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Sikh Virsa, Calgary
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June, 2016
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Sikh Virsa, Calgary
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June, 2016
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
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#4, 3012-17TH AVE. S.E. CALGARY, AB., T2A 0P9 SERVICES INCLUDE : * Motor Vehicle Registration* License Plates * Driver Knowledge Testing, Land Titles, Leins * Corporate & Name Search * Marriage/Birth Certificate & Marriage License etc.
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DALI SINGH BAJWA OR KULJIT CHOHAN (Commission for oaths) 403-273-3730 Sikh Virsa, Calgary
June, 2016
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689 Á∆ ‘∞ÛÁ≥◊ ’’∂Õ ‘∞ÛÁ≥◊ ª Í«‘Òª ‘∆ Ó⁄≈ º÷∆ ‘À ¿∞È∑ª È∂Õ ÏÒÁ∆ ¡Â∂ Â∂Ò Í≈¿∞‰ ÂØ∫ ‡≈Ò≈ ’’∂ ¡≈͉∂-¡≈Í ˘ È≈«¬’ √≈Ï ’È Á∆ ˜±Â ‘ÀÕ È≈ «’ ◊Ò «ÁÙ≈ ÓºÒ‰ Á∆Õ √‘∆ Á∂÷∆¬∂ ª ¡√∆∫ «¬ºº’ ÷≈√ «’√Ó Á∂ ‹≈Â∆ Ú≈Á∆ ÿ‡∆¡≈ √º«Ì¡≈⁄≈ «Úº⁄Ø∫ Ò≥ÿ ‘∂ ‘ª «‹√ È∂ √≈‚∆ ÏΩ«Ë’ √ÓºÊ≈ Á≈ ÿ≈‰ ’∆Â≈ ‘À Â∂ ‘Ø ‘ØÚ∂◊≈Õ «¬‘ Ï≈’∆¡ª ÂØ∫ ÚË∂∂ ‹º‡ √Ó≈‹ ˘ Ì∞◊‰∆ ÍÚ∂◊∆Õ Î∞’Í∞‰≈ √Á∆¡ª º’ È‘∆∫ ⁄ºÒÁ≈ ‘∞≥Á≈Õ ÓÀ ∫ Ï≈‘ ‹≈ ’∂ Ú∂ ÷ Á≈ √∞ ‰ Á≈ ‘ª «’ ‹º ‡ √º«Ì¡≈⁄≈ Á∆ Í«‘Ò∆ ∆√ ‘«¡≈‰Ú∆ ‹º‡ª È∂ ’∆Â∆ ‘À Â∂ «Î ≈‹√Ê≈È Á∂ Í≥‹≈Ï∆ ÷∂ª È∂, ÍÃ≥± «¬‘ Ú∆ √Ófi‰ Ú≈Ò∆ ◊ºÒ ‘À «’ Á∂Ù Ì «Ú⁄ ‹≈Â∆ √º«Ì¡≈⁄≈ ¿∞ºÂ∂ ‹ØÁ≈ ‘ÓÒ∂ ‘؉∂ Ù∞± ‘Ø ◊¬∂ ‘ÈÕ «¬≥◊ÒÀ∫‚ Ú◊∂ Ó∞ Ò ’ È∂ «¬√ Ï∆Ó≈∆ ˘ Ó≈Í«Á¡ª «¬√ «Ú∞ º Ë «Ïº Ò Í≈√ ’ «Áº  ≈ ‘À Õ UNO ÓÈ∞ º ÷ ∆ ¡«Ë’≈ √≥ √ Ê≈ È∂ ‹≈ÂÍ≈Â∆ «ÚÚ√Ê≈ Â∂ «√º Ë ∂ ‘ÓÒ∂ ’∆Â∂ ‘ÈÕ Á∞È∆¡≈ Á∂ Ó∞Ò’ Ì≈ Á∆ ÏÃ≈‘Ó‰ Á∆ ÍÀ Á ≈ ’∆Â∆ ‹≈ÂÍ≈Â∆ «ÿÃ È Â Ï∆Ó≈∆ ÂØ ∫ √∞ ⁄ ∂  ‘Ø ‘∂ ‘ÈÕ «‘≥ Á ± ¡ ª ÂØ ∫ «’Â∂ Úº Ë «¬√ Ï∆Ó≈∆ ˘ Ï≈‘ «È’Ò ◊¬∂ ‹º ‡ «√º ÷ ª È∂ ÎÀ Ò ≈«¬¡≈ ‘À Õ ‹Ø ¡ÙÚ∂  ¿∞ Ï ≈Ó≈ ¡Ó∆’≈ Ú◊∂ ◊Ø ∂ Ó∞ Ò ’ Á≈ ≈Ù‡ÍÂ∆ ω √’Á≈ ‘À ª Ì≈ ¿∞  ∂ «’√∂ Ú∆ √Ó∂ ∫ ’Ø ¬ ∆ ¡¤±  ͤ«Û¡≈ Ú∆ Ï≈◊‚Ø √≥ Ì ≈Ò √’Á≈ ‘À Õ «√º ÷ ËÓ Ïà ≈ ‘Ó‰Ú≈Á ‹≈Â∆Ú≈Á ¡Â∂ ‹º‡Ú≈Á «Ú∞ºË ¿∞«·¡≈ «¬È’Ò≈Ï∆ ËÓ √∆Õ ËÓ Á∂ ¡≈Ë≈ Â∂ Òº ÷ ª ÓÈ∞ º ÷ ª Á≈ ÷± È ‚Ø Ò ∑ ’∂ Ï«‰¡≈ «√º ÷ √Ó≈‹ ͱ ∆ Â∑ ª ‹≈Â∆Ú≈Á∆ ‘À Õ «ÏȪ Ùº ’ Í≥‹≈Ï Á∂ «Í≥‚, ËÓ, ÷∂Â, ˜Ó∆È ¡Â∂ ≈‹È∆Â∆ ¿∞ºÂ∂ ‹º‡ √Ó≈‹ Á≈ ’Ï‹≈ ‘ÀÕ ¿∞‘ √Ó≈‹ Á≈ ‹ÏÈ È≈«¬’ ‘À «‹√˘ Ï≈’∆ Ï‘∞«◊‰Â∆ √Ó≈‹ «’Ú∂∫ Ú∆
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June, 2016
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June, 2016
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
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Monthly and Family packages are also available. Call For Best Services :
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Sikh Virsa, Calgary
June, 2016
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Sikh Virsa, Calgary
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June, 2016
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Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
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-◊∞Ó∆ «√≥ÿ Ï√≈Ò (’ÀÒÀÎØÈ∆¡ª) Sikh Virsa, Calgary
June, 2016
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689
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‘ ◊Ò∆ ’±⁄∂ ”Â∂ Í«‘≈ ÓΩ Á∂ ’≈È±È Á≈Õ 175.
June, 2016
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
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Students & Work Permit Holders
«‹ßÈ∆¡ª Ó‹∆ ⁄∆‹ª ÂÒØ,
Ask us how you can become Permanent Resident of Canada? We provide services in all areas of Canadian Immigration
Ó√≈«Ò¡ª Á∂ Â∞Û’∂ Ò◊≈¿π √≈¬∆’ÒØÈ Á∂ ‘∞º‚ ÎÀÈ È≈Ò √ÓÀºÒ
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«Ó≥‡ª «Úº⁄ Ï≈‘ Ì‹≈¿∞ ¡Â∂ ÿ Í≈¿∞ ÂØÂ≈˜≈Õ¢ÎÀÈ Ò◊Ú≈¿∞‰ Ò¬∆ ÏÒÁ∂Ú Ïª√Ò È±ß
Baldev Bansal
ÚÀ«’¿∞Ó «‚ͱ ”Â∂ ¡≈ ’∂ «ÓÒØ!
Service comes first before the name goes on
Ashok Sareen M.A., RCIC (Commissioner for Oaths) Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (ICCRC # R418519)
GREEN PLAZA #213, 4818 West Wind Dr. NE CALGARY, AB T3J 3Z5
Bus : 403-590-5666
Tel: 403-285-4270
Cell : 403-630-5465 Fax : 1-866-496-1997 E-Mail: Website: Member Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants
4809-Westwinds Dr N.E Calgary AB. Sikh Virsa, Calgary
