete load bearing wall 10. 200mm In situ Board Form concrete cladding 11. 200mm Reinforced concrete parapet 12. Load-bearing timber pit props 13. Trellis Panels 14. Vegetation








9 10 7

11 12 13

1:20 Ground Detail 1. Timber Floor Boards 2. 50mm Concrete screed with underfloor heating pipes 3. 100mm Rigid Insulation 4. Double-Glazed self-Cleaning Roof Light 5. Precast concrete capping 6. 50mm Concrete capping 7. Load-bearing concrete column 8. 300mm Load-bearing re-inforced concrete wall 9. 100mm Drainage layer 10. 10mm Damp proof membrane 11. Stainless steel wall-ties 12. 100mm Rigid Insulation 13. 100mm in situ internal concrete wall

1 77


1:20 Junction Detail 1. Timber pit props 2. Precast concrete capping 3. Stainless steel wall ties 4. Concrete paving 5.100mm Rigid insulation 6. 10mm Damp proof membrane 7. 300mm In situ load-bearing reinforced concrte floor slab 8. Internal timber floor boards 9. 50mm Concrete screed with underfloor heating pipes 10. Double- glazing system 11. Precast concrete sill plate









10 1 7 11

1 78


1:5 Window 1. A Desiccant 2. Precast concrete sill 3.100mm Rigid Insulation 4. 10mm Damp proof membrane 5. Stainless steel wall tie 6.300mm In situ load-bearing reinforced concrete floor slab 7. Precast removable doncrete element 9. Structural gasket

3 4 5


8 9

Technical Axo

External Concrete Wall Cladding Concrete Structural Walls Galzing Gabion Wall Damp Proof Membrane Timber Flooring Rigid Insulation

1 79

Model Development

Concept 1 80


Final 1 81

Final Model

1 82

1 83

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