Neighbors Magazine April 2024

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everybodyhasone. A free monthly magazine april2024 Neighborstm ASKFORSAMMYALFANO“THENEIGHBORHOODGUY”
ON FIRE! CAPUTO takes 1st Place at World ChampionshipCheese Contest

valentino tina

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon and the tr uth.

The truth is. For millions of people from Mexico to Maine, the upcoming Great North American Eclipse on Monday, April 8 means absolutely nothing. I completely get that. In the overall scheme of things, with a world in shambles, who really cares about the “glorious” four minutes and 27 seconds of totality when the sun is completely covered by the moon? Is it going to put food on your table or gas in your car? Will your boss even allow you four minutes to leave your desk, pull over on the highway or abandon your patients for the eclipse experience of a lifetime? Probably not While living in Illinois may not be your dream destination, it is, for this fleeting force of nature, considered to be one of the “lucky” locations in the country, directly in the path of totality.

For anyone reading this, consider yourself exceptionally “lucky” to have a space center in your backyard. Triton College’s Cernan Earth and Space Center, 2000 Fifth Avenue in River Grove, is inviting anyone interested, including area schools, libraries, and senior centers to observe the partial solar eclipse on the college’s campus. While complete totality will not be visible from the Chicago area, Triton’s Cernan Center ’s staff will shine some light on how to safely observe 93% of the sun eclipsed, weather permitting. Starting at 9:30 am, the Cernan Center ’s Box Office and Star Store will open to sell Planetarium tickets and eclipse glasses, along with other merchandise, in anticipation of the Noon to 3:30 pm watch party. Telescopes with full aperture solar filters and a variety of indirect viewing methods will be provided for all to enjoy Skies will dim over our area and the sun will be blocked by the moon, with maximum eclipse expected at 2:07 pm In addition to the sky spectacle, Triton will provide music outdoors and livestreaming video of totality indoors Planetarium light shows are also available with the purchase of a ticket

They say even the birds will get quiet in the blackness. Some describe it as frightening, others as breathtakingly beautiful some say both. Awe and amazement together don’t happen very often in the course of an ordinary day for most of us. I remember exactly where I was for the August 21, 2017 Great American Eclipse, staring up at the sky like Carl Sagan, squinting and trying desperately to see something rare and fleeting. But like most beautiful things in nature flowers blooming, stars flickering, colors changing you can’t force “the find.” The minute I stopped trying so hard to see it, there it was looking back at me, reminding me to breathe and experience a few celestial seconds of magnificence.

After April 8, the next total solar eclipse that can be seen from the contiguous United States won’t happen until 2044. Our neighbors at Triton, as well as many state legislators, are making it easy to watch safely. State Rep./House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch is offering free eclipse glasses at his District office, 10055 Roosevelt in Westchester; State Rep Brad Stephens also has a limited supply at his office, 8323 W Lawrence in Norridge, courtesy of the Illinois Optometric Association Triton is also offering glasses in bulk for schools and groups that can’t watch from the campus

In the overall scheme of things, if you miss the eclipse, it probably won’t significantly impact your life, your income or the check engine light that’s on in your car. But, if you can watch safely, the truth is that you’ll remember where you were, who you were with and that it is an extremely rare occasion when you can witness a wonder of the universe happening millions of miles away without going very far or even leaving your front porch.

Keep looking up, neighbors.

“ “



n Bellwood Public Library

n Mickey’s Drive-In

n Gioacchino’s Ristorante & Pizzeria

n Bellwood Village Hall

n Currency Exchange on Mannheim

n Center at Stevenson Park

n Proviso Township Transportation Office


n Torres Fresh Market

n Republic Bank

n Berkeley Village Hall

n Berkeley Public Library


n Lucky Dog on Harlem Avenue


n Broadview Village Hall

n Broadview Family Restaurant

n Lucky Dog on Cermak

n Dunkin Donuts on Roosevelt


n Harlo Grill #2

n Lezza Spumoni & Desserts

ELMWood Park

n Judy’s Gaming Cafe

n Armand’s Pizzeria on North Avenue

n Russell’s BBQ

n Elmwood Park Village Hall

n Elmwood Park Public Library

n Elmwood Park Recreation Center

ForEST Pa P rk

n Forest Park Village Hall

n Harvest 365

n Ed’s Foods

n Starship Restaurant

FrankLin Park

n Leyden Community Center

n Leyden Township Main Office

n Pet Paradise Supermarket

n Serna’s Grill, 25th and Grand

n Franklin Park Metra Station

n Lulu Belle’s Pancake House

n Al and Joe’s Deli

n American Legion Post #974

n Smart Wash Laundromat

n Franklin Park Public Library

n Park District of Franklin Park

n Franklin Park Village Hall


n Hillside Village Hall

n Russo’s Chapels

n Q’s Restaurant & Pizza

n Hillside Public Library

May a Wood

n Carnitas Don Alfredo Original

n Stairway of the Stars

n Poor Boy, 1st & Roosevelt

n Maywood Village Hall

MELroSE Pa P rk

n NEW Winston Plaza (near Marshalls)

n NEW Cafe Gaspar

n NEW Oh-Mar Fresh Seafood

n Tom’s Steak House

n Carnitas Don Alfredo Original (corner)

n Melrose Park Village Hall

n Melrose Park Chamber of Commerce

n Sahara Home Care on North Avenue

n Westlake Urgent Care on Lake Street

n Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

n Dunk Donuts on Lake Street

n Lucky Dog on Lake Street

n Melrose Park Public Library

n Sacred Heart Church

n Harlo Grill #1 on North Avenue

n Veterans Park District Leoni Complex

n 7-11 on Broadway

n PNC Bank, Winston Plaza

n Scudiero’s Bakery & Deli

n Pan American Bank

n Melrose Currency on Broadway

n St Paul Lutheran Resale Shop

n IHOP in Winston Plaza

n Tony’s Fresh Market on Mannheim

n Gottlieb Fitness Center


n Northlake City Hall

n Cuomo To Go

n Grant Park Recreation Center

n Northlake Public Library

n Casa Scalabrini Village

norTh rivErSidE

n Catie’s Place Gaming Cafe

n North Riverside Village Commons

rivEr ForEST

n Yolk Restaurant on North Avenue

n River Forest Chocolates

n River Forest Public Library

rivEr GrovE

n Quasthoff’s Florist

n Catie’s Place Gaming Cafe

n Triton College

n Rich’s Fresh Market

n Dunkin’ Donuts: River and Grand

n Dunkin’ Donuts near 1st and Belmont

n Bargains in a Box

n Blondie’s Diner

n River Grove Public Library

n River Grove Village Hall

n River Park Moose Lodge

SChiLLEr Pa P rk

n Al & Andy’s Restaurant

n Mobil Gas Station, 25th & Irving

n Gambino’s Fresh Market

STonE Park

n Shwings Shrimp & Wings


n Westchester Food Pantry

have a suggestion for a busy drop location? Let us know!

High-traffic distribution in the towns including Oak Park and River Forest, Bellwood, Berkeley, North Riverside, Forest Park, Hillside, Maywood, Melrose Park, Westchester as well as Elmwood Park, Franklin Park, Northlake, Schiller Park, River Grove and other communities.

Ne Neig ighb h or orst stm has the edge over other publications when it comes to readership

Tina Valentino

Executive Editor and Contributor

Winner of a Peter Lisagor Aw A ard for Exemplar y Journalism

Dee Tintori • Account Executive

Mailing Address

P. P O. Box 1501, Melrose Park, IL 60161-1501 Phone 708.343.0205

E-mail: mel60160@aol com


No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any manner without permission. Opinions and advertisements expressed are those of the writers themselves and are in no way to be construed as statements, positions or endorsements by in particular, inc © 2023

Neighborstm is a trademark of in particular, inc.

springwinewalkinforest parkapril20:cheers!

Explore the unique shops, art stops and restaurants on Madison Street in Forest Park at the Spring Wine Walk. Taste three wines at 16 locations and enjoy locally prepared small bites at taste locations/restaurants and enjoy the work of local artists along the way. Cost is $50 per person and includes all tastings plus a free bottle f wine of your choice (to be picked up from Famous Liquors within 30 days). Choose from a 12:30 pm or 1:30 pm registration time…then meet at Forest Park Bank (7348 Madison) where you’ll receive your wine glass, itinerary and more on the day of the event The Wine Walk will be held rain or shine. Get your tickets now by registering online at

Neighbors • 4

TheVeterans Memorialwill havebrickpavers permanently installed. Everyoneisinvited topurchasea pavertohonora Veteranandhelp ensurethisproject iscompleted.


