SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689
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October, 2018
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
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October, 2018
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689
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VACUUM DEPOT √≈¬∆’ÒØÈ ‘ÀÚ∆ «‚¿±‡∆ ‘∞µ‚ÎÀÈ
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Students & Work Permit Holders Ask us how you can become Permanent Resident of Canada? We provide services in all areas of Canadian Immigration
- Service Canada LMO & AEO Approvals - Immigration Appeals / Humanitarian & Compassionate Applications - Visitor Visa / extension of Visitor, Study & Work Permits - Business Class Immigration: Federal & Provincial - Family/Spousal Sponsorships - Live-in-Caregivers - Temporary Resident Permits, PNP All types of Affidavits, Uncontested Divorce Refugee cases, USA/ UK Visa Application OCI, Citizenship Test preparation
«‹ßÈ∆¡ª Ó‹∆ ⁄∆‹ª ÂÒØ, Ó√≈«Ò¡ª Á∂ Â∞Û’∂ Ò◊≈¿πÕ √≈¬∆’ÒØÈ Á∂ ‘∞º‚ ÎÀÈ È≈Ò √ÓÀºÒ «Ó≥‡ª «Úº⁄ Ï≈‘ Ì‹≈¿∞ ¡Â∂ ÿ Í≈¿∞ ÂØÂ≈˜≈Õ¢ ÎÀÈ Ò◊Ú≈¿∞‰ Ò¬∆
ÚÀ«’¿∞Ó «‚ͱ
Ashok Sareen M.A., RCIC
”Â∂ ¡≈ ’∂ «ÓÒØ!
(Commissioner for Oaths) Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (ICCRC # R418519)
Tel: 403-285-4270
GREEN PLAZA #213, 4818 West Wind Dr. NE CALGARY, AB T3J 3Z5
4809-Westwinds Dr N.E Calgary AB.
Bus : 403-590-5666 Cell : 403-630-5465 Fax : 1-866-496-1997
We repair and sell any kind of Vacuum. We sell Kitchen hood fans and Toilet Jet Sikh Virsa, Calgary
Service comes first before the name goes on
E-Mail: Website: Member Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants
October, 2018
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
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Sikh Virsa, Calgary
· Providing a minimum of $100,000 of coverage · Covering hospitalization, repatriation, and health care costs · From the date of entry to Canada, being valid for at least a year Canadian medical providers work closely with Canadian insurance companies, therefore visitors are required to buy their health insurance form private Canadian insurance companies. This makes the settlement and claim reimbursement process work more quickly since there is direct billing between the insurance company and the hospital or other provider. Can You Apply on Behalf of a Visitor? Much like the process for applying for your parents or
grandparents to get a Super Visa, you can apply for Super Visa health insurance on behalf of your loved ones. Unfortunately, it is easy for the policy to become null and void if you happen to make any incorrect statements regarding the health history of your Super Visa recipient. There is no requirement for getting a medical examination prior to getting insurance, though an immigration medical examination is compulsory for Super Visa applicants. But, again, the application for insurance coverage must be filled out accurately. To determine if a policy holder had a pre-existing condition, the insurance provider may do some research if a claim is submitted. By the way, a pre-existing condition is an injury, medical condition, or sickness which existed prior to the effective date of your coverage and for which the applicant received or required medical consultation or for which the applicant exhibited symptoms or signs. It really depends upon the policy as to whether a pre-existing will be covered or not. Some policies absolutely
will not cover pre-existing conditions. Other will cover it if it has been stable for a sufficient period of time. Accidental dismemberment or death are sometimes covered with this insurance, and emergency medical travel insurance is always covered. If the Super Visa is approved, additional benefits may also be purchased. Via cheque or credit card, Super Visa applicants are required to pay for the annual premium in one lump sum prior to visiting Canada, therefore there are no monthly premiums available. However, through using p u c h e r i n s u r a n c e . c o m ’s services, you can be sure to find the most affordable coverage for your needs. collects the quotes from a variety of insurance providers and lets you know what works best for your needs. Some insurance companies will even refund you the costs of any coverage that is not used by the Super Visa recipient. Once you return to your country of origin, check with the insurance company if you can get money back. (The End) October, 2018
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Harbans Singh Kandola Burnaby, Canada ---------------------------------It is extremely important to understand the concept of the God we have worshipped for thousands of years. We have searched for a spiritual path that will show us how to be good humans, to realize our true selves and answer the age-old question “Who am I?” We want a God that will give us security, safety, protection and salvation. Every religious practice and ritual that guides humans along the spiritual path flows from the concept and nature of the God we believe in. Society is the reflection of the deity we understand and worship. Nanak says JESA SEWAI TESO HOWAI TEHE KARAM KAMAAE, meaning spiritually we are the image of God. Our actions in daily life are guided by the concept of the God we worship. When our God is Sikh Virsa, Calgary
external, we find the meaning and purpose in external deity. We look for salvation after death. In contrast, when we believe God is within each one of us, and within humanity, our focus is inward to find the purpose and meaning of life. This is just one example of how our concept of God impacts our daily life. For thousands of years, our concept of God has been as the creator of the universe, a supernatural, almighty and omnipotent power that can perform miracles for us in violation of the laws of nature. We have conceptualized God as one that can do anything or everything upon prayer and answer every prayer, a God that cures our diseases, protects us from dangers. In my view, however, a more helpful concept of God, as I will discuss in detail later, is a God that Nanak described, whereby God is divine wisdom, divine knowledge, a treasure of virtues, the embodiment of the laws of
nature. In contrast, most Sikh scholars have presented the God as an external supernatural human-like BEING. I want to discuss very briefly how the concept of this supernatural external deity originated. The primitive, ancient people were very ignorant of the laws of nature, and how the events in nature happen. According to Viking Mythology there are two wolves who chase the sun and moon. When the wolves catch the sun that is when an eclipse happens. People would make a lot of noise to scare away wolves so that sun could escape from the wolves’ clutches. I read similar mythological stories in India. Because of fear, ignorance, weakness, anxiety, desires and superstitious beliefs, people invented a concept of an external being that is God to provide safety, security and protection from natural disasters, disease and life problems. Ancient people needed a Being that could control natural forces. They
invented thousands of rituals to please this external deity. When God was pleased, good things happened. When God was angry, drought, floods and disasters came. These were assumptions and beliefs. Assumptions are not reality. I believe that such a God that humans have worshipped is the projection of human ignorance, fear, anxiety, fear of death, human desires and superstitious beliefs. However, a greater understanding of the physical laws of nature started about 2500 years ago when people realized that the sun emerged from an eclipse even when no noise was made. Greek scientists were able to explain how a solar eclipse happened. There began to be an understanding of the concept of the universe that is governed by the unchangeable laws of nature that can be explained without resorting to mythical theological explanations. Today we live in a totally transformed world. We have made huge scientific and technological October, 2018
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689 advances. However, our religious thinking is still remarkably unadvanced, even primitive. People continue to think about God in the same way, as an external being. For thousands of years organized religion has asked us to accept God as a deity who knows everything and possess all powers. As discussed above, this external projection, as an external being “up there in the sky” is a conception that is a human creation to serve human needs. However, human creations can be inadequate or untrue. For example, today, based on this external conception of God, we are witnessing people in great numbers walking away from organized religion because they find religion to have little or no meaning in life. People do not find peace, happiness and joy going to places of worship. People question the very existence of God we are worshipping and what is the religion we practice done for us? They are feeling that God does not answer all our prayers, protect from hurricanes, cure our diseases, give us success in business. They are feeling that God does not punish bad people or save innocent child from death. Even worse, people blame organized religion for having done more harm than good in the world when religion is supposed to be doing only good in the world. Many people feel religion is inherently violent when it should only bring peace. Religion has been a cause of wars and conflicts when it should be causing harmony. Innocent women, children and men in the millions are being killed in the name of God and religion. As a society we witness the rise both of fundamentalism and atheism. These groups are far from the truth. Fundamentalists believe their way is the only way, and unless you think like them, you Sikh Virsa, Calgary
are a “non-believer” and many times this is a justification for killing. On the other hand, atheists may claim that the elimination of God and religion from the face of the Earth is the only solution for the world’s challenges and problems. For thousands of years we have put our faith in the external DEITY, an almighty and omnipotent God. We sought safety, security, protection and salvation. We always looked outward, fixing the outer world, outer purpose because our protector was external, outside humanity. We have never looked inward, fixing our inner world, or a conscious transformation of the self. Today we are less happy, stressed out, depressed, worried and miserable in society. Humanity today is in search of a new vision, new way of life, new spiritual path for peace, happiness and joy of life. Now I turn to discuss what I believe is that new vision, new path. I must discuss that path beyond organized religion being practiced today, beyond heaven and hell, beyond life after death beliefs. We do not need to walk away from religion or spirituality but walk through to new way of life. This journey is an inward journey, about inner engineering, conscious transformation. This journey is about changing one’s own thoughts and behavior. In this journey, one does not look outward for the meaning of life. I will not find the meaning of life in the material world. I will not
