Neighbors Magazine January 2024

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A fr f ee mont n hly l magazine

january 2024



Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here to watch his woods fill up with snow. —Robert Frost, Stopping By Woods On A Snowy w Evening

tin ina valentino

And miles to go. Standing at the corner of the three-way intersection of Miserable Wa W rm,

Rainy Christmas and Abominable Grief, only one thing would’ve taken the edge off f fo f r me even though most people act like it’s the most obscene fo f ur-letter word: snow. A lot of it. Maybe even a blizzard. I was eight during the top-ranked, 23-inch blizzard of 1967 and don’t remember anything. I’m sure my many pairs of gloves and socks were on top of the scalding radiator next to my boots and one of the pom hats that my grandmother crocheted fo f r me. But, if I close my eyes, I can more vividly see myself at the top of a heap in 1979 (only 20.3 inches), loving every minute of it, climbing to the top like Rocky Balboa in Russia. Long befo f re the Canada Goose Expedition, North Face and REI scams, we layered and layered under regular no-name coats and we survived just fi f ne. By high school, we skitched in the same no-name coats and boots. Sadly, some of my classmates have already passed away but it wasn’t the snow that killed them. How fo f rtunate was I to have a mom to wrap the scarf around my fa f ce and tie it in the back; lift f me up off f the ground putting on my warm leotards befo f re school (I don’t remember any snow days) and let me alternate putting my hands in her coat pocket when we walked because we didn’t have a car. And, perhaps, my best snow memories are at Bemis Wo W ods in We W stern Springs. Back then it was a road trip f r us—my grandfa fo f ther packing my fr f iends and our mini-boggans and saucers in the car fo f r what seemed like a ride to northern Wi W sconsin. Apparently, Bemis no longer has a sled hill but when it did it was a picture-perfe f ct memory of hours spent trekking all the way up and fl f ying down like Aladdin on a magic carpet, steering that piece of polyethylene plastic like Indy drivers—until we ran out of gas or crashed. I can’t say I ever made an enviable snowman but snow has given me a fl f urry of memories long befo f re anxieties and responsibilities got in the way. There’s even a word fo f r it now: adulting. When I turned on my nightly meditation fo f r Christmas Day, I was shocked to hear the fi f rst poem I had ever memorized, “Stopping by Wo W ods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost. Instead of relaxing, my eyes opened wide and I started to recite the words verbatim, refl f ecting on the many dual meanings of Frost’s fa f mous words. Some say it’s the struggle between the pull of responsibilities and obligations versus the allure of escaping life f ’s hardships—exactly the predicament I was in, exactly the predicament many of us are in at times. Snow—and the new year—off ffer us the same chance to pause, as Frost does in this timeless poem. The narrator, a lone wagon driver, seizes the opportunity to stop fr f om his travels to watch snow fa f lling in the woods near a fr f ozen lake, in awe of the quiet and beauty of his surroundings. For a fe f w minutes, he collects his thoughts, savoring the spectacle of the snowfl f akes and, most likely, ponders his options—to stay or go, quit or fo f rge on. The poem ends as he reminds himself that, despite the exquisiteness and serenity and peace of the moment, he must keep his promises and get back to adulting. The odds that I would hear that poem in my ear on Christmas night are a million to one but it’s a poem worth reading and a message worth considering at the start of a new year—to just pause, refl f ect and do your best. No need fo f r stressfu f l and toxic resolutions, just moments of clarity amid the chaos. So if you see me making a snow angel, I’m okay. I’m just taking a fe f w minutes to recharge, refr f esh and remember that “I have promises to keep, And miles to go befo f re I sleep.” Happy new year, neighbors. Ta T ke some time fo f r yourself. Do more of what makes you happy in 2024.

PICK UP A COPY AT ONE OF THESE LOCATIONS Bellw l ood n Bellwood Public Library n Mickey’s Drive-In n Gioacchino’s Ristorante & Pizzeria n Bellwood Village Hall n Currency Exchange on Mannheim n Center at Stevenson Park Berkeley n Torres Fresh Market n Republic Bank n JK Restaurant n Berkeley Village Hall n Berkeley Public Library Berwyn n Lucky Dog on Harlem Avenue Broadview n Broadview Village Hall n Broadview Family Restaurant n Lucky Dog on Cermak n Dunkin Donuts on Roosevelt elmhurst n Harlo Grill #2 n Lezza Spumoni & Desserts n Elmhurst Metra Station elmwood Pa P rk n Judy’s Gaming Cafe n Armand’s Pizzeria on North Avenue n Russell’s BBQ n Elmwood Park Village Hall n Elmwood Park Public Library n Elmwood Park Recreation Center Forest Pa P rk n Forest Park Village Hall n Harvest 365 n Ed’s Foods n Starship Restaurant Franklin Pa P rk n Leyden Community Center n Leyden Township Main Office n Pet Paradise Supermarket n Serna’s Grill, 25th and Grand n Franklin Park Metra Station n Lulu Belle’s Pancake House n Al and Joe’s Deli n American Legion Post #974 n Smart Wash Laundromat n Franklin Park Public Library n Park District of Franklin Park n Franklin Park Village Hall hillside n Hillside Village Hall n Russo’s Chapels n Q’s Restaurant & Pizza n Hillside Public Library may a wood n Carnitas Don Alfredo Original n Stairway of the Stars n Poor Boy, 1st & Roosevelt n Maywood Village Hall

melrose Pa P rk n NEW Sugar Milk Cafe n Tom’s Steak House n Carnitas Don Alfredo Original, corner of 25th and Lake Street n Rep. Hernandez District Office n Melrose Park Village Hall n Melrose Park Chamber of Commerce n Sahara Home Care on North Avenue n Westlake Urgent Care on Lake Street n Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel n Dunk Donuts on Lake Street n Lucky Dog on Lake Street n Melrose Park Public Library n Sacred Heart Church n Harlo Grill #1 on North Avenue n Veterans Park District Leoni Complex n 7-11 on Broadway n PNC Bank, Winston Plaza n Scudiero’s Bakery & Deli n Pan American Bank n Melrose Currency on Broadway n St. Paul Lutheran Resale Shop n IHOP in Winston Plaza northlake n Northlake City Hall n Cuomo To Go n Grant Park Recreation Center n Northlake Public Library n Casa Scalabrini Village north riverside n Catie’s Place Gaming Cafe n North Riverside Village Commons n North Riverside Public Library river Forest n Yolk Restaurant on North Avenue n River Forest Chocolates n River Forest Public Library river Grove n Quasthoff’s Florist n Catie’s Place Gaming Cafe n Triton College n Rich’s Fresh Market n Dunkin’ Donuts: River and Grand n Dunkin’ Donuts near 1st and Belmont n Bargains in a Box n Blondie’s Diner n River Grove Public Library n River Grove Village Hall n River Park Moose Lodge schiller PPark n Al & Andy’s Restaurant n Mobil Gas Station, 25th & Irving n Gambino’s Fresh Market stone Pa P rk n Shwings Shrimp & Wings n Firehouse Subs westchester n Westchester Food Pantry

have a suggestion for a busy drop location? let us know!

Neighbors • 4

High-traffic distribution in the towns including Oak Park and River Forest, Bellwood, Berkeley, North Riverside, Forest Park, Hillside, Maywood, Melrose Park, Westchester as well as Elmwood Park, Franklin Park, Northlake, Schiller Park, River Grove and other communities. Neeighbor orstm has the edge over other N publications when it comes to readership. Tina Valentino Executive Editor and Contributor Winner of a Peter Lisagor Aw A ard for Exemplary Journalism Dee Tintori • Account Executive Mailing Address P.P O. Box 1501, Melrose Park, IL 60161-1501 Phone 708.343.0205 E-mail: ww READ ISSUES ONLINE AT A WWW. W ISSUU.COM No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any manner without permission. Opinions and advertisements expressed are those of the writers themselves and are in no way to be construed as statements, positions or endorsements by in particular, inc. © 2023 Neighborstm is a trademark of in particular, inc.