June, 2016
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689
‹ÈÓ ÂØ∫ Ï≈¡Á Í«‘Ò∂ ⁄≈ Ó‘∆È∂ Ϻ⁄∂ Á≈ √∆ Ï‘∞ Â∂˜∆ È≈Ò ÚËÁ≈ ‘À ¡Â∂ È≈Ò Á∆ È≈Ò ¡ßÁ±È∆ ¡ß◊ Ú∆Õ Úº÷ØÚº÷ ¡ß◊ª 鱧 ¡≈ÍØ-¡≈͉∂ ’ßÓ’≈ Ò¬∆ Íz؇∆È, «Ê≥Á≈, «Ú‡≈«ÓÈ, ÒØ‘ ’‰, «‹ß’, ’ÀÒÙ∆¡Ó, ÓÀ◊È∆Ù∆¡Ó, Î≈√ÎØ√ Â∂ ‘Ø Ú∆ ’≈¯∆ ’∞fi ⁄≈‘∆Á≈ ‘∞ßÁ≈ ‘À
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June, 2016
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689 ¿∞Ó ÂØ∫ Í«‘Òª ª Ϻ⁄≈ «√¯ ’‘∆ «Èº’∆ Ó؇∆ ◊ºÒ ÓßÈ Ú∆ ÒÀ∫Á≈ ‘À ’Ø«ÙÙ ’Á≈ ‘ÀÕ «¬√ Ú∂Ò∂ Ϻ⁄≈ ⁄∆˜ «‘˜∆Ï ¡≈ ‹ªÁ∆ ‘À ‹Ø ’¬∆ ‹‰∂ Úº‚∂ «È◊ÒÁ≈ ‘À Í ‘∞‰ Â≈ ’∞ ‹Ï≈Û≈ ¡Â∂ «ÁÒ È≈ ’∂ ª ͱ∂ ˜Ø Á∆ «√ ⁄Ï≈¿∞∫«Á¡ª ’∞fi ÷≈‰≈ Ï≈‘ ’º„ «ÁßÁ≈ ‘Ø ’∂ ¤º‚ «Á≥Á∂ ‘È ¡Â∂ Ó±≥‘ ÷ØÒ∑ ’∂ Ú∆ ÿ∞Ó≈¿∞‰ Òº◊ ÍÀ∫Á≈ ‘ÀÕ «¬√∂ Ò¬∆ “È≈” «Úº⁄ «‘Ò≈ ’∂ «Ú÷≈ «Á≥Á≈ ‘ÀÕ ‘∞‰ ‘À ¡Â∂ ’∞fi ¡ßÁ Òßÿ≈ ÒÀ∫Á≈ ‘ÀÕ ÷≈‰ Òº◊ ÍÀ∫Á∂ ‘ÈÕ «¬√ ¿∞Ó «Úº⁄ Ϻ⁄≈ ’∞fi ‘Ø ◊≈Û∆¡ª ⁄∆˜ª Ϻ⁄∂ 鱧 ÷≈‰ «’¿∞∫«’ Ϻ⁄≈ ÏØÒ‰ ‹Ø◊≈ ‘Ø ‹ªÁ≈ ‘À ÷≈‰∂ Á∂ È≈Ò «Úº⁄ Ú≈ Ú≈ Í≈‰∆ Úº«‚¡ª Úª◊ Ï∞Ò º , ‹∆Ì ¡Â∂ ÁßÁ Ú Ҭ∆ «ÁºÂ∆¡ª ‹≈ √’Á∆¡ª ‘È «‹Ú∂∫ «¬√∂ Ò¬∆ “Ó≈Ó≈” ’«‘ ’∂ ¡º◊Ø∫ “È≈” Á≈ «◊Ò≈√ Ó±‘ ≥ 鱧 ¡≈Í∂ Ò≈ ’∂ Ϻ⁄≈ ÷≈‰≈ ’∂ ؇∆ ÷≈‰ Òº◊ ÍÀ∫Á≈ ‘ÀÕ «÷⁄Û∆, ÷∆, ⁄ΩÒ ¡Â∂ ’Û≈‘ ¡≈«ÁÕ «Úº⁄ «√ «‘Ò≈ ’∂ √Ófi≈ «ÁßÁ≈ ‘À «’ fi‡Í‡ ¡≥Á Ò≥ÿ≈¿∞‰ Á∆ ’Ø«ÙÙ ’Á≈ ‹ÁØ∫ Ú∆ Ϻ⁄∂ 鱧 ı∞≈’ Á∂‰∆ ‘ØÚ∂ Ϻ⁄≈ √∞¡≈Á∆ ⁄∆˜ 鱧 ¤∂Â∆ ¤∂Â∆ ӱߑ ÷≈‰≈ ‘À ‹ª È‘∆∫Õ «¬√∂ ¿∞Ó «Úº⁄ Ϻ⁄≈ «‘ßÁ≈ ‘ÀÕ «¬√ ¿∞Ó Á≈ Ϻ⁄≈ Ó±‘ ≥ Ï≥Á ª «¬‘ Ô≈Á º÷‰≈ ˜±∆ ‘À «’ «Èº’∂ ”⁄ Í≈¿∞‰ Ò¬∆ Óª Á≈ ‘ºÊ ÎÛ ’∂ ⁄Ó⁄ ◊∞º√≈ ˜≈«‘ ’È ‹Ø◊≈ ‘Ø ‹ªÁ≈ ‘ÀÕ ’ ’∂ ÷≈‰≈ ÷≈‰ Ϻ⁄∂ Á≈ «„º‚ Úº«‚¡ª Á∂ «„º‚ Á≈ ӱߑ «Úº⁄ ˺’‰ Á∆ ’Ø«ÙÙ ’Á≈ ‘ÀÕ ‹∂ ¿∞√ È∂ È≈ ÷≈‰≈ ‘ØÚ∂ ª ⁄∆’ Òº◊ ÍÀ∫Á≈ Á√Úª «‘º√≈ ‘∆ ‘∞ßÁ≈ ‘ÀÕ «¬√∂ Ò¬∆ Á√ Ó‘∆È∂ Á≈ Ϻ⁄≈ ¡≈͉≈ Ȫ¡ «⁄≥ÿ≈Û≈ Ú∆ Ó⁄≈ √’Á≈ ‘À ‹ª ‘ºÊ ‘À Ì≈Ú ¡≈͉∂ «‘√≈Ï È≈Ò «Ó‰ ’∂ Ϻ⁄∂ Á∆ ¡Â∂ ؇∆ Ï≈∂ ͬ∆ ¡≈Ú≈˜ ͤ≈ȉ ÎÛ∆ ⁄∆˜ Ú◊≈‘ ’∂ Í∑ª Ó≈Á≈ ‘ÀÕ ’∞ÁÂ∆ ı∞≈’ È‘∆∫ «ÓºÊ∆ ‹≈ √’Á∆Õ ‘ Òº◊ ÍÀ∫Á≈ ‘À ¡Â∂ Â≈ ’∞ ӱߑ ÷ØÒ∑ ’∂ ‘∞‰ Ϻ⁄≈ ¡≈Í ⁄ºÓ⁄ ÎÛ ’∂ ÷≈‰ Á∆ ÂΩ ”Â∂ «¬È√≈È Á∆ ¡≈͉∆ Úº÷∆ ÒØÛ ‘∞ßÁ∆ «¬Ù≈≈ Ú∆ ’ «Á≥Á≈ ‘ÀÕ «¬√ ¿∞Ó ‘À ¡Â∂ ¿∞√ Á∆¡ª Ì≈ÚÈ≈Úª Á∆ Á≈ Ϻ⁄≈ Ì∞º÷∂ ‘؉ ”Â∂ ؉≈ ’∞fi Úº÷∆ ’Á ’È∆ ⁄≈‘∆Á∆ ‘ÀÕ «ÏÒ’∞ºÒ ‹ÁØ∫ Ú∆ Ϻ⁄∂ 鱧 ı∞≈’ Á∂‰∆ ‘ØÚ∂ ª «’√Ó Á≈ Ø∫Á≈ ‘À ¡Â∂ «Í¡≈√≈ ‘؉ «¬√∂ ‘∆ Â∑ª Ϻ⁄≈ Ú∆ ¡≈͉∆ ‘Ø∫Á «¬‘ Ô≈Á º÷‰≈ ˜±∆ ‘À «’ «Èº’∂ ¿∞ºÂ∂ ÏØÂÒ, «◊Ò≈√ ‹ª ’ºÍ ¡≈͉∂ Á≈ ¡«‘√≈√ ’Ú≈ «‘≈ ‘∞ßÁ≈ ‘ÀÕ ‘ºÊ∆∫ ÎÛ ’∂ ӱߑ 鱧 Ò≈ ÒÀ∫Á≈ ‘ÀÕ Ïº⁄≈ «¬√∂ Ò¬∆ ¿∞√ Á∆ «Èº’∆ «Èº’∆ ÒØÛ Ïº⁄∂ Á≈ «„º‚ Úº«‚¡ª Á∂ «„º‚ Á≈ ¡≈͉∂ ‘ºÊª È≈Ò «Ï√’∞‡ ¡≈«Á ÎÛ Á≈ «ı¡≈Ò º÷‰≈ Ó≈«Í¡ª Á≈ Á√Úª «‘º√≈ ‘∆ ‘∞ßÁ≈ ‘ÀÕ «¬√∂ ’∂ Ó±≥‘ «Úº⁄ ¡≈Í∂ Í≈ ’∂ ¿∞√ È±ß Ó±ß‘ ¯˜ ‘∞ßÁ≈ ‘À È≈ «’ ¡≈͉∂ Ò¬∆ ¡≈͉∂ «‘√≈Ï È≈Ò ¡ßÁ ÿ∞Ó≈ ’∂ ÁÏ≈¿∞‰ Á∆ ’Ø«ÙÙ ’Á≈ «‘√≈Ï È≈Ò ÷≈‰≈ Í∆‰≈ ‘ÀÕ «¬√ Ú∂Ò∂ ‹∂ Ì∞º÷ È≈ ‘؉ ”Â∂ Ϻ⁄∂ Á∂ ·Ø√‰≈ ⁄≈‘∆Á≈ ‘À Õ Ô≈Á «Ó‰ ’∂ Ϻ⁄∂ Á∆ ı∞≈’ Ó±‘ ß ¡ßÁ ÷≈‰≈ ˺’‰ Á∆ ’Ø«ÙÙ ’∆Â∆ «√¯ ¬∂ È ≈ º÷‰ Á∆ ÒØÛ È‘∆∫ «ÓºÊ∆ ‹≈ √’Á∆Õ ‹≈Ú∂ ª ¿∞‘ ӱߑ ÏßÁ ’ ’∂ «√ Ú∆ ‘À «’ Ϻ⁄∂ È±ß Ø˜ Úº÷ØÍ≈√∂ ¿∞ º ∂ ÿ∞Ó≈ ÒÀ∫Á≈ ‘ÀÕ «¬√∂ ¿∞Ó «Úº⁄ Úº ÷ ∆¡ª ⁄∆˜ª ÷≈‰ ‘ «¬È√≈È Á∆ ¡≈͉∆ ’¬∆ Ú≈ Ϻ⁄≈ Í«‘Ò∆ ÁßÁ∆ Ú∆ ’º„ Ò¬∆ Á∂‰∆¡ª ⁄≈‘∆Á∆¡ª Úº÷∆ ÒØÛ ‘∞ßÁ∆ ‘À ¡Â∂ ÒÀ∫Á≈ ‘ÀÕ ‹∂ ӱߑ ¡ßÁ ÷≈‰≈ ˺’‰≈ ‘È Âª ‹Ø ¿∞‘ ؘ «¬º’Ø ÏßÁ È≈ ’∆Â≈ ‹≈Ú∂ ª Ϻ⁄≈ ¿∞∫◊Ò∆ «‹‘∆ ⁄∆˜ ÷≈ ’∂ ¡º’ È≈ ¿∞√ Á∆¡ª Ì≈ÚÈ≈Úª Á∆ ”Â∂ ÁßÁ∆ Ú∆ Úº„ «Á≥Á≈ ‘ÀÕ ‹≈Ú∂ ¡Â∂ ÷≈‰-Í∆‰ ÂØ ∫ ’Á ’È∆ ⁄≈‘∆Á∆ ‘ÀÕ «¬º’ √≈Ò Á≈ Ϻ⁄≈ Ó≈«Í¡ª Á∆ «¬È’≈∆ ‘Ø ‹≈Ú∂Õ (√Ó≈ÍÂ)
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√Óº◊∆: Í≈¬∆È¡ÀÍÒ-A ͱ≈, Ùº’B ’ºÍ, ÷≈‰ Ú≈Ò≈ ß◊-A⁄Ó⁄, «Èßϱ Á≈ √-A ⁄Ó⁄Õ Ï‰≈¿∞‰ Á∆ «ÚË∆ : √Ì ÂØ ∫ Í«‘Òª «Ó’√∆ ”⁄ Í≈¬∆È¡ÀÍÒ Á∂ ’º‡∂ ‘ج∂ ‡∞’ º Û∂ ¡Â∂ ¡ºË≈ ’ºÍ Í≈‰∆ Í≈ «Á˙Õ «Î ¿∞√ Á≈ Í∂√‡ «Â¡≈ ’ Ò˙Õ ‘∞‰ ÍÀÈ ”⁄ «¬√ Í∂√‡ 鱧 Í≈ ’∂ A@ «Ó≥‡ º’ Í’≈˙ È≈Ò ‘∆ «¬√ ”⁄ Ùº’, «Èßϱ Á≈ √ ¡Â∂ ÷≈‰≈ Ú≈Ò≈ Í∆Ò≈ ß◊ «ÓÒ≈˙Õ ‹ÁØ∫ «¬‘ «ÓÙÈ ◊∞Û≈ ‘Ø ‹≈Ú∂ ª ◊À√ 鱧 ÏßÁ ’
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¡È∞√≈Õ Ï‰≈¿∞‰ Á∆ «ÚË∆: √Ì ÂØ∫ Í«‘Òª «¬’ Î≈«¬ß◊ ÍÀÈ ”⁄ χ ◊Ó ’Ø ¡Â∂ ¿∞√ ”⁄ ◊Ó ¡≈Ò± 鱧 Í∆√ ’∂ ‘Ò’≈ Ï≈¿±È ‘؉ º’ Î≈¬∆ ’ØÕ «Î «¬’ Úº‚∆ ’ΩÒ∆ ”⁄ ¡ª‚∂, ËÈ∆¡≈ ¡Â∂ ÈÓ’ «ÓÒ≈ ’∂ ÎÀ∫‡ Ò˙Õ ◊À√ Á∆ ¡º◊ 鱧 ‘ΩÒ∆ ’ «Á˙ ¡Â∂ ÍÀÈ ”⁄ ÓΩ‹Á ± ¡≈Ò± Á∂ ‡∞’ º «Û¡ª ”Â∂ ¡ª‚∂ Ú≈Ò≈ «ÓÙÈ Í≈ «Á˙Õ ‘∞‰ ¡ª‚≈ ͱ∆ Â∑ª È≈Ò ¡≈Ò± ”Â∂ √Àº‡ ‘Ø ‹≈Ú∂ ª «Ë¡≈È È≈Ò ¡≈ÓÒ∂‡ 鱧 ÎØÒ‚ ’ØÕ ‘∞‰ ÍÀÈ “⁄Ø∫ ¡≈ÓÒ∂‡ 鱧 ’º„ ’∂ ÍÒ∂‡ ”⁄ Í≈ Ò˙ ¡Â∂ ËÈ∆¡≈ Í≈ ’∂ √Ω√ ‹ª ⁄‡È∆ È≈Ò √Ú ’ØÕ June, 2016
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689
«ÙÂ∂ : ’∆ «√‘ÂÓ≥Á ‘À ¡Â∂ ’∆ «√‘ÂÓ≥Á È‘∆∫ ‘À?