find the meaning of life in the supernatural external deity. My focus is inward. I do not have to go anywhere: I need to go within. I no longer look outward for God but begin to look inward. The path to inner happiness and world peace is internal not external. This is where I begin to discuss the concept of God and spiritual philosophy of the enlightened visionary, Guru Nanak. I may mention here that there has been philosophers and theologians who presented reasoned and viable concept of God and spiritual thinking. Unfortunately, their ideas were suppressed, they were excommunicated or even killed. Kahan Singh Nabha, a Sikh scholar mentions that he was labeled atheist for his progressive spiritual ideas. Nanak (1469-1539) was bright, enlightened and revolutionary thinker. At the age of ten he challenged the thousands years old religious practices and traditions he considered worthless. In Mecca round 1518 he was questioned by Muslim Priest what is your religion. The answer was I am man of God I have no religion. What a profound statement. Jews, Buddhist, Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs are just labels created by us. We are all humans first. Nanak did not believe in supernatural external deity. Rejected all life after death beliefs. Rejected the concept of heaven and hell. Did not believe in miracles. His focus was only
one KIV SACHIARA HOEEAI KIV KOORAI TUTAI PAAL meaning how can we break the walls of ignorance, ego, fear and falsehood. How can we realize spiritual awakening, find meaning of life, our true self? He believed this is the role and relevance of God and religion in human life. He said SARAB DHARAM MAI SAREST DHARAM HARKO NAAM JAP NIRMAL KARAM meaning the primary purpose of God, religion in the world is to create a spiritual path for humanity to realize inner transformation, change in thoughts, behavior, be society with compassion, tolerance, kindness and love. As I said before that religious or spiritual philosophy of any faith flow from the concept of God, understanding what God is. I will discuss in detail later but want to mention that God of Nanak is divine wisdom, knowledge, treasure of virtues, embodiment of the laws of nature Nanak call will of God. God is formless, timeless, has no size, shape or color. Most important God is within all of us. God of Nanak all about inner world, inner change, inner purpose. God of Nanak has nothing to do with material world, outer purpose. That is why Nanak says concept of God, religion is not the subject that covers scientific explanations what is the universe made of, how and when universe came into existence and how the laws of universe operate. In Bani Japji Nanak clearly states that Muslim, Hindu theologians, Yogis did not know. I have no power he says to explain the creation of universe. I have no power to explain how certain things happen in the universe. He clearly says BALIHAREE KUDRAT WASIA TERA ANT NA JAEE LAKHIA meaning God is the embodiment of the laws of nature. The magnificent October, 2018
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689 structure of nature I cannot comprehend give me the feeling of humility. I surrender to the laws of nature, will of God and learn to live in the present. Many Sikh teachers and scholars make the mistake when they claim that Guru Nanak explain the creation of universe. They use the following line from AAD GURU GRANTH SAHIB, Sikh scriptures. SACHE TE PAWNA BHAIAA PAWANE TE JAL HOEE. JAL TE TREBHAWAN SAJIAA GHAT GHAT JOT SAMOAI meaning first there was God by himself, nothing else existed. Then God created air. From air God created water and from water everything else emerged. Unfortunately, this is literal translation the common mistake in interpreting GURBANI. When we analyse the central theme of this hymn it has nothing to do with theory of creation. It is all about inner conscious transformation, spiritual creation of inner world. Central line is MANN RE SABD TRO CHIT LAEE. JINN GURMUKH NAAM NA BHOOJIA MAR JANMAI AWAI JAEE meaning contemplate on divine wisdom, godly virtues, thus be spiritually awakened, realize your true self, enjoy peace and happiness. Those who chose to remain ignorant of truth, egoistic suffer in pain ever day here and now.
Sikh Virsa, Calgary
The whole hymn is about inner change. It is interesting to note that Nanak did not assume things. I believe Nanak took the approach that what I do not know I do not know. Nanak says IK DAJEH IK DABIEEAI IKNA KUTE KHAAI. IK PANI WITCH OOSTIAIH IK BHEE PHIR HASAN PAAI. NANAK EV NA JAPAEE KITHAI JAAE SAMAAI meaning there are various ways people dispose off dead body. Some cremate, some are buried, others are left at open ground to be eaten by vultures. Some are thrown in the running water while others are thrown in dry well. Nanak says nobody knows what happen to us after death. Assumptions about life after death are simple speculations. Assumptions are not truth. The first word Nanak wrote in AGGS is IK ONKAR God is one universal reality, truth. IK ONKAR is not just a word, it has practical application creating harmony among people and relevance in daily life. One universal truth is formless, no shape, size or color and is eternal. Eternal truth is not confined in KABA, JERUSALAM, KANSHI OR HARIMADER SAHIB (GOLDEN TEMPLE). God is not a BEING that take human form. God is not personal, my God, your God. God is not Catholic, Protestant, Sunni, Shia, fundamentalist, moderate, high
or low. Universal truth has no religion. We create divisions because of inadequate understanding and unviable concept of God. Nanak says EK PITA EKS KE HUM BARIK meaning one fatherhood and brotherhood of mankind. We all have same spark of divine enlightenment within us. We are all humans, connected one big family. We are all humans. EK NOOR TE SABH JAG OPJIA KAUN BHALE KO MANDE meaning every one of us come from same source, we all have same divine energy within us. How can we then judge others as high, low, believers, nonbelievers, black, white or brown. I was surprised to know that religious teachings are not allowed in British Columbia schools because people complain it is Christian, Jewish, Aboriginal, Sikh, Hindu. I do not know what is the religion of truth, divine wisdom, compassion. What is the religion of God. IK ONKAR, the universal truth cannot be divided into classes, ideologies. All in one and one in all is the message of Nanak. God is the embodiment of the laws of nature. Do the cosmic laws discriminate based on color, creed or ideology? When rain falls, falls on Buddhists, Christians, Muslims Hindus and Sikhs, atheists, rich, poor equally. That is what Nanak
says is oneness of God. Oneness of God is a blue print for brotherhood of mankind, human respect and unity, pluralism and world peace. Unfortunately, organized religion is locked in the thousand years old ideology and failed to come up with viable concept of God. English philosopher John Lock (1632— 1704) wrote, I am so convinced that the religious intolerance that had rent Europe apart for thirty years was simply inadequate idea of God. Nanak said God is SHABD GURU, BANI GURU, GIAN GURU meaning God is divine wisdom, divine knowledge, divine intellect. KAHO KABIR MAIN SO GUR PAEEA JA KA NAU BIBEKO meaning God is divine wisdom. It is the spiritual wisdom, knowledge that dispel darkness of ignorance, ego, slavery of my own mind, thoughts. Divine wisdom transform myself conscious to godly, spiritually awakened conscious, conscious that is virtuous. Divine wisdom, knowledge is the transformational power that decide what right, what is wrong. Nanak says GIAN ANJAN GUR DIA AGNIAN ANDHER VINAS meaning darkness of spiritual ignorance can only be dispelled through wisdom, knowledge, intellect. Transformation of consciousness only happen through divine intellect. All human progress is through intellect. Intellect when guided by divine principals can transform the world. God is the biggest creator but not the physical universe but our enlightened consciousness, our inner world. That is the creative power of God. That is the meaning and relevance of God in our daily life. God of Nanak is to be experienced, realized and lived in daily life. Nanak says God is treasure of godly virtues GOBIND GUNNI NIDHAN HAI. God is compassion, concern for October, 2018
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October, 2018
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689 others, tolerance accepting others the way they are, kindness goodness at heart, love equality and respect, contentment free from attachment to form, material world and harmony we are one big family, fearless without fear and without animosity. Nanak says MANN MERIA UNTER TERE NIDHAN HAI meaning God as treasure of virtues is within all of us. We are ocean of peace and happiness. This is our real self. How do we realize this God? Nanak says VASTU UNDER VAST SMAVAI DUJI HOWAI PASS meaning through contemplation on divine wisdom and godly virtues we need to unlearn our bad habits, evil thoughts, ego one by one, empty out garbage we have collected all life. Only then we can internalize and live godly virtues. Nanak says we do not become good by trying to be good but by finding the goodness within us. This is realizing God within, finding meaning of life, live in peace and happiness, be pleasant and spread pleasantness all around. Nanak says God is totality, embodiment of the laws of nature. Nanak says BALIHAREE KUDRAT WASIA meaning God is the embodiment of the laws of nature. In Sikh Scriptures nature and God have been discussed in the same context. Nanak says in this universe all things simply is the manifestation of God. I understand there has been other philosophers who called nature God. In spiritual philosophy of Nanak God is a way of life, spiritual guiding principals. Nanak called laws of nature a will of God, RAZA, BHANNA, HUQAM, that nothing in the universe happen outside or in violation of the laws of nature, will of God. Nanak HUQMAI UNDER SABH KO BAHAR HUQAM NA KOAE meaning that everything in universe operates according to laws of nature, no exceptions ever happen in violation of the laws of nature. In his text ASA DI VAR Nanak says air, water, fire, sun, moon, birth, death, good, bad happen according to laws of nature. Surrendering to the laws of nature is living the will of God. In modern term we call living in the present. Spiritual message of Nanak is the same, accepting situations as they happen. Our stress, worries, anxiety, mental problems come from living in the way of conflict, resisting, denying the facts. Once we learn to live in the present, way of surrender we find peace, happiness and joy in life here and now. This is realizing God in nature. (more about this in chapter Living The Will of God). (The End) Sikh Virsa, Calgary