How you can help HONOrHErOES

The Village of River Grove’s Veterans Memorial Commission invites individuals and families to consider purchasing pavers at the new site, while area businesses can show their support through planting a tree, sponsoring one of the 6 Armed Forces benches, sponsoring the flag pole and other monetary donations Payments can be made online at or in person at the Village Hall, 2621 N. Thatcher. Make checks payable to Village of River Grove/Ve V terans Memorial

Heroic Neighbors


The Village of River Grove along with the newly-formed Veterans Memorial Commission will break ground on April 5 at 11 am at the site of the future Veterans Memorial, Indian Boundary Road and Grand Avenue. River Grove Mayor David B Guerin said, “The vision of the Veterans Memorial is to honor those who served or are currently serving in the U.S. Armed Forces Everyone is invited to the groundbreaking ceremony. ”

Approximately 10 years ago, the current Chairman of the River Grove Veterans Memorial Commission Mike Warchol approached the Village with the idea of creating a Veterans Memorial. Challenging as the project seemed, Warchol kept pursuing the idea even though he faced numerous challenges along the way “We want to honor all Veterans...past, present and future With the help of the new Commission, along with other caring individuals, our idea is beginning to materialize,” stated Warchol

Wanting to include the community as much as possible, one initiative was to have the architectural students at Triton College create the design concepts Warchol stated, “They submitted great ideas and, after many revisions, we were able to select one that we believe will catch the attention of everyone driving by the site.” The property was acquired from the Forest Preserve with the help of many, y but notably Cook County Commissioner Peter Silvestri, Mayor Guerin, Representative Camille Lilly and Senator Don Harmon

“It is our hope that this Memorial to honor veterans will provide a place of reflection and remembrance and a place of recognition to give thanks to the many men and women who have given their lives for this country,” added Mayor Guerin.

To download forms or learn more visit

With plans finally underway, the Village of River Grove will join with neighboring municipalities that

established Memorials to pay permanent tribute to the nation’s heroes such as Berkeley, Hillside, Franklin Park, Elmwood Park, Oak Park/River Forest

Neighbors • 6
and Schiller Park.

Do you have a senior (60+) at home and are caring for them? Did you know that a family member can apply and get paid to care for them? They are called Preferred Workers. A Preferred Worker is a family member or friend that wants to take care of the client.

Ask us for more information!




an amazing neighbor Ca puto Cheese Takes 1 st at world ch ampionship

Caputo’s Nodini, their knot-shaped mozzarella tied by hand, took center stage at the World Contest in March

Over three days, thousands of the world’s best dairy products, were scrupulously judged at the 35th biennial World Championship Cheese Contest®, the world’s respected and honored technical cheese and butter competition, hosted by the Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association in Madison.

Entries are evaluated by a team of skilled technical judges from all over the world Caputo Cheese, crafting the finest, authentic Italian cheeses since 1978, entered one of its previous prize-winning favorites: Nodini, fresh mozzarella hand-tied into a knot shape, giving it even more depth of flavor and texture.

The Nodini has been racking up awards for the Melrose Park-based company since 2018 and this year was no different Named “Best of Class,” flawless in flavor, body and texture, salt, color and finish, among other attributes, according to a report by QSR, Started as a small cheese shop by René and Pasquale Caputo, the thriving company is now led by their son, Natale Caputo and a team of employees dedicated to maintaining old world taste with new world service. Visit www caputocheese com for more about the team, the history, recipes and a full product list.


AccordingtoareportbyQSR, “Thishasbeenthepremiere cheesecontestintheworld since1957,withthebiggest namesintheindustry competingeveryyear,suchas Belgioioso,CraveBrothers, LactalisandGranarolo.So,it wasahugestepforCaputo Cheesetowinagainstthese industrygiantsandshowcase theirtrueItaliancheese makingskillsthathavebeen passeddownthrough generations.”

NataleCaputo,Presidentand leaderofTeamCaputo, exclaimed,“Suchaproud momentfortheCaputoTeam! Thehardworkandpassionof ourcheesemakersreallyshined inthecontest.Notonlydidwe takeBestofClassinacategory jam-packedwiththegreatest cheesemakersintheworld,we werealsoabletoshowcaseour traditionalcheesemakingin ourNodini.”

Pictured,aboveNatCaputoand headcheesemongerJasonHerbertat apreviouscompetition;atleft, JasonappearedonFox32’s GoodDayChicagowithBrianJackson andNatalieBomkejustpriortothe 2024WorldChampionshipContest.

c a t e g o r i e s : T h i c k , P a n a n d S t u f f e d P i z z a

Best Spaghetti & Meatballs By Sun-Times Critic Pat Bruno

H o w e v e r , p i z z a i s n ’ t a l l t h a t G i o a c c h i n o ’ s e x c e l s i n A m o n g t h e i r d e l i c i o u s h o m e m a d e s p e c i a l t i e s a r e L a s a g n a , C h e e s e a n d M e a t R a v i o l i , m o u t h - w a t e r i n g M o s t a c c i o l i ; a l s o C h i c k e n V e s u v i o , V e a l S c a l l o p i n i , V e a l a l a M a r s a l a , V e a l a l a F r a n c a i s e , V e a l P a r m i g i a n a , B a k e d M o s t a c c i o l i , C h i c k e n C a c c i a t o r e , F e t t u c c i n e A l f r e d o , P e r c h , F r e n c h F r i e d S h r i m p , I t a l i a n B a c a l a , F i s h P l a t t e r a n d

708-544-0380•5201ST.CHArLESrOAd•BELLwOOd Hours:TuesdaythruThursday,11am-11pm•FridayandSaturday,11am-Midnight Sunday,Noonto11pm•ClosedMondays.WEDELIVER!Askusfordetails. KITCHENCLOSES30MINUTESBEFORECLOSINGTIME.PRICESSUBJECTTOCHANGEWITHOUTNOTICE. PICK-UPOrdELIvErYSPECIAL S m A L L C H E E S E & S A U S A G E P I Z Z A GETYOUrSFOr$10 G oacch no s • 544-0380 MUST ADD TAX No va id w h other offers Limit 1 coupon per order Mus present coupon when order ng P-Up/De ivery on y Pr ces subject to change w thou notice Exp res 4/30 24 PICK-UPOrdELIvErYSPECIAL 1 2 ” T H I N C r U S T P I Z Z A w / C H E E S E A N d S A U S A G E O N LY $1 4 50 +1FrEELITErOFSOdA! oacch no’s • 544-0380 MUST ADD TAX No va id w h other offers Limit 1 coupon per order Must present coupon when order ng P-Up/De very on y Pr ces subject to change w thou notice Exp res 4/30 24 h VOTED#1 h INWESTERNSUBURBS! Stuff f ed, Pan and Thick Pizzas & Lasagna, Spaghetti Sauce & Panzarotti in a Tr Trib i une surv r ey! F o o d e x p e r t s f r o m C h i c a g o T r i b u n e a l l a g r e e d t h a t G i o a c c h i n o ’ s h a s c r e a t e d a t a s t e t h a t p l a c e d t h e m a m o n g t h e b e s t p i z z a r e s t a u r a n t s o u t o f 9 8 i n t h e C h i c a g o l a n d a r e a G i o a c c h i n o ’ s w a s a l s o s e l e c t e d # 1 i n t h e w e s t e r n s u b u r b s i n t h r e e
m a n y o t h e r C a l a b r e s e - s t y l e d i s h e s , i n c l u d i n g t h e i r o w n P i z z a P u f f s c a l l e d P a n z a r o t t i 42YEArSINBUSINESS!LETNELLACATErYOUrPArTIES,BIGOrSmALL! 708/544-0380 OrdErYOUrFAvOrITESFrOmGIOACCHINO’S CALLUSFOrCArrY-OUT&dELIvErY GIOACCHINO’SPICKUP/dELIvErY EvErYdAYSPECIAL BrOASTEd CHICKEN8PCS + S m a l l C h e e s e P i z z a + S i d e o f m o s t a c c i o l i J u s t $2 0 00 reg. Price $2750 Gioacchino’s • 544-0380 MUST ADD TAX Not val d with o her offers Lim t 1 coupon per order Must present coupon when ordering P-Up/Del very only Prices sub ect o change w thout no ce Expires 4/30/24 GIOACCHINO’S PICKUP/dELIvErYONLYSPECIAL 4 ” T H I N C r U S T C H E E S E & S A U S A G E P I Z Z A O N LY $ 1 9 +1FrEELITErOFSOdA! oacch no s • 544-0380 MUST ADD TAX No va id w h other offers Limit 1 coupon per order Mus present coupon when order ng P-Up/De ivery on y Pr ces subject to change w thou notice Exp res 4/30 24 GIOACCHINO’SPICKUP/dELIvErY EvErYdAYSPECIAL PA rT Y - S I Z E CHEESE&SAUSAGEPIZZA ANdGET1SmALLCHEESEPIZZAFrEE! G i o a c c h i n o ’ s • 5 4 4 - 0 3 8 0 M U S T A D D T A X N o t v a d w i t h o t h e r o f f e r s L i m i t 1 c o u p o n p e r o r d e r M u s t p r e s e n t c o u p o n w h e n o r d e r i n g P - U p / D e v e r y o n l y P r i c e s s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t c e E x p i r e s 4 / 3 0 / 2 4 GIOACCHINO’SPICKUP/dELIvErY EvErYdAYSPECIAL r E G U L A r m O S TA T C C I O L I Or S PA G H E T T I w / B r E A d F O r 2 o n l y $9 95 Gioacch no’s • 544-0380 MUST ADD TAX No va d w h other offers Limit 1 coupon per order Must present coupon when order ng P-Up/De very on y Pr ces subject to change w thou notice Expires 4/30/24 GIOACCHINO’SPICKUP/dELIvErY EvErYdAYSPECIAL FA m I LY - S I Z E CHEESE&SAUSAGEPIZZA $ 2 5 95 + tax PLUSAFrEESmCHEESEPIZZA G i o a c c h i n o ’ s • 5 4 4 - 0 3 8 0 M U S T A D D T A X N o t v a d w i t h o t h e r o f f e r s L i m i t 1 c o u p o n p e r o r d e r M u s t p r e s e n t c o u p o n w h e n o r d e r i n g P - U p / D e v e r y o n l y P r c e s s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t c e E x p i r e s 4 / 3 0 / 2 4 GIOACCHINO’SPICKUP/dELIvErY EvErYdAYSPECIAL ENJOYOUrBAKEd mOSTACCIOLI FOr2+BrEAd J u s t $1 2 95 reg. Price $2150 Gioacchino’s 544-0380 MUST ADD TAX Not val d with o her offers Lim t 1 coupon per order Must present coupon when ordering P-Up/Del very only Prices sub ect o change w thout no ce Expires 4/30/24