Save the Dat Sa a e

SSa aturday ay, February r 3 That’s when the Westchester Food Pantry will host its 5th Annual Souper Bowl fundraiser. This delicious tasting event has expanded to feature 16 local chefs and their best soups, along with desserts, beverages and many raffles and silent auction prizes. Live entertainment and music will also be featured. This year’s event will be held at the Westchester Community Center,r located at 10201 Bond Street. Tickets for the event will go on sale in January 2024. Business sponsors are welcome to get involved and families can honor or recognize a loved one. Get the details at

CIMBALO FITNESS CENTER AND MUSEUM 1203 N. 24TH AVENUE, MELROSE PARK 708-343-5151 w w w . v p d p a r k . o r g


Saturday, January 6 • 8 AM-2 PM Join us in starting the New Year on the right foot and kickstart your fitness journey at Cimbalo Fitness Center! We’re excited to offer you a day of complimentary access to our top-notch fitness facility, along with free fitness classes and demonstrations. You can also enjoy open court play for sports like Pickleball, Handball, and Racquetball. We’ve got a fantastic lineup for the day, including refreshments, giveaways, and an exciting RAFFLE with incredible prizes, such as fitness class passes, Gouin Pool season passes, golf simulator vouchers, and even a free 1-year fitness club membership! Furthermore, we’ve partnered with local health-related companies who will be hosting tables with free samples, discounts, and various giveaways.

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“We can always improve so that our DMVs are as efficient as possible for Illinoisans, especially for our seniors.” —Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias and local dignitaries celebrate new pop-up location



Pop-up fa f cilities are partr of Secretary r of State Alexi Giannoulias’ effffortr to improve the Skip-the-Line program and eliminate long lines at DMVs. Since launching Sept. 1, Illinois DMVs have seen over 638,500 customers statewide and customers are experiencing little to no wait times. Pictured with Giannoulias (center) in Westchester: Trustees Evie Slavic and Victoria V nn, House Speaker Va Emanuel “Chris” Welch, Village President Greg Hribal, State Rep. La Shawn K. Ford, Senate Maj a ority Leader Kimberly Lightfo f rd and State Rep. Abdelnasser Rashid.

Secretary of State Announces Two Additional Pop-Ups

Westchester location is among the latest in W Giannoulias’ “Skip The Line” Program “This new senior only facility will be an excellent addition to the Westchester community and the surrounding area,” said Welch. “The DMV has almost become synonymous with long lines and wait times, so I appreciate Secretary Giannoulias’ effort to improve the overall experience for all of Illinoisans including our seniors.” The facility is located at 10300 W. Roosevelt Road. It is open from 8 am to 4 pm Monday through Friday. This walk-in facility offers the following Driver and Motor Vehicle Services: REAL IDs, driver’s licenses and state identification cards, vehicle registration stickers, organ and tissue donor registration, voter registration, and in-car driving tests. For more information and help with online renewals, seniors can call 800-252-8980 and press 2. “I’m excited to announce the opening of our new DMVs geared toward serving seniors and administering road tests,” Giannoulias

said. “These centers are the latest additions to our Skip-the-Line program. The program has been functioning at a high level since its launch in September,r but I know that we can always improve so that our DMVs are as efficient as possible for Illinoisans statewide, especially for our seniors.” These pop-up facilities are part of Giannoulias’ effort to improve the Skip-the-Line program and eliminate long lines at DMVs. The Office of the Illinois Secretary of State previously opened two “Senior Only” walk-in centers in Evanston and Bridgeview on Sept. 25. Other improvements made to the Skip-the-Line program include: increasing the number of available appointments by over 40%, or nearly 1,300 more per day, y addition additional call center features to serve seniors aged 70 and older who require a road exam, and adding new features to the appointment website so users can filter DMVs by zip code.

“Christmas in Proviso is not just an eve v nt; it's a celebration of community spirit, generosity, y and the joy of coming together. As May a or, I am truly l gratefu f l fo f r the warmth and unity this fe f stive v occasion brings to our township and the many n ffamilies serve v d by this eve v nt.” —Melrose Pa P rk May a or Ronald M. Serpico



House Speaker Welch joined with fellow event sponsors, including Westchester President Greg Hribal, Maywood Mayor Nathaniel George Booker,r Hillside Mayor Joseph Ta T mburino, Bellwood Mayor Andre Harvey, y Broadview Mayor Katrina Thompson, North Riverside Mayor Joseph Mengoni, Township Supervisor Michael Corrigan and Cook County Commissioner T ra Stamps. Ta

Making Spirits Brighter

lt. Governor,r mayors, county and t wnship off to f icials Join house speaker welch for christmas in Proviso event House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch worked to make the holiday season brighter for families in need by bringing together community members and elected officials to deliver gifts to children at his annual ‘Christmas in Proviso’ celebration last month. “Christmas is a time of celebration and it’s also a time to give back,” said Speaker Welch. “I have joined my colleagues to hold this event for three years now because it is a privilege to be able to give families in my community a merrier Christmas.” The event, held at Proviso West High School, welcomed more than 350 people, Neighbors • 8

which included preselected, need-based families who received all gifts on their Christmas list paid for by Speaker Welch. All families at the event enjoyed free hot breakfast, refreshments, as well as an opportunity to win prizes which included 40 flatscreen TVs, 10 laptops and more. Additional sponsors for the event also included Senate Majority Leader Kimberly A. Lightford; Pastor Harrell of Black Men United; Bishop Dr.r Claude Porter,r PLCCA (Proviso Leyden Council for Community Action); Walgreens; Triton College; Walmart; and GEAAC (Glen Ellyn Area Alumnae Chapter) of Delta Sigma Theta, all stepping up to help those in need. sto t rry continues on page 10

h VOTED #1 h IN WESTERN SUBURBS! Stufffed, Pan and Thick Pizzas & Lasagna, Spaghetti Sauce & Panzarotti in a Tr Tribune surv r ey!

Food experts from Chicago Tribune all agreed that Gioacchino’s has created a taste that placed them among the best pizza restaurants out of 98 in the Chicagoland area. Gioacchino’s was also selected #1 in the western suburbs in three categories: Thick, Pan and Stuffed Pizza.

Best Spaghetti & Meatballs By Sun-Times Critic Pat Bruno

However, pizza isn’t all that Gioacchino’s excels in. Among their delicious home made specialties are Lasagna, Cheese and Meat Ravioli, mouth-watering Mostaccioli; also Chicken Vesuvio, Veal Scallopini, Veal a la Marsala, Veal a la Francaise, Veal Parmigiana, Baked Mostaccioli, Chicken Cacciatore, Fettuccine Alfredo, Perch, French Fried Shrimp, Italian Bacala, Fish Platter and many other Calabrese-style dishes, including their own Pizza Puffs called Panzarotti.