Guru Nanak Ji separated Vedantic philosophy from religion, and declared it to be a mere gymnastics of the mind. Guru Ji showed me that religion is less a matter of intellect and more a matter of spirit. The practice of Yoga may do very well for emptying the mind of desires, but it only gives a negative result. I feel I remain as much removed from the love of God in this stupid
by Janmeet Singh Pyare Sadh Sangat Ji, Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh!! I would like to share the following: I have previously misinterpreted Guru Nanak Ji's way of dealing with the existing religions of the world as sympathetic. I saw in our great Guru Ji nothing more than a reformer, who carried a message of peace for everybody. I have began to realize, however, that Guru Nanak Ji, was the greatest teacher of the world who brought forward true knowledge and made no compromises in his principles. During my limited study and understanding of the shabads of Guru Nanak Ji, I felt that the Guru Ji found existing religions to be seething masses of moral putrefaction. He detected among their elements rituals and superstition, and he struck at the root of these problems by demanding truth in faith and spirit in worship. Guru Ji cleared away everything that inhibited the relationship between God and human. Guru Ji held out no promises in this world or even in the next world. Guru Ji taught that the idea of life, the measure of salvation, is not happiness or peace of mind. To serve God and be able to love Him is in itself better than happiness, though it may be with wounded feet, bleeding brows, and laden with sorrow. 162.
nothingness as when I am troubled by various desires. Guru Nanak Ji substituted music, the singing of God's praises (SHABAD KIRTAN), for Yoga as a means of linking the soul of humans with God. Guru Nanak Ji also helped greatly improve existing spiritual rules of conduct. There are two sorts of duties: (1) what we ought to do and (2) what we ought NOT to do. World religions had very early recognized the latter. "Thou shall NOT kill and Thou shall NOT do this or that.....this was all that was understood by the word Dharma or duty. But by concentrating all my attention on one side of the matter, I forgot that the other side existed at all. This emphasis on the negative side of virtue led to the adoption of asceticism in the east as the highest ideal of life, which ultimately means the negation of all manly duty. Guru Nanak Ji preached a higher truth. To him LOVE was ACTIVE SERVICE, and his disciples soon profited from this teaching. I have not seen a higher record of service in history than that shown by the Sikhs, who were taught to annihilate the thought of self and utilize all their energy in the SERVICE of GOD and HUMANITY. To me, no one LOVED God and humanity more than Guru Nanak Ji. By the Guru's grace, may we all be blessed to carry Guru Nanak Ji's mission into the future. (The End) October, 2018
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689
By Ridhisha Mekala Four years ago in my home country of India, if someone asked me how I would describe snow, I would have most definitely said “a carpet of glistening sparkles.” Four years later, in my new home country of Canada, I beg to differ on that view. Don’t mistake me; I still like the snow, and during every winter I do look forward to the very first snowfall in Canada. Not only is it calming to watch the gentle snowflakes falling from the sky, but also it reminds me of the upcoming phenomenal ‘White Christmas.’ However, after Christmas, I sometimes catch myself asking “what next?” Come January, the winter in Canada can get much harsher, with the cold lasting through February. Canadian winter for immigrants can seem like an unfamiliar concept at first especially when migrating from a warm country like India. During my first Canadian winter, I still remember the day when my feet turned frighteningly numb and felt like icicles as a result of wearing the wrong set of shoes. As a new immigrant, I always got my sense of winter clothing wrong until my friendly Colombian neighbor also an immigrant told me about the art of “layering” clothes. In hindsight, I should have asked myself before arriving in Canada, “What clothing do I need for my first Canadian Winter?”But now I’m glad that after all these years, it is through my experiences that I have learned that, Canadian winter is all about dressing to stay warm and not about looking stylish. Sikh Virsa, Calgary
For a lot of new, inexperienced Canadian immigrants, it’s important to get winterready by investing in good winter clothing. The most important and basic winter clothing every immigrant needs to have handy is a reliable body-sized waterresistant coat that is meant for withstanding negative temperatures. Never compromise on the quality of a winter coat. Even if it is slightly pricey, it’s still worth an investment. The other essential winter clothing you will need is snow boots, a pair of mittens and a winter hat which will greatly help in staying warm against the wind chills. Canada is perhaps one of the very few countries that goes through the cycle of extreme weather conditions. On the one hand, there is a harsh cold winter season, and on the other, it has the most beautiful spring and summer season ever. The average temperatures in the winter can vary across Canada depending on the location, which also creates an impressive diversity of the weather conditions. For example in provinces such as Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba the average daily temperature can be anywhere between -15 degrees C and as low as -40 degrees C. WhereasBritish Columbia enjoys a relatively mild and rainy winter where the temperature rarely drops 163.
below the freezing point. Even though the winter season comprises of December, January, and February, sometimes it can stretch until March depending on the severity in the temperatures. Winter is a huge part of the Canadian culture which reflects in the Canadian art, music, literature, lifestyle and sports. As a way of coping positively with the cold weather, there are so many activities you can do. Get to know Canada’s seasonal celebrations by taking part in the winter events like the light festivals such as ‘Toronto’s Cavalcade of Lights’ or the ‘Winter Festival of Lights celebrations in Vancouver.’ The ‘Winterlude in Ottawa’ that features the world’s longest rink, ice sculptures, and lots of food and hot drinks is also a great attraction. Take a fun trip with your kids to see the ‘QuébecWinter Carnival’ in the Québec City. If you like adventure, try to learn skiing or ice skating or go dog-sledding, ice-fishing, etc. If you don’t have the funds or access to the above options, you can try other ways to stay busy by keeping physically active through exercises. Even a ten-minute walk in the sunlight can release and combat the winter stress and help in the overall mental and physical well-being. So the big question is how to make it through Canada’s winters? The fact that Canadians don’t hibernate during the winter and get outdoors to experience life is admirable for immigrants like me. It is this very attitude of embracing and identifying with the winter that makes Canadians excel in the field of winter sports like Hockey, ice skating, curling, skiing, snowboarding, etc. The real spirit of merging with the Canadians comes from being open minded and experiencing the country’s vast culture despite its harsh climatic conditions. As a relatively new immigrant, I am still adjusting to the cold climate one winter at a time. (The End)
October, 2018
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
Harbans Lal, Ph.D.; D.Litt. (Hons) In the past few days, Punjab minister Navjot Singh Sidhu brought good news. He announced that the Pakistan Army Chief Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa had told him that Islamabad would open a corridor to connect Gurdwara Darbar Sahib at Kartarpur in Pakistan’s Narowal district with Gurdwara Dera Sahib on the Eastern side of the river Ravi. This was a gesture on the 550th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak in the Year 2019. General Bajwa’s announcement expressed the honest and far-sighted view of the newly elected Pakistan Prime Minister, Imran Khan – who confirmed the promise soon after by a direct statement from the Prime Minister’s office. Navjot was not alone, the Chief Minister of Punjab Sardar Amarinder Singh was right behind the long-awaited gestor between the two countries. They have already submitted a letter of proposal to the Government of India on their corridor plan. India and Pakistan have been at each other ’s throat for the past seven decades. The wounds of partition were not tending to heal. Instead, they were waiting for the skies to open to shower any healing balm from the above. The 550 th year of Guru Nanak’s advent may well be such a juncture. Guru Nanak was born at Talwandi Sikh Virsa, Calgary
that was later named after him as Nanakana. It is only 170 km from the West banks of the river Ravi, where Guru Nanak established the town of Kartarpur and spent last 18 years of his life. There, he founded a worldwide movement which is now known as Sikhi-sm. That, in turn, made Kartarpur Gurdwara as the Sikhs’ most sacred and most historic Gurdwara, akin to Holy Medina for the Muslim world. Besides, Kartarpur is holy to not only Sikhs but to civil societies at large because of the universal peace message that its unique history imparts for all civil societies. Kartarpur is situated on the Western banks of river Ravi. Across from Kartarpur on the Eastern banks of Ravi is the town of Dera Baba Nanak, where Guru Nanak visited often. His in-laws lived there, and Guru Nanak’s family was taken care in the same city during his long journeys. For centuries during and after the days of Guru Nanak, devotees routinely traveled both ways on the bridge across Ravi to pay obeisance to Gurdwaras in Kartarpur and Dera Baba Nanak. They visited there for daily prayers and inspirations as well as to touch the dust of the land where Guru Nanak ingrained his footsteps. The road and railroad bridge connecting the two holy shrines was constructed by the British Govt, around 164.
