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Dr Jatinder Parhar Dentist

780 450 6200

Member : Indo-Canadian Media Club of Alberta


Vol. 6 No. 149 Tel: 780-2000-246, 29 APRIL, 2016

Alberta‘s Credit Rating Nosedived Edmonton (ATB): Moody’s downgraded the province’s credit rating to AA1 from AAA citing several years of planned deficits and the province’s reluctance to “fully utilize its taxation powers,” Ceci said he was disappointed by the downgrade, but defended his government’s strategy. “Around the world, companies and governments engaged in petroleum production are facing ratings downgrades. In Alberta, we are in a better position than most to manage these pressures, while we work to make Alberta less vulnerable to selling one commodity at one price,” his statement said.

Financial analysts, however, see Alberta’s outlook more negatively. In December, Standard & Poor ’s lowered Alberta’s credit rating to AA-plus from AAA. On April 15, the day after t h e government introduced its 2016-17 budget bearing a $10.4billion planned deficit, Dominion Bond Rating Service announced it had lowered the province’s long-term debt rating to AA (high) from AAA. (Continued...Page 4)


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Indian-origin appointed dean at Calgary University in Canada

PHF È∂ √Ò≈È≈ √«Ì¡≈⁄≈’ Íz◊ Ø ≈Ó ““Ω‰’ Íø‹≈Ï An TORONTO Indian-origin veterinary medical has been Á∆¡ª”” Ù∂Úπ‚ Í≈’ ÎÀ√‡∆ÚÒ ÍÒ∂√ «Ú÷∂ ’Ú≈«¬¡≈ expert appointed as the Dean ¡À ‚ «Óß ‡ È (¬∂ Ù ∆¡È «‡z«Ï¿±È «Ï¿±Ø)- «Í¤Ò∂ «ÁÈ∆∫∫ PHF ÚÒØ∫ ¡≈͉≈ √Ò≈È≈ √«Ì¡≈⁄≈’ Íz Ø ◊ ≈Ó ““Ω ‰ ’ Íø ‹ ≈Ï Á∆¡ª”” √∂  Úπ ‚ Í≈’ ÎÀ √ ‡∆ÚÒ ÍÒ∂ √ «Ú÷∂ ’Ú≈«¬¡≈ «◊¡≈Õ ÍzØ◊≈Ó Á∆ Ùπ±¡≈ ¿π«ÍøÁ Ó·≈± Á∂ ◊∆ “ÁπÈ∆¡≈” ÂØ∫ ’∆Â∆ ◊¬∆Õ «¬√ ÂØ ∫ Ï≈¡Á Ó«‘Â≈Ï (Ï≈’∆ √¯≈ AG ”Â∂)

780 475 4847

of the prestigious University of Calgary’s Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Canada. Baljit Singh, will take over the position of Dean on September 1, provost and vicepresident (Academic) of the university Dru Marshall said in a statement. Singh is a highly accomplished


2761 Hewes Way, Edmonton, AB T6L 6N5 Ph.: (780) 462-5000 Fax : (780) 463-0188

researcher, educator a n d administrator in the field o f veterinary medicine, w i t h specific expertise in lung biology a n d anatomy, she said. Singh has

done his Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry and Master of Veterinary Science from Punjab Agricultural University. He completed his PhD from the University of Guelph in Ontario and postdoctoral training at Texas A and M University and Columbia University, New York. “I am deeply honored to be selected

as the dean of the University of Calgary’s Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. I am excited that the faculty has o u t s t a n d i n g opportunities to lead in veterinary medical education and knowledge-creation to solve complex animal and human problems at the local, national and international level,” Singh said in a statement issues by the university.

