Thirty Days
Thirty ideas & Thirty evaluations
Thirty photos
Three Twenty-four hours
“Thirty Days” A Spiral Bound Document designed by Mei Davidson Typefaces “Journal” by Hans Gerhard Meier “Rebel Heart” by Pedro Kisuco
I am really impressed by the breadth of areas of design that this studio cover. I feel that all the work they produce has the same core “voice�; Which shouts simplicity but with an edge. I like that they promote the fact that all the partners are specialised in an area of design but they collaborate for the clients. I think this is important for a designer to be able to do and is also a successful way of working as you can talk and bounce ideas off one another to look at a project from a different perspective.
“I shall make a chicken pesto pasta bake for my dinner tonight.�
“ I wonder if a magnet could remove staples for you, instead of this silly little claw thing.�
The design style of this company is alse very sinple, however, I feel they lean towards a more commercial look than edgy, when comparing it to Pentagram. I don’t like how dark their website is and it isn’t as intuitive to find examples of their work. However, I feel it that their design appeals towards large corporations so a structured message and information using words and images is stronger than a montage of images.
I get the impression that this studio is places a lot of importance on the idea. Also, that the designer enjoys the social interaction and influences on the work. I think it is important to be aware of the social, political and economical influences when you start a project. however, I enjoy having a purpose for my work, that is a soloution to a problem as opposed to some of the more conceptual projects. I do realy like the “Take a break...Out to lunch...Back to work� project as I admire the simplicity of the design that encourages interaction from the public.
“I want to dye my hair darker, more seasonal, maybe a dark red or purple.�
“I should wrap all my Secret Santa presents in the same wrapping paper so Jess knows they are all for her.�
This design studio have a similar ethos to Pentagram as they like to experimet and collaborate. I feel that their work seems lighter and more feminine than what is produced by the larger studio (Pentagram). Potentially because the studio is smaller their style of work appears more coherent. I really like the work that they have done for the Hepworth Wakefield Exhbition. I think the clever use and lack of colour really shows that they have thought fully about each element of the exhibit. This is something I would like to be part of one day.
This design studio appear to put a lot of effort into the relationships they have with their clients. They seem very ecperimental and have called themselves, “original and unconventinal�. This is cetainly true for the image I have chosen to use to represent their web page. This prject was interesting to me as the design studio took the role as an art director for another designer, in this case a textiles desgner. This collaboration to create a beautiful film is really inspiring.
“I think food dye would work to colour the Mod Podge so I can stain the glass ramakins for Secret Santa.�
“I want to have mulled wine at Secret Santa tonight. Maybe Ellie would share with me?
Studio Frith appear to be a very well renowned design company. I feel like the simplicity of their website reflects this as samples of their work is very minimal as well as the access is not very clear initially. In turn, I feel that this reflects their style of work; exceedingly minmalistic. I get the feeling that they are a studio that just get it “right� for the clients first time. This is probably because they put effort into researching the preferences of each client.
This studio is very interested in the social, political and economical influences to their designs and more importantly their design philosophy. I like that they focus on the more environmental side of their projects. I was really interested by the workshops that they hold, especially the “Paradise by design?� workshop. I really liked that they allowed non designers to take part, I thought this was a good way to reach out the the local community and teach people about how design could improve real world issues not just conceptual ideas.
“I should take some soup to work today, for my lunch. I can heat it in rhe microwave.”
“I can record the sound of the wheely chair, on the carpet.”
My favourite work by this studio is the editorial projects they did for “Elephant� magazine. I like the fun colours but simplicity and modern take they have. I was inspired by the spacial design for the ICA at Dover Street Market, as they implemented things that would effect the paths and space that the viewer would travel or take up, but they were so simple and relevant to the rest of the items in the exhibition.
I get the impression from this studio that they really listen and look after theit clients. I thought that their work was professional but each project had a different voice. I think this is important if you are representing another company, as you want the work to personalise them and not have an obvious mark of your personal voice and perspective.
“Champagne could be another present for my parents this Christmas�
“Today will be a sofa day, Happy Birthday to me!”
This studio seems really fun and have a large number of memorable advertisements. So far, this is my favourite studio as I can recognise a lot of their work, also when looking through their website I like how they gave credit to everybody within the comapany even if they weren’t directly related to the creative team. I like this ethos that everyone matters and they work hard as a team.
I admire that even though this design studio have a large numnber of employees and spread over three countries they approach each new project with the mentality of a start-up. I think this shows a humble outlook and also an efficient way of working, yet, their work still comes across very professional. This is also the first deign studio that I have looked at that has a large number of non-profit projects. I think they are a very real and gruonded design studio that work for the right reasons.
“I want to make Nachos as snack for the three of us.�
“If I got a sewing machine I could try to make my own clothes.”
Ed Ruscha is an artist who cleverly uses text to change and mould the meaning of his paintings. Some of them I don’t understand but I like how the words and colour can evoke emotions and images in your own imagination. This artist’s page is very different to the work I have looked at before as it is all about him as opposed to the collective.
