Asian Tribune 27 September, 2019

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Dr Jatinder Parhar Dentist

Editor-in-Chief/Publisher: Yash Sharma/Associate Editor : Mary Thomas Editor-in-Chief/Publisher: Yash Editor-in-Chief/Publisher: YashSharma Sharma

Financial Advisor

9735, 42 Ave NW, Edmonton

780 450 6200 (Millwoods)

Vol. 9 No. 238 Tel: 780-2000-246, 27 September, 2019 780 475 4847 (North)

Black Face Backlash-Tories Stepping on Liberals Toes

“Asian Tribune” & “Harmony TV” congratulate Ms. Kulveer Toor &Mr. Mohinder Toor, owners of Keratic Beauty Spa, Edmonton onbestowing “Beauty Salon of the Year” award during The Alberta Hair & Beauty Awards 2019 contest. More than 100 of the province’s premier hair & beauty professionals gathered at Creative Oceanic event held at Delta Calgary Downtown Hotel last week for a glitzy night, put on to acknowledge the best of Alberta’s hair and beauty industry. The glitzy awards seek to acknowledge and honour the tireless individuals, teams and salons, whose sole aim is to provide their customers with impeccable services, innovative treatments and bespoke advice, creating the looks of their dreams.

Edmonton (ATB): L i b e r a l Party Leader Justin Trudeau‘s blackface and brown face scandal has made the Conservative Party to gain a fourpoint lead over the Liberals, according to a new poll. The latest Ipsos poll, conducted exclusively for Global News between Sept. 20 and 23, shows that 36 per cent of respondents would vote for the Tories if an election were held the next day and 32 per cent would vote for the Liberals a loss of three points for the incumbent party. The poll surveyed 1,500 Canadians on whether they had seen or heard of the images of Trudeau in blackface and brown face that have prompted him to apologize. Most (76 per cent) had seen the images and only 10 per cent said they

were unaware of the controversy. Respondents were asked about their opinions on Trudeau’s apology. The poll found that 20 per cent indicated his behaviour was inexcusable and that he should step down as prime minister, but close to half indicated that Trudeau’s apology was adequate and he should continue on as Liberal Party leader. “About half of Canadians tell us that they’re prepared to

accept the prime minister’s apology,” said Darrell Bricker, president of Ipsos. “But many others are somewhat concerned about what this happened to show, and they’re not quite as ready to move on yet.” Bricker also said that the four-point Tory lead over the Liberals makes this campaign a “game of inches.” “With that type of momentum, they could be building towards a victory on election day,” he said.

Just last week, Trudeau had a sevenpoint lead over Conservative Party Leader Andrew Scheer in an Ipsos poll that asked voters who would make a better prime minister. That lead has dropped to two points, as the latest poll found that 33 per cent of Canadians favour Trudeau for prime minister and 31 per cent believe Scheer is the best choice. “Clearly the events of last week have put a puff of wind under the sails of Andrew Scheer and his party,” Bricker said. The poll found that among Liberal voters, 67 per cent said Trudeau’s apology was enough but 33 per cent indicated otherwise, with 28 per cent saying they remain open to supporting the Liberals but they question Trudeau’s

judgement. Only 1 per cent said they thought he should step down as prime minister. So far the campaign’s first two weeks appear to be “working to the advantage of the Conservatives,” said Bricker. “The most damaging part of all of this is that the Liberals just don’t seem to be getting any traction,” he said. The Ipsos poll also asked about people’s thoughts on the current government’s performance. Approval has dipped slightly, by four points, with 40 per cent of Canadians approving of the current government. The approval is lukewarm, with only 7 per cent indicating they strongly approve while 33 per cent indicated they somewhat approve. Most of the fence sitters are in wait and watch mode.

