John Deere Accessories, maintenance, workshop arrachments 2015

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Accessories, Maintenance, Workshop & Attachments

Ladies & Gentlemen, On our never-ending journey to further enhance our range of products, we Being an ‘outdoor event’, agriculture has always fascinated by successfully managing a suite of challenges, be they adverse weather conditions, commodity price variations, political decisions or even trade barriers. And especially in times of economic uncertainties, it feels good to be associated with a brand that has a clear vision of the future, owns a sustainable business model and provides genuine parts and accessories to keep production cost under control. Much of our research & development expense and of our capital investment we devote to improving our products’ performance, to enhance the uptime of John Deere equipment and to reduce the cost of its operation. To achieve these objectives, we are partnering with well selected suppliers, highly engaged dealers and, most importantly, with you as our customers to gain an even better understanding of what you expect from John Deere as a premium brand. Based on your input and feedback and with our technical expertise at hand, we strive to supply diligently engineered and accurately manufactured parts and accessories, cautiously handled by our warehouse personnel and by John Deere dealers. For 2015 alone, we added 110 new products, an increase of 16 %, to our catalogue, including a new range of high-quality radios, energy-saving LED working lights and a broad line of personal protection equipment. Likewise, we expanded other key product categories to provide an even wider choice of accessories. On our never-ending journey to further enhance our range of products, we continue to invest into quality assurance, distribution efficiency and into enhanced aftermarket support. And on behalf of the whole John Deere organization, including of course our Dealer of Tomorrow, a special thank you for your trust in the John Deere brand and wishing you a successful year 2015. Yours sincerely

Christoph Wigger Vice president Agricultural & Turf Sales & Marketing Europe, Northern Africa, Near & Middle East

Editorial | 3


Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8: Electrical �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7 • Light Bulbs �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8 • Cable Ties ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10 • Electrical Wiring ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11 • Fuses, Holders & Fuse boxes ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 12 • Connectors ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16 • Relays ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21 • Switches & Warning lamps ������������������������������������������������������������������������22 • Plugs & Sockets ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������23 • Horns ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������23 • Beacons ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24 LED worklights ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������29 Battery accessories ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32 • Battery Maintenance Chargers �����������������������������������������������������������������38 • Booster cables ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������40 Trailer Accessories ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 42 • Trailer Lighting ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 43 • Trailer Plugs & Sockets �����������������������������������������������������������������������������46 • Trailer Jack ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 47 • Trailer Hardware ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������48 Heavy Duty Camera Systems ���������������������������������������������������������������������������50 • Camera kits for 6R Series Tractors with GS3 CommandCenter ������������������52 • Camera kits for 6R Series Tractors with Generation 4 CommandCenter �� 53 • Camera kits for 7R, 8R, 9R Series Tractors �������������������������������������������������54 • Camera kits for Combines and Self Propelled Forage Harvesters �������������� 55 • Overview John Deere Camera Kits ������������������������������������������������������������56 • Universal Heavy Duty Camera Systems �����������������������������������������������������57 Cargo Handling ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������58 Fuel Handling ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������60 • Fuel Transfer pump ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 61 • Nozzles and Hoses ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������62 • Bulk Fuel Filters with Water Separation ����������������������������������������������������63 Liquid Handling ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������65 • Funnels �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������66 • Measuring jugs �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������66 • Bucket ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������66

4 | Table of Contents

Hardware �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������68 • Lynch Pins ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������69 • R Clips & Cotter Pins ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������71 • Springs, Pins & Clips ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������72 • Hose Clips ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 74 • Sealing & Lubrication ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 76 • Exhaust clamps ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������78 • Wire Rope Grips ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������80 • D Shackles ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������80 • Snap Hooks ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������80 • Quick links �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������80 • Turnbuckles ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������80 • Top link pins, single and dual category, chain and handle options ������������������������������������������������������������������������82 • Lower linkage pins, single and dual category and handle options ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������84 • Implement mounting pins, single and dual category, adjustable and fixed options �������������������������������������������������������������������85 • Top link assemblies and replacement ends �����������������������������������������������86 • Lower link multi-hole drawbars ����������������������������������������������������������������87 • Top and lower linkage balls, quick hitch balls, conversion bushes and spacers ���������������������������������������������������������������88 • Clevis, locking and remote locking type, drawbar pins �����������������������������90 • Bolt on ball hitch pins, towing balls and ball and clevis assemblies ���������� 91 Moisture Testers ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 93 • Grain Moisture Testers �����������������������������������������������������������������������������94 • Hay Moisture Testers �������������������������������������������������������������������������������96 • Baler Mounted Hay Moisture Testers �������������������������������������������������������97 Tapes ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������98 • Tapes – PVC ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������99 • Tapes – Electrical Insulation ���������������������������������������������������������������������99 • Tapes – PTFE ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������99 • Tapes – Sealing & Masking ���������������������������������������������������������������������100 • Packing tapes �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������100 • Security tapes ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������100 Hand Cleaners ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 101 Wheel Spinners �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 102 Wiper Blades ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 103

Seat Covers/Floor mats ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������104 • Seat Covers �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 105 • Floor mats ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 116 • Protection kit ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 117 Portable lighting / Torches ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 118 Knives ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 121 Ruler ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 122 Personal Protection Equipment �������������������������������������������������������������������� 123 • Eye Protection ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 124 • Safety Vest & Safety Set ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 126 • Gloves ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 127 • Safety shoes ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 128

Products available in JDPoint through TS programme 0T, 8T and BH: Batteries ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 164 • StrongBox Batteries ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 167 • Performance Batteries ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 172 • Standard Batteries ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 178 • Trojan Batteries for E-Gator ������������������������������������������������������������������� 178 Crop Packaging �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 182 • John Deere Netwrap ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 183 • John Deere Twine ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 184 • John Deere Stretchwrap ������������������������������������������������������������������������� 185

Products available in JDPoint through TS program B2:

Measuring Devices ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 130 • Portable air compressor kit �������������������������������������������������������������������� 131 • Tyre Pressure Gauge ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 132 • Combine setting tools ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 133 • Battery hydrometer ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 134 • Coolant / Antifreeze Tester �������������������������������������������������������������������� 135

Knife sharpening tool for round balers and forage wagons �������������������������� 186

Radios & Radio accessories……………………………….. ������������������������������������� 136 • Waterproof radios ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 136 • Radios ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 138 • Audio Accessories ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 141

Chemicals ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������207

Turf Accessories �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 142 • Carts ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 144 • Spreaders ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 145 • Gator & Riding Mower Covers ����������������������������������������������������������������� 146 • Gator & Riding Mower Seat Covers ��������������������������������������������������������� 148 • Walk Behind Mower Covers �������������������������������������������������������������������� 149 • Easy Turner for Riding Mowers* �������������������������������������������������������������� 149 * (Product available in JDPoint through the TS programme RA and RB (NOTE: RC and RB for UK & Ireland, CY for Germany) High pressure washers ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 150 • Electrical - Cold water range ������������������������������������������������������������������� 151 • Petrol engine – cold water ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 154 • Electrical – hot water ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 155 • Accessories ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 156 • Cleaning Agents �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 160

Products available in JDPoint through TS program AE: John Deere Paints ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 191 • Aerosols Paints �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������204 • Can Paints ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������205

Grease guns ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 212 Pumps ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 215 Products available through JDMint and JDPoint: Gator Attachments ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 219 Cargo Box attachments ������������������������������������������������������������������������������222 Riding Lawn Equipment Attachments ���������������������������������������������������������223 • Snow Blower ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 224 • Front Blades & Brooms �������������������������������������������������������������������������225 • Weights ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������227 • X700 Attachments �������������������������������������������������������������������������������228 • Accessories for Mower Decks & Machines ��������������������������������������������� 231 • Grass Collecting & Maintenance ������������������������������������������������������������233 • X950R Attachments ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������234 Loader & Tractor Attachments ��������������������������������������������������������������������237

It is possible to combine in one single order the products in this catalogue available through the TS programmes B3, A9, A8 with the Collection products (toys, clothing, work wear, merchandise items, etc.).

Table of Contents | 5

Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8

6 | Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8


Electrical | 7

Light Bulbs (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) An extensive range of popular bulbs suitable for many 12v system applications including tractors, cars, harvesters, trailers. 12v 60/55w UEC P45t Halogen

Packed in singles or pairs in dedicated sealed clam packs allowing visibility of the product in the dealer’s showroom. 12v 10w SCC BA15s

Typical application: Headlamp Package quantity: 10

Typical application: Side & Tail Package quantity: 10 Pack content: 2

Part number: MCXFA1001 mm

12v 5w SCC BA15s


Equivalent to: Lucas 245 Philips 12814 Osram 5008 GE 2641

12v 1w Capless W2X4.6d


Typical application: Side & Tail Package quantity: 10 Pack content: 2

Typical application: Indicator & Panel Package quantity: 10 Pack content: 2

Part number: MCXFA1002

Part number: MCXFA1007

Equivalent to: Lucas 207 Philips 12821 Osram 5007 GE 2619

Equivalent to: Lucas 286 Philips 12516 Osram 2721 GE 91603

12v 5w SBC BA15d


12v 21w SBC BA15d


Typical application: Side & Tail Package quantity: 10 Pack content: 2

Typical application: Stop/Flasher Package quantity: 10 Pack content: 2

Part number: MCXFA1003

Part number: MCXFA1008

Equivalent to: Lucas 209 Philips 12822 Osram 5407 GE 2618

Equivalent to: Lucas 335 Philips 12422 GE 91375

12v 4w MCC BA9s


12v 21/5w OSP BAY15d


Typical application: Side & Tail Package quantity: 10 Pack content: 2

Typical application: Stop & Tail Package quantity: 10 Pack content: 2

Part number: MCXFA1004

Part number: MCXFA1009

Equivalent to: Lucas 233 Philips 12929 Osram 3893 GE 2662

Equivalent to: Lucas 380 Philips 12499 Osram 7528 GE 1077

12v 5w Festoon S8.5d 11 X 38


12v 21w SCC BA15s


8 | Light Bulbs

Part number: MCXFA1006

Equivalent to: Lucas 012 Philips 12596 Osram 64198 GE 52070U

Typical application: Interior light Package quantity: 10 Pack content: 2

Typical application: Stop/Flasher Package quantity: 10 Pack content: 2

Part number: MCXFA1005

Part number: MCXFA1010

Equivalent to: Lucas 239 Philips 12844 Osram 6418 GE 7546

Equivalent to: Lucas 382 Philips 12498 Osram 7506 GE 1057


Original equipment manufacturers names and part numbers are quoted for reference purposes only

Light Bulbs (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) 12v 45/40w ASY P45t

12v 100w H3 PK22s Typical application: Headlamp Package quantity: 10

Typical application: Halogen Headlamp Package quantity: 10

Part number: MCXFA1011

Part number: MCXFA1016

Equivalent to: Lucas 410 Philips 12620 Osram 7951 GE 1931


12v 55w H1 P14.5s


Equivalent to: Lucas 483 Philips 12455 Osram 62201 GE 50360

12v 50w PG13J


Typical application: Halogen Headlamp Package quantity:10

Typical application: Halogen Headlamp Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1012

Part number: MCXFA1017

Equivalent to: Lucas 448 Philips 12258 Osram 64150 GE 50310U

Equivalent to: Lucas 886

12v 55w H3 PK22s


12v 55w PG13 Typical application: Halogen Headlamp Package quantity: 10

Typical application: Halogen Headlamp Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1013

Part number: MCXFA1018

Equivalent to: Lucas 453 mm Philips 12336 Osram 64151 GE 50340U

Equivalent to: Lucas 887 mm

12v 60/55w H4 P43t Typical application: Halogen Headlamp Package quantity: 10 Part number: MCXFA1014


Equivalent to: Lucas 472 Philips 12342 Osram 64193 GE 50440U

12v 55w H7 PX26d Typical application: Halogen Headlamp Package quantity: 10 Part number: MCXFA1015 mm

Equivalent to: Lucas 477 Philips 12972 Osram 64210 GE 58520U

and are not intended to suggest that our replacement parts are made by the original equipment manufacturer.

Light Bulbs | 9

Cable Ties (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) High quality, virgin Nylon 6.6, non-releasable black cable ties. All packed in bag and header card with Euroslot for display. Cable tie assortment, 400 pieces Cable tie assortment, non-releasable, Nylon 6.6. Contents: ■ 100mm x 2.5mm, 8Kg/78.4N breaking strain – Black x 100, Green x 50, Yellow x 50. ■ 150mm x 3.6mm, 18Kg/176.5N breaking strain – Black x 50, Green x 25, Yellow x 25. ■ 200mm x 4.8mm, 22Kg/215.7N breaking strain – Black x 50, Green x 25, Yellow x 25. 400 pieces total contents. Part number: MCXFA1019 Nylon 6-6 non-releasable cable ties 100 x 2.5mm Minimum tensile strength 8.1kg/79.4N Pack contents: 100 Part number: MCXFA1020

Tensile strength MIL 23190 E. For continuous use -40° C to +85° C. Flame resistance in accordance with UL94V2. Nylon 6-6 non-releasable cable ties 370 x 4.8mm Minimum tensile strength 22.2kg/217N Pack contents: 100 Part number: MCXFA1024

Nylon 6-6 non-releasable cable ties 370 x 7.6mm Minimum tensile strength 54.5kg/534.4N Pack contents: 50 Part number: MCXFA1025

Nylon 6-6 non-releasable cable ties 762 x 9.0mm Nylon 6-6 non-releasable cable ties 140 x 3.6mm Minimum tensile strength 18.2kg/178.5N Pack contents: 100 Part number: MCXFA1021

Minimum tensile strength 79.4kg/778.6N Pack contents: 10 Part number: MCXFA1026

Nylon 6-6 non-releasable cable ties 580 x 12.7mm Nylon 6-6 non-releasable cable ties 295 x 4.8mm Minimum tensile strength 22.2kg/217N Pack contents: 100 Part number: MCXFA1022

Minimum tensile strength 113kg/1108.1N Pack contents: 10 Part number: MCXFA1027

Nylon 6-6 non-releasable cable ties 1030 x 12.7mm Nylon 6-6 non-releasable cable ties 200 x 4.8mm Minimum tensile strength 22.2kg/217N Pack contents: 100 Part number: MCXFA1023

10 | Cable Ties

Minimum tensile strength 113kg/1108.1N Pack contents: 10 Part number: MCXFA1028

Electrical Wiring (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

Cable reels Part Number

Tech description


Pack content

Pack Qty


Single core – Red 50m 12.75A

Suitable for repairs or auxillary applications up to 12V – 12.75A continous use. 1.5mm² cross-sectional area – 21 x 0.3mm strands




Single core – Black 50m 12.75A

Suitable for repairs or auxillary applications up to 12V – 12.75A continous use. 1.5mm² cross-sectional area – 21 x 0.3mm strands




Single core – Blue 50m 5.75A

Suitable for repairs or auxillary applications up to 12V – 5.75A continous use. 0.7mm² cross-sectional area – 9 x 0.3mm strands




Twin core – 30m 8.75A

Suitable for repairs or auxillary applications up to 12V – 8.75A continous use. 2 x 1.0mm² cross-sectional area – 14 x 0.3mm strands with black sheath




Three core – 30m – 5.75A

Suitable for repairs or auxillary applications up to 12V – 5.75A continous use. 3 x 0.7mm² cross-sectional area – 9 x 0.3mm strands with black sheath




Seven core – 30m 8.75A / 17.5A

Suitable as a replacment for lighting circuits on trailers, trailed implements and removable lighting kits. Rated at 12V and has 6 x 8.75A and 1 x 17.5A earth return cables. 3 x 0.7mm² cross-sectional area – 9 x 0.3mm (earth) strands with black sheath




Mini cable reels Part Number

Tech description


Pack content

Pack Qty


Red 5.75amp – 7m

7m reel of red single core cable suitable for repairs or auxillary applications, contained in a convenient dispenser. Rated up to 12V – 5.75A for continuous use. 0.7mm² cross-sectional area – 9 x 0.3mm strands.




Black 5.75amp- 7m

7m reel of black single core cable suitable for repairs or auxillary applications, contained in a convenient dispenser. Rated up to 12V – 5.75A for continuous use. 0.7mm² cross-sectional area – 9 x 0.3mm strands.




Blue 5.75amp- 7m

7m reel of blue single core cable suitable for repairs or auxillary applications, contained in a convenient dispenser. Rated up to 12V -5.75A for continuous use. 0.7mm² cross-sectional area – 9 x 0.3mm strands.




Red 8.75amp- 6m

6m reel of red single core cable suitable for repairs or auxillary applications, contained in a convenient dispenser. Rated up to 12V -8.75A for continuous use. 0.7mm² cross-sectional area – 14 x 0.3mm strands.




Black 8.75amp- 6m

6m reel of black single core cable suitable for repairs or auxillary applications, contained in a convenient dispenser. Rated up to 12V -8.75A for continuous use. 0.7mm² cross-sectional area – 14 x 0.3mm strands.




Blue 8.75amp- 6m

6m reel of blue single core cable suitable for repairs or auxillary applications, contained in a convenient dispenser. Rated up to 12V -8.75A for continuous use. 0.7mm² cross-sectional area – 14 x 0.3mm strands.




Red 17.5amp- 3.5m

3.5m reel of red single core cable suitable for repairs or auxillary applications, contained in a convenient dispenser. Rated up to 12V -17.5A for continuous use. 0.7mm² cross-sectional area – 28 x 0.3mm strands.




Black 17.5amp- 3.5m

3.5m reel of black single core cable suitable for repairs or auxillary applications, contained in a convenient dispenser. Rated up to 12V -17.5A for continuous use. 0.7mm² cross-sectional area – 28 x 0.3mm strands.




Blue 17.5amp- 3.5m

3.5m reel of blue single core cable suitable for repairs or auxillary applications, contained in a convenient dispenser. Rated up to 12V -17.5A for continuous use. 0.7mm² cross-sectional area – 28 x 0.3mm strands.



Electrical Wiring | 11

Fuses, Holders & Fuse boxes (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) A great selection of handy workshop kits and packaged products. 20 Amp, Maxi blade fuses – Yellow

Clampacks are resealable and act as handy storage containers.

70 Amp, Maxi blade fuses – Brown

4 Amp, Mini blade fuses – Pink

12V (SAE J1888) Pack Content: 2 Pack Qty: 5

12V (SAE J1888) Pack Content: 2 Pack Qty: 5

12V (SAE J2077) Pack Content: 6 Pack Qty: 5

Part Number: MCXFA1820

Part Number: MCXFA1825

Part Number: MCXFA1830

30 Amp, Maxi blade fuses – Green

80 Amp, Maxi blade fuses – Clear

5 Amp, Mini blade fuses – Orange

12V (SAE J1888) Pack Content: 2 Pack Qty: 5

12V (SAE J1888) Pack Content: 2 Pack Qty: 5

12V (SAE J2077) Pack Content: 6 Pack Qty: 5

Part Number: MCXFA1821

Part Number: MCXFA1826

Part Number: MCXFA1831

40 Amp, Maxi blade fuses – Orange

100 Amp, Maxi blade fuses – Violet

7.5 Amp, Mini blade fuses – Brown

12V (SAE J1888) Pack Content: 2 Pack Qty: 5

12V (SAE J1888) Pack Content: 2 Pack Qty: 5

12V (SAE J2077) Pack Content: 6 Pack Qty: 5

Part Number: MCXFA1822

Part Number: MCXFA1827

Part Number: MCXFA1832

50 Amp, Maxi blade fuses – Red

2 Amp, Mini blade fuses – Grey

10 Amp, Mini blade fuses – Red

12V (SAE J1888) Pack Content: 2 Pack Qty: 5

12V (SAE J2077) Pack Content: 6 Pack Qty: 5

12V (SAE J2077) Pack Content: 6 Pack Qty: 5

Part Number: MCXFA1823

Part Number: MCXFA1828

Part Number: MCXFA1833

60 Amp, Maxi blade fuses – Blue

3 Amp, Mini blade fuses – Violet

15 Amp, Mini blade fuses – Blue

12V (SAE J1888) Pack Content: 2 Pack Qty: 5

12V (SAE J2077) Pack Content: 6 Pack Qty: 5

12V (SAE J2077) Pack Content: 6 Pack Qty: 5

Part Number: MCXFA1824

Part Number: MCXFA1829

Part Number: MCXFA1834

12 | Fuses, Holders & Fuse boxes

Fuses, Holders & Fuse boxes (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

20 Amp, Mini blade fuses – Yellow 12V (SAE J2077) Pack Content: 6 Pack Qty: 5 Part Number: MCXFA1835

25 Amp, Mini blade fuses – Clear 12V (SAE J2077) Pack Content: 6 Pack Qty: 5 Part Number: MCXFA1836

30 Amp, Mini blade fuses – Green 12V (SAE J2077) Pack Content: 6 Pack Qty: 5 Part Number: MCXFA1837

7.5 Amp Standard blade fuse (DIN)

20 Amp Standard blade fuse (DIN)

Brown 7.5 Amp Blow, 6 Amp continuous Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5

Yellow 20 Amp Blow, 15 Amp continuous Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1031

Part number: MCXFA1036

10 Amp Standard blade fuse (DIN)

25 Amp Standard blade fuse (DIN)

Red 10 Amp Blow, 8 Amp continuous Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5

Clear/White 25 Amp Blow, 20 Amp continuous Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1032

Part number: MCXFA1034

15 Amp Standard blade fuse (DIN)

30 Amp Standard blade fuse (DIN)

Light Blue 15 Amp Blow, 12 Amp continuous Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5

Light Green 30 Amp Blow, 25 Amp continuous Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1033

Part number: MCXFA1037

3 Amp, Standard blade fuse Violet 3 Amp Blow, 2 Amp continuous Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5 Part number: MCXFA1035

5 Amp Standard blade fuse Tan 5 Amp Blow, 4 Amp continuous Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5 Part number: MCXFA1030

Fuses, Holders & Fuse boxes | 13

Fuses, Holders & Fuse boxes (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

Blade fuse holder

4 pole fuse box

8 pole fuse box

Blade fuse holder, designed for use with standard blade fuses (DIN). Bankable. Lucar terminals Package quantity: 5

4 pole fuse box, holds 4 standard blade fuses (DIN) (not included). Black plastic body with clear cover. Lucar terminals

8 pole fuse box, holds 8 standard blade fuses (DIN) (not included) Black plastic body with clear cover. Lucar terminals.

Part number: MCXFA1043

Part number: MCXFA1044

Part number: MCXFA1045

Maxi fuse holder, splash proof

Standard blade fuse holder, splash proof

Splash proof fuse holder, designed for use with Maxi fuses. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 3 Part number: MCXFA1138

Mini Blade Fuse holder

Splash proof fuse holder, designed for use with standard blade fuses. Maximum current 30A. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 3

Splash proof Inline fuse holder with wired tails, suitable for use with mini blade fuses. Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 5

Part number: MCXFA1162

Part Number: MCXFA1838

Fuses Selection Packs 35 standard blade fuses Selection pack of 35 standard blade fuses (DIN) in a re-sealable clam, contains following sizes; ■ 3 Amp x 5 Violet ■ 5 Amp x 5 Tan ■ 10 Amp x 5 Red ■ 15 Amp x 5 Light Blue ■ 20 Amp x 5 Yellow ■ 25 Amp x 5 Clear/White ■ 30 Amp x 5 Light Green Contents may vary. Pack contents: 35 Package quantity: 5 Part number MCXFA1038 40 ceramic fuses (DIN 72581) Selection pack of 40 ceramic fuses (DIN 72581) in a clear plastic re-sealable clam contains following sizes; ■ 5 Amp x 10 Yellow ■ 8 Amp x 10 White ■ 16 Amp x 10 Red ■ 25 Amp x 10 Light Blue Contents may vary. Pack contents: 40 Package quantity: 5 Part number: MCXFA1039 14 | Fuses, Holders & Fuse boxes

Selection pack of 40 glass fuses (SAE J554)

Selection pack of 16 maxi fuses (SAE J1888)

Selection pack of 40 glass fuses (SAE J554) in a clear plastic re-sealable clam contains following sizes; ■ 3 Amp x 5 ■ 5 Amp x 5 ■ 10 Amp x 5 ■ 15 Amp x 5 ■ 20 Amp x 5 ■ 25 Amp x 5 ■ 35 Amp x 5 ■ 50 Amp x 5 Pack contents: 40 Package quantity: 5

Selection pack of 16 maxi fuses (SAE J1888) in a clear plastic re-sealable clam contains following sizes; ■ 20 Amp x 2 ■ 30 Amp x 2 ■ 40 Amp x 2 ■ 50 Amp x 2 ■ 60 Amp x 2 ■ 70 Amp x 2 ■ 80 Amp x 2 ■ 100 Amp x 2, Pack contents: 16 Package quantity: 3

Part number: MCXFA1040

Part number: MCXFA1042

35 mini blade fuses (SAE J2077) Selection pack of 35 mini blade fuses (SAE J2077) in a clear plastic re-sealable clam contains following sizes; ■ 3 Amp x 5 ■ 5 Amp x 5 ■ 10 Amp x 5 ■ 15 Amp x 5 ■ 20 Amp x 5 ■ 25 Amp x 5 ■ 30 Amp x 5 Contents may vary. Pack contents: 35. Package quantity: 5 Part number: MCXFA1041

Fuses, Holders & Fuse boxes (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

Mini blade fuse kit

Glass & ceramic fuse kit Contains 480 fuses including Ceramic (DIN 72581), Small Glass (DIN) and Standard Glass (SAE J554) in the following sizes; Ceramic Standard Glass ■ 5 Amp x 50 approx ■ 5 Amp x 30 approx ■ 8 Amp x 50 approx ■ 10 Amp x 30 approx ■ 16 Amp x 50 approx ■ 15 Amp x 30 approx ■ 25 Amp x 50 approx ■ 25 Amp x 30 approx ■ 35 Amp x 30 approx Small Glass (DIN) ■ 2 Amp x 50 approx ■ 50 Amp x 30 approx ■ 5 Amp x 50 approx Contents may vary

Mini fuses: Contains 240 high quality Mini blade fuses (SAE J2077) in the following sizes; ■ 15 Amp x 40 ■ 2 Amp x 20 ■ 20 Amp x 20 ■ 3 Amp x 20 ■ 25 Amp x 20 ■ 4 Amp x 20 ■ 30 Amp x 20 ■ 5 Amp x 20 ■ 7 Amp x 20 Contents may vary ■ 10 Amp x 40 Part number MCXFA1049

Part number: MCXFA1046

Blade fuse kit

Maxi blade fuse kit Selection pack of 280 high quality blade fuses (DIN) and 5 inline bade fuse holders contains following sizes; ■ 5 Amp x 40 ■ 25 Amp x 40 ■ 7.5 Amp x 40 ■ 30 Amp x 40 ■ 10 Amp x 40 Contents may vary ■ 15 Amp x 40 ■ 20 Amp x 40 Part number MCXFA1047

Maxi fuses: Contains 40 high quality Maxi blade fuses (SAE J1888) in the following sizes ■ 20 Amp x 5 ■ 70 Amp x 5 ■ 30 Amp x 5 ■ 80 Amp x 5 ■ 40 Amp x 5 ■ 100 Amp x 5 ■ 50 Amp x 5 Contents may vary ■ 60 Amp x 5 Part number: MCXFA1048

Fuses, Holders & Fuse boxes | 15

Connectors (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Polyolefin heat shrink sleeve kit

This has many uses including insulation of bare terminals. Easy to apply. Just slide over component and apply gentle heat. Contains the following sizes and approximate quantities: 20 x 3.2mm in red and black 40 x 6.4mm in black ■ 10 x 9.5mm in red ■ All 150mm in length Contents may vary Pack contents: 70

Large electrical terminal kit

Contains a wide selection of crimp type terminals, including bullet connectors, bullet sockets, cable eyes, spades, male and female Lucar connectors and coupling sleeves. Blue fork terminal x10 Yellow fork terminal x 10 ■ Red bullet, male x 10 ■ Red bullet, female x 10 ■ Blue bullet, male x 10 ■ Blue bullet, female x 10 ■ Red Lucar, male x 10 ■ Red Lucar, female x 10 ■ Blue Lucar, male x 10 ■ Blue Lucar, female x 10 ■ Red Lucar, male & female x 10 ■ Blue Lucar, male & female x 10 ■ Red 5mm ring x 10 ■ Blue 4mm ring x 10 ■ Blue 5mm ring x 10 ■ Blue 6mm ring x 10 ■ Blue 8mm ring x 10 ■ Yellow 6mm ring x 10 ■ Yellow 8mm ring x 10 ■ Yellow 10mm ring x 10 ■ Blue coupling sleeves x 10 ■ Red – conductor size 0.5 – 1.5mm2 / 22-16 awg ■ Blue – conductor size 1.5 – 2.5mm2 / 16-14 awg ■ Yellow – conductor size 4.0 – 6.0mm2 / 12-10 awg,

Part number: MCXFA1050

The pre-insulated terminals that have an antivibration ring (copper) are as follows: male, female, piggy backs, bullets, receptacles. Contents may vary. Pack contents: 210 Part number: MCXFA1051

16 | Connectors

Electrical terminal assortment

Contains a selection of 50 crimp type terminals covering the popular types in: 4 x Yellow 8mm eyelets 2 x Blue Butt terminals ■ 2 x Blue 6mm eyelets ■ 2 x Red 5mm eyelets ■ 3 x Red male Bullet ■ 3 x Red female Bullet ■ 4 x Blue male Bullet ■ 4 x Blue female Bullet ■ 3 x Red Piggy back ■ 3 x Blue Piggy back ■ 2 x Blue fork terminals ■ 2 x Red fork terminals ■ 3 x Red male Lucar ■ 4 x Blue male Lucar ■ 4 x Blue female Lucar un-sleeved ■ 3 x Red female Lucar un-sleeved ■ 2 x Yellow fork terminals ■ Red – conductor size 0.5 – 1.5mm² / 22-16 awg ■ Blue – conductor size 1.5 – 2.5mm² / 16-14 awg ■ Yellow – conductor size 4.0 – 6.0mm² / 12-10 awg ■ ■

The pre insulated terminals that have an anti vibration ring (copper) are as follows: male, female, piggy backs, bullets, receptacles. Contents sizes may vary. Package quantity: 5 Part number: MCXFA1052

Connectors (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Electrical terminals pack

Contains 450 red crimp terminals with copper inserts. 50 x 2.8mm female 50 x 4.8mm female ■ 40 x 4.8mm insulated female ■ 40 x 6.4mm female ■ 40 x 6.4mm male ■ 40 x Female bullet ■ 40 x Male bullet ■ 40 x Piggy back ■ 50 x 5.3mm Ring terminals ■ 50 x Butt terminals,10 x lock ■ ■

Red – conductor size 0.5 – 1.5mm2 / 22-16 awg. The pre insulated terminals that have an anti vibration ring (copper) are as follows : male, female, piggy backs, bullets, receptacles. Contents may vary. Part number: MCXFA1053

Electrical terminals kit – Blue

Contains 470 blue crimp terminals with copper inserts in the following sizes and approximate quantities: 50 x 4.8mm female 50 x 6.4mm female ■ 40 x 6.4mm fully female ■ 50 x 6.4mm male ■ 40 x Female bullet ■ 40 x Male bullet ■ 40 x Piggy back ■ 50 x 4.3mm Ring terminals ■ 50 x 6mm Ring terminals ■ 50 x Butt terminals ■ 10 x lock ■ ■

Blue – conductor size 1.5 – 2.5mm2 / 16-14 awg. The pre insulated terminals that have an anti vibration ring (copper) are as follows : male, female, piggy backs, bullets, receptacles. Contents may vary. Part number: MCXFA1054

Clampacks are re-sealable so act as handy storage whilst having a heat-welded appearance. Pre-insulated terminals have a UL approval, E163810. The pre-insulated terminals that have an anti vibration ring (copper) are as follows: male, female, piggy backs, bullets, receptacles. Connectors | 17

Connectors (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Red lucar female terminal 6.4mm

Blue female bullet terminal 5mm

6.4 mm red lucar female – conductor size 0.5 – 1.5mm2 / 22-16 awg Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5

6.4 mm red lucar male / female – conductor size 0.5 – 1.5mm2 / 22-16 awg Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5

5 mm blue bullet female – conductor size 1.5 – 2.5mm2 / 16-14 awg Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1055

Part number: MCXFA1060

Part number: MCXFA1065

Blue lucar female terminal 6.4mm

Blue lucar m/f terminal 6.4mm

Red ring terminal 3.2mm

6.4 mm blue lucar female – conductor size 1.5 – 2.5mm2 / 16-14 awg Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5

6.4 mm blue lucar male / female – conductor size 1.5 – 2.5mm2 / 16-14 awg Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5

3.2 mm red ring terminal – conductor size 0.5 – 1.5mm2 / 22-16 awg Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1056

Part number: MCXFA1061

Part number: MCXFA1066

Yellow lucar female terminal 6.4mm

Red male bullet terminal 4mm

Blue ring terminal 6mm

6.4 mm yellow lucar female – conductor size 4.0 – 6.0mm2 / 12-10 awg Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5

4 mm red bullet male terminal – conductor size 0.5 – 1.5mm2 / 22-16 awg Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5

6 mm blue ring terminal – conductor size 1.5 – 2.5mm2 / 16-14 awg Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1057

Part number: MCXFA1062

Part number: MCXFA1067

Red lucar male terminal 6.4mm

Blue male bullet terminal 5mm

Blue ring terminal 8mm

6.4 mm red lucar male – conductor size 0.5 – 1.5mm2 / 22-16 awg Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5

5 mm blue bullet male – conductor size 1.5 – 2.5mm2 / 16-14 awg Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5

8 mm blue ring terminal – conductor size 1.5 – 2.5mm2 / 16-14 awg Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1058

Part number: MCXFA1063

Part number: MCXFA1068

Blue lucar male terminal 6.4mm

18 | Connectors

Red lucar m/f terminal 6.4mm

Red female bullet terminal 4mm

Yellow ring terminal 6mm

6.4 mm blue lucar male – conductor size 1.5 – 2.5mm2 / 16-14 awg Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5

4 mm red bullet female terminal – conductor size 0.5 – 1.5mm2 / 22-16 awg Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5

6 mm yellow ring terminal – conductor size 4.0 – 6.0mm2 / 12-10 awg Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1059

Part number: MCXFA1064

Part number: MCXFA1069

Connectors (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Yellow ring terminal 8mm

Yellow lucar female terminal 9.5mm

8 mm yellow ring terminal – conductor size 4.0 – 6.0mm2 / 12-10 awg Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5

9.5 mm yellow lucar female terminal – conductor size 4.0 – 6.0mm2 / 12-10 awg Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1070

Part number: MCXFA1074

Yellow ring terminal 10mm 10 mm yellow ring terminal – conductor size 4.0 – 6.0mm2 / 12-10 awg Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5

Blue scotch lock terminal 2mm 2 mm blue scotch lock terminal Pack contents: 5 Package quantity: 5 Part number: MCXFA1075

Part number: MCXFA1071

Blue sleeve terminal 4.5mm

Red sleeve terminal 4mm

4.5 mm blue sleeve terminal – conductor size 1.5 – 2.5mm2 / 16-14 awg Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5

4 mm (red sleeve terminal) – conductor size 0.5 – 1.5mm2 / 22-16 awg Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1072

Part number: MCXFA1076

Blue lucar female terminal 6.4mm 6.4 mm blue lucar female – conductor size 1.5 – 2.5mm2 / 16-14 awg Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5 Part number: MCXFA1073

Connectors | 19

Connectors (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Junction box 8 way

Block connector, 15A Waterproof junction box with rubber body. 8 way, screw terminals. Maximum dimensions 127mm wide, 108mm long, 42mm deep. 2 x M6 screw mounting, 45mm hole centres

Connecting block, 15 Amp, 12 section. Can be cut as required. Screw terminals. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1142

Part number: MCXFA1152

Block connector, 5A

Block connector – 1 way An environmentally sealed connection system that utilises silicone rubber seals and individual towers to provide terminal isolation. Weatherpack connectors are ideally suited for critical applications that require protection from environmental hazards. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 3

Connecting block, 5 Amp, 12 section. Can be cut as required. Screw terminals. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 5 Part number: MCXFA1153

Part number: MCXFA1154 Block connector – 2 way

Block connector – 3 way An environmentally sealed connection system that utilises silicone rubber seals and individual towers to provide terminal isolation. Weatherpack connectors are ideally suited for critical applications that require protection from environmental hazards. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 3

An environmentally sealed connection system that utilises silicone rubber seals and individual towers to provide terminal isolation. Weatherpack connectors are ideally suited for critical applications that require protection from environmental hazards. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 3

Part number: MCXFA1155

Part number: MCXFA1156

Block connector – 4 way An environmentally sealed connection system that utilises silicone rubber seals and individual towers to provide terminal isolation. Weatherpack connectors are ideally suited for critical applications that require protection from environmental hazards. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 3 Part number: MCXFA1157

20 | Connectors

Relays (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Relay 12V, 20A

Relay 12V, 20/30A Relay, 12V, 20A. On/Off type , 4 Lucar terminals – complete with mounting bracket. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 3

Relay, 20/30A, 12V, changeover type, 5 lucar terminals – complete with mounting bracket. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 3

Part number: MCXFA1139

Part number: MCXFA1146

Relay 12V, 30/40A

Relay 12V, 40A open Relay, 30/40A, 12V, changeover type, 5 lucar terminals – optional mounting bracket. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 3

Relay 40A,12V open type, 4 lucar terminals. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 3 Part number: MCXFA1148

Part number: MCXFA1147

Relay 12V, 70A

Relay socket Relay 70A, 12V open type, 4 lucar terminals. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 3 Part number: MCXFA1149

Relay socket, suitable for use with relays up to 5 terminals. Complete with 5 crimp type female lucar terminals. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 3 Part number: MCXFA1164

Relays | 21

Switches & Warning lamps (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

Warning light – Green

Warning light – Amber

Warning light – Red

Green panel warning lamp, 12 Volt, 0.08 Amp, 1 Watt. Requires a 12.7mm mounting hole. Lucar connections. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 5

Amber panel warning lamp.12 Volt, 0.08 Amp, 1 Watt. Requires a 12.7mm mounting hole. Lucar connections. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 5

Red panel warning lamp.12 Volt, 0.08 Amp, 1 Watt. Requires a 12.7mm mounting hole. Lucar connections. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1140

Part number: MCXFA1144

Part number: MCXFA1143

Rocker switch 20A

Rocker switch 20A Heavy duty (On/Off) illuminated rocket switch with 3 terminals. 12 Volt 20 Amp. Fitted with 12 Volt bulb. Supplied with 4 colour discs and various symbols for universal applications. Requires 38.7x18.5mm mounting hole and for use with panels up to 3.8mm depth. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 3

Heavy duty (On/Off) illuminated rocker switch with 4 terminals – for use with relay. 12 Volt, 20 Amp. Fitted with 12 Volt bulb. Supplied with 4 colour discs and various symbols for universal applications. Requires 38.7x18.5mm mounting hole. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 3

Part number: MCXFA1141

Part number: MCXFA1145

Switch ON/OFF

Switch ON/ON

Switch ON/OFF/ON

Metal toggle switch – 2 position on/off, 20mm bulkhead fitting – 25A/12V Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 3

Metal toggle switch – 2 position on/on, 20mm bulkhead fitting – 25A/12V Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 3

Metal toggle switch – 3 position on/off/on, 20mm bulkhead fitting – 25A/12V Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 3

Part Number: MCXFA1839

Part Number: MCXFA1840

Part Number: MCXFA1841

Switch flash/OFF/flash

Switch flash/OFF

Switch ON/OFF LED Red

Metal toggle switch – 3 position flash/off/on, 20mm bulkhead fitting – 25A/12V Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 3

Metal toggle switch – 2 position flash/off/on, 20mm bulkhead fitting – 25A/12V Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 3

Part Number: MCXFA1842

Part Number: MCXFA1843

Switch ON/OFF LED Green

Switch ON/OFF LED Amber

Metal toggle switch 2 position on/off with green LED illumination – 25A/12V Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 3

Metal toggle switch 2 position on/off with amber LED illumination – 25A/12V Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 3

Part Number: MCXFA1846

Part Number: MCXFA1847

22 | Switches & Warning lamps

Metal toggle switch 2 position on/off with red LED illumination – 25A/12V Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 3 Part Number: MCXFA1845

Switch cover Screw on waterproof cover for metal toggle switches Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 3 Part Number: MCXFA1844

Plugs & Sockets (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Power socket 12/24V

Power plug 12/24V Power plug for use with MCXFA1135 type power socket. 12/24V. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 3

Power socket suitable for use with 12V or 24V power plugs. Designed for dashboard or panel mounting. Complete with dust cover, 18mm locknut. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 3

Part number: MCXFA1136

Part number: MCXFA1135

Power plug – cigarette lighter, fused

Power plug, 3 pin 3 pin power plug for use with MCXFA1161 power plug. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 3

Power plug with internal fuse. Suitable for use with standard cigarette lighterpower sockets. 12/24V. Maximum 10A. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 3

Part number: MCXFA1160

Part number: MCXFA1137

Power socket, 3 pin 3 pin power socket with a two hole mounting flange (46mm centres). For use with MCXFA1160 plug. Requires 26mm mounting hole for body. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 3 Part number: MCXFA1161

Horns (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Horn – high tone

Horn – low tone Horn – high tone, disc type, 12V, 4.5A, 112dB 335Hz +/-5%. Lucar connections and mounting bracket.

Horn – low tone, disc type, 12V, 4.5A, 112dB 335Hz +/-5%. Lucar connections and mounting bracket.

Part number: MCXFA1150

Part number: MCXFA1151

Plugs & Sockets / Horns | 23

Beacons (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

IP Rating: Dust – water Beacons must be able to operate reliably under tough conditions for many years. The IP code indicates under which ambient conditions the beacons will be operational. The abbreviation IP stands for “Ingress Protection“. The IP code consists of two digits. The first digit represents the degree that equipment is protected against solid foreign bodies penetrating an enclosure; the second digit represents the degree of protection from various forms of moisture. The higher the number, the tighter the seal.

IP 0



Water No waterproofing


Protection against solid bodies over 50 mm and against contacts by large surfaces of the human body (e.g. the hands)


Protection against the vertical fall of drops of water (e.g. condensation)


Protection against solid bodies over 12,5 mm and against finger contact


Protection against the vertical fall of drops of water with a maximum incline of 15°


Protection against solid bodies over 2,5 mm (e.g. tools, wires)


Protection against the vertical fall of drops of water with a maximum incline of 60°


Protection against penetration of solid bodies with a diameter or thickness over 1 mm (e.g. wires)


Protection against splashes of water from all directions


Dust penetration is not fully excluded, but the quantity that penetrates causes no damaging effects


Protection against jets of water from all directions


No dust penetration is permitted


Protection against waves of water or powerful jets



Protection against the effects of immersion



Protection against the effects of prolonged immersion under pressure

Flexi mount Beacon – Multipack Display counterbox containing 9 pcs. MCXFA1571 Part number: MCXFA1591

24 | Beacons

Beacons (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Flexi mount Beacon

Pole mount Beacon Voltage: 12V Absorption: 4,6 A Structure: Flexible rubber base, vibration-proof. Unbreakable polycarbonate dome – screw mount. Worm gear drive. Sintered bush bearing. Anodized aluminum reflector with stepped device for manual rotation. Radio interference filter integrated in the motor.

