SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689
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Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
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December, 2018
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Students & Work Permit Holders Ask us how you can become Permanent Resident of Canada? We provide services in all areas of Canadian Immigration
- Service Canada LMO & AEO Approvals - Immigration Appeals / Humanitarian & Compassionate Applications - Visitor Visa / extension of Visitor, Study & Work Permits - Business Class Immigration: Federal & Provincial - Family/Spousal Sponsorships - Live-in-Caregivers - Temporary Resident Permits, PNP All types of Affidavits, Uncontested Divorce Refugee cases, USA/ UK Visa Application OCI, Citizenship Test preparation
«‹ßÈ∆¡ª Ó‹∆ ⁄∆‹ª ÂÒØ, Ó√≈«Ò¡ª Á∂ Â∞Û’∂ Ò◊≈¿πÕ √≈¬∆’ÒØÈ Á∂ ‘∞º‚ ÎÀÈ È≈Ò √ÓÀºÒ «Ó≥‡ª «Úº⁄ Ï≈‘ Ì‹≈¿∞ ¡Â∂ ÿ Í≈¿∞ ÂØÂ≈˜≈Õ¢ ÎÀÈ Ò◊Ú≈¿∞‰ Ò¬∆
ÚÀ«’¿∞Ó «‚ͱ
Ashok Sareen M.A., RCIC
”Â∂ ¡≈ ’∂ «ÓÒØ!
(Commissioner for Oaths) Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (ICCRC # R418519)
Tel: 403-285-4270
GREEN PLAZA #213, 4818 West Wind Dr. NE CALGARY, AB T3J 3Z5
4809-Westwinds Dr N.E Calgary AB.
Bus : 403-590-5666
Cell : 403-630-5465 Fax : 1-866-496-1997
We repair and sell any kind of Vacuum. We sell Kitchen hood fans and Toilet Jet Sikh Virsa, Calgary
Service comes first before the name goes on
E-Mail: Website: Member Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants
December, 2018
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689 ’¬∆ Ø◊ Í∆Û∑∆ Á Í∆Û∑∆ ⁄ÒÁ∂ ‘ÈÕ Í∂‡ Á∂ ˜÷Óª ¡Â∂ ¤≈«Ò¡ª Á≈ ’≈È Ú∆ «ÍÂ≈ Í∞÷∆ ‘Ø √’Á≈ ‘À Í «˜¡≈Á≈ È≈‹≈«¬˜ ÷≈‰-Í∆‰ Â∂ ‹∆ÚÈ ÙÀÒ∆ «¬√ Á∆ ¿∞ÂÍÂ∆ Á≈ ’È Ï‰Á∂ ‘ÈÕ Ó≈È«√’ √«ÊÂ∆ Á≈ √Ì ÂØ∫ ÚºË ¡√ Í≈⁄‰ Íz‰≈Ò∆ ”Â∂ ÍÀ∫Á≈ ‘ÀÕ ÚË∆ ‘ج∆ ¡À√∆«‚‡∆, ¡Ò√, ’ØÒ≈¬∆«‡√, ÏÁ‘˜Ó∆, ’Ϙ ¡≈«Á √Óº«√¡≈Úª ÒØ’ª 鱧 ¡≈͉≈ «Ù’≈ ω≈ ‘∆¡ª ‘ÈÕ ¡Ò√ ¡≥◊∂˜∆ Ì≈Ù≈ Á≈ ÙÏÁ ‘À, «‹√ Á≈ ¡Ê ‘À “˜ıÓ”Õ √∆, ı≈√ ’’∂ Í∂‡ Â∂ ¡ßÂÛ∆ ”⁄ ‘؉ Ú≈Ò∂ ˜÷Óª 鱧 ¡Ò√ (ÍÀÍ«‡’ ¡Ò√) ’«‘≥Á∂ ‘ÈÕ ’≈È: √≈‚≈ «Ó‘Á≈ ¡≥◊∂˜∆ Á∂ ¡º÷ “‹∂” Ú◊∂ ¡≈’≈ Á≈ ‘∞Á ß ≈ ‘À ‹Ø ÷∞≈’ È≈Ò∆ Á∂ ‘∂·Ò∂ «‘º√∂ ÂØ∫ Ù∞± ‘Ø ’∂ «Ó‘Á∂ «Úº⁄ ÿ∞ßÓÁ≈ ‘Ø«¬¡≈ ‘∂·ª ‹≈ ’∂ ÊØÛ∑≈ ¿∞ºÍ ¡≈¿∞∫Á≈ ¡Â∂ ¤Ø‡∆ ¡ªÂ Á∂ Ù∞±¡≈Â∆ «‘º√∂ È≈Ò ‹∞ÛÁ≈ ‘À, «‹√鱧 ◊z«‘‰∆ («‚˙‚∆ÈÓ) ’«‘≥Á∂ ‘ÈÕ «Ó‘Á∂ Á≈ ¡≈’≈ ÿ‡‰Úˉ Ú≈Ò≈ ‘∞Á ß ≈ ‘ÀÕ «¬‘ ¡ßÁØ∫ ÷≈Ò∆
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December, 2018
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689 acknowledge uncomfortable emotions within ourselves, such as anger, shame or grief; and then shift our consciousness to a vaster perspective. From that broader framework, the emotions release and resolve into peace. This creates emotional health and maturity. The teachings of the Sikh Gurus provide a sophisticated system to acknowledge and process our emotions within a spiritual framework that leads to emotional freedom and maturity. This framework does not deny the heavy emotions. Rather, it encourages us to find a place within ourselves where these challenging feelings can move
Hatred. Anger. Urge to Revenge. Despair. Pain. All of these emotions surface when something deeply traumatic is done to us or to those with whom we share a connection. Yet the Sikh Ardaas (prayer) is always for Sarbat Da Bhalaa. Goodwill to all people. Goodwill to all. It is a noble sentiment. But is it realistic to have goodwill towards every single person, especially in the face of social illnesses such as racism, sexual violence, religious hatred or physical persecution? Anger, grief, pain these emotions surface naturally when we experience some kind of injury or trauma. Does Sarbat Da Bhalaa mean to not have those feelings? Do we pretend they don’t exist or stuff them away to maintain appearances? Sikh Virsa, Calgary
The teachings of the Sikh Gurus can often be misunderstood. When we get hurt, anger and pain are the emotions that inform us we are hurt. These feelings act as messengers, carrying vital information. Ignoring these emotions has the effect of blocking our ability to respond to the situation. This inability
SS Ek Ong Kaar Khalsa Michaud and Dr. Bhai Harbans Lal, Ph.D.; D.Litt. (Hons) to feel our feelings and react to the information in an advantageous way causes us to live our lives in a state of emotional immobility. But the Sikh Gurus offer us a method to feel the emotions and process them within a spiritual framework where the emotions can move and be transformed. We can
through us. We discover the capacity to let go of animosity. To maintain compassion for ourselves and for others. And in the most egregious of circumstances, to experience Nirbhao, Nirvair – a state of divinely consciousness beyond both fear and vengeance. This capacity to stay compassionately engaged even with those who have done harm to us is called, in Gurmukhi, Khimaa «÷Ó≈. Khimaa «÷Ó≈ sometimes gets translated as forgiveness. But when we look to the roots of what forgiveness means; and we look at the spiritual framework the Sikh Gurus taught – khimaa «÷Ó≈ is quite unique and the English term “forgiveness” does not quite do it justice. It is worth exploring what this difference looks like. Before discussing khimaa «÷Ó≈, first let us reference the teaching that it is possible to
view both friend and enemy as equivalent to one another. What does that mean? Guru Arjan Dev ji describes the formula in the following shabad: ÌÀ¿∞ Ó‘Ò≈ 5 £ Bhairo Mehalaa 5 || Bhairao, Fifth Mehl: ÍÃÊÓ∂ ¤Ø‚∆ Í≈¬∆ «È≥Á≈ £ Prathhamae Shhoddee Paraaee Nindhaa || First, I gave up slandering others. ¿∞« ◊¬∆ √Ì ÓÈ ’∆ «⁄≥Á≈ £ Outhar Gee Sabh Man Kee Chindhaa || All the anxiety of my mind was dispelled. ÒØÌ∞ ÓØ‘∞ √Ì∞ ’∆ÈØ Á±« £ Lobh Mohu Sabh Keeno Dhoor || Greed and attachment were banished entirely. ÍÓ ÏÀ√ÈØ ÍÃÌ Í∂«÷ ‘‹±« 1£ Param Baisano Prabh Paekh Hajoor ||1|| I see God everpresent, close at hand; I have become a great devotee. ||1|| ¡À√Ø «Â¡≈◊∆ «ÚÒ≈ ’Ø«¬ £ Aiso Thiaagee Viralaa Koe|| Such a renunciate is very rare. ‘« ‘« È≈Ó∞ ‹ÍÀ ‹È∞ √Ø«¬£1£ ‘≈¿∞ £ Har Har Naam Japai Jan Soe ||1|| Rehaao || Such a humble servant chants the Name of the Divine, Har, Har. ||1||Pause and Reflect|| ¡‘≥Ï∞«Ë ’≈ ¤Ø«‚¡≈ √≥◊∞ £ Ahanbudhh Kaa Shhoddiaa Sang || I have forsaken my egotistical intellect. ’≈Ó ’ÃØË ’≈ ¿∞«¡≈ ≥◊∞ £ Kaam Krodhh Kaa Outhariaa Rang || The hue of sensual desire and anger has vanished. È≈Ó «Ë¡≈¬∂ ‘« ‘« ‘∂ £ Naam Dhhiaaeae Har Har Harae || I meditate on the Naam, the December, 2018
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689 Name of the Divine, Har, Har. √≈Ë ‹È≈ ’À √≥«◊ «È√Â∂ £2£ Saadhh Janaa Kai Sang Nisatharae ||2|| In the Company of the Holy, I am emancipated. ||2|| ÏÀ∆ Ó∆ ‘ج∂ √≥Ó≈È £ Bairee Meeth Hoeae Sanmaan || Enemy and friends have become the same to me. √Ï Ó«‘ Í±È Ì◊Ú≈È £ Sarab Mehi Pooran Bhagavaan || The Perfect Divine is permeating all. Íz Ì ’∆ ¡≈«◊¡≈ Ó≈«È √∞ ÷ ∞ Í≈«¬¡≈ £ Prabh Kee Aagiaa Maan Sukh Paaeiaa || Accepting the Will of the Divine, I have found peace. ◊∞« ͱÀ ‘« È≈Ó∞ «ÁzÛ≈«¬¡≈ 3 £ £ Gur Poorai Har Naam Dhrirraaeiaa ||3|| The Perfect Guru has implanted the Name of the Divine within me. ||3|| ’« «’Í≈ «‹√∞ ≈÷À ¡≈«Í £ Kar Kirapaa Jis Raakhai Aap|| That person, whom the Divine, in His Mercy, saves √ج∆ Ì◊Â∞ ‹ÍÀ È≈Ó ‹≈Í £ Soee Bhagath Japai Naam Jaap || That devotee recites and goes deeper into the Naam. Ó«È Íz◊≈√∞ ◊∞ Â∂ Ó«Â Ò¬∆ £ Man Pragaas Gur Thae Math Lee || That person who obtains understanding through the Guru’s vision, his/her mind becomes illumined. ’‘∞ È≈È’ Â≈ ’∆ ͱ∆ ͬ∆ £4£27£40£ Kahu Naanak Thaa Kee Pooree Pee ||4||27||40|| – says Nanak, that person is totally fulfilled. ||4||27||40|| This Shabad, hymn, is so very rich. Yet the one facet that struck us the deepest is the first line about slandering others. The Guru instructs that when we stop slandering others, the mind leaves behind anxiety, greed and attachment. It is fascinating to us to learn that Sikh Virsa, Calgary