1927 AD. (Figure 1Painting of Kartarpur Bridge). However, the war between Pakistan and India broke out, and this sacred bridge became a casualty; the air-force bombed it for defense reasons. Although the war was only short-lived, the loss of the bridge was forever to the agony of all lovers of Guru Nanak; the offending government never rebuilt the fatally damaged bridge. Soon after the war, Sri Nanakana Sahib Foundation under the leadership of Sardar Ganga Singh made as its agenda to restore the corridor bridge. At the Annual meeting of the Nanakana Foundation at its 25 th Anniversary in Lahore, we resolved to ask for the reconstruction of the bridge and constituted a delegation under the leadership of Sardar Ganga Singh to meet with the President of Pakistan and other Pakistani authorities. It was so done. The Sikh delegation met with the President of Pakistan and other Pakistani authorities to move forward our proposal. Similarly, we held a National conference of the Pakistani Muslim Ulemas (Islamic religious scholars) in Lahore to establish the Muslim-Sikh Itehad (unity) organization in order to promote the issue further. The international representatives who took active part in the deliberations in Lahore meetings included, Col. Chaudhary Hamid Ali, President Nanakana Foundation, Sardar Ganga Singh Dhillon, Dr. Bhai Harbans Lal, Sardar Joginder Singh advocate, Sardar Hukam Singh, Sardar Harbhajan Singh, Sardar Kesar Singh Dhaliwal, Sardar and Sardarni Bawa Ujagar Singh, Bibi Kanwaljit Kaur, Sardar Balwant Singh Goraya, Sardar Kesar Singh, Sardar Kartar Singh Bal, Sardar Bhupinder Singh, Sardar Satnam Singh Bhugra, Sardar Gyan Singh, Sardar Harpal Singh Bhullar, Sardar Perminder Singh Soch and others (my apology for the names that I have forgotten since the Lahore conference, and group photos including every one that I do not have in my records-HL). Among other issues of the free excess to the Sikh shrines in Pakistan, we asked that a corridor bridge is built and designated as the Baba Nanak International Peace Bridge. We explored various avenues for the construction and financing the October, 2018
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689 International Peace Bridge on Ravi to connect the two Sikh historical sight. At this time, the Pakistan Govt had already announced the formation of the Pakistan Sikh Gurdwara Parbandhak (management) Committee. The Govt. thus was friendly towards our proposals. It is at about the same time; the then Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee visited Pakistan on the opening of the Delhi-Lahore bus service. His inner circles told us that he talked about the corridor issue with Pakistan Government. Obviously, these conversations were perhaps off the record. Perhaps because of all these pressures that, in November 2000, on the birthday of Guru Nanak, a proclamation was held in Lahore that the Government of Pakistan was ready to make collaboration on the corridor project if there was a positive response from the Government of India. It was on that occasion that with the help of Sardar Harbhajan Singh of the World Bank office in Washington DC, our delegation also met with the World Bank authorities in Pakistan. There, in response to our proposal of the Guru Nanak International Peace Bridge, we were told that the World Blank could advance a loan of up to 15 million dollars to build the
International Peace Bridge. The caviar was that both Pakistan and India had to consent and apply for the loan together. Initial inquiries told us that it would not be possible to have Govt. of India to support the bridge on account of security concerns. There was no follow up of the proposals and announcements of those years on the governmental level to my knowledge. Despite all demands, due to a non-mutual agreement between the two sides, the joint corridor has not been undertaken. Although, it is often claimed that both the governments of the two sides are showing strenuous efforts to initiate a peace process. Since the diplomatic view of both sides is not clear, the plan for this project is not succeeding. In 2001, an old colleague of the All India Sikh Students’ Federation, Jathedar Kuldeep Singh Wadala founded ‘Kartarpur Sahib-Ravi Darshan Abhalashashi Sanstha’ in order to raise the public consciousness in both Punjabs. He spoke at numerous public meetings and widely distributed literature supporting this issue. After this, nearly half-a-dozen organizations sprang up into action to realize this goal of building the corridor. Waiting for three-quarters of a century to travel around two miles, the news from
our current Sikh Punjab ministers, Navjodh Singh and Amrinder Singh, is very welcome news. Nearly 300 million admirers of Guru Nanak all over the world are very jubilant; they will be more so when they walk over the peace bridge in the name of Guru Nanak. Presently Sikhs in India visit the Indian side of the river Ravi to have a glimpse of the Gurdwara Kartarpur located on the Pakistani side of the river. They use binoculars provided by the security forces. This is all because of the wrangles in obtaining visas. The Baba Nanak International Bridge will be not only a welcome gesture for the Sikhs all over the world, but it will enhance the psyche of the peace process in the subcontinent. Let us pray that Pakistani Naval Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa and Punjab Cabinet Minister Navjot Singh Sidhu succeed in the efforts they jointly initiated. When the bridge is complete, its name as The Baba Nanak International Peace Bridge will be very appropriate. Sri Nanakana Sahib Foundation conceived this name in 2000 to pay homage to the Guru Nanak’s efforts across the continents to unite the warring communities in South East Asia and the Islamic countries. (The End)
SACA Ladies Celebrated Teean and Seminar on Domestic Violence Calgary: South Asian Canadian Association Ladies Celebrated Teean in Prairie Wind Park on 9Th September 2018. About 65 Ladies Wearing very Colourful Dress Attended the Function. Most of the Ladies took part in dance,Gidha, Boleean and Chutkly etc. Lalita Singh Delivered the Lecture on Do-
Sikh Virsa, Calgary
mestic Violence. The Members had Debate on the Awareness Of Domestic Violence. Members given the Suggestion that this type of program should be Conducted at Least once in month. SACA is very much Interest to bring out the Seniors from their home and entertain them to Remove their
Stress at least for wiles. Dalbir Kang spent her valuable time to Inform and Invite the Members. The Delicious Food was Arranged from the Original Sweet Restaurant.
