Neighbors Magazine March 2022

Page 1 •our 19th year

everybody has one.

A fr f ee mont n hly l magazine


march 2022


sT. T Pa PaT’s P radEs Pa are back!

Forest Park and Elmhurst are both going green on Saturday, y March 5 so find your spot on the sidelines and celebrate!

Build YOUr BEsT BirdHOUsE

TTrailside Museum in River Forest will mark its 90th year this year! Learn more about this contest or just wander the nearby trails!

Trailside Museum: 90 Years of Loving Nature

HUGE Job Fair MarcH 23

Melrose Park Chamber of Commerce & Community t Development invites job seekers and employers to connect at a FREE event




serving adults and children of the community

Diabetes Care That Fits t Your Life f

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Get regular visits with the same doctor right here in the neighborhood.



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tin ina valentino

Unprecedented is the term I’ve heard most commonly used to describe the COVID-19 pandemic. As fo f r me, I would describe it as a storm at sea. Lengthy and fe f rocious. Uncontrollable. Frightening. All-pervading.

—Mike Parson

Paper Jam. I wish it was as simple as dismantling my little Epson printer, ripping out the scrunched up piece of paper and getting the green light to print again. Aft f er more than two years of quarantines and mask-wearing, restrictions are fi f nally being lift f ed (again) but the “all-pervading” impact of COVID-19 still lingers. We W have watched fr f iends and fa f mily suff ffer and grieve but the toll extends well beyond that—with economic devastation sizzling through neighborhoods across the country like a lit string of fi f recrackers, almost every business has been impacted by lack of staff f , loss of revenue, mounting bills and now the almighty supply chain nightmare. Wi W th that, the “storm at sea” has fi f nally landed on the Ne N ighbors magazine doorstep and I want to personally prepare you fo f r how we will be literally fo f rced to navigate through this disturbing hiccup—the fi f rst of its kind in our almost 20 years of publishing. Since summer 2021, paper prices have been steadily increasing but, because I have always been more intent on seeing our small business have the opportunity to advertise and reach a wider audience, I have not proportionately increased advertising rates fo f r the magazine; instead, I was content to ride the wave until businesses could recover post-pandemic and then, only slightly, present the situation to the best advertisers in the western suburbs. Now, however, we have hit a brick wall and I would absolutely call it unprecedented. For well over two decades, we have printed jobs on paper stock known as 50 lb. with 92 brightnesss, much like the paper you would use in your home printer, because of its unique quality and strength. Now this paper is as hard to fi f nd and as expensive as a can of Ly L sol spray at the onset of the pandemic—off f the charts. According to our printing company, the low demand during the pandemic halted production; the peroxide used to make paper brighter has become obscenely overpriced; add in the shortage of labor and the fa f ct that most paper is purchased fr f om mills in Canada, which now has imploding border issues, paper fo f r an ordinary print job like Ne N ighbors just isn’t available. And it may never be available again. Gone, just like that. Pff fft. We W ’re not buying into the discussion that print is a thing of the past and that the whole world has gone digital. I live it each month when I personally deliver copies to our drop locations and people ask fo f r a copy befo f re I even open the bundle. To T that point though, we are proud of the digital version of the magazine, always available to read, share and download each month fr f om the website at and our social media pages fo f r those aiming to reduce their carbon fo f otprint. At this time, I’d like off ffer my congratulations to all the bureaucrats who have severely mishandled the pandemic, perpetuating its punishments and problems, like not being able to buy paper, an American industry since 1690. The greatest country in the world hasn’t even processed my 2020 tax return yet—holding my measly refu f nd hostage fo f r almost a year. Obviously, there are worse things happening in the world but it was important fo f r me to share this “Sta t te of o th t e Ma M gazine” message with all of you so that when the time comes and we are compelled to use a 35 or 45 lb., not-as-bright paper stock, just know that what has made Ne N ighbors the best monthly magazine in the area will not change— we will fo f rge ahead with usefu f l info f rmation, great stories, exceptional circulation and a never-ending commitment to promote the businesses that are the backbone of our communities. Hang in there with us, neighbors. Happy spring.

PicK UP a cOPY aT ONE OF THEsE LOcaTiONs Bellwood n Bellwood Public Library n Mickey’s Drive-In n Gioacchino’s Ristorante n Bellwood Village Hall n Currency Exchange on Mannheim n Center at Stevenson Park Berkeley n Republic Bank n JK Restaurant n Berkeley Village Hall and Library n Torres Fresh Market Berwyn n Lucky Dog on Harlem Avenue Broadview n NEW Broadview Village Hall n Chicken Shack on Roosevelt n Broadview Family Restaurant n Lucky Dog on Cermak n Dunkin Donuts on Roosevelt elmhurst n NEW Harlo Grill #2 n Silverado Grill n Lezza Spumoni & Desserts n Elmhurst Metra Station elmwood Park n NEW Judy’s Gaming Cafe n Armand’s Pizzeria on North Ave. n Elmwood Park Village Hall n Elmwood Park Public Library n Elmwood Park Recreation Center Forest Park n Charlie’s Restaurant on Roosevelt n Kribi Coffee Air Roasters n Harvest 365 n Ed’s Foods n Starship Restaurant Franklin Park n NEW David’s Mexican Grill n Pet Paradise Supermarket n Yadi’s Grill, 25th and Grand n Franklin Park Metra Station n Lulu Belle’s Pancake House n Al and Joe’s Deli n American Legion Post #974 n Smart Wash Laundromat n Franklin Park Public Library n Park District of Franklin Park n Franklin Park Village Hall n Leyden Township & Community Center hillside n Eisenhower Park n Hillside Village Hall n Russo’s Chapels n Holiday Inn Express & Suites n Q’s Restaurant & Pizza n Hillside Public Library maywood n NEW Stairway of the Stars n Poor Boy, 1st & Roosevelt n Maywood Village Hall n Maywood Public Library melrose Park n Melrose Park Village Hall n Melrose Park Senior Center

melrose Park, continued n NEW Sahara Home Care on North Avenue n NEW Dave’s Hot Chicken n Westlake Urgent Care on Lake Street n Johnnie’s Grill on Lake Street n Rube’s Garage Fitness on Ruby n Ozzie’s Deli on Grand n Shrine of Our Lady of Mount Carmel n Tony’s Finer Foods on Mannheim n Bets on Broadway n Dunk Donuts on Lake Street n Lucky Dog on Lake Street n Melrose Park Public Library n Sacred Heart Church n Harlo Grill #1 on North Avenue n Café 23, 23rd and Lake Street n Veterans Park District Leoni Complex n 7-11 on Broadway n PNC Bank, Winston Plaza n Scudiero’s Bakery & Deli n Pan American Bank n Melrose Currency on Broadway n St. Paul Lutheran Resale Shop n IHOP in Winston Plaza northlake n Cuomo To Go n Grant Park Recreation Center n Northlake Public Library north riverside n Catie’s Place Gaming Cafe n North Riverside Village Commons n North Riverside Public Library oak Park n Potbelly’s n Byline Bank n Rush Oak Park Hospital river Forest n Yolk Restaurant on North Avenue n La Parrillita Mexican Grill n River Forest Chocolates n River Forest Library river Grove n Quasthoff’s Florist n Catie’s Place Gaming Cafe n Triton College n Rich’s Fresh Market n Dunkin’ Donuts: River and Grand n Dunkin’ Donuts near 1st and Belmont n Bargains in a Box n Blondie’s Diner n River Grove Public Library n River Grove Village Hall n River Park Moose Lodge schiller Park n Al & Andy’s Restaurant n Marathon Station, 25th & Irving n Gambino’s Fresh Market, 25th Avenue stone Park n Stone Park Village Hall n Firehouse Subs n Shwings Shrimp & Wings westchester n NEW Westchester Food Pantry n Westchester Village Hall NEW LOCATION COMING SOON

have a suggestion for a busy drop location? let us know!

Neighbors • 4

High-traffic distribution in the towns including Oak Park and River Forest, Bellwood, Berkeley, North Riverside, Forest Park, Hillside, Maywood, Melrose Park, Westchester as well as Elmwood Park, Franklin Park, Northlake, Schiller Park, River Grove and other communities. Neighbor Ne orstm has the edge over other publications when it comes to readership. Tina Valentino Executive Editor and Contributor Winner of a Peter Lisagor Aw A ard for Exemplary Journalism Dee Tintori • Account Executive Mailing Address P.P O. Box 1501, Melrose Park, IL 60161-1501 Phone 708.343.0205 E-mail: ww READ ISSUES ONLINE AT A WWW. W ISSUU.COM No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any manner without permission. Opinions and advertisements expressed are those of the writers themselves and are in no way to be construed as statements, positions or endorsements by in particular, inc. © 2022 Neighborstm is a trademark of in particular, inc.

something To chirp about!

St. Paul Resale Shop at 11th and Lake Street in Melrose Park is about to open its “seasonal room” full of gardening and outdoor items! Check the St. Paul Resale page on Facebook for special discount days. Spring cleaning? Donations are accepted on Wednesdays 10-4 and Saturdays, 9-2 (call for details about what is not accepted). Hours are Mon-Tues-Thurs-Fri, 10-4; Wed, 10-6; and Sat, 9-3. Closed on Sundays. For more info, call Marlene at 708-719-4443, ext. 402.