English Page

Issue 149 (2)

29 April, 2016

Asian Tribune

Friends of Naresh Dogra (third from left), Commandant-cum-Deputy Director, Punjab Police Academy, Phillaur, Punjab organized reception at Masala Wok, Edmonton last week

Koh-i-Noor belongs to Pakistan, says British politician London The Koh-e-Noor saga taken another interesting turn as Indian-born British politician said the coveted diamond actually belonged to Pakistan.’If Koh-e-noor belongs to anybody, it belongs to Pakistan,’ Lord Meghnad Desai said while speaking to India Today. Referring to the 19thcentury Sikh king Ranjit Singh, who had given the stone to the British, Lord Desai reasoned that since Singh’s seat was in Lahore, the diamond should go to Pakistan.’Because his territory was mainly in, what is now Pakistan – in Lahore there is a Ranjit

Singh museum - it will go back to wherever the Punjab kingdom had its seat and his seat was in Lahore. So I think if it belongs to anybody, it belongs to Pakistan,’ he said.Indian government said Tuesday that it will make all possible efforts to get back the Koh-eNoor Diamond from Britain despite comments by New Delhi’s solicitor general that the priceless jewel should stay with the former colonial ruler. India has repeatedly demanded that Britain return the 105-carat diamond, which was presented to Queen Victoria in 1850 and today sits on display as

part of the Crown Jewels in the Tower of London.India’s solicitor general surprised many on Monday when he told the Supreme Court that his country should forgo its claims to the jewel because it was given to Britain as a gift by an Indian king in 1851, rather than stolen as many Indians today believe.The ministry said the stone was a ‘valued piece of art with strong roots in our nation’s history’ and that Prime Minister Narendra Modi was determined to get it back. A lawyer in Pakistan last year filed a court petition calling for the stone’s return. The

Koh-e-Noor is set in the crown worn by Queen Elizabeth, the mother of the reigning monarch, at the coronation of her husband George VI in 1937, and was placed on her coffin at her funeral in 2002. The Duchess of Cambridge, who last week visited India with her husband, Prince William, will wear the crown on official occasions when she becomes queen consort. William is second in line to the British throne. Moreover, India’s government was accused Wednesday of reversing its stance on the Koh-iNoor diamond, after vowing to reclaim the

priceless gem just days after the solicitor general said it was gifted to Britain.The 108-carat Koh-i-Noor gem, which came into British hands during the colonial era, is the subject of a historic ownership dispute and has been claimed by at least four countries including India. But India’s Solicitor General Ranjit Kumar surprised many on Monday when he said the stone was not stolen, and instead 19thcentury Sikh king Ranjit Singh had given it to the British. It is now set in the crown that was worn by Queen Elizabeth’s mother until her death in 2002, and is on public

display in the Tower of London. The government said Kumar had merely been explaining the history of the diamond to the Supreme Court as well as previous administrations’ views on the gem being a gift.In a statement released late Tuesday, the government said it would ‘make all possible efforts to bring back’ the diamond ‘in an amicable manner’. ‘The Government of India remains hopeful for an amicable outcome whereby India gets back a valued piece of art with strong roots in our nation’s history,’ it also said.Kumar had been responding in court to a petition from a nong o v e r n m e n t a l organisation seeking the Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

diamond’s return. The main opposition Congress party, which also supports the gem’s return, accused the government of a flipflop after Kumar’s comments sparked anger from various political g r o u p s . ’ O n #KohinoorDiamond, #ModiSarkar has not just done a flip-flop. It has done a full flop,’ Congress party spokesman Sanjay Jha said on Twitter, referring to Prime Minister Narendra

Modi’s government. A leader of the Hindu nationalist RSS, the ideological fountainhead of Modi’s ruling party, this week declared the diamond ‘India’s property’.The stone was presented to Queen Victoria in 1850 after the Anglo-Sikh wars in which Britain gained control of the Sikh empire of the Punjab, which is now split between Pakistan and India.

English Page

Issue 149 (3)

Asian Tribune Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

29 April, 2016

English Page

Issue 149 (4) Asian Star

29 April, 2016

Asian Tribune

Alberta‘s Credit Rating Nosedived

Anita Mittal

Native village/Country, parent’s background Ludhiana, Punjab, India. Father owned Steel Mill, Cinema and was also into film making. Mother was stay home mom Your early education I did Masters with Honours in Sitar When & why you came to Canada? 1982. I immigrated to join my significant half after marriage Your career advancement initiatives and present occupation On arrival, I joined my husband’s wholesale business of fashion accessories and together we created a niche for our products. I also run Sitar Soul of Music Academy Your regret in life I could not continue my Sitar learning under the benevolent guidance of Ustad Narinder Narula Ji of Patiala Gharana Pick any one of your the best achievements I won Sitar competition in Harballabh Sangeet Sammelan, Jalandhar which is the Oldest Festival of Indian Classic Music in the world Were you ever discriminated? None of any kind What you miss in Canada? I have nothing to miss Are you happy in Canada? For sure Why? Unpolluted environment, abundant growth