peace begins with our own decision to stop speaking or thinking negatively about other people. That by not slandering them, the anxiety in our minds disappears. When we experience trauma, fear or pain, the instinct to lash out, to blame someone, shame someone, rage against someone, speak negatively about someone is a very normal way of life. Yet in this Shabad, the Guru suggests that speaking negatively about others keeps the mind in a state of dis-ease. And that making a choice to not think or say anything negative brings the mind to ease. When we curb our predisposition to speak negatively, it gives the ability for our sight to soften and widen. To “see the Perfect One permeating all.” If we choose to not speak negatively, and we choose to see the Divine in every heart then it follows quite naturally what the Guru says. That “enemy and friends have become the same to me.” In other words, it does not matter whether a person is an enemy or a friend. My mind responds with the same emotional equanimity to both. Accessing this state of consciousness is a tall order, no doubt. How can we cultivate the habit of not speaking negatively about others? Rather than just biting our tongue, how do we genuinely come to the state of not having anything negative to say? I think this Shabad by Guru
Naanak Dev ji gives us a clue. It illustrates the point by quoting an event detailed in the ancient Hindu history. ÍzÌ≈Â∆ Ó‘Ò≈ 1 Á÷‰∆ £ SGGS, p. ACDD Prabhaathee Mehalaa 1 Dhakhanee || Prabhaatee, First Mehl, Dakhnee: ◊ØÂÓ∞ ÂÍ≈ ¡«‘«Ò¡≈ «¬√Âz∆ «Â√∞ Á∂«÷ «¬≥Áz∞ Ò∞Ì≈«¬¡≈ £ Gotham Thapaa Ahiliaa Eisathree This Dhaekh Eindhra Lubhaaeiaa || Ahalyaa was the wife of Gautam, the seer. Seeing her, Indra was enticed. √‘√ √∆ «⁄‘È Ì◊ ‘±¬∂ Â≈ Ó«È Í¤ØÂ≈«¬¡≈ £1£ Sehas Sareer Chihan Bhag Hooeae Thaa Man Pashhothaaeiaa ||1|| When he received a thousand marks of disgrace on his body, then he felt regret in his mind. ||1|| ’ج∆ ‹≈«‰ È Ì±ÒÀ Ì≈¬∆ £ Koee Jaan N Bhoolai Bhaaee|| O Siblings of Destiny, rarely anyone knowingly makes mistakes. √Ø Ì±ÒÀ «‹√∞ ¡≈«Í Ì∞Ò≈¬∂ ϱfiÀ «‹√À Ï∞fi≈¬∆ 1£‘≈¿∞ £ So Bhoolai Jis Aap Bhulaaeae Boojhai Jisai Bujhaaee ||1|| Rehaao || He alone is mistaken, whom the Divine Herself makes so. He alone understands, whom the Divine causes to understand. ||1|| Pause and Reflect|| «Â«È ‘∆⁄≥«Á «ÍzÊÓ∆ Í«Â ≈‹À ’≈◊«Á ’∆Ó È Í≈¬∆ £
Thin Haree Chandh Prithhamee Path Raajai Kaagadh Keem N Paaee || Harichand, the king, and ruler of his land did not appreciate the value of his preordained destiny. ¡¿∞◊‰∞ ‹≈‰À  Í∞≥È ’∂ «’¿∞ «’¿∞ È∂÷≈«√ «Ï’≈¬∆ £2£ Aougan Jaanai Th Punn Karae Kio Kio Naekhaas Bikaaee ||2|| If he had known that it was a mistake, he would not have made such a show of giving in charity, and he would not have been sold in the market. ||2|| ’¿∞ ¡„≈¬∆ ËÂ∆ Óª◊∆ Ï≈ÚÈ ±«Í Ï‘≈ÈÀ £ Karo Adtaaee Dhharathee Maangee Baavan Roop Behaanai || The Divine took the form of a dwarf, and asked for some land. «’¿∞ Í«¬¡≈«Ò ‹≈«¬ «’¿∞ ¤Ò∆¡À ‹∂ Ï«Ò ±Í∞ ͤ≈ÈÀ £3£ Kio Paeiaal Jaae Kio Shhaleeai Jae Bal Roop Pashhaanai ||3|| If Bal the king had recognized Him, he would not have been deceived and sent to the underworld. ||3|| ≈‹≈ ‹ÈÓ∂‹≈ Á∂ ÓÂ∫∆ Ï«‹ «Ï¡≈«√ ÍÛ∑∑≈«¬¡≈ £ Raajaa Janamaejaa Dhae Mathanaee Baraj Biaas Parrhaaeiaa || Vyaas taught and warned the king Janmayjaa not to do three things. «Â«È ’« ‹◊ ¡·≈‘ ÿ≈¬∂ «’Â∞ È ⁄ÒÀ ⁄Ò≈«¬¡≈ £4£ Thinih Kar Jag Athaareh Ghaaeae Kirath N Chalai Chalaaeiaa ||4|| But he performed the sacred feast and killed eighteen Brahmins; the record of one’s past deeds cannot be erased. ||4|| ◊‰Â È ◊‰∫∆ ‘∞’Ó∞ ͤ≈‰≈ ÏØÒ∆ Ì≈«¬ √∞Ì≈¬∆ £ Ganath N Gananaee Hukam Pashhaanaa Bolee Bhaae Subhaaee || I do not try to calculate the account; I accept the Hukam of December, 2018
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689 the Divine’s Command. I speak with intuitive love and respect all. ‹Ø «’¤∞ ÚÂÀ Â∞ËÀ √Ò≈‘∫∆ √Ì Â∂∆ Ú«‚¡≈¬∆ £5£ Jo Kishh Varathai Thudhhai Salaahanaee Sabh Thaeree Vaddiaaee ||5|| No matter what happens, I will praise the Divine. It is all Your Glorious Greatness, O Divine One. ||5|| ◊∞Ó∞«÷ ¡«ÒÍÂ∞ Ò∂Í∞ ’Á∂ È Ò≈◊À √Á≈ ‘À √‰≈¬∆ £ Gurmukh Alipath Laep Kadhae N Laagai Sadhaa Rehai Saranaaee || The Guru Oriented Gurmukh remains detached; filth never attaches itself to such person. This individual remains forever in God’s Sanctuary. ÓÈÓ∞÷∞ Ó∞◊Ë∞ ¡≈◊À ⁄∂ÂÀ È≈‘∆ Á∞«÷ Ò≈◊À ͤ∞Â≈¬∆ £6£ Manamukh Mugadhh Aagai Chaethai Naahee Dhukh Laagai Pashhuthaaee ||6|| The foolish self-willed manmukh does not think of the future; that is overtaken by pain, and then regrets. ||6|| ¡≈Í∂ ’∂ ’≈¬∂ ’Â≈ «‹«È ¬∂‘ ⁄È≈ ⁄∆¡À £ Aapae Karae Karaaeae Karathaa Jin Eaeh Rachanaa Racheeai || The Creator who created this creation acts, and causes all to act. ‘« ¡«ÌÓ≈È∞ È ‹≈¬∆ ‹∆¡‘∞ ¡«ÌÓ≈È∂ ÍÀ Í⁄∆¡À 7 £ £ Har Abhimaan N Jaaee Jeeahu Abhimaanae Pai Pacheeai ||7|| O Divine One, our egotistical pride does not depart from the soul. Falling into egotistical pride, we are ruined. ||7|| Ì∞Ò‰ «Ú«⁄ ’∆¡≈ √Ì∞ ’ج∆ ’Â≈ ¡≈«Í È Ì∞ÒÀ £ Bhulan Vich Keeaa Sabh Koee Karathaa Aap N Bhulai || Everyone makes mistakes; only the Creator does not make mistakes. È≈È’ √«⁄ È≈«Ó «È√Â≈≈ ’Ø ◊∞Í√≈«Á ¡ÿ∞ÒÀ 8£4£ Sikh Virsa, Calgary
Naanak Sach Naam Nisathaaraa Ko Gur Parasaadh Aghulai ||8||4|| Says Nanak, salvation comes through the True Name. By Guru’s Gift, one is released. ||8||4|| The compassion in this Shabad (hymn) is so powerful. And this compassion has its roots in a non-dualistic perception of life. “…no one knowingly makes a mistake….That one alone is mistaken whom the Divine makes so….The Creator acts and causes all to act….Everyone makes mistakes; only the Creator does not make mistakes….I do not try to calculate the account; I accept the Hukam of the Divine’s Command. I speak with intuitive love and respect all….No matter what happens, I will praise the Divine. It is all Your Glorious Greatness” The lines from this Shabad convey the essence of non-dualistic compassion. That “I” have no power to compute the account. That the Divine is the Doer of everything. That whatever happens, happens in Hukam in alignment with the Cosmic Play. That nobody chooses to make a mistake. Though we all do make mistakes. This Shabad gives us very powerful, though challenging, psycho-spiritual medicine. To help us swallow this medicine, the Guru pulls examples from great myths and stories. King Janmayjaa, King Bal, Indra. It is not so much about whether these stories are literally true or not. What matters is the Guru saying – even Kings and Gods get deceived. Even they have no power to avoid mistakes. Focus your mind on the Doer of All and do not try to figure out why things happen, because Hukam is beyond our human capacity to compute. Just keep appreciating. Just keep singing, in positive ways.