Boy Scout Food drive in april

Boy Scout Troop 112 from Melrose Park will participate in the Annual Scouting For Food Drive and will be passing out a limited number of door hangers in the community on April 15 Scouts will then collect donation bags throughout the entire village on April 22. All food collected will be delivered to the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Food Pantry in Melrose Park

Pa P rk district of Franklin Pa P rk Events

Earth Day Celebration FREE for all ages. Join Honee the Bee and plant a tree at the Park District’s annual Earth Day Celebration. Explore the nature garden at North Park and learn how to keep the earth clean This is a family-oriented community event featuring District 84 students, interactive booths, vendors, nature, crafts, games, and prizes. The on-site shred truck will be provided by Partnership Financial Credit Union. Saturday, y April 20, Noon to 2 pm at Centre at North Park, 10040 Addison Avenue

Color Run, Walk & Roll Family Event. Lace up your running shoes and bring the family together for a morning of active fun. The 2-mile course will include fun activities, obstacles, and a touch of color along the way. Participants can either run, walk, or roll (skates, strollers, and/or wagons) towards the finish line. All ages are welcome and children under 3 are free Register by April 7 to guarantee your shirt size Proceeds will go to the Parks Foundation of Franklin Park and District 84 PTA Visit fpparks org for fees and more information Saturday, April 28, starts at 9 am at North Park.

american Legion auxiliary unit Blood drive april 29

Franklin Park American Legion’s Auxiliary Unit #974 will host a blood drive on Monday, April 29 at the Post, 9757 S Pacific Avenue in Franklin Park. Appointments are recommended but walk-ins are welcome Eat well, hydrate, bring an ID To schedule an appointment, call Vitalant at 877-258-4825 or visit Vitalant org Donors are eligible to receive a coupon for a free pint of Culver’s Frozen Custard.

veterans Fair april 18 in Bellwood

Top Flight Defense, Inc. will present a Veterans Fair on April 18, 11 am to 2 pm at Stevenson Park, 3101 Washington Avenue in Bellwood in partnership with the Village of Bellwood and Memorial Park District Access valuable resources and support. The event is free with light refreshments. For more info, call 815-714-9144 or visit www topflightdefenseinc org

More upcoming events on page 22

Neighbors • 10

Last month, Chili’s Grill & Bar restaurant management and staff, f together with Melrose Park Chamber of Commerce and Community Development Executive Director Isaac Bazbaz, Doug Olson, Director of Strategic Initiatives and Business Development/Mayor's Office-Village of Melrose Park and other local dignitaries celebrated with an official ribbon cutting at 915 W. North Avenue last month. Open Monday-Thursday, 11 am to 10 pm, Friday and Saturday, 11 am to 11 pm and Sundays, 11 am to 10 pm, Chili’s offers a fun, casual dining experience, curbside pickup, delivery and order online options.

Founded in 1975 in Dallas, Texas, Chili’s is known for bold flavors and expertise in burgers, ribs, fajitas and margaritas; as a technology pioneer leading the industry in the creation of the digital guest experience; and, as a company that puts people first. For more information, perks and to order, r visit the website at www chilis com or call 630-259-8614

Coffee, Conversations, Community Engagement

Recently, School District 88 Superintendent Dr Victoria Stockton, together with Mayor Ron Serpico, hosted a lively morning discussion at the Melrose Park Civic Center on student success within the District’s seven Proviso Township schools: Grant, Lincoln Marshall, McKinley and Roosevelt Middle School.

Neighbors • 12 chamberandchili’sstaffcelebrate
Melrose Park
is now
for business
NewsfromtheMayor’soffice Mayorserpicoremindsyou thattherearesomanyplacesto shopanddineinMelrosepark! OnesimplewaythatEVERYpersoncan makeadifferenceinthecommunityisto shoplocally...inMelrosePark. EVERYPURCHASEMATTERS. •Foreverydollarspentatalocalbusiness about$.67staysinthecommunity •Localbusinesseshirelocalemployees •Youstrengthenyourlocaleconomyand investinthecommunity A message from Mayor Ron Serpico and the Melrose Park Chamber of Commerce & Community Development 900 N. 25th Ave., Melrose Park 708/343-9500 • SHOP LOCAL


or Wings, Strips, Nuggets, Combos, Shrimp, Fish and More! Al ways fresh, never frozen—Shwings has been ser ving up grea t food for over 12 years!


All of our Wild Caught Gulf shrimp, scallops, ca tfish filets, center cut cod and seafood menu items are cooked perfectly to order in our spotless kitchen! If you ha ven’t tried our hand-breaded fried calamari, you’re definitely missing out!


Stop in or call to ask about our daily soup specials. Yo Y u’ll love our homemade Boston Clam Cho wder, Chicken To T rtilla, Chicken Pastina and Toma to Rosa Marina. Ea t in or take a few to go!

1743 N. Mannheim in stone park 1/2 block south of North Avenue on Mannheim dine in • carry out Mon-sat, 11am-11pm sun, 11am-7pm Family owned 708-483-8595 getshwingsdelivered GETHOOKEDONOUR$13.99COMBO 3 Strips or 4 Wings (w/sauce) e • 1/4 / lb. Large Shrimp Plus Fries and a Drink (includes 2 dipping sauces) Familyownedand operatedfor over 12 years!

Congressman Garcia Secures Funds for Local Projects in Franklin Park and Melrose Park

With the passage of the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2024, which is the first package of six government funding bills, Congressman Jesús “Chuy” García (IL-04) has secured $12,216,031 in Community Project Funding for Illinois’ 4th District

“I am incredibly pleased to have secured $12,216,031 in Community Project Funding to address pressing needs in our district,” Congressman García said “These investments include funding for airport and public transit renovations, affordable housing, child care, youth centers, roadway and water supply rehabilitation, and workforce training spaces I am proud to have delivered investments that will make our community healthier, safer, and stronger.”