“On any given day, someone is here, going for a walk or looking at the pond... Trailside Museum is a safe, clean place with something of interest for everyone.” Irene Flebbe, Assistant Director,r Trailside Museum, River Fo F rest

A Place To Wander

90 YEARS of Nature

Trailside Museum


Trailside Museum Marks Maj a or Milestone This Spring

While countless individuals and families have treasured the Hal Tyrell Trailside Museum, 738Thatcher A enue, and its surrounding Av peaceful winding paths and informative programs for decades, there are still so many people who have not yet discovered the display as of native animals and wildflower gardens, taken an early-morning hike, delighted in bird watching or participated in a painting or photography workshop. A popular destination for children and adults, Trailside is free to visit and brings natural wonders into otherwise hectic lives.

a story by Tina Valentino

Some people appreciate learning about the live native animals on the premises or about the ecology and natural wonders of the local preserves around Trailside Museum in River Forest at an informative program or during a guided walk with a naturalist. For others, Trailside is simply an ideal place to wander,r according to Assistant Director Irene Flebbe. “On any given day, y someone is here, going for a walk or looking at the pond...Trailside Museum is a safe, clean place with something of interest for everyone,” reflected Assistant Director Irene Flebbe. And, after being extremely cautious for so long, Flebbe is thrilled to be able to offer Trailside visitors “inside programs” again. “Although masks are still currently required inside, we’re excited to welcome folks of all ages back into the building

for painting classes and workshops.” While inside programs are always well-received and fill up quickly, y it is inevitably the winding trails, colorful wildflowers, hooting owls, maple tree tapping, morning bird walks, find the frogs hunts, river clean-ups, family pond paddles, seasonal bonfires and jamborees that get people away from the television, out of the traffic and away from stressors of life and into the tranquility of nearby nature. Combine imaginative monthly programming for all ages with the fact that Trailside is free to visit and it’s not a surprise why the Museum has been a place of great interest, cherished by area residents for nearly a century. One of Trailside’s signature events kicks off on March 15: The Birdhouse Building Contest. “The response is always interesting,” said Flebbe, who expects as many as 35 creations.

follow Tr Trailside Museum on Facebook or online at Neighbors • 6

story continues on page 8

Flexible Hours

Starting pay rate $16.50/hour

Health Insurance

Trailside: A Place To Wander

No-Nonsense. COFFEE CHAT WITH THE DUKE New Day. New Time. New Guests!


continued from page 6

Gain insights into the market, especially in these uncertain times. Joseph Johnson, a “financial pioneer” and Registered Principal with Raymond James Financial Services, Inc., invites you to register for Coffee Chats to become better informed about the economy. Many remember Joe from his radio show on WJJG 1530-AM, which provided listeners in Cook, DuPage and Kane counties with a common sense approach to finance for 13 years. Register online and join the conversation! 3416 S. Harlem Avenue, Riverside


Raymond James Financial Services Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC

“The last two years, veterans from Hines VA V Hospital were among those who created birdhouses. Scout troops often make it a group project. But the “cardinal rule” (no pun intended) is that the birdhouse should be more functional than elaborate.” Deadline for submissions is May 15. Instructions in English, Spanish and Polish are available at as well as a complete list of all upcoming events through May. Other March programs include: Nature Story Trail: “The Watcher” written and illustrated by Jeanette Winter.r March 11-March 28, 9 am to 5 pm. Follow a short trail near the Museum while reading the posted children’s story then pick up an activity bag to start a new adventure. Maple Tree Ta T pping, Saturday, y March 12, 1:30 pm. Watch staff tap a tree to taste some fresh sap and compare it to finished syrup. Call 366-6530 to register.r “Bone” Appetit Drop-In. Sundays, March 13 and 27, drop in and join the staff during resident animal feeding time. Wellness Walks in the Woods. Enjoy a mindful and meditative guided nature walk in Thatcher Woods led by Roberta Jannsen, University of Illinois Extension volunteer,r to feel refreshed in body and soul. For adults. Call 366-6530 to register.r Senior Fitness Walks in Thatcher Woods. Friday, y March 18 and Wednesday, y March 30, 1 pm. Moderately-paced, one-mile fitness walk in Thatcher Woods. Meet by the Pavilion, 8030 Chicago Avenue in River Forest. Call to register.r Spring Equinox Hike. Welcome the first day of spring with a hike to view migrating birds, emerging insects, spring wildflowers and animals building homes. For all ages on Sunday, y March 20, 11 am. Call to register.r Save the date: Sunday, y May 1, 11 am to 3 pm for the Spring Festival and Trailside’s 90th Anniversary Celebration with an ice cream social and family-friendly historical activities. Pictured above, Assistant Director Irene Flebbe leads one of the Trailside children’s activities.

Neighbors • 8

h VOTED #1 h IN WESTERN SUBURBS! Stuff f ed, Pan and Thick Pizzas & Lasagna, Spaghetti Sauce & Panzarotti in a Tr Tribune surv r ey!

Food experts from Chicago Tribune all agreed that Gioacchino’s has created a taste that placed them among the best pizza restaurants out of 98 in the Chicagoland area. Gioacchino’s was also selected #1 in the western suburbs in three categories: Thick, Pan and Stuffed Pizza.

Best Spaghetti & Meatballs By Sun-Times Critic Pat Bruno

However, pizza isn’t all that Gioacchino’s excels in. Among their delicious home made specialties are Lasagna, Cheese and Meat Ravioli, mouth-watering Mostaccioli; also Chicken Vesuvio, Veal Scallopini, Veal a la Marsala, Veal a la Francaise, Veal Parmigiana, Baked Mostaccioli, Chicken Cacciatore, Fettuccine Alfredo, Perch, French Fried Shrimp, Italian Bacala, Fish Platter and many other Calabrese-style dishes, including their own Pizza Puffs called Panzarotti.

708-544-0380 • 5201 sT. cHarLEs rOad • BELLwOOd Hours: Tuesday thru Thursday, 11am-11pm • Friday and Saturday, 11am-Midnight Sunday, Noon to 11pm • Closed Mondays. WE DELIVER! Ask us for details. KITCHEN CLOSES 30 MINUTES BEFORE CLOSING TIME. PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.

42 YEars iN BUsiNEss! LET NELLa caTEr YOUr NExT ParTY, BiG Or sMaLL! caLL TOdaY! Put our phone number in your contacts: 708/544-0380

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GiOaccHiNO’s PicK UP/dELiVErY EVErY daY sPEciaL

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Gioacchino’s • 544-0380. MUST ADD TAX. Not valid with other offers. Limit 1 coupon per order. Must present coupon when ordering. P-Up/Delivery only. Prices subject to change without notice. Expires 3/31/22

GiOaccHiNO’s PicK UP/dELiVErY EVErY daY sPEciaL


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Gioacchino’s • MUST ADD TAX. Not valid w/other offers. Limit 1 coupon per order. Must present coupon when ordering. P-Up/Delivery only. Prices subject to change without notice. Expires 3/31/22

Gioacchino’s • 544-0380. MUST ADD TAX. Not valid with other offers. Limit 1 coupon per order. Must present coupon when ordering. P-Up/Delivery only. Prices subject to change without notice. Expires 3/31/22

PLUs a FrEE LiTEr OF sOda

GiOaccHiNO’s PicK UP/dELiVErY EVErY daY sPEciaL

FFaMiLY L -siZE cHEEsE & saUsaGE PiZZa $23.95 plus tax PLUs a FrEE sM cHEEsE PiZZa Gioacchino’s • 544-0380. MUST ADD TAX. Not valid with other offers. Limit 1 coupon per order. Must present coupon when ordering. P-Up/Delivery only. Prices subject to change without notice. Expires 3/31/22

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16” THiN crUsT PiZZa w/cHEEsE aNd saUsaGE

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What’s for Lunch/Dinner?

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Festivities return to Forest Park Every FridaY a during Lent, we’re serving up a huge Pepper & Egg sandwich and Fish entree! Pre-order now for your st. Patrick’s day Meal on March 17!

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Save the date because it’s back! Forest Park’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade Returns on Saturday, y March 5. Join the Forest Park Chamber of Commerce & Development for the 26th annual event. Come on out for a fun filled day on Madison Street and the best parade in the western suburbs with 60+ entries including bagpipers, marching bands, Irish dancers, local business entries, Medinah Shriner parade units, local police & fire departments and more. The parade kicks off at 1 pm from Madison and Van Buren and travels east on Madison to Elgin. Call some friends, bring the family or put together a group and be part of the lineup. To sign up or get more information, visit the website:


’ 25th annual Parade Elmhurst’s

Everyone is invited to the 25th Annual Elmhurst St. Patrick's Day Parade on Saturday, y March 5. The parade will begin at the intersection of Wilson Street and Spring Roads and continue north on Spring Road. The parade features floats, marching units & animated characters along with local organizations, businesses & clubs. Don’t miss your chance to see over 80 floats, Irish Dancers, the Shannon Rovers, local team mascots – Benny the Bull, Southpaw & Tommy Hawk. Chicago Highlanders, Medinah Clowns, Elmhurst Armpit Orchestra, featuring the world’s largest drum & the York High School Marching Band. The parade is only the beginning to this festive day because the food, music & fun continues as Elmhurst merchants, restaurateurs & friends welcome visitors for this special community celebration. Need more info? Visit the website at or follow on Facebook.

