Neighbors Magazine July 2023

Page 1 •our 20th year everybodyhasone. A free monthly magazine july2023 Summer Concerts, Carnivals, Car Shows and More Love Fireworks? Don’t miss Community Days in Northlake 130 YEARS An Unbroken Tradition: The Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Melrose Park Neighborstm ASKFORSAMMYALFANO“THENEIGHBORHOODGUY” NISSANMELROSEPARK July 7-July 16 A+ MelroseParkOffice 1440W.NorthAve. MelrosePark,IL60160 708.865.5700 BellwoodOffice 2801St.CharlesRd. Bellwood,IL60104 708.544.9800 LittleVillageOffice 2737W.CermakRd. Chicago,IL60608 773.254.9700 PalatineOffice 190N.SmithSt. Palatine,IL60067 847.991.4300 BloomingdaleOffice 108W.LakeSt. Bloomingdale,IL60108 630.283.5777 Changeyourcareerpath. BuildUsUp! Mentoringourteammemberstoreachtheir fullpotential,servingourclientssotheymay attaintheirpersonalandbusinessaspirations, andhelpingourcommunitiesthriveiswhat PanAmericanBank&Trustisallabout. CallStacyTheodorakakisat 708-273-8108for moreinformation. WE’REHIRING! UniversalBanker MelrosePark&PalatineO ces

valentino tina

I want to be like a sunflower, so that even on the darkest days I will stand tall and find the sunlight.

Author unknown

I killed it. I wish I could’ve seen my own face I came down the stairs, looked at the first thing I see every morning and my jaw dropped It wasn’t a mouse or a flood or another car in my living room, thankfully it was the once-thriving green plant sent to me by a friend in memory of my mom I killed it Withered and weary-looking like Winnie the Pooh’s friend, Eeyore, I was sad and ashamed that I had neglected one of the few things in the house that was full of life I even rearranged the furniture a little so that the plant would get ample sunlight and share the south window view with the statue of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. But there it was: lifeless.

We never had any plants in our house, maybe because my mom was no green thumb either. We enjoyed the fragrance from some dried Eucalyptus bunches, proudly displayed in a handpainted vase that was my great-grandmother ’s, and an occasional Frasier fir Christmas tree, which obviously doesn’t count as a house plant. I am in awe of people who can grow and care for plants, harvest and store seeds for the next season, people who know when and where to prune a rose bush and those who can walk out to their garden, grab a few tomatoes, Melrose peppers, cilantro, zucchini, radishes, a jalapeño or two and cook up something fresh and amazing. I live vicariously through Armen Adamjan, better known as “creative explained” on TikTok and Instagram almost every day, one of his genius 30-second videos will pop up and, with lightning speed, this guru of household and plant hacks, tips and tricks, will have me wide-eyed and wondering how he grew a lemon tree from a seed in a wet paper towel, how he upcycles empty plastic water bottles into homemade plant drip systems and mini greenhouses and how matchsticks, dissolved in water, speed up the growth of seedlings with the boost of phosphorus, sulfur and magnesium Who knew?

All I knew was that my plant, since identified (ironically) as a Peace Lily, looked as sad as I feel some days. The only plant hack I had up my sleeve was to give it water, time...and a little prayer. My prayer wasn’t nearly as desperate as the plea of Emmanuella DeStefano, who prayed to Our Lady of Mount Carmel over a century ago for her seriously-ill husband to recover. Still, I couldn’t help but think of her as I watched for signs of life in my plant, now on the window sill next to the statue. As ridiculous as it sounds, I really wanted that plant to recover, too.

The next morning I was afraid to look (I always think the worst, by the way) but there was my Peace Lily, standing tall and finding the sunlight, despite a few dark days. Was it the water? The sun? The prayer? The statue? Maybe all of the above and maybe it was just another lesson for me to learn the hard way. Anticipating the 2023 Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel without my very devoted mom makes me want to shrivel up like the plant I know many others who might feel the same way But we won’t Like Emmanuella didn’t all those years ago Despite feeling wilted and hopeless, there will be water, sun, prayer and the beautiful original statue as it makes its way through the streets for the 130th year My plant will be in the window, reminding me of my mom and so many others who are no longer part of our lives and this emotional, historic and sacred tradition, subtly reminding me (and all of us) that faith, perseverance and resilience, courage and thriving are possible, even if it takes time. I might never master gardening or have great faith but I recently planted some basil from seeds to hopefully teach me by their example how something so small can become so strong.

“ “


Bellw l ood

n Bellwood Public Library

n Mickey’s Drive-In

n Gioacchino’s Ristorante

n Bellwood Village Hall

n Currency Exchange on Mannheim

n Center at Stevenson Park


n Torres Fresh Market

n Republic Bank

n JK Restaurant

n Berkeley Village Hall and Public Library


n Lucky Dog on Harlem Avenue


n Broadview Village Hall

n Broadview Family Restaurant

n Lucky Dog on Cermak

n Dunkin Donuts on Roosevelt


n Harlo Grill #2

n Lezza Spumoni & Desserts

n Elmhurst Metra Station

elmwood Park

n Judy’s Gaming Cafe

n Armand’s Pizzeria on North Avenue

n Russell’s BBQ

n Elmwood Park Village Hall

n Elmwood Park Public Library

n Elmwood Park Recreation Center

Forest Pa P rk

n New Smokin M’s BBQ

n New Forest Park Village Hall

n Charlie’s Restaurant on Roosevelt

n Harvest 365

n Ed’s Foods

n Starship Restaurant

Franklin Park

n New Garden of Eat’n Restaurant

n New Sky Cafe

n Pet Paradise Supermarket

n Yadi’s Grill, 25th and Grand

n Franklin Park Metra Station

n Lulu Belle’s Pancake House

n Al and Joe’s Deli

n American Legion Post #974

n Smart Wash Laundromat

n Franklin Park Public Library

n Park District of Franklin Park

n Franklin Park Village Hall

n Leyden Community Center


n Hillside Village Hall

n Russo’s Chapels

n Q’s Restaurant & Pizza

n Hillside Public Library


n New Carnitas Don Alfredo Original

n Stairway of the Stars

n Poor Boy, 1st & Roosevelt

n Maywood Village Hall

n Maywood Public Library

melrose Pa P rk

n New Tom’s Steak House

n New Carnitas Don Alfredo Original corner of 25th and Lake Street

n New Rep Hernandez District Office

n Melrose Park Village Hall

n Melrose Park Senior Center/ Chamber of Commerce

n Sahara Home Care on North Avenue

n Westlake Urgent Care on Lake Street

n Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

n Tony’s Finer Foods on Mannheim

n Dunk Donuts on Lake Street

n Lucky Dog on Lake Street

n Melrose Park Public Library

n Sacred Heart Church

n Harlo Grill #1 on North Avenue

n Veterans Park District Leoni Complex

n 7-11 on Broadway

n PNC Bank, Winston Plaza

n Scudiero’s Bakery & Deli

n Pan American Bank

n Melrose Currency on Broadway

n St Paul Lutheran Resale Shop

n IHOP in Winston Plaza


n New Northlake City Hall

n Cuomo To Go

n Grant Park Recreation Center

n Northlake Public Library

n Casa Scalabrini Village

north riverside

n Catie’s Place Gaming Cafe

n North Riverside Village Commons

n North Riverside Public Library

river Forest

n Yolk Restaurant on North Avenue

n River Forest Chocolates

n River Forest Public Library

river Grove

n Quasthoff’s Florist

n Catie’s Place Gaming Cafe

n Triton College

n Rich’s Fresh Market

n Dunkin’ Donuts: River and Grand

n Dunkin’ Donuts near 1st and Belmont

n Bargains in a Box

n Blondie’s Diner

n River Grove Public Library

n River Grove Village Hall

n River Park Moose Lodge

schiller Pa P rk

n Al & Andy’s Restaurant

n Mobil Gas Station, 25th & Irving

n Gambino’s Fresh Market

stone Park

n Shwings Shrimp & Wings

n Stone Park Village Hall

n Firehouse Subs


n Westchester Food Pantry

n Westchester Village Hall

have a suggestion for a busy drop location? let us know!