Jagjit Singh Sohi work hard as Volunteer .Sam Sahota (President) thanks the Members for sparing their Valuable time to Attend the Function. (The End)
October, 2018
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
If we wanted to measure the morality of a culture, what would be the best way to do so? Some may suggest looking at statistics of crime or drug use. Others would tell you to look at divorce rates, church participation, or births that take place out-ofwedlock. Many of these would provide a good clue as to the health of a culture, but even some atheists would agree that a thorough measure would be to stack up the culture against the seven deadly sins, which were introduced into the Christian faith to help its adherents avoid sin. If you use this yardstick on American culture, it’s hard not to conclude that it is indeed the most degenerate in the world. 1. Lust Lust or lechery is an intense desire. It is a general term for desire. Therefore lust could involve the intense desire of money, food, fame, power, or sex. Sikh Virsa, Calgary
Right now, there are thousands of intelligent teenage boys who dream of becoming a rock star instead of a doctor or engineer. There are teenage girls uploading selfies to Facebook and Instagram in the hopes of gaining attention instead of seeking out a good man in her prime fertile years. There are morbidly obese individuals stuffing their face with food made dense with sugar and fat even though their body does not require it. There are men whose lives revolve around the accumulation of material possessions or status badges to impress women who have been trained to become drawn into anything that shines or sparkles. The foundation of America is held up by the five pillars of lust: money, food, fame, power, and sex. These vices have been monetized by multi-national corporations to ensure they get a slice of the pie in your destructive journey towards moral
abasement. There is no other country in the world that makes lust such a daily and all-encompassing feature of life than America. 2. Gluttony …over-indulgent and overconsumption of anything to the point of waste… it could also include an obsessive anticipation of meals, and the constant eating of delicacies and excessively costly foods. America is the fattest developed country in the world. Over half of the population is medically overweight with no concern on how this affects their appearance and what it says about their character. People eat when they are not hungry, and then they eat some more, the richest and
most unhealthy foods that have ever bee constructed. They look in the mirror and instead of accepting that they’ve transmorphed into a monstrosity of a human being, they scream at you for shaming them and pointing out their horrendous gluttony. They’re actually healthy, we’re told, even though their immense carriage prevents them from fitting in a standard airplane seat. Self-control is becoming so
October, 2018
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689 rare that those who have it could likely be diagnosed as having obsessive-compulsive disorder. You only live once, they say, so the rule is to seek out your fleeting moment of happiness in a large piece of chocolate cake, after you’ve already eaten a meal fit for two. 3. Greed …a very excessive or rapacious desire and pursuit of material possessions… greed is an inordinate desire to acquire or possess more than one needs, especially with respect to material wealth Americans don’t judge themselves based on their experience and knowledge—they judge themselves based on theirs possessions. They proudly display their newest gadget, their fancy car, or the latest fashion, but even with these objects, they become quickly disappointed and feel compelled to make another trip to the mall or They seek to gain more and more, racing with their peers to be the most mindless and robotic with their consumption, hoping corporate products fill their empty lives. They want to feel rich and
Sikh Virsa, Calgary
important through objects they can touch and show to others, not through any wisdom they’ve attained from living life deliberately. Their lives are dedicated not to making a positive difference, not to leaving this world with something that helps the next generation, but leaving behind a McMansion full of crap. Americans don’t work to live—they work to stuff their home with Chinese-made products that no one will want after they die. 4. Sloth While sloth is sometimes defined as physical laziness, spiritual laziness is emphasized. Sloth has also been defined as a failure to do things that one should do. slots Americans work long hours in their cubicle job so that they can spend most of their time off with mindless, loony pursuits. A man or woman in their prime will slave away 50 hours a week in a job to buy things they don’t need and entertain themselves with electronics, trendy dining, and fornication. Only after many continuous years of pursuing nonstop fornication have I realized that it was not the path to
personal fulfillment that I thought (but it was a path to the truth I attempt to speak now). You may laugh at my incorrect assumption, but what else can you expect when the American women I interacted with actually preferred casual sexual encounters that wouldn’t interfere with their career and busy social calendar? Thankfully, my satisfying mini-relationships with foreign women who have not yet been corrupted by American culture has shown me a different path, planting a seed within me to pursue more meaning. One additional symptom of sloth is entitlement. Is there any other people more entitled than Americans? If you were to distill their mentality in only one word, it would simply be “Gimme!” They believe they are deserving of all the good in life without the introspection, analysis, and strenuous individual labor that success requires. Only in America do you have people majoring in the most childish of majors like communications, sociology, art history, or psychology and
then expecting to live out the American dream with a car, apartment, and daily Frappucino habit after wasting four years learning something that you or I could achieve in 3 months with a few trips to the local bookstore. An American is someone who walks on a treadmill for 5 minutes a day on the slowest setting and then wonders why they don’t have a rock-hard six pack and bulging biceps. 5. Wrath …inordinate and uncontrolled feelings of hatred or anger. Wrath, in its purest form, presents with self-destructiveness. Why do Americans pursue a life of nonstop gluttony, sloth, and lust? Because they believe these vices will provide them with the happiness and meaning they want. But of course it doesn’t, and the only response left for them is the anger and rage of not feeling spiritual or existential fulfillment after becoming a slave to their most primitive and hedonistic desires. Consider that the term “hate reading” was invented in America, where millions of empty people seek out articles that they know will anger them just to feel alive for a few minutes and fill the remaining void left over from their already incessant pursuit of distraction. You can easily view their anger every day on Youtube and Liveleak—videos of public meltdowns, fights, and violence in public places that started for the most trivial of reasons that they were emotionally incapable of brushing off like a well-balanced adult. An American’s sanity is hanging by a thread, one step away from a full-blown breakdown, of yelling at the Starbucks barista, of attacking someone who stepped on their shoe, or of outright shooting someone with a handgun because of a traffic incident. This is in spite of the fact that AmeriOctober, 2018
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
cans are the most medicated in the world with millions of antidepressant and anti-anxiety pills swallowed every day. A significant percentage of the population needs pharmaceutical chemicals just to keep their rage subdued, just to get through yet another day, and that’s not even enough to keep them sane. 6. Envy Envy is similar to jealous in that they both feel discontent towards someone’s traits, status, abilities, and rewards. If you want an American to hate you, simply succeed in life. No other country breeds people with such feelings of inferiority to think that another person’s success is their personal failure, as if everything in life is zerosum. In fact, the phrase “Keeping up with the Jones'” originated in America as a direct result of our envious view upon our neighbor. Envy is a core American value and has been for several generations. Even your family, your flesh and blood, has been poisoned by this mentality and much rather see you stumble than to see you break free from the chains of existential mediocrity to achieve your maximum potential. While envy is definitely a Sikh Virsa, Calgary
common human trait, consider that in Scandinavia they possess a cultural code called Jante Law (pictured above) which forbids it. Whether it works or not is up for debate, but they’re at least attempting to subdue it. America, on the other hand, encourages it with a culture of “hating” where every little action of our celebrities, no matter how minor, is placed under the microscope to be ridiculed and mocked. Only in America has envy actually been monetized to the tune of a multi-billion dollar celebrity gossip industry, so profitable because the most reliable way for Americans to feel better about themselves is to see someone fall on their face. Genuine self-improvement is much harder than merely laughing at the misfortune of others. 7. Pride It is identified as believing that one is essentially better than others, failing to acknowledge the accomplishments of others, and excessive admiration of the personal self.
Mirror mirror on the wall, tell me who is the most narcissistic of them all. Tell me who can’t stop themselves from taking a million selfies, from attention whoring all hours of the day, from talking about themselves as if the sun orbited around their center, who exaggerate all accomplishments and brag about the most minor of achievements, who think running a 5k is a noble duty, who eat at fancy new restaurants as a way to brag to their friends, who look down on those who don’t have the right job or the right clothes or the right gadgets, who believe that the laws of human nature can be defeated with Botox and that they are the most unique snowflake of them all. Please tell me who this person is! The mirror replies: “The American is the most self-important of them all, who really believe they are exceptional, who believe they are the royalty of modern humanity, who believe their actions warrant nothing in the way of careful thought and whose mere presence should be met with rousing applause.” Can you name a culture more degenerate than America? Because if you can, I’d like to hear it. I’ve been to over 25 countries
and haven’t found one that matches the degeneracy of the West, and the two that come closest, Canada and England, will never rise up to match it. If anything, they are a low fidelity copy of the worst that America has created and nurtured in the past 50 years, a complete abandonment of what it takes to be a virtuous human being. America is a country who trains its subjects to embrace every sin every single day of their lives. I don’t believe in God, but if I did I would pray every night that He destroys American culture, a soul-sucking leech on over 300 million human beings and countless more outside its borders, a demon that is enslaving human beings to feed their darkest urges and bottomless pits of narcissism, to obsessing over Chinese products and mindless nonstop entertainment, to worshiping at the alter of the government instead of the family, to creating helpless zombies instead of self-reliant individuals, and to equating homosexuality with normality. Please God, let this culture be devoured, even if it means an age of darkness where we must learn from scratch how to be good again.