Neighbors Magazine.

Celebrating 19 years!

Neighbors • 10

Come for dinner!



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for the

Illinois House Speaker

News from your elected officials

melrose Pa P rk, mayw y ood, hillside and nearby t wns receive Back-2-Business Grants to Seven towns represented by Cook County Commissioner Frank J. Aguilar received funds from Illinois’ Back-2-Business Grant Program. Bellwood, Broadview, w Hillside, Maywood, Melrose Park, Northlake and Stone Park was awarded funds ranging from $45,000 to $630,000. “Small businesses are the backbone of our district,” said Commissioner Aguilar.r “The pandemic forced many businesses to make difficult choices. Getting financial relief to businesses throughout the district has been one of my highest priorities.” outreach Grants help sustain community Groups in melrose Pa P rk, westchester,r laGrange Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle and Chicago Bar Foundation Executive Director Bob Glaves announced the recipients of $180,000 in outreach grants to 24 community-based organizations across Cook County. Three of the organizations are: PA P SO-West Suburban Action Project in Melrose Park, a community-based social justice organization working to build stronger communities where all residents can live dignified lives regardless of their race, gender,r sexual orientation, socioeconomic or immigration status; Access to Care in Westchester,r a non-profit primary health care program for residents of suburban Cook County and northwest Chicago who are lower-income, uninsured or underinsured; and BEDS Plus Care in LaGrange which delivers emergency services, including overnight shelter,r housing services and homeless prevention. Broadview wins $2.9 million Grant for Bike Pa P th on 25th av a enue The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning has awarded the Village of Broadview $2,903,548 to construct a bike path along 25th Avenue, according to Broadview Mayor Katrina Thompson. The path will stretch through both the village’s industrial zone and the Cook County Forest Preserve, with the engineering phase beginning in fall 2022 and construction expected to begin in spring 2024. “I’m really excited about this bike path as we create a healthy lifestyle through biking, which will be an alternative form of transportation in Broadview, w ” said Thompson, a biking enthusiast who organizes community rides during the spring, summer and fall months. “It will also give people who work in the industrial are a safe and healthy travel option.”

Neighbors • 12

FISH & SHRIMP PERFECT FOR LENT Yes! our dining room is open!

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708-483-8595 Monday thru Saturday 11am to 11pm Sunday 11 am to 7 pm We accept VISA, MasterCard and Discover



Franklin Pa P rk american legion looking for F milies of active duty servicemen and women Fa Franklin Park American Legion Auxiliary Unit 974 would like to give Blue Star Banners to the immediate family members (son, daughter,r father,r mother,r sister,r or brother) of those currently serving in the military. Blue Star Banners date back to World War I and were hung in the windows of family members to let everyone know they had a loved one in the service. The American Legion family has brought this practice back in recent years. The Franklin Park Legion will host a ceremony on Sunday, y March 13 at Post 974, 9757 W. Pacific Ave., Franklin Park and would like to include you and your family. Please contact Betty Spencer with the name, branch of service, and rank of your immediate family member currently serving in the military by email at or call/text Betty Spencer at 847-494-0822.

caLL Or OrdEr ONLiNE 3124 W. North Ave. Stone Park ACROSS FROM MENARD’S

Call 708-397-5244 or order online for pickup or delivery locations/il/stone-park/

evening of recollection with superior Provincial Fr.r miguel alvarez at mount carmel Pa P rish/shrine Area residents are invited to a special evening of recollection with Fr.r Miguel Alvarez, C.S. Provincial Superior of the Scalabrinian Missionaries in the St. John the Baptist Conference and serving his second term in office overseeing the mission service of the Scalabrinian Confreres in five different countries. Formerly the pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish and Shrine, Fr.r Miguel will celebrate Mass and offer a reflection after dinner.r This one-night Lenten retreat is set for Wednesday, y March 30, in the gym at 1116 N. 22nd Avenue in Melrose Park. Mass is at 6 pm. Tickets are available from Altar & Rosary members or contact the Rectory at 344-4140. Save the date for Holy Thursday events on April 14 that include Mass and washing of the feet in English at 6 pm and Spanish at 8 pm. After Mass, the Shrine will remain open for adoration until midnight. The Altar & Rosary will also sponsor a pilgrimage to 7 churches, leaving immediately after 6 pm Mass. The bus will be outside of the church, leaving at approximately 7:15 pm. All 7 churches will be in the Bridgeport area: Old St. Mary Church, Mother Te T resa of Calcutta Parish (St. Barbara and St. Therese), St. Mary of Perpetual Help (St. Anthony/All Saints), Nativity of Our Lord Parish (St. Gabriel), St. Jerome Croatian Church (Incoronata/Santa Lucia), Monastery of the Holy Cross and Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish & Shrine. Reservations are limited to the first 55 people and must be paid in advance. The cost of the bus trip is $20 per person. Call the rectory at 344-4140 for details or to make a reservation or stop in at the church, 23rd and Augusta in Melrose Park.

Neighbors • 14

Serving the best coffee, breakfast, lunch, Mimosas, Coquito and NOW HOT SLOTS!

2219 w. LaKE sTrEET MELrOsE ParK 708.450.1590 YEs, wE dO caT a EriNG


celebrate yo y uth with the symphony of oak Pa P rk and river Forest on march 27 The Symphony of Oak Park & River Forest features three young soloists on Sunday, y March 27 at 4 pm at Concordia University’s Chapel, 7400 Augusta in River Forest. Concerto Competition winner Elinor Detmer begins the program followed by Emmie Guo and Freya Pang. The program concludes with Concertmaster John Gerson. Parking is free in the garage at Thomas and Bonnie Brae. A free preconcert conversation begins at 3 pm. The Symphony celebrates its 90th anniversary this season as well as 25 years with Music Director Jay Friedman. Tickets are $30 ($27 when ordered online), and students through college are admitted free of charge. Attendees must show proof of vaccination and wear a mask. Get tickets at www.SymphonyOPRF.Forg. This program is supported in part by the Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation, the Illinois Arts Council Agency, y the Oak Park Area Arts Council, and the Oak Park-River Forest Community Foundation. leyden to t wnship community center Programs and events Leyden Township Community Center,r 2620 N. Mannheim Road in Franklin Park, is open and invites area residents to take part in upcoming programs and events. For more information or to register for youth and adult programs, call 847-451-5144 or visit Shamrock Scavenger Hunt, March 12, 11 am to 1 pm. Ta T ke part in this family friendly hunt that starts and ends at Westdale Park, 3045 Sandra in Melrose Park. Fee is $20/$30 per team. Looking for a place to hold a meeting, party or sporting activity? The Leyden Community Center and Westdale Park facilities have space. Call for pricing and available or visit the website for prices and photos for each location. Adult Volleyball Club. Thursdays through March 24, 7 to 9 pm. Open gym format. Indoor pickleball through March 26. Monday, y Wednesday and Saturday options. Pay per session or with a daily pass. elmwood Pa P rk Garden club meeting march 10 At the March 10 meeting of the Elmwood Park Garden Club, Ke K n Golstein, horticulturist for the Village, will discuss local plans and answer questions. Meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month in the Ferrentino Room of the Elmwood Park Library. Meetings begin at 6:30 pm. Anyone interested in joining can call Donna at 847-361-1233.

Neighbors • 16












it’s time to




Come join the teaching staff at our Open House! Explore the classroom, learn about the curriculum, take home registration information and ask questions about the upcoming school year.r Call 708-731-5290 for details and to make your reservation. Saturday,y March 12 from 10am-Noon at Bulger Park, 1601 Hirsch Street in Melrose Park or 11am-1pm at Northlake Preschool 112 N. Wolf Rd, Northlake.


Apply now to be a Summer Camp Counselor,r Lifeguard/Pool Attendant in Northlake, Franklin Park or Melrose Park this summer.r For more info, visit ww / mployment or call 708/343-5270.