High-traffic distribution in the towns including Oak Park and River Forest, Bellwood, Berkeley, North Riverside, Forest Park, Hillside, Maywood, Melrose Park, Westchester as well as Elmwood Park, Franklin Park, Northlake, Schiller Park, River Grove and other communities.

Ne Neig ighb h or orst stm has the edge over other publications when it comes to readership

Tina Valentino

Executive Editor and Contributor

Winner of a Peter Lisagor Aw A ard for Exemplar y Journalism

Dee Tintori • Account Executive

Mailing Address

P. P O. Box 1501, Melrose Park, IL 60161-1501 Phone 708.343.0205

E-mail: mel60160@aol com


No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any manner without permission. Opinions and advertisements expressed are those of the writers themselves and are in no way to be construed as statements, positions or endorsements by in particular, inc © 2023

Neighborstm is a trademark of in particular, inc.


The Village of foresT Pa P rk invites you to Groovin’ in the Grove free summer concerts at the Forest Park Picnic Grove, 7824 Madison Street. Dates coming up are July 18, Lakeside Revival and August 15, R-Gang will perform Grab a blanket or a lawn chair and enjoy! For more info, call 771-7737

The Village of Bellwood is getting ready for the 2023 Ta T ste of Bellwood set for August 11, 12 and 13 at the Village Hall campus, 3200 Washington Boulevard. Family friendly and affordable, the Ta T ste offers free parking, carnival rides, food ($5 or less), entertainment and fireworks!

Neighbors • 4

2023 in TheVillageofHillsidePresents PLATINUM MAINSTAGE SPONSORS$3000 CruiseNightandTheMarketPlacestartat5:00P.M. Foodandbeerwillbeavailableforpurchasestartingat5:00P.M. FreeTuesdayConcertsat5:30&7:30 GOLD SPONSORS$1500 SILVER SPONSORS$750



TheVillageofBerkeleypresents ElectricNightsMusicSerieson ThursdaysinJuly,7to9pmat BerkeleyPark.

July6:TonyOceanhostedby BerkeleyNeighborhoodWatch. Oceanappearsathundredsof venueseveryyear,embodyingthe musicoftheRatPack,TomJones, TonyBennett,BobbyDarinandyour favoriteMotownandrockartists.

July13:TheRobPostBand, performingJazz,BluesandRock& Rollhits,alsobroughttoyouby BerkeleyNeighborhoodWatch.

July20:AlSp ears&The HurricaneProject(Jazz,Bluesand Soul)presentedbytheBerkeley GardenClub.

July27:Horizon(R&B,Souland Funk)complimentsoftheBerkeley HistoricalSociety.


BrookfieldZoo’sConcertsfor Conservation,July14-15andJuly 21-22promisefourincredible eveningsoflivemusicwhilerelaxing inthebeautifulparksurroundedby wildlifeandnature.Bringyour appetitesblankets,lawnchairsand family/friends.Ticketsare$45for non-membersand$40forZoo members.




July22,PlainWhiteT’s For$55,guestscangetVIP accesstovenueat5:30pmwith pa rkingfeeincluded.A30-minute lightshowanddancepartystarts aftertheconclusionofeachconcert. Topurchaseticketsonlineandlearn moreabouttheevent,visit


TheVillageofHillside’s2023 FREESummerNightsConcertSeries willtakeplaceagainattheHillside Commons,cornerofWashington StreetandHillsideAvenueon Tuesdaynights.CruiseNightand TheMarketPlacestartat5pm, withfoodandbeeravailablefor purchase.

July18:SamSavageperforms at5:30pmfollowedbyThe Buckinghams(originalmembers CarlGiammareseandNickFortuna pictured)at7:30pm.

July25:MariachiShowSolDe Oroat5:30pmfollowedbyL.A . SoundMachineat7:30pm.

August1:AlSpears&The HurricaneProjectat5:30followed byTheVoicesat7:30pm.For completeeventdetails,visit



The Village of Elmwood Park’s Summer in the Circle 2023 concerts are held in the Village Circle, Conti Parkway off Grand and 76th Avenue, 7 to 8:30 pm Coming up:

July 13: Chicago Tribute Anthology (A Tribute to Chicago)

July 27: Anthem’s Grand Illusion (Tribute to Styx)

August 25: D A R E Car Show and Kashmir (Led Zeppelin Tribute)

Also upcoming is the Ta T ste of Elmwood Park set for August 10-13 For over 30 years the Taste of Elmwood Park has been the premier event of the Village. The Annual Taste takes place at Central Park on 75th Avenue and Fullerton and showcases some of the finest local restaurants as well as musical entertainment, games, rides, arts & crafts and more. Features of the Taste include: The Mayor’s Cup Bocce Tournament, The Taste Lounge, Yoga in the Park and our newest the 75th Avenue Market featuring fresh seafood selections and Italian Favorites

For more details, including how to become a sponsor, visit the website at


The Park District of Franklin Park has planned several events for the month of July. Anyone needing more info, should contact the Park office at 847-451-8141 Pool on Pacific is located at 9715 Pacific Avenue

July 4 Celebration: Noon to 6 pm at Pool on Pacific

July 7: Movie Night at the Pool on Pacific Summer Concert Series: July 11, 18 and 25, starting at 7 pm at North Park Baseball Fields, 10040 Addison Avenue.

July 14: Street Dance from 6 to 11 pm On Franklin Avenue outside of the Community Center.

July 20: Park Party starting at 6:30 pm at Little Pearl Park.


Leyden Township invites area residents to National Night Out on Wednesday, August 2, 6 to 8 pm at Westdale Park, 3045 Sandra in Melrose Park Enjoy an evening with community police officers, family, y neighbors and friends playing games, winning prizes and more. There will be Touch A Truck for kids, practice a 9-1-1 call demonstrations, Smart 911 registration, K-9 demonstrations and food. Bring unexpired non-perishable food items for the food drive and receive a free raffle ticket Donations go to families in need in the area The event is sponsored by Leyden Township and the Cook County Sheriff’s Police

Neighbors • 8 HouseforSale?Remodeling?Decluttering? HeavyFurnitureintheWayofCleaning? AMESERVICING GROUP Residential•Commercial•OfficeSpaces AndrésEnríquez.I’llgetitdone. 872.215.8206
Wecleanandwe’llget ridofthejunkinyour garage,basement,etc.

t p l a c e d t h e m a m o n g t h e b e s t p i z z a r e s t a u r a n t s o u t o f 9 8 i n t h e C h i c a g o l a n d a r e a G i o a c c h i n o ’ s w a s a l s o s e l e c t e d # 1 i n t h e w e s t e r n s u b u r b s i n t h r e e c a t e g o r i e s : T h i c k , P a n a n d S t u f f e d P i z z a


Spaghetti & Meatballs By Sun-Times Critic Pat Bruno

H o w e v e r , p i z z a i s n ’ t a l l t h a t G i o a c c h i n o ’ s e x c e l s i n A m o n g t h e i r d e l i c i o u s h o m e m a d e s p e c i a l t i e s a r e L a s a g n a , C h e e s e a n d M e a t R a v i o l i , m o u t h - w a t e r i n g M o s t a c c i o l i ; a l s o C h i c k e n V e s u v i o , V e a l S c a l l o p i n i , V e a l a l a M a r s a l a , V e a l a l a F r a n c a i s e , V e a l P a r m i g i a n a , B a k e d M o s t a c c i o l i , C h i c k e n C a c c i a t o r e , F e t t u c c i n e A l f r e d o , P e r c h , F r e n c h F r i e d S h r i m p , I t a l i a n B a c a l a , F i s h P l a t t e r a n d m a n y o t h e r C a l a b r e s e - s t y l e d i s h e s , i n c l u d i n g t h e i r o w n P i z z a P u f f s c a l l e d P a n z a r o t t i

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The City of Northlake in partnership with Leyden Township and Veterans Park District presents Community Days, July 7-9 at Grant Park and Centerpoint Preserve. The three-day event will feature a carnival, food vendors, DJ, bingo, car show, Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast and fireworks. Schedule is:

Friday, July 7: Carnival only, 6 to 11:30 pm

Saturday, y July 8: Food and DJ, 5 to 10 pm Carnival from 3 to 11:30 pm. Fireworks at 9:30 pm.

