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October, 2016
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
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October, 2016
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689
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Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
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October, 2016
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
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SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689 ¡≈’√ÎØ‚ Ô±È∆Ú«√‡∆ È≈Ò √Ï≥Ë ’Ú∆È√ ’≈Ò∂‹ Á∂ «¬’ ’Ó∂ Á∆ «÷Û’∆ ¿∞Â∂ «¬‘ ÙÏÁ «Ò÷∂ ‘ج∂ ‘È,T’Á∂ «¬√ ’Ó∂ «Úº⁄ √Ó≈‡ ‘ÀÈ∆ «‘≈ ’Á≈ √∆, ‹Ø ÏÛ≈ Ï‘≈Á √∆ ¡Â∂ «‹√È∂ ¡È∂’ª Ô∞ºËª «Úº⁄ Á∞ÙÓ‰ ¿∞ºÂ∂ «‹ºÂ ÍÃ≈Í ’∆Â∆, ÍÃ≥± ‹Ø ÷∞Á ˘ Úº√ «Úº⁄ ’È Ò¬∆ ͱ≈ ‹∆ÚÈ ’ÙÓ’Ù ’Á≈ «‘≈ÕU «¬’ Ú≈ «¬≥◊ÒÀ∫‚ Á∂ ÍÃË≈È Ó≥Â∆ Ï∆’È√Î∆Ò‚ ÂØ∫ Í∞º«¤¡≈ «◊¡≈ «’ Â∞√∆∫ √≈∂ ≈«‹¡ª ˘ «’Ú∂∫ ÍÃ√≥È º÷ Í≈¿∞∫Á∂ ‘Ø Âª ¿∞È∑ª È∂ ¿∞ «ÁºÂ≈, TÓÀ∫ ’Á∂ Ú∆ «’√∂ ˘ «’√∂ ◊ºÒ Ò¬∆ È‘∆∫ ’«‘≥Á≈, «ÚØË∆¡ª ˘ ‘Ó∂Ù≈ ¡≈Ú◊؉ ’ «Á≥Á≈ ‘ª ¡Â∂ ’Á∂ Ú∆ ¿∞È∑ª Á∆ ÍÃÚ≈‘ È‘∆∫ ’Á≈ÕU «¬‘ «¬º’ ¡«‹‘≈ «√˪ ‘À, ‹Ø «’√∂ Ú∆ «Ú¡’Â∆ Á∂ Ò¬∆ ¿∞ÂÓ «√ºË ‘Ø √’Á≈ ‘ÀÕ «¬’ Ú≈ «’√∂ ≈‹È∆«Â’ ÁÒ «Úº⁄, «’√∂ ÈÚ∂∫ ÓÀ∫Ï Á≈ ¡≈¿∞ ‰ ≈ ‘Ø « ¬¡≈ ª ¿∞ √ Á∂
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Sikh Virsa, Calgary
October, 2016
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Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
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Sikh Virsa, Calgary
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SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689
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Sikh Virsa, Calgary
-◊∞Ó∆ «√ßÿ Ï√≈Ò (’ÀÒ∆ÎØÈ∆¡ª)
October, 2016
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689 Óª Ú∂⁄ Ò¬∆ «‹≥È∑ª ¡≈Í Á∆, √Ï ¿∞È∑ª Á≈ ‡∞º«‡¡≈Õ √ØÈ «⁄Û∆ ˘ Ë≈ÛÚ∆¡ª È∂, º‹ ’∂ ’∞º«‡¡≈-Ò∞º«‡¡≈Õ
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F. ÊØ‚≈ Ó≈Ò ‘∆ ÊØ˘ Ú≥‚ ’∂, Ï‰È Á∂Ù Á∂ ÁÁ∆Õ ¡≈√ Ï⁄‰ Á∆ ‘ÀÈ∆ ’ج∆, Ò؇± ‡∆Ó ‹Á ÿÁ∆Õ ‹ÁØ∫ ’∆Â∆ √∆ Ú≥‚ Í≈‰∆ Á∆, È‘∫∆∫ «’√∂ ÂØ∫ Í∞º«¤¡≈Õ √ØÈ «⁄ºÛ∆ ˘ Ë≈ÛÚ∆¡ª, º‹ ’∂ ’∞º«‡¡≈-Ò∞º«‡¡≈Õ
B. ‘ºÊ∆∫ Í≈Ò∂ √ºÍ ˜«‘∆ ω◊∂, «‹È∑ª ˘ Á∞ºË «ÍÒ≈«¬¡≈Õ Ú∂÷ Ò¬∂ ¡‹Ó≈ ’∂ √≈∂, √Ì È∂ ÷±È √’≈«¬¡≈Õ ËÓ «¬Ó≈È ÂØ∫ «◊∂ ¡≈◊±¡ª, ¡≈Í Í≥‹≈Ï ˘ Í∞º«‡¡≈Õ √ØÈ «⁄Û∆ ˘ Ë≈ÛÚ∆¡ª È∂ º‹ ’∂ ’∞º«‡¡≈-Ò∞º«‡¡≈Õ
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C. «Óº‡∆ ÍÒ∆ ¡º‹ ’Á∂ Óª Á∆, È≈Á Â∂ ¡ÏÁ≈Ò∆Õ ‘ºÊ∆∫ Ï≈◊ ¿∞‹≈ÛÈ «‹‘Û∂ ¿∞‘ È∂ Ó±÷ Ó≈Ò∆Õ Ú؇ Ï؇∆ Ò¬∆ ‹≈Ò Ò؇±¡ª, Í‹≈ ¿∞ºÂ∂ √∞º«‡¡≈Õ √ØÈ «⁄Û∑∆ ˘ Ë≈ÛÚ∆¡ª È∂, º‹ ’∂ ’∞º«‡¡≈-Ò∞º«‡¡≈Õ
H. Í≥‹≈Ï «Ú√≈ È‘∆∫ Һ̉≈, ‹∂’ ‘∞‰ È≈ ‹≈◊∂Õ Í≥‹≈Ï Ì¬∆¡ª Á≈ ‹∂ ‘Ø «◊¡≈, Òº◊‰ Á∂‰ È≈ Ò≈◊∂Õ ÍÀ∫‘· Òº÷ ‘À ̬∆¡≈ Í≥‹≈Ï ”⁄, ¿∞‹ ¡√ª Á≈ Ó∞«’¡≈Õ √ØÈ «⁄Û∆ ˘ Ë≈ÛÚ∆¡ª, º‹ ’∂ ’∞º«‡¡≈-Ò∞º«‡¡≈Õ - ÚÀÁ √±Í «√≥ÿ Ó≥‚∂
D. ÓÈ «’√∂ Á∆ ¡≈¬∆ Ë≈ÛÚ∆, Í‹≈ Ò∞º‡‰ Ú≈Ò∂Õ ÓÈ∞º÷Â≈ √≈∆ Ì∞º÷∆ ÓÁ∆ ¬∂Ȫ «„º‚ ÚË≈ Ò¬∂Õ
VACUUM DEPOT √≈¬∆’ÒØÈ ‘ÀÚ∆ «‚¿±‡∆ ‘∞µ‚ÎÀÈ
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Students & Work Permit Holders
«‹ßÈ∆¡ª Ó‹∆ ⁄∆‹ª ÂÒØ,
Ask us how you can become Permanent Resident of Canada? We provide services in all areas of Canadian Immigration
Ó√≈«Ò¡ª Á∂ Â∞Û’∂ Ò◊≈¿π √≈¬∆’ÒØÈ Á∂ ‘∞º‚ ÎÀÈ È≈Ò √ÓÀºÒ
- Service Canada LMO & AEO Approvals - Immigration Appeals / Humanitarian & Compassionate Applications - Visitor Visa / extension of Visitor, Study & Work Permits - Business Class Immigration: Federal & Provincial - Family/Spousal Sponsorships - Live-in-Caregivers - Temporary Resident Permits, PNP All types of Affidavits, Uncontested Divorce Refugee cases, USA/ UK Visa Application OCI, Citizenship Test preparation
«Ó≥‡ª «Úº⁄ Ï≈‘ Ì‹≈¿∞ ¡Â∂ ÿ Í≈¿∞ ÂØÂ≈˜≈Õ¢ÎÀÈ Ò◊Ú≈¿∞‰ Ò¬∆ ÏÒÁ∂Ú Ïª√Ò È±ß
Baldev Bansal
ÚÀ«’¿∞Ó «‚ͱ ”Â∂ ¡≈ ’∂ «ÓÒØ!
Service comes first before the name goes on
Ashok Sareen M.A., RCIC (Commissioner for Oaths) Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (ICCRC # R418519)
GREEN PLAZA #213, 4818 West Wind Dr. NE CALGARY, AB T3J 3Z5
Bus : 403-590-5666
Tel: 403-285-4270
Cell : 403-630-5465 Fax : 1-866-496-1997 E-Mail: Website: Member Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants
4809-Westwinds Dr N.E Calgary AB. Sikh Virsa, Calgary
Octobor, 2016
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689
«‹√ Â∑ª «’ Ȫ ÂØ∫ ‘∆ ˜≈«‘ ‘À-«¬‘ ¿∞‘ Ï∆Ó≈∆¡ª Á≈ ◊∞ºÍ ‘À ‹Ø «’ √À’√ «’«¡≈ È≈Ò ‹∞«Û¡≈ ‘ÀÕ «¬È∑ª Ï∆Ó≈∆¡ª Á∆ Ò≈˜Ó∆ Ù ‘À «’ «¬√ Ï∆Ó≈∆ ˘ ‘≈√Ò ’È Ò¬∆ √À’√ «’«¡≈ «Ú⁄Ø∫ ◊∞˜È≈ ÍÀ∫Á≈ ‘ÀÕ Ï∆Ó≈∆ √À’√ ’È È≈Ò ‘∆ Ò◊Á∆ ‘À Ì≈Ú Ï∆Ó≈∆ Í∆Û «Ú¡’Â∆ ÂØ∫ «√‘ÂÓ≥Á «Ú¡’Â∆ ’ØÒ ‹ªÁ∆ ‘ÀÕ Ï∆Ó≈∆ ª «¬√ Íë’«¡≈ Á≈ ÈÂ∆‹≈ ‘ÀÕ ¡√Ò √Óº«√¡≈ ª √À’√ ‘ÀÕ ‘∞‰ Ï∆Ó≈∆ È≈Ò ‹∞Û∂ ’∞ºfi ÷≈√ Òº¤‰ª ’’∂ Ó∆˜ ‘√ÍÂ≈Ò ¡≈ ‹ªÁ≈ ‘À Â∂ ÁÚ≈¬∆¡ª È≈Ò ·∆’ ‘Ø ‹ªÁ≈ ‘À, Í ◊ºÒ ª «Î ¿∞Ê∂ ‘∆ «‘ ‹ªÁ∆ ‘ÀÕ Ó∆˜ «Î Ú≈Í√ ¿∞Ê∂ ‹ªÁ≈ ‘À, «‹ºÊØ∫ Ï∆Ó≈∆ «Ò¡≈¿∞∫Á≈ ‘À, Ú≥‚Á≈ ‘ÀÕ ’¬∆ Ú≈∆ ª ‹∂’ ¿∞√˘ ÍÂ≈ ‘ØÚ∂ ‹ª Ùº’ ‘ØÚ∂ ª ¿∞‘ √≈ÚË≈È∆ Ú‹Ø∫ ‘∆ ÁÚ≈¬∆ ÷≈ ’∂ «ÈÙ«⁄≥ ‘Ø ‹ªÁ≈ ‘ÀÕ √À’√ Íë’«¡≈ «Ú⁄Ø∫ ◊∞˜È ÂØ∫ Í«‘Òª ‘∆ ÁÚ≈¬∆ ÷≈ ÒÀ∫Á≈ ‘ÀÕ «¬√ Ò¬∆ √Óº « √¡≈ √∆’ Ï∆Ó≈∆ È‘∆∫, ¿∞√ ÂØ∫ Ú∆ ÚºË ‘À-√À’√Õ Sikh Virsa, Calgary
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October, 2016