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ioacchino’s • 544-0380. MUST ADD TAX. Not valid with other offers. Limit 1 coupon per order. Must present coupon when ordering. P-Up/Delivery only. Prices subject to change without notice. Expires 1/31/24




Gioacchino’s • 544-0380. MUST ADD TAX. Not valid with other offers. Limit 1 coupon per order. Must present coupon when ordering. P-Up/Delivery only. Prices subject to change without notice. Expires 1/31/24



ioacchino’s • 544-0380. MUST ADD TAX. Not valid with other offers. Limit 1 coupon per order. Must present coupon when ordering. P-Up/Delivery only. Prices subject to change without notice. Expires 1/31/24

Making Spirits Brighter






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continued fr from page 8

"Christmas in Proviso is not just an event; it's a celebration of community spirit, generosity, y and the joy of coming together,r” said Melrose Park Mayor Ron Serpico. “I am truly grateful for the warmth and unity this festive occasion brings to our township and the many families served by this event.” “I am so happy to participate in our third annual Christmas in Proviso! It gives me great joy to be able to come together with our other municipalities, as well as our state and local representatives, to bring joy and happiness to some of the less fortunate families we serve,” said Village of Bellwood Mayor André F.F Harvey. “ “Thanks to Speaker Welch and the many generous residents and friends of Proviso Township, no child in the community will go without a present at Christmas,” said Village of Broadview Mayor Katrina Thompson. “Many prayers from parents were heard, and many Broadview families are deeply grateful for the holiday blessings that came their way at this special time of the year for their children.” "Christmas in Proviso represents serving those who truly need the resources during the Christmas season,” said Village of Maywood Mayor Nathaniel George Booker.r “It is a time where we can lift the spirits of parents and their children during the holidays. In the Village of Maywood, we want to spread all the cheer that we can, every little bit helps!" “Christmas in Proviso is such a great event, bringing so many communities together during this festive time of the year to help our families in need,” said Village of North Riverside Mayor Joseph Mengoni. “This event has put smiles on so many faces, and it warms my heart to have been a part of this cherished event.” “The event was outstanding, well organized and best of all, the kids and the families were so happy and excited,” said Village of Hillside Mayor Joseph Ta T mburino. “Everyone went above and beyond in making this a special event, and it warmed my heart to see the kids’ happy faces.” Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton also attended the event.

Neighbors • 10

Kids Eat




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News from the Mayor’s office

SHOP LOCAL One simple way that EVERY person can make a difference in the community is to shop Melrose Park. EVERY PURCHASE MATTERS. • For every dollar spent at a local business about $.67 stays in the community • Local businesses hire local employees • You strengthen your local economy and invest in the community This message is a friendly reminder from the Melrose Park Chamber of Commerce & Community Development 900 N. 25th Av A e., Melrose Park 708/343-9500 • ww

melrose Pa P rk doorbell camera Program The Village of Melrose Park is planning a program to help residents cover the cost of home doorbell cameras while, at the same time, keeping the community safe. Residents who wish to participate in the new program can contact Deputy Chief of Police Anthony Greco by email at Residents will be asked to fill out a form for participation in the program. The form can be found on the Police Department website at; choose the Camera Program link on the side menu. Receipts for camera systems must be provided for reimbursement after an inspection proves that the camera system is installed and is properly functioning. This camera program will be launched in early 2023. melrose Pa P rk homeland security and Public safety departments are recruiting Interested in public safety, y emergency services and first responder opportunities? Become a member of the Village of Melrose Park Departments of Homeland Security and Public Safety. Te T am members gain real-world emergency services experience in the areas of police, fire, computer IT, T telecommunications and weather-related disasters; learn state-ofthe-art technologies and equipment that will provide training for potential careers. The Departments need adults for volunteer paid positions in the 311 Te T lecommunications Center; Adults for volunteer paid positions reserve (auxiliary police) officers; high school students to join the cadet programs. Call 708-649-8040 or send an email to for more info. melrose Pa P rk chamber of commerce and community development Watch for dates on the Chamber’s upcoming Grants and Small Business Resources workshop in January and an Access to Capital discussion in February. Learn more about the Chamber at or contact Executive Director Isaac Bazbaz at 708-343-9500 for membership information.

Neighbors • 12


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Please join us for our monthly Z om Co Zo C ff ffee Ch C at. t Gain insights into the market, especially in these uncertain times. Contact Emily at for details.

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@TRAILSIDE 738 Thatcher Av A enue, River Forest


The Trailside Museum is located at Chicago and Thatcher Avenues in River Forest. To pre-register for programs or sign up for an e-newsletter,r call 708-366-6530. Most of the following programs need advanced registration. Call or stop in for details. Follow Trailside Museum on Facebook. Learn more at trailside-museum-natural-history/. Call for updates on the following programs. THROUGHOUT the WINTER Snowshoe Lending. Snowshoes available when snow is 4” deep or more. Available on a first come, first served basis. Call 708-366-6530 for more information. Family Winter Scavenger Hunt and Campfire. Enjoy a winter afternoon on a self-guided scavenger hunt. After,r enjoy refreshments around the campfire at Trailside. Thursday, y January 4, 1 to 2:30 pm. Winter Artist Showcase Exhibit Opening. View the glass mosaic art and chat with local mosaic artist Judy Steed at the official opening of her show “Natural Reflections” in Trailside’s classroom. Snacks served. Friday, y January 12, 6 to 7:30 pm. Bird and Bagel Bird Walk. Observe the Trailside Museum bird feeder in action while noshing on bagels and coffee inside the Museum then head outdoors for a guided bird walk with John Elliott from Chicago Bird Alliance. All levels of bird watching experience are welcome. Binoculars available. Registration required. Call 708-366-6530. Saturday, y January 20, 8:30 am. Story Trail: “Over and Under the Snow” Drop In. Walk a short trail and read the posted story then pick up a craft and activity bag. Friday, y January 26 through Friday, y February 16, 9 am to 4 pm. Bird Painting Workshop Step-by-Step. Sketch and paint a 9x12 canvas of a dark-eyed junco using acrylic paints. Ages 13 and up. Must register.r Call 708-366-6530. Friday, y January 19, 1 to 3 pm. Owls of Trailside. Family program. Meet one of Trailside’s ambassador owls. Learn about the fascinating owls that call Trailside home and visit one of the ambassador owls. Must register.r Saturday, y February 10, 1:30 pm. When the snow starts falling, nothing says winter fun like sledding, snowboarding and snowmobiling. The Cook County Forest Preserves website lists all the details related to sledding hills, sledding hills with lights, snowboarding, the rules and regulations as well as snowmobile locations, decal registration and rates (which can be purchase online). For information about all the things to do as well as volunteer opportunities, visit the website at

Neighbors • 14

stand down for homeless ve v terans January 24 at Franklin Pa P rk legion The Franklin Park American Legion 974 Family is again hosting a Annual Stand Down to help homeless veterans and those in need. The date is Sunday, y January 28, 2024, from 11 am to 3 pm at the Franklin Park Post, 9757 Pacific Avenue. The Legion will provide hot meals, clothing and blankets, haircuts, as well as a chance to speak with Veteran Service Officers, and other representatives about VA V benefits, housing, transportation and other services. The Legion has been seeking donations and volunteers for the event. If you would like to volunteer or make a donation of gently used or new clothes (especially hats, gloves, scarves, coats) and blankets, call 847-560-0459. Volunteers are needed before, during, and after the event (sorting donations, helping with the meal, etc.). Park district of Franklin Pa P P rk upcoming events For more information on these programs, contact the Park District of Franklin Park, 9560 Franklin Avenue at 847-455-2852 or Mother Son Night Out, Saturday, y January 13, at the Ice Arena, 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Fee is $30/$38 per couple ($15/$19 for each additional sibling). Enjoy pizza, lemonade, skate rental, a photo with mom and a special treat. Must register.r Daddy Daughter Dance, Friday, y February 2 and Saturday, y February 3 at Centre at North Park. Enjoy dinner,r music, dancing, flowers and a photo with dad. $50/$60 per couple. Seed Swap, Saturday, y February 10, 11 am to 12:30 pm at Centre at North Park. Exchange various seeds and connect with plant lovers. FREE. Lake Geneva Winterfest Adult Trip, Friday, y February 2. Fee is $25/$32. Lunch is not included.

