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Editor-in-Chief/Publisher: Yash Sharma/Associate Editor : Mary Thomas Editor-in-Chief/Publisher: Yash Editor-in-Chief/Publisher: YashSharma Sharma Vol. 9 No. 236 Tel: 780-2000-246 www.asiantribune.ca, editor@asiantribune.ca
30 August, 2019
780 450 6200 (Millwoods)
780 475 4847 (North)
Singh Averse to Tories, Greens Wave Green Signal
“Asian Tribune” & “Harmony TV” congratulate Grewal Family (Mrs. & Mr. Jasmail Grewal and Mrs. & Mr. Chhinderpal Grewal) on the inauguration of Risingstar Day Care, Beaumont
Edmonton (ATB): “I am simply taking a stand on principle” stated Singh. A video had just been released showing the Conservative leader, Andrew Scheer, speaking against gay marriage in Parliament — in 2005. The “news” of Scheer ’s publicly stated position of 14 years ago — a position shared by many progressives at the time, which he has since recanted — had so shaken Singh that he could not in good conscience be responsible for propping up the Conservatives in power. Behind Singh’s move, rather than a tactical blunder or a moral line in the sand, it may
simply be an attempt to position the party to advantage in the preelection jockeying for strategic voters — aimed, specifically, at the NDP’s mortal rivals on the left, the Greens. Why might this be so? Consider, first, the current state of play in the polls: a tight race between the Conservatives and the Liberals, with no more than a percentage point between them on average, both in the low 30s. The most likely outcome, if this holds: a minority Parliament of some kind, with neither party capable of governing on its own. Next, consider the likely strategies of the two major parties in response. The
Liberals will do what they nearly always do: paint the Conservatives as
racists, Nazis and worse, the better to frighten NDP and Green supporters into voting Grit as the only way to “stop the Tories.” The Conservatives, for their part, will
respond with a timetested fear campaign of their own, this one aimed at centrist voters. In a minority parliament, they will say, the alternative to the Conservatives is not the Liberals, but the Liberals propped up by the NDP (boo!) and/ or the Greens (yikes!). Only a Tory majority, the party will insist, can avert this dreaded scenario. You can see this strategy at work in news reports of u n n a m e d Conservative insiders
privately “admitting” their party cannot form a minority government, for lack of support from the other parties. This may or may not be true, but it is certainly in the party’s interest to persuade target voters it is. The message: a minority Parliament means government hostage to radicals. Now let’s look at things from the perspective of the two left-wing parties. If, first, you are the Greens, how do you respond? The party is riding high (relatively speaking) in the polls, within hugging distance of the NDP. Experience teaches, however, that many people who say they will vote.
English Page
Issue 236 (2)
30 August, 2019
Asian Tribune
PM Modi meets UK counterpart Boris Johnson in France Biarritz (France)Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his British counterpart Boris Johnson met here on Sunday and the two leaders discussed ways to strengthen bilateral cooperation. "PM Modi begins by congratulating PM Johnson on England's spectacular win in the Third Test of the Ashes a short while ago. The two leaders are discussing ways to strengthen India-UK cooperation," the Prime Minister's Office tweeted. This is the first meeting between the two leaders after Johnson became prime minister last month, the third in fairly quick succession since Britain voted to leave the EU in June 2016 following on from David Cameron and Theresa May. The two leaders are here to attend the G7 Summit. Their meeting came against the backdrop of the Indian government revoking the special status to Jammu and Kashmir and bifurcating the state into two Union Territories. During a telephone call earlier this week, Johnson told Modi that Kashmir remains a bilateral matter between India and Pakistan as far as the UK's view is concerned. "The prime minister made clear that the UK
views the issue of Kashmir as one for India and Pakistan to resolve bilaterally. He underlined the importance of resolving issues through dialogue," a Downing Street spokesperson said in an official readout of
the phone call on Tuesday. Tensions between India and Pakistan spiked after India abrogated provisions of Article 370 of the Constitution to withdraw Jammu and Kashmir's special status and bifurcated it into two Union
Territories, evoking strong reactions from Pakistan. India has categorically told the international community that the scrapping of Article 370 was an internal matter and also advised Pakistan to accept the reality.