RELATIONSHIPS: WHAT IS HEALTHY AND WHAT IS NOT «¬‘ ‹≈‰’≈∆ «¬√ Ï≈∂ √Ø⁄‰ «Úº⁄ Â∞‘≈‚∆ ÓºÁÁ ’∂◊∆ «’ Â∞‘≈‚≈ ¡≈͉∂ √≈Ê∆ Á∂ È≈Ò «’√ Â∑ª Á≈ «ÙÂ≈ ‘ÀÕ ÓÀ∫ «’Ú∂∫ ÍÂ≈ Ò◊≈Úª «’ Ó∂≈ «ÙÂ≈ «√‘ÂÓ≥Á ‘À? (How do I know if my relationship is healthy?)
ÓÀ∫ «’Ú∂∫ ÍÂ≈ Ò◊≈Úª «’ Ó∂≈ «ÙÂ≈ «√‘ÂÓ≥Á È‘∆∫ ‘À? (How do I know if I’m in an unhealthy relationship?)
ÓÀ∫ «’Ú∂∫ ÍÂ≈ Ò◊≈Úª «’ Ó∂≈ «ÙÂ≈ Áπ«Ú‘≈ Ú≈Ò≈ ‘À? (How do I know if I’m in an abusive relationship?
Ì≈ÚÈ≈Úª ˘ √ªfi≈ ’È≈ ÁØÚ∂∫ √≈Ê∆ «¬º’-Á»‹∂ ˘ «¬√ Ï≈∂ Áº√‰ «Úº⁄ √πº«÷¡Â ¡Â∂ Әϻ ӫ‘√»√ ’Á∂ ‘È «’ ¿∞‘ ¡√Ò «Úº⁄ «’Ú∂∫ Ó«‘√»√ ’Á∂ ‘ÈÕ
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June, 2016
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689 Science, religion, and culture are three forces that greatly affect our world. It is no exaggeration to say that the course of human history will depend on the relationship between these disciplines, and the impact and influence each area has on society. Intellectuals, for example, will be attracted to religions that are mainly dynamic, progressive, and at peace with science. Science has succeeded remarkably in learning about the workings of the human brain and the earth and universe around us. It is unlocking the code of life by mapping human DNA, tracing the history of the known universe, and disclosing virtually all physical and biological phenomena in impressive detail. And until recently, science and religion co-mingled well in Sikh society. However, Sikh clergy simply ignored science, as their educational handicaps did not permit the implications. There were exceptions, such as Dr. Raghbir Singh Bir, Professor Puran Singh, and Professor Hardev Singh Virk. Bir fathered a movement still remembered as Atam Science, the science of the soul. It publishes a monthly newsletter from Chandigarh. Dr. Hardev Singh Virk gathered the views of a number of Sikh intellectuals for a book on the subject of Science and Religion. Yet this is still the bare minimum compared to the debates seen in many other cultures & most Sikh scientists remain humble before the Guru Granth and refrain from speaking out. It is only recently that limited conflict has begun to disrupt our peaceful society. Some academics are beginning to feel that religion is an outdated institution in the face of science. They do not observe the dynamism in
Sikh Virsa, Calgary
THE DEBATE When we consider Sikhee or Gurmat (the wisdom of the Guru Granth), the phrase, Science versus Religion may be worrisome (For discussion, see Singh 2009). Such phrases are derived from long-standing debates in Christianity about Science and Religion. It always seems that there is a conflict between the two disciplines and their derivatives. According to their tradition, science and religion say different and contradictory things about the same domain. For example, in the view of certain Harbans Lal conservative Christians, the PhD; D.Litt (hons) biblical view of Emeritus Professor and Chairman, Dept of Pharmacology & Neuroscience, University of creation differs from North Texas Health Science Center. scientific theories of Emeritus, Guru Nanak Dev University, cosmology. They Amritsar, India. think that evolution President, Academy of Guru Granth Studies. is both bad religion the bestsellers list and their and bad science, while religion many polemicists who attest for is thought to be a good science. interest in the subject (see Their anthropomorphic God has the powers of a super Raman, 2009). Ideally, the objectives of human being. When we Science and Religion should be consider Sikhism however, there complementary. And they are, is little conflict on these or as far as present Sikh society is similar issues. In fact, science concerned. The methodology might be the one important and levels of sophistication may asset of the Sikhism. Let me be different, however, they explain. Soon after partition of Indian share the same goal of subcontinent, I joined Punjab understanding reality. religion that they see in other areas of life. To many, religion belongs in a history museum. In fact, Science and Religion are usually discussed under titles such as Science vs. God, Science vs. Religion, Can Religion Stand Up to the Progress of Science, and so on. They are drawn mostly from the long-standing debate between Christianity, particularly the Book of Genesis, and scientists like Darwin and a century’s old line of physicists, astronomers, and biologists. Several books on the subject frequently reach
University for the degree program in Pharmaceutical Sciences (1949-52). The school was located in the Glancy Medical College in Amritsar. We started to hold informal and formal study circles where Sikh students and teaching staff of the medical college would gather to talk about issues in Sikhism. I recall one gathering where the late Dr. Harbhajan Singh of Pathology Department suddenly asked me a question. “ W h i c h section of the civil society would be more amenable to appreciate Gurmat”, he asked. I recalled responding; the scientists of course. Scientists are rational in seeking the truth, so is the Guru’s Wisdom, Gurmat, as it is manifested in the Sikh scripture, Sri Guru Granth Sahib. They will be at home with each other. I remember this discussion because the next day I saw it reported in the Punjab press. It was unusual for the Punjab press to report a study circle but it must be due to the attractiveness of the topic. Of course, the attendees of the Study Circle asked me for an explanation, which took the rest of the evening that became worth reporting by the Sikh press. Indeed this was the subject of interest then, and is an important subject today. NATURE AND ITS STUDY Science is popularly defined as a systematic study of nature and its laws. The term science comes from the Latin “scientia” meaning knowledge. According to Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary, the definition of science is “knowledge attained through study or practice,” or “knowledge covering general truths of the operation of general laws, especially as obtained and tested through scientific method…” What does that really mean? Science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge of
June, 2016
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689 nature and its creations. This system uses observations and experimentations to describe and explain natural phenomena. What is the purpose of science? Perhaps the most general
purpose of science is to produce constructive and pragmatic models of reality in nature. In the Sikh vocabulary, nature and creation are based on God’s ‘Hukam’ (meaning command, order, decree, etc.), which created and sustains the universe. To see God in Creation is the root of the mental picture we make about nature. We Sikhs practice this as a meditation on daily basis. In Sikhee, nature and its creations are termed kudrat, the Creative Power of the Universe. Guru Nanak described the relationship between kudrat and the Creator as: ’∞Á«Â ’« ’À Ú«√¡≈ √Ø«¬--Guru Arjan Dev, SGGS, p. 1096. God created kudrat, the Creative Power of the Universe, and then chose to dwell within it. Kabir, another contributor of the Guru Granth, corroborated it this way. ÒØ◊≈ Ì«Ó È Ì±Ò‘∞ Ì≈¬∆® ÷≈«Ò’∞ ÷Ò’ ÷Ò’ Ó«‘ ÷≈«Ò’∞ ͱ« «‘˙ √ÃÏ ·ª¬∆® –Kabir, SGGS, p.1096 O people, O Siblings of Destiny, do not wander deluded by doubt. The Creation is in the Creator, and the Creator is in the Creation, totally pervading and permeating all places. To Guru Nanak, the Creator and all Creations were the same, as the Creator is manifested in Creation. He symbolized this relationship in the commencing symbol inscribed in Sikh scripture, the Sri Guru Granth Sahib, as ˝ Ek-Onkaar meaning the One Reality manifested, as
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well as expressed, in creation (For detail, read Lal, 2009). Guru Nanak goes on to say that, the Creator continuously watches over the kudrat, the Creative Power of the Universe, and casts all dices. Ú∂÷«‘ ’∆Â≈ ¡≈͉≈ ’« ’∞Á«Â Í≈√≈ „≈«Ò ‹∆¿∞-Guru Nanak, SGGS, p. 71. The Creator watches over His own Creation, and through His All-powerful Creative Potency casts the dice. With respect to the realization of God, Guru Nanak said that God’s presence and identity may be made out best through the reality of kudrat,the Creative Power of the Universe. È≈È’ √⁄ Á≈Â≈∞ «√È≈÷Â∞ ’∞ÁÂ∆ Guru Nanak, SGGS, p. 141. Says Nanak, the Reality and the Giver of the Reality, are revealed through the kudrat, His All-powerful Creative Nature. The scientists, intellectuals and spiritual people alike pursue the study of nature or in religious terms, kudrat, the Creative Power of the Universe. This results in their becoming ecstatic; they fall in love with it. Guru Arjun expresses this phenomenon in his hymn as follows. ’Â∂ ’∞ÁÂ∆ Ó∞√Â≈’∞® Guru Arjun, SGGS, p. 724. O Creator, through Your kudrat, the Creative Power of the Universe, I fall in love with you. Guru Nanak continues further and claims that the Creator, after manifesting creation then contemplates the same. ¡≈Í∂ ’∞Á«Â √≈«‹ ’À ¡≈Í∂ ’∂ Ï∆⁄≈∞® Guru Nanak, SGGS, p. 143. He Himself created and adorned the Laws of Nature, and He Himself envisages it. That is, in a nutshell, the Sri Guru Granth view of nature and the study of its reality as a religious goal. There is no distinction made between a
scientist and a theologian. With required educational training, a scientist may also become a theologian and vice a versa. They both seek reality in their own ways and there is an affirmative relationship between them. This may be the strongest Sikh statement on the relationship between science and religion. RELIGION & RELIGIOUS PRACTICE : Religion is an organized approach to human spirituality. It usually encompasses a set of narratives, symbols, beliefs and practices, often with a supernatural or transcendent quality. They give meaning to the practitioner’s experiences of life through reference to a higher power: God, Gods, or ultimate truth. For many, religion is spiritual or in some cases supernatural; and science is about the physical aspects of natural. This comparison, though attractive, is problematic because it proposes a duality towards reality. It is more productive to say that religion and science are about the same domain, namely, how humans experience Truth (natural or super natural). To search for truth by every means is the gist of the religion according to Guru Nanak, ¬∂’Ø ËÓ∞ «ÁzÛÀ √⁄∞ ’ج∆ ® Guru Nanak, SGGS, p. 1188. To grasp the Truth is the only religion or a Dharma. The universe was not created to be partitioned into distinct parts; instead, it must be regarded as an indivisible unit in which separate parts appear as valid approximations. Sikhism describes a single reality asEkOUNKAAR, ˝, (EK) expressed in universal manifestation as Ounkaar ˝ (Onkaar), that is worshiped as Ek-Onkaar or infinite wisdom (vahaguru). The same reality vitalizes the universe as a whole. In reality, no separate or individual things exist on their own. The
only such entity may be the self that is the one, which we have concordat or thought up; nothing in reality is so patterned. The trouble between religion and science begins when religion is packaged in mythical stories and discourses. The language of religion is derived from those stories. They are symbolic discourses about the symbolic world. Then the construction of religious characters is derived from taking these stories literally, rather than symbolically or metaphorically. To take the stories literally leads us into problematical assertions as they render the Creator into an anthropomorphic god. For example, all the biblical narratives, including the Gospels, or, of Quranic narratives, are anthropomorphic narratives of an invisible god. In the ancient worlds, before the advent of Guru Nanak, mythic conscious prevailed and supernaturalism was an over powering, anthropomorphic tradition. As a result religion had become only a play to quiet down the child-like mind. ÒØ◊È ≈Ó∞ «÷Ò¿∞È≈ ‹≈Ȫ® Kabir, SGGS, p. 1158 Some people know God as a toy to pacify the restless mind. This is the foundation of some of the conflicts between religion and science. The Sikh scripture, the Sri Guru Granth, considers it contrary to the true spirit of religion to undermine any genuine human endeavor; especially science. In contrast, science is not dogmatic and it is constantly revised and updated. It is public and universal. The community of scientists is not bound to a specific mythical idiosyncrasy. Instead, it seeks to escape the idiosyncrasies of local cultures. The Sikh vision supports this. (Cont. on Next edition)
June, 2016