Mounting: Standard ISO DIN A IP Degree: IP 54 Rotation per minute: 160 ± 30 r.p.m. Approval: A ccording to REG 65 ECE – ONU with the number A1 E2 0090121 EMC appr.: 2006/28/CE e3 031155 Part number: MCXFA1571

Bolt mount Beacon Voltage: 12V Absorption: 4,6 A Structure: Fiberglass reinforced polypropylene base. PMMA dome – screw mount. Worm gear drive. Sintered bush bearing. Anodized aluminum reflector with stepped device for manual rotation. Radio interference filter integrated in the motor.

Voltage: 12V Absorption: 4,6 A Structure: Fiberglass reinforced polypropylene base. PMMA dome – screw mount. Worm gear drive. Sintered bush bearing. Anodized aluminum reflector with stepped device for manual rotation. Radio interference filter integrated in the motor.

Mounting: Standard ISO DIN A IP Degree: IP 54 Rotation per minute: 160 ± 30 r.p.m. Approval: According to REG 65 ECE – ONU with the number A1 E2 0090121 EMC appr.: 2006/28/CE e3 031155

Mounting: Standard ISO DIN b1 with 3 bolts IP Degree: IP 54 Rotation per minute: 160 ± 30 r.p.m. Approval: A ccording to REG 65 ECE – ONU with the number A1 E2 0090121 EMC appr.: 2006/28/CE e3 031155

Part number: MCXFA1573

Part number: MCXFA1575

Available also as 9 pcs Display box (MCXFA1591). See page 24 for details.

Magnetic base Beacon

Compact flexi mount Beacon

Voltage: 12V Absorption: 4,6 A Structure: Fiberglass reinforced polypropylene base. PMMA dome – screw mount. Worm gear drive. Sintered bush bearing. Anodized aluminum reflector with stepped device for manual rotation. Radio interference filter integrated in the motor.

Mounting: with 2 magnets, self coiling lead and cigarette lighter plug IP Degree: IP 54 Rotation per minute: 160 ± 30 r.p.m. Approval: A ccording to REG 65 ECE – ONU with the number A1 E2 0090121 EMC appr.: 2006/28/CE e3 031155 Part number: MCXFA1570

Flexi globe beacon

Voltage: 12V Absorption: 2,9 A Structure: Flexible rubber base, vibration-proof. Unbreakable polycarbonate dome – screw mount. Worm gear drive. Sintered bush bearing. Anodized aluminum reflector with stepped device for manual rotation. Radio interference filter integrated in the motor.

Voltage: 12V Absorption: 4,6 A Structure: Flexible rubber base, vibration-proof. Unbreakable polycarbonate dome – clamp mount. Worm gear drive. Sintered bush bearing. Anodized aluminum reflector with stepped device for manual rotation. Radio interference filter integrated in the motor.

Mounting: Standard ISO DIN A IP Degree: IP 54 Rotation per minute: 160 ± 30 r.p.m. Approval: According to REG 65 ECE – ONU with the number A1 E2 0090121 EMC appr.: 2006/28/CE e3 031155

Mounting: Standard ISO DIN A IP Degree: IP 66 Rotation per minute: 160 ± 30 r.p.m. Approval: A ccording to REG 65 ECE – ONU with the number A1 E2 0088120 EMC appr.: 2006/28/CE e3 031155

Part number: MCXFA1572

Part number: MCXFA1574

Beacons | 25

Beacons (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Crystal LED Amber Rotating pole mounted DIN A

Crystal LED Amber Flashing pole mounted DIN A

8 LED rotating, pole mounted DIN A Part number: MCXFA1594

8 LED flashing, pole mounted DIN A Part number: MCXFA1592

Crystal LED Amber Flashing with Magnetic base

Crystal LED Amber Rotating with Magnetic base

8 LED flashing, magnetic base Part number: MCXFA1593

8 LED rotating, magnetic base Part number: MCXFA1595




8 LED rotating, pole mounted DIN A MCXFA1594

8 LED flashing, pole mounted DIN A: MCXFA1592

8 LED rotating, magnetic base: MCXFA1595

8 LED flashing, magnetic base: MCXFA1593


12 ÷ 24 V DC

12 ÷ 24 V DC






12 V DC

0.88 A

12 V DC

1.7 A

0.7 A

24 V DC

0.43 A

24 V DC

0.8 A

O.35 A


2F – 130 ± 10 double flash/min

130 ± 10 R.P.M.

4F – 130 ± 10 four-flash/min Magnetic base (AL) with high adherence Neodymium magnet DIN A base – (AL + PA 6.6) – screw mount with nut


High efficiency electronic circuit Internal reflective lens – PMMA (Polymethyl Methaacrylate ) External self-cleaning dome – PC (Polycarbonate) Timer electronic circuit realized with micro-processor for rotating effect according to R65.


Timer electronic circuit realized with micro-processor for flashing effect (2F/4F) according Protection block against polarity inversion. NB: all electronic components used for the a.m. circuit blocks conform to par. 5.1 of

regulation n°65 (ECE-ONU)

regulation n°65 (ECE-ONU)


-30 °C ÷ + 50 °C Approved according to REG 65 ECE-ONU with number: TA1 E3 00 7070



26 | Beacons

to R65.

Protection block against polarity inversion. NB: all electronic components used for the a.m. circuit blocks conform to par. 5.1 of

Approved according to REG 65 ECE-ONU with number: TA1 E3 00 7105

Measurement degrees

Limits Reg.65 (AMBER)

Measurement degrees

MAX 0°

≤ 700

MAX 0°

Limits Reg.65 (AMBER) ≤ 700

MIN 0°

≥ 100

MIN 0°

≥ 100

MIN +8°

≥ 70

MIN +8°

≥ 70

MIN –8°

≥ 70

MIN –8°

≥ 70

Composed of 8 LUXEON PHILIPS Led – Mod. REBEL assembled on a printed circuit-board with aluminium base fixed on a round aluminium heat sink. The LED emits light upwards, and the light is diffused at 360° due a reflective lens (PMMA) placed above it. This increases the efficiency of light and distributes the effect. Amber Polycarbonate – X = 0.565 Y = 0.431 66

Beacons (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Beacon Pole bracket-2 bolt stepped base

Beacon Pole bracket- 2 bolt, bulkhead fitting with locking nuts

Adapter socket with base for beacons with ISO DIN A mounting. Structure: White zinc-plated steel with internal brass socket. EPDM black cap

Wall mount threaded adapter socket, zamac nut for beacons with ISO DIN A mounting. Structure: White zinc-plated steel with internal brass socket. EPDM black cap

Part number: MCXFA1585

Part number: MCXFA1579

Beacon Pole bracket-3 bolt circular base

Beacon Pole bracket- 2 bolt rotatable mount for sloping cabs

Adapter socket with round base for beacons with ISO DIN A mounting. Structure: White zinc-plated steel with internal brass socket. EPDM black cap

Tilted directional support for cabins for beacons with ISO DIN A mounting. Structure: White zinc-plated steel with internal brass socket. EPDM black cap

Part number: MCXFA1584

Part number: MCXFA1580

Beacon Pole bracket- 2 bolt, bulkhead fitting

Beacon Pole bracket- 2 bolt rotatable mount

Wall mount adapter socket with round base for beacons with ISO DIN A mounting. Structure: White zinc-plated steel with internal brass socket. EPDM black cap

Upright directional support for cabins for beacons with ISO DIN A mounting. Structure: White zinc-plated steel with internal brass socket. EPDM black cap

Part number: MCXFA1577

Part number: MCXFA1581

Beacon Pole bracket- 2 bolt, bulkhead fitting

Beacon pole bracket – weld-on

Wall mount adapter socket with round base for beacons with ISO DIN A mounting. Structure: White zinc-plated steel with internal brass socket. EPDM black cap

Adapter socket to be welded for beacons with ISO DIN A mounting Structure: White zinc-plated steel with internal brass socket. EPDM black cap

Part number: MCXFA1578

Part number: MCXFA1582

Beacon mounting pole – adjustable with locking nuts Threaded adapter socket, zamac nut for beacons with ISO DIN A mounting. Structure: White zinc-plated steel with internal brass socket. EPDM black cap Part number: MCXFA1586

Beacon Pole bracket- 2 bolt, bulkhead fitting, H/D construction Adapter socket on a 90° mounting bracket with ISO DIN A mounting Structure: White zinc-plated steel, slotted holes and internal brass socket. EPDM black cap Part number: MCXFA1583

Beacons | 27

Beacons (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Beacon pole extension – with Q/R handle Rigid extension arm for ISO DIN A mounting beacons Structure: White zinc-plated steel with internal brass socket. EPDM black cap Length: 500mm

Replacement Polycarbonate Amber lens – for MCXFA1570, 1571 & 1573 Beacons Spare dome for MCXFA1570, 1571 & 1573 Structure: Polycarbonate PC Part number: MCXFA1588

Part number: MCXFA1576

Replacement Amber lens – for MCXFA1572 Beacon Spare dome for MCXFA1572 Structure: Polycarbonate PC Part number: MCXFA1590

28 | Beacons

LED worklights (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

LED worklights | 29

LED worklights (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

Powder coated die cast alumminium bodies, robust acrylic lenses and stainless steel fittings. Suitable for agricultural, commercial and industrial applications with 10 – 30V DC power source. Up to 3½ x lower current draw and lasts up to 50 x longer than comparable halogen units. IP67 rated with Flood and Trapezoid lens versions available.

Flood Beam

Trapezoid Beam

Round LED work light – Trapezoid lens Dimensions:

Trapezoid pattern Lens 2016 Lumens (Raw) 1728 Lumens (effective) 9 x 3 W LED’s Colour Temperature 6000K E approved

Width: 125 mm Height: 125 mm Depth: 55 mm Part Number: MCXFA1952





Oval LED work light – Trapezoid lens Dimensions:

Trapezoid pattern lens 1920 Lumens (Raw) 1500 Lumens (effective) 8 x 3 W LED’s Colour Temperature 6000K E approved

Width: 140 mm Height: 100 mm Depth: 80 mm

30 | LED worklights

Part Number: MCXFA1955





LED worklights (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Oval LED work light – Flood lens Dimensions:

Flood pattern lens 1920 Lumens (Raw) 1500 Lumens (effective) 8 x 3 W LED’s Colour Temperature 6000K E approved

Width: 140 mm Height: 100 mm Depth: 80 mm Part Number: MCXFA1950





Square LED work light – Flood lens Dimensions:

Flood pattern lens 2880 Lumens (Raw) 1728 Lumens (effective) 16 x 3 W LED’s Colour Temperature 6000K E approved

Width: 115 mm m Height: 115 mm Depth: 70 mm Part Number: MCXFA1951









Flood pattern Lens 2016 Lumens (Raw) 1728 Lumens (effective) 9 x 3 W LED’s Colour Temperature 6000K E approved

Width: 125 mm Height: 125 mm Depth: 55 mm Part Number: MCXFA1956


Round LED work light – Flood lens

Rectangular LED work light – Flood lens Dimensions:

Flood pattern lens 960 Lumens (Raw) 720 Lumens (effective) 4 x 3 W LED’s Colour Temperature 6000K E approved

Width: 130 mm Height: 50 mm Part Number: MCXFA1953




Compact square LED work light – Flood lens Dimensions:

Flood pattern lens 2000 Lumens (Raw) 2000 Lumens (effective) 1 x 25 W LED Colour Temperature 6000K E approved

Width: 90 mm Height: 90 mm Depth: 70 mm Part Number: MCXFA1954




LED worklights | 31

Battery accessories

32 | Battery accessories

Battery accessories (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) The complete range of Batteries can be found on pg 164-179

Crocodile clips 25A (2)

Crocodile clips 5A Crocodile cable clips - 5 Amp rating Pack contents: 2 Package quantity: 5

Crocodile cable clips – 25 Amp rating. Pack contents: 2 Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1187

Part number: MCXFA1188

Crocodile clips 50A (2)

Battery terminal +ve 8mm Crocodile cable clips – 50 Amp rating. Pack contents: 2 Package quantity: 5 Part number: MCXFA1189

Positive battery terminal for 8mm diameter battery cable. Solderless design with double clamping screws. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 5 Part number: MCXFA1190

Battery terminal -ve 8mm

Battery terminal HD +ve 10mm Negative battery terminal for 8mm diameter cable. Solderless design with double clamping screws. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 5 Part number: MCXFA1191

Battery terminal HD -ve 10mm

Positive heavy duty battery terminal, 10mm cable diameter. Solderless design with double clamping screws. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 5 Part number: MCXFA1192

Battery terminals +/- 8mm

Negative heavy duty battery terminal, 10mm cable diameter. Solderless design with double clamping screws. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 5

Battery terminals, pair, positive/negative, 8mm cable diameter. Solderless design with double clamping screws. Pack contents: 2 Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1193

Part number: MCXFA1196

Battery terminals +/- HD 10mm

Battery terminal XHD +ve 14.3mm

HD battery terminals, pair, positive/negative, 10mm cable diameter. Solderless design with double clamping screws. Pack contents: 2 Package quantity: 5

Extra heavy duty battery terminal. Positive. 14.3mm cable diameter. Solderless design with double clamping screws. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1197

Part number: MCXFA1198

Battery accessories | 33

Battery accessories (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) The complete range of Batteries can be found on pg 164-179

Battery terminal XHD -ve 14.3mm Extra heavy duty battery terminal. Negative. 14.3mm cable diameter. Solderless design with double clamping screws. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 5

Extra heavy duty battery terminals. Positive/Negative. 14.3mm cable diameter. Solderless design with double clamping screws. Pack contents: 2 Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1199

Part number: MCXFA1200

Battery terminal double clamp +ve

Battery terminal double clamp -ve

Positive double clamp terminal suitable for up to 10mm diameter cable Package quantity: 5

Negative double clamp terminal suitable for up to 10mm diameter cable Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1600

Part number: MCXFA1601

Battery terminal +ve

Battery terminal -ve Positive-90째 double clamp terminal suitable for cable diameter up to 12.5mm Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 5

Negative-90째 double clamp terminal suitable for cable diameter up to 12.5mm Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 5

Part Number: MCXFA1602

Part Number: MCXFA1603

Battery terminal 8mm bolt +ve

Battery terminal 8mm bolt -ve

Positive battery terminal with single 8mm bolt fixing Package quantity: 5

Negative battery terminal with single 8mm bolt fixing Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1606

Part number: MCXFA1607

Battery terminal +ve

34 | Battery accessories

Battery terminals +/- XHD 14.3mm

Battery terminal -ve Positive battery terminal with single 8mm stud fixing Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 5

Negative battery terminal with single 8mm stud fixing Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 5

Part Number: MCXFA1604

Part Number: MCXFA1605

Battery accessories (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) The complete range of Batteries can be found on pg 164-179

Battery terminal +ve

Battery terminal -ve Postive battery terminal with 10mm bolt fixing Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 5

Negative battery terminal with 10mm bolt fixing Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 5

Part Number: MCXFA1647

Part Number: MCXFA1648

Battery terminal 9mm cable +ve

Battery terminal 9mm cable -ve

Positive battery terminal with side clamp suitable for 9mm diameter cable Package quantity: 5

Negative battery terminal with side clamp suitable for 9mm diameter cable Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1608

Part number: MCXFA1609

Battery terminal 14.3mm cable +ve

Battery terminal 14.3mm cable -ve

Positive battery terminal with side clamp suitable for 14.3mm diameter cable Package quantity: 5

Negative battery terminal with side clamp suitable for 14.3mm diameter cable Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1614

Part number: MCXFA1615

Battery terminal 15mm cable +ve

Battery terminal 15mm cable -ve

Positive battery terminal with side clamp suitable for 15mm diameter cable Package quantity: 5

Negative battery terminal with side clamp suitable for 15mm diameter cable Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1616

Part number: MCXFA1617

Battery terminal RH single clamp +ve

Battery terminal RH single clamp -ve

Positive battery terminal with a right hand offset and single clamp, suitable for up to 12mm diameter cable. Package quantity: 5

Negative battery terminal with a right hand offset and single clamp, suitable for up to 12mm diameter cable. Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1618

Part number: MCXFA1619

Battery accessories | 35

Battery accessories (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) The complete range of Batteries can be found on pg 164-179

Battery terminal LH single clamp +ve

Battery terminal LH single clamp -ve

Positive battery terminal with a left hand offset and single clamp, suitable for up to 12mm diameter cable. Package quantity: 5

Negative battery terminal with a left hand offset and single clamp, suitable for up to 12mm diameter cable. Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1645

Part number: MCXFA1646

Battery terminals, quick release, insulated +/- 8mm

Battery eyelet 10mm

Battery terminals, pair, insulated quick release type, +ve/-ve. Suitable for up to 8mm diameter cable. Solderless clamp design. Ideal for applications where easy removal of power supply is required, for example: electric fencer units. Pack contents: 2 Package quantity: 5

Heavy duty 10mm eyelet suitable for battery and welding cable up to 9mm in diameter with double screw clamping Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 5 Part Number: MCXFA1610

Part number: MCXFA1201 Battery eyelet 12mm

Battery eyelet 8mm Heavy duty 12mm eyelet suitable for battery and welding cable up to 10mm in diameter with double screw clamping Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 5

Heavy duty 8mm eyelet suitable for battery and welding cable up to 8mm in diameter with double screw clamping Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 5

Part Number: MCXFA1611

Part Number: MCXFA1612

Battery eyelet 10.5mm

Battery eyelet 13mm Battery eyelets, pair. Bolt hole 10.5mm, cable diameter 9.4mm, cross section 27 – 42mm2. Crimp or solder to cable. Pack contents: 2 Package quantity: 5

Battery eyelets, pair. Bolt hole 13mm, cable diameter 11.4mm, cross section 42 – 60mm2. Crimp or solder to cable. Pack contents: 2 Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1204

Part number: MCXFA1205

Battery isolator switch 12/24V

36 | Battery accessories

Battery isolator switch 12/24V

Maximum capacity 12 Volt at 1000 Amps for 10 seconds, 24 Volt at 500 Amps for 10 seconds. Supplied with two keys

Heavy duty 12/24 Volt, 250 Amp, TIR specification isolator switch with removable key. Maximum Current: 2500 Amp for 5 sec.

Part number: MCXFA1210

Part number: MCXFA1211

Battery accessories (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) The complete range of Batteries can be found on pg 164-179

Earth strap 150mm

Earth strap 300mm Braided battery earth strap, heavy duty design with battery terminal and eyelet ends. 150mm long Package quantity: 3

Braided battery earth strap, heavy duty design with battery terminal and eyelet ends. 300mm long Package quantity: 3

Part number: MCXFA1212

Part number: MCXFA1213

Earth strap 450mm

Earth strap 600mm Braided battery earth strap, heavy duty design with battery terminal and eyelet ends. 450mm long Package quantity: 3

Braided battery earth strap, heavy duty design with battery terminal and eyelet ends. 600mm long Package quantity: 3

Part number: MCXFA1214

Part number: MCXFA1215

Earth strap 300mm ring/ring

Earth strap 450mm ring/ring

Braided battery earth strap, heavy duty design with eyelet ends. 300mm long Package quantity: 3

Braided battery earth strap, heavy duty design with eyelet ends. 450mm long Package quantity: 3

Part number: MCXFA1216

Part number: MCXFA1217

Battery hydrometer Pipette type, easy to use battery cell hydrometer. Can be easily dismantled for cleaning. Packaged in blister with simple operator instructions on reverse. Package quantity: 3 Part number: MCXFA1186

Battery accessories | 37

Battery Maintenance Chargers (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) The complete range of Batteries can be found on pg 164-179

Charge, maintain, recover and extend the life of your vehicle’s battery. John Deere has introduced a range of fully automatic micro processor maintenance Chargers to cover most machine types with lead acid batteries. From 0.8 Amp ‚connect and forget’ models to 90 Amp with selectable charge rates and start/ boost facility, are available. Suitable for all types of lead acid batteries; standard lead-acid, calcium, AGM, start-stop and gel cell.

Battery maintenance charger – 0.8A – 3 pin UK plug A connect and forget’ peace of mind solution for out of season use. Developed for the charging and maintenance of smaller capacity batteries up to 32Ah especially ATV’s, ride on mowers, motorcycles and jet skis. It will however provide maintainance charge for larger batteries up to 100Ah.

A connect and forget’ peace of mind solution for out of season use. Developed for the charging and maintenance of smaller capacity batteries up to 32Ah especially ATV’s, ride on mowers, motorcycles and jet skis. It will however maintain charged larger batteries up to 100Ah.

• Fully Automatic, • Multi-stage charging cycle , • Easy to read LED monitor, • Spark proof and reverse polarity protection • Supplied with quick connect eyelet cable and battery clamp cable • Optional battery condition indicator available MCXFA1656

• Fully Automatic • Multi-stage charging cycle • Easy to read LED monitor • Spark proof and reverse polarity protection • Supplied with quick connect eyelet cable and battery clamp cable

Part number: MCXFA1650

Battery condition indicator The LED trafic light system on the battery condition indicator allows quick and easy access to the status of your battery. Easily connected to the battery using 6.4mm eyelets, the 0.55m of 10A cable gives enough length for quick connect and disconnect. suitable for use with MCXFA1650 and MCXFA1653 battery maintainers Part number: MCXFA1656

38 | Booster cables

Battery maintenance charger – 0.8A – 2 pin Euro plug

Part number: MCXFA1653

Battery Maintenance Chargers (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) The complete range of Batteries can be found on pg 164-179 Battery maintenance charger – 10A – 2 pin Euro plug

Battery maintenance charger – 10A – 3 pin UK plug

A fully automatic maintenance charger with 6 and 12Volt detection, 3 rates of charge and microprocessor controlled for maximum performance. Suited to fast charge medium size batteries from 200 -550CCA and maintain charged units over 550CCA and deep cycle batteries. LED display allows easy monitoring of battery status or selection of individual rates of charge.

A fully automatic maintenance charger with 6 and 12Volt detection, 3 rates of charge and microprocessor controlled for maximum performance. Suited to fast charge medium size batteries from 200 -550CCA and maintain charged units over 550CCA and deep cycle batteries. LED display allows easy monitoring of battery status or selection of individual rates of charge.

• Fully Automatic • Auto Voltage detection 6-12V • 2A-6A-10A charging rates – battery size dependant • Multi-stage charging cycle • Easy to read LED monitor • Spark proof and reverse polarity protection

• Fully Automatic • Auto Voltage detection 6-12V • 2A-6A-10A charging rates - battery size dependant • Multi-stage charging cycle • Easy to read LED monitor • Spark proof and reverse polarity protection

Part number: MCXFA1654

Part number: MCXFA1651

Battery maintenance charger – 90A – 3 pin UK plug

Battery maintenance charger – 90A – 2 pin Euro plug

A fully automatic maintenance charger with boost start facility. This unit provides 6 and 12Volt detection, 3 rates of charge and is microprocessor controlled for maximum performance. Digital and LED display allow easy monitoring of battery status or selection of individual rates of charge.

A fully automatic maintenance charger with boost start facility. This unit provides 6 and 12Volt detection, 3 rates of charge and is microprocessor controlled for maximum performance. Digital and LED display allow easy monitoring of battery status or selection of individual rates of charge.

• Fully Automatic • Auto Voltage detection 6-12V • 3A-5A-20A charging rates – battery size dependent • 150A Engine boost start • Multi-stage charging cycle • Easy to read LED/Digital monitor • Spark proof and reverse polarity protection

• Fully Automatic • Auto Voltage detection 6-12V • 3A-5A-20A charging rates – battery size dependent • 150A Engine boost start • Multi-stage charging cycle • Easy to read LED/Digital monitor • Spark proof and reverse polarity protection

Part number: MCXFA1652

Part number: MCXFA1655

Booster cables | 39

Booster cables (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) The complete range of Batteries can be found on pg 164-179 Booster cable clip set 400A

Battery booster clamps 600A

Booster cable clips, pair, rated at 400 Amps for 35% of the duty cycle. Pack contents 2

Pair of heavy duty angled battery clamps suitable for cable diameter up to 10.5mm Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1

Part number: MCXFA1206

Booster cable set 600A 3.5m

Part Number: MCXFA1657

Booster cable set 600A 5m

Heavy duty booster cable set, 3,5m long, semi insulated clips. 600A, 25mm² cable

Heavy duty booster cable set, 5m long, semi insulated clips. 600A, 25mm² cable

Part number: MCXFA1207

Part number: MCXFA1208

Booster cable extra heavy duty 600A 5m

Booster cable extra heavy duty 600A 5m

Extra heavy duty booster cable set, 5m long, fully insulated clips. 600A, 50mm² cable Part number: MCXFA1209

Extra heavy duty booster cable set, 5m long, fully insulated clips. Complete with suppressor to provide protection for sensitive electronic components when boost starting. 600A, 50mm² cable Part number: MCXFA1255

40 | Booster cables

Trailer Accessories (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

42 | Trailer Accessories

Trailer Lighting (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Magnetic LED light kit

LED lighting board – 1.2 m

12V DC, vibration resistant and energy efficient light units for long life.

12V DC, vibration resistant and energy efficient light units for long life.

- 12 m and 4 m coiled cable 7 pin plug. - Strong magnets and brackets for reflectors - E approved

- 7 m cable - Durable plastic body with 2 x ø14 mm mounting holes - E approved

Part number: MCXFA2050

Part number: MCXFA2051

LED lighting board – 1.4 m

LED lighting board – 1.4 m with fog light

12V DC, vibration resistant and energy efficient light units for long life.

12V DC, vibration resistant and energy efficient light units for long life.

- 12 m cable - Durable plastic body with 2 x ø14 mm mounting holes - E approved

- 7 m cable - Durable plastic body with 2 x ø14 mm mounting holes - E approved

Part number: MCXFA2052

Part number: MCXFA2053

LED Rear light module

LED Fog light module

12V DC – 4 function, vibration resistant and energy efficient light units for long life - Replacement for LED lighting boards or bespoke application. - Size – 100 x 95 mm - 10 LED’s - E approved Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 4

12V DC – 19 LED’s, vibration resistant and energy efficient light units for long life. - Replacement for MCXFA2053 or for bespoke application - Size – 100 x 80 mm - E approved Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 4 Part number: MCXFA2055

Part number: MCXFA2054

Trailer Lighting | 43

Trailer Lighting (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Marker lamp

Marker lamp Rubber body stalk type marker lamp. Red and clear lenses. 70mm x 30mm bolt centres 4 bolt fixing. Replacement bulb: MCXFA1002. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 3

Rubber body front and rear marker lamp. 12V. Red and clear lenses. Complete with bulb. 50mm dia. 70mm bolt centres. Replacement bulb: MCXFA1002. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 3

Part number: MCXFA1231

Part number: MCXFA1230

Trailer light board

Trailer light board

Trailer light board. White PVC 1215 x 139mm. 12V. 4 function rear lights. Complete with bulbs, reflectors and 7m of cable fitted with 7 pin plug. Uses replacement MCXFA1235 light unit & MCXFA1237 lens.

White PVC 1350 x 139mm. 12V, 4 function rear lights. Complete with triangular reflectors and 12m of cable fitted with 7 pin plug. Use replacement MCXFA1235 light unit & MCXFA1237 lens.

Part number: MCXFA1232

Part number: MCXFA1233

Trailer light board

Rear lamp Rear light unit, 12V, stop/tail and indicator, with side (number plate) illumination window. Replacement unit for MCXFA1232. 97 x 97 x 47mm Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 3 Part number: MCXFA1235

Trailer light set, 12V, 2 piece. Fitted with 4 function lights and triangular reflectors. 6m trailer cable with 7 pin plug. 2m of coiled cable connects the 2 light units. 95mm x 95mm. Use replacement light unit MCXFA1235 Part number: MCXFA1234 Rear lamp

Light lens Replacement lens for light units fitted to MCXFA1232/34 lighting board. 97 x 97mm. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 3

Rear light unit, 12V, stop / tail and indicator, with side (number plate) illumination window. Complete with bulbs. 105 x 100 x 50mm. Use MCXFA1238 replacement lens. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 3

Part number: MCXFA1237

Part number: MCXFA1236

Light lens

Triangular reflectors Replacement lens for MCXFA1236. 105mm x 100mm. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 3 Part number: MCXFA1238

Pair of 135mm red rear trailer reflectors. Complete with white protective surround, total height 160mm. 2 x 5.8mm diameter mounting holes, 70mm apart. Also suitable for use with trailer lighting boards. Pack contents: 2 Package quantity: 5 Part number: MCXFA1239

44 | Trailer Lighting

Trailer Lighting (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Trailer light kit 7.5m

Magnetic trailer light kit 7m Trailer light set, 12V, 4 function, rear trailer lights with 2.5m of cable between them and 7.5m of cable fitted with a 7 pin plug. Supplied in a handy storage case.

Trailer light set, 12V, magnetic mounting, 4 function rear trailer lights with 2.5m of cable between them and 7m of cable fitted with a 7 pin plug. Supplied in a handy storage case.

Part number: MCXFA1240

Part number: MCXFA1241

Magnetic trailer light kit 12m Trailer light set, 12V, magnetic mounting, 4 function rear trailer lights with 4m of cable between them and 12m of cable fitted with a 7 pin plug. Supplied in a handy storage case. Part number: MCXFA1242

Magnetic marker light kit

Magnetic trailer light kit with reflector 7m Trailer light set, 12V, pre-wired rear lights and rear fog lamp with reflectors, magnetic mounting. 4m of cable between lamps and 12m of 7 core cable to 7 pin plug. Supplied in a handy storage case. Part number: MCXFA1243

Trailer electrical extension cable, 3m, 2 x 7 pin plugs Trailer marker light set, Front/rear pre-wired, 12V, complete with front/rear lights, 2.5m cable between lamps and 7.5m of 5 core cable to 7 pin plug. Complete with triangular trailer reflectors. Magnetic attachment for flexibility. Supplied in a handy storage case.

Plain 3m lighting cable that comes with two pre-wired 7 pin plugs. Suitable for trailers with removable cables. Part number: MCXFA1253

Part number: MCXFA1244

Coiled connecting cable, 2 x 7 pin plugs Coiled 3m cable with two pre-wired 7 pin plugs. Part number: MCXFA1254

Trailer Lighting | 45

Trailer Plugs & Sockets (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Plastic 7 pin plug & socket

Plastic 7 pin plug High impact moulded plastic 7 pin plug. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 5

High impact moulded plastic 7 pin trailer plug and socket set. Supplied complete with mounting screws and rubber gasket. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1246

Part number: MCXFA1245

Plastic 7 pin socket

Metal 7 pin plug & socket High impact moulded plastic 7 pin socket. Supplied complete with mounting screws and rubber gasket. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 5

Die cast metal alloy 7 pin trailer plug and socket set. Supplied complete with mounting screws and rubber gasket. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1247

Part number: MCXFA1248

Metal 7 pin plug

Metal 7 pin socket Die cast metal alloy 7 pin trailer plug. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 5

Die cast metal alloy 7 pin trailer socket. Supplied complete with mounting screws and rubber gasket. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1249

Part number: MCXFA1250

Trailing 7 pin socket

Plastic 13 pin plug Trailing socket for 7 pin extension cables. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 3 Part number: MCXFA1252

Trailer plug 12V, 13 pin. More recently found on towbar electric systems, the 13 pin plug can combine 7 pin black 12N lighting and grey 12S supplemental power plugs. Benefits include waterproof when connected, connections are electro-plated helping corrosion resistance, coupled by a positive twist lock and each pin can carry up to 25 Amps. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 3 Part number: MCXFA1256

46 | Trailer Plugs & Sockets

Trailer Plugs & Sockets (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Plastic 13 pin socket

Adaptor plug 13 to 7 pin Plastic trailer socket, 12V, 13 pin, with gasket and fixing screws. More recently found on towbar electrics , the 13 pin socket can combine black 12N lighting socket and grey 12S supplemental power sockets. Benefits include: waterproof when connected, connections are electro-plated helping corrosion resistance, coupled by a positive twist lock and each pin can carry up to 25 Amps. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 3

Conversion adaptor 13 pin vehicle to 7 pin trailer. European vehicles are more commonly being fitted with 13 pin sockets. This adaptor enables conversion between new vehicles and trailers with a 7 pin plug that may still be required when used behind other older vehicles. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 3 Part number: MCXFA1258

Part number: MCXFA1257

Adaptor plug 7 to 13 pin Conversion adaptor, 7 pin vehicle to 13 pin trailer. This adaptor enables connection between new trailers supplied with a 13 pin plug and older vehicles with 7 pin sockets. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 3 Part number: MCXFA1259

7 pin socket mounting plate Twin mounting holes Ă˜16.5mm x 85mm hole spacing, black finish. Suitable for use with towing balls and 7 pin sockets. Pack contents 1 Pack quantity 1 Part number: MCXFA1382

Trailer Jack (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Wheeled jack 400Kg

Wheel jack bracket Trailer wheel jack, shaft diameter 50mm. 400Kg maximum weight, minimum height 540mm, maximum height 760mm. Solid rubber tyre 40mm width and 200mm diameter. Use with MCXFA1221 mounting clamp Part number: MCXFA1220

Mounting clamp bracket for use with 50mm shaft diameter jacks and MCXFA1220 wheel jack. Mounting holes 10mm diameter and hole centres 95mm Part number: MCXFA1221

Trailer Plugs & Sockets | 47

Trailer Hardware (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Tail board drop catch (bolt on)

Part number: MCXFA1920

Bolt on over-centre drop catch. Zinc plated for corrosion resistance Outer diameter - 20mm/Thread length - 2 1/2” (64mm)/ Thread Type - 1/2”UNF/Locating shoulder - Round Ø13mm x 14mm Complete with 3 hole anti rotation washer and Nylock Nut Suitable for use with MCXFA1924 and MCXFA1945 keeper plates Supplied in re-sealable clam pack Pack content: 2 Package Qty: 5

Tail board drop catch (bolt on)

Part number: MCXFA1922

Tail board drop catch (bolt on)

Part number: MCXFA1921

Tail board drop catch (weld on) Weld on over-centre drop catch. Zinc plated for corrosion resistance Outer diameter - 20mm/Locating shoulder - weld on Round Ø12.5mm x 13mm Suitable for use with MCXFA1924 and MCXFA1945 keeper plates Supplied in re-sealable clam pack Pack content: 2 Package Qty: 5

Bolt on over-centre drop catch. Zinc plated for corrosion resistance Zinc plated for corrosion resistance Outer diameter - 20mm/Thread length - 76mm/Thread Type - M12/Locating shoulder - Round Ø13mm x 14mm Complete with Nylock Nut Suitable for use with MCXFA1924 and MCXFA1945 keeper plates Supplied in re-sealable clam pack Pack content: 2 Package Qty: 5

Eye plate

Bolt on over-centre drop catch. Zinc plated for corrosion resistance Outer diameter - 20mm/Thread length - 20mm/Thread Type - M12/Locating shoulder - Round, Ø12.5mm x 12.5mm Complete with Nylock Nut Suitable for use with MCXFA1924 and MCXFA1945 keeper plates Supplied in re-sealable clam pack Pack content: 2 Package Qty: 5

Part number: MCXFA1923

Eye plate Zinc plated for corrosion resistance Size - 152mm x 50mm x 6.5 mm Hole diameter - Ø22mm Suitable for bolting or welding For use with Drop catches MCXFA1920-MCXFA1923 Pack content: 2 Package Qty: 5

Zinc plated for corrosion resistance Size - 244mm x 40mm x 8 mm Hole diameter - Ø22mm Suitable for bolting or welding For use with Drop Catches MCXFA1920-MCXFA1923 Pack content: 2 Package Qty: 5

Part number: MCXFA1924

Part number: MCXFA1945

Round cotter pin and chain Zinc plated mild steel for corrosion resistance Size - Ø9.5mm x 109mm Chain - 189mm Zinc plated, with Ø132mm ring Pack content: 2 Package Qty: 5 Part number: MCXFA1946

Tail gate pin with chain Zinc plated locking pin and chain. Over centre locking spring 190mm of zinc plated chain Size - 60mm x 17mmx 4mm tapered blade Suitable for use with MCXFA1926. Supplied in re-sealable clam pack Pack content: 2 Package Qty: 5 Part number: MCXFA1925

Tail gate female lug (weld on)

48 | Trailer Hardware

Tail gate male lug (weld on)

Cast steel retaining lug - self coloured Weld on fitmemt Outer Diameter - Ø20mm Locating shoulder - Ø12.5mm x 12mm Slot size - 20mm x 5.5mm Unpainted finish for easy fittment. For use with MCXFA1925 pin. Supplied in re-sealable clam pack Pack content: 2 Package Qty: 5

Cast steel retaining lug - self coloured Weld on fitmemt Pin size - Ø19mm x 38mm Overall size - 138mm x 32mm Mounting thickness - 7mm Weld area - 94mm x 32mm Unpainted finish for easy fittment. for use with MCXFA1928 fork and MCXFA1946 pin Pack content: 2 Package Qty: 5

Part number: MCXFA1926

Part number: MCXFA1927

Trailer Hardware (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Tail gate forket

Part number: MCXFA1928

Rope hook

Double rope hook

Part number: MCXFA1929

Spring bolt - 10mm Zinc plated for corrosion resistance Bolt on fittment Pressed steel profile Overall size - 86mm x 20mm x 5.5 mm Mounting hole diameter - Ø7mm Hook size - 40mm x 5.5mm Supplied in re-sealable clam pack Pack content: 2 Package Qty: 5 Part number: MCXFA1930

Spring bolt - 12mm

Part number: MCXFA1932

Zinc plated for corrosion resistance Bolt on fittment Cast steel profile Overall size - 99mm x 23mm x 8 mm Mounting hole diameter - Ø8.5mm Hook size - 58mm x Ø10mm Supplied in re-sealable clam pack Pack content: 2 Package Qty: 5

Cast steel retaining fork - self coloured Weld on fittmemt Internal diameter - Ø21mm Overall size - 138mm x 32mm Pin hole diameter - 11mm Weld area - 54mm x 35mm Unpainted finish for easy fittment. for use with MCXFA1927 Lug and MCXFA1946 pin Pack content: 2 Package Qty: 5

Part number: MCXFA1931

Zinc plated for corrosion resistance Heavy duty design Pin diameter - Ø10mm Pin stroke - 40mm Pin locking feature (spring compressed) Mounting plate size - 70 x 40 x 3mm Mounting Holes - 4 x Ø6.5mm Overall length 140mm. Pack content: 1 Package Qty: 3

Spring bolt - 16mm Zinc plated for corrosion resistance Heavy duty design Pin diameter - Ø12mm Pin stroke - 35mm Pin locking feature (spring compressed) Mounting plate size - 70 x 40 x 4mm Mounting Holes - 4 x Ø6.5mm Overall length 155mm. Pack content: 1 Package Qty: 3

Hinge plate

Part number: MCXFA1933

Zinc plated for corrosion resistance Heavy duty design Pin diameter - Ø16mm Pin stroke - 85mm Pin locking feature (spring compressed) Mounting plate size - 130 x 50 x 5mm Mounting Holes - 4 x Ø6.5mm Overall length 255mm. Pack content: 1 Package Qty: 3

Tail gate gudgeon pin (weld on) Self - coloured mild steel Weld or Bolt on fittment Size - 150mm x 40mm x 6mm Hole diameter - Ø13mm Suitable for use with MCXFA1948 and MCXFA1949 gudgeon pins Pack content: 2 Package Qty: 5

Self-coloured cast steel Weld-on fittment Pin size - 12.5mm x 40mm Overall length - 95mm Weld area - 45mm x 26mm Suitable for use with MCXFA1947 hinge Pack content: 2 Package Qty: 5

Part number: MCXFA1947

Part number: MCXFA1948

Tail gate gudgeon pin (bolt on)

Lashing ring

Zinc plated cast steel Bolt-on fittment Pin size - 12.5mm x 48mm Overall length - 95mm Hole diameter - Ø8.5mm hole spacing - 38mm Suitable for use with MCXFA1947 hinge Pack content: 2 Package Qty: 5

Zinc plated for corrosion resistance Bolt-on fittmet with cast steel ring Recessed, lay-flat design Overall size - 95mm x 101mm Hole diameter - Ø7mm Hole spacing - 79mm x 73mm Safe Working Load (S.W.L) - 500Kg Pack content: 1 Package Qty: 5

Part number: MCXFA1949

Part number: MCXFA1965 Trailer Hardware | 49

Heavy Duty Camera Systems

Kits and Single components for John Deere machines For tractor models 6R, 7R, 8R, and 9R as well as for Combines and Forage Harvesters, John Deere offers customised, easy to install, modular camera kits. Each kit includes a camera and an extension cable as well as a connection or adapter cable. The kits are compatible with the John Deere terminals Generation 4 Command Center, GS3 Command Center Touch and GS3 2630 Display. Several kits may be necessary depending on the requirement and on the tractor/trailer combination. Typical applications are described on the following pages, also listing the required kits and components. The system components are available as kits and as separate items, allowing the customisation of each system to fit the required application.

50 | Heavy Duty Camera Systems

Heavy Duty Camera Systems (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

John Deere Heavy Duty Camera Systems let you observe your daily work better and enable you to work more efficiently: Reliable transport and operation. With CCTV Video Camera systems cameras you have time to see bystanders and objects. Maximum yield. Unloading auger, towed vehicle, bale ejection – you can selectively monitor work processes in and on the vehicle. ■■ Less stress behind the controls. Whether ploughing, spraying, sowing, fertilising or harvesting – you can look forward and still see everything without straining. A camera to monitor operations behind the cab makes your job easier, contributing to a healthy working posture and improved productivity. ■■ ■■

John Deere offers complete Camera sets which, in combination with the GreenStar GS3 2630 Display, provide a universal solution for your entire fleet. The system components are available as a kit or as separate items.

The Camera (MCAXE41697) The camera features CMOS technology and an automatic brightness adjustment to deliver sharp, high contrast images under back light and rapidly changing light conditions. The rugged die-cast aluminium housing protects the camera against adverse weather conditions and the camera’s high shock and vibration resistance allow use under extremely tough conditions. The camera fulfills the criteria specified for IP69K, including: ■■ 100% dustproof and waterproof ■■ Withstand high pressure washer applications with no need to dismount the camera before cleaning the equipment.