China's yuan sinks to lowest in 11 years amid trade tension Shanghai-China's currency on Monday slid to its lowest point in more than 11 years as concerns over the US trade war and the potential for global recession weighed on markets. The onshore yuan fell to 7.1487 to the US dollar, its weakest point since early 2008, in Asian trading. Global economic tensions have intensified in recent days with the US and China raising tariffs on each other's imports, and President Donald Trump calling on US
businesses to pull out of China. The yuan is not freely convertible and the Chinese government limits its movement against the dollar to a two per cent range on either side of a figure that the central bank sets each day to reflect market trends and control volatility. The People's Bank of China has set that rate steadily weaker in recent weeks and set it on Monday at 7.057 to the dollar. Allowing the yuan to depreciate makes
Chinese exports cheaper and offsets some of the burden of punitive US tariffs. The yuan breached the key 7.0 threshold against the dollar earlier in August, days after the US announced plans to impose fresh tariffs on Chinese imports from September 1. The plunge past 7.0 prompted Washington to officially brand Beijing a " c u r r e n c y manipulator". China's central bank has "resolutely opposed" the label.
Mumbai Dakar- filling the under represented niche Mary Thomas
Being a foodie, I totally loved moving to Edmonton a city with a diversity of food options. However, I had never seen many fusion food restaurants, so Mumbai Dakar same
as a surprise to us. When Yashji asked me whether Dakar meant “burp” in Hindi, I couldn’t but agree with him. Only when we landed at the restaurant bang on 118 Ave. did we
question the owner Solo. Solo is from Dakar, Senegal and his partner Ahmed is from Mumbai, India. So that’s how the name was coined. We had a hearty laugh and wondered how many Hindi speaking folks might be misconstruing this term. The décor seemed basic and informal and so was the eclectic crowd that seemed to relish the interesting menu. For a 4-monthold restaurant, this was a good sign: they had already acquired a mixed clientele. Solo took special care to treat us to some of the best on his cuisine. We enjoyed a variety of favours from the Buffet: pakoras, rice, vermicelli, Joloff rice and garlic naan with a wide variety of Indian and African accompaniments: Aloo Gobi, Butter Chicken, Yassa and Maffeh. The deep red Bisap juice, a flavoured juice made from dried hibiscus flowers, indigenous to Senegalis totally worth a try. Along with this came Thieboudienne, a traditional dish of Senegal made with fish, broken
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rice and tomato sauce with vegetables. It had a fishy scent but was a unique divergence to the palate accompanied by the deliciously spicy chutney. This was followed by Ginger pineapple juice that settled the amazing fusion menu we had ingested. There aren’t too many places around town that offer IndoAfrican food. While I’ve had better Indian food elsewhere, Mumbai Dakar Restaurant (#4322 -118AveNW, Edmonton) seeks to fill an underrepresented niche.
Issue 236 (3)
Asian Tribune
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30 August, 2019
English Page
Issue 236 (4) Asian Star
30 August, 2019
Asian Tribune
Gunjan Sharma
Native village/Country, parent’s background I was born in Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India. My father was the late Shri Nitya Nand Swami was a lawyer who served as a member of the Legislative Assembly for five years, a member of the Legislative Council for 14 years, Chairman of the Legislative Council for 12 years, and finally, as the first Chief Minister of Uttarakhand until his retirement. My mother was the late Smt. Chandra Kanta Swami, the Inspector of Schools of all junior high schools in Dehradun and the surrounding areas. She spent her free time running the free school in the area and was always willing to open our home to the impoverished people in our community. Being raised by parents who having high values and ethics to serve community taught me at a very young age as to how important it is to give back to others. Your early education In 1978, I earned a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree from Gadhwal University, Dehradun, India. When & why you came to Canada? In 1979, I married my husband, Preetam Sharma, and I immigrated to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada to start our family and our life together. What you did for initial survival? Our oldest daughter, Priya, was born the year after we arrived in Canada. When she was a year old in 1981, I started working at the Misericordia Hospital. I have been fortunate to build a wonderful career there, and have been at the Misericordia now for the last 38 years. Your career advancement initiatives and present occupation I attended NAIT and completed the Supervisory Development Program. I currently work at the Misericordia Hospital in the operating room booking office. I have also been involved in community service and volunteer projects with many nonprofit organizations, including serving as President of the Hindu Society of Alberta, which operates the North Edmonton Hindu temple. As well as President of the Alberta Hindi Association, where they teach Hindi to anyone who wants to learn. Currently I am the Vice President of Programs at the Council of IndiaSocieties of Edmonton. Your regret in life While I am happy and grateful to have been able to build a life here in Canada, I do regret that Igloo country is so cold. Pick any one of your the best achievements My greatest achievement is my family. My children are generous, loving and successful, and I am very proud of them. In regards to my own personal achievements, I am proud to have received the “Unsung Hero” Award by the Council of India Societies in Edmonton in appreciation of my services to the community. Were you ever discriminated? No. I am fortunate to have immigrated to an accepting and inclusive Nation where people of all backgrounds and beliefs are respected and are welcome. What you miss in Canada? I miss my sisters and extended family the most though. But I also miss day-to-day Indian culture andfriends coming to visit all the time without pre-intimation.
