Shaping Australia: Issue16 – General Edition

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Shaping 16 issue

60 A Meinhardt Australia Magazine

Celebrating 60 Years of Shaping Australia

March 2015


Message From The Top Welcome to the 2015 Edition of Shaping Australia. We are celebrating our 60th birthday at Meinhardt this year. A lot has changed over the years since our inception in Melbourne back in 1955. We have expanded our service offering, we operate in more market

sectors than ever before and we have opened more than 40 offices worldwide, including most recently Phnom Penh in Cambodia.

But one thing that hasn’t changed is the way we conduct business. And it is the reason that clients keep coming back to us.

Our clients tell us that they appreciate dealing with our personable,

approachable staff who provide them with clever, practical ideas and solutions which save time, money and provide better project outcomes.

Delivering new ideas that work, or as we call it Practical Imagination, is now firmly embedded in the Meinhardt ethos and culture. And it is what you will continue to get when you come to us.

This issue again highlight some of our clever thinking and these new ideas in practice.

Denis Young, Managing Director – Australia


Contents New Ideas

27. 05. 08.

General News


Awards and appointments A More Efficient Air-Conditioning Solution for Tall Buildings

New technology, new appointments How Engineers Can Help Universities Solve Land Shortage Issues

Conversion or vertical expansion?

Picture Features

19. 21.


Melbourne, latest residential icon Aldinga Children’s Centre

“The best” in South Australia


Case Studies




The Unique Structural Solution That Meets 3 Briefs

The dawn of a new era for Pakenham Racing Club

18. 25.

Eaglehawk Landfill Timelapse video

The New Whyalla Airport

13. 15.

Meinhardt Turns 60

Birthday celebrations in 2015 imagin8

The seminar series for new ideas that work Urban Taskforce

A Plan for Growing Sydney

Helping the future growth of South Australia SHAPING | GENERAL EDITION–MARCH 2015




To celebrate Meinhardt’s 60th anniversary, we share with you an iconic project that has helped shape Australian cities from each decade past.

70’s Nauru House, Melbourne

50’s Riverstone Abattoir, Sydney

60’s Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne


90’s World Square, Sydney

80’s Wind Testing Rialto Towers, Melbourne

00’s Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital, Brisbane

10’s 568 Collins Street, Melbourne

Beyond… Flagstone City, Gold Coast SHAPING | GENERAL EDITION–MARCH 2015


A More Efficient Air-Con Solution for Tall Buildings Air-conditioning for tall buildings can be a challenge for a number of reasons. Glen Pederick Discipline Leader – Building Services

• A s you build taller you have to contend with variance in ambient temperature and wind which is a particular issue when you exceed 60 storeys.

• With air-conditioning typically accounting for 30 per cent of a building’s energy consumption, by simple

virtue of their size, tall buildings use a lot of energy.

• With saleable floor space being crucial for development business cases to stack up,

developers don’t want large areas of plant wasting space, yet buyers won’t accept anything but the best internal environment.



Variable Refrigerant Flow

Cooling tower or chiller on top of roof building.


Closed circuit cooler on top of roof building. Outdoor condenser units on balcony


60 storeys

Typical water cooled air-conditioning to each apartment.

Hybrid Variable Refrigerant Flow

Indoor airconditioning unit.

f you look at how high-rise apartment living has

developed over the years, while heating systems

would be included historically air-conditioning was not

a standard fixture. As our climate has started to change and the demands of building users have increased, the

expectation is for both heating and cooling. This is far more efficient to do as a single system.

Intermediate plant level approx. 30th floor

Variable Refrigerant Flow.

Water cooled variable refrigerant flow plant on every floor located in service cupboards.

The Pros and Cons of Traditional Systems Four Pipe System

The central four piped system air conditioning is the one of the most energy efficient systems available. However, it is also the most expensive system to install. Water metering

Traditionally, there have been three main approaches:

• A central four pipe water system which consists of air

cooled chillers and boilers to serve indoor fan coil units

devices will be required to measure energy consumption to each unit and billed via the body corporate which has additional cost and complexity.

located within each apartment.

Water Cooled System

towers and boilers to serve water sourced heat pumps

charged to each unit and the indoor unit running cost will

• A central water cooled system which consists of cooling fan coil units located within each unit.