Do not let the mind go into slander. It is said that Guru Hargobind went on a friendly hunting trip with Emperor Jahangir only a few months after the torture and death of his father, Guru Arjan Dev ji, by the Emperor’s order. Similarly, Guru Gobind Singh ji presented a special Robe of Honor to Bahadur Shah when he succeeded the throne of his father, the Mogul King, Auragzeb. Even though Aurangzeb had caused the martyrdom of Guru Gobind Singh ji’s father and mother, his four children and countless Sikhs. This is very difficult to accept and understand if we look at the event through every-day eyes. Yet, the Guru’s life stories exemplify the virtue of khimaa «÷Ó≈ that was inculcated in the Sikh way of life. Guru Hargobind and Guru Gobind Singh had fully realized the truth embodied within the Shabad Guru. They had the character, courage and ability to look upon friends and enemies alike. They beheld everything that happened as Hukam, as part of the Divine Plan. This gave them the strength to stay positive in speech and action, to harbor no anxiety in their minds. Khimaa «÷Ó≈ is a very refined, emotionally mature and spiritually elevated point of view of Gurmat, the Guru’s pathway. The capacity to be kind and positive, from the nondualistic heart of compassion, even to the person who tortured your Beloved family to death. The following passage from a Shabad by Guru Naanak, on page 1013 of the Guru Granth, uses the word Khimaa «÷Ó≈ And the context that surrounds it has the qualities that we have been discussing. √Ø √≥«È¡≈√∆ ‹Ø √«Â◊∞ √∂ÚÀ «Ú⁄‘∞ ¡≈Í∞ ◊Ú≈¬∂ So Sanniaasee Jo Sathigur Saevai Vichahu Aap Gavaaeae ||
That person alone is a Sannyasi, who serves the True Guru, and removes self-conceit from within. ¤≈ÁÈ ÌØ‹È ’∆ ¡≈√ È ’¬∆ ¡«⁄≥Â∞ «ÓÒÀ √Ø Í≈¬∂ £ Shhaadhan Bhojan Kee Aas N Karee Achinth Milai So Paaeae || That person does not ask for clothes or food; without asking, they accept whatever they receive. Ï’À È ÏØÒÀ «÷Ó≈ ËÈ∞ √≥◊‘ z À Â≈Ó√∞ È≈«Ó ‹Ò≈¬∂ £ Bakai N Bolai Khimaa Dhhan Sangrehai Thaamas Naam Jalaaeae || That person does not speak empty words; but gathers the wealth of tolerance («÷Ó≈) and burns away their anger with the Naam. ËÈ∞ «◊‘∆ √≥«È¡≈√∆ ‹Ø◊∆ «‹ ‘« ⁄‰∆ «⁄Â∞ Ò≈¬∂ £7£ Dhhan Girehee Sanniaasee Jogee J Har Charanee Chith Laaeae ||7|| Blessed is such a householder, Sannyasi and Yogi, who focuses their consciousness on the Divine’s feet. ||7|| Accepting what is given. Not speaking pointlessly with ill will. The wealth of Khimaa «÷Ó≈ develops and with it we can burn away our anger and anxiety. Here – Khimaa «÷Ó≈ is translated as “tolerance.” But the context of it implies a compassionate, surrendered tolerance that creates a sense of forgiveness, and a willingness to engage others with a fully open heart. Send all communications to: Harbans Lal, Ph.D.; D.Litt (Hons) Professor Emeritus & Chairman, Dept of Pharmacology & Neurosciences, University of North Texas Health Science Center. Professor Emeritus, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar. President, Academy of Guru Granth Studies. (The End) December, 2018
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689
Climate Change and the Ocean: A Stark Message from the IPCC
This week, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a jawdropping report that laid bare the choices that we must make to ensure a livable and equitable future in the face of climate change. Make no mistake: climate change is here now—we are living with it as more powerful hurricanes, worsening drought, melting glaciers and rising sea levels are affecting populations around the world at an ever faster pace. While nations have now stepped up to reduce greenhouse gas emissions under the Paris Accord, the new UN requested report makes it abundantly clear that we must do more. The report, drafted in response to a request by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), evaluates the differences between a 1.5°C and a 2°C future and whether different emissions trajectories can achieve a future with less warming. It makes clear that we need a global commitment to move away from fossil fuels and also focus on the removal of carbon dioxide that is already in the atmosphere (not just reduction of future emissions) to prevent irreversible effects that would have devastating consequences across the globe. Such an approach is especially vital to the ocean, where achieving a 2°C future (the official goal of the Paris Accord) would still result in destructive changes to the ocean and coastal areas around the world. We can and must do better. To date, human activities have caused approximately 1°C of global warming since the Industrial Revolution; this warming will likely reach 1.5°C between 2030 and 2052 if current activities continue. While these differences seem small, the consequences are not. Scientists now predict large differences between current conditions and those likely to occur between 1.5°C and 2°C. Sikh Virsa, Calgary
By 2100, average global sea level rise would be around 0.1 meter lower with global warming of 1.5°C compared to 2°C. This seemingly small difference means that up to 10 million fewer people would be exposed to the related risks of flooding, storm damage and coastal displacement. This is especially relevant for the millions of people living on small islands and in low-lying coastal areas and deltas. For the ocean, the risks are also projected to be substantially lower at 1.5°C than at 2°C. Most striking, coral reefs suffer a 70–90% loss at 1.5°C, but are entirely destroyed at 2°C. Studies have shown that, at the lower loss level, with continued decreased temperatures, corals can still recover. The risk of irreversible loss of many other marine and coastal ecosystems increases sharply with rate of warming, and becomes especially stark at 2°C or more. Top of Form Bottom of Form :Risks to marine biodiversity, fisheries, ocean ecosystems, and the vital functions and services they provide to humans, also increase substantially at 2°C. Should we fail to secure a 1.5°C future, acidification and warming are predicted to act synergistically producing stronger effects working together than they could alone to decrease the growth, development, calcification, survival and abundance of a broad range of species, from algae to fish. For example, at 2°C, loss of global annual catch for marine fisheries would be twice that predicted under a 1.5 °C world. These types of differences would be catastrophic for both the ocean and people alike. We shouldn’t be afraid of this truth. We should confront it head on and let this new climate reality be a motivator to work together to secure the future we want. The IPCC report was a massive 159.