Sunday, July 9: Kiwanis Breakfast, 8 am to Noon Car Show from 9 am to 3:30 pm. Touch A Truck, 10 am to Noon. InflateA-Fest from 11 am to 2 pm Bingo starts at 1 pm Carnival hours are 3 to 10 pm.




The Village of Schiller Park has events planned throughout July, y August and September, r which include:

Rockin’ in the Park Concerts at the Clock Tower, 9501 Irving Park Road. July 13, 7 to 8:30 pm: Anthony Cassano Quartet, performing everything from Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Tom Jones to country hits and more. August 10: Tony Ocean entertains with the best hits from the 50’s to the 80’s August 24: Ta T ngent, classic and modern rock

Movie in the Park “DC League of Super-Pets,” July 13 at 9 pm at the Clock Tower

Last Chance to Dance: August 25, 7 to 9 pm.


Pierogi & Fun: August 26, 2 to 8 pm

Block Party & Car Show: August 27, 11 am to 4 pm.

Village Wide Garage Sale: September 16 and 17


Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, snacks or pack a picnic for Music & Movies in the Park presented by Veterans Park District. Patio Bar will open at 6 pm serving cold beer and wine. Fresh popcorn served while supplies last All events are subject to change so visit for information and follow the Facebook page for updates




Wednesday, July 19: The Stingrays perform the greatest Rock and Roll hits at 7 pm at Grant Park, 44 W. Golfview Drive in Northlake followed by the featured movie “Grease” at 8:30 pm.

Wednesday, July 26: Experience island entertainment with the dancers and musicians of The Barefoot Hawaiian at Bataan Park, 1220 N 9th Avenue in Melrose Park beginning at 7 pm followed by the featured movie “Moana” at 8:30 pm

Neighbors • 10
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130 Years


The Feast of Our Lad ady of Mount Carmel Ju J ly 77-Ju J ly 16

The 130th Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Melrose Park will include the traditional street processions, Masses, rose presentation and more at the Parish/Shrine, 1101 N 23rd Avenue (23rd and Augusta) For more information, visit, follow on Facebook at, send an email to feast olmc@gmail com or call the rectory at 708-344-4140

July 7-15, 7:30 pm: Solemn Novena presided by Rev. Miguel Alvarez, CS , former Pastor at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish-Shrine, now Provincial Superior of the Scalabrini Fathers of North and Central America.

Tuesday, y July 11, 7 pm: Banner Presentation

Wednesday, July 12, starting at 6 pm: Rose Presentation. For more information and three options to pay, visit the parish website

Thursday, July 13, 7 pm: Memorial service for deceased members of the Feast Committee and Caliendo’s Banda Napoletana marches through the streets

Friday, July 14, 6 pm: Feast Celebration Dinner. r Donation for the Celebration Dinner, to be held at the Parish, is $25 per ticket Tickets can be purchased online through the parish website.

Saturday, July 15, Mass in Spanish at 3 pm, Mass in English at 5:30 pm

Sunday, July 16, 7:30 am Mass in English; 9 am Mass in Italian; 10:30 am statue leaves church in procession to field Mass; Noon Mass on church grounds with Bishop Kevin Birmingham; 1:30 pm traditional procession continues through the streets; 4 pm statue returns to church, followed by Benediction.

The parish website at www olmcparish org provides details for the route, rose presentation application, application for the ad book available to friends of the parish (call for availability), becoming a Tent Tops sponsor, tickets to the Feast Celebration Dinner and tickets for the Grand Raffle, $20 for a book of 10.

The Altar and Rosary Society is also offering official banners (new arrivals), garden flags, window and lawn signs. Items are available in the Parish office during regular business hours For questions, contact Linda Basili at 312-315-9554 All proceeds from the sales benefit the Parish-Shrine.

Neighbors • 12
Illinois House Speaker
 
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A dedication ceremony unveiling the Merri Dee Youth Technology Lab, a tribute to the esteemed Merri Dee, an invaluable mentor and advocate for PLCCA (Proviso Leyden Council for Community Action, Inc.) was held last month at 515 S St Charles Road, Maywood Known as “Chicago’s Very Own,” Merri Dee left an indelible mark at WGN and the broadcasting industry. “It was truly an honor and a privilege to attend,” said Speaker Welch. Ms. Dee was very special to me and helped me on my professional way over 30 years ago ” Ms. Dee's daughter, Toya Campbell, and family, along with good friend Andrew Hayes, and elected officials, PLCCA Board Members and television crews were at the event

Back to school health Fair

Speaker Welcher will host a Back to School Health Fair on Saturday, July 29, 10 am to 2 pm at Proviso West High School, 4701 Harrison in Hillside. Get a head start on the new school year with a variety of local service providers offering important health and wellness resources for children and families

congressman holds town hall in Franklin Park

Congressman Chuy García (IL-04) held an in-person Town Hall on June 26 in the Village of Franklin Park’s Community Room. Rep. García provided a federal legislative update and talked about jobs, infrastructure and environmental justice and answered questions from local residents Rep García was joined by Franklin Park Mayor Barrett Pedersen.

For those unable to attend, he Town Hall will be streamed live via Facebook Follow the Congressman on Facebook at for updates on local events.

Neighbors • 14
Please join us for our monthly Zoom Coffee Cha t. Gain insights into the market, especially in these uncertain times. Contact Emily a t for details. 3416HarlemAvenue,Riverside 708-853-9252| Newsfromyourelectedofficials PEOPLE
speaker welch attends dedication of Plcca’s merri dee youth technology lab

mayor announces tentative list of Food vendors and entertainment for the 41st taste of melrose

Melrose Park Mayor Ron Serpico and Taste of Melrose Park Coordinator Peggy DiFazio are excited to announce two of the most anticipated features of the Labor Day weekend event: food vendors and entertainment. Set for Friday-Sunday, September 1-3 on the grounds of the Village campus at 1000 N 25th Avenue, the Taste will also include a carnival, main drive shows, Sabor de Mexico stage and other attractions.