Are you happy in Canada? I am very happy here. Canada is a very peaceful country and I love being part of it. I have spent most of my life here and I consider it my home country next to India. I am privileged and prideful that I am Grandma (“Nani”) and I love spending my evenings with my granddaughters, Sloane, Remi and Veda. Any comments on Canada’s weather The summers are very nice, but I still can’t get used to the bone-chilling winters and abundant snow. I try to go away to somewhere hot in the wintertime if I can! Any comments on Canada’s culture I deeply appreciate the freedom and acceptance that Canada offers. The values and beliefs of minority cultures are accepted and respected, even if they are not shared, and there is an opportunity for everyone to find belonging here. What brought you success in Canada? Honesty, hard work, networking, the support of family and friends, and the willingness to accept new challenges. I place on record the unflinching support of my significant half, Preetam Sharma. Are you willing to help new comers and How? I am always willing to help newcomers by offering food or housing, as well as smaller things that can help them prepare for life in Canada, such as boots and winter clothing. I am also willing to help newcomers find jobs and to connect them to resources that will allow them to be successful and lead joyful life. Your message for Canadians of Asian origin Never forget your origin and culture; these have helped to shape who you are. You are lucky to live in a country like Canada that is full of opportunities and diverse cultures, so take every opportunity that you can and make the most of it! Always give back to society. Canadian abundance is boon and share with needy to evolve universal happiness.
Walk for health and fun
Edmonton-Organized by Millwoods Cultural Society of Retired and Semi-Retired 1560 – 48 Street, Edmonton T6L 6H9 Phone: 780-461-3312 Saturday, sept.07,2019 F r o m 12.30 to 3.30 PM Location: society premises Aim · To make the commlunity health concious · To provide socialization opportunities · To diversify the activities of seniors Route Society -Holy family catholic School 20Ave— and Back to society —(3-4 Km) Plan ·Registration 12.00 PM to 1.30 PM S t a r t time 1..45 PM · Guides will be placed at all crossings and commander will ensure that the guards have been placed. Medical coverage will be provided by the medical coordinator Only side walks will be used for walking. Please dress according
to weather. ·Clean up will be provided by the capital city clean up team · Refreshments will be provided at the end of the event · Registration will be done by the event volunteers · Checking of blood pressure and sugar will be done free by competent medidal workers. · Waver of responsiblity wil be read aloud to the participants by the volunteers · Please enroll as a volunteer at given phone numbers. Certificateswill be awarded. · Volunteers co-ordination meetin g Sept 01 2019i(Sunday) at society office at 1 PM Donations are welcome. Savings will be given to Charitable institutions. For more info contact;— Zora Singh Jhajj Cell: 780340-6100 and/or Ajaib Singh Mann Cell; 780-8074716 Balbir Singh Kullar President
Council of India Societies of Edmonton celebrated “Indiafest” and 73rd Independence Day of India last week. Independence Day is annually celebrated on 15 August commemorating the nation’s independence from the United Kingdom on 15 August 1947, the day when the UK Parliament passed the Indian Independence Act 1947 transferring legislative sovereignty to the Indian Constituent Assembly www.asiantribune.ca. Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm
English/Punjabi Page
Issue 236 (5)
30 August, 2019
Asian Tribune
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English Page
Issue 236 (6)
30 August, 2019
Asian Tribune
No, thank you, Mr Khan Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan has made an outrageous claim in the address to his nation broadcast live on Monday. He said, ‘I will act as Kashmir’s ambassador.’ Jammu and Kashmir is one of the 36 Indian states and union territories (Ladakh will soon make it 37) and the people of this state, yet to be notified as a union territory, do not need the Pakistan PM to be their ambassador. In the same breath, Khan has threatened the world with a nuclear war. He has also become a great admirer of the nowscrapped Article 370 of the Indian Constitution. Unfortunately, Khan is using the lockdown in the Valley — going on for the last 22 excruciating days — to the hilt, though the unprecedented security blanket thrown over the Valley is primarily to prevent
violence, which could trigger a bigger hue and cry from Khan and Co. Mohammed Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan, had claimed the leadership of all Muslims of the Indian subcontinent. But Jinnah’s two-nation theory
Bangladesh became a separate nation. Pew Research Centre, a USbased ‘fact tank’, has predicted that India will have 311 million Muslims by 2050, making it the no.1 Muslim nation in the world, overtaking Indonesia. In this context, Khan should not try to become the spokesperson of an Indian state or union territory over its religious composition because Indian Muslims have their elected ambassadors or representatives and do not need an inimical outsider to speak for them. Khan’s response was primarily prompted by the frustration over the Modi-Trump talks on Monday on the sidelines of the G-7 summit in Biarritz, France. Modi’s assertion of J&K being a bilateral issue and the US endorsement of his position are a victory for Indian diplomacy. Now, India has to engage with Pakistan to honour Modi’s commitment that, ‘All issues between India and Pakistan are bilateral in nature… We can discuss and resolve these issues bilaterally.’If the world has to fully accept that Modi is J&K’s sole
spokesperson, he should unlock the
Retrieving feminism from its radicalised identity: where do you stand?