VPD’s’ ability to run these programs may depend upon local, state and federal guidelines regarding group activities. Information will be shared as it becomes available. Call the office at 708-343-5270, check the website at ww or follow the Facebook page for updates on any program.


n BoX lunch BinGo! 11 am to 2 pm. $10 per person each event. Pre-registration for Box Lunch Bingo is required by calling 343-5270. Wednesday, y March 9 at Grant Park in Northlake Wednesday, y March 23 at Grant Park in Northlake Wednesday, y March 30 at Bulger Park in Melrose Park n Bunco and Bites. Fee is $8 per person per event. Light bites will be served. Prizes for winners. Monday, y March 7, 11 am to 1 pm at Grant Park Monday, y March 21, 11 am to 1 pm at George A. Leoni Complex, 800 17th Avenue in Melrose Park

n all about slime and Play-doh. If you like to play with slime and Play-Doh, then this class is for you. Each week you’ll experiment with different recipes and take home your creations. At the end of each class, each student will bring home a recipe book. For ages 3-6 on Thursdays, March 17-31, 4:30 to 5:15 pm. Fee is $30/$45. Classes held at Northlake Preschool, 112 N. Wolf Road in Northlake. n Pa P inting. Learn to paint! Basic techniques for watercolors such as Wet on Wet, Wet on Dry and blending will be taught in this class. You’ll also learn oil painting techniques using acrylic paints. All supplies included. For ages 8 and up on Mondays, March 14-April 18, 6:30 to 7:30 pm. Fee is $60/$75. Classes held at Grant Park Recreation Center,r 44 W. Golfv f iew Drive in Northlake. n duct ta t pe wa w llet. Duct Ta T pe wallets with card slots are so fun and easy to make. All supplies are included in the fee. For ages 7-13 on Saturday, y March 19, 10 to 10:45 am. Fee is $20 for residents and non-residents! Classes held at Grant Park Recreation Center,r 44 W. Golfv f iew Drive in Northlake.


n Basketball 101. Dribbling, passing, shooting and teamwork will be taught in this instructional program for ages 4-7 on Tuesdays, March 22-April 12 at 4 pm. Fee is $55/$70. n Baseball 101. Hitting, throwing, catching, running and teamwork will be taught. Ages 4-7 on Mondays, March 21-April 11 at 4 pm. Fee is $55/$70.


n Zumba. Latin music and easy-to-follow moves provide a fun, energetic class. Class 1 is on Mondays and Class 2 is on Thursday. Ages 16 and up. Mondays, April 11-May 9; Thursdays, April 7-May 5, 6:30 pm. Fee is $40/$55. Sign up for BOTH Monday and Thursday classes and get a special rate: $70/$100. Classes at Cimbalo Fitness Center,r 1203 N. 24th Avenue in Melrose Park. n hatha yo y ga. Learn the basics of yoga, deep breathing techniques, meditation, poses/asanas. Ages 16 and up on Sundays, April 3-May 1 at 9 am. Fee is $40/$55. Classes at Cimbalo Fitness Center,r 1203 N. 24th Avenue in Melrose Park.


n indoor Golf simulator.r Reserve a tee time by calling 708/343-5151. n new! Batting cates at the George a. leoni complex. Fees are for 30 minutes and 60 minutes.

Neighbors • 18

Stress Management Classes for Active Adults/Seniors ••• A FREE VPD EVENT ••• Join VPD volunteers: Pam – Social Worker and Peggy – Retired Educator, as they guide us to better manage the stresses in our lives. This hour promises to be entertaining as well as educational. Tuesdays, March 15, 22, 29 and April 5 11 AM-12 PM (free lunch to follow)

Grant Park Rec Center, 44 W. Golfview, Northlake Registration is required in advance, no walk-ins. Space is limited.

Register NOW for this free program! CALL (708) 343-5270


(708) 343-5270 | VPDPARK.ORG | FOLLOW US ON

MAKING Things Happen for Businesses

Reap the benefits of membership in the Melrose Park Chamber of Commerce and Community Development (MPCCCD)! Our goal and mission is to be your partner, connect you with resources, help you overcome business challenges and to fuel growth. Together, we strengthen the community and make a positive difference where we live, work and play!


Readyy to work locally full-time or part-time? Don’t miss the Melrose Park Chamber of Commerce and Community Development Job Fair set for Wednesday,y March 23, 10 am to 1 pm at Jane Addams Elementary School, 910 Division in Melrose Park. More than 30 companies p with jjobs to be filled would like to talk to YOU! Local companies are eager to fill positions right away in financial services, healthcare, retail, manufacturing, warehousing, transportation, distribution, hospitality and other fields. Bring your resume! Looking to hire? Call MPCCCD 708/343-9500 to reserve a table.

Keeping it Local and Shop Melrose are important long after the holidays are over— r the MPCCCD encourages everyone to support local 365 days a year because our businesses are the backbone of the community t and they need your support every day.y Remember that 67 cents of every dollar spent at local businesses stays in the neighborhood and that makes a huge diffference. Join us in keeping the money in Melrose!

Melrose Park Chamber of Commerce & Community Development & Business Resource Center NEW LOCATION: 900 N. 25th Ave., Melrose Park • 708/343-9500 • Email:

The Melrose Park Chamber of Commerce and Community Development is hosting a job fair for local employers needing to hire. Many companies are struggling to find individuals to fill vacancies. Hundreds of potential employees looking for jobs are expected to attend. Participation for employers is free. CALL TO RESERVE A TABLE ASAP!




Jane Addams School 910 DIVISION MELROSE PARK


IF YOU’RE AN EMPLOYER, RESERVE YOUR TABLE NOW by emailing the Chamber: For more information, contact Isaac Bazbaz, Executive Director, at 708/343-9500


Named by IAET as Humanitarian

Mike Allred, owner of Q’s Restaurant and Pizzeria, 4841 Butterfield Road in Hillside, has been recognized by the Italian American Executives of Transportation (IAET) as Humanitarian of the Year.r For over 60 years, Q’s has been a Chicago-area favorite for pizza, pasta and other specialty dishes and Mike Allred has been involved in civic and charitable organizations throughout his career.r For more information about IAET events, visit or call 708-212-1051. For more information about Q’s Restaurant, visit, call 708-449-7488 and follow Q’s on Facebook.

celebrate with

HEPHZIBA BAH HERO R AWARD St. Pat’s Weekend starts on Wednesday, March 16 St. Patrick’s Day through Sunday, March 20 Starship’s Corned Beef on Rye Sandwich just $9.99 Complete Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner only $16 Madison Street’s Longest-tRunning Restaurant 7618 W. W Madison, Forest Park DINE IN, PICK-UP OR DELIVERY

CALL 708-771-3016

Keith Elkins is the first-ever recipient

KKeith Elkins will be honored with the first-ever Hephzibah Hero Award at the March 5th Heart of Gold Ball. The Hero Award is granted to a prior resident of Hephzibah Home who personally exemplifies the core values of Hephzibah, including commitment to children and families, respect, inclusion, honesty and integrity. Ke K ith, now 90, came to Hephzibah one day after his 4th birthday and he lived there for three years along with his sister.r A retired Distinguished Service Professor,r he taught psychology for 43 years and credits Hephzibah with influencing his volunteer work. Ke K ith also wrote and published “Hephzibah’s Children 1930-2000,” a history of Hephzibah Children’s Association as seen through the eyes of former residents. To volunteer or donate to Hephzibah, visit the website at or call 708-649-7140.

NEW E LIBRA RARY DIRE R CTOR Meet Amy Franco on March 12

After a nationwide search, the Hillside Public Library Board has appointed Amy Franco as its new Executive Director,r confident in her vision for the future and experience leading teams through times of challenge and uncertainty. Franco comes to Hillside after nearly 10 years at the Glen Ellyn Public Library, y where she led a nationally-renowned programming team and oversaw all print and digital collections, instruction and outreach services for adults and teens. Franco is also a sought-after speaker and training expert in the library field as well as a longtime resident of Proviso Township. The Hillside Library will host an open house on Saturday, y March 12 from 10 am until Noon and invites area residents to stop in at 405 Hillside Avenue to meet the new Executive Director.r Neighbors • 22


COFFEE 2 to 10pm WITH PURCHASE OF A MEAL @HARLO MELROSE PARK Sorry, milkshakes not included.


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YOUR LIBRARY: fun, informative






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Bellwood Public library. y Located at 600 S. Bohland Avenue; call 547-7393, ext. 4 to register or visit Registration is required for most programs, in-person and virtual. Employment Resources Ta T ble (In-person). Monday, y March 7, 10 am to Noon. FREE resources for job seekers who need some support through Goodwill Workforce Connection Centers. TED Ta T lks (Virtual). Tuesday, y March 8. This video presentation will highlight the benefits and societal impacts of having women in leadership positions. Register online to get the presentation link. Bring Your Device Day (In-person). Tuesday, y March 8. By appointment only between 11:30 am and 6:30 pm. Are you struggling with a new phone, laptop or iPad? Get help from a specialist in the technology department. Register on the library website then bring in your device and any questions you might have. Fire Safety with the Bellwood Fire Department (In-person). Monday, y March 14, 6:30 pm. For all ages. Family Heirloom Recipes from the Illinois State Fair (In-person). Tuesday, y March 23, 6:30 pm. Join contestant judge Catherine Lambrecht for an entertaining talk about some of Illinois’ best 50year old recipes and the stories behind them. Bring your own family heirloom recipe to share. Adopt A Houseplant (In-person). Tuesday, y March 29, 6 pm. Bring in your rooted cuttings or unwanted indoor plants or drop in to pick up something new at this first-ever plant swap. In-person Chair Yoga with Susan Wilkens, Wednesday mornings, 11 am to Noon. Must register.r Limit 15. In-person Yoga with Rhonda, Thursday evenings, 6 pm. Ages 14 and up. Limit 15. Zumba In-person, Saturday mornings, 10 to 11 am for ages 14 and up with certified instructor LaToya Towns. Limit 15. Berkeley Public library. y Located at 1637 N. Ta T ft Avenue; call 708-544-6017 or visit the website at For more program info, stop in, visit the website or follow on Facebook. T chnology Petting Zoo for Berkeley Seniors age 55+. See what Te electronic devices the library has available, selected with you in mind. Try out the devices and ask questions. Devices can also be checked out for you to use. Light lunch provided. Must register.r March 21, 10:30 to 11:30 am. T en After Hours, March 25, 4 to 8:30 pm. Nintendo gaming, a Te movie and food. Must register.r Ages 13-18. Limited space. Recurring Programs: T a and Mystery, Te y March 11, 10:30 am to 12:45 pm. Movie and refreshments. For adults. Adult Bingo, March 14, 1 to 2 pm. Fun and prizes. After-School at the library all month, 3:30 to 5:30 pm. Community Threads, March 1-15, 6:30 to 7:30 pm. Enjoy the company of other crafters. Create Club, March 18, 4 to 5 pm. For teens and tweens. Ages 10-18. Registration requested. Homeschool Connections for ages 5 and up. March 8 and 22, 1 to 2:30 pm. Dress to get messy. Senior Monday, y March 28, 10:30 am to Noon. Listen to a speaker,r play a brain game or just enjoy conversation/refreshments. Storytime, March 9, 16, 23 and 30, 10:30 to 11:30 am. For preand early readers every Wednesday. Library programs continue on page 26