undertaking, comprising three years of work by more than 130 authors, synthesizing over 6,000 scientific references and fielding over 42,000 comments during the extensive peer review process. The report is also a global testament to the importance of research, observations, modeling, synthesis, review and analysis and to the numerous scientists around the world who have donated their time to summarize this information for the benefit of all of us. While the ocean is often cast simply as a victim of climate change and a bystander in our climate future, it can, in fact, be an active and important part of our climate solutions as well. Blue carbon habitats sequester large amounts of carbon, making their protection and restoration important parts of a global greenhouse gas reduction strategy. The ocean itself is an important site for the expansion of renewable energy, enabling the ocean to play a role in the clean energy transition. Protection of ocean habitats and marine species through networks of marine protected areas, sustainable fisheries management and pollution reduction are critical strategies to adapt to the changes that will still manifest even under a 1.5°C future. As global citizens, what are our options to ensure a more stable future? The IPCC report explores a range of emissions scenarios that would put the planet on a path to 1.5°C, and we need decision-makers to prioritize those options to ensure a reality. Enhanced climate ambition is vitally needed at the international level. Carbon dioxide is raising average global temperature and driving acidification of the ocean. As the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change grapples with the urgency of the findings in this week’s report, we must set global emissions targets that incorporate the needs of the ocean as well as the critical role that the ocean can play in meeting those targets. It’s up to each and everyone one of us to take individual action by urging decision-makers in Congress, the Executive branch, and across the world to take immediate action. We need to reduce fossil fuels and cut carbon emissions—our ocean depends on it. (The End) December, 2018
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
Every new immigrant has to get through it: that first Canadian winter. Temperatures well below freezing, snow blizzards and high winds can all seem daunting if not downright terrifying but it doesn’t have to be! Surviving your first winter in Canada can be an exciting, fun & adventurous experience. The key is to prepare, be educated about safety and staying warm, and take advantage of all the highlights the season has to offer, from sports to events and the beauty that you’ll witness during your first true snowfall. Part 1 of this series is all about keeping warm. Here is what the whole series will cover: Keeping warm Seasonal fun Sikh Virsa, Calgary
Staying healthy in cold and flu season Preparing your home Preparing your car Bundle up When it comes to braving your first Canadian winter, there’s some dressing guidelines you’ll want to keep in mind for you and your family during both milder and
colder days. Let’s have a look at the best articles of clothing to wear in winter weather … Milder temperatures (above zero degrees Celsius) and nonprecipitation days Adults : a regular winter coat layered over a shirt and light sweater is best mittens or gloves scarf, gloves and hat are optional, but it’s still best to have them on hand in
your bag or purse pants or, for women, a longer heavy skirt with thick tights and high boots sunglasses to protect your eyes from UVA/UVB rays; even though it is winter, the sun can still be strong warm socks and shoes; women should avoid high heels and open-toed shoes Children: regular winter coat, snowpants and hat, scarf and mittens if they will be playing outside warm pants and a layer of undershirt, light longsleeve shirt and sweater warm socks and shoes or boots if in a snowsuit, light-layer clothing underneath Deep-freeze (below zero degrees Celsius), high windshield and storm days Adults: warm underwear, including long underwear for December, 2018
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December, 2018
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689 men and stockings or tights for women two or three layers of lighter shirts or sweaters, as opposed to one heavy sweater this is more insular and will keep the heat in warm wool socks a heavy down-filled coat or parka with hood a hat that covers your ears and scarf to cover your face and mouth (to protect your lungs from extreme cold) heavy mittens or gloves; consider layering two pairs knee-high & heavy waterproof boots that are wool or fabric lined full warm underwear two or three layers of lighter shirts and pants warm wool socks a heavy snowsuit or a heavy down-filled coat/parka and snowpants a hat or balaclava that covers the face, nose and ears a scarf to cover the face and mouth heavy mittens; layer two pairs high, heavy waterproof boots that are wool or fabric lined (consider lining boots with plastic bags under a second pair of socks to keep water out) Enjoy all the season has to offer with some fun in the snow The temperature’s dropping, the snow’s piling up and you and your family are getting restless winter’s around the corner. However, snowy or inclement weather doesn’t mean you have to spend the season being bored! There’s plenty to see and do both indoors and outdoors this winter that will help you and your family get through the long evenings, spend quality time together and immerse you in your community. Let’s start with outdoor activities … Tobogganing: This is a favourite Canadian pastime. After every major snowfall, you’ll notice your neighbours and their children spending heading out to
Sikh Virsa, Calgary
the nearest hill with toboggans in hand. You can join in the fun toboggans, a.k.a sleds, are used for riding down snow-covered hills for amusement are inexpensive and a great means of physical activity the whole family can enjoy. Bigger toboggan trails can be found at local mountains, but for smaller kids, even a small hill is just as fun. Skating: You don’t have to be a professional athlete to skating, even if you’ve never put on a pair of blades before. Many local community centres have skate rinks that welcome all participants for public skates and lessons. They also offer equipment rentals so no need to invest in your own right away. There might also be some outdoor skating opportunities in your area, and what could be more Canadian than skating under a star-filled night? Skiing and snowboarding: Downhill and cross-country skiing and snowboarding do involve more skill, but are both great sports you may want to consider taking up if you’re close to a local ski hill. Again you can rent most of the equipment needed, but you will probably have to invest in your own ski clothes to stay warm.
And lessons are really a must if you want to stay safe. All in all, skiing is an expensive outing, but rushing down a hill in deep powder can be quite exhilarating. Playing in the snow: This one’s fun, free and you can do it anytime! After a snowfall, get outside with your children and make snowmen, have a snowball fight or make snow angels it’s a great activity that Canadian families love to do plus, the memories you’ll make with your children will be well worth facing a bit of cold weather. Don’t forget to bundle up in warm clothing and to make hot chocolate and cookies afterward. Checking out seasonal decorations: This is another free activity that is enjoyable, easy and everyone in the family can take part in. Go for a walk in your neighbourhood and enjoy the festive lights and decorations that adorn the houses on your block. See if you and your family can spot the best house and get some ideas of how to decorate your own home, too. When the weather really gets bad, go ahead and stay inside! Instead of doing separate activities, try these fun family options … Games Night:This is a classic Canadian family pastime set aside one night every week where you and your family play your favourite card or board games together. This will help pass the time and you’ll really enjoy the interaction with your children. You can also choose board games that can help with your English skills, such as Scrabble, or Canadian history knowledge, such as Trivial Pursuit. Arts and crafts: A fun activity for younger and older family members alike is arts and crafts. You can make seasonal decorations for your home, take up knitting, try your hand at painting or any other creative pursuit you’ve been meaning to try out. Winter is a great time to get crafty you’ll feel that you’ve spent your time productively and it will help fill those evenings that are too cold for outdoor excursions. Dinner and a movie night: Another great way you and your family can spend a stormy evening in is by enjoying a homecooked meal and watching a classic winter or holiday movie together. From It’s a Wonderful Life to How the Grinch Stole Christmas and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, there are lots of classic titles you and your children can enjoy that are traditional favourites. (The End) December, 2018
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689
Harbans Kandola Living The Will Of God is the spiritual concept if properly understood and grasped could bring stability , peace and happiness in our life. Modern spiritualist call this living in the present, power of now. I will discuss this concept in the context of spiritual teachings of AAD GURU GRANTH SAHIB, Sikh Scriptures. Nanak says BALIHAREE KUDRAT WASIA meaning God is the embodiment of the unchangeable laws of nature, Nanak called will of God. In Sikh Scriptures Nature and God has been discussed in the same context. Nanak says HUQMAI UNDER SABH KO BAHAR HUQAM NA KOAI meaning everything, every event in the universe happen in accordance with the laws of nature. No miracles ever happen in violation of the laws of nature. Then Nanak says TERA ANT NA JAEE LAKHIA meaning the structure of the universe in incomprehensible, infinite and unknowable. That gives me feeling of complete humble and feeling of surrender to will of God. I accept the situations as these come. I do not fight the nature. NANAK HUQMAI JE BHUJAI TA HAUMAI KAHAE NA KOAI those who understand this concept kill their ego and learn to live in the present. According to spiritual philosophy of Sikh Virsa, Calgary
Nanak we live life two ways. Way of conflict and way of surrender. Living the way of conflict is when we are ignorant of truth, divine wisdom, divine knowledge, godly virtues. We are slave of our own mind and thoughts. Our mind and thoughts are not our true nature, it is acquired ego Identity. In this state of self-consciousness, we want things happen our way. Nanak says SEHAS SIANNPAN LAKH HOHAI TA IK NA CHALAI NAAL meaning cause of our stress, worries, anxiety and pain come from slavery of our own mind, thoughts and non-acceptance of the situations as these arise, resisting the truth. God, I do not like what you did to me, why you did to me. Level of resistance depend upon how strongly we are identified with our egoistic mind. Stronger the resistance means more pain. I want things to happen my way. I desire birth of son not daughter. I want rain not draught. Nanak says MANN CHAHAT KICHH AUR AURAI KI AURAI BHAEE meaning under the unchangeable laws of nature things do not happen all the time the way we desire. No exception ever happens in violation of the laws of nature. The main cause of our pain and suffering is in resistance, peace and happiness is in 163.