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689 Á∞’≈ÈÁ≈∆ ‘À, «‹√ «Úº⁄ ¡≈ÁÓ∆ ¡≈͉≈ ÓÈ Í⁄≈¿∞∫Á≈ ‘À Â∂ ¡Ω ÍÀ√∂ ’Ó≈¿∞∫Á∆ ‘ÀÕ «¬√ Â∑ª Úº÷-Úº÷ ±Íª (Ì≈Ú∂∫ √Ó≈«‹’ ¡Â∂ ◊À √Ó≈«‹’ ¡ÍÃÚ≈«‰Â) Á∂ ÓºÁ∂Ș ¡√∆∫ √À’√ ˘ ’∞ÁÂ∆ ¡≈Á Á∂ È≈Ò-È≈Ò «¬º’ √Óº«√¡≈ Ú∆ ’«‘≥Á∂ ‘ªÕ ’ÁØ∫ «¬’ ’∞ÁÂ∆ ÍëÚÂ∆ ω ‹ªÁ∆ ‘À √Ó≈«‹’ √Óº«√¡≈? Á¡√Ò «¬‘ ◊ºÒ √Ófi‰ Ú≈Ò∆ ¡Â∂ ⁄∂Â∂ º÷‰ Ú≈Ò∆ ‘À «’ ’∞Á Á∆¡ª √≈∆¡ª ÍëÚÂ∆¡ª ˘ ‹∆Úª Á∂ ¡≈͉∂ ‹∆ÚÈ «Úº⁄ «Ò¡≈¿∞‰≈, ¡Í‰≈¿∞‰≈ ‘∞≥Á≈ ‘À ‹ª ¿∞‘ √∆’ ’≈‹Íà ‰ ≈Ò∆ Á∂ «‘ ‹∆Ú ˘ √≥ ⁄ ≈«Ò ’Á∆¡ª ‘ÈÕ «¬‘ ÍëÚÂ∆¡ª ⁄≈‘∂ Ì∞º÷, √À’√, ‚, ◊∞º√≈ ¡≈«Á ‹Ø Ú∆ ‘Ø‰Õ ’ج∆ ‹∆Ú ‚Á≈ «’¿∞∫ ‘À? ‹ª ¿∞√˘ ◊∞º√≈ «’¿∞∫ ¡≈¿∞∫Á≈ ‘À? √ͺه ‘À «’ ‹ÁØ ∫ ¿∞ √ ˘ ¡≈͉∆ ‹≈È Á≈ ıÂ≈ Ó«‘√±√ ‘∞≥Á≈ ‘À Ì≈Ú ¿∞√ Á∆ ‘Ø∫Á Â∂ ‘ÓÒ≈ ‘∞≥Á≈ ‘ÀÕ ¿∞√∂ Â∑ª ◊∞º√≈ ¿∞ÁØ∫ ¡≈¿∞∫Á≈ ‘À ‹ÁØ∫ ¿∞√ È≈Ò «˜¡≈ÁÂ∆ ‘∞≥Á∆ ‘À, ¿∞√ ˘ Ï∂⁄È À ÍÃÙ ∂ ≈È ’∆Â≈ ‹ªÁ≈ ‘À ‹ª ’ج∆ ’≈‹ ¿∞√ Á∆ ’∞ÁÂ∆ ¡≈Á Á∂ ¿∞Ò‡ ‘∞Á ≥ ≈ ‘À ‹ª ¿∞ √ Á∆ ’∞ Á Â∆ ¡≈Á Á∆ √≥Â∞Ù‡∆ È‘∆∫ ‘∞≥Á∆Õ ’∞ºÂ≈ Ú∆ ¡≈͉∂ ’º‡‰ Ú≈√Â∂ ÓÙ‘± ‘À, Í ¿∞‘ Ú∆ «ÏȪ ’≈È ÂØ∫ «’√∂ ˘ È‘∆∫ ’º‡Á≈Õ Ì≈Ú «¬‘ ‘À «’ ’∞ÁÂ∆ ¡≈Áª ‹ÁØ∫ √Ó≈«‹’ «ÈÔÓª ‹ª Ï≥ËȪ «‘Â, «’√∂ Ú∆ Â∑ª Â√ºÒ∆ ‘≈«√Ò È‘∆∫ ’Á∆¡ª ª «¬’ √Óº«√¡≈ ÍÀÁ≈ ‘∞Á ≥ ∆ ‘ÀÕ «¬‘∆ Ù √À’√ ÍëÚÂ∆ Á∆ ‘ÀÕ «¬√ Á∂ «‘ ‹ÁØ∫ √À’√ √Ï≥Ë Ï‰ È‘∆∫ Í≈¿∞∫Á,∂ ωÁ∂ ‘È Âª «ÈÌ È‘∆∫ Í≈¿∞∫Á∂ ª √Óº«√¡≈ Á≈ Ï∆‹ Ï∆«‹¡≈ ‹ªÁ≈ ‘ÀÕ «¬√ ÍëÚÂ∆ Á∂ «‘ Ú∆, √∆’ ÒØÛ ˘ ͱ≈ ’È Á∂ ¿∞Í≈Ò∂ «‘ ¿∞√ ˘ √Óº«√¡≈ ’«‘‰≈ Ú∆ «¬’ ⁄⁄≈ Á≈ «ÚÙ≈ ‘ÀÕ Á¡√Ò «¬√ √Óº«√¡≈ ‹ª È∂Óª ÂØ∫ ÒªÌ∂ ‹≈‰ ˘ √Óº«√¡≈ ’«‘‰≈ Ú∆ Á¡√Ò, «’√∂ È≈ «’√∂ ‘Ø √Ó≈«‹’ ‘≈ÒÂ ÚºÒ «¬Ù≈≈ ’Á≈ ‘ÀÕ «¬√ Â∑ª √À’√ ¡≥◊ª È≈Ò ‹∞Û∆¡ª Ï∆Ó≈∆¡ª ª ¡√Ò «Úº ⁄ , ¿∞ √ «Ú¡’Â∆ Á∂ «ÚÚ‘≈ ÚºÒ ‘∆ «¬Ù≈≈ ’Á∆¡ª ‘È «’ ¿∞ ‘ «Ú¡’Â∆ «√‘ÂÓ≥Á √À’√ √≥ÏË Ï‰≈¿∞‰ «Úº⁄ È≈’≈ÓÔ≈Ï ‘ÀÕ Sikh Virsa, Calgary
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Octobor, 2016
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October, 2016
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Octobor, 2016
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689
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Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
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Sikh Virsa, Calgary
Octobor, 2016
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689
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Cell: 403-615-0247
#204, 55 WESTWINDS CRES N.E. CALGARY, AB T3J 5H2 For Quote
Tel: 403-250-2882 (24 Hr.) Fax: 403-250-5339
Ph. : 403-285-2000, Fax : 403-744-5329
2335 - 30 Ave. NE Calgary, AB T2E 7C7 E-mail: Sikh Virsa, Calgary
Lowest Price Guaranteed Serving Calgary & Area 183. October, 2016
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689 √’Á∂ ‘ÈÕ • ¿∞‘ ËπºÍ Ú≈Ò∆¡ª ¡ÀÈ’ª ÚÂØ∫ ‹Ø UV «’Ȫ ˘ Ø’Á∆¡ª ‘ÈÕ ‘ ؘ ⁄π√ «‘‰ È≈Ò ’¬∆ Â∑ª Á∂ ’À∫√ª • ÏπÒª∑ ”Â∂ ¿∞‘ ’z∆Ó ‹ª Ï≈Ó ÚÂØ∫ ÂØ∫ Ï«⁄¡≈ ‹≈ √’Á≈ ‘À ¡Â∂ «ÈÔ«Ó ◊Â∆«ÚË∆ «‹√ «Úº⁄ Â∞‘≈‚∂ ÏπÒª∑ ˘ ËπÍ º Á∆ ‹Ò‰ Â∞‘≈˘ «√‘ÂÓ≥Á Ì≈ ‘≈√Ò ’È ¡Â∂ ’≈«¬Ó «‘‰ ‹ª Ó»≥‘ Á∂ ¤≈«Ò¡ª ÂØ∫ Ï⁄≈¿∞‰ Ò¬∆ «Úº⁄ ÓÁÁ ’ √’Á∆ ‘À, ‹Ø Â∞‘≈˘ ’À∫√ ‘؉ ÂØ∫ Ú∆ ËπºÍ ÂØ∫ Ï⁄≈¿∞‰ Ú≈Ò∂ ’≈’ (Sun Á» º÷ √’Á≈ ‘ÀÕ √∆’ ÂΩ ”Â∂ ⁄π√ «‘‰ ¡Â∂ Protection Factor,SPF) ‘Ø‰Õ ¿∞«⁄ È∆∫Á ÁØÚ∂∫ «¬’º·∂ Â∞‘≈‚∂ ’À∫√ Á∂ ‹Ø«÷Ó ˘ • ⁄ÓÛ∂ Á∂ Ï»Ê ¡Â∂ √ÈÒÀ∫Í ÂØ∫ ÿ‡≈¿∞‰ Ò¬∆ ’≥Ó ’ √’Á∂ ‘È, «¬’ºÒ∂ ◊Â∆«ÚË∆ Ï⁄Ø , ‹Ø UV ∂‚∆¬∂ÙÈ ¤º‚Á∂ ‘È ¡Â∂ ’È ÂØ∫ Ú∆ «˜¡≈Á≈, ÷≈√ ’’∂ ¡Ωª Ò¬∆Õ ‹∂ «‹È∑ ª ’≈È ⁄ÓÛ∆ ÷≈Ï ‘Ø √’Á∆ Â∞√∆∫ ‘ ؘ ⁄π√ «‘‰ Á∂ ¡≈Á∆ È‘∆∫ ‘Ø, ª ‘À Õ ¡≈͉∆¡ª ¡≈Áª ˘ ÏÁÒ‰ Ò¬∆ ¤Ø‡∂ ’ÁÓª ˘ ‘Ø «˜¡≈Á≈ ‹≈‰’≈∆ Ò¬∆, Á∂÷:Ø ⁄π º ’ ‰ Ï≈∂ √Ø ⁄ Ø Õ ‘Ø «˜¡≈Á≈ ‹≈‰’≈∆ Ò¬∆, ⁄ÓÛ∆ Á≈ ’À∫√: ¡≈͉∆ ⁄ÓÛ∆ ˘ «ÈÓÈ«Ò÷ Á∂÷Ø: Ï⁄≈¿∞‰≈ ‘ÀÕ «Î‡ÈÀ √ :¡≈͉∆ «˜≥ Á ◊∆ «Úº ⁄ ‘Ø «˜¡≈Á≈ √ÓfiÁ≈∆ È≈Ò Ù≈Ï Í∆‰≈ ◊Â∆«ÚË∆¡ª Ù≈ÓÒ ’È≈Õ (Drink alcohol wisely) «Î‡ÈÀ√: ⁄π√ «‘‰≈ ‹ÁØ∫ Â∞‘≈‚∂ ’ØÒ ¤Ø‡∂ Ϻ⁄∂ ¿∞‘ ÒØ’ ‹Ø «ÁÈ «Úº⁄ Ù≈Ï Á∂ 2 ‘ÈÕ «Î‡ÈÀ√: ¿∞‘ ◊Â∆«ÚË∆¡ª ⁄π‰Ø ‹Ø Â∞‘≈‚∂ Ò¬∆ «‚z≥’√ Í∆∫Á∂ ‘È ¡Â∂ ÷≈√ ’’∂ ¿∞‘ √‘∆ ‘ÈÕ ‹Ø «ÁÈ «Úº⁄ 3 ÂØ∫ «˜¡≈Á≈ «‚z≥’√ Â∞≥ √πfi≈¡: ÿ «Úº⁄ ⁄π√ «‘‰≈Õ Í∆∫Á∂ ‘È ¿∞È∑ª «Úº⁄ Úº‚∆ ¡ªÁ (’ØÒÈ) Á∂ ’À∫√ Á≈ ÊØÛ∑≈ «˜¡≈Á≈ Ù≈Ó 4 Ú‹∂ º’, «√÷ ¡Ò‡≈ ‹Ø«÷Ó ‘∞≥Á≈ ‘ÀÕ ÓÁÁ Ò¬∆, Á∂÷Ø: ‹∂ Â∞√∆∫ «¬º’ ¡Ω ‘Ø, ª Â∞√∆∫ «√‘ÂÓ≥Á ÷≈‰≈: ÏÁÒ≈¡ Ò¬∆ Ú≈«¬Ò‡ (Ultraviolet, UV) ÍzÌ≈ÚÕ • ‹∂ Â∞‘≈˘ ËπºÍ «Úº⁄ ‹≈‰≈ ÍÀ∫Á≈ ¡≈͉∂-¡≈Í ˘ ‘ ؘ 1 «‚z≥’ ”Â∂ ÔØ‹È≈ Ù∞» ’È≈Õ «√‘ÂÓ≥Á ÷≈‰≈: ÏÁÒ≈¡ «Úº⁄ ‘À, ª √㮧 ÷¡≈ÂÓ’ ’ÍÛ∂ Í≈˙, «‹Ú∂∫ √∆Ó ’’∂ √ÂÈ ’À∫√ ˘ Ø’‰ «Úº⁄ «’ ⁄ΩÛ∆ ¤º‹∂Á≈ ‡ØÍ∆, ÒßÏ∆¡ª Ï≈‘ª ÓºÁÁ ’ √’Á∂ ‘ØÕ Ù≈Ï Ú‰ π’≈Ú‡ª ”Â∂ ’≈Ï» Í≈¿∞‰≈Õ ’≈È √∆ «Úº⁄ Ú≈Ë» ¬∂√‡zØ‹È ‘∞≥Á∂ ¡≈͉∆ ⁄ÓÛ∆ ˘ Ï⁄≈¿∞ ‰ ≈ Ú≈Ò∆ ’Ó∆˜ ¡Â∂ ÍÀ∫‡ªÕ • ⁄ÓÛ∆ ‹Ø ’Í«Û¡ª È≈Ò „’∆ ‘È, ‹Ø Â∞‘≈‚∂ √ÂÈ ’À∫√ Á∂ ‹Ø«÷Ó (Protect your skin) «˜¡≈Á≈ ⁄ÓÛ∆ Á∂ ’À∫√ Ï‘∞ ȑ∆∫ ‘À, ¿∞√ ”Â∂ √È √’z∆È ÚÂØ∫ «‹√ ˘ ÚË≈¿∞∫Á∂ ‘ÈÕ ‡∆’≈ Ò◊Ú≈¿∞‰ ”Â∂ «Ú⁄≈ ’È≈ «˜¡≈Á≈ ËπºÍ ’≈È ‘∞≥Á∂ ‘ÈÕ ⁄ÓÛ∆ «Úº⁄ ÿº‡Ø-ÿº‡ 30 ËπºÍ ÂØ∫ Ï⁄≈¿∞‰ Á∂ ’À∫√ ÂØ∫ Ï⁄‰ Ò¬∆ «¬È∑ª ’ÁÓª Ú≈Ò∂ ’≈’ (Sun Protection (Consider vaccinations) ‹∂ Â∞‘≈‚∆ ¿∞Ó 45 √≈Ò ‹ª ÿº‡ Factor,SPF) ‘Ø‰Õ «¬√ ˘ ‘ ؘ Á∆ Í≈Ò‰≈ ’Ø: • ËπºÍ ÂØ∫ Á» ‘Ø ‹ÁØ∫ º’ Â∞√∆∫ ÚÂØ∫, √≈∂ √≈Ò, Ì≈Ú∂∫ ϺÁÒ ‘Ø‰Õ ¿∞Ó Á∂ ‘Ø, ª Â∞√∆∫ ¿∞√ Ú≈«¬√ «‘ √’Á∂ ‘Ø, ÷≈√ ’’∂ √Ú∂∂ 10 ÂØ∫ ¿∞‘ √È √’z∆Ȫ ‹Ø ’«‘≥Á∆¡ª ‘È «ÚπºË HPV Ù؇ ÒÀ √’Á∂ ‘Ø «‹√ “Ïz ≈ ‚-√ÍÀ ’ ‡Ó”, ¿∞ ‘ ¡Ò‡≈ ’≈È ◊∆Ú≈ ’À∫√ ‘Ø √’Á≈ ‘ÀÕ 6 Ú≈«¬Ò‡ A ¡Â∂ B (UVA ¡Â∂ Ó‘∆«È¡ª ÁΩ≈È «Â≥È Ù؇ «ÁºÂ∂ ‹ªÁ∂ «ÈÔ«Ó  UVB) «’Ȫ ÂØ∫ Ï⁄≈ ‘ÈÕ ÒÛ’∆¡ª Ò¬∆ Ù؇√ Á∆ ÒÛ∆ Ω Á∆ «√Î≈«Ù Ò◊Ì◊ 9 ÂØ∫ 13 √≈Ò ”Â∂ ‹ª⁄ ¡ Â∂ √’Ã∆«È≥◊ Á∆ ¿∞Ó «Úº⁄ ’∆Â∆ ‹ªÁ∆ ‘À ¡Â∂ 9 ’Ú≈¿∞‰∂ ÂØ∫ 45 √≈Ò Á∆¡ª ¡Ωª ˘ «ÁºÂ∂ ‹≈ Get √’Á∂ ‘ÈÕ regu lar c 9 ÂØ∫ 26 √≈Ò Á∂ hec and ¡≈ÁÓ∆ Ú∆ «ÈÔ«Ó k ups scre  ‹ª⁄ ¡Â∂ Á ÚË∆¡ HPV ÙØ ‡ √ ’ ≥ Á ≈ enin Ú≈¿ ª Á∂ ‚ ‘ÀÕ Â √’z∆«È (◊Á≈«√Ò) ÒÀ g ß◊ª «È ∞‘≈‚≈ ‚≈’‡ ≈’‡ ’ØÒ ∞‰ Ò¬∆ ¡≈ s ͉∂ ‚ Ô ’ ‹≈‰≈ Úº÷ ¡Â∂ ’ √’Á∂ ‘È ‹Ø ¿∞ È ∑ª ≈  ’ Ú √ ∞‘ ‡ ØÒÈ ’ º÷  ’Á≈ ‘ ∑ª Á∂ ’ ≈ ‚ ∆ « √ ‘  À∫√ Ò ’À∫√ À , ˘ ◊∞ Á ≈ Á∂ ’À ∫ √ ÂØ ∫ « ‹ Ú Ò À ∫ √ ∂∫ «’ ¬∆ Ò «¬Ò≈‹ Á≈ Ù∞» «Ú ¬∆ ’ØÒÈØ√ Ï⁄≈ √’Á≈ ‘ÀÕ ’ØÍ∆Õ √ÂÈ ’À∫√ ¬∆ «ÈÔ«Ó º⁄ Í ’È≈ Â∞‘≈‚ «˜¡ ≈ Ò◊ Ò¬∆ Ó ¡≈ ≈‚ HPV ‡∆’∂ Á∆ ÀÓØ◊ «Úº⁄ ’ ≈’‡ «¬‘ √≈È ‘∞≥Á≈ ‘ ≈¿∞‰ Ò¬∆ ≈Á≈ √’z∆«È ß◊ª ¡ z≈Ó√ Ø «‹‘∆ ‘∞≥Á∆¡ À ¡Â∂ « ¬∆  «√Î≈Ù Â∞‘≈‚∂ ÍzªÂ ‹ª  ¡ ¬ ª ∂ ª ’∞fi ’ ¬ ∆  ∑ª Á∂ ’À∫√ª ⁄∆˜ª ‘ «¬Ò≈‹- ‘È, ‹ÁØ∫ «¬ ‹ª⁄ Íz Á ∂ Ù «Úº ⁄ Úº÷-Úº÷ ‘Ø ∑ª Á∂ ˘ Ô Á È Ù∞» «Ú Ø◊ ∆ «√Î √’z∆«È ≈ « Ù ’ ‘Ø √’Á∂ ‘ ∑ª Á≈ º⁄ ‘∆ ’À∫√ √’Á∆ ‘À Õ ¡≈͉∂ «¬Ò≈’∂ ”⁄ ß ◊ ‡À√‡ ÈÕ Í Ø’ √ √’ Í≈«ÒÍ ˘ Ø’ √’ Á≈ ‘À HPV ‡∆’≈’È «√Î≈«Ùª ˘ Á∂ ‘È ‘ÈÕ Í ¿ ’Á∆¡ª ‘È √ Á∂ ’ ‹ Ø ¡√ : ’ØÒÈ ∞È Õ À∫√ «Ú Һ̉ Ò¬∆ ¡≈͉∂ ‚≈’‡ ‹ª Ø√’ØÍ∆ ∑ª «Ú⁄Ø∫ ’∂Ú ’ØÒÈ ’À∫√ Ò º⁄ ÏÁ Ò ÁØ ‘ ¡Â Ò Ò‰  ÍzÁ∂Ù’ «√‘ Ó≥Â≈Ò∂ È≈Ò ∆ ¡ √ Ò ¬∆ Ø∫ Í«‘Ò ∂ «√◊ÓØ «¬ ≥ ‚ « ª «¬È Úº⁄ ‹ª⁄ ’ØÕ ∑ª ˘ Ò Ø√’ØÍ∆Õ «¬‘ ºÌ ’∂ ’ ‡À√‡ ’≥Ó Á∆ ‹◊∑≈ ¡Â∂ ÿ «Ú÷∂ º„ √’ Á∂ ‘È Õ «ÚÙÀÒ∂ ÍÁ≈Ê ¡Â∂ ‘Ø ˜«‘ ÒÀ‰