• Split air cooled air conditioners with outdoor

condensers mounted on the balcony of each unit.

The running cost of the water cooled central system will be be charged through the individual unit electricity retailer. A cooling tower on the top of the tower, however, does

have the potential to be noisy, which is not ideal if you are locating expensive penthouses there.

Water sourced heat pump AC systems within the

“ As our climate has started

to change and the demands of building users have increased, the expectation is for both heating and cooling.

apartments themselves also are noisy and are rather bulky

pieces of equipment which reduce the floor to ceiling height within the units.

There are also potential issues with legionella outbreak; it is critical to get the chemical treatment right at the start and then maintain it adequately throughout its service life. Single Split Units

This is the budget option, which is low cost to install. It also gives tenants more control over their apartment

environment and billing is individual for each apartment. Images Left to right: 1. Hong Kong High-Rise Apartment 2. Traditional Air-Con System 3. Variable Flow Systems

However, these units can be noisy and visually unappealing, located on the balcony. They compromise your already



Case Sudy: VRF vs Hybrid






Typical Floorplate Watercooled VRF in services cupboard.

Other services zone. Building core. apt


limited external space and have the tendency to cause noise and uncomfortable balcony environment.

They also struggle to operate effectively when located especially at greater building heights.

From an energy perspective, having lots of smaller units is

not very efficient, and the more apartments and the higher you go, the more you are compromising energy usage.

New Technology Now there are two alternatives beginning to change the way




The system does allow long runs of refrigerant pipework, but the maximum that this system can services is

approximately 15 floors, which means an intermediate plant level is required around every 30 floors

As it is air-cooled, the condenser units on the intermediate floors need to sit on the perimeter of the building to discharge hot air. This means you potentially lose a whole floor of building to plant. Hybrid

This system negates the need for intermediate plant floors as condenser water can easily service 60-plus storeys

we look at air-conditioning solutions for tall buildings.

These water-cooled units are small and can sit on every

Variable refrigerant flow (VRF) air conditioning units are

cabinet, saving space and giving the plant floor back.

effectively central air cooled outdoor condenser units

floor or every other floor, if required, in a simple service

serving multiple indoor air conditioning units.

They then feed into indoor air conditioning units within the

There are also hybrid systems consisting of a closed circuit

provide double heat recovery from both the water loop and

cooler connected to water cooled variable refrigerant

condenser units serving multiple indoor air conditioning units.

individual units via refrigerant pipework. This system could refrigerant proving it to be very energy efficient. VRF vs. Hybrid: A Desktop Study

The Pros and Cons of New Technology

We conducted a desktop study on a typical 60-storey


saved at least 600 square metres per floor for saleable

Variable refrigerant flow air conditioning is more energy

efficient than the water cooled heat pump air conditioning

system and have the option for heat recovery between the indoor air conditioning units.


building and a typical floor plate of 1,000 square metres. Giving a conservative estimate, utilising the hybrid system space with $10 million worth of value for the developer on top of the energy savings; a better air conditioning

system offering increased perceived unit value and internal environment benefits gained for the unit owners.

How Engineers Can Help Universities Solve Land Shortage Issues Established University campuses located in Australia’s population centres are finding that land available for expansion and growth is becoming increasingly difficult to acquire, as population centres have grown around campuses initially set up on the fringes of these centres. Rennie Darmanin Discipline Leader–Structures



“ Whilst limited documentation was available, extensive site survey of the existing structure was carried out to enable detailed new services reticulation to be coordinated with the existing structure, with three different existing beam grid layouts.


ith adjacent land usually available at a

Conversion of an Existing Building

developments often have to include the costs

Issues to consider:

premium the capital costs for new

associated with land purchase, site decontamination and modification or conversion of existing building stock.

An alternative approach is to maximize the potential of existing land owned by the University by carrying out vertical expansion of existing building stock.

This article provides an overview of the key issues that need to be considered when assessing conversion or vertical expansion of an existing building.

For both options, a staged feasibility study approach, incorporating risk mitigation strategies for both time and cost control is recommended.

• Planning considerations – If the external appearance of the building is unaffected, planning constraints are

unlikely to be an issue, although any change of use has to be consistent with the local zoning laws.