surrender to will of God. We can choose to live the way of surrender. Nanak says God is the embodiment of the laws of nature. BALIHAREE KUDRAT WASIA TERA ANT NA JAEE LAKHIA meaning the structure of nature we cannot comprehend should give us feeling of humility. When we listen, understand and internalize divine wisdom, divine knowledge, godly virtues, we find our true self, our true nature. When we are spiritually awakened we destroy our ego identity. We surrender to laws of nature, will of God, accept situations the way they are. Nanak says HUQMAI UNDER SABH KO BAHAR HUQAM NA KOAI meaning nothing ever happen outside laws of nature. If mother has conceived girl no matter how many times we pray it will not be boy or rain will not fall upon our prayers. Peace, happiness, joy of life comes from accepting the situations as these come, learn to live in the present. We can deal with the present not with past or future. Nanak says SUKH DUKH DOAI DAR KAPRE PEHRE JAAI MANUKH meaning that living in this world we experience good and bad times in life every day. These are life situations. We face disasters like floods, hurricanes, December, 2018
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689 earthquakes and disease epidemics. These account of every action we do in this world. of justice within. We face consequences are all-natural events we have no control Good actions are rewarded with eternity in of our good or bad actions here and now, over. All we can do take protective steps. heaven but bad and evil actions are not after death. Nanak says JITHAI BOLAN HARIAI punished with forever burning in hell fire. Any psychologist will tell us that OTHAI CHANGI CHUP meaning why resist Some believe bad actions mean reborn as when our actions, thoughts are negative, or fight the nature. We can only remain calm, cat, dog, fish or buffalo. If you are born to angry, jealousy, hatred bring negative stable, stress, worry and anxiety free when very poor parents it is punishment of your consequences, stress, depression, we accept the situation as it is. CHINTA bad karma of past life. Fact is that these anxiety. Positive actions bring positive TAKEE KIJIAI JE UNNHONNEE HOAI ideas have nothing to do with life after death results, peace happiness and joy. Nanak meaning everything that happens to us but everything to do with controlling human says WITCH DUNIA SEV KMAEEAE TA including disasters, losing a loved one behaviour here and now. No one realize DARGAH BAISAN PAEEAE meaning happen according to immutable laws of truth through fear. when we show compassion, kindness for nature. Do not resist or deny the facts. No one become holly by promised others, show concern for wellbeing of Spirituality empowers us to be able to cope rewards of good behaviour. If spiritual others, give happiness, we enjoy inner with such situations. Some die at birth, some awakening is the goal of religion then we peace and happiness here and now. live to hundred. This is the law of nature. need to recognize that the promised reward One of the major reasons youth of We react to the situations before us and threatened punishment of heaven and today are walking away from organized according to our state of mind. Our actions hell will never accomplish that. This I believe religion is its superstitious beliefs in the are driven by state of our consciousness. is a joke with human intelligence. These are life after death theories that are dependent Are we spiritually awakened or ignorant, all weapons and tools of exploitation. This on the existence of supernatural external egoistic? Nanak says MANN JEETAI is in fact the primary reason people are deity. These ideas in fact have nothing to JAGJEET meaning through contemplation walking away from organized religion. In the do with life after death beliefs but on divine wisdom, godly virtues being 21ist century scientific age youth will never everything to do with controlling spiritually awakened we rise above mind accept superstitious beliefs as way of life. behaviour and exploitation here and now. and thoughts, free from compulsive thinker. NANAK says EH KAR KARAI SO EH KAR It sounds silly to believe that when you NANAK HUQMAI JE BHUJAI TA PAAI, KOEE NA PAKRIAI KISAI THAAI are born to very poor parents it is the HAUMAI KAHAI NA KOAI meaning meaning we face consequences of our result of past life karma. Why pay those who are spiritually awakened and actions here and now. We do evil action attention to the present and bother to enlightened are empowered to destroy ego with one hand, face eliminate poverty. and cope with situations remaining calm, consequences with other hand. More It is somehow deserved punishment. stable and in peace. We cannot change the importantly at conscious level we face Organized religion has succeeded to fool situation but we have hundred percent consequences for our actions nobody else. people and exported problems and control how we react. I have no control over We have complete control over our actions challenges facing society here and now when someone shout at me but hundred but no control over consequences. to external deity to be solved after death, percent control how I react. Nobody can Nanak says JAISA BEEJAI SOLAINA shifting the focus from present to after make me angry except me. Accepting the KARMA SANDRA KHET meaning we reap death. These beliefs have no logic, situation as it is does not mean doing what we sow here and now, not after death. reason, facts and relevance in our daily nothing. First accept and then act, find It is common belief that after death we are life. Nothing to do with conscious solution. Paying attention to life here and dragged with chains around our neck to transformation, find meaning of life and now. court (DARGAH) of DHARAMRAJ, our true nature. Nanak says AGA KOO TRANG PICHHA (Judge appointed by God). There we have Nanak completely rejected all life after PHER N MUHDRA. NANAK SIJH EWEHA to give account of our deeds in this world. death beliefs and assumptions. He says I WAAR BAHUR N HOEE JANMDA Nanak says that court is not external, up do not know what happens to us after meaning do not dwell at the past or worry in the sky but within each of us. Nanak death. This is the life we have here and about the future, make efforts to move says UNDAR RAJA TAKHAT HAI APAI now. Find meaning and purpose of life forward and find your true self here and KARAI NIAAO meaning voice of our now. Meditate and contemplate on divine now. This is the life you have make your consciousness, ATMA, our authentic wisdom, knowledge, godly virtues and present a success. You will realize true self, our true nature is the voice of God realize your true nature. In this universe bliss and happiness here and now. What within, the godly scale of justice within. everything happens according to happens after death nobody knows. Everything that happens with us happens unchangeable laws of nature, will of God. NANAK EW NA JAPAEE KITHAI JAAI within us, our consciousness. Nanak says Nothing ever happens in violation of the SAMAAI I do not know what happens to MANMUKH KARAM KMAWNAI laws of nature. Surrender to the will of God. us after death. Nobody has come back DARGAH MILAI SAJAI meaning when Cause of our stress, worries and anxiety is and explained. Let us be clear life after we are ignorant of truth and identified with in non- acceptance of the reality before us, death theories are assumptions and beliefs ego we face consequences of our evil resisting the acts, denying the will of God. which are not reality. These assumptions actions, undesirable behaviour here and Once we are spiritually awakened we accept and beliefs have no relevant to our daily now. Word DARGAH is used by Nanak the situation as they come. Accept then act, life. Life after death belief systems are metaphorically to explain his point. find the solution remaining calm, stable and depended on the idea of supernatural Every action is judged by godly scale in peace. (The End) external deity who watches and keep Sikh Virsa, Calgary 164. December, 2018
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689
Study Reveals That Millennials Lack Relationship Skills & Confidence These days, the word “millennial” has many negative connotations attached to it. This generation of young adults were born into a world of technology, social media, and speedy devices that can satisfy an array of needs in the palm of one’s hand. Many complain that the millennial generation has lost the ability to interact with others around them face to face. With apps like Tinder, Instagram, Facebook, and an array of other outlets, thousands of college students are able to swipe through and accept or deny other singles around them based on their physical appeal. This information leads many to ask, “are millennials losing the ability to hold steady relationships?” Is our distance between one another, our isolation and lack of real conversation, diminishing dating? The college “hookup culture” is a major factor of social life on most campuses. If a student isn’t browsing for a person to “talk to” through apps on their phone, they maybe instead drinking in a party setting to find a new hookup partner. When many millennials do eventually find a person that might be worth trying a relationship with, many report getting stuck in a limbo often referred to as the “talking phase.” In this phase, one or both of the individuals in the relationship likes the other person but does not want to commit to them completely. In other words, they want to continue an emotional relationship but also have the ability to hookup with others. It seems as though millennials are not just lacking the ability to make real conversation and meet others through pure human interaction, but lack the desire to have a committed relationship. Does this speak for all millennials? Do we all want to run the other way when commitment comes around? I wanted to learn more about how millennials were really feeling about relationships and dating. I surveyed over 200 Sikh Virsa, Calgary
With the takeover of social media, millennials seem to be losing the ability to date as well as hold high self-esteem. college students, both male and female, ages 18 to 22. What I found suggested that millennials are in fact isolating themselves behind phone screens and finding it difficult to establish meaningful connections with others. 95 percent of students I surveyed reported that they find it difficult to find a relationship. When it comes to looking for a partner, the students’ two most common methods were through social media apps like Tinder and Snapchat or by social events that involved drinking. 82 percent stated that they were okay with casual hookup partners and 95 percent felt that it was easier to talk to a possible partner when drunk. What do all of these numbers suggest about millennials? On the surface, it seems as though we are uncommitted, unable to hold real conversations, and too reliant on our digital devices to guide us through life. And there is more Millennials may be relying on social media to misrepresent who they are in an effort to find a date. 89 percent of those surveyed said they used social media accounts to make themselves more attractive to possible partners. But how is this making them feel? When I asked how social media impacted these students emotionally, the most common responses were that social media made them feel “insecure,” “pressured to be perfect,” and “anxious.” And while many are casually hooking up, lacking emotional depth or connection, 75 percent of those that were single reported that they wished they could find a real relationship. Out of all surveyed, 95 percent said that their ideal situation in the future was a lifelong, committed relationship. While these statistics do show that us millennials are not as commitment-phobic as many claim, we have other flaws that need fixing. It seems as though millennials are masking the desire for connection and 165.
