1245 Journal Final Draft

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MESSAGE FROM: Raphael Charles Nelson Jr. “I still remember our first service at Church of God of East Flatbush. I was terrified to say the least. It was such a fresh start for our family and such a critical time in my life. The year before I was planning to begin high school in Ottawa, Ontario but yet here I was in Brooklyn, New York preparing myself for the ninth grade. I had my own personal plan, but they did not line up with God’s, and today I am grateful for that. It is amazing that despite all of our sins we still believe we know what is best, that we can fool ourselves into believing that God should follow our orders. I am thankful that my father was wise enough to allow God to order his steps. Throughout the years my siblings and I have developed numerous relationships that have had a profound impact on our lives. We have met so many people who have enriched us spiritually, mentally and emotionally. The late poet Maya Angelou once said that “Good done anywhere, is good done everywhere.” This is the quote that comes to mind when I think of the moments we’ve shared over the years. Whether it was helping us with various high school projects, scolding us for hanging out downstairs or celebrating us when we have risen and fallen, we have been blessed by you. At this moment, you are witnessing us strive to be stewards of the Lord’s kingdom. As we continue to develop our spiritual gifts, I have the upmost confidence that you will be proud of the children you helped raise. “It takes a village to raise a child,” is often written off as a cliché, however we represent the honesty of that quote, we represent the example set forth by you all and we represent the example of God’s promise. Our growth is not complete, and neither is yours. As we continue to step forward to Linden Plaza we will continue to grow and continue to bring good everywhere. Thank you” Andrae Nelson “Being a part of the Church of God of East Flatbush Family has truly been a blessing. I can still remember the night, so long ago, when my parents informed my siblings and me that we were going to be taking on a new task from God; a task in which included relocating to a different country, changing schools and more importantly, pastoring a new Church. Although the initial decision was met with some skepticism, I look back on these last 12 years and thank God for his faithfulness. Not only has this ministry (COGEF) grown, but our lives have been tremendously impacted by the love and fellowship of our beautiful church family! As much as our families have been impacted, it would not have been possible without the church. The prayers and provisions of COGEF have made our ministry possible, and we are truly appreciative for that.” Sigourney Nelson “I remember our first service at Church of God of East Flatbush. I was so nervous and scared, because I didn’t want to leave Canada and my friends. I missed my friends so much that it caused me to be very anti-social when I came to the new church. A couple of weeks went by and I started to open up to the other young people, many of whom I am still friends till this day. East Flatbush has not only changed my life, but blessed me in more ways that I can imagine. This church has molded me into the young lady I am today. I am truly blessed and thankful for this church and I pray that it continues to prosper.”

What Time Was It? Jube Charles

Do you remember the yester-days? Do you remember the times on Albany Ave? Where we gave all we had. When Heaven came down and touched our soul, when a word from God was more precious than gold, the time when tradition wasn’t old, when our spirits were bold… Do you remember the 13? Do you remember earlier dreams? When we used to sing: “I’d like to kneel down and talk it all over with Him I’d like to say Lord You loved me when the path was so dim I cannot repay Him when I meet Him in that city above But I’d like to talk it over and thank Him for His wonderful love.” May the words of yesterday’s saints be etched in the walls of plaza’s to come. May the memories of those before us never be done. May we despise not our humble beginnings. And continue in the good we did until the coming of the Son.

What Time Was It?


Central to the core of any identity is one’s time of birth – “A Time to be Born.” What grew out of a need of a group of people who desired to worship together in the similar spirit of their home country, a church was born and is now known as the Church of God of East Flatbush. Over 50 years ago, with the surge of immigrants that came to New York City, it was the foresight of a Jamaican minister, Rev. Guy Notice, who realized the plight and decided to start the local church. In its early beginnings, the local church congregants faithfully met on Sunday evenings at Vanderbilt Avenue. In 1970, Rev. Notice was installed as pastor of the small church and laid the foundation for this ministry. Two years later, in 1972, Bishop Notice returned home to Jamaica to lead Bethel Bible College, and passed the baton to Bishop Peter Gayle, who later became the pastor. For the next 22 years, the church experienced tremendous growth, moving twice to larger facilities. Bishop Peter Gayle received administrative support from the State Overseer, Rev. J.D. Golden, on both occasions. The purchase of the current location was an enormous undertaking as the church was a congregation then, of only 75 members. Pastor Gayle had a heart for the community. In addition to looking for larger facilities for the increasingly growing congregation, the church purchased the 12-family apartment building across the street to house the needy and unwed pregnant mothers. The church also gave birth to 12 daughter churches over the years. In August 1994, after 40 years of kingdom ministry, Bishop Gayle made a decision to retire and relocate to Florida. Bishop Gayle and First Lady Emeline received an awesome send-off from the church, community leaders, family and friends. In September 1994, shortly after his retirement, the church opened its elementary school, aptly named “Gayle Academy for Children” in honor of Bishop Gayle. Bishop Peter Gayle served the Church of God of East Flatbush from 1972 to 1994. He was a pastor, confidante and friend. At the end of his tenure, he was unanimously named, Pastor Emeritus. In 1994, God brought Bishop Lindsay A. Arscott and First Lady Evangeline Arscott on the stage to take the church to the next level. Before becoming Pastor at the Church of God of East Flatbush, Bishop Arscott was the Principal of Bethel Bible College in Jamaica, West Indies. He was known for his ability to teach the word with power and fervency. As a result, the congregation grew with immense biblical knowledge.