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Poisonous Roots The vacuity and deceit of “Bharat Mata ki jai” By HARTOSH SINGH BAL Across the country, it seems, among people with a small-minded definition of the Indian republic, the readiness to chant “Bharat Mata ki jai”Victory to Mother India is the new test of patriotism. In early February, the host of a panel show on the television channel India News shouted down two of his invitees Kanhaiya Kumar, the head of the Jawaharlal Nehru University Students Union, and Dinesh Varshney, a leader of the Communist Party of India demanding that they recite the slogan. On 16 March, Waris Yusuf Pathan, an elected MLA from the All India Majlis-eIttehadulMuslimeen, was
suspended from the Maharashtra state assembly for refusing to parrot the words. In the weeks afterwards, the entrepreneur and yoga teacher Baba Ramdev called for a law that would force everyone in India to say “Bharat Mata ki jai,” and also declared that, were it not illegal, he would gladly decapitate those who didn’t. This is a subterfuge an attempt to smuggle in a particular notion of patriotism and make it common currency. No one is being asked to chant “Bharat ki jai” Victory to India. The crux of the issue is the term “Bharat Mata,” or Mother India, which suggests a certain kind of deification of the nation one that many Indians are
Download the book in a pdf format by clicking the link below: JAP The Verses of Guru Nanak After printing the above portion you can reproduce Foreword and Preface from the book for information about this book to your readers This way we maintain close relations with and promote each other. Sikh Virsa, Calgary
June, 2016
uncomfortable with, and many Muslims and Christians believe clashes with the tenets of their faiths. It is precisely this deification which has rallied the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and its associates behind it. But even some others who would not identify themselves with the SanghParivar have, wittingly or unwittingly, jumped onboard. For instance, even MLAs of the avowedly secular Congress demanded Pathan’s suspension from the assembly. As a caution to them, and as a reminder for the rest of us watching the sophistry unfold, a lesson on
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689 “Hindubhumi,” or the land of the Hindus, and states that members of the RSS bow before the motherland. “Bharat Mata ki jai,” then, is an invocation of the RSS’s fundamental beliefs. At the core of these is the organisation’s definition of a Hindu Rashtra, which stems from its definition of a Hindu both of which exclude particular minorities from its idea of India. the deep inanity and prejudice In 1922, VD Savarkar at the root of the notion of completed Essentials of Bharat Mata seems in order. Hindutva, the work that largely That notion connects defined the philosophy of the directly to the RSS’s vision of Hindu right as we know it today. India as a Hindu Rashtra a Savarkar appropriated the idea sacred motherland of the Hindus of nationalism, prevalent in and has very little to do with the Europe for over a century by Republic of India as it is then, and attempted to define a envisaged in the constitution. community in keeping with it. Every meeting of the RSS Like European nationalism, involves the singing of a prayer, Hindutva was steeped in blood “Namaste SadaVatsale,” whose and geography. The constituent text is in Sanskrit except for a of the community it defined was closing line in Hindi: “Bharat the Hindu, who, according to Mata ki jai.” The text makes it Savarkar, was clear that Bharat Mata is he who feels attachment to synonymous with the term the land that extends from
Sindhu to Sindhu as the land of his forefathers as his Fatherland; who inherits the blood of the great race whose first and discernible source could be traced from the Himalayan altitudes of the Vedic Saptasindhus and which assimilating all that was incorporated and ennobling all that was assimilated has grown into and come to be known as the Hindu people; and who, as a consequence of the foregoing attributes, has inherited and claims as his own the Hindu Sanskriti, the Hindu civilization, as represented in a common history, common heroes, a common literature, common art, a common law and a common jurisprudence, common fairs and festivals, rites and rituals, ceremonies and sacraments. As a definition, this one commits the cardinal sin of being circular, invoking the very term “Hindu” that it seeks to define. Today, this definition is commonly expressed in
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June, 2016
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689 shorthand, to say that a Hindu greater reflection, Golwalkar and cohesion would, other Their mythology and Godmen, is someone who thinks of Bharat comes to the conclusion that a things being equal, be found ideas and heroes are not the as his fatherland and holy land. Hindu recognises that the in the case of those people children of this soil. (Savarkar’s emphasis on “the “innate Spark of Divinity, the who inhabit the land they Consequently their names and blood of the great race” is often Reality in him which alone takes adore, the land of whose their outlook smack of a foreign omitted from this compression. man to the state of everlasting forefathers is also the land of origin. Their love is divided. This is easy to understand, as supreme bliss, is the one great their Gods and Angels, of Nay, if some of them be really today the existence of the “great aim before him.” But the Hindu, Seers and Prophets; the believing what they profess to race” he refers to that is, the Golwalkar continues, scenes of whose history are do, then there can be no choice Aryan race is questionable.) But recognises that he cannot reach also the scenes of their they must, to a man, set their that shorthand conceals that this “supreme stage” within just mythology. The Hindus are Holy-land above their defining a holy land just one lifetime. Therefore, it is “the about the only people who are Fatherland in their love and geographically is not enough, Hindu alone, in the vast mass blessed with these ideal allegiance. That is but natural. since religious believers of of humanity,” who accepts that conditions that are at the same We are not condemning nor are myriad persuasions could view “the theory of rebirth for the time incentive to national we lamenting. We are simply the same land as sacred in their realisation of our oneness with solidarity, cohesion & telling facts as they stand. own ways. It is also necessary that Ultimate Reality is the one greatness. The recurrent need to target to specify the belief system great hope for the human soul.” But it was not enough to Muslims and Christians, under which the land must be For Golwalkar, a Hindu is feel superior to those who directly through violence or considered holy in this case anyone who believes in rebirth. colonised his people. Savarkar indirectly through the rhetoric Hinduism, “the system of This has the great disadvantage also needed to distance of exclusion, is located here. religious beliefs found common of leaving out many groups, himself from those who were Despite the RSS’s prevariamongst the Hindu people.” So such as the Charvakas, as well responsible for the cations since then, from the the shorthand definition, when as almost anyone who is a degradation of his mythic very time the Hindu Rashtra completed, reads: a Hindu is rigorous student of modern nation of Hindus in the first was envisaged it was clear that someone for whom Bharat is science. Savarkar was an atheist, place. Muslims and Christians were rendered holy through the and hence unlikely to qualify as That is why in the case of not equal citizens of it. system of religious beliefs a Hindu under Golwalkar’s some of our Mohammedan or By the time we move from found common among the definition, which is perhaps Christian countrymen who had Savarkar to Golwalkar, there is Hindu people. Again, the why he kept away from any originally been forcibly very little attempt to conceal the circularity is evident. Quite prescriptive definition of converted to a non-Hindu prejudices that were already clearly, Savarkar faced many of Hindutva. religion and who part of the original formulation. the same problems that have As Essentials of consequently have inherited “In practically every place,” often bedevilled anyone trying Hindutva makes clear, along with Hindus, a common Golwalkar writes in Bunch of to make sense of just who is a Savarkar ’s definition was Fatherland and a greater part Thoughts, “there are Muslims Hindu and who is not. His motivated less by logic than of the wealth of a common who are in constant touch with answer amounts to no more than by the need to arrive at certain culture—language, law, Pakistan over the transmitter saying that a Hindu is a Hindu. conclusions. Like many customs, folklore and history enjoying not only the rights of Later commentators on colonised people, he wanted to are not and cannot be an average citizen but also Hindutva have largely prove that he belonged to a recognised as Hindus. For some extra privileges and extra overlooked the failings of group superior to his though Hindusthan to them is favour because they are Savarkar’s definition of a Hindu. colonisers. He writes, Fatherland as to any other ‘minorities’!” One who did not was MS The ideal conditions, Hindu yet it is not to them a It is against this Golwalkar the therefore, under which a nation Holyland too. Their holyland background that we have to second sarsanghchalak, or can attain perfect solidarity is far off in Arabia or Palestine. assess the present emphasis on supreme leader, of the RSS, who “Bharat Mata ki jai.” shaped much of what the The slogan is being used organisation is today, and the today, as it has always been, in man Narendra Modi has the service of an ideology described as his guru. whose essential aim is to In his book Bunch of exclude all religious minorities. Thoughts, first published in Hartosh Singh Bal is the 1966, Golwalkar describes the political editor at The difficulty of defining a Hindu. Caravan, and is the author “All the sects, the various of Waters Close Over Us: A castes in the Hindu fold, can be Journey Along the Narmada. defined,” he writes, “but the He was formerly the political term ‘Hindu’ cannot be defined editor at Open magazine. because it comprises all.” Upon (The End) Sikh Virsa, Calgary
June, 2016
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June, 2016
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Corporate Canada Had More Than $270 Billion In Tax Havens Last Year By The Canadian Press Corporate Canada increased spending in its ten favourite tax havens by 17 per cent in 2015, according to new figures on direct foreign investment released Tuesday by Statistics Canada. Canadians for Tax Fairness crunched the numbers and found that Canadian corporations invested almost $40 billion last year in the top 10 tax haven destinations for Canadian capital taking investment totals since 1990 to $270.2 billion. Barbados has been the top destination, attracting $79.9 billion in total while seeing its numbers climb 14 per cent in 2015. Four other countries in Canada’s top 10 Cayman Islands, Bermuda, Switzerland and Hong Kong all saw year-over-year increases of at least 34 per cent last year. “The money doesn’t just stay there, it goes on to somewhere else,” Dennis Howlett, the CEO of the Tax Fairness advocacy group, said in an interview. “But (corporations) route it through tax havens usually because there are tax advantages for doing so. The returns on the investments get booked in the tax havens so then companies don’t have to report it as profits in Canada.” The direct foreign investment figures released Tuesday don’t include the billions of dollars that individual Canadians appear to have socked away
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offshore. The parliamentary budget office is currently in a battle with the Liberal government over access to tax information that would help it measure the “tax gap” the amount of revenue lost to Ottawa through a variety of tax dodges, including offshore accounts. The long-standing issue has been thrust into the international limelight again by the release of the Panama Papers, more than 11 million leaked
documents that detail offshore accounts in the Central American country including, reportedly, hundreds held by Canadians. Leads to ‘much lower’ revenues for Canadian governments Direct foreign investment routed through tax havens “may not be illegal tax evasion but it is most definitely related to tax avoidance, or minimizing taxes paid here in Canada,” said Howlett.