Extension Cables Extension cables are available in three different lengths to ensure versatility for different applications. The camera connects to the extension cables with a M12 industry connector, assuring waterproofing features. Available external extension cables: ■■ 5m (MC4080413005) ■■ 12m (MC4080413012) ■■ 16m (MC4080413016)

Adapter and Connection Cables The adapter and connection cables have been specifically designed to connect the camera either to the John Deere GS3 CommandCenter Touch terminals of 7R, 8R, 9R series tractors and combines or to the John Deere GS3 2630 display.

Heavy Duty Camera Systems | 51

Camera kits for 6R Series Tractors with GS3 CommandCenter (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) The camera sets include a board net camera and an extension cable which is available in 5, 12, or 16 metre lengths. The extension cable is directly connected to the factory installed interface cable of the GS3 CommandCenter Touch of the 6R series tractor.

Configuration Rear View Surveillance Quantity Part Number

GS3 CommandCenter Touch



Components 1 Board net CMOS camera (MCAXE41697) 1 Extension cable 5 metres (MC4080413005)

Configuration with Trailer/Attachment GS3 CommandCenter Touch

Quantity Part Number 1

Configuration with GS3 2630 Display GS3 CommandCenter Touch


Components 1 Board net CMOS camera (MCAXE41697) 1 Extension cable 12 metres (MC4080413012)

The GS3 2630 Display has been designed to connect up to three cameras. The terminal connection cable is installed inside the cab, while the connections for the extension cable are located outside the cab.

Quantity Part Number 1



1 1

52 | Camera kits for 6R Series Tractors

1 Extension cable 5 metres (MC4080413005) 2 Board net CMOS camera (MCAXE41697)

GS3 2630 Display

NOTE: If the 6R has no Camera preparation, the following additional parts are required:

Components 1 Board net CMOS camera (MCAXE41697)



MCAXE41697 MC4080413016

2 Extension cable 16 metres (MC4080413016) 1 Connection cable 3,3 metres (MC4030446003) 1 Board net CMOS camera 1 Extension cable 16 metres 6R without Camera preparation 1x AL210965 1x AL210966 4x 21H1442 1x 57M10653

Camera kits for 6R Series Tractors with Generation 4 CommandCenter (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) The camera sets include a board net camera and an extension cable which is available in 5, 12, or 16 metre lengths.

Configuration Rear View Surveillance Generation 4 Command Center

Quantity Part Number 1

Configuration with Trailer/Attachment


Quantity Part Number

Generation 4 Command Center 1


Components 1 Board net CMOS camera (MCAXE41697) 1 Extension cable 5 metres (MC4080413005)

Components 1 Board net CMOS camera (MCAXE41697) 1 Extension cable 12 metres (MC4080413012) 1 Board net CMOS camera (MCAXE41697)



1 Extension cable 5 metres (MC4080413005) 1 Y Connection cable (MC4030601930)

Camera kits for 6R Series Tractors | 53

Camera kits for 7R, 8R, 9R Series Tractors (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) The camera sets include a board net camera, an extension cable (available in 5, 12, or 16 metre lengths) and an adapter cable to connect the extension cable to the factory installed interface cable of the Generation 4 Command Center or the GS3 CommandCenter Touch of the 7R, 8R and 9R series tractors.

Configuration with Trailer/Attachment Generation 4 Command Center

Quantity Part Number



Components 1 Board net CMOS camera (MCAXE41697) 1 Extension cable 16 metres (MC4080413016) 1 Adapter cable 0.3 metres (MC4030440930) 1 Board net CMOS camera (MCAXE41697)



1 Extension cable 5 metres (MC4080413005) 1 Adapter cable 0,3 metres (MC4030440930)

Configuration with Generation 4 Command Center Generation 4 Command Center

Quantity Part Number



Components 1 Board net CMOS camera (MCAXE41697) 1 Extension cable 5 metres (MC4080413005) 1 Adapter cable 0.3 metres (MC4030440930) 1 Board net CMOS camera (MCAXE41697)



1 Extension cable 12 metres (MC4080413012) 1 Adapter cable 0.3 metres (MC4030440930)

Configuration Rear View Surveillance GS3 CommandCenter Touch

Quantity Part Number



Components 1 Board net CMOS camera (MCAXE41697) 1 Extension cable 5 metres (MC4080413005) 1 Adapter cable 0,3 metres (MC4030440930)

54 | Camera kits for 7R, 8R, 9R Series Tractors

Camera kits for Combines and Self Propelled Forage Harvesters (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) The GS3 2630 Display has been designed to connect up to three cameras. The terminal connection cable is installed inside the cab, while the connections for the extension cable are located outside the cab.

Combine Configuration with GS3 2630 Display GS3 CommandCenter Touch

Quantity Part Number



Components 1 Board net CMOS camera (MCAXE41697) 1 Extension cable 16 metres (MC4080413016) 1 Adapter cable 0,3 metres (MC4030440930)

GS3 2630 Display

Self Propelled Forage Harvester Configuration with GS3 2630 Display GS3 2630 Display

Quantity Part Number


1 1


MCAXE41697 MC4080413012

Components 1 Board net CMOS camera (MCAXE41697) 1 Extension cable 16 metres (MC4080413016) 1 Connection cable 3.3 metres (MC4030446003) 1 Board net CMOS cameras 1 Extension cable 12 metres

8000 Self Propelled Forage Harvester Configuration with GS3 CommandCenter Touch Quantity Part Number 1


Components 1 TFT-Monitor 7" (MC4013071003) 1 Adapter cable 0,8 m (MC4030672980)

GS3 CommandCenter Touch

Camera kits for Combines and Self Propelled Forage Harvesters | 55

Overview John Deere Camera Kits (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)























56 | Overview John Deere Camera Kits

Connection cable 3,3 m MC4030446003


Adapter cable 0,3 m MC4030440930


Y Connection cable MC4030601930


Adapter Cable 0,8 m MC4030672980


Monitor 7" MC4013071003


Extension Cable 16 m MC4080413016

Extension Cable 5m MC4080413005


Extension Cable 12 m MC4080413012

Part number

Camera MCAXE41697

The system components are available as kits and as separate items, allowing the customisation of each system to fit the required application.

Model Series










7R, 8R, 9R, S, T, W


7R, 8R, 9R, S, T, W


7R, 8R, 9R, S, T, W


6R, 7R, 8R, 9R, S, T, W, SPFH 7000


6R, 7R, 8R, 9R, S, T, W, SPFH 7000



6R, 7R, 8R, 9R, S, T, W, SPFH 7000



6R, 7R, 8R, 9R, S, T, W, SPFH 7000









6R fT4


6R fT4


6R fT4

SPFH 8000

Universal Heavy Duty Camera Systems (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

No matter what Agricultural operation you need to perform and no matter what machinery and attachment you use, with the Universal Heavy Duty Camera Systems you’ll have the intelligent camera monitoring system that fits your need.

Configuration with Trailer/Attachment Quantity Part Number



Components 1 TFT-Monitor 7" (MC4013071003) 1 System cable 5 metres (MC4030496005) 1 Board net CMOS camera (MCAXE41697)





Tractor cable 5m 1 Extension cable 12 metres (MC4080413012) 1 Board net CMOS camera (MCAXE41697)

Combine Configuration with 7" Monitor Quantity Part Number



Components 1 TFT-Monitor 7" (MC4013071003) 2 System cables 15 metres (MC4030496015) 2 Board net CMOS cameras (MCAXE41697)

Optional: 2 Extension cable 20m (MC4030496020)

Configuration Self Propelled Forage Harvester camera image transmitted to tractor Quantity Part Number



Components 1 TFT-Monitor 7" (MC4013071003) 1 System cable 15 metres (MC4030496015 ) 1 Board net CMOS camera (MCAXE41697)



1 Radio transmitter

Tractor: 1 TFT-Monitor 5,6" (MC4010039001) 1 Radio receiver (MC4050036001)

Universal Heavy Duty Camera Systems | 57

Cargo Handling (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

58 | Cargo Handling

Cargo Handling (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

A range of soft grip handled ratchet tie downs to suit most applications. From light weight domestic to heavy duty commercial uses in a variety of sizes and pack quantities. Produced to GS TÜV and EN 12195-2 specification. Ratchet tie down 50mm x 5m

Ratchet tie down 50mm x 10m

Ratchet tie down suitable for heavy duty agricultural and industrial applications Width – 50mm Length – 5m Breaking force – 5000kg

Ratchet tie down suitable for heavy duty agricultural and industrial applications Width – 50mm Length – 10m Breaking force – 5000kg

Part number: MCXFA1272

Part number: MCXFA1279

Ratchet tie down – 32mm x 5m

Ratchet tie down – 32mm x 5m

Ratchet tie down suitable for medium duty agricultural and horticultural applications. Pack of 4 straps Width – 32mm Length – 5m Breaking force – 2250kg

Ratchet tie down suitable for medium duty agricultural and horticultural applications. Pack of 2 straps Width – 32mm Length – 5m Breaking force – 2250kg

Part number: MCXFA1273

Part number: MCXFA1274

Ratchet tie down – 32mm x 5m Ratchet tie down suitable for medium duty agricultural and horticultural applications Width – 32mm Length – 5m Breaking force – 2250kg Part number: MCXFA1275

Ratchet tie down – 25mm x 5m

Ratchet tie down – 25mm x 5m Ratchet tie down suitable for light duty agricultural, horticultural and domestic applications. Pack of 4 straps Width – 25mm length – 5m Breaking force – 500kg Part number: MCXFA1276 Ratchet tie down – 25mm x 5m

Ratchet tie down suitable for light duty agricultural, horticultural and domestic applications. Pack of 2 straps width – 25mm length – 5m Breaking force – 500kg

Ratchet tie down suitable for light duty agricultural, horticultural and domestic applications. width – 25mm length – 5m Breaking force – 500kg

Part number: MCXFA1277

Part number: MCXFA1278

Bungee strap assortment 10 pcs A convenient pack of 10 assorted length elasticated bungee straps suitable for lighter duty retaining. Produced with soft grip metal hooks and manufactured to G.S TUV specification in a variety of lengths. All packed in a handy reuseable Zip bag. 2 x 450mm, 2 x 600mm, 2 x 800mm 2 x 1000mm, 2 x 1200mm Part number: MCXFA1270 | 59

Fuel Handling (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

60 | Fuel Transfer Pumps

Fuel Transfer Pumps (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

A self-priming pump with built in by-pass for diesel and light oil transfer. 40 litres per minute capacity. Supplied with 2m battery cable with heavy duty clips, 4m high quality delivery hose, brass fittings, metal auto-stop delivery nozzle and filter. On/off switch, base mounting plate and carrying handle. Requires 12 volt DC supply. Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1 Part Number: MCXFA1723

Submersible pump kit – 12V DC Convenient 12V DC submersible transfer pump kit, ideal for light viscosity fluids. Constructed from durable ABS plastic with a Stainless Steel outer Casing. Features: - Max flow rate – 18 Ltr/min - Max pressure – 15 PSI - Heavy duty battery clamps - Intergral inlet strainer, - Inline on off switch. - Suitable for transferring diesel, vehicle coolant and water. - Supplied with fuel hose retaining clips and stainless steel nozzle. - CE approved Part Number: MCXFA1724

Fuel Transfer Pumps | 61

Nozzles and Hoses (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Automatic shut off fuel delivery nozzle Upgrade or replace your existing fuel store or transfer pump delivery nozzle. Constructed from aluminium, steel and ABS plastic and encased in a soft grip insulated handle. Features: - Automatic shut off - 3/4" bsp, 360˚ swivel female inlet with metal strainer - 80L/min, max flow rate - 3 lockable trigger positions - Soft grip, insulated handle - Suitable for diesel and biodiesel - CE approved

Fuel delivery nozzle Quality aluminium bodied delivery nozzle with angled steel delivery tube. Features: - Aluminium construction - 80L/min, max flow rate - 2 lockable trigger positions - 1" bsp, 360˚swivel female inlet with with metal strainer - Angled outlet pipe for easier dispensing - Suitable for diesel and biodiesel - CE approved Part number: MCXFA1731

Part number: MCXFA1729

Fuel delivery hose with brass fittings Heavy duty fuel hose. 4m x 3/4" (19mm) I/D hose with swaged 3/4" BSP male fittings. Nitrile Butadiene rubber (NBR) construction with internal stainless steel braiding for strength and flexibility. Suitable for diesel, biodiesel and oil. Suitable replacement hose for MCXFA1723 fuel transfer pump. Part number: MCXFA1726

62 | Nozzles and Hoses

Universal fuel delivery hose Heavy duty, 1" (25mm approx) I/D x 4m universal fuel hose suitable for diesel, biodiesel and oil. Nitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) construction and internal stainless steel braiding for strength and flexibility. Part number: MCXFA1727

Bulk Fuel Filters with Water Separation (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

Fuel quality plays a vital role in a machine’s performance and directly affects its associated operating and maintenance costs. John Deere has introduced a spin-on water block filter range to help protect your machinery from dirty fuel. This selection of water separation fuel filter assemblies, replacement filters and connectors can help to prevent inconvenient, costly repairs and expensive down time caused by dirty fuel being transferred from bulk storage into your vehicles.

Water block diesel filter – 70L /min

Water block diesel filter assembly – 70L /min Water block fuel filter for bulk storage tanks or transfer systems. Suitable for diesel or heating oil. Aluminium head with Spin-on canister Flow rate – 70L/min Filter rate – 10 Micron Pressure rating – 12 bar (170 psi) Head connection – 1" BSP Filter thread – 1" UNF Part number: MCXFA1710

Part number: MCXFA1711

Water block diesel filter – 120L /min

Water block diesel filter assembly – 120L /min Water block fuel filter for bulk storage tanks or transfer systems, suitable for diesel or heating oil. Aluminium head with Spin -on canister Flow rate – 120L/min Filter rate – 10 Micron Pressure rating – 12 bar (170 psi) Head connection – 1 1/4" BSP Filter thread – 1 1/4" UNF Part number: MCXFA1713

Replacement spin-on canister for MCXFA1713 assembly. Compatible with other manufacturer’s systems Flow rate – 120L/min Filter rate – 10 Micron Pressure rating – 12 bar (170 psi) Filter thread – 1 1/4" UNF Part number: MCXFA1712

Water block diesel filter – 150L /min

Water block diesel filter assembly – 150L /min Water block fuel filter for bulk storage tanks or transfer systems, suitable for diesel or heating oil. Aluminium head with Spin-on canister Flow rate – 150L/min Filter rate – 10 Micron Pressure rating – 12 bar (170 psi) Head connection – 1 1/4" BSP Filter thread – 1 1/2" UNF Pack contents: 1

Replacement spin -on canister for MCXFA1710 assembly. Compatible with other manufacturers systems Flow rate – 70L/min Filter rate – 10 Micron Pressure rating – 12 bar (170 psi) Filter thread – 1" UNF

Pack Qty: 1

Replacement spin-on canister for MCXFA1714 assembly. Compatible with other manufacturer’s systems. Flow rate – 150L/min Filter rate – 10 Micron Pressure rating – 12 bar (170 psi) Filter thread – 1 1/2" UNF Part number: MCXFA1715

Part number: MCXFA1714

Bulk Fuel Filters with Water Separation | 63

Bulk Fuel Filters With Water Separation – Adaptors and Fittings (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

A range of adaptors and fittings suitable for popular installations. It is recommended that PTFE thread tape (MCXFA1170) is used on all adaptor threads when building a system.

Adaptor fitting – 1" x 1" BSPT Male x Male Galvanised steel fitting with hexagonal nut. Thread size 1" BSPT (Taper) Package quantity: 3 Part number: MCXFA1716

Hosetail fitting 1" x 1" BSPT Male

Hosetail fitting 1" x 1 1/4" BSPT Male Brass hose tail fitting suitable for 1" internal diameter fuel hose. With 1 1/4" BSPT (taper) thread. Package quantity: 3 Part number: MCXFA1719

Adaptor fitting 1" x 1" BSP Female x Female

Brass hose tail fitting suitable for 1" internal diameter fuel hose. With 1" BSPT (Taper) thread. Package quantity: 3

Galvanised tube fitting with 1" BSP internal thread. Package quantity: 3

Part number: MCXFA1718

Part number: MCXFA1721

Adaptor fitting 1" x 1" BSPT 60mm Male x Male

Adaptor elbow 90° 1" x 1" BSP Female

Galvanised tube fitting with 1" BSPT (taper) external thread. Package quantity: 3

Galvanised 90° elbow fitting with 1" BSP internal thread. Package quantity: 3

Part number: MCXFA1720

Part number: MCXFA1725

Adaptor fitting – 1" x 1" BSP Male x Female Zinc plated adaptor fitting with 1" BSP internal and external threads. Package quantity: 3 Part number: MCXFA1722

Reducer 1 1/4" x 1" BSPT/BSP Male x Female Galvanised steel reducer for filter housings. 1 1/4" BSPT (taper) external and 1" BSP internal thread. Package quantity: 3 Part number: MCXFA1717

64 | Bulk Fuel Filters with Water Separation

Liquid Handling (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

Liquid Handling | 65

Liquid Handling (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Measuring jug 5L

Funnel 1.7L

High density translucent polyethylene construction for transferring metered quantities of liquids. 5L capacity Removable flexi nozzle Screw lid to prevent dirt ingress

Heavy Duty Polypropelene construction in translucent white to enable clear view of media. Specially designed countoured funnel body enabling easier handling. 1.7L capacity Ø130mmv pouring aperture with hinged lid Anti-splash rim and integral wire mesh filter Removable flexi spout 170mm long Package quantity: 3

Part number: MCXFA1707

Part number: MCXFA1702

Funnel 3L

Fuel container 5L – Green Heavy Duty Polypropelene construction in translucent white to enable clear view of media. Specially designed countoured funnel body enabling easier handling. 3L capacity Ø170mm pouring aperture with hinged lid Anti-splash rim and integral wire mesh filter Removable flexi spout 245mm long. Drum bung connector for 205L barrel Package quantity: 3

Durable 5ltr plastic fuel container, John Deere branded and coloured green for unleaded petrol. Twist-on, vented flexispout for smooth pouring. UN approved and complies with SI 1982/630 Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 4 Part Number: MCXFA1708

Part number: MCXFA1703

Measuring jug 1L

Fuel container 10L – Black High density translucent polyethylene construction for transferring metered quantities of liquids. 1L capacity (marked in Litres and Quarts) Removable flexi nozzle Screw lid to prevent dirt ingress Package quantity: 5

Durable 10ltr plastic fuel container, John Deere branded and coloured black for use with diesel fuel. Twist-on, vented flexispout for smooth pouring. UN approved and complies with SI 1982/630 Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 4

Part number: MCXFA1705

Measuring jug 2L

Bucket High density translucent polyethylene construction for transferring metered quantities of liquids. 2L capacity (marked in Litres and Quarts) Removable flexi nozzle Screw lid to prevent dirt ingress Package quantity: 3 Part number: MCXFA1706

66 | Liquid Handling

Part Number: MCXFA1709

Round plastic bucket with metal handle. John Deere Logo printed on one side. Suitable for a range of garden, work and household jobs. Capacity: 10l. Part Number: MCV201508001

| 67

Hardware (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

68 | Hardware

Lynch Pins & Shaft Locking Pins (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

6mm x 42mm Pear ring

6mmxx42mm 42mmRound Roundring ring 6mm

8mm x 38mm Pear ring

Lynch pin pack 6mm x 42mm Pear ring, supplied in a re-sealable clampack Pack contents: 5 Package quantity: 5

Lynch pin pack 6mm x 42mm Round ring, supplied in a re-sealable clampack Pack contents: 5 Package quantity: 5

Lynch pin pack 8mm x 38mm Pear ring, supplied in a re-sealable clampack Pack contents: 5 Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1085

Part number: MCXFA1086

Part number: MCXFA1080

8.8mm x 42mm Pear ring

11mm 10.5 mmx x42mm 42mmPear Pearring ring

10.5 mm x 44mm Round ring

Lynch pin pack 8.8mm x 42mm Pear ring, supplied in a re-sealable clampack Pack contents: 5 Package quantity: 5

Lynch pin pack 10.5 mm x 42mm Pear ring, supplied in a re-sealable clampack Pack contents: 5 Package quantity: 5

Lynch pin pack 10.5 mm x 44mm Round ring, supplied in a re-sealable clampack Pack contents: 5 Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1081

Part number: MCXFA1082

Part number: MCXFA1084

10.5 mm x 51mm Round ring Lynch pin pack 10.5 mm x 51mm Round ring, supplied in a re-sealable clampack Pack contents: 5 Package quantity: 5 Part number: MCXFA1083

9.4mm x 42mm Pear ring

6mm x 42mm Round ring

8mm x 38mm Pear ring

Lynch pin 6mm x 42mm Round ring, supplied in a white plastic bucket Pack contents: 100

Lynch pin 8mm x 38mm Pear ring, supplied in a white plastic bucket Pack contents: 100

Part number: MCXFA1091

Part number: MCXFA1087

11mm x 42mm Pear ring

11mm x 70mm Round ring

Lynch pin 9.4mm x 42mm Pear ring, supplied in a white plastic bucket Pack contents: 100

Lynch pin 11mm x 42mm Pear ring, supplied in a white plastic bucket Pack contents: 100

Lynch pin 11mm x 70mm Round ring, supplied in a white plastic bucket Pack contents: 50

Part number: MCXFA1088

Part number: MCXFA1089

Part number: MCXFA1090

8mm x 42mm Round ring

9mm x 51mm Round ring

9mm x 44mm Round ring

Linch pin 8mm x 42mm, Round ring, supplied in a white plastic bucket Pack contents: 100

Linch pin 9mm x 51mm, Round ring, supplied in a white plastic bucket Pack contents: 100

Linch pin 9mm x 44mm, Round ring, supplied in a white plastic bucket Pack contents: 100

Part number: MCXFA1463

Part number: MCXFA1465

Part number: MCXFA1464

Lynch Pins & Shaft Locking Pins | 69

Lynch Pins & Shaft Locking Pins (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

11mm x 51mm Round ring

6mm xx 42mm 11mm 44mm Round round ring

6mm x 50mm Shaft locking pin

Lynch pin 11mm x 51mm Round ring, supplied in a white plastic bucket Pack contents: 50

Lynch pin 11mm x 44mm Round ring, supplied in a white plastic bucket Pack contents: 50

Shaft locking pin 6mm x 50mm Pack contents: 2 Pack quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1462

Part number: MCXFA1461

Part number: MCXFA1393

8mm x 57mm Shaft locking pin

11mm x 57mm 42mm Shaft Pear ring 9.5mm locking pin

10,5 mm x 89mm Shaft locking pin

Shaft locking pin 8mm x 57mm Pack contents: 2 Pack quantity: 5

Shaft locking pin 9.5mm x 57mm Pack contents: 2 Pack quantity: 5

Shaft locking pin 10,5 mm x 89mm Pack contents: 2 Pack quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1394

Part number: MCXFA1395

Part number: MCXFA1392

10,5 mm x 53mm Quick hitch ball linch pin

15mm x 60mm Quick hitch ball linch pin

Quick hitch ball lynch pin 10,5 mm x 53mm Pack contents: 2 Pack quantity: 5

Quick hitch ball lynch pin 15mm x 60mm Pack contents: 2 Pack quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1459

Part number: MCXFA1460

Pin and clip assortment 100 popular lynch pins and ‚R‘clips, contained in a white plastic bucket. 10x2.5mm R clips(3/32) 20x3mm R clips(1/8") 20x4mm R clips(5/32") 10x5mm R clips(3/16") 10x6mm linch pins(1/4") 10x9mm linch pins (3/8") 20x11mm linch pins(7/16") Part number: MCXFA1098

70 | Lynch Pins & Shaft Locking Pins

R Clips & Cotter Pins (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Assorted R clips

4mm x 75mm R clips Contains 150 R clips in a handy yellow stacking box, in the following sizes and approximate quantities:

In re-sealable clam pack Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5

5/64" x 1 5/16" x 30 ■ 5/64" x 1 9/16" x 25 ■ 3/32" x 1 3/32" x 42 ■ 7/64" x 1 5/8" x 25 ■ 9/64" x 1 3/4" x 20 ■ 5/32" x 2 15/16" x 8 Contents may vary. ■

Part number: MCXFA1096

Part number: MCXFA1092 2.5mm x 45mm R clips

5mm x 105mm R clips In re-sealable clam pack

In re-sealable clam pack

Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 10

Pack contents: 5 Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1093

Part number: MCXFA1097

3mm x 55mm R clips

6mm x 115mm R clips In re-sealable clam pack

In re-sealable clam pack

Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 10

Pack contents: 5 Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1094

Part number: MCXFA1396

Cotter pin selection

3.5mm x 65mm R clips In re-sealable clam pack Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5 Part number: MCXFA1095

In a handy yellow plastic stack pack Contains 555 pins in sizes: 1/16" x 1" x 150 3/32" x 1" x 150 ■ 3/32" x 1 1/2" x 100 ■ 1/8" x 1 1/4" x 75 ■ 1/8" x 2" x 50 ■ 5/32" x 2 1/2" x 30 Contents may vary. ■ ■

Part number: MCXFA1100 Cotter pin selection In a handy yellow plastic stack pack Contains 200 cotter pins in the larger sizes 1/8" x 1 1/2" x 50 5/32" x 2" x 50 ■ 3/16" x 2" x 50 ■ 1/4" x 3" x 30 ■ 5/16" x 3" x 20 Contents may vary. ■ ■

Part number: MCXFA1101

R Clips & Cotter pins | 71

Springs, Pins & Clips (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Assorted compression and expansion springs

Internal circlip assortment Supplied in a handy yellow plastic box

In a handy yellow plastic stack pack. Approximately 200 plated springs in a range of diameters, lengths and approximate quantities: Compression: ■ 7/32" x 1" x 10 ■ 1/4" x 13/32" x 10 ■ 9/32" x 3/4" x 10 ■ 3/8" x 5/8" x 6 Expansion: ■ 5/32" x 3 1/8" x 12 ■ 13/64" x 13/16" x 10 ■ 1/4" x 7/8" x 10 ■ 5/16" x 1 1/4" x 10 ■ 9/32" x 1 1/2" x 10 ■ 11/32" x 1 7/16" x 10 ■ 11/32" x 1 27/32" x 12 Contents may vary.

Kit comprising 300 internal circlips in the following sizes: ■ 7/16" x 50 ■ 5/8" x 50 ■ 1/2" x 50 ■ 3/4" x 50 ■ 9/16" x 50 ■ 13/16" x 50 Contents may vary.

7/32" x 1 1/2" x 10 9/32" x 1/2" x 10 ■ 23/64" x 1 3/8" x 8 ■ 3/8" x 3/4" x 12 ■ ■

Part number: MCXFA1111

3/16" x 1 3/4" x 8 7/32" x 1" x 10 ■ 5/16" x 1 1/8" x 8 ■ 5/16" x 1 3/4" x 12 ■ 9/32" x 2" x 12 ■

External circlip assortment

Supplied in a handy yellow plastic box Kit comprising 300 external circlips in 18 sizes. ■ 19/16" x 15 ■ 1/8" x 20 ■ 5/8" x 20 ■ 5/32" x 10 ■ 3/4" x 25 ■ 3/16" x 15 ■ 13/16" x 15 ■ 1/4" x 25 ■ 7/8" x 20 ■ 5/16" x 15 ■ 1" x 15 ■ 3/8" x 20 ■ 1 1/16" x 15 ■ 7/16" x 15 ■ 1 1/8" x 10 ■ 15/32" x 15 ■ 1 1/4" x 5 ■ 1/2" x 25 Contents may vary.

Part number: MCXFA1102

Part number: MCXFA1112

Aluminium pop rivets In a handy yellow stack pack Contains 560 pieces. Aluminium blind rivets in the following sizes and approximate quantities: ■ ■

1/8" x 5/16" x 100 1/8" x 1/2" x 80

■ ■

3/16" x 1/2" x 55 3/16" x 3/4" x 30

■ ■

3/16" x 1" x 10 5/32" x 1/2" x 50

■ 230 x 1/8" washers Contents may vary.

Part number: MCXFA1117

Aluminium pop rivets 4 x 10mm Pop rivet fasteners 4mm diameter x 10mm length Pack Content: 50 Pack Qty: 5

Pop rivet fasteners 4mm diameter x 16mm length Pack Content: 50 Pack Qty: 5

Part Number: MCXFA1905

Part Number: MCXFA1906

Large flange aluminium pop rivets 4.8 x 12mm

72 | Springs, Pins & Clips

Aluminium pop rivets 4 x 16mm

Large flange aluminium pop rivets 4.8 x 18mm

Pop rivet fasteners with wide flange for increased hold 4.8mm diameter x 12mm length Pack Content: 50 Pack Qty: 5

Pop rivet fasteners with wide flange for increased hold 4.8mm diameter x 18mm length Pack Content: 50 Pack Qty: 5

Part Number: MCXFA1907

Part Number: MCXFA1908

Springs, Pins & Clips (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Metric roll pins Part Number


Pack Content

Pack Qty.


DIN 1481 ISO 8752, metric tension pins 10mm diameter x 90mm length




DIN 1481 ISO 8752, metric tension pins 10mm diameter x 120mm length




DIN 1481 ISO 8752, metric tension pins 12mm diameter x 70mm length




DIN 1481 ISO 8752, metric tension pins 12mm diameter x 90mm length




DIN 1481 ISO 8752, metric tension pins 12mm diameter x 120mm length



Metric roll pin pack DIN 1481 ISO 8752 Contains 375 metric rolled spring pins in sizes ■ 1.5mm x 25mm x 100 ■ 6mm x 25mm x 50 ■ 3mm x 25mm x 75 ■ 6mm x 40mm x 10 ■ 3mm x 50mm x 30 ■ 8mm x 32mm x 10 ■ 5mm x 25mm x 25 ■ 8mm x 50mm x 40 ■ 5mm x 50mm x 25 ■ 10mm x 40mm x 10 Contents may vary. Part number: MCXFA1106

Metric roll pin pack

Imperial roll pin pack DIN 1481 ISO 8752

DIN 1481 ISO 8752

Imperial selection pack of popular imperial tension pins. Contains 30 pins ranging from: ■ 1/8" x 3/4" x 5 ■ 7/32" x 1 1/4" x 5 ■ 5/32" x1" x 5 ■ 1/4" x 1" x 5 ■ 3/16" x 1 1/2" x 5 ■ 5/16" x 2" x 5 Contents may vary.

Selection pack of 48 popular metric tension pins. ■ 3mm x 12mm x 5 ■ 6mm x 50mm x 5 ■ 4mm x 22mm x 5 ■ 8mm x 40mm x 5 ■ 4mm x 40mm x 5 ■ 8mm x 60mm x 5 ■ 5mm x 30mm x 5 ■ 10mm x 80mm x 5 ■ 6mm x 30mm x 5 Contents may vary.

Part number: MCXFA1107

Part number: MCXFA1109

Metric roll pin pack

Metric roll pin pack DIN 1481 ISO 8752

DIN 1481 ISO 8752

Selection pack of 195 popular metric tension pins ■ 3mm x 12mm x 50 ■ 6mm x 30mm x 20 ■ 4mm x 22mm x 25 ■ 6mm x 50mm x 10 ■ 4mm x 40mm x 20 ■ 8mm x 40mm x 50 ■ 5mm x 30mm x 20 Contents may vary.

Selection pack of 15 popular metric tension pins ■ 8mm x 60mm x 5 ■ 10mm x 65mm x 5 ■ 10mm x 80mm x 5 Contents may vary.

Part number: MCXFA1108

Part number: MCXFA1110

Sealing & Lubrication | 73

Hose Clips (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

A range of zinc coated, mild and stainless steel hose clips. 7 mm hexagonal, multi drive head and smooth internal band, presented in clam packaging or bulk quantities for point of sale display. Hose clip point of sale kit A magnetic relocatable point of sale header cardwith barcode sheet and planogram for 9 popular hose clips (hooks and clips not included) Part Number: MCXFA2015

Suitable for MCXFA2015 – Zinc coated hose clips – Replenishment Part number MCXFA2036 MCXFA2037 MCXFA2038 MCXFA2039 MCXFA2040 MCXFA2041 MCXFA2042 MCXFA2043 MCXFA2044 74 | Hose Clips

Size 8 – 12 x 9 mm 10 – 16 x 9 mm 12 – 22 x 9 mm 16 – 27 x 12 mm 20 – 32 x 12 mm 25 – 40 x 12 mm 35 – 50 x 12 mm 40 – 60 x 12 mm 50 – 70 x 12 mm

Pack Content 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Pack Qty 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Hose Clips (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Stainless steel hose clips 7 popular stainless steel hose clips for superior anti-corrosion protection

Part number MCXFA2017 MCXFA2018 MCXFA2019 MCXFA2020 MCXFA2021 MCXFA2022 MCXFA2023

Zinc coated hose clips – Retail packaged Part number



8 – 12 x 9 mm 10 – 16 x 9 mm 12 – 22 x 9 mm 16 – 27 x 12 mm 20 – 32 x 12 mm 25 – 40 x 12 mm 35 – 50 x 12 mm 40 – 60 x 12 mm 50 – 70 x 12 mm 70 – 90 x 12 mm 80 – 100 x 12 mm 90 – 110 x 12 mm 110 – 130 x 12 mm 130 – 150 x 12 mm

Size 8 – 12 x 9 mm 12 – 22 x 9 mm 16 – 27 x 12 mm 20 – 32 x 12 mm 25 – 40 x 12 mm 35 – 50 x 12 mm 40 – 60 x 12 mm

Pack Content 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Pack Qty 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Mini Hose clips – Zinc coated and retail packaged Pack Content

Pack Qty

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Part number



8 mm x 9 mm 9 mm x 9 mm 10 mm x 9 mm 11 mm x 9 mm 12 mm x 9 mm 13 mm x 9 mm 14 mm x 9 mm 15 mm x 9 mm 16 mm x 9 mm 17 mm x 9 mm

Pack Content

Pack Qty

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Hose Clips

| 75

Sealing & Lubrication (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Injector washers In a handy yellow plastic stack pack Contains copper injector sealing washers in the following sizes and approximate quantities: ■ 6mm x 10mm x 1mm x 20 ■ 10mm x 20mm x 2mm x 20 ■ 16mm x 20mm x 1.5mm x 15 ■ 8mm x 11mm x 1mm x 20 ■ 12mm x 16mm x 1.5mm x 20 ■ 17mm x 21mm x 1.5mm x 15 ■ 10mm x 13mm x 1mm x 20 ■ 12mm x 18mm x 1.5mm x 20 ■ 21mm x 25mm x 1mm x 15 ■ 10mm x 14mm x 1mm x 20 ■ 14mm x 18mm x 1.5mm x 15 ■ 22mm x 27mm x 1mm x 10 ■ 10mm x 20mm x 1mm x 20 ■ 14mm x 20mm x 1.5mm x 15 Contents may vary. Part number: MCXFA1105

Metric o ring assortment In a handy storage case Shore hardness 70 +/- 5, Contains approx 420 Metric O rings in 32 sizes 3mm x 1.5mm x 20 4.4mm x 2mm x 20 ■ 5mm x 2mm x 18 ■ 7mm x 1.5mm x 23 ■ 10mm x 1.5mm x 23 ■ 10mm x 2.5mm x 14 ■ 11mm x 2.5mm x 13 ■ 13mm x 1.5mm x 23 ■ 13mm x 2.5mm x 14

14mm x 2.5mm x 13 16mm x 2.5mm x 14 ■ 18mm x 2.5mm x 14 ■ 18mm x 3.5mm x 10 ■ 19mm x 2.5mm x 13 ■ 20mm x 3.5mm x 10 ■ 21mm x 2.5mm x 14 ■ 22mm x 2.5mm x 13 ■ 22mm x 3.5mm x 10

23.5mm x 3.5mm x 10 25mm x 3.5mm x 10 ■ 26.5mm x 3.5mm x 10 ■ 28mm x 3.5mm x 10 ■ 30mm x 3.5mm x 10 ■ 31mm x 3.5mm x 10 ■ 33mm x 3.5mm x 10 ■ 34.5mm x 3.5mm x 10 ■ 36mm x 3.5mm x 10

38mm x 3.5mm x 10 41mm x 3.5mm x 10 ■ 44mm x 3.5mm x 10 ■ 47mm x 3.5mm x 10 ■ 50mm x 3.5mm x 10

Contents may vary.

Part number: MCXFA1113

Imperial o ring assortment In a handy storage case Shore hardness 70 +/- 5 Contains approx 420 Imperial O rings in 32 sizes 1/8" x 1/16" x 20 13/16" x 1/8" x 10 ■ 3/16" x 1/16" x 20 ■ 7/8" x 1/8" x 10

3/8" x 1/16" x 23 1 1/16" x 1/8" x 10 ■ 1/2" x 1/16" x 23 ■ 1 1/8" x 1/8" x 10

1/2" x 3/32" x 14 1 5/16" x 1/8" x 10 ■ 9/16" x 3/32" x 13 ■ 1 3/8" x 1/8" x 10

3/4" x 3/32" x 13 1 5/8" x 1/8" x 10 ■ 13/16" x 3/32" x 14 ■ 1 3/4" x 1/8" x 10

1/4" x 1/16" x 18 15/16" x 1/8" x 10 ■ 5/16" x 1/16" x 23 ■ 1" x 1/8" x 10

3/8" x 3/32" x 14 1 3/16" x 1/8" x 10 ■ 7/16" x 3/32" x 13 ■ 1 1/4" x 1/8" x 10

5/8" x 3/32" x 14 1 7/16" x 1/8" x 10 ■ 11/16" x 3/32" x 14 ■ 1 1/2" x 1/8" x 10

7/8" x 3/32" x 13 1 7/8" x 1/8" x 10 ■ 3/4" x 1/8" x 10 ■ 2" x 1/8" x 10

Part number: MCXFA1115

Contents may vary.

Grease nipples – metric In a handy yellow stack pack Metric selection pack comprising of an assortment of straight, 45° and 90° angle grease nipples in a sturdy plastic box, ideal for workshop and van use. ■ ■

6mm x 30,6mm 45° x 15,6mm

Part number: MCXFA1118

76 | Sealing & Lubrication

■ ■

45° x 15,10mm x 20 90° x 15,10mm

90° x 15,10mm

Contents may vary. Pack contents: 110

Sealing & Lubrication (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Grease nipples – mixed metric and imperial sizes In a handy yellow stack pack Imperial selection pack comprising of an assortment of 105 pieces straight, 45° and 90° angle grease nipples in a sturdy plastic box, ideal for workshop and van use. ■ 1/4"- 28, x 30 ■ 1/4"- 28, 90° x 15 ■ 1/8" NPT, 45° x 15 ■ 1/4"- 28, 45° x 15 ■ 1/8" NPT, x 15 ■ 1/8" NPT, 90° x 15 Contents size and quantities may vary. Part number: MCXFA1119

Grease nipples – mixed metric and imperial sizes In a handy yellow stack pack Selection pack comprising of an assortment of 110 straight, 45°, 90° and 67.5° angle grease nipples in a sturdy plastic box, ideal for workshop and van use. ■ M8 Straight x 20 ■ M8 45° angle x 10 ■ 1/4BSP straight x 10 ■ 1/4UNF 67.5° angle x 5 ■ M10 straight x 5 ■ M10 45° angle x 5 ■ 1/4UNF straight x 30 ■ 1/8BSP 67.5° angle x 5 ■ M6 90° angle x 10 ■ 1/4UNF x 19mm x 10 Contents may vary. Part number: MCXFA1120

Grease nipples – metric In a re-sealable clam pack Metric selection pack comprising of an assortment of straight, 45º and 90º angle grease nipples in a clear plastic clam. ■ M6 – 1.00mm straight x 1 ■ M8 – 1.00mm straight x 1 ■ M8 – 1.25mm straight x 1 ■ M6 – 1.00mm 45° angle x 1 ■ M8 – 1.00mm 45° angle x 1 ■ M8 – 1.25mm 45° angle x 1 ■ M6 – 1.00mm 90° angle x 1 ■ M8 – 1.00mm 90° angle x 1 Contents may vary. Pack contents: 8 Package quantity: 5 Part number: MCXFA1121 Grease nipples – imperial In a re-sealable clam pack Imperial selection pack comprising of an assortment of straight, 45º and 90º angle grease nipples in a clear plastic clam. ■ 5/16in drive fit straight x 1 ■ 1/8in BSP 67.5° angle x 1 ■ 1/4in UNF straight x 1 ■ 1/8in BSP straight x 1 ■ 1/8in BSP 45 angle x 1 ■ 5/16in UNF straight x 1 ■ 3/8in BSF straight x 1 ■ 1/4in BSF 67.5° angle x 1 ■ 1/4in UNF straight long x 1 ■ 1/8in BSP 90° angle x 1 Contents may vary. Pack contents: 10 Package quantity: 5 Part number: MCXFA1122

Sealing & Lubrication | 77

Exhaust clamps (Products available in JDPoint through programme B3)

A range of M8x1.25 threaded, weather proof, zinc plated exhaust clamps from 29 mm – 102 mm (1 1/8" – 4") to suit a many applications. Supplied with spring washers.

Part Number MCXFA1620 MCXFA1621 MCXFA1622 MCXFA1623 MCXFA1624 MCXFA1625 MCXFA1626 MCXFA1627 MCXFA1628 MCXFA1629 MCXFA1630 MCXFA1631 MCXFA1632 MCXFA1633 MCXFA1634 MCXFA1635 MCXFA1636 MCXFA1637 MCXFA1638 MCXFA1639 MCXFA1640 MCXFA1641

78 | Exhaust clamps

Product Exhaust clamp 29mm (1 1/8") Exhaust clamp 32mm (1 1/4") Exhaust clamp 36mm (1 3/8") Exhaust clamp 38mm (1 1/2") Exhaust clamp 42mm (1 5/8") Exhaust clamp 43mm(1 11/16") Exhaust clamp 45mm (1 3/4") Exhaust clamp 48mm (1 7/8") Exhaust clamp 52mm (2") Exhaust clamp 54mm (2 1/8") Exhaust clamp 58mm (2 1/4") Exhaust clamp 60mm (2 3/8") Exhaust clamp 65mm (2 1 /2") Exhaust clamp 67mm (2 5/8") Exhaust clamp 70mm (2 3/4") Exhaust clamp 76mm (3") Exhaust clamp 79mm (3 1/8") Exhaust clamp 83mm (3 1/4") Exhaust clamp 89mm (3 1/2") Exhaust clamp 92mm (3 5/8") Exhaust clamp 95mm (3 3/4") Exhaust clamp 102mm (4")

Pack Content Pack Quantity 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5

Metric 29 32 36 38 42 43 45 48 52 54 58 60 65 67 70 76 79 83 89 92 95 102

Imperial 1 1/8 1 1/4 1 3/8 1 1/2 1 5/8 1 11/16 1 3/4 1 7/8 2 2 1/8 2 1/4 2 3/8 2 1/2 2 5/8 2 3/4 3 3 1/8 3 1/4 3 1/2 3 5/8 3 3/4 4

Thread M8 x 1.25 M8 x 1.25 M8 x 1.25 M8 x 1.25 M8 x 1.25 M8 x 1.25 M8 x 1.25 M8 x 1.25 M8 x 1.25 M8 x 1.25 M8 x 1.25 M8 x 1.25 M8 x 1.25 M8 x 1.25 M8 x 1.25 M8 x 1.25 M8 x 1.25 M8 x 1.25 M8 x 1.25 M8 x 1.25 M8 x 1.25 M8 x 1.25

| 79

Wire Rope Grips, D Shackles, Snap Hooks, Quick links & Turnbuckles (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) All products have a galvanised finish.