avenues and great rewards for honesty and hard work are the blessings one can count on in Canada Any comments on Canada’s weather After more than three decades stay in Canada, I feel that my body and mind has acclimatized to the vagaries of the Canadian weather Any comments on Canada’s culture Cultures have sea changed world over which has good as well as bad effect on our wards. Tight control on kids is the only mantra to enable them to lead the meaningful life and achieve their career goals What brought you success in Canada? Hard work and honesty played a very important role in my life. Of course, my significant half, Chander Mittal had stood with me through thick and thin Are you willing to help new immigrants? Already How? We connect newcomers to prospective employers and also provide references. Besides this, we help them with whatever are their immediate needs Your message for Canadians of South Asian origin Always be proud of our rich heritage and

culture. Believe in giving back to society whether time or money. Help the needy which will help to evolve the caring community. Practise gender equality and respect women. Be inclusive in every sphere of life

(Continued From Page 1) Alberta’s provincial budget assumes oil will rise to $64 US a barrel by 2018, which is significantly more optimistic than Moody’s prediction of $43 US a barrel two years from now. Lower credit ratings means it will cost the province more to borrow the $58 billion it plans to take on loan by 2018. In his statement, Ceci said the provincial government could have made “reckless” choices like firing teachers and nurses and raising taxes to balance the books. Faced with the lowest anticipated resource revenue in 40 years, the government instead chose to invest in construction projects that create jobs, such as more affordable housing projects and new long-term care homes, Ceci said. Attempting to cap growth in health-care spending to two per cent annually shows the government is increasingly prudent with the public purse, Ceci said. While B.C. will spend 5.5 per cent of its budget servicing debt this year, 2.4 per cent of Alberta’s 2016-17 revenue will go to debt payments, he said. Ceci, plus a political staffer and two Finance Department employees, headed to Toronto and New York to woo

back credit rating agencies and international investors Tuesday. The trip will cost around $5,700, a government news release said. “The opportunity to meet face-to-face with business leaders not only helps raise our profile, but also provides a valuable opportunity to highlight Alberta as one of the world’s most stable and progressive energy producers,” Ceci said in another news release. Although Ceci has said retaining public services is more important than the province’s credit rating, the minister told a Calgary Chamber of Commerce breakfast he’s “going to fight” to restore Alberta’s standing. Ceci will also give speeches at the Canadian Association of New York and the Economic Club of Canada, as well as meeting with economists and international investors. He’ll spend two days in Toronto, then two days in New York. “We want the financial community to understand the global price shock Alberta faces, along with the prudent path we’ve taken to address this challenge, and the fact our province remains a great place to invest and do business,” Ceci said in the news release.

Olesea that depicted a mix of nature , landscape, abstract paintings from different nationalities which were offered more than just a colours and a pleasant delight but also brought forth deep meaning and

understanding in their art. The exhibition brought out a mixture of arts forms from different cultures across the globe and was truly depicting the multicultural nature of Canada.

Art Extravaganza in Edmonton

Edmonton (ATB): Edmonton played host to the exhibition of paintings and musical art forms from some of the newest immigrant artists in Canada. Artists from India, Pakistan, Russia and other countries were there to exhibit their

artistic capabilities from music to art last week. The Event that was named the ‘Creative Connection Exhibition’ was held at The Bredin Centre for Learning and served as a platform for some of the newest artist of Edmonton to showcase

their talents that they brought along with them. There were several artists namely Kalpa Radhakrishnan (India) Bushra Yousaf (Pakistan) Olesea Litvinova (Moldova), Grigory Litvinov (Russia), Almira Mikhailova (Kazakhistan),

Liliana Lili (Uzbekistan) and Armine Frangulyan (Armenia) Each of the art was unique to its artist and their nationality and truly mesmerizing and a gift to the senses. One of the most unique style of painting was the Mural