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“So it does translate to much lower revenues for both federal and provincial governments.” Canadians for Tax Fairness would like to see corporate tax rules tightened up, including requiring that any offshore subsidiaries be more than shell companies by proving they have staff and capital investments such as plants and equipment. Canada should also follow the lead of some other countries and cap how much corporations can pay in interest to subsidiaries. Corporations with high capital needs frequently borrow from their own subsidiaries at above market rates in order to shift profits offshore, said Howlett. Since 2000, the federal corporate tax rate in Canada has been cut from 28 per cent to the current rate of 15 per cent. In 2015-16, corporate income taxes were budgeted at $38.8 billion or 20 per cent of total federal tax revenues according to the most recent federal budget. In 2000-01, corporate taxes brought in $28.2 billion, or 24.5 per cent of total federal tax revenues. (The End)
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SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689
Why are some Canadian companies paying almost no tax? By: Duncan Hood How much income tax do you pay? Forty per cent? More? Lately the government has become obsessed with making everyone pay their fair share. It set up a snitch line for tax cheats just last month, with Revenue Minister KerryLynne Findlay announcing she would “aggressively” pursue those who aren’t paying every penny they owe. No more offshore tax shelters in the Cayman Islands or stuffing numbered Swiss bank accounts full of cash: the age of tax leniency is over. That is, if you’re a person. If you’re a corporation, it’s a different story. Because quietly, while the government has been clamping down on regular taxpayers, it’s been busy creating new tax loopholes for business. The result? According to an exclusive Canadian Business investigation, some Canadian corporations are now paying virtually no taxes at all. It’s hard to believe, but you can see the numbers for yourself in our special report, which is broken up by company in the navigation menu above. We independently scoured the financial statements of select large corporations in Canada to come up with a shortlist of 15 companies that are using legal strategies to achieve
unbelievably low tax rates. For instance, we found that Canadian Pacific Railway paid an average effective cash tax rate of just 1.8% over the past decade. Manitoba Telecom paid 4.1%. Gildan Activewear paid 5.5%. And First Capital Realty has gone for years without paying any cash taxes at all. These companies are using several different strategies to lower their taxes, but the government just keeps adding to their arsenal. A new policy that just came into effect in 2009 allows Canada to sign tax information exchange agreements with countries such as Bermuda, the Cayman Islands and the Isle of Man. It was intended to allow authorities to ferret out scofflaws hiding their money in offshore accounts. Instead, it ended up allowing companies to set up subsidiaries in these jurisdictions & bring their profits home tax-free. Companies that do so are not breaking the law. The problem is that only certain types of businesses can take advantage of these agreements, which results in a corporate tax system that is neither transparent nor fair. Corporations like Gildan Activewear, which was able to structure itself so that its worldwide sales are managed out of an office in Barbados, are able
to reduce tax rates to single digits, while those who continue to manage sales out of Canada have to pay millions more. By implementing this policy, the government is literally providing a strong cash incentive for companies to move operations out of the country. This is not part of a larger government strategy to help Canadian businesses compete in a global marketplace. It’s the result of sloppy policy and backroom negotiations. It in no way helps to promote business as a whole, and only exists because most regular Canadian taxpayers are not aware that it’s going on. When the Guardian newspaper in Britain revealed that Starbucks had paid just £8.6 million in taxes on £3 billion in U.K. sales since 1998, there was a public outcry, and a committee of MPs released a report accusing the coffee chain of an “immoral” use of royalties, secretive jurisdictions and Byzantine company structures to avoid paying taxes on British profits. It will be interesting to see how Canadians react when they discover that not only are some Canadian corporations paying tax rates that are almost as low their own government is helping to make it all happen.
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June, 2016
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
Corporate entities across the world have been using tax heavens to deal with funds. It could either be for tax saving purposes or to route money in and out of the county. The impact of black money and tax havens has come into renewed focus with the recently Panama tax haven paper leaks. It may be the biggest heist in the history of mankind, if the Panama tax haven papers are to be held on to. Rich individuals and their families have as much as $32 trillion of hidden financial assets in offshore tax havens, representing up to $280bn in lost income tax revenues to various governments across the world. To discuss this issue, Newsclick interviewed Editor, Economic & Political Weekly, Paranjoy Guha Thakurta. According to Paranjoy, the way funds have been transferred or handled really hides the ultimate destination where it lands. “There will always be some loopholes but if the authorities of a particular state is determined, there is no reason why it cannot be stopped” he points out. Bipin Chandran (BC): Hello and welcome to Newsclick. Indian companies have been using tax hvens to bring in funds to India as well as route money outside the country. The impact of black money and tax heavens has come into renewed focus with the recent Panama Tax Haven paper leaks. Sikh Virsa, Calgary
To discuss this we have with us Editor, Economic & Political Weekly, Paranjoy Guha Thakurta. Paranjoy, thank you for joing us. Indian companies have been using certain overseas companies to move money inside as well as outside the country. How does it really works and what are the benefits these companies getting out of it?. Paranjoy Guha Thakurta (PGT): The use of tax havens by different corporate entities and wealthy individuals what are called high net worth individuals. This is a phenomenon that is not unique to India. It is happening across the globe. If you look at the world, there are somewhere in the region of about 90 jurisdiction which could be described as tax havcns. Though the authorities and people who live in these areas they often call themselves low tax jurisdiction or no tax jurisdiction. One of them is Panama. Now, these jurisdictions are often located in small islands sometimes called treasure islands which has been described, that’s title of a book in fact, but say country like the United Kingdom it alone at different points of time have encouraged the establishment something like 18 tax havens Isle of Man, British Virgin Islands, Guernsey It goes on and on. It is interesting that within countries say the United States of America, there are tax havens.
For instance, the state of Delaware in US, the state of Florida, the state of Arizona. These are among the 50 states of united states of America, there are tax havens. Say in Europe, there are what are called micro states of principalities like Liechtenstein, San Marino, like Monaco. These are also within the European Union small sovereign condemnation states if you like, call them nation states if you like, call them principalities, call them micro states where there are little or no tax. What happens is what we are seeing across the globe is that these areas encourage companies and rich individuals to park them money because they offer them secrecy and the dividing line between what you say legal forms of tax avoidance and illegal forms of tax evasion which includes money laundering, converting illegal money into legal money through a process which is called round tripping where the money moves rapidly across different jurisdiction or a process which is sometimes called treaty shopping you take advantage of double taxation avoidance treaties of different jurisdiction. The whole purpose is to create situations where you pay very little tax, you pay no tax. Now, this had been going for years, why years, for decades. But after the great recession of 2008, that very countries that had one point of time promoted the establishment of these kinds of
tax havens, including countries that had one point of time promoted the establishment of these kinds of tax havens including the countries that are part of the OECD, the organisation of the economic cooperation and development rich countries, they started realize how their government is suffering. Well known companies whether they will be Walmart, Apple, Yahoo many of these companies, large multinational cooperations and conglomerates were basing headquarters and therefore, they were avoiding payment of tax. So after the great recession countries were more than alarmed and the OECD had a special initiative called BEPS, Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Initiatives. So the whole idea is to shift profits from one jurisdiction to the other so you don’t pay taxes on them and today, this has been talked about by everybody. From President Barack Obama of the US to the head of the world bank and everybody and his brother are today expressing concerns how this tax haven are being misused not merely to legally avoid payment of taxes but for illegal purposes for nefarious activities where you convert money that has been obtained through illegal means into legal money. BC: US has been opposing these tax havens in the earlier. But now they seem to be soft pedaling on the whole issue and June, 2016
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June, 2016
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689 they are willing to follow the OECDs proposed standards. Isn’t it double standard there? PGT: There is a huge amount of hypocrisy and double standard. As I mentioned earlier, within the US there are tax havens. States like Delaware. You look at any Indian company which has set base in US they invariably have headquarters in Delaware or Florida. So there are tax havens within the US the first point. The second point is you know countries like Panama, the countries which are part of West Indies St. Kitts, Kaymen islands these are all tax havens in proximity to the United States of America. Now whereas the Panama Leaks has focused on non-American leaders whether it be relatives of Vladimir Putin, the Chinese Premier or the head of Island, Spain or Pakistan. The fact is this is not to say that those who are operating out of the US or those who are operating out of other countries in Europe are squeaky clean and you know, the hypocrisy that I was mentioning earlier goes beyond this. You know the same countries which had once upon a time encouraged tacitly or covertly, the working of these tax havens are today feeling the pinch. I mean, Britain is the classic example. Today David Cameroon’s father may have been implicated in one of these or it is been found that he had investments through one of these shell companies in Panama, but the fact is in Britain alone has about 18 so called tax havens which comes within the jurisdiction. Many would argue even the financial centre in the London, the city of London as it is called is also very much aware and part of this whole complex chain through money moves rapidly across jurisdiction so that it becomes regulatory authority to detect the real owners, the beneficial owners. It becomes difficult for Sikh Virsa, Calgary
regulatory authorities to lift the corporate veil to unearth the very complex patterns of corporate ownership which conceal and which seek to obfuscate the way money move illegally across the globe. BC: It means some of these countries are trying to be the next Switzerland. PGT: You know Switzerland may soon loose it’s position as a biggest centre for providing the financial services. I personally have met a person in Singapore who said soon Singapore will overtake Switzerland in terms of the sheer volume of businesses and services what often euphemistically called financial services, accounting services. Essentially services that help people set up different kinds of corporate entities which are used for a variety of purposes. Some legal, some not so legal they are many gray areas in some of these corporate entities operate. The whole purpose is to ensure secrecy, to ensure regulatory bodies say in India bodies like SEBI, Securities and Exchange Board of India. Say the RBI they find it extremely difficult to follow the trail, to unearth the way in which companies are held. The intricate patterns of cross holding of ownerships this is why these kinds of countries specialize and provide range of services including how to set up corporate entities. BC: Can it ever be prevented? It looks likes it can not be I mean. There will be loopholes somewhere always. PGT: There will always be some loopholes if the authorities of particular states are determined, there is no reason why it can’t. It’s not a coincidence that the BEPS of OECD they are trying and they have been trying in the last few years put together what is called automatic information exchange network. So all such
information is automatically put into a network which can be accessed by regulatory authorities. Interestingly, among the countries that have opposed being a part I mean there are over hundred companies which have agreed including India but Panama hasn’t agreed and so hasn’t Bahrain, so hasn’t two small countries in the Pacific. One of them is Nauru and the other is Tuvalu, these are very very small countries. Their population is equal to a small locality in the city we are talking that’s Delhi. But, a few of these countries are very very assiduously resisting participating in international initiatives which will lead to automatic exchange of information which is different from where a criminal complaint is filed and a particular law enforcing authority approaches a particular government and seeks information on specific corporate entities or specific individuals. This network will lead to a fair amount of information being automatically exchanged and there are still a few countries who are resisting this move. BC: What are the obvious fall outs of this tax havens and parking money who are routing money through there apart from regulatory purposes obviously there is obvious tax loss that’s happening? PGT: What you see and this is what the Panama Leaks have indicated. Remember, the Panama leaks is the biggest leak of information in human kind and mind you it is just one company, one firm of lawyers, one Mossack Fonseca based in Panama. Yes, there may be large number of corporate entities that the data pertains to long period of times but this is after all is just one company. Imagine, the huge amount of information that exists. That’s point one. What’s the kind of information?
