The Indo-Canadian 26 May.2010

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Together we make the difference

Vol. I

No. 11

Tel: 780-975-8735 26 May 2010

made in Edmonton LRT shooting ¡À‚«Óø‡È «Ú÷∂ Ó‘≈È È◊ ’∆ÂÈ «Úº⁄ ‘˜≈ª ÙË≈Ò± Ù≈«ÓÒ Arrest Woman allegedly shot for requesting cigarette ·ø„ Á∂ Ï≈Ú‹±Á Ú∆ √ø◊ «Úº⁄ Ì≈∆ ¿πÂÙ≈‘- Í∆‡ √øËπ, ͺ¤Ó∆ ËÂ∆ Ú∆ Í≥‹≈Ï Úª◊ ‹≈ÍÁ∆ √∆- ’≈¿±∫√Ò √Ø‘∆

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EDMONTON — A 19-year-old man has been arrested in connection with Friday’s shooting death of Heather Rae Thurier at the Stadium LRT station.Police have not yet released the man’s name or what charges he’s facing. Thurier was shot in the head around 10:20 Friday night just inside the 112-Avenue entrance to the LRT. She died immediately on scene. Her family said she was shot after Thurier and her brother requested a cigarette from the man with a gun.

Small plane crashes into building near Toronto TORONTO — A small plane has crashed into a two-storey warehouse in Markham, Ont., according to York Regional Police. The four-seat Cessna hit the building, just north of Toronto, at 8889 Woodbine Ave. just before 12:30 p.m., said Sgt. Gary Phillips. Police know it was a small plane that crashed, Phillips said, but are still trying to determine how many people were inside. “We’re still trying to confirm what the cause of the crash was,” he said. Television coverage show the remnants of the plane in flames on what appears to be the roof of the building. Fire trucks and emergency vehicles are on scene. People are being evacuated from the warehouse because there is a concern about a fuel spill and a possible explosion, particularly given the hot temperatures Tuesday in southern Ontario, he said. “When you’re dealing with aviation fuel, it’s very volatile.”

A woman’s body lies in the Stadium LRT station in north


T he Indo-Canadian

26 Ma y, 2010 May




May 21, 2010: Alberta Hindi Parishad, Edmonton celebrated their 25th anniversary and had put together two days of dedicated program. Mr.Rajiv Ranjan, President welcomed the distinguished guests at Mirage Banquet Hall. Honourable Health Minister, Gene Zwozdesky, Honourable Naresh Bhardwaj, M L A, Honourable Peter Sandhu, M L A and Councillor Amarjeet Sohi graced the occasion. Renowned Indo-Canadian personalities like Radhe Gupta, President & CEO, Rohit Group, Architect Raj Saunder, Bharat Agnihotri, Ex-M L A and Dr.Sanjay Sharma joined the celebrations.

KASH GET US PROUD Kashmir [Kash] Singh Randhawa of Village Dhonda, near Goindwal [Punjab] who works as a “receiver” had the honour of inaugurating Real Canadian Super Store in South purely because of his devotion and sincerity. He penned a poem which went up to top management and got him honour. He challenges that any child who is not good in studies should be handed over to him and the child will get more than 85% marks. This he owe to the blessings of Almighty. Kash, keep the good work and we wish you should not lose these Indo-Canadian values.

\May 15, 2010: South Asian Diabetes Committee, Edmonton organized “Chai with the experts” event for South Asian Women to raise Diabetes awareness amongst female members of South Asian Community. According to Mona Agnihotri, one of the organizers, individuals of South Asian descent have higher rates of morbidity and mortality from Diabetes- related cardiovascular disease (CVD). Dieticians, Pharmacists, Occupational Therapists, Community nurses, Dentists, Optometrists and Physical Therapists had put up professional Booths to answer queries and address Diabetes concerns.


T he Indo-Canadian

26 Ma y, 2010 May


North Calgary Cultural Association SUCCESSFUL IMMIGRANT- SYED AHMED

Front row [L to R] Mr. Ravinder Kumar Jain (Director),S. Parminder Singh Gill( General Secretary), S. Dilawar Singh Samra ( Vice President), S. Surinderjit Singh Plaha( President),S. Gurbax Singh Ghali ( Director),Mr Parshotam Dass Bhardwaj ( Treasurer) and Mr. Jairath. Back row standing [ L to R] S.Gurmail Singh Paneich, Mr. Baldev Raj Sharma, S. Keshar Singh Neer, Mr.Muni Lal Bir, S. Birinder Singh Madan, S. Ajmer Singh Hundal and S. Avtar Singh Gahunia. North Calgary Cultural Association has been registered at Calgary. The members of the association came from all strata of South Asian community. Following were elected unanimously. 1. Surinderjit Singh

Plaha, President, 2. Dilawar Singh Samra, Vice President, 3. Parminder Singh Gill, Secretary, 4. Puroshotam Dass Bhardwaj, Treasure The main objects of North Calgary Cultural Association are

following:To promote social and cultural activities among the new immigrants, To help new immigrants to homogenized in the main stream of Canada, To encourage people to develop public speaking skills.

To arrange speakers and experts from different sphere of life and to share their views with the members. To invite health specialist to share their views with the members so that the quality of life be improved.

MELODIOUS SANGEET SANDHYA May 08, 2010: Sangeet Sandhya organized by Shanti-Niketan and Society of Semi-retired and seniors at Hindu Cultural Center, Edmonton spellbound the audience. Popular local artists were at their best in presenting Bhajans, Geets and Ghazals. Dr Ashok Singh [Past President] welcomed the guests. Acharya Shiv Shanker Dwivedi Ji also addressed the attendees. Ms.Kanak Chamarthy was at her best as MC. Dr Prem Kharbanda [VPProgram] proposed the vote of thanks.

E d u c a t i o n a l background and present occupation My education is my parents’ teachings. Owner/ Director, S & D International Group Inc., Edmonton {Land/Property Developer} Status in Canada Citizen When & Why you came to Canada? 1995, to learn and teach Sufism and grow professionally. What you did for initial survival? I started from scratch and did all kinds of odd jobs. Were you ever discriminated? Yes East Indian weather. No Why? Are you happy in What you miss in My dreams of joy and Canada? Canada?

happiness came true. Life of me as well as my family is fully secured in Canada. Any comments on Canada’s weather I love this weather. Any comments on Canada’s culture I appreciate the multiculturalism and rich heritage of Canada. What brought you success in Canada? Honesty and awesome blessings of my parents. Your advice to new immigrants Work smarter and do not work harder. Your message for IndoCanadians If you want to kiss success in life, never forget your heritage, forefather’s culture and values.

WHITE ROCK LANDSCAPING EXCELS May 15, 2010: White Rock Landscaping Products, the major player in this market segment, organized Customer Appreciation Day on their 1st anniversary. Councillor Amarjit Sohi greeted all the guests. Honourable Mayor, Stephen Mandel while addressing the attendees had all the praise for Sohi Parivar and their associates in playing a positive role in serving the community as well as City and emphasised that it is a great pleasure to have Amarjeet on board. Honourable Naresh Bhardwaj, M L A while addressing assured his full support to IndoCanadian community. Honourable Peter Sandhu, M L A congratulated all the team members on their grand success. Gurcharan Brar and Raj Pandher thanked all the guests.

Obama’s illegal migrant aunt granted asylum in US Boston: President Barack Obama’s Kenyan aunt has been granted asylum to stay in the United States where she was living as an illegal immigrant, her lawyers said on Monday. Zeituni Onyango had faced deportation in a bizarre and potentially embarrassing situation for Obama, whose father’s family came from Kenya. Attorney Margaret Wong said she had “received word from judge Leonard Shapiro’s office that their client Onyango has been granted asylum in her deportation case.” The ruling means that

Onyango will be eligible for a work permit, social security card and driver’s license, Wong said.

In a year she can apply for permanent residency, or a green card, and in five years seek US citizenship. Onyango ignored a

2004 deportation order and had to fight her deportation in court, testifying that she faced “tribal violence” in her homeland. The president’s aunt has been living on public assistance and has no known funding source of her own. She was unearthed by the media only in 2008, days before Obama won his historic election as the first African-American president. The White House says Obama was unaware of her illegal status until November 2008 and denies suggestions that political pressure may

have been exerted on the court. Wong said that Obama had not submitted written support for Onyango’s asylum and the aunt said she had severed ties to the president after her troubles became public. She is the half-sister of Obama’s late father, who was Kenyan and married a white American, who gave birth to the future president in Hawaii. Onyango moved to the United States in 2000 and applied for political asylum two years later, but was turned down. She was ordered to leave in 2004.