• Age of the Structure – The older a building is, the closer it potentially is to the end of its design life.

• Form of Construction – Older buildings incorporate loadbearing masonry walls, whilst newer buildings use frames of concrete and/or steel. This form of construction will impact the viability of internal replanning of new spaces.

• History of Past Renovations – Buildings which have undergone numerous stages of renovations can be inflexible to further modification, particularly ifc the

original building form has been significantly altered.

• Original Intended Design Use – Some buildings may have been originally intended for residential use and consequently not be designed for the higher loads mandated for commercial or institutional uses.

• Compliance with the current Building Code of

Australia – Design actions on structures resulting from Earthquake and Wind loads have progressively been

increased over the last 50 years. Altering too much of a building may invoke the statutory requirement to bring the existing building to full compliance with all existing Australian Standards.

In terms of structural possibilities for converting existing

buildings, there is a variety of solutions, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

• Increasing the load capacity of the existing building by: —— Carbon fibre wrapping existing columns


Images: Previous page. RMIT SAB Left. Melbourne Oral Health Training and Education Centre

—— Adding steel “joists” and “bearers” to floors.

—— Adding compression ties to vertical elements to increase resistance to lateral loads

—— Post-installed masonry reinforcement

—— Ground improvement using Pressure Injection —— If existing documentation is available, refined

analysis of the structure and founding material may unlock potential existing capacity.

• Minimise structural demolition and construction works to

The Melbourne Oral Health Training and Education

Centre, for the University of Melbourne, for example, saw

the major upgrade and refurbishment of an existing building into a technologically advanced facility. The existing building was actually 3 separate buildings varying in age, which

had been previously modified and combined, including the incorporation of what was originally a separate external stand alone substation into an undercroft carpark.

avoid triggering a regulatory code compliance update.

Whilst limited documentation was available, extensive site

Heavy Rooms (Lecture Theatres) located over columns

detailed new services reticulation to be coordinated with

• Strategic use of existing loading capacity – for example and beams; and Light Rooms (Toilets) located mid span between columns.

survey of the existing structure was carried out to enable the existing structure, with three different existing beam grid layouts.

Key recommendations for a staged feasibility study

This coordination exercise included the upgrade of building

• Prior to purchase, undertake a due diligence condition

IT infrastructure. It has also required the integration of new

approach are:

assessment of the existing building infrastructure

to identify the form of the existing structure and the

cost for any rectifications that may be required as a minimum.

• Try and obtain any or all existing documentation. This

information is worth its weight in gold! Document searches

power supply, natural gas supply, telecommunications and and very specific systems including wet and dry vacuum, a dental compressed air system, a dental gas sedation

system, x-ray units, electronic simulator units, a high purity filtered water system, body protection electrical systems and special colour rendition lighting systems.

at local council offices can uncover valuable data.

Vertical Expansion

different uses it may have be modified one too many times.

Issues to consider:

• Research the building’s past. If it has already had many • Look for office buildings and warehouses first, as

they have a design load capacity similar or close to educational facility requirements.

• It will be unlikely that existing columns have been designed for a significant vertical extension. A

preliminary assessment of the extent and therefore the possible ways that the columns could be economically strengthened needs to be carried out first.

• Similarly, it is unlikely that the existing footings have

been designed to accommodate a significant vertical extension. However, an assessment of the original



Before >

During >

After >

Image: Swinburne University Before, During & After


“ A successful vertical expansion approach has recently been completed for Swinburne University, which incorporates an additional 850m2 of floor area above an existing single storey high portal frame structure.

geotechnical report and possible additional advice

A successful vertical expansion approach has recently

allowable bearing pressure to be used for design today,

incorporates an additional 850m2 of floor area above an

from a geotechnical engineer may provide an increased and result in a minimization of strengthening works required for the footings thus keeping costs down.

• An increase in the height of the building will require an assessment of the lateral load resistance system for

the building. These lateral loads are either wind loads or earthquake loads. An assessment of the existing

lateral stability elements (stair and lift shafts, as well

as concrete movement resisting frames) needs to be

been completed for Swinburne University, which existing single storey high portal frame structure.