India and Pak at serious odds, asked PM Modi, Khan to work it out: Trump Houston- US President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he is willing to arbitrate or mediate the Kashmir dispute as India and Pakistan, two nuclear armed states, remained “at very serious odds” and that during his meetings

with their leaders he told them “fellows, work it out”. Addressing a customary news briefing marking the end of this three-day UNGA visit, Trump said Kashmir was discussed at the meeting and “I offered arbitration or mediation or

whatever it is because they are at very serious odds right now and hopefully that will get better.” Describing the Prime Ministers Narendra Modi and Imran Khan as as “good friends of mine”, the US president said, “I told them, fellows,

work it out.” He added: “Those are two nuclear countries; they got to work it out.” Trump met Modi first on Sunday at a Howdy, Modi event in Houston. But he held his first bilateral with Khan in New York on Monday, and Modi

on Tuesday. Trump had appeared to have backed off his offer to mediate, but Indian officials, telling reporters before his meeting with Modi that leaders of the two countries can work resolve the dispute themselves.

Punjabi/English Page

Issue 238 (2)

27 September, 2019

Asian Tribune

Suvai’s: new spot in town for dosa lovers Mary Thomas

Chettinad Goat Curry


Reminiscent of Madras Café in Mumbai is a new hot spot in town for all dosa lovers. Launched August 10 near Ellerslie, SuvaiDosas is as the name suggests a perfect

place to relish a wide variety of dosas and Madrasi cuisine. P a r t n e r s R a j k u m a r Margasagayam Kothango and Raja Kamaraj are passionate about

cooking for their customers and put their heart into it. Starting with a King Dosa which felt perfect to the palate with a variety of condiments! Followed by

Chettinad Goat Curry, creamy lipsmacking Madras Chicken curry with

paratha and rice saw us relish it in pin drop silence. For a month-old start-up Suvai’s has gathered a good number of f o o t f a l l s . JigarThanda a JIgarthanda

deliciously creamy drink for a hot summer day sealed the meal for us! Don’t forget to bring your family for a taste of the dosas and filter coffee or JigarThanda, you will have a new favourite.

Madras Chicken Curry Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm


King Dosa

Issue 238 (3)

Asian Tribune Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

27 September, 2019

English Page

Issue 238 (4) Asian Star

Asian Tribune

Sushil Kumar Kalia

Native village/Country, parents’ background I was born and raised in Ludhiana, Punjab, India. My father served in Indian Army and subsequently became “Hakim”. Mother was a homemaker. Your early education I got certified as an architectural Draftsman from India and also briefly taught at ITI (Industrial Training Institute), PUSA, India. I practised Structural Draft Engg in England for ten years. When & why you came to Canada? 1976. I immigrated for better prospects and KRUPP; Steel Fabrication Company hired me on my arrival. Your career advancement initiatives and present occupation My quest for upkeep of my technical knowledge enabled me to keep me up to speed with my work technicalities. I have been continuously working with Structural Steel Fabricators. Personally, I have been thickly involved in community work. I founded Vedic Society in England. I am volunteering with Hindu Society of Alberta since 1976. I am also founder of Inter-Faith Center at Edmonton. Your regret in life Everybody’s life is a mixture of regrets as well as achievements. The greatest regret which hounds me even today is that I could not serve my parents. Pick any one of your the best achievements I did everything possible to get installed Mahatma Gandhi statue in Downtown Edmonton and make me beam with pride. Were you ever discriminated? I would be lying if I say, I never experienced discrimination. It is prevalent in very part of the world. However, I tackled it suitably. What you miss in Canada? I have nothing to miss. Are you happy in Canada? Absolutely Why? Canada is the conglomeration of great ambience, landscape and nature. Being draftsman, I am enthused to praise this awesome combination. Any comments on Canada’s weather

As everybody experience, winters are harsh. However, tremendous opportunities outweigh the calamity of bunch of months. Any comments on Canada’s culture Globally, communities are in for sea change. Granting freedom is not a bad idea. At the same time, decline in moral values is an irreparable loss. Parents and wards should equally work towards the betterment of society. What brought you success in Canada? Hard work, dedication to professionalism, trust in God and service to society enabled me make my living respectfully. I am a staunch believer of destiny. Of course, family support is of paramount concern and I give full credit to my significant half, Kamla Kalia. Are you willing to help new immigrants? Always. How? Professionally, I helped lot of my co-workers and subordinates to excel in engineering field and earn P.Eng designation. Your message for Asians of Canada Be yourself, this will make you better than you are. Bring out the best our culture and heritage provide us and keep on probing the valuable Canadian system. Working hard is the only mantra for success. Always give back to society, either time/money or both. Never thrust your decisions upon your kids which can be detrimental in long run. Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