2023 food vendors include: Camaci’s Italian Sausage and Arancini, Honey Hot Boneless Chicken Bites, Sam & Sammy’s Italian Egg Rolls, Carlotta’s Sweet Aroma Linguine w/Garlic and Oil, Shwings Fried Shrimp, Ianelli’s Panzerotti, Mickey’s Italian Beef, Chrissy’s Hot Dogs, Putt’s Raw Clams, Larry’s BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich, Richie’s Curly Fries w/Cheese, Los Comales

“Taco Bout It” Horchata and Tacos, The Roasted Cob, Adriana’s Pepper & Egg Sandwich, Cilla’s Steak Teriyaki, Cervone’s Homemade Cannoli, Ron’s Famous Fried Dough, Siciliano’s Old Fashioned Fried Bologna, Levato’s Affogato, Marilyn’s Delicious Hamburgers, Fried Meatball Sandwich with Cheese Sauce, Nacho Mama’s, Soon’s Tres Leches Cake, Italian Stuffed Mushrooms, Candied Bacon (Pig Candy), Uncle Frankie’s Mostaccioli in Tomato Basil Sauce, Nikki’s Zucchini Cheese

Puffs, Lil Jimmy’s Pierogies, Cody’s Root Beer Floats, Cheesy Mac and Cheese, Athenian Foods Greek Chicken with Rice, Strawberry Slushies, Squires Cotton Candy, Pepe’s Ceviche, Nutella Crepes, Nirvana’s Brownie Sundaes, JT’s Italian Meatball Sandwich, Antney’s Italian Lemonade, Capt D’s Seeds, Nuts and Homemade Lupini, Ashley’s Snow Cones, Riccio’s Italian Pasta Salad, Volunteers of MP Tiramisu, Scudiero’s Pizza and Pepperoni Rolls, Clara’s Dippin Dots, Patty’s Eggplant Parmesan Sandwich, Eli’s Cheesecake, Lil Dean’s Ravioli, Vinnie Laraia’s Baked Clams, Jessica’s Tamales, Paco’s Cuban Sandwich, Diana’s Mozzarella Sticks, Corz Kids Garlic Shrimp, Corinne Ariola Principe’s Artichoke Casserole, Elio’s Funnel Cake, Missionary Sisters of St. Charles Sfingi, Sacred Heart/St. Eulalia Food Trays. For an entertainment update, visit www melrosepark org

Neighbors • 16 we are your neighborhood supplier of: MULCH Compost•NaturalMulch•RedMulch BrownMulch•PremiumMulch BlackMulch•GoldMulch PULVERIZED TOP SOIL STONE/SAND 3/4”RiverRock•1-1/2”RiverRock Grade8Limestone•3/4”Limestone DecorativeStone jks offers high-quality landscape material for pick-up or delivery FlatDeliveryRate•3YardMinimum Main Yard: 3800 W. Lake Street in Melrose Park 70 7 8.33 3 8.3408 • www.J .JKS K Ve V ntu t re r

it’stimeto SIGNUP!

Pickleball. This rapidly-growing sport combines elements of tennis, badminton and ping-pong The rules are simple and easy to learn but it can also develop into a quick, fast-paced, competitive game for experienced players Lessons available for all age groups

n Zumba. Latin music and easy-to-follow moves provide a fun, energetic class. Class 1 is on Mondays and Class 2 is on Thursday, Ages 16 and up Mondays, July 10August 7; Thursdays, July 6-August 3 at 6:30 pm Fee is $40R/$55NR. Sign up for both classes and get a special rate Call or visit vpdpark com to register online



Enjoy a delicious buffet lunch in dining room at the Starved Rock Lodg trolly tour will take you to the riverboat to view the east end of the Starved Rock area. Toward the end the day, you will attend a wine tasting at the August Hill Winery in Utica. Cheers! For Active Adults on Tuesday, July 18 from 9:30 am (departure) to 6:30 pm (est. return). Fee is $110. Departure and return location is Grant Park, 44 W. Golfview Drive in Northlake.


Join us for an exciting White Sox game! A former Sox player will call Bingo at noon. Bingo is played during and after lunch a buffet of Cajun chicken, fried chicken, hot dogs, BBQ ribs, hamburgers, salads, unlimited beer, wine and soft drinks. Bingo winners will receive White Sox giveaway items. The seats are boxed on the lower level For Active Adults on Wednesday, August 3, from 10 am (departure) to 5:45 pm (est. return). Fee is $85. Departure and return location is Grant Park, 44 W Golfview Drive in Northlake


or call the office at 708-343-5270 for more information on Batting Cages and the Golf Simulator, r Early Childhood, Athletic Programs, Fitness Classes at Cimbalo Fitness Center, Active Adults and Special Recreation Programs. Follow VPD on Facebook.

n sand volleyball. Learn the basic skills of the game of volleyball, while having fun on the Gouin Park Sand Volleyball Court, 2400 Scott Street, Franklin Park Ages 10-15, 11am-11:45am on Mondays, July 10-31 Fee is $55R/$70NR.

n Baseball. Grab your glove and meet up at the Bulger Park baseball Diamond, 1601 Hirsch Street in Melrose Park. Kids will be taught the proper mechanics to throw, hit and field. Ages 8-12 on Wednesdays, 11-11:45 am from July 12-August 2 Fee is $55R/$70NR

n dodgeball. Various versions will be played at Grant Park, 44 W. Golfview Drive in Northlake, including regular dodgeball, scatter ball and Pirates Prison Ages 912 on Tuesdays, Noon to 12:45 pm, July 11-August 1. Fee is $55R/$70NR.


n Babysitter training with Pediatric cPr/First aid. Participants receive a certificate of completion for Babysitter’s Training. Participants also receive a two-year certification for Pediatric CPR/First Aid An adult must be present the entire length of the training Ages 11-15 on Wednesday, August 9 and Thursday, August 10. Fee is: $194R/$204NR Classes held at Grant Park Recreation Center 44 W Golfview Drive in Northlake

n chinese lanterns. People release sky lanterns with the belief it will bring good luck! Make one out of tissue paper and thin wire Lanterns will be released in an open area. Ages 6+ on Tuesday, September 19 from 5:457:45pm. Fee is: $30R/$40NR. Bulger Park Community Center, 1601 Hirsch Street in Melrose Park

n Fairy Gnome sweet home. Make a fairy/gnome home using rocks, pebbles, twigs, moss, leaves, feathers, dry grass or acorns Ages 6+ on Tuesday, July 25 from 5:45-7:45pm. Fee is: $30R/$40NR. Bulger Park Community Center, 1601 Hirsch in Melrose Park.

Neighbors • 18

Doublethefunonthesemidsummernightfreefamilyevents!Bringyourlawnchairs, blankets,snacksorpackapicnic.Dogsarenotallowedonparkproperties.





TheStingrayshaveahighlyinteractiveshow,featuringthe greatestRock&Rollmusiceverwrittenfromthe50s&60s.




Experienceislandentertainmentwithdancersandmusicians featuringmusicfromtheHawaiianandPolynesianislands.

8:30PM:FEATUREDMOVIE GREASE A50smusicallovestory.


Anadventurousteenager embarksonajourney tosavehervillage.

Freefreshpopcornwhilesupplieslast.Call(708)343-5270orchecktheVPDFacebookpageforrainoutdetails. AllVPDSpecialEventdates,locations,andadvertisedactivitiesaresubjecttochange.Pleasevisitvpdpark.orgforcurrent

LookGood! Semaglutide worksbymimicking ahormonecalledglucagon-like peptide-1(GLP-1)thattargetsareas ofthebrainthatregulateappetite andfoodintake. SignUpToday! ByAppointmentOnly RequiredLabWork (onfirstvisit,coveredbyinsurance) 1419W.LakeSt. MelrosePark,IL (708)690-1911 Weekly Doctor Consultation WeeklyInjections WeightLossManagement NewMedical Weight Loss! M ON TH L Y PA CK A GE : $375/ month Westlake Urgent CareNFP

Farm stand: Buy Fresh at tr t iton every thursday

The Triton College Horticulture Department is hosting its Farm Stand every Thursday, y from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm under the B Building Pavilion, weather permitting. Flowers, herbs and produce grown by Triton College students, staff and faculty will be available for purchase Cash, checks and debit/credit cards will be accepted. For more information, please contact Grow@triton edu

local Pools now open

The Park District of Franklin Park’s Pool on Pacific features slides, zero depth area, spray features, a sundeck and more Located at 9715 Pacific Avenue, the pool is open through September 4 For hours, fees, pool rentals and more details, visit the website at Movie Night at the Pool is set for July 7 starting at 8:30 pm.