Part Number Product Pack Pack Shank Qty Content (mm)




Overall length (mm)

Overall width (mm)

Internal length (mm)

窶右 Internal width (mm)

MCXFA1290 Wire rope grip 3mm 5 4 3,5 20 20 10 MCXFA1291 Wire rope grip 4.5mm 5 4 5 24 22 11 MCXFA1292 Wire rope grip 6mm 5 4 6 26 22 13 MCXFA1293 Wire rope grip 8mm 5 4 6 41 35 20 MCXFA1294 Wire rope grip 9.5mm 5 4 7 42 35 20 MCXFA1295 Wire rope grip 11mm 5 4 7 45 36 25

3 4,5 6 8 9,5 11

MCXFA1302 D shackles 5mm 5 4 5 32 20 21 MCXFA1303 D shackles 6mm 5 4 6 40 22 26 MCXFA1304 D shackles 8mm 5 4 8 50 33 30 MCXFA1305 D shackles 10mm 5 2 10 62 38 38 MCXFA1306 D shackles 11mm 5 2 11 70 42 45 MCXFA1307 D shackles 12mm 5 2 12 75 48 48

10 14 17 20 21 26

MCXFA1308 Snap hook 6x60mm 5 2 6 60 29 51 MCXFA1309 Snap hook 8x80mm 5 2 8 80 40 65 MCXFA1310 Snap hook 10x100mm 5 2 10 100 50 82 MCXFA1311 Snap hook 11x120mm 5 2 11 120 58 101 MCXFA1312 Snap hook 12x140mm 5 2 12 140 66 120

18 25 30 37 43


14 18 20 27 31

Quick link 6x58mm Quick link 8x75mm Quick link 9x82mm Quick link 12x106mm Quick link 16x146mm

6 8 9 12 16

58 75 82 106 146

26 35 37 51 62

50 60 63 85 117





Part Number Product Pack Pack Thread Qty Content (mm)

Min length (mm)

Max length (mm)

Overall width (mm)


210 230 210 240 210 240

295 310 295 310 295 310

30 35 30 35 30 35

Turnbuckle Eye/Eye 10mm Turnbuckle Eye/Eye 12mm Turnbuckle Hook/Eye 10mm Turnbuckle Hook/Eye 12mm Turnbuckle Hook/Hook 10mm Turnbuckle Hook/Hook 12mm

5 5 5 5 5

3 3 3 3 3 3

80 | Wire Rope Grips, D Shackles, Snap Hooks, Quick links & Turnbuckles

2 2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1 1 1

10 12 10 12 10 12

Wire Rope Grips, D Shackles, Snap Hooks, Quick links & Turnbuckles | 81

Top link pins, single and dual category, chain and handle options (Products available in JDPoint through programme B3) All products displayed on this page have pack quantity 1 and pack content 1

Part Number



Top Link pin Top Link pin Top Link pin Top Link pin Top Link pin Top Link pin Top Link pin Top Link pin Top Link pin Top Link pin Top Link pin Top Link pin

Part Number



Top link pin with chain Top link pin with chain Top link pin with chain Top link pin with chain Top link pin with chain Top link pin with chain Top link pin with chain Top link pin with chain Top link pin with chain Top link pin with chain

82 | Top link pins, single and dual category, chain and handle options

Cat Cat 0 Cat 1 Cat 1 Cat 1 Cat 1 Cat 1 Cat 1 Cat 2 Cat 2 Cat 2 Cat 2 Cat 3

A (Diameter) metric 16 19 19 19 19 19 19 25 25 25 25 32

Cat Cat 1 Cat 1 Cat 1 Cat 2 Cat 2 Cat 2 Cat 2 Cat 2 Cat 3 Cat 3

B (Length) imperial 5/8 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4 1 1 1 1 1 1/4

metric 76 70 70 86 95 95 120 76 92 95 103 120

imperial 3/4 3/4 3/4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1/4 1 1/4

metric 70 92 95 83 97 102 103 142 118 168

A (Diameter) metric 19 19 19 25 25 25 25 25 32 32

imperial 3 2 3/4 2 3/4 3 3/8 3 3/4 3 3/4 4 3/4 3 3 5/8 3 3/4 4 1/16 4 5/8

B (Length) imperial 2 3/4 3 5/8 3 3/4 3 3/8 3 13/16 4 4 1/16 5 9/16 4 5/8 6 5/8

Top link pins, single and dual category, chain and handle options (Products available in JDPoint through programme B3) All products displayed on this page have pack quantity 1 and pack content 1

Part Number




Top link pin with Handle Top link pin with Handle Top link pin with Handle Top link pin with Handle


Cat 1 Cat 2 Cat 3 Cat 3

A (Diameter) metric imperial 19 3/4 25 1 32 1 1/4 32 1 1/4

B (Length) metric imperial 117 4 5/8 117 4 5/8 117 4 5/8 168 6 5/8

C (Length) metric imperial 145 5 3/4 145 5 3/4 70 2 3/4 80 3 1/8


Part Number


1 1 2 2

Top Link pin Dual Cat Top Link pin Dual Cat Top Link pin Dual Cat Top Link pin Dual Cat



Part Number

Cat Cat 1/2 Cat 2/3 Cat 1/2 Cat 2/3

A (Diameter) metric imperial 19 3/4 25 1 19 3/4 25 1

B (Length) metric imperial 68 2 3/4 75 3 3/4 66 2 5/8 75 3 3/8

C (Length) metric imperial 80 3 1/8 78 3 1/16 65 2 7/16 113 4 1/16

D (Diameter) metric imperial 25 1 32 1 1/4 25 1 32 1 1/4

E (Length) metric imperial 53 2 1/8 56 2 1/4 16 5/8 19 3/4



1 MCXFA1480 Top Link pin stepped 2 MCXFA1477 Top Link pin stepped

Cat Cat 1/2 Cat 2/1

A (Diameter) metric imperial 19 3/4 25 1

B (Length) metric imperial 102 4 1/8 71 2 13/16

C (Length) metric imperial 22 7/8 35 1 3/8

D (Diameter) metric imperial 25 1 19 3/4

Top link pins, single and dual category, chain and handle options | 83

Lower linkage pins, single and dual category and handle options (Products available in JDPoint through programme B3) All products displayed on this page have pack quantity 1 and pack content 1

Part Number




Lower link pin Lower link pin Lower link pin Lower link pin Lower link pin

Part Number



Lower link pin – dual cat Lower link pin – dual cat Lower link pin – dual cat

Part Number Product MCXFA1330

Lower link pin – dual cat

A (Diameter) metric 22 28 28 37 37

Cat 1 Cat 2 Cat 2 Cat 3 Cat 3


Cat Cat 1/2

Part Number



Lower link pin with handle Lower link pin with handle Lower link pin with handle Lower link pin with handle

Cat1/2 Cat1/2 Cat1/2

A (Diameter) metric imperial 22 7/8


Part Number




Lower link pin – dual cat Lower link pin – dual cat

Cat 1/2 Cat 1/2

A (Diameter) metric imperial 22 7/8 22 7/8 22 7/8

Cat 1 Cat 2 Cat 3 Cat 3

84 | Lower linkage pins, single and dual category and handle options

B (Length) metric imperial 44 1 3/4 80 3 1/8 53 2 1/8

B (Length) metric imperial 165 6 1/2

A (Diameter) metric imperial 22 7/8 28 1 1/8 37 1 7/16 37 1 7/16

A (Diameter) metric imperial 22 7/8 22 7/8

B (Length) imperial 7/8 1 1/8 1 1/8 1 7/16 1 7/16

B (Length) metric imperial 69 2 3/4 78 3 1/8

C (Length) metric imperial 90 3 1/2

metric 88 90 152 118 168

C (Length) metric imperial 53 2 1/8 53 2 1/8 81 3 1/8

D (Length) metric imperial 61 2 3/8

B (Length) metric imperial 123 4 3/4 123 4 3/4 118 4 5/8 168 6 5/8

C (Length) metric imperial 72 2 7/8 82 3 1/4

imperial 3 1/4 3 9/16 6 4 5/8 6 5/8

D (Diameter) metric imperial 28 1 1/8 28 1 1/8 28 1 1/8

E (Diameter) metric imperial 28 1 1/8

C (Length) metric imperial 145 5 3/4 145 5 3/4 70 2 3/4 70 2 3/4

D (Diameter) metric imperial 28 1 1/8 28 1 1/8

E (Length) metric imperial 10 3/8 16 5/8

Implement mounting pins, single and dual category, adjustable and fixed options (Products available in JDPoint through programme B3) All products displayed on this page have pack quantity 1 and pack content 1

Part Number



A (Diameter) metric imperial 22 7/8 22 7/8 22 7/8 22 7/8 22 7/8 22 7/8 28 1 1/8 28 1 1/8 28 1 1/8 28 1 1/8 28 1 1/8 36,6 1 7/16


Implement pin Implement pin Implement pin Implement pin Implement pin Implement pin Implement pin Implement pin Implement pin Implement pin Implement pin Implement pin

Cat1 Cat1 Cat1 Cat1 Cat1 Cat1 Cat2 Cat2 Cat2 Cat2 Cat2 Cat3

Part Number



Implement pin, dual cat Implement pin, dual cat

Part Number




Implement pin – adjustable Implement pin – adjustable

Cat1 Cat2

Cat Cat1/2 Cat1/2

Part Number Product MCXFA1454

A (Diameter) metric imperial 22 7/8 22 7/8

Implement pin, dual cat – adjustable

B (Length) metric imperial 45 1 3/4 44 1 3/4

A (Diameter) metric imperial 22 7/8 28 1 1/8

Cat Cat1/2

A (Diameter) metric imperial 22 7/8

Part Number Product



Cat1 Cat2

Implement pin – fixed Implement pin – fixed

B (Length) metric imperial 44 1 3/4 44 1 3/4 44 1 3/4 44 1 3/4 44 1 3/4 44 1 3/4 50 2 53 2 1/8 53 2 1/8 53 2 1/8 54 2 1/8 46 1 13/16

C (Length) metric imperial 54 2 1/8 54 2 1/8

B (Length) metric imperial 38 1 1/2 53 2 1/8

B (Length) metric imperial 44 1 3/4

A (Diameter) metric imperial 22 7/8 28 1 1/8

C (Diameter) metric imperial 22 7/8 22 7/8 28 1 1/8 19 3/4 28 1 1/8 25 1 28 1 1/8 22 7/8 19 3/4 25 1 28 1 1/8 28 1 1/8

5/8" UNF 7/8" UNF 7/8" UNF 3/4" UNF 1 1/8" UNF 1" UNF 1 1/8" UNF 7/8" UNF 3/4" UNF 1" UNF 7/8" UNF 1 1/8" UNF

D (Diameter) metric imperial 28 1 1/8 28 1 1/8

C (Length) metric imperial 70 2 3/4 75 2 15/16

C (Length) metric imperial 54 2 1/8

B (Length) metric imperial 42 1 5/8 53 2 1/8


1" UNF 1" UNC

Thread 7/8" UNF 1 1/8" UNC

D (Diameter) metric imperial 28 1 1/8

C (Diameter) metric imperial 22 7/8 22 7/8


Thread 1" UNF

D (Length) metric imperial 48 1 7/8 51 2

Implement mounting pins, single and dual category, adjustable and fixed options | 85

Top link assemblies and replacement ends (Products available in JDPoint through programme B3)

All products displayed on this page have pack quantity 1 and pack content 1




Part Number Product 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3


Top link assembly Top link assembly Top Link Assembly Top Link Assembly Top Link Assembly Top Link Assembly Top Link Assembly Top Link Assembly Top Link Assembly Top Link Assembly Top Link Assembly Top Link Assembly Top Link Assembly Top Link Assembly Top Link Assembly Top link Assembly Top Link Assembly Top link Assembly Top Link Assembly Top Link Assembly Top link Assembly Top Link Assembly Top link Assembly Top link Assembly Top link Assembly Top link Assembly Top Link Assembly H/D Top Link Assembly H/D Top Link Assembly H/D Top link Assembly H/D Top link Assembly H/D Top link Assembly H/D Top link Assembly H/D Top link Assembly H/D Top link Assembly H/D

86 | Top link assemblies and replacement ends


LH Cat

RH Cat

Cat 0/0 Cat 0/0 Cat 1/1 Cat 1/1 Cat 1/1 Cat 1/1 Cat 1/1 Cat 1/1 Cat 1/1 Cat 1/2 Cat 1/2 Cat 1/2 Cat 2/1 Cat 2/2 Cat 2/2 Cat 2/2 Cat 2/2 Cat 2/2 Cat 2/2 Cat 2/2 Cat 2/2 Cat 2/2 Cat 2/2 Cat 2/2 Cat 3/2 Cat 3/3 Cat 2/2 Cat 2/2 Cat 2/3 Cat 2/2 Cat 2/3 Cat 3/3 Cat 2/2 Cat 2/3 Cat 3/3

0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3

0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 3

Min length A (mm) (") 274 10 13/16 327 12 7/8 400 15 3/4 446 17 9/16 484 19 495 19 1/2 570 22 7/16 530 20 7/8 620 24 7/16 476 18 3/4 527 20 3/4 616 24 1/4 495 19 1/2 470 18 1/2 508 20 528 20 13/16 546 21 1/2 562 22 1/8 578 22 3/4 546 21 1/2 621 24 7/16 648 25 1/2 648 25 1/2 664 26 1/8 648 25 1/2 648 25 1/2 515 20 1/4 620 24 7/16 527 20 3/4 555 21 7/8 555 21 7/8 555 21 7/8 656 25 13/16 656 25 13/16 656 25 13/16

Max length B (mm) (") 416 16 3/8 470 18 1/2 610 24 654 25 3/4 698 27 1/2 711 28 724 28 1/2 768 30 1/4 838 33 698 27 1/4 737 29 838 33 711 28 730 28 3/4 768 30 1/4 792 31 3/16 806 31 3/4 824 32 7/16 832 32 3/4 851 33 1/2 897 35 5/16 908 35 3/4 927 36 1/2 929 36 9/16 927 36 1/2 927 36 1/2 781 30 3/4 886 34 7/8 793 31 1/4 792 31 3/16 792 31 3/16 792 31 3/16 894 35 3/16 894 35 3/16 894 35 3/16

Tube length C (mm) (") 190 7 1/2 248 9 3/4 286 11 1/4 330 13 368 14 1/2 368 14 1/2 405 15 15/16 438 17 1/4 508 20 368 14 1/2 405 15 15/16 508 20 368 14 1/2 330 13 368 14 1/2 380 15 405 15 15/16 380 15 438 17 1/4 406 16 485 19 1/8 508 20 483 19 485 19 1/8 483 19 483 19 380 15 485 19 1/8 380 15 380 15 380 15 380 15 485 19 1/8 485 19 1/8 485 19 1/8

Thread Size 3/4 UNC 3/4 UNC 1 1/8 UNC 1 1/8 UNC 1 1/8 UNC 1 1/8 UNC 1 1/8 UNC 1 1/8 UNC 1 1/8 UNC 1 1/8 UNC 1 1/8 UNC 1 1/8 UNC 1 1/8 UNC 1 1/8 UNC 1 1/8 UNC 1 1/4UNC 1 1/8 UNC 1 1/4UNC 1 1/8 UNC 1 1/8 UNC 1 1/4UNC 1 1/8 UNC 1 3/8 UNC 1 1/4UNC 1 3/8 UNC 1 3/8 UNC 1 1/4 UNC 1 1/4 UNC 1 1/4 UNC 36x3mm 36x3mm 36x3mm 36x3mm 36x3mm 36x3mm

Top link assemblies and replacement ends (Products available in JDPoint through programme B3)

All products displayed on this page have pack quantity 1 and pack content 1

Part Number MCXFA1428 MCXFA1427 MCXFA1430 MCXFA1429 MCXFA1418 MCXFA1419 MCXFA1416 MCXFA1417



Replacement top link end Replacement top link end Replacement top link end Replacement top link end Replacement top link end Replacement top link end Replacement top link end H/D Replacement top link end H/D

Cat 1 Cat 1 Cat 2 Cat 2 Cat 2 Cat 2 Cat 2 Cat 2


Length A (mm) 197 197 247 247 254 254 254 254

Thread size (") 7 3/4 7 3/4 9 3/4 9 3/4 10 10 10 10

1 1/8 UNC 1 1/8 UNC 1 1/8 UNC 1 1/8 UNC 1 1/4 UNC 1 1/4 UNC 1 1/4 UNC 1 1/4 UNC

Lower link multi-hole drawbars (Products available in JDPoint through programme B3)

Part Colour Product Number MCXFA1441 Multi-hole Drawbar MCXFA1442 Multi-hole Drawbar MCXFA1443 Multi-hole Drawbar MCXFA1444 Multi-hole Drawbar MCXFA1440 Multi-hole Drawbar MCXFA1445 Multi-hole Drawbar MCXFA1446 Multi-hole Drawbar

Cat Cat 1 Cat 1 Cat 2 Cat 2 Cat 2 Cat 2 Cat 3

A (Diameter) metric imperial 22 7/8 22 7/8 28 1 1/8 28 1 1/8 28 1 1/8 28 1 1/8 36 1 15/16

B (Length) metric imperial 645 25 3/8 765 30 780 30 3/4 935 36 7/8 963 38 963 38 1088 42 7/8

C (Length) metric imperial 54 2 1/8 54 2 1/8 54 2 1/8 80 3 1/8 60 2 3/8 80 3 1/8 110 4 3/8

Hole Dia

Hole qty

21 20 21 26 22 28 32

7 11 11 9 11 7 7

Tensile strength (kg/cm²) 3150 8000 8000 8000 7000 3150 8000+

Top link assemblies and replacement ends | 87

Top and lower linkage balls, quick hitch balls, conversion bushes and spacers (Products available in JDPoint through programme B3)

Part Number Product MCXFA1344 MCXFA1342 MCXFA1343

Pack Qty

Quick hitch ball spacer – lower link Quick hitch ball spacer – lower link Quick hitch ball spacer – lower link

1 1 1

Part Number Product MCXFA1346 MCXFA1347

Pack Qty

Conversion bush – lower link with drilling Conversion bush – lower link with drilling

Part Number Product MCXFA1447 Conversion bush – lower link MCXFA1450 Conversion bush – lower link MCXFA1452 Conversion bush – lower link

5 5

Pack Qty 5 5 5

Pack contents 2 2 2

Cat 2 3–2 3

A Diameter metric imperial 56 2 3/16 64 2 1/2 64 2 1/2

Pack Cat A Hole Diameter B Diameter C Length Drilling dia contents metric imperial metric imperial metric imperial metric imperial 2 2 – 1 22,4 7/8 28 1 1/8 62 2 7/16 12 15 /32 2 3 – 2 28,7 1 3/16 36,6 1 7/16 64 2 1/2 12 15 /32

Pack contents 2 2 2

Cat 1–0 2–1 3–2

A Hole Diameter metric imperial 16,3 5/8 22,4 7/8 28,7 1 3/16

Lower link Spring Used to retain and control lateral movement of tractor lift arms. Includes weld on tabs and anti corrosion finish Min Length – 500mm Max Length – 720mm Part number: MCXFA1345

88 | Top and lower linkage balls, quick hitch balls, conversion bushes and Spacers

B Hole Diameter metric imperial 28,7 1 1/8 28,7 1 1/8 37,4 1 7/16

B Diameter metric imperial 22 7/8 28 1 1/8 36,6 1 7/16

C Length metric imperial 33 1 5/16 43 1 11/16 52 2 1/16

Top and lower linkage balls, quick hitch balls, conversion bushes and spacers (Products available in JDPoint through programme B3)

Part Number Product MCXFA1386 MCXFA1388 MCXFA1387

Quick hitch ball – top link Quick hitch ball – top link Quick hitch ball – top link

Part Number Product

Pack Qty

Pack contents


10 10 10

1 1 1

2 3 -2 3

Pack Qty

Pack contents 2 2 2


MCXFA1449 Conversion bush – top link MCXFA1448 Conversion bush – top link MCXFA1451 Conversion bush – top link

5 5 5

Part Number


Pack Qty


Quick hitch ball – lower link Quick hitch ball – lower link Quick hitch ball – lower link Quick hitch ball – lower link Quick hitch ball – lower link

Part Number Product MCXFA1340 MCXFA1341 MCXFA1339

Quick hitch ball – lower link with cone Quick hitch ball – lower link with cone Quick hitch ball – lower link with cone

10 10 10 1 1

Pack Qty 1 1 1

2-1 2-1 3-2

Pack contents 1 1 1 1 1

Pack contents 1 1 1

Cat 2 3 -2 3 4 -3 4

Cat 2 3–2 3

A Hole diameter metric imperial 25,7 1 25,7 1 32 1 1/4

B Diameter metric imperial 50 1 15/16 60 2 3/8 60 2 3/8

C Ball width metric imperial 50 1 15/16 50 1 15/16 50 1 15/16

A Hole diameter metric imperial 19,3 3/4 19,3 3/4 25,7 1

B Diameter metric imperial 25,5 1 25,5 1 31,75 1 1/4

C Length metric imperial 51 2 41 1 5/8 51 2

A Hole diameter metric imperial 28,7 1 1/8 28,7 1 1/8 37,4 1 7/16 37,4 1 7/16 51 2

B Ball Diameter metric imperial 56 2 3/16 64 2 1/2 64 2 1/2 85 3 5/16 85 3 5/16

C Ball width metric imperial 45 1 3/4 45 1 3/4 45 1 3/4 57 2 1/4 57 2 1/4

A Hole diameter metric imperial 28,7 1 1/8 28,7 1 1/8 37,4 1 7/16

B Diameter C Ball width D Diameter metric imperial metric imperial metric imperial 56 2 3/16 70 2 3/4 140 5 1/2 64 2 1/2 70 2 3/4 140 5 1/2 64 2 1/2 70 2 3/4 140 5 1/2

Top and lower linkage balls, quick hitch balls, conversion bushes and spacers | 89

Clevis, locking and remote locking type, drawbar pins (Products available in JDPoint through programme B3)

All products displayed on this page have pack quantity 1 and pack content 1

Part Number



Drawbar pin Drawbar pin Drawbar pin Drawbar pin Drawbar pin Drawbar pin Drawbar pin Drawbar pin Drawbar pin Drawbar pin Drawbar pin Drawbar pin Drawbar pin

Part Number



Drawbar pin – with locking handle

Part Number



Drawbar pin – remote locking Drawbar pin – remote locking Drawbar pin – remote locking Drawbar pin – remote locking

90 | Clevis, locking and remote locking type, drawbar pins

A (Diameter) metric 15 19 19 19 22 22 22 25,4 25,4 28 32 35 38

B (Length) imperial 5/8 3/4 3/4 3/4 7/8 7/8 7/8 1 1 1 1/8 1 1/4 1 3/8 1 1/2

metric 108 99 137 158 98 137 158 137 157 183 183 185 185

imperial 4 1/4 3 7/8 5 3/8 6 1/4 3 7/8 5 3/8 6 1/4 5 3/8 6 3/16 7 3/16 7 3/16 7 5/16 7 5/16

A (Diameter) metric imperial 31 1 1/4

B (Length) metric imperial 250 9 7/8

C (Length) metric imperial 150 6

A (Diameter) metric imperial 31 1 1/4 31 1 1/4 31 1 1/4 31 1 1/4

B (Length) metric imperial 230 9 360 14 1/8 500 19 1/2 670 26 3/8

C (Length) metric imperial 150 6 150 6 150 6 150 6

Bolt on ball hitch pins, towing balls and ball and clevis assemblies (Products available in JDPoint through programme B3) All products displayed on this page have pack quantity 1 and pack content 1

Part Number Product MCXFA1378 MCXFA1379 MCXFA1377

Ball hitch pin Ball hitch pin Ball hitch pin

Part Number Product MCXFA1376 MCXFA1375

Ball hitch pin Ball hitch pin

Part Number Product MCXFA1381 MCXFA1380

ATV Ball hitch pin ATV Ball hitch pin

Part Number



Towing ball

Ball diameter metric 50 50 50

A Length B Diameter C Length D length metric imperial metric imperial metric imperial metric imperial 30 1 3/16 19 3/4 55 2 3/16 12 1/2 30 1 3/16 22 7/8 55 2 3/16 15 5/8 30 1 3/16 25 1 50 2 15 5/8

Ball diameter A Length metric metric imperial 50 20 13/16 50 20 13/16

Ball diameter metric 50 50

B Diameter metric imperial 22 7/8 25 1

C Length metric imperial 137 6 5/8 137 6 5/8

D length metric imperial 85 3 3/8 85 3 3/8

A Length B Diameter C Length D length metric imperial metric imperial metric imperial metric imperial 20 13/16 16 5/8 35 1 3/8 8 5/16 20 13/16 19 3/4 32 1 1/4 5 3/16

Ball diameter metric 50

A Length metric imperial 20 1 3/16

B Length metric imperial 90 3 9/16

Thread size 3/4" UNF 7/8" UNF 1" UNF

Thread size 7/8" UNF 1" UNF

Thread size 5/8 UNF 3/4 UNF

Hole diameter metric imperial 16.5 5/8

Tow capacity (kg) 500 1250 1250

Tow capacity (kg) 1250 2000

Tow capacity (kg) 350 350

Tow capacity (kg) 1500

Bolt on ball hitch pins, towing balls and ball and clevis assemblies | 91

Bolt on ball hitch pins, towing balls and ball and clevis assemblies (Products available in JDPoint through programme B3) All products displayed on this page have pack quantity 1 and pack content 1

Part Number Product MCXFA1374

Ball & clevis coupling

Part Number Product MCXFA1373

Ball & clevis coupling

Ball diameter A Length B Length C Length D Length Hole Diameter Tow capacity metric metric imperial metric imperial metric imperial metric imperial metric imperial (kg) 50 40 1 9/16 90 3 9/16 55 2 3/16 19 3/4 16.5 5/8 1500

Ball diameter A Length B Length C Length D Length Hole Diameter Tow capacity metric imperial metric imperial metric imperial metric imperial metric imperial (kg) metric 50 20 13/16 90 3 9/16 40 1 9/16 19 3/4 16.5 5/8 3500

92 | Bolt on ball hitch pins, towing balls and ball and clevis assemblies

Moisture Testers

Moisture Testers | 93

Moisture Testers (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

According to agricultural nutrition experts, the single most important factor influencing the quality of grain, hay and silage is moisture. Moisture management is a continuous process that requires measuring tools. Protect your investment by testing moisture content before, during and after the season. John Deere moisture testers, whether baled hay testers, windrow hay testers, grain or grinding grain testers, operate accurately and quickly, measuring moisture in the field, bin or barn.

GT30300 Non Compaction Grain Tester (Moisture and Test Weight with Carrying Case)

Features ■■ Direct readout for 20 different grain scales ■■ Displays grain test weight (no pre-weighing) ■■ Measures moisture fast, easy, and accurately ■■ Non-compaction design with LCD display ■■ USB compatibility ■■ Automatic temperature compensation ■■ Supplied with protective carry case ■■ Two years warranty Specifications Moisture range: 6% – 45% depending on grain tested ■■ Temperature range: 40° – 113°F (5° – 45°C) ■■ Repeatability and accuracy: ±0.3% in normal moisture range for stored grain ■■ Display resolution: 0.1% moisture ■■ 4 AA batteries required (not included) Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1 ■■

Part Number: MCXFA1916

94 | Moisture Testers

Grain Moisture Testers (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Grinding Grain Moisture Tester Features and Specifications Fast accurate measurements of more than 30 grain scales. ■■ Smallest sample needed by any portable tester ■■ Automatic average of the last four measurements ■■ Individual offset adjustment by crop ■■ Illuminated LCD display with 0.1% moisture display resolution ■■ Repeatability and accuracy: ± 0.5% in normal moisture range for stored grain below 18% moisture ■■ Temperature range: 0° – 50°C (32° – 122°F) ■■

9V battery required (not included) Supplied with a protective carry case ■■ Two-year warranty Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1 ■■ ■■

Part Number: MCXFA1874

GT5300 Grain moisture tester Features and Specifications ■■ Larger 2.5” LCD display with selectable large or standard size fonts ■■ Automatically averages selectable number of tests ■■ Stores average calibration for all grains tested ■■ USB port for personalization (adding user name), grain scale, firmware and diagnostic updates ■■ Direct readout for 40 different grain scales ■■ Backlit push-button interface for low light conditions ■■ Low battery indicator and battery saver ■■ Illuminated, multilingual display - English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish

Temperature range: 0° - 45° C (32° - 113° F) Moisture range: 5% - 40% depending on grain tested ■■ Repeatability and accuracy: ±0.5% in normal moisture range for stored grain ■■ Display resolution: 0.1% moisture ■■ Two 9V batteries required (not included) ■■ Two-year warranty Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1 ■■ ■■

Part Number: MCXFA1917

Moisture Check-Plus Grain Tester Features and Specifications Direct readout for 40 different grain scales ■■ Built-in calibration button displays the test results average ■■ Higher-frequency, capacitive circuit improves accuracy ■■ Enhanced temperature compensation circuit ■■ Multilingual display – English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Swedish ■■ Protective carrying case with shoulder strap included ■■ Illuminated LCD display with 0.1% moisture display resolution ■■

Replacement Carrying Case

Repeatability and accuracy: ± 0.5% in normal moisture range for stored grain ■■ Moisture range: 5 – 40% depending on grain tested ■■ Temperature range: 0° – 45°C (32° – 113°F) ■■ Two 9V batteries required (not included) ■■ Two-year warranty Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1 ■■

Part Number: MCXFA1873

Replacement Cap

Carrying Case for Grain Moisture Tester – MCXFA1873 Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1

Replacement Cap for Grain Moisture Tester – MCXFA1873 Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1

Part Number: MCXFA1875

Part Number: MCXFA1876

Grain Moisture Testers | 95

Hay Moisture Testers (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Handheld, Baled Hay Moisture Tester with Calibration Clip With 50cm (20") probe Features and Specifications ■■ Includes calibration clip – less than 20 seconds to calibrate ■■ Above and below moisture limit indication ■■ Illuminated LCD display with 0.1% display resolution ■■ Accurate throughout the normal range of stored, baled hay ■■ Moisture range: 8 – 44% depending on hay tested ■■ Temperature range: 0° – 107°C (32° – 225°F) ■■ 9V battery required (not included) ■■ Two-year warranty

Handheld, Pistol-grip Hay Moisture Tester with 45 cm (18") probe Features and Specifications Direct readout for moisture % and temperature (ºF and ºC) ■■ Extra-rugged probe shaft made from aircraft aluminium ■■ Sturdy pistol-grip handle ■■ Illuminated LCD display with 0.1% moisture display resolution ■■ Accurate throughout the normal range of stored, baled hay ■■ Moisture range: 14.4 – 44% depending on hay tested ■■ Temperature range: 0° – 107°C (32° – 225°F) ■■ 9V battery required (not included) ■■ Two-year warranty

Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1 Part Number: MCXFA1870

45 cm (18") replacement Probe


Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1 Part Number: MCXFA1872

Windrow Hay Moisture Tester Features and Specifications Only portable hay moisture tester available for use in the field before baling ■■ Quickly measures loose hay and forage from a windrow without committing the time and expense of using baling or chopping equipment before the hay is at the correct moisture levels ■■ Simple to use – add loose hay to a five-gallon bucket, insert tester probe and press a button ■■ Illuminated LCD display with 0.1% display resolution ■■ Accurate within 2 – 4% ■■ Moisture range: 13 – 70% depending on hay tested ■■ 9V battery required (not included) ■■ Two-year warranty Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1 ■■

Part Number: MCXFA1871

96 | Hay Moisture Testers

450mm (18") Replacement Probe for Pistol-grip Hay Moisture Tester – MCXFA1872 Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1 Part Number: MCXFA1877

Baler Mounted Hay Moisture Testers (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

Baler Mounted Hay Tester New multi-sensor technology takes readings on the left, right side and middle of the bale. Features Advanced multi-sensor technology for greater overall accuracy while baling hay with square or round balers ■■ Sturdy display module mounts in tractor cab and displays readings from sensors mounted in baler ■■ Averages updated and displayed every 3 seconds ■■ Illuminated LCD display and keypad ■■ ± Moisture offset adjustments ■■ Adjustable high/low limit of moisture reading ■■ Upgradable firmware and calibration curves via USB Specifications ■■ Moisture range: 8% – 30+% depending on baler type ■■ Accurate throughout the normal range of stored hay ■■ Display resolution: 0.1% moisture ■■ 2 year waranty ■■

Product Includes: Display module ■■ 10’ power cable ■■ 2 sensor pads ■■ 2 – 35’ sensor cables ■■ Mounting hardware ■■ USB cable ■■ Installation instructions Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1 ■■

Baler Sensor Pad Kit (2 Pads with Hardware and 2 x 10.5m Sensor Cables) Can be used as a replacement sensor kit for MCXFA1910 or to use as an expansion kit where more than one baler can be used with the existing tractor mounted monitor. Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1

Part Number: MCXFA1910

Part Number: MCXFA1911

Baler Sensor Pad (1 EA)

Sensor Cable 10.5m (1 EA) Replacement sensor pad for MCXFA1910 Baler Mounted Hay Tester Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1

Replacement sensor cable for MCXFA1910 Baler Mounted Hay Tester. Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1

Part Number: MCXFA1912

Part Number: MCXFA1913

USB connection cable

Power Cable 3m Replacement USB connection cable for downloading data from MCXFA1910 Baler Mounted Hay Tester. Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1

Replacement power cable for MCXFA1910 Baler Mounted Hay Tester. Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1 Part Number: MCXFA1915

Part Number: MCXFA1914

Baler Mounted Hay Moisture Testers | 97

Tapes (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

98 | Tapes

Tapes – PVC (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) PVC tape – Black 100mm x 33m Black PVC tape, strong multi-purpose tape, ideal for sealing damaged silage bale wrap. 100mm x 33m. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 6 Part number: MCXFA1172

PVC tape – White 100mm x 33m White PVC tape, strong multi-purpose tape, ideal for sealing damaged silage bale wrap. 100mm x 33m. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 6 Part number: MCXFA1168

Tapes – Electrical Insulation (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Insulation tape – Black

Insulation tape – Multi pack 3 colours Black electrical insulation tape – low voltage, Phase A. IEC 454-3-1, flame retardant to AFERA 4009 T6, roll size 19 mm x 20 m Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 10 Part number: MCXFA1178

Electrical insulation tape – low voltage, Phase A, multi pack 3 colours Black/red/blue. IEC 454-3-1, flame retardant to AFERA 4009 T6. Roll size 19 mm x 20 m Pack contents: 3 Package quantity: 5 Part number: MCXFA1179

Tapes – PTFE (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) PTFE tape White PTFE tape for sealing pipe threads. Resistant to alkalis and acids, non flammable, 12mm wide x 10m. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 10 Part number: MCXFA1170


| 99

Tapes – Sealing & Masking (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

Duct tape – Silver 50mm x 50m

Masking tape 25mm x 50m

Silver duct tape – water, oil and grease resistant. Ideal for sealing and temporary repairs. 50mm x 50m. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 6

Masking tape. Suitable for protecting areas when painting. Low tack adhesive for easy repositioning. 25mm x 50m. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1173

Part number: MCXFA1175

Masking tape 50mm x 50m

Duct tape – Black 50mm x 50m

Masking tape. Suitable for protecting areas when painting. Low tack adhesive for easy repositioning. 50mm x 50m. Pack contents 1 Package quantity 5

Black duct tape – water, oil and grease resistant. Ideal for sealing and temporary repairs. 50mm x 50m. Pack contents: 1 Package quantity: 6

Part number: MCXFA1176

Part number: MCXFA1174

Packing tapes (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Packing Tape White tape with two-coloured John Deere logo. Length: 66 m. Part number: MCV109550001

Security tapes (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Security Tape Yellow barrier tape with green John Deere logo. Ideal for marking out large areas. Length: 100 m. Part number: MCV109560001

100 | Tapes

Hand Cleaners (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

High quality hand cleaners specifically formulated to remove heavy soiling and ingress dirt from skin.

Lime beaded hand cleaner with Aloe Vera Based on natural citrus extracts, this beaded, semi-gel skin cleanser rapidly and effectively removes heavy soiling from oil, grease, paint, dirt and grime without exposing the user to harsh petroleum based products. This cleaner contains Aloe Vera as a natural antiseptic and has an emollient to condition and moisturise the skin. It's citrus lime content assists cleaning and leaves a pleasant residual citrus smell after washing. This cleaner works effectively with hot or cold water and is designed for conditions where regular cleaning of hands is essential. (Should not be used on face or sensitive skin and areas of broken or sore skin should be avoided)

Pumice hand cleaner with Aloe Vera This premium hand cleaning paste is solvent free, beaded and specially formulated to deep clean and remove stubborn heavy soiling from oil, grease, paint, glue, inks and general dirt and grime. The pumice content assists deep cleansing, an emollient leaves a soft feel to the skin and the Aloe Vera acts as a natural antiseptic. The soft paste consistency allows easy massage into the skin and rinses away to leave a pleasant citrus fragrance. Designed for conditions where regular cleaning of hands is essential. (Should not be used on face or sensitive skin and areas of broken or sore skin should be avoided)

Lime beaded hand cleaner with Aloe Vera 1 ltr.

Pumice hand cleaner with Aloe Vera – 1 ltr

Pack contents 1 Package quantity 24

Pack contents 1 Package quantity 24

Part number: MCXFA1550

Part number: MCXFA1552

Lime beaded hand cleaner with Aloe Vera 4.5 ltr.

Pumice hand cleaner with Aloe Vera – 4.5 ltr

Pack contents 1 Package quantity 8

Pack contents 1 Package quantity 8

Part number: MCXFA1551

Part number: MCXFA1553

Pump and lid for 4.5 ltr jars A metal pump and screw top lid for easy and controlled dispensing of hand cleaner. A dispensing pump can help to reduce the risk of cross infection of users. Only suitable for use with the 4.5 litre containers. Part number: MCXFA1555

Hand Cleaners

| 101

Wheel Spinners (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

A selection of John Deere wheel spinners with the choice of colour and logo to suit your vehicle or preference. Each is manufactured with a heavy duty, aluminium body construction for durability and a non slip, comfort grip handle for safe and secure use. Each wheel spinner comes with two brackets and a rubber adapter for mounting on either regular or deep spoke wheels. Wheel spinner, black with yellow logo

Wheel spinner, green with yellow logo

Pack contents 1 Package quantity 12

Pack contents 1 Package quantity 12

Part number: MCXFA1561

Part number: MCXFA1562

Wheel spinner, black with 1968 logo

Wheel spinner, green with vintage 1950 logo

Pack contents 1 Package quantity 12

Pack contents 1 Package quantity 12

Part number: MCXFA1564

Part number: MCXFA1565

These stylish deluxe wheel spinners fit securely to all steering wheels with a thickness of up to 31.7mm (1Âź inch). They are recommended for lawn and garden machinery, as well as tractors and other larger vehicles. Each has a high quality and smooth spinning movement and a permanent John Deere logo. The split base design enables quick and easy mounting and the ribbed, soft grip handle ensures comfortable, safe and secure use at all times. Supplied with fixing bolts, allen key and rubber spacer for smaller steering wheels. Deluxe wheel spinner with green logo Pack contents 1 Package quantity 12

Pack contents 1 Package quantity 12

Part number: MCXFA1566

Part number: MCXFA1567

Wheel spinner adapter kit The wheel spinner adapter kit allows proper mounting of a wheel spinner in an upright position on to smaller steering wheel, typically found on lawn and garden equipment. Kit contents 2 x plastic mounting brackets, 2 x bolts, 2 x nuts and 2 x washers. Pack contents 1 Package quantity 8 Part number: MCXFA1560

102 | Wheel Spinner

Deluxe wheel spinner with black logo

Wiper Blades (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

A range of quality wiper blades from 305mm – 610mm (12" – 24"). Molded from 100% natural rubber to produce low noise and judder free wiping. The full metal structure is suitable for many applications using the included multi-fit adaptors.

Part Number MCXFA1750 MCXFA1751 MCXFA1752 MCXFA1753 MCXFA1754 MCXFA1755 MCXFA1756 MCXFA1757 MCXFA1758 MCXFA1759

Product Wiper blade Wiper blade Wiper blade Wiper blade Wiper blade Wiper blade Wiper blade Wiper blade Wiper blade Wiper blade

Pack Quantity Pack Content 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1

Length 305mm (12") 350mm (14") 380mm (15") 410mm (16") 460mm (18") 480mm (19") 510mm (20") 530mm (21") 560mm (22") 610mm (24")

Wiper blade dispenser kit 50pcs 50 piece dealer Wiper blade kit with sizes ranging from 305mm to 610mm (12" – 24") 5 pieces of each size. Includes compact point of sale merchandiser for easy and effective in-shop display. Part number: MCXFA1762

Wiper Blades

| 103

Seat Covers / Floor mats

104 | Seat Covers / Floor mats

Seat Covers (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

A range of tailor-made seat covers, with John Deere logo, for long-lasting protection of your seat.