27 September, 2019

English/Punjabi Page

Issue 238 (5)

Asian Tribune

27 September, 2019

NRIs & Keralites held a Hindu Sangamam

Edmonton (ATB): Acharyas from Kerala Swami Chidhanadapuri and Swami Muktananda Yati took part in the meet which was held last week at Taylor College Hall. Sabarimala Tantri Kandararu Rajeevararu and Vidyasagar Gurumurthy greeted the gathering through video message. Such a meet is held for the first time in Edmonton with the participation of different NRI organizations. The two Acharyas were accorded a grant welcome at the venue and it was followed by chanting of Veda mantras on the stage. Swami Muktananda Yati said at the meet that by passing through the three different stages of ‘sravanam’ ‘mananam and ‘nididhyasanam’(learning, apprehending and meditation) the Human mind could reach

sublime levels of spirituality. “The person who has reached such a level could find God in all beings,” he added. Swami Chidhanadapuri, who spoke at the meeting said that for India which has contributed immensely to spirituality and modern science, the greatest contribution to the world was the concept of ‘Dharma’. “It is high time for the Hindu society to keep aside political and caste differences and stay united,” he added. Children from Edmonton based organizations like NAMAHA, HSS, Gurukripa sung prayers, chanted mantras, recited Bhagavad Gita and Daivadasakam at the event. Organizers of the event said that they would be holding similar events annually.

Cops to create digital database of Rohingya Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

English Page

Issue 238 (6)

27 September, 2019

Asian Tribune


Why Modi has invested in US After the showmanship of Houston, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Donald Trump returned to the more nuanced world of diplomacy. At their press conference on Tuesday, there was continued bonhomie but also hints of traditional bilateral concerns. Ending the most substantial concern, avoiding a guerrilla trade war, remained elusive though India and the United States appear to be on track to resolving the remaining half-dozen tariff and market access. Mr Trump, in pursuit of his Nobel Peace Prize, continues to offer to mediate on Kashmir. However, the US president is now careful to indicate New Delhi has veto power over any conversation on Kashmir. His evasiveness on Pakistan’s support for terrorism is a reminder the US president stills sees utility in Pakistan. Nonetheless, the degree of US’ diplomatic support to India in the battle over Article 370, the blacklisting of Masood Azhar, and the convergence evident in concepts like the Indo-Pacific are signs the bilateral relationship is robust. Mr Trump has many idiosyncrasies. Navigating them while maintaining the larger relationship has been a challenge for Mr Modi and other world leaders. Most of the remaining sources of bilateral friction, whether motorcycles or Iran, originate with the president and his quirky world view. Mr Modi’s investment in the Trump relationship signals his recognition that the US is overwhelmingly India’s primary international partner. It is India’s main source of foreign capital, technology and investments. It remains the favoured destination of Indian students and immigrants. The US provides much of the cutting-edge technology for India’s defence forces. It is the primary external partner on intelligence and counterterrorism assistance. Washington has also been prepared to throw its diplomatic weight behind India, even where China and Pakistan are involved. India’s new cluster of global friends, whether Japan, Israel and the United Arab Emirates, are all US treaty allies. A new twist has been the rise of the US as a source of oil and gas. What matters less than actual shipments of hydrocarbons is that America’s shale story has suppressed energy prices to India’s advantage. This is a metaphor for what a closer relationship with the US provides India: the best possible geopolitical anchor in a time of remarkable international instability. Mr Modi has also understood it is the best external backer for his ambitious domestic agenda, ranging from the economy to technology. The US is the indispensable partner for the rise of India. Yash Sharma Editorial Team