T he Indo-Canadian

HARLEEN BAINS Devendra Kaur,married to Sarvjit Singh ditched him and got involved with Harwant Singh,who was brother-in-law of her sister and later killed her lover as she wanted to enjoy more illicit relations. In another incident,Rani while living with her husband,got entangled with her own brother-in-law and by mutual planning killed her sister-in-law by setting her on fire. In an incident at Banur,a son killed his father because his girlfriend wanted him to make a house for her at Chandigarh and father was the hindrance.So,he had to meet his fate. There was one more incident in which a mother of three children ran away with his boyfriend. In a yet another case in Patiala,a doctor got involved in an illicit relationship.And,also got her boyfriend killed. Now,the question arises as to what does these instances portray?That is, the deteriorating condition of the society, where money, lurement,sex have overpowered the instinct of humanity among masses,in many cases.People have forgotten their obligations for their loved ones.They are ready to compromise

26 Ma y, 2010 May


Need of Relation—Rejuvenation their basic element of ‘faith’ and ‘trust’,which is the base of any relationship. The relationship of a husband and wife is like the wheels of a car.As the wheels form a balance among each other,the car works fast.Similarly,when husband and wife maintains mutual coordination,instinct of ‘understanding’ is developed.But,if it’s disturbed by external factors,marriage vows get shattered. Big name like Tiger Woods are not far behind.Though,he enjoyed such a good position in the society,still he was strangled in sexual infidelity. In the above instances,it looks as if the base has shaken,which is leading to dire consequences.People,in their selfishness are thinking about themselves only.Like a mother kept her desire at forefront and neglected her kids.In a n o t h e r incident,son caused death of his father without even realizing the pain he might have instilled upon his father. After looking at these incidents and these sorry state of relationships in

society,it can be said that every relationship has certain limitations which people need to realize.Problem arises when these limitations are crossed,by anyone in a relation.Any limitation shows that a restrain needs to be kept, which shows that the sanctity of the relationship is being kept and if god forbid,it’s violated,it leads to annihilation. Further,life has become so fast-paced that emotions or spending time with the loved ones has taken a backseat.Especially, like working parents.Due to the shortage of time,parents try to compensate time with gifts and Instead of inculcating moral values into their children,they prefer T.V or computer for t h e i r kids.Consequently,children tend to become mechanical.And,above all,by being in company of media,day long they start forming an image about future prospects and even wishes to see their partner fitting into it,without realizing the difference between real life and reel life,which becomes a major source of frustration and emotions

are vented out by getting involved into wrongdoings. Unfortunately, people these days forget to stand for values they talk about and further instilling them into the next generation is simply ignored.No doubt, they want to give every best thing possible thing in this world to their children,they are worried about their education in school but forget to give them the real education of life that is to make them value their own relation with that matter any relation may be with parents,wife, sibling or even a friend. People do not realize that when they get involved in such illicit relations,then not one but string of relations suffer.And,such type of sexual infidelity leads to emotional infidelity,for the genuine persons involved in it.They get emotionally shattered,without realizing the reason of their partner’s going stray. Basically,to maintain and keep the pious nature of the any relationship, one needs a lot of sacrifice,which people are not ready to do.Hence,to save our society from these wrongdoings,one must keep on trying to rejuvenate the relationship

healthy by putting in a lot of effort and love.Devendra Kaur,married to Sarvjit Singh ditched him and got involved with Harwant Singh,who was brother-inlaw of her sister and later killed her lover as she wanted to enjoy more illicit relations. In another incident,Rani while living with her husband,got entangled with her own brother-in-law and by mutual planning killed her sister-in-law by setting her on fire. In an incident at Banur,a son killed his father because his girlfriend wanted him to make a house for her at Chandigarh and father was the hindrance.So,he had to meet his fate. There was one more incident in which a mother of three children ran away with his boyfriend. In a yet another case in Patiala,a doctor got involved in an illicit relationship.And,also got her boyfriend killed. Now,the question arises as to what does these instances portray?That is, the deteriorating condition of the society,where money,lurement,sex have overpowered the instinct of humanity among

masses,in many cases.People have forgotten their obligations for their loved ones.They are ready to compromise their basic element of ‘faith’ and ‘trust’,which is the base of any relationship. The relationship of a husband and wife is like the wheels of a car.As the wheels form a balance among each other,the car works fast.Similarly,when husband and wife maintains mutual coordination,instinct of ‘understanding’ is developed.But,if it’s disturbed by external factors,marriage vows get shattered. Big name like Tiger Woods are not far behind.Though,he enjoyed such a good position in the society,still he was strangled in sexual infidelity. In the above instances,it looks as if the base has shaken,which is leading to dire consequences.People,in their selfishness are thinking about themselves only.Like a mother kept her desire at forefront and neglected her kids.In another incident, son caused death of his father without even realizing the pain he might

have instilled upon his father. After looking at these incidents and these sorry state of relationships in society,it can be said that every relationship has certain limitations which people need to realize.Problem arises when these limitations are crossed,by anyone in a relation.Any limitation shows that a restrain needs to be kept, which shows that the sanctity of the relationship is being kept and if god forbid,it’s violated,it leads to annihilation. Further,life has become so fast-paced that emotions or spending time with the loved ones has taken a backseat.Especially, like working parents.Due to the shortage of time,parents try to compensate time with gifts and Instead of inculcating moral values into their children,they prefer T.V or computer for their kids.Consequently,children tend to become mechanical.And,above all,by being in company of media,day long they start forming an image about future prospects and even wishes to see their partner fitting into it,without realizing the

difference between real life and reel life,which becomes a major source of frustration and emotions are vented out by getting involved into wrongdoings. Unfortunately, people these days forget to stand for values they talk about and further instilling them into the next generation is simply ignored.No doubt, they want to give every best thing possible thing in this world to their children,they are worried about their education in school but forget to give them the real education of life that is to make them value their own relation with that matter any relation may be with parents,wife, sibling or even a friend. People do not realize that when they get involved in such illicit relations,then not one but string of relations suffer.And,such type of sexual infidelity leads to emotional infidelity,for the genuine persons involved in it.They get emotionally shattered, without realizing the reason of their partner’s going stray. Basically,to maintain and keep the pious nature of the any relationship, one needs a lot of sacrifice,which people are not ready to do.Hence,to save our society from these wrongdoings,one must keep on trying to rejuvenate the relationship healthy by putting in a lot of effort and love.

the Road with Trucks - Randy Youngman, ‘Behaviour detection’ officers fail to spot a single terrorist at US airports Sharing Regional Traffic Safety Coordinator, Medicine Hat

Washington: A team of more than 3,000 “behaviour detection ” officers hired to spot terrorists at US airports have failed to catch a single person despite costing the taxpayer $200 million (£140 million) last year, The Telegraph reported. The specially-trained officers patrol terminals monitoring passengers for suspicious body language and facial e x p r e ssions. Since 2006, the officers have been stationed at more than 160 airports across the US in order to provide a hidden measure of security. But 16 people accused of being part of

terrorist plots have passed through US airports undetected a total of 23 times since 2004 — a number of them since the scheme was started — according to an investigation by the government accountability office. E a r l i e r t h i s y e a r, officials at the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), which runs the behaviour detection programme, asked US Congress to expand the scheme, which is k n o w n a s Sp o t — screening passengers by observation techniques. John Mica, a

R e p u b l i c a n congressman from Florida who was involved in setting up the TSA in response to t h e S e p t 11 , 2 0 0 1 terrorist attacks, said it had become too bureaucratic. The TSA said the programme is a “vital layer of security based in science”, which has led to more than 1,700 arrests for other crimes like drug smuggling. However, a 2008 report by a team at the National Academy of Sciences said, “ b e h a v i o u r a l surveillance” had “enormous potential for violating privacy” and

there was no evidence it worked. The report said a person behaving oddly could just as easily be planning an extramarital affair as a terrorist attack. By 2008, around 1,60,000 people had been selected to be interviewed or given further pat downs based on the behaviour detection technique but less than one per cent of those were arrested. Charles Slepian, a security analyst, said the failure of the programme to catch a terrorist was a “disgrace.” He told CBS News, “If it worked, you would catch them.”

A l b e r t a ’ s highway system is among the best in the world and accommodates a large amount of commercial truck traffic that we must share the road with. In a fatal crash involving a large commercial truck and a passenger vehicle, the occupants of the passenger vehicle are far more likely to be killed. Driving mistakes around trucks can have dire and tragic consequences. In 2008, the latest statistics available, there were 61 persons killed and 657 injured in collisions involving truck tractors. This represents a decrease in fatalities and injuries from 2007, but is still something we must strive to reduce.

In a crash, the sheer size of some trucks puts car occupants at a disadvantage. Many passenger vehicle drivers are intimidated when they must share the road with large trucks, and not entirely without reason. Statistically, people in passenger vehicles account for about 92% of the deaths in fatal twovehicle crashes involving a car and a large truck. In most cases, police, survivors or witnesses identified at least one unsafe act by the passenger vehicle operator. There are a few rules that drivers of passenger vehicles should always abide by when in the vicinity of large trucks:

1. Stay out of their blind spots! Stay far enough behind big trucks so that you can see both side mirrors on the truck. (If you can’t see the truck driver, he can’t see you either! ) 2. Don’t change lanes abruptly. Never cut in front of these vehicles. (The stopping distance of a loaded large truck is generally a lot longer than you would imagine.) 3. Allow yourself extra time to pass a big rig. 4. Signal well in advance of a manoeuvre to give lots of notice when planning to turn or change lanes. 5. If you are driving beside a truck – watch for turn signals because many trucks

require a wide turning radius and may do so from an adjacent lane. RememberTrucks are not large cars. Whether they are accelerating, braking, climbing a hill, switching lanes or turning onto a side street, big trucks must perform certain manoeuvres that drivers of passenger vehicles are generally not familiar with. For more information and tips on safe driving call your Regional Traffic Safety Coordinator, Randy Youngman @ 403-4581890308-8297, the local RCMP or Police Service. Visit . For further info contact:

T he Indo-Canadian


26 Ma y, 2010 May




RESIGNATION— NO SOLUTION Unfortunate, unfortunate. Something unfortunate happened in Mangalore which is a coastal city of Karnataka and port city that boasts of a long time trading via sea coast. It was on 22nd May that air crash happenend at Managalore, which is India ’s worst disaster, killing 158 persons, when an Air India Express Boeing plane from Dubai overshot the runway, went down a ravine and falls in the valley, causing flames. Every person has a different take on the incident. Some blame it on the carelessness of pilots and some blame Government for these types of incidents. But, real reasons are yet to be sorted out. If one talks of experienced pilots, Air India stated that the B737-800 aircraft involved in the accident was a new one, inducted in Jan. 2008. The pilot had over 10,000 hours of flying experience and two pilots in the cockpit were familiar with the region and the Mangalore airport runway which can be considered well enough for the flight safety. Also, pilots own lives are also involved along with others lives. So, they can’t afford to take risk. But, still accident happened. Next point of consideration is about the length of the airport. Runway at Mangalore is 8000 feet which was not upto international standards. Mangalore airport has a table-top runway, which all the more makes it a difficult airport. Though some expert pilots justifies it by saying that it’s a safe length and incase, it was an unsafe length Air India would not have operated flights from there. Big tragedy has taken place. Many have lost lives. Bodies of 158 victims have been recovered from the wreckage site. Accidents like this happen not only in India but around the globe but such accidents do raise the questions of security of the passengers. Now, to know the real reason black box and the cockpit Voice Recorder are being located from the massive wreckage. One more thing that came into light is that when the pilot was given clearance for landing by the Air Traffic Control, he didn’t report any short coming as they prepared to land at Mangalore. That raises the doubt at to what actually went wrong that caused such a massive disaster? Besides that another question is raised about the technical aspects of the airport? Speculations are being made by Civil Aviation Minister that the aircraft might have descended at a faster speed? Or some co-pilot was driving the plane?. On the other hand, Praful Patel had offered to resign. Usually, Ministers offer to resign after such accidents had occurred. But, ‘Resignation is no solution,’ instead, they should take prior steps so that these eventualities must be avoided. A victim from Chandigarh , Santosh Aggarwal had earlier lost her family and now in this mishap she had also lost her daughter, which is an irreparable loss. And, this is just one such incident, and these types of accidents could be prevented if Departments are fully equipped with material and are further used properly. In the end, it can be said that government needs to improve standards of the airport in general and safety aspects in particular, and it may be an international flight or a domestic flight. Ultimately, we can pray that such mishaps may not occur in future again.