Easy care leatherette cover high quality leatherette cloth tear proof material for long-life ■■ 10 mm foam centre layer ■■ easily wipes clean with water ■■ ■■

Enjoy the comfort of heated seat cover in the winter high quality reinforced cloth tear proof material for long-life ■■ material treated with dirt repellant ■■ 10 mm foam centre layer ■■ machine washable up to 30° C ■■ heated panels ■■ ■■

Made to measure seat cover for long-lasting protection of your seat

Yellow leatherette seat covers keep your seat in a good condition after frost and rain

high quality reinforced cloth ■■ tear proof material for long-life ■■ material treated with dirt repellant ■■ 10 mm foam centre layer ■■ machine washable up to 30° C



high quality leatherette cloth ■■ tear proof material for long-life ■■ easy wipes clean with water

Universal seat cover – for occasional protection Easy and quick fitting Embossed with a John Deere logo ■■ Tear proof material for long-life ■■ ■■

Seat Covers

| 105

Seat Covers (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

Turf Machinery Machine Gator: HPX XUV Turf 2020 series 1R series 2R series 3036E series X700 series X950R

Seat type

Seat part number

Seat remarks


Plastic seat

Compact utility tractor (cab): 1000 series 3020 series 4010 series 4020 series

AL179257 AL179255

* Yellow seat covers are available for yellow seats, brown seat covers are available for fabric seats

106 | Seat Covers

Leatherette seat cover part number*



Compact utility tractor (open station): 3020 series 4010 series 4020 series

Front mower: 1515 Series 2 1565– 1545 1420 – 1435– 1445

Fabric seat cover part number

Plastic seat


Plastic seat


Seat Covers (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

Tractors 40/50-series and 31X0-34X0 Machine

Seat type

840–3640 950–3650 3100-3400 3110–3410

Fabric seat cover part number


Tractors 5000, 5010, 5010N & SN, 5015 F&V or 5G-series, including open station Machine 5000 N & SN 5010 N & SN 5015 F & V 5GF & GV

5000 series 5010 series 5015 series & HC 5G series & GH

5000 series 5010 series 5015 series & HC 5G series & GH

Seat type

Seat part number

Seat remarks

Fabric seat cover part number

ER201705 ER201703

Fabric seat



Plastic seat


Fabric seat

Leatherette seat cover part number*



* Yellow seat covers are available for yellow seats, brown seat covers are available for fabric seats

Seat Covers

| 107

Seat Covers (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

Tractors 5000, 5010, 5010N & SN, 5015 F&V or 5G-series, including open station Machine 5000 series 5010 series 5015 series & HC 5G series & GH

5000 series 5010 series 5015 series & HC 5G series & GH

Seat type

Seat part number

Seat remarks

Fabric seat cover part number



ER196712 ER196862


Leatherette seat cover part number*

5015 series < 02/2006 MCJHD2505

5000 series N & SN 5010 series N & SN 5015 series F & V 5GF & GV


* Yellow seat covers are available for yellow seats, brown seat covers are available for fabric seats

108 | Seat Covers

Plastic seat


Seat Covers (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

Tractors 5020, 5M, 5R, 6000-6030 and 74/7530 Premium, 6M, 6R, including open station Machine

Seat type

Seat part number

Seat remarks

Fabric seat cover part number

6000 series 6010 series


5020 series


5020 series 5R series


5020 series 5M series 5R series 6000 series & SE 6010 series & SE 6020 series & SE 6030 series + Premium 6M series 6R series 7030 Premium (E) (= 7430 + 7530)

AL201829 AL175599 AL179254 AL179256

5020 series (prior to 2007) 6000 series & SE 6010 series & SE 6020 series & SE 6030 series + Premium 7030 Premium (E) (=7430 + 7530)

Without head rest

Leatherette seat cover part number*





MCJHD1729 AL175597

With 3� cushion MCJHD1729CH and adjustable (with heating panels) cushion depth and inclination


* Yellow seat covers are available for yellow seats, brown seat covers are available for fabric seats Seat Covers

| 109

Seat Covers (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

Tractors 5020, 5M, 5R, 6000-6030 and 74/7530 Premium, 6M, 6R, including open station Machine

Seat type

Seat part number

6M series 6R series

BL15038 BL15039

5E series 5M series OOS 6000 series 6010 series 6020 series 6030 series 6M series

AL179257 AL179255

* Yellow seat covers are available for yellow seats, brown seat covers are available for fabric seats

110 | Seat Covers

Seat remarks

With 4� cushion and adjustable cushion depth and inclination

Plastic seat without head rest

Fabric seat cover part number

Leatherette seat cover part number*




Seat Covers (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

Tractors 4040, 4050, 7000-9000 all series, 7R, 8R, 9R Seat part number

Fabric seat cover part number

7000 series 7010 series 4040 series 4050 series



7020 series 7030 series



7020 series 7030 series (except 7030 Premium) 8010 series 8020 series (T) 8030 series (T) 9020 series (T) 9030 series (T) 9000 series

RE267624 RE289301 RE183943 RE183942

MCJHD2677 MCJHD2677CH (with heating panels)

8010 series



7R series 8R series 8RT series 9R series 9RT series

RE319217 RE319218


Seat type

Leatherette seat cover part number*


MCJHD5073 MCJHD5073CH (with heating panels)


* Yellow seat covers are available for yellow seats, brown seat covers are available for fabric seats Seat Covers

| 111

Seat Covers (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

Harvesting Machinery Machine

SPFH: 5720, 5820 5730, 5830

Seat type

Seat part number

Fabric seat cover part number



Combine: Z 2000 series Z 2200 series 1450– 1550 1470 – 1570


Combine: 2200 series SPFH: 6010 series 6050 series


Combine: 9780 CTS series <2002


Combine: 9880 STS series 9780 CTS series 9000 WTS series W series, C series, S series, T series SPFH: 7000 series 7050 series

112 | Seat Covers

AH227975 AH228257 AH228255


Seat Covers (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

Telehandlers Machine

Seat type

Seat part number

3200 – 3400 3015– 3020


3200 – 3400 3015 – 3010 4400 – 4500

AL201829 AL175599 AL179254 AL179256

3200-3400 3015– 3020 3800

Seat remarks

Without head rest

Fabric seat cover part number

Leatherette seat cover part number*





MCJHD1729 AL175597 With 3" cushion and adjustable cushion depth and inclination

MCJHD1729CH (with heating panels)


* Yellow seat covers are available for yellow seats, brown seat covers are available for fabric seats

Seat Covers

| 113

Seat Covers (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

Self-Propelled Sprayers Machine

Seat type

Seat cover part number

Self-propelled sprayer: 5430i


Universal Seat covers Models


Seat cover part number



Universal cover


Universal cover

All harvesting machinery

All tractors

114 | Seat Covers

Seat Covers (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

Instructor/Passenger seats Tractors Models


Seat cover part number

Fabric seat cover part number

Leatherette seat cover part number




AL173569 AL173570 LG102452



RE192707 RE195932



RE294975 RE298456



Instructor seat Tractor 6R series

Instructor seat 5020, 5R, 5M, 5RN 6000 series & SE, 6010 series & SE 6020 series & SE, 6030 series + Premium 6M series, 6MC, 6RC, 6D 7030 Premium (E) (= 7430 + 7530)

7020, 7030 series 8000 (T), 8010 (T) series 8020 (T), 8030 (T) series 9000 (T), 9020 (T), 9030 (T) series

7R, 8R, 8RT

Instructor/Passenger seats Harvesting Machinery & Self-Propelled Sprayers Models


Seat cover part number

Combine: W series, S series, T series

Self-propelled sprayer: 5430i

Fabric seat cover part number

Leatherette seat cover part number


AL173569 AL173570 LG102452



Seat Covers

| 115

Floor mats (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

Floor mats reduce noise and protect the floorboard. Made to measure for each John Deere cab type Respect of all cab features (pedals, handles …) ■■ Easy to clean ■■ High pressure washer resistant (cold water) ■■ Material: Black rubber or beige needle punch carpet ■■ With John Deere logo ■■ ■■

Tractor floor mats Series 5M series, 5R series 5015 5020 6M, 6000, 6010, 6020, 6030, 6030 and 7030 PREMIUM 6R 7000, 7010 7020 7030 (7030 PREMIUM excl.) 8000, 8010 8020 8030 7R, 8R

Standard floor mat MCTJHD5114 MCTJHD3764 MCTJHD3721 MCTJHD6000 MCTJHD5561 MCTJHD2906 MCTJHD3283 MCTJHD4055 MCTJHD3666 MCTJHD3661 MCTJHD4130 MCTJHD5072


Self Propelled Forage Harvester floor mats Series 7050 series

Standard floor mat MCTJHD5133

Rubber floor mat MCTJHD5133C

Floor mats Display (Product available in JDPoint through TS programme PC/AY/AU) Part Number - Recycled cardboard - Contains up to 10 floormats - Can be moved with a forklift


116 | Floor mats

Available until stock last

Protection kit (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Protection Kit – MCJHDPROTECT

Kit made of 3 pieces:

Protects the cab from:


seat protection steering wheel protection ■■ floor protection




spots on the seat grease on the steering wheel ■■ footsteps on the floor

Use it to return a clean tractor to your customers after a service Workshop usage: can be used multiple times.

Seat protection / Wheel protection: Protection for seating – back rest – head rest and steering wheel Black fluid material ■■ Universal size ■■ Washable in machine ■■ Quick and easy fitting ■■ ■■

Floor protection: Made of leatherette material ■■ Universal size ■■ Washable with sponge ■■ Quick and easy fitting ■■


Protection kit

| 117

Portable lighting / Torches (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

118 | Portable lighting / Torches

Portable lighting / Torches (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

Compact LED torch

LED Key ring torch Machined high quality aluminium LED key ring torch with corrosion protection

Machined high quality aluminium LED Compact torch with corrosion protection

• 6061-T6 Machined Aluminum housing • 5mm LED • 8 lumen • 15m effective beam • 10000 hours minimum LED burn time • 1x AAA alkaline battery included • Impact and water Resistant • Polycarbonate Lens • Key chain included Packaged in counter top merchandiser Package quantity: 12

• 6061-T6 Machined Aluminum housing • CREE XPE LED • 150 lumen • 100m effective beam • 10000 hours minimum LED burn time • 3pc AAA alkaline batteries included • High/low/strobe function • Palm sized • Impact and water Resistant • Polycarbonate Lens • Convenient wrist strap Packaged in counter top merchandiser Package quantity: 6

Part number: MCXFA1800

Part number: MCXFA1801 LED head torch

LED torch Machined high quality aluminium LED Slimline torch with corrosion protection • 6061-T6 Machined Aluminum housing • CREE XPG LED • 200 lumen • 200m effective beam • 10000 hours minimum LED burn time • 3pc C alkaline batteries included • Impact and water Resistant Polycarbonate Lens. Package quantity: 4 Part number: MCXFA1802

Manufactured from ABS plastic for use in extreme conditions, this lightweight LED head torch is suitable for use in many leisure and work applications. • Bulb type: CREE XPC LED • 80 lumens • 30m effective beam • 10000 hours minimum LED burn time • 3PCS AAA battery included • Impact and water Resistant • Polycarbonate Lens • High/low/ function • Tiltable lamp body • Adjustable 3 strap head band Packaged in counter top merchandiser Package quantity: 6 Part number: MCXFA1803

LED combination pack Combining the qualities of both MCXFA1803 and MCXFA1800 this dual pack offers a functional, convenient and portable lighting solution • Impact and water Resistant • 10000 hours minimum LED burn time • Polycarbonate Lens • AAA batteries included. Packaged in counter top merchandiser Package quantity: 6 Part number: MCXFA1805

Portable lighting / Torches

| 119

Portable lighting / Torches (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

Rechargeable LED Inspection light

Featuring 26 super bright LEDs; 21 as an inspection lamp or 5 used as a directional torch. ■■ Single LED battery indicator. ■■ Two 360° swivel hanging hooks for hands-free applications allowing unit to be used horizontally or vertically. ■■ Three rubber covered magnets, two magnets on the rear for horizontal use and one on the handle end for vertical use. ■■ Bottom quarter of the lamp rotates 180° allowing the unit to be positioned for ease of use on any ferrous surface. ■■ Shatterproof polycarbonate lens with a highly polished reflector board gives an increased spread of light. ■■ Lithium-ion polymer battery (3.7V 1500mAh) for longer life. Can operate for up to four hours on a single charge. ■■ Anti-slip and soft grip exterior. ■■ Supplied with mains and in-car 12V chargers. Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1 ■■

Part Number: MCXFA1807

120 | Portable lighting / Torches

Knives (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Rescue Knife

Marine Knife

Three functions: knife, belt cutter and window breaker. Stainless steel half serrated blade with locking system. One-hand opening and closing. Logo engraved on the handle.

Half serrated stainless steel blade. Half thin edged blade for precision cutting. One hand opening and closing. Locking system. Stainless steel handle covered by a rubber coating. Belt clip. Logo engraved on the blade.

Package quantity: 12

Package quantity: 12

Part number: MCJ099571000

Part number: MCJ099572000

Multi-functional Knife

Made of 2CR13 Stainless steel. Aluminum handle with rubberized finish. Functions available: knife with locking system, bottle opener, scissors, can opener, 2 and 5 mm flat head screwdriver, corkscrew, point for making holes and an attaching ring. Blade length: 7 cm. Part number: MCJ099576000


| 121

Ruler (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Folding Ruler

10 fold, full rivet ruler. Digital imprint on one side. Length: 2 m. Package quantity: 10 Part number: MCJ099560000

122 |


Personal Protection Equipment (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

Personal Protection Equipment | 123

Eye Protection (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

The John Deere safety glasses range has been developed with the user in mind. These glasses offer excellent protection in many situations where eye protection is paramount, such as workshop fabrication, field repairs or general maintenance, and against bright sunlight. There is a style to suit individual preferences and the range features:- multiple frame styles, impact resistance, anti-scratch lenses, *UV 400 protection *lens colour options.*Supplied with adjustable neck cord and microfibre drawstring bag for protection when not in use and can be used to clean lens. (*not JD210 range)

JD207-S Smoked Lens Safety Glasses

JD207-BM Blue Mirror Safety Glasses



- Contemporary lightweight frame design - Impact resistant polycarbonate - UV 400 protection - Smoke tinted, anti-scratch lens - Non slip, softgrip temples - Detachable neck cord (adjustable) - Microfibre drawstring bag (suitable for lens cleaning) - Complies with EN166 EN170 CE ANSI Z87+

- Contemporary lightweight frame design - Impact resistant polycarbonate - UV 400 protection - Blue mirrored, anti-scratch lens - Non slip, softgrip temples - Detachable neck cord (adjustable) - Microfibre drawstring bag (suitable for lens cleaning) - Complies with EN166 EN170 CE ANSI Z87+

Package quantity: 4

Package quantity: 4

Part number: MCXFA2070

Part number: MCXFA2071

JD208-S Smoked Lens Safety Glasses

JD209-C Clear lens safety Glasses



- Contemporary wraparound frame design - Impact resistant polycarbonate - UV 400 protection - Smoke tinted, anti-scratch lens - Non slip, softgrip temples and nose piece - Detachable neck cord (adjustable) - Microfibre drawstring bag (suitable for lens cleaning) - Complies with EN166 EN170 CE ANSI Z87+

- Contemporary frameless design - Impact resistant polycarbonate - UV 400 protection - clear, anti-scratch lens - Non slip, softgrip temples and nose piece - Detachable neck cord (adjustable) - Microfibre drawstring bag (suitable for lens cleaning) - Complies with EN166 EN170 CE ANSI Z87+

Package quantity: 4

Package quantity: 4

Part number: MCXFA2080

Part number: MCXFA2090

124 | Eye Protection

Eye Protection (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) JD209-S Smoked Lens Safety Glasses

JD209-SM Silver Mirror Safety Glasses



- Contemporary frameless design - Impact resistant polycarbonate - UV 400 protection - Smoke tinted, anti-scratch lens - Non slip, softgrip temples and nose piece - Detachable neck cord (adjustable) - Microfibre drawstring bag (suitable for lens cleaning) - Complies with EN166 EN170 CE ANSI Z87+

- Contemporary frameless design - Impact resistant polycarbonate - UV 400 protection - Silver mirrored, anti-scratch lens - Non slip, softgrip temples and nose piece - Detachable neck cord (adjustable) - Microfibre drawstring bag (suitable for lens cleaning) - Complies with EN166 EN170 CE ANSI Z87+

Package quantity: 4

Package quantity: 4

Part number: MCXFA20791

Part number: MCXFA2092

JD210-ENG Engineers type safety glasses

JD210-G Safety Goggles



- Classic design offering full protection - Impact resistant polycarbonate - Vented side shields to prevent lens fogging - Clear anti-scratch lens - Can be worn over prescription spectacles - Complies with EN166 EN170 CE ANSI Z87+

- Lightweight and flexible vinyl frame - Impact resistant polycarbonate lens - Vented bridge for heat dissipation and prevention of fogging - Can be worn over prescription spectacles - Clear, anti-scratch lens - Provides excellent protection whilst chipping, grinding and cutting - Complies with EN166 EN166 N CE ANSI Z87+BBS 1 F CE, BBS 1 S N CE

Package quantity: 4 Part number: MCXFA2100

Package quantity: 4 Part number: MCXFA2101

Safety glasses point of sale display Branded counter top display to effectively merchandise a range of safety glasses Safety glasses not included Part number: MCXFA2078

Eye Protection

| 125

Safety Vest & Safety Set (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Safety Vest

A sensible precaution for any pedestrian close to traffic or working machines. Useful to have in your car in case of a breakdown. A lightweight yellow jacket with reflective stripes. John Deere logo is screen printed on the left chest. The jacket comes in a bag. Certified EN471 and CE. One size fits all. Part number: MCJ099802000

Safety Set

CE certified safety set with hazard warning triangle, Gloves, yellow safety vest with reflective stripes. The logo John Deere is printed in silver on the left chest. Part number: MCJ099810000

126 | Safety Vest & Safety Set

Gloves (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Camo Waterproof Gloves

Kevlar Knitted Gloves Waterproof breathable inner membrane keeps hands dry. ‘Break Up’ cammo pattern from Mossy Oak®. Insulated SPORTWOOL™ lining for exceptional warmth, blending Merino wool and micro fleece. Anti-bacterial, odour-resistant lining. Breathable synthetic leather palm and reinforced fingers. SPORTWOOL™ is a trademark of The Woolmark Company. Material: Outer Shell: 60% synthetic, 30% stretch nylon, 10% terry. Membrane: 100% polyurethane. Inner liner: 60% polyester, 34% wool. Machine wash, air dry. Size M L XL

Size M L XL

Part number MCJ099852000 MCJ099853000 MCJ099854000

Part number MCJ099838000 MCJ099839000 MCJ099840000

Polyamide Knitted and Nitrile Gloves Comfortable and non slip gloves with elastic wrist. Good flexibility and resistance to tear. Main application fields: Handling of sliding and oily products, assembly and engineering. Material: 100% knit polyamide, 3/4 coated black nitril on palm and fingers. Size L XL

Kevlar fibre offers protection from cuts and heat. Seamless knitted contruction. Lightweight 10-gauge knit for comfort.

Leather & Canvas Handling Gloves Solid and comfortable gloves. Security cuff. Main application fields: heavy tasks, woodwork, transport and warehouse handling. Material: cotton, leather. Size XL

Part number MCJ099900003

Part number MCJ099903002 MCJ099903003

Nylon Knitted and PVC Gloves Breathable and hydro-repellent gloves. Good stickiness and protection against cold. Main application fields : building trade, handling in cold places, handling of slippery objects. Elastic cuff. Material: Knitted nylon, PVC coated (palm and fingers). Size L XL

Part number MCJ099902002 MCJ099902003


| 127

Safety shoes (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

Safety shoes The EN 345 classes: SB

Safety toecap


s SB standard, plus closed seat region and Anti-static A properties, energy absorption of seat region


As S1 standard, plus penetration resistance


S1 standard, plus water-penetration and absorption resistance


As S2 standard, plus penetration resistance and cleated outsole

Sole construction safety shoes ENISO 20345:2007 Anti penetration midsole with 1,100 Newtons protection (optional) Energy absorbtion system

Arch stabiliser providing additional support

300 °C heat resistant nitrile rubber. High abrasion. Excellent grip and flexing. Durable

Safety Shoe Star

EN-345 S1-P safety shoes with breathable mesh inner and upper lining and scuff cap for high comfort and durability. Reflective piping at the heel. Cambrelle® lining and ergonomic footbed. Lightweight rubber outer sole with phylon midsole for good damping properties. Padded tongue with John Deere woven label. 41 MCS620113541 42 MCS620113542 43 MCS620113543 44 MCS620113544 45 MCS620113545 46 MCS620113546

128 |

EN ISO 20345:2007 standard protective toe cap

Optional footbed with gel heel cushioning insert Shock impact absorption, long lasting

Medium hardness, phylon, extreme shock absorption and comfort. Lightweight

“ERP” - Extreme Rubber Protection design

Work Shoes “Silver Shadow“

EN 345/S1-P safety shoes. A classic safety shoe with aluminium toecap and a nonmetallic anti-penetration sole. Utilizing modern technology with uppers of microfibre mesh reflective elements and black rubber toe. Loose PU footbed with Cambrelle®. Rubber outer sole with phylon midsole. Colour: Silver grey/black. 41 MCS620113341 42 MCS620113342 43 MCS620113343 44 MCS620113344 45 MCS620113345 46 MCS620113346

Safety shoes (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Safety Shoes Spike

EN 345 S1 incl. aluminium toecap and antistatic features. Waxy nubuck and taidura fabric with reflective details on upper. Rubber front toe and back for extra durability. Superlite ergonomic footbed. Rubber outer sole with light phylon mid sole. 41 MCS620113441 42 MCS620113442 43 MCS620113443 44 MCS620113444 45 MCS620113445 46 MCS620113446

Safety Boots Workhorse

EN 345/S3 safety boots. Workhorse is for working professionals who need the best in comfort and protection at work. These boots are constructed for durability and long lasting resistance. Antistatic properties, slip and oil resistant outer sole, shock absorption in heel, 200 Joule composite toe cap, PS5 antipenetration midsole. John Deere logo in the leather. Colour: black. 38 MCS630105038 39 MCS630105039 40 MCS630105040 41 MCS630105041 42 MCS630105042 43 MCS630105043 44 MCS630105044 45 MCS630105045 46 MCS630105046

Safety Shoes Blitz

EN 345 SB, Steel toecap, Antistatic properties, Hi-Tec PVC and mesh upper, PU removable footbed, Cambrelle ® lining, Phylon/Rubber outer sole. John Deere rubber patch logo. 40 MCS620113240 41 MCS620113241 42 MCS620113242 43 MCS620113243 44 MCS620113244 45 MCS620113245 46 MCS620113246

Safety Boots Mill

EN 345 SB, Composite toecap, Full grain leather, Taidura, Suede and Nappa upper, PU removable footbed, PU/Rubber outer sole. John Deere rubber patch logo. 41 MCS640145041 42 MCS640145042 43 MCS640145043 44 MCS640145044 45 MCS640145045 46 MCS640145046

Safety shoes

| 129

Measuring Devices (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

130 | Measuring Devices

Portable air compressor kit (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

Portable air compressor kit – 12V

High quality 12V portable air compressor kit Pressure gauge in psi, kg/cm,bar ■■ Flexible hose with quick release inflator/deflator and large gradient pressure gauge ■■ Anti-vibration rubber mounted feet ■■ Voltage – 12v ■■ Max amperage – 23amp ■■ Wattage – 280w ■■ Max pressure – 150psi ■■ Power cable – 2 .4m ■■ Air line length – 7m ■■ Supplied with selection of inflation valves ■■ Durable storage bag with carry handle for compressor and accessories ■■ 1 year warranty Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1 ■■

Part Number: MCXFA1806

Portable air compressor kit

| 131

Tyre Pressure Gauge (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Digital Tyre Pressure Gauge – dual powered Supplied in a counter top display containing 6 individually blister packaged tyre pressure gauges. PSI,bar,kPa and kg/cm² can all be accurately measured (2 to 150PSI ± 1; 0,14 to 10,37 bar, ± 0,07 bar) Integral tyre depth gauge. Dual powered with solar panel and 3V CR2032 lithium ion batteries. Autopower-off function maximises battery life. Package quantity: 6 Part number: MCXFA1123

Suggestions for use Lawntractors Incorrect tyre pressures of the back wheels will lead to an uneven height of cut and an untidy finish on your lawn. Make sure tyre pressures are correct according to the information in the operator’s manual of your lawntractor. Agriculture Setting the correct tyre pressure for the job is vital to ensure best fuel economy and minimal soil compaction. Correct tyre pressure will also help to avoid overloading the tyre walls when carrying a heavy load and for transport. Check with your tyre manufacturer for specific recommendations.

132 | Tyre Pressure Gauge

Combine setting tools (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Sieve setting tool

Easy check tool

Simple but effective device for checking and setting the gap in combine sieves. Robust plastic with incremental steps. Useful when harvesting multiple grain types.

Die cast Key ring style branded multi use tool. Specifically designed for measuring the wear on combine crop fingers, but can also be used as a screwdriver and bottle opener.

Package quantity: 5

Package quantity: 5

Part number: MCXFA1960

Part number: MCXFA1961

Combine setting tools | 133

Battery hydrometer (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Battery hydrometer Pipette type, easy to use battery cell hydrometer. Can be easily dismantled for cleaning. Packaged in blister with simple operator instructions on reverse. Package quantity: 3 Part number: MCXFA1186

134 | Battery hydrometer

Coolant / Antifreeze Tester (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

Coolant / antifreeze tester Easy to use antifreeze tester for measuring the protection level of your vehicle‘s coolant. Packaged in blister with simple operator instructions on reverse. Package quantity: 3 Part number: MCXFA1765

Coolant / Antifreeze Tester

| 135

Radios (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Waterproof Utility Radio Kit

Enjoy your music whatever the weather. This waterproof* utility radio kit has multiple functionality and has been specially developed for vehicles which can be exposed to the elements, such as gators, ride on mowers and cabless tractors. The AM/FM radio unit has innovative design, multi-device connectivity inlcuding Bluetooth streaming, USB and 3.5mm Jack Aux inputs. Multiple mounting options and easy to use functions make it extremely universal.

Part number MCXFA1891 2 years warranty

Conveniently packaged in one box with all you need for a mobile, weatherproof, quality music system in utility and cabless vehicles. Kit Contents: 1 x Waterproof radio (*IP68 rated radio body and IP66 front fascia) 1 x Pair of water resistant speakers 1 x Unique multi-position mounting pod 1 x Flexible rubber antenna 1 x ISO wiring loom connection 1 x User manual, templates and installation instructions

Waterproof Utility Radio, Bluetooth, USB, Aux Specially developed for use in utility vehicles, ride on mowers and cabless tractors, this mobile entertainment unit boasts a high specification with many functions and features. Features and Specifications: - IP 68 rated radio body - IP 66 rated radio front fascia - AM/FM tuner, including AF frequency tracking - A2DP Bluetooth streaming/mp3 - USB rear input - RCA and 3.5 mm AUX inputs - ISO connectivity - Innovative design – ‘encompassing a ‘simple, clean fascia layout’ - Large, rubber, tactile control buttons - Illuminated LCD display with 12/24 hr clock - 4 x 50 watt amplifier Part number MCXFA1888 2 years warranty

136 | Radios

Radios (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Water Resistant Speakers (2) Specially developed for outdoor use, this pair of speakers are a must when installing MCXFA1888 Waterproof Utility Radio Contents:

2 speakers with prepared connection wires and mounting brackets Specifications: - 3" Speaker enclosures - Water resistant - 40 watts RMS 80 watts peak - 4 Ohm Impedance - Frequency range 70 Hz to 14 KHz Part number MCXFA1889 2 years warranty

Mounting Pod Designed and developed for the universal mounting of MCXFA1888 Waterproof Utility Radio, this unique pod provides a robust solution for multi-position mounting. Features - ABS impact resistant casing with stainless steel screws - Adjustable steel mounting bracket - Integral ventilation and moisture drain - Multi-positional radio surface mount; 90˚ increments - Stainless steel fixing kit - Installation instructions

Part number MCXFA1890 2 years warranty

Radios | 137

Radios (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

The Latest Compact Disc and Digital Media Receiver models designed for agricultural and industrial machinery use, featuring Innovative Design: Modern styling to enhance in-cab presentation and design ergonomics with larger operating buttons to increase the ease of use when off road. Optimised Tuner Performance: Enhanced antenna connection and latest integral componentry has be used to ensure optimum reception. Improved Device Connectivity With the latest software updates for A2DP Bluetooth functionality, these radios have increased connectivity with more devices. Ingress Protection: A high level of dust protection to vulnerable areas has been achieved through the use of concealed USB and SD card connection points. Security: Prevent theft temptation with the latest removable front panel and storage case Permanent Memory (flash): Save your favorite preselected radio stations even when the battery is disconected. Illuminated Display: All models incorporate an illuminated all angle display which allows clear day or night time visibility of the screen from most positions in the cab.

138 | Radios

Radios (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) Radio USB, SD, Aux

Radio Bluetooth, USB, SD, Aux

Features & Benefits

Features & Benefits

Illuminated all angle display Visibility from most angles and light conditions.

Illuminated all angle display Visibility from most angles and light conditions.

Removable Front Panel with Protective Case Permits the removal and safe storage of the radio front panel for added security

Removable Front Panel with Protective Case Permits the removal and safe storage of the radio front panel for added security

AM/FM Tuner with Radio Data System (RDS) FM frequencies benefitting from Regional mode, traffic announcement, alternative frequencies and Program type

Bluetooth Hands Free Allows you to make and receive mobile phone calls wirelessly whilst driving

Aux Input (3.5mm) Allows you to plug in an auxillary music source such as an MP3 player/Ipod or SAat Nav from the front of the radio USB port with sliding cover protection Gives you access to music files stored on a USB memory stick. SD card slot located behind front panel Gives you access to music files stored on a SD card 2-Channel preamp out (rear) Provides 2 outputs to plug in additional speakers via and aftermarket amplifier Permanent memory (flash) Retains radio station and preset functions when the power is disconected Technical Specifications - Power supply - 12Vdc - Input Fuse - 10A - Max output power - 4 x 40 Watts - Speaker impedance - 4-8 Ohms - Line out - 1.5Vdc max - FM tuner range - 87.5 - 108 MHz - AM tuner range - 522 - 1620 KHz Part number MCXFA1892 2 years warranty

A2DP Wireless Music Streaming Plays music wirelessly from a bluetooth enabled device such as a mobile phone or ipod/Pad AM/FM Tuner with Radio Data System (RDS) FM frequencies benefitting from Regional mode, traffic announcement, alternative frequencies and Program type Aux Input (3.5mm) Allows you to plug in an auxillary music source such as an MP3 player/Ipod or SAat Nav from the front of the radio USB port with sliding cover protection Gives you access to music files stored on a USB memory stick. SD card slot located behind front panel Gives you access to music files stored on a SD card 2-Channel preamp out (rear) Provides 2 outputs to plug in additional speakers via and aftermarket amplifier Permanent memory (flash) Retains radio station and preset functions when the power is disconected Technical Specifications - Power supply - 12Vdc - Input Fuse - 10A - Max output power - 4 x 40 Watts - Speaker impedance - 4-8 Ohms - Line out - 1.5Vdc max - FM tuner range - 87.5 - 108 MHz - AM tuner range - 522 - 1620 KHz Part number MCXFA1893 2 years warranty

Radios| 139

Radios (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) CD Radio, USB, SD, Aux

CD Radio Bluetooth, USB, SD, Aux

Features & Benefits

Features & Benefits

Illuminated all angle display Visibility from most angles and light conditions.

Illuminated all angle display Visibility from most angles and light conditions.

Removable Front Panel with Protective Case Permits the removal and safe storage of the radio front panel for added security

Removable Front Panel with Protective Case Permits the removal and safe storage of the radio front panel for added security

CD-R/CD-RWMP3/WWA Playback Radio can playCD's burned using recordable discs from a computer.

Bluetooth Hands Free Allows you to make and receive mobile phone calls wirelessly whilst driving

AM/FM Tuner with Radio Data System (RDS) FM frequencies benefitting from Regional mode, traffic announcement, alternative frequencies and Program type

A2DP Wireless Music Streaming Plays music wirelessly from a bluetooth enabled device such as a mobile phone or ipod/Pad

Aux Input (3.5mm) Allows you to plug in an auxillary music source such as an MP3 player/Ipod or SAat Nav from the front of the radio

CD-R/CD-RWMP3/WWA Playback Radio can playCD's burned using recordable discs from a computer.

USB port with sliding cover protection Gives you access to music files stored on a USB memory stick. SD card slot located behind front panel Gives you access to music files stored on a SD card 2-Channel preamp out (rear) Provides 2 outputs to plug in additional speakers via and aftermarket amplifier Permanent memory (flash) Retains radio station and preset functions when the power is disconected Technical Specifications - Power supply - 12Vdc - Input Fuse - 10A - Max output power - 4 x 40 Watts - Speaker impedance - 4-8 Ohms - Line out - 1.5Vdc max - FM tuner range - 87.5 - 108 MHz - AM tuner range - 522 - 1620 KHz Part number MCXFA1894 2 years warranty

AM/FM Tuner with Radio Data System (RDS) FM frequencies benefitting from Regional mode, traffic announcement, alternative frequencies and Program type Aux Input (3.5mm) Allows you to plug in an auxillary music source such as an MP3 player/Ipod or SAat Nav from the front of the radio USB port with sliding cover protection Gives you access to music files stored on a USB memory stick. SD card slot located behind front panel Gives you access to music files stored on a SD card 2-Channel preamp out (rear) Provides 2 outputs to plug in additional speakers via and aftermarket amplifier Permanent memory (flash) Retains radio station and preset functions when the power is disconected Technical Specifications - Power supply - 12Vdc - Input Fuse - 10A - Max output power - 4 x 40 Watts - Speaker impedance - 4-8 Ohms - Line out - 1.5Vdc max - FM tuner range - 87.5 - 108 MHz - AM tuner range - 522 - 1620 KHz Part number MCXFA1895 2 years warranty

140 | Radios

Radios – Audio Accessories (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

100mm dual cone Speakers

130mm dual cone speakers


Polypropylene cone 70 Watt (max) ■■ Frequency range: 90-18000 Hz ■■ Impedance 4 Ohms ■■ Sensitivity 89 dB ■■ Mounting depth 42mm ■■ 3m dual wire connecting cable with terminals ■■ Powder coated aluminium removable grilles ■■ 4 easy mounting points, screws included Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1




Part Number: MCXFA1880

Part Number: MCXFA1881

120mm twin cone speakers (slim fit)

Polypropylene cone 80 Watt (max) ■■ Frequency range: 80-18000 Hz ■■ Impedance 4 Ohms ■■ Sensitivity 89 dB ■■ Mounting depth 44mm ■■ 3m dual wire connecting cable with terminals ■■ Powder coated aluminium removable grilles ■■ 4 easy mounting points, screws included Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1

Black rubber audio aerial

30 Watt (max) Frequency range: 50-18000 Hz ■■ Impedance 4 Ohms ■■ Sensitivity 88 dB ■■ Mounting depth 31mm ■■ 3m dual wire connecting cable with terminals ■■ Powder coated paint finish (fixed grilles) ■■ 4 easy mounting points, screws included Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1

Flexible rubber aerial Length 335mm ■■ Detachable from base ■■ Adjustable base mounting angle ■■ 1.5m connecting cable with 3.5mm coaxial connecting plug Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1





Part Number: MCXFA1883

Part Number: MCXFA1882

Metal spring audio antenna Metal antenna with grounding base. Length 750mm with integral spring action ■■ Detachable from base ■■ 1m connecting cable with 3.5mm coaxial connecting plug ■■ 1m connecting grounding cable for improved connection ■■ Powder coated paint finish ■■ Pack Content: 1 ■■ Pack Qty: 1 ■■

Dipole antenna 1.5m dipole antenna cable. Easy to conceal amongst interior trim. Slim fit coaxial connecting plug for rear connection to audio head units. Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1 Part Number: MCXFA1885

Part Number: MCXFA1884

Aerial extension cable

USB and 3.5mm Jack to iPod connection cable 1m aerial extension cable with male and female coaxial connecting plugs Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1 Part Number: MCXFA1886

900mm connecting cable for Ipod. Connect an Ipod to audio units with USB and 3.5mm Jack connectors. Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1 Part Number: MCXFA1887


| 141

Turf Accessories (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

A range of products to help customers keep their lawn and garden healthy as well as protect their John Deere equipment for years to come.

142 | Turf Accessories

Turf Accessories | 143

Carts (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) 7P (200 litres) Poly Cart

The 200 litres Poly Tow Cart is great for hauling lawn debris, sand, dirt, mulch and plants. The heavy-duty poly bed has extreme durability and includes an easy dump release for complete emptying of material. 1 year warranty. Dimensions (cm): 114L x 84W x 30.5H Part number: MCZLP2193500 10P (280 litres) Poly Cart

The 280 litres Poly Tow Cart has a 295 kg load capacity and heavy-duty poly bed that won’t dent or rust. The 15” x 6” tubeless pneumatic tyres with turf tread allow for maximum traction. Easy dump release; steep angle for complete emptying. 1 year warranty. Dimensions (cm): 122L x 86.5W x 33H Part number: MCZLPPCT10JD

Heavy-duty, compression moulded poly bed with a heavy, consistent wall thickness for strength and durability. The John Deere carts provide a steep dump angle for quicker, easier emptying. 144 | Carts

Spreaders (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8) 23 kg Push Spreader

John Deere Spreaders are excellent for year round use. Spreads seed, fertilizer and salt. The 23 kg Push Spreader has a durable poly hopper with a fully enclosed gear box for a long life and ergonomic split handle with adjustable height for smooth performance. The 13� pneumatic tires allow for easy rolling. Includes screen, cover, and side deflector. Part number: MCZLP2287500

80 kg Tow-Behind Spreader

The large 100 litres, 80 kg capacity poly hopper features convenient Autoflow that stops material from spreading when tractor stops and patented Directional Flow Control to adjust spread pattern away from walks, driveways and flowerbeds. Features a long steel handle for quick and easy opening/closing; stainless steel hardware that eliminates rust and corrosion inside the hopper; enclosed gearbox eliminates maintenance and the tubeless pneumatic tires provide easier rolling. Part number: MCZLPBS36JD0

Regular weeding, seeding, fertilising and pest control helps keep your lawn vibrant and growing strong. Granular seed and chemical materials apply easily with a John Deere Spreader. Constructed of durable, rust-proof polyethylene, John Deere Spreaders stand up to even the most corrosive fertilisers, giving years of service – no matter what the weather. In winter, use your spreader to apply sand, salt and other melting agents. Spreaders | 145

Gator & Riding Mower Covers (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

Dual reinforced air vents let air circulate and help prevent ballooning in wind

Riding Mower Standard Cover

Protects against sun and UV damage, rain, dust and tree sap. Dual vents let air circulate and help prevent ballooning in wind. Elastic cord in bottom hem for a quick and custom fit. Coated fabric for water protection. Handy storage pocket reverses into an attractive storage case. 1 Year Warranty. Fits all 100 -X300 Series Riding Mowers. Part number: MCALP9391700

146 | Gator & Riding Mower Covers

Deluxe models feature EasyOn split back for fast fitting and easy access

Rear Discharge Riding Mower Standard Cover

Protects against sun and UV damage, rain, dust and tree sap. Dual vents let air circulate and help prevent ballooning in wind. Elastic cord in bottom hem for a quick and custom fit. Coated fabric for water protection. Handy storage pocket reverses into an attractive storage case. 1 Year Warranty. Fits X305R, X155R, X135R and older tractor models with an integrated collection hopper. Part number: MCALP42441

Gator & Riding Mower Covers (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

Riding mower deluxe cover – Large

Riding mower Deluxe cover – Medium

All season protection against sun and UV damage, bad weather, dirt, birds and tree sap. WipeClean reinforced bottom around mower deck. EasyOn side handles make snugging down cover a snap. Dual reinforced air vents let air circulate and help prevent ballooning in wind.

All season protection against sun and UV damage, bad weather, dirt, birds and tree sap. WipeClean reinforced bottom around mower deck. EasyOn side handles make snugging down cover a snap. Dual reinforced air vents let air circulate and help prevent ballooning in wind.

Interior lining and integrated muffler heat shield. Heavy-duty fabric won’t stretch and is coated for maximum water resistance and repellency. Handy storage pocket reverses into an attractive storage case. EasyOn split back for fast fitting and easy access after installation. 2 Year Warranty. Fits X300-X700 Series

Interior lining and integrated muffler heat shield. Heavy-duty fabric won’t stretch and is coated for maximum water resistance and repellency. Handy storage pocket reverses into an attractive storage case. EasyOn split back for fast fitting and easy access after installation. 2 Year Warranty. Fits 100 Series

Part number: MCALP9364700

Part number: MCALP9361700

Gator Cover – OPS or cab structure

All season protection against sun and UV damage, bad weather, dirt, birds and tree sap. Dual reinforced air vents let air circulate and helps prevent ballooning in wind. Reinforced corners for added durability. Heavy-duty fabric won’t stretch and is coated for maximum water resistance and repellency. Elastic cord in bottom hem for a quick and custom fit. 2 Year Warranty. Fits Gator models with OPS or cab structure. Part number: MCALP9310700

Gator & Riding Mower Covers | 147

Gator & Riding Mower Seat Covers (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

Riding Mower Seat Cover

Gator and Riding Mower Standard Seat Cover 


Gator and Riding Mower Standard Seat Cover 



Cushioned covers protect new seats and renew old seats. Four convenient pockets keep tools and gear within reach. Elastic cord in bottom hem for a custom fit. Fits on seats 279mm tall. 2 Year Warranty. All season and UV protection.

Cushioned covers protect new seats and renew old seats. Four convenient pockets keep tools and gear within reach. Elastic cord in bottom hem for a custom fit. Fits on seats 381mm tall. 2 Year Warranty. All season and UV protection.

Cushioned covers protect new seats and renew old seats. Four convenient pockets keep tools and gear within reach. Elastic cord in bottom hem for a custom fit. Fits on seats 457mm tall. 2 Year Warranty. All season and UV protection.

Part Number: MCALP22704

Part number: MCALP9232400

Part number: MCALP9233400

148 | Gator & Riding Mower Seat Covers

Walk Behind Mower Covers (Products available in JDPoint through TS programmes B3, A9, A8)

Walk-Behind Mower Cover

Protects against sun and UV damage, rain, dust and tree sap. Covers both the mower and attached catcher on rear discharge mowers. Fabric coated for weather protection. Back closure makes installation and removal a snap. Elastic shock cord in bottom hem for a quick and custom fit. 2 Year Warranty. Fits most walk-behind mowers. Part number: MCALP9370700

Easy Turner for Riding Mowers (Product available in JDPoint through the TS programme RA and RB (NOTE: RC and RB for UK & Ireland, CY for Germany) Easy Turner The Easy Turner is an innovative tool for quick, easy and safe maintenance of a lawn tractor. It enables you to have easy access to your mower for maintenance and cleaning. Easy to use Machine is quickly rolled to the service position compared to competitive machines that use a jack system proven safety (TĂœV- and GS-approved) One-person job Excellent access to service areas. Part number: MCEasyturner

Walk Behind Mower Covers | 149

High pressure washers (Products available in JDPoint)

date: Availability 5 March 201

Cleaning vehicles and buildings belongs to a standard procedure in the Agriculture business with high legal requirements when it comes to cleanliness and hygiene. Whether cold or hot water, for even more efficiency, John Deere offers a solution for every need. Simple to operate but great performance, the John Deere high pressure washers will help you in your daily business requirements.