The existing building was previously used as a soil testing facility and occupied most of the available land area

with the exception of a small courtyard to the north. The

University wanted to reassign the use of the building as a Film and Television facility.

carried out to assess what additional lateral stability

Due to the limited land area and the boundary restrictions,

shear walls)

A tight budget meant complete demolition and a total new

elements may be required (for example – additional

• Designing for earthquake loadings is more severe now than when the building was originally designed and

this could only be achievable by extending the structure up. build was not viable.

built. Checks need to be made to establish whether

As a result, the structural challenge for this project was

increased wind loads.

structure as much as possible.

earthquake loads are more or less significant than the

to cater for the additional floors by re-utilizing the existing

When it comes to the building’s services, there are three

The age and type of construction of the existing structure

• Existing substations currently servicing the chosen

carry additional loads was very limited.

main areas to consider:

building may inhibit the potential to develop the

meant that the ability of the existing building components to

site. Discussions with the relevant authority need to

The structural solution selected revolves around the

upgrade or relocate the substation.

additional two levels of floor inside the existing building.

determine the possible options, and indicative costs to • A vertical transportation strategy will need to be carried out to determine the required lift configuration for any vertical expansion. This study will also feed into the structural analysis for lateral stability

• A study of the existing services infrastructure needs to

be carried out to identify opportunities and constraints

provision of an independent support system for the

This strategy enabled the existing building to be used

as a shell whereby the existing steel portal frames are

‘stretched’ up to the required height to house the new

floors. New vertical steel trusses are used to provide the lateral stability of the overall building.

associated with the existing conditions.



imagin8 is a series of educational seminars designed to share the latest global thinking in the built environment space.

Turning Greenfields In To Gold

“ Good discussion

points and opportunity to network.

Feedback from our imagin8 seminar.

Our Speakers

Held in partnership with MPA, RPM, and Ecolink, we discuss the planning, demand, and solutions going forwards for Greenfield Developments. Greenfields development, through the planned development of

new suburbs and expansion of existing suburbs, is an important component of catering for Melbourne’s Increasing population.

Job creation, housing affordability and the quality of our urban areas will continue to be a focus of greenfields planning and infrastructure coordination.

You can download the presentation from the event website.

visit site


Nat Anson

Structural Planning Manager–MPA

Metropolitan Planning Authority on Greenfields

In partnership with

Scott Carne

Tim Hyland

Simon Scott

Some Engineering Gems

Growth Area Market Overview


Senior Engineer–Meinhardt

Research Manager – RPM

Director and Principal

The Biodiversity Conservation Strategy



“A Plan for Growing Sydney”: Outline of the New Metropolitan Strategy

Meinhardt Sydney Office hosted an Urban Taskforce member only event on the recently released new Metropolitan Plan for Sydney. Diana Brajuha Senior Associate –Planning



t featured Halvard Dalheim- Acting General Director, Planning and Design and Dr Liz Develin- Deputy

Secretary- Growth, Design and Programs from the

Department of Planning and Environment. Meinhardt is a Core Member of the Urban Taskforce and is its selected

representative engineering and professional services firm. The Plan is intended to guide land use planning

decisions for the next 20 years and presents a strategy to deliver land, infrastructure, housing and employment for

Sydney’s predicted population growth over this time. The Plan focuses heavily on urban renewal corridors in and around transport hubs, particularly through increasing densities and building heights.

The key elements of the Plan include:

• The establishment of the Greater Sydney Commission (GSC) implement the Plan;

• The expansion of the Central Business District via a corridor to Eveleigh and a cultural ribbon along Barangaroo, Darling Harbour, Walsh Bay and

the Bays Precinct including revitalisation of the

waterfront. Additional connections between the

CBD and North Sydney are proposed, and include plans for a second Harbour rail crossing;

• The promotion of Western Sydney, especially

Greater Parramatta, which is to be transformed into a second CBD;

• New transport initiatives including the extension

of both the North and South West Rail Links, the

Western Sydney Rail Upgrade, the Outer Sydney

Orbital, WestConnex and NorthConnex Motorways, the Western Harbour Tunnel, and the Western Sydney Freight Line;

• Urban renewal and housing, particularly along

transport corridors, such as the North West Rail Link corridor, Parramatta Road corridor, Anzac

Parade corridor; Bankstown to Sydenham corridor,

and within Priority Precincts. Urban consolidation is

intended to be achieved through strategic increases in building height and lifting restrictions on subdivision in particular areas.