Congressman García secured funding for 14 projects across the City of Chicago, LaGrange Park, as well as two key projects in Franklin Park and Melrose Park. Franklin Park Mayor Barrett Pedersen recently attended a press conference with Congressman Chuy Garcia and thanked him for the $959,752 grant for Schiller Boulevard Improvements to initiate the Lead Service Replacement Program from Scott Street to Ruby Street The funding goes beyond road repair as it provides families with access to clean water while creating a more welcoming, landscaped environment

$490,000 in grant funds will go to the Village of Melrose Park’s 25th Avenue Water System Improvements Project to reconstruct the newer parallel water main replacements along 25th Avenue in Melrose Park

For more information on all of the Community Project Funding for the District and other news, visit the website at www chuygarcia house gov

Neighbors • 14 APERSONALIZED APPROACH TOMANAGING WEALTH. Please join us for our monthly Zoom Coffee Cha t. Gain insights into the market, especially in these uncertain times. Contact Emily a t for details. 3416HarlemAvenue,Riverside 708-853-9252| Newsfromyourelectedofficials PEOPLEforthe
HANdCrAFTEdArTISANCOUvErTUrE CHOCOLATESmAdEIN-HOUSE Signature Sea Salt Caramels & English Toffee Traditional Favorites and Trending Rages: From Tortoises to Freeze-Dried Candy Housemade Popcorn • Chocolate Pretzels S’more Pops • Gran Marnier Pecans
Chocolate Potato Chips Specialty Favors & Event Party Trays G i v e A G i f t C a r d ! Chocolate mAKESLIFEALITTLESwEETEr Chocolateisawonderfulwaytosay “thankyou”toguests,clientsandfriends. LetRiverForestChocolatessharethe importantmomentsinyourlife.Perfectfor graduations,birthdays,anniversaries, weddings,corporategifts,dinnerpartiesor “I’mThinkingofYou.” 7769LakeStreet•riverForest 708.366.0891 Openmonday-Saturday,10-5 mOTHEr’SdAYISmAY12,2024

it’stimeto SIGNUP!

Gouinpoolearlybirdpoolpasses! they’reonsalenowatGrantpark, cimbaloFitness&Leonicomplex

Dive into summer fun at Gouin Pool & Water Slides! Mark your calendars for the pre-season opening on May 25, kicking off daily operations from Noon-6 pm. Residents can snag an incredible deal with an Early Bird Pass, priced at just $50, while out-of-district visitors can secure their spot for $70 per person until May 25

Looking to make a splash with friends and family? We've got you covered with discounts available for groups of four or more just call at (708) 343-5270 for more information Swing by Grant Park, Cimbalo Fitness Center or Leoni Complex to register and receive your ID, ensuring seamless access to all the aquatic excitement throughout the season

Remember, Season Passes are non-refundable, so don't miss out on this unbeatable opportunity to make a splash all summer long!


or call the office at 708-343-5270 for more information on Batting Cages and the Golf Simulator, r Early Childhood, Athletic Programs, Fitness Classes at Cimbalo Fitness Center, Active Adults and Special Recreation Programs. Follow VPD on Facebook.

n Bulger Park, 1601 hirsch, Melrose Park

n Leoni Complex, 800 n. 17th, Melrose Park

n Grant Park, 44 W. Golfview dr., northlake


n indoor Pickleball Courts. Pickleball court rental at Grant Park Recreation Center on Monday-Friday, 8 am to 1 pm. Paddles and balls included. $3/Seniors, $5/Resident and $8/Non-Resident or purchase a punch pass and save Call 708-343-5270 to reserve your court Or head over to Cimbalo Fitness Center to get in on the Pickleball fun! The rules are simple and easy to learn, making it fun for athletes of all ages but can also develop into a quick, fast-paced, competitive game for experienced players. Court rental fee is $7/hour (paddles/pickleballs are provided) Lessons coming in June Call 708-343-5151 for more information

n volleyball. This fun and instructional program prepares players to succeed in volleyball Players will improve their serving, bumping, setting and spiking skills Games will be played throughout the program. Teamwork and good sportsmanship are stressed Ages 10-15 on Mondays, 4-5:45 pm, April 1-22 Fee is R$55/NR$70 Classes are held at Grant Park.

n Toddler Turf Time. It’s a morning filled with fun, fitness and sports challenges! Each day will include playbased themed stations, interactive circle time with music and movement. Please bring your child in comfortable clothing that is easy to move around in (no dresses or skirts) and a water bottle with their name on it. Ages 2-5 (2’s & 3’s with adult) from 10-11 am on Mondays, April 29-June 10 (No class May 27) Class is held George A. Leoni Complex. Fee is R$55/NR$65.

n Parent & Tot yoga. Yoga, mindfulness and meditation! Ms Victoria will provide you and your child an introduction to yoga in a fun and positive atmosphere Each day will include interactive circle time, a yoga story and mini yoga sessions Please bring your child in comfortable clothing that is easy to move around in (no dresses or shirts) and a water bottle with their name on it. Ages 2-5 (2’s & 3’s with adult) from 10-11 am on Tuesdays Class is held Grant Park Fee is R$50/NR$60


n Snack attack. Snack time will never be the same! All necessary cooking equipment and ingredients will be provided Pre-registration required Ages 5-10 from 5-6:15pm on Tuesdays, April 16-May 7 at Bulger Park; or Saturdays, April 13-May 4 from 10-11:15am at Grant Park Recreation Center Fee is: R$55/NR$65 Registration deadline is April 5.

Neighbors • 18

Westlake UrgentCareNFP

our Lady of Mount Carmel Pa P rish/Shrine

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish/Shrine is located at 1101 N 23rd Avenue in Melrose Park For more information, call the Rectory at 708-344-4140 Upcoming events include: Annunciation, Saturday, April 6 (anticipated). Mass and Rosary followed by breakfast in the gym 9 am tri-lingual Mass Divine Mercy, y Sunday, April 7. Chaplet before Mass. Regular Sunday schedule.

Scalabrini Retreat, Monday, y April 8 through Friday, April 12 No Masses this week, only services.

Mass for Padre Pio, Sunday, April 28 10:30 am Italian Mass followed by reception

Symphony of oPrF Events in april

The Symphony of Oak Park & River Forest and Combined Choruses will perform a Chicago-area premiere at Concordia University’s Chapel in River Forest on Sunday, y April 7 at 4 pm Franz Liszt’s Missa Solemnis has only rarely been performed in the United States and never by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Music Director Jay Friedman will lead the awardwinning orchestra and combined choruses in the performance. A preconcert conversation with David Leehey begins at 3 pm, and a free reception follows the performance. Tickets are $30 in advance ($35 on concert day), and students through college are admitted free of charge

To purchase tickets, go to www.SymphonyOPRF. F org or call 708-218-2648 Sponsored in part by grants from Emerging Artists Chicago, The Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation, the Illinois Arts Council, and the Oak Park Area Arts Council

Harpist Jennifer Ruggieri will perform a variety of works for solo harp on Sunday, y April 14, at 3 pm at Pleasant Home, 217 S Home Avenue in Oak Park Tickets include admission to the historic home, the concert, snacks, and beverages.

Ruggieri is principal harpist with The Symphony of Oak Park & River Forest, and the program is co-sponsored by the Park District of Oak Park and The Symphony of Oak Park & River Forest Tickets are available by calling 708-725-2000 or at

Neighbors • 22
NeighborsMagazine:Advertise! Findratesandmoreinformationonthewebsite FollowNeighborsonFacebookandInstagram wedeliverwithdoordashandUberEats oRiGiNAL 2501w.Lake,melrosePark 708/338-0844 m-F,8am-8pm SAT-SUN,6:30am-8pm Enjoyallofyour favoritesat ournewest locationin Bensenville’s deCampanaPlaza 223w.Grand Bensenville 630/422-7779 m-SAT,8am-8pm SUN,8am-6pm 15N.1stAve.,maywood 708/343-3351 m-F,8am-8pm SAT-SUN,6:30am-8pm CarnitasDonAlfredo —original— estiLoMicHoAcAN NOWINBENSENVILLE Bensenville’sDeCampanaPlaza 223W.GrandAvenue 630/422-7769 GRAciAs!tHANkYou!






LoanModifications&ShortSales ForeclosureDefense





Neighbors•23 LawOfficeof
BankruptcyProtection EstatePlanning(Wills/Trusts)

YOURLIBRARY: fun,informative

Bellwood Public Library Located at 600 S Bohland Avenue; call 547-7393, ext 4 to register or visit www bellwoodlibrary org Registration is required for most programs

App Set-up Hours. Friday, April 5, 11 am to 1 pm. Need help with a library app like Hoopla, Kanopy or Libby? Reference librarians can help Appointments are required

Self-Defense Class Saturday, April 6, 1 pm Learn basic strike and escape techniques then practice self-defense tactics in several “what if” scenarios. For both teens and adults.