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Octobor, 2016
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689 ÂØ∫ Ï⁄‰≈ (Avoid toxins and other poisons at work and at home) ◊À«√‘ÂÓ≥Á Ê≈Úª ”Â∂ «‘‰≈ ‹ª ’≥Ó ’È≈ Â∞‘≈˘ «ÏÓ≈ ω≈ √’Á≈ ‘ÀÕ Ú≈Â≈ÚÈ «Ú⁄Ò∂ √≈«¬‰’ ÍÁ≈ʪ ¡Â∂ ¿∞È∑ª ‘Ø ⁄∆˜ª ÂØ∫ Á» ‘Ø «‹È∑ª ’≈È Â∞‘≈˘ ’À∫√ ‘؉ Á∂ ‹Ø«÷Ó ÚË √’Á∂ ‘ÈÕ • ¬∂√Ï∂√‡√, «¬º’ Â≈Í-ØË’ √Óº◊∆ ‹Ø ’∞fi Íπ≈‰∆¡ª «¬Ó≈ª «Úº⁄ «ÓÒÁ∆ ‘À, ’≈È «‡¿±Ó,
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√Óº◊∆ : B@@ ◊z≈Ó ÍÈ∆,A@@ ◊z≈Ó È≈∆¡Ò(’º«√¡≈ ‘Ø«¬¡≈), B ⁄Ó⁄ ¡÷؇ «◊∆, B ⁄Ó⁄ «Í√Â∂ Á∂ ‡∞’Û∂, B ⁄Ó⁄ Ï≈Á≈Ó, H-A@ «’Ù«ÓÙ, H ‘∆ «¬Ò≈«¬⁄∆ (Í∆√∆ ‘ج∆), A@@ ◊z≈Ó Á∞ºËÕ «ÚË∆ : ÍÈ∆ 鱧 ’ºÁ±’√ ’ØÕ «¬’ ’Û≈‘∆ ”⁄ Ùº’, ÍÈ∆, È≈∆¡Ò ¡Â∂ Á∞ºË Í≈˙ ¡Â∂ ÿº‡ ◊À√ ’’∂ «ÓÙÈ È±ß ‘ΩÒ∆-‘ΩÒ∆ «¬’ Úº‚∂ ⁄Ó⁄ È≈Ò ⁄Ò≈˙Õ «ÓÙÈ ◊≈Û∑≈ ‘؉ ”Â∂ ¿∞√ ”⁄ «’Ù«ÓÙ, Ï≈Á≈Ó, «Í√Â≈, ¡÷؇ ¡Â∂ «¬Ò≈«¬⁄∆ 鱧 Í≈ ’∂ ’∞fi Á∂ º’ ⁄Ò≈˙Õ ◊À√ ÏßÁ ’Ø ¡Â∂ «ÓÙÈ È±ß ·ß‚≈ ‘؉ º’ ¡≈͉∂ ‘ºÊª È≈Ò ◊ØÒ-◊ØÒ ÍÈ∆ Á∂ Òº‚± ω≈ Ò˙Õ Ï∆’ ’º‡∂ √∞º’∂ Ó∂«Ú¡ª È≈Ò «¬√鱧 √‹≈˙Õ
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October, 2016
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INTERFAITH MARRIAGE AND THE SIKH RAHIT MARYADA The recent incident thatoccurred on September 11, 2016 at the Gurdwara Sahib in Leamington Spa, Warwick, UK has created a big news among the Sikhs and non-Sikhs not only in UK but all over the world among the Sikhs.Neal Baker of the SUN, UK reported this incidence under the following heading[1]: “BLADE GANG STORMS TEMPLE.” Masked thugs carrying ceremonial knives pictured in terrifying show of force at Sikh temple in Leamington Spa after protest raid ‘over mixed-faith marriages.” He further reported that a gang of more than 50 men with religious swords stormed a Sikh temple to stop an interfaith marriage. The storming persons were showing black clothes wearing dark glasses and masked their face with orange cloth. The Sikh Youth of Birmingham claimed that they were angry at the wedding of a Sikh bride witha Hindu groomat the Gurdwara temple in Leamington Spa, Warwick. One of the gang had a placard reading: “Stop violating Sikh principles for money!!” David Moore commented on this news in the Sun that in the UK people have been told many times by government that we must accept multiculturalism but ethnic groups are not accepting it. I think multiculturalism is being misunderstood by Mr Moore. According to‘multiculturalism’ means the preservation of different cultures or cultural identities within a united society, as a state or nation. I have noticed that multiculturalism is not only being propagated in UK but in Canada not only promoted but is being practiced in real sense. Zara Hughes commented on this news saying that she is a Sikh and married to a white man in a Gurdwara soon after they got married the temple banned others from marrying there unless both sides are Sikhs. Similarly, Henry Bodkin [2] reported in the Telegraph, UK that fifty-five arrested after armed siege at Sikh temple in protest over interfaith marriage on September 11, Sikh Virsa, Calgary
2016 in the Leamington Gurdwara. He also reported that Jatinder Singh Birdi, a former treasurer at the temple, said: “There have been tensions that have been going on
Prof. Devinder Singh Chahal, PhD Institute for Understanding Sikhism Laval, Québec H7W 5L9 Email:
for a couple of years with some people objecting to mixed marriages in taking place in the Gurdwaras. It was also reported that “significant number of bladed weapons”, many of them ceremonial kirpans, were later recovered from the scene after the siege which ended without injury. S. Sohan Singh, S Grmukh Singh, S Nimal Singh, S Balvinder Singh, Sikh Council, UK, Malaysian Gurdwaras Council, Malaysia and the Global Sikh Council are in favour of banning interfaith marriages while discussing the incidence at Leamington Gurdwara at the Gurmat Learning Zone Discussion Group. The on going discussion on this topic on GLZ indicates that the majority is in favour of total ban on the interfaith marriages according to Sikh RehitMaryada (SRM) where only a Sikh can marry a Sikh. They also favour that SRM should be followed strictly. S Satinderpal Singh, Personal Secretary, Jathedar of Akal Takht informed the Sangat that: “On the16th June 2016 GianiGurbachan Singh, Jathedar of Akal Takht Sahib said that SRM is an approved Sikh Constitution. PanthicTaksals, Dehars and Sampardas are the respected section of the Panth, but they are not Guru Panth by themselves. It took Guru Panth 14 years of hard laborious work to get the SRM approved and printed and now it is the duty of Akal Takht and SGPC to get the SRM implemented in the true form. After it was approved by General House of the SGPC the SRM was then printed. When a hand written draft is printed it 186.