Anna Montana Water Park and Memorial Pool at 4001 Scott Street in Schiller Park is now open. Season passes are available Daily admission is $6 for residents and $12 for nonresidents For more details, call 847-671-8585

Veterans Park District’s Gouin Pool and Water Slides, 2400 Scott Street in Franklin Park are also open Enjoy the pools, 232 foot twister slide and 207 foot slide, Kiddie area with umbrella waterfall and new kiddie slide as well as special events hosted at Gouin throughout the summer Regular Season Pass fee: $70 Resident and $90 Non-Resident; $40 Senior Pass (55+). Daily Admission: Ages 2 and under: free Ages 3-11: $8R/$10N (Special pricing after 4 pm: $4R/$5N) Ages 12 and up: $10R/$11N (Special pricing after 4 pm: $5R/$6N). For more info, contact Arianna at 708-343-5270

Quilters Guild

The Itasca Quilters Guild, which has members from Melrose Park, River Forest, River Grove and surrounding towns, meets the third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm at the Itasca Community Library, 500 W Irving Park Road Purpose of the Guild is to meet informally, to quilt, learn, preserve and promote the art of quilting, share ideas, improve skills and for fun and friendship Guests are always welcome Anyone with questions should send an email to

Neighbors • 22 NeighborsMagazine. Don’tmissanotherissue—advertise! followourstoryonFacebook,Instagram&TikTok OpeningSooninBensenville’sdeCampanaPlaza 223W.GrandAvenue CarnitasDonAlfredo ORIGINAL 2501W.Lake MelrosePark 708/338-0844 Mon-Fri,8am-8pm Sat,6:30am-8pm Sun,6:30am-6pm 15N.1stAve. Maywood 708/343-3351 ClosedMonday. Tues-Sat,8am-6pm Sun,8am-5pm

VeteransParkDistricthostsitsAnnualSoftball TournamentatBulgerPark,1601HirschSt., MelrosePark.

WearelookingforMen’s16”andCo-ed14”softball teamstoparticipateineachtournament.Teamspotsfill upfastforthisyearlyeventsoregisteryourteamnow anddon’tmissthisaction-packedweekendofsoftball, foodanddrinks(alcoholicandnon-alcoholic).

•Adepositisrequiredtoholdyourspotoryoucanpay thefeeinfull.

•Registrationwillbetakenthrough outthespringand earlysummer.

•Monetaryprizesandtrophieswillbeawardedtoall winningteamsofeachtournament.


NonRefundableDeposit: $100 (appliedtowardsbalance).

Fee: $200 Formoreinformationortoregisterateam, contactJoeSerpicoat(708)870-4780.

JoinVeteransParkDistrictaswecelebratethetraditionofBocceBall, agamethatcanbeenjoyedbyallages.Signupyourteamforthe2023 Tournamentnow!Call(708)343-5270.Theremustbetwoplayers onateam.Courttimeswillbeassignedthedayofthetournament. Preregistrationrequired.

Interestedinmarketingyourbusinesstohundredsof residents,participantsandlocalbusinesses?

BecomeaaVPDSoftball,BocceBallTournamentsponsor! CallGregStanczykat(708) 343-5270oremail:

Saturday,August5-Sunday,August6 Friday,August4–Sunday,August 6 Friday, August 4 – Sunday, August


YOURLIBRARY: fun,informative

Bellwood Public library Located at 600 S Bohland Avenue; call 547-7393, ext 4 to register or visit www bellwoodlibrary org Registration is required for most programs

After Hours Game Night, Friday, July 14, 6 to 8 pm. First-ever game night for all ages, from video games to board and card games.

Chicago’s Sweet Bakeries Remembered Monday, July 17, 6:30 pm Historian Cheryl Brown explores the histories of Chicago bakeries and baking companies such as Keebler, Fingerhut and more Discover places you can visit and try some delicious samples.

Food Fermentation. Wednesday, July 19, 6 pm. Jeanne Calabrese of Fed Up Ferments will discuss the history of fermentation and how to transform vegetables in your kitchen (with recipes)

The Windy City on the Air: Chicago and the Golden Age of Radio. Monday, July 24, 6:30 pm. Steve Darnall, host of “Those Were The Days” will explore many contributions to radio.

Versiti Blood Drive Tuesday, July 25, 1:30 to 6 pm Sign up to donate blood from 1:30 to 5:50 pm All appointments made through the link on the library website

I-Cash Table with Gladys Piper. Tuesday, July 25, 1:30 to 6 pm. Stop by the I-Cash Table to see if you have any property being held by the State of Illinois!

Chair Yoga Wednesdays, 11 am Ages 14 and up

Yoga With Rhonda. Thursdays, 6 pm. Ages 14 and up.

Zumba with LaToya. Saturdays, 9:45 am. Ages 14 and up.

Berkeley Public library. Located at 1637 N Taft Avenue; call 708-544-6017 or visit the website at www berkeleypl org For more program info, stop in, visit the website or follow on Facebook.

Robert W. Smith Author Read, Wednesday, July 12, 6:30 to 7:45 pm Smith will read from his book, “A Long Way from Clare ”

Teen After Hours, Friday, July 21, 4 to 8:30 pm Movies, gaming, karaoke, laser tag for teens Food provided Limited space so sign up early. For ages 13-18. Must register.

Pajama Story Time, Friday, July 21, 6 to 7 pm. Wear your favorite pajamas and bring your stuffed animal Pick up for stuffed animals will be Saturday, July 22 after 10 am Children must be with adult Adult Bingo, July 10, 1 to 2 pm Light refreshments

Adult Bunco, July 11, 1 to 2 pm. No registration.

Chair Yoga, July 5, 12, 19, 26, 2 to 3 pm.

Family Film Fridays, every Friday, 1 to 3 pm Kids can bring a sack lunch and water bottle Limited seating Homeschool Connection Day, July 11, 1 to 2:30 pm for homeschooling families and those interested in homeschooling.

Nintendo Gaming, every Monday, 3 to 5 pm.

Preschool Play Cafe, every Wednesday, 11:30 am to 12:30 pm

Senior Monday, July 24, 10:30-11:45 am Ages: 55+

Tea & Mystery, July 14, 10:30 am to 12:45 pm. Watch a classic mystery and enjoy light refreshments.

hillside Public library. Located at 405 Hillside Avenue, call 449-7510 or visit www hillsidelibrary org Follow the Library on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter All programs are free YOUTH Play Cafe Meet up with other parents while the kids play. July 10 at 5:30 pm and July 25 at 10 am.

Bookworm Bunch Storytime. Ages 2-4 with caregiver. July 13 at 2 pm

Hillside Library programs continue on page 26

Neighbors • 24

Doyouhaveasenior(60+)athomeandarecaringfor them?Didyouknowthatafamilymembercanapply andgetpaidtocareforthem?Theyarecalled PreferredWorkers.APreferredWorkerisafamily memberorfriendthatwantstotakecareoftheclient. Askusformoreinformation!


YOUR LIBRARY: fun,informative activities authors•answers

hillside Public library, continued

YOUTH Pirate Night Costumes encouraged Activities and games on July 20 at 6 pm

Children’s Yoga/Movement Ages 6-12 with caregiver Must register July 31, 6 pm

TEENS/TWEENS. RPG Tabletop Club. July 11 and 25 at 2 pm.

Creepy Campfire Stories. Outside, weather permitting, July 12 at 6:30 pm.

ADULTS Monday Movie Matinee July 10, 2 pm Snacks and beverages served “Mr Smith Goes to Washington ”

Senior Tech Help for one-on-one assistance with computer basics on July 22, 10 am and 5 pm

CPR. Mini hands-only CPR. Limit 15. July 8, 9:30 am.

Adult/Teen Puzzle Time. Limit 15. July 14 from 5:30 to 7 pm.

