Committee: Young Blood (ACCJ Journal)

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YOUNG BLOOD (SPVQ QSPNPUFT "$$+ QBSUJDJQBUJPO and membership among under 40s By Megan Waters ACCJ Journal FEJUPS JO DIJFG


stablished in 1996, the Young Professionals Group Subcommittee (YPG) promotes the interests of the chamber’s young professionals through skills enhancement, education, networking, and business opportunities, while QSPWJEJOH PQQPSUVOJUJFT GPS TPDJBMJ[JOH and chances to meet others with TIBSFE‍ڀ‏JOUFSFTUT In addition, the larger goal is to promote greater participation and membership of the chamber among younger professionals, namely those BHFE BOE VOEFS +PIO (IBOPUBLJT UIF DVSSFOU DIBJS of the group, was present at one of the DPNNJUUFF T ĕSTU FWFOUT‰B QSFTFOUBUJPO PO IPX UP OFUXPSL ićF TQFBLFS UBMLFE very passionately about the various things he did to get a job in the legal industry in Tokyo, and how using a less traditional way can sometimes lead to a CFUUFS SFTVMU w TBJE (IBOPUBLJT i* XBT CBTFE JO 5PLZP PO UIF +&5 Programme at that time, and the event certainly provided at least one good reason to consider joining the DIBNCFS w "DDPSEJOH UP (IBOPUBLJT NPTU committees are either industry or QSPGFTTJPO TQFDJĕD )PXFWFS UIF :1( T members come from a vast array of TQFDJBMJTNT BOE CBDLHSPVOET *U JT UIJT diversity, believes Ghanotakis, which allows the group to host events with other committees that touch on their areas of expertise while still being of JOUFSFTU UP ZPVOH QSPGFTTJPOBMT i*O UIJT XBZ PVS FWFOUT BOE UPQJDT of lectures are, perhaps, wider ranging


1 Reina Otsuka, founder of eco+waza, gives a presentation at “The Entrepreneurs Forum/Talking Business Series 2013� in January.


than those of most other committees JO UIF DIBNCFS ćJT JT CFDBVTF XF GFFM MFTT PG B SFTUSJDUJPO UP TQFDJĕD UPQJDT w IF TBJE The committee has hosted a number of events since its establishment, JODMVEJOH UIF SFDFOU i5SBOTGPSNJOH UIF 8BZ 1SPGFTTJPOBMT BOE #VTJOFTTFT 8PSL XJUI 4PDJBM .FEJBw TFF QBHF #VU some have been more memorable than PUIFST GPS WBSJPVT SFBTPOT i* UIJOL UIF BOOVBM $IFSSZ #MPTTPN Viewing Party in Shibakoen is always

2 Lady Barbara Judge, deputy chair of TEPCO Nuclear Reform Monitoring, speaks at the committee’s event, “Inside TEPCO: Making Changes in Japan’s Nuclear Industry.�

very successful, as it brings together members of all ages, as well as their friends, in a free event during POF PG +BQBO T HSFBUFTU <USBEJUJPOBM observances]—hanami w TBJE 7JDF $IBJS 5JNPUIZ 5SBIBO ićF &OUSFQSFOFVS 5BMLJOH #VTJOFTT Series, run jointly with the Independent Business Committee, allows speakers to engage with small groups in the boardroom about things such as how they started their business, lessons MFBSOFE BOE IPSSPS TUPSJFT ićJT IBT CFFO WFSZ QPQVMBS XJUI members as it is held in a smaller environment, is a little more interactive UIBO PUIFS FWFOUT BOE UIF TQFBLFST PęFO give business tips or tell stories off the record that you wouldn’t be able to hear JO B NPSF GPSNBM FWFOU w 5SBIBO TBJE "MUIPVHI UIF "$$+ JT UIF CJHHFTU GPSFJHO DIBNCFS PG DPNNFSDF JO +BQBO and has numerous networking events, advocacy initiatives, and committees from which to choose, many young professionals need a platform to enhance UIFNTFMWFT BOE PS UIFJS CVTJOFTTFT ćF‍ڀ‏:1( QSPWJEFT TVDI BO BSSBOHFNFOU i:PVOH QSPGFTTJPOBMT DBO NFFU TFOJPS executives from the biggest companies in the world, attend lectures on the widest range of topics, and learn from FEVDBUJPO BOE TLJMMT CBTFE XPSLTIPQT w FYQMBJOFE 7JDF $IBJS "NJS ,IBO i*O BEEJUJPO BOE IPQFGVMMZ NPTU importantly, members can have fun and make new friends and CVTJOFTT‍ڀ‏DPOUBDUT w t

For information on upcoming events, please visit

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