Paintings in contemporary style by Kalpa, an artist who is also very much passionate in doing realistic paintings, contemporary and abstract paintings. The mural style of fine artwork is inspired by the South Indian Temple Frescos called Mural Art or Temple Paintings. These paintings use a rich, vibrant, warm and dark colour scheme that exhibits a sense of tranquillity and a meditative charm along with its intensively detailed elements. These Paintings were highly praised by the representatives of the Edmonton Arts Council and various Art Galleries

who were amongst a few honorary members who had attended the event. Kalpa is in the process of setting up an online gallery of art works through There were oil paints by Bushra and Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

English Page

Issue 149 (5)

Asian Tribune Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

29 April, 2016

English Page

Issue 149 (6)

29 April, 2016

Asian Tribune

World Press Photo winner’s 1,000-mile walk for prize THE HAGUE A photographer who snapped up the 2016 World Press Photo Award with a haunting picture of refugees crossing a border at night was Tuesday nearing the end of a near 1,000-mile walk to collect his prize. “This type of journey is something that I always wanted to do. But because I spent time with the refugees fleeing places like Syria, it has special significance,” Warren Richardson told AFP. The 47-year-old Australian, who scooped the award with his grainy moonlit picture of a man passing a baby under a barbed wire fence, set off on foot on his remarkable journey in mid-February, leaving his home in Budapest for Amsterdam. He maintains his aim is not to recreate the arduous trek being undertaken by hundreds of thousands who have arrived in Europe fleeing conflict in the hopes of starting a new life. But he did want to check up on some of the refugees he has photographed since they arrived on the continent’s shores last year. Richardson is expected to arrive in Amsterdam on Thursday after walking more than 1,500 kilometres (930 miles), sleeping next to the road in his tent and using nothing but the sun, stars and the kindness of strangers for navigation.“The original plan was to

walk from Budapest to some of the maze of northern Norway and small ditches and meet up with some of canals that dot the Dutch countryside. “So

brother of Dutch King Willem-Alexander, at a prestigious invitation-only event in

the refugee people I met in Hungary and elsewhere to see how they’re doing,” Richardson told AFP by telephone from somewhere near the northern Dutch city of Edam. “But the day I was leaving the phone rang and they told me I had won the World Press Photo Award. That changed things somewhat,” an out-ofbreath sounding Richardson said as he made his way through

Amsterdam. On Tuesday morning however, a weatherbeaten Richardson, who told AFP his “shoes were falling apart” was asking bypassers the way to Edam, about 23 kilometres north of Amsterdam.Richardson said a group of refugees were waiting for him in Edam to accompany him on the final stage to the Dutch capital after weeks of adventure on the road.

instead I am walking to Amsterdam which is actually just half-way to where I want to go,” the intrepid photographer said. He had set off armed with a backpack, a tent, a sleeping bag and his trusty camera. And virtually no money. On Sunday evening Richardson will be presented with a 10,000 euro ($11,300) cash prize by Dutch Prince Constantijn,

Nude food: London to get a naked restaurant London What’s the best dress code for enjoying a meal? If a new London restaurant is to be believed, it’s your birthday suit. It’s the naked truth, apparently. The restaurant, called The Bunyadi, already has a waiting list of more than 11,000, British media reported. It will be open for just three months from June 2016 with a section where clothing is optional. It’ll also offer a changing room for customers seeking to strip down. Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

So how does the entire thing work? Is it just minute after minute of awkwardness? Here’s how it works. According to Britain’s Telegraph, “customers will be escorted to a changing room, asked to place their clothes in lockers and given a light gown. It is then up to them whether to remove the final item of clothing at the table. Tables will be partly obscured by bamboo screens and large napkins will presumably be

provided to prevent unfortunate burns.” That’s not all. The serving staff will also be naked. Clearly, giving them a dressing down for poor service may not work out. “We believe people should get the chance to enjoy and experience a night out without any impurities: no chemicals, no artificial colours, no electricity, no gas, no phone - and even no clothes,” The Telegraph quoted the founder Seb Lyall as saying.