relationships with quick fixes like drinking, social media interactions, and “no strings attached” relationships. We are filtering out our insecurities, posting for attention, and making thousands of followers think we are not alone. Instead of gathering together the courage to talk to the cute girl in our class, we are “swiping left and right” on Tinder based on a simple picture and short bio. So how do we fix this? How do we stop making shallow, short judgements on someone that could actually have been “the one?” The answer is not easy but we can look to our older generations for some guidance. The video “Look Up” directed by Gary Turk delves into this problem. Look at the amazing relationships that have come out of meeting people organically. We need to stop relying on “likes” and “matches” as a fuel for our self-esteem. Find passions that make you feel whole outside of a screen and engage in activities with likeminded groups of people that make you feel great as you are. Start dating (yes, I mean go out on a real date. Maybe to a movie, with just you two) instead of taking shots together in a crowded bar. The best relationships start as friendships, out of respect and trust, not over a Snapchat conversation. Most importantly, stay true to yourself. If you keep coming up short with the same types of partners, try changing up your environment. If you have a hobby, look for others with that hobby. If you find yourself relying on the number of likes on a recent post for a mood booster, take a break from social media. If you spend too much time with your head down in a screen of apps and thousands of strangers online, try looking up before you miss out on someone great that just passed you by. We as a generation can do better when it comes to love, dating, and our own self happiness. (The End) December, 2018
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
B.C Government to legislate a second referendum on electoral reform if new system passes
By Richard Zussman The B.C. Government will require British Columbians to vote again if the electoral system changes following this fall’s referendum. Attorney General David Eby introduced legislation on Tuesday that, if passed, will mean a confirming referendum would take place after two elections under a proportional representation electoral system. “It will be up to British Columbians to decide whether to change our province’s
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voting system, and it should also be up to British Columbians to decide whether to keep a new voting system after they’ve tried it,” said Eby. “By legislating a confirming referendum after two general election cycles, our government is giving voters a safety valve to revert to the previous voting system after an opportunity to actually experience both systems.” The 2018 referendum will be conducted by mail-in ballot and the voting period will run
from Oct. 22, 2018, to Nov. 30, 2018. The questions are: Which should British Columbia use for elections to the Legislative Assembly? The current First Past the Post voting system A proportional representation voting system If British Columbia adopts a proportional representation voting system, which of the following voting systems do you prefer? Dual Member Proportional (DMP)
Mixed Member Proportional (MMP) Rural-Urban PR The rational behind a second referendum is that voters could compare whether they like the PR system or the First Past the Post voting system after experiencing both. “This confirming referendum would allow British Columbians, not politicians, to have the final say on the voting system,” said Eby. “If, during either referendum, voters decide that the current system is preferred, the government of B.C. will be bound by law to respect that decision.” The second referendum would have to take place within 13 months of the second provincial general election under the chosen proportional representation voting system. For example, if scheduled general elections occur in October 2021 and October 2025, the confirming referendum would occur by Nov. 30, 2026. (The End) December, 2018
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689 Maximum RRSP contribution: The maximum contribution for 2018 is $26,230; for 2019, $26,500. TFSA limit: In 2018, the annual limit is $5,500, for a total of $57,500 for someone who has never contributed and has been eligible for the TFSA since its introduction in 2009. The annual limit for 2019 is $6,000, for a total of $63,500 in room available in 2019 for someone who has been eligible since 2009. Maximum pensionable earnings: For 2018, the maximum pensionable earnings is $55,900 ($57,400 in 2019), and the basic exemption amount remains $3,500 for 2018 and 2019. Maximum EI insurable earnings: The maximum annual insurance earnings (federal) for 2018 is $51,700; for 2019, $53,100. Lifetime capital gains exemption: The lifetime capital gains exemption is $848,252 in 2018 and $866,912 in 2019. Low-interest loans: The current family loan rate is 2%. Home buyers’ amount: Did your client buy a home? He or she may be able to claim up to $5,000 of the purchase cost, and get a non-refundable tax credit of up to $750. Medical expenses threshold: For the 2018 tax year, the maximum is 3% of net income or $2,302, whichever is less. For 2019, the max is 3% or $2,352, whichever is less. Donation tax credits: After March 20, 2013, the first-time donor super credit is 25% for up to $1,000 in donations, for one tax year between 2013 and 2017. This program has now expired. Basic personal amount: For 2018, it’s $11,809, line 300. For 2019, it’s $12,069. Older clients Age amount: Clients can claim this amount if they were 65 years of age or older on Sikh Virsa, Calgary
Essential tax numbers: updated for 2019 Working clients December 31 of the taxation year. The maximum amount they can claim in 2018 is $7,333; in 2019, it’s $7,494. Pension income amount: Clients may be able to claim up to $2,000 if they reported eligible pension, superannuation or annuity payments. OAS recovery threshold: If your client’s net world income exceeds $75,910 for 2018 and $77,580 for 2019, he or she may have to repay part of or the entire OAS pension. Clients with children Family caregiver amount: If you have a dependant who’s physically or mentally impaired, you may be able to claim up to an additional $2,150 in calculating certain nonrefundable tax credits. Disability amount: The amount for 2018 is $8,235 (nonrefundable credit; $8,416 in 2019), with a supplement up to $4,804 for those under 18 (the amount is reduced if child care expenses are claimed; $4,909 in 2019). Canadians claiming the disability tax credit (DTC) can file their T1 return online regardless of whether or not their Form T2201, Disability Tax Credit Certificate has been submitted to CRA for that tax year. Child disability benefit: The child disability benefit is a tax-free benefit of up to $2,771 (2018) for families who care for a child under age 18 with a severe and prolonged impairment in physical or mental functions. For 2019, the amount is $2,832.
Canada Child Benefit: This non-taxable benefit is effective as of July 1, 2016. In 2018, the maximum CCB benefit is $6,496 per child under age six and up to $5,481 per child aged six through 17. In 2019, those amounts are $6,639 per child under age six and up to $5,602 per child aged six through 17. Universal child care benefit (UCCB): This benefit was replaced with the Canada Child Benefit as of July 1, 2016. However, Canadian residents can still apply for previous years if they meet certain conditions, including living with the child and being primarily responsible f o r t h e c h i l d ’s c a r e a n d upbringing. Child care expense deduction limits: As of 2017, the maximum amounts that can be claimed are $8,000 for children under age seven, $5,000 for children aged seven through 16, and $11,000 for children who are eligible for the disability tax credit. Children’s fitness tax credit: This credit has been
phased out, and is gone as of 2017. If your client’s children played baseball, soccer, or participated in some other program of physical activity, clients may be able to claim up to $500 in 2016 ($0 in 2017), per child, of the cost of these programs. Until 2017, clients can claim an additional $500 for each eligible child who qualifies for the disability amount and for whom they’ve paid at least $100 in registration or membership fees for an eligible program. As of 2015, this is a refundable credit. Children’s arts tax credit: This credit has been phased out, and is gone as of 2017. If clients’ children participated in a program of artistic, cultural, recreational, or developmental activity such as tutoring, clients may be able to claim up to $250 of the fees paid, per child, on these programs in 2016 ($0 in 2017). Until 2017, clients can claim an additional $500 for each eligible child who qualifies for the disability amount and for whom they’ve paid at least $100 in registration or membership fees for an eligible program. (The End) December, 2018
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
Guru Nanak is Our Role Model Guru Nanak the founder of Sikhism was born on April 15, 1469 at Rai-Bhoi-DiTalwandi renamed Nankana Sahib (Pakistan). Guru Nanak had unique visionary,revolutionary and liberating philosophy for all humankind. He was the first to raise his voice against tyranny and oppression. He laid a firm foundation for a united society by repudiating the caste system and social privileges by birth. The critical analysis of his bani in SGGS reveals that the society was plagued with injustice, corruption, cruelty, exploitation, greed, tyranny, falsehood, hypocrisy and self-conceit. He openly condemned the Muslim rulers and the their administrators by calling them butchers, man-eaters, tigers and dogs who harassed and prosecuted the innocent subjects. He also exposed the Hindu religious leaders(Brahmins, yogis and khatris ) who were responsible for the encouragement in caste system, superstitions, rituals, idol worship and for not providing protection to the people and the country against Muslim invaders.Guru Nanak was the most widely travelled enlightened person in history. His mission for travel was to spread his philosophy by engaging in healthy dialogue based on logic or reason. I wrote this article in response to a Sikh preacher explaining that Sikh Gurus are our “role models” which I fully agree with. Then the preacher said Guru Nanak is his role model because: Guru Nanak liberated many Lakhs of prisoners from Babar’s jail (1 lakh = 100,000) and also called Babar a “Jabar” (evil or persecutor). Guru Nanak stopped the Pahhaar(mountain) with one hand, which was pushed by a pir (Wali Qandhari). Pushing and stopping of the mountain was accomplished with spiritual powers by both individuals. Guru Nanak removed one stone and the fresh water spring gushed out from the ground. I was greatly disappointed to hear the above exaggerated statements, as they were not even close to a reality. However, it inspired me to write this article. Most of the Sikh people are familiar with the sakhies (stories) or incidents from where the above 3 points are derived. So, for that reason, I would only discuss the points in this article. Let us do critical analysis of the above 3 statements: I would like to draw the readers attention to the basic concept of Sikhism. Sikhism
Sikh Virsa, Calgary