Managing Editor/Publisher

Yash Sharma M.Sc. (Hons), DMM

Cell: 780 975 8735 Email:

Rimma bains Three w’s play a pivotal role in few people’s life. They may make or break their lives. Enjoyment of women’s beauty, dreams of wealth, and to achieve things using wine, causes disastrous effects for few and good effects for others. So, to know more , go ahead… Once there was a lawyer who co-incidentally met Rehman, a boy of middle age who was crying loudly. On seeing him crying, the lawyer asked him the reason. After initial resistance, he narrates his woeful story. Rehman was a heavy built, fair complexioned boy who used to work with Kissu Lohar. Kissu had a shop and also he used to smuggle illegal guns, simultaneously so he was quite rich. Rehman was hard working so Kissu was very happy with him and trusted him immensely. Kissu had a second marriage. There was age gap between him and his wife. The problem was he married PremKunwar (wife) as he yearned for a child. But, unfortunately, she also could not provide him with the comfort of a baby as such there was a distance between them.So, he made himself busy with business tours. Premkunwar was very beautiful with beautiful figure and good looks. One day, she intentionally tried to attract Rehman towards her. After Kissu was out for tours Rehman used to manage his work. At that time, Premkunwar tried to entice him but failed as he didn’t noticed her. But, after conscious efforts, he got entangled in the lady’s web. And, developed intimate relations with her.They had physical relations and enjoyed on regular basis. But, whenever her husband was at home they felt restricted and wanted freedom. Lassu found a change in Rehman and his wife’s attitude. But, he wasn’t sure. Gradually, they both started to find Kissu problematic and thought to eliminate him from their path as their constant meetings used to suffer because of his presence. Premkunwar made a plan along with Rehman to kill Kissu. The lady was very shrewd and manipulative. She convinced Rehman that if he”ll kill Kissu then she”ll marry him, change her religion according to his religion and further she’ll make him the owner of his husband’s shop. Consequentially, Rehman gets convinced and gets caught in Premkunwar’s plan and gets ready to do the heinous crime of killing his master. The day came for the implementation of the plan.It was night time, Rehman tactfully makes Kissu drunk and when he gets unconscious, both of them

secretly puts him on the bed and strangulates him finally causing his death. The lady was oversmart. She made Rehman disappear from the scene and herself called police pretending that a robbery took place at their home. After all the investigations and on police interrogation, Premkunwar tells about her servant. Then, the police catches Rehman. Gradually, he tried to hide the truth but being unable to withstand police torture, he unfolds the truth and cries bitterly. Now, the police interrogated Premkunwar. But, she was a very smart lady. Using her good looks, young age and intelligence, she satisfied officers with money and her beauty. As a result, she was saved from further proceedings and instead Rehman was caught in the clutches of law. Rehman was

imprisoned. Premkunwar went to the jail everyday to meet him. But, basically she was involved with someone else. Further, she took the boy with her when he used to go to meet Rehman and pretended in front of Rehman that the boy was his cousin. But, in reality he was his lover. Infact , there was a great mystery. Premkunwar knew the boy beforehand. But, the boy was coward and he didn’t had the guts to kill Kissu. So, they both planned to involve Rehman to kill Kissu and after his killing both of them will marry each other and own the shop and Rehman will be put behind the bars. Finally, when Rehman was given life imprisonment, their plan got successful. But, still Premkunwar went to jail to meet him everyday. Rehman was very hopeful that his beloved will help him to get out of the jail and once he’s freed, he”ll marry his lady


But, all negative happened. He was sent to jail instead of getting free. Premkunwar went to meet him everybody but it was not love but her own personal interest. The reason was that the day murder took place Premkunwar gave cash of ten thousand and more along with jewellery to Rehman so that police could believe their story of dacoity. So, she came to know about her hidden assets. Finally, Rehman tells her about the person whom he had given the things. Unfortunately, after that day she never turned up. She pretended to Rehman that she”ll file an appeal for him, which never happened in reality. Instead, he slowly comes to know about the truth that he’s been cheated by Premkunwar as she wanted to see him behind the bars. And, her meetings with

him was all pretence. Gradually, he comes to know that she’s enjoying with that boy whom she addressed her as her cousin. Rehman was in a state of despair. Things were not fine with Premkunwar also. It was later learnt that for many days she enjoyed with the boy but after sometime she got suspicious about boy’s activities. And, it was found that the boy was involved with some other girl and they both were waiting for the completion of girl’s graduation. After her studies were completed she got a job and that boy and girl had civil marriage. Then, Premkunwar came to know about his real self. And, after that she was left alone with no income as her husbands shop was now closed. Hence, it was a sad ending for her too. But,she had disowned him and never went to meet him. Finally, story ends on a sad note.


T he Indo-Canadian

MATRIMONIALS Ramgarhia parents seek a suitable match for their handsome son, Ph.D. in Computer Science, working at UofC in Canada as a Scientist, recently migrated to Canada as a PR on point-based system, 5’10’’ tall, 35 years old and never married. Girl should be professionally qualified (Engineering/science background). Kindly send the latest photograph & bio-data via Email: or Phone: 716-575-7172

Suitable match for jatt sikh Clean Shave 1983/ 5‘-11“ .BA(hons) LLB. Non Drinker,Non Smoker. Looking For Canadian Citizen or Canadian immigrant girl with good family values.boy is in canada on visitor visa. Family well settled in canada. EMAIL Jat Sikh family seeks alliance for their 30 yrs. old, 5'-8" tall, qualified lawyer son. The girl must be beautiful and professionally qualified and willing to relocate to Toronto. Please send the latest picture and biodata. The family is well settled in Canada. Ph: 905-428-1631 or email: Jat Sikh parents seek a suitable match for their daughter, born and raised in California, 5'-3", 28 yrs. old, university graduate with Masters degree, currently employed as a teacher. The boy should be well educated from a Jat Sikh family, clean shaven & professionally employed. Please send biodata and pciture to: Jat Sikh parents seek a suitable match for their beautiful, educated daughter, 44 yrs. old, 5'-4" tall, residing in Canada with high family values. The prospect should be Canadian immigrant or citizen, between 40-48 yrs., non drinker, non smoker, professional or businessman. Preference will be given to Doaba. Serious inquiries only. Please contact: 778-238-6690 Jat Sikh parents in Toronto seek a suitable match for their Canadian born daughter, 26 yrs. old, 5'-6", slim, fair complexion, M.Sc. and professionally employed. The boy must be from a Jat Sikh family, Canadian born, university educated and professionally employed. Send biodata and picture to email: canadian1009@ or call: 905901-3293 Punjabi Khatri family seeks a suitable match for their daughter, 38 yrs. old, 5'-2", slim, fair complexioned, never married, M.Sc., B.Ed., living in India. Boy should be Canadian / American citizen / Immigrant and well educated. Family is well settled in India and sister is well settled in USA. Please call: 647968-9219 or 1-585-334-4079 or email: devepannu Suitable match for handsome, Lobana Sikh Boy 27/5’-3", Canadian Citizen. Family well settled in Canada.Non Drinker, Non Smoker. Prefers Registered Nurse/Professional Qualification. Girl should be Fair, Slim, and Beautiful, with high family values. Respond profile with photograph. Phone (India) – 94171-11055 Phone (Canada) – 001-780-462-1809 E-Mail: Simple and humble Ramgharia Sikh family seek a suitable match for their handsome son, non drinker, devoted to God, 27 yrs. old, 5'8", clean shaven, slim, family oriented, Canadian citizen, raised in India, Bachelors in Mech. Engg., employed in his own field, settled in Toronto. Girl and family should be a simple, humble person, very well cultured, educated in a professional field, family oriented, homely with traditional values. Kindly send latest photograph and biodata to: Sikh Arora family is looking for their 32 yrs. old handsome turbaned son, 5'-9", non drinker, innocently divorced (2 weeks short marriage), working in a telecom, Canadian citizen. Caste no bar. Please contact: 604581-0488 or email: Jat Sikh parents seeking a suitable match for their UK born Canadian citizen son. 29 yrs. old, 5'-7" tall, college educated and professionally employed. Clean shaven, non drinker, non smoker with strong family values. Girl should have similar qualities and education. Please call: 519-6242281 or send biodata with recent photo to email:

26 Ma y, 2010 May


INTENT IS THE KEY Has there been a change in attitudes towards fitness in Indian cricket over the last six years that you have been here? There’s been a great change. For one, the infrastructure in India has developed phenomenally, particularly the stadiums in the country. All of them now have swimming pools and gymnasiums and beautiful outfields that are as good as any in the world, helping physios and trainers to perform their roles far more effectively. The NCA is as good a facility as any in the country. Having said that, the question remains about how it is being utilised. That comes down to the individuals. Is there a link between the hectic nature of the IPL and does it affect a team ahead of a big tournament such as the world T20? I do not think the IPL is naturally fatiguing, it is mentally demanding of course, but as a physio, I know when a bloke needs rest so you take foot off him during the tournament. During the

A lot of the backlash over India’s early exit from World Twenty20 has revolved around the fitness of the players and IPL-related fatigue. John Gloster, former Team India physio, who is now with Rajasthan Royals, talks to Deepak Narayanan about the challenges the T20 tournament is posing. Excerpts: IPL, players are sleeping on soft beds with soft pillows or on flights, so there are a lot of small factors. My job is to make sure every player, at the end of the tournament, is as fit, if not fitter, than at the start. If he’s injured or fatigued, that’s our problem, it’s bad management on our part. And there is increased responsibility on the players as well.How much communication is there between the franchises and the national team? They are given updates. Fortunately, I have a good relationship with Gary (Kirsten) and Nitin (Patel). You generally have an idea of which players are going to play the World Cup so you keep an eye on them and information is given to the governing body about those players. At the end of the day, you want to be playing before a tournament and not sitting around doing nothing.