October, 2018
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689
Hannah Braime Many of us live with a level of persistent low-grade stress that becomes so normalised that most of the time, we don’t even realise it’s there.While we might not be displaying obvious signs of stress, cortisol—the hormone associated with stress—wreaks havoc on our mental and physical health over the long-term. Therefore it’s important to make time to clear our minds and bring some peace into our lives, even if we’re not feeling particularly anxious. Here are 11 suggestions you can use to make your mind calm and peaceful. Make time to meditate : Meditation has a number of positive effects on mind and body. It’s also deceptively hard, which is why many people try it once or twice but struggle to make it a regular habit. Meditation helps combat the physical and emotional affects of stress and has lasting benefits that affect your productivity, as well as your ability to relax. Set aside time to meditate for just 10 minutes a day over the next week or two and experience the benefits for yourself. Focus on gratitude :When we’re facing a series of challenges, it can be easy to slip into tunnel vision and focus on what’s going wrong at the expense of noticing what’s going well. Even taking the time to write down just three things each day that we feel grateful for can help reinstate a balanced Sikh Virsa, Calgary
perspective on our day-to-day experience. Notice internal judgements : While many of us fear judgement from others, the harshest criticisms we experience are often self-inflicted. Nothing clutters and stresses the mind like internal self-judgements, so pay attention to your thought patterns and notice when your inner critic rears up. Being aware of these thoughts as they occur is the first, and most important, step towards replacing criticism with calm. Practice self-compassion :Once we are able to notice our self-criticisms and judgements in the moment, we have a chance to practice self-compassion. This means acknowledging and accepting reality, and extending the same kind of compassion to ourselves that we would to a good friend in our situ-
ation. In doing this, we stop measuring ourselves against different standards compared to other people. Distance yourself from negative self-talk and beliefs We can’t necessarily stop ourselves experiencing negative self-talk and beliefs but we can distance ourselves from them. Using the phrase “I notice that…[I’m judging myself harshly for forgetting that file this morning]” whenever we identify a negative self-judgement or belief helps us see these beliefs for what they really are: opinions, rather than facts. Set routines : Setting routines might sound like a recipe for boredom but it actually helps instil a day-to-day sense of peace in our minds. When we have set routines, we have less decisions to make during the day. This frees up space in our minds for bigger, more important tasks. Keep a journal : Journaling is a great way to get our thoughts out of our heads and onto paper. Writing down our most pressing thoughts and worries each day has a similar effect to talking to someone about them. By making time to journal, you’re giving yourself the chance to process your thoughts and feelings, and to express them in a safe, private space. Create a to-do list :Similar to journaling, writing down your tasks and projects helps clear your mind. If you find that various activities and reminders keep popping into your head and distracting you from the task at hand, a system like Getting Things Done can help increase your productivity and your mental calm. Exercise : It’s a well-known fact that exercise augments our sense of mental well-being. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, exercising for just 10 minutes can release endorphins, pain-killing chemicals that help induce a state of mental and physical peace. Experiment : Finally, it’s important to remember that everyone is different. What helps one person find peace and calm might have the opposite effect on the next. As you go about your day, notice the times when you feel most at ease and make note of what you’re doing at that time. Experiment with the methods above, as well as your own suggestions, and create your own list of activities that help your mind find clarity and relaxation. (The End) October, 2018
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
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’ج∆ Ú∆ ÿ, ‹Ó∆È, «Ï‹ÈÀ√ ‹ª «¬ÈÚÀ√‡ÓÀ∫‡ Íz≈͇∆ ÷∆Á‰ ‹ª Ú∂⁄‰ Ò¬∆ ÁÙÈ, ’∞ÒÚß ¡Â∂ ◊∞ÙÈ «√µË± 鱧 «ÓÒØ ‹ª ÎØÈ ’ØÕ
Service in English, Punjabi & Hindi We fill Passports, EI, Pension, Canadian Citizens, PR Card & OCI Forms.
Tel. : 403-293-1434, Cell. : 403-473-3489
Darshan Sidhu (Sid) : 403-560-1240 (24 Hrs.) Kulwant Sidhu : 403-605-3501 (24 Hrs.) Gursharan Sidhu : 403-837-3500
129, Savanna Close, N.E. CALGARY, AB T3J 0X8
Brokerage Office: 403-0000 #601-4656, Westwinds Dr NE Calgary, AB T3J 3Z5
Email :
Harpreet Purba * We repair Domestic Import Cars & Light Truck * Out of Province Inspection * Pre-Purchase Inspection * Insurance Inspection * Computer Diagnosis
(Licensed Technician) * Taxi Inspection * Brake & All Front-end Harbans Mall * ABS-Air Bag * Electrical (Licensed Technician) * Tune-up * Shocks & Strut * Clutch & Transmission * Oil - Lube * Tires (New & Used)
g`fI dw iksy vI iksm dw mkYnIkl jW ielYktRIkl kMm qs`lIbKS krwaux leI A`j hI istI bYst Awto sNYtr ’qy drSx idau
Ph: 403-250-5534
Bay #6, 2116-25th Ave. NE, Calgary AB., T2E 6Z4
Taking Pride in Professional Service
Appliance Services Ltd.
Washer & Dryer Dishwasher, Garborator Stoves & Fridges
* Washers * Dryers * Dishwashers * Fridges * Stoves * Microwaves * Freezers * Garburators * Compactors etc. 121, 7 WESTWINDS CR. NE CALGARY, AB.
CALL : PAVITAR (AVI) HUNJAN PH: 403-861-6742
CALL : RANA KALSI 403-850-6161
We Do:
Free Estimate
AAA Advance Moving 403-465-0036
Affordable Prices
SANDEEP SINGH 403-465-0036 Sikh Virsa, Calgary
Cheque, Cash or
AA MOVING LTD. * lokl mUivMg * Local Moving * Hot Shot Delivery * hOt-SOt filvrI * Dumping * fMipMg
AH √≈Ò Á≈ ˜Ï≈
√√Â∂ ∂‡ ”Â∂ ‡Ø¡ ’È Ú≈Ò∂ ¡≈͉∂ ‹≈‰∂-ͤ≈‰∂ Ú∆ Í≈Ò Ë≈Ò∆Ú≈Ò ˘ ÎØÈ ’ØÕ
PAUL : 403-293-3393 October, 2018
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689
Gill Finishing Carpentry Ltd. Basement Development, Doors, Crown Moulding, Baseboards, Bi-Folds, TV Unit, Closet Shelves, Locks, Wood Work & Laminates Floor & Basement.
Dream Renovation For Basement Development, Kitchen Renovation & Bathroom Renovation just give a call bysmYNt bxwaux leI, ikcn jW vwSrUm dI rYnovySn, dw kMm krwaux leI A`j hI jgjIq isMG nUM Pon kro[
Í∞≈‰∂ ‹ª ÈÚ∂∫ ÿª «Ú⁄ Ï∂√ÓÀ∫‡, Ú∞º‚Ú’, ÒÀÓ∆È∂‡, ‡≈«¬Òª ¡Â∂ ‡∆.Ú∆ Ô±«È‡ ωÚ≈¿∞‰ Ò¬∆ √≥Í’ ’ØÕ
Roofing, Siding and Garage
10 Year Experience
Free Estimate Jagjit Singh : 403-397-2229
Gurpreet Gill : 403-975-0919 Kamalpreet Gill : 403-855-4040
Purba Tailors (MOGA WALE)
Ranveer Purba Ladies Tailor
¡√ƒ ’πÂ∂ Í‹≈Ó∂ Á∆ «√Ò≈¬∆ Ú∆ ’Á∂ ‘ªÕ
Pawar Tile & Marble Inc. PARTAP SINGH: 587-719-9280
Specialize in All kinds of Stitching, Alterations & Ready-made Sarees √≈‚∂ ’ØÒØ∫ Â∞√∆∫ «’√∂ Ú∆ Â∑ª Á∆ «√Ò≈¬∆ ‹ª ¡≈Ò‡∂ÙÈ Á≈ ’ßÓ ’≈ √’Á∂ ‘ØÕ √≈Û∑∆¡ª Á∆ Î≈Ò Ú∆ Ò◊≈¬∆ ‹ªÁ∆ ‘À!
Water Proof
We can install Ceramic Tiles & Marble, Back Splash Tiles, Tiles on Walls, Kitchen, Washroom or anywhere in home. You can upgrade your kitchen or washrooms too. Í∞≈‰∂ ‹ª ÈÚ∂∫ ÿª «Úº⁄ ‡≈«¬Òª ¡Â∂ Ó≈ÏÒ Ò◊Ú≈¿∞‰ ¡Â∂ Â√ºÒ∆Ï÷Ù ’≥Ó ’Ú≈¿∞‰ Ò¬∆ ÍÃÂ≈Í «√≥ÿ È≈Ò √≥Í’ ’ØÕ
22 Martin Wood Court N.E. Calgary AB T3J 3H1 Email :
Cell: 403-975-5783, Ph: 403-280-5783 7705-80 Ave. NE CALGARY
Lucky Exteriors Ltd. You want to Replace your house's old Eavestrough?