COMMUNITY Community Spelling Bee Sign up Ages 6 to adult

Young Authors Submit your original stories to the library Grades K-12 One per student

Family STEM: July 19 and 27

Food for Kids Food Drive. July 10-July 22. All items donated to the Immanuel-Hillside Food Pantry. Snack crackers or cookies, jello, pudding, fruit cups, cereal cups and microwave popcorn needed

northlake Public library. 231 N Wolf Road in Northlake Register for most programs online at www northlakelibrary org or call the Library at 562-2301 x5.

Family Loteria Night, July 25, 7 to 8 pm. Mexican bingo for the whole family. Register online or call.

ADULTS: Zumba, Tuesdays and Fridays, 9:30 am Register online or call Wear comfy clothes, stay for snacks

Kitchen Basics: Emulsions Tips for making your own mayo, bearnaise and hollandaise Must register Wednesday, July 12, 7 pm

Aromatherapy Bracelet Craft. Design a bracelet to help create a calming effect when you ’ re feeling anxious or stressed. Must register.

Thursday, July 20, 7 pm

Cookbook Book Club Select a recipe from the book, cook it and bring it to the meeting to share Register online or call Thursday, July 27, 7 pm

CHILDREN. Wonder Club. Ages 5-8. Fun with S.T.E.A.M. and Superheros, sponsored by the DuPage Children’s Museum. Every child attending gets a free ticket to the museum Thursdays, 6:30 to 7 pm

Tots-ercise Ages 3-5 This gymnastics program helps preschoolers gain a better control of their gross motor skills, balance and hand-eye


magnificent mutts Pet adoption day will be held on saturday, July 8, 11 am to 2 pm at the river Forest Public library. magnificent mutts rescue will have furry friends available at the event. submit an adoption application online to schedule a meet-and-greet walk-ins are also welcome.

coordination. Obstacle courses, balance beam bars and floor tumbling are part of the experience Wear proper gymnastics attire Mondays, July 3, 17 and 31, 10:15 to 11 am

Gym Stars Ages 6-9 No gymnastics experience needed With USA Gymnastics Certified Coach Jenny Wear proper gymnastics attire Monday, July 3, 17 and 31, 11:15 to 12:15 pm.

Painted Animal Stone Art. Saturday, July 8, 2 to 3 pm. Ages 6+. Sensory Saturdays for children of all abilities and ages. Saturdays, July 15, 22 and 29, 10 to 11 am

Food Science: Ice Cream Ages 9-13 Must register Saturday, July 15, 2 to 3 pm

Make It: Roblox Avatar Ages 9-13 Create your custom avatar using snacks and treats. Must register. Saturday, July 29, 2 to 3 pm.

SENIORS: Virtual Chair Yoga, July 11, 2 to 3 pm. Must register.

Summer Mocktails (non-alcoholic cocktails) Recipes and samples provided Must register Tuesday, July 18, 2 to 3 pm

TEENS: Paint by Number Thursday, July 6, 1:30 pm

Karaoke Snacks provided Thursday, July 13, 1:30 pm

Board Games & Pizza. Saturday, July 15, 1:30 pm.

Edible Sculptures, Thursday, July 20, 1:30 pm.

Minute to Win It, Thursday, July 27, 1:30 pm

river Forest Public library. 735 Lathrop, River Forest Visit www riverforestlibrary org or call 366-5205 for updates

Magnificent Mutts Pet Adoption Day, All Ages. Saturday, July 8, 11 am to 2 pm. Give a shelter animal a forever home. Magnificent Mutts Rescue will have furry friends available for adoption. Submit an adoption application online to schedule a meet-and-greet Walk-ins are also welcome

Saturday Stories, Ages 0-6 with caregiver Saturday, July 8, 15, 11 am to Noon

Music Mondays, K-4. Monday, July 10 and 17, 3 to 3:30 pm. Tuesday Tales, Ages 0-6 with caregiver. Tuesdays, July 11, 18, 10 to 10:30 am

Community Art Project, All ages Wednesday, July 12 and 26, 3:30 to 4:30 pm Stop in for a few minutes or for the whole hour and work on a piece of community art that will be displayed at the library Ongoing, every other Wednesday. Last day to participate is August 9.

Stories in the Forest, Ages 0-6 with caregiver. At Trailside Museum Meet at the Nature Play Area Gazebo Thursdays, July 13 and 20, 10 to 10:30 am

More programs on page 28

Neighbors • 26




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YOURLIBRARY: fun,informative

river Forest library, y continued

All Day Ta T ke ‘N’ Makes Grades 5-12 Pick up a program in a bag kit to enjoy at home. Bags are different each week. Available while supplies last Friday, July 14, 21 and 28

Gentle Yoga Saturday, July 15, 2 to 3 pm Adults Bring your own yoga mat

Ta T lewise Presents: Science Heroes Saving the Earth Together. Grades K-4 Join Talewise for an action packed story Must register in advance Wednesday, y July 19, 4 to 5 pm

Film Lover Fridays, Adult Friday, y July 21, Noon to 2:30 pm This season, watch movies directed by women. This month: “Wanda” (1970) Snacks will be served, but you may also bring a lunch Stick around for a post-movie discussion with local film expert Jim Jacob Brought to you in partnership with the River Forest Township.

Live Music in the Library: NEIU Flute Trio. Adults. Saturday, July 22, 2 to 3:30 pm

river Grove Public library. 8638 W. Grand Avenue in River Grove Visit the website at www rivergrovelibrary org for updates and virtual programs Registration is required for all programs unless otherwise noted

Summer Reading Book Ta T sting. Saturday, July 8, 2 to 3 pm

Thursday, July 13, 6 to 7 pm

Tuesday, y July 18, 6 to 7 pm

Bring in a book you love or just discovered from the Library and talk about it for a bit; explain why you like its world or story, y how its characters wormed their way into your heart, or how the author makes the narrative flow Each person will be given a few minutes to present their case and give others a taste of their favorites. Snacks and refreshments will be provided. Registration required.

Family Movie Night Monday, July 10, 5 to 7 pm All ages invited Registration required

Tween Summer Reading: Find Your Voice Using Sign Language. Wednesday, July 12, 11:30 am to 12:30 pm Learn about sign language from around the world with help from a song from the movie Coco, and then learn to sign the alphabet and your name in ASL. Ages 9-12. Registration required.

Summer Club: Find Your Voice Register each week to learn different ways to communicate, listen to stories, make a craft, play games and READ! Everyone will have their own art supplies and hand wipes will be available. This is a 6-week program for ages 5-9. Emails will be sent with the new signup codes Registration required Call 708-453-4484 or email Mrs Tucker at for details.

AM Storytime and PM Storytime, July 13, 20 and 27. Theme is Communication For ages 4 and under Registration required Call Mrs Tucker for more information: 708-453-4484

Teen/Tween Summer Reading: Bleach T-Shirts. Monday, y July 17, 6 to 7 pm For ages 13-17 Wednesday, July 19, 11:30 to 12:30 pm for ages 9-12 Registration required

Teen/Tween Summer Reading: Mason Jar Affirmations Monday, y July 24, 6 to 7 pm for ages 13-17. Wednesday, July 26, 11:30 am to 12:30 pm for ages 9-12 Registration required

Jazz for the Generations Saturday, July 29, 1 to 2 pm From the 60’s to the present, listen to stimulating versions of recognizable melodies. Registration required.

