globalhealthU HIGHLIGHTS
Introduction Track
Week 1: Intro to ghU, Evolution of GlobeMed
THIS TRACK INTRODUCTION TRACK Goal: Provide chapter members a thorough understanding of the fundamentals of GlobeMed.
THIS WEEK INTRO TO GHU, EVOLUTION OF GLOBEMED Goals: Introduce chapter members to the new globalhealthU curriculum. Learn the history of GlobeMed and facilitate a discussion about our current model.
Overview The first week of the introduction section will begin with a discussion of the changes to ghU. We will overview the new model and go over the curriculum for the year. Next, we will learn about the history and evolution of GlobeMed in order to illustrate how we arrived at our current model. It is important that all chapter members learn this information, as it is fundamental for an understanding of GlobeMed’s work. *Note: Due to the detailed content, this first week will likely take longer than the typical half-hour. Please notify your co-presidents and E-Board so that you can plan accordingly. Component of the mission statement highlighted ✦ “empowering students and communities to work together”
Opening activity – “This I Believe” statement Estimated time: 5 minutes
THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND SMALL GROUP FACILITATORS You should use your small group facilitators to help lead this week’s discussion. Make sure the appropriate people are contacted and prepared to lead!
Ask your chapter members to write down a statement that they hold to be true - something that they believe. It can be related to health, social justice, moral values, or anything else; it should simply be a belief that is central to their understanding of the world. We will be returning to these statements throughout the year, so it is important that they are kept track of. If you are not using binders or folders, we encourage you to give each chapter member an envelope with his or her name on it; they can put their statement inside and return them to you for safekeeping. Sample ‘This I Believe” statements from NPR: “I believe in being gracious to others and I believe in accepting others’ graciousness whether I’ve earned it or not. Sometimes you are blessed simply because someone loves you. And that is why grace is a gift— not a reward.”
CONTACT US Rachel Markon and Neal Emery, co-Directors of ghU
“I believe that breakfast is too optimistic and dinner is too pretentious. Lunch is who you really are.”
globalhealthU Introduction to new ghU Estimated time: 5-10 minutes While both globalhealthU Coordinators and Co-Presidents have been thoroughly trained in the new globalhealthU model and content, other chapter members have yet to hear about any changes. We have provided a letter that you can give to chapter members to introduce them to ghU this year. Aside from that broad overview, it is important for you to walk your chapter members through this year’s curriculum. We encourage you to be transparent in this explanation, so chapter members fully understand why and how ghU is changing. Key Points ✦ Rather than being an educational curriculum, globalhealthU is now GlobeMed’s Global Health Education and Leadership Development Curriculum. This change aims to encourage discernment and critical thinking, as opposed to simply information sharing. ✦ Through increased discussion, we hope to provide a space for chapter members to develop their own beliefs and wrestle with the challenging moral questions that are prevalent in this field. ✦ This year, ghU will be mainly focused on a year-long investigation about the relationship between poverty and health. There are many reasons for this, the most fundamental being that poverty and health are intrinsically linked. Resources ✦ Introduction letter for chapter members ✦ ghU Yearlong Overview document
Evolution of GlobeMed Estimated time: 15 minutes Show your chapter the history video or explain the story of GlobeMed’s evolution. Resources ✦ History video (*primary resource, password: bethechange) ✦ Victor’s article from the Buffet Center ✦ History PowerPoint ✦ has a brief video and description on the evolution of GlobeMed
Discussion Estimated time: 10 minutes Possible Introduction Begin the discussion by introducing the mission statement that is founded in the lessons learned from our history.
globalhealthU GlobeMed aims to strengthen the movement for global health equity by empowering students and communities to work together to improve the health of the impoverished around the world. Possible discussion questions ✦ How did the lessons learned in Ho, Ghana shape the creation of the GlobeMed model? ✦ What does it mean to work in partnership with a community, as opposed to providing aid or charity to a community? What are the key differences? Are there similarities? Why is one better than the other? ✦ How would you define partnership? Key points ✦ GlobeMed’s model is based on coupling partnerships and accompaniment with tangible resources. Make sure to mention that this is the idea of ‘pragmatic solidarity’, so chapter members will have heard this term prior to Week 5: Key Concepts and Philosophical Frameworks. ✦ The component of the mission statement highlighted this week is: “students and communities working together.” This section of the mission statement is a result from GlobeMed’s long evolution.