Computer Spring Cleaning. Monday, April 8, 6:30 pm. A short workshop on spring cleaning your computer including organizing and deleting files, updating software and physical care

Basics of Internet Searching Tuesday, April 9, 1 pm

Illinois State Parks. Wednesday, April 10, 6:30 pm. Illinois has 150 state parks and Celeste Brown has been to 85 of them. Hear about all that the state parks have to offer

Senior Social Hour Friday, April 12, 10:30 to 11:30 am Join fellow seniors at the library for donuts, coffee and fun activities

I-Cash Table (Illinois State Treasurer). Tuesday, April 16, 1:30 to 6 pm Stop by the I-Cash table in the lobby to see if you have any unclaimed property being held by the State of Illinois

Voter Registration Table Wednesday, April 17, 5 to 7 pm

Springtime in Italy (virtual). Wednesday, April 17, 6:30 pm. Chef Kristyn Slick presents a virtual cook-along.

More Berkeley Library programs on page 26 FollowWolff’sonFacebookandInstagram Visitwww.wolffs.comorcall847-524-9590

Bellwood Banned Books Club Wednesday, April 17, 7 pm

Discussion of The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

Tech Help (April) Friday, April 19, 1:15 to 4:15 pm Having issues with your computer or mobile devices? Bring in your tech and receive one-on-one help from our tech guy! Appointments required.

Sound Bath Meditation Tuesday, April 23, 12:30 pm

100 Things to Do in Illinois Before You Die Saturday, April 27, 1 pm Author Melanie Holmes' will show you "hot spots" in Illinois for day jaunts, weekend trips, or week-long excursions, many for free or minimal cost.

Chair Yoga, Wednesdays, 11 am

Yoga with Rhonda Thursdays, 6 pm

Zumba with LaToya Saturdays, 10 am

Berkeley Public Library. Located at 1637 N. Taft Avenue; call 708-544-6017 or visit the website at www berkeleypl org For more program info, stop in, visit the website or follow on Facebook The BPL is now a passport acceptance facility


Friends of the Library Spring Book Sale and Raffle. Saturday, April 6 11 am to 3 pm There will be home-made baked good items for sale and two spring-themed raffle prizes Raffle tickets are $1/each or 6/$5. Vendor rzpaintandpapergifts will be selling handmade scented candles, paintings, and more with all proceeds going to the library

Eclipse Putt-Putt Saturday, April 6, Noon to 2 pm Looking for an out-of-this-world way to spend time before the solar eclipse? Play Book Putt-Putt golf in the library's lower level.

Eclipse Day. Monday, April 8. Noon to 4 pm. Learn about solar eclipses and observe it from Berkeley This will be the last full solar eclipse observable in the US until 2044, so you won't want to miss out Eclipse glasses available to attendees

Neighbors • 24
opeNs ApRiL28! NeighborsMagazine Needinfo?Checkthewebsite! Visitwww.neighborsmagazine.comformore information,advertisingratesandreadthe latestissue.Yes,Neighborsreachesmorethan 20,000readersinthesuburbseverymonth!

YOUR LIBRARY: fun,informative

activities authors•answers

More Berkeley Library programs

FREE Reptile Event Saturday, April 13, 1 to 2:30 pm A live and close-up presentation with reptiles and amphibians from around the world, presented by Dave DiNaso, Traveling World of Reptiles

Preschool Play Cafe, April 3, 10, 17, 24, 11 am to Noon

Story Time, April 3, 10, 17, 24, 10:30 to 11:15 am.

Chair Yoga, April 3, 10, 17, 24, 2 to 3 pm.

Adult Bingo, Monday, April 8, 1 to 2 pm.

Adult Bunco, Monday, April 15, 1 to 2 pm

Adult Book Club, April 10, 6:30 to 7:45 pm

Fit & Strong, Mondays and Thursdays through April 11, 11:30 am to 1:30 pm

Tea & Mystery, April 12, 10:30 am to 12:45 pm.

Franklin Park Public Library Located at 10311 Grand Avenue in Franklin Park, call 847-455-6016 or visit the website at www fppld org Unless otherwise noted, registration is required for all programs

Chair Yoga. By Zoom or by phone. Mondays, April 1 and 22, 3 to 4 pm. Registration is required to email you the Zoom and phone information before the program date

Baby Storytime Must register All ages with caregiver Wednesdays, April 3, 10, 17 and 24, 11 to 11:30 am

Knit & Crochet Group Saturdays, April 6 and 29, 1 to 3 pm

Mat Yoga. Participate through Zoom. Registration required to email you the Zoom info before the program date. Mondays, April 8 and 29, 3 to 4 pm.

Tinker Tots Ages 0-5 with caregiver Tuesdays, April 9 and 23, 11 am to Noon

Family Trivia Nite Snacks provided Prizes offered for three rounds of trivia Grades K-5 Wednesday, April 10, 5 to 6 pm

Tech Wednesday: Intro to Mac. Learn the basics. Bringing your own device is encouraged. Tuesday, April 10, 6 to 7:30 pm.

Ready, Set, Game! Open gaming club with snacks Play retro and new games, even board and card games Grades 3-5 Tuesdays, April 11 and 25, 5 to 6:30 pm

Friends of the Library Book Sale Great deals on new or gently used books, CDs, and DVDs. You can also buy a reusable Friends tote bag full of materials for $5. Saturday, April 13, 11 am to 2 pm.

Tech Wednesday: Intro to Linux Learn the basics of terminal use, maintenance, useful tweaks and more Bringing your own device is encouraged Tuesday, April 17, 6 to 7:30 pm


Several local libraries, including Berkeley and northlake will be offering opportunties to learn about the eclipse as well as the special safety glasses required for viewing on Monday, april 8, at approximately 2 pm Check library listings for details.

Celebrating Earth Day. Paint your own plant and other fun activities Grades K-5 Monday, April 22, 5 to 6 pm

Tech Wednesday Intro to Programming Learn the basics of Python and C++ Wednesday, April 24, 5 to 6:30 pm

Friday Flicks Watch “Poor Things” (R) on Friday, April 26, 1 to 3:15 pm.

hillside Public Library. Located at 405 Hillside Avenue, call 449-7510 or visit www hillsidelibrary org Follow the Library on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter All programs are free

ONGOING Mixed Stitchers Every Thursday at 6 pm

Mid-Day Chair and Floor Yoga, every Friday, 12:30 pm

Senior Tech Help. Call for an appointment.

Food Drive: Food donations are always accepted at the library and benefit the Immanuel-Lutheran Hillside Food Pantry

northlake Public Library. 231 N Wolf Road in Northlake Register for most programs online at www northlakelibrary org or call the Library at 562-2301 x5.

ALL AGES: Eclipse Viewing Party. A total solar eclipse will cross North America and will reach totality at 2:07 pm in Illinois The Library will have eclipse glasses to hand out a week prior to the event (while supplies last), then safely view the eclipse while enjoying snacks Monday, April 8, 2 pm

Dia de los Niños. Celebrate with a Magic Bubble Show, cupcakes, a goodie bag, and a free book for each child that attends. While supplies last. Saturday, April 27, 1-3 pm.

ADULTS: Soap Making 101 Learn the basics and making our own bars of soap Thursday, April 18, 7 pm

CHILDREN: Mommy and Me Zumba Ages 0-3 with a parent Ms Kim makes sure you and your little one enjoys a fun, energizing workout. Fridays in April, 10-11 am.

Flower Pot Painting, Saturday, April 6, 2 to 3:30 pm, ages 6-13.

Cinderella Movie Night, Saturday, April 13, 1 to 3 pm All ages

Wonderworks at the Library Sunday, April 14, 2 to 3:30 pm

Seashell Painting Saturday, y April 20, 2 to 3 pm Ages 6-8

Teddy Bear Tea Party Wednesday, April 24, 6:30 to 7:15 pm for ages 6-10.

TEENS: Promposals. Get craft and create your promposal on Thursday, April 11, 6 pm

Universal Taste Test Thursday, April 26, 6 pm Sample snacks and candy from around the world

Neighbors • 26










16CANDLES 8-10p.m.



HIINFIDELITY 8:30-10:30p.m.

LawnChairsareEncouraged-NODogs NOCoolersorOutsideFood&Beverages

SATURDAY 2-4p.m.

BLOOZEBROTHERS 5:30-7:30p.m.

MIKE&JOE 8:30-10:30p.m.



HELLOWEEKEND 3:30-5:30p.m.

THEPONDHAWKS 6:30-8:30p.m.

-The Villag e of FriendlyNeighbors

YOUR LIBRARY: fun,informative activities


river Forest Public Library 735 Lathrop, River Forest Visit www riverforestlibrary org or call 366-5205 for updates

Family Story Time and Play Ages 0-6 Fridays, April 5 and 12, 10 to 11 am.