differ from other religions as follow: Sikhism is based on logic or reason, where as other major religions are based on faith or belief. Guru Nanak rejected rituals and miracles, therefore Sikhism does not believe in rituals or in miracles. 1. Did Guru Nanak meet Babar ? : The answer is no. Guru Nanak arrived at Saidpur renamed Eminabad, Gujranwala district of Pakistan, much later after it was destroyed by Babar’s army (1). Babar’s memoirs or “Tuzk” a work of high literary quality gives many interesting details of important events he was involved in, but there is no mention that he met Guru Nanak. He even described the Indian life style and customs of that time. One wonders that his meeting with Guru Nanak could have been the most important event in Babar’s life. So we can easily conclude, that, Guru Nanak never met Babar. The Babar bani in SGGS is addressing the defeat of corrupt Lodis (Pathan rulers) by Babar and the atrocities committed by Babar ’s ruthless army on the innocent people, especially women and the inhumane conditions of the survivors. There is no mention or any indication in Babar bani hymns that Guru Nanak personally met Babar and discussed his gruesome actions on the innocent civilians. One wonders, if Guru Nanak never met Babar, how can he call Babar a Jabar and asked him to liberate the prisoners? Sikh preacher’s remarks that Guru Nanak liberated many Lakhs of prisoners from Babar’s jail is an unrealistic, overblown and far-fetched statement. I do not think there were that many people (total population) lived in the whole region of Saidpur and the neighboring towns. The second part of the statement that Guru Nanak called Babar a Jabar is also not true because Guru Nanak never met Babar. I have strong faith in my Guru that he did not talk behind Babar’s back (called Babar a Jabar) in Babar’s absence. It’s obvious that both parts of this statement are not true so it is a myth. Sikh preachers & Kathakars who only read mythical Janam sakhies, often misrepresent Gurbani. All the miraculous stories mentioned in Janam sakhies are false. I suppose, that’s what happened here, they thought Babar bani is eyewitness to invasion of Saidpur and Guru Nanak had dialogue with Babar. In reality it never happened as described above. 2. Push and Stop the Pahhaar (moun-
tain): It is not possible for a human being to move or push a mountain by himself without the help of modern tools or machines. It is also not possible for a humankind to stop the rolled down mountain or a large boulder especially with one hand. As we all know there is no place for miracles in Sikhism, then how Guru Nanak used miracle to stop the mountain with one hand? This statement indicate that Guru Nanak contradicted his own philosophy, which I will never believe. This is again a fake sakhi which have been fabricated by our preachers or kathakars. In reality no human being is strong enough, who can push or stop the mountain with ware hands, so therefore, it is a myth. 3. Emergence of fresh water Spring: It is not possible that a rock could block the flow of a underground spring or act as a plug in the ground. It is the Law of Nature that flow of underground water would have pressure, so water must have been oozing out into the loose dirt around the rock. If there were no visible signs of surface water, then just removing or dislodging the rock would not produce fresh water spring. It is not like “pull the plug and water runs out”. As we all know, one has to dig deep to find underground water, but the story did not mention it. This point of the above statements is again not relevant or logical, there fore it’s not a true story, so it is a myth. It is not uncommon to find very similar mythical stories in other religions: 1. Islam: There is a story that Abraham’s second wife Hazat Hajra with her infant son in Arabian Desert, desperately looking for water for her child. She prayed to God and was told to place child’s feet on the desert sand. The child kicked up water miraculously from the sand. This place is called Zamzam, now located in the complex of their holy shrine Kaaba, Saudi Arabia. Muslims have great respect for Zamzam and they treat the water as “Holy Water” of Zamzam. 2. Hinduism: Hanuman is one of the most celebrated and revered personality in Hindu mythology. He was one of the central character in the ancient Hindu epic Ramayana where he is shown flying and carrying a mountain on his palm. One can easily conclude, that, the inventor of these stories took fresh water spring from the Islamic story of Zamzam. And other where Guru Nanak stopped the mountain with one hand or palm from Hindu mythology – Hanuman. (The End)
December, 2018
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689
Golombek’s year-end tax tips for clients By Michelle Schriver Top of mind this year for business-owner clients are tax changes for Canadiancontrolled private corporations (CCPCs), which include expanded rules for tax on split income (TOSI). One of those changes deals with income splitting and “the limited ability you have to pay dividends now, effective in 2018, to family members who are not directly involved in the business,” says Jamie Golombek, managing director of tax and estate planning at CIBC Financial Planning and Advice. However, there are exceptions to the rule. For example, family members who are shareholders and work in the business on average at least 20 hours per week are exempt from TOSI. Other exceptions depend on ownership and the age of the shareholder, says Golombek. “For example, if a shareholder’s over 24 and owns at least 10% of the votes and value of the shares, then these new TOSI rules don’t apply,” he says, assuming the business meets certain conditions, such as not being a professional corporation. Business owners have until Dec. 31 to satisfy the 10% ownership requirement so that dividends paid in 2018 won’t be subject to TOSI. If a private company has other shareholders, such as a spouse, partner or adult kids, then clients should “think about whether or not you’re going to pay dividends this year and whether or not the rules apply,” says Golombek. He also suggests clients review the corporation’s share structure to determine if a corporate reorganization is warranted. That way, shareholders can own shares of different classes for tax purposes. Or, clients may want to change the share structure so that shareholders can qualify for the 10% ownership exception of votes and value, he says. Also affecting businessowner clients are new rules for passive investment income effective for tax years after 2018, including a reduction in the small business deduction (SBD) for CCPCs with passive investment income between $50,000 and $150,000. The SBD is reduced to zero at $150,000 of investment income. Golombek suggests clients plan for passive income now, since next year’s reduction to the SBD is based on certain investment income in 2018 (specifically, adjusted aggregate investment income). One suggestion to reduce passive income
by Dec. 31 is “making sure you’re taking out enough money to maximize RRSPs and TFSAs,” says Golombek, adding that an income of about $147,000 at 18% results in
counselling fees,” says Golombek. Clients who turn 71 in 2018 have until Dec. 31 to make final RRSP contributions before converting their RRSPs to RRIFs or registered annuities. For seniors or those eligible for the disability tax credit (DTC), renovations to make a home accessible qualify for the nonrefundable home accessibility tax credit worth up to $1,500 for work or goods paid for by Dec. 31. Also, Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) assistance for 2018 might still be available to clients if they act quickly, says Golombek. “The government may contribute up to a maximum of $3,500 CDSG [Canada Disability Savings Grant] and $1,000 CDSB [Canada Disability Savings Bond] per year of eligibility, depending on the net income of the beneficiary’s family,” says Golombek in the report. The grant and bond are available up until the year the plan beneficiary turns 49, with the grant amount also based on plan contributions. As such, the report says that eligible investors—those eligible for the disability tax credit, their parents and other eligible contributors might want to contribute to an RDSP before Dec. 31. Further, “there is a 10-year carryforward of CDSG and CDSB entitlements,” says the report. “For beneficiaries who have been DTC-eligible since 2008, some CDSG and CDSB entitlements may be lost after 2018.” Clients with medical expenses can claim a tax credit when expenses exceed the lower of 3% of net income or $2,302 in 2018. “If your medical expenses are less, maybe there are some other expenses you could pay late in the year to qualify over that threshold,” says Golombek.* Finally, to receive a donation tax credit, charitable gifts must be made by Dec. 31. “The best way to make donations is through gifts of appreciated securities,” such as stocks, mutual funds and segregated funds, says Golombek. “If you donate them to charity, you get a receipt for fair market value & you pay no tax whatsoever on the accrued gain.” With year-end client discussions coinciding with the season of charitable giving, “why not remind clients that a great opportunity to make your charitable gift this year is through a gift of securities?” says Golombek. Depending on the province, it could save them as much as 27% in capital gains tax on the securities’ accrued gain. (The End)
Make the most of income splitting, passive income, donations & more
Sikh Virsa, Calgary
the maximum 2019 RRSP contribution of $26,500. Another suggestion is to strategically realize gains & losses on investments. “Consider a buy-and-hold strategy to defer capital gains if a corporation is approaching the $50,000 threshold in 2018,” says Golombek in a report outlining his year-end tax tips. Not new but noteworthy Clients should also make sure they’re taking advantage of routine tax-planning opportunities, such as tax-loss selling, Golombek says. That involves selling investments with accrued losses at year end to offset capital gains realized elsewhere in a portfolio. For the loss to be immediately available in 2018, the settlement must take place in 2018. With T+2 trading introduced last year, Dec. 27 is the last day to settle trades by Dec. 31 to realize gains or losses, says Golombek. Net capital losses that can’t be used in the current year can be carried back three years or carried forward indefinitely to offset net capital gains in other years. For clients with U.S. or other foreign securities, foreign exchange must be considered. “There’s been big movement in the F/X rate over the years,” says Golombek. “Make sure that what looks like a gain [isn’t] a loss once you do the F/X conversion.” Another tip: investors who repurchase a security sold at a loss should be aware of the superficial loss rule. That rule applies when an investor sells a security at a loss and buys it back within 30 days. In such a case, “your capital loss will be denied and added to the adjusted cost base (tax cost) of the repurchased security,” he says in the report. “That means any benefit of the capital loss could only be obtained when the repurchased security is ultimately sold.” More tips to share Other tax opportunities include paying certain expenses, such as investment-related expenses, by year end. “Make sure those are paid on non-registered accounts by Dec. 31 to get a tax deduction under investment
December, 2018
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
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SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689
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Ph: 403-285-2446 December, 2018
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
Mann Bros. Meat Shop
RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Interior & Exterior Painting, Spray Ceiling, Walls Doors, Decks, Fences, Stucco, New & Old Houses
618, 5075-FALCONRIDGE BLVD. NE CALGARY Specialists in best quality Fresh meat & poultry
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«¬µÊ∂ ‘ «’√Ó Á≈ Â≈˜≈ Ó∆‡ «ÓÒÁ≈ ‘ÀÕ Kuljit Mann or Jasbir Mann
Tel: 403-568-6997
MUKHTIAR S. PARMAR Call : 403-399-9075
SK Plumbing, Heating Drain Cleaning
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‹∂’ Âπ√ƒ À˜∆‚À∫Ù∆¡Ò ÍÒø«Ï≥◊, ‘Ω‡ Ú≈‡ ‡À∫’ ¡Â∂ ÎÈ∂√ «Í∂¡ ‹ª ‚∂È ’Ò∆«Èø◊ Á≈ ’ج∆ Ú∆ ’øÓ ’≈¿π‰≈ ˛ ª ¡æ‹ ‘∆ ≈‹Úø Ó≈‰’» È≈Ò √øÍ’ ’ØÕ Certified Journeyman, Plumber & Gas Filter Licensed
Cell: 403-608-5843
Ph: 403) 568-EYES (3937)
105 -77 Castleridge Blvd. NE Calgary (Between Safeway & TD Canada Trust in Castleridge Plaza)
LARGEST SELECTION OF LATEST DESIGNER Eyewear, sunglasses & contact lenses at low prices
Prescription Glasses Sunglasses Best Contact Lenses Prices Free Sight Testing Special Discount for Seniors Kids Packages
Hot Water Tank & Furnace Repair
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4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Deck & Fance Garage Basement Kitchen Electrical Plum bing Door Finishing
4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Baseboard Hardwood Laminate Vinyl Lino Tiles Carpet
2 Indoor Air Quality Controls 2 Refrigeration 2 Air Conditioning 2 Heating Service 2 Ventilation
SUKHDEV SINGH 403-969-6544, 403-689-4877
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ARSH BHULLAR: 403-973-5103
Email :
Mandeep Gill or Deep Pawar Or Asim Khan Ph: 403-280-1117 Fax: 403-770-8707 Cell: 689-Asim (2746)
''We specialize in India and Pakistan fares''.