Where do terrorist get money. When people are trafficking human beings, when people are trafficking illegal substances drugs, contraband, it could be bullion, it could be diamond illegally obtained, it could be antiques, it could be stolen paintings. It could be animal parts, it could be parts of endangered species. All these kinds of illegal activities that are taking place. Where do they get the money? Where do the funds come from? Who funds them ?This is not the first time. But say in India, successive individuals have held the post of National Security Advisor have said yes, our stock exchanges are being used to launder money by terrorist. The whole idea, these tax havens make it difficult for law enforcing authorities to trace the real owners, the beneficial owners. So if company A is owned by company B and in turn is controlled by company C which in turn is controlled by the famous D company it becomes difficult for the law enforcing authorities in India to lift their corporate veil to find out who are the genuine owners, who are the real people, who are the beneficial owners of these companies. So what these tax havens do is facilitate the whole range of illegal and nefarious activities so when you look at the different atrocities that are taking place in conflict zones, in war zones, when you look at economies that are war ravaged. When you look at human beings who are being trafficked, you can know that behind the money that is generated behind the big bucks that are involved in all these kinds of nefarious and illegal activities. There is a very strong possibility, that there is some tax haven or the other which is a part of these kinds of illegal, criminal networks of this global, you know the illicit flows of funds across the globe. June, 2016
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689 money will be brought back. But thereafter, Mr. Modi himself realized pretty early in his term I think if I am not mistaken sometime in November 2014 in one of his Mann Ki Baat Radio Programmes where he said he really doesn’t know how muney. So from making a claim before the elections that every poor family in India would get 15 lakh Rupees but some months later was found that not only did the government not know what kind of money. The chances of that money coming back to India are
remote simply because the money is not going to remain in this bank, that money is going to be spent and that money is going to be recycled and some of that money might come back to India laundered white. It may have been black money left India by the time it come back to India it’s absolutely white and an act has been enacted by parliament penalizing Indians who are holding assets abroad illegally but these schemes have yielded away small amount of revenue for the government. When you
compare it to the total size of the parallel economy, when you look at the total size of the black economy more recently in February of 2016 Finance Minister Mr. Arun Jaitley has also given a kind of a compliance window for the people to declare there, undeclared income he does not like it being described as an amnesty scheme or a Voluntary Disclosure of Income Scheme but many of us believe, I think very dissimilar about it but time alone will tell what kind of money or how much of that black money will come to the government. But surely, I think Mr. Modi, Mr. Amit Shah, Mr. Arun Jaitly all of them realize that’s one thing to make a claim to the run up to the elections and actually implement that promise and there is a huge difference between the claim is made and what is reality. BC: Thank you Paranjoy. Thank you so much for joining us to discuss such a pertinent issue. (Courtesy: NewsClick)
BC: We have a government that has promised to bring entire black money into the country within 100 days of taking power. Nothing has happened it’s been almost two years. Is there a lack of political will? Do you see a lack of political will there? PGT: The President of the BJP said it is Chunavi Jumla. Now that’s a very quaint phrase which means this was an exaggerated claim. I think there were some individuals in India who had made all kinds of estimates and argued that huge amounts of money had been taken out of India by Indians and kept in various places including in Swiss banks. Now former Deputy Prime Minister of India Mr. L.K. Advani too had talked about bringing the money back. In the run up to the 2014 elections Mr. Narendra Modi had repeatedly made it clear that his government would bring back all the money and some of his supporters like Baba Ramdev said no within hundred days this
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June, 2016
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
New Study Shows Mass Surveillance Breeds Meekness, Fear & Self-Censorship A newly published study from Oxford’s Jon Penney provides empirical evidence for a key argument long made by privacy advocates: that the mere existence of a surveillance state breeds fear and conformity and stifles free expression. Reporting on the study, the Washington Post this morning described this phenomenon: “If we think that authorities are watching our online actions, we might stop visiting certain websites or not say certain things just to avoid seeming suspicious.” The new study documents how, in the wake of the 2013 Snowden revelations (of which 87% of Americans were aware), there was “a 20 percent decline in page views on Wikipedia articles related to terrorism, including those that mentioned ‘alQaeda,’ “car bomb’ or ‘Taliban.’” People were afraid to read articles about those topics because of fear that doing so would bring them under a cloud of suspicion. The dangers of that dynamic were expressed well by Penney: “If people are spooked or deterred from learning about important policy matters like terrorism and national security, this is a real threat to proper democratic debate.” As the Post explains, several other studies have also demonstrated how mass surveillance crushes free expression and free thought. A 2015 study examined Google search data and demonstrated that, postSnowden, “users were less likely to search using search terms that they believed might get them in trouble with the US government” and that these “results suggest that there is a chilling effect on search be-
havior from government surveillance on the Internet.” The fear that causes selfcensorship is well beyond the realm of theory. Ample evidence demonstrates that it’s real – and rational. A study from PEN America writers found that 1 in 6 writers had curbed their content out of fear of surveillance and showed that writers are “not only overwhelmingly worried about government surveillance, but are engaging in self-censorship as a result.” Scholars in Europe have been accused of being terrorist supporters by virtue of possessing research materials on extremist groups, while B r i t i s h libraries refuse to house any material on the Taliban for fear of being prosecuted for material support for terrorism. There are also numerous psychological studies demonstrating that people who believe they are being watched engage in behavior far more compliant, conformist and submissive than those
Sikh Virsa, Calgary
who believe they are acting without monitoring. That same realization served centu-
ries ago as the foundation of Jeremy Bentham’s Panopticon: that behaviors of large groups of people can be effectively controlled through architectural structures that make it possible for them to be watched at any given movement even though they can never know if they are, in fact, being monitored, thus forcing them to act as if they al-
This is a critical though elusive point which, as the Post notes, I’ve been arguing for years, including in the 2014 TED talk I gave about the harms of privacy erosions. But one of my first visceral encounters with this harmful dynamic arose years before I worked on NSA disclosures: it occurred in 2010, the first time I ever wrote about WikiLeaks. This was before any of the group’s most famous publications. 194.
ways are being watched. This same self-censorsing, chilling effect of the potential of being surveilled was also the crux of the tyranny about which Orwell warned in 1984: There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But at any rate they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to. You have to live – did live, from habit that became instinct – in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized. This is a critical though elusive point which, as the Post notes, I’ve been arguing for years, including in the 2014 TED June, 2016
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689 talk I gave about the harms of privacy erosions. But one of my first visceral encounters with this harmful dynamic arose years before I worked on NSA disclosures: it occurred in 2010, the first time I ever wrote about WikiLeaks. This was before any of the group’s most famous publications. What prompted my writing about WikiLeaks back then was a secret 2008 Pentagon Report that declared the thenlittle-known group a threat to national security and plotted how to destroy it: a report which, ironically enough, was leaked to WikiLeaks, which then published it online. (Shortly thereafter, WikiLeaks published a 2008 CIA report describing (presciently, it turns out) how the best hope for maintaining popular European support for the war in Afghanistan would be the election of Barack Obama as President: since he would put a pretty, popular, progressive face on
war policies.) As a result of that 2008 report, I researched WikiLeaks and interviewed its founder, Julian Assange, and found that they had been engaging in vital transparency projects
In response, a large number of American readers expressed – in emails, in the comment section, at public events – the fear to me that, while they support WikiLeaks’ work, they were petrified that supporting them would cause them to end up on a government list somewhere or, worse, charged with crimes if WikiLeaks ended up being formally charged as a national security threat.
around the world: from exposing illegal corporate wastedumping in East Africa to political corruption and official lies in Australia. But they had one significant problem: funding and human resource shortfalls were preventing them from processing and publishing numerous leaks. So I wrote an article describing their work, and recommended that my readers support that work either by donating or volunteering. And I included links for how they could do so. In response, a large number of American readers expressed – in emails, in the comment section, at public events – the fear to me that, while they support WikiLeaks’ work, they were petrified that supporting them would cause them to end up on a government list somewhere or, worse, charged with crimes if WikiLeaks ended up being formally charged as a national security threat. In other words,
these were Americans who were voluntarily relinquishing core civil liberties – the right to support journalism they believe in and to politically organize – because of fear that their online donations and work would be monitored & surveilled. Subsequent revelations showing persecu-tion andsurveillance against WikiLeaks and its supporters, including an effort to prosecute them for their journalism, proved that these fears were quite rational. There is a reason governments, corporations, and multiple other entities of authority crave surveillance. It’s precisely because the possibility of being monitored radically changes individual and collective behavior. Specifically, that possibility breeds fear and fosters collective conformity. That’s always been intuitively clear. Now, there is mounting empirical evidence proving it. (Glenn Greenwald, Courtesy: The Intercept)
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June, 2016
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
The Doctor And The Saint Ambedkar, Gandhi & the battle against caste treatment. We shall repair our mistake now. (Cont. from last edition) More than anything else, what I had the misfortune of being born with the Ambedkar brought to a complicated, stigma of an Untouchable. However, it is multifaceted political struggle, with more not my fault; but I will not die a Hindu, for than its fair share of sectarianism, this is in my power.23 At that particular moment in time, the obscurantism & skulduggery, was threat of religious conversion by an intelligence. untouchable leader of Ambedkar’s standing [II] ANNIHILATION OF CASTE is the text came as the worst possible news to Hindu of a speech Ambedkar was supposed to reformers. Conversion was by no means new. deliver in Lahore, in 1936, to an audience of Seeking to escape the stigma of privileged-caste Hindus. The caste, untouchable and other organisation that had been bold degraded labouring castes had enough to invite him to deliver its begun to convert to other religions presidential address was the Jat-Pat centuries ago. Millions had Todak Mandal (the Forum for the converted to Islam during the years Break-up of Caste) of Lahore, an of Muslim rule. Later, millions more offshoot of the Arya Samaj. Most of ARUNDHATI had taken to Sikhism and its members were privileged-caste ROY Christianity. (Sadly, caste prejudice Hindu reformers. They asked to be provided the text of the speech in advance, in the subcontinent trumps religious belief. so that they could print and distribute it. Though their scriptures do not sanction it, When they read it and realised that elite Indian Muslims, Sikhs and Christians Ambedkar was going to launch an all practise caste discrimination. intellectual assault on the Vedas & shastras, 24 Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal all have their own communities of untouchable on Hinduism itself, they wrote to him: Those of us who would like to see the sweepers. So does Kashmir.) The mass conversion of oppressedconference terminate without any untoward incident would prefer that at least the word caste Hindus, particularly to Islam, ‘Veda’ be left out for the time being. I leave continues to sit uncomfortably with Hindu this to your good sense. I hope, however, supremacist history writing, which dwells in your concluding paragraphs you will on a golden age of Hinduism that was make it clear that the views expressed in brought to naught by the cruelty and the address are your own and that the vandalism of Muslim rule.25 Vandalism and responsibility does not lie on the Mandal.22 cruelty there certainly was. Yet it meant Ambedkar refused to alter his speech, different things to different people. Here is and so the event was cancelled. His text Jotirao Phule (1827–1890), the earliest of the ought not to have come as such a surprise modern anticaste intellectuals, on the to the Mandal. Just a few months subject of Muslim rule and of the so-called previously, on 13 October 1935, at the golden age of the Arya Bhats (Brahmins): The Muslims, destroying the carved Depressed Classes Conference in Yeola in the Bombay Presidency (now in the state stone images of the cunning Arya Bhats, of Maharashtra), Ambedkar had told an forcibly enslaved them and brought the audience of more than ten thousand people: Shudras and Ati-Shudras in great numbers Because we have the misfortune of out of their clutches and made them calling ourselves Hindus, we are treated Muslims, including them in the Muslim thus. If we were members of another faith Religion. Not only this, but they established none would treat us so. Choose any religion inter-dining and intermarriage with them and which gives you equality of status and gave them all equal rights. They made them