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Bishop Arscott introduced the phrase, “We are a daring, caring and God-fearing church.” He led the congregation into a renewed focus on worship. He introduced songs and music that kept God in the forefront. Worship became the centerpiece of all services. The congregation recognized God for who He is. It was truly “A Time to Dance.” On December 25, 2001, First Lady Evangeline Arscott after a season of illness, passed into eternity to be with the Lord. Pastor Arscott, though missing the love of his life, continued to provide for the flock. In January 2003, Bishop Lindsay A. Arscott, after struggling with his own illness, also went home to be with the Lord. We will forever honor this great couple and their labor of love.

What Time Is It?

Bishop R. C. Hugh Nelson was installed as pastor of the Church of God of East Flatbush in May 2003. This energetic bishop and his wife, Rev. Diana Nelson arrived with great passion for the ministry. He began teaching through sermons, reviewing the A-B-C’s: Attitude-Behavior-Character, with a series on the book of James. Bishop Nelson places emphasis on leadership development so that the church can attain its vision of “Making Disciples to Impact Our World.” When he joined us, Bishop interacted with the leadership and membership alike to get a sense of the history and goals of the church. Under Bishop Nelson’s leadership, the church has significantly broadened its community focus, forging partnerships with other organizations such as Brookdale Hospital Medical Center, the New York Police Department (NYPD) and the Adopt-A-School Program. We are also strong advocates for foster parenting. We have expanded the Hope Center Development Corporation (HCDC), our community outreach arm, to make needed support and services readily accessible to the community. Rev. Diana Nelson is the Executive Director of HCDC. Rev. Nelson and her team have work tirelessly to serve the community. The following government-assisted programs and services are made available - SNAP, the Food Stamps program; gently-used clothing; a food pantry; weekly provision of warm meals, GED, computer and physical exercise classes. In an effort to better serve America’s largest city, the church purchased additional properties to develop larger facilities for an Urban Ministry Center. This site will be our launching pad to continue to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to the New York City community and beyond.

Administrative Team

Anniversary Committee

Children's Ministry Board

Christian Formation

Deacons Board

Entertainment Committee

The Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center congratulates

Bishop Hugh Nelson for his outstanding service and commitment and Church of God of East Flatbush on its 45th Anniversary in Brooklyn Mark E. Toney President and CEO

What Time Is It? Jube Charles

What time is it? Now. As in right now, Is the time. Time to Fast and Pray. To Walk and Pray. To put on the full armor of God… And Pray. Now is the time to place our “now unto Him” faith, onto He who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think. Time is of the essence and we are essentially running out of time. The time now calls for service. Time to serve Hope. Time for service to the body, to the community. Time to build up our youth, bring them from childhood to adulthood. Time to be transparent about our failures so that our past doesn’t become their future. So in this present, May we seek His presence. May we stay the course. Not growing weary of the good we do in the church or in the streets, For in due season, a great reward we shall truly reap.

Associate Pastors

New Ministry Highlights The following ministries were birthed under the leadership of Bishop Dr. RC Hugh Nelson and his team of associate pastors. John 12:45 says “And everyone who has seen me has seen the one who sent me . 46 I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.�




Contact Information 718-385-1043 | admin@cogef.org | www.cogef.org Bishop Dr. R.C. Hugh Nelson, Senior Pastor

