Asian Tribune 13 September, 2019

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Dr Jatinder Parhar Dentist

Editor-in-Chief/Publisher: Yash Sharma/Associate Editor : Mary Thomas Editor-in-Chief/Publisher: Yash Editor-in-Chief/Publisher: YashSharma Sharma

Financial Advisor

9735, 42 Ave NW, Edmonton


Vol. 9 No. 237 Tel: 780-2000-246, 13 September, 2019 780 475 4847 (North)

Scandals, Kick Offs Hounds Trudeau Edmonton (ATB): Trudeau swept to office in November 2015 promising “sunny ways” and stressing the importance of gender equality, gay rights and the environment, faces an electorate more focused on the economy and affordability when it votes on Oct 21. The 47-year-old married father of three, whose colorful socks and classic good looks are often splashed across the international media, may have history on his side. Not since 1935 has a Canadian prime minister who won a parliamentary majority in his first term been booted from office in the next election. But Trudeau may not win enough seats to govern by himself after a series of missteps that called into question his leadership while cutting into his once sky-high popularity. That would leave him and his Liberal Party weakened, relying on opposition members of parliament to push through legislation. A Nanos Research poll released showed the Liberals at 34.6% and the main opposition Conservatives, led by Andrew Scheer, at

780 450 6200

30.7%. That margin would not be enough to guarantee a majority of seats in the House of Commons. Senior Liberals say they are quietly confident of victory and predict Trudeau will campaign much more effectively than Scheer, 40, who is fighting his first election as Conservative leader. But Canadian campaigns can produce major surprises. The Liberals trailed in third place when the 2015 election was called but steadily improved to pull off an outright victory. “This is not a ‘Throw the bums out’ election. This is a ‘Punish the bums’ election,” said Nik Nanos, head of Nanos Research. Trudeau’s challenge is

that he is running on his record rather than the uplifting message of hope and change that helped the Liberals attract record numbers of green, youth and aboriginal voters in 2015. Since then, Trudeau, the son of former Liberal Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, has broken major campaign promises by scrapping plans to introduce voter reform and allowing budget deficits to mushroom. He also angered environmentalists by buying an oil pipeline to ensure crude exports could increase. “For average Canadians, the key takeaway … is that Justin Trudeau is not an exception, he’s like other politicians,” said Nanos.

Liberals, however, cite near-record low jobless numbers, booming growth and lower levels of poverty as grounds for reelection. “(We) have delivered for Canadians for four years in a way that is concrete and measurable,” said a senior party official. Although rivals may dismiss Trudeau’s achievements, diplomats in allied countries say his focus on feminism, the environment and the need for multilateral organizations is important at a time when populism is on the rise and the United States seems intent on shrinking its global ambitions. “We are paying very close attention. What will it mean if one of the few remaining progressive leaders is defeated?” said an official at one major Western embassy in Ottawa. The worst moment of Trudeau’s tenure came in February, when former Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould accused the prime minister and top officials of inappropriately pressuring her to ensure that construction firm SNCLavalin Group Inc avoid a trial on

corruption charges. Last month, a top watchdog ruled the prime minister and his team had indeed breached ethics rules. Trudeau also raised eyebrows when he admitted he had had no idea WilsonRaybould was unhappy, prompting questions about how involved he was in the day-to-day running of the country. Scheer had surged after the SNC-Lavalin affair, but he appears to be struggling in Ontario, the most populous of Canada’s 10 provinces, where a conservative premier is pushing through unpopular spending cuts. Major planks of the Liberal platform will include measures to address cellphone and internet bills and a limited expansion to the universal healthcare system to cover part of the cost of prescription drugs, say party insiders. Scheer promises to halt what he calls unsustainable government spending, saying in a video last week: “We have a plan for a government that lives within its means so we can put more money in your pocket.” October 21 will clear the mud when Federal polls conclude.

Canada again sails warship through sensitive Taiwan Strait Ottawa (ATB)Canada has sailed a warship through the sensitive Taiwan Strait, the Canadian government said, three months after a s i m i l a r operation and amid strained ties between Beijing and Ottawa. Such passages typically upset China, which claims democratic and self-ruled Taiwan as part of Chinese territory. In April, Beijing condemned a French decision to send a frigate through the strait as illegal, and China has also been upset by US navy ships passing through the same waterway. Canada’s government said the frigate HMCS Ottawa passed through the Taiwan Strait on Monday and Tuesday. “This route was chosen as it was the most direct route between UN Security Council sanctions monitoring activities in Northeast Asia and engagements in Southeast Asia,” the Department of National Defence said

on Tuesday. “The Royal Canadian Navy does not conduct so-called Freedom of

Navigation operations aimed at challenging the territorial claims of other nations, and the ship’s transit was conducted in accordance with international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.” In June, two Canadian ships also sailed through the narrow strait that separates Taiwan from China, but denied that Canada was trying to make any kind of political point. Ta i w a n ’ s Defence Ministry said the latest ship passed through the strait in a southerly direction and was monitored throughout by Taiwan’s armed forces. In Beijing, Chinese Foreign

M i n i s t r y spokeswoman Hua Chunying said that China did not take exception “normal passage” through the Taiwan Strait by foreign warships. “But I don’t know what special purpose the Canadian side had in taking pains to make such a highp r o f i l e announcement about this,” she told a daily news briefing on Wednesday. “We hope the Canadian side takes practical actions to show that it respects China’s sovereignty and security.” Canada-China relations have nosedived in the past year. China, furious that Canadian police arrested a senior Huawei Technologies Co executive on December 1 on a US warrant, has blocked imports of meat products and canola seed from Canada and charged two Canadian men with spying. However both countries have recently appointed new ambassadors to each other’s capitals, in a sign ties may be thawing.

