INITIAL Research PARTNERS: Anna Bates, Nicky Hope and Megan Ojari THE BRIEF: Create an original and inventive packaging design for a new personalised chocolate product for The Grown Up Chocolate Company (GUCC) - Follow the nets provided - ‘Allude to the mystery inside’ - ‘Bear in mind the playful personality of the company’ - ‘Unashamedly indulgent’ theme
The inital research was equally shared between the three partners bringing their own research into packaging and company. By working together we decided on a ‘handmade’ direction to follow. Also, we gathered primary research by passing a questionnaire around a lecture theatre of 150 people. Because we quickly and efficiently evaluated and compared seperate research I was able to ground by visual development in practical knowledge and start to immediately create visual sketches.
// Brief: YCN STUDENT AWARDS // Client: THE GROWN UP CHOCOLATE COMPANY // Deadline: 23rd MARCH 2017 // Module code: OUIL503 // Name: MEGAN OJARI //
By visiting the factory in Harlow I was able to get a really clear direction for this vague brief. The owner pointed out two images from my Instagram which he liked, which fit with my handmade theme well. I also explored costs and practicallity of some of my ideas to see what was feasible. By developing some quick experiments based on the idea of ‘alluding to the mystery inside’, I quickly understood the potential format for my designs. The research trip was extremely inspiring and useful, which pushed me to create a wide variety of sketches and ideas to further develop. After discussing with my group, we decided to follow the screen printed ingredients idea. This was a very effective and quick decision process due to the democratic way we disscussed our ideas.
// Brief: YCN STUDENT AWARDS // Client: THE GROWN UP CHOCOLATE COMPANY // Deadline: 23rd MARCH 2017 // Module code: OUIL503 // Name: MEGAN OJARI //
Through sketches put into Illustrator I developed positives to screenprint using colours from the bars of GUCC. I also created a lino cut based on the questionnaire results. By working independently to create my prints I was free to put my creative ideas to use without restriction. However, it would definitely have sped up the process if my team mates had been confident in screen print and were able to help me. It was a very useful lesson in confidently and quickly dividing up roles so that the making process can start immediately.
// Brief: YCN STUDENT AWARDS // Client: THE GROWN UP CHOCOLATE COMPANY // Deadline: 23rd MARCH 2017 // Module code: OUIL503 // Name: MEGAN OJARI //
Further Development
I created a quick mock up of the final design to work from, as well as colouring my lino print. I then gave slight direction to my partners when needed during the actual contstruction of the design. It was a huge learning curve for me to give up control on my images to others and come back to my design once it have been changed completely. It was extremely beneficial to have such competent partners, as once I relinquished control, I felt comfortable leaving it to them to finish the designs. I then mocked up a version to check their design worked, which was a great practice for the construction of the final piece. I did feel very rushed during this development stage, but having two organised partners helped me to organise my time and not become as stressed as I could have been.
// Brief: YCN STUDENT AWARDS // Client: THE GROWN UP CHOCOLATE COMPANY // Deadline: 23rd MARCH 2017 // Module code: OUIL503 // Name: MEGAN OJARI //
Crafting & Photography
It was decided at the start that I would do the paper engineering, and since I had practiced quite a lot before, I was confident in the final mock up of the design. I was extremely stressed during the printing process as I realised the net we used was in RGB, so the colours did not print as I wanted, but my partner was incredibly helpful in making me reamin calm and reminded me that we can still edit it later. Because I had a lot of work on in other modules I was extremely glad for the actual construction to be over. I need to ensure I check how I am splitting my time in the future. We then photographed the product, which was done mainly by my partners, in my studio, as we had been unable to book a photography studio. I gave slight creative direction and spatial planning, and I feel we worked well as a team. I found the use of a Facebook messenger group and shared Google Drive incredibly useful, as we could quickly and easily as for feedback during the creation of our designs, as well as suggest improvements on others work. Working as part of a collaboration was initally difficult for me, as I like to be in control most of the time, but by putting my trust in others and being flexible to compromise I was able to be part of a strong, cohesive team.
// Brief: YCN STUDENT AWARDS // Client: THE GROWN UP CHOCOLATE COMPANY // Deadline: 23rd MARCH 2017 // Module code: OUIL503 // Name: MEGAN OJARI //
DELICIOUSLY CUSTOMISABLE A beautiful, colourful representation of the huge range of ingredients
Anna Bates, Megan Ojari, Nicky Hope
A perfect representation of the Grown Up Chocolate Company
An abstract pattern based on the things which remind us of childhood
A taste card personalised by the customer
A sleeve which folds out into a keepsake poster
After one of my partners had mostly designed the boards, we worked together to edit the photos and contsrtuct the last few design boards. Because my partners were Graphic Designers, it was great to have their experience in design boards and I felt we worked well as if one person didn’t know how to do something in Adobe, one of the others did. I also wrote the blurbs for the YCN submission, and competed the submission form. Overall, I found working as a team extremely useful, as if there was an aspect I wasn’t confident on, I didn’t have to spend hours working on it, as we could decide who was most competent in that area. I was extremely grateful to have such hardworking partners, and I would definitely like to work as part of a collaboratin the future, as long as I could choose who to work with, like I did this time.
// Brief: YCN STUDENT AWARDS // Client: THE GROWN UP CHOCOLATE COMPANY // Deadline: 23rd MARCH 2017 // Module code: OUIL503 // Name: MEGAN OJARI //