Neighbors • 24

you won’t want to play anywhere else






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The Franklin Park Public Libraryy invites adults to learn to make and enjoyy delicious beverages without the drawbacks of alcohol at a program on Wednesday, y March 9 from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. The demonstration includes three tasty “mocktails” and pparticipants will go home with samples and recipes. p Registration is required so sign up online or call.

fun, informative activities authors • answers elmwood Pa P rk Public library. y Located at 1 Conti Parkway, y call 453-7645 or visit the website at Everyone must wear a face mask during in-person programs, including staff and attendees ages 3 and up. Connect with the Elmwood Park Public Library on Facebook, Tw T itter and Instagram. Virtual Wits Workout. Monday, y March 7, 1 to 2 pm. For adults. Must register.r Fun activities designed to maintain and enhance cognitive function and memory. Worksheets available for pick up a week before the program. Sponsored by AgeOptions. Barbie Storytime. Friday, y March 11, 4 to 4:45 pm. Ages 3-8. Celebrate Barbie’s birthday. Must register.r Tuesday Night Book Discussion. March 15, 7 to 8:30 pm. Adult drop-in program. Discuss Meet Me In The Future by Kameron Hurley. Copies of the book are available at Adult Services. St. Patrick’s Day Storytime. Thursday, y March 17, 4 to 4:45 pm. Grades K-2. Learn about Irish legends, make a craft and sing songs. Must register.r Preschool Conversation Hour.r Friday, y March 18, 11 am to Noon. Ages 3-5 with caregiver.r Must register.r Help your preschooler practice their conversation skills. Paint Watercolor Bugs. Saturday, y March 19, 10 to 10:45 am. Ages 2-4 with caregiver.r Must register.r Meditation Sound Bath. Thursday, y March 24, 1 to 2 pm. For adults. Must register.r Join Rhonda Fentry for this form of meditation using the ambient sounds and vibrations from crystal singing bowls, Tibetan singing bowls and Tingsha Bells to tap into your deeper consciousness. Virtual MidKids Read. Wednesday, y March 30, 4 to 4:45 pm. Grades 3-6. Must register.r Pick up a copy of this month’s novel, Monster Friends by Kaeti Vandorn and a snack at the Kids & Te T ens Desk. Read the book and discuss it via Zoom. Franklin Pa P rk Public library. y Located at 10311 Grand Avenue in Franklin Park, call 847-455-6016 or visit Unless otherwise noted, registration is required for all programs. Grab-n-Go & Ta T ke-Home Kits. Kits for kids of all ages are available every two weeks. There are even kits for teens and adults. Details about kits can be found on the website. All kits are available on a first come, first served basis, while supplies last. Storytimes. Sunrise for ages 0-3 with caregiver Fridays, March 4, 11, 18 and 25, 10:15 to 10:45 am. Lil’ Dinosaurs Storytime, ages 3-5 with caregiver,r same dates, 11 to 11:30 am.

Chair Yoga, Mondays, March 7 and 28, 3 to 4 pm. Must register for the Zoom link. Adults. Bon Appetit for Grades 3-6! Make new and familiar recipes. Must register.r Monday, y March 7, 5 to 6:30 pm. Monday Fundays. Check the program calendar on the website for the schedule, movie listings and age restrictions. Mondays, March 7, 14, 21 and 28, 5 to 6 pm. T i Chi for adults, Tuesdays, March 8 and 22, 6 to 7 pm. Must Ta register for the Zoom link. Make Mine a Mocktail. Enjoy delicious adult beverages without the drawbacks of alcohol. Make 3 and go home with samples and recipes. Must register.r Wednesday, y March 9, 6:30 to 7:30 pm. Knit and Crochet Group. Saturday, y March 12, 1 to 3 pm. Local Author Visit: Pascuala Herrera, author of “Life Is Not Always A Valley of Te T ars: A Memoir of a Life Well Lived.” Wednesday, y March 16, 5 to 6:45 pm. Sharpie Mug Craft. Limit 20 per session. Must register.r Tuesday, y March 22, 3 to 4 pm or 7 to 8 pm. Adult Crafternoons. Meet once each month. All supplies provided. Dress to get messy. Limit 20. Must register.r Wednesday, y March 30, from 3 to 4 pm. hillside Public library. y Located at 405 Hillside Avenue, call 449-7510 or visit Current hours: Monday through Thursday, y 9 am to 8 pm, Friday and Saturday, y 9 am to 5 pm, Sundays, Noon to 4 pm. Masks required. Free Notary Service is available. Reservations are encouraged. Adult Book Discussion, Wednesday, y March 9 at 2 pm. Mid-Day Yoga. Fridays, 12:30 to 1:30 pm. Gentle yoga for all levels. Bring your own mat or use one of the library’s mats. Crochet/Knit Club. Thursday, y March 10, 6 to 7:30 pm. Bring your project and a mask. Job Seekers. If you are looking for a job, stop in the library to check the jobs notebook which contains flyers from the Triton College Job Board. The notebook is located in the computer lab. FREE Drop-In Tutoring for grades 1-6 on Tuesday and Thursday, y 4 to 6 pm. Tutors are high school students. What’s The Buzz Book Club. Geared toward parents and guardians who want to know more about popular young adult literature. Call for more details. 100 Books Before Graduation. Local high school students track their reading to earn prizes. Every 25 books earns a prize.

Neighbors • 26

A Po P t of Gold just might be waiting ffor you at Bets!

Play y it safe f righ g t in the neighborhood

Y u never know when it will be your lucky day so Yo try our slots, all loaded with different games so the fun never stops—enjoy a complimentary beverage!

Just a reminder that Bets makes hand sanitizer readily available and our staff makes sure that machines and chairs are clean so the only thing you have to worry about is hitting a jackpot. Play close to home at a fun friendly gaming cafe—Bets on Broadway!




75 5

million COPIES!

The River Forest Public Library, y 735 Lathrop, p will host an interestingg lecture by historian Leslie Goddard on how Bettyy Crocker was invented and why the cookbook has endured since 1921. Sunday, y March 66, 2 to 3 ppm for adults. Call or visit the website for more info.

fun, informative activities authors • answers melrose Pa P rk Public library. y 801 Broadway. Call 649-7400 for current hours or visit Ask Library staff about the digital services offered such as Hoopla, Kanopy, y Libby and Freegal. Fantastic Fridays. Check out a DVD any Friday during the month of March and get a free bag of microwave popcorn and a sweet movie treat. Community Cookbook. The Library is publishing a digital cookbook featuring recipes from Melrose Park and neighborhood communities. Share your best recipes that are easy and fun to make all year long and memories by email at or by mail at 801 N. 19th Avenue, Melrose Park, IL 60160. Visit the website for complete instructions. FREE Ta T x Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) Program. IRS-trained and certified volunteers will help individuals age 60 or older from lowto-moderate income households prepare their tax returns. The Triton College RSVP Volunteer Program, in conjunction with the IRS, is offering this free service. Appointments are necessary. Call Triton College at 456-0300, ext. 3895 for information and appointments. Appointments available on Monday mornings through April 11. Make It Mondays. Make something special every week on the Melrose Park Library Official YouTube Channel. Call or drop in to pick up the weekly craft supplies. For ages 3 and up. Online Storytimes for ages 1-5. New virtual storytimes are posted monthly online on the Library’s official YouTube channel. Bilingual Storytimes are posted every month. Stop in the library for a companion activity packet and craft then tune into the YouTube channel to watch. For ages 1-5. northlake Public library. y 231 N. Wolf Road in Northlake. Call 562-2301 or visit the website at Register for most programs online or call the Library. Families in the Garden. Help jumpstart the 2022 vegetable garden with this seed-starting program for families. Space is limited so sign up today. Call 562-2301, ext. 6 to register.r Saturday, y March 19, 2 to 3 pm. Kitchen Basics! Facebook Live Series. Te T chniques designed to help home cooks of all skill levels. Wednesday, y March 16, 7 pm: Roasted Chicken. Virtual Cookbook Book Club. The Library will pick a cookbook and a recipe and you’ll follow the demonstration on Facebook Live! Books available at second floor Reference Desk. Thursday, y March 24, 7 pm.