English Page

Issue 237 (2)

13 September, 2019

Asian Tribune

The only inexpensive thali place in #yegtown, New Asian Village 17th Street Mary Thomas

Goat curry


You seem to have hit the end of Whitemud drive driving out of Edmonton to the South East,

wondering if there are any decent desi restaurants that you might grab a bite, don’t forget to stop at

New Asian Village in the Strip Mall at 17th St. A small sweetmeat shop is what you might anticipate as

Chicken Dum Biriyani

you step in but it has a sit-down buffet with space to seat 20 with thalis and delectable variety to boot. Opened in Oct 2016, this restaurant has quite a fan following. We were ushered in by owner, Munish Saini who served us a grand array of dishes, one better than the other. We started with Indo Chinese starters: Chilli Paneer, Gobi Manchurian and proceeded to wipe down Chicken tikka hariyali and yummy malai tikka. This was followed by the softest crumbly garlic laccha naan, I have ever tried in #yegtown with an accompaniment of paneer butter masala, Goat curry and kadai paneer. Finally, we relished the Chicken

Dum Biriyani. The take away cookies, pastries and patties reminiscent of Merwans in Mumbai sealed the deal for us! Cost wise, I’ve never been happier to notice how reasonable everything is. We left with large stuffed bellies and big smiles. Take time to sample food at this little jewel in the end of town!

gobi-manchurian Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

Paneer butter masala

Issue 237 (3)

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13 September, 2019

English Page

Issue 237 (4) Asian Star

Asian Tribune

Charu Ranjan

Native village/Country, parents’ background Allahabad, India. Father served as Superintendent, Central Excise, India and mother was stay home mom Your early education M A (English) from Delhi University, Delhi When & why you came to Canada? 1976, I got married and immigrated to Canada What you did for initial survival? I worked in Nursing Home and also operated Out of School Care Your career advancement initiatives and present occupation I went to Nait and completed Optician Course. I am full time optician in the Vision Center of Walmart, Edmonton. Your regret in life I could not complete my Doctorate that too close to finishing line Pick any one of your the best achievements My kid’s promising career and their excellence in respective fields. Also, I was bestowed upon Life Time Achievement award by National Indo Canadian Council, Ottawa for my volunteer work with various social organizations Recently, I have been selected for “Daughter of the Year 2019” award recognizing me as an Inspirational model of volunteerism in the South Asian community over the past four decades. My backgrounder is - Host of “India Magazine” on cable television for several years - Leader and a teacher with Alberta Hindi Parishad, a group dedicated to promoting Hindi language and Indian culture - Founding member of Jagriti, an IndoCanadian youth group - Key organizer for community symposiums on heart disease and cancer - Recipient of National Indo Canadian Council’s Lifetime Achievement Award. Were you ever discriminated? No What you miss in Canada? Like others, I miss my extended family and not sharing their happiness and distress is really heart rending. Also, the imperial life style back home Are you happy in Canada? Sure Why? Major portion of my quality life have been spent in Canada Any comments on Canada’s weather I hate Canada’s lousy winters. In spite of

spending so many years, I always feel like running away Any comments on Canada’s culture Freedom to children at an early age has definitely doomed our youth. I have been volunteering with various organizations to nullify drug/alcohol abuse and avoid divorces. Positive side is, even main stream folks have started following our family values What brought you success in Canada? Hard work, perseverance, recognition of community initiatives and valuable support of my better half Are you willing to help new immigrants? Anytime How? I always supported newcomers like keeping and feeding them for months, paying tuition fees and providing winter cloths Your message for Asians of Canada Never forget your roots and culture which is of immense strength and help to counter peer pressure. Allow your loved ones to taste western culture to enable them to differentiate between good and bad. I am not against dating as boys and girls can have ample opportunity to understand each other and decide about match making. We have already formed “JAGRITI” (Awakening), a social organization under the umbrella of Maanaw Sewa Association, Edmonton to educate children as well as parents alike regarding their rights and responsibilities Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

13 September, 2019

English/Punjabi Page

Issue 237 (5)

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13 September, 2019

English Page

Issue 237 (6)

13 September, 2019

Asian Tribune


Jallianwala Bagh massacre: Why Britain?must follow the Archbishop’s lead The Archbishop of Canterbury, the principal leader of the Church of England, has said that he was “personally very sorry” for the slaughtering of around 1,000 unarmed Indians by soldiers of the colonial