150 | High pressure washers

Electrical - Cold water range (Products available in JDPoint) AC-200EC:

This machine is extremely mobile and user-friendly with low-speed 4-pole three phase motors for continuous use. Features Chemicals switch: - For accurate and variable cleaning agent dosing - 2 wave dosing valve for switching between different cleaning agents - Easy cleaning agent bottle changeover Powerful and durable: - Air/water-cooled electrical motors for intensive use - Four-pole low-speed electric motor - Ceramic-coated piston

Technical data Type of current Power rating Flow rate Operating pressure Max. pressure Max. feed temperature Weight Dimensions (L x W x H)

Ph / V / Hz kW l/h bar / MPa bar / MPa 째C kg mm

3 / 400 / 50 7 460-900 40-200 / 4-20 220 / 22 60 48 467 x 407 x 1010

Clever features: - Power cord storage at the rear of the machine - Integrated lance holder for easy transport - Parking position for short breaks - Quantity and pressure of water directly controlled at the trigger gun (Servo Control) Great mobility : - Large wheels for uneven surfaces - Upright design for easy, ergonomic transport - Integrated tilting aid at the rear

Equipment Trigger gun High-pressure hose Spray lance Triple nozzle / power nozzle Dirt blaster Servo Control Part number

m mm

Easy press 10 1050 Manual included included MCAK15244080

High pressure washers | 151

Electrical - Cold water range (Products available in JDPoint)


Where vast amounts of dirt accumulate every day, this machine provides great service. Ideal for use in the construction, agricultural and forestry sectors as well as municipality. Features For increased safety: - Integrated electronics for unit monitoring - Automatic switch-off in case of under-voltage or over-voltage - Switches off in case of leaks or phase failure - Quantity and pressure of water directly controlled at the trigger gun (Servo Control)

Proven quality: - 4-pole water-cooled electric motor - Robust brass cylinder head and ceramic pistons - Reinforced, unbreakable plastic chassis Hose storage: - Supported on both sides; for 20 m high-pressure hose - Hose guide passes under the unit; high stability - For fast, convenient fitting and removal

Technical data Type of current Power rating Flow rate Operating pressure Max. pressure Max. feed temperature Weight Dimensions (L x W x H) Cleaning agent tank

152 | High pressure washers

Ph / V / Hz kW l/h bar / MPa bar / MPa 째C kg mm l

Great mobility : - Large rubber tires for uneven surfaces, stairs and landings - Proven sack trolley principle for easy, ergonomic transport

3 / 400 / 50 9.2 650-1300 30-180 / 3-18 198 / 19.8 60 64 560 x 500 x 1090 6

Equipment Trigger gun High-pressure hose Spray lance Triple nozzle / power nozzle Dirt blaster High-pressure hose reel Servo Control Part number

m mm

Easy press 20 1050 Touchless included included included MCAK12925060

Electrical - Cold water range (Products available in JDPoint)


The cage version provides high mobility and outstanding performance for prolonged operating periods. High water flow rate quickly removes stubborn dirt and soiling. Features Cage frame: - Robust, powder-coated tubular steel frame - Integrated crane attachment point and accessory compartment Electronic monitoring for greater operating safety: - Leakage protection and soft start - Over-voltage and under-voltage protection

Technical data Type of current Power rating Flow rate Operating pressure Max. pressure Max. feed temperature Weight Dimensions (L x W x H)

Ph / V / Hz kW l/h bar / MPa bar / MPa 째C kg mm

3 / 400 / 50 9.5 500-1600 30-150 / 3-15 190 / 19 60 95 957 x 686 x 1080

Proven quality: - 4-pole air-cooled electric motor - Crankshaft pump - Quantity and pressure of water directly controlled at the trigger gun (Servo Control)

Equipment Trigger gun High-pressure hose Spray lance Power nozzle Dirt blaster Servo Control Part number

m mm

Easy press 15 1050 included included included MCAK13671060

High pressure washers | 153

Petrol engine – cold water (Products available in JDPoint)


Versatile cold-water machines with internal combustion engine for use where electrical connection is not available. This machine suits perfectly the requirements of the construction, agriculture and forestry industries, as well as municipalities. Features Maximum performance: - With its brass cylinder heads, the 3-cylinder axial-piston engine unit ensures exceptionally long service life - Direct-drive high-pressure pumps ensure super performance figures and reliable operation - Infinitely variable pressure and water volume regulation on the device - Quantity and pressure of water directly controlled at the trigger gun (Servo Control)

Optimum ease of use: - Automatic engine cut-out with low oil level - Speed reduction in idle for reducing operating noise and increasing service life - Stainless steel spray pipe Great mobility : - Pneumatic tyres for easy maneuverability - Balanced centre of gravity and ergonomic design

Maximum independence: - Selected engines ensure a long service life - Diverse performance classes for optimal use - Suitable for stand-alone use, independent of electrical supply

Technical data Engine manufacturer Engine type Engine performance Engine performance, gross Flow rate Operating pressure Max. pressure Max. feed temperaturev°C Weight Dimensions (L x W x H) 154 | High pressure washers

net.kW kW / hp l/h bar / MPa bar / MPa kg mm

Honda GX 390 / Petrol 8.2 9.75 / 13 400-930 40-230 / 4-23 250 / 25 60 66 1044 x 549 x 662

Equipment Trigger gun High-pressure hose Spray lance Tripple nozzle / Power nozzle Servo Control Part number

m mm

Easy press 15 1050 Touchless included MCAK18108000

Electrical – hot water (Products available in JDPoint)


High water flow and a number of features to tackle the toughest cleaning jobs. Features Service switch: - Four water-hardness settings - Operating time and service interval data can be displayed - Exact dosing reduces water softener consumption - Eco efficiency mode - Quantity and pressure of water directly controlled at the trigger gun (Servo Control) LED display: - Fuel, cleaning agent, system maintenance indicators - Integrated operating hours counter

Technical data Type of current Power rating Flow rate Operating pressure Max. temperature Weight Dimensions (L x W x H) Cleaning agent tank Fuel tank Heating oil consuption Full load / eco!efficiency

Ph / V / Hz kW l/h bar / MPa °C kg mm l l kg/h

3 / 400 / 50 8.4 600-1200 30-180 / 3-18 80 / 155 178 1330 x 750 x 1060 20 + 10 25 7.7 / 6.2

Cleaning agent dosing unit: - Precise metering valve ensures low consumption - Easy changeover between cleaning agent tanks 1 and 2 - Rinsing takes place automatically in the 0 position Accessory storage: - Integrated hose reel and spray lance holders on each side for safe transport - Within easy reach for left-handed or right-handed users and ideal for two-lance operation - Integrated compartment with lid for storing tools, nozzles, dirt blaster, etc…

Equipment Trigger gun High-pressure hose Spray lance Power nozzle

m mm

Easy press 10 1050 included

Dry-running protection


SDS system Servo Control Part number

included included MCAK10716310

High pressure washers | 155

Accessories (Products available in JDPoint) High pressure washer’s accessories enhance the cleaning performance. They are developed and upgraded to meet the customer’s needs and assist users in their daily cleaning tasks. High-pressure hose longlife 400, 20 m

High-pressure hose (ID8), 10 m

–– With rotating clutch. Reinforced with dual steel core. –– With screw connections on both sides, M 22 x 1.5 with bend protection. –– Max. working pressure: 400 bar –– Length: 20 m –– ID 8

–– Reinforced with dual steel core. –– With patented AVS trigger gun connector (rotatable) and –– Coupling, M 22 x 1.5 with bend protection. –– Max. working pressure: 315 bar/31,5 Mpa –– Length: 10 m –– ID 8

Available as accessories for: AC-200EC, AC-180EC, AC-150ECC, AC-230PC, AC-180EH

Included in the delivery for: AC-200EC

Part number: MCAK63910370

High-pressure hose longlife 400, 10 m

Part number: MCAK63910440

High-pressure hose (ID10), 10 m

–– With rotating clutch. Reinforced with dual steel core. –– With screw connections on both sides, M 22 x 1.5 with bend protection. –– Max. working pressure: 400 bar –– Length: 10 m –– ID 8

–– Reinforced with dual steel core. –– With patented AVS trigger gun connector (rotatable) and –– Coupling, M 22 x 1.5 with bend protection. –– Max. working pressure: 220 bar/22 Mpa –– Length: 10m –– ID 10

Included in the delivery for: AC-180EH

Included in the delivery for: AC-150ECC

Available as accessories for: AC-200EC, AC-180EC, AC-150EEC, AC-230PC

Part number: MCAK63910450

Part number: MCAK63910310 High-pressure hose (ID8), 20 m

High pressure hose, 25m, DN10, extension, not rotatable –– Reinforced with dual steel core. –– With patented AVS trigger gun connector (rotatable) and –– Coupling, M 22 x 1.5 with bend protection. –– Max. working pressure: 315 bar/31,5 Mpa –– Length: 20 m –– ID 8

–– Screw connections at both ends, M 22 x 1.5, with kink protection –– Max. working pressure: 220 bar –– Length: 25m –– ID 10 Available as accessories for: AC-150ECC Part number: MCAK63910460

Included in the delivery for: AC-180EC Part number: MCAK63910420

Longlife 400 High-pressure hose (ID8), 15 m –– Reinforced with dual steel core. –– With patented AVS trigger gun connector (rotatable) and –– Coupling, M 22 x 1.5 with bend protection. –– Max. working pressure: 315 bar/31,5 Mpa –– Length: 15 m –– ID 8 Included in the delivery for: AC-230PC Part number: MCAK63910430 156 | Accessories

Hose connector –– For connecting and extending HP hoses –– 2 x M 22 x 1.5 m connection, –– Brass with rubber protection. Available as accessories for: AC-200EC, AC-180EC, AC-150ECC, AC-230PC, AC-180EH Part number: MCAK44030010

Accessories (Products available in JDPoint) Cup foam lance

Quick coupling

–– Short, handy foam lance with 1L cleaning agent container on lance. –– Compact design. –– Rotating connector M 22 x 1.5 –– Variable cleaning agent dosage via control on lance –– Adjustable spray angle. –– 1200l/h

–– For fast spray lance/accessory changeover. –– With M 22 x 1.5 internal thread Available as accessories for: AC-200EC, AC-180EC, AC-150ECC, AC-230PC, AC-180EH Part number: MCAK64010030

Available as accessories for: AC-200EC, AC-180EC, AC-150ECC, AC-230PC, AC-180EH Part number: MCAK63948790

Male coupling

Easy press high-pressure gun –– Hardened stainless steel hose nipple for quick-release coupling MCAK64010030 –– With M 22 x 1.5 external thread

–– Easy Press high-pressure trigger gun with soft grip. –– Integrated adapter and connector for high-pressure hoses M 22 x 1.5.

Available as accessories for: AC-200EC, AC-180EC, AC-150ECC, AC-230PC, AC-180EH

Available as accessories for: AC-200EC, AC-180EC, AC-150ECC, AC-230PC, AC-180EH

Part number: MCAK64010040

Part number: MCAK47750240

Rotating spray lance

Spray pipe, rotatable –– Spray lances in 600 mm lengths, stainless steel with large manual coupling. –– Ergonomically shaped grip mouldings for optimum control and insulation. –– Can be swiveled 360° while under pressure. –– Max. working pressure: 300 bar

–– Spray lances in 1050 mm lengths, stainless steel with large manual coupling. –– Ergonomically shaped grip moldings for optimum control and insulation. –– Can be swiveled 360° while under pressure. –– Max. working pressure: 300 bar

Available as accessories for: AC-200EC, AC-180EC, AC-150ECC, AC-230PC, AC-180EH

Included in the delivery for: AC-200EC, AC-180EC, AC-150ECC, AC-230PC, AC-180EH

Part number: MCAK47600150

Part number: MCAK47750350

Double lance –– Working pressure continuously adjustable directly on the handle with full water flow. –– Ideal for agricultural use (e.g. for cleaning stables, cowsheds, etc.). –– Max. working pressure: 310 bar –– Length: 960mm Available as accessories for: AC-200EC, AC-180EC, AC-150ECC, AC-230PC, AC-180EH Part number: MCAK63948800

Accessories | 157

Accessories (Products available in JDPoint) Servo control

Triple nozzle 080 –– For controlling water quantity and pressure directly at the trigger gun. –– For machines with water flow rate > 1.100 l/h

–– Manually selectable triple nozzle with stainless steel nozzle. –– Robust, durable and non-clogging. –– Convenient selection of high-pressure pencil jet (0°), high-pressure fan jet with power nozzle (25°) and lowpressure fan jet (40°). –– For high-pressure cleaners with injectors; low-pressure fan jet for cleaning agent removal and application. –– M 18 x 1.5 connections. –– Max. working pressure: 300 bar –– Nozzle size: 80

Available as accessories for: AC-180EC, AC-150ECC, AC-180EH Part number: MCAK47750280

Servo control

Included in the delivery for: AC-180EC

–– For controlling water quantity and pressure directly at the trigger gun. –– For machines with water flow rate 750 - 1.100 l/h

Part number: MCAK47672220

Available as accessories for: AC-200EC, AC-230PC Part number: MCAK47750330

Nozzle connector –– For protection and connection of Power nozzles at the spray lance. Available as accessories for: AC-150ECC, AC-180EH Part number: MCAK47672340

Triple nozzle 050 –– Manually selectable triple nozzle with stainless steel nozzle. –– Robust, durable and non-clogging. –– Convenient selection of high-pressure pencil jet (0°), high-pressure fan jet with power nozzle (25°) and lowpressure fan jet (40°). –– For high-pressure cleaners with injectors; low-pressure fan jet for cleaning agent removal and application. –– M 18 x 1.5 connections. –– Max. working pressure: 300 bar –– Nozzle size: 50

Dirt blaster 05 –– Dirt blaster – rotating pencil jet – 10 times the cleaning power. –– Ceramic nozzle / bearing ring for extremely long service life. –– Max. 300 bar / 30 MPa, 85°C. –– Max. working pressure: 300 bar –– Nozzle size: 50

Included in the delivery for: AC-200EC

Included in the delivery for: AC-200EC, AC-230PC

Part number: MCAK47672200

Part number: MCAK47630000

Triple nozzle 047 –– Manually selectable triple nozzle with stainless steel nozzle. –– Robust, durable and non-clogging. Convenient selection of high-pressure pencil jet (0°), high-pressure fan jet with power nozzle (25°) and lowpressure fan jet (40°). –– For high-pressure cleaners with injectors; low-pressure fan jet for cleaning agent removal and application. –– M 18 x 1.5 connections. –– Max. working pressure: 300 bar –– Nozzle size: 47 Part number: MCAK47672210

158 | Accessories

Included in the delivery for: AC-230PC

Dirt blaster 07/08 –– Dirt blaster – rotating pencil jet – 10 times the cleaning power. –– Ceramic nozzle / bearing ring for extremely long service life. –– Max. 300 bar / 30 MPa, 85°C. –– Max. working pressure: 300 bar –– Nozzle size: 80 Available as accessories for: AC-180EC, AC-180EH Part number: MCAK47672230

Accessories (Products available in JDPoint) Dirt blaster 100

Power nozzle spray –– Dirt blaster – rotating pencil jet – 10 times the cleaning power. –– Ceramic nozzle / bearing ring for extremely long service life. –– Max. 300 bar / 30 MPa, 85°C. –– Max. working pressure: 300 bar –– Nozzle size: 100

–– Fan jet nozzle for large area coverage and tackling stubborn dirt and stains. –– Angle: 25° –– Nozzle size: 100 Available as accessories for: AC-150ECC Part number: MCAK47640110

Available as accessories for: AC-150ECC Part number: MCAK47640090

Power nozzle spray

Steam jet nozzle –– 50° fan jet for cleaning and thawing in steam mode, e.g. thawing sand and gravel, de-icing –– formwork, de-waxing vehicles. –– Nozzle size: 85 Available as accessories for: AC-180EH Part number: MCAK47640190

–– Fan jet nozzle for large area coverage and tackling stubborn dirt and stains. –– Angle: 25° –– Nozzle size: 68 Available as accessories for: AC-180EH Part number: MCAK47640180

Accessories | 159

Cleaning Agents (Products available in JDPoint)




160 | Cleaning Agents

Machine protector Prevents limescale deposits in hot water high-pressure cleaners. The formula offers improved protection against the build-up of limescale in heater coil systems (up to 150 °C) as well as integral corrosion protection for all hot water machine components that come into contact with water. NTA free

Active wash Efficient and gentle-acting high-pressure cleaning concentrate for heavy oil, grease and mineral soiling. Suitable for cleaning vehicles, tarpaulins and engines. NTA free.

Active wash Efficient and gentle-acting high-pressure cleaning concentrate for heavy oil, grease and mineral soiling. Suitable for cleaning vehicles, tarpaulins and engines. NTA free.

Active wash Efficient and gentle-acting high-pressure cleaning concentrate for heavy oil, grease and mineral soiling. Suitable for cleaning vehicles, tarpaulins and engines. NTA free.

Packing Unit


Machine protector Prevents limescale deposits in hot water highpressure cleaners. The formula offers improved protection against the build-up of limescale in heater coil systems (up to 150 °C) as well as integral corrosion protection for all hot water machine components that come into contact with water.Free from Nitrilotriacetates (NTA)

Packaging size


Product Description


Part number

Hot water high-pressure cleaners

6 ml/°dH and m³

Neutral pH: 7



Hot water high-pressure cleaners

6 ml/°dH and m³

Neutral pH: 7




Primary mixture



Cleaning agents have great advantages in terms of cleaning performance and time optimization. Whether they lower energy consumption or reduce drain water pollution, they are ideal for many usages.

High-pressure cleaners spray units


1-5% 10-50%

Alkaline pH: 12,3



High-pressure cleaners spray units


1-5% 10-50%

Alkaline pH: 12,3



High-pressure cleaners spray units


1-5% 10-50%

Alkaline pH: 12,3







Oil and grease cleaner Highly concentrated high-pressure basic cleaning agent. At all temperature ranges, highly efficient lifting of the most stubborn contaminations, such as oil, grease, tar, soot and smoke resin. NTA free

Hot wax Paintwork preservation and care product with high natural carnauba wax content. Produces a high lustre finish NTA free.

Foam detergent The foam cleaner has excellent grease-dissolving properties and removes organic material such as dung and dirt. Ideal for cleaning poultry, pig and cattle sheds as well as milk parlours.

Soaking detergent The emollient loosens dried dung to reduce cleaning time and water consumption. Corrosion inhibitors preserve stable fixtures. Ideal for stables and milk parlours.

Surface cleaner Acid surface cleaner for milk parlours, milk rooms and stables. Removes even the most stubborn deposits, such as limescale, minerals and corrosion. Corrosion inhibitors preserve stable fixtures.

Packing Unit


Oil and grease cleaner Highly concentrated high-pressure basic cleaning agent. At all temperature ranges, highly efficient lifting of the most stubborn contaminations, such as oil, grease, tar, soot and smoke resin. NTA free


Packaging size


Product Description


Part number



Primary mixture

Cleaning Agents (Products available in JDPoint)

High-pressure cleaners spray units


1.5-10% 25%

Alkaline pH: 13



High-pressure cleaners spray units


1.5-10% 25%

Alkaline pH: 13



High-pressure cleaners manual



Slightly acidic pH: 4.5



High-pressure cleaners


Alkaline pH: 13,5



High-pressure cleaners


Alkaline pH: 14



High-pressure cleaners


Alkaline pH: 14



Cleaning Agents | 161


164 | Batteries

Batteries (Products available in JDPoint through TS programme 0T, 8T and BH) A complete range of Battery accessories and Booster cables can be found on pg 32 – 40

The power to perform Whether you choose from our line of standard-duty Performance batteries or our heavy-duty StrongBox line, we have the battery for every need. And, although our batteries are branded John Deere, they fit most any brand of vehicle or equipment.

StrongBox Batteries Specific John Deere features include: ■■Built to John Deere specifications ■■Superior starting performance even under extreme operating conditions ■■Extreme vibration proof: longer life than competition in SAE J930 vibration test by independent laboratory. ■■High charge and discharge durability, even when the engine is switched off John Deere StrongBox batteries come in two main different grades to suit your voltage system and operating requirements. StrongBox – Wet batteries line for EU machines John Deere StrongBox Wet means top quality batteries that are factory filled and fully activated. So they are ready to go when you are! These batteries are maintenance free and benefit from the advantage of continuous superior starting power (even in extreme conditions), optimum vibration resistance and longer life. They feature better cycle stability, very low water consumption and very low self-discharge. Wet batteries technology: ■■The technology itself: the stable and complete grid framework itself minimizes grid growth and prevents short circuit. This gives a clear increase in service life ■■The grid design: built for maximum flow of current, the grid design enables faster recharge acceptance and optimal conductivity. The design ensures there is more lead where electrical current is greatest to give consistently higher starting power. ■■The grid structure: production of the grid using a continuous, high precision punching process ensures robust structure and excellent adhesion of active mass paste to ensure high quality, stable grid structure and minimal corrosion.

Batteries | 165

Batteries (Products available in JDPoint through TS programme 0T, 8T and BH) A complete range of Battery accessories and Booster cables can be found on pg 32 – 40

StrongBox – Dry batteries line for US machines StrongBox batteries are available for Ag, construction, off-road and fleet applications. These batteries features heavy duty poly containers, plate anchoring, and plate insulation to protect against vibration.


2 3 4



Dry batteries technology: 1. Dry charged at the factory for initial storing, StrongBox batteries are activated for you at the time of purchase. 2. Through-the-wall, welded intercell connectors are 12-percent larger than in other batteries, withstand vibration, and provide quick starts and increased power in extreme cold. 3. Super radial grid design with inboard lug permits electrical current to flow more efficiently, and provides higher cranking amps, faster charge, and corrosion resistance. 4. Extra-heavy plates give extra reserve power. Especially on extremely cold days. 5. Microporous plastic envelope separators eliminate electrical shorts and keep positive material from touching the negative plate. Plus, they help prevent the corrosion and misalignment of separators that can cause shorts. 6. Epoxy-anchored plates make StrongBox batteries four times stronger than traditional plates. This reduces vibration damage – a leading cause of failure in commercial batteries.

Applications ■■All makes of heavy- and standard-duty equipment used on farms, ranches, and construction sites ■■General utility and lawn and garden equipment ■■Electric vehicles, sport utility vehicles, and ATVs. Performance Batteries John Deere Performance represents a standard product range. It is an economical alternative to the premium line of StrongBox batteries for multiuse applications. Built to meet industry specifications; ideal for applications that do not require the exclusive technology and original-equipment design of a StrongBox battery. Quality Design Features: ■■Container and lid in high resistance Polypropylene. ■■Reinforced connections protect against vibration. ■■Envelope separators eliminate electrical shorts and prevent corrosion. ■■Reliable Performance ■■High starting power in all seasons ■■Optimal energy storage & long endurance Applications Agricultural, commercial, automotive, light truck, sport utility, lawn and garden, utility vehicle, golf cart, electric vehicle, and marine. 166 | Batteries

StrongBox Batteries (Products available in JDPoint through TS programs 0T (1T-2T for France))

StrongBox Batteries – EU machines AL175868

AL203836 Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Utility and Mid tractors Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet Voltage: 12 Ah: 110 CCA (EN):850 Dimensions: 394/175/190 mm Box size: H9 Hold Down: B13 ETN Layout: 0 Terminal: 1 Total weight: 27,48 kg Shelf life* (in month): 15 Pallet qty: 24


Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Older utility tractors Technology: Lead-Calcium /Wet Voltage: 12 Ah: 55 CCA (EN):480 Dimensions: 247/175/190 mm Box size: H5 Hold Down: B13 ETN Layout: 0 Terminal: 1 Total weight: 15,05 kg Shelf life* (in month): 15 Pallet qty: 21

AL203838 Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Older utility tractors Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet Voltage: 12 Ah: 70 CCA (EN):570 Dimensions: 278/175/190 mm Box size: H6 Hold Down: B13 ETN Layout: 0 Terminal: 1 Total weight: 17,55 kg Shelf life* (in month): 15 Pallet qty: 16


Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill. Area of application: Uitlity tractor, combines, SPFH Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet Voltage: 12 Ah: 88 CCA (EN):680 Dimensions: 353/175/190 mm Box size: H8 Hold Down: B13 ETN Layout: 0 Terminal: 1 Total weight: 21,84 kg Shelf life* (in month): 15 Pallet qty: 24

AL203840 Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Utility and Mid tractors – IT4 engines (can be used in not IT4 engines) Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet Voltage: 12 Ah: 154 CCA (EN):1150 Dimensions: 513/189/223 mm Box size: A Hold Down: B00 ETN Layout: 3 Terminal: 1 Total weight: 39,84 kg Shelf life* (in month): 15 Pallet qty: 24

Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Mid tractor, Combines, SPFH, Sprayer Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet Voltage: 12 Ah: 174 CCA (EN):1400 Dimensions: 513/223/223 mm Box size: B Hold Down: B00 ETN Layout: 3 Terminal: 1 Total weight: 45,67 kg Shelf life* (in month): 15 Pallet qty: 21

* when fully charged and in right storage conditions

StrongBox Batteries | 167

StrongBox Batteries (Products available in JDPoint through TS programs 0T (1T-2T for France)) AL205731

StrongBox Batteries – EU machines AL210285 Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Utility and Mid tractors – not for IT4 , Combines Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet Voltage: 12 Ah: 110 CCA (EN):850 Dimensions: 413/175/220 mm Box size: D Hold Down: B13 ETN Layout: 0 Terminal: 1 Total weight: 26,75 kg Shelf life* (in month): 15 Pallet qty: 24

* when fully charged and in right storage conditions

168 | StrongBox Batteries

Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Mid tractors, Telehandler Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet Voltage: 12 Ah: 154 CCA (EN):1150 Dimensions: 513/189/223 mm Box size: A Hold Down: B00 ETN Layout: 3 Terminal: 1 Total weight: 40,60 kg Shelf life* (in month): 15 Pallet qty: 24

StrongBox Batteries (Products available in JDPoint through TS programme 8T)

StrongBox Batteries – US machines EPEX005

MCEXTY25881W (not available in Italy and JDIN) Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Leak proof High power supply Area of application: lawnmowers and small turf machines Technology: Gel/activated Voltage: 12 Ah: 30 CCA (EN): 200 Dimensions: 197/132/180 mm Box Size: U01 Hold Down: B01 ETN Layout: 1 Terminal: EN full Ford Log Total Weight: 11,70 kg Shelf life* (in month): 12 Pallet qty: 18

MCEXTY6128W (not available in Italy and JDIN) Benefit: Higher vibration resistance Area of application: Large tractors Technology: Hybrid/Wet Voltage: 12 Ah: 105 CCA (EN):900 Dimensions: 330/173/240 mm Box Size: G31 Hold Down: B0 ETN Layout: 9 Terminal: EN taper Post Total Weight: 26,10 kg Shelf life* (in month): 12 Pallet qty: 18

Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Compact utility tractors, utility vehicles, riding mowers Technology: Silver – Calcium/Wet Voltage: 12 Ah: 47 CCA (EN): 465 Dimensions: 240/140/227 mm Box Size: G46 Hold Down: B6 ETN Layout: 1 Terminal: EN taper Post Total Weight: 15,60 kg Shelf life* (in month): 12 Pallet qty: 16

TY24394 (not available in Spain, Italy) Benefit: Higher vibration resistance Area of application: Older Compact utility vehicles Technology: Hybrid/Dry Voltage: 12 Ah: 75 CCA (EN):600 Dimensions: 318/173/227 mm Box Size: G27 Hold Down: B7 ETN Layout: 0 Terminal: EN taper Post Total Weight: 14,63 kg Shelf life* (in month): 24 Pallet qty: 18 Available as long as stock last

TY24341 (not available in Spain, Italy) Benefit: Higher vibration resistance Area of application: Older Tractors Technology: Hybrid/Dry Voltage: 12 Ah: 72 CCA (EN):580 Dimensions: 491/111/249 mm Box Size: 3ET Hold Down: 0 ETN Layout: 1 T erminal: EN taper Post Total Weight: 15,45 kg Shelf life* (in month): 24 Pallet qty: 20 * when fully charged and in right storage conditions

StrongBox Batteries | 169

StrongBox Batteries (Products available in JDPoint through TS programme 8T)

StrongBox Batteries – US machines TY25221

TY25272 Benefit: Higher vibration resistance Area of application: Utility vehicles, riding mowers Technology: Hybrid/Dry Voltage: 12 Ah: 30 CCA (EN):320 Dimensions: 197/132/186 mm Box Size: U01 Hold Down: B0 ETN Layout: 1 Terminal: EN small Ford lug Total Weight: 6,80 kg Shelf life* (in month): 24 Pallet qty: 37

TY25514 (not available in Italy) Benefit: Higher vibration resistance Area of application: Compact utility tractors, utility vehicles Technology: Hybrid/Dry Voltage: 12 Ah: 60 CCA (EN):650 Dimensions: 278/175/190 mm Box Size: G48 Hold Down: B13 ETN Layout: 0 Terminal: EN taper Post Total Weight: 14,09 kg Shelf life* (in month): 24 Pallet qty: 24 Available as long as stock last


170 | StrongBox Batteries

TY25876 Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Utility vehicles, riding mowers Technology: Silver – Calcium/Dry Voltage: 12 Ah: 47 CCA (EN):470 Dimensions: 238/129/223 mm Box Size: G51 Hold Down: B0 ETN Layout: 1 Terminal: EN taper Post Total Weight: 8,59 kg Shelf life* (in month): 24 Pallet qty: 16

TY25881 (not available in Spain, France, UK, Germany) Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Compact utility tractors, large tractors Technology: Silver – Calcium /Dry Voltage: 12 Ah: 100 CCA (EN):860 Dimensions: 330/173/240 mm Box Size: G31 Hold Down: B0 ETN Layout: 9 Terminal: EN taper Post Total Weight: 21,00 kg Shelf life* (in month): 24 Pallet qty: 18

* when fully charged and in right storage conditions

Benefit: Higher vibration resistance Area of application: Combines Technology: Hybrid/Dry Voltage: 12 Ah: 75 CCA (EN):610 Dimensions: 306/173/225 mm Box Size: G27 Hold Down: B7 ETN Layout: 1 Terminal: EN taper Post Total Weight: 14,63 kg Shelf life* (in month): 24 Pallet qty: 18

Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Compact utility tractors, utility vehicles, riding mowers Technology: Silver – Calcium/Dry Voltage: 12 Ah: 47 CCA (EN):465 Dimensions: 240/140/228 mm Box Size: G45 Hold Down: B6 ETN Layout: 1 Terminal: EN taper Post Total Weight: 10,20 kg Shelf life* (in month): 24 Pallet qty: 32

StrongBox Batteries (Products available in JDPoint through TS programs 8T)

StrongBox Batteries – US machines TY26498

* when fully charged and in right storage conditions

TY6192 (not available in Spain) Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Compact utility tractors Technology: Silver – Calcium/Dry Voltage: 12 Ah: 47 CCA (EN):465 Dimensions: 241/175/241 mm Box Size: G2N Hold Down: B6 ETN Layout: 0 Terminal: EN taper Post Total Weight: 10,18 kg Shelf life* (in month): 24 Pallet qty: 16

Benefit: Higher vibration resistance Area of application: Compact utility tractors, utility vehicles Technology: Hybrid/Dry Voltage: 12 Ah: 57 CCA (EN):465 Dimensions: 241/175/211 mm Box Size: G22 Hold Down: B9 ETN Layout: 0 Terminal: EN taper Post Total Weight: 10,43 kg Shelf life* (in month): 24 Pallet qty: 28

StrongBox Batteries | 171

Performance Batteries (Products available in JDPoint through TS programs 8T) MCEX1000PF

MCEX1390PF Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Large tractors Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet DIN/BBMS Standard: 66514, 67018, 68022 / 629 Voltage: 12 Ah: 180 CCA (EN):1000 Dimensions: 513/223/223 mm Box Size: B Hold Down: B0 ETN Layout: 3 Terminal: EN tapered Post Total Weight: 44,62 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 12 Pallet qty: 14 Old BBMS: 621

Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Large tractors, construction Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet DIN/BBMS Standard: 680 32 / 629 Voltage: 12 Ah: 172 CCA (EN):1390 Dimensions: 513/223/223 mm Box Size: D05 Hold Down: B0 ETN Layout: 3 Terminal: EN tapered Post Total Weight: 49,90 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 12 Pallet qty: 14 Old BBMS: 621

MCEX330PF (France only)


Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Spezialanwendungen Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet Voltage: 12 Ah: 45 CCA (EN):330 Dimensions: 220/135/225 mm Box Size: E02 Hold Down: B13 ETN Layout: 1 Terminal: EN tapered Post Total Weight: 11,55 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 12 Pallet qty: 29

Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Large tractors, construction Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet DIN/BBMS Standard: 700 27, 710 14, 720 18, 725 12 / 625 Voltage: 12 Ah: 215 CCA (EN):1200 Dimensions: 518/279/240 mm Box Size: C Hold Down: B0 ETN Layout: 3 Terminal: EN tapered Post Total Weight: 55,72 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 12 Pallet qty: 12 Old BBMS: 325


MCEX420PF Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Large tractors, construction Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet DIN/BBMS Standard: 645 13 / 627 Voltage: 12 Ah: 152 CCA (EN):1130 Dimensions: 513/189/223 mm Box Size: A Hold Down: B0 ETN Layout: 3 Terminal: EN tapered Post Total Weight: 42,90 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 12 Pallet qty: 16 Old BBMS: 637

* when fully charged and in right storage conditions

172 | Performance Batteries

Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Riding mowers, utility tractors Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet DIN/BBMS Standard: 536 46, 543 20, 544 65 / 063 Voltage: 12 Ah: 44 CCA (EN):420 Dimensions: 207/175/175 mm Box Size: LB1 Hold Down: B13 ETN Layout: 0 Terminal: EN tapered Post Total Weight: 11,97 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 12 Pallet qty: 24

Performance Batteries (Products available in JDPoint through TS programs 8T) MCEX550PF


Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Utility tractors, large tractors Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet DIN/BBMS Standard: 570 24 / 031 Voltage: 12 Ah: 70 CCA (EN):550 Dimensions: 270/173/222 mm Box Size: D26 Hold Down: B9 ETN Layout: 1 Terminal: JIS taper Post Total Weight: 17,89 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 12 Pallet qty: 18 Old BBMS:069

Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Compact utility tractors Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet DIN/BBMS Standard: 545 19, 550 46, W065SE / 065 Voltage: 12 Ah: 54 CCA (EN):520 Dimensions: 242/175/175 mm Box Size: LB2 Hold Down: B13 ETN Layout: 0 Terminal: EN tapered Post Total Weight: 14,22 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 12 Pallet qty: 19 Old BBMS: 075


MCEX640PF Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Utility tractors Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet DIN/BBMS Standard: 544 59 / 079 Voltage: 12 Ah: 50 CCA (EN):450 Dimensions: 207/175/190 mm Box Size: L01 Hold Down: B13 ETN Layout: 0 Terminal: EN tapered Post Total Weight: 12,80 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 12 Pallet qty: 23 Old BBMS: 012


Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Tractors, automotive Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet DIN/BBMS Standard: 566 38, 570 12, 574 12 / 096 Voltage: 12 Ah: 70 CCA (EN):640 Dimensions: 278/175/190 mm Box Size: L3 Hold Down: B13 ETN Layout: 0 Terminal: EN tapered Post Total Weight: 17,41 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 12 Pallet qty: 17 Old BBMS: 67

MCEX680PF1 Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Utility tractors Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet DIN/BBMS Standard: 555 59, 562 19 / 027 Voltage: 12 Ah: 60 CCA (EN):540 Dimensions: 242/175/190 mm Box Size: L2 Hold Down: B13 ETN Layout: 0 Terminal: EN tapered Post Total Weight: 15,09 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 12 Pallet qty: 20 Old BBMS: 075

Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Large tractors Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet DIN/BBMS Standard: 572 19 / 082 Voltage: 12 Ah: 74 CCA (EN):680 Dimensions: 278/175/190 mm Box Size: L3 Hold Down: B13 ETN Layout: 1 Terminal: EN tapered Post Total Weight: 17,68 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 12 Pallet qty: 17

* when fully charged and in right storage conditions

Performance Batteries | 173

Performance Batteries (Products available in JDPoint through TS programs 8T) MCEX720PF


Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: utility tractors, mid tractors Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet DIN/BBMS Standard: 588 27, 600 38 / 017 Voltage: 12 Ah: 90 CCA (EN): 720 Dimensions: 353/175/190 mm Box Size: L5 Hold Down: B13 ETN Layout: 0 Terminal: EN tapered Post Total Weight: 21,86 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 12 Pallet qty: 24 Old BBMS: 019

Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Tractors, construction equipment Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet DIN/BBMS Standard: 564 20, 565 30, 571 13 / 096 Voltage: 12 Ah: 63 CCA (EN):620 Dimensions: 278/175/175 mm Box Size: LB3 Hold Down: B13 ETN Layout: 0 Terminal: EN tapered Post Total Weight: 16,55 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 12 Pallet qty: 17 Old BBMS: 100


MCEX750PF1 Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Tractors, construction equipment Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet DIN/BBMS Standard: 588 11, 595 14, 600 26 / 600 27, 605 25, 221 Voltage: 12 Ah: 110 CCA (EN):680 Dimensions: 413/175/220 mm Box Size: D01 Hold Down: B3 ETN Layout: 0 Terminal: EN tapered Post Total Weight: 27,72 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 12 Pallet qty: 24


MCEX780PF Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Automotive, utility tractors Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet DIN/BBMS Standard: 580 35 / 115 Voltage: 12 Ah: 80 CCA (EN):700 Dimensions: 315/175/190 mm Box Size: L4 Hold Down: B13 ETN Layout: 0 Terminal: EN tapered Post Total Weight: 18,90 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 12 Pallet qty: 17 Old BBMS: 110

* when fully charged and in right storage conditions

174 | Performance Batteries

Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Mid tractors, construction equipment Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet DIN/BBMS Standard: 610 48 / 664 Voltage: 12 Ah: 110 CCA (EN): 750 Dimensions: 349/175/235 mm Box Size: D02 Hold Down: B0 ETN Layout: 1 Terminal: EN tapered Post Total Weight: 27,48 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 12 Pallet qty: 18 Old BBMS: 644

Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Telehandler, construction Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet DIN/BBMS Standard: 585 15 / 112 Voltage: 12 Ah: 85 CCA (EN): 780 Dimensions: 353/175/175 mm Box Size: LB8 Hold Down: B13 ETN Layout: 0 Terminal: EN tapered Post Total Weight: 20,67 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 12 Pallet qty: 18 Old BBMS: 017 low

Performance Batteries (Products available in JDPoint through TS programs 8T) MCEX750PF

MCEX800PF1 Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Mid tractors Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet DIN/BBMS Standard: 610 47 / 663 Voltage: 12 Ah: 110 CCA (EN): 750 Dimensions: 349/175/235 mm Box Size: D02 Hold Down: B0 ETN Layout: 0 Terminal: EN tapered Post Total Weight: 27,48 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 12 Pallet qty: 18 Old BBMS: 643


Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Mid tractors, construction equipment Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet Voltage: 12 Ah: 95 CCA (EN): 800 Dimensions: 353/175/190 mm Box Size: L05 Hold Down: B13 ETN Layout: 1 Terminal: EN tapered Post Total Weight: 22,3 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 12 Pallet qty: 24

MCEX800PFAGM Benefit: Higher vibration resistance Area of application: Mid tractors, construction equipment Technology: Hybrid/Wet DIN/BBMS Standard: 610 40 / 615 Voltage: 12 Ah: 110 CCA (EN): 760 Dimensions: 512/175/210 mm Box Size: DB8 Hold Down: B3 ETN Layout: 3 Terminal: EN tapered Post Total Weight: 33,50 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 12 Pallet qty: 16 Old BBMS: 617


Benefit: High CCA performance in small box Area of application: Mid tractors Technology: AGM/activated DIN/BBMS Standard: Orbital / Optima, AGM-Spiral-Cell, MAX900 Voltage: 12 Ah: 50 CCA (EN): 800 Dimensions: 260/173/206 mm Box Size: G34 Hold Down: B7 ETN Layout: 9 Terminal: SAE M 3/8" – 5/16" taper&stud Total Weight: 17,93 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 12 Pallet qty: 18 Old BBMS: 069AGM

MCEX850PF Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Mid tractors Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet DIN/BBMS Standard: 635 30, 640 20 / 627 Voltage: 12 Ah: 140 CCA (EN): 800 Dimensions: 513/189/223 mm Box Size: A Hold Down: B0 ETN Layout: 3 Terminal: EN tapered Post Total Weight: 36,67 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 12 Pallet qty: 16 Old BBMS: 637

Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Mid tractors, construction equipment Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet DIN/BBMS Standard: 600 32 / 030 Voltage: 12 Ah: 100 CCA (EN): 850 Dimensions: 306/173/222 mm Box Size: D31 Hold Down: Korean B1 ETN Layout: 0 Terminal: EN tapered Post Total Weight: 23,60 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 12 Pallet qty: 15 Old BBMS: 068

* when fully charged and in right storage conditions

Performance Batteries | 175

Performance Batteries (Products available in JDPoint through TS programs 8T) MCEX800PF4 (France only)


Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Mid tractors, construction equipment Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet Voltage: 12 Ah: 140 CCA (EN): 800 Dimensions: 510/175/225 mm Box Size: D08 Hold Down: B3 ETN Layout: 4 Terminal: EN tapered Post Total Weight: 37,50 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 12 Pallet qty: 12


Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Tractors, construction equipment Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet DIN/BBMS Standard: 600 38 / 017 Voltage: 12 Ah: 100 CCA (EN): 900 Dimensions: 353/175/190 mm Box Size: L5 Hold Down: B13 ETN Layout: 0 Terminal: EN tapered Post Total Weight: 23,39 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 12 Pallet qty: 17 Old BBMS: 019

MCYP200PF Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Utility tractors Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet Voltage: 12 Ah: 105 CCA (EN): 800 Dimensions: 315/175/205 mm Box Size: LH4 Hold Down: B13 ETN Layout: 0 Terminal: EN tapered Post Total Weight: 23,10 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 12 Pallet qty: 17


MCEX950PF Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Mid tractors, construction equipment Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet DIN/BBMS Standard: 600 33 / 031 Voltage: 12 Ah: 100 CCA (EN): 850 Dimensions: 306/173/222 mm Box Size: D31 Hold Down: Korean B1 ETN Layout: 1 Terminal: EN tapered Post Total Weight: 23,60 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 12 Pallet qty: 15 Old BBMS: 069

* when fully charged and in right storage conditions

176 | Performance Batteries

Area of application: Turf equipemnt Technology: Antimony/Dry DIN/BBMS Standard: 52401 / – Voltage: 12 Ah: 24 CCA (EN): 200 Dimensions: 186/125/177 mm Box Size: Moba Hold Down: B00 ETN Layout: 1 Terminal: 4 Total Weight: 8,78 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 36 Pallet qty: 2

Benefit: Maintenance free - no need to refill Area of application: Mid tractors, construction equipment Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet DIN/BBMS Standard: 630 13, 643 22, 643 23, 643 29 / 620 Voltage: 12 Ah: 170 CCA (EN): 950 Dimensions: 514/218/210 mm Box Size: DB9 Hold Down: B3 ETN Layout: 3 Terminal: EN tapered Post Total Weight: 42,50 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 12 Pallet qty: 14

Performance Batteries (Products available in JDPoint through TS programs 8T) MCEX1000PF3 (not available in Italy) Area of application: Mid tractors, construction equipment Technology: Hybrid/Wet DIN/BBMS Standard: 635 41/617 Voltage: 12 Ah: 135 CCA: 1000 Dimensions (mm): 512/175/210 Box Size: DB8 Hold Down: B3 ETN Layout: 3 Terminal: EN tapered Post Total Weight (kg): 36,00 Shelf life time (months) *: 12 Pallet qty: 16

MCEX680PF0 Benefit: Maintenance free - no need to refill Area of application: Tractors, construction equipment Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet DIN/BBMS Standard: 574 12/ 067, 096 Voltage: 12 Ah: 74 CCA: 680 Dimensions (mm): 278/175/190 Box Size: L03 Hold Down: B13 ETN Layout: 0 Terminal: EN tapered Post Total Weight (kg): 17,70 Shelf life time (months) *: 12 Pallet qty: 17

* when fully charged and in right storage conditions

Performance Batteries | 177

Standard Batteries / Trojan Batteries for E-Gator

Standard Batteries (products available in JDPoint through TS programs 0T and 8T) EPYP53030 (not available in UK)

EPYP552401 (not available in UK, Spain and France)

Area of application: Speciality tractors, Turf, motorbikes Technology: Antimony/Dry DIN/BBMS Standard: 53030 Voltage: 12 Ah: 30 CCA (EN):300 Dimensions: 186/130/171 mm Box size: Moba Hold Down: B00 ETN Layout: 0 Terminal: 4 Total weight: 10,06 kg Shelf life* (in month): 36

Benefit: Maintenance free – no need to refill Area of application: Commercial mowing Technology: Lead-Calcium/Wet DIN/BBMS Standard: 55401 Voltage: 12 Ah: 52 CCA (EN):520 Dimensions: 207/175/175 mm Box size: H4 Hold Down: B13 ETN Layout: 0 Terminal: 1 Total weight: 11,97 kg Shelf life* (in month): 15

MCEXYTX4L-BS Area of application: Walk behind mowers Technology: AGM/Dry Voltage: 12 Ah: 3 CCA (EN):50 Dimensions: 115/70/85 mm Box size: C35

Hold Down: B0 ETN Layout: 0 Terminal: M04 Total weight: 1,49 kg Shelf life* (in month): 12

Trojan Batteries for E-Gator (Products available in JDPoint through TS programs BH) MCT145

MCT105 (not available in UK) Benefit: Deep cycle Area of application: Electrical utility vehicles, golf cart Technology: Lead-Antimony/Wet Voltage: 6 Ah: 260 Dimensions: 262/181/302 mm Box Size: GC2 (BCI) Terminal: LPT, HPT, AP Total Weight: 33,00 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 6

* when fully charged and in right storage conditions

178 | Standard Batteries / Trojan Batteries for E-Gator

Benefit: Deep cycle Area of application: Electrical utility vehicles, golf cart Technology: Lead-Antimony/Wet Voltage: 6 Ah: 225 Dimensions: 262/181/281 mm Box Size: GC2 (BCI) Terminal: LPT, WNT, AP, UT, LT Total Weight: 28,00 kg Shelf life time (months)*: 6


Batteries | 179

Crop Packaging

There are many reasons for choosing genuine John Deere crop packaging products. Designed and tested for your John Deere baler, they are guaranteed to perform. Our crop packaging products are the perfect result of close teamwork between the worldwide leaders in baling products. The combination of their knowledge of the baling business and John Deere’s rigorous verification and validation processes, ensures outstanding performance in all areas. Quick to load. Easy to use. And designed for a long life.