Editorial Page

Issue 149 (7) Editorial Legal Logjam: Chief Justice right to lament delays in appointments but judiciary must also look within Chief Justice of India Tirath Singh Thakur’s rare emotional outburst while appealing to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for much-needed improvement in judicial infrastructure reflects a glaring crisis in the justice system that affects us all. The speed of justice is reflective of the quality of our democracy. With over 3 crore cases pending nationwide, both judiciary and government must work together to find a solution. India’s judiciary must overcome several key challenges. First, India still has only 18,000 judges, almost three decades after the Law Commission recommended a total number of 40,000 judges. Even if judges worked at record speeds, current numbers still aren’t enough. We need to increase numbers substantially. As another study by Law Commission in 2014 suggested, over an additional 1,000 judges are required to clear the backlog of pending cases in high courts alone. Another big problem is the inability of our judiciary to benchmark limits for disposing of cases as in the US, where the benchmark is three years. According to National Judicial Data Grid, of the two crore cases pending in lower courts till last year 10.83% were pending for over 10 years while 18.1% cases have been pending for the last 5-10 years. The CJI’s focus on disposing of an initial list of 81 lakh cases, more than 5 years old, is a good move. Third, the recommendations for Memorandum of Procedure for appointing judges after the NJAC controversy, are still pending with the CJI. Justice Thakur’s announcement that he will clear them next week is welcome, and will clear doubts over transparency in appointing judges. Fourth, the judiciary must introspect about continuing with the colonial practice of long court vacations despite all-round criticism. Judges must also refrain from accepting frivolous Public Interest Litigations (PILs). Fifth, the government remains the biggest litigant in courts. The Centre and states, till recently, accounted for nearly 70% of cases in courts. A policy to demarcate minor cases from the serious ones is essential. Sixth, this would be an opportune moment for government to push for time-bound reforms in our archaic land laws. According to a survey, almost two-thirds of civil cases in district courts are directly related to land or property matters. Reforms like the titling law in Rajasthan and simpler legislation on inheritance are much needed and only joint effort by the judiciary, executive and legislature can deliver. Yash Sharma

29 April, 2016

Asian Tribune



"Jagega India, tabhi to badhega India"…this is a beautiful tagline which caters the youth of India. Shakespeare talks of seven stages in a person's life. One is of an infant, second is of school boy, third is of teenager, fourth is of young man, fifth is of middle age, the old age and ends with the death. Out of all the seven stages, the role of youngsters is quite important as youth culminates from the past and undergoes different stages like that of a young man, old man and plays variegated roles. Different brands, career oriented approach, energetic, creative mind enriched with the hope and positivism ….this approach defines the youth of the country. Youngsters are exploring different avenues to reach heights in their life. Parents are all the more aware and with the help of latest gadgets or internet guiding them, which was not seen earlier. Political parties are not behind. They use youth power for their elections and acknowledge them by giving different roles in the parties. At almost every stage, young people are involved. It seems youngsters have no tensions or stress but the fact is they too have their own set of problems. Girlfriend, Boyfriend problem, exam result issues, not paid or getting things according to the caliber, contrast in thinking with the parents, bit of frustration when desired results are not met and many more similar problems. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flicker,You Tube, Wats app have provided a platform for youngsters to show up their skills. Many young boys and girls are making short films or releasing their solo albums on You tube. As we say, there are pros and cons of everything. On the one side, internet is a helping friend for the new people, on the other hand, they are involving tender minds in cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is, actually the act of harming or harassing via information technology networks in a repeated and deliberate manner. One such incident

happened in Punjab. There was a jeweler. His young worker was not rendering desired service from a long time. As a result, the jeweler Raghav shunned him out. What the worker did was quite mind-boggling. He made use of the technology and indulged in cyber bullying. He made a fake account on Raghav's wife's name and sent the request to all their relatives and friends. Not only this, he edited the videos and uploaded dirty videos of his wife. Gradually, they came to know about it and he was arrested. Cyber bullying can harm a person's reputation to a great extent. Sandeep and Mrinal were best friends. The friendship turned into a fling but due to some misunderstandings their relationship broke. The first thing Raghav did was, he posted abusive language and 'not to be seen' pictures on social Networking site. He tried to spoil the reputation of the young lady. The most common is the concept of fake Id. For e.g.. A man pretending as a women and inviting other female somewhere outside with the wrong intentions. Women are also not far behind. Some negative kind of females lure males to indulge in illicit