Preschool Storytime for ages 3-5. Tuesdays, March 8, 15, 22 and 29, 10 to 10:30 am. Must register.r Limit 16 (8 children with adult). Preschool Art for ages 3-5. Thursdays, March 10, 17 and 27, 10 to 10:30 am. Must register.r Limit 16 (8 children with adult). Family Storytime. For all ages with caregiver.r Mondays, March 7, 14, 21 and 28, 7 to 7:30 pm. Limit 20. Spring Break Activities for grades K-8, 2 to 3 pm on March 28, March 29, March 30 and March 31. Stop in for details. Seniors: Fun and Festive St. Patrick’s Day Foods. Register online or call. Tuesday, y March 15, 2 to 3 pm. Choose Your Own Adventure. Vote on which program you want to see at the library. Vote will take place in the Te T en Discord Server so be sure to join. For ages 13-18. Thursday, y March 10, 6 pm: Scavenger Hunting. TTeen Craft Nights. Ages 13-18. Thursday, y March 17, 6 pm. Monster-fy f a Plant Pot. Once a month in the second floor meeting room. Let’s Bake for TTeens on Facebook Live. Bake something sweet on Thursday, y March 31, 7 pm. Topic is brownies. river Forest Public library. y 735 Lathrop, River Forest. Visit the website at for updates and virtual programs. Get fast access by following the Library on Facebook and Instagram and subscribe to the Library’s YouTube channel for storytimes and more. Questions? Staff is ready to chat online. Toddler Time, 18 months-3 years with caregiver.r Thursdays, March 3, 10 and 17, 10 to 10:30 am. Stories and songs. Advanced registration is required. Betty Crocker and Her Cookbook That Changed How American Cooks. Adults. To date, it has sold more than 75 million copies. Created in 1921 by a flour company, y Betty Crocker became the most famous and trusted advisor to American cooks. This fun lecture led by historian Leslie Goddard looks at how Betty Crocker was invented, why her cookbook has endured and what makes her so iconic. In partnership with River Forest Township. Sunday, y March 6, 2 to 3:30 pm. Coffee Monday. Get to know your neighbors and learn about things going on in the community. Brought to you in partnership with River Forest Township. On Monday, y March 7, 10 to 11 am, this month will feature a talk from River Forest Library Foundation Programs continue on page 30

Neighbors • 28


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• Enjoy 6 HOT sLOTs in a clean, friendly, comfortable atmosphere • Free coffee and soda for gamers • Big-screen TVs • Plenty of Parking • Face mask required, please

Neighbors • 29


fun, informative activities authors • answers Virtual Story Time, Birth to 5 years. Fridays, March 8 and 15 from 10 to 10:30 am live on the Library’s YouTube channel. Craft and Chat for Adults. Thursday, y March 10, 7 to 8:30 pm. Make personalized spring cutting boards. Supplies provided. In partnership with River Forest Township. Must register in advance. Family Time, Birth to 6 years with caregiver.r Fridays, March 11 and 18 from 10 to 10:30 am. Register in advance. All Levels Yoga for Adults, Saturday, y March 12, 2 to 3 pm, led by Rhonda Fentry. Advanced registration required. True Experiences of Holocaust Survival. Adults. Experience firsthand accounts of holocaust survival with a representative from the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center on Sunday, y March 13, 2 to 3:30 pm. Memory Cafe. A welcoming place for individuals living with memory changes along with their families and friends. Join the conversation in an informal setting. Sponsored by Senior Services of Oak Park and River Forest Township with support from the River Forest Public Library and Oak Park Public Library. Register for the Zoom link. Tuesday, y March 15, 2 to 4 pm. Great Decisions for Adults. Wednesday, y March 16, 1 to 2:30 pm. Join on Zoom for an exciting series about international issues. Stop at the Library to get a list of all 9 topics and check out a briefing book. This week’s topic is Russia and the U.S. My College Planning Te T am: The Art of the Appeal, Everyone. Now more than ever,r colleges are more willing to say yes to appeals for more financial aid and scholarship money for both new and returning students. This workshop provides detailed guidance for families on how to appeal for more financial aid. This free, 90-minute seminar is presented by My College Planning Te T am. Advance registration required. Wednesday, y March 16, 7 to 8:30 pm. Film Lover Fridays for Adults. This season features comedies. On Friday, y March 18, Noon to 2:30 pm, watch “It’s A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World.” Virtual Youth Yoga for Grades K-4. Monthly yoga wellness for kids. Bring your own yoga mat or towel to use. Must register in advance for the Zoom link. Thursday, y March 24, 3:45 to 4:30 pm. Spring Break Bored Bag, ages 3-10. Pick up a bag of fun crafts and activities from the library March 25-28. Bags that are not picked up will be given away on March 29. Must register in advance. Live Virtual Evening with Jenny Lawson. Wednesday, y March 30, 7 to 9 pm. An evening with award-winning humorist Jenny Lawson as she discusses her most recent best-seller and her body of work. Made possible by Illinois Libraries Present, a statewide collaboration between public libraries offering high-quality events. Must register in advance.


miss tthe PARTY!

The Elmwood Park Public Library, y 1 Conti Parkway, y will host a Barbie Storytime on Friday, y March 11 from 4 to 4:45 pm for children ages 3-8. Register for this special p event and have fun celebrating Barbie’s ’ special day!

river Grove Public library. y 8638 W. Grand Avenue in River Grove. Visit the website at for updates and virtual programs. Registration is required for all programs unless otherwise noted. In-person AM Storytime. Thursdays, March 3, 10, 17 and 24, 11 to 11:30 am for ages 4 and under.r This year’s theme is Animals. Discuss the animal of the day, y read a short story and make a craft. Must register for each individual day to reserve your craft. Each child will have their own set of crayons, markers and glue in a box with their name on it. Boxes stay at the library and will be wiped down at the end of the day. If your child is not feeling well, there is an option to register for a virtual class and their crafts will be ready for pick up at the front desk. Registration is required. Call or email Mrs. Tucker for more information: 453-4484 or Adult DIY Marbled Coasters. Tuesday, y March 15. Kits are limited to create these colorful coasters. Registration is required. Evening Ta T les. Wednesdays, March 16 and 23, 6 to 6:45 pm. Evening Ta T les will meet in person on the last two Wednesdays of the month for ages 5-8. Read a short story, y make a craft, play a game. Must register for each individual day to reserve your craft. Each child will have their own set of crayons, markers and glue in a box with their name on it. Boxes stay at the library and will be wiped down at the end of the day. If your child is not feeling well, there is an option to register for a virtual class and their crafts will be ready for pick up at the front desk. Registration is required. Call or email Mrs. Tucker for more information: 453-4484 or Book Club meets on the last Monday of every month (Monday, y March 28) from 7 to 9 pm. Grab & Go Craft: Spring Break Craft Bag. Tuesday, y March 29. Register to receive a bag full of crafts to create during spring break. Ages 13 and under.r Kits are limited. schiller Pa P rk Public library. y 4200 Old River Road. Call 847-678-0433 or visit Open Monday, y Wednesday, y Friday, y Saturday, y 9 am to 5 pm; Tuesday and Thursday, y Noon to 8 pm. Closed Sundays. Follow the library on Facebook and Instagram. The Schiller Park Public Library continues to offer CREAT A IVITY-ToGo KITS for children while supplies last. Each kit will have a new weekly theme and include a hands-on project, plus fun activity sheets intended to enhance creativity and provide entertainment. Kids are pre-packaged and available for curbside pickup. Te T ens & Adults can also register for a festive monthly featured craft. Each craft includes supplies and instructions. Visit for more information.

Don’t forget to order your Easter Calzones from Scudiero’s!

Stop in for the best Peppers & Eggs you’ve ever had on Fridays during Lent and enjoy traditional Zeppole on St. Joseph’s Day, Saturday, March 19