• Improving links to and increasing capacity at

Sydney’s Gateways – Port Botany, Sydney Airport

and Badgery’s Creek Airport. These Gateways will

form part of the extended Global Economic Corridor that will stretch from Port Botany and Sydney



Airport through the CBD and Macquarie Park connecting Parramatta, Norwest and Sydney Olympic Park.

• The introduction of a “Green Grid” to connect multi

purpose open spaces, parks, conservation areas and green corridors across the city.

• A greater investment in arts, culture, entertainment

and heritage for both the CBD and Parramatta with the

objective of enhancing Sydney’s competitiveness as an international tourist destination.

• A new planning hierarchy that includes sub-regional plans, local and new community strategic plans.

The difficulties associated with long term metropolitan

strategies lie in its implementation, with responsibility falling to the new GSC. The GSC is yet to be established (enabling

legislation is anticipated mid 2015) but will be located within the NSW Department of Planning and Environment and its

board will report directly to the Minister for Planning. Board representation will comprise of independent, state agency and local government membership.

The GSC will work in collaboration with local councils,

the community and other stakeholders to identify strategic

locations for housing, employment, associated services and green space in the form of sub-regional plans. It is not clear

how the GSC will work with the 41 Councils in six newly defined sub-regions to prepare and implement sub-regional plans. The

sub-regional plans are to include the performance based targets against which the outcomes of the Plan will be measured. At the local level, the Plan’s actions will be implemented via existing

Local Environmental Plans and new Community Strategic Plans

A link to “A Plan for Growing Sydney” can be found here.

prepared by local Councils and will be monitored by the GSC.

A new Ministerial Direction will also be introduced to ensure

that new local environmental plans and Planning Proposals (to justify land rezoning or to amend development standards in a local environmental plan) are consistent with the Plan.

It is hoped that effective consultation and communication between the GSC and local Councils will deliver a shared

desire for tangible outcomes which are to be reflected in local policy and decision making. Without measurable and realistic targets, the Plan will not reach its full potential.

We look forward to working with our clients to unlock

opportunities that the Plan and future Sub-regional plans may present.


Image: Top. Jon Brock (Meinhardt National Director – Land Development, Infrastructure & Environment Sectors), Denis Young (Meinhardt Managing Director), Chris Johnson (CEO Urban Taskforce), Halvard Dalheim (Acting Executive Director, Planning and Design- Dept of Planning and Environment), Dr Liz Develin (Deputy Secretary Growth, Design and Programs- Dept of Planning and Environment), Diana Brajuha (Meinhardt Senior Associate Planning) and Simon Gunasekara (Meinhardt Planner). Bottom. Halvard Dalheim (Acting Executive Director presenting


Timelapse Video: Eaglehawk Landfill Eaglehawk Landfill is the City of Greater Bendigo’s primary municipal waste landfill. It is also regional Victoria’s largest. Michael White Discipline Leader – Civil Infrastructure


Phil Henderson Infrastructure Engineer

smart approach to the design and

It has also seen an innovative approach where no

220m long, 190m wide with waste 30m

and a high price in the region, which involved

construction of a new 37,000sqm cell,

at its deepest, will extend the landfill’s life.

Key to its success has been maximizing the landfill airspace whilst minimizing the liner cost.

compacted clay was used due to lack of supply extensive background research to achieve successful approval.

Ensuring an EPA compliant outcome during construction was critical and our quality

assurance team ensured this was achieved in a seamless manner



Abode318 Melbourne’s latest, iconic high-rise Abode318 by PDG/Schiavello has celebrated completion. Rennie Darmanin Discipline Leader – Structures


Photography courtesy of PDG/Schiavello


he apartment tower was designed by

a black granite, infinity-edged swimming

Elenberg Fraser. Meinhardt provided

meeting rooms, dining and lounge area and a

Disengo Australia in conjunction with

structural and civil engineering services. We also carried out the engineering review

and independent certification for all the facade elements.

