10 Day Skin Revival by Belinda Mackey

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10 DAY

Skin Revival

Table of Contents 6 12 14 20 24 32 40 42 48 56 58 60 62 64 66 68

Introduction Outside In Cleansers Toners Scrubs Masks Moisturisers Healing Treatments Body Washes Dry Body Brushing Deodorant Steaming Teeth and Mouth Care Hair Massage

70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 98 114 116

Clothing Sleep Linen Hygiene Inside Out Hydration Gut Health Lemon Water Exercise Fresh Air Sunshine Grounding De-Stress Nutrition What Next References




Introduction Congratulations for taking the destiny of your health and beauty into your own hands. This 10 Day Skin Revival aims to rid bad habits that have been concealing your true beauty and kickstart a new approach to skincare that will have you looking and feeling fresh for years to come! As with any detox, I am throwing you in at the deep end in order to achieve maximum results in a short period of time. It may seem like a chore at times but I urge you to fully commit and stick with it. If you can identify your big picture goal before getting started it will serve as a powerful motivational tool when you are feeling uninspired and don’t feel like putting in the effort. To help keep you on track and achieve the best possible results, I encourage you to find out what it is that is driving you to do this 10 Day Skin Revival and what it means to you to look and feel radiant for years to come.

Set aside ten uninterrupted minutes to openly and honestly finish the sentences below, which you will also find in the front of your Daily Guide. You may find your responses are quite insightful and some emotions may rise to the surface. If so, fantastic! It means you are passionate about what this lifestyle change means to you and that is an extremely powerful tool that will drive you to achieve long term success. With each of the below statements, try to get a clear visual in your mind and allow yourself to feel the associated emotion. You can then draw reference to both the negative and positive feelings at anytime throughout the next 10 days. This will keep you motivated and accountable!

When I think about the appearance of my skin right now, I feel… If I do not change what I am doing, in 12 months from now I will look and feel… If I do not change what I am doing, in 5 years from now I will look and feel… I am committing to my 10 Day Skin Revival because… Achieving this is important to me because…

Why Skincare with Food? Health is our most vital asset. There are many factors associated with the benefits of living in a modern society that can negatively affect our health, which unfortunately for the majority, are out of our immediate control. There are however two things that we do have full control over and can make a huge difference to our health over a lifetime. They are what we put in and on our body.

So let’s look at the human body. We are completely covered by skin, which is the largest organ of the body. There are three layers, being the outer epidermis, the dermis, and the deep subcutaneous tissue.




Section One

Things you will need to get started: • Blender

• Mixing bowls and utensils

• Body brush

• Pumice stone

• Cotton face pads

• Small glass bottle

• Dental floss

• Tissues

• Face washcloth or sponge

• Tongue scraper

• Juicer

• A touch of excitement!

• Kettle




Chapter One The purpose of a cleanser is to remove makeup, dirt, perspiration, excess oil, pollution and any dead skin cells that are naturally ready to shed. Cleanse your face twice daily, each morning to wash away grime and excreted waste after sleeping, and each night to remove perspiration and surface impurities that have built up throughout the day. Before applying any cleanser, hold a warm wet face cloth over your face to dampen and soften your skin. This ensures your skin is prepped for the mixture to glide on easily. Dot the mixture on your forehead, cheeks, nose, chin and neck area (avoid placing mixtures directly over the delicate skin around your eyes, except when removing eye makeup using the Makeup

Remover). Gently massage the mixture over your skin, working in circular motions and paying particular attention to open pores or areas that are rough or dry. To remove, hold your warm face cloth over your face again for a couple of seconds and then dampen a cotton face pad and use it to gently remove any excess mixture. Thoroughly wash your face with warm water using your face cloth and finish with a splash of cool water. All these natural mixtures combine toning qualities to freshen and rebalance skin ph, however you can follow up with a toner if you wish. Try each of the following cleansing mixtures throughout the 10 days and continue to use your favorites thereafter!

Makeup REMOVER Ingredients:


• 30ml castor oil

Pour the oils into a small glass bottle and shake to blend. Keep in a dark bathroom cupboard for up to 4 weeks. To avoid bacteria contamination, don’t put your fingers into the bottle, and wash the bottle well with hot soapy water each time you refill.