Jallianwala Bagh in 1919. Though the Archbishop’s apology is not the same as a State apology, the fact that it comes from the principal leader of the Church adds moral heft to the demand for an official apology for the massacre. Britain has refused to do so even though former prime ministers have expressed regret in some form, the latest being Theresa May’s reference to it as a “shameful scar” in British Indian history. Britain can follow its own precedent. It acknowledged its culpability in the crackdown on the Mau Mau uprising in Kenya in the 1950s, and the killing of 13 protesters in Northern Ireland on Bloody Sunday in 1972. In 2016, Canada apologised for the Komagata Maru incident (1914), in which hundreds of Sikh, Muslim and Hindu passengers were forced to return to a violent fate in India. France has apologised for its role in criminal slavery in Haiti. This week, Denmark apologised to indigenous children who faced abuse and neglect in orphanages decades ago. There are two main reasons why Britain is reluctant to formally apologise. One, many academics, such as Priyamvada Gopal of Cambridge University, demand that Britain must expand the scope of an apology. They argue that Jallianwala Bagh was not an isolated incident, but a part of the colonial project, which was violent from start to finish, and which included systematic racism and discrimination. Therefore, Britain and other colonial powers must apologise for the entire colonial project. Second, Britain fears that an apology will open the space for de-


mands for reparation by the descen-

India: a nation in search of a new identity

dents of Jallianwala Bagh’s victims. But even without an apology, the legatees of the violence can demand compensation, as the Mau Mau victims did in 2013. It is time to stop the excuses, and say sorry. Yash Sharma

Mary Thomas

Editorial Team

Prof . Harjinder Walia, Ph.D (Journalism) Former Head of Journalism Punjabi Universty Patiala. (Punjab) India Patron

Yash Sharma, M.Sc (Hons), DMM Publisher & Editor in Chief 780-200-0246

Mary Thomas Associate Editor

Sat Paul Kaushal Associate Editor, Calgary 403 903 8500

Raghbir Bilaspuri Bureau Chief ( Punjabi)

Sunny Sharma Bureau Chief (English)

Atul Seth, CPA,CGA Financial & Management Consultant

Associate Editor, Asian Tribune

The real “clash of civilizations” is not a clash between Islam and “the West,” but is instead a clash within every modern nation “between people who are prepared to live with others who are different, on terms of equal respect, and those who seek the domination of a single religious and ethnic tradition” says, Martha C Nussbaum, Professor of University of Chicago bravely tackling the complex relationships between cultural identity and nationhood. India, she says, is uniquely situated to shed light

on this problem because of the multiplicity of religious and ethnic communities within a nation of one billion people who live in relative peace and harmony; it is a default case of cosmopolitanism. Indian democracy has provided the possibility of encounters between citizens that are more inclusive and complex, and HinduMuslim riotingare a telling example of violence unleashed when the religious right handcuffed this model of inclusivity in the quest for an ideologically homogenous Hindu state. How did this monolithic fascist reading of Hinduism emerge in such a religiously and ethnically plural nation? During India’s founding as a fledgling nation struggled to balance pluralism and

equality for all religions, its social revolutions were an attempt to mitigate the evils of the caste system, and retain a secular state despite the polarized religious landscape. Itis a cautionary tale about the slippery slope from democracy to fascism. The view of a nation-state based on a singular identity did not prevail in India after Independence from the British Raj, and nationalism rested on the bedrock of a plural India. T h e genuinely free press and public intellectuals kept up unceasing pressure to document and investigate the riots and every embarrassing scar ever without repression. Avigorous and communally integrated life served as an agent of peace by creating a “moral economy” of the good

life, frowning on those, including politicians, who would polarize Hindus and Muslims along communal lines.Cosmopolitanism was positively valued in social thought. Later the emergent politics associated with the progressive new middle class is a more chauvinistic, religionbased nationalism in line with conservative movements sweeping the globe. India is today in the throes of a public debate about selfdefinition. The broad contradictory processes influencing Indian identity are a political movement, represented by the Hindu Right, devoted to completing the unfinished project of Also, follow us on twitter @AsianTribuneEdm

creating an Indian state in the image of a Western exclusive one and the pressures of the free market that produce a “commodification of Indianness.” The market is creating a pan-Indian consuming class that wishes to have diversity packaged in neat parcels, a strategy of internal domestication and fragmentation subordinated to the bazaar. The tensions between these processes may erupt regularly and in bloody ways, as the choices in identity expand exponentially, the sphere of religion is likely, to shrink and become potent all at once. India is resilient,

however. Within its multi-layered culture exist many paradigms yet to emerge that will influence political and economic processes in unexpected ways. The best is yet to come for all to see and learn. Mark Twain famously said that “India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grandmother of tradition.” Twain stressed the unique philosophical and s p i r i t u a l characteristics of India’s civilization. Share your thoughts on the topic to

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Issue 237 (7)

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13 September, 2019

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Issue 237 (8)

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Issue 237 (9)

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Issue 237 (10)


13 September, 2019

Asian Tribune

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Issue 237 (11)

Asian Tribune

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13 September, 2019

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Issue 237 (12)

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Issue 237 (13)

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Issue 237 (14)

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Issue 237 (15)

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Issue 237 (16)

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