With the amount of cricket being played, is it possible for players to stay fit all year round? As I said, you can have the best facilities in

the world — which I believe India now have — (but) it comes down to how they’re being utilised and whether you want to utilise them. I believe the

Will IPL 4 be pruned? BCCI exploring ways to bring down the number of matches from 94, proposed for next year How much is too much for Indian players, BCCI and IPL? It is difficult to quantify but consensus seems to be emerging among the mandarins of the Board of Control for Cricket in India that the number of ma-tches being planned for IPL 4 is one too many for Indian players. May be for the Indian public as well. It is reliably learnt that the BCCI is revisiting the existing home-and-away double league format whi-ch adds up to 94 matches from next season. The cu-rrent aggregate of 60 ma-tches has attracted a lot of criticism as it perceivably, conceivably and tangibly has taken its toll on players. From next year, the IPL will have two more th-an the current eight teams. “We’re in discussion on this matter,” said a top BCCI official. “We will ke-ep discussing. We have not zeroed in on any particular number or format,” he said. A decision is expected some time ne-xt month when the governing council of the IPL meets. The International Management Group (IMG), which has conceptualised the IPL, is understood to have been

told by the BCCI to apply its mind on the number and duration of the league but the official refused to say if the matter was discussed during their meeting with IMG on May 17. The thinking behind the move is that 94 matches could lead not just to immense player fatigue but viewer fatigue too. The original plan was to limit the number of mat-ches for the contracted Indian players but the BCCI officials seem to have a cha-nge of mind after successive IPLs have affected Indian team’s performance at the World T20. One of the options being explored is to divide 10 teams into two groups and have a league on the lines of the NBA format and still give a chance for each of a group to play every team in the other group. The biggest point the Board needs to take into account is the revenue mo-del for each franchise. Cur-rently, each team is allowed seven home matches and seven away games. From next year, each team is scheduled to have nine home and as many away matches. The Board will also have to obtain cons-ent from the


franchises. Besides, the BCCI will ha-ve to take on board the br-o-adcaster’s concerns. A franchise official admitted th-at discussions are on. “We had told them that it will be difficult to accommodate 94 matches without

increasing the number of days as three mat-ches a day is not feasible. Who will watch a match at noon in the April sun?” he asked. It is not yet sure if the IPL will ha-ve a different format next year but in the absence of Lalit Modi, some things are expected to be different.

cricket board has done a fantastic job in providing the facilities and now it’s up to the individual to make use of that. It’s difficult with the playing schedules for the guys to have free time or relaxation time, but at the end of the day, you’re playing professional sport and everybody’s accountable. As a physio for an IPL team, isn’t your role restricted to keeping a player fit for 45 days, to patch him up so he can give you another game? Not at all, because it’s my reputation on the line, one that I have built over many years. I can’t afford to have a cricketer go to the national team and say, ‘I’ve been overworked’ or ‘they just patched my shoulder up when I wasn’t fit’. As I said, it’s my responsibility to make sure players are fit when they finish the IPL. What about mental fatigue? That’s far greater factor, especially for young cricketers. Physically, they can rebound quickly, but I believe the things that wear them down are the constant pressure, staying away from family for mo-nths at a stretch. Was it hard dealing with Indian eating habits, the kind of food we eat? I think you just have to make up for it. There’s a huge variety in diet in India, so it’s easy to not choose the oily stuff. The players have to be more aware. We know (Yusuf

and Irfan) Pathans’ mum makes the best biryani in the world and it’s something we’d never miss when we were playing in Baroda. But if your mum is making the best biryani in the world every day, then you need to know when to say no. The spotlight has been especially harsh on Yuvraj Singh and Rohit Sharma… Look, there are some individuals who have different body shapes. For me, if I see the intention to train is there, that’s good enough. However, if they’ve got some time off, and there’s a tour coming up and they turn up unfit, then maybe you do have an issue. I’m not talking about anyone in particular here, but for me the intent is more important than the end result. How receptive are players in general to advice? A lot of younger guys coming through, their level of enthusiasm is immense. The level of awareness is limited, but they’re very keen to learn new things. When you talk about cricketers playing for the national team, the older you get the more you should be training, the more enthusiastic you should be, the harder you have to work. Alec Stewart always said that each year he got older, his season started one week earlier. Two of the hardest workers in the Indian team during my time were Anil Kumble and Rahul Dravid. They knew that they didn’t want to be made to look foolish by the young kids.


T he Indo-Canadian

26 Ma y, 2010 May


Air crash history: 9 out of 11

Among the eleven air crash tragedies in the last four decades, not one but nine have involved government airlines Nine out of 11 major air crashes have the government-led Air India, Indian airlines, Alliance air and the Air India express's names on them. Here's a quick break-up of the crashes till date: July 1962: Alitalia Flight

771 from Sydney crashed into a hill about 84 km northeast of Mumbai, killing all 94 people on board. January 1978: Air India Flight 855 bound for Dubai crashed about 3 km off the coast of Bandra in Mumbai, killing all 213 people on board. June 1982: Air India Flight 403 from Kuala Lumpur and

HOROSCOPE ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20) If you have tripped yourself up because you thought you had all the right answers, then at least you now know you don’t. Which is a step forward. So you can set about planning more effectively from now on. If life feels a minor struggle just remember that your perseverance will pay off. You’ll be looking for deeper answers. TAURUS (Apr 21-May 20) If you can keep one scheme within bounds, put a few limits on your plans and your hopes then you could do well. But if you fly too high you have further to fall. You’ll find yourself more sensitive to the needs of others at this time, so will be able to help. Just remember to stand firm for your rights. At work you want to be with a team. GEMINI (May 21 - Jun 21) Watch how you go, because you could find that you overdo spending, that you just go off in 75 directions at once and do things that are not entirely sensible. If you can focus just on one or two things, then everything should begin to develop rather well. Luckily you are gaining more practical qualities at the moment. CANCER (Jun 22 - Jul 23) There are fortunate influences around but you have to push yourself to get into a hard working mood. A little effort will turn your luck into something more tangible. Maybe a tiny bit of you at the moment wants to be in love with life. In some ways you feel like a child at heart - spontaneous, colourful and unselfconscious. LEO (Jul 24 - Aug 23) If you avoid foolish optimism, and double-check everything, then you should surge ahead now. Try not to go on a wing and a prayer. Talking to your nearest and dearest will help you sort out any family muddles or tensions which have been swept under the carpet recently because there was no time to address them. VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sep 23) Jupiter around strongly always helps you look ahead and see rosy glows on the horizon. But this can be a little bit of a problem if you’re going to assume that everything is going to work wonderfully well just by luck, without you putting any energy or effort in. You’re being drawn more than usual to the good life. LIBRA (Sep 24 - Oct 22) Jupiter around strongly always helps you look ahead and see rosy glows on the horizon. But this can be a little bit of a problem if you’re going to assume that everything is going to work wonderfully well just by luck, without you putting any energy or effort in. You’re being drawn more than usual to the good life.

SCORPIO (Oct 23 - Nov 22) Your ideals will be strong and your sense of vision pointing you in a direction that feels as if it has real potential. This is a very good time for anything to do with team situations, group situations. You will adore being around easy going friends. Where others are concerned what they get with you is what they see. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23 - Dec 22) If you’re normally a little bit under-confident, lacking in self-esteem, Jupiter around now will do wonders for you. It boosts you up. But if you’re normally a bit over the top, this will send you sailing off into the stratosphere. Try to avoid the temptation to think you’re absolutely right about everything. CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20) You need to keep your feet a little bit more on the ground, find a little self discipline. Otherwise you’ll promise more than you can deliver. Or you can rush in where angels fear to tread and overextend yourself, taking on far too many commitments. At the moment for you there is safety and security in numbers. AQUARIUS (Jan 21 - Feb 19) It’s not a day when you will expect to find too many difficulties with other people or with yourself, except for one or two downsides which are spending too much money or being too lazy or thinking you’re right about absolutely everything. You are gaining success at work now, though you think you are not doing well. PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20) If you go looking for silver linings, you can usually find them. You’ve decided to take your own fortune in your hands. You don’t want to rely on luck, more on your own sharp instincts. Your intuition will work well, so you’ll end up in the right place at the right moment, saying the right thing. You come across as honest and outgoing.