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operation uplift’s 35th annual martin luther king Jr.r celebration January 13 Operation Uplift, Inc. will be celebrating 56 years of providing community service to the Proviso Township area and its 35th Annual Dr.r Martin Luther King Jr.r celebration. Celebrate the legacy of Dr.r King and honor some of the community’s highest achievers. The black-tie event will be held Saturday, y January 13 at the Elm West Banquet Hall (formerly Diplomat West) in Elmhurst. Ta T x-deductible donation is $100 per person. Corporate tickets are $125. For ticket availability, y call (708) 343-3554 or send an email to (in the subject include #DRMLKJrGala2024). Neighbors • 16

The RFC elves are resting so the store will be closed through January 8, 2024. Happy New Year, thank you and hope to see you soon!

VALENTINE’S DAY IS NEXT! Delicious gifts for friends, family & clients



it’s time to


VPD ONE-DAY EVENTS halim time and Glass museum in evanston. Discover a world of beauty and craftsmanship on a guided tour featuring displays with over 1,100-time pieces, including tower clocks, pocket watches, automations and more. The Louis Comfort Tiffany Tour features his paintings, housewares, decorative arts, mosaics and his beautiful windows. Lunch in the Museum Café is provided. Lunch options available at registration. For Active Adults on Thursday, y March 14, (departure) from 9:30 am Cimbalo Fitness Center in Melrose Park or 9:45 am Grant Park in Northlake. Estimated return at 2:45 pm. Fee: $85. make yo y ur own easter Basket workshop. Hope over to Bulger Park to make a “glowtastic” Easter basket. Be creative, using mesh ribbons, paint, painted eggs and other festive materials. Ages 6+ from 5:45-7:45 pm on Tuesday, y March 12. Workshop is held at Bulger Park Community Center,r 1601 Hirsch St. Melrose Park. Fee: R$30/NR$40. Register early! LEARN TO DRAW Drawing 101 teaches basic techniques, helping young children expand their imaginations. Supplies included. For ages 6 and up. Mondays, February 26-April 1 at Grant Park, 44 W. Golfv f iew Drive in Northlake, 6:30 to 7:30 pm. R$60/NR$85.


or call the office at 708-343-5270 for more information on Batting Cages and the Golf Simulator,r Early Childhood, Athletic Programs, Fitness Classes at Cimbalo Fitness Center,r Active Adults and Special Recreation Programs. Follow VPD on Facebook.

CIMBALO FITNESS OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, JANUARY 6 GOLF SIMULATORS • PICKLEBALL Kick off the New Year right—stop in at the Cimbalo Fitness Center New Year Open House on Saturday, y January 6 from 8am until 2pm at 1203 N. 24th Avenue in Melrose Park. VPD will be offering free day-long access to the fitness center as well as free fitness classes/demos, open court play for Pickleball, Handball and Racquetball, refreshments, giveaways and a RAFFLE with a chance to win Fitness class passes, Gouin Pool season passes, golf simulator vouchers, and a free 1-year fitness club membership. Speak with representatives from local healthrelated companies offering free samples, discounts, and other giveaways. With our state-of-the-art equipment, family atmosphere, and friendly, y knowledgeable staff Cimbalo has everything you need to achieve your fitness goals. GolF simulat a ors Cimbalo Fitness Center’s Golf Suite features a stateof-the-art Full Swing® golf simulator which allows all ages and all experience levels to have a fun, realistic golf experience year-round. With over 85 courses, multiple skill challenge courses, a driving range, and a variety of challenge games/modes of play, y a great experience is guaranteed. Pricing is $40 for 1 hour and $20 for a half hour rental. Golf lessons coming soon so get on the interest list! Call 708-343-5151. PickleBall Rules are easy and simple to learn, making it fun for all ages. Court rental fee is $8/hour (paddles, pickleballs provided), Call 708-343-5151 for more info. y uth ProGrams yo n Pee wee Playtime with adult. Ta T bles, toys, games, mat, big wheels and more allowing you and your child a place to play. Ages 0-5 on Thursdays, 9:30 to 11:30 am. Fee $3 per child. No fee for supervising adult and FREE coffee! Drop-in class at Bulger Park, 1601 Hirsch in Melrose Park. n start with art. Weekly art projects promote a love for learning. Ages 2-5 (2’s and 3’s with an adult) from 10:15 to 11 am on Mondays, February 5-March 18 at Grant Park, 44 W. Golfv f iew Drive in Northlake. Fee: R$50/NR$60. n snack attack (2 locations). Impress your family with your culinary talents. All cooking equipment and ingredients provided. Must pre-register.r Ages 5-10, Tuesdays, January 16-February 6, 5 to 6:15 pm at Bulger Park in Melrose Park; or Saturdays, January 20-February 10, 10 to 11:15 am at Grant Park. R$50/NR$60. Registration deadline is January 11.

Neighbors • 18

Family Dance Party Friday, February 23 Join us for some family fun ! Music, 6-8pm

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our lady of mount carmel Pa P rish/shrine Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish/Shrine is located at 1101 N. 23rd Avenue in Melrose Park. For more information, call the Rectory at 708-344-4140. Upcoming events include: Sunday, y January 7, Epiphany. Regular Sunday schedule. Monday, y January 22, National Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children. Masses at 5:30 pm (English) and 6:30 pm (Spanish). Sunday, y January 28, Mass for Padre Pio, 10:30 am Italian Mass. Reception follows. Saturday, y February 3 and Sunday, y February 4, Feast of St. Blaise. Mass followed by Blessing of the Throat. Saturday, y February 3, 5:30 pm and Sunday, y February 4, all Masses. Friday, y February 9, Our Lady of Lourdes. Trilingual Mass followed by anointing of the sick at 6:30 pm. sacred heart & st. eulalia Pa P rish events Sacred Heart Church is located at 819 N. 16th Avenue and St. Eulalia Church is located at 1825 N. 9th Avenue in Maywood. The community is invited to these upcoming events. First Friday Devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Every first Friday of the month at 7 pm at Sacred Heart. Thursday Adoration and Confession. January 11 and 25 at St. Eulalia and January 18 at Sacred Heart. Domestic Violence Prevention Seminar,r January 20, 1 to 3 pm in St. Eulalia Parish Hall. T male Sale, January 21 from 9 am to Noon in Sacred Ta Heart’s Marian Hall. Guatemalan Breakfast Hosted by Parish Book Club. January 28 from 11 am to 3 pm in St. Eulalia’s Parish Hall. Men’s Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner,r February 9 at Sacred Heart, Tickets are $55 each. Includes dinner,r dessert and unlimited beer.r Call 708-344-0757 for tickets. st. Pa P ul lutheran and st. Pa P ul resale shop All are invited to worship with neighbors at St. Paul Lutheran Church, 11th and Lake in Melrose Park. Sunday English service is at 9 am; Spanish service begins at 11:30 am. The St. Paul Resale Shop located at 11th and Lake Street in Melrose Park reminds area residents that the Shop offers low prices and friendly service on a variety of items from clothing to furniture, home decor,r a children’s room, glassware and much more.. Check the St. Paul Resale page on Facebook for special discounts and updates on donation days. Hours of operation are Monday, y Tuesday, y Thursday, y Friday, y 10 am to 4 pm; Wednesdays from 10 am to 6 pm; and Saturdays, 9 to 3 pm. Closed on Sundays. For more info, call Marlene at 708-7194443, ext. 402.

