Editor's letter: October 2013 (ACCJ Journal)

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t is very special for me to be the ACCJ Journal T Ä•STU GFNBMF FEJUPS JO DIJFG JO BO FYDJUJOH OFX partnership between publishers $VTUPN .FEJB BOE +BQBO T MBSHFTU GPSFJHO DIBNCFS PG DPNNFSDF I am very much looking forward to UBLJOH PO DIBMMFOHFT BOE SFBMJ[JOH OFX JEFBT PWFS UIF DPNJOH JTTVFT 0OF PG the best ways of expressing the close CJMBUFSBM UJFT UIBU UIF "$$+ FOKPZT XJUI +BQBO BOE PG SFBDIJOH BDSPTT UP PVS readers, is to draw you closer to the everyday business and aspirations of UIF DIBNCFS BOE JUT NFNCFST

Our latest interview: UĂŠĂŠ ˜`Ă€iĂœĂŠ7ĂžÂ?i}>Â?>ĂŠÂœvĂŠĂŠ ĂŒÂ…iĂŠ1-ĂŠ “L>ĂƒĂƒĂžĂŠ/ÂœÂŽĂžÂœ Our latest BIJ NOW report: UĂŠĂŠ/Â…iĂŠ}œœ`ĂŠ>˜`ĂŠL>`ĂŠÂœvĂŠ>ĂŠĂœi>ÂŽiÀÊÞi˜ Upcoming BIJ NOW report: UĂŠĂŠ/ÂœÂŽĂžÂœĂŠĂ“äĂ“äpĂƒ>viĂŠÂ…>˜`ĂƒĂŠĂŠ ÂœvĂŠ"Â?ĂžÂ“ÂŤÂˆVĂƒĂŠÂ…ÂœĂƒĂŒĂŠVÂˆĂŒĂž Contact Sam Bird for details on arranging interviews, event coverage and sponsorship opportunities: samuel@custom-media.com

It is also a huge privilege to be working with the stable of writers who NBLF QPTTJCMF UIJT QVCMJDBUJPO 4PNF have been featured in the pages of the Journal CFGPSF PUIFST BSF ĕSTU UJNF DPOUSJCVUPST )PXFWFS XIBU * DFMFCSBUF most is the eagerness to play a part in this publication as expressed by so NBOZ XPNFO‰BO VOEFS SFQSFTFOUFE WPJDF JO +BQBO These are exciting times, indeed, not only for the chamber and Tokyo, CVU GPS UIF QFPQMF PG +BQBO GPMMPXJOH the September 8 announcement that +BQBO IBE XPO UIF CJE UP IPTU UIF 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games QBHF‍ ڀ‏ For many reasons, the Games are FYQFDUFE UP CF B ĕOBODJBM BOE PUIFS CPPO GPS +BQBO BOE UIF Journal looks forward to helping raise the city’s QSPĕMF GPS UIJT HSFBU PDDBTJPO ACCJ events for everyone ćF "$$+ IBT NBOZ JOUFSFTUJOH FWFOUT MJOFE VQ PWFS UIF DPNJOH NPOUI * BN always surprised by the variety and OVNCFS PG FWFOUT UIF "$$+ IPMET FBDI month, ensuring there is something for FWFSZPOF * MPPL GPSXBSE UP BUUFOEJOH many of these events, where I hope to NFFU NPSF DIBNCFS NFNCFST I know it takes a lot of time and effort to plan functions, especially larger POFT TVDI BT UIF $IBSJUZ #BMM QBHF

I am very much looking forward to taking on challenges and realizing new ideas over the coming issues.

5P CF IFME PO /PWFNCFS UIF CBMM promises to be a spectacular evening PG Ä•OF EJOJOH BOE FOUFSUBJONFOU‰GPS HPPE DBVTFT On a side note, I would like to thank all those who attended, or helped UP PSHBOJ[F UIF Journal’s Relaunch 1BSUZ BU UIF 5PLZP "NFSJDBO $MVC PO 4FQUFNCFS QBHF "T BO FBHFS VTFS PG NBOZ PG UIF social media tools available these days, I found this month’s cover TUPSZ QBHF PO BO "$$+ FWFOU GFBUVSJOH -JOLFE*O QBSUJDVMBSMZ QFSUJOFOU 3FBE‍ڀ‏IPX UIF QSPGFTTJPOBM networking site can help you become more productive and successful in ZPVS‍ڀ‏DBSFFS In fact, a recent study by innovation BHFODZ 'BCFS/PWFM FOUJUMFE i-JOLFE*O UIF 4FSJPVT /FUXPSL w FYQMBJOT IPX the site has become much more than TPNFXIFSF UP VQMPBE B SFTVNF Rather, it has become the place to OFUXPSL ćF SFQPSU TVHHFTUT UIBU UIF site will transform the business world, JNQBDUJOH XPSL MJGF BOE DVMUVSF Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy the 0DUPCFS JTTVF 1MFBTF GFFM GSFF UP drop me a line with any suggestions PS DPNNFOUT 8F BSF BMXBZT PO UIF lookout for ways to better reflect the interests and concerns of our readers, and would be happy to hear GSPN ZPV t

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