Call: MANJIT 403-399-5252 ÈÚ∂∫ ‹ª Íπ≈‰∂ ÿ «Úº⁄ Âπ√ƒ ¡øÁ/Ï≈‘ Í∂∫‡ Á∆ ‹ΩÏ ’Ú≈¿π‰∆ ‘ØÚ∂ «‹Ú∂∫ √Í∂¡, ¤ºÂ, ’ø˪, ÁÚ≈‹∂, ‚Àº’, ÎÀ∫√, √‡º’Ø ’Ú≈¿π‰∆ ˛ ª ¡º‹ ‘∆ ÎØÈ ’ØÕ
FREE ESTIMATE Sikh Virsa, Calgary
2 Service of Contracts 2 Ice Machines 2 Rooftop Units
‡ÀÚ«Òß◊ √ÏßË∆ ’ج∆ Ú∆ ’ßÓ ‘ØÚ∂ ª ¡µ‹ ‘∆ ˜±Ó ‡ÀÚÒ ”Â∂ ÓÈÁ∆Í ¡Â∂ ¡√∆Ó È≈Ò √ßÍ’ ’Ø!
Check our prices before you purchase your tickets!
December, 2018
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689
Rebate Roofing & Siding Ltd. Residential & Commercial We are insured!
Siding & Gutter
Rani Tailors ¡√∆∫ ‘ Â∑ª Á∆ «‚˜≈¬∆È Â∂ Ïπ‡∆’ √«‡«⁄≥◊ ’Á∂ ‘ªÕ Ï≈¬∆‚Ò Ò«‘≥◊∂, Ò∂‚∆˜ √»‡, ¡È≈’Ò∆, È≈ÓÒ Â∂ «‚˜≈¬∆È ÏÒ≈¿±˜, ‘ Â∑ª Á∆ ÎÀ∫√∆ ’√‡Ó √«‡«⁄≥◊ ¡Â∂ ¡Ò‡∂ÙÈ ’Á∂ ‘ªÕ
We do Designer Boutique Stitching Suits, Bridal Lehngas, Ladies Suits, Anarkali, Normal Designer Blouse and Every Kind Fancy Custom Stitching & Alteration
Call: 403-615-2844 Ph : 403-926-7614
Bay #131, 5120-47, St. N.E. Calgary AB. We do all kind of Alteration
Residential & Commercial
Residential, Commercial & Industrial, Make-up unit, CCTV Camera, Data wiring & Work Service Calls
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Ph. : 587-703-2416, 587-897-6959
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Tel: 403-798-0508 Cell: 681-0508
AKAL GARAGE DOORS 8 We Install & Repair Garage Doors 8 We install door openers 8 We install wireless key pad 8 We change spring cables etc. 8 We Serve Calgary & Area 8 We meet & beat prices
Residential & Commercial Ï∂√ÓÀ∫‡ Á≈ ÁÚ≈˜≈ ’º„‰≈ ‘ØÚ∂, «Ú≥‚Ø Úº‚∆ ‹ª ¤Ø‡∆ ’Ú≈¿∞‰∆ ‘ØÚ∂Õ «¬º’ Ú≈ √∂Ú≈ Á≈ ÓΩ’≈ ˜± «Á˙Õ Ú≈‹Ï ’∆Óª ”Â∂Õ √≈‚∂ ’ØÒ Special Hydraulic Cutting Machine, Side Walk, Garage Pad, Cutting and Removal 1” ÂØ∫ 18” Coring Cutting Window and Door Cutting
Contractor Ú∆ª Ò¬∆ Cutting Á∆ √«Ú√ «ÁæÂ∆ ‹ªÁ∆ ˛,
Ph: 403-466-4567
NIRMAL SINGH : 403-615-3833 Sikh Virsa, Calgary
December, 2018
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
WARE HOUSE PRICES 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sink Faucets Toilet Bidet/Jet Puk Light Chandelier Flush-Mount
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Electrical Pot Light Switch Plug Step Light Led Light Bath Light
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
jykr qusIN lweItW KrIdxIAW hox qW A`j hI inDwn lweIitMg ’qy phuMco[ij`Qy quhwnUM bhuq vDIAw vyAr hwaUs dIAW kImqW imlxgIAW!
Breaker Hood Fan Bath Fan Electric Box Track Light Out Door Led Energy Save Bulbs
#2120, # 4130, 3961-52 AVE N.E. CALGARY AB, T3J OJ8 (Near Common Wealth Hall)
Sikh Virsa, Calgary
December, 2018
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689
Sunrise Renovation & Maintenance Services
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McKnight Business Centre
Harcharan (HP) Parhar REALTOR
Suite 223-4818 Westwinds Dr. N.E. Calgary AB T3J 3Z5
For all your Real Estate need Please Call Harcharan Parhar
Ph. : 403-668-4800 / 403-775-6650 Toll Free : 1-866-266-6500
Cell 403.681.8689
Email : Website. :
NANCY RANDHAWA SURINDER SINGH RANDHAWA IMMIGRATION LAW Spousal and Parent Sponsorship HRSDC Work Permit Nanny Approved New Fast Track Immigration Progress Refugee Claims Appeals Aagainst Refused Marriage & Parent Sponsorship
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Tel: 403-590-8224 Fax: 403-590-6007
(2ND FLOOR) #107, 5120-47 ST. N.E., CALGARY AB, CANADA T3J 4K3 Sikh Virsa, Calgary
December, 2018
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
SANDHU PROFESSIONAL CORP. Lakhvir Sandhu Certified General Accountant Certified Information Systems Auditor Certified Quickbooks Pro Advisor (Former Manager - PricewaterhouseCoopers)
Free Initial Consultation Do not hesitate to call ·Personal, Corporate and Trust Taxes ·E-filing, CRA Tax Rulings & Audit Assistance ·Financial Statements ·Payroll, T4, Record of Employment, Employment Standards ·Book Keeping, Computer Systems Setup
Ph: 403-648-9123 Fax: 403-648-9124
Langdon Location: Unit 228A, 355 Centre Street N Langdon, AB. T0J 1X2
Calgary Location: Unit 101, 4656 Westwinds Dr. NE Calgary AB. T3J 3Z5
'The name people trust and recommend' Over 25 years of experience in Immigration Matters
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Parents and spousal sponsorships 8 Refugee Claims and Skilled Workers / Express Entry Federal Court Appeals Immigration Law 8 PNP applications Business/ Entrepreneur/ Investor 8 Successfully handled Appeals against refused cases thousands of Student and Visitor Visa immigration cases
DALWINDER HAYER AMANDEEP HAYER M.A. (Eco.) L.L.B Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Public
B.A. J.D. (Canada) J.D (U.S) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public
B.A. L.L.B. (Hons.) L.L.M Tel: 78377-00047 Chandigarh (India)
Sikh Virsa, Calgary
Immigration Consultant & Notary, RCIC
TEL: 403-235-4197 FAX: 403-235-6038
WEST WINDS BUSINESS CENTRE #111, 5120 47 St. NE Calgary, AB., T3J 4K3 Email: December, 2018
Personal Tax Returns Corporate Tax Returns Computerized Book Keeping Payroll T4's Record of Employment AkwaUNitMg dIAW zrUrqW leI iekbwl is`DU nwl sMprk kro[
Life Insurance; - Term Life - Universal Life Critical Illness Insurance Segregated Funds RRSP lweIP ieMSorYNs dIAW zrUrqW leI iekbwl is`DU nwl sMprk kro[
Iqbal Sidhu
Tel: (403) 615-0957
Tel: (403) 568-2667 Fax: (403) 568-2676
Email: Email: Unit 202, 4656 Westwinds Dr. NE Calgary, AB. T3J 3Z5 (Near Sikh Virsa Office)
L IKE A G OOD N EIGHBOUR , S TATE FARM I S T HERE®. For your insurance and financial needs, see State Farm Agent: Monday 9am to 5pm Tuesday-Friday 9am to 6pm
Saturday - Only Appointments Other Times by Appointment (Sunday Longweekend Closed)
4851 Westwinds Drive NE, Suite 217 Calgary, AB T3J 4L4 Bus: 403-568-4330
Romi Sidhu,™
State Farm Insurance Companies • Canadian Head Offices: Aurora, Ontario
Toll Free: 1-833-400-4343 Email: • • • • •
We find Tenants, collect rents, conduct inspections, take service calls. Perform Tenant Evictions. Establish & Manage Condominium Corporations. Help buy & sell all kind of Real Estate. Deal with Landlords, Tenants, Buyers, Sellers, Investors, Condo Boards & Condo Corporations,
Builders, Developers. • Deal in all kind of properties including Commercial, Residential, Industrial, Rural, Acreages, Businesses and more • Not a Jack of All Trades, we have Specific Expert for Specific Trade • See the difference when these experts work for you
#601, 4656 Westwinds Dr. NE Calgary AB T3J 3Z5
Rabinder Gill Broker
Sahota Law Office Barristers, Solicitors & Notary Public Real Estate ~ Commercial & Residential Business ~ Sale/Purchase & Shareholder Agreements Wills & Estates ~ Corporate Law Family Dispute/Divorce ~ Litigation Foreclosures ~ Immigration Appeals Commercial Lease Agreements/Disputes Accident Injury Claims
Jagdeep K. Sahota Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public
403-777-2224 #200, 3505-32 St. NE Calgary AB Email:
Moved to Bigger and Better Place in Brampton 4525 Ebenezer Road, Brampton ONT
Bhatia Fashions in Surrey Unit 325 Payal Business Centre Surrey BC Ph: (604) 593-5553