Resident amenity within the building is

second to none with the entire 9th floor

being dedicated to spaces for relaxation,

entertaining or working out. Facilities include

pool, sauna and steam room, BBQ terrace,

generously sized as well as a fully equipped

gymnasium overlooking the city. In addition,

the sky lounge on level 55 will incorporate an exclusive and luxurious private lounge and

dining space with the city skyline providing a spectacular backdrop.

Follow PDG on Instagram: @PDG_Melbourne



Aldinga Children’s Centre Providing a local hub with a wide range of community and allied health services.

Brad Leach Mechanical Engineer


his complex is an integrated indoor and outdoor

learning environment for pre-school children from 3 to 5 years with provision for an Inclusive Preschool

Program for children with disabilities.

Architect: Kilpatrick Architecture Photography: Hiro Ishino Photography

Due to the complex nature of the building, which is

based around a seaside theme, significant effort was

put into ensuring that the building services and structure worked with and not against the architect’s vision. This included false ceilings, large cantilevers and unusual building materials.

The end result has been well received by the users of

the building with SA Premier, Jay Weatherill, calling the children’s centre at an event in February “the best” he had seen.

“ SA Premier, Jay

Weatherill, called the children’s centre at an event in February “the best” he had seen.




The Unique Structural Solution That Meets 3 Briefs Value engineering is a way of life for many projects but that does not mean we have to compromise the quality of the final outcome. James Hargreaves Senior Consultant – Structures


his project involves the design of the main

function and betting building with an incorporated callers tower called the Event Centre and the

need to build a structural frame to brace the building. This was not a cheap option.

Administration Building including Jockey Facilities.

To reduce costs, we reduced the weight of the structure

by being sunk partially into the landscape with built up

which, at the same time, could replace the stud frame while

The Event Centre is designed to create a viewing hill embankments retained by the structure.

and the steel needed by devising a blockwork solution also bracing the structure.

To allow the Racing Club to expand its operations in the

It is also a very durable option, giving the architects the

expandable modules with little internal obstructions.

goers and other busy foot traffic areas such as the kitchens.

future we have tailored the building to be built in easily

robust finish they needed to take into account rowdy race

Difficult ground conditions involved investigating multiple

The simplified approach has meant any easier build for the

and construction ease.

also removed a potential clash between trades.

foundation system and assessing them for cost efficiency

construction team and, by cutting the need for masonry,

The architect wanted to give some wow to the façade and

By integrating two materials not typically used together we

require a stud frame behind it. On top of this we would also

needs of the client, architect and builder.

opted for a glazed brick cladding. This would typically


have created a unique structural solution which met the

“ The new Pakenham Racecourse is such an important

asset for the local community, providing crucial employment opportunities and further access to feature race days closer to home. Meinhardt’s professionalism and experience shone through on the project delivering a high-quality solution to our value engineering. – Michael Hodge, CEO Pakenham Racing Club.

Images: Top. Pakenham Racecourse Track Middle. Pakenham Racecourse Grand Opening Day Bottom. Pakenham Racecourse Grand Opening, Skyline Suite Luncheon: Left to right: James Hargreaves, Justin Farmers, Jonathan Wray – Spec Property Developments, Terry Cotton – Leighton Contractors, Michael Brand, Huy Chau – Buchan Group, Kerem Cengiz – Freelance Architect Consultant



The New Whyalla Airport How the redevelopment of Whyalla Airport will help in the future growth and development of regional South Australia. Brad Leach Mechanical Engineer


“ As we had a very limited budget,

the project demanded particularly good attention to detail. Meinhardt provided this with distinction in all disciplines. A quality service at an affordable fee. – Jacobus Pienaar, Katanoo Architects

Images Top. Whyalla Airport Exterior Bottom Left. Whyalla Airport Passenger Lounge Bottom Right. Whyalla Airport Opening Video Photography & video courtesy of Katanoo Architects


he project included the complete redevelopment of the

existing terminal plus extensions that nearly double the building’s size.

New facilities include an extended lounge with viewing area

overlooking the tarmac, new rental car facilities, new check-in area and new incoming/outgoing baggage areas.

The key challenges for Meinhardt’s building services team were working around a functioning airport – which saw a temporary transportable terminal building brought in while construction

underway – and integrating with the original building and services. The resultant outcome has received extensive praise from locals and government officials alike, as the video of the opening ceremony shows.