Neighbors • 22



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Neighbors • 23

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Bellwood Public library. y Located at 600 S. Bohland Avenue; call 547-7393, ext. 4 to register or visit Registration is required for most programs. . App Set-Up Hours. Friday, y January 5, 11 am to 1 pm. Make an appointment, bring your device, and a Reference Librarian can help you set up Libby, y Hoopla or Kanopy. Appointments required. Google Docs Basics. Wednesday, y January 10, 1 to 2 pm. Learn the basics including how to create, format, download, use templates and print. You MUST have a Google account prior to the workshop. Senior Social Hour.r Friday, y January 12, 10:30 to 11:30 am. Join fellow seniors for donuts, coffee and activities. This new program will be held the second Friday of each month at 10:30 am. DUI: The Road to Restoring Your Driving Privileges. Saturday, y January 13, Noon. Getting a DUI in Illinois can be extremely costly and can lead to jail time or losing your driver's license or job. This workshop will provide you with valuable information. This is an info session only. No paperwork will be accepted. Google Sheets. Wednesday, y January 17, 1 to 2 pm. Learn the basics of how to make and format a spreadsheet, create graphs and more. You MUST have a Google account prior to the workshop. Stay Sharp Kit Exploration. Friday, y January 19, 11 am to Noon. These kits are designed to help improve memory and cognition. T ch Help. Friday, Te y January 19, 1 to 4 pm. Having issues with your computer or mobile devices? Bring in your tech and receive oneon-one help. Appointments required. Voter Registration Ta T ble. Wednesday, y January 24, 5 to 7 pm. The League of Women Voters can get your registration updated or register you for the first time. You Can Brew It! Wednesday, y January 24, 6:30 to 7:30 pm. Join John Scott Pointon from Midnight Brewing Company for a basic introduction to beer brewing at home.. Crafterwork. Monday, y January 29, 6:30 pm. Join fellow crafters for fun and refreshments. Meet on the last Monday of every month. Chair Yoga, Wednesdays, 11 am. Yoga with Rhonda. Thursdays, 6 pm. Zumba with LaToya. Saturdays, 10 am. Berkeley Public library. y Located at 1637 N. Ta T ft Avenue; call 708-544-6017 or visit the website at For more program info, stop in, visit the website or follow on Facebook. Reminder: The BPL is now a passport acceptance facility. You can now bring in your photo and identify f ing documents and library staff will accept your applications for passports. Applications are accepted by appointment. Notaries are also on staff that can notarize several types of documents. Please call ahead. Winter Reading through February 9. Read to Succeed with the Chicago Wolves hockey team. Set your own reading goals. This program is for ages 15 and under.r Preschool Play Cafe, January 3 and 14, 11 am to Noon. Story Time, January 3 and 14, 10:30 to 11:15 am. Chair Yoga, January 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, 2 to 3 pm. Adult Bingo, Monday, y January 8, 1 to 2 pm. Adult Book Club, January 10, 6:30 to 7:45 pm Fit & Strong, Mondays and Thursdays, January 22-April 11, 10:30 am to Noon. Senior Mondays, January 22, 10:30 am to Noon T a & Mystery, Te y January 12, 10:30 am to 12:45 pm.

Neighbors • 24

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fun, informative

the northlake Public library invites children ages 7-13 to the make yo y ur own snow Globe workshop on saturday, y January 6, 2 to 3 pm. kids can design and build their own miniature winter wonderland, complete with snow and characters. call the library at 562-2301, ext. 5 for more information.

activities authors • answers Franklin Pa P rk Public library. y Located at 10311 Grand Avenue in Franklin Park, call 847-455-6016 or visit the website at Unless otherwise noted, registration is required for all programs. Craft Supply Swap Donation Drop-Off.f Tuesday, y January 2Wednesday, y January 31. Donate any craft items (clean and free from any odor) to the Library during January, y then come back for the Craft Supply Swap on Saturday, y February 10 at 1-3 pm. Everyone who donates will get a ticket to attend the event an hour early and get first choice from the selection of donated craft items. All donations can be dropped off at the Info Desk or Kids Crossing Desk. Knit & Crochet Group. Saturdays, January 6 and 20, 1 to 3 pm. Chair Yoga. By Zoom or by phone. Mondays, January 8 and 22, 3 to 4 pm. Registration is required to email you the Zoom and phone information before the program date. T en Cuisine. Create your own meals and treats. Grades 6-12. Te Monday, y January 8, 4:30 to 6 pm. T ch Tuesdays: Intro to Android. Learn the basics. Tuesday, Te y January 9, 6 to 7:30 pm. Mat Yoga. Participate through Zoom. Registration required to email you the Zoom info before the program date. Mondays, January 15 and 29, 3 to 4 pm. Glass Painting. Ta T ke your favorite animated character and learn how to paint them on glass. For teens and adults. Limit 15. Must register.r January 15, 5 to 6:30 pm. T ch Tuesdays: Intro to Mac. Learn the basics, downloading and Te uninstalling applications, maintenance and more. Bringing your own device is encouraged. Tuesday, y January 16, 6 to 7:30 pm. Family Trivia Nite. Snacks provided. Prizes offered for three rounds of trivia. Grades K-5. Wednesday, y January 17, 5 to 6 pm. Monday Nite Movies. Animated features on the big screen with fresh popcorn. Kids of all ages welcome. This month: “Te T enage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem (PG).” Monday, y January 22, 5 to 7 pm. Bon Appetit. Grades 3-6. Tuesday, y January 23, 5 to 6 pm. T ch Tuesdays: Intro to iPhone and iPad. Learn the basics, Te customizing home and lock screens and more. Bringing your own device is encouraged. Tuesday, y January 23, 6 to 7:30 pm. Friday Flicks. Watch “Oppenheimer” (R) on Friday, y January 26, 1 to 4 pm. T ch Tuesdays: Intro to Office. Tuesday, Te y January 30, 6 to 7:30 pm. Celebrating the Year of the Dragon. Make a craft to celebrate. Ages 0-11. Wednesday, y January 31, 5 to 6 pm.

hillside Public library. y Located at 405 Hillside Avenue, call 449-7510 or visit Follow the Library on Facebook, Instagram and Tw T itter.r All programs are free. Lego Club, January 10 and 24 at 5 pm. Pajama Movie Afternoon, January 20, 1:30 pm. Bring a blanket. Bookworm Bunch. Ages 2-4. January 25, 2 pm. T en Glow in the Dark Paint Night. Paint a canvas with friends. Te January 18, 5 to 6:30 pm. Adult Movie Matinee. January 8, starting at 2 pm. Watch “After the Thin Man.” Zumba, January 24, 9 am. Limit 15. Narcan Training to prevent deadly overdoses. January 16 at 6 pm and January 24 at 10 am. Mental Health Awareness for the new year with NAMI. January 16 at 5 pm. Mixed Stitchers. Every Thursday at 6 pm. Mid-Day Chair and Floor Yoga, every Friday, y 12:30 pm. Senior Te T ch Help. Call for an appointment. northlake Public library. y 231 N. Wolf Road in Northlake. Register for most programs online at or call the Library at 562-2301 x5. ALL AGES: Ta T male Making, Tuesday, y January 30, 7 to 8 pm. ADULT L S: Sewing Circle. Bring your project. Machines/materials not provided. Tuesday, y January 16, 7 pm. CHILDREN: Make Your Own Snow Globes,ages 7-13. Saturday, y January 6 to 2 to 3 pm. Jeopardy Game Night. Ages 7-13. Win prizes. Wednesday, y January 10, 6:30 to 7:30 pm. SENIORS: Meet-up and enjoy food on Tuesday, y January 9, 2 to 3:30 pm. Embroidery Hoop Snowman, Tuesday, y January 23, 2 to 3 pm. TEENS: Edible Cookie Dough, January 11, 6 pm. melrose Pa P rk Public library. y 801 Broadway. Call 649-7400 or email to register: Ask Library staff about the digital services. Visit Chair Yoga Class. Start the new year with Rhonda Fentry. Learn breathing, meditation, and stretching techniques. Registration is required. Call (708) 649-7485 or send an email to to register.r January 9, 10:30 to 11:30 am.