does not remain a draft anymore, it becomes a book or booklet.” “During the AGM of SGPC, Main Sewaks of the Takhts/Jathedars and the Chief Granthi of Sachkhand Sri Harmaninder Sahib are present as members and their presence shows agreement with the resolutions of the General House. The SRM was launched by the Jathedar then and now to question it and say it is not panth accepted is tantamount to creating a divide in the Panth.”[3] Some comments on the above statement. Please note that this is not a criticism but some points to be reconsidered carefully: 1. The Jathedar Akal Takht admits that: PanthicTaksals, Dehars and Sampardas are the respected section of the Panth, but they are not Guru Panth by themselves. It means that a big majority of the Sikhs, the followers of these organizations, are already not following the SRM of the SGPC and they are also not considered Guru Panth. 2. The Jathedar Akal Takht also admits that SRM was a draft but it becomes book or booklet of about 20 pages after printing. Therefore, he thinks that it becomes approved SRM. This is very strange way to declare a document as ‘approved’. Sikh RehitMaryada – Is it approved? I am reproducing word by word the statements from SRM published by SGPC as received from DharmikSlakar Committee (RaohReet Committee) of SGPC, Amritsar as follows: .ì ..ÙzØÓ‰∆ ◊: Í: ’Ó∂‡∆ Á∆ “Ë≈«Ó’ √Ò≈’≈ ’Ó∂‡∆” È∂ ¡≈͉∆ «¬’ºÂÂ≈ «ÓÂ∆ G-A-DE «Ú÷∂ «¬√鱧 «Ú⁄≈ ’∂ «¬√ «Úµ⁄ ’∞fi Ú≈Ë∂ ÿ≈‡∂ ’È Á∆ «√Î≈«Ù ’∆Â∆Õ ... (Literal English translation: The DharmikSalakar Committee of SGPC in their gathering of dated 7-1-45 suggested to do some additions and deletions. Then there are 8 names of the members of the committee. Thereafter, it is written as follows: Ë≈«Ó’ √Ò≈’≈ ’Ó∂‡∆ Á∆ «√Î≈Ù ¡È∞√≈ Octobor, 2016
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October, 2016
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689 «¬√ «Úº⁄ Ú≈Ë≈ ÿ≈‡≈ ’È Á∆ ÍzÚ≈È◊∆ ÙzØÓ‰∆ about the external identity rather than the been performed, O my father. As Gurmukh, ◊: Í: ’Ó∂‡∆ È∂ ¡≈͉∆ «¬º’ÂÂ≈ «ÓÂ∆ C-Breal Sikhi while the others are least I have found the Lord. DE Á∂ ÓÂ≈ ÈßÏ IG ≈‘∆ «ÁºÂ∆Õ interested to keep this identity and also Prof Sahib Singh: (Literal English translation: The SGPC not aware of real Sikhi. Ó∂∂ «ÍÂ≈! (Íẕ-ÍÂ∆ È≈Ò) Ó∂≈ «Ú¡≈‘ in their gathering of 3-2-45 and through Solution ‘Ø«◊¡≈ ‘À, ◊∞± Á∆ √È ÍÀ ’∂ ÓÀ鱧 Íẕ-ÍÂ∆ «ÓÒ resolution number 97 accepted to do Is banning interfaith wedding the only «Í¡≈ ‘À¢ additions and deletions suggested by the solution based on the codes of SRM, which The interpretations of all the above DharmikSalakar Committee.) is still a draft and needs a lot of additions experts indicate that all these Sabds recited ¡◊Ò∂ √«Î¡ª ”Â∂ ‹Ø «‘ ÓÔ≈Á≈ «ÁºÂ∆ and deletions. For example, particularly for at the time of wedding, in fact, are meant for ◊¬∆ ‘À, ¿∞‘ ÙzØÓ‰∆ ◊∞Á∞¡≈≈ ÍzÏßÁ’ ’Ó∂‡∆ Á∆ the Sikh wedding ceremony: wedding of devotees (men and women) as “‘∞∆ ’Ó∂‡∆” ÚºÒ∫Ø ÙzÓ Ø ‰∆ ◊: Í: ’Ó∂‡∆ Á∂ ÁΠ1. Who is a SIKH: For wedding brides with God as husband «Úº⁄ «‹√ ∆Í؇ √«‘ Í∞º‹∆ √∆, ¿∞‘ ‘∂· «ÁºÂ∆ ceremony do we accept the definition of a metaphorically. To apply these Sabds for ‘ÀÕ¢ Sikh given in SRM or Gurdwara Act 1925 wedding of a bride (woman) with a groom (Literal English translation: The or recent definition of SGPC for voting or (man) is blasphemous act. RehitMaryad reproduced on the next the definition of DGMC, New Delhi? All This wedding system which is being pages is as it was received in the SGPC such definitions are academically and forced by so many experts and Sikh Office along with the report from the legally incorrect and incomplete.[4] organizations and the Akal Takht is in no RaohReet Committee of the SGPC.” 2. AnandKarj: My humble request to way be considered as wedding of a bride So far as I understand that SGPC all the individual experts and the (woman) with a groom (man) according to has accepted to do the additions and organizations listed above to look into Gurbani. deletions as suggested by the Gurbani especially the following Sabds Therefore, there is a dire need of DharmikSalakar Committee. What were connected with the wedding ceremony: immediate revision of SRM by the experts these additions and deletions and i) ‘Ó ÿ« √≈‹È ¡≈¬∂ ®†† in various fields at world level before whether these were done or not is not Ham g–arsâjanâ«%e. banning interfaith marriages in Gurdwaras apparent from these writings? AGGS, M 1, p 764. all over the world. Under these circumstances it is evident Sant Singh Khalsa: My friends have I humbly request that please do not take that SRM printed by the SGPC is neither come into my home. it either as criticism of any individual or any approved by the SGPC nor by the Akal Prof Sahib Singh: ∂Ó∂ «‘Á∂-ÿ «Ú⁄ organization or of the Akal Takht or the Takht at that time but is being claimed to be «ÓµÂ-Íẕ ‹∆ ¡≈ Íz◊‡∂ ‘È¢ SGPC; or blasphemy of Gurbani. However, approved in the above circular of Jathedar ii) Lavan: I am quoting last phrase of It is for critical analysis of all the above of Akal Takht dated the 16th June, 2016. In 4th Lav: points and for better suggestions to resolve fact, it is still a draft in which the additions ‹È∞ È≈È’∞ ÏØÒ∂ ⁄¿∞Ê∆ Ò≈ÚÀ ‘« Í≈«¬¡≈ ÍzÌ∞ this critical issue facing the younger Sikh and deletions are still to be done. It is ¡«ÚÈ≈√∆®4®2® generation of 21st century of Science and evident that suggestions for new additions Jan Nânak bole c– Communication Age. and deletions by expert theologians are a«%uthîlâvaiharpâ«%i«%âparab–avinâsî. Suggestions to resolve this sensitive allowed since February 3, 1945. ||4||2|| issue are welcome by the author at email: There is no doubt that it took 14 years AGGS M 4, p774. by the most respected and well qualified Prof Sahib Singh: REFERENCES theologians of 1930s and 1940s to draft the Á≈√ È≈È’ ¡≈÷Á≈ ‘À «’ Íẕ-ÍÂ∆ È≈Ò ‹∆Ú1. B AKER , N. (2016) BLADE GANG SRM. Now we are living in the 21st century, «¬√Â∆ Á∂ «Ú¡≈‘ Á∆ ⁄ΩÊ∆ Ò≈∫Ú√Ó∂ ‹∆Ú-«¬√Âz∆ STORMS TEMPLE The Sun, UK. https:/ and civilization and scientific information ’Á∂ È≈√ È≈‘ ‘؉ Ú≈Ò∂ Íẕ Á≈ «ÓÒ≈Í Íz≈Í ’ / has advanced much during the last 80 years ÒÀ∫Á∆ ‘À ®4®2® armed-cops-arrest-55-masked-menwhen this SRM was drafted. The Sikhi being Manmohan Singh (SGPC): after-they-raid-a-sikh-temple-intaught in Gurdwaras and through the ◊ØÒ≈ È≈È’ ¡≈÷Á≈ ‘À, ⁄ΩÊ∂ Î∂∂ ¡ßÁ ÓÀ∫ ¡≈͉∂ leamington-spa-in-dispute-over-mixedprinting and Internet media is not ¡Ó Ú≈«‘◊∞± √∞¡≈Ó∆ 鱧 Í≈Í ’ «Ò¡≈ ‘À¢ faith-weddings/ convincing the younger generation of the Manmohan Singh SGPC) English: 2. BODKIN, H. (2016) Fifty-five arrested Science and Communication Age. The Sikhs Says slave Nanak, in the fourth circling after armed siege at Sikh temple in protest are no more confined in the small province I have attained to my imperishable God over interfaith marriage The Telegraph, UK of Punjab but are spreading throughout Lord. India, and Eastern and Western countries. DrSant Singh Khalsa: 11/fifty-five-arrested-after-armed-siege-atThe younger generation are mixing with the Servant Nanak proclaims that, in this, sikh-temple-in-protest/ younger generation of other faiths. Under the fourth round of the marriage ceremony, 3. (2016) The Malaysian Gurdwaras such circumstances two persons of different we have found the Eternal Lord God. Council: . faiths are falling in love. Moreover, Sikhi is iii) Ú∆¡≈‘∞ ‘Ø¡≈ Ó∂∂ Ï≈Ï∞Ò≈ ◊∞Ó∞÷∂ ‘« 7/3/9/0/73906281/mgc_cover_letter_not being taught in its real perspective thus Í≈«¬¡≈® _2016_0712.pdf many young Sikhs are running away from vî«%âhuho«%â mere babulâgurmuk– 4. CHAHAL, D. S. (2002) Defing a Sikh, h Sikhi in Punjab and in Eastern and eharpâ«%i«%â. Understanding Sikhism Res, J, 4 (2), p 41. Western countries. Now there are two AGGS, M 4, p 78. types of Sikhs: One is very particular Sat Singh Khalsa: My marriage has archives/2002/j0402p41.pdf (The End) Sikh Virsa, Calgary
Octobor, 2016
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689
The Coming Financial Enclosure Of The Commons By Antonio Tricarico Financial speculation in food commodities has become one of the main drivers of food price volatility, with devastating impacts on small producers and the poor. Yet the disruptive influence of financial speculation on food markets is only a preview of future crises. International financial markets are now attempting to dominate many conventional markets as a long-term strategy to extract greater profits and accumulate capital. While governments have been discussing the issue in the context of the G20’s focus on food security,1 their responses have been insufficient and contradictory so far and do not begin to
address speculation in other hard commodities, where prices are even more volatile and the impacts on energy-dependent countries are equally severe. The systematic financial speculation on commodities (and its systemically influential increase in recent years) has been driven mainly by deregulation of derivative markets. Derivatives markets, which trade in futures contracts and options, among other financial instruments based on other assets, enable the price risks for an asset (wheat, oil, pork bellies) to be transferred from the producer to other parties, often speculators, through the sale of “derivative” financial instruments.
Speculation has also soared as investment banks, hedge funds and other institutional investors have jumped into the derivative market, often intro-ducing new financial instruments such as index funds and exchange-traded funds. All of these trends have been accelerated by financial deregulation, which over the last decade, for the first time in history, has transformed commodities into financial assets. Until the beginning of the 2000’s, holding a ton of corn could not produce a revenue stream or rent, other then from sales based on market prices. Today, thanks to financial engineering, such financial schemes are not only possible,
they are highly lucrative. The largely unregulated commodity derivatives markets have resulted in greater speculation on food commodities, which can cause high prices and shortages, particularly in poorer countries. Such “financial innovation” is part of a broader trend that is structurally transforming the global economy and natural resources management. Contrary to common sense and what civil society often assumes, financial markets are penetrating deeper and deeper into the “real economy” of actual production. Speculative finance is increasingly influencing prices and thus productive output in agriculture and energy as well as natural
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October, 2016
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689 resource commons that have historically functioned outside of markets. The result: speculative capital is becoming structurally intertwined with productive capital, including the commons as productive realms. This expansion of (finance) capital represents a new historic type of enclosure: investordriven appropriations and control of many forests, fisheries, arable land and water resources historically managed as commons. The 2007-2008 crash of financial markets and the global economy, coupled with investors’ need to diversify investments beyond traditional markets (including equity, bonds and real estate), has intensified the search for new ways to achieve high rates of return, cover heavy losses that some institutional investors experienced during the crisis, and absorb the massive liquidity of capital that exists globally. These needs have propelled the development and even the
Sikh Virsa, Calgary
creation of new types of financial market risks. But in so doing, financial market operators are reformulating the fundamentals of the real economy where everyday production and consumption occur. A massive financial transformation is underway as financial entrepreneurs create new tradable asset classes out of existing commodities, which provide a physical source of value to support new structured financial instruments. The new financial assets are being created from existing commodities. And where markets do not yet exist, natural resources are being converted into commodities so they can be traded. Indeed, new commodities and markets are being created from scratch to satisfy the demands by financial markets for new, high-return investments A very good example of this kind of “Rumpelstiltskin capitalism” – the making of something valuable from
nothing, like spinning straw into gold – is the carbon market. These markets trade the right to emit carbon, as authorized by state-issued permits of such rights. Carbon-trading rights are also generated by companies through the implementation of projects aimed to reduce emissions in the future and thus to offset real emissions that the same companies are generating today. A carbon credit or certificate is in itself a derivative contract, given that its value is based on the estimated future price of abating carbon emissions. Therefore holding or buying a carbon credit is in itself a bet about the future, something quite different from holding stock in a ton of corn. These rights to emit – or credits and certificates – are then resold on a secondary market, otherwise known as “emission trading.” Derivative financial products are built on the rights, credits and certificates, as in the case of other commodities. In this case, as with other
commodities, speculative investors are simply trading financial risks associated with the carbon commodity – which itself is highly unstable and virtual. HOW ARE FINANCIALIZATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES CONNECTED? We live in a time of finance capitalism, where trading money, risk and associated products is more profitable than production itself, and often accu-mulates greater capital than trading goods and services. This has huge implications for where capital is invested and the everyday impact that capital markets have on people, as more and more aspects of everyday life – from home ownership to pensions to schooling – are mediated through financial markets (rather than conventional markets alone). This is what people mean when they talk about the “financialization” of the economy. Financialization should be
Octobor, 2016
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October, 2016
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689 regarded as more than just a further stage of commodification. Financiali-zation reduces all value that is exchanged (whether tangible, intangible, future or present promises, etc.) into either a financial instrument or a derivative of a financial instrument. Financialization seeks to reduce any work, product or service to an exchangeable financial instrument like currency, and thus make it easier for people to trade (and profit from) these financial instruments. A mortgage loan, for example, is a financial instrument that lets an employee trade a promise of future wages for ownership of a home. Financialization aims to transform labor, goods and services into tradable financial products as we know it from currency trade. With financialization increasingly penetrating into the real economy, financial markets, financial institutions and financial elites are gaining greater influence over basic economic policies and economic outcomes. Financialization transforms the functioning of economic systems at both the macro and micro levels of the economy in three distinct ways: 1) It changes the structure and operation of financial markets; 2) It changes the behavior of nonfinancial corporations (whose profits are more and more generated through financial markets than through actual production); and 3) It changes the priorities of economic policy. Financialization is now reaching into all commodity markets and transforming their basic functioning. Just as the first wave of financialization focused on privatizing public services such as pensions, health care, education and housing systems (in the quest for better returns on investment), so the new wave of financialization seeks to commodify natural resources. In many instances, this leads to
Sikh Virsa, Calgary
