The Ultimate Living Foods Guide by Amanda Froelich

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The Ultimate



By Amanda Froelich



OF CONTENTS Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 FAQ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 What are Living Foods?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Why Should One Consume More Raw, Plant-based Foods?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 100% or Not? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Detoxification & Healing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Kitchen Essentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Useful Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Pantry List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Lifestyle Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Exercise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Pure Thought, Clear Mind. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Love & Satisfaction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

About the Author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 | THE ULTIMATE LIVING FOODS GUIDE





hose who seek to exude vibrancy must adopt principles that are, in essence, vibrant as well. This is the reasoning as to why more and more people are beginning to eat cleaner, move their bodies, and really take a look at and challenge - their thoughts. It is clear that mainstream living is detrimental to the populace and average individual’s health. Currently, almost 70% of Americans are overweight or obese, and the rate of Heart Disease (a preventable disease – as proven by Dr. Joel Furhman, Dr. Caldwel Esselstyn, and Dr. Colin T. Campbell) – amongst other lifestyle illnesses – is only increasing by 6 | THE ULTIMATE LIVING FOODS GUIDE

the day because the cause of such issue is not being offered remedy. The public is also currently not being given or offered education on how to combat lifestyle challenges holistically. Western medicine is focused on relieving the symptom, not the underlying cause – mainly acidity, toxicity, weak organs, and lymphatic constipation. In result, diseases of affluence – including Diabetes, Cancer, Heart Disease, depression, stroke, skin conditions, and more – which are largely due to poor diet and unsatisfactory lifestyle choices, are taking a toll on the populace. Constantly

This book and all of Bloom for Life’s resources have been created to ensure that you do just this. It begins with diet, bleeds into lifestyle, and ultimately leads to your perception and how you choose to act on your existence. It is not an easy journey to challenge your lifestyle, for there are many factors that cause modern fare to be addicting and toxic to the body, but if you persevere and have deep desire to change and create lasting health, you will succeed.

bombarded by high-stress lifestyles and high-fat, highly processed, and low quality fare with heaping portions of animal products, most people’s stomachs are in shock and their minds in a fog. But it need not be this way, and that is the premise for Bloom for Life’s work and the guide you now own. You are meant to thrive beyond society’s accepted standard of health. It is your right, your nature, and your purpose to be healthy in mind, body, and spirit so you can transcend beyond preconceived limitations and create success in your chosen field.

Allow this guide to introduce you to the basics of healthy living for detoxification and longevity purposes. While a 100% raw, living foods diet is not for everyone, all people can benefit by adding more fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and other “high vibrational” living foods to their lifestyle. Radiant health and powerful transformation is possible.


Please find more resources (free recipes, articles, programs, and more) online at, and please, gift yourself the opportunity to invite in change and really optimize your living choices so you my create glowing health and Bloom for Life.



It doesn’t have to be an incredibly fancy version (though BlendTec and VitaMix are no doubt the best), but a blender is a wonderful tool to create smoothies, and even juices if you have a nut mylk bag.

ESSENTIALS Once you understand and become familiar with the tools and equipment needed in a living foods kitchen, it will be easier than ever to start creating wholesome, nourishing food and benefit from healing cuisine. The following list of items are exceptionally helpful when seeking to prepare cuisine similar to your favorite entrees. Though not essential – one can eat and live very simply, and this may even be optimal – they are tools to invest in if you are serious about equipping yourself with resources for transformation. You can find most of Bloom for Life’s suggestions on the website with opportunity to partake in discount. Think about it this way: investment in your health is less money spent down the road. Plus, you get to learn how to become creative with your food and make it your medicine in a creative, tasty way.


If you can get in the habit of making a green smoothie every morning for breakfast, you will experience vibrant transformation in no time.

1 | Blender

Most kitchens have a food processor, and in a living foods kitchen, it really is an essential tool for creating delectable treats. Whether grinding nuts and seeds for a pate or making a fresh and spicy salsa, a food processor helps cut your preparation time down and gain uniform size in the food matter you are playing with. Cuisinart and KitchenAid have great food processors to consider.

2 | Food Processor

Juicing separates fruit and vegetable matter from the fiber, making it an easy way to consume more nutrition without the bulk. This is very handy for those who are on cleansing protocols or need to boost their immune system and heal. As stated earlier, one can technically ‘juice’ by blending their food matter and straining with cheesecloth or a nut mylk bag, but this can result in a large amount of nutrition being lost. Masticating juicers are the best when it comes to retaining as much nutrient matter as possible because they slowly break down plant cellulose in a way that does not expose it to as much oxidation (compared with blending method), but they are also a more expensive investment. Breville, Greenstar, and Champion are three juicers recommended by Bloom for Life.