Evangelism Teams

Family Life Ministry

Finance Team

Health Ministry

“To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.” Social media has taken the world by storm. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube have become household names, seamlessly engrained in the fabric of society. Through them, political revolutions have been fueled, regimes toppled, connections with family and friends enhanced, business marketing taken on a whole new life, and communication as a whole increased by volumes. At one time, we were apprehensive about using the personal computer. We then got savvy and took our computing to the Apple iPad. We have walked right by the Google Glass. Now Microsoft, who will not be outdone, has brought us the HoloLens: holographic computing, where we no longer need a mouse and keyboard. High definition holograms are animated in our physical spaces, creating what Microsoft dubs as a “mixed reality.” This again, may bring us pause. For each season, Jesus brings us into something new. When this new era is born, we sometimes get a bit apprehensive about the prospects. As we move forward, we begin to love/embrace it. Then comes the dance because now, we’ve really got it. Finally, He calls us to build on it and sometimes, again our nerves take the forefront. In our 45 years, God has taken us through many seasons. “What Time Is It?” It is 12:45; 45 past 12; 15 to one. We are approaching a new season, a time to “Rise up and Build.” Microsoft completed the HoloLens, developers did simply leave it for people to figure out When Mic on their own. They have done Webinars, held seminars, amplified their marketing and conducted demonstrations. How much more God! He will not leave us on our own to figure it out. He will do Webinars, communicate to us when we pray; hold seminars, speak to us through his word about what He can do; amplify marketing, as we testify about the goodness of God; conduct demonstrations, as we continue to see “… the works that I do [you] will do also; and greater works than these [you] will do, because I go to My Father,” John 14:12. We want to see lives changed, people delivered and souls won into the Kingdom of God. It is time to get ready for the new season. On behalf of Founding Directors Deacon Patrick Vernon and Deacon Howard Simms, Director Michael Williams, Assistant Director Kervin Stewart, present and former leaders and the entire Multimedia team, Happy Anniversary Church of God of East Flatbush! Thank God for carrying us through 45 years. Thank you Bishop Dr. R.C. Hugh, Rev. Diana, R.C., Andre and Sigourney Nelson, for 12 years of dedicated service, and for journeying with us into this new season.

Instruments of Praise

Media Team


Missions Team

FAMILY LIFE MINISTRY What time is it? It’s 12:45. The Family Life Ministry is proud to be a part of this grand celebration of forty-five years and counting in God’s faithfulness a keeping care. Looking forward to the great season and the greater harvest ahead. The Church of God of East Flatbush has been a beacon of light in a dark world and the Family Life Ministry is committed to rise to the challenge to be relevant in this conflicting time. It is our endeavor to work alongside our leaders, Bishop Dr. R.C. Hugh Nelson and Pastor Diana Nelson, ensuring that their workload becomes lighter in the upcoming days. The Family life ministry pledge to support in every aspect of work. In these past forty-five years we’ve had some great leaders and pastors who pioneered the way for us to follow. Over the past twelve years Bishop Nelson has empowered the Family Life Ministry by stretching and moving us out of our comfort zones, and equipping us for the task of soul winning. Family Life Ministry, consisting of Couples, Women, Life Builders, Foster Care, and Singles Ministries would like to extend a hearty happy birthday to our church and congratulations to Bishop on a job well done. We pray that Psalm 32:8 “I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go. I will guide thee with mine eyes.” will be your mantra in the years to come.

Happy 45th Church Anniversary

Bishop R. C. Hugh & First Lady Diana Nelson for 12 Years of Leadership at Church of God of East Flatbush

Pastor Tyrone & First Lady Terrie Stevenson Hope Christian Center Hope Christian Center 369 New Lots Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11207 www.hopetouch.org Turning...Growing...Partnering...God

The Church of God of East Flatbush On their 45th Anniversary And Bishop Nelson’s 12th year of service As the Senior Pastor. As always OHL is ready to help you with all of your supply chain needs. We invite you to visit us at www.ohl.com to learn more or contact us directly at 1-877-401-6400.

In Honor and Appreciation to Bishop Dr. RC Hugh Nelson and

The Church Of God Of East Flatbush on this

The 45th Anniversary.

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What Time Will It Be? Jube Charles

At times, the young sprint into what they cannot endure. Zealously without caution is a tale of folly. So what time will it be? Will it be a time to sprint towards the deceit of worldliness? Nay, we pray. The future looks as bright as the sparkle in the eyes of the youth. And the future is bright. We strain forward, looking towards new buildings and a building up of the next generation. What will become of our young men? We will teach them: There is no need for kings to fear the fear of men. Only fear God and He will place fear in those who would deny your kingship. We will teach our young women: You are the first teacher of a child. So teach well. Teach them to be teachable, to grow one day and become worthy of being teachers. The future indeed is bright. Is bright as the glory of 45 years, culminating to this present day, where Hope meets faith, where faith meets works, and where works meets grace. Give us grace we pray, so that the next 45 May be as blessed and fruitful as the last. Amen.