enclosures of the commons, which in turn affects both resourceexploitationas well as resource conservation projects. At the same time, growing global competition for the control and management of natural resources worldwide is intensifying pressures on national economies to exploit natural resources, resulting in what Michael T. Klare calls “resource wars” (Klare 2002). This is not simply a matter of rapid industrialization and emerging economies fueling greater global consumption and competition for limited resources. Resource wars are symptoms of new geopolitical and geoeconomic dynamics. The control of natural resources flows is increasingly seen as a key strategic tool for directing futures markets, political relations and economic supremacy.2 This trend is quite evident in recent large-scale land acquisitions at an international level by governments and the private sector. Their aim often goes beyond just securing future crop production for their own populations; they want to secure long-term, highly profitable positions in foreign markets to enable them to acquire and process natural resources as well as diversify their investments.3 In this context, advanced economies, particularly those reeling from the economic crisis, want to expand capital markets in other countries in order to establish a new private financial infrastructure that can generate enough financial resources to develop these new infrastructure investments. Financial markets awash in liquidity are desperate for such new investment vehicles: At the end of 2010, global capital markets were trading more than $200 trillion, which is almost four times more than the world’s GDP, according to the McKinsey Global Institute (McKinsey, 2011). The emerging “turbo-capita-
lism” driven by financialization seeks to address two pressing problems now facing investors: how to invest the massive amounts of private wealth and liquidity present today in capital markets, and at the same time how to create new financial instruments that will generate additional revenues for the financial industry. Developed markets currently account for $30 trillion of the estimated total $43 trillion of global equity market capitalization, according to a recent estimate by Timothy Moe, chief Asia-Pacific strategist at Goldman Sachs. Over the next 20 years, global market capitalization could expand to some $145 trillion, he predicted.4 Looking only at private wealth not channelled through institutional investors, private equity funds managed $2.5 trillion at the end of 2008 (a 15 percent increase compared to 2007, despite the financial turmoil). International Financial Services London forecasts that funds under management will increase to over $3.5 trillion dollars by 2015, starting from less than $1 trillion in 2003.5 More and more private equity funds will focus on emerging economies. Global hedge-fund assets surpassed the $2 trillion mark for the first time ever, Hedge Fund Research Inc. said in April 2011, marking an impressive industry rebound from market losses and customer flight during the financial crisis.6 This new stage of financialization will provide new economic and legal leverage for the further commodification of nature and the commons in general. More and more natural resources will be extracted and commercialized, unleashing a new massive attack on the global and local environment and the common wealth. Capital markets regard this approach as a vital long-term strategy to secure and lock in a new structure of control over natural resources that assures
attractive profits. But this finance-driven structure will also dramatically reduce the ability of communities to reclaim their shared wealth and assert their collective, locally responsive management. This systemic goal of “financial enclosure” of the commons, when coupled with existing trade & investment agreements, 7 could produce a long lasting, legally durable enclosure that would seriously diminish (policy) space for any political player and for social movements – farmers, Transition Towns, Occupy Wall Street, and others. Most importantly, it threatens to extinguish the possibility of people reproducing their livelihoods independent of the overwhelming influence of financial markets. C O M M O D I T Y S P E C U L A T I O N , INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING AND THE INVENTION OF NEW MARKETS FOOD, LAND & AGRICULTURE After the first food crisis, financial speculators such as hedge funds managers acquired strong positions in markets for physical food commodities, most importantly rice, corn and wheat. In 2010, hedge funds dominated 24 percent of the maize market, enjoying the commodity’s 34 percent price rally. Hedge funds have also increased their control of the soya bean market by 19 percent, up from 13 percent in 2009. These infusions of finance capital have affected the customary functioning of these markets by enabling large players to engage in market abuses and manipulations that make food prices more volatile. Worse, major trading companies in physical markets, such as Cargill, ADM, BUNGE and Glencore, which already play monopoly roles in several cases, are becoming more and more financialized. This means that they generate most of their profits through financial
Octobor, 2016
activities instead of through production for physical commodity markets. Hedge funds, private equity funds and other investors play a central role in large-scale land acquisition, through international speculative investments. This explains why land in most cases is not put immediately into production. Instead, it is used as a vehicle to hedge against inflation or other investments in the same countries; as a way to enter those countries’ markets or as simple short-term speculation in land as a financial asset. New investments in agriculture fostered today by international financial institutions must also be seen as investments in the future financialization of the economy. They aim at deepening financial markets in developing countries (or even building them, where they do not currently exist) by making small farmers and consumers more dependent on debt and retail financial markets. For
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689 example, financial institutions energy trading companies such wish to encourage farmers to as Enron, have been highly cope with food price volatility “financialized” since the by financially hedging their Nineties. Their involvement in risks, or by buying food financial markets and high-risk commodity futures, weather speculative strategies have led to bankruptcy, as in the case derivatives and the like. Enron’s infamous OIL, ELECTRICITY AND of speculation (and price RENEWABLE ENERGY Ever since oil became a manipulations) in the price of highly financialized commodity electricity. Similarly, today’s in the late Eighties, the price of major energy traders are oil has structurally influenced investment banks and hedge most economic processes in funds namely JP Morgan, fossil fuel-addicted societies. Goldman Sachs and the RAB The volatility of the price of oil Energy hedge fund that is thereby transferred to other control oil productions and commodities, including food, stocks directly or indirectly with severe impacts on other through participation into economic sectors and energy companies, energy consumers. This process occurs service companies and traders not only through the workings (stocks, options and other of the “real economy” (as oil financial instruments). Because of this extreme prices are incorporated into retail prices), but also through financialization, any policy the operations of index funds strategies to inaugurate a and other pools of speculative “Green New Deal” that focuses on trying to shift patterns in investments. It is important to remember energy consumption and that major energy companies, production will not succeed if it such as General Electric and does not contain at its core
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highly financialized features. This risk should not be underestimated. For example, private equity funds in India, both domestic and foreign, have played a key role in listing renewable companies on the stock market through IPOs (initial public offerings, in which stock is first sold to the public). The fact that these offers became significantly over-subscribed increased the value of the companies to the benefit of short-term speculators. Similarly, several exchange-traded funds have stakes in green technology companies, which has helped to raise their profiles among short-term, speculative investors. The financialization of green technologies means that decisions about future energy developments and projects are increasingly directed by short-sighted, profit-maximizing financial speculators biased toward resource extraction. (Cont. on Next Issue)
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Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
A Democracy That Discriminates And Disgraces Citizens Even In Death
Sikh Virsa, Calgary
of that and cremated his wife. The ordeal of Dana Majhi had shook the nation, or at least it seemed so. The remaining three went largely unnoticed. The shock value of such things happening in a country claiming to be on track to become the world’s next super power was perhaps spent with the first. Or it did not, the democracy and its more fortunate citizen knew it all along. Who does not know the state of affairs in public hospitals across India, after all? Who, further, can really be unaware of the real status of the thousands of welfare schemes- hadn’t the Supreme Court of India lambasted the union government for the ‘woeful implementation of wonderful schemes’ less than a year ago! Let’s look at the cases closer. Easy way would be to blame the lowest rung staffers- the hospital staff which refused ambulances Majhi and Meerut lady, the ones who broke the dead body of Salamani Behera by the hip. That is how the system works, by finding scapegoats. But are they really to be blamed? Are they
By Samar Unable to pay the ambulance drivers INR 1500, or around USD 22, a young mother was forced to sit out the night with her child’s dead body outside a hospital in Uttar Pradesh’s Meerut district. This happened less than two weeks after a nationwide outrage over the ordeal of a tribal man named Dana Majhi thousands of kilometers away, in Kalahandi district of Odisha. Refused ambulance service to carry the corpse of his wife back to his village because he had no money, Mr. Majhi had to carry her on his shoulders, with his minor daughter in tow. Sadly, the Meerut case was not the only one to happen since. Salamani Behera, an 80 year old woman, was run over by a train in Soro. As mandated in every accidental death, the staff of Soro Community Health Centre (CHC) needed to send her body for post mortem to the district hospital in Balasore but they could manage no ambulance. Unable to pay for alternative transportation, and forced by the setting in of rigor mortis making the body stiffer and stiffer and therefore difficult to carry, the staff broke the body at the hip, wrapped it in an old sheet, tied it to a bamboo pole. They then carried it to the railway station from where the body was taken to district hospital by train. Even this is not it for the country that claims to be the largest democracy of the world. In another case in another state, a crematorium in Neemuch of Madhya Pradesh did not allow Jagdish Bhil, a tribal man, to cremate his wife as he did not have the required money- INR 2500 or around USD 37. Disgusted, he collected garbage- waste paper, plastic bags and whatever else he could find, made a pyre
Let’s look at the cases closer. Easy way would be to blame the lowest rung staffers- the hospital staff which refused ambulances Majhi and Meerut lady, the ones who broke the dead body of Salamani Behera by the hip. That is how the system works, by finding scapegoats. But are they really to be blamed? 194.
allowed to spend from some contingency funds for such eventualities? And if not, which is the case, they would be simply unable to pay from their already meagre salaries. That is, again, if they are not from contractual staff as is mostly the case in the new economic regime. The workers at the MP crematorium would definitely be even worse off- from marginalized castes, working for some contractor for a pittance. Where does the blame really lay then? Dana Majhi’s case sheds light on that. The government of Odisha had two schemes to help poor and destitute families in cases of death of a member. The first of them, Harischandra Sahayata Yojanawas launched in August 2013 to assist families monetarily to conduct last rites of the deceased. Following up on this, the government of Odisha has declared another ‘Mahaprayan Yojana’ to provide free transportation of dead bodies of family members of the poor and the destitute in February this year. Yet, Mr. Majhi had nothing to bank upon to on the ground as the scheme was only ‘declared’ not ‘launched’. The fact that the Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik launched it the day after outrage over Mr. Majhi is a telling comment on how these schemes work in fact. Further, Mahaprayan Yojana wasn’t the only government scheme that did not reach Mr. Majhi. Indian Express, an Indian newspaper later reported that Mr. Majhi was not paid for the work he did under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) in October 2015. He would not have been forced to carry the body of his wife on his shoulders had he been paid his dues of INR 4,064 perhaps. As he was not, he had
Octobor, 2016
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689 to borrow money to take his wife to the hospital and then spend on tests, medicines and everything! Going by the schemes in force, he should not have been forced to pay any of that though. He should have been covered under Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana, an insurance scheme for the BPL families covering health expenditures up to INR 30,000 in any hospital, public or private. He was not enrolled in that too. He should not have been made to pay all that he was, Rs 300 for blood test, Rs 200 for medicines, Rs 100 for registering his wife’s name and Rs 10 for getting a seal on the papers, as Indian Express added, as the user fees in Odisha government hospitals are in fact much lower, as one can see here. Evidently, Mr. Majhi was a double victim of the system. Of getting denied of what was legitimately his first and then forced into bribing to get even something as basic as medical care. One can bet that similar would be the circumstances in all the cases mentioned above. Poor people, citizens of the country, would be denied the benefits of the schemes made for them. They would have nowhere to go to seek redress as the system would be infested by vested
interests feeding off their lives. Failed by the authorities’ oath bound to protect their lives- with dignity- they would most often have no support from civil society and media either. The vicious cycle end in lost lives- their own or of kith and kin and then they would be discriminated against and disgraced even in death as one can see in the all the cases here. It is just that their ‘stories’ did not start at the death that somehow got them what they never had- attention to their otherwise invisible and dehumanised existence in a country all set to become a superpower. Death, after all, can only be a culmination of the injustices inflicted on them all their lives. The injustices would begin with no functioning nutrition security for the poor that would push them into a vicious circle of povertymalnutrition-wasting/stuntingunemployability-even more poverty. Almost non-existent primary health care would then add to this by failing to take care of even the most easily avoidable and curable diseases that affect the kids of the poor. It would then continue in the form of the BPL cards denied to the needy, the bribes sought for that Rs 500 a month
mention for destitute elderlies, the ration stolen as a cut by the Public Distribution Shop owner, the public health centre never visited by the doctors posted there, the free, government ambulances that would never reach them because of deflated tyres and what not. It would continue as there would be schemes but hardly any monitoring on the ground. This would continue because there would be no avenues to seek redress against any of that. It would continue as the media would rarely reach them in the countryside- so distant from its glossy studios and offices in the metros- unless there is a disaster like flood or drought. The list can go on and on but the point is simple. That their stories do not begin at death- more so in such undignified conditions. They begin much before and nothing much would change unless one goes all the way back and starts putting things in place from the beginning. The problem is that the system, welfare system in particular, itself has turned into a skeleton and requires a complete replacement with a living and functioning one. No overhauls can put life back into skeletons, can they? (The End)
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October, 2016
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