Chennai crashed at Sahar International Airport in Mumbai, killing two of 12 crew members and 15 of 99 passengers. June 1985: Air India Flight 182 from Montreal to Mumbai, via London and Delhi, was blown up over Irish air space, killing all 329 on board. October 1988: Indian Airlines Flight 113 from Mumbai crashed on its final approach to Ahmedabad airport, killing 130 people. February 1990: Indian Airlines Flight 605 from Mumbai crashed on its final approach to Bangalore airport, killing 92 people. The crash had 54 survivors. August 1991: Indian Airlines Flight 257 from Kolkata crashed into a hill, some 40 km southwest of Imphal, killing all 69 occupants. April 1993: Indian Airlines Flight 491 on its connecting route from Delhi to Mumbai, with stops at Jaipur and Udaipur, collided with a truck during take off from Aurangabad, killing 63 people. Fifty-five people survived.

November 1996: Saudi Arabian Airlines Flight 763 and Kazakhstan Airlines Flight 1907 crashed mid-air at Charkhi Dadri village near Delhi, killing all 349 people on board on both flights. July 2000: Alliance Air flight CD 7412 crashed at Patna Airport killing 60 people. May 22, 2010: An Air India Boeing 737-800

crashed at Mangalore while landing killing 158 people on board while eight passengers survived. An air India spokesperson said, "This is an accident and one cannot blame any carrier responsible for it. We are in this service from last 75 years when the other carriers had not started their services. Whether the crash is a

result of pilot's fault or not will be clear after the investigation." DGCA chief Naseem Zaidi said, "We have constituted a team of inspectors investigating the case. I will not be able to comment until the final report is out." Expert speak Captain A Ranganathan (Retired), aviation expert: "DGCA should first improve the recruitment

pattern of pilots, most of the incidents that have happened in India were a result of poor training among pilots. Till that improves nothing will be on track." `Former DGCA chief Kanu Goyan: "During recruitment, DGCA monitors English proficiency so that language problems do not crop up. Figure triger

349, the number of passengers who died aboard a Saudi Airlines flight from New Delhi to Saudi Arabia on December 12, 1996 973, the total number of fatalities aboard planes which have crashed in India in the past four decades 17, the recorded number of accidents by Indian airlines so far in the past four decades 307, the number of passengers who were killed, apart from 22 crew members when Air India Flight 1982 crashed off the southwest coast of Ireland on June 23, 1985. 55, the number of passengers who were killed when an Alliance Air flight from Calcutta to Patna. There were 58 people on board 1, in every four crashes across the globe occurs during landing, says analysus by commercial aircraft maker Boeing 24% of the total 364 plane accidents between 1998 and 2007 were caused by technical or human error while landing.

Sexual ads are a turn off for Asians Sexual content in ads can be quite a turn-off for Asian audiences, specially women, says a new study. Sukanlaya Sawang from Queensland University of Technology's (QUT) School of Management, specialising in crosscultural research, surveyed 78 people from three cultural backgrounds - male and female Caucasian Americans, Americanborn Asians, and Asian-

born people visiting the US - in the US. The findings indicated ads with sexual content would not "work" for women in Asia. "The Asian women's most-liked ads were the ones that depicted caring and pleasant emotions; their least-liked ads were those that had nudity and sexual content," Sawang said, according to a QUT release. "One particular ad, one in

a famous series for milk featuring celebrities with a milk stain on their top lips, drew particular dislike from the Asian women viewers. We asked them why and they said they did not like the milk on the model's lip or her posture. One participant said: 'It seems semen-like, isn't it?'. "Another stand-out least liked ad among the Asian women was one depicting a woman in soccer

clothing balancing a ball on her foot," Sawang said. "This may be due to the effect of female ideology in Asian cultures such as China, Japan and Thailand in which parents teach daughters about strict standards of femininity." Sawang, who collaborated with researchers from the University of Central Oklahoma, asked participants to sort 36

print ads for everything from toothpaste to cars into the ones they liked most and the ones they least liked. "We've all heard that sex sells but does it sell to everyone?" Sawang said, adding her study found sexually explicit advertising was preferred by Americans and Asian American males more than by Asian consumers. The ads were from American print media and

were divided into three groups: no sexual content; some sexual content; and sexual content with nudity.


T he Indo-Canadian

26 Ma y, 2010 May


British man swims icy Mt Everest lake A BRITISH envir onmental campaigner has become the first person to complete a long distance swim on Mount Everest. Lewis Gordon Pugh, 40, swam 1 km across a glacial lake on the slopes of the world’s highest mountain wearing only Speedos, goggles and a swimming hat. The adventurer, who uses his recordbreaking endurance, swims to raise awareness of climate change, hopes his latest feat will draw attention to the melting of Himalayan glaciers and the resulting dwindling water supplies in the region. His feat is the latest in a string of remarkable achievements at the 29,035ft summit in the past week, including that of 13-year-old American boy Jordan Romero who on Saturday became the youngest climber to reach the peak. And last week 22-year-old British student Bonita Norris became the youngest British woman to scale Everest. Dubbed the ‘human polar bear’ for his ability to survive extreme cold, Pugh plunged into Pumori Lake near the Khumbu Glacier, at an altitude of 5,300 metres, and completed the swim in 22 minutes and 51 seconds. Pugh, who swam in Antarctica and across the North Pole to draw attention to melting sea ice, not only had to contend with water temperatures of 2C for his latest challenge, he also battled altitude He said: “It’s one of the hardest swims I’ve across the North Pole I swam with speed and sickness. ever undertaken. When I swam in Antarctica and aggression but on Mount Everest you can’t use the

same tactics. Because of the altitude you need to swim very slowly and deliberately. “ Swimming 20 metres at full speed in the test swim, I felt I was going to drown. I was gasping for air and if I had swum any faster I would have gone under. I was deeply concerned that I wouldn’t make 1 km and I’m delighted that I’ve finally achieved it. “ I learned that I had to respect this unique terrain and swim as slowly as possible — I had to swim breast stroke so that I could breathe more efficiently. I had to find a delicate balance between going too fast, in which case I might drown due to hyperventilation, and going too slowly ( and risk dying of hypothermia).” Calling on governments around the world to make tackling climate change a priority, Pugh said he had been disappointed that the issue did not feature significantly in the general election. He said: “ I would urge leaders both in Britain and worldwide to put climate change at the very top of their agendas. I have seen glaciers in the Arctic, the Alps, Central Africa, Antarctica and the Himalayas — and it’s the same story everywhere. Most glaciers are melting away. “ The glaciers in the Himalayas are not just ice. They are a lifeline — they provide water to approximately two billion people.”

GOOGLE IN SEXISM ROW AFTER 'censoring cougar dating site ads' Google has landed itself in trouble by censoring advertisements for a so-called 'cougar' dating websites for women despite taking no action against ads of similar sites for men. The company labelled the ad for the website, called CougarLife, which promotes relationships between older women and younger men, as 'non family safe'. However it allows ads that publicise such liaisons between older men and younger women - from a

website called Both CougarLife and ArrangementSeeks are owned by the same company, Avid Life Media. Google officials then refused to allow the advertisements for the

Canadian-owned dating service, which introduced "women in their prime with younger men", to be sent to third party websites. A 'cougar' is a slang term used for such women in the US and is epitomised

by celebrities such as Demi Moore, whose husband, Ashton Kutcher, is 16 years her junior. According to The Telegraph, the company said the campaign, which cost 100,000 US dollars a month, generated referrals that accounted for almost two thirds of its traffic. Google's decision to censor the ad only landed it in more trouble as critics began accusing it of hypocrisy and sexism. Claudia Opdenkelder, who is the founder of the

Shooting for anti-racial film 'Crook' begins in Australia MELBOURNE: Mahesh Bhatt's film 'Crook: It's Good to be Bad' based on the racist attacks on Indian students in Australia has finally begun its shooting in the country. The film, to be directed by Mohit Suri, is about a self-absorbed young Indian man to be played by actor Emraan Hashmi. It charts the protagonist's journey from apathy to sensitivity about the way young students are treated abroad. Mahesh, who had earlier visited Down Under to explore on the project, has denied media reports of visa processing delays, saying that the speed of visa processing had no interference with the film.

According to Sydney-based film maker and producer Anupam Sharma, the film was the vital project that would reveal actual facts about Australia. "All the negative hype about Australia in India is just that - hype. It is now taking comical proportions as the facts are totally different. In the last nine months some of maximum number of projects and money has been spent in Australia by Indian films, which is has strengthened the relations between the two film industries more than before," said Sharma. Mukesh Bhatt, the producer of the film 'Crook' said there was a tremendous support from Australia for the

project. "Vishesh films has shot all around the world and we hope to start a long and mutually beneficial relationship with Australia with hopefully many more

projects in the country," he said. He denied reports that Australian authorities were delaying the crew visa process because of the sensitivity of the subject.

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CougarLife, and whose partner is 14 years her junior, accused the search giant of sexism. "It's just wrong all around," The Telegraph quoted her as telling The New York Times. "It's age and gender discrimination. It's just about older, successful, independent,

strong women who enjoy someone that's younger." She added to Canada's National Post, "It's a huge double standard and I think women should just be appalled. "We just want to be treated the same way as all the others, and the discrimination against the

word 'cougar' makes it even worse. "It makes us - cougar women - feel like dirty perverts." A Google spokeswoman denied all the accusations. She said the company had a list of words, which trigger a review of the site and the ads before a

decision is made but declined to say if the word 'cougar' was one of them. "It's not just about the ad, it's about the ad and the landing page of the site," she said. "Anything that's considered non-family safe will not run on the Google content network at this point."