• 70ml olive oil If you have very dry skin, reduce the amount of castor oil to 10 – 20ml You may like to add one of the following pure essential oils (2 – 3 drops per 100mls) but be cautious of the delicate area around your eyes. Normal skin • Geranium • Ylang ylang Sensitive skin • Blue chamomile • Everlasting Dry skin • Palmarosa

Use a damp cotton face pad to apply the mixture, wiping over your forehead, cheeks, nose, chin and neck. Gently massage in circular motions and wipe off makeup with the cotton pad. Apply a drop of mixture to a fresh cotton pad and hold over each eyelid for a few seconds to gently wipe away eye makeup.


astor oil bonds to makeup and delivers essential fatty acids to skin, eyebrows and lashes. It is a natural fungicide, so great for mild skin infections and acne. And if that isn’t enough, it also contains anti-inflammatory properties.


live oil is high in anti-oxidants, primarily due to phenols, making it a great anti-aging moisturiser as it draws moisture to the skin. It too has antiinflammatory properties.

• Carrot seed Oily Skin • Thyme • Sandlewood Acne • Blue chamomile • Tea Tree • Lavender




Chapter Three

Scrubs are used once or twice a week to remove dead skin cells and stimulate skin cell renewal. For added stimulation however, we will exfoliate our face and whole body four times throughout the 10 Day Skin Revival. After this, drop back to just once or twice a week to avoid adverse effects. Using these scrubs your skin will immediately appear plump and radiant as blood flows to the surface bringing oxygen and nutrients whilst removing waste on a cellular level. Over time your skin texture will improve. Great for anyone with clogged pores or dry, dull skin. Avoid excessive scrubbing and never use coarse or gritty scrubs on sensitive irritated or sunburnt skin, open wounds, or pussy pimples.

After cleansing, whilst your skin is still wet, gently massage the scrub about your face and neck in circular motions. Pay particular attention to any blackheads, whiteheads or flakey skin. Keep the mixture moist by wetting your fingertips as required and avoid over scrubbing by applying light pressure only. Dampen a cotton face pad to gently remove excess mixture before thoroughly rinsing off all remaining mixture with warm water. Finish with a splash of cool water to soothe and close the pores and/or apply your favorite toner.

Softening Banana SCRUB Ingredients:


• 2 inch slice banana

Mash the banana in a small dish and add oatmeal and honey. Blend in lemon juice gradually as required to form a smooth paste. Ideal for mature skin types prone to the odd breakout.

• 1 tsp oatmeal • 1 tsp runny honey • 1 little squirt lemon juice


anana is an anti-wrinkle ingredient due to the many antioxidants and nutrients such as Vitamin C that helps restore collagen. It promotes soft supple skin.


atmeal is a gentle moisturising exfoliant that soothes itchy and irritated skin, making it ideal for those who are hyper sensitive and acne prone. Being high in silica, an essential nutrient that makes up collagen and helps connective tissue retain moisture, oats maintain skin elasticity and prevents premature ageing. Read about honey on page 21. Read about lemon on page 17.



Section Two



Chapter Nineteen Clear skin starts with a healthy gut. Topical treatments will only ever soothe or mask inflammatory skin conditions associated with poor gut health such as acne, rosacea and eczema. To completely overcome these crippling skin conditions, your gut bacteria must be rebalanced. This is reliant on a healthy digestive system, which starts from the mouth and ends with the anal canal.

When the bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract are in balance, our bodies are able to easily breakdown and absorb the foods we eat. Probiotics are what we call the good bacteria. Consuming fermented foods is a great way to up your probiotic intake. I prefer non-dairy options such as sauerkraut, coconut yoghurt, coconut water kefir and raw apple cider vinegar. It’s best to avoid soy based options like miso, tempeh and soy sauce, as they are all generally high in table salt, heavily processed and made with GM soy.

Prebiotics are also beneficial as they are what feed the probiotics. Bananas, asparagus, artichokes, oatmeal, legumes and sweet potato are all good prebiotic food sources. Refined carbohydrates on the other hand, feed harmful bacteria. If nothing else, be sure to eliminate all table sugar and processed foods. Limit your fruit intake to 1 – 2 handfuls per day, as high amounts of fructose can also have a negative effect on gut bacteria. Also, only eat fruit on an empty stomach as it breaks down faster than all other food and if the digestion process is interrupted, will cause stomach cramps, bloating, and gas. If you are a meat-eater, also take note that proteins (meat and dairy) and starches (potatoes and grains) do not combine well in the same meal either, as they too digest differently and can lead to bloating. In some cases grains are actually best avoided all together. An easy way to help your digestive system and slowly introduce fermented foods is by taking 2tsp – 1tbsp apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water each evening before dinner. As well as following the other nutritional guidelines set out ahead, you may wish to take a good probiotic supplement daily (I have found Lacto Flora to be the best). A healthy digestive system will truly enhance your overall result for beautiful skin, as it’s not so much the saying “you are what you eat” but more accurately “you are what you digest”.


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