A-1 SPICE & MOVIE CENTRE Best Grocery Store in Calgary for all kinds of Indian & West Indies Groceries
GrW dy prnwly (gtr) nvyN lgwauxy jW purwxy irpyAr krwauxy hox qW l`kI nwl sMprk kro!
Lucky: 403-918-6070 Email :
We also rent stoves & big pots Movie rentals from wide selection of Hindi, Punjabi, Tamil & Malyalm movies, dramas, audio tapes & CD's (Castleridge SafewayPlaza)
«¬≥‚∆¡È ◊Ø√∆ Á∆ √Ì ÂØ∫ ÚË∆¡≈ Á∞’≈È ¬∂ Ú≥È √Í≈¬∆√ ¡ÀÀ∫‚ Ó±Ú∆ √À∫‡ «’√∂ Ú∆ Â∑ª Á∂ ¡ÍÒ≈«¬≥√ «Í∂¡ ‹ª «¬≥√‡≈Ò ’Ú≈¿∞‰ Ò¬∆ ¡º‹ ‘∆ ‘«‹≥Á «◊ºÒ È≈Ò √≥Í’ ’ØÕ
Fresh Vegetables Everyday! 96, 55 Castleridge Blvd., NE, Calgary AB.
Harjinder Gill 403-585-5988 Sikh Virsa, Calgary
Ph: 403-285-2446 October, 2018
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
Mann Bros. Meat Shop
RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Interior & Exterior Painting, Spray Ceiling, Walls Doors, Decks, Fences, Stucco, New & Old Houses
618, 5075-FALCONRIDGE BLVD. NE CALGARY Specialists in best quality Fresh meat & poultry
ÈÚ∂∫ ‹≈ Í∞≈‰∂ ÿ «Ú⁄ Â∞√∆∫ ¡ßÁ/ Ï≈‘ Í∂∫‡ Á∆ ‹ΩÏ ’≈¿∞‰∆ ‘ØÚ∂ «‹Ú∂∫ √Í∂¡, ¤µÂ, ’ß˪, ÁÚ≈‹∂, ‚Àµ’, ÎÀ∫√, √‡µ’Ø ’≈¿∞‰∆ ‘À ª ¡µ‹ ‘∆ ÎØÈ ’Ø!
«¬µÊ∂ ‘ «’√Ó Á≈ Â≈˜≈ Ó∆‡ «ÓÒÁ≈ ‘ÀÕ Kuljit Mann or Jasbir Mann
Tel: 403-568-6997
MUKHTIAR S. PARMAR Call : 403-399-9075
SK Plumbing, Heating Drain Cleaning
√∆È∆¡˜ 鱧 «√µË≈ «ÏµÒ ¡≈«¬¡≈ ’∂◊≈
‹∂’ Âπ√ƒ À˜∆‚À∫Ù∆¡Ò ÍÒø«Ï≥◊, ‘Ω‡ Ú≈‡ ‡À∫’ ¡Â∂ ÎÈ∂√ «Í∂¡ ‹ª ‚∂È ’Ò∆«Èø◊ Á≈ ’ج∆ Ú∆ ’øÓ ’≈¿π‰≈ ˛ ª ¡æ‹ ‘∆ ≈‹Úø Ó≈‰’» È≈Ò √øÍ’ ’ØÕ Certified Journeyman, Plumber & Gas Filter Licensed
Cell: 403-608-5843
Ph: 403) 568-EYES (3937)
105 -77 Castleridge Blvd. NE Calgary (Between Safeway & TD Canada Trust in Castleridge Plaza)
LARGEST SELECTION OF LATEST DESIGNER Eyewear, sunglasses & contact lenses at low prices
Prescription Glasses Sunglasses Best Contact Lenses Prices Free Sight Testing Special Discount for Seniors Kids Packages
Hot Water Tank & Furnace Repair
Ș Á∆¡ª ¡ÀÈ’ª Best Ë∞µÍ Á∆¡ª ¡ÀÈ’ª Best Service Quality ’ª‡À’‡ ÒÀ∫˜ Best Ș Á≈ Ó∞Π⁄Àµ’-¡µÍ Choice √∆È∆¡˜ Ú≈√Â∂ «‚√’≈¿±∫‡ ϵ«⁄¡ª Ú≈√Â∂ ÍÀ’∂‹
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Deck & Fance Garage Basement Kitchen Electrical Plum bing Door Finishing
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Baseboard Hardwood Laminate Vinyl Lino Tiles Carpet
2 Indoor Air Quality Controls 2 Refrigeration 2 Air Conditioning 2 Heating Service 2 Ventilation
SUKHDEV SINGH 403-969-6544, 403-689-4877
ÀÈØÚ∂ÙÈ Á∂ «’√∂ Ú∆ Â∑ª Á∂ ’øÓ Ò¬∆ ¡Â∂ Óπ¯Â ¡À√‡∆Ó∂‡ ÒÀ‰ Ò¬∆ √≈˘ ¡º‹ ‘∆ ’≈Ò ’ØÕ
ARSH BHULLAR: 403-973-5103
Email :
Mandeep Gill or Deep Pawar Or Asim Khan Ph: 403-280-1117 Fax: 403-770-8707 Cell: 689-Asim (2746)
''We specialize in India and Pakistan fares''.
Call: MANJIT 403-399-5252 ÈÚ∂∫ ‹ª Íπ≈‰∂ ÿ «Úº⁄ Âπ√ƒ ¡øÁ/Ï≈‘ Í∂∫‡ Á∆ ‹ΩÏ ’Ú≈¿π‰∆ ‘ØÚ∂ «‹Ú∂∫ √Í∂¡, ¤ºÂ, ’ø˪, ÁÚ≈‹∂, ‚Àº’, ÎÀ∫√, √‡º’Ø ’Ú≈¿π‰∆ ˛ ª ¡º‹ ‘∆ ÎØÈ ’ØÕ
FREE ESTIMATE Sikh Virsa, Calgary
2 Service of Contracts 2 Ice Machines 2 Rooftop Units
‡ÀÚ«Òß◊ √ÏßË∆ ’ج∆ Ú∆ ’ßÓ ‘ØÚ∂ ª ¡µ‹ ‘∆ ˜±Ó ‡ÀÚÒ ”Â∂ ÓÈÁ∆Í ¡Â∂ ¡√∆Ó È≈Ò √ßÍ’ ’Ø!
Check our prices before you purchase your tickets!
October, 2018
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689
Rebate Roofing & Siding Ltd. Residential & Commercial We are insured!