T he Indo-Canadian

26 Ma y, 2010 May


'Only Shahid can love me'

Obsessed with Sasha, Iranian woman tore her passport just to stay in the country; writes poems and has imaginary love chats with the star True stories can, sometimes, make the filmiest Bollywood plot pale in comparison and Parvaneh Morteza Faghiri's is one such story. The 39-year-old from Iran, who flew down to the city for the second time on May 7 to meet her 'one true love' Shahid Kapoor, is now in a rescue home and the Sahar police are completing formalities to send her back to Iran today. How it began Parvaneh says she saw Shahid on television and fell in love with him instantly because she found him romantic. Though she was married to an Iranian man and had a 15-yearold daughter, Zaara, she felt her

husband did not love her and, thus, she decided to leave him. In February last year, she flew down to Mumbai to meet the actor and convince him to marry her. "She told us that during her last trip to the city, she had showed people Shahid's photographs and asked for his address. According to her, one of the high points of her last trip was seeing Shahid at the airport once. She kept shouting out his name and he smiled in return. When Shahid was leaving, she shouted out again and he gave her another smile," said an official from the rescue home in Kandivli where Parvaneh has been staying. Second trip Parvaneh landed at the Sahar airport on May 7 and immediately started telling people that she wanted to meet Shahid. The Sahar police then

took her to the police station, where she kept insisting that she be allowed to meet the actor. On being told that she would be sent back to Iran immediately, she tore up her passport. Other stalkers >> In 2007, model-turnedactress Jhanvi Kapoor slashed her wrist outside Prateeksha, the Bachchans' bungalow in Juhu, claiming she was unable to bear Abhishek Bachchan's marriage to Aishwarya Rai. >> Ursula Reichert-Habbishaw, a 51-year-old mother of four, stalked Hollywood actor Richard Gere. She contacted the actor by phone, fax and email nearly 1,000 times and showed up at his Greenwich Village office at least six times. The cops then sent her to Rescue Foundation in Kandivli on May 10, while they set out to procure a new passport for her. Rescue home drama "Since the first day, she has only been talking about meeting Shahid Kapoor. Every time the bell rang, she used to jump up and say that Shahid has come for her," said Mangala Sarode, superintendent, Rescue Foundation. "She wrote poems and letters for Shahid and even penned down imaginary conversations with him. When we told her that she is too old for him, she simply said, 'There is no age limit in love. Love can happen at any age.' "The girl hails from a poor family and has no one to look after her.

She said that she has no source of income and Shahid could provide her with financial support too," added Sarode. What next? Senior Inspector Dilip Patil of Sahar police station said, "We will send her back once the passport formalities are complete." Another police official, however, said that the passport and other formalities were almost complete and that she would be sent back to Iran today. Despite repeated attempts to contact him, Shahid was unavailable for comment. Shahid ka Parvaneh For truth is stranger than fiction Starring: >> Bollywood heart-throb Shahid Kapoor >> Sasha's besotted Iranian stalker Parvaneh Morteza Faghiri Plot ingredients: >> Older woman (Parvaneh) from exotic Iran loves younger man (Shahid), leaves her husband because he doesn't love her >> Parvaneh writes poetry for

Shahid, imagines romantic conversations with him and believes only he can give her true love >> She follows Shahid to India twice, shows people at the airport his photographs and asks for his address >> Indian police confine her to a rescue home and preparations begin to send her back >> She tears up her passport, says she won't go ¦ So, will the 39-year-old Parvaneh Morteza Faghiri board a flight to Iran today, or will she convince the authorities to let her stay for some more time and at least meet Shahid once? The climax of the movie will be played out today.

US scientists hack into India’s EVMs, expose flaws

NEW YORK : India’s electronic voting machines (EVMs) with chips made in Japan and the US were designed to stop fraud and accelerate the voting process, but computer scientists say these paperless machines are vulnerable to fraud. Professor J Alex Halderman of the University of Michigan and his computer science

students say they were able to hack into the EVMs to manipulate results. Halderman, who led the seven-month research project, with a security researcher from the Netherlands and Hyderabad’s NetIndia, said a home-made device allowed them to change results on an EVM by sending it wireless

messages from a mobile phone. “Almost every component of this system could be attacked to manipulate election results,” said Halderman. “This proves, once again, that the paperless class of voting systems has intrinsic security p r o b l e m s . It is hard to envision systems like this

being used responsibly in elections.” A video on the Internet by the researchers shows two kinds of attacks. One attack involves replacing a small part of the EVM with a look-alike component that can be silently instructed to steal a percentage of votes in favour of a candidate. The instructions can be sent from a mobile phone. “Our

lookalike display board intercepts the vote totals that the machine is trying to display and replaces them with dishonest totals — basically whatever the bad guy wants to show up at the end of the election,” Halderman told reporters. Another attack uses a p o c k e t - s i z e d microprocessor to change the votes stored in the

EVMs between the election and the public counting session, which in India can be weeks later. India uses roughly 1.4 million EVMs in 829,000 polling stations in a general election and they are of the direct recording electronic (DRE) variety. The EVMs record votes to the machine’s internal memory and provide no

paper records for any recount. The researchers said that with DRE machines too much “absolute trust” is placed in the hardware and software of the EVMs. Rop Gonggrijp, a security researcher from the Netherlands, who participated in the study, slammed the paperless electronic voting system. “The research shows the

longstanding scientific consensus holds true — DRE voting machines are fundamentally vulnerable. The machines have been abandoned in Ireland, the Netherlands, Germany, Florida and many other places. India should follow suit,” he said. The researchers have offered to share their findings with India’s Election Commission.


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26 Ma y, 2010 May

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26 Ma y, 2010 May

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T he Indo-Canadian

26 Ma y, 2010 May

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T he Indo-Canadian

26 Ma y, 2010 May

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- sqivMdr kOr swqI (kYlgrI) ijho ijhI asIN, dUijaF qoN ivvhfr dI afs krdy hF. Auho ijhf hI, horF nMU iewjLq mfx dyeIey. cfhy Auh imwTy ivcfr hn. cfhy koeI cIjL hY. afm hI asIN chMudy hF. myrI hI hr koeI iewjLq kry. dUjy bMdy dy ihwsy dI vI, mYnMU hI dunIaF dI hr cIjL, sLfno sLorq iml jfvy. keI qF dUijaF leI kjUsI hI krdy rihMdy hn. pqI pqnI dI hI gwl krdy hF. knyzf jF ikqy hor doNny kMm krdy hn. iPr qF Auh doNny hI, afpxI kmFeI mrjLI nfl ijQy jIa cfhy, KLwrcL skdy hn. keI pirvfrF ivwc pqI ny pqnI df, pqnI ny pqI df jIxf dUbr ikqf hoieaf hY. BfvyN Auh kMm krdy hI hn. afp qF jIvn sfQI, ikqy vI pYsf KLwrc kr lYx. pr afpxy jIvn sfQI nMU duafnI eyDr EDr nhIN KLwrcx idwqI jFdI. keIaF ny jIvn sfQI df jIxf dUbr kIqf hoieaf hY. jIvn sfQI pYsy pYsy nMU qwrsdf hY. irsLqydfrF mFipaF nMU imlx nhIN idwqf jFdf. jIvn sfQI dI afpdy irsLqydfrF mFipaF duafrF byiewjLqI kIqI jFdI hY . pqnIaF ies msIbq nM U ijLafdf sih rhIaF hn. pqnI dy irsLqydfr Bfvy sfl CmfhI afAuNdy hn. iPr vI AunHF nfl byvkUPI kIqI jFdI hY. pqnI cfhy pqI dy irsLqydfrF mFipaF nMU hr smyN sBFldI hY. jy ikqy do-cfr bwcy hn. iPr qF pqnI bfhr kMm qy nhIN jF skdI. ies hflq ivwc Aus df jIxf hor vI dUbr ho jFdf hY. bwicaF nMU sBflxf, Gr df hr kMm krnf, mihmfn vfjI krnI hMudI hY. ieMnHI KusLFmdI dy bafd vI Aus nMU jy afpxIaF mn cfhIaF cIjLF leI qwrsxf pvy. Auh iksy cIjL dy mMgx qoN vI zrdI hY. pqF hMudf hY, cIjL mMgx nfl, nF qF cIjL imlxI hY. lVfeI vfDU dI pYxI hY. kny z f qy ho r QfvF dIaF kuVIaF pqIaF nMU knyzf swddIaF hn. afpxf goq guaf lYdIaF hn. ikAuNik pqnI dI koeI hoNd nhIN hY. pqnI cfhy nF cfhy, pqI df goq afpnfAuxf pYdf hY. goq ilKxf ikAuN jrUrI hY. keI pirvfr ies gwl krky twut gey. awj dI aOrq afpxI pihcfx afp bwxf rhI hY. sLurU qoN hI aOrq df nfm gMum hI irhf hY. Plfxy dI bytI, BYx, DI, pqnI, mF, dfdI hY. pr awj dI aOrqF ajy vI afpxy mFipaF nMU Pon nhIN kr skdI. ikAuNik Aus df pqI nhIN chMudf.