Neighbors • 26

Library programs continue on page 288

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Neighbors • 27



Appointments A NOW

fun, informative

irs trained and certified volunteers—a partnership between the irs and tr t iton college’s rsvP volunteer Program—w — ill help those v age 60 or older from low-to-moderate income households prepare their tax returns from February-april. call 456-0300, et. 3895. appointments will be taken beginning late January. y

activities authors • answers melrose Pa P rk library, y continued FREE Ta T x Counseling for the Elderly. IRS trained and certified volunteers will help those age 60 and older from low to moderate incomes prepare their tax returns. The Triton College RSVP Program in conjunction with the IRS offers this free service. Appoints are necessary and will be taken beginning in late January. Call Triton at 456-0300, ext. 3895 for info and appointments. Monday mornings February 5 through April 8 (excluding holidays). Comics Plus Enjoy unlimited access to thousands of digital comics, graphic novels, and manga. Ask about Hoopla, Kanopy (movies), Libby (audio and ebooks) and Freegal (music). Make it Mondays. Weekly on the Official YouTube Channel. Call or drop in to pick up the weekly craft supplies. Ages 3 and up. Online Storytime. New videos will be posted on the first Wednesday of every month at 10 am. Ages 1-5. Bilingual Online Storytime. Bilingual story times are posted on the third Wednesday of every month at 10 am. Stop in for the companion activity packet and craft. Ages 1-5. Tinker Tuesdays. Every Tuesday from 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm. Stop in for all kinds of fun activities and crafts. Ages 6 -11. ABC Adventures. Wednesday, y January 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31, 10 to 11 am. Join interactive playtime for fun with stories, music, puzzles and toys. Ages 1-5 with a caregiver.r river Forest Public library. y 735 Lathrop, River Forest. Visit or call 366-5205 for updates. Coffee Monday. Adult. Monday, y January 8, 10 to 11 am. Learn about Power of Attorney for Health Care and Property and Living Will Declarations. Presented by Tiffany Clements. Virtual Stories and Crafts for Families. On the YouTube channel second Tuesday of each month. Tuesday, y January 9, 10 am. Afternoon Book Club. Adult. Wednesday, y January 10, 1:30 to 2:30 pm. Books available in advance. Story Stretchers, K-2. Wednesdays, January 10, 17 and 24, 4 to 4:30 pm. Crafts, games, storytelling. Toddler Time, 18 months-3 years with a caregiver.r Thursdays, January 11, 18 and 25, 10 to 10:30 am. Family Story Time and Play. Ages 0-6. Fridays, January 12, 19 and 26, 10 to 11 am. Chair Yoga, Adults. Saturday, y January 13, 2 to 3 pm. Brought to you in partnership with the River Forest Township. Advanced registration required.

SAT A & ACT Success. Grades 7-Adult (virtual). Wednesday, y January 17, 7 to 8 pm. All about college entrance exams. Must register in advance. Film Lover Fridays. Adult. January 19, Noon to 2:30 pm.This season: movies based on classic novels. Watch To Kill A Mockingbird. Snacks will be served, but you may also bring a lunch. Stick around after the film for a discussion led by local film expert Jim Jacob. Brought to you in partnership with River Forest Township. Barbie: The History of America’s Most Famous Doll. Adults. Sunday, y January 21, 2 to 3:30 pm. Healthy Comfort Cuisine Demonstration & Ta T sting. Adults. Wednesday, y January 24, 7 to 8 pm. Healthy winter recipes. river Grove Public library. y 8638 W. Grand Avenue in River Grove. Visit the website at for updates and virtual programs. Registration is required unless otherwise noted. Zentangling 101. Monday, y January 8. Ages 13-17. Must register.r Book Ta T sting. Thursday, y January 11, 6 to 7 pm. Bring in a book you love or just discovered to talk about. Must register.r God’s Eye Weaving. Saturday, y January 13, 1 to 2 pm. Ages 9-17. Must register.r Grab & Go: Repurposed Bottle Cap Picture Frames. Monday, y January 15. Kits are limited. Must register.r Night Ta T les: Grimm’s Fairy TTales. Mondays, January 15 and 22, 6 to 7 pm. Story, y craft and snack. Ages 9-12. Must register.r AM Storytime, Thursday, y January 18 and 25, 11 to 11:45 am. PM Storytime, Thursday, y January 18 and 25, 1 to 1:45 pm. Ages 4 and under.r This year’s theme is Months of the Year.r Registration required. Call or email Mrs. Tucker for more information: 708-453-4484 ( Nintendo Game Day. Saturday, y January 20, 11 am to 2 pm. Come in for a gaming bonanza. There will also be board games and snacks. Ages 9-12. Must register.r ScaleLit Career Pathways Navigators. Tuesday, y January 23, 6:30 to 7:30 pm. Germania Solorzano from the American Job Center will explain what they do and offer to those who are job hunting, connect people to services/programs and help with career exploration questions and more. Must register.r Evening Ta T les. Wednesday, y January 24 and 31, 6 to 6:45 pm. Ages 5-8. Read a short story, y make a craft, have a snack and play games. Register for each day separately. Call or email Mrs. Tucker for more information: 708-453-4484 (

Neighbors • 28



Infinity and Beyond Academy has now opened a second location in Melrose Park, inside of 5 Stars Sports Inc. South Field, 1150 N. 27th Avenue. The Academy offers Tumbling and Trampoline classes for youth ages 2 to 18. Winter sessions begin January 9th so save your spot! Students at the Infinity and Beyond Academy, y headed by former Brazilian gymnast Cassia Cantelmo, will learn tumbling and trampoline skills tailored to their individual level of experience. “Infinity and Beyond Academy focuses on building self-confidence and leadership for these young students,” Cantelmo says. “Students work during practice to learn how to control their bodies and also work on their social development through taking turns on the recreational and competitive level while supporting their friends in class.” Cassia Cantelmo, who started her Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) and United States Tumbling and Trampoline Association (USTA T ) affiliate program at the Elmwood Park Recreation Center in September 2018, has more than 30 years of experience coaching/mentoring children in the area. She hopes that through their training and performance her students will become “strong and confident.”

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January 13 & 20

Score big this spring at Triton College – your super day of success awaits! Triton is hosting Super Registration Saturday, ya super big-game enrollment celebration, on Saturday, y Jan. 13, and Saturday, y Jan. 20, 9 am to 3 pm, in the Student Center Cafeteria (B Building). Students can register for spring classes while enjoying giveaways and snacks (while supplies last). The spring semester begins Monday, y Jan. 22. For more information, visit


Tay a lor Swift f Show o

Are you ready for it? The Triton College Cernan Earth and Space Center is presenting Laser Ta T ylor Swift cosmic light show on Saturdays in January and February: Jan. 6, 13, 20 and 27, and Feb. 3, 10, 17 and 24, at 8:30 pm. This 45-minute show incorporates brilliant laser light, thousands of stars and giant digital effects. The show is enjoyable for the whole family. Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for seniors (55 and over) and $5 for children (2-17). NOTE: Tickets can only be purchased in the gift shop the day of the show beginning at 6:30 pm. There are no advance ticket sales. Triton students, faculty and staff are admitted free with a valid ID. The Triton College Cernan Earth and Space Center hours are MondayThursday, y 9:30 am to 5 pm; Friday, y 9:30 am to 4 pm; and Saturday, y 6:30 to 9:30 pm. The Cernan Center is closed on Sundays. For more information, visit or contact by email at You can also follow the Center on Facebook for show updates.