Virtual Stories and Crafts for Families On the YouTube channel second Tuesday of each month Tuesday, y April 9, 10 am

Afternoon Book Club for adults. Wednesday, April 10, 1:30 to 2:30 pm.

Story Stretchers, K-2 Wednesdays, April 10 and 17, 4 to 4:30 pm Crafts, games, storytelling

Toddler Time, 18 months-3 years with a caregiver. Thursday, April 11, 10 to 10:30 am.

Family Trivia and Pizza, Ages 10 and up Thursday, y April 11, 6 to 7:30 pm Registration required When you register, please indicate the number of people on your family’s team. Make sure at least one person on the team has a smart phone to enter your answers Now at a new start time, 6 pm This event is for families only If you are an adult who wants to play trivia with other adults, please register for our Adult Trivia Night on April 25.

All Levels Yoga Saturday, April 13, 2 to 3 pm Bring your own mat Registration required

Pastries & Poetry Around the World, Adults. Sunday, April 14, 2 to 3:30 pm. Librarian and poet Stavroula Harissis leads a program in which you can sample pastries from four different countries, read and discuss poems by international poets, and write a poem of your own as part of National Poetry Month! Brought to you in partnership with the River Forest Township.

Great Decisions Adults Talk about the most pressing international issues in this eight-part series from the Foreign Policy Association. This topic: Understanding Indonesia. Wednesday, April 17, 1 to 2:30 pm

Poems for Pancakes Thursday, April 18, 3:30 to 4:30 pm Grades 5-8 Read a poem, receive a pancake

Film Lover Fridays. Adult. Friday, April 19, 1 to 3:30 pm. Watch Great Expectations based on the Charles Dickens novel Snacks will be served, but you may also bring a lunch After-film discussion with expert Jim Jacob. Brought to you in partnership with River Forest Township.

Crayon Recycling Monday, y April 22, 3:30 to 4:30 pm Grades 58 Recycle old crayons into new ones

Global Film Forum. Sunday, y April 28, 2 to 4 pm. For adults. Cinema from around the world.


relive the past with Cheryl Brown as she revisits the history of kiddieland on Thursday, y april 11, 6:30 to 7:30 pm at the river Grove Library. y re-experience the park through videos on a busy summer day. Learn about the final auction of the rides, why the park had to close, and where the rides are today. y registration required.

river Grove Public Library

8638 W Grand Avenue in River Grove Visit the website at www rivergrovelibrary org for updates and virtual programs Registration is required unless otherwise noted

AM Storytime, Thursday, April 4, 11, 18 and 25, 11 to 11:45 am. PM Storytime, Thursday, April 4, 11, 18 and 25, 1 to 1:45 pm Ages 4 and under r This year ’ s theme is Months of the Year r Registration required Call or email Mrs Tucker for more information: 708-4534484 (

Night Ta T les: Poetry Monday, y April 8, 6 to 7 pm Share what you ’ re reading and create some blackout poetry There will also be a snack. For ages 9-12. Registration required.

Kiddieland Remembered, Thursday, April 11, 6:30 to 7:30 pm. From 1929 to 2009, Kiddieland in Melrose Park was Chicago’s favorite and one of the last family owned amusement parks in the country. Join a fun presentation that will take you back in time. Relive the past with Cheryl Brown as she revisits the history of the park with vintage photos Re-experience the park through videos on a busy summer day Learn about the final auction of the rides, why the park had to close, and where the rides are today. Registration required.

Nintendo Game Day, Saturday, y April 13, 11 am to 2 pm There will also be board games and snacks Ages 9-17 Registration required.

Grab & Go: Coffee Filter Flower. r Monday, April 15. Kits are limited Registration required

Night Ta T les: Earth Day Monday, y April 15, 6 to 7 pm Share what you ’ re reading and make a mini fairy garden. There will also be a snack. For ages 9-12. Registration required.

Evening Ta T les Wednesday, y April 17 and 24, 6 to 6:45 pm Ages 5-8 Read a short story, make a craft, have a snack and play games Register for each day separately. Call or email Mrs. Tucker for more information: 708-453-4484 (youth@rivergrovelibrary org)

Family Movie Night: Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, Monday, April 22, 5 to 7 pm Come on in to watch Puss in Boots: The Last Wish There will be popcorn and drinks available. This is a family event. Registration required

Book Tasting, Thursday, y April 25, 6 to 7 pm Bring in a book you love or just discovered and take a few minutes to tell others about it. Registration required.

History of Legos with Cheryl Brown Saturday, April 27, 1:30 to 2:30 pm Come on in to learn about the history of Legos from Cheryl Brown and have a chance to win some fun door prizes. This is a family event. Registration required.

Neighbors • 28


Here’s the schedule

Marvel at the universe by observing the partial solar eclipse on Monday, April 8. While totality will not be visible from the Chicago area, Triton College’s Cernan Earth and Space Center is hosting an event to safely observe 93% of the sun eclipsed, weather permitting

All ages are encouraged to come view the partial solar eclipse from the Cernan Earth and Space Center on the Triton College campus The schedule for the Monday, April 8 event follows:

9:30 am: The Cernan Center’s Box Office and Star Store will open to sell Planetarium tickets and eclipse glasses, along with other merchandise

noon-3:30 pm: Weather permitting, visitors will observe the partial solar eclipse, which will begin at 12:51 p.m. CDT as seen from Triton College Telescopes with full aperture solar filters and a variety of indirect viewing methods will be provided for all to enjoy Over the next hour, more and more of the sun ’ s bright disk will be blocked by the moon Maximum eclipse will occur at 2:07 pm CDT After that time, the moon will appear to cover less and less of the sun ’ s disk until “last contact” at the end of the partial phase at 3:22 pm CDT

Enjoy music outdoors, watch livestreaming video of totality indoors, and make and take UV bracelets in the Cernan Center lobby. View the eclipse safely with protection glasses available for purchase in the Cernan Center’s Star Store. These glasses are $1.80 each and the center is offering quantity discounts to schools, senior centers, scouts and other groups

ECLiPSE: The Sun revealed will be showing in the Planetarium at 11:30 am, 12:10 pm, 12:50 pm and 1:30 pm Tickets are $4 each for all ages.

Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon Cosmic Light Show is at 2:30 pm and 3:30 pm. Tickets are $5 each.


Tr iton Celebrates 60 Ye Y ars of Excellence

Everyone’s Invited To T Celebrate on Apr il 28

Celebrate Triton College’s 60-year anniversary with Triton’s fourth annual Car Show combined with the Community Block Party on Sunday, April 28, 10 am until 2 pm, located in Triton’s West Campus parking lots at Fifth Avenue and Hemingway Drive. Car show participants are encouraged to register in advance at www triton edu/carshow

Hosted by Triton’s Automotive Technology and Admissions departments, this familyfriendly event will feature a mix of classic cars, antique cars, trucks and several modern vehicles The Car Show attracts hundreds of people from Chicago and suburban areas to enjoy both the cars and the campus. In case of inclement weather, r an alternate rain date has been scheduled for Sunday, May 5

• As a salute to the year Triton College was founded, the Car Show is also welcoming a special showcase of cars from 1964 Attendees will enjoy music from the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s, while they browse their favorite classic cars.

• The Community Block Party will celebrate the college’s 60-year anniversary and showcase Triton’s many departments, fire trucks and Farm Stand Tours of Triton College’s Automotive Technology Department will also be conducted.

• The Triton College Cernan Earth and Space Center will be presenting sample programs in the Planetarium every 30 minutes.

• Food trucks will be selling food and beverages. Please note that alcohol is not allowed on Triton’s campus

Those who are interested in registering their car for the show should visit www triton edu/carshow For more information, please contact carshow@triton edu or (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3485.