Neighbors • 28
5929W.RooseveltRd. Cicero,IL60804 8400W.26thSt. NorthRiverside,IL60546 714N.Broadway MelrosePark,IL60160 7929CermakRd. NorthRiverside60546 COMPLIMENTARYCOFFEE,SNACKSANDSOFT DRINKSALWAYSAVAILABLEFORGAMERS BIGCA$HGIVEAWAY FIVE (5) Cash Prizes of $100 during the month of JuLY ! ATEACHOFTHESELUCKYdAYGAMINGLOCATIONS: 5929 W. Roosevelt Rd., Cicero • 8400 W. 26th Street, North Riverside 714 N. Broadway Ave., Melrose Park • 7929 Cermak Rd., North Riverside FIVE (5) Cash Prizes of $100 each will be raffled during the month of July at each participating location 1 entry per day per person. MUST provide first name, last name and phone number for raffle entry to be considered valid. Separate Promotion runs at each participating location during July 2023 Promotion runs during operating hours from July 1, 2023 - July 31, 2023 Winners for the July Cash Prizes will be drawn on August 4, 2023 Promotion only valid at participating Lucky Day Gaming Cafe locations, located at 5929 W Roosevelt Rd , Cicero; 8400 W 26th Street, North Riverside, Lucky Day Gaming Cafe located at 714 N. Broadway Avenue, Melrose Park; and 7929 Cermak Rd., North Riverside. Limit one win per person per month No purchase necessary Rules and restrictions apply Management reserves all rights

GAB A E CAPORA R LE HonoredbyKnightsofColumbus

Gabe Caporale of Caporale Realty, who recently celebrated his 50th year in the real estate industry, was recently honored by the Sheridan Carroll Council No 537 Knights of Columbus Post with an Award of Appreciation “in recognition of Distinguished and Unselfish Service to the Knights of Columbus.” Caporale, a longstanding member of the Knights, expressed his gratitude to the PGK (Past Grand Knights) committee, the Mazzini-Verdi Club, his family and “honorable fellow Knights” for the recognition Caporale is the founder of Caporale Realty, y 7646 W. North Avenue in Elmwood Park.

MAY A OR KA K TRINA N THOMPSON HousingForwardSalutesBroadview

Mayor Katrina Thompson recently accepted the Community Partner Award for the Village of Broadview from Housing Forward at its 25th annual Have a Heart Gala The Village of Broadview has been instrumental in the development of Housing Forward’s new Permanent Supportive Housing Development and the Mayor and Board have embraced the project, understanding the vital importance of safe, decent, affordable housing “They have welcomed Housing Forward with open hearts, making us feel like we belong in Broadview, w ” according to Housing Forward The new facility will be at 1014-1020 Roosevelt Road



Elmwood Park resident Benedetta Isabella Lino’s new book, “The Dragon With An Amazing Ta T il,” is a new book that brings attention to the hurtful effects of bullying and discrimination because someone is different The main character is a friendly dragon named Siegfried; coming to his aid are the characters in the story that care about him, love him and accept him just the way he is Recommended for children ages 9-12, the book will touch the hearts of children and adults Available on Amazon, at Barnes & Noble and other retailers.

Neighbors • 30 FREE ESTIMATES CustomizedService ForYour SpecificNeeds AvAILABLE7dAYS AWEEK MajorCreditCards Accepted $10offyourfirst3 regularcleaningservices 708-860-7338 Ask About Our DISINFECTING SERVICES For Your Home andOffice NOW OPEN!
1811N.BROADWAY,MELROSEPARK Open 9 am to Midnight Every Day 708/835-7518 PLAY $2000 WE MATCH $1000 Offer valid Sunday-Thursday, y 9am-12am One coupon per customer per day Valid at Broadway Slots, 1811 N. Broadway Melrose Park • Expires 7/ 7 31/23

Quasthoff’s Flowers

agUayo, Daniel Father of Daniel Aguayo, Uriel Aguayo, Abigail Aguayo, Diego Aguayo, Daniel Aguayo Jr , and Yaniel Aguayo; son of the late Policarpo and Eutiqua; Dear Brother of Polo Aguayo, Luis Aguayo, Martin Aguayo, Julia Aguayo, Maria Aguayo, and Ricardo Aguayo; grandfather, uncle, cousin, and friend of many Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N 25th Avenue, Melrose Park agUila, Antonio Pinchon Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park

aNzaldi, Robert Sr Father of Phillip De Salvo, Robert (Natalie), and Alicia; son of the late Sam and Mary Anzaldi; grandfather of Robert III, Giancarlo, Alessia, and Toni; brother of Carolyn (the late Ronald) Reda, Sam (Darlene) Anzaldi; uncle, cousin and friend of many Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park.


(708) 456-7890

BarNes, Lonie Mae Barnes, nee Earnest, of Berkeley, 101 Wife of the late Elijah Barnes; mother of Bertha M Finley, Robert E (Eyvonne) Barnes and the late Freddie Lee Barnes; grandmother of the late Sandra Finley, Rhonda Finley, Michael (Rebekah) Finley; Harriett (Terry) Morrison, Robert (Laura) Barnes Jr , Mariam Barnes, Victoria Marie Barnes and Rene (Raynard) Eddings; great-grandmother of Carl Pough, Antoine Finley, Ashley (John) Wicks, Anaia Finley, Mikah Finley, Mason Finley, Meiah Finley, Matthew (Taylor) Morrison, Monica Morrison, Robert Barnes III, Taylor Barnes, Tia Harris, Kendall Schmedes, Tyler Lawrence, Jacob Lawrence, Rheya Raychelle and Ryan Eddings; great-great-grandmother of London Lockhart, Jayden Wicks, Ashton Wicks and Kaylen Wicks, Damari, Dayana, Xavier and Davon Harris; sister of the late Queen (Ester) Kent and the late Grace (the late Leroy) Leonard; aunt of many; special friend of caregivers Michelle Simms and Lashon Washington Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside

Berger, John S Husband of Angela Lanzillotti; father of Shelley (Matt) Pederson, Julie (Jim), Michael (Angie), Johnny Boy, and Kimberly (Bill); grandfather of Annabelle, Evan, Nathan, Shelby, Schylar, Sean, and Emma; brother of Sue, Sharon (the late Don) Hager, and Ralph (Dana); uncle and friend of many Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside

CaNTU, Gilberto Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park

d’aMBrosio, Alice, nee De Pinto Wife of the late Frank; mother of Dominic (Patricia) and Vito (Terrie); grandmother of Dominic (Jen), Antoinette (Michael) Hartman, Frank (Stephanie), Anthony (Sara), and Danielle (Matthew) Wright; great-grandmother of 9; sister of the late Vito (Josephine) De Pinto, Mary (Tony) Giannelli; godmother and friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park

dePirro, Paul “Paulie ” Husband of Patricia, nee Nunziato; son of the late Mario and Angeline, nee Venute; brother of Nancy Castrejon, David (Gloria) DePirro, Thomas DePirro, Mary (Robert Heisler) DePirro, and Jay (Linda) DePirro; uncle and friend of many Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N 25th Avenue, Melrose Park

graNados, Monico Diaz Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park

gUerra, Taylor, 23. Mother of Demetrius “Mane-Mane,” Atreus and Tyr; daughter of Jerry N. and Lisa nee Barron, Guerra; sister of Matt; niece, cousin and friend to many Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside

Notices continue on page 36

Neighbors • 34
Rememberingour NEIGHBORS
SLOTSOF FUNAND CLOSETO HOME! OPEN7DAYSAWEEK 365DAYSAYEAR FROM9AMTO2AM Bringthiscouponto Nikki’sOffBroadwayfor $10inMATCHPLAY Name_____________________________ Address___________________________ CityandState______________________ E-mailAddress_____________________ 1COUPONPERCUSTOMERPERMONTH MUSTPLAYALL $10ofMATCHPLAYintheMACHINE. Nocopiesofthiscouponaccepted. Wereservetherighttolimitcustomers’coupons. ThisOfferExpires7-28-23 2200W.NorthAvenue MELROSEPARK 708-397-4930 •Enjoy6HOTSLOTSina clean,friendly,comfortable atmosphere •Freecoffeeandsodafor gamers •Big-screenTvs •PlentyofParking Neighbors•35

gUilloTy, Pedro A Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park

heil, Edward F., Jr. Husband of Susan; father of Karen (Kevin), Carl, Sandra (Anthony), Edward (Jaclyn) and William; grandfather of Shannon, the late Connor, Bridget, Anya, Ewen and Jeremiah; friend to many Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside

heredia, Gabriella, of Melrose Park Arrangements by Northlake Funeral Home, 140 E North Avenue, Northlake

herNaNdez, Patricia Maria Wife of Jesus Hernandez; mother of Edgar (Melissa), Kristian (Carolynn), Paola, Aldo (Leticia), and Alexandro (Brittany); grandmother of Edgar Jr., Anthony, Crystal, Brandon, Dylan, Gabriel, Laila, Tannya, David, Anthony, Samuel, Angelo, and Alejandro; companion of Dutchez; sister, aunt, cousin and friend of many Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N 25th Avenue, Melrose Park

herrera, Manuel Herrera, 94 Husband of Therese; dad of Lorie (Adolfo) Roman, Frank (Gloria) Lorek, Thomas (Mushiya) Lorek, James Lorek and late Mary Lorek; brother of late Teresa and late (Basilio) Andreichuch, late Susana and late (Arturo) Leon Silva, Irene and late (Cenobio) Silva, late Jose Luis, and Alberto; “ grampa ” to many grandchildren; uncle and friend of many. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park.

herrera, Olivia, nee Pinella, of Northlake Mother of Brenda Herrera (Jesse Lopez), Cristian Herrera, Crystal Herrera, Susana Herrera; sister of Gabriel, Lorenzo (Angelina), Arnulfo (Lucila), Lucia (Mark) Musgrave and Joaquin; aunt, great-aunt, cousin and friend to many Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside

kaNNaraThil, Philomena Abraham Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park.

laNNi, Carmella, nee Rovella, 105. Wife of the late Leonard; mother of Leonard Jr (Irene), Ronald (Donna), and Sandra (Vincent) Mula; grandmother of Renee (Michael) Magoulias, Christopher Lanni, Monica (Josh) Clendendin, Lori (Paul) Levin, Alicia (Ryan) Kufalk, and Melanie (Kevin) Knapp; great-grandmother of Gemma, Bella, Jadon, Ella, Joshua, Jade, Braydon, Robyn, Stella Carmella, Harry, Max, Marcus, and Gigi; sister of the late Michael (the late Anna), the late William, the late Amelia (the late Al) Farinella, the late Helen (the late Otto) Rossi, the late Edith (the late Joseph) Fiandaca, the late Frank, the late Anthony (the late Theresa), the late Katherine (the late Edward) Fronczak, the late Nathan (the late Carol), and the late Louis (Mary); aunt, great-aunt and friend of many Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside

MaldoNado, Sergio Ramirez Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park

MerCado, David “Dave ” David is preceded in death by his father, William Mercado, and two sisters, Marisol and Maritza He is survived by his mother, Elizabeth and two children, William and Isabella Arrangements by Northlake Funeral Home, 140 E. North Avenue, Northlake.

Meza, Agustina Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park

MoreNo, Armando Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park

MUrillo, Sergio Ramirez Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park

Rememberingour NEIGHBORS Neighbors • 36
CALLCUSTOMSERvICES E OFFER SENIOR dISCOUNTS Siding • Replace and Repair Gutters • Soffits • Fascia • Repaint Specialist CONTA T CT OWNER MIKE BER 708.452.6992 HELPWANTEd:PART-TIMECARPENTER. FLExIBLEHOURS.CARHELPFUL. VeronicaTreviño HealingWithin •Reiki•ChakraHealing •CrystalHealing•Tarot 708/860-7338 SeHablaEspañol
OldWorldValues ModernDayServices ProvidingFuneralServicestotheCommunity. 4500RooseveltRoad•Hillside,IL60162708.449.5300 Discoverwhatsetsusapartfromotherfuneralhomes. •Traditionalfunerals •Memorialservices •Cremations •Guaranteedandnonpre-arrangement funerals •4spaciouschapels •Privatefamilysuites •Easy-to-useregistrysystem •TVineachchapelformemorialDVD (42’monitor) •Courteous,friendlyandknowledgeable staff •Overheadsoundsystemforservices •Easilyaccessiblefrommajor expressways •Selectionroomonsite •Parkinglotaccommodates200cars •Onefloor,handicappedaccessible •4luxuriousprivatecafés JosephA.Russo
Owner,FuneralDirector andEmbalmer

Bo Borm rman ann

Fune n ral Home

Rememberingour NEIGHBORS

NUdo, Rebecca Antionette Daughter of Deborah, nee Harrison, and the late Anthony; sister of Dominick; loved by many Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside

PeTrUzzi, Michael Husband of Carmella "Camille,” nee Loizzo; father or Michael (Lisa) Petruzzi and Anthony Petruzzi; grandfather of Michael and Chelsea Petruzzi; brother of James J Petruzzi and Marie Therese "Tina" Cucci; uncle, cousin and friend of many Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N 25th Avenue, Melrose Park

Powers, Patricia C Wife of the late John Powers and the late Winfred Haut; mother of John (Patty) Powers, James (Peggy) Powers, Thomas (April) Powers, Susan Szczepaniak, Susan Morrow, Mary (Glen) Brown, and the late Daniel Haut; sister of the late Bob (Marilyn) O’Laughlin; grandmother, great grandmother, aunt and friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park.

raMirez, Maria Carmen Guzman. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park

roCha, Edgar Alejandro Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park

riedl, Kenneth J , Husband of Victoria, nee McKenna, Riedl; father of Kenneth Riedl and the late Kara Riedl; grandfather of 4; brother of Frank Riedl, Linda Simone-Riedl, and Lori Bonavolante; uncle, cousin and friend of many Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside

roMero, Jose Miguel Ramos Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park


Michael A. Carbonara, FD Michael L. Carbonara, FD Joseph R. Carbonara

Cal a l Us First

Bus: (708) 343-6161

Home: (708) 865-8124

Cell: (708) 724-7500

1515 N. 25TH AVENUE



With or without pre-payment of ser vices


Traditional Funerals

Memorial Ser vices

• Cremations

• Immediate Burials

Chapels Available Near Your Home

salgado, Consuelo Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park

shaNk, Harold “Rich,” 89 Husband of the late Jacklyn Mittlesteadt for 60 years; father of Pamela Morton (John Firlinger) and Timothy Shank (Lori Ponte); grandfather of William and Anthony Morton; proud volunteer with Melrose Park Homeland Security and Public Safety; friend of many senior clubs in Melrose Park, Northlake and Concord Place

UlahaNNaN, Ulahannan V Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park

VilChis, Guillermina Saucedo, 75, of Melrose Park Arrangements by Northlake Funeral Home, 140 E North Avenue, Northlake h walker, Rodney G , of Bellwood US Navy Veteran Husband of Hilda Fay Walker; father of Ronny G Walker, Shontell (Andre) Walker, Reginald (Danielle) Walker, Regina (Anthony) Walker, the late Mealithea “Lisa” (Dewayne) Ross, Joe Anthony Hathorne and Steven (Claire) Hathorne; grandfather of Jasmine, Jacqueline, Ron Jr , Imari, Asia, Lyric, London, Kiwon, Kayla, Kamya, Jamirria, Anthina, Janeicia, Steven, Kylia, Kayla, DeLaurence “Lucas” and LaShindra; brother of Theresa Ann Boyd; uncle and friend of many Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside. werCkeNThieN, Ronald M. Formerly of Melrose Park. Brother of Charles (Karen) Werckenthien; uncle and friend of many. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park.

notices are printed free of charge upon request and on a space-permitting basis. notices can be emailed to or mailed to P.o. Box 1501, melrose Park, il 60161-1501.

Neighbors • 38
Gerard Morgan, Jr. Funeral Dire r ctor/ r Owner Richard M. Baczak Funeral Director 1600 Chicago Av A enue Melrose Park, Illinois 60160 Phone (708) 344-0714 B

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