This design studio reminds me of “Mother” studio as I recognise a lot of their work. I like the “Play” section of their website, it gives you an insight into the design studios artists and designers and the type of voice they have. I think it also helps to present them as less of a commercial based and money focused business, I think it is important to still enjoy design for the sake of it and for fun.
“My room keeps making me sneeze, I should dust everything.”
“If I bring out my other mattress there will be room for everyone.�
In comparison to the other artists and desners and design studios that I have looked at this is by far my least favourite. I do struggle to understand conceptual work but the webpage is also very boring. When you follow the portfolio link you get more text and lists. This does not encourage me to look further into Bridle’s work.
I really like how this studio is run by two female designers. It is inspirational that they have such a successful business and also a good ethos of working as they focus on the relationships they build with clients. They have also won a number of awards for public realm architecture and art. This is one of my favourite design studios so far.
“I should write my thankyou letters and cards soon.”
“If I bring my mattress downstairs, I will only have to heat one roam.�
My impression of the designer Scott King is that his work is what would aspire to be creating as a professional Graphic Designer. He plays with photography and real world installations and has a really minimalist take on his presentation. I love it.
I like how Michael Marriott designs for practicality. His products and furniture are wonerfully designed but also usable. It was the first designer I have looked at that his work was not conceptual at all but he was using everyday objects and re-inventing them for his design needs. This was really nice as the work seems more attainable and achievable for me as a student. However, it’s inspiring that he is so inventive - which is something I would like to improve on.
“I will make breakfast while Max showers so we can eat together.”
“I want to have a Harry Potter marathon in honour of Alan Rickman.”
At first sight I was very uninterested in the work of Danial Eatock. However, after perusing a few of his tabs I really enjoyed looking throught the “Participate” section of the website. I thought it was a wonderful idea to include the people who were interested in his work and his method of working to become part of it all and contribute towards the catalogue. Eatock’s work is not very commercial but he says he focuses on problem solving and experimenting with different materials and subjects.
I like how that this artist combines graphic design with fashion and art. This is an area of art and design that I am really interested in. So the work on here is really inspirational. My favourite pieces are the “Kinfolk” and “Lula” magazines, they are simple but very well thought out. Their work is not exactly original but they are very good at what they’re doing.
“I should go for a run before breakfast.”
“We need to remember to ask for student discount.�
I really like how this studio try to design things in the most sustainable way. It’s encouraging to see that this can be done within Graphic Design but also that the work is beautifully made. I like that this studio also put focus on the team members as opposed to the senior designers.
I like the idea that this studio gives the client different options for the final outcome, I think that this shows that the artist has a good relationship with the client and that they don’t see themselves as better than the clients view. However, this studio may not be the best choice if the client has no vision and just wants a job done quickly and professionally.
“If I go to work after lunch, I can work for 5 hours straight and not have to make up for my lunch break.�
“I need to put the recycling bin out for collection.”
I own a copy of Ellen Luption’s “Thinking with Type” and I found that her work was very clear and well-designed so that it would help you learn. I think it is a very good resoure book for students and professionals - her writing is eloquent and appropriate. You can really tell her interest in writing and sharing her knowledge from her website as she lists herself as a writer first then designer.
I can really see that Langdon’s work is all focused on the conceptual idea behind it. I really like the curation of Sol LeWitt’s work as I am a fan of that artist and really like the way that his work in completely open to interpretation. This I feel, is quite similar to Langdon’s work as a lot of it rests on the interpretation of the design by the viewer. His work is very suggestive and thought out.
“If I do three folders now I’ve finished the cabinet.”
“It would be nice to come back and work here over Easter, I should ask.�
This design studio made up of two designers is very independent. I like how they started off by writing and designing their own magazines that had articles on how design impacts and complements real-world problems. I admire this as I think it is important for designers to be interested and opinionated about the issues we are being asked to represent. This is something I would like to educate myself on.
This design studio, comes across very corporate and focused on the communication between the designers and the client. This is reflected in their website, as it has minimal focus on the pieces of work. They seem very professional and to the point, if you have a problem they will find a solution.
“I should take my bluetooth headphones to Bristol so I can use them in the gym.”
“It would be nice to go to Carluccios for dinner, after we take all my stuff up.”
I like how Goldie’s work is based in moving image, animation and film. It is inspiring that you can do so many different things with a basis in Graphic Design. I also like his use of combining music with the work as it shows how design can translate into other areas of life.
I find it interesting that they enjoy putting a lot of time and effor into teaching classes and running workshops at various art schools and institutions. I think / would like to attend a workshop like theirs. I think it’s really good that they put tht artists and designers work, ideas and content over imposing a “signature style� on to the work.
“Let’s have a crepe for lunch today as a treat!”
“Should take a hot drink to the stargazing screening, it’ll keep me warm.”
