lesson plan FINAL 2.0

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globalhealthU HIGHLIGHTS

Track 2

Week 2: Exploring Different Perspectives

THIS TRACK TRACK 2 Goal: Learn about the causes of poverty. Investigate how poverty can best be alleviated.

THIS WEEK CASE STUDIES Goals: Analyze Case Studies to better understand the diverse strategies to alleviate poverty.

THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND LEAVE TIME FOR DEBATE PREP Leave 5-10 minutes for debate prep. BRING IN YOUR PARTNER This is a week during which it is particularly useful to bring in the voice of your partner - use them as a lens through which to analyze a case study, or as a case study themselves.


Rachel Markon & Neal Emery, co-Directors of ghU

Overview Using the foundational understanding developed through last week’s overview of the economists, this week we will challenge ourselves to apply their theories to real-world situations. We will do this by working with case studies. Analyzing salient developmental issues through the eyes of these economists, as well as our partner organization, will help us internalize some of the major inequities that GlobeMed addresses and the diverse strategies for alleviating them.

Reminder: Track 3 Preparation Just a reminder that you should have your Track 3 topic finalized by the end of this week, in order to have enough time to make plans. It is crucial that ghU coordinators do not decide this topic on their own, but that the entire chapter has a say. A couple ways to do this are to either present a few options to the chapter and let them vote or to brainstorm with the entire chapter and then vote. Either way, try to make it as democratic as possible, that way a maximum amount of people are intrigued by the topic. Once you’ve decided on a topic, please email it to globalhealthu@globemed.org so we can see what you are doing and connect you with similar chapters. You should now have two weeks to put together a detailed plan for the Track 3 investigation.

Applying the Perspectives: Analyzing Case Studies Estimated time: 20-25 minutes This week we will use case studies to deepen our understanding of the major developmental theories. Using the different perspectives touched upon last week, we will analyze both macro and micro case studies through these lenses, as well as that of our partner organization. It is important to consider both what the various economists would diagnose as the cause of poverty within a country or a community, and the strategies they would recommend to alleviate it.




globalhealthU We have provided a couple of examples of both macro and micro case studies, but feel free to supplement these with your own. Consider using your partner country as a macro example or a family in your partner community as a micro example! We recommend presenting the case studies to the chapter and having chapter members write down on the worksheets what they think each economist would do in the particular situation. Then, share these responses in an interactive discussion! Resources ✦ Case Study (Macro): Rwanda ✦ Case Study (Macro): Mozambique ✦ Case Study (Micro): GWED-G ✦ Worksheet (Macro) ✦ Worksheet (Micro)

Preparing for the Debate Estimated Time: 5-10 Minutes In preparation for next week’s debate, please try to leave time for the debate groups to meet at the end of the lesson to hash out their arguments and decide what they are doing next week. If possible, encourage them to work on their arguments outside of the meeting, as the more preparation that goes into this, the better the debate will be.


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