Praise Team

Board of Trustees

Voices of Holiness

Voices of Hope

Voices of Redemption

Women's Ministry

Youth Board

Youth and Young Adults

Boys Fellowship

Girls Club

Linden Plaza The Church of God of East Flatbush has been in the process of building greatness for 45 years under four exceptional senior pastors. With spiritual, educational, financial, relational, and familial development being the core and foundation, the members and friends of this church have invested in building and achieving greatness that will last for generations. For many years, the leaders recognize and invest in acquiring and providing properties to facilitate the development of the whole person. This local church owns a total of six parcels of property in East Flatbush and Brownsville in Brooklyn, New York—409-15 East 95th Street, 414 East 95th Street, 410 East 95th Street, 410 East 96th Street, and two blocks off Linden Boulevard. In 2011, the Church acquired two New York City blocks known as Linda Plaza located off of one of Brooklyn’s busiest and most famous streets, Linden Boulevard. These properties were acquired with the hard earned financial sacrifice of members and friends of COGEF and with the masterful leadership of the Senior Pastor, Bishop Dr. R. C. Hugh Nelson. We are grateful for God’s favor and blessings of doing exceedingly abundantly above what we could ever ask or think. This church believes and is working towards building a lasting legacy for generations. Under the leadership of Dr. R. C. Hugh Nelson, the major transformations have continued to be actualized and forged ahead to an audaciously bold and relevant future. The vision entails a courageous daring move to provide brand new modern mixed-use facilities. Projected to be included in the development is a community space—a sanctuary to seat at least 1,500, classes, nursery, offices, bathroom, kitchens—outfitted with the latest technology that will provide service inclusive for the whole man in NY and beyond. Residential housing will be pursued. Commercial space will be available for businesses to rent and provide useful service to the community. The development of Linden Plaza is a part of the Faith Based Initiative Program developed by the Office of the Mayor in conjunction with NYC Housing Development program. In building a durable lifelong legacy with the physical project that is bold and audacious combined with a grander vision for soul winning, this project will lend room to a larger catchment of souls, better community outreach, and a superior presence in New York. The church is devoted to completely leaning on the power that works in us. We continue to seek God through fasting and prayer in order to reach men, women, boys, and girls to become disciples that will impact the world. Amen.

Meet the Journal Committee Simone











Front Door Ministry On behalf of the Front Door Ministry which consists of the Ushers, Security, Greeters, and Parking Attendants we would like to say congratulations to the Church of God of East Flatbush on this your 45th year anniversary. Bishop Nelson and the First Family, congratulations on your 12th year anni anniversary serving the Church of God of East Flatbush as our Senior Pastor. We appreciate your unwavering commitment to the Lord, your integrity in His Word, your leadership, and your love for God's people. You are a great leader anointed and appointed for this time and season. The Front Door Ministry is committed to follow your leadership as you execute the vision that God has given you. Happy 12:45 Anniversary Church of God of East Flatbush

The Adventure of Baby Jam is a children’s book series created and developed by Timothy E. Chapple and Illustrated by Rev. George Reeder III. The stories infused with Christian themes are the escapades of James Allen Monroe a/k/a Baby Jam, a five year old boy with a musical anointing that allows him to use music, notes and various instruments to solve problems and discover valuable moral lessons. Baby Jam heroically saves the day with his favorite hand puppet, the Courageous Capt’n Hand, his silent but cuddly pillow, Komfy the Bear and his favorite bedtime companion, the angelic defender the fearless Nite-Lite.

Flowers For All Occasions

1995 Flatbush Ave, Corner of Flatlands Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11234 (718) 338-3600


“Restoring Hope to Our Community”

The Hope Center Development Corporation What Time is it? It is, 12:45 a Set Time! The Hope Center Development Corporation is thrilled to join in the festivities and celebration of the Church of God of East Flatbush 45th year of ministry in and around New York City. It is also a privilege to honor Bishop Dr. R.C. Hugh Nelson and Pastor Diana Nelson, President and Executive Director, celebrating 12 years of Pastoral leadership! HCDC 409 E. 95th St.

Brooklyn, NY 11212 ——————718-385-7305 eastflatbushope@aol.com www.cogef.org

The Board of Directors, volunteers and our community applaud your work.

HCDC will continuously strive to restore hope to our community through our Food Pantry, Soup Kitchen, Educational Resource Center, Senior Drop-in Center, SNAP benefits, Job Placement and other services. We look forward to servicing you diligently every Saturday from 11:30AM to 1:30PM.

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