relationship by chatting at messenger, Face book, Wats app or any other mode. Youth stage is an impressionable age filled up with aggression and energy. This is the biggest reason that criminals target youngsters for their wrong intentions. Because of lack of experience, they've weak sense of judgment. At adolescent stage, in particular, they think themselves as the wisest people on Earth. They feel whatever they say and do is perfect. Parent's guidance seems to them as interference. Now, what has happened is they have got a tool in their hands in the name of technology to express themselves. In normal circumstances, if they are to indulge in anything they've to seek their parents' approval but while operating sites or gadgets, they don't have to seek permission. Whatever is happening is happening at the personal level. Parents don't know it all. Not only this, because of social Networking sites, even a coward person becomes brave. For e.g.Rahul, a young boy sitting among his friends passed a general comment..Oh! Modi is a bad man. He's not doing anything construc-

tive. He can never say this thing in front of him. So, social networking sites becomes a medium. Whoever is operating is at the background. This is the biggest reason for the popularity of these sites or the increase in cyber bullying. Time flies. When youngsters were small (many of them), if their parents didn't paid heed to what they said, they would throw things on the floor or start shouting to get noticed. Now, when they are grown up, to make their presence feel they make use of social Networking sites. These sites flatter them. Like, posting pictures on Facebook and then counting how many likes you got, or the beautiful comments you got. These things take them on cloud nine. In a similar way, when they are angry then also they make use of these sites in a negative way. Wats app or Facebook are instant. In just one click, their aggression is delivered and their 'young mind' get's satisfied. Moreover, there is a big contrast in lifestyles. Earlier, parents had lot of time for their children but today parents are busy, especially the mothers. So, to compensate the time they load their children with tabs, mobiles. Even

small children hardly around the age of 6-7 they play games on the mobiles. Not only this, few children even order things from Flipkart and similar sites on their own. Their physical activities are drastically low. They prefer indoor games or mobile games. Teenagers are selfie craze. They party together and the first thing they do is getting selfies clicked and posted or make use of networking sites. A Teenager's mind is full of curiosity to explore new things. Till now, their life has been without any tragedy. Somewhere, 'serious' part is missing from their life. They have parents at their beck and call. So, when they indulge in cyber bullying type of crimes, they don't realize the consequences. Grown-up's must be explained the repercussions of wrongdoing in use of the technology. The need of the hour is to make them understand that break-ups are normal and the situation should not be exaggerated by posting awful comments. Parents play quite a pivotal role. Because parenting provides the basic ethics or value system which defines our limits or understanding of right or wrong. So, parents

"When will 'they' walk free ?"

Mahi Singh Walia 9876655553 It was about seven in the evening, everyone was walking towards the barriers which are there before the girls' hostel. The students mostly make there way to it through parks. The barriers, which act as a safe corridor for girls are placed under the nose of the hostels. Only girls are allowed during the evening hours beyond the barriers. So before the closing time of the hostel, boys and girls are packed like sardines around the barriers. I was also going to drop my friends there when suddenly I saw a girl, who must be in her early twenties. Though it was dark but It was quite clear that she was a bit frightened. When I focused on with whom she was standing, I saw a guy who was

standing in front of her and rage was running in his eyes, he furiously started shouting at her. We passed them and were just a few yards away when we heard a noise of a slap and when we turned the girl was standing with her hands on her cheek and looking down towards the ground. We all were astonished to see such a thing happening in front of everyone and that to in a university where everyone is supposed to be mature enough to know what violence is. It may be that the girl must be wrong or the boy may be related to him in some way but in either ways, is it right to hit a girl in public? We talk about women empowerment, their safety, etc. There were many people there including the security guard who is employed there for girls' safety, but none out of them went there to take a stand for the girl. May be because no one of us were knowing what has happened and what were their relation. But whatever it may be, even if the boy is his brother, does it justify the slap and that too