Senior Appointments

Planning for Opportunities in Regional Victoria

Jo Harrison, Associate – Planning (VIC) (first), has more than 10 years’ experience in Statutory Planning with a

particular passion for improving the quality of housing and

urban design. She has appeared at VCAT on a regular basis in an advocacy capacity for Council and has significant

experience in managing matters before the Tribunal . | P: +61 3 8676 1215 Mathew Burke, Discipline Leader–Building Services (NSW) (second), provides strategic direction for the

Building Services team in our Sydney office. With more

The Planning team has won the role to develop a

than 20 years’ industry and international experience across

planning strategy for Wartook Valley in regional Victoria.

the design and delivery of highly technical requirements,

Nestled at the base of the Grampians a 3½ hour drive

a wide range of sectors, his particular strength lies in

especially in the healthcare and education sectors. | P: +61 2 9699 3088 Elke Cummins, Senior Planner (VIC) (third), has joined

from the Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning

from Melbourne, the Wartook Valley plays home to some of Victoria’s most stunning natural landscapes, as well

as expansive olive groves, numerous passive and active

recreation opportunities, and associated tourist activities.

in Victoria where she was Senior Planning Officer. She brings

Despite these attributes, The Wartook Valley has suffered

government are considering development applications. | P: +61 3 8676 1341

Meinhardt is now working with Council, the local

with her extensive inside knowledge of how State and local

Rob West, Senior Engineer (QLD) (fourth), Rob brings

double the value to the team in Brisbane with more than 10 years’ structural and civil design experience across

a range of sectors, including a strong track record in

over time with a lack of clear planning policy direction.

community, and a range of key stakeholders in the region to develop the strategy, which will have special regard for

the unique opportunities and constraints presented by the Wartook Valley.

defence projects.

The Wartook Valley Strategy will define a vision and set

Amelia Russo, Associate Director – Environment (AUS)

Meinhardt has a long established track record in the

environmental management. For the past five years Amelia

environmental solutions in regional Victoria. We regularly | P: +61 7 3018 5053

(fifth), has over eight years’ experience as a consultant in has focused on waste management and environmental

compliance, particularly in relation to landfills. She also has experience in air quality assessment and broader environmental projects.

clear planning objectives for the area.

successful delivery of land use planning, tourism, and

partner with State Government, Local Government, and Local Communities to prepare and implement planning

strategies that deliver both short and long term benefits. | P: +613 8676 1233 Images Above. Wartook Valley Top Right. The Pines Bottom Left. The Concourse One Tree Hill Bottom Right. Carlton Wellbeing


Meinhardt Projects Up for National PCA Awards

Meinhardt has multiple projects in the final shortlist. Meinhardt congratulates all the finalists for this year’s Property

Council Australia national awards and our fingers are crossed for those projects where we have been integrally involved. The Gold Coast office (Bradlees Meinhardt) is vying for 2 gongs with The Concourse One Tree Hill and The Pines Townhome Collection both in the final cut.

Providing civil engineering services to Sunland for both projects, The Concourse is up for Best Residential Development.

The Pines is up for Best Affordable Housing Development. Carlton Wellbeing (Rathdowne Place) is also nominated with

Meinhardt having provided the structural engineering services. Winners will be announced in Sydney on 1 May at the 2015 Innovation and Excellence Awards dinner.


Your Contacts

Denis Young

Jon Brock

Tom Harrington

Jason Murdoch

Managing Director – (Aus)

State Leader - Land Development (VIC)

National Director - Land Development (Aus)

State Leader - Land Development (QLD)

Luke Taylor

State Leader - Property & Buildings (QLD)

Nick Bamber

State Leader Mining & Resources (QLD)

Michael White

Steve Dunstone

Dr. Santo Ragusa

Glen Pederick

Brendan Smith

Rennie Darmanin

Discipline Leader - Civil Infrastructure

Discipline Leader - Building Services

Discipline Leader - Civil

Discipline Leader – Project & Programme Management

Feedback If you have any queries about the content in the magazine, please contact: Justin Farmer PR and Marketing Manager – (Aus)

Discipline Leader Environmental Services

Discipline Leader - Structures

Bob Ellis

State Leader - Property & Buildings (SA)

Tony Douglas

General Manager - Facades Australia

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