4 | Juicer

A dehydrator is a great piece of equipment for the kitchen. Excalibur is no doubt the best, but can be an expensive ($200-$250) investment, therefore the round, white version which you may even find on Craigslist can work well.

3 | Dehydrator

Dehydrating basically blows air over food you’ve prepared for an extended amount of time (average 6-18 hours) at a low temperature (less than 115 degrees F) so that none of the enzymes are lost and the food retains more nutrition.

One can technically create almost the same effect by leaving their oven door open and baking at the lowest temperature, but this uses a lot of energy. Therefore it may just be more efficient to bake the ‘living foods’ crackers and call it a day. For a lot of the recipes (like enchiladas, burgers, crackers, wraps, and more), a dehydrator is essential. The machine can be sold with Teflex sheets, or one can use parchment paper to prevent wet ‘breads’ and crackers to dry for an extended amount of time.For a lot of the recipes (like enchiladas, burgers, crackers, wraps, and more), a dehydrator is essential. All in all, Bloom for Life considers it a worthy investment if one is serious about transforming their health and allowing their body to heal in a natural, holistic way.


Lifestyle FACTORS


here is more to creating radiant health than just diet. Even though adopting healthier food options and lessening the pollution in your life does wonders – it is not ‘the end-all’ to healing or creating a life that brings you happiness. The following outlined principles are also important aspects one must consider when changing their habits to become healthier and live more connected.


EXERCISE The human body is meant for movement. Before the advent of technology and predominance of slow commute and office jobs, human beings worked for their food and played hard at life. Exercise, or ‘playful movement’ (as it really should be called) infuses all cells with oxygen, creates more mitochondria in the cells (making the body more efficient at producing energy), aids in detoxification, and keeps the mind sharp and the body lean. Optimally, all young kids and adults should engage in at least 4 days of ‘playful movement’ for about 30 minutes per day, every week. This could be in the form of playing in the park, going for a walk, jumping on the rebounder (trampoline), playing a favorite sport, doing a wellknown exercise program (like P90X for hardcore athletes, or simple home aerobics and pilates programs for others), taking a yoga class, or any other activity one finds most applicable to their lifestyle. When one begins to live cleaner and eat healthier, they will naturally have more energy. In effect, exercise will naturally become more appealing. It takes time

to build endurance and commitment to any form of sport, but with perseverance and positive mindset, one will find they feel better than ever by making ‘playful movement’ a priority.

A few tips to make exercise a habit follow: *Keep a gym bag with you at work or in your car. That way there’s no excuse to skip out on the gym when cruising back home. *Find a workout buddy. Plenty of people want to live healthier, but lack motivation to stick to their ambitions. Make a pact with a co-worker or friend to work out 2 or 3 days a week, and hold each other accountable to show up every time you have a session planned. *Make ‘playful movement’ an event for the whole family. Get everyone excited to walk or jog to the park; play with your kids in the backyard with a soccer ball or frisbee; do a MudRun or other community event together. It will strengthen your bond and also get everyone active. *Hire a personal trainer if need be. If you are the type of person that needs that one-on-one, give yourself that allowance and benefit from individualized work out plans and a coach who can track and inspire you throughout the journey.





Amanda Froelich is a living foods, plant-based chef, RHN (holistic nutritionist), ISD-certified Detoxification Specialist, author, ACE-certified Personal Trainer, and founder of Bloom for Life who has passion to help all people create radiant health and live the life they deserve. She is an avid traveler, alternative health freelance writer, ambitious entrepreneur, and spiritual devotee of no particular religion - but lover of all things. When she is not writing, running, or taking part in engaging conversation, she is planning her next adventure and contributing to her long list of blogs. You can connect with her at http:// and obtain more free recipes and resources at .


Disclaimer: The entire contents of the Ultimate Living Foods Guide e-book series is based upon the opinions and research of Bloom for, unless otherwise noted. The information provided by RHN Amanda Froelich is not intended to diagnose, treat, or ‘cure’ any illness, but instead educate and inform the reader on holistic lifestyle changes which have been proven to benefit humankind’s health. The information presented is not intended to replace a one-on-one consultation or program designed by a competent holistic healthcare professional. It is also not intended as medical advice. If you seek aid in creating vibrant health holistically and becoming empowered through life-promoting habits, visit http:// for more information or seek out an alternative practitioner located near you.


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