The Doctor And The Saint Ambedkar, Gandhi & the battle against caste courage to tell the Hindus that what is (Cont. from Last edition) Around this time, Ambedkar started his wrong with them is their religion the religion first journal, Mook Nayak (Leader of the which has produced in them this notion of Voiceless). Tilak’s newspaper, Kesari, the sacredness of caste. Will you show that refused to carry even a paid advertisement courage?87 Gandhi believed that Ambedkar was announcing the publication of Mook Nayak.85 The editor of Mook Nayak was throwing the baby out with the bathwater. P.N. Bhatkar, the first Mahar to matriculate Ambedkar believed the baby and the and go to college.86 Ambedkar wrote the bathwater were a fused organism. Let us concede but never accept first 13 editorials himself. In the first one, that Annihilation of Caste is indeed he described Hindu society in a a piece of utopian thinking. If it is, chilling metaphor as a multi-storeyed then let us concede and accept how tower with no staircase and no reduced, how depleted and how entrance. Everybody had to die in pitiable we would be as a people if the storey they were born in. even this this rage, this audacious ANNIHILATION OF CASTE is often called (even by some ARUNDHATI denunciation did not exist in our ROY midst. Ambedkar’s anger gives us all Ambedkarites) Ambedkar’s utopia his impracticable, unfeasible dream. He was a little shelter, a little dignity. The utopianism that Ambedkar is rolling a boulder up a cliff, they say. How can a society so steeped in faith and charged with was very much part of the superstition be expected to be open to such tradition of the anticaste movement. The a ferocious attack on its most deeply held poetry of the Bhakti movement is replete beliefs? After all, for millions of Hindus of with it. Unlike the nostalgia-ridden, all castes, including untouchables, mythical village republics in Gandhi’s Hinduism in its practice is a way of life that “Ram Rajya,” the subaltern Bhakti saints pervades everything birth, death, war, sang of towns.88 They sang of towns in marriage, food, music, poetry, dance. It is timeless places, where untouchables their culture, their very identity. How can would be liberated from ubiquitous fear, Hinduism be renounced only because the from unimaginable indignity and endless practice of caste is sanctioned in its toil on other peoples’ land. For the foundational texts, which most people have fifteenth-century poet Ravidas (also known as Raidas, Ruhidas or Rohidas), that place never read? Ambedkar’s point is: how can it not be? was Be-gham-pura, the City without Sorrow, How can such institutionalised injustice, the city without segregation, where people even if it is divinely ordained, be acceptable were free to go wherever they wanted: Where there is no affliction or suffering to anyone? Neither anxiety nor fear, taxes nor capital It is no use seeking refuge in quibbles. No menace, no terror, no humiliation… It is no use telling people that the shastras Says Raidas the emancipated Chamar: do not say what they are believed to say, if One who shares with me that city is my they are grammatically read or logically interpreted. What matters is how the friend.89 For Tukaram, the city was Pandharpur, shastras have been understood by people. You must take the stand that Buddha took where everybody was equal, where the … You must not only discard the shastras, headman had to work as hard as everyone you must deny their authority, as did else, where people danced and sang and Buddha and Nanak. You must have the mingled freely. For Kabir, it was Premnagar, Sikh Virsa, Calgary
the City of Love. Ambedkar ’s utopia was a pretty hardnosed one. It was, so to speak, the City of Justice worldly justice. He imagined an enlightened India, Prabuddha Bharat, that fused the best ideas of the European Enlightenment with Buddhist thought. (Prabuddha Bharat was the name he gave to the last of the four newspapers he edited in his lifetime.) Gandhi called modern cities an “excrescence” that “served at the present moment the evil purpose of draining the lifeblood of the villages.”90 To Ambedkar, and to most Dalits, Gandhi’s ideal village was, understandably, “a sink of localism, a den of ignorance, narrow-mindedness and communalism.”91 If Gandhi’s radical critique of Western modernity came from a nostalgic evocation of a uniquely Indian pastoral bliss, Ambedkar’s critique of that nostalgia came from an embrace of pragmatic Western liberalism and its definitions of progress and happiness (which, at this moment, is experiencing a crisis from which it may not recover). The impetus towards justice turned Ambedkar’s gaze away from the village towards the city, towards urbanism, modernism and industrialisation big cities, big dams, big irrigation projects. Ironically, this is the very model of “development” that hundreds of thousands of people today associate with injustice, a model that lays the environment to waste and involves the forcible displacement of millions of people from their villages and homes by mines, dams and other major infrastructural projects. Meanwhile, Gandhi whose mythical village is so blind to appalling, inherent injustice has, as ironically, become Octobor, 2016
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689 the talisman of these struggles for justice. The “infection of imitation,” like the halfFrom Annihilation of While Gandhi promoted his village life of a radioactive atom, decays Caste (1936) Reason and morality are the republic, his pragmatism (or what some exponentially as it moves down the caste two most powerful weapons in the armoury might call his duality) allowed him to ladder, but never quite disappears. It has of a reformer. To deprive him of the use of support and be supported by big industry created what Ambedkar describes as a these weapons is to disable him for action. and big dams as well.92 His chief sponsor system of “graded inequality” in which How are you going to break up caste, if from the year he came back from South “there is no such class as a completely people are not free to consider whether it Africa to the end of his days, was the textile unprivileged class except the one which is accords with reason? How are you going magnate and newspaper baron G.D. Birla. at the base of the social pyramid. The to break up caste, if people are not free to The rival utopias of Gandhi and privileges of the rest are graded. Even the consider whether it accords with morality? Ambedkar represented the classic battle low is privileged as compared with lower. The wall built around caste is impregnable, between tradition and modernity. If utopias Each class being privileged, every class is and the material of which it is built contains can be said to be “‘right” or “wrong,” then interested in maintaining the system.”94 none of the combustible stuff of reason and both were right, and both were also The exponential decay of the radioactive morality. Add to this the fact that inside grievously wrong. Gandhi was prescient atom of caste means that Brahminism is this wall stands the army of Brahmins who enough to recognise the seed of cataclysm practised not just by the Brahmin against form the intellectual class, Brahmins who that was implanted in the project of Western the Kshatriya or the Vaishya against the are the natural leaders of the Hindus, modernity: Shudra, or the Shudra against the Brahmins who are there not as mere God forbid that India should ever take Untouchable, but also by the Untouchable mercenary soldiers but as an army fighting to industrialism after the manner of the against the Unapproachable, the for its homeland, and you will get an idea West. The economic imperialism of a single Unapproachable against the Unseeable. It why I think that the breaking up of caste tiny island kingdom is today keeping the means there is a quotient of Brahminism in among the Hindus is well-nigh impossible. world in chains. If an entire nation of 300 everybody, regardless of which caste they At any rate, it would take ages before a millions took to similar economic belong to. It is the ultimate means of control breach is made.But whether the doing of exploitation it would strip the world bare in which the concept of pollution and purity the deed takes time or whether it can be like locusts.93 and the perpetration of social as well as done quickly, you must not forget that if As the earth warms up, as glaciers melt physical violence an inevitable part of you wish to bring about a breach in the and forests disappear, Gandhi’s words have administering an oppressive hierarchy is system, then you have got to apply the turned out to be prophetic. But his horror not just outsourced, but implanted in dynamite to the Vedas and the shastras, of modern civilisation led him to eulogise a everybody’s imagination, including those which deny any part to reason; to the Vedas mythical Indian past that was, in his telling, at the bottom of the hierarchy. It’s like an and shastras, which deny any part to just and beautiful. Ambedkar, on his part, elaborate enforcement network in which morality. You must destroy the religion of was painfully aware of the iniquity of that everybody polices everybody else. The the shrutis and the smritis. Nothing else past, but in his urgency to move away from Unapproachable polices the Unseeable; the will avail. This is my considered view of the it, he failed to recognise the catastrophic Malas resent the Madigas; the Madigas matter.Some may not understand what I dangers of Western modernity. turn upon the Dakkalis, who sit on the mean by destruction of religion, some may Ambedkar’s and Gandhi’s very different Rellis; the Vanniyars quarrel with the find the idea revolting to them, and some utopias ought not to be appraised or Paraiyars, who in turn could beat up the may find it revolutionary. Let me therefore assessed by the end product alone—the Arundhatiyars. explain my position. I do not know whether village or the city. Equally important is the Brahminism makes it impossible to draw you draw a distinction between principles impetus behind those utopias. For a clear line between victims and oppressors, and rules. But I do. Not only do I make a Ambedkarites to call mass struggles against even though the hierarchy of caste makes distinction, but I say that this distinction is contemporary models of development ‘eco- it more than clear that there are victims and real and important. Rules are practical; they romantic’ and for Gandhians to hold Gandhi oppressors. (The line between Touchables are habitual ways of doing things according out as a symbol of justice and moral virtue and Untouchables, for example, is dead to prescription. But principles are intellectual; are shallow interpretations of the very clear.) Brahminism precludes the possibility they are useful methods of judging things. different passions that drove the two men. of social or political solidarity across caste Rules seek to tell an agent just what course of The towns the Bhakti poet-saints lines. As an administrative system, it is pure action to pursue. Principles do not prescribe dreamed of Beghampura, Pandharpur, genius. “A single spark can light a prairie a specific course of action. Rules, like cooking Premnagar had one thing in common. They fire” was Mao Zedong’s famous message recipes, do tell just what to do and how to do all existed in a time and space that was to his guerrilla army. Perhaps. But it. A principle, such as that of justice, supplies liberated from the bonds of Brahminism. Brahminism has given us in India a labyrinth a main heading by reference to which he is to Brahminism was the term that the anticaste instead of a prairie. And the poor little single consider the bearings of his desires and movement preferred over “Hinduism.” By spark wanders, lost in a warren of firewalls. purposes; it guides him in his thinking by Brahminism, they didn’t mean Brahmins as Brahminism, Ambedkar said, “is the very suggesting to him the important consideration a caste or a community. They meant the negation of the spirit of Liberty, Equality which he should bear in mind.This difference domino effect, what Ambedkar called the and Fraternity.”95 between rules and principles makes the acts “infection of imitation,” that the caste that ”Some closed the door,” he wrote, done in pursuit of them different in quality first “enclosed” itself the Brahmins set off. “others found it closed against them.”96 % and in content.97 (Cont. on Next Edition) Sikh Virsa, Calgary
October, 2016
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members belonging to weaker sections– a ABSTRACT Krodh is one of the five natural thought valued trait historically displayed by the generating emotional propensitiesthat are practitioners of Sikhism, the path followers repeatedly mentioned in Gurbani, the of Gurbani. Is Krodh a normalinherited foundational base of Sikhism. While the “natural constructive”aspectof Krodh phenomenon or an acquired learning based conceptualizationis well accepted, it is the trait or a mix of the two? Krodh in a person “learnt dispositional”aspect of Krodh originates from two discerniblesources: conceptualization – a product of subjective anormal inherited part and anacquired and objective conditions – that is looked learning based part. Krodh thought is, thus, down upon andreferred as sin or vice in a product of two forces, an inherited and Sikhism. For, the operational consequences an acquired. 1.1 Krodh- An inherited trait of learnt aspect of Krodh propensity are, The innocent cry of a new born baby on the one hand, socially undesirable and, on the other hand, obstruct efforts aimed is,for instance, the first reaction to outside world oninhaling oxygen, a at self-realization. Baldev Singh Sandha survivalact.The next cry Some of the queries Retired Professor of is,invariably, an about Krodh raised in this Economics, P.U. Patiala announcement of hunger work, and whose answers needs of the body to attempted from Gurbani,are: Is Krodh an emotional thought request the mother to feed milk, another induced outburst? Is Krodh a natural survival act. And the process moves on.It tendency? DoKrodh emotion gets induced is worth noting thatall the survival needs by other emotions, say Kaam? Is it possible of the potential baby were automatically met to ward off Krodh? Is it possible to get rid for about nine months inside thecontrolled of Krodh? The answers to these queries laboratory of womb of the mother, a Godly are organised in four sections. On a priori gift.In the open unexplored real world grounds, an understanding of the under- laboratory, the initial reflex responses, currents beneath the concept of Krodh slowly but steadily, take the form of (anger) is detailed in Section 1. From the emotions, feelings andthoughtsin the perspective of Gurbani,conceptualisation conscious mind of the baby as it grows into of ‘Krodh’ is marshalled in Sections 2 and, adulthood.These thoughtsstimulate, in in conjunction with Kaam, ‘Kaam Krodh’, turn, action in the desired direction; a inSection 3. Section 4 reports the normal primordial phenomenon. Krodh is, thus, a primary, natural, and concluding observations. mature retaliatory emotional response 1. Krodh: An In-depth Understanding What is Krodh?Krodh ( 8>, 0 Õ, related thought that is experienced by all 0 9) is a Punjabi word which means an humans;initially as a reflex action to an undesirable ache loaded thought.The external stimulus and later as a calculated emotional concerns of Krodh(anger) arise response in the light of earlier similar stimuli from non-materialization of perceived or based experiences.Acalculated resolute expressed (a) physical relationships,(b) response to aKrodhthought is to share the social status, (c) growth, (d) wealth and (e) felt negative feelings and the reasons safety issues of selfandmembers of a close- thereof to the instigator at a mutually knit group. For instance, rejection of convenient and congenial place in a expressed Kaam(sexual) desire is known to composed way. The outcome is resolution produce, apart from anger in a jiltedlover of the issue that caused ill-will in the two whose proposal has been thwarted, parties, the instigator and the instigated; a areaction ensuingactions aimed at harming healthy usage of Krodh thought. For, the interests of the other party. Apart from “Krodh is a product of conflict of interest the above individual (micro) between the two parties: instigator and dimension,Krodhhas a group (macro) instigated”; the prime stimulantof dimension in Sikhism. The group dimension competition is conflict;and the prime ofKrodh includes in its purview righteous stimulant of capitalistic model of indignation against evil, injustice and development is the prevalence of healthy tyrannyunleashed by members of resource market competition in suchdeveloped –rich sections (castes) of society on its nations as USA, Canada and European
