globalhealthU HIGHLIGHTS THIS TRACK TRACK 2 Goal: Learn about the causes of poverty. Investigate how poverty can best be alleviated.
THIS WEEK DISCERNMENT Goals: Use the economists’ theories as a base for developing our own personal views.
THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND SMALL GROUP FACILITATORS You should use your SGFs to help lead this week’s discussion. Make sure the appropriate people are contacted and prepared to lead.
Rachel Markon & Neal Emery, co-Directors of ghU
Track 2
Week 4: Reflecting on the Economists Overview After having learned about, as well as debated, different economists’ views, it is now time to discern our own views on what causes poverty and how it can best be alleviated. We will reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of the different economic theories as a base for establishing our own. This discernment is crucial as it allows us to internalize our own opinions and strategies, informing our opinions and actions as they relate to improving health .
Discussion Estimated time: 30 minutes Hopefully the last three weeks have illuminated the extensive controversy regarding developmental economics. None of the economists we have studied have come up with a comprehensive and totally accurate strategy for alleviating poverty. There is still considerable room for improvement and innovation within the field. Formulating our own views on what causes poverty and how it can be combatted is crucial for the progression of our work. This is the time for chapter member to engage in open and trusting discussion. It is important that these discussions happen within small groups, so that every person is able to speak honestly and engage with their peers. This discussion is meant to flow freely and act as a forum for sharing, learning, and growing. Possible Discussion Questions ✦ What are your thoughts on last week’s debate? ✦ Four of the six economists are white males from Western countries. How does this impact their perspectives? ✦ What perspectives and disciplines were not considered by limiting our investigation to the field of developmental economics? ✦ What are the strengths and weaknesses of each economist’s theory? ✦ Which economist were you most convinced by? Least convinced by? Why? ✦ Which economist is most closely aligned with your values? ✦ In your opinion, where do you think poverty comes from? How can it be alleviated? Where does health inequity fit in?
globalhealthU ✦ ✦
Do you agree with how the GlobeMed model addresses developmental issues? For example, do you agree with the belief that community based work is the best way to solve global health issues? Do any components of any theory contradict GlobeMed’s values? Which components are aligned with GlobeMed’s values?