Life’s a Pitch Jenny Bewick, Kieran Blakey, Charlotte Bowie, Marnie Cox, Emma Knowles, Annie Merrick, Megan Ojari and Ruby Shelton.
Beanbag collective are proposing to produce work alone and collaboratively for art markets, including prints & products. We are also proposing a monthly collective zine.
Our Work
Audience Fellow young creatives. Those who have an interest in illustration. People who want prints and artwork for their homes.
Roles Management - Ruby and Marnie Promotion - Charlotte and Annie Finance - Meg and Kieran Communication - Emma and Jenny
Costs Thought Bubble - £125 for full table, £70 for half. ELCAF - £65 a table for Small Press (in 2014). DIY Art Market - £35 a table for one day. Travel and accommodation.
Partners / Suppliers Riso printers, e.g. Footprint in Leeds. Print workshops, e.g Leeds Print Workshop. Galleries, e.g. Colours May Vary Music partnerships.