Sikh Virsa, Calgary
Union member nations. To be more specific, such a healthy approach to Krodh requiresa three step move: (i)identification of underneath reason(s) that causedill-will which, later, manifested asanger; (ii) sincere effort be made to resolve the identified causal issue in a composed way at an appropriate timeby directly confronting the instigator;and (iii) when such an effort fails to create a win-awin scenario for both the parties, learn to ignore the underlying issue until a right opportunity arrives. 1.2 Krodh – ALearned Disposition from Society “Learned disposition”of a person is a product of subjective and objective conditions. While subjective conditions are laid down by the societal order, the objective conditions arecircumscribed by the availability ofnatural resources and their exploitationlevel.However, the relative abundance or otherwise of natural resources do play a role in dovetailing the subjective conditions laid down by the societal order. This is quite evident from the varying religiositylevels, an index of subjective conditions, observed across nations.Learned disposition of Krodh represents, thus, the display of learned instincts acquired during the survival struggle in the prevailing social order. Krodh is, thus, a mix of normally inherited as well aslearned dispositions to which the social order exposed its members.When the conflict involving membersare not equally strong, and members belonging to stronger sections start exploiting their weaker counterparts, the members of weaker sections start feeling betrayed and, as a consequence, start feeling aggrieved and hurt. At the individual level, when the hurt emotion persists overtime, it may lead to health issues on the one hand and an attempt at physical harm to the opposite party on the other hand. At the societal level, the reaction takes the form of an organised group activity which leads to such social divisions as haves and have-nots. A political fight aimed at changing the organisational structure of society, with or without revolution, is a common observed occurrence. 2. Krodh: A Gurbani Perspective Is Krodh a negative emotion depicting thought? Yes. Kro – (anger) is a thought (momâhî, 971), like those of sexual desire,
Octobor, 2016
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689 wine of Maya and envy (Kaam kro – maaiaamama o sarsampai, 971: Kabir), which communicates a message about a situation studded with emotional content. Like a positive emotional thought perception of happiness that ranges from contentment to intense joy,Krodhdepicts, in general, a negative emotional thought perceptionthat ranges from annoyance to intense anger. As a negative emotional continuum,the mildest form of Krodhisannoyance(Gusaa),at the middle rung isanger, and at the high end is ragethat has avast destruction potential. To illustrate the existence of such a continuum,Guru Nanak Dev has used four socially stigmatised classes of women to displayfour shades of acts associated with negative mental thoughts, a product of social order and environmental objective conditions. Such a social order is a historical reality. While it is laid out mostly by religious leadership,it is enforced by political leadership.For instance, low caste women engaged in manual removalof human residue from households (dûmGî) portrays a learned dispensation of someone who has been persistently exposed to ‘cunning-mindedness’ of others (Kubudh); wife of butcher who slaughters living animals (kasaai G ) symbolises a learned dispensation of someone who has become immune to ‘cruelty’(kuiaa); wife of sweeperwho sweeps to clean the place (c– ûh[î) describes the learned dispensation of ‘unqualified internal contempt for others’ (par ninaag–at); and wife of a person who disposescorpses (of dead bodies)brought for cremation (Chandaal) illustrates an”explosive but apparently insensitive”anger riddenmental state(muo–îkro–). It is a candid mental state depiction of groups belonging to lowest economic strata that existed in the then prevailing historical reality which, unfortunately, continues to be visible in parts of India even today. The emotional content conveyed by Krodh is, thus, a thought perception of a person living under conditions that are unjust,upsetting, or bullying. If this situation persists, it has the potential to cause harm to one’s(i) mental and physical health,(ii) cozy inter-personal relationships, and (iii) wealth. Ultimately, these arereflected in perceived classes of social hierarchy that range froma stigmatised low social status class to an elevated high social status class. For, emotional content embedded,learnt dispositional,sticky thoughts of anger that emerge from conflicts and strife (ni o j – agra o ej –
Sikh Virsa, Calgary
agraaiaa, 984: Guru Ram Das) force the person to behave in a way as if the individual is intoxicated with wine (mamaa o aa, 1004: Guru Arjan Dev). Krodh creates an internal state of mind (antar Krodh, 832) that forces the person to act on the dotted lines like an actor (naat, 832) is an earlier description of observed reality ofKrodh by Guru Nanak Dev.For, the fire (agan, 15) of unresolved Krodh (anger) leads to unthinkable consequences (binaasai, 225) for existence of social statusand body needs (tan naas, 137).This is exemplified by the “stigmatised social status” and “extremely poor living conditions”of outcast people of the Hindu society (chandaal, 15) who engage themselves,at the cremation grounds, in the task of burning dead bodies and removal ofthe skin of dead animals (for reuse as leather and leather products). In the perception of Guru Amar Das, the noose of anger (Krodh) on the functioning of conscience mind is comparable to the hold of greed on the conscious mind during the game of gambling which entails substantially high risk of losing everything (An o arkro– jûaimao haarî, 314). In other words, although actions led by bad thoughts lack the potential to bring happiness(Buraakare so kehaasij – ai, 1418), yet actions guided by thoughts, when conscious mind is under the influence of anger, have the potential to cause substantial damage to the personality of the person to such an extent (Aap G airohiaapehîaj–ai, 1418) that he behaves like a worried, struggling crazy person (Manmuk– kamlaarag [ ailuj – ai, 1418) is another observation of Guru Amar Das. In the perception of Guru Arjan Dev, when one’s conscious mind is constantly gripped with anger (anoarbahuoaarohaa, 960; Sangîk – otaakro – c – andaal, 374; mahaakro–bikraal, 277) and massive ego (man mëhkro – mahaaahaIkaaraa, 1348), one’s self control weakens to such an extent that even truth stating facts provoke thoughts of hurt and anger (Sac – kahai o aac –– ohoaavai, 960). Such a poisoned (bik – ) mental state ultimately causes substantial loss during the life time for a small emotional satisfaction (Kaudîbalaijanamgavaa o aa) is another assertion of Guru Arjan Dev. The consequences of such anger loaded poisonous thoughts (Man hiraikro – mahaabislo – , 445) have, as inferred by Guru Ram Das, been wars (fought by Kings) that caused immense pain and loss of life (nirap– aavëhla[ uk– paaiaa, 445). Is there a way out from angry thoughts
and consequent dreadful actions? Since thoughts are infectious by nature, the candid advice of Guru Ram Das is “avoid the company of those people who brood their minds with horrible anger” (Onaapaasuaasnab – itîaijinan o arkro – c – andaal, 40). For, people whose minds brood with anger neither are able to control their tendencies to lash out their feelings at even sacred pilgrimage shrines (Saniaasî hoe kai oirathb–armiousmëhkro–bigaanaa, 1003: Guru Arjan Dev) nor even before the Guru (Oesa o guraagainaanivëhonaaan o arkro – balaae, 41: Guru Ram Das). A pre-requisite to block the emergence of thoughts of anger in the mind (gusaa man nahad– aae, 1381: Farid;Binsekro– , 233: M3) is a realistically reasoned thought process (man sioluj – ai, 1418: M3) that one tends to enhance the level of tolerance (k– imaagëhlaî, 233: M3) to such a level that one tends to reciprocate evil with goodness (bure aab – alaakar, 1381: Fareed) as demonstrated by the behaviour of a Gurmukh (Gurmuk– hoe oissab–kic–– suj– ai,1418: M3) posits Guru Amar Das, Guru Ram Das and Bhagat Fareed. 3. Kaam Krodh: A Broader Gurbani Perspective Is Krodh a reaction to non-fulfillment of Kaamplea? Since hope sustains life, nonmaterialisation of expected outcome of an act is bound to generate an upsetting, irritating and demoralising thought in one’s mind that influences one’s actions. But when desire takes the form of craving, strong reaction is expected on its nonfulfilment. Non-fulfilment of Kaam(sexual desire) craving is, historically, known to have caused immense loss of life and property to the individual as well as society. Krodh (a negative thoughtof despair/ dejection) is, thus, a direct outcome or progeny of rejection of expressed wish, Kaam (plea) in the Sikh Scripture. The coappearance of “Kaam Krodh” in that order in a large number of Sabds of Gurbani is thus, not owing solely to the rhythmic poetical requirements (as assumed by some) but due to the underlying (above stated) logical rationale of the precedence of Kaam over Krodh. For instance, Kaam Krodh words occur, in that order, in more than ten Sabdsof Guru Nanak Dev, three Sabds of Guru Amar Das, one Sabd of Guru Ram Das, two Sabds of Guru Arjan Dev, one Sabd of Guru Teg Bahadur and two Sabds of Bhagat Fakir. A casual glance over the knowledge embedded in these Sabds reveals three delineable knowledge layer sets: (i) Knowledge Layer Set 1–
October, 2016
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689 Knowledge an Innate Driving Power: Like the natural phenomenon of day time (ihu) and night time (raao), winter season (ahaa [ ) and summer season (Saava G ), sexual desire (Kaam) and anger (a negative desire, Krodh) are two natural team partners in every soul that act as motivating force to achieve destined goals of life (pasriaasansaare, 129: M3) like the (two) farming tools used for weeding out wild plants from the crops (uekarahubasole, 1171) planted in the well prepared soil (godahu – ar o îb – aaî, 955)is aninterpretationofSabds by Guru Nanak Dev. (ii) Knowledge Layer Set 2 Consequences of Unmet Desires: When unfulfilled sexual desire and unresolved angeroccupies the conscious mind (Kaam kro–maaiaamëh c –îo,153), the soul feels the wounds (jîamëhc–ot, 152), the inherent strength of self-control suffers weakness (ano ar – anhirai, 352), usual pleasantries gets replaced by such unpleasant words (bolnajaaGan%î, 1248: M3) as carry the poisonous sting (fûtaibik – maat, 153), body strength weakens (kaaiaakaogalai, 932) and social status touches the lowest ebb as portrayed by the stigmatised low caste untouchables ( o anvasëhc – andaal, 24) are some of the inherent inferences that flow from the Sabds by Guru Nanak Dev.
The sensual pleasures enticed (inrîraslaptaa – e, 403) by dreadful (bikraal, 268) Kaam and Krodh desires lead tooutcomes that are often deceitful (Mithiaa, 268) visualizes Guru Arjun Dev. (iii) Knowledge Layer Set 3–Two Routes to TameHorrible Demons: (a) Human desires being infectious, Guru Tegh Bahadur posits that always avoid (o aaoeahinisb– aagao, 219) the company of evil persons (sanga o urjankî, 219) as their minds are in the captivation of Kaam and Krodh desires. This line of thought is equally endorsed by Bhagat Kabir. Besides, when these desires overpower the mind of an individual (bas paraanî, 219: M9) and take over the role of horrible demons (bikraalûo, 854: M4; vikraal, 1279: M3), (b) the way-out lies in the deployment of positive thought waves of knowledge (sûr) embedded in the Sabd (Gurma o îsaba, 1280: M1) so that negative thought waves generating desires get not only blocked but burnt (agnîsiomel, 1257: M1). 4. Concluding Observations Sikhism lays emphasis on creation of a conscious internal desire rather than being driven by negative external stimuli of Krodh. For,Krodhemotionis a protective mechanism to cover up fear, hurt or sadness that engulfs,for a brief duration, the
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conscious mind with intense mental activity. The retaliation unleashed by Krodh emotion may manifest as verbal, physiological, and such behavioural actionsas employ facial expressions, body language and/or public acts. Guru Nanak’s dictum that anger destroys men - “kamkarod kayo ko gale”, SGGS, M1, 932 - is an apt caution to mankind to be vigilant against arousal and sustaining of anger. More so, owing to ever multiplying competition between individuals and social groups whose command over deadly destruction causing potential resources is immensely increasing.While constructive criticism, creative differences, and heated debate is healthy, but lashing out at other members of the family, friends, colleagues, superiors/elders, customers/ clients not only weakens but scars, and, ultimately, erodes fruitful ties. To turn off anxiety and depression fall out of Krodh, strategies used include:(a) diversion of attentionfrom stress and anger causing situations by engaging in (i) deep breathing, (ii) planned laughter outbursts, (iii) proper exercise, sleepandbalanced diet, (iv) recreation activities (preferably in the company of likeminded people at the scheduled time and space); (v) reduced consumption of such intoxicants as caffeine, alcohol and sugar;and (vi), if possible, forgiveness. (The End)
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Organic Beauty Cream for Sun Burns, Dark spots & Blemishes
Harcharan (HP) Parhar REALTOR
Facial, Waxing, Threading/Eyebrow Tinting, Nai Art, Manicure & Pedicure, Henna for Hair PyiSAl, QrYifµg/AweIbro itµitµg, nyl Awrt, mYnIikaur qy pYfIikaur, mihµdI vwlW leI ienHW swrIAW ibaUtI zrUrqW leI sMprk kro:
DEEP BRAR : 403-870-9792
Cell 403.681.8689 Eyebrow, Upperlip, Threading free with
Sikh Virsa, Calgary
T. 403.590-2233 F. 403.776.1942 Bay 1A, 4101 - 19th St. NE Calgary, AB, T2E 6X8 202.
October, 2016
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689
For your All Kind of
Pick-up & Drop Off Available
klws 5 byisk
Class 5 Basic ip`k-A`p frOp AOP Defence Driving Course fIPYNs frweIivMg kors nt Driving Courses frweIivMg kors Stude r Drive Certification Courses srtIiPkySn kors Govt. Approved gOrimMt mMzurSudw Advance Training Courses AYfvWs tryinMg Kiran Hundal Brush up br`S-A`p 403-473-1682 TRAINING AVAILABLE IN CALGARY & CHESTERMERE
For basement development, kitchen renovation & bathroom renovation just give a call
bysmYNt bxwaux leI, ikcn jW vwSrUm dI rYnovySn, dw kMm krwaux leI A`j hI jgjIq isMG nUM Pon kro
Free Estimate Jagjit Singh : 403-397-2229
Purba Tailors (MOGA WALE)
Ranveer Purba Ladies Tailor
¡√ƒ ’πÂ∂ Í‹≈Ó∂ Á∆ «√Ò≈¬∆ Ú∆ ’Á∂ ‘ªÕ
Pawar Tile & Marble Inc. PARTAP SINGH: 587-719-9280 Prepration
Specialize in All kinds of Stitching, Alterations & Ready-made Sarees √≈‚∂ ’ØÒØ∫ Â∞√∆∫ «’√∂ Ú∆ Â∑ª Á∆ «√Ò≈¬∆ ‹ª ¡≈Ò‡∂ÙÈ Á≈ ’ßÓ ’≈ √’Á∂ ‘ØÕ √≈Û∑∆¡ª Á∆ Î≈Ò Ú∆ Ò◊≈¬∆ ‹ªÁ∆ ‘À!
22 Martin Wood Court N.E. Calgary AB T3J 3H1 Email :
GrW dy prnwly (gtr) nvyN lgwauxy jW purwxy irpyAr krwauxy hox qW l`kI nwl sMprk kro!
Í∞≈‰∂ ‹ª ÈÚ∂∫ ÿª «Úº⁄ ‡≈«¬Òª ¡Â∂ Ó≈ÏÒ Ò◊Ú≈¿∞‰ ¡Â∂ Â√ºÒ∆Ï÷Ù ’≥Ó ’Ú≈¿∞‰ Ò¬∆ ÍÃÂ≈Í «√≥ÿ È≈Ò √≥Í’ ’ØÕ
Cell: 403-975-5783, Ph: 403-280-5783
You want to Replace your house's old Eavestrough?
Water Proof
We can install Ceramic Tiles & Marble, Back Splash Tiles, Tiles on Walls, Kitchen, Washroom or anywhere in home. You can upgrade your kitchen or washrooms too.
WE ALSO SELL USED, RE-CONDITIONED APPLIANCES SERVICE & PARTS TO ALL MAKE OF: * Washers * Dryers * Dishwashers * Fridges * Stoves * Microwaves * Freezers * Garburators * Compactors etc. 121, 7 WESTWINDS CR. NE CALGARY, AB.
Lucky: 403-918-6070 Email :
CALL : RANA KALSI 403-850-6161
A-1 Eaves & Soffit Ltd. H & R APPLIANCE REPAIR & SERVICE
Cheque, Cash or
Professional Moving Services at lowest rates in CALGARY
ALL WORK GUARANTEED!! For Free Estimate Call
«’√∂ Ú∆ Â∑ª Á∂ ¡ÍÒ≈«¬≥√ «Í∂¡ ‹ª «¬≥√‡≈Ò ’Ú≈¿∞‰ Ò¬∆ ¡º‹ ‘∆ ‘«‹≥Á «◊ºÒ È≈Ò √≥Í’ ’ØÕ FOR ANY KIND APPLIANCE REPAIR OR INSTALLING PLEASE CALL
Harjinder Gill 403-585-5988 Sikh Virsa, Calgary
Residential Moving Office Moving Commercial Moving Local & Long Distance Delivery Services Junk Removal
October, 2016
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
Mann Bros. Meat Shop
RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Interior & Exterior Painting, Spray Ceiling, Walls Doors, Decks, Fences, Stucco, New & Old Houses
618, 5075-FALCONRIDGE BLVD. NE CALGARY Specialists in best quality Fresh meat & poultry
ÈÚ∂∫ ‹≈ Í∞≈‰∂ ÿ «Ú⁄ Â∞√∆∫ ¡ßÁ/ Ï≈‘ Í∂∫‡ Á∆ ‹ΩÏ ’≈¿∞‰∆ ‘ØÚ∂ «‹Ú∂∫ √Í∂¡, ¤µÂ, ’ß˪, ÁÚ≈‹∂, ‚Àµ’, ÎÀ∫√, √‡µ’Ø ’≈¿∞‰∆ ‘À ª ¡µ‹ ‘∆ ÎØÈ ’Ø!