TRITON CHAIR F ature Fe r d on podcast Triton College’s Engineering and TTechnology Chairperson Antigone Sharris was featured on West40’s educational podcast, Shift Everything, in December.r Sharris discussed the importance the trades, especially welding, with the podcast’s host, Chris Coffey, y West40’s Communications and Media Relations manager.r “Receiving a certificate or a degree from Triton in the trades is not only a great choice to become employable, but it can also be a great steppingstone to other career opportunities,” she said. She also feels that the “sky is the limit” when it comes to the trades, and students can start their own businesses and take on leadership roles. “The trades have received a bad reputation,” explained Sharris. “It is a total misconception that the pay is bad, creativity isn’t needed, that it leads to dead ends or that it’s just dominated by men. This is false. Anyone can enter the trades. It’s a great steppingstone for breaking into many fields that require creativity.” The Shift Everything podcast discusses relevant educational topics, from interviews with superintendents and teachers, to student motivational success stories. West40 serves 38 school districts and three co-ops in West Cook County. To listen to the podcast, visit https://spotify f

LEYDEN HIGH SCHOOLS’“TRITON WEEK” Triton Programs on Display a fo f r Students Triton College programs and clubs were on display at Leyden High Schools as they celebrated the second annual Triton Week last month to promote postsecondary pathways for current Leyden students. Representatives from nearly 20 different Triton College programs hosted booths with information, giveaways and interactive activities for students. Triton’s popular mascot, Troy the Trojan, made an appearance at the events. “Triton Week gives students a glimpse into life at Triton College and college in general,” explained Dr.r Jodi Ko K slow Martin, vice president of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs. East Leyden student Angela Raimondi of River Grove said she wants to pursue a career as an ultrasound technician and feels Triton will help her reach her goals. “I always wanted to be a part of the medical field,” she said. “Triton has a good sonography program, so I know I will be successful there.” Student Selena Anaguano of Franklin Park said, “I really liked the fact that Triton came to West Leyden to speak to us. I am interested in entering the health care field.” Neighbors • 30

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out of sight. g out of mind. neighbors magazine reaches thousands of readers each month. do our readers know your business is out there? In good times, businesses should advertise; in tough times, it’s a must. Call Dee Tintori at 708-343-0205 or send an email to for more info. Follow on Facebook and Instagram or read any issue 24/7 at

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NEIGHBORS alvarado, Ricardo. Husband of Leticia; father of Armani, Brianna and Clarissa; son of Salvador and the late Maria Lourdes Alvarado; brother of Salvador “Chava” Alvarado, Jaime Alvarado and Veronica Alvarado; uncle, cousin and friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. arroyo alvarEz, Oscar Daniel. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park. attEo, Pasquale. Husband of the late Francesca, nee Stringile; father of Giovanna Caporale Immacolata (Keith) Darby, Carmela (Lorenzo) Moreno and Caterina (Nicodemo) Agostino; Nonno of Filomena, Keita, Julia and Frankie, Pasquale and Rosanna and Francesca; Bis-Nonno of Angelina, Nicky, Alessia, Luciano, Julian, Vito, Frankie, Keith and Pasqule; brother of Caterina (the late Ignazio) Calabria, Trancedi Atteo, Maria (the late Raffaele) Dublino, Salvatore (Luann) Atteo and the late Michele (Teresa) Atteo; uncle and greatuncle of many. Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside. braiN, Cecilia, nee Martin. Wife of the late James Brain Sr.; mother of Mary (Michael) Klemm, James Jr. (Barbara), Steven (Jeanne), Lawrence, Richard, Jacqueline (Ron) Szaltis, Patricia (Robert) Krauskopf, Daniel (Sonia) and Christine (John) Schwartz; grandmother of 19; great-grandmother of four; aunt and friend of many. Arrangements by Northlake Funeral Home, 140 E. North Avenue, Northlake. carrEra, Catarina, nee Navar. Wife of the late Jose Carrera; mother of Josefina Villanueva and the late Rocio Carrera Navar; grandmother of Isaac Villanueva, Adrianna (Darrell) Tidwell and Rebecca (Jose M. Gonzalez); great-grandmother of Solella Tidwell; sister of Miguel (late Gloria) Navar, late Maria (Zenaido) Zurita, late Rosalina (Enrique) Martinez, late Raul (Esperanza) Navar and late Juan (Luz) Navar; aunt of many. Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside. dE SaNtiago, Francisco Javier. Husband of Guadalupe; father of Arnulfo, Alvaro, Mauricio and Jesus; grandfather of Rosalee and Nicolas; brother of Jose, Luz, Rodrigo, Olga Libia and Luis; uncle and friend of many. Arrangements by Northlake Funeral Home, 140 E. North Avenue, Northlake. fuENtES, Maria. Wife of the late Bonifacio; mother of Susan Fuentes, Ralph Fuentes and Alice Zaragoza; grandmother of Lorraine and Marlene Zaragoza; sister of six; aunt, cousin and friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. garcia, Priscilla, 32, of Melrose Park. Companion of Abel Huerta; mother of Jayden, Armani and the late Joaquin Abel GarciaHuerta; daughter of Jesus C. Garcia and Maria A. Garcia; sister of Joel (Janette) Garcia; granddaughter of Fora Guitron; aunt, niece and cousin of many. Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside. giammarESE, Donna M., nee Giomi, of Northlake. Wife of the late Anthony; mother of Susan (David) Ramseth, Robert (Maureen) Gibson, Antonia (William) Kincanon, Virginia (James) Gresik, William, Maribeth (Frank) Gresik, Frank (Elizabeth) and Donna (Cary) Hendrix; grandmother of 20; great-grandmother of 14; sister of the late Albert Giomi, late Barbara Schembari, late Bill, Edward and Robert Giomi; aunt and friend of many. Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside. Notices continue on page 34

Neighbors • 32


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Do You Have New or Clean, Gently-Used Coats and Blankets To Share? Len Gassmann, President of Action Painting in Melrose Park, is working with several churches and agencies to provide coats and blankets to the homeless and needy. If you have these items to share, call 344-3399 for pick-up information or drop off at the Action Painting office, 2209 Division Street in Melrose Park during business hours. THERE IS NO DEADLINE. This is an on-going effort. Thank you.