Sikh Virsa, Calgary
all as happy as themselves and forced the Arya Bhats to see all this.26 By the turn of the century, however, religious conversion came to have completely different implications in India. A new set of unfamiliar considerations entered the mix. Opposing an unpopular regime was no longer just a question of a conquering army riding into the capital, overthrowing the monarch and taking the throne. The old idea of empire was metamorphosing into the new idea of the nation state. Modern governance now involved addressing the volatile question of the right to representation: who had the right to represent the Indian people? The Hindus, the Muslims, the Sikhs, the Christians, the privileged castes, the oppressed castes, the farmers, the workers? How would the “self” in self-rule the “swa” in swaraj be constituted? Who would decide? Suddenly, a people who belonged to an impossibly diverse range of races, castes, tribes and religions who, between them, spoke more than one thousand languages had to be transformed into modern citizens of a modern nation. The process of synthetic homogenisation began to have the opposite effect. Even as the modern Indian nation constituted itself, it began to fracture. Under the new dispensation, demography became vitally important. The empirical taxonomy of the British census had solidified and freeze-dried the rigid but not entirely inflexible hierarchy of caste, adding its own prejudices and value judgements to the mix, classifying entire communities as “criminals” and “warriors” and so on. The untouchable castes were entered under the accounting head “Hindu.” (In 1930, according to Ambedkar, the untouchables numbered about 44.5
June, 2016
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689 million.27 The population of African Americans in the United States around the same time was 8.8 million.) The large-scale exodus of untouchables from the Hindu fold would have been catastrophic for the “Hindu” majority. In pre-partition, undivided Punjab, for example, between 1881 and 1941, the Hindu population dropped from 43.8 percent to 29.1 percent, due largely to the conversion of the subordinated castes to Islam, Sikhism and Christianity.28 Hindu reformers hurried to
stem this migration. The Arya Samaj, founded in 1875 by Dayananda Saraswati (born Mool Shankar, a Gujarati Brahmin from Kathiawar), was one of the earliest. It preached against the practice of untouchability and banned idol worship. Dayananda Saraswati initiated the Shuddhi programme in 1877, to “purify the impure,” and, in the early nineteenth century, his disciples took this up on a mass scale in North India. In 1899, Swami Vivekananda
of the Ramakrishna Math the man who became famous in 1893 when he addressed the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago in his sadhu’s robes—said, “Every man going out of the Hindu pale is not only a man less, but an enemy the more.”29 A raft of new reformist outfits appeared in Punjab, committed to saving Hinduism by winning the hearts and minds of untouchables: the Shradhananda Dalituddhar Sabha, the All-India Achhutodhar Committee, the
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Punjab Achhut Udhar Mandal and the Jat-Pat Todak Mandal which was part of the Arya Samaj.30 The reformers’ use of the words “Hindu” and “Hinduism” was new. Until then, they had been used by the British as well as the Mughals, but it was not the way people who were described as Hindus chose to describe themselves. Until the panic over demography began, they had always foregrounded their jati, their caste identity. “The first and foremost thing
«’√∂ Ú∆ Â∑ª Á∆ ÍÒ≥«Ï≥◊, ÀÈØÚ∂ÙÈ, Ï∂√ÓÀ∫‡ «Î«È«Ù≥◊, «¬ÒÀ’«‡Ã’, ÍÀ∫«‡≥◊, ÎÒØ«≥◊ ¡Â∂ ‚Àº’ Á∆ «Ï‘Â∆È √∂Ú≈Úª Ò¬∆ D@C-DFD-CBG@ ”Â∂ √≥Í’ ’ØÕ
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403-293-4347 June, 2016
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689 that must be recognised is that Hindu society is a myth. The name Hindu itself is a foreign name,” said Ambedkar. It was given by the Mohammedans to the natives [who lived east of the river Indus] for the purpose of distinguishing themselves. It does not occur in any Sanskrit work prior to the Mohammedan invasion. They did not feel the necessity of a common name, because they had no sense of their having constituted a community. Hindu society does not exist. It is just a collection of castes.31 When reformers began to use the word “Hindu” to describe themselves and their organisations, it had less to do with religion than with trying to forge a unified political constitution out of a divided people. This explains the reformers’ constant references to the “Hindu nation” or the “Hindu race.”32 This political Hinduism later came to be called Hindutva.33 The issue of demography was addressed openly, and head-on. “In this country, the government is based on numbers,” wrote the editor of Pratap, a Kanpur newspaper, on 10 January 1921. Shuddhi has become a matter of life and death for Hindus. The Muslims have grown from negative quantity into 70 million. The Christians number four million. 220 million Hindus are finding it hard to live because of 70 million Muslims. If their numbers increase only God knows what will happen. It is true that Shuddhi should be for religious purposes alone, but the Hindus have been obliged by other considerations as well to embrace their other brothers. If the Hindus do not wake up now, they will be finished.34 Conservative Hindu organisations like the Hindu Mahasabha took the task beyond rhetoric, and against their own deeply held beliefs & practice began to proselytise
Sikh Virsa, Calgary
energetically against untouchability. Untouchables had to be prevented from defecting. They had to be assimilated, their proteins broken down. They had to be brought into the big house, but kept in the servants’ quarters. Here is Ambedkar on the subject: It is true that Hinduism can absorb many things. The beefeating Hinduism (or strictly speaking Brahminism which is the proper name of Hinduism in its earlier stage) absorbed the non-violence theory of Buddhism and became a religion of vegetarianism. But there is one thing which Hinduism has never been able to do namely to adjust itself to absorb the Untouchables or to remove the bar of untouchability.35 While the Hindu reformers went about their business, anticaste movements led by untouchables began to organise themselves too. Swami Acchhutanand Harihar presented the Prince of Wales with a charter of 17 demands including land reform, separate schools for untouchable children and separate electorates. Another wellknown figure was Babu Mangoo Ram. He was a member of the revolutionary, antiimperialist Ghadar Party established in 1913, predominantly by Punjabi migrants in the United States and Canada. Ghadar (“Revolt”) was an international movement of Punjabi Indians who had been inspired by the 1857 Mutiny, also called the First War of Independence. Its aim was to overthrow the British by means of armed struggle. (It was, in some ways, India’s first communist party. Unlike the Congress, which had an urban, privileged-caste leadership, the Ghadar Party was closely linked to the Punjab peasantry. Though it has ceased to exist, its memory continues to be a rallying point for several leftwing revolutionary parties in Punjab.) However, when Babu Mangoo Ram returned to India
after a decade in the United States, the caste system was waiting for him. He found he was untouchable again.36 In 1926, he founded the Ad Dharm movement, with Ravidas, the Bhakti sant, as its spiritual hero. Ad Dharmis declared that they were neither Sikh nor Hindu. Many Untouchables left the Arya Samaj to join the Ad Dharm movement.37 Babu Mangoo Ram went on to become a comrade of Ambedkar’s. The anxiety over demography made for turbulent politics. There were other lethal games afoot. The British government had given itself the right to rule India by imperial fiat and had consolidated its power by working closely with the Indian elite, taking care never to upset the status quo.38 It had drained the wealth of a once-wealthy subcontinent or, shall we say, drained the wealth of the elite in a once-wealthy subcontinent. It had caused famines in which millions had died while the British government exported food to England.39 None of that stopped it from also lighting sly fires that ignited caste and communal tension. In 1905, it partitioned Bengal along communal lines. In 1909, it passed the Morley-Minto reforms, granting Muslims a separate electorate in the central and provincial legislative councils. It began to question the moral and political legitimacy of anybody who opposed it. How could a people who practised something as primitive as untouchability talk of self-rule? How could the Congress party, run by elite, privileged-caste Hindus, claim to represent the Muslims? Or the untouchables? Coming from the British government, it was surely wicked, but even wicked questions need answers. The person who stepped into the widening breach was perhaps the most consummate politician the modern world has ever known Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. If the
British had their imperial mandate to raise them above the fray, Gandhi had his mahatmahood. [III] FOR MORE THAN THIRTY-FIVE YEARS BEFORE THAT, Gandhi’s mahatmahood had billowed like a sail in the winds of the national movement. He captured the world’s imagination. He roused hundreds of thousands of people into direct political action. He was the cynosure of all eyes, the voice of the nation. In 1931, at the Second Round Table Conference in London, Gandhi claimed with complete equanimity that he represented all of India. At the conference, in his first public confrontation with Ambedkar (over Ambedkar ’s proposal for a separate electorate for untouchables), Gandhi felt able to say, “I claim myself in my own person to represent the vast mass of Untouchables.”40 How could a privilegedcaste Bania claim that he, in his own person, represented 45 million Indian untouchables unless he believed he actually was a mahatma? Mahatmahood provided Gandhi with an amplitude that was not available to ordinary mortals. It allowed him to use his “inner voice” affectively, effectively, and often. It allowed him the bandwidth to make daily broadcasts on the state of his hygiene, his diet, his bowel movements, his enemas and his sex life, and to draw the public into a net of prurient intimacy that he could then use and manipulate when he embarked on his fasts and other public acts of self-punishment. It permitted him to contradict himself constantly and then say: “My aim is not to be consistent with my previous statements on a given question, but to be consistent with the truth as it may present itself to me in a given moment. The result has been that I have grown from truth to truth.”41 (Cont. on Next edition)
June, 2016
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bysmYNt bxwaux leI, ikcn jW vwSrUm dI rYnovySn, dw kMm krwaux leI A`j hI jgjIq isMG nUM Pon kro
Free Estimate Jagjit Singh : 403-397-2229
Purba Tailors
A-Premium Home Renovation We specialize in:
(MOGA WALE) ¡√ƒ ’πÂ∂ Í‹≈Ó∂ Á∆ «√Ò≈¬∆ Ú∆ ’Á∂ ‘ªÕ
Fence, Deck, Kicthen, Washroom, New & Old Basement, Home Renovation Plumbing and Electrical Small Jobs.
Specialize in All kinds of Stitching, Alterations & Ready-made Sarees
qusIN nvIN jW purwxI bysmYNt, Gr dI rYnovySn jW ielYktRIkl Aqy
Ranveer Purba Ladies Tailor
plMibMg dy Coty kMmW dI loV hovy qW
√≈‚∂ ’ØÒØ∫ Â∞√∆∫ «’√∂ Ú∆ Â∑ª Á∆ «√Ò≈¬∆ ‹ª ¡≈Ò‡∂ÙÈ Á≈ ’ßÓ ’≈ √’Á∂ ‘ØÕ √≈Û∑∆¡ª Á∆ Î≈Ò Ú∆ Ò◊≈¬∆ ‹ªÁ∆ ‘À!
nwl sMprk kro Aqy PrI AYstImyt lE!
Call For Baljinder Sandhu Free Estimate Cell: 403-466-4567
Cell: 403-975-5783, Ph: 403-280-5783 21 MARTIN CROSSING COVE NE, CALGARY T3J 4H9
You want to Replace your house's old Eavestrough? GrW dy prnwly (gtr) nvyN lgwauxy jW purwxy irpyAr krwauxy hox qW l`kI nwl sMprk kro!
ÏÒ«‹≥Á √≥˱
WE ALSO SELL USED, RE-CONDITIONED APPLIANCES SERVICE & PARTS TO ALL MAKE OF: * Washers * Dryers * Dishwashers * Fridges * Stoves * Microwaves * Freezers * Garburators * Compactors etc. 121, 7 WESTWINDS CR. NE CALGARY, AB.
Lucky: 403-918-6070 Email :
CALL : RANA KALSI 403-850-6161
A-1 Eaves & Soffit Ltd.
Cheque, Cash or
Professional Moving Services at lowest rates in CALGARY
ALL WORK GUARANTEED!! For Free Estimate Call
«’√∂ Ú∆ Â∑ª Á∂ ¡ÍÒ≈«¬≥√ «Í∂¡ ‹ª «¬≥√‡≈Ò ’Ú≈¿∞‰ Ò¬∆ ¡º‹ ‘∆ ‘«‹≥Á «◊ºÒ È≈Ò √≥Í’ ’ØÕ
Residential Moving Office Moving Commercial Moving Local & Long Distance Delivery Services Junk Removal
Harjinder Gill 403-585-5988 Sikh Virsa, Calgary
June, 2016
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
Mann Bros. Meat Shop
RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Interior & Exterior Painting, Spray Ceiling, Walls Doors, Decks, Fences, Stucco, New & Old Houses
618, 5075-FALCONRIDGE BLVD. NE CALGARY Specialists in best quality Fresh meat & poultry
ÈÚ∂∫ ‹≈ Í∞≈‰∂ ÿ «Ú⁄ Â∞√∆∫ ¡ßÁ/ Ï≈‘ Í∂∫‡ Á∆ ‹ΩÏ ’≈¿∞‰∆ ‘ØÚ∂ «‹Ú∂∫ √Í∂¡, ¤µÂ, ’ß˪, ÁÚ≈‹∂, ‚Àµ’, ÎÀ∫√, √‡µ’Ø ’≈¿∞‰∆ ‘À ª ¡µ‹ ‘∆ ÎØÈ ’Ø!
«¬µÊ∂ ‘ «’√Ó Á≈ Â≈˜≈ Ó∆‡ «ÓÒÁ≈ ‘ÀÕ Kuljit Mann or Jasbir Mann
Tel: 403-568-6997
MUKHTIAR S. PARMAR Call : 403-399-9075
For all kind of Interior & Exterior Painting Fences Walls Decks Doors Stucco Spray Ceiling
SAME DAY SERVICE √∆È∆¡˜ 鱧 «√µË≈ «ÏµÒ ¡≈«¬¡≈ ’∂◊≈
LARGEST SELECTION OF LATEST DESIGNER Prescription Glasses Sunglasses Best Contact Lenses Prices Free Sight Testing Special Discount for Seniors Kids Packages
Ș Á∆¡ª ¡ÀÈ’ª Best Ë∞µÍ Á∆¡ª ¡ÀÈ’ª Best Service Quality ’ª‡À’‡ ÒÀ∫˜ Best Ș Á≈ Ó∞Π⁄Àµ’-¡µÍ Choice √∆È∆¡˜ Ú≈√Â∂ «‚√’≈¿±∫‡ ϵ«⁄¡ª Ú≈√Â∂ ÍÀ’∂‹
Taking Pride in Professional Service
Appliance Services Ltd.