«¬µÊ∂ ‘ «’√Ó Á≈ Â≈˜≈ Ó∆‡ «ÓÒÁ≈ ‘ÀÕ Kuljit Mann or Jasbir Mann
Tel: 403-568-6997
MUKHTIAR S. PARMAR Call : 403-399-9075
For all kind of Interior & Exterior Painting Fences Walls Decks Doors Stucco Spray Ceiling
SAME DAY SERVICE √∆È∆¡˜ 鱧 «√µË≈ «ÏµÒ ¡≈«¬¡≈ ’∂◊≈
LARGEST SELECTION OF LATEST DESIGNER Ș Á∆¡ª ¡ÀÈ’ª Best Ë∞µÍ Á∆¡ª ¡ÀÈ’ª Best Service Quality ’ª‡À’‡ ÒÀ∫˜ Best Ș Á≈ Ó∞Π⁄Àµ’-¡µÍ Choice √∆È∆¡˜ Ú≈√Â∂ «‚√’≈¿±∫‡ ϵ«⁄¡ª Ú≈√Â∂ ÍÀ’∂‹
Prescription Glasses Sunglasses Best Contact Lenses Prices Free Sight Testing Special Discount for Seniors Kids Packages
Taking Pride in Professional Service
Appliance Services Ltd.
Washer & Dryer Dishwasher, Garborator Stoves & Fridges
4Basement Window/Door Cutting 4Concrete Cutting 4from 1 to 12 inch 4Core Drilling for Fan/Dryer
* Guaranteed Work * Ï∂√ÓÀ∫‡ Á∆ «Úø‚Ø ‹ª ÁÚ≈˜≈ ’愉 Ò¬∆ ’≥’∆‡ ’‡≈¿π‰≈ ‘ØÚ∂, ÎÀÈ ‹≈ ‚≈«¬ Á∂ Ò¬∆ A ÂØ∫ AB «¬≥⁄ Âæ’ ’Ø ‚««Òø◊ ’≈¿π‰∆ ‘ØÚ∂ ª Ú≈‹Ï ’∆Óª ”Â∂ ÌØ√∂ÔØ◊ √∂Ú≈Úª Ò¬∆ ÓØ¡ È≈Ò √≥Í’ ’ØÕ
(Between Safeway & TD Canada Trust in Castleridge Plaza)
Eyewear, sunglasses & contact lenses at low prices
Friendly Services
Ph: 403) 568-EYES (3937)
105 -77 Castleridge Blvd. NE Calgary
CALL : PAVITAR (AVI) HUNJAN PH: 403-861-6742
ALL WORK GUARANTEED Mandeep Gill & Asim Khan Ph: (403) 280-1117 Fax: (403) 770-8707 Cell: 689-Asim (2746)
''We specialize in India and Pakistan fares''.
Call : Mo
‡ÀÚ«Òß◊ √ÏßË∆ ’ج∆ Ú∆ ’ßÓ ‘ØÚ∂ ª ¡µ‹ ‘∆ ˜±Ó ‡ÀÚÒ ”Â∂ ÓÈÁ∆Í ¡Â∂ ¡√∆Ó È≈Ò √ßÍ’ ’Ø!
Check our prices before you purchase your tickets!
Sikh Virsa, Calgary
October, 2016
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689
Rebate Roofing AAA-1 MOVING À˜∆‚À∫Ù∆¡Ò ¡Â∂ ’ÓÙ∆¡Ò Residential & Commercial Local & Long Distance ÒØ’Ò ¡Â∂ ÒΩ∫◊ «‚√‡À∫√ & Siding Ltd. Moving, Delivery & Dump Service ‚«ÒÚ∆ ¡Â∂ ‚≥Í √«Ú√
Residential & Commercial We are insured!
For Free AAA-1 MOVING Estimate Call : DEEP: 587-500-1590
Siding & Gutter
Call: 403-615-2844 Ph : 403-926-7614
Residential & Commercial
Residential and Commercial Electrical Work Service Calls «‘≈«¬Ù∆ ¡Â∂ ’ÓÙ∆¡Ò «¬ÒÀ’«‡Ã’ √Ï≥Ë∆ ÚË∆¡ª √∂Ú≈Úª Ò¬∆ √≥Í’ ’ØÕ
«¬ÒÀ’‡z∆’Ò Á∆¡ª «’√∂ Ú∆ Â∑ª Á∆ √∂Ú≈Úª ‹ª Ï∂√ÓÀ∫‡ ω≈¿π‰ Ò¬∆ √øÍ’ ’ØÕ
Ï≈Ï≈ Ï∞º„≈ ‹∆ ◊Ã≥Ê∆ √Ì≈
¡÷ß‚Í≈·ª, √«‘‹Í≈·ª, √∞÷ÓÈ∆ √≈«‘Ï, ’∆ÂÈ, ¡≈√≈ Á∆ Ú≈ ¡≈«Á Ë≈«Ó’ √Ó≈◊Óª √ÏßË∆ √∂Ú≈Úª Ú≈√Â∂ √ßÍ’ ’ØÕ √≈‚∂ Í≈·∆ «ÂßÈ∂ «ÁÈ Â∞‘≈‚∂ ÿ «‘‰◊∂Õ √≈‚≈ ≈¬∆‚ Á≈ ¡≈͉≈ ÍzÏßË ‘ØÚ∂◊≈Õ √≈‚∂ ’ØÒ √≈∂ ÏÂÈ, ⁄∞µÒ∑∂, ⁄≈Áª, √Í∆’ «√√‡Ó, ∞Ó≈Ò Ï◊À≈ Á≈ Ú∆ ÍzÏßË ‘ÀÕ
Ph. : 587-703-2416, 587-897-6959 * Residential, Commercial, Industrial Electrical Work * CCTV Camera * Fire Alarm * Data Wiring * Networking ‹∂’ Â∞√∆∫ √∆√∆ ‡∆.Ú∆ ’ÀÓ≈, Î≈«¬ ¡Ò≈Ó, ‚À‡≈ Ú≈«¬«≥◊, ÈÀº‡ Ú«’≥◊ ‹ª ÓÀ‡∆ÈÀ∫√ Á≈ ’≥Ó ’Ú≈¿∞‰≈ ⁄≈‘∞≥Á∂ ‘Ø Âª ≈‹Á∆Í «√≥ÿ ◊∂Ú≈Ò È≈Ò √≥Í’ ’ØÕ
Ì≈¬∆ ◊∞Ó∂Ò «√≥ÿ
Ph. 403-923-1323 Rajdeep Singh Grewal
Tel: 403-798-0508 Cell: 681-0508
Ph. 403-918-0169 Hardeep Singh
SOHANI TENT RENTAL ONE STOP SHOP FOR ALL YOUR PARTY NEEDS Tent & Tent Rugs Best Prices & Tables Fast Services Chairs Wedding Chairs Decoration Heater/Fans Crockery & Patilas Availlable
- Waxing - Threading - Facial - Manicure - Shellac Colours - Pedicure - Artificial Nails - Makeup - Eyebrow Tint and much more....... TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT CALL KARME :
‡À∫‡ª √ÏßË∆ «’√∂ Ú∆ Â∑ª Á∆ ˜±Â Ò¬∆ √Ø‘‰ Ò≈Ò È±ß ÎØÈ ’ØÕ
Ph: 587-718-7530
We also have Call Avtar: Crockery 403-280-3128/587-777-4040 Available
Sikh Virsa, Calgary
WE WILL TAKE CARE OF ALL YOUR BEAUTY NEEDS! Trust your beautician and relax 205.
October, 2016
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
WARE HOUSE PRICES 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Sink Faucets Toilet Bidet/Jet Puk Light Chandelier Flush-Mount
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Electrical Pot Light Switch Plug Step Light Led Light Bath Light
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
jykr qusIN lweItW KrIdxIAW hox qW A`j hI inDwn lweIitMg ’qy phuMco[ij`Qy quhwnUM bhuq vDIAw vyAr hwaUs dIAW kImqW imlxgIAW!
Breaker Hood Fan Bath Fan Electric Box Track Light Out Door Led Energy Save Bulbs
# 4130, 3961-52 AVE N.E. CALGARY AB, T3J OJ8 (Near Common Wealth Hall)
Suite 205-5401, Temple Dr. N.E Calgary AB T1Y 3R7 Sikh Virsa, Calgary
October, 2016
SUPER VISA/BLUE CROSS : 403-681-8689
Trips Booker Canada
Your Journey Begins Here
Services: Airline Ticket / Super Visa Insurance / Travel Insurance / Tour Package / Cruise / Hotel Booking
Stylish and Modern designs using only high quality products to make your home your special place !
Call us First
Lowest fares and Satender Singh Travel Advisor Best Customer Service
Custom made Blinds, Swags, Sheers, Roman Shades & variety of Boards Modernize any piece of furniture with our Upholstery services
Âπ√ƒ «¬æÊ∂ ¡≥◊∂˜∆, «‘≥Á∆, Í≥‹≈Ï∆ «Úº⁄ ◊ºÒÏ≈ ’ √’Á∂ ‘ØÕ
Proudly presenting the best in quality products by CBM
Pam Lail
McKnight Business Centre
#405, 4656 Westwinds Dr. NE Calgary, AB., T3J 3Z5 Bus: 403-293- 7459, Cell: 403-805-3772
Suite 223-4818 Westwinds Dr. N.E. Calgary AB T3J 3Z5
Ph. : 403-668-4800 / 403-775-6650 Toll Free : 1-866-266-6500 Email : Website. :
NANCY RANDHAWA Divorce and Family Law qlwk Aqy pirvwrk knUMn sbMDI syvwvW RAMANJIT MANN Wills & Estate vsIAq nwmy iqAwr krny IMMIGRATION LAW Spousal and Parent Sponsorship HRSDC Work Permit Nanny Approved New Fast Track Immigration Progress Refugee Claims Appeals Aagainst Refused Marriage & Parent Sponsorship
Criminal and Civil Litigation Assault Charges / Impaired Driving, Charges / Shop Lifting Charges, Car Accident Claims, Corporate & Commercial Transactions
REAL ESTATE LAW Buying, Selling and Mortgage for Residential, Commercial & Condominium
Tel: 403-590-8224 Fax : 403-590-6007
(2ND FLOOR) #107, 5120-47 ST. N.E., CALGARY AB, CANADA T3J 4K3 Sikh Virsa, Calgary
October, 2016
Buy/Sell/Lease, Any kind of Real Estate : 403-681-8689
SANDHU PROFESSIONAL CORP. Lakhvir Sandhu Certified General Accountant Certified Information Systems Auditor Certified Quickbooks Pro Advisor (Former Manager - PricewaterhouseCoopers)
Free Initial Consultation Do not hesitate to call ·Personal, Corporate and Trust Taxes ·E-filing, CRA Tax Rulings & Audit Assistance ·Financial Statements ·Payroll, T4, Record of Employment, Employment Standards ·Book Keeping, Computer Systems Setup
Ph: 403-648-9123 Fax: 403-648-9124
Langdon Location: Unit 228A, 355 Centre Street N Langdon, AB. T0J 1X2
Calgary Location: Unit 101, 4656 Westwinds Dr. NE Calgary AB. T3J 3Z5
'The name people trust and recommend' Over 25 years of experience in Immigration Matters
Criminal Law 8 8 8 8 8 8
Parents and spousal sponsorships 8 Refugee Claims and Skilled Workers / Express Entry Federal Court Appeals Immigration Law 8 PNP applications Business/ Entrepreneur/ Investor 8 Successfully handled Appeals against refused cases thousands of Student and Visitor Visa immigration cases
DALWINDER HAYER AMANDEEP HAYER M.A. (Eco.) L.L.B Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Public
B.A. J.D. (Canada) J.D (U.S) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public
B.A. L.L.B. (Hons.) L.L.M Tel: 78377-00047 Chandigarh (India)
Sikh Virsa, Calgary
Immigration Consultant & Notary, RCIC
TEL: 403-235-4197 FAX: 403-235-6038
WEST WINDS BUSINESS CENTRE #111, 5120 47 St. NE Calgary, AB., T3J 4K3 Email: October, 2016
FINANCIAL SERVICES Life Insurance; - Term Life - Universal Life Critical Illness Insurance Segregated Funds RRSP lweIP ieMSorYNs dIAW zrUrqW leI iekbwl is`DU nwl sMprk kro[
Tel: (403) 615-0957
Personal Tax Returns Corporate Tax Returns Computerized Book Keeping Payroll T4's Record of Employment AkwaUNitMg dIAW zrUrqW leI iekbwl is`DU nwl sMprk kro[
Iqbal Sidhu Tel: (403) 568-2667 Fax: (403) 568-2676
Email: Email: Unit 202, 4656 Westwinds Dr. NE Calgary, AB. T3J 3Z5 (Near Sikh Virsa Office)
L IKE A G OOD N EIGHBOUR , S TATE FARM I S T HERE®. For your insurance and financial needs, see State Farm Agent: Monday 9am to 5pm Tuesday-Friday 9am to 6pm
4851 Westwinds Drive NE, Suite 217 Calgary, AB T3J 4L4 Bus: 403-568-4330™
Saturday 9am to 5pm Other Times by Appointment (Sunday Longweekend Closed)
Romi Sidhu, State Farm Insurance Companies • Canadian Head Offices: Aurora, Ontario
#601, 4656 Westwinds Dr. NE Calgary AB T3J 3Z5
Sahota Law Office Barristers, Solicitors & Notary Public Real Estate ~ Commercial & Residential Business ~ Sale/Purchase & Shareholder Agreements Wills & Estates ~ Corporate Law Family Dispute/Divorce ~ Litigation Foreclosures ~ Immigration Appeals Commercial Lease Agreements/Disputes Accident Injury Claims
Jagdeep K. Sahota Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public
403-777-2224 #200, 3505-32 St. NE Calgary AB Email:
Moved to Bigger and Better Place in Brampton 4525 Ebenezer Road, Brampton ONT
Bhatia Fashions in Surrey Unit 325 Payal Business Centre Surrey BC Ph: (604) 593-5553