qFhI pYsy nhIN idwqy jFdy. ikqy corI mFipaF nMU Pon nF kr lvy. iewk kuVI dy kol mdr zy vfly idn afpxI mF nMU Pon krn leI pYsy nhIN sn. Aus nMU mYN kolo 5 zflr idwqy. qF jf ky Aus ny afpxI mF nfl pwbilk Pon qoN gwl kIqI. kI ieh shI hY. awj dI aOrqF nMU cwplF, nIkrF iKRdx leI qwsxf pvy. jIAu aOr jIny dIjIey. iksI ky sfhs nF bMd kIjIey. sw m J nhIN afAu N d I aOrq mrd qoN mfr ikAuN KfdI hY? ieho ijhf kI ksUr kIqf hY? aOrqF nMU cfr idvfrI ivwc luko ky prdy ivwc rwiKaf jFdf hY. ieho ijhy mrdf nMU mYN afp dyiKaF hY. dUjIaF aOrqF nfl Kuwl ky mOjL krdy hoey.mrd bfhr qfkJfk krdf iPrdf hY. keI qF iewk qoN vwD ivafh krf ky sfrIaF aOrqF nMU ieko Gr ivwc rwKdy hn. knyzf ivwc pMjfbI vI ieh krobfr sLurU kr rhy hn. ikAuNik ijMnHIaF pwqnIaF hoxgIaF kmfeI qnKfh vwD ilafAuxgIaF. aOrq nMU hI mrd kwutdf hY. aOrqF bhuq vDIkI sih rhIaF hn. jy mrd mr kwut qoN nhIN hwtdf iknfrF kr lYxf jrUrI hY. kI srIr nMU duwK nhIN lwgdf? iewk idn kwut kwut ky ieh dunIaF df KLsm mfr dyvygf. bs bhuq ho igaf. mfr KfxI bMd kr dyvo. bfhr iksy nMU dwso. mwdd mMgo. jrUr shfieqf imlygI. kihMdy ny qwkVf cfr mfr jfvygf. mfVf do qF mfr skdf hY. jy brfbr mfrnf nhIN afAuNdf. roNxf ipwtxf qF afAuNdf hY. hwQ nhIN AuTFAux dI ihMmq, jbfn cwlf ky dohfeI qF pf skdIaF ho. koeI iPLrsLqF jrUr mwdd leI Dwmkygf. cfhy soPLI jF sLrfbI mrd iksy vI aOrq nMU AuNgLlI lfAuNdf hY. pihlF irsLqydfrF dosqf dI mwdd lvo. jy vfjL nhIN afieaf. iPr knMUn dI mwdd nfl nkyl iKwc dyvy. keIaF nMU vfr vfr knMUn qoN srvs krfAuxf pYdf hY. kwutIaF hoeIaF kuVIaF dy srIr qy pey insLfnF nMU, mYN afp dyiKaf hY. knyzf ivwc zFg qF lwBdI Gwt hY. jo vI mrd dy hwQ ivwc afieaF mfrdy hn. lohy dy kwpVy tMgx vfly hYgrF nfl, pYNt dI iblt cfbk hI hMudI hY. sfrI idhfVI ijhVIaF aOrqF aMdr jF bfhr kMm krdIaF hn. AunHF nfl jfnvrF vflf vqIrF kIqf jFdf hY, iksy bfhrly bMdy nfl gwl nhIN krn idwqI jFdI. aOrqF kwuJ vI mn

psMd df KF pihn KLrId nhIN skdIaF. aOrqF qy bwicaF nMU jo gOrimMt vwlo BwqF imldf hY. Aus nMU mrd afpxI mrjLI nfl KLwrcdy hn. iewk zflr vI qlI qy nhIN rwiKaf jFdf. aOrqF ikMnHF ku icr afpxI durdsLf sih skdIaF hn. ieho ijhI hflq vfilaF df afpxy afp qF suDFr nhIN afAux vflf. hwk hmysLf Kohy jFdy hn. jdo aOrq sohury Gr jFdI hY. mMjf zhuAux leI QF bxfAuxI pYdI hY. mMUh ivwc burkI afp nMU pfAuxI pYdI hY. afpxI rwiKaf vI afp nMU krnI pYdI hY. jdo koeI vI iksy iensfn nMU kwutdf, qMg krdf hY. iksy pfsy qoN Dwkf jF blYk myl krdf hY. quhfzy qoN vgYr iksy hor nMU qF pqF lwgygf. jdo afpxy duafrf dwisaf jfvygf. qwkVy ny qf mfVy nMU muz qoN hI Zfieaf hY. hux afpy dyKIey ikMnHF hor icr Zihky ZUhI luafAuxI hY. jy koeI blYk myl vI krdf hY. blYk myl hox dI koeI loV nhIN. gwl swhmxy afAux nfl vwD qo vw D kI ho jfvy g f? lo k F qy afpixaF nMU iksy glLqI df pwqF lwg jfvygf. koeI gwl nhIN, AuhI glLqIaF sfry hI krdy hn. iksy dIaF ZwkIaF rih jFdIaF hn. dUijaF dIaF ids pYNdIaF hn. AuhI jo lok afp krdy hn. su a fd afAu N d f hY . dU j f kry gunfa bx jFdf hY. koeI lwK dI, koeI kwK dI corI krdf hY. keI vfr kwK dI corI krn vflF PwiVaF jFdf hY. sfnMU 6vI ivwc khfxI sI. swcI Aus bMdy ny DrqI qoN kwK, zwkf hI cwikaf sI. lokF duafrf puwC igC ies qrHF kIqI geI. ijvy koeI kImqI cIjL corI kr leI hovy. afpxIaF qy dUijaF dIaF gwlF lok bhuq CyqI Buwl jFdy hn. pr ies sQIqI ivwc jy koeI mnsk, srIrk kst sihMdf hY. Auh hoieaF duKFq duwK ikvyN pUrF hovygf. iksy nMU kI hwk hY. dUjy iensfn Auqy qMsLdwd krn df. ikAuN nhIN dUijaF nMU vI ajLfdI nfl jIx idMdy. jIvn sfQI kI hAUaF hY. ikAuN mr-mr ky jIxf hY. afpxy afp nMU hlUxf deIey. pqI vFg asIN aOrqF vI aYsL krIey. sfry kMm awDo awD krIey. bwicaf nMU sBFlx dI juMmyvfrI pqI dy nfm krIey. zr zr ky vwKq kwZIey. jfg jfvo. awiqafcfr sihxy bMd kro. iksy bfhr dy ny nhIN bwcfAuxf, quhfnMU afp bwcf krnf pvygf. zwt jfeIey. aOkVF nMU BwjfeIey.


T he Indo-Canadian

26 Ma y, 2010 May

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T he Indo-Canadian

26 Ma y, 2010 May


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T he Indo-Canadian

26 Ma y, 2010 May


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dosqI ky nFm py, bcn dIjIyey. dosq myrf kihnF, mfn lIjIey. dosqI hm sy, Aumr Br kIjIey. dosqI kf hfQ, ab afgy kIjIey. dosqI py, smfeIl dy hI dIjIey. hmy afpnf dosq, mfn hI lIjIey.

dosq dy gly, imlx nMU idl krdf. dosq qF sdf, TwgI lfAux nMU iPrdf. dosq myrf Byq lY ky, sfzy hI idl df. dosq hI jf ky, sfzy dusLmxf nMU dwsdf. dosqf dosq dy nfl, dgf nhIN krIdf. dosqf vy dusLmx dy, nfl nhIN imlIN df.

dosqI dosqI dosqI dosqI dosqI dosqI dosqI hY. dosqI hY.

dosqf qMU BfvNy myrf hux dusLmx bwxjf. dosqF vy qMU sfzf, pwkf dosq bxjf. dosqF vy qMU awj, sfzy muhry bYTjF. qyrI hr gwl hY, myrf mn svIkfrdf. dosqf sB qoN ipafrf, qMU hY sfnMU lgdf. dosq qy awKF bMd kr, jkIn krIdf. dosq qNo AuhlF nhIN hMudf, iksy gwl df. Bfvy sqI df idl kwZky, qlI qy rwKlf. afpxI dosqI pwkI, koeI nIN qoV skdf. qMU krlI jkIn, sqivMdr dI gwl df.

mjLf, BI dyqI hY. ipafr, dyqI hY. hI, dgf dyqI hY. jfn, BI dyqI hY. dosqo kI, jfn BI ly lyqI hY. dosqo py, kurbfn BI hoqI hY. dusLmn ko, hr rfj bqf dyqI ijMdgI kf, hr boJ AuTF lyqI

dosq nMU myrf idl, inwq hY Bfldf. dosqI df koeI vI, nhIN muwl lwBdf. dosq nMU jIa myrf, dyKx nMU krdf. dosq kol jfx nMU, rwsy hY qVfAudf. dosq sMg smyN df pwqF nhIN lwgdf. smF rok lYx nMU, jIa myrf krdf. dosq qF mn nMU, bhuq cMgHF lwgdf. dosq hI jfn qoN, iparf mYnMU lwgdf. dosq dIaF gwlF, suxwn nMU mn krdf.

dosq qMU BfvyN, sfzy Byq lokF nMU dsI jF. sfzy sfry dy pVdy, horF kol PolI jF. dosqf horF dI, hF ivwc hfmI BrI jF. dosqf myrf qyry ibMnHF, koeI hor nF. Bfvy sfnMU qMU, bdnfm inwq krI jF. asIN qF zorI, Aus qy rwb qy iswtI aF. swdI awDI rfqoN, dosq qMU asIN hfjLr af. dosqf asIN swcIN,qYnMU afpxI jfn dyxI aF.

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‘‘iemIgrysLn aqy vIjLf knsltYNt kMpnIaF bnfm luwt dIaF hwtIaF’’ sfihqkfrF aqy pwqrkfrF dy vIjLy lwg rhy sn qy keIaF nUM korf jvfb vI iml irhf sI. pr myry kol afpxy hrijMdrpfl isMG vflIaf dy nfm vfly swdf pwqr nUM AuzIkx qoN ibnF koeI cfrf nhIN sI. so mYN AuzIk kr irhf sF aqy jF iPr ies duibDf ivc jI irhf sF ik mYN afpxy hwQly lYtr ijs ’qy isrP zf[ hrijMdr vflIaf iliKaf hoieaf sI, nfl hI vIjLf aYplfeI kr dyvF. dosqF vwloN keI qrHF dIaF slfhF iml rhIaF sn. ieh koeI vwzI gwl nhIN iewk aYPIzyvt dy dyvo ik donoN nfm iewko hI bMdy dy hn jF iPr ieh kih dyvo ik hrijMdr vflIaf myrf sfihqk nfm hY aqy pfspo r t ’qy mY N pU r f nF ilKvfieaf sI. ies qrHF dIaF bhuq sfrIaF axmMgIaF slfhF afpxy afp hI iml rhIaF sn. iewk imwqr ny ikhf ik iksy iemIgRysLn eyjYNt nfl slfh kro. mYnUM ieh slfh cMgI lwgI aqy mYN iewk vwzy aflIsLfn dPLqr dy ivc shfmxy bY T I KU L b sU r q mu i tafr nU M ‘vw z y slfhkfr nUM imlx leI bynqI kIqI’. Aus ny rtI rtfeI aMgryjLI df roab pfAuNdy hoey ikhf ik AunHF kol aijhy kMmF leI vkq nhIN ieh kMm qF sfzy krn df hY qusIN ds hjLfr rupey rwKo aqy quhfzI PLfiel bxf idwqI jfvygI. lwgBg iesy qrHF df jvfb cMzIgVH dy iewk hor vIjLf slfhkfr vwloN vI imilaf. pr AunHF idnF ivc myry byty rmnirsLI isMG dy iewk lwK zflr dy sLkflrisLp ijwqx qoN bfad vIjLf aYplfeI krn vyly vwzIaF vwzIaF iemIgRysLn dIaF dukfnF bfry myry Brm BulyKy cMgI qrHF dUr ho gey. gwl ies qrHF vfprI sI ik iewk klfs aYkt kYnyzf nfm df ivsLvpwDr mukfblf vYnkUvr dy 100