Prof . Harjinder Walia, Ph.D (Journalism) Former Head of Journalism Punjabi Universty Patiala. (Punjab) India Patron

Yash Sharma, M.Sc (Hons), DMM Publisher & Editor in Chief 780-200-0246

Mary Thomas Associate Editor

Sat Paul Kaushal Associate Editor, Calgary 403 903 8500

Raghbir Bilaspuri Bureau Chief ( Punjabi)

Sunny Sharma Bureau Chief (English)

Atul Seth, CPA,CGA Financial & Management Consultant


India’s national language conundrum

Mary Thomas Associate Editor, Asian Tribune

Papua New Guinea with 852 languages tops the Linguistic Diversity Index (Source: UNESCO 2009). At number nine, India is the ‘most populated linguistic diverse country in the world’ with 122 major languages and 1599 others. There are 22 scheduled languages of India – Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Dogri, Gujarati, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Maithali, Malayalam, Marathi, Meitei (Manipuri), Nepali, Odia, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Santhali, Sindhi, Tamil, Telegu and Urdu – and two official languages of the Union

Government: Hindi and English. 6 languages with ‘rich heritage and independent nature’: Kannada, Malayalam, Odiya, Sanskrit, Tamil and Telugu have been added to the list. Tamil is one of the oldest living languages in the world and predates even Sanskrit. Contrary to general perception, Hindi is not the national language of India. India has no national language. As per the 2011 census, only 26.6% of Indians identify Hindi as their mother tongue. Modern Hindi – one of the youngest Indian languages – is based on the Khariboli dialect and its literary tradition evolved towards the end of the 18th century. John Borthwick Gilchrist (1759-1841) a temperamental Scottish trainedsurgeon and selftrained linguist spent his early career in

India studying H i n d u s t a n i languages.In 1782, Gilchrist apprenticed as a surgeon’s mate in the Royal Navy and travelled to Bombay, India to join the East India Company Medical Service. In 1785, he requested a year’s leave from duty to continue his study. His first publication was A Dictionary: English and Hindoostanee, Calcutta: Stuart and Cooper, 1787–90. He p o p u l a r i z e d Hindustani as the language of British administration and suggested to the Governor-General, the Marquess of Wellesley, and the East India Company, to set up a training centre in Calcutta. What started as the Oriental Seminary was enlarged to Fort William College in 1800 where Gilchrist served as the first principal until 1804. Gilchrist inducted

Indian writers and offered them financial incentives to write in Hindi. Their contributions enabled rapid strides in Hindi literature with a number of publications:Premsagar (Ocean of Love) by Lallulal (1763-1825), a Hindi translation of the Bible in 1818 and UdantMartand, the first Hindi newspaper, in 1826. Hindustani language was segregated into Hindi and Urdu (written in the Devanagari and Persian scripts), codified and formalised.Hindi and Urdu were designed as a strategic piece of the imperial ‘Divide and Rule’ policy to segregate religious Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

communities, create schisms, weaken the collective and incite demagoguery akin to a sore that never heals. In our ‘civilisational state’ of modern India – whose history goes back to 8000 years or more – a language that is just over 200 years old and a construct of colonial masters cannot be considered the national language of India. No single language can be named the ‘mother language’ of an ancient land with such linguistic diversity from several language families: Indo-Aryan, Dravidian, Sino-Tibetan, Austroasiatic, Tai-

Kadai and Great Andamanese. Article 29 of the India Constitution ensures equality for all citizens of India to conserve their language, their culture and script.Imposition of any single language is constitutionally invalid, and the effort to do so will likely boomerang and cause more regional stresses, disharmony, disunity and disaffection. Does India require the ‘unity’ of ‘one language, one nation’ or assert its own sovereign and unique spirit’ of ‘Unity in Diversity’. Send in your thoughts on the topic or ideas for future columns to

English Page

Issue 238 (7)

Asian Tribune

27 September, 2019

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Issue 238 (8)

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Issue 238 (9)

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27 September, 2019

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Issue 238 (10)


27 September, 2019

Asian Tribune

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