I can see that Greiman’s work is very based on the idea, this is then reinforced by her titling as a “thinker� before an artist. I think this is an important part of the design process, not only for the basics of not wasting time and money on just experimenting but also recording and looking after all the thoughts and ideas you have. Like this booklet, it has made me more aware of all the decisions and thoughts I have.
Madini’s works appears to be very simple and striking. This is helped by his great choice of colour and professional photography. Not much in the info section about his philosophy and process, however, I feel like the work does speak for itself in terms of quality. I also get the impression that he is happy to try all sorts of materials and projects as he has a variety of work on the website.
“We should go to the Science Centre when you visit.”
“If we get our deposit money ready then when we find somewhere we love we can get it quickly.”
I have heard of Barnbrook before but never been on the website. It is wonderfully intriguing and I think that the work it vibrant and colourful and makes a statement. They have worked with and for many big names in the Art and Design field but also outside of our sphere. They seem very notable and the work does have a certain style to it that I think sews all their different projects together. It is all very original and quirky.
6 7
17 15
Political + Cultural
2. 3.
Social choice to look after
Social + Political choice
Social + Political choice
Social + Political choice
Social + Political choice
Social + Cultural
Cultural choice to
Cultural choice to
Social + Political choice
Cultural choice to
choice to keep the Monarchy and The Guard.
and take resposibility of pets.
to keep the environment and common areas clean.
Social + Cultural
choice to “keep up appearances” by using makeup. choice to show affection and ownership.
celebrate and signify age.
seek thrills and have fun.
choice to value online relationships the same as real life ones. to earn money/brings back an old politacal war poster.
to debate whether a building should become “listed”.
to keep a residential area safe
celebrate Chinese New Year early.
to comment on the area and break the law.
choice to keep up 14. Social with the latest fashions and trends.
choice to gesture good will and celebration.
Social + Political choice not to eat meat.
choice to have certain “friends” on Facebook.
choice to work when you don’t want to to earn money.
Political + Cultural
Social + Cultural
Social + Cultural
Social + Cultural
Social + Cultural
17. choice to learn how to drive 19. and buy a car.
22. 23.
choice to see in the New Year. choice to stand out and be memorable.
choice to celebrate Christmas with a tree.
Social + Cultural
choice to feed the “sky rats” and let your child feed them.
choice to parade and enforce power of the Police.
28. 29. 30.
choice to take ownership of buildings, but in an artistic way. choice to celebrate and remember the are you live in choice to compete against each other.
Political + Cultural choice to keep landmarks and heritage sites.
Political + Cultural
choice to take ownership of buildings, but in an artistic way.
Social + Political choice to cycle instead of drive.
Talk about house...Stay in Meg’s room...Turn printer on...Get tanancy agreement...CHECK PHONE...Play with pages of notebook...Read through tenancy agreement...Share the important clauses...CHECK FACEBOOK...Scan everyone’s forms in...Go to bed soon...Stay up...Check what I need for tomorrow’s workshop...Make lunch for tomorrow...CHECK PHONE... Message Mum about house...CHECK EMAILS...Go to bed...CHECK FACEBOOK+ INSTAGRAM...Go to sleep... Wake up...CHECK PHONE...Take forms to Arnolfini to scan...Have breakfast...Have shower...Wear jeans + grey coat...No time for breakfast...Get lunch from fridge...Feed sea monkey + change water...Leave the flat...Wait for everyone downstairs...CHECK PHONE...Walk to Arnolfini...CHECK FACEBOOK+OPEN SNAPCHAT+REPLY...Share business idea... Gather inspo from original indie mags...Finalise content + name...OPEN SNAPCHAT+ REPLY...Take paracetamol for headache...Put on scarf to warm up...OPEN SNAPCHAT+ REPLY...Buy a sandwich instead of eating cous-cous...OPEN SNAPCHAT+ REPLY...
Have a bacon avocado sandwich...Choose normal mayonaise...Don’t buy crisps as well...Sit on level three...OPEN SNAPCHAT+ REPLY...Eat...Listen...Eat...OPEN SNAPCHAT+ REPLY...Check time...Talk...Go back to room...CHECK FACEBOOK+INSTAGRAM...Choose “Stem” for magazine...Start on the cover design...Choose Dawn to write the presentation... Consult group on cover designs...Go to tesco on the way home...Scrap the pencil design...Find a funny photo about petite issues...Listen to other presentations..Give presentation...Try to scan forms...Give up because it’s too hard...Go home...Walk home...Don’t go to Tesco...Go clothes chopping...Buy the jacket...Go home...Try jacket on...Return jacket tomorrow...Have food...Go to the gym...CHECK FACEBOOK+INSTAGRAM...Stay till the others finish at eight...Turn on fan...Turn up level...Turn down level...OPEN SNAPCHAT+ REPLY...Stretch...Meet the others...Walk home...Call Max...Order takeaway...Only order a side...Transfer the money now... Shower...Wait for the others and for food...Eat with everyone...Wash up...Play Xbox...Sign tenancy agreement...Arrange a meeting with landlord for tomorrow evening...Listen to music...