182 | Crop Packaging

Crop Packaging

John Deere Netwrap Only John Deere Netwrap is designed specifically for the John Deere balers. However they also fit most of the competitive machines. Carrying handles, Zebra System and Red stripe are standard features of all John Deere Netwrap.

XtraNet – Edge to Edge protection XtraNet 4200 m with Bale+ Technology –– –– –– –– ––

40 % more roll length than standard 3000 m net rolls – for maximum baler utilization. More net strength (minimum strength > 270 kgf) – for maximum performance Good roll weight Long lasting roll consistency – 2 rolls can provide enough net to bale all day Low cost per bale

XtraNet 3600 m –– –– –– ––

20% more roll length than standard 3000 m netwrap. More bales per roll. Fewer time wasting interruptions to change rolls. Less packaging waste and greater efficiency. Low cost per bale

CoverEdge 3,800m –– –– –– –– ––

Unique and only available through John Deere dealers 3,800m, longer but same weight than 3,300m roll 15% more bales with each roll More productivity, less downtime New plastic insert: - stop from collapsing - 1 kg lighter - increased marketability and compatibility in competitive balers

Netwrap Width

Roll length

Roll weight

Rolls Per Pallet

John Deere CoverEdge B+ 3800m

130 cm

3.800 m

42 kg



John Deere Netwrap 2000m NC

123 cm

2.000 m

20,5 kg



John Deere Netwrap 3000m NC

123 cm

3.000 m

29 kg



John Deere Xtranet 2800m

123 cm

2.800 m

31 kg



John Deere Xtranet 2800m (high UV formulation)

123 cm

2.800 m

31 kg



John Deere Xtranet 3600m

123 cm

3.600 m

40 kg



John Deere Xtranet 3600m (high UV formulation)

123 cm

3.600 m

40 kg



John Deere Xtranet 4200m

123 cm

4.200 m

42 kg



John Deere Xtranet 4200m (high UV formulation)

123 cm

4.200 m

42 kg



Item Description

Country availability

Crop Packaging | 183

Crop Packaging

John Deere Twine XtraTwine –– Renowned for its strength and performance –– Suitable for use in all makes of large square baler –– Easy feed system –– Quality assurance

Packaging Unit

Package length

Pallet Qty



John Deere HD Twine






John Deere Big Bale PP Twine 130







John Deere Big Bale PP Twine 130







John Deere Big Bale PP Twine 130






John Deere Big Spool 130






John Deere Big Spool 130






John Deere Big Bale PP Twine 7200


7200 feet




John Deere Big Bale PP Twine 150 p






John Deere Standard PP Twine 350







John Deere Standard PP Twine 400







John Deere Standard PP Twine 500 PL p






John Deere Round Bale PP Twine 750







John Deere Twine 1000







John Deere Premium Twine 750+







John Deere Premium Twine 870+







John Deere Premium Twine 1000+







John Deere Twine 300







Item Description

184 | Crop Packaging

Country availability DK, FI, NO, SE, ES, AT, BA, CZ, EE, DE, HU, LT, NL, RO, SK, SI, PL, UK, FR



Crop Packaging

John Deere Stretchwrap XtraFilm

round bales/roll 6 layers - 70% stretch

round bales/roll 6 layers - 55% stretch

round bales/roll 4 layers - 70% stretch

round bales/roll 4 layers - 55% stretch

–– 3-layer film for the greatest strength when bale wrapping. –– Better cling. –– UV protection. –– Puncture and tear resistance

Item Description



Nb of turn

Country availability

John Deere 500 x 1800 black Stretchfilm








John Deere 500 x 1800 Green Stretchfilm








John Deere 500 x 1800 White Stretchfilm








John Deere 750 x 1500 Black Stretchwrap








John Deere 750 x 1500 Green Stretchfilm








John Deere 750 x 1500 Green Stretchfilm HUV








John Deere 750 x 1500 White Stretchfilm








John Deere 750 x 1500 White Stretchfilm HUV








John Deere 750 x 1650 Black Stretchfilm








John Deere 750 x 1650 Green Stretchfilm








John Deere 750 x 1650 White Stretchfilm








Crop Packaging | 185

Knife sharpening tool for round balers and forage wagons (Products available in JDPoint through TS programme B2)

Sharpness plays a critical role in the performance of many harvesting machines. This is required to maintain maximum cutting performance. The John Deere knife sharpener is for use on the pre-cutter knives on round balers or forage wagons. The key advantage of this tool is the ability to grind with a constant angle, especially for the curved pre-cutter blades found on round balers and forage wagons.

186 | Knife sharpening tool for round balers and forage wagons

Knife sharpening tool for round balers and forage wagons | 187

Knife sharpening tool for round balers and forage wagons (Products available in JDPoint through TS programme B2)

One tool with many advantages Allows to grind with a constant angle Easy to transport for use on site ■■ Solution tailored for contractors or intensive baler users ■■ ■■

Sharp knives will reduce fuel consumption and reduce the load on the drive line of your machine. Research at Harper Adams University College has revealed fuel savings of 10% for a round baler using sharp knives compared to blunt knives. In addition the torque load on drive lines was reduced by up to 30%, meaning a lot less wear on drive chains.

Grinding Angle For maximum efficiency John Deere round baler knives should be ground to 12º. The grinding machine is fitted with a measuring dial to help you easily monitor the grinding process and find the exact grinding angle. Cutting angle adjustment is easily done thanks to two side handles to modify grinding stone inclination.

Rotation stops The motor and grinding head swing through an arc to sharpen the knife. To prevent grinding over the edge two rotation stops limit the travel of the grinding stone. The machine is easily adjusted to suit other makes of knife. Curved knives for all brands of balers and self loading forage wagons can be sharpened effortlessly with the John Deere knife sharpener. Knives can be optimally positioned simply by relocating the stop screws. In order to be able to clamp the knife securely the horizontal clamp can be adjusted in height and length.

188 | Knife sharpening tool for round balers and forage wagons

Knife sharpening tool for round balers and forage wagons (Products available in JDPoint through TS programme B2)

Specifications Two versions are available – 240V or 440V, 3 phase. Otherwise the technical specifications are identical: Power:





2750 rpm

Degree of protection:


Main Dimensions:

Length: 88.0cm Height: 143.5cm Width: 66.5cm Weight: 85.0kg

Item Description

Part number

Knife sharpener 240V


Knife sharpener 440V, 3 phase


Knife sharpener 240V – UK version


Knife sharpener 440V, 3 phase – UK version


Replacement grinding wheel - white (standard)


Replacement grinding wheel - blue (fine)


Replacement electric motor 240V


Replacement electric motor 440V, 3 phase


Knife sharpening tool for round balers and forage wagons | 189

Products available in JDPoint through TS programme AE

190 |

John Deere Paints (Products available in JDPoint through TS programme AE)

John Deere aerosol and can paints are made to the original formula used in the John Deere factory. They perfectly match John Deere green and yellow colours and are ideally suited to repair your John Deere machines and paint related mounted parts. John Deere Paints ensure: - Very high gloss - Weather resistance - Long term flexibility - Excellent drying

John Deere Paints | 191

John Deere Paints – Tested to be the best

A fresh coat of paint not only keeps your equipment looking good, it offers protection from humidity, corrosion, chemicals, UV rays and scratches. We have rigorously tested our aerosol and can paints to make sure they give you a better colour match, a great finish and stronger resistance to chemicals. So it makes sense to buy genuine John Deere supplies to keep your machines at their peak. The criteria tests are relevant to ensure durability, resistance and appearance for your repair or repaint work.

192 | John Deere Paints – Tested to be the best

John Deere Paints – Tested to be the best

Colour match Visual comparison provides a colour match between the test panels and the original or existing John Deere colour. Genuine paint not only matches the original John Deere Green and Yellow perfectly, it also keeps it’s their optimal brilliance throughout the tests, whilst competitive products deviate considerably in colour and appear dull.

John Deere Master John Deere Master

John Deere Master John Deere Master

Non Genuine II

John Deere Master

Non Genuine I

John Deere Master


John Deere Paints – Tested to be the best | 193

John Deere Paints – Tested to be the best

Colour shade measurement Colour shade deviations are measured according to John Deere and industry standards by means of colorimeters. Compared to the John Deere standard panel, the measured values must be within a given deviation range. According to John Deere Guidelines, deviations from the standard can only be ≤ 1.0 point. Green aerosol paint

Yellow aerosol paint









0 -1.0

Red– -Da*

5.5 5.0

0 -1.0








Red+ +Da*

Yellow+ +Db*

5.5 5.0

Red+ +Da*

Red– -Da*

Yellow+ +Db*


-5.5 -5.5 -5.0










-5.5 -5.5 -5.0

5.0 5.5




-Db* Yellow–





5.0 5.5





5.0 5.5

Yellow can paint Yellow+ +Db*









0 -1.0

Red– -Da*

5.5 5.0

Green– +Da*

5.5 5.0

0 -1.0








Red+ +Da*

Yellow+ +Db*

Green+ -Da*


-Db* Yellow–

Green can paint


-5.5 -5.5 -5.0










5.0 5.5

-Db* Yellow–

Allowed deviation

194 |


Geniune paint

John Deere Paints – Tested to be the best

-5.5 -5.5 -5.0






-Db* Yellow–

Non Geniune I

Non Geniune II

John Deere Paints – Tested to be the best

Chemical resistance The chemical resistance of paint is directly related to the longevity of the paintwork. In daily use, paints may be exposed to various strains by aggressive substances (cleaning agents, oils, gasoline, etc.). A lower chemical resistance may result in damage, for example etching of the paint or dissolution of the coating. In addition to the loss of the high-quality optical appearance of the finish, the protective effect of the paintwork is also lost. The chemical resistance is classified as follows: Genuine John Deere

1 – no modification to the coating 2 – modifications of the gloss level or colour shade

Non Genuine I

Non Genuine II







3 – formation of blisters

Green can paint







4 – etching of the coating

Yellow can paint







5 – dissolution of the coating

Green aerosol paint







Yellow aerosol paint







Testing procedure 1. Application of 10 drops of the corresponding media to the painted panels 2. Leave in 6 min 3. Wipe the media away with a cloth 4. Visual assessment of the eventual modifications on the test panels

Conclusions The Non Genuine paints do not have sufficient chemical resistance to withstand the daily strains. Complete dissolution of the paint is possible in case of contact with chemicals, diesel or gasoline.

Gasoline Diesel

Gasoline Diesel

Non Genuine II


Non Genuine I



John Deere Paints – Tested to be the best | 195

John Deere Paints (Products available in JDPoint through TS programme AE)

Processing with paint spray cans / aerosols Visible defects occurring in the paint film require repairing by means of aerosol paints if they cannot be removed by light grinding and polishing of the damaged area. Depending on the location (exposed or not exposed/subsequent) different products should be used. For the following repairing steps, surface and structure of the damage are very important. Applying primer is only mandatory if the part to be repaired is made of metal or if the coating has been damaged or grinded down deep into the underground.

Underground Present coating





Not ground through

Ground through

Not ground through

Ground through

Not required

sole discretion

sole discretion






Primer Top coat

Possible damage structures

Damages only in the top coat



Grinding Polishing

In the first step the damaged area should be ground smoothly with sand paper type 1,000 or 1,200 (until the damage is no longer visible). In the second step polish the coating by using polish paste.


If the primer layer has been damaged by the grinding or, if the top coat cannot be polished due to too thin paint layer, the complete surface has to be ground again and painted with top coat.

Applying top coat

Damage of primer

Measure Grinding Polishing Grinding

Damages caused by corrosion

Damage of substrate / object

Applying top coat

196 | John Deere Paints

Explanation If the scratch / the damage is so deep that it reaches the primer layer, grind by means of sand paper type 1,000 as long as the damage is no longer visible. After that apply the top coat according to the operation instructions. Should the grinding have reached the substrate apply primer according to the operation instructions before spraying the top coat.




Repairing damages which reach deep into the substrate require the application of filler. As preparation the object has to be ground up to the substrate. Ask for a suitable filler for the base material in a specialist shop.


Application and hard-drying as specified in the manual.


After that grind with sand paper type 1,000 until a smooth and plain surface is reached.

Applying top coat

Measure Grinding

Now filler and top coat can be applied by means of the aerosol paint spray cans in accordance to the operation instructions. Explanation To repair small or minor corrosion damage, grind the object so that neither rust nor dyeing are visible.


In special cases the application of filler on the damaged area may be required.


Proceed as specified under chapter “damage of substrate / object�.

Applying top coat

In case of large-scale corrosion we recommend to consult a specialist.

John Deere Paints (Products available in JDPoint through TS programme AE)

General remarks to processing





Auxiliary material

Removing of scratches or other defects in the coating. Constantly and with rotary movement until the defect is eliminated and / or the surface of the old coating has been removed (gloss). Dry-grinding should be preferred over wet grinding, as moisture can interfere later. Remove the abrasive dust thoroughly with an anti-static cloth. Finely granulated sand paper (type 1,000 or finer if available). For larger areas the use of an electric grinder can be helpful. Nevertheless grinding by hand should be preferred (homogenous abrasion). Anti static cloths to remove the abrasive dust are available in specialist stores.


To eliminate minor top coat defects without new top coat application.


Apply polish paste on the smoothed top coat. Work it in with constant rotary movements using a cotton cloth or electric polisher. Dependent on the operation instructions, allow the paste to dry or remove it in wet condition. Polish the treated area carefully with a cotton cloth.

Auxiliary material

Applying filler

Grinding of the old paint surface to improve paint gradient and adhesion;

Polish pastes, polish cloth and electric polishers are available in specialist stores. Please pay attention to the operation instructions for the polish pastes.


To equalize defects inside the object itself (e.g. scratches or small dints) by applying appropriate filler. Such defects cannot be equalized by using primer only.


Please follow the operation instructions for the individual filler. The filler must match the present substrate.

Auxiliary material

Filler and scrapers are available in specialist stores.

John Deere Paints | 197

John Deere Paints (Products available in JDPoint through TS programme AE)

Preparation for spray can painting (Aerosol paints) 1. Masking ■■Use masking tape on edges and crevices etc. around the area which needs to be painted, to prevent visible differences. ■■Protect surrounding areas with high-quality tape and paper. ■■Wait until the new applied coating has dried before removing masking. ■■Before starting the painting clean the object again with a suitable silicone remover and/or an anti-static cloth.

2. Sanding down the old coating in all areas to be painted (until all gloss is removed). Possible contaminations and faults



Dry the substrate with a lint-free cloth


Remove corrosion (sanding/grinding)

Oil, grease, dirt/soil

Use cotton cloth and commercially available cleaning agent to rub it off

3. General conditions for the processing ■■Pay attention to the safety instructions (see label on the spray can) ■■Processing only in good ventilated, dust-free and dry rooms ■■No processing at temperatures below 15°C (ambient temperature and temperature of the spray can) ■■Absolutely avoid temperatures above 40°C ■■If the substrate is not known, use a non visible area to test the adhesion. ■■It is recommended that you check the top coat colour match with the existing old top coat before starting the painting process

198 | John Deere Paints

John Deere Paints (Products available in JDPoint through TS programme AE)

Application of the primer by means of spray cans Shake spray can well for at least 2 minutes (counted from the first hearable strike on)

Spray in the beginning (2 – 3 seconds) next to the object when using the spray can for the first time. Conduct a paint trial on a piece of cardboard or metal if the spray can is used for the very first time. Start the primer application beneath the object by oscillating uniformly [1 spray pass = 1 x down and up again] Approximately 15 – 20 cm distance between spray nozzle and object Painting speed approx. 10 cm/sec. Flash off time approx. 1 minute; finish painting the object as described in section undercoating (1 – 2 further spray passes). Afterwards a uniform coating should be visible on the object Drying: Pure air drying at ambient temperature (store parts protected against dust). Surface-dry

after approximately 10 min


after approximately 30 min


after approximately 8 h

Accelerated drying possible after 10 minutes flash off time The primer can be over-coated with 1K John Deere aerosol paints already 15 to 20 minutes after flash off time Cross-linked primer should be sanded before applying the top coat The dry-layer thickness should be at least 30 µm End of work: After having finished the painting turn the spray can upside down and empty the spray nozzle. Clean the spray nozzle with cleaning thinner.

John Deere Paints | 199

John Deere Paints (Products available in JDPoint through TS programme AE)

Application of top coat by means of spray cans Shake spray can well for at least 2 minutes (counted from the first hearable strike on)

Spray in the beginning (2 – 3 seconds) next to the object when using the spray can for the first time. Conduct a paint trial on a piece of cardboard or metal if the spray can is used for the very first time. Start the primer application beneath the object by oscillating uniformly [1 spray pass = 1 x down and up again] Approximately 20 – 25 cm distance between spray nozzle and object Painting speed approx. 10 cm/sec. Flash off time approx. 2 to 3 minutes; finish painting the object as described in section undercoating (1 – 2 further spray passes). Afterwards a uniform coating should be visible on the object Drying: Pure air drying at ambient temperature (store parts protected against dust). Surface-dry

after approximately 20 min


after approximately 3 h


after approximately 24 h

Accelerated drying possible after 15 minutes flash off time (30 min. at 80°C) The dry-layer thickness should be at least 30 to 40 µm End of work: After having finished the painting turn the spray can upside down and empty the spray nozzle. Clean the spray nozzle with cleaning thinner.

200 | John Deere Paints

John Deere Paints (Products available in JDPoint through TS programme AE)

Preparation and application of the primer (can)


High corrosion resistant primer with excellent drying properties. Ideal to repair agricultural machines and corresponding accessories.

PROCESSING Suitable substrates:

Steel, cast iron and non ferrous metals (check adhesion before painting).

Pre Treatment:

If required, old coating must be sanded with abrasive paper (P240-P320). Areas that should not to be treated must be masked off generously. Before applying the paint, the object must be free of fat, rust, moisture, oil and dirt.

Preparation: Stir paint container vigorously 1 – 2 min with an appropriate stirring stick in order to get a well mixed homogenous material.


Drying time:

Apply with suitable brush or with a roller. Apply a uniform coating film.

Dust dry:

After approx. 30 min

Dry to touch: After 1 – 2 h Resilient (paintable):

After 24 – 48 h

Completely dry:

After 7 days The given drying times are based on a dry film thickness of approx. 30 – 40 µm at room temperature (20 – 23°C) and may vary therefore.


The coverage depends on the shape of the object and the type of coating. 25 m2/L


The theoretical yield at a dry film thickness of 35 µm is 8,7 qm/kg Before applying a top paint, the applied primer must be dried over night. It is recommended to sand the completely dry primer before applying the top coat.

John Deere Paints | 201

John Deere Paints (Products available in JDPoint through TS programme AE)

Work finish:

After the coating process, seal the container air tight. Clean working equipment properly.

Shelf life:

Unopened cans be stored 12 months Avoid high temperature variations


Only dispose of completely emptied containers. Please pay attention to the relevant regulations.

ADDITIONAL REMARKS ■ This primer can also be applied by spraying ■ For spray application primer must be adjusted by adding approx. 5% solvent

Preparation and application of the top coat by means of can paint PRODUCT PROFILE

High quality air drying top coat with very good drying, high brilliance, excellent gloss retention and high resistance. Ideally suited to repair agricultural machines and corresponding accessories.

PROCESSING Suitable substrates: Pre Treatment:

Primed or filled surfaces as well as top coats (check adhesion before painting) If required, old coating must be sanded with abrasive paper (P600). Areas that should not to be treated must be masked off generously. If the metal substrate is damaged, it is recommended to apply a primer first Before applying the paint, the object must be free of fat, rust, moisture, oil and dirt.


Stir paint container vigorously 1 – 2 min with an appropriate stirring stick in order to get a well mixed homogenous material.

Coating test for colour matching at a non-visible position or on a separate substrate piece. Please note that after drying the paint colour can change. Leave to dry over-night.

202 | John Deere Paints

John Deere Paints (Products available in JDPoint through TS programme AE)


Drying time:

Apply with suitable brush or with a roller. Apply a uniform coating film.

Dust dry:

After 30 – 45 min

Dry to touch: After 4 – 5 h Resilient (paintable):

After ca. 48 h

Completely dry:

After 7 days The given drying times are based on a dry film thickness of approx. 30 – 40 µm at room temperature (20 – 23°C) and may therefore vary.


The coverage depends on the shape of the object and the type of coating. 25 m /L 2

The theoretical yield at a dry film thickness of 35 µm is 11,2 qm/kg


If required, polish after hardening with a commercial polishing paste.

Work finish:

After the coating process, seal the container air tight. Clean working equipment properly.

Shelf life:

Unopened container can be stored 12 months Avoid high temperature variations


Only dispose of completely emptied containers. Please pay attention to the relevant regulations.

ADDITIONAL REMARKS ■ This primer can also be applied by spraying ■ For spray application primer must be adjusted by adding approx. 5% solvent

John Deere Paints | 203

Aerosols Paints (Products available in JDPoint through TS programme AE) John Deere Online Data Base for Safety Data Sheets (MSDS):

Green Spray Paint, 400ML

Yellow Spray Paint 400ML Colour: John Deere Green Size: 400ML aerosol

Colour: John Deere Yellow Size: 400ML aerosol

Package quantity: 6

Package quantity: 6

Part number: MCF100

Part number: MCF101

Black Spray Paint 400ML, Semi-gloss Colour: Black Size: 400ML aerosol

High corrosion resistant primer with excellent drying properties.

Package quantity: 6

Package quantity: 6

Part number: MCF102

Part number: MCF110

Industrial Yellow Sprain Paint, 400ML

Industrial Charcoal Sprain Paint, 400ML

Color: Industrial Yellow Size: 400ML, aerosol

Color: Industrial Charcoal Size: 400ML, aerosol

Package quantity: 6

Package quantity: 6

Part number: MCF103

Part number: MCF104

Handgrip Plastic handgrip, designed for John Deere aerosols. Package quantity: 12 Part number: MCF120

204 | Aerosols Paints

Primer Beige, SPRAY, 400ML

Can Paints (Products available in JDPoint through TS programme AE) John Deere Online Data Base for Safety Data Sheets (MSDS):

Green Paint, 2.5L can

Green Paint, 1L can Colour: John Deere Green Size: 1L can

Colour: John Deere Green Size: 2.5L can

Package quantity: 6

Package quantity: 4

Part number: MCF1301

Part number: MCF13025

Yellow Paint, 2.5L can

Yellow Paint, 1L can Colour: John Deere Yellow Size: 1L can

Colour: John Deere Yellow Size: 2.5L can

Package quantity: 6

Package quantity: 4

Part number: MCF1311

Part number: MCF13125

Black Paint, 1 L can

Primer Beige, 1L can Colour: Black Size: 1L can

High corrosion resistant primer with excellent drying properties.

Package quantity: 6

Package quantity: 6

Part number: MCF1321

Part number: MCF1121

Thinner, 1L can

Thinner, 5L can Premium quality, medium-volatile solvent mixture. Application: thinning of John Deere top-coat paints, cleaning of equipment, pretreatment of surfaces to be painted.

Premium quality, medium-volatile solvent mixture. Application: thinning of John Deere top-coat paints, cleaning of equipment, pretreatment of surfaces to be painted.

Package quantity: 6

Package quantity: 6

Part number: MCF1111

Part number: MCF1115

Can Paints | 205

Can Paints (Products available in JDPoint through TS programme AE) John Deere Online Data Base for Safety Data Sheets (MSDS):

Industrial Yellow, 1L can

Industrial Charcoal, 1L can Colour: Industrial Yellow Size: 1L can

Colour: Industrial Charcoal Size: 1L can

Package Quantity: 6

Package Quantity: 6

Part number: MCF1331

Part number: MCF1341

Medium Gloss Black, 1L can Colour: Medium Gloss Black Size: 1L can

Colour: Marine White Size: 1L can

Package Quantity: 6

Package Quantity: 6

Part number: MCF1351

Part number: MCF1361

Goldoni Green, 1L can

206 | Can Paints

Marine White, 1L can

Graphic Grey, 1L can Colour: Goldoni Green Size: 1L can

Colour: Graphic Grey Size: 1L can

Package Quantity: 6

Package Quantity: 6

Part number: MCF1371

Part number: MCF1381

Chemicals (Products available in JDPoint through TS programme AE) John Deere Online Data Base for Safety Data Sheets (MSDS):

Starting Fluid

Brake & Parts Cleaner

Package quantity: 12

Brake and parts cleaner is an oil-free spray that instantly removes brake dust, grease and dirt from brake parts. Flushes oil, dirt and carbon from electrical engines. Leaves no residue. Universal and powerful aerosol for a quick cleaning and degreasing of small structural components in vehicle engines or mechanical equipment.

Part Number: MCB001

Package quantity: 12

Ensures immediate starting of petrol and diesel engines. Reduces drain on battery. Ensures perfect combustion and operation in all weather conditions. Treats and solves problems of difficult starting caused by water and humidity. Aerosol packaged with extension tube for areas difficult to reach.

Part Number: MCB008 Chain & Cable Lubricant

HiTech Lube High pressure lubricant offering high adhesive performance. Protects and stops squealing noises. Lubricates under the most severe pressure. Penetrates inaccessible parts. Protects against water, moisture, salt, acids, dirt, dust. Aerosol packaged with extension tube for areas difficult to reach.

Penetrating spray designed for the lubrication and protection of all types of chains. Penetrates into the chains and all mechanisms for the best possible lubrication. Reduces friction and wear. Repels water, prevents corrosion and rust. Non-sticky adhesive lubricant. Long lasting and protective lubricant. Aerosol packaged with extension tube for areas difficult to reach. Package quantity: 6 Part Number: MCB003 Penetrating Oil

Package quantity: 6 Part Number: MCB004

Electrical Contact Cleaner Penetrates, lubricates, and repels moisture. Protects against rust and corrosion. Ideal to release rusted and frozen nuts, bolts, screws, pipes, motors and machine parts. Aerosol packaged with extension tube for areas difficult to reach. Package quantity: 6

Quick dry cleaner that removes dirt, oil, and grease from sensitive equipment and precision instruments without leaving any residue. This formulation is compatible with component plastics and painted surfaces if overspray occurs. Aerosol packaged with extension tube for hard to reach areas.

Part Number: MCB005

Package quantity: 6 Part Number: MCB009

Silicone Lubricant

Clean & Shine Protects and keeps rubber, dashboard, upholstery doors and draught excluders in good conditions. Protects against moisture. Non greasy penetrating lubricant. Lubricates door locks, trunk lids, brake cables and rubber moulding. Aerosol packaged with extension tube for areas difficult to reach.

Cleans, renovates, polishes intensively the vehicle body and protects against external attacks. Contains carnauba vegetal wax. Package quantity: 6 Part Number: MCB010

Package quantity: 6 Part Number: MCB011

Glass Cleaner

Multi-Purpose Cleaner Cleans windows and windshields of all vehicles. Removes dirt, insects, road film, smoke residues. Formulated from vegetal origin alcohol. Package quantity: 6 Part Number: MCB006

Cleans, degreases and leaves the surface shiny without leaving any marks. Can be used on any type of surface (plastics, paintwork, chrome, engine compartment, fabric, carpets). Formulated from natural origin materials. Package quantity: 6 Part Number: MCB007

Aerosols | 207

Chemicals (Products available in JDPoint through TS programme AE) John Deere Online Data Base for Safety Data Sheets (MSDS):

Diesel Fuel Cleanup, 1.9L

Brake Fluid, DOT4

Fuel injector clean-up product to remove fuel system deposits and restore engine performance. To be used with the Fuel Injector Flush Tool (SW10015JD)

Provides optimal braking response. Is suitable for all types of vehicles. Is stable in varying climates, from very cold to very hot. Can be mixed with all DOT4 brake fluids. Product meeting ISO 4925 Class 4 SAE J1704 – FMVSS 116 – UNE 26-109 88 standards.

Package quantity: 6 Part number: MCTY27017

Package quantity: 12 Part Number: MCB002

Fuel-Protect Additive 1L

Keep Clean Fuel Additive, 20L John Deere Fuel-Protect Keep Clean solution for diesel injectors is a maintenance additive to be used over the life of the engine. Recommended for extending the benefits of the Flush Tool and Clean-Up service.

John Deere Fuel-Protect Keep Clean solution for diesel injectors is a maintenance additive to be used over the life of the engine. Recommended for extending the benefits of the Flush Tool and Clean-Up service.

Package quantity: 12

Part number: MCTY26829

Part number: MCTY26827

Corrosion Protect, 20L

Corrosion Protect, aerosol, 400ML High performance corrosion protection wax. It produces a thick, touch resistant film. It‘s ideal for the long term preservation and corrosion protection of farm and lawn equipment. Pack Qty: 6

High performance corrosion protection wax. It produces a thick, touch resistant film. It‘s ideal for the long term preservation and corrosion protection of farm and lawn equipment. Pack Qty: 1

Part Number: MCYU1020-004

Part Number: MCYU1020-020

Diesel Exhaust Fluid, 10 Litres

Petrol Stabilizer, 250 ml

Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) is also commonly called urea or Adblue®. Diesel Exhaust Fluid is a high purity liquid injected into the exhaust system of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) engines. ISO Standard 22241. Pack Qty: 2

208 | Chemicals

Part Number: MC600100001

Maintains engine performance, makes cold start easier and extends petrol life up to 24 months. 10ml treats 10 litres of petrol. Pack Qty: 12 Part Number: MCTY27535

Chemicals (Products available in JDPoint through TS programme AE) John Deere Online Data Base for Safety Data Sheets (MSDS):

Fuel Conditioner, Summer formula 1 L Fuel conditioner for Diesel and Biodiesel fuels up to B20. Cleans and maintains fuel systems for optimal power and fuel economy. Summer formula offers lubricity improver, water control, fuel stabilizers, and increased Cetane Number for faster, smoother starting. Pack Qty: 12 Part number: MCTY26785

Fuel Conditioner, Summer formula 20 L Fuel conditioner for Diesel and Biodiesel fuels up to B20. Cleans and maintains fuel systems for optimal power and fuel economy. Summer formula offers lubricity improver, water control, fuel stabilizers, and increased Cetane Number for faster, smoother starting. Pack Qty: 1 Part number: MCTY26786

Fuel Conditioner, Winter formula 1 L Fuel conditioner for Diesel and Biodiesel fuels up to B20. Cleans and maintains fuel systems for optimal power and fuel economy. Winter formula offers lower cold filter plugging point, lubricity improver, water control, fuel stabilizers, and increased Cetane Number for faster, smoother starting. Pack Qty: 12 Part number: MCTY26788

Fuel Conditioner, Winter formula 20 L Fuel conditioner for Diesel and Biodiesel fuels up to B20. Cleans and maintains fuel systems for optimal power and fuel economy. Winter formula offers lower cold filter plugging point, lubricity improver, water control, fuel stabilizers, and increased Cetane Number for faster, smoother starting. Pack Qty: 1 Part number: MCTY26789

Chemicals | 209

210 |

| 211

John Deere Grease guns & Accessories

John Deere offers a complete product line of grease guns for standard pull-off cartridges (DIN1284) and Lube-Shuttle® screw cartridges: from side-lever grease guns, one hand grease guns, to battery operated grease guns and air-operated grease guns.

Lube-Shuttle® grease guns with Lube-Shuttle®-screw cartridges It’s Clean & Easy: ■■ Unscrew the cartridge cap, screw in Lube-Shuttle®-cartridge, ready! It’s Economical & Ecological: ■■ permanent monitoring of grease type and level ■■ optimal emptying, clean, environmentally friendly ■■ no air trapped through a closed system, no venting required ■■ Empty cartridges refillable with refill adapter and filler pumps

Tips to operate grease guns ■■

No wear parts in the high pressure area A high precision fit between cylinder and piston provides reliable sealing of the high pressure area, avoiding the use of wearing parts. An O-ring wiper seal ensures cleanliness inside and out. The pressurised grease is prevented from getting back into the grease reservoir by a non-return ball valve.


It all depends on a good connection Grease fittings must be gripped firmly and without leakage at high pressures. Either a coupler works or not. John Deere offers a 4-jaw hydraulic coupler as standard. And even this is not enough: The critical component is a hardened steel turned part. John Deere doesn’t go for any cheap compromises! Tight grip – connection success!


Safety instructions Always treat hoses carefully. Do not bend or twist hoses by force ! The min. bend radius is 50 mm. Prior to use, check hoses carefully for traces of wear or leakage and replace items in case they appear damaged. Both nylon and rubber hoses are subject to the effects of ageing, replace hoses after a period of three years. Do Never use pliers or pipe grips in the area of the end fitting, use spanners or wrenches of the correct size on the hexagonal end fittings only.

Use only original accessories from John Deere to avoid unnecessary risks or injuries!

212 | John Deere Grease guns & Accessories

Grease guns (Products available in JDPoint through TS programme MA and TS AE starting February 2015)

Manual Grease Gun, John Deere With rigid tube and 4-jaw hydraulic connector Short stroke action ■■ Permanent-spring-load-system ■■ Metered delivery ■■ Combined filler nipple/air release valve (for use with filler pumps) ■■ Ergonomic hand grip ■■ TÜV, DLG,BLT approved, to DIN 1283 ■■ For 400g cartridges or 500g bulk fill ■■ ■■

Part number: MC3042134 Manual Grease Gun LUBE-SHUTTLE John Deere For 400g LUBE-SHUTTLE grease cartridges. Connecting thread M10x1mm with 300mm high pressure rubber hose (burst pressure 1.650bar) and high quality 4-jaw coupler. Part number: MC3022105

Li-Ion AccuLuber grease gun kit for Lube-Shuttle grease cartridges Electric battery operated grease gun, 14.4V Ni-Cd, 3000mAh. A powerful DC motor drive gives up to 400 bar of grease pressure. The maximum pressure is limited by an inbuilt relief valve.With LubeShuttle, simply remove the cartridge cap, insert into the zinc plated steel body, screw in and you are ready to go! Double performance compared to Ni-Cad battery operated AccuLuber. Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1

One hand Grease Gun, John Deere With 300mm high pressure nylon hose PH-30C New ergonomically engineered heavy-dutydesign. Rigid delivery tube can be fitted either horizontally or vertically ensuring optimal access to reach even difficult lubrication points. Combined filler nipple/air release valve (for use with filler pumps). Pressure capability approx. 330 bar. Zinc plated, packed in carton. Part number: MC3212131

Lube-Shuttle TG pistol grip grease gun John Deere One hand grease gun with zinc plated steel barrel for Lube-Shuttle System grease cartridges. Ergonomically designed pistol grip. Part number: MC3026110

Li-Ion AccuLuber grease gun kit for standard grease cartridges Electric battery operated grease gun, 14.4V Ni-Cd, 3000mAh. A powerful DC motor drive gives up to 400 bar of grease pressure. The maximum pressure is limited by an inbuilt relief valve. Double performance compared to Ni-Cad battery operated AccuLuber. Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1 Part Number: MC3427146 (UK: MC3427153)

Part Number: MC3427207 (UK: MC3427214)

Battery Charger 230V for Li-Ion battery

Battery Charger 12V-24V for Li-Ion battery

3.000 mAh, ON/OFF LED-Monitoring Lamp, Fast Charge Function, 2m Cable, for Li-Ion spare battery Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1

3.000 mAh, ON/OFF LED-Monitoring Lamp, Fast Charge Function, 2m Cable, for Li-Ion spare battery Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1

Part Number: MC3427504 (UK: MC3427528)

Part Number: MC3425777

Spare Battery for Li-Ion AccuLuber Powerful Li-Ion-Battery 14.4 DC / 3.000mAh, with double power as compared to Ni-Cd version. Must be charged only with Li-Ion Charger. Charging time: 1,5 hour approx Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1 Part Number: MC3427405

| 213

Grease guns (Products available in JDPoint through TS programme MA and TS AE starting February 2015)

AccuLuber grease gun kit for Lube-Shuttle grease cartridges, John Deere

AccuLuber grease gun kit for standard grease cartridges, John Deere

Robust electric 14.4V Ni-Cd Battery Operated Grease Gun for Lube-Shuttle – System-Cartridges. (1 battery, 1 charger, 750mm high pressure hose with coupler incl.) Simply remove the cartridge closure, insert into the zinc plated steel body, screw in and you are ready to go!

14.4V Ni-Cd battery, 1.500mAh, Delivery: 100cc per min. approx Electronically controlled fast charger with overload protection (1 battery, 1 charger, 750mm high pressure hose with coupler incl.).

Part number: MC3425401 (UK: MC3425418)

Part number: MC3425500 (UK: MC3425517)

Battery Charger with Overload Protection 14.4 DC

Battery Charger with Overload Protection 14.4 DC,12V – 24C DC

1.500 mA, ON/OFF LED-monitoring lamp, 1 hour fast charge function, 2 m Cable.

1.500 mA, ON/OFF LED-monitoring lamp, 1 hour fast charge function, 2m Cable.

Part number: MC3425920 (UK: MC3425937)

Part number: MC3425968

Spare Battery for AccuLuber 14.4 High Power Ni-Cd battery 14.4V DC, 1.500 mAh. Part number: MC3425906

High Pressure Extra Safe Rubber Hose Ø13mm

Lube-Shuttle Cartridge refill Adaptor Lube-Shuttle Cartridge Refill adaptor for use with ecoFILL filler pumps, with threaded adaptor and 5 screw caps, for sealing cartridges after refilling. Part number: MC3115050

4-Jaw Hydraulic Connector

PH-30C with 4-jaw hydraulic connector (hardened jaws) M10x1, Length: 300mm, Burst pressure: 1.650 bar.

DIN 1283, heavy duty quality for grease fittings DIN 71412, with hardened jaws for optimal sealing, hexagon 15mm.

Part number: MC3256302

Package quantity: 20 Part number: MC3243609

High Pressure Rubber Hose for Acculuber 14.4 Hose Ø13mm, hexagonal end fittings for positive and safe installation. Burst pressure 1.650 bar (double steel wire braided), with 4-jaw hydraulic connector. Part number: MC3258931

214 | Grease guns

Pumps (Products available in JDPoint through TS programme MA and TS AE starting February 2015)

Grease Gun Filler Pump JD, for 18kg grease pails

Grease Gun Filler Pump JD, for 50kg grease kegs

With filler pump, suction tube Ø 40 mm, follower plate and self-centering keg lid. Efficient and professional method for filling grease guns and Lube-Shuttle®-cartridges (through Refill-Adapter MC3115050)

With filler pump, suction tube Ø 40 mm, follower plate and self-centering keg lid. Efficient and professional method for filling grease guns and Lube-Shuttle®-cartridges (through Refill-Adapter MC3115050)

Part number: MC3381769 (DE, IT: MC3381752)

Part number: MC3385231 (DE, IT: MC3385224)

Pneumatic High Pressure Grease Pump JD, stationary, for JD 18 kg grease pails

Pneumatic High Pressure Grease Pump JD, stationary, for JD 50 kg grease kegs

incl. high pressure pump. Pressure ratio 1:55, free delivery 500 g/min, max. working pressure 425 bar (6.150 psi), grease connection 1/4", suction tube Ø 40 mm. 3.5m high pressure grease hose, follower plate and self-centering keg lid.

incl. high pressure pump. Pressure ratio 1:55, free delivery 500 g/min, max. working pressure 425 bar (6.150 psi), grease connection 1/4", suction tube Ø 40 mm. 3.5m high pressure grease hose, follower plate and self-centering keg lid.