2113 W. LAKE in MELROSE PARK • 708-343-2976

Neighbors • 31

Remembering our

NEIGHBORS acEvEdO, Gerardo. Husband of Catalina; father of Ivonne (Jose) Acevedo-Flores, Jorge Acevedo; son of Gloria and the late Roberto Acevedo; grandfather of Maricela (Jhordy) Rivas; brother of 8; uncle, cousin and friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. arGuEta, Aida. Wife of Jorge; mother of Andy Argueta, Jeannette Rodriguez; sister of Jennie Santana; sister -in-law of Mike Calderon. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park. arrEquiN, Maria, nee Medina. Wife of Leopoldo Sr.; mother of Marivel (Estaben), Leopoldo Jr., Brenda (Jesus), and Diego; Abuela of Bryan and Andy Alvarez; sister of Rafael, Jovita, Yolanda, Rogelio, Lina, Olga, Minerva, Araceli, Sonia and Trinidad; sister-in-law, aunt and friend of many. Arrangements by Carb onara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. arista, Agustin Perez. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park. Birks, Thomas Edward. Son of Gayl S. (Frank) Sorrentino; brother of Jeff (Jeanette) Birks and Lisa Sorrentino; uncle of Justin (Sam), Jeffrey, Jocelynn and Jeremy (Rita); great-uncle and friend of many. Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevel t Road, Hillside. BONiLLa, Jesus Maria. Husband of Rita, nee Gaeta. Father of Victor (Maria), Dora (Alfredo), Jesus (Sonia), Oliva (Raymundo), Mario (Veronica), Maria Magdalena (Bernell), and Gabriel (Yessenia); Abuelo of Raymundo, Adan, Jesus Thomas, Samantha, Yoenia, Adriana, Sarai, Gabriella, Azucena, Juliza, Alfredo, Guadalupe, Alexa, Eric, Liliana, Emiliano, Benjamin, and Emilia; brother of Conceps ion, Victoriana, Maria, Josefa, Enrique; cousin and friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. caPizzaNO, Augustine “Cookie.” Wife of Richard Capizzano; mother of Jimmy, Cristie, Cindy (Don) Mayle; sister of the late Joey (Arlene), Rosemary and the late Baby Frankie; sister-in-law to the late Anita and Tony (nee Amato); Nanni to Michael (Sara), the late Mitch ell (Erika), Marisa, Frankie, Demarco, Richie and great-Nanni to Mallory; aunt and friend of many. Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside. carBONarO, Cosmo. Husband of the late Betty, nee Teresi; father of Caryn (Eduardo) Carrasco and Peter (Mary) Carbonaro; grandfather of Nicholas Carbonaro, Tracy (Matt) Negrusz, Juliette (Kal) Davis, Paulina Carrasco, Carolina (Aaron) M ikita, Zamantha Quezada; great-grandfather of Lizzy, Tristan, Eva Lucia, Penelope (Pup,) ArI, Emma Edward and Hunter; brother of the late Frank (Gloria) Carbonaro, Marietta (Tom), Burns, Rachel, (Thaxter) Hock; uncle and friend to many; special friend of Grace Macaluso. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. casciarO, Giuseppe. Husband of Maria, nee Guzzo; father of Fran k (Joy), Vince “Jimmy” (Mary); grandfather of Bruno (Rose), Phillip, Christina (DJ) Hammett, Joey, Stephanie (Marco) DeBiasio; great-grandfather of Isabella, Arianna, Nello, Dominic DeBiasio, Luca DeBiasio, Nico DeBiasio; brother of six; uncle, cousin, and friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park.

caudiLL, David Lee, of Franklin Park. Husband of the late Mollie Sue; husband of the late Mollie Sue; father of Shonna Marie Sanchez (Oscar Sanchez) and Tommy Lee Caudill (Gloria Caudill); grandfather of Kevin David Sanchez (Rhaina Sanchez), Justin Luis Sanchez (Jaclyn Sanchez), Adrianna Sanchez-Gutierrez (Cesar Gutierrez), Tessa Marie Caudill and Tommy Lee Caudill, Jr.; greatgrandfather of Rayelle Kia ra Sanchez, Kevin Jr., Rudy Sanchez, Kason David Sanchez, Chevi Joanne Sanchez, Levi David Sanchez, Nimiah Justin Sanchez, Lorenzo Thomas Caudill and Joseph Thomas Lee Ortiz. Arrangements by Northlake Funeral Home, 140 E. North Avenue, Northlake. chakkaLakEL, Annamma. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park. chiaritO, Robert J. Husband of Carlye, nee Mazzei; father of Robert, Anthony (Jamie) Chiarito, and Caira (Roberto) Barbanente; Papa of Sofia, James, Emma, Lana, Rena, Vincent, and Claudia; brother of Joseph and the late George Chiarito; godfather and friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. chrysLEr, Nicholas “Nick,” 31, of Northlake. Son of Bernie and Teri; brother of Nicole (Miguel Ochoa), Nathan (Jessica) and the late A mber; father of Mia; uncle, cousin and friend of many. Arrangements by Northlake Funeral Home, 140 E. North Avenue, Northlake. cOrONa, Maria Elena, nee Cruz, of Northlake. Wife of the late Jose T. Corona; mother of Martin (Ana) Corona, Maria Elena (Ciro) Barrientos, Amparo (Phil) Negron, Liliana (Eric) Ayala and the late Jose Corona Jr.; grandmother of Angel, Ciro, Arianna, Juleeza, Josiah, Naomi, Armani, Martin II, Ana-Paula and Elena; sister of Hector Cruz, Lorena Laredo, Irma Irineo, the late Andres Cruz and Ramiro Cruz Jr.; aunt and great-aunt of many. Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside. cOzzi, Vincent. Husband of Angeline, nee Suriano; father of Vincent (Karen), Joseph (Vicki) and Michael A. Cozzi; grandfather of Gianna (Zach), Joseph, Vincent, Nicholas, Adriana and Anthony; friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. cruz, Mary Ellen. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park. cuNNiNGham, Willie. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park. diaz, Lilia. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park. diEtz, Mary Louise. Arrangements by Bor mann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park. fLOrEs, Camerino Zuno, of Franklin Park. Husband of Maria Rodriguez; father of Dolores (Julio) Zuniga, Ana (Rafael) Martinez, Guadalupe (Rafael) Diaz, Maria (Fiancé Macij Wrobel) Zuno, Sandra Zuno, Faby (Eloy) Huerta and the late Jose Zuno; grandfather of 12; brother of Ismael, Alfredo, Juan, Carmen, Javier, Pedro, Jose, the late Jesus and the late Gua dalupe; uncle and friend of many. Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside. fLOrEs, Margarito. Husband of Cynthia, nee Cerba; father of Daniel (Elizabeth), Deanna, Veronica, and David; grandfather of Emily and Layla; brother of Antonio, Luis, Jose, Maria, Carmella, Josefina, and the late Jesus, and Raul; brother-in-law, uncle, cousin and friend of many. Arrangements by Carbo nara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. notices continue on page 34

Neighbors Neighbors • • 32 32

Sunday, April 24, 2022 10 A. M.-2 P. M. Concessions • tours • free admission Located at the Triton College East Campus T Building parking lot, Fifth Avenue and Albert Bruno Way. For more information or to register your vehicle, please visit In case of inclement weather, alternate date will be Sunday, May 1, 2022.

Remembering our


it’s time to

frias, Francisco Javier. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park. frickE, Robert A. Husband of Sharon, nee Vilt; father of Marc (Nancy) and Michael; brother, uncle and friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. fuGatE, William Jr. Husband of Lorraine, nee Jarzab; father of John William; brother Diane Bucaro, Janey (Gill) Michelotti, Nancy Wildman, Steve Fugate, and the late Linda (the late Rene) Mariel; uncle, cousin and friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara E Avenue, Melrose Park. MISSN.TH Funeral DHome, 25th ON’T1515 ST N FE Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, Garcia, Carmen. AUTUM 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park. GuiLLEN, Baltazar. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park. haGEN, Ronald Arkel, “Coach,” formerly of Northlake. Known as the founder of Northlake Girls & Boys Baseball. Husband of the late Betty Jean Hagen; father of Kim Ros en, Dawn Snover and Roxanne Engen; father-in-law of Joe Rosen, Norm Snover and Bill Engen; grandfather of Joseph, (Nicki) Samantha, (Joey) Tyler, Bryenna, Conrad, Emily, Blake, Ella Jane and Evan; great-grandfather of Tripp, Finn, Ellie and Joseph III; friend of many. Arrangements by Northlake Funeral Home, 140 E. North Avenue, Northlake. iNcaNdELa, Giuseppe “Joe.” Arrangements by Northlake Funeral Home, 140 E. North Avenue, Northlake. jONEs, Elizabeth M., of Nort hlake. Wife of the late William; mother of Patrick Jones; sister of Cielita (Herb), the late Charmette Bring a funaunt, fallgreat-aunt day of trackless train rides, Nantz and the late family Thomasfor Jacobs; and friend of many. Arrangements by Northlake Funeral Home, 140plus E. North Avenue, pony rides, petting zoo, inflatables, concessions! Northlake. Rain or shine at Gouin Park. See the next page for info! kELLEy, Richard John. Husband of the late Concetta, nee Guzaldo; father of Joseph, Carleen (Mike) Eckburg, Krista (the late Billy) LaPiana, Francine (Anthony Tyler) Kelley, and Special Friend to A.J. O’Rourke; grandfather of Anna , Richie, Nicky, Kristyn, Concetta, Franceen, Jake, Kelley, Abbey and Anthony; great-grandfather of Sean, Jack, Landon and Hartley; brother of the late Mary Ellen (the late Alex) Gallucci; uncle and friend of many. Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside. kuta, Betty Jane, nee Lavallie. Wife of the late John Kuta; mother of John (Angel) Kuta, Cheryl (the late Michael) Scumaci, Karen (John) Doti and Michael (Lisa) Kuta; Nana of 15; preced ed in death by her brothers and sister Henry Lavallie, Donald Lavallie and Johanna Lavallie; great-grandmother, aunt, cousin and friend of many. Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside. LEsNick, Agnes J., nee Clemens, of Hillside. Wife of Kenneth W. Lesnick; sister of Diane (Jeff) Haddick, John (Sue) Clemens and Michael (Randy Denning) Clemens; aunt and friend of many; lifelong friend of Irene Kwikauskas. Proud member of the American Legion Auxiliary Post #187. Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside.




notices are printed free of charge upon request on a spacepermitting basis. mail and e-mail addresses appear on page 4.