NEIGHBORS gibbS, Camille. Wife of Clayton; mother of Darren (Michele) Gibbs; grandmother of Maia, Hayden and Gia Gibbs; sister of Michael (Linda) Contini; aunt, cousin and friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. goNE, Isidro. Father of Mima (Andres) Lopez, Arturo (Rosa) Gone and the late Sandra (Joseph) Dalessandro; grandfather of Andres (Courtney) Lopez, Bianca Lopez, Clarissa Lopez, Christian Lopez, Bianca Gone, Alessa Dalessandro and Joseph Dalessandro; great-grandfather of Chloe Lopez and Moses Lopez; uncle of many. Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside. gordoN, Fannie, 92, of Maywood. Wife of the late Charles Cecil Gordon Sr.; mother of Omie (Clyde) Lane, Mamie Gordon, Wanda Lane, Gwen Gordon, Randy Gordon, the late Charles Cecil Gordon Jr. and the late Larry Gordon; grandmother of Chiquita Gordon, Aisha Lane, Titilayo Lane, Martina Lane, Takiyah Lane, Divonnie Banks, Kisha Dunbar and Reginald McCoy; great-grandmother of Tamara (Joseph) Colon De Jesus, Traevon Pride, Bert’hel Walters, Kelice Williams, Saniyya Harvey, Jeremiah Lane and Jayden Stewart; great-great-grandmother of Naomie Colon De Jesus; sister of Ruth (the late J.V.) Aguillard, the late Roy (Emily) Bolden, the late Henry Bolden, the late Charles Bolden, the late Charles William Dyess, the late William Charles Dyess and the late J.W. Dyess. Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside. graSSo, Josephine. Wife of the late Aniello; mother of Maria (Cesare) Paliferro and Caterina (Bobby) Villa; Nonna of Anthony (the late Annalisa), Cristina (Adam) Peters, Natalie (Christian) D’Agostino, Rosanna (Elio) Desantis, Silvana (Jay) Del Rosario; great-grandmother of Domenico, Luciano, Emilia, Elianna, Milana, Emina, Jay and Arianna; sister of the late Concetta (late Albert) Porcellino, late Salvatore (late Julia) Cocchia, late Pasqualina (late Golfredo) Trombetta; aunt, cousin and friend of many. Proud member of the St. Anthony Society. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. haNdlir, Joan. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park. hErrEra, Brian Montes, 23, of Hillside. Son of Vicente Montes and Maria Christina Herrera; grandson of Cresenciano Montes Lopez and Julia Osorio Vazquez/Eustreberto Herrera and Augustina Herrera; brother of Bianca Montes Herrera, Christian Herrera, Mateo Ramirez Herrera and Leo Ramirez Herrera; nephew, cousin and friend of many. Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside. johNSoN, Josephine. Wife of the late Carl W. “Bill”; mother of Robert and Susan; sister of Theresa (the late Tony) Cimino; aunt, cousin and friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. klaput, Donald. Husband of Susan, nee Spring; father of Kevin (Kristy) and Kristin (Dan) Lukas; grandfather of Connor Lukas, Ella Klaput and Ryan Lukas; brother of Sharon (the late Samuel) Canino and Thomas (Patricia) Klaput; uncle, cousin and friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. lamoNtagNa, Phyllis. Wife of the late Pasquale and the late Ed Robish; mother of Dennis (Mary Ann Venute), Frank (Mary Ann), Patrick (Laura) and Andrew (Nancy); grandmother of 15; great-grandmother of 14; cousin and friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park.

Neighbors • 34


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lauErmaNN, Edwin. Husband of the late Rita; father of Mark (Robin), Brian and Michelle (Steven) Cappellucci; grandfather of four; brother of Pearl (the late James) Kelly; uncle and friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. lEmoN, Antonio, of Melrose Park. Husband of Sandra; father of Donna, Norman, Nancy, Al, Tony, Marie, Michael and Erica; grandfather of Edwin, Victor, Jonathan, Faviola, Tammy, Angel, Elle, Alexis, Mariah, Vanessa, Elyssa, David and Nicole; great-grandfather of Liah, Luciano, Cataleya and Leonardo; brother of Beatrice and Lecha; brother-in-law, uncle, cousin and friend of many. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park. mathEW, Sosamma. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park. h mccarrEll, Donald. Veteran of the U.S. Navy. Husband of Ann; father of Douglas (Frances), Dale (Sonia), Luann and Donna; grandfather of Jason, Trevor, Daren, Mallory, Lauren, Mark, Grant and Gianna; great-grandfather of Lena; brother of the late Barbara Marousek and the late Patricia Benson; uncle and friend of many. Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside. mENdEz, Gustavo Luna. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park. moNtiNo, Carl Michael “Harpo.” Partner of Lisa Haeger; father of Lauren Haeger-Montino; husband of the late Catherine; brother of Gary (the late Marlane); uncle, cousin and friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. moralES, Catalina Garcia. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park. patroNE, Ralph Jr. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park. poNES, Judith L. Wife of the late Anthony Pones, Jr.; mother of Anthony III (Sandy), Andrea (Steve) Saviozzi, Judith and John; grandmother of Nina and Isabella Saviozzi; sister of Carol (Ralph) Leef (and the late Ray Amerian), the late Bonnie (late Dusty) Rhodes, late Alexander (Georgene); aunt, cousin and friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. rayford, John V. Husband of Daisy; father of Angela (Jerome) Winters, Tracy Rayford and Gerald Armstrong; brother of Truly Banks, James T., Larry C., George (Ruby), Aaron, Van (Diane), Eddie, Claudette Marion, Dr. Richard (Dr. Edith), Dr. Walter, the late Henry, the late Geneva, late Helen, late Jeanette and late B.T., late David and late Charlene; uncle, great-uncle, nephew and friend of many. Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside. rEESE, Nancy, 52, of Melrose Park. Wife of Aloysius; daughter of the late Antonio Lemon and Sandra Lemon; mother of Tamara, Angel, Mariah, David and Nicole; relative and friend of many. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park. rodriguEz, Amado. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park. roNSEN, Bruce A. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park. SaNchEz, Maria. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park. Notices continue on page 38

Neighbors • 36

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Schultz, Sr. Mary Florence, C.R. Member of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Resurrection. Sister of Francis and Angeline (Rathai), Norbert and Margaret (Linnihan) and the late Clement and Janet (Warmka), Philip, and Dorothy and Steve Horvat; aunt of many. Served for over 50 years as a nurse and administrator in acute and long-term care facilities. Arrangements by Northlake Funeral Home, 140 E. North Avenue, Northlake. ShurN, Louellen. Wife of Fred D.; mother of Tammy M. Washington, Tonya M. Jeudy and Trina M. Hardiman; grandmother of Rickey Blackwell, Taiyana Shurn, Bruce Shurn, Mario Williams, Matthew Welch and the late Frederick Blackwell; great-grandmother of 10; great-great-grandmother of four; sister of Marilyn, Billy and Grenel; aunt, cousin and friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. SluSarz, Michal. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park. SpEcchio, Stacy M., of Northlake. Wife of Pasquale; mother of Maria (Ricardo) Nieves, Michelle (Ron) Malchiodi and Christine Specchio; grandmother of Claudia Nieves, Ricky Nieves and Alex Nieves; sister of the late Sherry Kraus, nee Panzella and the late Steve Panzella; aunt, great-aunt and godmother of many. Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside. SzkudlarEk, Joseph, of Northlake. Husband of Sandra; father of Erica, Kristen and Cheryl Ann. Arrangements by Northlake Funeral Home, 140 E. North Avenue, Northlake. toia, Giuseppe Vincenzo. Husband of Marianna, nee Lo Bosco; father of Vincenzo (Diane), Salvatore (Maria) and Giovanni; Nonno of Giuseppe V. (Devon), Marianna, Daniella (Adam Rogers), Marianna (Giovanni) Culotta, Josephine (Brian) Norton, Giuseppe Toia and Isabella; Bis-Nonno of Evan Salvatore Norton; brother of the late Salvatore (the late Dolores) Toia; uncle of many. Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside. torNatorE, Dino James. Father of Nick (Aneta Motyka) and John (Zoila); grandfather of Johnathan, Joshua, Ari, Nicholas and Aiden; brother of Tony (late Mary), Jack (late Rafaela), Peter, Valerie (Ken) Dick, Theresa DePhillips; uncle, cousin and friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. Witczak, Ann. Wife of the late Raymond “Smitty”; mother of Bonnie Witczak and the late Peter Witczak; sister of Pasquale Matranga, Bonita Yanahan and the late Frank Matranga; aunt, cousin and friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. yarbar, Tommy L. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park.

CRISIS, GRIEF AND HEALING RESOURCES, the first interactive grief website on the internet, offers discussion boards, articles, book suggestions, and advice for men and women working through every aspect of grief. The site’s founder, Tom Golden LCSW, has provided book excerpts and contact information to help those healing from loss. The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) website contains a Grief & Loss section with grief-related articles and information at Notices are printed free of charge upon request on a spacepermitting basis. Mail and e-mail addresses appear on page 4.

Neighbors • 38




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