Washer & Dryer Dishwasher, Garborator Stoves & Fridges
4Basement Window/Door Cutting 4Concrete Cutting 4from 1 to 12 inch 4Core Drilling for Fan/Dryer
* Guaranteed Work * Ï∂√ÓÀ∫‡ Á∆ «Úø‚Ø ‹ª ÁÚ≈˜≈ ’愉 Ò¬∆ ’≥’∆‡ ’‡≈¿π‰≈ ‘ØÚ∂, ÎÀÈ ‹≈ ‚≈«¬ Á∂ Ò¬∆ A ÂØ∫ AB «¬≥⁄ Âæ’ ’Ø ‚««Òø◊ ’≈¿π‰∆ ‘ØÚ∂ ª Ú≈‹Ï ’∆Óª ”Â∂ ÌØ√∂ÔØ◊ √∂Ú≈Úª Ò¬∆ ÓØ¡ È≈Ò √≥Í’ ’ØÕ
(Between Safeway & TD Canada Trust in Castleridge Plaza)
Eyewear, sunglasses & contact lenses at low prices
Friendly Services
Ph: 403) 568-EYES (3937)
105 -77 Castleridge Blvd. NE Calgary
CALL : PAVITAR (AVI) HUNJAN PH: 403-861-6742
ALL WORK GUARANTEED Jasmine & Asim Khan Ph: (403) 280-1117 Fax: (403) 770-8707 Cell: 689-Asim (2746)
''We specialize in India and Pakistan fares''.
Call : Mo
‡ÀÚ«Òß◊ √ÏßË∆ ’ج∆ Ú∆ ’ßÓ ‘ØÚ∂ ª ¡µ‹ ‘∆ ˜±Ó ‡ÀÚÒ “Â∂ ‹À√Ó∆È ¡Â∂ ¡√∆Ó È≈Ò √ßÍ’ ’Ø!
Check our prices before you purchase your tickets!
Sikh Virsa, Calgary
June, 2016
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689
Rebate Roofing AAA-1 MOVING À˜∆‚À∫Ù∆¡Ò ¡Â∂ ’ÓÙ∆¡Ò Residential & Commercial Local & Long Distance ÒØ’Ò ¡Â∂ ÒΩ∫◊ «‚√‡À∫√ & Siding Ltd. Moving, Delivery & Dump Service ‚«ÒÚ∆ ¡Â∂ ‚≥Í √«Ú√
Residential & Commercial We are insured!
For Free AAA-1 MOVING Estimate Call : DEEP: 403-903-2391
Siding & Gutter
Call: 403-615-2844
Harcharan (HP) Parhar REALTOR
¡Á’ ËÈ∆¬∂ Ú≈Ò≈ √ÍÀÙÒ Í≥‹≈Ï∆ √‡≈¬∆Ò Í∆˜≈
Cell 403.681.8689
T. 403.590-2233 F. 403.776.1942
In Shory Law office Plaza
#129, 4851 Westwinds Dr. NE Calgary, AB. T3J 4L4
Bay 1A, 4101 - 19th St. NE Calgary, AB, T2E 6X8
Ph: 403-568-4747 / 568-4757
Ï≈Ï≈ Ï∞º„≈ ‹∆ ◊Ã≥Ê∆ √Ì≈ ¡÷ß‚Í≈·ª, √«‘‹Í≈·ª, √∞÷ÓÈ∆ √≈«‘Ï, ’∆ÂÈ, ¡≈√≈ Á∆ Ú≈ ¡≈«Á Ë≈«Ó’ √Ó≈◊Óª √ÏßË∆ √∂Ú≈Úª Ú≈√Â∂ √ßÍ’ ’ØÕ √≈‚∂ Í≈·∆ «ÂßÈ∂ «ÁÈ Â∞‘≈‚∂ ÿ «‘‰◊∂Õ √≈‚≈ ≈¬∆‚ Á≈ ¡≈͉≈ ÍzÏßË ‘ØÚ∂◊≈Õ √≈‚∂ ’ØÒ √≈∂ ÏÂÈ, ⁄∞µÒ∑∂, ⁄≈Áª, √Í∆’ «√√‡Ó, ∞Ó≈Ò Ï◊À≈ Á≈ Ú∆ ÍzÏßË ‘ÀÕ
* Residential, Commercial, Industrial Electrical Work * CCTV Camera * Fire Alarm * Data Wiring * Networking ‹∂’ Â∞√∆∫ √∆√∆ ‡∆.Ú∆ ’ÀÓ≈, Î≈«¬ ¡Ò≈Ó, ‚À‡≈ Ú≈«¬«≥◊, ÈÀº‡ Ú«’≥◊ ‹ª ÓÀ‡∆ÈÀ∫√ Á≈ ’≥Ó ’Ú≈¿∞‰≈ ⁄≈‘∞≥Á∂ ‘Ø Âª ≈‹Á∆Í «√≥ÿ ◊∂Ú≈Ò È≈Ò √≥Í’ ’ØÕ
Ì≈¬∆ ◊∞Ó∂Ò «√≥ÿ
Ph. 403-923-1323 Rajdeep Singh Grewal
Tel: 403-798-0508 Cell: 681-0508
SOHANI TENT RENTAL ONE STOP SHOP FOR ALL YOUR PARTY NEEDS Tent & Tent Rugs Best Prices & Tables Fast Services Chairs Wedding Chairs Decoration Heater/Fans Crockery & Patilas Availlable
Sikh Virsa, Calgary
Ph. 403-918-0169 Hardeep Singh WE WILL TAKE CARE OF ALL YOUR BEAUTY NEEDS! - Waxing - Threading - Facial - Manicure - Shellac Colours - Pedicure - Artificial Nails - Makeup - Eyebrow Tint and much more....... TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT CALL KARME :
‡À∫‡ª √ÏßË∆ «’√∂ Ú∆ Â∑ª Á∆ ˜±Â Ò¬∆ √Ø‘‰ Ò≈Ò È±ß ÎØÈ ’ØÕ
Call Sohan Lal : 403-280-3128/616-4881
Ph: 587-718-7530
We also have Crockery Available Trust your beautician and relax 205.
June, 2016
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
WARE HOUSE PRICES 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sink Faucets Toilet Bidet/Jet Puk Light Chandelier Flush-Mount
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Electrical Pot Light Switch Plug Step Light Led Light Bath Light
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
jykr qusIN lweItW KrIdxIAW hox qW A`j hI inDwn lweIitMg ’qy phuMco[ij`Qy quhwnUM bhuq vDIAw vyAr hwaUs dIAW kImqW imlxgIAW!
Breaker Hood Fan Bath Fan Electric Box Track Light Out Door Led Energy Save Bulbs
# 4130, 3961-52 AVE N.E. CALGARY AB, T3J OJ8 (Near Common Wealth Hall)
Suite 205-5401, Temple Dr. N.E Calgary AB T1Y 3R7 Sikh Virsa, Calgary
June, 2016
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689
Trips Booker Canada
Your Journey Begins Here
Services: Airline Ticket / Super Visa Insurance / Travel Insurance / Tour Package / Cruise / Hotel Booking
Stylish and Modern designs using only high quality products to make your home your special place !
Call us First
Lowest fares and Satender Singh Travel Advisor Best Customer Service
Custom made Blinds, Swags, Sheers, Roman Shades & variety of Boards Modernize any piece of furniture with our Upholstery services
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Proudly presenting the best in quality products by CBM
Pam Lail
McKnight Business Centre
#405, 4656 Westwinds Dr. NE Calgary, AB., T3J 3Z5 Bus: 403-293- 7459, Cell: 403-805-3772
Suite 223-4818 Westwinds Dr. N.E. Calgary AB T3J 3Z5
Ph. : 403-668-4800 / 403-775-6650 Toll Free : 1-866-266-6500 Email : Website. :
NANCY RANDHAWA Divorce and Family Law qlwk Aqy pirvwrk knUMn sbMDI syvwvW RAMANJIT MANN Wills & Estate vsIAq nwmy iqAwr krny IMMIGRATION LAW Spousal and Parent Sponsorship HRSDC Work Permit Nanny Approved New Fast Track Immigration Progress Refugee Claims Appeals Aagainst Refused Marriage & Parent Sponsorship
Criminal and Civil Litigation Assault Charges / Impaired Driving, Charges / Shop Lifting Charges, Car Accident Claims, Corporate & Commercial Transactions
REAL ESTATE LAW Buying, Selling and Mortgage for Residential, Commercial & Condominium
Tel: 403-590-8224 Fax : 403-590-6007
(2ND FLOOR) #107, 5120-47 ST. N.E., CALGARY AB, CANADA T3J 4K3 Sikh Virsa, Calgary
June, 2016
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
SANDHU PROFESSIONAL CORP. Lakhvir Sandhu Certified General Accountant Certified Information Systems Auditor Certified Quickbooks Pro Advisor (Former Manager - PricewaterhouseCoopers)
Free Initial Consultation Do not hesitate to call ·Personal, Corporate and Trust Taxes ·E-filing, CRA Tax Rulings & Audit Assistance ·Financial Statements ·Payroll, T4, Record of Employment, Employment Standards ·Book Keeping, Computer Systems Setup
Ph: 403-648-9123 Fax: 403-648-9124
Langdon Location: Unit 228A, 355 Centre Street N Langdon, AB. T0J 1X2
Calgary Location: Unit 101, 4656 Westwinds Dr. NE Calgary AB. T3J 3Z5
'The name people trust and recommend' Over 25 years of experience in Immigration Matters
Criminal Law 8 8 8 8 8 8
Parents and spousal sponsorships 8 Refugee Claims and Skilled Workers / Express Entry Federal Court Appeals Immigration Law 8 PNP applications Business/ Entrepreneur/ Investor 8 Successfully handled Appeals against refused cases thousands of Student and Visitor Visa immigration cases
DALWINDER HAYER AMANDEEP HAYER M.A. (Eco.) L.L.B Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Public
B.A. J.D. (Canada) J.D (U.S) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public
B.A. L.L.B. (Hons.) L.L.M Tel: 78377-00047 Chandigarh (India)
Sikh Virsa, Calgary
Immigration Consultant & Notary, RCIC
TEL: 403-235-4197 FAX: 403-235-6038
WEST WINDS BUSINESS CENTRE #111, 5120 47 St. NE Calgary, AB., T3J 4K3 Email: June, 2016
FINANCIAL SERVICES Life Insurance; - Term Life - Universal Life Critical Illness Insurance Segregated Funds RRSP lweIP ieMSorYNs dIAW zrUrqW leI iekbwl is`DU nwl sMprk kro[
Tel: (403) 615-0957
Personal Tax Returns Corporate Tax Returns Computerized Book Keeping Payroll T4's Record of Employment AkwaUNitMg dIAW zrUrqW leI iekbwl is`DU nwl sMprk kro[
Iqbal Sidhu Tel: (403) 568-2667 Fax: (403) 568-2676
Email: Email: Unit 202, 4656 Westwinds Dr. NE Calgary, AB. T3J 3Z5 (Near Sikh Virsa Office)
L IKE A G OOD N EIGHBOUR , S TATE FARM I S T HERE®. For your insurance and financial needs, see State Farm Agent: Monday 9am to 5pm Tuesday-Friday 9am to 6pm
4851 Westwinds Drive NE, Suite 217 Calgary, AB T3J 4L4 Bus: 403-568-4330™
Saturday 9am to 5pm Other Times by Appointment (Sunday Longweekend Closed)
Romi Sidhu, State Farm Insurance Companies • Canadian Head Offices: Aurora, Ontario
#601, 4656 Westwinds Dr. NE Calgary AB T3J 3Z5
Sahota Law Office Barristers, Solicitors & Notary Public Real Estate ~ Commercial & Residential Business ~ Sale/Purchase & Shareholder Agreements Wills & Estates ~ Corporate Law Family Dispute/Divorce ~ Litigation Foreclosures ~ Immigration Appeals Commercial Lease Agreements/Disputes Accident Injury Claims
Jagdeep K. Sahota Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public
403-777-2224 #200, 3505-32 St. NE Calgary AB Email:
Moved to Bigger and Better Place in Brampton 4525 Ebenezer Road, Brampton ONT
Bhatia Fashions in Surrey Unit 325 Payal Business Centre Surrey BC Ph: (604) 593-5553