Part number: MC3410537 (DE, IT: MC3410520)

Part number: MC3411060 (DE, IT MC3411053)

Pneumatic High Pressure Grease Pump JD, mobile, for JD 18 kg grease pails incl. high pressure pump. Pressure ratio 1:55, free delivery 500 g/min, max. working pressure 425 bar (6.150 psi), grease connection 1/4", suction tube Ø 40 mm. 3.5m high pressure grease hose, follower plate and keg cover, robust zinc plated trolley with pump bracket and handle, easily assembled. Part number: MC3411916

Pneumatic High Pressure Grease Pump JD, mobile, for JD 50 kg grease kegs incl. high pressure pump. Pressure ratio 1:55, free delivery 500 g/min, max. working pressure 425 bar (6.150 psi), grease connection 1/4", suction tube Ø 40 mm. 3.5m high pressure grease hose, follower plate and keg cover, robust zinc plated trolley with pump bracket and handle, easily assembled. Part number: MC3415174 (DE, IT: MC3415167)

Pumps | 215

Pumps (Products available in JDPoint through TS programme MA and TS AE starting February 2015) Lever Operated Barrel Pump HP 350, John Deere • Barrel pump for 50 to 200 litre drums • Steel telescopic suction tube 450 – 860 mm • Body made of zinc plated steel • 2" and 1 ½" BSP drum adaptors • Detachable outlet nozzle • Output: 350 cc per stroke

Lever Operated Barrel Pump HP 350V, John Deere As MC3463533 lever operated barrel pump HP 350, but with Viton seals, compatible with alcohol, anti-freeze, thinners, also Cool-Gard II. Ensure fluid is compatible with VITON. Part number: MC3463656

Part number: MC3463533

20L Container hand pump KHP 350V, John Deere branded with Viton seals Hand pump with 1.5 m rubber hose and ball valve, sturdy pump bracket. Designed for JD Cool Gard II 20l Plastic Container.

1.5 m long with ball valve 1/2" female with adaptor 3/4", female to 1/2" male, hoseclip and outlet nozzle.

Part number: MC3463779

Part number: MC3462000

Pump bracket in zinc plated steel For 50-60 litre drums, span. 350-390 mm Part number: MC3470234

Stationary Pneumatic oil pump system with Preset-Function for 200L oil drums Stationary tank kit comprising: mechanical counter with Preset-Delivery-Function from 0.1 to 99.9 litres. Non-drip nozzle with swivel joint, electronic LCD display Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1 Part Number: MC3400286

Mobile Pneumatic oil pump system with Preset-Function for 200L oil drums, with trolley. With 4m and 10m delivery hoses. Mobile tank kit comprising: mechanical counter with Preset-Delivery-Function. from 0.1 to 99.9 litres. Non-drip nozzle with swivel joint, electronic LCD display, trolley. Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1 Part Number: 4m delivery hose: MC3400408 10m delivery hose: MC3400880 216 | Pumps

Delivery hose DN16 for MC3463656 and MC3463533

Stationary Pneumatic oil pump system, for 200L oil drums Stationary tank kit with Pressure Ratio 1:3, with 2" BSP Drum Adaptor, Steel suction tube for 200 litre drums with filter, 4 m delivery hose DN 12 (1/2"), electronic hose calibratable, with Non-drip nozzle for engine oil and swivel, end flow meter, electronic LCD display,2 displays (totaliser and resettable display) Pack Content: 1 Pack Qty: 1 Part Number: MC3402488

Turf Attachments (Products available through JDMint and JDPoint)

218 | Turf Attachments

Gator Attachments (Products available through JDPoint)

Gator Attachments | 219

Gator Attachments (Products available through JDPoint )

Individual Cab Components for protection and convenience

Spray Nozzle

Reservior Bottle

On/Off Rocker Switch

Please check online in the Global Product Configurator for any recent part number update and bundle change.

Visor Del. Cab

Cab Heater

Glass Windshield w/Wiper Deluxe Cab, effortless opening/closing includes Wiper (electrical kit required)   all XUV855D (except S4)/A2/XUV825i   all T series/A1

BM23507 BM21462

Rear Window Deluxe Cab Automotive glass rear window provides excellent visibility   all XUV855D (except S4)/A2/HPX/A2/XUV825i


Electrical Kit, required to power electrical cab accessories.   all XUV855D (except S4)/A2   all T series/A1

VGB10505 BM22138

Hard Door Kit Heavy-duty doors can be opened or closed with one hand   all T series/A1   all XUV855D (except S4)/HPX/A2/XUV825i Soft Door Kit – all T series Air Cleaner Relocation Kit   HPX/XUV855D/XUV855D S4/A2   XUV825i Noise Reduction Kit – all XUV/HPX/A2   Use with BM23638 air cleaner relocation kit Heater Kit   req. VGB10548 – all XUV855D/HPX/A2/XUV825i  TH/A1

BM22600* BM24560** BM22526* BM23638 BM23768 BM23750

BM23608 BM22229

Visor Kit all T/A1/all XUV855D (except S4)/HPX/A2/XUV825i BM21646 Heavy Duty Front Suspension VGB10544 The heavy-duty front strut kit provides improved ride and handling when equipped with a deluxe cab frame with hard door kit, a 72-in. front blade or for any configuration where front struts frequently strikethrough a bottom out. (only HPX) *requires BM21645, BM21965, BM20414 ** requires BM23609, BM23638, BM23750 220 | Gator Attachments

Gator Attachments (Products available through JDPoint )

Lights If the dark comes, you have lighting options Front Working Lights Kit BM21651* Two 55 W halogen lights tie into the vehicles’s wiring harness for quick installation. All XUV855D (except S4)/HPX/T series/A2/XUV825i Rear Working Light Kit BM21652* One 55 W halogen light ties into the vehicle's wiring harness for quick installation. All XUV855D (except S4)/HPX/T series/A2/XUV825i

Front Working Lights and Beacon Light

Beacon Light Kit all XUV855D (except S4) T series/A1/HPX/A2/XUV825i BM21646* XUV550/XUV550 S4 BM24013*/** Waterproof rotary light provides excellent visibility to vehicle bystanders. Interior Light Kit BM21656* Overhead light provides visibility during the night. All XUV855D (except S4)/HPX/T series/A2 with Deluxe Cab/XUV825i Hella Performance Spotlights BM24108 55 Watt H3-quarz halogen lights are compatible with XUV/A2 & HPX models. Requires the Heavy duty brush guard

Hella Performance Spotlights

*requires VGB10505 electrical kit **requires BM24089 OPS switch bank Warn winch

Please check online in the Global Product Configurator for any recent part number update and bundle change.

Warn winch

12-V electric powered front & rear mounted winch with 1361kg pulling capacity   for XUV550 S4 BM24723*   for XUV550 BM24437* *req. BM23363   for XUV855D, A2, XUV 825i/ XUV 855D S4 BM24443* *req. BM23105 2-in. Receiver Hitch Winch Multi-Mount Kit   for TS, TX, TH, A1, HPX BM24442* *req. BM19972 (front) or BM21467 (rear) & AM137110, for TH, A1 also VGA10459

Gator Attachments | 221

Cargo Box attachments (Products available through JDPoint )

John Deere offers a variety of attachments for your cargo box.

Cargo Box Side Extension Kit

Cargo Box Divider Kit

Increases Deluxe Cargo Box side height to haul more light material. T-Series (except TS), XUV855D, XUV855D S4, XUV825i BM24901 XUV550, XUV855 S4 BM23384 HPX BM22572

Cargo Box Tool Rack

Creates compartments in the front or rear of the Deluxe Cargo Box.* * Not compatible with BM22774 Cargo Box Side Wall Extension Kit T-Series (except TS), XUV855D, XUV855D S4, XUV825i


Cargo Box Power Lift Kit This is one of the most important accessories for increasing work efficiency. It is an excellent complement to this highly capable utility vehicle.

Maximises use of the deluxe cargo box by carrying long-handled tools on the side of the box* *Not compatible with BM24901 Cargo Box Side Wall Extension Kit T-Series (except TS), XUV855D, XUV855D S4, XUV825i


Please check online in the Global Product Configurator for any recent part number update and bundle change.

222 | Cargo Box attachments

Part number:

TH TE CX TX, TX Turf, TE TS XUV855D, XUV855DÂ S4, XUV825i HPX XUV550, XUV550 S4

BM23759 BM22873 BM22875 BM23734 BM23765 BM25143 BM25188 BM25410

Riding Lawn Equipment Attachments (Products available through JDMint and JDPoint)

A range of great value turf attachments for the winter season.

Riding Lawn Equipment Attachments | 223

Snow Blower (Products available through JDMint and JDPoint)

Introducing the 44-in. (112-cm) and 47-in. (119-cm) Snow Blowers John Deere two-stage snow blowers expand the versatility of John Deere X300 and X500 Series Tractors: 44-in. (112-cm) Snow Blower for X300s 47-in. (119-cm) Snow Blower for X500s

Snow blower quick-hitch mounting system

7001M 7002M

These snow blowers offer customers the highest-quality product. Full-height housings are stamped from heavy-gauge steel to provide the customer with superior performance and long life. A quick-hitch mounting system helps take the effort out of installation and removal of the snow blowers. The The snow blower slips over and locks onto the front hitch with attached snap pins: ■■

Fast and easy installation with no tools or loose parts


Hitch provided with the snow blower

44-in. (112-cm) Snow Blower

47-in. (119-cm) Snow Blower housing and auger Heavy-duty, two-stage design gives these snow blowers excellent performance and long life in consumer and commercial operating conditions: ■■ Low-speed auger brings in and sizes the snow. ■■

High-speed rotor gives the discharged snow consistent velocity - even in very light clean-up volumes.

– Rotor is formed from durable and rust-resistant, ultra-high molecular weight (UHMW) polyethylene material proven in the Power Flow™ blower fan. ■■

A centrally mounted cast-iron gearbox provides speed reduction for the auger. Each half of the auger is protected by shear bolts.


The discharge spout and deflector are made from high-density polyethylene material that will not dent or rust and resists snow buildup.


Spout direction and deflector angle can both be conveniently controlled from the operator station.


In-line drive system gives efficient transfer of power and dependable operation.

For 2015, the line-up of snow blower attachments and key-feature differences maximises customer value and provides features well-matched to the tractors they are compatible with, as shown in the chart below:

Tractor compatibility Lift system Height to top of housing Auger diameter Skid Shoe, Heavy Duty Left Hand AM122263 Extra-wide skid shoe provides wear life improvement in commercial applications or abrasive conditions

44-in. (112-cm) Snow Blower

47-in. (119-cm) Snow Blower

Select Series X300R, X305R, X300, X304, X310, and X320 Foot lift with spring assist 45.7 cm (18 in.) 30.5 cm (12 in.)

Select Series X500 Multi-Terrain

Skid Shoe, Heavy Duty Right Hand AM122264 Extra-wide skid shoe provides wear life improvement in commercial applications or abrasive conditions

Please check online in the Global Product Configurator for any recent part number update and bundle change.

224 | Snow Blower

Hydraulic lift 50.8 cm (20 in.) 40.6 cm (16 in.) Skid Shoe, Plastic M157831 Reduces scratching on driveway and sidewalk surfaces Two required

Front Blades & Brooms (Products available through JDMint and JDPoint)

When push comes to shove, you’ve got plenty of choices, no matter what time of the year or the type of job. Front Blade

Rubber Blade Squeegee Kit More effective cleaning of wet or slushy snow while preventing scratching of the driveway surface. Reduces risk of damage along footpaths pavements and driveways. Products available through JDPoint: For 1.22 m (48 in.) and 1.37 m (54 in.) Front Blade


Tyre Chains (Pair)

Excellent for pushing snow or other loose material straight forward, to the right or left. Blade surface is curved to roll rather than push material, which requires less power and increases blade capacity. Products available through JDMint: 1.12 m (44 in.) – X300 Series 1.22 m (48 in.) – X500 Series

6001M 6002M

Recommended for use with front blade, etc. Use first and second number of tyre size to select chains. Third dimension is rim diameter, which does not usually affect chain size.

Manual Angling Kit

Products available through JDPoint: Tyre chains (pair) for 18x8.5 X135, X155, X110, X120, X130


Tyre chains (pair) for 20x10-8


X300, X304, X310, X305R, X110, X120, X130

Tyre chains (pair) for 20x8 X125, X145, X110, X120, X130, X105 TY15959

Allows angling blade from the tractor seat for operator convenience. Products available through JDPoint: For 1.22 m (48 in.) Front Blade

Tyre chains (pair) for 22x11-10

X320, LX


Tyre chains (pair) for 22x8

X165, X110, X120, X130


Tyre chains (pair) for 23x9.50-12 X534


Tyre chains (pair) for 24x12-12


X540, X590, GT, GX


Please check online in the Global Product Configurator for any recent part number update and bundle change.

Front Blades & Brooms | 225

Front Blades & Brooms (Products available through JDPoint) Front Blade

Broom with Debris-Catcher

Working width 1.25 m (49 in.) high: 42 cm (16,5 in.) Protective Break-Back System, angle left or right, ground skids, rubber lip on blade, marker flags. Min requirements: Add-on parts, quick hitch. Add-on parts are shown under Accessories for Front Blade & Broom. Products available through JDPoint: Front Blade Requires add-on parts and quick hitch Not compatible with SAB00726 rotary broom Not compatible with BM23056 front bumper


Working width: 1.20 m (47 in.) Top mounted wheel high adjustment, angle left or right, dual bristle broom includes easy-on, easy-off debris catcher. Min requirements: Add-on parts, driveline, quick hitch with drive. Add-on parts are shown under Accessories for Front Blade & Broom. Products available through JDPoint: Broom with Debris Catcher Not compatible with SAB00724 front blade Not compatible with BM23056 front bumper


Accessories for Front Blade & Broom Select your model to check which accessories are needed to attach a blade or a broom. Blade: add-on parts and quick hitch without drive are necessary Broom: add-on parts and driveline quick hitch with drive are necessary

John Deere Model Series LR-Series




Model LR135 LR135 LR175 LR175 X110, X120 X140 X125, X145, X105 X165 X130R, X155R X135R, X115R X300, X304, X320 X300R X300, X304, X320 X300R, X305R X310 X534, X540 X540 X540 X534

Year 2008-2009 2009 2001-2009 2009 2009-2010 2009-2010 2011-2014 2011-2014 2011-2014 2011-2014 2007-2010 2007-2010 2011-2014 2011-2014 2011-2014 2007-2010 2011 2012-2014 2011-2014

Basic Parts Add-on parts SAB00762 SAB00762 SAB00701 SAB00903 SAB00764 SAB00764 SAB00907 SAB01107 SAB00905 SAB00905 SAB00756 SAB00756 SAB01161 SAB01156 SAB01157 SAB00757 SAB00757 SAB10012 SAB01157

Frontblade assembly Quick hitch Frontblade w/o drive



Rotary Broom assembly Quick hitch Rotary Driveline w/ drive Broom SAB00722 SAB00761 SAB00722 SAB00761 SAB00722 SAB00766 SAB00922 SAB00904 SAB00722 SAB00765 SAB00722 SAB00767 SAB00922 SAB00908 SAB00922 SAB01108 SAB00922 SAB00906 SAB00726 SAB00922 SAB10014 SAB00722 SAB00758 SAB00722 SAB00760 SAB00922 SAB01162 SAB00922 SAB01160 SAB00922 SAB01159 SAB00722 SAB00759 SAB00922 SAB00759 SAB00922 SAB10013 SAB00922 SAB01159

Note: B asic parts ares always needed to fix a Frontblade or Rotary Broom. For full functionality you have to add Frontblade assembly (coloured in yellow) or Rotary Broom assembly (coloured in green)

Please check online in the Global Product Configurator for any recent part number update and bundle change.

226 | Front Blades & Brooms

Weights (Products available through JDPoint) Quik-Tatch Weight, 19 kg

Wheel Weights

Use these cast-iron weights to counterbalance a heavy attachment and/or provide greater traction and stability. Some vehicles have built-in front and/or rear weight brackets to hang the weights on; others require a weight bracket that must be ordered separately. No box – X100, X300, X500, X700 Series. When installed on front bumper of X700 Series tractor, M147986 rod and (2) M40461 spring clips are required. For models LT, LX, GT, GX the Quick-TatchWeight can be used as well. Products available through JDPoint: Quik-Tatch Weight, 19 kg (42 lb)

Weights for front wheels are recommended with rear grass baggers on slopes and may be required with heavy rear-mounted equipment. Rear weights are recommended for additional traction, especially with snow blades and brooms. Products available through JDPoint: Front Wheel Weight (1 Pc.) for X100 Series (except X165), X300 Series (except X320), LT, LX, GT, GX (req. BM17978) BM17962 Mounting hardware kit for Front Wheel Weight (BM17962) X100 Series, X300 Series, X500 Series (except X590), LT, LX, GT, GX BM17978

R66949 Rear Wheel Weight (1 Pc) 22 kg (50 lb) (req. BM17985) for X500 Series, X700 Series and G Series Mounting hardware kit for Rear Wheel Weight For attaching (only) one weight (X500 Series, X700 Series, G Series) For attaching two weights to (one) wheel (X500 Series, G Series)

Weight Brackets

BM17972 BM17985 BM17977

540 RPM Rear PTO Drive

Provides a tractor-mounted bracket required on some tractor models for hanging two or more 19 kg (42 lb) Quik-Tatch weights (R66949). Products available through JDPoint: Rear weight bracket for 2 weights – Fits X100-Series (X105, X125, X145, X165, X110, X120, X140) Rear, 2 weightss – X300 Series (X300, X304, X310, X320); 4 weights – X534


Front, 4 weights – Fits all X300s, X500 (SN020001-), X534 (SN060001-) Front, 9 weights – X700 Series

BM23621 BM24363


Used to drive stationary and 3-point-hitch-mounted equipment. Three-position control lever; mid PTO, rear PTO only, and mid and rear PTO. Dealer installation recommended Products available through JDPoint: X700 Series


* M Y2011 and for SN M0740B050493/748B050523/749B050156 or higher BM24736 is required.

Please check online in the Global Product Configurator for any recent part number update and bundle change.

Weights | 227

X700 Attachments (Products available through JDMint and JDPoint) 1.32 m Quick Hitch Rotary Broom

Front Quick Hitch & Hydraulic Lift Kit

The broom is a four-season implement designed to increase the versatility of the tractor by allowing it to be used for a variety of sweeping jobs. X700 Series requires front quick-hitch, hydraulic angling, 2000 RPM mid-to-front PTO kit and implement drive shaft. Products available through JDMint: 1.32 m Quick Hitch Rotary Broom


Products available through JDPoint Front PTO drive (2000 1/min) 2WD requires BM20966 shield kit (X750/X754)


Front PTO drive (2000 1/min) 4WD requires BM20978 shield kit (X758)


The front quick-hitch is required on X700 Series tractors with front blade, rotary broom. Products available through JDPoint: X700 Front Quick Hitch


Hydraulic Angling X750/X758/X754

1.37 m Quick Hitch Front Blade

Provides 0 to 27 degrees angling to the right or left using the tractor´s hydraulics. Required for some front Quick-Hitch mounted implements. Products available through JDPoint: Hydraulic Angling


2000 RPM Mid-to-Front PTO Kit Excellent for pushing snow or other loose material straight forward, to the right or left. Blade surface is curved to roll rather than push material, which requires less power and increases blade capacity. Heavy Duty Construction with Breakaway Feature. Requires Front Quick Hitch and Hydraulic Angling. Products available through JDMint: 1.37 m Quick Hitch Front Blade

1491M Required to operate rotary broom or other 2000 rpm powered front equipment. Products available through JDPoint: Front PTO drive (2000 1/min) 2WD X750/X754


PTO Shield X750/X754


Front PTO drive (2000 1/min) 4WD X758 BM24362 PTO Shield X758


Please check online in the Global Product Configurator for any recent part number update and bundle change.

228 | X700 Attachments

X700 Attachments (Products available through JDPoint) Front Fender Kit X700 Series

3 Point Hitch X700 Series Front “Special-Edition” fenders are available for protection from mud and debris. Fenders are mounting parts for both front wheels.

Products available through JDPoint: Front Fender 2WD (X750) Front Fender 4WD (X758)

BM24429 BM24430

Brush Guard

Products available through JDPoint: Cat. 1 – X700 Series X700/X740/X748/749/X750/X758/X754 BM23882

Rear Reciever Hitch Kit and Hitch Drawbar Kit

The brush guard adds a distinctive appearance to the tractor and protects the front of the tractor from damage. Not compatible with Front-Quick-Hitch. Products available through JDPoint: X700 Series

Conveniently attach rear-mounted equipment to the tractor. Hitch is raised and lowered with tractor hydraulic control lever.


Products available through JDPoint: Rear receiver hitch kit bolts on the tractor rear hitch plate to provide a standard 1-1/4-in. x 1-1/4-in receiver hitch. X700 Series not homologated.


Drawbar kit (right) shown with PM05101 ball hitch. X700 Series not homologated


Wagon hitch for receiver hitch (road homologated) X700 Series


Please check online in the Global Product Configurator for any recent part number update and bundle change.

X700 Attachments | 229

X700 Attachments (Products available through JDPoint) Road homologation on X750 Signature Series Tractors

For model year 2015 X750 Signature Series Tractors, a national general single type homologation is available for all three Region 2 models, the X750, X754, and the X758.

National general single-type homologation For many countries, a national homologation as a working machine is possible. The homologation department provides the necessary documents that are needed for the individual country homologation processes. No certificate of conformity (COC) will be provided. The homologation kits are set up so they can be customized to the local requirements. The requirements for a national homologation are, in most cases, easier to achieve and less expensive than European Commission (EC) tractor homologation. Competition, in many cases, only offers a national homologation. With the availability of this type of homologation on our products, John Deere is now more competitive. The following attachments need to be ordered:

Base road homologation kit Licence plate holder req. BM24291

BM24291 BM24605

Seat that comes standard with X750 Series Consists of road homologation lighting kits and mirrors Consists of a license plate holder including licence plate light

Regulation Mandatory Country specific

As the requirements vary by country additional kits like beacon light may be required. Note: For model year 2013/14 an EC tractor homologation was available. Even if not any longer supported, for single approval as tractor we still offer the needed parts.



Seat with type approval. Requires BM24424.

Seat suspension


Required platform to mount LVA15845. Requires LVA15845.

Serial number plate


Serial number plate according to EEC tractor homologation

Front hitch


Front hitch to meet EC tractor approval requirements

Rear hitch


Rear hitch with type approval

NOTE: As the X750 Series comes with an installed seat ex-factory, there is no option to order a X750 Series Tractor for EC tractor homologation without a standard seat. Please check online in the Global Product Configurator for any recent part number update and bundle change.

230 | X700 Attachments

Accessories for Mower Decks & Machines (Products available through JDPoint)

Home Maintenance Kit

Rear Bumper Bolts to the tubular frame for solid support. Provides protection for EZtrak Mover Z225/Z425/Z625/Z645 Products available through JDPoint: Part number: AM137380

Rear Hitch A convenient way to obtain maintenance parts as specified in the operator’s manual; includes engine oil filter, engine oil, fuel filter, fuel filter element, air filter element foam, and spark plug(s). (Diesel Engines w/o plugs) Products available through JDPoint: STX38 F510, GT242, LX176 LX178, LX188 F525, LX178 455 LT166, LT170, LTR166, LX288 (Serial No. 000001 thru 090000), SST16 LT133, LT150, LT155, LTR155, LX173, LX177, LX255, SST15 Sabre 1438GS/HS, 1538HS, 1542GS/HS LT190, LTR180, LX277, LX280, LX288 Sabre 1646HS, 1742GS/HS LX279, LX289 L120, 145, X140 LT160 X495, 6x4, Gator 6x4, HPX4x2, HPX4x4, ProGator2030 X700, X475 X320, X534, X324, X340, Z445, Z465 Z225 (Serial No. 000,001-060,000) 115, Z225 (Serial No. 060,001-100,000) 105, L107 X300, X304, X300R, X305R (Serial no 000001-150,000) X540 X750, X754, X758, X495, X595, X748, X749 Z425 (Serial No. 000,001-040,000) Z425 Serial No. 040,001-100,000 X300R, X300, X304, X310, X320, X305R, X534 (Serial no. 150,001-) Z225 (Serial No. 100,001-120,000) Z225(Serial No. 120,001-), Z425 (Serial No. 100,001-), Z245 (Serial No. 100,001 -) Z645 (Serial No. 100,001-), Z465 (Serial No. 100,001 -) X125, X145, X135R, X105 X165, X155R

Bolts solidly to tubular frame and provides towing capability. The rear bagger bracket is included with the rear hitch for EZtrak Mover Z225/ Z425/Z625/Z645

LG182 LG183 LG184 LG185 LG189 LG190 LG191 LG193 LG195 LG196 LG197 LG230 LG240 LG243 LG245 LG249 LG251 LG253 LG254 LG256 LG257 LG260 LG263 LG264 LG265

Products available through JDPoint: Part number: AM137381

Foot Rest Extensions Makes mowing more comfortable for the operator. Includes bolt-on left and right foot rests for EZtrak Mover Z225/Z425/Z625/Z645 Products available through JDPoint: Part number: AM137437

LG267 LG268 LG269 LG271 LG272

Please check online in the Global Product Configurator for any recent part number update and bundle change.

Accessories for Mower Decks & Machines | 231

Accessories for Mower Decks & Machines (Products available through JDPoint)

Roller Striping Kit

Mower Blades

The roller kit creates a "ball park" striping effect, enhancing the finished look of the turf. The 2-in. diameter rollers are mounted to a strong 7/8-in. steel shaft.

Standard side-discharge blades provide like-new performance Products available through JDPoint:

Part number:

Products available through JDPoint:

38X mower on X300, X310, X320, X305R side discharge (complete kit) 42X mower on X300, X310, X320, Z235 side discharge (complete kit) Bagging and rear discharge X300R, X305R


48C, 48X side discharge mower on X534, X540 (3 required) 54C, 54X side discharge X534, X540 (3 required)

M145476 M143520

X700 Series with 60 inch high capacity deck. Part number: BM23648

AM141032 AM140974

42M Mulch Insert Kit

Mower Blades-Mulching Arrows point to mulch kit components Arrows point to mulch kit components

Two plastic inserts that give Freedom 42 underside contours to Edge Mulch Deck (42M).

Blade included with the mulch kit is designed for optimum mulching performance; can also be used for side discharge.

Recommended for buyers who previously owned a Freedom 42 mower deck

Products available through JDPoint:

Part number: AM140329

48C, 48X mower on X534, X540 (3 required) 38X mower on X300, X310, X320 (complete kit) 42X mower on X300, X310, X320, Z235 (complete kit) 42M Edge Mulch mower on X300, X304, X310, X320 (complete kit) 42 Rear Discharge Mower X300R, X305R (complete kit) 54C, 54X mower on X534, X540 (3 required) 62X mower on X700 Series (except X750, X754, X758) (3 required) 42 Rear Discharge Mower X130 LH 42 Rear Discharge Mower X130 RH 48 in. on mower X110, X120, 140 48 in. on mower X165, X110, X120, X140 Mulch kit 48C deck on X750, X754, X758 , X320, X534, X540, LX, LT, GX, GT Mulch kit 54HC deck on X750, X754, X758 Mower Blade M135334 Mulch kit 60HC deck on X750, X754, X758 Mower Blade M1688223

Mower Blades High Lift

High lift blades provide improved bagging performance in heavy and, or wet grass conditions, can also be used on side discharge Products available through JDPoint: 122 cm (48-in.) mower on X165 (3 required) X110, X120, X140 38X mower on X300, X310, X320 (complete kit) 62X mower on X700 Series (except X750, X754, X758) (3 required) 60-inch 7-Iron mower on X700 Series (except X750, X754, X758) (3 required) 42X bagging blade kit on X125, X145, X300, X310, X320, Z225, Z235, X110, X120, X140, X105

Part number: GX21785 AM141041 M152727 TCU15881 AM141034

Please check online in the Global Product Configurator for any recent part number update and bundle change.

232 | Accessories for Mower Decks & Machines

Part number: M127673 AM141040 AM141033 AM140973 AM140975 M145516 M145719 GX23227 GX23228 GX20819 GX21786 BM20007 BM23977 BM23978

Grass Collecting & Maintenance (Products available through JDPoint) 230 ltr. Hopper & Chute

230 ltr. Hopper & Chute Assembley with the Power Flow System

Provides an efficient means of collecting grass clippings and leaves. The hopper design provides great bagging performance, cleaner operation and easy empty bags. Incl. CE, also for L105/L107

Products available through JDPoint: Part number: Fits all 42 in. X100 Series (X125, X145, X100, X120, X140, X105) BM24469 Mower Decks, req. AM141034 Blade Kit Fits all 48 in. 100 Series Mower Decks, (req. 3 x GX21785 BM24507 for X100, X120, X140)

250 ltr. Rear Bagger System

Provides an efficient means of collecting leaves and grass clippings using the power flow material collection system.

Products available through JDPoint: 2-bag bagger 230L Hopper Fits Z225 (w/o power flow) with cut/throw chute Fits Z425 with 48/54 power flow chute and power flow blower Fits Z645 with 48/54 p ower flow chute and power flow blower

Part number: BM24511 BM23568 BM21681 BM24484 BM21631 BM24512

500ltr. Power Flow System

Provides an efficient means of collecting grass clippings and leaves. The hopper design provides great bagging performance, cleaner operation, and easy-to-empty bags.

500 ltr. capacity allows more material collection before needing to stop to empty bags.

Fits models: X300, X310, X320, X534, X540, X590

Products available through JDPoint: 2-bag 250L Hopper 38X requires 38-in. cut/throw chute 42X requires 42-in. cut/throw chute 48X requires 48/54 Power Flow chute and 48 Power Flow blower 54X requires 48/54 Power Flow chute and 54 Power Flow blower

Part number: BM24508 BM20982 BG20766 BM21681/ BM24470 BM21681/ BM24471

Rear Deflector Kit Optional rear deflector kit for rear discharge tractor easily installs in place of hopper. No tools required for installation. Deflects clippings in an even pattern behind the tractor.

Products available through JDPoint: 3-bag 500L Hopper X500 Series 48 in. Mower Deck requires 48754 Power Flow Chute and 48 Power Flow Blower compl. incl. CE Kit 54 in. Mower Deck requires 48754 Power Flow Chute and 54 Power Flow Blower (compl. incl. CE Kit) compl. incl. CE Kit X700 Series 54C Mower Deck w. Chute 62C Mower Deck w. Chute 54HC Mower Deck w. P ower Flow Blower Chute requires Click-N-Go Brackets compl. incl. CE Kit 60HC Mower Deck w. Power Flow Blower Chute requires Click-N-Go Brackets compl. incl. CE Kit

Part number: BM24510 BM21682 BM24470 BM21682 BM24471 BM24513 BM21526 BM21493 BM24516 BM24691 BM20714 BM24515 BM22535 BM20714

Products available through JDPoint: Fits X300R, X305R Tractor Part number: BM22196 Fits X130R, X135R, X155, X115R Tractor Part number: BG20822

Please check online in the Global Product Configurator for any recent part number update and bundle change.

Grass Collecting & Maintenance | 233

X950R Attachments (Products available through JDPoint)

Road homologation on X950R Need to use public roads between locations? The road homologation gives you the flexibility of easy relocating from one jobsite to another. The kit includes road homologation lights, horn and a licence plate holder. If you have either a high- or low-dump completion tractor the appropriate homologation lights kit needs to be ordered in addition.

234 | X950R Attachments

Road Homologation kit


Homologation lights kit for low-dump completion


Homologation lights kit for high-dump completion


X950R Attachments (Products available through JDPoint) Front Quick Hitch and Hydraulics

1.32 m Quick Hitch Rotary Broom

The front quick-hitch is required for X950R tractors with rotary broom. Front hitch hydraulics are available for this quick hitch. Front quick hitch


Front quick hitch hydraulics


The broom is a four-season implement designed to increase the versatility of the tractor by allowing it to be used for a variety of sweeping jobs. X950R tractor requires Front Quick Hitch (BM25334), Hydraulic Angling kit (BM20821), Front PTO kit (BM25364), Driveshaft (BM25356). 1.32 m quick hitch rotary broom (Product available through JDMint) Driveshaft for rotary broom

Hydraulic Angling Kit

3880M BM25356

Front PTO Kit Provides 0 to 27 degrees angling to the right or left using the tractor´s hydraulics. Required for some front Quick-Hitch mounted implements.

To operate the rotary broom the front PTO kit is required.

Hydraulic angling kit

Front PTO kit


Weights & Brackets


Ball Hitch Attach the ball hitch to the drawbar or rear hitch to allow towing.

Use these cast-iron weights to provide greater driving comfort for tractors with collection systems. Four weights are mandatory for high-dump. The optional orientation bracket allows pointing the weights on side to see the tractor front end and to reduce overall length. Suitcase weight 19 kg (42lb) Front weight bracket for 9x R66949

Ball hitch 1-7/8”


Ball hitch 2”


R66949 BM24363

Front weight bracket (optional orientation)


Rear weight bracket


Grass Collecting & Maintenance | 235

X950R Attachments (Products available through JDPoint) Tires and Chains

Seats The X950R is available with two suspended seat options. The comfort seat comes in addition with adjustable back and offers optional arm rests.

Standard seat


Adjustable seat


Arm rest kit for adjustable seat


The tyre chain is recommended for extra traction when using winter attachments. Turf Tyres 18x8.50-10 Tyre chains for 26x12.00-12 tyres

BM20954 TY15958

Deflector Shield

Parking Stands Parking stands allow a fast and convenient hooking and unhooking of the collector system. The tailor-made design for high- and low-dump collector provides a firm stand in parking position.

Parking stand low-dump collector


Parking stand high-dump collector


The X950R can be easily modified from a rear collect to a rear discharge mowing tractor by using the deflector kit. This especially supports mowing on different grounds such as large gardens versus extensively maintained street side grass areas. Deflector shield

12V Power Outlet


Backup Alarm Kit

The 12V power outlet kit can be used for plugging in items such as chargers for cell phones or MP3 players.

The backup alarm kit automatically sounds when put your tractor in reverse. Provides a high level of warning in busy areas when the tractor is changing direction.

12-Volt power outlet kit

Backup alarm kit

236 | X950R Attachments



Loader & Tractor Attachments (Products available through JDMint and JDPoint)

Loader & Tractor Attachments | 237

Loader Attachments (Products available through JDPoint) Ballast Box

Hood Guard

Protect your grill from brush, debris and those unexpected “bumps� that happen when getting too close while dumping or loading.

Enhance loader performance in all conditions with correct ballasting. Order a ballast box extension to add even more ballast to the rear.

1026R, H120 Loader 2320, 2025R, H130 Loader 2520, 2720, 2027R, 2032R, H130 Loader 3036 E, D160 Loader 3320,3520, 3720, H165 Loader, 300 CX Loader 3R Series, H165 Loader 3R Series, H165 Loader 4x20 Series, H180, 400 CX Loader 4R Series, H180 Loader 4R Series, 4M Series, H180 Loader, D170 Loader

Fits 1 Series H120 Loader, 2R Series 200 CX/H130 Loader , 3E Series 305/D160 Loader, 3R Series H165 Loader, 3x20 Series 300 CX Loader, 4x20 Series 400 CX/H180 Loader, D170 Loader Ballast Box BW15073 Ballast Box extension BW15074

Hood Guard Hood Guard Hood Guard Hood Guard

BW15901 BW15217 BW15634 AW33948

Hood Guard Hood Guard Deluxe Hood Guard Hood Guard Hood Guard

BW15219 BW16617 BW15222 BW15221 BW16335

Deluxe Hood Guard

BW16155 Material Buckets

Rear Wheel Weight

1026R 32,5 kg (72 lb) Starter Weight Mounting Hardware Kit for BM17973 22,5 kg (50lb) rear wheel weight Mounting hardware Kit for BM17972 (for mounting one weight on one wheel) Mounting Hardware Kit for BM17972 (for mounting two weights on one wheel) 2x20 Series, 2R Series, 3036E 32,7 kg (60 lb) rear wheel weight Mounting Hardware Kit for BM17965 3036E, 3x20 Series, 3R Series, 4x20 Series, 4M Series, 4R Series 25 kg (55 lb) additional wheel weight Mounting Hardware Kit for BM17968 Additional Mounting Hardw. Kit for BM17968 (2 weights) 3x20 Series, 3R Series, 4x20 Series, 4M Series, 4R Series 50 kg (110lb) rear wheel weight Mounting Hardware Kit for T19293 (1st weight) only for 4x20 Series, 4M Series, 4R Series Additional Mounting Hardw. Kit for T19293 (2nd weight)

BM17973 BM18089 BM17972 BM17977 BM18101

BM17965 BM17987 BM17968 LVB25004 BM19937 T19293 BM19939

Load Dirt, gravel and feed. Round back bucket design provides superior material filling and dumping 200CX, 305, H120, H130, D160, D170 200CX, 305, H120, H130, D160, D170 200CX, 300 CX, 400CX, H130, H180, D170 305, 300 CX, 400CX, H165, H180, D170

BW14144 BW14145 BW14146 BW14147

Heavy Duty Material Buckets Designed for heavier applications, this bucket features additional wear bars, bucket and end plate supports and pre-drilled holes for replacing the cutting edges. 305, 300CX, 400CX, H165, H180, D170 1550 mm (61") BW14764 300 CX, 400CX, H165, H180, D170 1850 mm (73") BW14765 High Volume Material Buckets The perfect match for moving a large capacity of light material such as mulch, sawdust and feed. 300CX, 400CX, H180, D170 300CX, 400CX, H180, D170


Please check online in the Global Product Configurator for any recent part number update and bundle change.

238 | Loader & Tractor Attachments

1250 mm (49") 1350 mm (53") 1550 mm (61") 1850 mm (73")

1850 mm (73") 2150 mm (85")

BW14658 BW15273

Loader Attachments (Products available through JDMint and JDPoint) Tooth Bar for Heavy Duty Bucket

Pallet Tines & Bale Spear

Quickly move bulky pallets, boxes and crates. Forks with floating tines can be spaced to match load dimensions. A fixed load support frame provides reliable load handling on fixed-tine models.

Recomended for use with heavy duty bucket only . Not compatible if bucket has a replaceable cutting edge installed

Products available through JDMint Pallet Tines compatible with all H120, H180, 200, 300 & 400 CX

305, 300CX, 400 CX, H165, H180, D170

1550mm (61")



300CX, 400CX, H165, H180, D170

1850mm (73")


Bale Spear compatible with all 300 & 400 CX, H180


Third Function for Front Loader

Replaceble Cutting Edge w. Hardware

Recommended for “heavier use� applications, such as Commercial operations. Replaceable Cutting Edge is reversible for longer wear life. Not compatible with tooth bars. 305, 300CX, 400 CX, H165, H180, D170

1550mm (61")


300CX, 400 CX, H165, H180, D170

1850mm (73")


300 CX, H165


400 CX, H180


External Tool Box

Parking Stand Kit

When fitted allows the loader to be removed from the 3036E Tractor 305, D160

Hoses and Oil pipes to install the third function for Front Loaders


Enjoy a convenient place to hold all of your tools. This handy box can be easily installed in three different areas of the tractor. 3x20 Series, 3R Series Cab


4x20 Series Cab or open station


Please check online in the Global Product Configurator for any recent part number update and bundle change.

Loader Attachments | 239

Tractor Attachments (Products available through JDPoint) Vertical Exhaust

Rear Wiper Direct exhaust up and over the operator's head. The perfect choice for exhaust sensitive applications such as certain vegetation. 3x20 Series open station & cab units LVB25884 3R Series open station & cab units BLV10607 4x20 Series open station & cab units LVB25765* *ask your dealer regarding serial number

Ensure clear visibility to the rear in inclement weather. Kit includes a wiper and nozzle that disperses fluid to clean the window. 3320-4720 , 3R Series, 4R Series Cab units


Rear Work Light Kit

Locking Fuel Cap A sure way to guard against theft or vandalism.

3320-4720, 3R Series, 4R Series, 4M Series Cab units


Shed some light, especially when working with rear implements 3320-4720, 3R Series, 4R Series Cab units


1026R Cab units


2x20, 3x20, 4x20 Series, 2305, 3203, 3R Series, 4M Series Open Station


Rear Fender Extension

Front Fender Guard against unwanted dirt and mud on cab glass or operator station with these front fenders.

The fender extensions significantly reduce soiling of tractor and cab and provide a better visibility.

3x20 Series Open station & cab units


2R Series, 2320-2720

Open station


4x20 Series Open station & cab units


3x20 Series, 3R Series

Open station


4x20 Series

Open station


3320-4720, 3R Series

Cab units


Backup Alarm Kit

Door Lock Kit The door lock kit features a new handle and high security dedicated cab door key that is different from the standard ignition key

Backup alarm is an audible alarm that informs operator and bystanders when unit is in reverse.

3320, 3R Series, 4x20 Series


4M Series


3320-4720, 3R Series Cab units

Please check online in the Global Product Configurator for any recent part number update and bundle change.

240 | Tractor Attachments


Tractor Attachments (Products available through JDPoint) Quick Hitch & Lift Kit

Cruise Control Kit/Automotive Upgrade Kit

This kit provides the possibility to use all the electronic benefits on the tractors equipped with eHST.

With this quick front hitch/PTO we can operate John Deere front attachments like front blade and broom.

The kit includes: – Motion Match Switch – Automotive Cruise Switch – Speed Match – Load Match Switch

1026 R 2R Series, 2x20 Series *Requires LVB26046 Front attaching support ** Requires LVB24895 Front attaching support

BLV10159* LVB24898**

3320-4720 LVB25866 3036 E (Mechanical) Cruise Control BLV10486

Front Hitch with A Frame Make changes as easily as you change your mind. Simply drive in, pick up implements, secure with pins and hydraulics and you’re done 2x20 Series, 2R Series, 2030R

3 Point Hitch


3 Point Hitch


2x20 Series, 2025R, 2027R, 2030R

Front PTO Kit


Front PTO Kit


3R Series 3R Series

2x20 Series, 2R Series, 2030R

Hydraulic Coupler Kit

3x20 Series

Front PTO (engine driven)

LVB24891 LVB25746**

*Requires LVB24889 to be fitted on 2320 or 2025R tractor or LVB25875 to be fitted on 2520/2027R and 2720/2032R ** Requires (works with) LVB25878 *** LVB24810 is needed when a mower deck is mounted on the tractor. Please check online in the Global Product Configurator for any recent part number update and bundle change.

Tractor Attachments | 241


This literature has been compiled for worldwide circulation. While general information, pictures and descriptions are provided, some illustrations and text may include finance, credit, insurance, product options and accessories not available in all regions. Please contact your local dealer for details. John Deere reserves the right to change specification and design of products described in this literature without notice.

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