sfl qoN vwD purfxy kimAUintI kflj koeI gwl krnI hY qF myry dPLqr afE, ‘sprot sLfa’ vwloN krvfieaf igaf. 25 hjLfr rupey sfzI PfeIl bxfAux dunIaF Br dy ividafrQIaF ivcoN dI PLIs hY. iesy qrHF sUrIaf kMplYks cfhvfn ividafrQI afpxy-afpxy pitaflf ivKy iewk hor slfhkfr ny supinaF nUM vIzIE ivc Auqfr ky kYnyzf ivKy afpxI brFc dI muKI nfl ieMtrnYWt rfhIN ivsLv Br dy lokF dy myrI gwl krvfeI. Aus bIbI ny qF snmuwK hoey. ieh mukfbflf lwgBg kmfl hI kr idwqI kihx lwgI ‘‘ieh sB PLrfz huMdf hY koeI sLkflrisLp cfr mhIny cwilaf sI. kflj vwloN pihly 10 nhIN. mYN iewQy 10 virHaF qoN kMm rhI jyqUaF nUM iewk-iewk lwK zflr df hF jy stwzI vIjLf lYxf hY jF pI[afr[ vjLIPf pRdfn kIqf igaf sI. myry byty lYxI hY qF sfzI kMpnI QrU hI jfxf rmnirsLI isMG vflIaf ny ieh vjLIPf pAU.’’ Aus ny vI afpxI PLIs ieMnI hI dunIaF Br dy ivcoN swqvyN nMbr ’qy dwsI. ies qrHF iewk, do, iqMn, cfr rih ky ijwiqaf sI. kflj vwloN Aus df sfrf Krcf AuTfAux vflf aqy blik pMj vwzIaF iesLiqhfr dyx dfKLlf pwqr phuMc gey sn. duibDf vflIaF kMpnIaF dy jvfb sfnUM imly ieh af bxI ky ieMgilsL df tYWst pr mYnUM sB hyrf-PyrI dIaF dukfnF afeIlYts pfs kIqf jfvy jF iswDy qOr hI lw g IaF. ijhVIaF Bo l y - Bfly ’qy aYplfeI kIqf jf skdf hY. mYN pMjfbIaF dI rwj ky luwt kr rhIaF bhuq lokF nUM ies bfry puwiCaf bVf golmol jvfb imldf sI. ‘‘loV qF ‘≈Ù∆¬∂ Á∂ ¡≈-Í≈ koeI nhIN pr jy kr lvy qF cMgI ‚≈. ‘«‹øÁ Í≈Ò «√øÿ Ú≈Ò∆¡≈ gwl hY’’ ieho jvfb mYnUM kYnyzf qoN afey myry cMgy cMgy vkIl imwqrF aqy iewk-do kYnyzf dI pfrlImYNt dy mYNbrF koloN vI imilaf. mYnUM lwgf sB quwky mfrdy hn iksy nUM kwK nhIN pqf. ies qrHF dy hflfq dy ivc tfiem tI[vI[ dy stUzIE ivc stwzI vIjLy bfry slfh dyx dy lfiev pRogrfm ivc afey iewk msLhUr vIjLf knsltYNt kMpnI dy mflk nfl myrI gwlbfq hoeI. Ausdf kihxf sI ik sLkflrisLp df vIjLy nfl koeI ilMk nhIN qusIN Gwto-Gwt 18- 20 lwK rupey sLoa kro aqy ies Mob. +91-98 723-14380 kMm leI Gwto-Gwt do ZfeI mhIny lwgxgy. afeIlYts dI koeI jLrUrq nhIN, aMgryjLI df tYst pfs Auh AuQy hn. hF, iewk jOhl trYvljL pitaflf jf ky vI kr skdf hY. Aus ny ikhf dy jOhl sfihb dI phuMc shI jfpI. ik ies kys ivc vIjLf imlx dy cfns Aus df kihxf sI ik ‘pRoPYLsr sfihb, bhuq Gwt hn. ies qoN ielfvf jykr qusIN ienHF cwkrF ivc nf pE, nYWt qy

bYT ky vyKo, jo loVINdy zfkUmYNt ny nfl lgfE aqy vIjLf aYplfeI kr idE.’’ KYLr mYN AuvyN hI krn df PYLslf kIqf. byty nUM ikhf ik qUM afeIlYWts dI qfrIK lY ky pypr dy, Aus ny AuvyN hI kIqf aqy 15 idnF dy aMdr-aMdr 6[5 bYNz lY ky tYst pfs kr ilaf. iPr nYWt qoN PLfrm zfAUnloz kr ky cYWk ilst muqfibk loVINdy dsqfvyjL nfl lgf ky vIjLf aYplfeI kr idwqf igaf. hPLqy bfad mYzIkl mMigaf igaf aqy agly hPLqy cfr sfl df stwzI vIjLf lwg ky pfsport Gr af igaf. ies sfrI kfrvfeI qoN bfad mYN byiJjk ho ky ieh kih skdf hF ik jlMDr, cMzIgVH, mohflI aqy pMjfb dy hor vwKvwK sLihrF dy ivc KuwlHIaF vIjLf lvfAux vflIaF dukfnF ivcoN bhuqIaF sfrIaF dukfnF isrP pMjfbIaF dI ivdysLF nUM jfx kI kMmjoLrI df PLfiedf AuTf ky sLryafm DoKf-DVI aqy luwtKsuwt kr rhIaF hn. AunHF df kMm gLlq bYNk dy srtIiPkyt bxfAuxf, jLmIn jLfiedfd dy kfgjL pwqr iqafr krvfAuxf aqy hor jLfiejL-nfjfiejL qrIky smJf ky lokF qoN pYsf btornf hY. mYnUM ies gwl df QoVHf bhuqf pqf afpxy nfm nUM lY ky leIaF slfhF qoN lwg igaf sI. pr myrI Dfrnf bfad ivc pUrI qrHF pwkI ho geI sI. KYLr, mYN ienHF dIaF slfhF nUM nF mMndy hoey dUjy swdf pwqr dI AuzIk jfrI rwKI. nqIjy vjoN sbr df Pl imwTf hI imilaf. vkq rihMdy hI mYnUM hrijMdrpfl isMG vflIaf dy nfm vflf swdf pwqr imilaf. mYN XUnIvristI qoN ‘koeI ieqrfjL nhIN’, afmdn df srtIiPkyt, CuwtI df srtIiPkyt aqy hor loVINdy dsqfvyjL lY ky cMzIgVH dy awT sYktr vfly vI[aYP[aYs[ dy dPLqr ivc jmHF krvf idwqy aqy mn hI mn ivc kYnyzf jfx

dI iqafrI krn lwgf. hfly iqMn hI idn bIqy sn ik pMjfbI df aflock aqy myry sLihr aihmdgVH dy lfgly ipMz jMzflI df rihx vflf myrf imwqr zf[ surjIq isMG BwtI afieaf aqy kihx lwgf ik myrf vIjLf vI aYplfeI krvfAu. mYN AunHF nfl cMzIgVH dy awT sYktr vfly vI[aYP[aYs[ dy dPLqr phuMicaf qF vyiKaf ik iewk hirafxy df sfihqkfr dosq afpxIaF 10-12 ikqfbF sikAUrtI vfly nUM sMBfl irhf sI puwCx qy Aus ny dwisaf ik Aus df vIjLf rIjYkt ho igaf. Auh afpxy sfihqkfr hox dy sbUq vjoN ieh ikqfbF nfl lY ky mu V ‘py s L I ’ ’qy afieaf sI. mY n U M sfihqkfrF dI ho rhI ies qrHF dI jLlIlqf ny Audfs kr idqf. mYnUM lwgf ik ivdysLI srkfrF nUM ies gwl dI smJ hoxI jLrUrI hY ik iewk sfihqkfr AunHF dI DrqI ’qy kuJ idn leI dosqF imwqrF nUM imlx aqy kfnPLrMs ivc afpxy ivcfr pysL krn hI qF jf irhf hY AusnUM ikAuN jLlIl kIqf jfvy. pr pIny vflf eyk ho Xf do, muPLq mXKLfnf bdnfm hoqf hY. muqfibk ivdysLI srkfrF sB nUM iewko rwsy bMnH rhIaF hn. Auh ieh smJdy hn ik jo vI pMjfbI AunHF dy dysL vwl jFdf hY Auh AuQy vwsx leI hI jFdf hY. pr ieh swc nhIN hY ieh gwl vIjLy dyx vfilaF nUM kOx smJfvy . KY L r , mY N aqy zf[ Bw t I vI[aYP[aYs[ dy dPqr vI dfKl huMdy hF Auh afpxI PfeIl jmHF krvfAuNdy hn aqy mYN afpxy pfsport bfry puwCdf hF. kfAUNtr dy dUjy pfsy bYTf ivakqI myry hwQ ivc pfsport PVf idMdf hY. mYN KolH ky vyKdf hF ik myry pfsport ’qy vIjLf sMbMDI mohr lwgI hoeI hY. (bfkI agly aMk ivc)

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T he Indo-Canadian

26 Ma y, 2010 May


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T he Indo-Canadian

26 Ma y, 2010 May

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