in front of everyone. Isn't it a type of violence against women. Some other boys came, took the person away who slapped her, may be they judged that the others would supervene anytime. He was gone but the girl, shocked was still standing there. The girl helpless, embarrased was standing there bowed down and probably crying. A girl came and took her and everything was normal in just a few minutes after the incident. But had that boy thought even once of the consequence of the slap? It may have impacted her physically for just a few hours, but would the girl be able to come out of it mentally? The other day, I got a call from my friend, she was sounding very low. I sensed that something is bothering her and enquired about it. Initially she denied about anything being wrong and then suddenly started crying and told me that she was going with her mother on a walk and it was around eight in the evening. She heard a bullet motorcycle approaching them from behind, while the person

was crossing them, suddenly she felt a hit on her neck and the impact was such that she fell on the road. The worst part being that even after all this, she was worrying more about her freedom to go out of the house and not about what had just happened with her. Isn't it that these boys fit the personality trait of sociopaths? This might be a prank for that boy but how badly could it affect the girl and her family had hadn't he thought about that even once. The international women's day had just passed a few weeks back. Does respecting women is only confined to one day in a year. This might be the reason why we say that women are not safe on the streets at night. Everyone asks girls to stay at home but why is it not so that we make the boys realise that it is their duty to make the girls feel safe. Why can't they think girls' as there fellow humans? Is it so that boys become so devilish at night that they can't even tolerate a girl walking down the road at night.

Editorial Team

Prof . Harjinder Walia, Ph.D (Journalism) Head of Journalism Punjabi Universty Patiala. (Punjab) India Patron

Yash Sharma, M.Sc (Hons), DMM Publisher & Editor in Chief 780-200-0246

Sat Paul Kaushal

should make a deliberate effort to keep a track of their children's activities and be consistent in teaching them not to harm others. Last but not the least, the internet is reliable but not completely reliable. Be conscious while using internet especially in interacting with the strangers. These sites are actually for our benefit. They are in real sense, for socializing. It's we who are spoiling the actual purpose and mixing it with negativity. Sitting far away we can connect with our near and dear ones. What else we can ask for? Internet is instant so youngsters find it easy path. But, on the other side, they should be alert in noticing if some bad incident has happened with someone in their surrounding regarding technology use, that can happen to them also in the near future. Yo u n g s t e r s should read lots of magazines or newspapers or anything readable to keep themselves abreast of the latest happenings. Be smart, be aware and be conscious. Technology is not bad but how we make use of it makes all the difference. Make good use of the internet even while hiding behind the computer curtains.

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Raghbir Bilaspuri Bureau Chief ( Punjabi)

Sunny Sharma Bureau Chief (English)

Atul Seth, CGA Financial & Management Consultant Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

There are various laws in the constitution which are giving protection to women from violence. But then again, there were laws implemented on the sati tradition, but this pratha got vanished only when the society took stand against it. There are some issues which the government alone cannot handle on it's own. Some issues are such, that need some stimulus for their eradication. The masses could play a vital role and act as a catalyst in driving a change. The safety of women is one such issue which the government cannot tackle on it's own. We as a fellow human have to take a stand in defiance to the violence against women. This could be changed only if we make transformations in ourselves first. Many of us may think that a person alone cannot make any difference. But then again, "Mana ki hum jahaan ko gulshan na kar ske, Magar kuch khaar toh kam kiye guzre jidar se hum."

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29 April, 2016


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Heir to British throne Charlesis ‘boring’: Canadians MONTREAL Canadians believe that Prince Charles, the heir to the British throne which reigns over the country, is “boring,” according to a poll Monday that said they prefer the crown be passed to his son,

William. Most Canadians have only known Elizabeth II, who is about to celebrate her 90th birthday, as their head of state and a majority (64 percent) are fond of her. But their affections do not

extend to her son Prince Charles, whom they described as “boring” and “unimportant” in the poll. When it comes time, most Canadians (63 percent) would prefer that Prince Charles step aside and

let his son Prince William ascend to the throne, seeing him as more “charismatic” and “down to earth,” according to the Angus Reid Institute survey. Roughly 42 percent of respondents want to see Canada remain a

constitutional monarchy “for generations to come” while 38 percent say it should not be. The online survey of 1,513 Canadians was taken April 5 to 7, and has a 2.5 percent margin of error. Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

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Editorial Page

Issue 149 (14)

29 April, 2016

Asian Tribune


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