Kindred Arcadia

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kindred arcadia brand guide

event title and tagline

The creators of The Kindred Arcadia Music Festival aim to create an atmosphere of interconnectivity where people can enjoy the simple pleasures of life. The event will be geared towards encouraging attendees to live in the moment while learning how this can positively affect their mental wellness. Being in nature and listening to music are incredibly effective tools for stress management, and are proven tactics to help reach relaxation. Additionally, the event’s goal of creating a sense of community will be facilitated through the arrangement of local vendors and artists surrounding the Telluride Town Park grounds.

event concept

mood board


working roughs

final solution bl ack and white

final solution full color


The tree and mountain forms suggest and reinforce the essence of peace found in nature.


The handwritten quality creates a sense of authenticity, paralleled with a clean san serif typeface that creates a sophisticated and trustworthy appeal.


Earth tones were chosen to create a neutral palette that supports the nature friendly theme. Muted pastels are added to elicit a sense of light, softness, and calmness.

solution rationale


pantone 7514 c

pantone 9582 c

pantone 7537 c

pantone 443 c

pantone 425 c

cmyk 16, 39, 47, 0

cmyk 15, 8, 20, 0

cmyk 36, 26, 35, 0

cmyk 47, 31, 34, 0

cmyk 65, 55, 52, 28

rgb 214, 162, 133

rgb 215, 217, 201

rgb 167, 171, 161

rgb 142, 156, 156

rgb 83, 87, 90

hex #d5a286

hex #dfd9c9

hex #a7aba1

hex #8e9c9c

hex #53575a

color palette



abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz source sans pro semibold

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz source sans pro light


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz itc bookman std medium




Building off the brand’s use of earth tones, all imagery should be edited in a similar manner. The goal is to create a low contrast, peaceful scene.




instagram sliders

facebook profile




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