Triton’s Automotive Program offers several associate degree options for students, including the Automotive Technology Degree Triton’s Automotive Program keeps up with new technology standards, helping graduates be prepared to succeed in the automotive field

Neighbors • 30
Formoreinformationortoregisteryourvehicle,pleasevisit Incaseofinclementweather,raindatewillbeSunday,May5,2024. Makeityour summerofsuccess Savetime,moneyandgetcloser toyourgoals! ClassesbeginMay28,2024. WishTritonCollegeahappyanniversary atourCommunityBlockPartyand participateinoneofTriton’smostpopular events—theCarShow! Sunday,April28,2024 10a.m.-2p.m. TritonCollegeWestCampus FifthAvenueandHemingwayDrive

Rememberingour NEIGHBORS

acEvEDo, Jose Juan Manuel Amaro of Schiller Park. Husband to Socorro, nee Avila, Amaro; father of Diego (Elizabeth) Amaro, Gabriela (Donald) Skenandore, Juan Manuel, Jr (Teresa) Amaro, Joel Amaro and the late Lupita Amaro; grandfather of Jasmine, Evelyn, Angel, Eliana, Isabela, Max, Emma, Rosalia and Josiah; brother of Uriel (Socorro) Amaro, Elena Amaro, M Refugio (the late Abel) Villagrana, Gabriel (Amparo) Amaro, Jesus Amaro, M Carmen Amaro, Rafael (Dalia) Amaro, Luis Miguel (Tania) Amaro, Jorge (Patricia) Amaro and M. Guadalupe (Rafael) Amaro; uncle and friend of many. Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside. ayala, Felicita R Wife of the late Abdon S Ayala, mother of the late Olga A (Bob) Rhode (Deceased), Juanita A Rodriguez and Bruny A (Samuel) Santiago; grandmother of Victoria (Peter) Eupierre, Guy (Monica) Ramirez, Angela (Christian) Hermanson and Samanthony (Bethany) Santiago; friend of many Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N 25th Avenue, Melrose Park baRNES, David Lee Sr. Husband of the late Emma L. Barnes; father of Rose (Daniel) Mason, David Jr. (LaQuita) Barnes, Denozanna “Dee” Moore, Mary (Dennis) Wilson, and Shelley (Mark) Montgomery; grandfather of 16 grandchildren and great-grandfather of three; brother of Mary Giles, Maggie Cee Williams, Dorothy Burton Moore, Mary Katherine Skinner, Dorothy Gibson, Vichelle Frazier, Niya Cross, the late Mattie Lee Bell, the late Bobbie J Bryson, and the late James E Taylor, Sr ; uncle and friend of many Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside caNo, Lucila Monarrez. Wife of the late Gabriel Monarrez Montenegro; mother of Alicia (Aurelio) Rodriguez, Juan Manuel (Marcelina) Monarrez, Victoria (Salvador) Garcia, Mariana (Anastasio) Rodriguez, Eduvijes (Adolfo) Chaidez, Ubaldina (Santos) Rodriguez, Margarita (Victor) Lopez, Ramon (Crisanta) Monarrez, Criselda (David) Martinez, Concepsion (Dora) Monarrez, Cruselba (Elias) Duarte, Lucila Monarrez and Gabriel Monarrez Jr ; grandmother of Sonia (the late Hector Silva) Rodriguez, Jesse (Sandra) Rodriguez, Saul (Ashley) Rodriguez, Elidia (Fernando) Camarillo, Marisela (Adrian) Rivera, Yesenia (Jose) Alvarez, Vicente (Daisy) Monarrez, Efrain (Catalina) Garcia, Arturo (Maggie) Garcia, Hector and Elizabeth Garcia, Maria de los Angeles Rodriguez, Alejandrina (Ricardo) Perez, Gerardo (Alicia) Rodriguez, Freddy (Korrina) Rodriguez, Bryan Duarte, Leslie (Jose) Duarte, David (Jenny) Martinez, Alejando Martinez, Isela (Carlos) Flores, Erica Rodriguez, Julissa (Pedro) Ruiz, Jessica Monarrez, Patricia (Daniel) Navar, AnaBerta Carrasco, Jose Carrasco, Mirella (Emmanuel) Diaz, Ivan (Janelle) Chaidez, Ruben (Remy) Monarrez, Alexis and Angie Monarrez, Jamilex Monarrez, Carlos Monarrez, Martin (Grecia) Saucedo, Gabriela Saucedo, Evelyn Monarrez, Yibel S. Monarrez, Gabriel F. Monarrez, Ruby G. Monarrez, Nancy and Eddie Lopez, Abram and Carolina Lopez, Victor and Elise Lopez and Jonathan Duarte; great-grandmother of 68 and great-great-grandmother of seven; sister of the late Ricardo (the late Fidelia) Cano, the late Luciana (the late Lorenzo) Cano, the late Antonia (the late Santos) Monarrez, Leonila (the late Felipe) Monarrez, Alfredo (the late Antonia) Cano and the late Alfredo Cano Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside cuNDaRI, Robin. Soulmate of Vito Brescia; mother of Amy Voyles, Nicole (Mike) Blangin, and Gianna Brescia; Nana of Isabella and Michael Charmoli; sister of Al “Butchie” (Melody) Cundari, and William “Billy” (Bridget) Cundari; aunt of Ashley and Carmen; great-aunt of Olivia and Alessandra; cousin and friend of many Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515

Neighbors • 32
8125 W. GRAND AVENUE RIVER GROVE order 24/7 • Exceptional/made-to-order flower arrangements • Fruit & gourmet gift baskets made when you order • Ever y kind of green & blooming plant • Professional wedding/sympathy consultants • Centerpieces and gift-giving for ever y occasion! • Cemeter y Decorations CHECKOUTOUR UBEREATSSPECIALS Family-Owned and Operated for 100 Years (708) 456-7890 Mother’sDaySunday,May12 ORDEREARLYANDLETUSSENDSOMELOVE! Callusforanyoccasion:HappyBirthday,Congrats, HappyAnniversary,Graduations,Promsandmore!
Avenue, Melrose Park

phoneinordertoreceiveprize.Prizesarenon-transferable.Alltaxes,ifapplicable,onanyprizeawardedarethesoleresponsibilityofthewinner.Sponsorsreservetherighttosubstituteanylistedprizeforoneofequalorgreatervalue foranyreason.EachParticipantreleasesandagreestoindemnifyandholdharmlesstheSponsors,theirrespectiveparents,affiliates,subsidiaries,relatedcompanies,directors,officers,employees,representatives,agents,successors andassignsfromanyandallliabilityforanyinjuries,lossordamageofanykindtoParticipantarisinginwholeorinpart,directlyorindirectly,fromacceptance,possession,useormisuseofaprizeorparticipationinPromotion.The winnershallbearallriskoflossordamagetohis/herprizeafterithasbeenacceptedand/ordelivered.Sponsorwillnotberesponsibleforlost,late,incomplete,stolen,misdirected,illegibleorpostage-dueentries;oranyandalltechnical errororfailure.PromotionissubjecttothelawsofIllinois.

$300 $100 $100 STEPUPTOTHEPOdIUmINAPrIL $500 ThisPromotionisconductedbyAccelEntertainmentGaming,LLC(“Accel”),locatedat140Towerroad,Burrridge,IL,60527,andBroadwaySlots,locatedat1811N.19thAvenueinmelrosePark,togetherthe“Sponsors.”Participantsin Promotionmustbeatleasttwenty-one(21)yearsofage.EmployeesofBroadwaySlotsarenoteligibletoparticipate.Acopyofyouridentificationwillberequiredinordertoredeemprize(s).Sponsorsreservetherightintheirsole discretiontodisqualifyanyParticipantforanyreason,andtoterminate,modifyorsuspendthePromotionatanytimeforanyreason.Nopurchaseisnecessarytoenter,norwillapurchaseimproveorincreaseaParticipant’schancesof winning.PromotionPeriodbeginsat11amon4/1/24andendsat7pmon4/30/24.OnceperdayduringPromotionPeriod,Participantsmayfilloutanentryformatlocation.At7pmon4/30/24,Locationwillchooseone(1)winnertowin $300,1winnertowin$100and1winnertowin$100.TheoddsofwinningaresolelybasedontheamountofentriesreceivedduringthePromotionPeriod.Participantsdonotneedtobepresenttowin.Locationwillcontactwinner(s)via

majorCreditCards Accepted $10offyourfirst3 regularcleaningservices 708-860-7338

D’aMElIo, Gioacomo Husband of Antonietta; father of Victor (Bonnie), Carmela (Tony), Josephine (Steve) and Theresa (Michael); grandfather of Andrew, Matthew, Samantha, Mark, Steven and Brooke. Actively involved with the Joint Civic Committee of Italian Americans; Member and former President of the Flowers of Italy Club in Melrose Park; Our Lady of Mount Carmel Man of the Year in 2009 and longtime member of the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish-Shrine Feast Committee

DavIS, Queen E , of Maywood Wife of the late Clyde Davis; mother of Jacqueline Simmons, Linda Steward, Clyde Davis Jr and Lionel Davis; grandmother of Lionel Davis Jr , Shaquan Davis, Parish Davis, Portland Davis, Brianna Wren, Eden Tines, Delaney Watt, Jaylon Steward, Felicia McNeal, Cornelius Campbell, Darnesha Davis, Keon Davis, Koma Davis, Komaria Davis, Khalliyiah Davis, Kira Davis, Kennedy Davis, Kolin Davis, the late Daquale Davis, the late Corion Davis and the late Deloney Watt; sister of the late Barbara Jelks Friend of the late Maxine Ormand Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside

DuNNINg, Damien A Fiance of Tashonda Dorn; father of Phoenix Pharoah Dunning; son of Roosevelt David Dunning and Marilyn (Willie) Smith; brother of Roy Shannon, Jr , Seprena Hill, Camille Parker, Michael Dunning and Kevin Dunning; uncle, nephew, cousin and friend of many Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside.

floRES, Francisco Son of the late Gonzalo and Estela Flores; brother of Mario H Flores, Marco A Flores, Victor M Flores, Maria E Ruvalcaba and Claudie Flores; uncle, cousin and friend of many Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N 25th Avenue, Melrose Park

fREEMaN-vENtRESS, Ramona, of Bellwood Wife of the late Andre Ventress; mother of Anitra (Otis) Armstrong, Tracy Freeman and Bianca Freeman; sister of Calvin (Deborah) Freeman, Patti (David) Hayes, Steven (Linda) Freeman and the late Joe Freeman, Jr.; aunt and friend of many; best Friend of Sharon Chamberlain-Saviano. Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside

goNzalEz caRRENo, Miguel He is survived by his wife, Alejandra; children, Oti, Edgar, Miguel and Eric; and his parents, Miguel and Elvira Carreno Arrangements by Northlake Funeral Home, 140 E North Avenue, Northlake

hERRERa, Lucila, nee Pinela Wife of the late Miguel Angel Herrera; mother of Humberto (Maria) Herrera, Elva (Juan) Garcia, Estela Garcia, Beatriz Herrera, Raul (Nene) Herrera, Tina (Jaime) Saucedo and Letty (Juan) Nevarez; grandmother of Marelia, Lorena, Isela Herrera; Nancy Nanalig, Oscar, Daniel, Guadalupe Garcia; Arturo Garcia, Erica Vega; Omar Cavada, Anely Franco, Indolfo Cavada Jr; Raul Herrera Jr, Xiomara Herrera, Maria Estela; Rene, Alex Perez; Ivan, Kevin, Jasmin Nevarez Fond Great Grandmother of Mia Ramirez, Maya Ramirez, Ricardo Ramirez, Aiden Valdes, Armando Nanalig, Mateo Nanalig, Luciana Garcia, Miguel Angel Garcia, Emiliana Garcia, Julian Vega, Sebastian Vega, Damian Vega, Logan Garcia, Victoria Cavada, Karen Cavada, Joselyn Franco, Alonso Franco, Angel Franco, Amelia Beatriz Cavada, Yaden Herrera, Camila Herrera, Analuna Vizcarra, Victor , Manny and Jordan; friend of many. Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside

Notices continue on page 36

Neighbors • 34
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Rememberingour NEIGHBORS

h MacaluSo, George Dominic. U.S. Air Force Veteran. Husband of the late Rose Marie, nee Favia, Macaluso; father of Michael A. Macaluso, Rosanne (Michael) Chlada, Christine Macaluso and the late Debbie Macaluso; Papa of Gianna and MiaBella Chlada; brother of the late Frank the late (Anne) Macaluso, the late Joseph (the late Millie) Macaluso, the late John (the late Gloria) Macaluso, the late Tony (the late Clara) Macaluso, the late Albert (the late Marion) Macaluso, the late Jean (the late Eddie) Petricig, the late Connie (the late Jimmy) DiChristifano and the late Marie (the late Robert) Iacono Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside

MaRRoN, Roberto. Arrangements by Northlake Funeral Home, 140 E. North Avenue, Northlake.

McElWaIN, Hugh T “Mac ” Husband of Anne; father of Sean, Brian and Karen; brother, uncle and friend of many Professor and respected colleague at Dominican University in River Forest for 47 years Donations to Dominican University in Hugh’s honor are appreciated

MEDEllIN gRaNaDoS, Yolanda Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park

MoNtENEgRo, Nohemi, nee Arreola, of Melrose Park Wife of the late Noel Montenegro; mother of Martha Patricia (George) Cepeda, Noel (Abby Colich) Montenegro and Jorge (Melissa Guerrero) Montenegro; grandmother of George Alexander Cepeda, Victoria Alexis Cepeda, Annabel Montenegro, Vivianna Montenegro and Lana Montenegro; sister of Jaime (Adela) Arreola, Olivia (Emilio) Guerrero, Aida (Rafael) Argueta and the late Rutilio (Marta) Arreola; aunt of many; friend to her caregiver Lucy Torres DePagan and many others Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside

MooRE-johNSoN, Merinda Wife of Melvin Johnson; mother of Andre (Lisa) Moore, Monique Moore, and Tisa Johnson; daughter of the late Addie Moore; grandmother of Andre Moore Jr., Andrea Moore, Pordrea Moore, Tanae Moore, Porneisha Moore, Gary Johnson, and Shaun Moore Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside

MoRa, Gilberto Father of Gilberto (Beto), Jimmy, Luisdavid, Andy, Tania, Daisy, MiguelAngel, and Angel; grandfather of Galilea, Manny, Gael, Xavier, Yaretzi, Romina, Emilia Angel, Emilio, Anila, Celestia, Kathleen, Olivia, and Zamira; son of Matilde Martinez Benitez and Margarito Mora Rebollar; brother of Maximiliano, Bernarda, Leoncio, Aurelio, Jenobo, Orbelin, Amelia, Hector, Santiago, Margarito and Lizette; relative and friend of many. Arrangements by Northlake Funeral Home, 140 E North Avenue, Northlake

MoRalES, Ana Ana is survived by her children, Marimely Morales, Evaristo Fernandez and Edwin Fernandez; four grandchildren and five great-grandchildren; brother Rafael Morales and the late Pablo Morales; friend of many Arrangements by Northlake Funeral Home, 140 E North Avenue, Northlake


h MotoN-MoRgaN, Leola Veteran of the U S Navy Wife of Jeffery Morgan Sr.; mother of Jarod Easter, Alicia Moton, Jeffery Morgan Jr., Donnell Jones and Samuel Jones; grandmother of Delisha, Layla, Dynisha, Leah, Jocelyn, Jamiya, Donnell Jr , Xari, Amaria, Airella, Daliya, Lyrica, Jaylynn, Jayden and London; sister of Lisa Moton, Mark Moton, Darrell Moton, Simone Moton and the late Paulette Moton; aunt and friend of many Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside

Notices continue on page 38

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quINoNES, Sergio Arrangements by Northlake Funeral Home, 140 E North Avenue, Northlake

RaMIREz, Susana, nee Manriquez Wife of the late Isabel Ramirez; mother of Roberto Ramirez; sister of Emilia (the late Gerardo) Acosta, the late Amador (the late Adelina) Manriquez, the late Audelia Manriquez, the late Sofia (the late Evaristo) Herrera, the late Juventino (Elisa) Manriquez, the late Francisco (the late Maria) Manriquez and the late Margarita (the late Jaime) Nevarez; aunt and friend of many Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside

thoMaS, Aleykutty Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park

tIDaback, Deandra Mother of Troy and Katelin Tidaback; daughter of the late Guy and Sandra Guerine; sister of Joseph Guerine, Gordon Guerine, and the late Kenneth Guerine; aunt, cousin and friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park.

WElch, Ray Ralph Husband of Patricia, nee Salvinolo; father of Michele (William) Giambrone, Lisa Welch, Anthony (Corey) Welch; grandfather of Victoria, Michael, Marie, Anthony, Juliana, Alison and Morgan; brother, uncle, godfather and friend to many In addition to his parents, he is preceded in death by his brother, Walter Welch Founder and co-owner of Ricci/Welch contracting company which subsequently became the biggest underground sewer contractor in Illinois Donations to the American Cancer Society would be greatly appreciated Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N 25th Avenue, Melrose Park

Notices are printed free of charge upon request on a spacepermitting basis Mail and e-mail addresses appear on page 4

CRISIS, GRIEF AND HEALING RESOURCES, the first interactive grief website on the internet, offers discussion boards, articles, book suggestions, and advice for men and women working through every aspect of grief The site’s founder, Tom Golden LCSW, has provided book excerpts and contact information to help those healing from loss

The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) website contains a Grief & Loss section with grief-related articles and information at www aarp org/relationships/grief-loss/

GriefShare is a program that offers both seminars and support groups with focused discussion and personal study and reflection to help begin the healing process For more information, visit the website at www griefshare org/

Good Therapy’s website provides information on the different types of grief, the process of recovering from grief, articles related to specific types of loss, and ways to get help, including a search for professional therapists. Visit the website:

Neighbors • 38
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