macaLusO, Rose Marie, nee Favia. Wife of George Dominick Macaluso; mother of Michael Macaluso and Rosanne (Michael) Chlada; grandmother of Gianna and Mia Bella Chlada; sister of the late Vito Favia, Dolores (Frank Sr.) Fazio, and Marietta Favia; aunt and friend of many. Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside. macEdO, Gustavo “Gus.” Son of the late Prudencio Macedo and the late Ana Maria Casilas; brother of Hugo, Luis, Maria, Martin and M ichelle Macedo; uncle of Denise, Andrew, Osmarly and Angelique; great-uncle of Sameerah. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. mariN, Nazario. Son of Miguel and Rosa Marin; brother of Miguel and Angel; cousin and friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. martiNEz, Rafaela S. Mother of Sara (Antelmo), Carmen (Jeffrey), the late Sara Soledad (Teodoro), Pastor (Anita), Maricruz, Toni , Ricardo (Karina), Rocio, Ernesto (Mercedes) and Cynthia; daughter of Paula Parra; grandmother of 34; great-grandmother of 16; sister of Amalia Santillano, the late Nasario Santillano and the late Pedro Santillano. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. mastachE, Laurencio. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park. mathaN, Jose. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melros e Park. mEssiNa, Daniel. Fiance of Crispina Camarena; father of Frank (Lisa) Pesek; grandfather of Steven, Nicholas, Tori, and Gianna; great-grandfahter of Griffen, Sawyer, Banner, and Kade; brother of the late Gennaro Messina, the late Dominic Messina, and the late Leona Sikora; uncle, great-uncle and friend of many. Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside. mEza, Miguel. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, M elrose Park. mOrris, Lee A. Father of Derrick Jointer, Dwayne Jointer and Dr. Sterling (Dr. Barbara) Carter; grandfather of Sterling K. Carter Jr., Brittany Hall, Andres Carter and Stephanie Carter; brother of the late Minnie Payton, the late Juanita McClinton, the late Bill T. Morris, Lawrence (Mildred) Morris and Gloria Blackwell; uncle and friend of many. Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside. NadiLE, Antonetta, nee Piacenti, 10 1. Wife of the late Thomas; mother of Carol Nadile, Thomas J. Nadile Jr., Noel (Vince) Valente and the late Frank (Donna) Nadile; Nana of Mia Valente, Ava Valente and Olivia Valente; sister of 6 siblings who preceded her in death; aunt, great-aunt, great-great-aunt and friend of many. Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside. PadiLLa, Sergio Meza Jr. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park. PLazyk, Ron. Husband of Kathy, father of Michelle Peters, Lisa Czerwinski, Brenda Hianik, Joe Plazyk and Jeff Plazyk; grandfather of 12 and great-grandfather of 12. Arrangements by Northlake Funeral Home, 140 E. North Avenue, Northlake. ramirEz, Antonio Franco. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park. ramOs, Lorena. Wife of Diego Solis; mother of Juan and Stephanie Solis; friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Me lrose Park. rivas, Eusebia. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park.

4 Neighbors • 34


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rOdriGuEz, Maria. Wife of the late Manuel; mother of Artemia (Francisco) Herrera, Abelardo (Te T resa), Jesus (Maria), Magdalena (Lorenzo) Villanueva; grandmother of Adrian, Lizette (Rene), Maria Isabel, Abel, Jesus Manuel, Karina, Melissa, Erick, and Daniel; sister of Leopoldo, Cipriano, Josefina and Antonio; aunt, cousin and friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. saLazar, Carlos Hernandez. Husband of Maria Elena Ortega Montes; father of Martha Hernandez and Carlos Hernandez; fatherin-law of Maria Hernandez and Ismael Heredia; son of Francisca and the late Elizeo; Abuelito of Isamar,r Maribell, Vanessa, Adriana, Joanna, Adrian and Alejandra; brother of Jose, Luis, Salvador,r Rosa, Roberto, Letizia, Angeles, Te T resa, Anna, Beatrice, Elizeo, Juan Manuel, and Ruben. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. saLEmi, Marie E. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park. saPiENza, Dolores C., nee Potuto. Wife of the late Charles; mother of Charles (Debra) Sapienza, Annette (Donald) Martinelli, Gerard (Anne) Sapienza, Diane Sapienza, James Sapienza, and Lucille (the late Frank) Munoz; grandmother of 13; great-grandmother of 13; sister of Rita (the late Vince) Raso, the late Lucille (the late George) Todd, the late Marie (the late Joseph) Serritella, the late Genevieve (the late Joe) Meccia, the late Angela (the late Tony) Marcano, and the late James Potuto; aunt and great-aunt of many; friend of Charles Berra. Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside. sErraNO, O Francisco. Husband of Socorro; father of Arturo (Patricia) and Maria Elena (Jose Alfaro) Serrano; Abuelo of Irene Alfaro, Cassandra, Antonio and Samanta; brother of Rafael, Carlos, and the late Arsenio, Ramiro and Alvaro; Tio and friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. sPa P cucELLO, O Angeline, nee Traverso; wife of the late Salvatore; mother of Michael (Rosie), Janice (late Larry) Hantosh, Steve (Donna); grandmother of Michael, Brian, Brianna, Michael, Vincent, Anthony, y Steven, Analise, and Devin; great-grandmother of Arianna, Nicholas, Oliva, Olivia, Mia, and Santino and Mila; sister of Alex (Kay) Traverso and Joseph (Geneva) Traverso; sister-in-law, w aunt, cousin, and friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. h sPiLLONE, Joseph C. “Magoo.” Veteran of the U.S. military. Father of Lisa (Nick) Pelligrino; Toni (Bob) Laino, Joseph (Melissa) Spillone; papa of Dominic, Joseph, Sophia, Robert, and Emma; brother of Richard (Vicki) and Anthony (Annette); uncle, great-uncle, cousin, and friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. suGay ay, Felicito O. Husband of Elena Sugay, y nee Roque; father of Elaine Sugay and Stephanie (Nick) Bernardi; brother of the late Cesar Sugay, y the late Nestor Sugay, y the late Remedies Gavarra, the late Maria Clara Fermin, the late Magadalena Ong, the late Romeo Sugay, y the late Patrocinio Sugay, y the late Ofelia Sugay, y Herman Sugay, y and Lolita Lingago; grandfather of Olivia and Dehlia Bernardi; uncle and friend of many. Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside.

Neighbors • 36

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tracy, y Daniel K., 60. Fiance to Janice Linsner; father of Claire Tracy; formerly married to Alice Tracy (nee Carroll); brother of Barbara (Dave) Siler,r late Billy Tracy and late Janice Bonney-Edwards. Donations to Kidney Foundation are appreciated.. tOrrEs, Maria Cruz. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park. h va v N dE zaNdE, Leo A., 94. Veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps. Retired Lieutenant with the Addison Fire Department. Husband of Rose Mary; father of Frank, Paul (Tony), Susan, and Denise; grandfather of Zachary, y Angela, Cody, y Makayla, and Sierra; great-grandfather of Frankie and Cameron. Arrangements by Northlake Funeral Home, 140 E. North Avenue, Northlake. viLLaLOBOs, Oscar.r Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park. WidLOWski, Debra A. Oldenburg-Widlowski, nee Ke K ssling. Mother of John (fiance' of Abby) Oldenburg and Lauren and Nicholas Widlowski; daughter of Wayne and the late Darlene Ke K ssling; sister of Dawn (Jerry) Zuffante, Michael (Rose) and Mark Ke K ssling; aunt, cousin and friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. WiLLiams, Elizabeth. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park. WyzkO k Wski, Ke K nneth. Arrangements by Northlake Funeral Home, 140 E. North Avenue, Northlake.

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AT PRESS TIME A durEc, Mary E., nee nee Vrablic, age 92 of North Riverside. Wife of the late John E.; mother of Donna (late James) Jandak and Edward (Elizabeth) Durec; grandmother of Kathy Jandak, John (Christine) Jandak, Alison Alvarado, Rebecca (Brian) Barth; greatgrandmother of Adeline, Sydney, y John Jr.r, Liam and Callum; sister of the late Frank Vrablic and the late Joe (late Rose) Vrablic. f riNa, Kathleen A., nee Regillio. Wife of the late Salvatore fa “Sam”; mother of Joseph (Yvonne), Salvatore “Sam” (Trisha) and Nicole (the late Eugene) Williams; grandmother of Salvatore, Stefano, Anna, Frankie, Santino, Vincent, Nico, Salvatore and Bennett; sister of Daniel (Sue) Regillio; aunt and friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. POsada, Javier.r Husband of Elida; father of Celia Posada, Carlos (Damayanti) Posada, Alejandra Posada, Diana Posada, and Evelyn Posada; grandfather of Daniela, Emmanuel, Fabian, Alexandra, Lilani, Enrique, Juan, Carlos, Damaris, Javier,r and Ximena; brother of Ernesto, Gloria, Delfina, Socorro, Lidia, Adolfo, Saul, Sofia, and the late Idalia; uncle, cousin, and friend of many. Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park. notices are printed free of charge upon request and on a space-permitting basis. notices can be emailed to or mailed to P.o. Box 1501, melrose Park, il 60161-1501.




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