Valley and let the people resume their lives in total freedom. Yash Sharma Editorial Team
Prof . Harjinder Walia, Ph.D (Journalism) Former Head of Journalism Punjabi Universty Patiala. (Punjab) India Patron
Yash Sharma, M.Sc (Hons), DMM Publisher & Editor in Chief 780-200-0246
Mary Thomas Associate Editor
Sat Paul Kaushal Associate Editor, Calgary 403 903 8500
Raghbir Bilaspuri Bureau Chief ( Punjabi)
Sunny Sharma Bureau Chief (English)
Atul Seth, CPA,CGA Financial & Management Consultant
Mary Thomas Associate Editor, Asian Tribune
Though women today believe in women’s rights and the importance of gender equality in society, most don’t necessarily agree with the extreme views that blame men for women’s oppression. Feminism is the belief that men and women are equal. Fewer than 1 in 5 women in North America describe themselves as feminists, even though 85 % of them believe in equality between the sexes. In the U.K, just 7 percent of women describe themselves
as feminists, while 92 percent believe in equality of the sexes. The belief in feminism has given women strength to stand up, voice change in an unfair system and fight to have opportunities equivalent to men at home, school, military and the workplace. Yes, there are some with irrational viewpoints that may make us question our stance, but even the few who speak out positively, can empower thousands of others to follow in their blazing trail to stand up and demand change! In response to backlash on a very revealing outfit she wore, Emma Watson, an actress in Disney’s recent film tweeted, “Feminism is about giving women choice. Feminism is not a stick with
which to beat other women with. It’s about freedom, it’s about liberation, it’s about equality.” During second-wave feminism, which started in the early 1960s through the 1980s, many women distanced themselves from the movement for fear of being lumped in with the stereotype of a feminist: a woman who is pushy, brash, doesn’t shave her legs and above all else, hates men. Soon, consumer culture latched on, co-opted the notion of empowerment and sold it to all women as carte blanche to act as they pleased under the guise of self-actualization. And celebrity culture is to blame, too. Beyoncé, who wears leather bodysuits and thigh-high boots on
stage, and sings about staying with a cheating man, is held as a feminist ideal. It’s important to acknowledge the gains of the movement, however. It has made considerable strides in the areas of reproductive freedoms and economic emancipation. For the first time in Western industrial history, we’re in a society where women don’t need to marry for economic security. It’s a huge shift in what was an imbalance between men and women.
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Although admittedly, these privileges are largely enjoyed by educated white women in the first world. On Jan. 21, as millions of women in pink wool hats took to the streets in cities across the world, the crowds illustrated just how the feminist movement has changed, with multi-generational and multi-ethnic women and girls marching alongside men. Feminism is perhaps experiencing its biggest evolution thanks to the more vis-
ible and vocal inclusion of minorities, indigenous people, members of the LGBTQ community and transgendered women helping break down gender barriers. Indigenous women and women of colour have sprayed a shade of their own by including the intersectionality of racism and cultural barriers. Share your stories and perspectives on dealing with sexism and other barriers to achieving your highest potential at mary@asiantribune.ca.
English Page
Issue 236 (7)
Asian Tribune
30 August, 2019
Big Bank Frauds are on the rise
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English Page
Issue 236 (8)
Asian Tribune
(March 21-April 19)
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30 August, 2019
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(December 22-January 19)
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English Page
Issue 236 (9)
Asian Tribune
www.asiantribune.ca. Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm
30 August, 2019
Punjabi Page
Issue 236 (10)
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30 August, 2019
Asian Tribune
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