Siding & Gutter
Rani Tailors ¡√∆∫ ‘ Â∑ª Á∆ «‚˜≈¬∆È Â∂ Ïπ‡∆’ √«‡«⁄≥◊ ’Á∂ ‘ªÕ Ï≈¬∆‚Ò Ò«‘≥◊∂, Ò∂‚∆˜ √»‡, ¡È≈’Ò∆, È≈ÓÒ Â∂ «‚˜≈¬∆È ÏÒ≈¿±˜, ‘ Â∑ª Á∆ ÎÀ∫√∆ ’√‡Ó √«‡«⁄≥◊ ¡Â∂ ¡Ò‡∂ÙÈ ’Á∂ ‘ªÕ
We do Designer Boutique Stitching Suits, Bridal Lehngas, Ladies Suits, Anarkali, Normal Designer Blouse and Every Kind Fancy Custom Stitching & Alteration
Call: 403-615-2844 Ph : 403-926-7614
Bay #131, 5120-47, St. N.E. Calgary AB. We do all kind of Alteration
Residential & Commercial
Residential, Commercial & Industrial, Make-up unit, CCTV Camera, Data wiring & Work Service Calls
«‘≈«¬Ù∆, ’ÓÙ∆¡Ò ¡Â∂ «¬≥‚√‡∆˜ Á∂ «Ï‹Ò∆ Á∂ ’≥Ó √Ï≥Ë∆ ÚË∆¡ª √∂Ú≈Úª Ò¬∆ √≥Í’ ’ØÕ
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Ph. : 587-703-2416, 587-897-6959
Ï≈Ï≈ Ï∞º„≈ ‹∆ ◊Ã≥Ê∆ √Ì≈ ¡÷ß‚Í≈·ª, √«‘‹Í≈·ª, √∞÷ÓÈ∆ √≈«‘Ï, ’∆ÂÈ, ¡≈√≈ Á∆ Ú≈ ¡≈«Á Ë≈«Ó’ √Ó≈◊Óª √ÏßË∆ √∂Ú≈Úª Ú≈√Â∂ √ßÍ’ ’ØÕ √≈‚∂ Í≈·∆ «ÂßÈ∂ «ÁÈ Â∞‘≈‚∂ ÿ «‘‰◊∂Õ √≈‚≈ ≈¬∆‚ Á≈ ¡≈͉≈ ÍzÏßË ‘ØÚ∂◊≈Õ √≈‚∂ ’ØÒ √≈∂ ÏÂÈ, ⁄∞µÒ∑∂, ⁄≈Áª, √Í∆’ «√√‡Ó, ∞Ó≈Ò Ï◊À≈ Á≈ Ú∆ ÍzÏßË ‘ÀÕ
Ì≈¬∆ ◊∞Ó∂Ò «√≥ÿ
Tel: 403-798-0508 Cell: 681-0508
AKAL GARAGE DOORS 8 We Install & Repair Garage Doors 8 We install door openers 8 We install wireless key pad 8 We change spring cables etc. 8 We Serve Calgary & Area 8 We meet & beat prices
Residential & Commercial Ï∂√ÓÀ∫‡ Á≈ ÁÚ≈˜≈ ’º„‰≈ ‘ØÚ∂, «Ú≥‚Ø Úº‚∆ ‹ª ¤Ø‡∆ ’Ú≈¿∞‰∆ ‘ØÚ∂Õ «¬º’ Ú≈ √∂Ú≈ Á≈ ÓΩ’≈ ˜± «Á˙Õ Ú≈‹Ï ’∆Óª ”Â∂Õ √≈‚∂ ’ØÒ Special Hydraulic Cutting Machine, Side Walk, Garage Pad, Cutting and Removal 1” ÂØ∫ 18” Coring Cutting Window and Door Cutting
Contractor Ú∆ª Ò¬∆ Cutting Á∆ √«Ú√ «ÁæÂ∆ ‹ªÁ∆ ˛,
Ph: 403-466-4567
NIRMAL SINGH : 403-615-3833 Sikh Virsa, Calgary
October, 2018
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
WARE HOUSE PRICES 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sink Faucets Toilet Bidet/Jet Puk Light Chandelier Flush-Mount
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Electrical Pot Light Switch Plug Step Light Led Light Bath Light
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
jykr qusIN lweItW KrIdxIAW hox qW A`j hI inDwn lweIitMg ’qy phuMco[ij`Qy quhwnUM bhuq vDIAw vyAr hwaUs dIAW kImqW imlxgIAW!
Breaker Hood Fan Bath Fan Electric Box Track Light Out Door Led Energy Save Bulbs
#2120, # 4130, 3961-52 AVE N.E. CALGARY AB, T3J OJ8 (Near Common Wealth Hall)
Sikh Virsa, Calgary
October, 2018
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689
Sunrise Renovation & Maintenance Services
Trips Booker Canada
We provide services for
Your Journey Begins Here
- Full Basement Developing - Kitchen - Bathroom Renovation
Services: Airline Ticket / Super Visa Insurance / Travel Insurance / Tour Package / Cruise / Hotel Booking
jykr qusIN bysmYNt, ikcn, vwSrUm dw koeI vI kMm krvwauxw hovy qW A`j hI snrweIz rYnovySn vwly AjIq klsI horW nwl sMprk kro!
Call us First
Cell: 403-605-2322
Lowest fares and Satender Singh Travel Advisor Best Customer Service
Âπ√ƒ «¬æÊ∂ ¡≥◊∂˜∆, «‘≥Á∆, Í≥‹≈Ï∆ «Úº⁄ ◊ºÒÏ≈ ’ √’Á∂ ‘ØÕ
McKnight Business Centre
Harcharan (HP) Parhar REALTOR
Suite 223-4818 Westwinds Dr. N.E. Calgary AB T3J 3Z5
For all your Real Estate need Please Call Harcharan Parhar
Ph. : 403-668-4800 / 403-775-6650 Toll Free : 1-866-266-6500
Cell 403.681.8689
Email : Website. :
NANCY RANDHAWA SURINDER SINGH RANDHAWA IMMIGRATION LAW Spousal and Parent Sponsorship HRSDC Work Permit Nanny Approved New Fast Track Immigration Progress Refugee Claims Appeals Aagainst Refused Marriage & Parent Sponsorship
Civil Litigation Assault Charges, Car Accident Claims (No Fees Until Recovery), Corporate & Commercial Transactions
Divorce and Family Law Child Custody, Restaining Order
Wills & Estate vsIAq nwmy iqAwr krny REAL ESTATE LAW Buying, Selling and Mortgage for Residential, Commercial & Condominium
Tel: 403-590-8224 Fax: 403-590-6007
(2ND FLOOR) #107, 5120-47 ST. N.E., CALGARY AB, CANADA T3J 4K3 Sikh Virsa, Calgary
October, 2018
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
SANDHU PROFESSIONAL CORP. Lakhvir Sandhu Certified General Accountant Certified Information Systems Auditor Certified Quickbooks Pro Advisor (Former Manager - PricewaterhouseCoopers)
Free Initial Consultation Do not hesitate to call ·Personal, Corporate and Trust Taxes ·E-filing, CRA Tax Rulings & Audit Assistance ·Financial Statements ·Payroll, T4, Record of Employment, Employment Standards ·Book Keeping, Computer Systems Setup
Ph: 403-648-9123 Fax: 403-648-9124
Langdon Location: Unit 228A, 355 Centre Street N Langdon, AB. T0J 1X2
Calgary Location: Unit 101, 4656 Westwinds Dr. NE Calgary AB. T3J 3Z5
'The name people trust and recommend' Over 25 years of experience in Immigration Matters
8 8 8 8 8 8
Parents and spousal sponsorships 8 Refugee Claims and Skilled Workers / Express Entry Federal Court Appeals Immigration Law 8 PNP applications Business/ Entrepreneur/ Investor 8 Successfully handled Appeals against refused cases thousands of Student and Visitor Visa immigration cases
DALWINDER HAYER AMANDEEP HAYER M.A. (Eco.) L.L.B Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Public
B.A. J.D. (Canada) J.D (U.S) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public
B.A. L.L.B. (Hons.) L.L.M Tel: 78377-00047 Chandigarh (India)
Sikh Virsa, Calgary
Immigration Consultant & Notary, RCIC
TEL: 403-235-4197 FAX: 403-235-6038
WEST WINDS BUSINESS CENTRE #111, 5120 47 St. NE Calgary, AB., T3J 4K3 Email: October, 2018
FINANCIAL SERVICES Life Insurance; - Term Life - Universal Life Critical Illness Insurance Segregated Funds RRSP lweIP ieMSorYNs dIAW zrUrqW leI iekbwl is`DU nwl sMprk kro[
Tel: (403) 615-0957
Personal Tax Returns Corporate Tax Returns Computerized Book Keeping Payroll T4's Record of Employment AkwaUNitMg dIAW zrUrqW leI iekbwl is`DU nwl sMprk kro[
Iqbal Sidhu Tel: (403) 568-2667 Fax: (403) 568-2676
Email: Email: Unit 202, 4656 Westwinds Dr. NE Calgary, AB. T3J 3Z5 (Near Sikh Virsa Office)
L IKE A G OOD N EIGHBOUR , S TATE FARM I S T HERE®. For your insurance and financial needs, see State Farm Agent: Monday 9am to 5pm Tuesday-Friday 9am to 6pm
4851 Westwinds Drive NE, Suite 217 Calgary, AB T3J 4L4 Bus: 403-568-4330™
Saturday - Only Appointments Other Times by Appointment (Sunday Longweekend Closed)
Romi Sidhu, State Farm Insurance Companies • Canadian Head Offices: Aurora, Ontario
#601, 4656 Westwinds Dr. NE Calgary AB T3J 3Z5
Sahota Law Office Barristers, Solicitors & Notary Public Real Estate ~ Commercial & Residential Business ~ Sale/Purchase & Shareholder Agreements Wills & Estates ~ Corporate Law Family Dispute/Divorce ~ Litigation Foreclosures ~ Immigration Appeals Commercial Lease Agreements/Disputes Accident Injury Claims
Jagdeep K. Sahota Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public
403-777-2224 #200, 3505-32 St. NE Calgary AB Email:
Moved to Bigger and Better Place in Brampton 4525 Ebenezer Road, Brampton ONT
Bhatia Fashions in Surrey Unit 325 Payal Business Centre Surrey BC Ph: (604) 593-5553